Trabajo Final - Calentamiento Global
Trabajo Final - Calentamiento Global
Trabajo Final - Calentamiento Global
The world average temperature between the years 1850 and 2005 increased by
approximately 0.76ºC. An additional increase of 1.4 ° C to 5.8 ° C is projected in
the year 2100.
The thickness of arctic ice at the end of summer / beginning of autumn
decreased inapproximately 40%.
The world average of the level of the sea increased of 12 to 22 cm during the
last century.
The scientists also agree that the emissions of greenhouse gases have been
very intense since the Industrial Revolution, moment from which the action of
man over nature became intense. Given this, the international scientific
community has warned that if world development, population growth and energy
consumption based on fossil fuels, continue to increase at the current rate,
before 2050 carbon dioxide concentrations will have doubled with respect to
those that were before the Industrial Revolution. If the concentration of CO2 in
the atmosphere continues above 350 parts per million (ppm), it can have
devastating climatic consequences. If humanity wishes to preserve a planet
similar to that in which civilizations developed we must reduce CO2 emissions
from the current 385 parts per million to a maximum of 350 parts per million. "