Focus 3

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Titulo de la Obra Completa

Real de la Obra Completa
Real Scene
ISBN: edición 2014
ISBN: 978-958-8830-18-6
Titulo de la obra
Real Scene
Titulo de laThree
Real Scene Three - FOCUS
ISBN 958-97929-0-1-X
ISBN: 978-958-8875-21-6
Diseño Gráfico
Alejandro Aponte M.
Sergio Escandón V.
Diseño Gráfico
Alejandro Aponte M.
Sergio Escandón
Editora Netwip V.
Internacional S.A.
Carrera 13A No. 97-10
Editor D.C. - Colombia
Calle 94 No. 16-60
Bogotá, D.C., – Colombia
Nuevas Ediciones S.A.
Carrera 26 A 5A - 92
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia
Nuevas Ediciones S.A.S.
Lugar 26 A 5A
y Fecha de- 92
Bogotá D.C. – Colombia
Bogotá D.C. año., 2014
Lugar y Fecha de Edición
Bogotá, D.C., Año 2022
Todos los derechos patrimoniales de la obra son reservados
© 2022 Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial.
Todos los derechos patrimoniales de la obra son reservados
Focus Entertainment Sc 1 - 6.pdf 2 10/04/2014 05:37:14 p.m.

Real Scene Three

“Buen uso de nuestra imagen:

Te informamos que FOCUS your mind y MINT Enjoy son marcas registradas con los certificados de registro No. 517956 y 328006, por lo tanto, debe ser utilizada en redes sociales, textos,
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Focus your mind® es un Material Científico y Cultural que desarrolla las

habilidades comunicativas en el idioma inglés basado en la focalización del
pensamiento y sus procesos de atención dirigida. Es un sistema muy
avanzado, el cual a través de escenarios vivenciales del pasado, del presente
y del futuro y la aplicación de programación neurolingüística, diversifica y
potencia el conocimiento con experiencias racionales sensoriales y
emocionales en el idioma inglés, en un viaje a través de la cultura.

Enfocar su mente y mantener la atención dirigida es el principio de cualquier

tipo de entrenamiento mental donde su capacidad para mantener la
concentración y para encontrar un equilibrio es fundamental. La práctica de la
concentración nos permite acelerar nuestro crecimiento y nuestro aprendizaje,
ya que nos garantiza un acceso directo al conocimiento y la comprensión
mediante el pleno desarrollo de la focalización. Esto ofrece incrementar la
intensidad, la calidad y la duración de su atención. Para Focus your mind®
estas habilidades de la mente son el soporte para el correcto desarrollo de sus
habilidades comunicativas en el idioma Inglés.

Mediante la práctica de la atención y concentración se puede acceder al

estado de la mente enfocada cuando lo desee.

Derivado de esto Focus your mind®, permite adquirir progresivamente

vocabulario, pronunciación y fluidez, accediendo a la globalización de las
comunicaciones y los negocios, con Focus your mind® podrá interactuar en
cualquier tipo de situación en el idioma inglés, lengua dominante en el mundo
de hoy y del futuro.

Bienvenido a Focus your mind®, El Inglés bien enfocado.

Focus Entertainment Sc 1 - 6.pdf 4 10/04/2014 05:37:14 p.m.

Interpretación de íconos

st e n i
Listening: Escucha diálogos, estructuras y conversaciones


ri t i n g Writing: Por medio de la escritura resuelve los ejercicios o


prácticas asignadas.

on v e r
Listening Escucha y practica los diálogos de los escenarios en


tio conversation: grupo o en forma individual.

ea d i n
Reading: Lectura y comprensión de los temas.

ue s t i
Questions?: Debe desarrollar las preguntas en forma individual o


en grupo y estar listo a interactuar acerca del tema.


ro u p

Group: Discusión en grupo sobre los temas específicos.

pe a k i
Speaking: Conversación y práctica de pronunciación.


Este libro ofrece un amplio panorama del idioma inglés con la seguridad de nuestra
parte que si se trabaja con disciplina, un objetivo claro de aprendizaje y siguiendo las
instrucciones indicadas, se lograrán las metas de dominar el inglés.

Focus your mind® is a material designed for people who want to improve their
communication skills and extend their knowledge of world culture, as well as learning
English no matter if they’re starting from scratch or in need of improving and
perfecting their previous knowledge of the language.
This material offers a unique insight into a wide range of topics such as history,
world events, sports, cooking, mental strength, wine appreciation, aesthetic surgery
and gastronomy as well as many others. It also invites you to explore current
thinking about important cultural topics and trends.

Throughout the preparation of the material and the attendance to the I-Practice,
the user will practice the four skills of a language: speaking, listening, reading and
writing. This material includes authentic texts from prominent publications carefully
selected for interest and relevance. It encourages you to practice the language
and communication skills which are important for people who need to use English
in their daily lives.

Focus your mind® features very interesting topics which aim towards both accuracy
and fluency for the user and a multi- skill syllabus which combines different themes,
functions, structure, and pronunciation activities supported by the Audio and
Interactive CDs. The purpose of this material is for the user to develop English
skills for meaningful communication.
Focus Entertainment Sc 1 - 6.pdf 6 10/04/2014 05:37:14 p.m.


Real Scene Three













12. CASINOS 102

13. CAMPING 109




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Real Scene Three

" A wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor."

- Wikipedia

MY GOAL: When I have completed Scenario 01, I’ll understand how to use past
tense to answer questions beginning with ‘was’, ‘were’, and ‘did’, as well as the use of
adverbs. I will also learn about the history of the automobile and the exciting sport of
Formula 1.

1. Do you know about the history of automobiles?

2. What are the fanciest car brands in your opinion?
3. Who are the most famous car racing drivers?

An automobile is a wheeled vehicle that carries its own motor. Different types of
automobiles include cars, buses, trucks, and vans; with cars being the most popular by
far. Earlier terms for automobile include ‘horseless carriage’ and ‘motor cars’. An
automobile has seats for the driver and, almost without exception, one or more for
Truck (U.S.), Semi (U.S.) = Lorry (U.K)
Steam-powered, self-propelled vehicles were invented in the late 18th century. The first
self-propelled car was built by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot in 1769. It could attain speeds of
up to 6 km/h. In 1771, he designed another steam-driven engine which ran so fast that
it rammed into a wall, producing the world’s first car accident. In 1807, Francois Isaac
de Rivaz designed the first internal combustion engine. This was, subsequently, used
by him to develop the world’s first vehicle to run on such an engine, one that used a
mixture of hydrogen and oxygen to produce energy.

This spawned the birth of a number of designs based on the internal combustion engine
in the early 19th century with little to no degree of commercial success.
In 1860, Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir built the first
successful two-stroke, gas driven engine. In 1862, he
built an experimental vehicle driven by his gas-engine,
which ran at a speed of 3 km/h. These cars became
popular and, by 1865, they could be frequently seen on
the roads. It is generally claimed that the first
automobiles with gasoline-powered internal
combustion engines were completed almost
simultaneously in 1886 by German inventors working
2 Two
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The simple past tense is used to talk about actions that happened at a specific time
in the past.
Where were you born? When did you buy your car?
I was born in England. I bought it two days ago.

Were you born in London? Did you drive to Gainesville?

Yes, I was. Yes, I did.
No, I wasn't. No, I didn't. My sister drove me.
I was born in Liverpool.


Aston Martin
Aston Martin Lagonada Limited is a Lionel Martin left the company in 1925
British manufacturer of luxury sports cars following financial difficulties and the next
founded in 1914, by Lionel Martin and year a number of rich investors, including
Robert Bamfor. The two had worked Lord Charnwood, took control of the
together the previous year to sell cars company. They renamed it Aston Martin
made by Singer. Martin raced cars at the Motors and moved it to new premises in
Aston Hill Hillclimb near Aston Clinton, Feltham.
and the pair decided to make their own
vehicles. They acquired premises at The 1929 Aston Martin International was
Abingdon Road in Kensington and another successful racer and was
produced their first car in March, 1915. followed by the Le Mans and the Ulster.

The company's name was derived from In 1936, the company, now owned by Sir
Aston Hill and Lionel Martin. Arthur Sutherland, decided to concentrate
on road cars.
Following the interruption of World War I,
the company was revitalised with funding
from Count Louis Zborowski.

In 1922, it produced cars to compete in

the French Grand Prix, and an Aston
Martin set world speed and endurance
records at the Brooklands Motor Racing

3 Three
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The advent of Word War II halted

production, and the company’s reputation
faded through the war's duration.

Despite popular appreciation of Aston

Martin cars, the company was often
financially troubled. In 1972, it was bought
by a Birmingham-based consortium, and
again, in 1975, by the North American
businessmen Peter Sprague and George

The American owners pushed the company

into modernising its line; producing the V8
Vantage in 1977, the convertible Volante
in 1978, and the one-off William
Towns-styled Bulldog in 1980.

William Towns also styled the futuristic Ford substantially invested in new
Lagunda Saloon based on the existing V8 manufacturing and quickly ramped-up
model. production. A new factory at Banbury
Road in Bloxham was opened in 1994. In
The Americans soon sold the company to 1995, the company produced a record 700
CH Industrial, who, in turn, sold the vehicles. By the year 2002, 6000 DBs had
company to Automotive Investments in been built exceeding production of all
1983. Barely a year later, A.I. sold Aston previous DB models.
Martin Motors to Victor Gauntlet, a
petrochemical engineer and car enthusiast, The DB7 range was boosted by the
and Peter Livanos, a shipping tycoon. In addition of V12 Vantage models in 1999,
1986, the Ford motor company purchased and three years later, the company
75 per cent of the company, and the introduced the V12-engine ‘Vanquish’.
ownership pass-the-parcel slowed down.
2003 was a significant year for Aston
In 1988, the company finally retired the Martin. At the North American
ancient V8 (having produced some 5,000 International Auto Show in Detroit,
cars in twenty years) and introduced the Michigan, U.S.A., Aston Martin introduced
Virage range. In 1992, the Vantage version the new AMV8 Vantage concept car.
was announced, and the following year the Expected to have few changes before its
company renewed the DB range by introduction in 2005, the new AMV8
announcing the DB7. Vantage brings back the classic V8 engine
and will allow the company to compete in
In 1993, Ford finally bought Victor a larger market.
Gauntlett's remaining shares and took full
control of the firm, placing it in the Ford The year also saw the opening of the
Premier Automotive Group. Gaydon factory, the first purpose-built
factory in Aston Martin's history. Also
introduced in 2003, was the new DB9
coupé, which replace the ten-year-old
DB7. A convertible version of the DB9,
known as the DB9 Volante, was introduced
at the 2004 Detroit Auto Show.

In December 2003, Aston Martin

announced plans to return to motor racing
in 2005.

4 Four
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ri t i n g
Questions for discussion
Who founded Aston Martin? When and where?
When did the company decide to concentrate on road cars?
Which company owns most of the shares of Aston Martin?
What do you know about Aston Martin from the movies?


The Mercedes Benz S-Class is an

expensive luxury automobile designed and
built by Daimler Chrysler in Stuttgart,
Germany. The S-Class is both the flagship
and largest car marketed by the Mercedes
Benz brand. It is considered by many
motoring journalists and car enthusiasts to
be an exceptional automobile.

Models are designated by the size of their

engine, such as the S 430 or S 600.
S-Class vehicles marketed in the United
States are named similarly, but without the
space: the S430 and S600, for example.

The W111 ‘Fintail’ series debuted in 1959.
Since the unofficial inception of the Initially powered by a line of straight 6
Mercedes Benz in the late 1950's with the engines, it set a new standard for luxury.
so called ‘Fintail’ models, the
Mercedes-Benz S-Class has been the de The series expanded with a line of
facto standard of what a top-of-the-range three-litre cars in 1961, the W112. A smaller
luxury automobile should be. Fintail line, the W110, was also produced
at that time and became the predecessor
of today's E-class.

The ‘S-Class’ was born with the
W108-W109 series of 1965 . These sedans
got V8 power for the first time in 1968 with
the muscle car 300SEL 6.3

The S-Class continued through the 1970s
with the W116 series . Produced from 1972
through 1979, the most notable W116

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was the high-performance,

limited-production 450SEL 6.9. This car
boasted the largest engine ever installed
in a postwar Mercedes-Benz until the 7.3
L AMG V12 of the 1990´s.

For the 1980s, the S-Class was updated
and re-christened the ‘W126 series.’ By
now, most of the cars produced were
powered by V8 engines, although a few
diesel and straight models lingered on.
The SEC coupe body style was also
introduced at this time. The W126 line
lasted from 1981 through 1991.

The S-Class was redesigned for the 1992 model year as the W140 series. Once again,
a large SEC coupe was available. A V12 engine joined the lineup for the first time in
1992 with the 600SEL. Production of W140 models continued through 1999.
All Mercedes model names were rationalized in 1994 with the SE/SEL/SEC cars becoming
known as the S-Class.

ri t i n g ue s t i o Questions for discussion:


What is a top-of-the-range luxury?

What kind of engine initially powered the Fintail series?

What year was the S-Class redesigned?

What do you know about Mercedes-Benz?

st e n i
Listen to Nicolas talking about some changes in his life.


I used to have a lot of hobbies. Now, I don't have much time for them.

I didn't collect anything in the past, but now I collect antique cars.

I never used to play sports, but now I'm into car races.

I never bought magazines in the past, but now I buy car magazines all the time.

When I was younger, I used to be messy, but now I'm very organized.

I never used to worry about money, but now I do. The maintenance of my car costs a
lot of money.

6 Six
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‘Used to’ expresses the idea that something was an old habit that stopped in the past. It
indicates that something was often repeated in the past, but it isn’t usually done now.

e.g. Sam and Mary used to go to Mexico in the summer.

‘Used to’ can also be used to talk about past facts or generalizations which are no longer
e.g. I used to live in Paris.

The BMW Z4 is a 2-door, rear wheel drive
roadster. The Z4 began production in 2003,
replacing the BMW Z3. The design
addresses many criticisms of the Z3; the
Z4 is larger, more powerful and has a
significantly stiffer chassis.

The Z4 was designed by Chris Bangle and

created controversy amongst car
enthusiasts regarding his ‘flame surfacing’
design and aggressive styling choices. His
signature style can also be seen on
modern BMW 7-series and BMW 5-series
While the Z4's front suspension is essentially the same as the Z3's, the rear
suspension is considerably different; previously, the car’s suspension was modeled on
the E30 BMW3-series. Instead of a semi-trailing arm suspension, the Z4 uses a more
advanced multi-link suspension.

The Z4 offers a choice of three engines: A sport package is also available which
a 2.2 L, a 2.5 L, and a 3.0 L. The 2.2, liter adds stiffer, lower suspension, larger
version can reach 100 km/h in 7.7 wheels with run-flat tires, and Dynamic
seconds, but it is not sold in the United Driving Control, BMW's vehicle stability
States. All are variants of the BMW M54 control system.

Five-speed manual gearboxes are

standard on all models except the 3.0 L
car, which has a 6-speed transmission.

7 Seven
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The Porsche Carrera GT is a sports car The Carrera GT has a 5.7 litre V10 internal
manufactured by Porsche in a new combustion engine that produces 605 hp.
manufacturing plant in Leipzig, Germany. Porsche claims the vehicle will accelerate
from 0 to 100 in 3.9 seconds and has a
maximum speed of 330 km/h or 205 mph.
The car weighs 1,380 kg., or 3,042 lbs.
The Carrera GT is only offered with a
six-speed manual transmission.
The Carrera is significantly less expensive
than its competitor the Ferrari Enzo. The
Enzo is priced around $660,000 compared
to the Carrera’s cost of $440,000. The
Carrera GT is known for its high quality and
reliability which makes it one of the best
supercars ever.

Technology of note found on the Carrera
The Carrera GT was developed from a GT is the pure carbon fiber monocoque and
competitive race car design that was subframe, dry-sump lubrication and inboard
originally abandoned due to rule changes suspension.
in professional racing. In 1999, Audi
entered the world of professional Formula This vehicle is the first road car to make
1 racing and competition from Porsche use of a ceramic clutch. Technology that
was not desired. Ferdinand Piech, the was formerly only found in race cars. A
CEO of Audi and a major shareholder of ceramic clutch, although difficult to master,
Porsche, was able to arrange for the allows the engine to sit lower in the chassis
Porsche Carrera to be denied entry into than in any other super car, both improving
the racing world. In addition, at the time its aerodynamics and lowering its center of
Porsche needed to focus its company’s gravity.
manpower on the development of the
Porsche Cayenne and VW Touareg SUV Unlike its rivals, the Carrera GT avoids
Twins. cutting edge driving aids such as dynamic
stability control. Instead, Porsche engineers
Instead, the Carrera GT was introduced have placed their faith in a communicative
to the world in 2000 as a road car concept. chassis and the ability of the driver.
It took some years to actually develop it
into a road-going car. In 2004, 1500 cars
were produced at a cost of $440,000 USD

In August 2005, Porsche announced that

it would not continue production of the
Carrera GT beyond 2006 and reduced the
total production to an estimated 1,250 for
the year.

8 Eight
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Formula One, abbreviated to F1 and also known as Grand Prix racing, is the highest
class of single-seat, open-wheel formula auto racing. It consists of a series of races,
known as Grand Prix, held on purpose-built circuits or closed city streets, whose results
determine two annual World Championships, one for drivers and one for constructors.
The cars race at speeds often over 300 km/h (185 mph).

Europe is Formula One's traditional centre and remains its leading market; however,
Grand Prix races have been held all over the world, and with new races in Bahrain,
China, Malaysia and Turkey, its scope is continually expanding. Formula 1 cars are the
most expensive race cars currently in production and the sport is among the most
expensive in the world. As such, its economic impact is significant, and its financial and
political battles are widely observed. In recent years, it has also become known for its

The sport is regulated by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile, whose president

is Max Mosley. It is generally promoted and controlled by Bernie Ecclestone through a
variety of corporate entities.

Centre - British
Center - American

The first major technological development

occurred in the 1950s with the introduction
of mid-engined cars which evolved from
successful Formula Three designs. Jack
Brabham, champion in 1959 and 1960,
soon proved the new design's superiority.
By 1961, all competitors had switched to
rear-engined cars.

THE BEGINNINGS The first British World Champion was Mike

Hawthorn, who drove a Ferrari to the title
in 1958. Colin Chapman entered F1 as a
The inaugural Formula One World chassis designer and later founded Lotus
Championship was won by Italian Giuseppe and British drivers dominated the field for
Farina in his Alfa Romeo in 1950, barely the next decade. Between Jim Clark, Jackie
defeating his Argentinian teammate, Juan Stewart, Jack Brabham, Graham Hill, and
Manuel Fangio. Denny Hulme, British teams and
Commonwealth drivers won twelve World
However, Fangio won the title in 1951 and Championships between 1962 and 1973.
four more in the next six years. His streak
was interrupted by two-time champion, In 1962, Lotus introduced a car with an
Alberto Ascari, of Ferrari. aluminium sheet chassis called a
‘monocoque’ in place of the traditional
Though Britain's, Stirling Moss, was able to tubular chassis; this proved to be the next
compete regularly, he was never able to major technological breakthrough since the
win the World Championship. Fangio is introduction of mid-engined cars. In 1968,
remembered for dominating Formula One's Lotus painted an Imperial Tobacco livery
first decade and has long been considered on their cars, and introduced sponsorship
the ‘Grandmaster’ of Formula One Racing. to the sport.

9 Nine
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Due to the technological advances of the

1990s, the cost of competing in Formula One
rose dramatically. This increased financial
burden, combined with the dominance of the
‘Big Four’, who are largely funded by big car
manufacturers, has caused the poorer
independent teams to struggle, not only to
remain competitive, but to stay in business.
Financial troubles forced several teams to
withdraw from racing. Since 1990, 28 teams
have pulled out of Formula One. However, in
2010, the dominance of the “Big Four” was
In the early 1990’s, teams started introducing finally broken by Red Bull, when Sebastian
electronic driver aids such as power steering, Vettel won his first World Championship. Under
traction control, and semi-automatic Red Bull he has gone on to win World
gearboxes. Some of this technology was Championships in 2011, 2012, and 2013.
borrowed from contemporary road cars and
some items, like active suspension, were
developed for the track and only later made
their way through to the showroom. The FIA, MODERN F1
due to complaints that technology was
determining the outcome of races more than
driver skill, banned many such aids in 1994. The early 2000s were dominated by Michael
However, many observers felt that the ban on Schumacher and a resurgent Ferrari. The
driver aids was a ban in name only as the FIA beginnings of the 21st century saw several
did not have the technology or the methods Formula One Records being shattered. In
to eliminate these features from competition. 2001, Schumacher set the new record for most
The teams signed a third Concorde Grand Prix ever won; the earlier record holder
Agreement in 1992, a fourth in 1997, a fifth in was Alan Prost, with 51 wins to his name. In
1998, and a sixth in 2009. The latest Concorde 2002, Schumacher also set a new record by
Agreement was signed in 2013, which runs claiming the Championship earlier in the
2013 to 2020. It includes a ramp-up of season than any other previous driver. He won
finances for the FIA plus a new rule-making the French Grand Prix in July that year. In
process for F1 – which includes the formation 2003, Schumacher claimed his sixth
of a strategy group and a slimmed down F1 Championship title, beating out the earlier
Commission. record-holder, Juan Manuel Fangio, with five
On the track, the McLaren and Williams teams Schumacher and Ferrari haven’t been the only
dominated the 1980s and 1990s. Honda and record breakers. In 2003, Fernando Alonso
McLaren dominated much of the 1980s, whilst became the youngest ever pole sitter by
Renault-powered Williams drivers won several qualifying first at the Malaysia Grand Prix. Later
World Championships in the mid 1990s. that year, he became the youngest ever winner
McLaren made a comeback in the late 1990s. of a Grand Prix when he took the checkered
The rivalry between racing legends Senna flag in Hungary.
and Prost became F1's central focus in 1988,
and continued until Prost retired at the end of Ferrari’s championship streak finally came to
1993. Tragically, Ayrton Senna died in a crash an end on September 25, 2005 when
at the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix. The FIA Fernando Alonso clinched the third place finish
vowed to improve the sport's safety standards; at the Brazilian Grand Prix to become the
since that weekend, no driver has died on the youngest ever champion at age 24. Michael
track during a race. Schumacher had been World Champion for
more than 1800 days. However, in 2008, in
Drivers from McLaren, Williams, Renault and Brazil, at age 23, F1 driver Lewis Hamilton
Ferrari, dubbed the “Big Four”, won every surpassed Alonso’s record and became the
World Championship form 1984-2009. youngest ever World Champion.

10 Ten
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Adverbs can be used to describe verbs. They describe HOW you do something.

Examples: She walks quickly; He sings nicely.

1) You can make many adverbs by adding –ly to an adjective.

slow -> slowly; loud -> loudly
If an adjective ends in ‘y’, change it to an ‘i’.
heavy -> heavily; funny -> funnily
Add ‘ally’ to adjectives ending in ‘ic’.
Physical -> physically; energetic -> energetically

2) Some adverbs are irregular, and do not end in ly. For example:
good -> well She dances well.
hard -> hard He works hard.
fast -> fast He runs fast.
late -> late He arrives late.
3a) Usually, the adverb goes after the verb it describes.
She talks quietly NOT She quietly talks.
He runs fast. NOT He fast runs.

3b) If the verb has a direct object WITHOUT A PREPOSITION the adverb should
go after the object.
You sang that song nicely. NOT You sang nicely that song.
He did the job well. NOT He did well the job.

3c) If the verb is followed by a preposition and an object, you can put the adverb
in different places.
He quickly walked to the shop.
He walked quickly to the shop.
He walked to the shop quickly.

4) Adverbs are NOT used to describe the following verbs. These verbs use
Be I am quiet. NOT I am quietly.
Seem It seems strange. NOT It seems strangely.
Look That looks nice. NOT That looks nicely.
Smell That smells good. NOT That smells well.
Sound That sounds great. NOT That sounds greatly.
Feel That feels funny. NOT That feels funnily.

5) Some words end in ‘ly’ but they are not adverbs. Friendly is an example.
Friendly is an adjective. We can say ‘She is friendly’ but not ‘She talks friendly’.
There is no adverb for friendly, but we can say ‘She talks in a friendly way’. Elderly
and lonely are also adjectives, not adverbs. Kindly and early are adjectives and

11 Eleven
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Look for more information about:

1. Top sold car brands in your country

2. Electric vehicles
3. Reliant Robin – The worst car in the world
4. Restrictions in modern F1


12 Twelve
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Real Scene Three

“It’s a story no one on Earth could have made up. Four young men
experiment with internal combustion in a tiny wooden shed and
not only does the shed not burn down, but the motorcycle they
build goes on to serve over 100,000 miles, under five owners. And
that’s just the beginning”.
- Harley Davidson

MY GOAL: After I finish Scenario 02, I’ll understand how to use adverbs of
quantity with countable and uncountable nouns and I’ll know how to construct indirect
questions using ‘wh’ question words. I will learn about intensifiers, while I increase my
knowledge about motorcycles, their history and the most popular brands in the world.


1. Do you know about the history of motorcycles?

2. How much do you know about Harley Davidson and Ducati?
3. Why do you believe some people prefer motorcycle over cars?

The inspiration for the earliest motorcycles was a motorized bicycle with stabilizing
wheels built by the German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Mayback in 1885.
They called their invention the ‘Reitwagen’ or ‘riding car’. They hadn’t set out to create
a vehicle at all, but to build a simple carriage for the engine that was the focus of their
During the early history of the motorcycle, there were many manufacturers of bicycles
who adapted their designs to the newly invented internal combustion engine. As the
engines became more powerful and designs outgrew the bicycle origins, the number of
motorcycle producers was reduced.

13 Thirteen
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‘accidentally’ destroyed by contractors in

the early 1970s during a clean-up of the
factory yard.
In 1906, Harley and the Davidsons built
their first factory on Chestnut Street which
later became Juneau Avenue. This location
remains the Motor Company's corporate
headquarters. The first Juneau Avenue
plant was a modest 40 by 60 foot
single-story wooden structure in which
HARLEY DAVIDSON around 50 motorcycles were produced that
first year.
The Harley Davidson Company was born
in 1901 when William S. Harley, at the age
of 21, drew up plans for a small engine that
displaced 7.07 cubic inches (116cc) and 1907 Model
had four-inch flywheels. The engine was
designed for use in a regular pedal-bicycle
frame. With the new facilities completed production
was able to increase to 150 motorcycles in
Over the next two years, Harley and his 1907.
boyhood pal Arthur Davidson labored on
their little motor-bicycle using the machine The partners began selling their
shop of their friend, Henry Melk. It was motorcycles to police departments around
finished in 1903 with the help of Arthur's this time, a tradition that continues today.
brother, Walter Davidson. Upon completion,
the boys found their little ‘power-cycle’ In 1911, an improved V-Twin model with
unable to conquer Milwaukee's modest hills mechanically operated intake valves was
without pedal assistance. Bill Harley and introduced. Displacing 49.48 cubic inches
the Davidsons quickly wrote off their first (810cc), the 1911 V-Twin was actually
motor-bicycle as a valuable learning smaller than earlier twins, but gave better
experiment. performance. After 1913 the majority of
bikes produced by Harley-Davidson would
The next year, the second prototype that be V-Twin models.
was assembled in the Davidson family
backyard entered in a Milwaukee By 1913, the yellow brick factory had been
motorcycle race, the first known demolished and a new 5-store structure of
appearance of a Harley-Davidson reinforced concrete and red brick had been
motorcycle. built. Constructed in 1910, the red brick
factory with its many additions would take
Their fame grew and, in January of 1905, up two blocks along Juneau Avenue and
small advertisements were placed in the around the corner on 38th Street.
‘Automobile and Cycle Trade Journal’
offering bare Harley-Davidson engines to
the do-it-yourself trade. By April, complete
motorcycles were in production on a very
limited basis.
In 1905, no more than a dozen machines
were built in the backyard shed. Some
years later, the original shed was taken to
the Juneau Avenue factory where it would
stand for many decades as a tribute to the
Motor Company's humble origins.
Unfortunately, the first shed was

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Despite the competition, Harley-Davidson

was already pulling ahead of Indian
Motorcycles and the rest of the pack, and
would dominate motorcycle racing after
Production that year swelled to 16,284
machines. Although the future looked rosy,
on the horizon lay the gathering storm
clouds of war.
In 1917, the United States was drawn into
World War I. The military demanded
motorcycles for the war effort. Harleys had
already been used by the military in border In 1921, a milestone was reached in
skirmishes with Pancho Villa, but World motorcycle racing; a Harley-Davidson
War I was the first time the motorcycles machine was the very first to win a race
were broadly adopted for combat service. with an average speed of over 100 mph or
A logical partnership, as the company had 160 km/h.
consolidated its position as the motorcycle
of choice for police forces, the During the 1920s, several improvements
Harley-Davidson went on to provide over were put in place, such as a new 74 cubic
20,000 machines to the military forces inch (1.2 L) V-Twin, and the gas tank we
during World War I. still see today, called a ‘teardrop tank’. A
front brake was added in 1928.
By 1920, Harley-Davidson was the largest
motorcycle manufacturer in the world. Their
motorcycles were sold by dealers in 67
countries and production had reached
28,189 machines a year.


One of only two American cycle manufacturers to survive the Great Depression,
Harley-Davidson again produced large numbers of motorcycles for the army in World
War II. It resumed civilian production afterwards and produced a range of large V-twin
motorcycles that were successful both on racetracks and with private buyers.


1998 Harley-Davidson FXSTC

In 1969, American Machinery and Foundry

(AMF) bought the company, streamlined
production, and slashed the workforce. This
tactic resulted in a labor strike and lower
quality of bikes. The company ceased to
be an innovator in the motorcycle industry,
with a design that remained basically
unchanged for many years. The bikes were
expensive and inferior in terms of

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performance, handling, and quality In 2000, Ford changed the truck to a crew
compared to Japanese motorcycles. cab and, in 2002, added a super-charged
Sales declined, quality plummeted, and engine. In 2004, the Ford / Harley was
the company almost went bankrupt. The changed to a Super-Duty, which continues
venerable name of ‘Harley-Davidson’ was through 2006. Ford continues to produce
mocked as ‘Hardly Ableson’, and the a Harley-Davidson Edition of their F-150.
nickname ‘Hog’ became pejorative.

In 1990, with the introduction of the ‘Fat

Boy’, Harley once again became the sales
leader in the heavyweight (over 750cc)
market. There was controversy that the
Fat Boy model was allegedly inspired by
the name of the bombs dropped on
Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The company
vehemently denies this and claims it is
coincidence. Harley maintains dominance
in sales to date.

In 1999, the Ford Motor Company added

a Harley-Davidson edition to the Ford
F-Series F-150 line, complete with the
Harley-Davidson logo. This truck offered
an extended-cab for the model year 1999.


With countable nouns With uncountable nouns

There are too many race cars. There is too much noise.

There should be fewer trucks. There should be less pressure.

We need more race tracks. We need more clean air.

There aren't enough engines. There isn't enough parking.

16 Sixteen
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In 1926, the Ducati family and other

Bolognese investors founded the Società
Radio Brevetti Ducati in Bologna, Italy.
Their aim was the production of industrial
components for the growing field of radio
transmissions, based on Adriano Ducati’s
patents. The first product, the Manens
condenser for radio equipment, was
extremely successful throughout the world,
allowing the company to expand by leaps
and bounds, and winning it the respect of
the international industrial community.
the drive mechanism made more
On June 1 1935, the cornerstone of the accessible, the cylinder head was
factory in Borgo Panigale was laid. The modified, and the rating was raised. The
new complex was extremely modern and company also sold a sports version of the
ambitious, with the objective of establishing T2, capable of delivering 2 hp and reaching
an industrial and technological center in a top speed of 60 km/h.
Bologna. During this time, the Ducati
industry developed abroad, and opened In 1946, a small auxiliary motor for bicycles
branches and offices in London, Paris, was introduced to the public and was
New York, Sydney and Caracas, assuring destined to become the most famous in
direct service and assistance to their the world. First sold in an assembly box
customers in all the major world markets. to be attached to a bicycle, it soon acquired
a frame of its own and was dubbed the
The Second World War was extremely ‘DucatiCucciolo.’ In a short time, the
hard on Ducati: the Borgo Panigale Cucciolo became a real miniature
factories were razed to the ground in 1944. motorcycle. Thanks to the Cucciolo’s
Fortunately, the Ducati brothers spent the success, and that of its descendants,
duration of the war studying and planning Ducati became an affirmed trademark in
new products to be introduced to world the mechanical sector.
markets at the end of the conflict. During
that time, a designer named Aldo Farinelli Hugely popular motorcycle racer, Marco
developed the prototype of an auxiliary Lucchinelli, attracted the attention of the
motor to be mounted on a bicycle. public to Ducati motorcycles with his win
Farinelli’s design had a number of major at the 1987 Daytona Battle of the Twins
advantages over the competition, namely race on a Ducati 851 constructed by
its four-stroke cycle and two-speed engineer Massimo Bordi.
gearing, which used the engine’s power to
its fullest potential. Ducati, which up until Under the management of the Castiglioni
that time had produced radios and brothers, Ducati expanded its share of the
electrical components, decided to diversify motorcycle market, introduced new
and partnered with another Italian firm, models, increased its line of large
SIATA, to produce the Cucciolo, or ‘Puppy’. displacement motorcycles and intensified
the company’s commitment to racing.
By 1946, the rights to Cucciolo production
had become exclusively Ducati’s. In 1948, In 1993 the Argentine Miguel Galluzzi
Ducati came up with its first original design, conceived the idea of the Monster. Before
the T2. It was heavily influenced by the T1 the eyes of enthusiasts appeared a truly
design, but made improvements in the singular Ducati. The bike was stripped of
engine’s efficiency, robustness and, logic all its essentials. It represented a unique
of construction. The cylinder, for example, interpretation of the fun bike category, and
was redesigned and made removable and it rapidly became a legend.

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Located at the Ducati factory headquarters, the 1,000 sq/mt Ducati Museum highlights
50 years of racetrack heritage. The Ducati Museum opened on June 12, 1998, during
the first annual World Ducati Week, and was officially inaugurated on October 16th of
that year. The Museum has preserved over half a century of Ducati racing history and
also the history of the company founded by the Ducati brothers in 1926.

ri t i n g ue s t i o

Questions for discussion


Where is the Ducati family from?

Where did they open branches?

What were some of the improvements seen on the T2?

st e n i


Listen and practice

JOE: Excuse me, could you tell me where the race track is?

OFFICER: Go down two blocks, then turn left.

JOE: Do you know what time it opens?

OFFICER: They will open at 10:00 o'clock.

JOE: Can you tell me where the parking lots are?

OFFICER: You'll see them on the right.

JOE: And do you know where the pits are?

OFFICER: At the end of the first curve.

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These are formed when we do not begin a question directly, but begin it with something like:
Can you tell me…? Do you know…? I wonder if…? The word order is the same as in an affirmative
e.g. Direct question using ‘be’: What is he doing?
Indirect question using ‘be: Do you know what he is doing?
Direct question using ‘where’: Where have they been?
Indirect question using ‘where’: I wonder where they have been?
Direct question using ‘do’: What do you want?
Indirect question using ‘do’: Can you tell me what you want?

ri t i n g
‘wh’ question words.

Write indirect questions using

a. What time do they close?


b. How often do the cars come?


c. Where are the restrooms?


d. How much does a ticket for the race cost?


e. Which is the best hotel in the city?


19 Nineteen
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Too means there is a lot of something. It shows a negative opinion.
It’s too hot = It is very hot and I don’t like it.

You can use too before an adjective.

It’s too cold. My trousers are too small.

You can also use it before an adverb,

You walk too fast. James speaks too quietly.

Before a noun, use too much (uncountable nouns) or many (countable nouns).
I ate too much food.
I ate too many sandwiches.

You can also use too much after a verb.

I ate too much.
Paul drinks too much.

Enough means you have what you need.
We have enough food for everyone = everyone has some food.
We don’t have enough chairs for everyone = some people don’t have chairs.

Write enough before a noun.

We have enough chairs.

But write it after an adjective or verb.

Are you warm enough? He’s qualified enough. She isn’t tall enough to be a model.

You don’t work hard enough. Are you sleeping enough?

Sentences with enough are sometimes followed by to + verb infinitive.

I’m not tall enough to reach the book.
I haven’t got enough money to buy that coat.

So means very.
It’s so hot!

So is generally used before an adjective or an adverb.

He’s so funny! He plays the piano so well!

However, in modern English, it is increasingly being used before nouns and verbs.
That dress is so last year! = That dress is last year’s fashion
I’m so going to shout at him when I see him! (so = really)

So can be used with a that clause, to show a result of the first clause.
I was so hot that I couldn’t sleep.

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Such also means very. Such is used before an adjective and noun.
They are such nice children.

A / an, if necessary, go after such, not before.

That’s a such pretty dress. => That’s such a pretty dress!

Like So, Such can be used with a that clause, to show a result of the first clause.
It was such a nice day that we decided to go to the park.

Look for more information about:

1. Custom Motorcycles
2. Types of motorcycle engines
3. Types of racing motorcycles


21 Twenty-one
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Real Scene Three

"The holidays stress people out so much. I suggest you keep it simple
and try to have as much fun as you can."
-Giada De Laurentiis

MY GOAL: After finishing Scenario 3, I will be able to complete comparisons

using adjectives and nouns and I will be able to correctly use the word ‘wish’. In the
reading material I will learn about some important International Holidays and their

1. What International Holidays do you celebrate?
2. How many holidays are there celebrated in your country?
3. What local holidays in your country do you consider should be celebrated

A holiday is a day set aside by custom
or by law in which normal activities,
especially business or work are to be
suspended or reduced. Generally
holidays are intended to allow
individuals to celebrate or
commemorate something of cultural or
religious significance. Holidays may be
designated by governments, religious
institutions, or other groups or
organizations. The degree to which
normal activities are reduced by a
holiday may depend on local laws,
customs, or even personal choices.
The concept of holidays has often originated as religious observances. The intention of
a holiday was typically to allow individuals to tend to religious duties associated with
important dates on the calendar. In most modern societies, however, holidays serve as
much of a recreational function as anything else.

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International Women’s Day is celebrated globally every year on 8th March. Originally
called the International Working Women’s Day, it was first started as a political and
socialist movement in 1909 in four European countries. It is a day to commemorate the
achievements of women and to raise awareness for the social and political equality of
women around the world.

The first Women’s Day was observed in

USA in 1909, after a declaration was made
by the Socialist Party of America. Post that,
the day was largely celebrated in
communist and socialist countries such as
those of Russia and China.
The day is celebrated differently in different
parts of the world. While in some parts, it
still retains its original socialist and political
approach, in other parts such as those of
Europe and America, it has taken a more
celebratory form. In these parts, mothers,
daughters and wives are showered with
gifts, and in that sense, the day is a
culmination of sorts of the Mother’s Day
and Valentine’s Day.


As well as being used to describe persons and things, adjectives which refer to qualities can
also be used to compare two or more different persons or things.
e.g. They are the youngest students in the class.
She is as proud as a peacock.
Gail is as strong a swimmer as Beth.

ri t i n g
Exercise 1

‘Too’ and ‘enough’ are used with adjectives and indicate degree.
‘Too’ means more than necessary and it precedes the adjective.
‘Enough’ means sufficient and usually follows the adjective.

23 Twenty-three
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Write comparisons using ‘enough’ and ‘too’.










World Book Day is celebrated every year on April 23. UNESCO undertakes the
responsibility of the event. With the help of the event, UNESCO aims to inculcate
reading habits among people, especially the youth and highlight the various issues
surrounding authors, publishers and other related parties. Since Copyright is a big
issue in the world of books and writing, there is always a focus on the issue on the
World Book Day. That’s why, in many parts of the world, this day is also known as the
World Book and Copyright Day.

The first ever World Book Day was

celebrated on April 23, 1995. The date as
decided by UNESCO as it was also the
death and birth anniversary of William
Shakespeare. The date also coincided with
the death anniversary of Miguel de
Cervantes, who was a noted Spanish
author. Some other well-known authors
whose birth or death anniversary falls on
this day are Maurice Druon, Josep Pla and
Halldor Laxness.

24 Twenty-four
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World Animal Day or unofficially world
animal lover day is a cause for
celebration for anyone who loves
animals-irrespective of their national,
geographical or religious beliefs. The
day was formulated at a convention of
ecologists in Florence as a method of
highlighting the plight of endangered
species. October 4 was thus chosen as
World Animal Day and quite
appropriately so as it is the Feast Day
of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint
of animals.
The day is celebrated in various
different countries around the world.
The ease of media and
telecommunication has made the
spread of the event emphatically faster and with the hope of greater results and changes
in world attitude in cruelty towards animals.


The main use of the verb ‘to wish’ is to express regret that things are not different. It is
possible to use ‘wish’ to talk about the present/future and the past.

e.g. I wish I didn’t have to go to school tomorrow.

I wish I could buy a Ducati motorcycle.
I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.
I wish I had studied harder at school.

The word wish is similar in meaning to the expression ‘would like’.

e.g. I wish I had a big house. = I would like to have a big house.
I wish you would stop smoking. = I would like you to stop smoking.

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The 24th October, each year is the International United Nations Day. This followed
a declaration by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947 which designated
24th of October, the anniversary of the Charter of the United Nations, as United
Nations Day, by proclaiming that the day would be instrumental in making people
aware and it shall be devoted in making known to the people of the world the aims
and achievements of the United Nations and to gain their support for its work. By
a further resolution that of the United Nations Resolution 2782 adopted in 1971 by
the United Nations General Assembly, it was declared that the United Nations Day
would henceforth be celebrated as an international holiday and it was
recommended that it will be maintained as a public holiday by all United Nations
member states. The event is instituted primarily to disseminate to people worldwide
the aims and accomplishment of the United Nations Organization.


International Internet Day is celebrated worldwide, every year on 29th of October.
Since the year 2005 the International Internet Day has been famously celebrated
to commemorate a momentous day in the history of telecommunications and
technology. This was the event of the sending of the first electronic message,
which was transferred from one computer to another in 1969. This was situated in
California, in the USA. Today the International Internet Day is also an on-line
project germinating from the society, of the society and for the society.
The International Internet Day project is
open to everyone and anyone just as
access to the internet is open and free for
everyone. The International Internet Day
thus celebrates this grand democratic
fervor which in essential is linked to this idea
of liberation, where everyone is afforded an
equal opportunity and an equal advantage
to share of services, which connect the
world to each other.

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Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on 10th December. This day is
celebrated internationally to honor 10th Dec 1948, when the United Nations
adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Palais de Challoit, Paris
after the experience of the Second World War. This was one of the first major
achievements of the United Nations. Universal Declaration of Human Rights is
also one of the worlds most translated documents, available in more than 360
languages and also holds a world record for this.
An important pledge from the declaration states “Now, Therefore THE GENERAL
as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end
that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration
constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for
these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and
international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance,
both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of
territories under their jurisdiction”.

27 Twenty-seven
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Look for more information about:

1. Curious International Holidays

2. Christmas celebrations around the world
3. Holidays that are only celebrated in your country


28 Twenty-eight
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Real Scene Three

“A cocktail is a stimulating liquor composed of spirits of any kind,

sugar, water and bitters. It is said also to be a great use to a
democratic candidate because a person having swallowed a glass
of it, is ready to swallow anything else.”
- editor, The Balance, May 1806

MY GOAL: When I have completed Scenario 04, I’ll understand the difference
between simple past tense and present perfect tense, and I will know how to use
question tags. The reading material will introduce me to the world of mixed drinks and


1. Have you ever prepared a cocktail?

2. What is your favorite cocktail?
3. What places do you know in your city where you can have good cocktails?

A cocktail is a mixed drink containing a mix The first bartender’s guide was published
of one or more distilled alcoholic in 1862 and was called: ‘How to Mix Drinks
beverages, perhaps non-alcoholic or The Bon Vivant's Companion’, and was
beverages, ice, liqueur, fruit, sauce, honey, written by Professor Jerry Thomas. In
milk, cream or spices. The cocktail addition to listing recipes for Punches,
became popular during Prohibition in the Sours, Slings, Cobblers, Shrubs, Toddies,
United States. In the absence of good Flips, and a variety of other types of mixed
quality alcohol, bartenders tried to mask drinks, there were 10 recipes for drinks
the taste of bootlegged alcohol by mixing referred to as ‘Cocktails’.
it with other liquors and non-alcoholic
drinks. A key ingredient which differentiated
‘cocktails’ from other drinks in this
Until the 1970s, cocktails were made compendium, was the use of bitters as an
predominantly with gin, whiskey or rum. ingredient, although it is not to be seen in
From the 1970s on, the popularity of vodka very many modern cocktail recipes.
increased dramatically and by the 1980s During Prohibition in the United States
it was the predominant base for mixed (1919-1933), when alcohol consumption
drinks. was illegal, cocktails were still consumed
in establishments known as 'speakeasies'.
Many cocktails traditionally made with gin, Not only was the quality of the alcohol
such as the gimlet, may now be served by available far lower than was previously
default with vodka. Non-alcoholic used, but the skill and knowledge of the
carbonated beverages which are nearly bartenders would also decline significantly
exclusively used in cocktails include soda during this time.
water, tonic water and seltzer. Liqueurs
are also common cocktail ingredients.

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There are several plausible theories as to

the origin of the term ‘cocktail’.

Some say that it was customary to put a

feather (presumably from a cock's tail) in
the drink to serve both as decoration and
to signal to ignorants that the drink
contained alcohol.

Another theory is that the term is a

corruption of coquetier; a French egg-cup
which was used to serve the beverage in
New Orleans in the early 19th century.

st e n i



PAUL: I’ve never heard about that cocktail.

Have you ever drunk White Rusian?

KATHY: Sure, I have. I had one at a party last week.

PAUL: Did you like it?

KATHY: Yes, I did. It was delicious. Why don’t you try it?

PAUL: Well, I’d like to sometime.

WAITER: What would you like to drink?

KATHY: I will have a Margarita, please.

WAITER: And you, Sir?

PAUL: I think I’ll have a Tequila Sunrise.

KATHY: Tequila Sunrise? I’ve never heard of that!

It sounds strange.

PAUL: It is a cocktail from Mexico.

You should try it, it's very good.

30 Thirty
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The simple past tense can be used to express the idea that an action started and finished
at a specific time in the past.
e.g. I saw a movie yesterday.
He didn’t see a play yesterday.
The simple past tense can also be used to list a series of completed action in the past.
e.g. Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?
The simple past can be used to talk about a period of time which starts and stops in the
past and it can be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past.
e.g. Shauna studied Japanese for years.
She worked at the movie theater after school.
We use the present perfect tense to say that an action happened at an unspecified time
before n o w. T h e exact time is not important.
e.g. I have seen that movie twenty times.
There have been many earthquakes in California.

lk i n g ri t i n g

Complete the conversation using the given verbs in

the simple past tense or present perfect.

SUE: Have you ever ________ (be) to a wild party?

ANA: Yes, I ________. I ________ (go) to one on the beach.

SUE: Have you ever ________ (drink) vodka?

ANA: No, I ________(have), but I’d like to.

SUE: Did you ________ (have) a Tequila Sunrise?

ANA: Yes, I ________. I ________ (drink) a big glass.

SUE: Have you ever ________ (eat) fried clams?

ANA: Yes, I ________. They were delicious.

I ________ (eat) them last night.

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The margarita is the most common of the
tequila-based cocktails. It was likely created
in the bars of Tijuana or Ciudad Juárez.
While they are more commonly served ‘on
the rocks’, margaritas are often served as
a frozen or blended drink. Most margaritas
are lime flavored, but strawberry or other
flavors are not uncommon, especially when
frozen.The word ‘Margarita’ is Spanish for
Daisy; which is the name of a flower.

Traditional Margarita

• 3 parts of tequila
• 2 parts orange flavored liqueur (Cointreau, Grand Marnier, Triple Sec, or Curaçao)
• 1 part of fresh lime juice

A great deal of disagreement still exists regarding the ratio of the cocktail's ingredients.
Additionally, alternative recipes are common and include ingredients as diverse as Sprite,
lemonade, and orange juice. A popular alternative in bars today includes a substantial
measure of sour mix.

• 1.5 oz. tequila

• 3.5 oz. sour mix (NOT margarita mix)
• 1 oz. orange liqueur
• 1 oz. lime juice


Margarita on the ‘rocks’

• Moisten rim of glass with lime

• Rotate rim against coarse salt in order to salt
the outside but not the inside of the rim
• Fill glass with ice cubes
• Combine ingredients in an ice-filled
shaker—shake until cold
• Pour contents of shaker into glass
• Garnish with slice or wedge of lime

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White Russian Cocktail

The White Russian is a sweet cocktail for many occasions. It is the favorite drink of the
dude in the movie "The Big Lebowski". The 'Russian' part of the name comes about
because the drink includes vodka. It is not a traditional Russian drink, but rather a pun
on the name of the anti-Bolshevik "White Russians" from the Russian Civil War.

Recipe #1:

• 3 parts vodka
• 2 parts coffee liqueur (such as Kahlúa or Tia Maria)
• milk or cream to taste

Mix the coffee liqueur and vodka (preferably very cold, either straight from the freezer
or over ice as below) and top with the milk or cream. This method produces the visual
effect of the cream slowly mixing with the alcohol.

Recipe #2:

• 2 parts vodka
• 1 part coffee liqueur
• 1 part high-quality light cream

Shake the mix in a cocktail shaker with a

half-scoop of ice for about 15 seconds, and
then pour through a strainer over three or
four cubes of ice in an old-fashioned glass.
This method produces a slightly less sweet,
and slightly taller, drink.

Other preparations:
A Black Russian is a White Russian with
no cream: vodka and coffee liqueur, on the
rocks. Alternatively, cola can be added to
the mix for taste.

A Black Russian with cola may be topped

with enough Guinness beer to give it a
head; the resulting drink is referred to as
an Irish Russian or a Black Irish.

A White Cuban is a White Russian in which

the vodka is replaced with rum.

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st e n i


Listen to this recipe for a Brandy Alexander; a brandy-based cocktail popular during the
early 20th century.

First, in a shaker half filled with ice cubes, add the brandy, the half and half and the cacao

Then, shake well.

Next, pour into a cocktail glass.

After that, garnish with the grated nutmeg.

Finally, enjoy it! It is very delicious.


First: Mix the liqueur and vodka.

Then: Shake the mix in a cocktail maker.

Next: Pour through a strainer.

After that: Add four cubes of ice in an old-fashioned glass.

Finally: Drink it chilled.

ri t i n g

Exercise 2

Think about a recipe or cocktail that you know how to make.

Write the recipe using sequence adverbs.







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by Colleen Graham

There are literally thousands of recipes for cocktails and mixed drinks, but there
are a select few that are universal to the entire drinking public. You can find these
classic cocktails being made in almost any bar or lounge anywhere in the world. If
you're an aspiring bartender (professional or at home), this is also a good list to
begin memorizing because they include many of the most asked for martinis,
highballs, lowballs, shooters and tropical drinks. Also keep in mind that there are
often many variations of the same drink, so you may not get the same drink
everywhere you go, but hopefully it's relatively close.

Martinis & Other Up Drinks

The Martini is the classic of classic
cocktails, but there are many
variations of the dry drink that,
although not technically Martinis,
are often referred to as such. To be
technical about it these drinks are
neat drinks, served in a cocktail, or
martini, glass, but popular culture
has deemed them all to be martinis.
At any rate, these include some of
the most popular up drinks, a few
classics and a few more modern
creations born out of the cocktail
resurgence of the last few decades.

Tall Drinks
When you're looking for a tall glass of liquor
with a lot of flavor, you'll often be offered one
of these mixed drinks. Most of them are very
easy to remember and the majority of
bartenders will know how to make a good
one. The best part about knowing your
highballs is that you'll be able to find these
drinks in almost any type of bar you walk
into, from a swanky cocktail lounge to a
sports pub and even a dive bar. Because
there is more liquid and ice in highballs they
are meant to be sipped slowly and enjoyed
over a long period of time. Highballs are
perfect with a meal or anytime you want a
"watered down" drink.

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On the Rocks

Some of the best-known drinks are

lowballs, or those served on the rocks
without the high volume mixers you find
in highballs. Lowballs are mixed drinks
that are mostly made of a mix of distilled
spirits which are either shaken and
strained over ice or built in the glass and
stirred. You'll find these drinks are more
alcoholic than highballs, but as the ice
melts they are diluted to a perfect mixture.
A few of these cocktails are also
commonly shaken then strained into a
cocktail glass for a neat, up alternative.

Tropical Drinks

Many tropical cocktails first became

popular in the 1920's and 30's and are as
famous today as they were then. It was
during that time that Ernest Hemingway
helped bring the Daiquiri out of the
obscurity of Havana bars and Don the
Beachcomber and Trader Vic opened up
their first tiki bars which were to become
great hits. Rum is the dominant spirit of
most tropical cocktails, but tequila and
vodka are also found in some of the
favorites. Tropical cocktails typically have
a mix of sweet and sour flavors and
include almost any fruit you could think

Hot Cocktails
As the winter winds begin to blow the tastes
of many drinkers change and the chilled
cocktails just won't do. Thank goodness
there are plenty of hot cocktails that can
warm you up from the inside out. Almost
any liquor can be added to coffee for a
warm, spiked cup of java, and the list of
"cafe" cocktails is almost endless. If coffee
is not your cup of tea (so to speak) there
are some other, much more classic, hot
cocktails that might fit your tastes. Drinks
like the Hot Buttered Rum, Hot Toddy and
Tom and Jerry have long been favorite
warm drinks and are requirements of many
Photo: family's holiday traditions.

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Ahh, the infamous shooters. What started

with a shot of whiskey or tequila for a
quick jolt of "reality" or to cure whatever
might ail you has transformed into a long
list of short shooters that come in any
color and flavor possible. Bartenders have
pulled out all the obscure liqueurs lying
dormant in the wells to create many of
these fun party drinks that are meant to
get you buzzed really quick. Surprisingly,
many shooters taste really good (while
many are absolutely dreadful), it's just a
shame that there's not enough time to
enjoy the flavor combinations.

Cocktails by Flavor

Are you looking for a cocktail with a

specific flavor in it? Whether you seek
pineapple, apple, chocolate or coffee
flavored cocktails, you will find a variety
of cocktail options with a specific flavor
in these lists.

Holiday Cocktails
There is a cocktail for almost every season
and every reason. These drinks, in
particular, are ideal for the various holidays
and special occasions that occur throughout
the year.


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Use question tags in two situations.

1) You are not sure if something is true, so you want to check. In this case, your
voice should rise when you say the question tag.

You’re not going now, are you?

2) You know something is true. You want to include/involve another person in the
conversation. In this case, your voice should fall when you say the tag. It does
not sound like a question.

He doesn’t live here now, does he?

Question tags are either:

1) Positive statements with short, negative questions at the end.
These tags check something that you believe is true.
It’s Monday today, isn’t it?

2) Negative statements with short, positive questions at the end.

These tags check something that you believe is false.
It’s not raining, is it?

Make question tags this way:

1) If there is an auxiliary verb or a modal verb, write it in the opposite form

(positive or negative) at the end of the sentence. Then write the subject pronoun
of the sentence.
Ian’s nice, isn’t he?
Laura hasn’t arrived yet, has he?
I can’t do anything to help, can I?
We won’t be late, will we?

CAUTION: Use aren’t with I’m in questions tags.

I’m a bit careless, aren’t I? NOT I’m a bit careless, am not I?

2) In present and past simple sentences, use do, does or did in the question tag.
Brian and Cathy don’t eat meat, do they?
You dad lives abroad, doesn’t he?
Your friends enjoyed themselves, didn’t they?

3) Use a positive question tag after never.

Miles never goes out, does he?

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Look for more information about:

1. Non-alcoholic cocktails
2. Best cocktails in the world
3. Bartending schools in your town


39 Thirty-nine
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Real Scene Three

"Leonardo da Vinci studied the flight of birds when developing

engineering schematics for some of the earliest flying machines
in the late fifteenth century AD."
- Anonymous

MY GOAL: Once I complete Scenario 05, I’ll understand how to use the verbs
‘going’ and ‘will’ with the future tense. I will also understand how to use modal verbs to
express necessity and suggestions. I will also learn to use second and third conditionals.
The reading material will introduce the principles of aeronautics to me and I’ll learn a
little about the development of commercial aviation.

1. Do you know the history of Aeronautics?
2. What is the most famous airline in your country?
3. Do you know about Airline Alliances?

Aeronautics is the science and practice of aircraft navigation. It is also used to refer to
the engineering discipline related to the design, construction, and operation of aircraft.
In relation to astronautics, ‘aeronautics’ refers specifically to vehicles designed to travel
within the atmosphere, while ‘astronautics’ refers specifically to vehicles designed for
travel outside of the atmosphere.

Aeronautics is sometimes divided into various disciplines. ‘Aerostation’ is the design,

construction, and operation of lighter-than-air vehicles such as balloons. ‘Aviation’ is the
design, construction, and operation of heavier-than-air vehicles such as airplanes and

In common usage, however, the term ‘aviation’ is used as a synonym for aeronautics,
and sometimes even to refer to aeronautics and astronautics as a whole.

Early Aeronautics
One of the earliest scientists to study
aeronautics was Leonardo DaVinci. He
studied the flight of birds when developing
engineering schematics for some of the
earliest flying machines in the late 15th

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Modern Aeronautics
Modern aeronautics is primarily conducted by independent corporations and universities.
There are also a number of government agencies that study aeronautics, including
NASA in the United States and the European Space Agency in Europe.
st e n i


Listen and practice with a partner

JOE: I'm excited! I'm going on vacation next week.

NANCY: Great! Where are you going?
JOE : I'm going to the Bahamas. I'm going to relax on the beach and party
every night.
NANCY: Sounds like fun!
JOE: I'm going to travel on one of those big planes A 777-200.
NANCY: Oh! I've never flown in one of those. Are they safe?
JOE: Of course they are. In fact, the 777 is one of the safest planes in the world.
NANCY: Sounds very exciting. I'd like to fly in that plane.
JOE: Why don't you come with us? We have plenty of room.
NANCY: Do you mean it? I'd love to! Thanks, Joe.


Simple future tense has two different forms in English: ‘be going to’ and ‘will’.
‘Be going to’ is used to express a general prediction about the future.
e.g. I’m going to travel to Mexico in the winter.
‘Be going to’ is also used to express a plan.
e.g. He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.
‘Will’ is used to describe something that the speaker will do voluntarily.
e.g. I will send you the information when I get it.
‘Will’ is also used to express a promise.
e.g. I will call you when I arrive.
‘Will’ can be used to express a general prediction about the future.
e.g. The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.

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ri t i n g

Complete the conversation using 'be going to' and 'will'.

LEO: Have you made any plans for the holidays?

ANDY: Yes, I need a break. I_________ go to Aruba.

LEO: That sounds great! How long are you going to be away?

ANDY: I_________ be away for two weeks.

LEO: When are you leaving?

ANDY: I don't know exactly. I_________ probably leave at the end of the month.

LEO: Where_________ you _________ to stay?

ANDY: I_________ to stay at the Sunflower Hotel.

LEO: That sounds like fun.

ANDY: Maybe I_________ go

to the casino.

LEO: _________ you rent a jet ski?

ANDY: I'm not sure yet. Maybe I_________

rent a jet ski, if it is not too

An airline is an organization which
provides aviation services to passengers serve, makes analysis of the airline
and/or cargo. It owns or leases aircraft industry somewhat complex. Nevertheless,
such as airliners which supplies these some patterns have emerged in the last 50
services and may form partnerships or years:
alliances with other airlines for reasons of
mutual benefit. • The general pattern of ownership has
gone from government owned or
Industry Overview supported to independent, for-profit public
companies. This occurs as regulators
An airline company may consist of a permit greater freedom in steps that are
single airplane carrying mail or cargo, or usually decades apart. This process has
a full-service international airline not been completed with all airlines in all
operating many hundreds of airplanes of regions.
various types. Airline services can be
categorized as being intercontinental, • The demand for air travel services is
intracontinental, regional or domestic and derived demand. That is, it depends on
may be operated as scheduled services other things: business needs for cargo
or charters. shipments, business passenger demand,
The variety of airline companies, their
operating scope, and the routes they

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deregulation began in 1978. Many

international airline managers are actively
lobbying their governments to permit
greater consolidation, in order to achieve
higher economies of scale and greater

Early Development of Airlines in

leisure passenger demand and all these the U.S.
needs are influenced by macroeconomic Following World War I, the United States
activity in the markets under study. These found itself swamped with aviators. Many
patterns are highly seasonal, and often pilots decided to take their war-surplus
day-of-week, time-of-day, and even aircraft on barnstorming campaigns,
directionally variable. performing acrobatic maneuvers for crowds.
In 1918, the United States Postal Service
• Notwithstanding these demand patterns, won the financial backing of Congress to
the overall trend of demand has been begin experimenting with air mail service,
consistently increasing. In the 1950s and initially using Curtiss Jenny aircraft that
1960s, annual growth rates of 15% or had been procured by the United States
more were common. Annual growth of Army for reconnaissance missions on the
5-6% persisted through the 1980s and Western Front. The Army was the first to
1990s. Growth rates were not consistent fly these missions, but quickly lost the
in all regions, but areas where contract when they proved to be too
deregulation provided more competition unreliable. By the mid-1920s, the Postal
and greater pricing freedom resulted in Service had developed its own air mail
lower fares and sometimes dramatic network, based on a transcontinental
spurts in traffic growth. The U.S., backbone between New York, New York
Australia, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, and other and San Francisco, California. To supplant
markets exhibited this trend. this service, they offered twelve contracts
for spur routes to independent bidders: the
• The airline industry is cyclical; four or five carriers that won these routes would,
years of poor performance are followed by through time and mergers, evolve into
five to six years of gradually improving Braniff Airlines, American Airlines, United
good performance. But profitability in the Airlines (originally a division of Boeing),
good years is generally low, in the range of Trans World Airlines, Northwest Airlines,
2-3% net profit after interest and tax. It is and Eastern Airlines, to name a few.
in this time that airlines begin paying for
new generations of airplanes and other Passenger service during the early 1920s
service upgrades they ordered to respond was sporadic at best: most airlines at the
to the increased demand. Since 1980, the time were focused on carrying bags of mail.
industry as a whole has not earned back In 1925, however, Ford Motor Company
the cost of capital during the best times. launched the Stout Aircraft Company and
Furthermore, in bad times losses can be began construction of the all-metal Ford
dramatically worse.

• As in many mature industries,

consolidation is a trend, as airlines form
new business combinations, ranging from
loose, limited bilateral partnerships to
long-term multi-faceted alliances of groups
of companies. Since governments often
restrict ownership and mergers between
companies in different countries, most
consolidations take place with the
company’s country of origin. In the U.S.,
over 200 airlines have been merged, taken
over, or simply gone out of business since
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Trimotor, the first successful American

airliner. With a 12-passenger capacity, it
made passenger service potentially
profitable. Air service was seen as a
supplement to rail service in the American
transportation network.

At the same time, entrepreneur Juan Trippe

began a crusade to create an air network
that would link America to the world. He
achieved this goal through his airline, Pan
American World Airways, and a fleet of
flying boats that linked Los Angeles to
Shanghai and Boston to London. Pan Am Amsterdam to London in 1920. Since the
was the only U.S. airline to go international Netherlands is a small country with few
before the 1940s, and it quickly became a potential passengers, KLM has depended
symbol of the potential of the American heavily on transfer-passengers and was
airline industry. one of the first to introduce the hub-system
to facilitate easy connections.
With the introduction of the Boeing 247 and
Douglas DC-3 in the 1930s, the U.S. airline United Kingdom's flag carrier during this
industry was generally profitable, even period was Imperial Airways, which
during the Great Depression. This trend became BOAC (British Overseas Airlines
continued until the beginning of World War Co.) in 1939. Imperial Airways used huge
II. Handley-Page biplanes for routes
between London, the Middle East, and
The first countries in Europe to embrace air India: images of Imperial aircraft in the
transport were France, Germany and the middle of the Rub'al Khali, being
Netherlands. France began an air mail maintained by Bedouins, are among the
service to Morocco in 1919 that was most famous pictures from the heyday of
bought out in 1927, renamed Aéropostale, the British Empire.
and injected with capital to become a major
international carrier. In 1933, Aéropostale Development of Airlines Post-1945
went bankrupt, was nationalized, and
became Air France. As governments met to set the standards
and scope for an emergent civil air
The German airline industry began with industry toward the end of the war, it was
Lufthansa in 1926, which, unlike other no surprise that the U.S. took a position of
airlines at the time, became a major maximum operating freedom. After all,
investor in airlines in the developing world, U.S. airline companies were not
founding Varig and Avianca. German devastated by the war, as European
airliners built by Junkers, Dornier, and companies and the few Asian companies
Fokker were the most advanced in the had been. This preference for ‘open skies’
world at the time. The peak of German air operating regimes continues, with
travel came in the mid-1930s, when Nazi limitations, to this day.
propaganda ministers approved the start of
commercial zeppelin service: the big World War II, like World War I, brought
airships were a symbol of industrial might, new life to the airline industry. Many
but the fact that they used flammable airlines in the Allied countries were flush
hydrogen gas raised safety concerns that from lease contracts to the military, and
culminated with the Hindenburg disaster of foresaw a future explosive demand for civil
1937. air transport, for both passengers and
cargo. They were eager to invest in the
In 1919, the Dutch airline KLM was founded. newly emerging flagships of air travel such
It is the oldest carrier operating under its as the Boeing Stratocruiser, Lockheed
original name. The first flight transported Constellation, and Douglas DC-6. Most of
two English passengers from Schiphol, these new aircraft were based on American
bombers such as the B-29, which had
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spearheaded research into new technologies

such as pressurization. Most offered
increased efficiency from both added speed
and greater payload.

In the 1950s, the De Havilland Comet,

Boeing 707, Douglas DC-8, and Sud Aviation
Caravelle became the first flagships of the
Jet Age in the West, while the Soviet Union
bloc countered with the Tupolev Tu-104 and
Tupolev Tu-124 in the fleets of state-owned
carriers such as Aeroflot and
Interflug. The Vickers Viscount and Lockheed L-188 Electra inaugurated turboprop

The next big boost for the airlines would come in the 1970s, when the Boeing 747,
McDonnell Douglas DC-10, and Lockheed L-1011 introduced widebody or ‘jumbo jet’
service, which is still the standard in international travel. The Tupolev Tu-144 and its
Western counterpart, Concorde, made supersonic travel a reality. In 1972, Airbus began
producing Europe's first commercially successful line of airliners to date. The added
efficiencies for these aircraft were often not in speed, but in passenger capacity,
payload, and range.
r i t i n g ue s t i o
Questions for discussion

How can airlines be categorized?

What kind of demand is air travel service?
How many airlines have gone out of business since the deregulation began in 1978?
What kind of planes were used for mail services?
What is the name of the German airline company?
Which companies did Germany establish in the Third World?
What is the oldest airline in the world?
Name some of the widebody planes.


Modals, or modal auxiliaries, are helping verbs. They are used to convey many different kinds
of meaning; two of which are ‘necessity’ and ‘suggestion’.
Function Modal(s) Example
necessity have got to You have got to get your passport in time for the trip!
have to You have to visit the duty free shop in the airport.
must You must go through customs before boarding the plane.
suggestion let’s Let’s explore the waterfront before we leave.
why don’t Why don’t we visit the Gold Museum?

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Avianca is an airline based in Bogotá,

Colombia. It is Colombia's national airline
operating international scheduled services,
as well as domestic and charter flights. Its
base of operations is El Dorado Airport in

HISTORY de Cafeteros (National Federation of Coffee

Growers of Colombia) would retain 25%
ownership, down from 50%, with the option
Avianca is the third airline ever to operate to sell out completely after 3 years. Valores
in the history of aviation, after KLM of the Bavaria, the owner of the Colombian
Netherlands, and the second one to fly in brewery Bavaria, would sell its 50% holding.
the Americas after Chalk's Ocean Airways. The pilots, who presented their own letter
Currently, Avianca holds the title as second of intent to the court on November 16,
oldest airline in the world still operating objected to the Ocean Air plan.
under its original name, second to
KLM.The airline was established in June After several discussions with the pilots, an
1940 after the merger of SCADTA and understanding was reached between the
‘Servicio Aéreo Colombiano’. investors and interested parties. The
Ocean Air plan was eventually approved
Over the decades Avianca expanded their by debt holders and confirmed by Judge
routes to include all of South America, as Allan Gropper of the U.S. District Court for
well as Central America, the United States the Southern District of New York, and the
and the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, airline was able to emerge from Chapter
Mexico, and parts of Europe. Avianca's 11 Protection in December 2004, with
fleet has included the Boeing 727, Boeing Germán Efromovich as its newest owner.
707, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, and Boeing
767. They have since retired the 707s, In March 2005, Avianca reported that it had
727s and 747s but have added the Fokker achieved significant net profits at the end
50 and MD-83s to their fleet. of 2004 (about $132 million ), contrasting
with heavy 2003 losses (about $135
In March 2002, Avianca combined with its million).The new restructuring process,
domestic subsidiary, SAM Colombia, and together with cost cutting measures saved
merged with ACES Colombia to form the the company $70 million. Efromovich's
Summa Alliance and operations began on investment, debt restructing and partial
May 20, 2002. On March 21, 2003 Avianca debt payments, placed the company in a
filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection positive economic position as the year 2005
with debts of $446 million and, following began.
the grounding of ACES Colombia in
August 2003, Summa was officially
dismantled the following November.

Continental Airlines placed a bid to

acquire Avianca and combine it with its
Panamanian unit, Copa Airlines. On
November 17, 2004 the newspaper El
Tiempo reported that this bid was
superseded by a proposal by Group
OceanAir/Grupo Synergy, owned by the
Brazilian entrepreneur Germán
Efromovich, to invest $63 million.

The creditors backed this plan with more

than 99% of the vote, and the Bankruptcy
Court of the Southern District of New York
approved it. OceanAir would take 75% of
the company, and the Federación Nacional
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The second conditional structure is used to talk about imaginary situations and
the consequences.

Example: If I had a car, I could visit my friend.

(But the truth is, I do not have a car, and I cannot visit my friend).

The second conditional structure is also used to talk about imaginary abilities and
the consequences.

Example: If I could fly, I wouldn’t need a car.

(But the truth is, I cannot fly, and so I need a car.)

Use the third conditional to talk about past events. Use it to describe what could
have happened (event ‘b’) as a result of something else (event ‘a’). However,
neither event a nor event b happened. Therefore the third conditional describes
hypothetical, imaginary situations.

If I had been at home yesterday, I’d have got your phone call.
(But, I was not at home, and I didn’t receive your call.)

The third conditional is often used to criticize:

If you had worked harder, you wouldn’t have failed the test.
(But you didn’t work hard and you failed the test).

Or it can be used to express regret:

If I hadn’t spent all my money, I could’ve bought a computer.
(But I spent all my money and I couldn’t buy a computer).

Or it can be used to express relief:

If we’d taken that route, we’d have been stuck in the traffic jam for hours!
(But we didn’t take that route, and we didn’t get stuck)

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On 10 December 2004, Avianca concluded
one of the most important and ambitious
reorganization processes, undertaken
after filing for 'Chapter 11' bankruptcy
protection, by obtaining confirmation of its
reorganization plan, which was financially
backed by the Brazilian consortium,
OceanAir/Synergy Group and the National
Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia,
allowing the airline to obtain funds for
US$63 million, in the 13 months following
withdrawal from C-11. Photo:

Synergy Group owns and operates OceanAir, which services around thirty cities in Brazil,
as well as VIP, an airline in Ecuador, Taxi Aero, a charter airline in Brazil and the recently
acquired Wayra, in Peru, as well as Turb Serv, dedicated to the maintenance of turbines.

In 2009, OceanAir and VIP Ecuador were rebranded as Avianca, to consolidate as one
airline, following the ambitious expansion plans of the airline.


The merger of Colombia's Avianca

and Salvadoran-based TACA is the
latest sign that consolidation in the
Latin American airline sector is
picking up.

The newly formed Holdco – which

would be controlled jointly by Avianca
and TACA – instantly became one of
the region's largest airlines after
Brazil's TAM and GOL, with 129
aircraft and flights to more than 100 destinations.
In November 2009, the airline's Chief Executive Fabio Villegas announced that the airline
was looking to replace its Fokker 50 and Fokker 100 aircrafts with newer aircrafts of 100
seats or less. The 10 Fokker 50s and 15 Fokker 100s were operated on flights shorter than
one-and-a-half hours. Aircraft manufactured by Brazil's Embraer, Canada's Bombardier
Aerospace and the Airbus A318 were considered for the replacement.

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In December 2010, the airline made the decision to retire the Fokker 100 aircraft in
2011, and replaced them with 10 Airbus A318 leased from GECAS from 2011–2018.


On November 10, 2010, Star

Alliance announced Avianca (and its
merger counterpart, TACA) to
become full member in mid-2012.
Due to Avianca's entry into Star
Alliance, it has ended its codeshare
agreement with Delta Air Lines and
began a new codeshare agreement
with United Airlines. TACA had been
codesharing with United Airlines
since 2006. On June 21, 2012,
Avianca and TACA were both
officially admitted into Star Alliance.


Avianca and TACA changed their
image to the Avianca brand on May
28, 2013 in order to have only one
brand in the aviation industry.

On March 21, 2013, at the Annual

General Meeting, the shareholders
approved the change of corporate
name from AviancaTaca Holdings
S.A. to Avianca Holdings S.A.

49 Forty-nine
Focus Entertainment Sc 1 - 6.pdf 55 10/04/2014 05:37:25 p.m.

Look for more information about:

1. Famous air accidents

2. Other Airline Alliances
3. Military aircrafts


50 Fifty
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Real Scene Three

¨The universe is thought to be a finite or infinite space-time

continuum in which all matter and energy exist.¨
- State University

MY GOAL: Once I complete Scenario 06, I’ll understand how to use the ‘two
part verbs’. I will also learn to make requests using modals and the ‘would you mind’
structure, and how to connect words expressing cause and effect, and contrast. Through
the reading material, I will learn more about the universe, our galaxy and the mysterious
‘black holes’.


1. How much do you know about astronomy?

2. How many known galaxies are there?
3. What is a black hole?


In physical cosmology, the Big Bang is a scientific theory that speculates the universe
emerged from an enormously dense, hot state nearly 14 billion years ago. The Big Bang
is a consequence of the observed Hubble's Law velocities of distant galaxies that, when
taken together with the cosmological principle imply that space is expanding according
to the Friedmann model of general relativity. Extrapolated into the past, these observations
show that the universe has expanded from a primeval state, in which all the matter and
energy in the universe existed at an immense temperature and density. Physicists do
not widely agree on what happened before this, although general relativity predicts a
gravitational singularity.
The term ‘Big Bang’ is used both in a narrow sense to refer to a point in time when the
observed expansion of the universe (Hubble's law) began—calculated to be 13.7 billion
years ago—and, in a more general sense, to refer to the prevailing cosmological paradigm
explaining the origin and expansion of the universe, as well as the composition of
primordial matter through nucleosynthesis as predicted by the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow
One consequence of the Big Bang is that the conditions of today's universe are different
from the conditions in the past or in the future. From this model, George Gamow was
able to predict in 1948, at least qualitatively, the existence of cosmic microwave background
radiation (CMB). The CMB was discovered in the 1960s and served as confirmation of
the Big Bang theory over its chief rival, the steady state theory.

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe originated in an extremely dense and hot
state. Since then, space itself has expanded with the passage of time, carrying the
galaxies with it.

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Many verbs in English are followed by an adverb or a preposition and these two-part verbs,
also called phrasal verbs, change the meaning of the expression in unpredictable ways.
e.g. ‘drop off’ = stop and give something to someone
Would you drop this off at the post office?
‘come up with’ = to invent
Can you come up with some ideas to save money in the next quarter?
‘get through with’ = to finish
When you get through with that job, could you come and see me?
‘hurry up’ = to go faster
Please hurry up! The taxi is waiting outside.

ri t i n g

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences using a suitable phrasal verb.
- Break down - Clear up (become bright for weather)

- Speak Up (speak louder) - Show off (show how good you are at something)

- Turn Up (appear/arrive) - Get on

- Close down - Grow up

- Fall off - Move in

1. Be careful on that horse! Don’t fall off!

2. Sorry I’m late. The car broke down on the way here.

3. How did you __________________ in your interview yesterday?

4. There used to be a very good shop on the corner but it _________________ a year ago.

5. “We’ve bought a new house”. “Oh, have you?” When are you ___________________?

6. Wayne is 8 years old. When he ________________, he wants to be a pilot.

7. I arranged to meet Jim after work last night but he didn’t _______________________.

8. The weather’s horrible, isn’t it? I hope it __________________ later.

9. We all know how wonderful you are. There’s no need to _________________________.

10. (On the telephone) I can’t hear you very well. Can you ________________________ a bit?

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The Milky Way, sometimes referred to

simply as ‘the Galaxy’, is a barred spiral
galaxy which forms part of the Local
Group. Although the Milky Way is but one
of billions of galaxies in the universe, the
Galaxy has special significance to
humanity as it is the home of our solar
system, which is located near the Orion
Arm. Democritus (460 BC - 370 BC) was
the first known person to claim that the Stellar astronomy is the study of stars.
Milky Way consists of distant stars.
All stars, except the Sun, appear to the
The term ‘milky’ originates from the hazy human eye as shining points in the
band of white light appearing across the night-time sky that twinkle because of the
celestial sphere visible from Earth, which effect of the Earth's atmosphere.
comprises stars and other material lying Interferometer telescopes are required in
within the galactic plane. The galaxy order to produce images of these objects.
appears brightest in the direction of
Sagittarius, towards the galactic center. The Sun is also a star, but it is close
enough to Earth to appear as a disk
A star is a massive body of plasma in outer instead, and to provide daylight.
space that is currently producing or has
produced energy through nuclear fusion. Stars are not spread uniformly across the
Unlike a planet, from which most light is universe, but are typically grouped into
reflected, a star emits light because of its galaxies. A typical galaxy contains
intense heat. Scientifically, stars are hundreds of billions of stars.The majority of
defined as ‘self-gravitating spheres of stars are gravitationally bound to other
plasma in hydrostatic equilibrium, which stars, forming binary stars. Larger groups
generate their own energy through the called ‘star clusters’ also exist.
process of nuclear fusion’. Small (dwarf)
stars, such as the Sun, generally have
essentially featureless disks with only Astronomers estimate that there are at
small starspots. Larger (giant) stars have least 70 sextillion stars in the known
much bigger, much more obvious universe. That is 70 000 000 000 000 000
starspots, and also exhibit strong stellar 000 000, or 230 billion times as many as
limb-darkening meaning the brightness the 300 billion in our own Milky Way.
decreases towards the edge of the stellar
disk. Many stars are between 1 billion and 10
billion years old. Some stars may even be
close to 13.7 billion years old, which is the
observed age of the universe.

They range in size from the tiny neutron

stars (which are actually dead stars) no
bigger than a city, to supergiants like the
North Star (Polaris) and Betelgeuse, in the
Orion constellation, which have a diameter
about 1,000 times larger than the Sun.
However, these have a much lower density
than the Sun.

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With a mass only 93 times that of Jupiter,

AB Doradus C, a companion to AB
Doradus A, is the smallest known star
undergoing nuclear fusion in its core.
Smaller bodies are brown dwarfs, which
occupy a poorly-defined grey area between
stars and gas giants. The minimum mass
a star can have is estimated to be in the
vicinity of 75 Jupiters.

The energy produced by stars radiates into

space as electromagnetic radiation, as a
stream of neutrinos from the star's core,
One of the most massive stars known is and as a stream of particles from the star's
Carinae, with 100–150 times as much outer layers (its stellar wind).
mass as the Sun. Recent work by Donald
Figer, an astronomer at the Space The peak frequency of the light depends
Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, on the temperature of the outer layers of
Maryland, suggests that 150 solar masses the star. Besides the emitted visible light,
is the upper limit of stars in the current era the ultraviolet and infrared components are
of the universe. typically significant. The apparent
brightness of a star is measured by its
He used the Hubble Space Telescope to apparent magnitude.
observe about a thousand stars in the
Arches Cluster, a massive young star The nearest star to the Earth, apart from
cluster near the core of the Milky Way, and the Sun, is Proxima Centauri, which is 39.9
found no stars over that limit despite a trillion kilometres, or 4.2 light years away
statistical expectation that there should be (light from Proxima Centauri takes 4.2
several. The reason for this Limit is not years to reach Earth). Travelling at the orbit
precisely known, but the Eddington limit is speed of the Space Shuttle (5 miles per
part of the answer. The very first stars to second -- almost 30,000 kilometers per
form after the Big Bang may have been hour), it would take about 150,000 years to
larger, up to 300 solar masses or more, get there. Distances like this are typical
due to the complete absence of elements inside galactic discs, where the Sun and
heavier than lithium in their composition. Earth are located. Stars can be much
This generation of supermassive stars is closer to each other in the centres of
long extinct, however, and currently only galaxies and globular clusters, or much
theoretical. further apart in galactic halos.

‘Would’ is a modal verb used when we ask someone to do something. We use ‘would’ to
make the request less demanding.
‘Gerunds’ are verbs that end in ‘-ing’ and function as a noun.
We use ‘Would you mind…’ plus a gerund to make a polite request.
e.g. Would you mind looking after my dog on Monday?
Would you mind giving me some help this weekend?
Would you mind typing this letter for me?

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ri t i n g
Exercise 3

Match the requests with the appropriate responses.

1. Could you lend me fifty pesos? a. We're sorry. We'll talk more quietly.

2. Would you mind picking up a b. Sorry. I'll do it right away.

hamburger for me?

3. Can you help me move into my c. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize this
house tomorrow? was a non-smoking section.

4. Would you mind not smoking here? d. Are you kidding? I'm broke!

5. Would you please move your car? e. I'm sorry, but I'm busy.
It's blocking my driveway.

6. Would you mind not talking so loudly? f. Sure, no problem. I'd be glad to.

relativity, neither matter nor information can

flow from the interior of a black hole to an
outside observer. For example, one cannot
bring out any of its mass, or receive a
reflection back by shining a light source
such as a flashlight, or retrieve any
information about the material that has
entered the black hole.
Quantum-mechanical effects may allow
matter and energy to radiate from black
holes; however, it is thought that the nature
of the radiation does not depend on what
has fallen into the black hole in the past.

What Is a Black Hole? ri t i n g


Exercise 4
A black hole is a concentration of mass
great enough that the force of gravity
prevents anything from escaping from it Write a short paragraph outlining
except through quantum tunneling how the universe was created.
behavior. The gravitational field is so strong
that the escape velocity near it exceeds
the speed of light. This implies that nothing,
not even light, can escape its gravity,
hence the word ‘black’. The term ‘black
hole’ is widespread, even though it does
not refer to a hole in the usual sense, but
rather a region of space from which nothing
can return.

Black holes are predicted by general

relativity. According to classical general

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Connectives join two clauses, and show the relationship between them.
The relationship can show:

a contrast Although, but, even though, however, despite, in spite of

a cause because, because of, as a result of, due to
an effect so, consequently, as a result, thus, therefore

These words cannot be used interchangeably. They may be located in different places
with in the sentence, and they may use a different grammar.

a) Connectives showing Contrast

Compare these sentences with the same meaning:

i It is sunny but temperatures are low.

ii Although it is sunny, temperatures are low. / Even though it is sunny, temperatures

are low.

Temperatures are low, even though / although it’s sunny.

iii It is sunny. However, temperatures are low.

iv Despite the sun, temperatures are low.

In spite of the sun, temperatures are low.

Despite / In spite of it being sunny, temperatures are low.

b) Connectives showing a Cause

Compare these sentences with the same meaning.

i I arrived late because the traffic was bad.

Because the traffic was bad, I arrived late.

ii I arrived late because of the bad traffic. OR Because of the bad traffic, I arrived
I arrived late due to the bad traffic. OR Due to the bad traffic, I arrived late.
I arrived late as a result of the bad traffic. OR As a result of the bad traffic, I arrived

c) Connectives showing Effect

Compare these sentences with the same meaning.

i We were late so we missed the beginning of the show.

ii We were late and thus we missed the beginning of the show.

We were late and consequently we missed the beginning of the show.
We were late and as a result we missed the beginning of the show.
We were late and therefore we missed the beginning of the show.

56 Fifty-six
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Look for more information about:

1. Carl Sagan
2. Stephen Hawking


57 Fifty-seven
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Real Scene Three

“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography
all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard,
the people you have loved.”
― Ansel Adams

MY GOAL: Once I finish Scenario 07, I will understand how to use infinitives and
gerunds, as well as using imperatives and infinitives for giving suggestions, and the
Future Continuous Tense will also be explained. I will find through the reading material,
information about the history of photography and tips to take professional quality pictures.


1. Have you had training in photography?

2. What is important to take into account when taking a quality picture?
3. Do you know the origins of photography?


Photography started with a camera and

the basic idea has been around since
about the 5th Century B.C. For centu-
ries these were just ideas until an Iraqi
scientist developed something called
the camera obscura in the 11th Century.
Even then, the camera did not actually
record images, they simply projected
them onto another surface. The images
were also upside down. The first
camera obscuras used a pinhole in a
tent to project an image from outside the
tent into the darkened area. It took until
the 17th Century for camera obscuras to
be made small enough to be portable
and basic lenses to be added.

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Permanent Images

Photography as we know it today began in the late 1830s in France when

Joseph Nicéphore Niépce used a portable camera obscura to expose a pewter
plate coated with bitumen to light. This is the first recorded image that did not
fade quickly.

• Daguerreotype

This experiment led to collaboration between Niépce and Louis Daguerre that
resulted in the creation of the Daguerreotype. Daguerreotypes were the forerun-
ners to our modern film. A copper plate was coated with silver and exposed to
iodine vapor before it was exposed to light. To create the image on the plate, the
earlier Daguerreotypes had to be exposed to light for up to 15 minutes. The
Daguerreotype was very popular until it was replaced in the late 1850s by emul-
sion plates.

• Emulsion Plates

Emulsion plates, or wet plates, were less expensive than Daguerreotypes and
took only two or three seconds of exposure time. This made them much more
suited to portrait photography, which was the most common photography at the
time. These wet plates used an emulsion process called the Collodion process,
rather than a simple coating on the image plate. Two of these emulsion plates
were ambrotype and tintype. Ambrotypes used a glass plate instead of the
copper plate of the Daguerreotypes. Tintypes used a tin plate. While these plates
were much more sensitive to light, they had to be developed quickly. It was
during this time that bellows were added to cameras to help with focusing.

• Dry Plates

In the 1870s, photography took another huge leap forward. Richard Maddox
improved on a previous invention to make dry gelatine plates that were nearly
equal with wet plates for speed and quality. These dry plates could be stored
rather than made as needed. This allowed photographers much more freedom
in taking photographs. Cameras were also able to be smaller so that they could
be hand-held. As exposure times decreased, the first camera with a mechanical
shutter was developed.

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A ‘gerund’ is a word based on a verb that ends in ‘-ing’ and functions as a noun.
An ‘infinitive’ is a word based on a verb that functions as a noun, adjective or
adverb. It’s form is always to + verb form.

I use my camera to take pictures. I use my camera for taking pictures.

Flash is used to take quality outdoor pictures. Flash is used for taking quality outdoor

Photography was only for professionals or the
very rich until George Eastman started a com-
pany called Kodak in the 1880s. Eastman
created a flexible roll film that did not require the
constant changing of solid plates. This allowed
him to develop a self-contained box camera that
held 100 exposures of film. This camera had a
small single lens with no focusing adjustment.
The consumer would take pictures and then
send the camera back to the factory for the film
to be developed. This was the first camera
cheap enough for the average person to afford.
The film was still large in comparison to today's 35mm film. It took until the late
1940s for 35mm film to become cheap enough for most people to afford.


Around 1930, Henri-Cartier Bresson and

other photographers began to use small
35mm cameras to capture images of life as
it occurred rather than staged portrait shots.
When World War II started in 1939, many
photojournalists adopted this style. The
posed portraits of World War I soldiers gave
way to graphic images of war and its
aftermath. These images, such as Joel
Rosenthal's photograph, Raising the Flag
on Iwo Jima brought the reality of war

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across the ocean and helped galvanize the American people like never
before. This style of capturing decisive moments shaped the face of
photography forever.

At the same time 35mm cameras were
becoming popular, Polaroid introduced
the Model 95. Model 95 used a secret
chemical process to develop film inside
the camera in less than a minute. This
new camera was fairly expensive but the
novelty of instant images caught the
public's attention. By the mid-1960s,
Polaroid had many models on the
market and the price had dropped so
Photo: that even more people could afford it.

While the French introduced the permanent image, the Japanese brought
easy control of their images to the photographer. In the 1950s Asahi, which
later became Pentax, introduced the Asahiflex and Nikon introduced its Nikon
F camera. These were both SLR-type cameras and the Nikon F allowed for
interchangeable lenses and other accessories. For the next 30 years
SLR-type cameras remained the camera of choice and many improvements
were introduced to both the cameras and the film itself.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s compact
cameras that were capable of making
image control decisions on their own were
introduced. These "point and shoot"
cameras calculated shutter speed,
aperture, and focus; leaving photographers
free to concentrate on composition. While
these cameras became immensely popular
with casual photographers, professionals
and serious amateurs continued to prefer to
make their own adjustments to image
control. Photo:

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In the 1980s and 1990s, numerous manufacturers worked on cameras that
stored images electronically. The first of these were point and shoot cameras
that used digital media instead of film. By 1991, Kodak had produced the first
digital camera advanced enough to be used successfully by professionals.
Other manufacturers quickly followed and today Canon, Nikon, Pentax, and
other manufacturers all offer advanced digital SLR cameras. Even the most
basic point and shoot camera now takes higher quality images than Niépce’s
pewter plate.


Imperatives are used to tell people what to do, give instructions and advice, make
recommendations and suggestions, and for making offers.
e.g. Come in and sit down, please.
Infinitives are words based on verbs that function as nouns, adjectives or adverbs.
e.g. We must study to learn.


Whether you are a beginner or more experienced with photography, there are
some tips that will benefit you and give you better results. Here are some
common issues that you may have to deal with and some tips on how you can
use them to your advantage.

Compose in Thirds

To use the rule of thirds,

imagine four lines, two lying
horizontally across the image
and two vertical creating nine
even squares. Some images
will look best with the focal point
in the center square, but placing
the subject off center will often
create a more aesthetically
composed photograph.

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Avoid Camera Shake

Use both hands, one around the body and one around the lens and hold the
camera close to your body for support. Also make sure you are using a shutter
speed that matches the lens focal length. So if you’re using a 100mm lens,
then your shutter speed should be no lower than 1/100th of a second. Use a
tripod or monopod whenever possible. In lieu of this, use a tree or a wall to
stabilize the camera.

Create a Sense of Depth

When photographing landscapes it

really helps to create a sense of
depth, in other words, make the
viewer feel like they are there. Use
wide-angle lens for a panoramic
view and a small aperture of f/16 or
smaller to keep the foreground and
background sharp. Placing an
object or person in the foreground
helps give a sense of scale and
emphasizes how far away the
distance is. Use a tripod if possible,
as a small aperture usually
requires a slower shutter speed.

Use Simple Backgrounds

The simple approach is usually the

best in digital photography, and you
have to decide what needs to be in
the shot, while not including anything
that is a distraction. If possible,
choose a plain. You want the eye to
be drawn to the focal point of the
image rather than a patch of color or
an odd building in the background.
This is vital in a shot where the
model is placed off center.

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a) Use the future continuous to talk about an event that will already be in progress
at a specified time in the future.

This time next week, I’ll be driving to my parents’ house.

Phrases often seen with this use of the future continuous include:
By ..., This time next week..., In __ years’ time...; when + present simple; by the time
+ present simple.

When you arrive, I’ll be driving home.

By the time I get home, you’ll probably be having a bath.

b) The future continuous can be used instead of the present continuous for future

Will you be going to Jane’s party?

Yes, but I’ll be getting there a bit late, because I’m going to a meeting after work.

c) We can also use the future continuous to make a guess about something that is
in progress at the moment.

Don’t phone Richard now, he’ll be having dinner.

Oh no, I forgot about the dinner! It’ll be burning, I know it!

These sentences are not about the future but we can use the future continuous to
talk about what we assume is happening at the moment.

Don't Use Flash Indoors

Flash can look harsh and unnatural

especially for indoor portraits. Therefore,
there are various ways you can take an
image indoors without resorting to flash.
First, push the ISO up – usually ISO 800
to 1600 will make a big difference for the
shutter speed you can choose. Use the
widest aperture possible – this way more
light will reach the sensor and you will
have a nice blurred background. Using a
tripod or an I.S. (Image Stabilization)
lens is also a great way to avoid blur.

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Choose the Right ISO

The ISO setting determines how sensitive your camera is to light and also how
fine the grain of your image is. The ISO we choose depends on the situation –
when it’s dark we need to push the ISO up to a higher number, say anything from
400 – 3200 as this will make the camera more sensitive to light and then we can
avoid blurring. On sunny days we can choose ISO 100 or the Auto setting as we
have more light to work with.

Photo: Pan to Create Motion

If you want to capture a subject in

motion, then use the panning technique.
To do this, choose a shutter speed
around two steps lower than necessary
– so for 1/250, we’d choose 1/60. Keep
your camera on the subject with your
finger half way down on the shutter to
lock the focus and when ready, take the
photo, remembering to follow them as
they move. Use a tripod or monopod if
possible to avoid camera shake and get
clear movement lines.

Experiment with Shutter Speed

Don’t be afraid to play with the shutter

speed to create some interesting
effects. When taking a night time shot,
use a tripod and try shooting with the
shutter speed set at 4 seconds. You will
see that the movement of the object is
captured along with some light trails. If
you choose a faster shutter speed of
say 1/250th of a second, the trails will
not be as long or bright; instead you will
freeze the action. This technique works
well if you are using a tripod and if you
are photographing a moving object.

65 Sixty-five
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Look for more information about:

1. Film developing
2. Famous photographers
3. National Geographic photo contest


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Real Scene Three

"The term ‘fashion’ applies to a characteristic means of expression

or presentation; fashion may follow trends, in which they gain or
lose popularity."
- Wikipedia

MY GOAL: When I’ve completed Scenario 08, I’ll understand how to use relative
clauses of time and adverbial clauses of time, as well as modal verbs. The reading
material will present to me some interesting information about the world of fashion and
the lives of some famous fashion designers.

1. Who are the most famous fashion designers in your country?

2. What is the relationship between fashion and status?
3. What are your favorite fashion brands?

Fields Prone to Fashions
Fashions are a social psychology phenomena common to many fields of human activity
and thinking.
Although the concept frequently applies to clothes and other aspects of appearance, it
can also apply to:
• music, art, politics, philosophy
• mathematics, the choice of programming techniques
• economic trends, e.g. behavioral finance

Fashion exists in the interstices of aesthetics with innovation,

coupled with pleasing details and expenses.


Fashion can suggest or signal a status in a
social group. Groups with high cultural
status like to stay 'in fashion' to display their
position; people who do not stay 'in fashion'
within a so-called ‘style tribe’ can risk
shunning . Because staying 'in fashion' often
requires considerable amounts of money,
fashion can be used to show off wealth.
Adherence to fashion trends can thus form
an index of social affluence and an indicator
of social mobility.

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Fashion can help attract a partner. As well ‘Fashion sense’ is the ability to tell what
as revealing certain features of a person's clothing and/or accessories look good and
personality that appeal to prospective what doesn't. Since the entire notion of
mates, keeping up with fashion can fashion depends on subjectivity, so does the
advertise a person's status to such question of who possesses ‘fashion sense’.
candidates. Some people style themselves as ‘fashion
consultants’ and charge clients to help them
Perhaps even more importantly, it sends to choose what to wear. Designers show the
a signal of superiority to potential public what is new and in style by using
competitors of the same gender, who are fashion models to display the clothing. Image
frequently better informed about what's consultants help people revamp or create
fashionable than the potential mates are. fashion sense.
Conversely, a person who exhibits a
fashion style that rejects or deliberately Fashion can operate differently depending
tries to offend the current trend may also on gender, or it can promote homogeneity
have an advantage in finding other as in unisex styles.
like-minded individuals.


A relative clause gives more information about a subject or an object. They usually
follow and ‘agree’ with the noun they modify and often occur between a subject and
a verb.
e.g. September is the month when people celebrate love and friendship.
July 24th is the day when the Colombian Fashion show is held.
Halloween is a night when people wear costumes.



Special Days
Talk about your favorite fashion
style or a famous fashion show
in your country.

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Yves Saint-Laurent
Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent,
born August 1st, 1936 in Oran, Algeria, is
a French fashion designer.

Early Career
Born to insurance-company manager
Charles Saint-Laurent and his socialite
wife, Lucienne Mathieu, members of a
family from Alsace-Lorraine that settled in
North Africa during the Franco-Prussian
War, Saint Laurent left home at the age of
17 to work for the designer Christian Dior.
Following the death of Dior in 1957,
Saint–Laurent, at the age of 21, was put
in charge of saving the Dior House from
financial ruin. Saint-Laurent’s designs,
together with his lover Pierre Berge’s
financial acumen, helped save the firm.
The couple split romantically in 1976 but
remained together in business.

Military Service
and Catherine Deneuve, the iconic french
Shortly after this success, he was actress.
conscripted to serve in the French Army
during the Algerian War of Independence. In 1993, the Saint-Laurent fashion house
After 20 days, the stress of being hazed was sold to the pharmaceuticals company
by fellow soldiers led the fragile Saint Sanofi for approximately $600,000,000. In
Laurent to be institutionalized in a French 1999, Gucci bought the YSL brand and Tom
mental hospital, where he underwent Ford designed the ready-to-wear collection
psychiatric treatment, including while Saint-Laurent designed the haute
electroshock therapy, for a nervous couture collection.
Since his retirement in 1998, Saint-Laurent
has become increasingly reclusive and has
The House of Yves Saint-Laurent spent much of his time at his house in
In the wake of his nervous breakdown, Marrakech, Morocco.
Saint Laurent was released from Dior and
started his own label together with Pierre In 2002, dogged by years of poor health,
Bergé with the now-famous initials of YSL. drug abuse, depression, alcoholism,
During the 1960s and 1970s the firm criticisms of YSL designs and problems with
popularized fashion trends such as the lead designer Tom Ford, Saint-Laurent and
beatnik look, tweed suits, tight pants and Gucci closed the illustrious couture house
tall tight-high boots. Among his muses of YSL.
were Loulou de La Falaise, an Anglo-Irish
fashion model, Betty Catroux, the The pret-a-porter line is still being produced
half-Brazilian daughter of an American under the direction of Stefano Pilati after Tom
diplomat and wife of a French decorator, Ford retired in 2004.

69 Sixty-nine
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Pierre Cardin
Fashion designer, Pierre Cardin was born
in 1922, near Venice, Italy to French
parents. He moved to Paris in 1945 where
he studied architecture and worked with
French designer, Jeanne Paquin, after the
war. Work with another well-known
designer, Esla Schiaparelli, followed until
he became head of Christian Dior’s
tailleure atelier in 1947. He founded his
own house in 1950 and began designing
haute couture in 1953.
He is known for his avant-garde style and
is referred to as a ‘space age designer’.
He prefers geometric shapes and motifs
and often ignores the female form. He
often designs unisex fashions, is
experimental and not usually practical; he
introduced the ‘bubble dress’ in 1954.
In 1959, he was expelled from the
Chambre Syndicale for launching a
ready-to-wear collection for the Printemps
department store, but was soon reinstated.
However, he resigned from the Chambre
Syndicale in 1966 and now shows his
collections in his own venue, the Espace
Cardin (opened 1971) in Paris, formerly
the Théâtre des Ambassadeurs, near the Couture from 1953 to 1993. Like many other
American Embassy. The Espace Cardin designers, Cardin decided in 1994 to show
is also used to promote new artistic his collection only to a small circle of selected
talents, like theater ensembles and clients and journalists.
Cardin was the first couturier to recognize Cardin purchased Maxim's Restaurants in
Japan as a high fashion market when he 1981 and soon opened branches in New
travelled there in 1959. His fellow York, London, and Beijing. A chain of
designer, Andrè Oliver, who joined him in Maxim's Hotels are now included in the
1971 and assumed responsibility for the assets. Cardin has also licenced a wide
haute couture collections in 1987, died in range of food products under that name.
1993. Cardin owns the ruins of the castle in
He was a member of the Chambre Lacoste, Vaucluse that was formerly
Syndicale de la Haute Couture et du inhabitated by the Marquis de Sade. He has
Prêt-à-Porter and of the Maison du Haute partially renovated the site and regularly
organizes theatre festivals there.
Gianni Versace
Gianni Versace (December 2nd, 1946 – his own clothes. Several of his designs were
July 15th, 1997) was a fashion designer sold at the family store.
and occasional photographer from
Calabria, in southern Italy. He is well Versace's first career success came in 1972,
known for launching the Versace clothing when he was contracted by an Italian clothing
line. company to create a collection. In 1974, his
name was seen on his own designs for the
Versace was born to a family who owned first time when he signed with the Complices
a tailoring store in Reggio Calabria. As a Trademark. In 1978, he opened his first
young boy, he learned to design and make boutique. In 1985, his Instante Collection hit

70 Seventy
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the runway and Versace became a

world-wide famous fashion designer
alongside Ralph Lauren, Oscar De La
Renta, Carlota Alfaro and Giorgio Armani.
He was a personal designer for famous
celebrities such as Courtney Love, Jon
Bon Jovi and Elton John. Versace was
particularly known for his innovative
designs in leather.
Versace was awarded the coveted
American Fashion Oscar on February 1st,
In 1992, Gianni Versace moved to Miami
Beach, Florida and purchased a home at
1116 Ocean Drive formerly known as the
Amsterdam Palace for $2.9 million.
After receiving city approval to demolish
the Revere Hotel next-door, a two-story,
6,100-foot addition was built, transforming
the entire structure into a palatial home
which Versace named ‘Casa Casuarina’.
Gianni Versace's initial connection with
Miami, South Beach, came when he four other people in a killing spree, became
designed the sensual a prime suspect. Cunanan fled and hid from
T-shirt-and-pastel-jacket look for the the police. Eight days later he committed
television show Miami Vice. The look suicide on a houseboat on Miami Beach that
exuded a fresh style that would soon was under siege by armed police.
sweep the country and set the tone for a
decade of wild and reckless living. After the death of Gianni Versace, his sister,
Donatella Versace, took over his business
Versace was murdered on July 15th, 1997 and continued usage of the family's
outside his Miami Beach mansion; he was trademark of bright colors and designs. His
shot to death on his front steps. Andrew lover, Antonio D'Amico, later started his own
Cunanan, who was wanted for murdering design company.

ue s t i o ri t i n g
Questions for discussion

Where was Yves Saint-Laurent from?

What happened after Christian Dior's death?
How much did Sanofi pay for the fashion house?
How long ago did Saint-Laurent retire?
What kind of store did the Versace family have?
Name some famous celebrities that Versace designed for.
What is ‘Casa Casuarina’?
How did Versace die?
Who is Donatella Versace?
When and where was Pierre Cardin born?
What happened in 1959?
What famous restaurant did he buy?

71 Seventy-one
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ri t i n g

Write a paragraph about a famous designer you know.

lk i n g

JOHN: Look at these pictures, Amy. They're really beautiful.

AMY: Those pictures were taken at the last fashion show.

JOHN: When did it take place?

AMY: Oh! That was two months ago in Medellin, Colombia.

JOHN: Before you go, please let me have a copy of them. They are


An adverb is a word that describes or adds to the meaning of a verb.

A clause is a group of related words containing a subject and a verb. It forms a sentence or
part of a sentence and often functions as a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
An adverb clause of time is introduced by an adverb of time and they relate to the time at
which the subject of the sentence is occurring.
Clause Adverb Clause example
When When he comes, he will tell us the story.
While Monica was reading while Tom was writing.
After After the ceremony, the organizers offered them a cocktail.
Before Before the guests leave, the designers give them samples.
Until I will stay with the baby until you come home.

ri t i n g
Exercise 2

Match the clauses in the first column with the clauses in the column in front.

1. Before a man and a woman get married a. his friends often give him a
bachelor party.
2. Before a man gets married,… b. her friends give her a wedding
3. When a woman gets engaged,… c. they usually date each other for
a year or so.

72 Seventy-two
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Giorgio Armani
Giorgio Armani is an Italian fashion
designer, born in 1934 in Piacenza, Italy,
particularly noted for his menswear.

Armani trained in medicine, giving it up

for photography, but was called up for
National Service in 1957. Afterwards, he
got a job in a department store, La
Rinascente, as a window dresser.

From 1961 to 1970, Armani worked as a

designer under Nino Cerruti, whom he left
in order to do freelance work.
In 1974, with assistance from his partner,
Sergio Galeotti, he established his own
company, Giorgio Armani S.p.A. with a
menswear label. He introduced a ladies'
wear line in 1975. Quote
"The difference between style and fashion
He is known for his clean, tailored lines. is quality.”
He achieved his international - Giorgio Armani.
breakthrough by tailoring for numerous
Hollywood names and especially for
Richard Gere in the title role of American Ralph Lauren
Gigolo in 1980/81. His sister, Rosanna Ralph Lauren is a world-famous fashion
Armani, joined him in the company after designer born in the Bronx, New York in
Galeotti died in 1985. In 1996, Armani was 1939.
one of several designers convicted of
corruption in Italy. Lauren was born to Jewish immigrants,
In 2002, he was appointed as a Goodwill Frank and Frida Lipschitz. His father was a
Ambassador for the United Nations High house painter. The family was part of a
Commissioner for Refugees. society that was far different from the
country-club, old-money image of what would
eventually become Polo Ralph Lauren.

At a very young age, Ralph started working

after school to earn money to buy stylish,
expensive suits. Even then, he preferred
quality over quantity, and his attire soon
gave him a trendy reputation among his

At age 16, Ralph and his older brother Jerry

changed their last name from Lipschitz to
Lauren. Some people consider this a denial
of their Jewish heritage; Ralph considered
it necessary for success.

Although Lauren's future was to be in the

clothing and fashion industry, he did not
attend fashion school. Instead, he went to
the City College of New York where he
studied business; he dropped out after two
years. From 1962 to 1964, he served in the
United States Army.

73 Seventy-three
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He married Ricky Low-Beer in 1964. A

blond Viennese dancer, educated and
sophisticated with a European outlook,
she was his ideal muse.

He then worked as a Brooks Brothers

salesman before purchasing the Polo
label that he started with Brooks in 1967.
In 1968, he opened his own tie business,
Polo Fashions, after securing a $50,000
loan from a financial banker.

Since then, Lauren's fashion empire has

grown into a billion-dollar business.

In 1984, he recreated the Rhinelander

Mansion in New York City into the flagship
store for Polo Ralph Lauren.
Ralph and his wife, Ricky, have two sons
In the mid-1990s, Polo Ralph Lauren and a daughter: Andrew, David, and
became a publicly traded company and Dylan. David is an executive at Ralph
entered the New York Stock Exchange Lauren Media.
under the symbol ‘RL’.
Lauren is also well-known as a collector
In late 2004, Lauren added a new brand of classic automobiles. His cars have won
under his name called ‘Rugby’, which he ‘Best in Show’ at the prestigious Pebble
targets towards college consumers. Beach Concours d'Elegance multiple
So far, he has opened stores in Boston, times. His collection was recently
Charlottesville and Chapel Hill, North displayed at the Boston Museum of Fine
Carolina, with plans to expand. Arts.


Use May and Might to talk about what will possibly happen in the future.

May and Might mean maybe will. They can refer to the future or the present.

I might have a pen in my bag. ( = present use)
She may arrive tomorrow. ( = future use)

May and Might are modal verbs, like can, will and should, so they follow the same

74 Seventy-four
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Chloe, Fendi, and Chanel have all notably
been touched by the hands and soul of the
notorious Karl Lagerfeld. He was born in
Germany in the 30s (he remains very
secretive about the actual year of his birth),
moved to Paris at 14 to work as a
draftsman, by 17 was working for Pierre
Balmain, and Valentino soon to follow.
Vogue has called Lagerfeld the
"unparalleled interpreter of the mood of the
moment," and today his many ventures
include designing everything from shoes to
Photo: wedding dresses to crystal art collections.
Born in 1932 and trained by the famous
Cristobal Balenciaga and Antonio Castillo,
Oscar de la Renta (or Oscar Aristides de la
Renta Fiallo) first gained international
acclaim after he became one of the
couturiers to dress First Lady Jacqueline
Kennedy in the 1960's. Combining his Latin
American passion and adoration for bright
and festive colors and an exquisite eye for
luxury fabrics and embellishments, Oscar Photo:
de la Renta has a truly innate ability to design beautifully feminine garments. Perhaps
most well-known for his red-carpet gowns, Oscar's eponymous fashion house
continues to dress some of the most notable celebrities and leading women of our time.

Gabriell "Coco" Chanel was born in 1883 in
France and spent her childhood in an
orphanage where she was taught to sew by
nuns. At 20 she opened her first shop in
Paris and sold hats, soon after making
clothing, and by the 1920s launched Chanel
No. 5 - the first perfume to feature a
designer's name. In 1925, she introduced
the now legendary collarless suit jacket and
fitted skirt. She remained Chief Designer of
her line until her death in 1971.

75 Seventy-five
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When inspiration for your first
collection comes from Sophia
Loren, you know you have
something special. Not afraid to
celebrate the curvaceous female
form, the masterminds behind
Dolce & Gabbana. Stefano and
Domenico have created signature
styles including corset dresses,
gangster pinstripes and sexy black
suits. The company was started by Photo:
Italian designers Domenico Dolce
(born August 13, 1958 in Polizzi Generosa, Sicily) and Stefano Gabbana (born
November 14, 1962 in Milan). By 2005 their turnover was 597 million. The two met
in Milan in 1980 and worked for the same fashion house. In 1982 they established
a designer consulting studio; in time it grew to become Dolce & Gabbana. While
they have produced menswear collections, they will always be known for their desire
to make a woman look and feel "fantastically sexy," and stand out as Hollywood's
number one choice of designer.


1)Should have can be used to express regret about the past – to wish that something
in the past had happened in a different way:
I should have studied for my exam!
(I didn’t study for my exams. I failed. Now I wish that the past was different.)

2)Should have can also be used to talk about something you expected to happen,
but it didn’t happen (or it didn’t happen until later).
The letter should have arrived by now, but it hasn’t come yet.
(I was expecting a letter, but it isn’t here).
Here’s the bus! It should have been here twenty minutes ago.
(The bus is late. It has just arrived).

Use have to to talk about something you must do.

I have to start work at eight.
Use don’t have to to talk about something that is not necessary.
You don’t have to work tomorrow, it’s Saturday.

76 Seventy-six
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Like Cher or Madonna, Valentino
Garavani is better known simply as
Valentino. Born in northern Italy in
1932, Valentino was infatuated with
fashion at an early age, gaining
apprenticeships and training with
many local designers. After a stint in
Paris working under notable fashion
designers, Valentino moved to
Rome where his signature scarlet
dresses have since become his
trademark. Then in the sixties,
Valentino took a risk that ultimately
catapulted him into stardom: he sent
Jacqueline Kennedy a series of his
pieces. The First Lady was
enamored by the designs and even
chose to wear one of his dresses
when she married her second

Look for more information about:

1. Famous fashion designers in your country

2. Latest Fashion trends
3. Anti fashion


77 Seventy-seven
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78 Seventy-eight
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Real Scene Three

"In naval parlance, watches are a timekeeping device or convention."

- Unknown

MY GOAL: After I complete Scenario 09, I’ll be able to express time contrasts
and to use the past perfect tense. I’ll also learn about the history of watches and a bit
of information about some of the most famous brands.


1. How many types of watches do you know?

2. In your opinion, what features should a perfect watch have?
3. Do you know the difference between a chronograph and a chronometer?

A watch is a small portable clock that displays the time and sometimes the day, date,
month and year. In modern times they are usually worn on the wrist with a watch-strap
made of leather, metal, or nylon. Before the 20th century, most watches were pocket
watches, which had covers, were carried separately in a pocket, and hooked to a watch
Current watches are often digital watches, using a piezoelectric crystal, usually quartz,
as an oscillator.

Pocket Watch
Sailors and explorers in the 15th century
required a portable method of timekeeping
in order to accurately navigate and map
their routes. The latitude could be
measured by looking at the stars, but the
only way a ship could measure its
longitude was by comparing timezones;
by comparing the midday time of the local
longitude to a European meridian (usually
Paris or Greenwich), a sailor could know
how far he was from home. However, the
process was notoriously unreliable until
the introduction of John Harrison's
chronometer. For that reason, most maps
from the 15th century to the 18th century
have precise latitudes but distorted

79 Seventy-nine
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Army contractors began to issue reliable,

cheap, mass-produced wristwatches which
were ideal for these purposes. When the
war ended, demobilized European and
American officers were allowed to keep
their wristwatches, helping to popularize
the items amongst middle-class western
civilian culture.

Today, nearly every westerner wears a

watch on his wrist, a direct result of the First
World War.

Wrist Watch Complicated Watches

The wristwatch was invented by Patek
Philippe at the end of the 19th century. It A complicated watch has one or more
was considered a woman's accessory functions beyond basic time-keeping
only. It was not until the beginning of the capabilities; such a functionality is called a
20th century that the Brazilian inventor, ‘complication’. Two popular complications
Alberto Santos-Dumont, who had are the ‘chronograph complication’, which
difficulty checking the time while in his is the ability of the watch movement to
first aircraft (Dumont was working on the function as a stopwatch, and the
invention of the aeroplane), asked his ‘moonphase complication’, which is a
friend, Louis Cartier, for a watch he could display of the lunar phase.
use more easily. Among watch enthusiasts, complicated
watches are especially collectible.
Cartier gave him a leather-band
wristwatch from which Dumont never Chronographs and Chronometers
separated. Being a popular figure in The similar-sounding terms ‘chronograph’
Paris, Cartier was soon able to sell these and ‘chronometer’ are often confused. A
watches to other men. During the First chronograph is a type of complication, as
World War, officers in all armies soon previously explained. A chronometer is a
discovered that in battlefield situations, watch or clock whose movement has been
quickly glancing at a watch on their wrist tested and certified to operate within a
was far more convenient than fumbling in certain standard of accuracy by the COSC
their jacket pockets for an old-fashioned (Contrôle Officiel Suisse des
pocket watch. Chronomètres).
In addition, as increasing numbers of The concepts are different but not mutually
officers were killed in the early stages of exclusive; a watch can be a chronograph, a
the war, non-commissioned officers chronometer, both, or neither.
promoted to replace them often did not
have pocket watches and relied on the
army to provide them with timekeepers.
Ordinary working-class soldiers were not
typically able to afford a middle-class item
such as a pocket watch.

As the scale of battles increased, artillery

and infantry officers were required to
synchronize watches in order to conduct
attacks at precise moments, whilst
artillery officers were in need of a large
number of accurate timekeepers for
rangefinding and gunnery.

80 Eighty
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Electromechanical Watches Advanced Watches

The first use of electrical power in As miniaturized electronics become
watches was as a source of energy to cheaper, more and more functionalities
replace the mainspring, and therefore to have been inserted into watches. Watches
remove the need for winding. The first have been developed containing
battery-powered watch, the Hamilton calculators, video games, digital cameras,
Electric 500, was released in 1957 by the keydrives, and cellular phones. In the early
Hamilton Watch Company of Lancaster, 1980s Seiko marketed a watch with a
Pennsylvania. television receiver in it. At the time,
however television receivers were too bulky
to fit in a wristwatch, and the actual receiver
Quartz Analog Watch and its power source were in a book-sized
The quartz analog watch is an electronic box with a cable that ran to the wristwatch.
watch that uses a piezoelectric quartz In the early 2000s, a self-contained
crystal as its timing element, coupled to wristwatch television receiver came on the
a mechanical movement that drives the market with a strong enough power source
hands. The first prototypes were made by to provide one hour of viewing.
the CEH research laboratory in
Switzerland in 1962. The first quartz Several companies have attempted to
watch to enter production was the Seiko develop a computer contained in a
35 SQ Astron, which appeared in 1969. wristwatch. As of 2005, the only
There are also several variations of the programmable computer watches to have
quartz watch as to what actually powers made it to market are the Seiko Ruputer
the movement. and the Fossil, Inc. WristPDA, although
many digital watches come with extremely
sophisticated data management software
Digital Watches built in.
In the second half of the 20th century,
cheaper electronics permitted the In 1990, radio-controlled wristwatches or
popularization of the digital watch which ‘atomic watches’ reached the market.
offered a numerical, rather than analog These wristwatches receive a radio signal
display. They were hugely popular at the from one of the national atomic clock
time and seen as revolutionary. Douglas facilities around the world, for example the
Adams, in the introduction of his novel, National Institute of Standards and
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Technology located in Colorado in the
says that humans were “so amazingly United States, and are extremely accurate.
primitive that they still think digital
watches are a pretty neat idea.”

The first digital watch, a Pulsar prototype

in 1970, was developed jointly by
Hamilton Watch Company and
Electro-Data. A retail version of the
Pulsar was put on sale in 1972. It had a
red light-emitting diode (LED) display.
LED displays were soon superseded by
liquid crystal displays (LCDs), which used
less battery power. The first LCD watch
with a six-digit LCD was the 1973 Seiko
06LC, although various forms of early
LCD watches with a four-digit display
were marketed as early as 1972. In
addition to the function of a timepiece,
digital watches can have additional
functions like a chronograph, calculator,
or video game.

81 Eighty-one
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st e n i

Listen and practice with a partner
LISA: Hey! That's a nice watch. It looks old.

MATT: It is. It used to be my grandfather's watch.

LISA: How old is it?

MATT I think it’s about 50 years old and it's still working fine.

LISA: That's nice. You know, watches have changed a lot over the
years. You can find them in many styles.

MATT: Yeah! In the future, they will be a lot more different than today.



A hundred years ago not These days, people are using In twenty years, there
many people used many different watches. will be many atomic
watches. watches.

People used to tell Today, you can buy Soon, people might be able
the time by a watch anywhere. to fly to other planets.
looking at the sun.

Thirty years ago, Nowadays, people use In the future,

digital watches were watches all the time. people are going to
invented. use space watches.

ri t i n g

Match the clauses in column A with the clauses in column B.


A- Before the watch was invented... 1- people follow the international time.

B- Before the wrist watch was invented... 2- there are clocks on the wall.

C- In most offices today... 3- people used to follow the stars.

D- In many places nowadays... 4- many people didn't know what

time it was.

E- Soon... 5- people will use atomic watches.

F- Some time in the future... 6- the time will be measured by speed of light.

82 Eighty-two
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Patek Philippe & Co. is one of the most Rolex watches generally have a reputation
famous and exclusive brands of for durability and accuracy.
wristwatches in the world. Patek Philippe
is currently owned by the Stern family. The company was founded by Hans
Antoine Patek started making pocket Wilsdorf, a German businessman who
watches in 1839 in Geneva, along with registered the trademark ‘Rolex’ in 1908.
fellow Polish immigrant Francois Czapek. The company name’s origin is obscure. One
They separated in 1844. In 1845, Patek story, never confirmed by Wilsdorf, is that it
joined with the French watchmaker came from the French term ‘horlogerie
Adrien Philippe, inventor of the keyless exquise’, meaning ‘exquisite watch industry’.
winding mechanism. In 1851, Patek
Philippe & Co. was born.
Wilsdorf's original company, Wilsdorf &
Davies, was founded in London in 1905, but
In 1868, Patek Philippe made the first he switched the name to ‘Rolex’ as part of
wristwatch in history. They have also a drive to popularize wrist-watches, which
pioneered the perpetual calendar, the at the time were still considered a novelty
chronograph and the minute repeater in largely for women. Pocket watches were
watches. Patek Philippe & Co. has more common for men. The company
produced quartz watches, but it has moved out of Britain in 1912 for tax and
never produced watches with digital export-duty reasons. It is now
displays. headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Patek is the maker of the most
complicated mechanical watch ever
made, the Calibre 89, created for the Among the company's innovations was a
150th anniversary of the company in 1989. self-winding watch. Invented in 1931, it
It holds 33 complications, including the was powered by an internal mechanism
date of Easter, a thermometer, time of that used the movement of the wearer's arm.
sunrise, equation of time, and sidereal This not only made watch-winding
time. unnecessary, but eliminated the problem of
over-winding a watch and harming its
Because of its exclusivity, luxury price mechanism.
tag, low volume production and high
production cost, Patek Philippe & Co. lost Rolex was also the first watch company to
the market and lost much of its business. create a truly waterproof watch, even
The Stern family took over the firm in attaching a watch to the side of a
1929. bathyscaphe that went to the bottom of the
Mariana Trench. Rolex has a reputation for
Patek Philippe & Co. produces many making watches that are suitable for
collectible watches, and is still a coveted deep-sea diving. The Oyster Perpetual Sea
luxury brand. Dweller 2000, released in 1971, was the
first watch to incorporate a gas release
Rolex valve to dispense helium during
Rolex is the brand of Swiss wristwatches decompression.
and accessories renowned for their
quality and exclusivity, as well as their
cost from several thousand to more than
a hundred thousand U.S. dollars. The
watches have become status symbols of
the wealthy. Rolex is an integrated
manufacturer, meaning that it
manufactures its own watch movements
as well as the case parts. This is rare
today. Many watchmakers, such as
Omega, simply re-decorate ETA or
Valjoux movements and only
manufacture their watchcases, dials and
83 Eighty-three
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Ian Fleming's James Bond character

wore a Rolex in his novels, and in the
early EON Production Bond films, Bond
was seen to wear a Rolex Submariner.

Among modern Rolex watches are the

Air-King, GMT II, Submariner, Daytona
Cosmograph, and the Yacht-Master.
Most Rolexes have a case design called
the ‘Oyster’.

Dressy designs are called ‘Cellini’. Types

of Rolex bracelets are the Oyster, the
Jubilee, and the President. Like many
high-priced, brand-name accessories,
Rolex watches are often counterfeited
and sold in markets around the world that
cater to tourists. These fakes are mainly
produced in China and Taiwan and retail
for about $30.

In July 2005, in Rome, it was possible to

buy a ‘Datejust’ for 20 Euros. Even the
self-winding mechanical movements are
sometimes copied, resulting in fakes that TAG Heuer
laymen find difficult to distinguish from TAG Heuer is a Swiss watchmaker known
originals. To the trained eye, however, for manufacturing mid-range sports
fakes usually appear more crudely made watches and chronographs for both men
and are, inevitably, less dependable. and women. Many of their watches are
water resistant to a depth of 200 meters or
more, which makes them extremely durable
for everyday use.

TAG Heuer was formed in 1985 when TAG

(Techniques d'Avant Garde), manufacturers
of high tech items such as ceramic
turbochargers for Formula One cars joined
the Heuer Group, which was already a
renowned watchmaker specializing in
racing chronographs. Together they
modernized the product line and became
one of the biggest names in Swiss watches.

TAG Heuer has always had a strong

connection with auto racing and, in fact,
became internationally known when Steve
McQueen wore a Heuer ‘Monaco’
chronograph in the 1971 film ‘Le Mans’.

A TAG Heuer stopwatch can be seen and

heard in the opening to the news program,
60 Minutes.

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a) The past perfect is a narrative tense. This means it is used when telling a story
about the past.

It is used in the same paragraph as verbs in the past simple tense, and is often used
in the same sentence as a past simple verb.

The past perfect describes an event which happened before another event in the
past. We use it when we do not want to say the events in the order they happened.

A sentence with the events in the order they happened:
John went to the shop on the way home from work, so he got home late.
Both verbs are in the past simple.

A sentence in which the events are NOT in order:

John got home late because he had gone to the shop on the way home from work.
The event which happened before the other verb is in the past perfect tense.

b) The past perfect is also used in other structures such as:

I wish: I wish I had cleaned the house!
Third Conditional: If I had practiced harder, we might have won the competition.

Look for more information about:

1. Most expensive watches

2. Watches worn by celebrities


85 Eighty-five
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86 Eighty-six
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Real Scene Three

"That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane... It's the
end of the world as we know it and I feel fine."

MY GOAL: After I complete Scenario 10, I’ll be able to use gerunds with affirmative
and negative statements and to show agreement or disagreement appropriately. I'll also
understand how to use ‘because’ clauses and, through the reading material, I’ll learn
about some theories about the end of the world.

1. Do you believe our world is near its end?

2. What end of the world theories do you know?
3. How do you believe the world will end?

Apocalyptic fiction is a sub-genre of
science fiction that is concerned with the
end of human civilization. This
apocalypse is typically portrayed as
being due to a potentially existential
catastrophe such as nuclear warfare,
pandemic, extraterrestrial attack,
high-impact event, cybernetic revolt,
technological singularity, dysgenics,
supernatural phenomena, divine
judgment, runaway climate change,
resource depletion, ecological collapse,
or some other general disasters.
Post-apocalyptic fiction is set in a world
or civilization after such a disaster. The
time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or
psychology of survivors, or considerably later, often including the theme that the
existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten (or mythologized).
Post-apocalyptic stories often take place in a non-technological future world, or a
world where only scattered elements of technology remain.

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The genre gained popularity after World War II, when the possibility of global
annihilation by nuclear weapons entered the public consciousness. However,
recognizable apocalyptic novels had existed since the first quarter of the 19th century,
when Mary Shelley's The Last Man was published.

A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ‘-ing.’ The gerund form of the verb ‘read’ is
‘reading.’ You can use a gerund as the subject, the complement, or the object of the sentence.

Affirmative Statements with Gerunds Agree Disagree

I like learning about feng shui. So do I. I don’t.
I’m very good at writing. So am I. Really? I’m terrible.
I love working in pairs. So do I. Well, I hate it.
Negative Statements with Gerunds
I don’t like sailing. Neither do I. I do!
I hate exercising in the morning. So do I. I love it!
I’m not good at learning new languages. Neither am I. Really? I am.

ri t i n g


Connect the phrases in column A with those in column B to make sentences about yourself.

1. I don't like a. talking on the phone.

2. I'm not very good at b. working with a woman.
3. I'm good at c. solving problems.
4. I hate d. doing laundry.
5. I can't stand e. working late at night.
6. I don't mind f. getting up early.
7. I enjoy g. dancing on weekends.

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The sun follows an 11-year cycle that is
currently building toward its "solar max,"
during which time the sun is more
active. When solar storms occur, the
sun can emit tides of electromagnetic
radiation and coronal mass ejections,
large bubbles of gas threaded with mag-
netic field lines. CMEs are essentially
balls of plasma, and when they reach
Earth, they release energy visible as
colorful auroras. They unleash static
discharges that can disrupt or knock out
power grids. Solar flares, eruptions of
supercharged protons, can reach Earth
in minutes and also have catastrophic

One of the most dangerous threats to
the human population is a simple virus.
Within the last century we’ve had four
major flu epidemics, as well as HIV and
SARS, and scientists says it’s inevitable
that another will occur. The 1918
influenza outbreak killed more people
than World War I, and if a deadly
contagion surfaced today, it could
spread even faster and infect even more
people. Considering how quickly
Photo: diseases spread though all forms of
modern transportation — and the
amount of international travel that takes place today — an outbreak similar to that of
1918 “could have a more devastating impact,” says Maria Zambon, head of the
Health Protection Agency's Influenza Laboratory.

89 Eighty-nine
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According to The Big Rip theory, our
bodies, the planet and the entire
universe will quite literally be torn apart.
The theory’s chief proponent, Robert
Caldwell of Dartmouth College, explains
that the universe is expanding — driven
by dark energy — and galaxies are
moving farther and farther away from
us. The rate of the universe’s expansion
is also constantly accelerating like a
vehicle that increases its speed by 10
mph for every mile it travels, and at
some point, the acceleration becomes
so fast that all objects are ripped apart. Photo:

According to climate scientists, once a
critical greenhouse gas concentration
threshold is passed, global warming will
continue even if we stop releasing gases
into the atmosphere. If this occurs, the
Earth’s climate will become more volatile,
resulting in catastrophic weather patterns.
Plus, as temperatures rise, food will
become scarce, air quality will worsen and
diseases will spread.


When a supernova explodes, it
unleashes a massive gamma ray, or
high-frequency electromagnetic radia-
tion. Most of these huge bursts of
energy take place too far away to harm
Earth, but if one occurred within 30
light-years from the sun, it would be
disastrous. The gamma ray would blow
apart a portion of the planet’s atmo-
sphere, produce worldwide fires and kill
most of Earth’s species in just a matter Photo:
of months.

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‘Because’ often introduces new information which is not known to the listener/reader. It puts
more emphasis on the reason. When the reason is the most important part of the sentence,
the because-clause usually comes at the end.

e.g. He bought a new home because he won the lottery.

I could never be a surgeon because I hate blood.
A because-clause can stand alone.
e.g. Why are you crying? Because John hit me.

ri t i n g

Exercise 2
Match the clauses in column A with the appropriate clauses in column B.
1. I wouldn't like to be a magician….. a. because I don't like hospitals.
2. I'd like to be an artist…… b. because I really like traveling.
3. I could never be a nurse….. c. because I'm very forgetful.
4. I would be a bad waiter…. d. because I'm terrible at doing tricks.
5. I could be a flight attendant…. e. because I'm very creative.

The Cold War is over, but the threat of
nuclear war still exists today, with a number
of countries possessing the capability of
deploying such destructive devices. In
addition to threats from the explosion and
radiation, there are also indirect effects
such as contaminated food and water
supplies, poor air quality, destruction of
power grids affecting communication and
transportation, and nuclear winter. It’s been
theorized that detonating nuclear weapons
will cause large amounts of smoke, soot
and debris to enter Earth’s stratosphere,
reducing sunlight for months or even years.
Such a nuclear winter would result in
severe cold temperatures and intrference
in food production.

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In 2028, the asteroid 1997XF11 will come close to hitting Earth, but scientists say
that won't actually happen. However, if it were to hit the planet, the mile-wide rock
would race toward the surface at roughly 30,000 mph and probably wipe out most
life on the planet. The species that did survive would be in for a rough life after such
a catastrophic event. Dust from the impact and ash from the forest fires would
remain in the Earth’s atmosphere for years, blocking sunlight and destroying plant
life, which would cause food shortages worldwide.


Look for more information about:

1. Other end of the world theories


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93 Ninety-three
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Real Scene Three

“Why would people attempt to break world records? Although most people
aim to break records for the sake of recognition and self-satisfaction,
others break records to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy.
Regardless of the motivation, only those people with the burning desire
and passion to accomplish a task and the persistence to pursue a goal
despite overwhelming obstacles will succeed.”
- Michael Rayer, psychiatrist and author

MY GOALS: After I complete Scenario 11, I will understand and be able to

correctly use both the active and passive voice in simple past and simple present
tense. I’ll learn about some of the most curious Guinness World Records through the
reading material.


1. What Guinness records do you know?

2. What is the reward for a Guinness record?
3. Are there any Guinness Records in your country?


Although best known for promoting the achievements of others, Guinness World
Records has, itself, achieved remarkable success. Established in 1955, the company
has developed its annual book into an international phenomenon published in more
than 100 countries and 37 languages. Their 2002 edition spent more than 20 weeks
on the New York Times bestseller list, making Guinness World Records the
highest-selling copyright book of all times. They are part of a leading independent
producer and distributor of high-quality family programming worldwide. An enterprise
established in 1989 called HIT Entertainment. As one of the fastest growing,
rights-owning companies in the world, and a specialist in children's character rights,
HIT enjoys a comprehensive distribution network and long-established relationships
with the world's leading broadcasters.
HIT was launched in October of 1989 by the former sales team of Henson
International Television, a subsidiary of Henson Associates, producers of
internationally acclaimed family programming such as The Muppet Show, Muppet
Babies and Fraggle Rock. The company floated on the London Stock Exchange in
1996 with a capitalization of $29 million and is now worth over $600 million. In
February 2001, HIT acquired U.S.-based Lyrick Studios, owners of preschool
phenomenon Barney The Dinosaur, creating a perfect union between two leaders in
the field of children's programming. Following the acquisition of Lyrick, HIT's new
structure of global divisions reflects both the transformation of the company into a
worldwide brand owner and the significant commercial opportunity HIT is realizing in
the U.S.

94 Ninety-four
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HIT is comprised of four global divisions:

Global Sales and Marketing covers
television, natural history, video and
consumer products; Global Creative
Production covers development, HOT
animation and all other production
activities; Global Finance brings together
the finance functions, IT, human
resources, operations and company
secretariat; and Global Legal and
Business Affairs handles all contractual
and business issues on a worldwide basis.
Leading HIT into the future is Bruce
Steinberg, Chief Executive of HIT
Entertainment, and Greg Dyke, Chairman,
supported by an executive team with
extensive experience in the international
entertainment industry.
content by carefully nurturing its existing
HIT has become one of the world's most characters and by investing in the
successful libraries of children's development of new properties. The
phenomenally successful catalogue of HIT
preschool characters includes Bob the
Builder, Barney, Kipper, Angelina
Ballerina, Percy the Park Keeper, and The
Magic Key. New projects in various stages
of production include Oswald,
Rubbadubbers, Pingu and Sheep.

HIT executives are confident that the

strong, established brands will continue to
perform well and that they will successfully
create further characters capable of similar
growth during the years to come.



Verbs can be either active or passive.

In the active voice, the subject is the agent or the doer of the action. The subject performs
the action expressed by the verb.

e.g. The dog bit the boy.

In this sentence the subject, the dog, is the one performing the action.

Scientists have conducted experiments to test the hypothesis.

The scientists are the subject of this sentence and they are the ones performing the action
of conducting experiments.

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With the passive voice, the subject is the target or the thing to which the action is done.
e.g. The ball was struck by the boy.
The verb phrase ‘was struck’ is in the passive
voice. The subject, the ball, is the thing
receiving the action described by the verb.

Gold has been found by the explorers.

The verb phrase ‘has been found’ is in the
passive voice. The subject is the gold, which
is being ‘found.’
Both the active and passive voice can be used with simple past tense to refer to an action that
started and finished at a specific time in the past.

ri t i n g

Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B.


1. The self portrait… a. was directed by Steven Spielberg.

2. The song ‘La Camisa Negra’… b. was written by Gabriel Garcia M.
3. The book ‘La Mala Hora’… c. was recorded by Michael Jackson.
4. The film ‘Jurassic Park’… d. was composed by Juanes.
5. The album ‘Thriller’… e. was painted by Vincent Van Gogh.

In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, then the managing director of the Guinness Brewery, went
on a shooting party and became involved in an argument. Which was the fastest game
bird in Europe – the golden plover or the grouse? He realized then that a book supplying
the answers to this sort of question might prove popular. He was right!
Sir Hugh’s idea became reality when Norris and Ross McWhirter, who had been running

96 Ninety-six
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a fact-finding agency in London, were commissioned to compile what became ‘The

Guinness Book of Records’. The first edition was bound on August 27, 1955 and went
to the top of the British bestseller lists by Christmas that year.
Since then, Guinness World Records™ has become a household name and the global
leader in world records. No other enterprise collects, confirms, accredits and presents
world record data with the same investment in comprehensiveness and authenticity.
"As the Keeper of the Records, I maintain
a vigilant watch to guarantee the accuracy
and relevance of each and every
Guinness World Record™, and my team
of researchers operates with unswerving
impartiality and commitment to veracity.
A fact may only become a Guinness
World Record™ when it’s tested, verified
and elevated above all suspicion".
The book has gone on to become a
record breaker in its own right. With sales
of more than 100 million copies in 100
different countries and 37 languages,
Guinness World Records™ is the world’s
best ever selling copyright book!




Active Voice

e.g. The movie fascinates me.

The subject, which is the movie, is the object that is
completing the action. It is being fascinating.

Passive Voice

The misbehaving child is scolded by her


Our mail carrier is barked at every


e.g. I am fascinated by the movie.

In this case, the subject is ‘I’ and the item to which the
action is happening. ‘I’ am being fascinated.

I am beaten to work by my boss every day.

Bagels are delivered to the office each Monday.

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ri t i n g

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences. Use the passive form of these verbs.



a. English _______________ in high school in Venezuela.

b. A great amount of coffee _______________ in Brazil.

c. Both Spanish and English _______________ in the Philippines .

d. USA _______________ of 50 states and a federal district.

e. Both cars and planes _______________ in France.

f. Liki Likis _______________ sometimes _______________ in Colombia.

g. The Boliviano is the currency that _______________ in Bolivia.

h. A lot of beef _______________ in Colombia.


Farthest milk squirting distance

Ilker Yilmaz (Turkey) squirted milk from
his eye a distance of 279.5 cm (9 ft 2 in)
at the Armada Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey on
September 1, 2004.


Hairiest teenager
The hairiest teenager is Supatra "Nat" Sasuphan
(Thailand) according to the Ferriman Gallwey method of
evaluation of Hirsutism. She was measured on the set of
Lo Show dei Record in Rome, Italy, on March 4, 2010.
Meeting Nat was one of the many highlights of the show
for on-screen adjudicator, Marco Frigatti. "She's a
remarkable little girl," says Marco. "She's proud of who she
is and wants to be treated just like everyone else. She's
not the one with the problem - it's only those who treat her
Photo: differently who've got the problem."
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And Nat agrees. "I don't feel any different to anyone else, and I've got lots of friends at
school." Now a celebrity, she's starting to enjoy her fame, and was thrilled by the chance
to visit a foreign country. "It's really fun and exciting," she said, "and it's my first time on
a plane. I've never been outside Thailand." But her most exciting experience was the
moment she was crowned Hairiest Child. "Being hairy makes me special," she said,
adding: "This is the happiest day of my life!"

Heaviest weight lifted by tongue

The greatest weight lifted with a human
tongue is 12.5 kg (27 lb 8.96 oz) by
Thomas Blackthorne (UK) who lifted
the weight hooked through his tongue
on the set of El Show Olímpico, in
Mexico City, Mexico, on 1 August 2008.

Longest distance walking over hot plates

The record for the longest distance walking
over hot plates is 22.90 m (75 ft 1 in) and was
achieved by Rolf Iven (Germany) on the set
of Lo Show Dei Record, in Milan, Italy, on 18
April 2009.

Longest duration living with
Kanchana Ketkaew (Thailand), lived
in a glass room measuring 12 m² (130
ft²) containing 5,320 scorpions for 33
days and nights at the Royal Garden
Plaza, Pattaya, Thailand, from 22
December 2008 to 24 January 2009.
Over the 33 days, she was stung
thirteen times.

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Longest fingernails (female) - ever

The longest fingernails belonged to
Lee Redmond (USA), who started to
grow them in 1979 and carefully
manicured them to reach a total length
of 8.65 m (28 ft 4.5 in) as measured on
the set of Lo show dei record in Madrid,
Spain, on 23 February 2008. Lee lost
her nails in an automobile accident in
early 2009.

Longest fingernails (male) - ever

The longest fingernails on a pair of
male hands belonged to Melvin Boothe
(USA) whose nails had a combined
length of 9.85 m (32 ft 3.8 in), when
measured in Troy, Michigan, USA on 30
May 2009. Unfortunately, Melvin
passed away in December 2009.


Most needles inserted into the head

The most needles on the head is 2,009
and was achieved by Wei Shengchu
(China) on the set of Lo Show dei
Record, in Milan, Italy, on 11 April 2009.


World’s Fastest Service

In the 1996 Guinness Book of World
Records, this Tapatío institution held
the record for world's fastest service:
13.5 seconds for a table of six.
Lightning service is made possible by
the menu's single item: ‘carne en su
jugo’, a combination of finely diced beef
and bacon simmered in rich beef broth
and served with grilled onions, tortillas,
and refried beans mixed with corn.

100 One hundred

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Look for more information about:

1. Funny world records

2. Guinness Records set by Latin Americans


101 One hundred-one

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Real Scene Three

"The term casino came to include other more public buildings where
pleasurable activities, including gambling and sports took place."
- Wikipedia

MY GOALS After I finish Scenario 12, I will learn how to differenciate the ‘simple
past tense’ and ‘past continuous tense’, and to use ‘present perfect continuous tense’
properly. The reading material will show me some interesting facts about casinos.

1. What is the history of blackjack?

2. Why do you think Las Vegas is important for players?
3. What are the best casinos in your city?


One night in 1832, four men played poker aboard a Mississippi steamboat. Three of the
men were professionals and the other was a helpless sucker from Natchez. The game
was rigged so that the young man from Natchez would lose all of his money.

Distraught, the young man attempted to escape his miseries by jumping into the river. An
observer prevented his suicide attempt and led the young man back to a cabin. The
mysterious observer then returned to the game with the three sharks. In the midst of a
high stakes pot, the observer caught one of the professionals cheating. He wrestled the
cheat and pulled a knife on him. The observer yelled, “Show your hand! If it contains more
than five cards I shall kill you!” As he twisted the cheater's wrist, six cards fell to the table.
The observer then took the $70,000 pot. He returned $50,000 to the man of Natchez and
kept $20,000 for himself.
“Who the devil are you, anyway?” cried the cheat.
'I am James Bowie.'

History of Blackjack
Blackjack is thought to have come from
France. It was known as ‘vingt-et-un’ or
‘twenty one’ around the 17th century. As
with most card games, we don't know the
exact origins of Blackjack and we can only
judge its history by its first known
appearance in the modern world. It is
believed that Blackjack descends from other
French games with similar rules but the
grounds for this theory are shaky. Card
games, especially casino games, involve
highly precise and carefully balanced odds.
It is unlikely that Blackjack in its present
form could evolve into that on its own.
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Blackjack is of interest to scientists as well.

Statistically, blackjack is not the simple
game it seems to be. Awesome amounts of
resources were devoted to produce a
single best strategy for blackjack. Some
success was definitely achieved and some
interesting systems were devised. In 1956,
R. Baldwin published an essay called ‘The
Optimum Strategy in Blackjack’ in the
Journal of the American Statistical
Association. Mathematicians Cantey,
McDermott, Maisel and Baldwin created the
groundwork for today's basic strategy for
blackjack. While being far from a
guaranteed winning strategy (which is
something that is impossible in properly
played casino games), Baldwin’s work
Blackjack arrived to United States soon piqued both the interest of the scientific and
after the French Revolution and quickly gambling community as it allowed a player
became popular. At the time, gambling to significantly reduce the house edge and
was unregulated and blackjack made the game even more attractive.
developed an enthusiastic following. In
1910, the State of Nevada introduced The Baldwin Strategy was later re-visited
legislature making gambling illegal and by professor Edward E. Thorp, who used
things went rapidly downhill. The newly available tools and resources, like
gambling industry became criminalized computer technology, to discover that card
and helped to create what we know decks ‘have memory.’
today as ‘gangsters.’
His work gave birth to the first
In 1931, Nevada saw the light, revoked mathematically sound blackjack card
its previous legislation, made gambling counting techniques and he went on to
legal once again and introduced laws to write a book called ‘Beat the Dealer’ in 1962.
protect the players. The book instantly became a bestseller
and contributed even more to the
With the birth of Las Vegas, blackjack popularity of blackjack despite the fact that
became the most popular casino table Thorp's technology was not easy to explain
game in the United States. While all and understand. Release of the book drew
other states in the country were reluctant somewhat serious attention of the media
to legalize casino gambling, Nevada and induced a state of panic in the casinos.
became the gambling capital of America Ultimately, the book greatly contributed to
and internationally famous. Today, the popularisation of blackjack and general
blackjack is considered to be the classic casino success.
casino game and is popular in Canada,
Britain, France and Russia.

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As computers became more powerful,

developments were made to the basic card
counting strategy. Newer and easier
strategies were developed and players
realized that they could, potentially,
approach blackjack as a career, a way of
making a living. This forced the casinos to
adopt the dubious practice of multi-deck
And then came Ken Uston.

Ken Uston did the impossible. Quoting

Time Magazine: "Ken Uston is good, too
good for the casinos to handle." Uston
turned everything upside down and
ushered in a new era of blackjack reality.
Today, blackjack remains both the most
popular and the most controversial casino
game. Thorp’s and Uston’s methods a number of court cases that decided in
forced the casinos to review their favor of the card counters who argue that
approach to games. The argument about counting cards is smart playing and not
the legality of card counting goes on despite cheating.


The past continuous tense is sometimes confused with the simple past tense.
The simple past tense is used to talk about actions that happened at a specific time in the
past and that are now finished.
e.g. Peter visited his friends in Florida two months ago.
She didn’t go on vacation last summer.
The past continuous or past progressive tense is used to talk about actions that were
in progress at a particular time in the past. The action had started, but had not finished.
e.g. They were doing their homework when she arrived.
Jack was studying while Dave was cooking dinner.
He wasn’t working when I came into the room.
The past continuous is also used to talk about something that happened at a precise moment
in the past.
e.g. I was attending a lecture at 2:30 yesterday afternoon.
What were you doing at 7 o’clock?

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ri t i n g

Exercise 1
Complete these sentences with information about yourself.
Use simple past or past continuous tense.

a. During my childhood...
b. I met my best friend while...
c. When I was going to high school...
d. Three years ago...
e. Last year...

The exact origins of poker are unclear. It
seems to have originated from a 16th century
Persian card game known as ‘As Nas.’ This
game was played with 25 cards and 5
different suits. The game progressed in a
similar fashion to modern 5 card stud and
had hands rankings, such as three-of-a-kind.
When Europeans began to play the game,
they called it 'poque' or 'pochen.'
While poker's origins may lie in Europe and
Persia, it truly developed in the United States.
Poker was first widely played in New
Orleans in the early 20th century. Prior to
the American Civil War, poker spread
quickly from New Orleans to towns and travelers and both groups enjoyed
throughout the Western frontier. Poker's gambling. Gambling suited the speculator's
spread was the result of the general individualistic and risk-taking traits.
spread of gambling during this period. The Unburdened by family needs and the social
West was largely populated by speculators stigmas of Southern and Northern culture,
travelers were allowed to indulge in this vice
for their own entertainment.
In 1998, the first online poker room was
launched. ‘Planet Poker’ enjoyed exclusive
status as the sole online poker firm for a
short period of time, but has since been
overtaken by many other online poker
rooms. The initial rate structure was set at
5%, up to a US$5 maximum by Planet
Poker and that has been mirrored by other
poker rooms. So, while the industry has
drastically changed since 1998, the rate
structure has remained fairly constant.

105 One hundred-five

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We use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about an action or actions that started
in the past and continued until recently or that continue into the future.
We can use it to refer to an action that has finished but you can still see evidence.
e.g. You look tired. Have you been sleeping properly?
We can use it to refer to an action that has not finished.
e.g. I’ve been learning Spanish for 20 years and I still don’t know very much.
And, the present perfect continuous tense can be used to refer to a series of actions.
e.g. He’s been phoning me all week for an answer.
The present perfect continuous tense is often used with expressions of time such as: since,
for, all week, for days, lately, recently, over the last few months.

ri t i n g
Exercise 2

Complete the following conversation by filling in the blanks with the correct form
of the verb provided.

TOM: What ________ you _______ _______ (do) these days?

SUE: Well, I ________ (spend) my free time playing cards.

SAM: ________ you ________ (work) full time this year?

TIM: Yes, I have. I ________ (work) at the Ceasar's Palace Casino.

ANA: How ________ you ________ (do) lately?

PAM: Great! I ________ (get) a lot of calls from friends,

and I _______ ________ _______ (not eat) too much fat or sugar.

BOB: ________ you ________ (get) enough exercise?

SUE: No, I’m not. I don’t________ (go) to the gym often enough.


The term ‘roulette’ is derived from a French word meaning ‘small wheel’. The origin of
roulette is not very clear. Some sources claim that Blaise Pascal, a 17th century French
mathematician invented the roulette wheel; other sources state that the game originated
in China and was brought to Europe by Dominican monks who were trading with the

106 One hundred-six

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During the late 18th century the roulette

wheel became very popular when Prince
Charles (ruler of Monaco at the time)
promoted gambling to Monaco as a way of
alleviating the country’s financial problems.

However, the modern version of the roulette

wheel did not appear until 1842 when
Frenchman Francois and Lois Blanc
invented the single ‘0’ roulette game.

The game came to America in the early

1800s, but the single ‘0’ modification was
rejected and the two zeros, ‘00’, were
returned to the roulette wheel. The roulette
wheel gained a great deal of popularity in
America during the California Gold Rush.

There are two types of roulette: American at American casinos, gamblers at European
roulette and European roulette. The casinos need to rely on memory to
American roulette wheel is numbered from distinguish their chips/bets from those of
1 to 36 and includes 0 and 00. Having two other players.
zeros gives the house a 5.26% advantage
over the players. In other words, for every Another difference between the two games
$100 a gambler bets, the house will make is that in European casinos croupiers use
$5.26 in profit. The European roulette a long stick known as a ‘rake’ to sweep in
wheel has 37 numbers and only one zero. the chips, while the American casino
Having one zero gives the house a 2.70% dealers use their hands and arms to sweep
advantage. For every $100 a gambler bets, the chips off the table.
the house will make $2.70 in profit.
The last major difference between the two
Another difference between American and types of roulette game is that if the ball
European roulette is the color of the lands on the zero (0) in a European casino,
gambling chips. While American casinos the gambler is offered the option of utilising
give the players different colored chips the ‘en prison’ rule, meaning he may
which allows the players to differentiate choose to either surrender one half of
their chips/bets from other players, the his/her outside wagers or to leave them for
European casinos give the players the the next game.
same coloured chips. Thus, unlike players

107 One hundred-seven

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Look for more information about:

1. Best Casinos in the world

2. Best Casinos in your city
3. Las Vegas Casinos

108 One hundred-eight

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Real Scene Three

"It is a movement, because it moves forward. As soon as it stops

moving, it becomes an Organisation, and is no longer scouting."
- Robert Baden

MY GOALS: Once I have completed Scenario 13, I will be able to correctly use
past and present participles as adjectives and I will know how to connect relative clauses
using ‘who’, ‘that’ or ‘which.’ I will also learn about camping, a popular recreational
activity, that can be enjoyed by people of all skill levels.


1. Do you go camping on a regular basis?

2. What are the types of camping?
3. Where can people go camping near your city?


Camping is an outdoor recreational activity that involves spending one or more nights
in a tent, a primitive structure, a travel trailer or a recreational vehicle at a campsite with
the purpose of getting away from civilization and enjoying nature. Camping includes
survivalist campers who set off with little more than their boots, to those who arrive in
large recreational vehicles equipped with their own electricity, heat, and patio furniture.
A Modern Campsite
Camping as a recreational activity did not become popular until the early 20th century.
It continues to be a response to the increasing urbanization and isolation of Western
society. Camping is often associated with a sense of nostalgia or of romanticism for 'the
times of our fathers.’ It simultaneously evokes images of ‘oneness with nature’ and ‘man
against nature’ – connection and communion with the natural environment but, also,
independence and self-sufficiency. Camping may be referred to colloquially as 'roughing

Camping can be an end unto itself, but

often it is done in conjunction with other
activities such as hiking, swimming, or
fishing. It may involve hiking or
backpacking to a distant location or it may
involve a series of day hikes from a central
location. National parks and other publicly
owned natural areas of interest are popular
venues for camping. Camping is often
restricted to designated sites by law in order
to prevent campers from damaging the

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Types of Camping
Campsites are designed according to the
degree of comfort desired by the camper.
Most campers prefer sites with special
facilities such as fire rings, bathrooms and
utilities, but not all campsites offer similar
levels of development. Campsites can
range from a bare piece of grass to a level,
paved pad with sewer and electricity.
These latter sites are often designated for
the use of handicapped campers.

Tent camping commonly employs an

automobile to transport equipment to an water and sewer services. Some retirees
established campground, although in the U.S. sell their homes and lead a
sometimes a pack animal, touring bicycle, nomadic lifestyle in their RVs, often moving
boat or bush plane may be used. Some with the seasons.
people camp with tents because they feel
that camping with a trailer (caravan) or Backpacking is a style of tent camping.
motorhome detracts from the experience Backpackers use lightweight equipment
of being out-of-doors. Because camping that can be carried long distances on foot.
gear is relatively inexpensive and rugged, They hike across the land, camping in
and can be used for years, tent camping is remote spots, often selecting campsites at
popular with young families. Children tend will, if resource protection rules allow.
to enjoy camping. Tent camping sites are Backpacking equipment costs more than
often less expensive than campsites with car camping equipment, but much less
full amenities. Most of them allow direct than a trailer or motorhome. Canoe
access by car. Some ‘walk-in’ sites can be camping is similar to backpacking, but uses
reached by a brief walk and do not require canoes for transportation. This style of
full backpacking equipment. camping is popular in eastern North
Recreational vehicles are like wheeled
houses. Some are quite luxurious, featuring Survivalist campers learn specialized
air conditioning, bathrooms, kitchens, skills to survive out-of-doors in any
showers, satellite TV and even internet situation. This challenging activity may
connections. RV campers often consider require obtaining food from the wild,
tent camping uncomfortable and emergency medical treatments,
inconvenient. In the United States, many orienteering, and pioneering.
campgrounds offer ‘hookups’ where
motorhomes are supplied with electricity, There are also many people who choose
to vacation in established camps with
cabins and other facilities. Many children
are sent to camp for periods during the
summer. Some camps have the traditional
woodsy orientation, some are operated by
religious institutions, and some children's
camps are educational. Hunting camps
are common in some regions, among both
subsistence cultures and developed ones.

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Workamping allows campers to trade their

labor for a free campsite, and sometimes
for utilities and additional pay.

The term ‘camping’ may also be applied to

those who live outdoors out of necessity or
for people waiting overnight in very long
lines. It does not, however, apply to primitive
societies whose technology does not
include sophisticated dwellings.

Participles come in two varieties: past and present. They are two of the five forms or principle
parts that every verb has. A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective to
describe a noun.
e.g. an interesting book
an interested student
When the noun being described is or was the performer of the activity, we use the present
participle. The participle ends in –ing.
e.g. The crying baby drew a long breath and sucked in a spider crouching in the
corner of the crib.
When the noun being described is or was being acted upon, we use the past participle. The
participle ends in –ed or –en.
e.g. The mangled pair of sunglasses, bruised face, broken arm, and bleeding knees
meant Jean had taken another spill on her mountain bike.

ri t i n g

Exercise 1

Complete these sentences with the adjective supplied.

a. I find nature films _______________________. (fascinate)

b. Camping is a very _______________________ activity. (interest)

c. I'm not _______________________ in wild animals. (interest)

d. I think preserving nature is an _____________________ activity. (excite)

e. I'm _______________________ by conservation books. (fascinate)

f. I thought Jurassic Park was a _______________________ movie. (bore)

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Camping Equipment

Common tent camping equipment includes:

- a tent, lean-to or other shelter

- a sleeping bag
- a sleeping pad or mattress to provide cushioning from stones and uneven ground
as well as insulation
- a portable stove for cooking
- a lantern or flashlight
- a hatchet, axe or saw
- matches or a lighter to start a fire

Some campers prepare food by cooking on a campfire or on a portable, gas-fueled stove

in areas where campfires are prohibited or when the weather makes a campfire impossible.
Much of the remaining needed camping equipment is commonly available in the home,
like dishes, pots and pans. Lists of recommended supplies are available in camping
books. Many people opt not to use their home items but to take equipment better
tailored to camping, such as heavy plastic tableware and salt and pepper shakers with
tops that close to keep out rain. Backpackers use special lightweight, highly portable

We use relative clauses to provide extra information. This information can define something
or provide unnecessary, but interesting, added information.

We use the word ‘who’ to connect relative clauses when we are talking about people.

e.g. The movie ‘Forest Gump’ is about a man who is very lucky.

We use the word ‘that’ to connect relative clauses when we are talking about things. Use
‘which’ when the information being added is essential to the meaning of the sentence.

e.g. I do not trust products that claim “all natural ingredients” because this phrase can
mean almost anything.

The word ‘which’ is also used to connect relative clauses when we are talking about things.
However, ‘which’ is used when the information being added is not essential to the sentence.
The information could be omitted and the subject would not suffer.

e.g. Diamonds, which are expensive, often elicit forgiveness.

ri t i n g
Exercise 2

Rewrite b answers using relative clauses.

a: Have you heard of 'Saturday Night Fever'?

b: Yes, it's a musical. It has some great songs.

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a: What's the movie 'Forest Gump' about?

b: It's about an American. He tells his life during the last four decades of the last
a: Did you enjoy reading Truman Capote's latest novel?
b: Yes! It was a great book. It's terrific.
a: Who is George Lucas?
b: He's a movie director. He's made some fantastic movies, such as Star Wars.


write a version of Aids to Scouting aimed at
The Boy Scouts organization was founded teenage boys. Scouting for Boys was
in 1908 in the wake of the publication of published in 1908, after Baden-Powell tried
the book Scouting For Boys by Lieutenant out his ideas on various groups of boys at
–General Robert Baden-Powell. a camp on Brownsea Island in Dorset,
A ‘boy scout’ originally referred to a male England.
between the ages of 12 and 17 who
participated in the boy scouts program but Scouting for Boys was initially printed in six
soon expanded to involve younger fortnightly parts, and sold very quickly.
children, aged 8 to 11, called ‘cub scouts’ Baden-Powell had originally intended
and young adults, aged 18 to 25, called Scouting for Boys to supplement the already
‘rovers.’ existing youth programs like the Boys
Brigade and the Boy’s Clubs, but boys who
At the first national scout gathering held in were not involved in these groups bought
the United Kingdom, Baden-Powell the book, set themselves up as Patrols of
discovered a great deal of interest in the Scouts and quickly found leaders to train
program by girls and, so, he and his sister them.
formed a parallel organization for girls
called the ‘Girl Guides.’ It didn’t take long for Baden-Powell to realize
some form of organization was required to
Presently, each scouting organization support these groups.
belonging to the World Scouting
Organization decides independently Scouting for Boys is now in fourth place on
whether its group will be for boys only or the all-time best sellers list, behind the Bible,
will be co-educational. the Koran and Mao-Tse-Tung’s, Little Red
The World Association of Girl Guides and
Girl Scouts is the parallel scouting
organization for girls and women in
Scouting.The movement began when
Baden-Powell returned to England as a
national hero, after defending the town of
Mafeking for seven months during Boer
War in South Africa. When he returned to
England, he discovered that many boys
and young men were avidly reading his
book, Aids to Scouting.

This book was intended as a military

training manual to teach soldiers
techniques such as observation, tracking
and initiative. Baden met with various
influential people in youth movements
across the country, and was persuaded to

113 One hundred-thirteen

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Look for more information about:

1. Best places in the world to go camping

2. Camping gear


114 One hundred-fourteen

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Real Scene Three

"Anyone who has ever loved an animal knows that there is a

tender soul and great intelligence and feeling in this creature."
- Sherrie Dobbie
MY GOAL: After completing Scenario 14, I will be able to correctly use modal
auxiliary verbs and adverbs of probability. I will also be able to use modals to express
the concepts of prohibition, obligation and permission, as well as the passive voice. I
will learn about animal intelligence and animal care through the reading material.


1. Do you believe animals have feelings?

2. Why do you think pets are important for people?
3. What organizations do you know that protect animals?


It seems that the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, discovered emotions in animals.
In his book, The History of Animals, he said, "Some are good-tempered, sluggish, and
little prone to ferocity, as the ox; others are quick-tempered, ferocious, and
unteachable, as the wild boar."

In modern society, the idea that animals have some of the same feelings as man is
winning advocates. Animal rights activists point to that concept as a reason to end man’s
exploitation of animals. The reformers are getting help from biologist, Marc Bekoff, of
the University of Colorado, who has compiled a new book, The Smile of the Dolphin,
in which dozens of animal researchers explain why they believe animals have emotions.


In the book Smile of the Dolphin, primate expert, Jane
Goodall, recounts the grief experienced by a chimpanzee
child named Flint after his mother, Flo, died in Africa’s
Gombe National Park. "Over the next three weeks, Flint
became increasingly lethargic. He stopped eating, and he
avoided other chimps, isolated in the vegetation close to
where he’d last seen Flo," she writes. The sad-eyed
mourner made his way to the spot where his mother had
lain next to a stream, and stared into the water until he
Chimpanzees, whose genetics differ from ours by only one
percent, can’t be said to weep, for they don’t shed tears,
yet they show behavior that’s associated with sadness,
depression, and grief in humans: soft whimpering, crying
sounds, listlessness, lack of appetite, avoidance of others.

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But are such animals truly ‘sad,’ in the

sense that they realize something is lost HUMAN-ANIMAL BOND
that will never be regained?
Clinton Sanders, a Professor of Sociology
at the University of Connecticut, writes that
"How can they be said to be happy, sad, or he studied a guide-dog training program to
angry if they don’t perceive themselves as find out more about the social bond
a separate being?" the skeptics ask. Others between dogs and people.
say it’s credible to count apes as capable
of feeling, but a broad stretch to attribute
emotions to lions or sheep. "For people who depend on dogs for special
assistance, knowing their animal
companions’ thought processes and
Marc Bekoff, Professor of Ecology and feelings is central to building an effective
Evolutionary Biology at the University of alliance," Sanders says. "The
Colorado, Boulder, says, “Does my dog, visually-impaired people with whom I talked
Flint, reflect and say, ‘I’m sad.’ I don’t know, often spoke of the special pleasure their
but he’s behaving as if he’s sad, and there’s dogs derived from doing the work they were
no reason to believe that he’s not sad.” trained for – and, in contrast, the
Bekoff adds that anyone who lives with a embarrassment they obviously felt when
dog knows when it’s happy, sad, or fearful. they made mistakes."


Jaak Panksepp, an expert in neuroscience

at Bowling Green State University in Ohio,
says he witnessed the power of the
mother-infant bond when his two female
cats, a mother and her daughter, each gave
birth in closets on opposite ends of his long,
ranch-style home. The mother cat gave
birth first, and the daughter, while awaiting
her babies’ arrival, took charge of the
mother’s brood, carrying them to her nest.
"Then we had a few days of chaos, as
mother and daughter repeatedly ferried the
kittens between their domains," Panksepp
recounts. "We know many of the
neurochemistries that activate these strong
(maternal) feelings. At the basic emotional
level, all mammals are remarkably similar."
So, what does it mean to believe that
animals have feelings? "It means they are
not just objects with which we can do what
we please," Bekoff says. But the broader
implications of viewing animals with more
sensitivity could mean dramatic societal Speaking activity:
changes, like stopping the factory
production of meat for humans, or granting Do you think animals have feelings?
animals more rights.
Provide an argument for your position.
"I think it will have a subtle, slow impact,"
says Bekoff, who’s a vegetarian. Have you ever had a close relationship
with an animal?
"I think the world is going to be different."

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Modal auxiliary verbs are used to enhance or restrict the main verb.
Verb Use Example
Could Expresses possibility I could pay my taxes.
Will Expresses future intent I will pay my taxes.
Must Expresses strong obligation I must pay my taxes.

Adverbs of probability tell us the likelihood of something

e.g. The rain could possibly cause flooding.
The rain will probably cause flooding.
The rain will definitely cause flooding.

ri t i n g

Exercise 1

Your horse seems lethargic and you want to ask your friends for advice.
Write sentences using the following phrases.
It could mean It might mean It must mean

Maybe it means Perhaps it means It probably means






The horse (Equus ferus caballus) is a sizeable, hooved mammal, one of seven modern
species of Equus. It has long played an important role in transport, whether ridden or
used for pulling a chariot, carriage, horse-drawn boat, stagecoach, tram, or plough. They
are also used for food in some countries. Though horses may have been domesticated
in one isolated locale in 4500 B.C., the unequivocal date of domestication

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and use as a means of transport dates to

no earlier than 2000 B.C., as evidenced by
the Sintashta chariot burials.

The donkey, a close cousin of the horse,

was likely domesticated and used for
transport around 3000 B.C.

Until the mid-20th century, armies used

horses extensively in warfare. Soldiers still
call the groups of machines that now
take the place of the horse on the
battlefield, ‘cavalry units.’

must have at least one Appaloosa parent

but may also have a Quarter Horse,
Thoroughbred, or Arabian parent and must
exhibit spotted coloration to gain full
registration. Still other breeds, such as most
of the warmblood sporthorses, require
individual judging of an individual animal's
quality before registration or breeding

Breed registries also differ as to their

acceptance or rejection of breeding
technology. For example, all Thoroughbred
registries require that a registered
Thoroughbred be a product of a natural
mating. A foal born of two Thoroughbred
parents by means of artificial insemination
The idea of a ‘purebred’ horse became is barred from the Thoroughbred studbook.
important in Europe during the 19th Some other breed registries allow artificial
century, but selective breeding has been insemination, embryo transfer, or both.
practiced everywhere man has kept horses.

The Arabs had a reputation for breeding

their prize mares to only the most worthy
stallions, and kept extensive pedigrees of
their horses. During the late Middle Ages,
the Carthusian monks of southern Spain,
themselves forbidden to ride, bred horses
which nobles throughout Europe prized;
the lineage survives to this day in the
Andalusian Horse or ‘Caballo de Pura Raza

The modern practice of breed designation

presents a complicated picture. Some
breeds have closed studbooks; a registered
Thoroughbred, Arabian, or Quarter Horse
must have two registered parents of the
same breed, to apply for registration. Other
breeds tolerate limited infusions from other
breeds; the modern Appaloosa, for instance,

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Prohibition Obligation Permission

You can’t ride a You have to ride a You can ride a

mustang. mustang. mustang.

You aren’t allowed to You’ve got to play polo You’re allowed to play
play polo in this club. in this club. polo in this club.

ri t i n g

Exercise 2

Find the meaning of these international signs.

Match each sign with the correct meaning.

a. No playing football
b. Swimming allowed
c. Radioactive materials
d. Drinking water
e. Smoking is not allowed
f. Fasten seat bells
g. Wear hard hats
h. Recyclable
i. No dogs allowed


All horses move naturally in four basic gaits: walk, trot, canter(English riding) or
lope(Western riding) and gallop.
The ‘walk’ is a four beat, lateral gait in which a horse must have three feet on the ground
and only one foot in the air at any time. The walking horse will lift first a hind leg, then

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When making a fairly tight turn, the inside

leg (the one nearest to the center of the
turn) should lead, as this prevents the horse
from ‘falling in’. To get a horse to canter on
the correct leg from a trot, one must go into
sitting trot, place their outside leg slightly
behind the girth and squeeze with the inside
To get a horse to canter from a gallop, one
must alter the position of the body slightly
back in the saddle, then place the outside
leg behind the girth to allow the horse to
canter on the correct leg, and apply
the foreleg on the same side, then the pressure on the reins. Also called ‘lope’
remaining hind leg, then the foreleg on the when riding in a Western show class, the
same side. To get a horse into walk from canter is not a natural gait, but a restrained
halt, one must gently squeeze the sides of form of a gallop.
the horse and release the pressure on the
reins. To get a horse to walk from trot, one
must take sitting trot and gently apply The gallop is another four beat gait which
pressure on the reins. follows a similar progression to the canter,
except the two paired legs land separately;
the hind leg landing slightly before the
The ‘trot’ is a two beat, diagonal gait in foreleg. The gallop also involves having a
which a foreleg and opposite hindleg (often leading leg. When turning at a very rapid
called ‘diagonals’) touch the ground at the rate, it is even more important that the horse
same time. In this gait, each leg bears use the appropriate lead; leading with the
weight separately, making it ideal to check left leg if making a left turn, and the right
for lameness or for stiffness in the joints. leg if making a right turn. The faster the turn,
To get a horse to trot from a walk, you must the more the horse needs to lean into the
soften your reins and apply more pressure turn. Horses that are usually galloped in a
with the leg. There are two types of trots. straight line need to be forced to alternate
With a rising trot, the rider stands up slightly leads so that they do not suffer a muscular
in the saddle each time the horse’s outside imbalance and subsequent difficulty making
front leg goes forward. A sitting trot, is when turns in one direction or the other. To get a
the rider sits in the saddle and goes with horse to gallop, the rider must alter his
the horse's movement. position so he is slightly more forward in
the saddle, then he should allow the horse
its head and gently kick the horse’s sides.
The ‘canter’ or ‘lope’ is a three beat gait in
which a foreleg and opposite hindleg strike
the ground together, and the other two legs
strike separately. A cantering horse will first
stride off with the outside hind leg, then the
inside hind and outside fore together, then
the inside front leg, and finally a period of
suspension in which all four legs are off the
When cantering in a straight line, it does
not matter which foreleg goes first, but both
leads should receive equal practice time,
otherwise the horse may become
‘one-sided’ or develop a reluctance to
canter on a specific lead. In the arena, the
horse should canter on the inside lead.

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Some horses have gaits other than the most common four mentioned before. These
horses are called ‘gaited horses.’

• A tolt is a four beat running walk that can be ridden at any speed, from slow dancing
steps to galloping. This beat is natural to the Icelandic breed.

• A pace is a lateral two-beat gait more commonly used in racing. In the pace, the legs
move in lateral pairs. It is similar to the trot, however, in a trot, the legs move in diagonal
pairs. In most countries, pacers are raced in front of a sulky, open mouthed, two-wheeled
vehicle drawn by one horse. These horses are commonly called ‘pacers’ because of
their unique gait.

• The corto, largo and fino are the smooth, four-beat gaits performed by Paso Finos.
Similar natural four-beat gaits are found in breeds such as the Peruvian Paso. The corto
occurs naturally, and is similar to the trot in speed. The largo is extended and high-speed,
and the fino is very collected. This is the gait emphasized in high-level competition.

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World Wildlife Fund

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

aims their work at protecting
biodiversity on a global scale. The
WWF works with multilateral and
bilateral agencies to promote
sustainable development in the
world's poorest countries. Its aims
are threefold—to protect natural
areas and wild life populations, to
minimize pollution, and to promote
efficient, sustainable use of natural
The WWF focuses their efforts at multiple levels, starting with wildlife, habitats and
local communities and expanding up through governments and global networks.
The WWF views the planet as a single, complex web of relationships between
species, the environment, and human institutions such as government and global

International Crane Foundation

The International Crane Foundation

(ICF) was established by founders
George Archibald and Ron Sauey in
1973 on a horse farm in Baraboo,
Wisconsin. The ICF works around the
world to protect cranes and the
habitats on which they depend.
Although they focus on cranes, their
work is valuable on a wider scale,
giving insights into endangered
species management, wetland
ecology, habitat restoration, and the
critical need for international
The ICF provides education about cranes on three levels—local, national, and
international. In addition to educating people about cranes, the ICF also conducts
captive breeding and reintroduction of cranes into the wild.

122 One hundred twenty-two

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Wildlife Conservation Society

The Wildlife Conservation Society

(WCS) is another group working for
the protection of animals and
wildlife. The WCS supports zoos
and aquariums while promoting
environmental education and
conservation of wild populations
and their habitats. They also offer
educational resources and a wide
variety of conservation programs.
Their efforts are focused on a select
group of animals including bears,
big cats, elephants, great apes,
hoofed mammals, cetaceans, and carnivores. Their conservation projects stretch
around the globe and are at work in regions including Africa, Asia, Latin America, the
Caribbean, North America, and throughout the world's Oceans.
The Wildlife Conservation Society was established in 1895 as the New York
Zoological Society. Its mission was, and is, to promote wildlife protection, foster the
study of zoology, and create a top-notch zoo. Today not one but five Wildlife
Conservation Zoos exist in the State of New York, the Bronx Zoo, and Central Park.


PETA was founded in 1980 and is

dedicated to establishing and
defending the rights of all animals.
PETA operates under the simple
principle that animals are not ours to
eat, wear, experiment on, or use for
entertainment. PETA educates
policymakers and the public about
animal abuse and promotes kind
treatment of animals. PETA is an
international nonprofit charitable
organization based in Norfolk,
Virginia, with affiliates worldwide.
PETA believes that animals have
rights and deserve to have their best
interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans.
Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives.
The very heart of all of PETA's actions is the idea that it is the right of all
beings—human and nonhuman alike—to be free from harm. Our world is plagued
with many serious problems, all of which deserve our attention.

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Cruelty to animals is one of them. We believe that all people should try to stop animal
abuse whenever and wherever they can.

PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals
suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in
laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry.

The passive voice is used:

a) When the object of a sentence is more important than the subject

The city was destroyed by the volcano.

b) When the subject of the sentence is unknown.

This cheese was made in Canada.

It is common in formal and scientific writing.

You can use the passive voice in all tenses. Use the correct form of be + the past
participle of the verb.

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Look for more information about:

1. Local Animal Protection Organizations

2. Endangered animal species


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Real Scene Three

"Curiosity can do more things than kill a cat; and if emotions, well
recognized as feminine, are inimical to feline life, then jealousy
would soon leave the whole world catless."
- O. Henry
MY GOAL: After I finish Scenario 15 I'll learn how to make unreal conditional
sentences with if clauses, and past modals. Embedded questions will also be studied
in this Scenario. In the reading material I'll find some interesting facts about curiosities
of the world.


1. What curiosities do you know in your city or country?

2. Do you know about the chocolate museum in Germany?
3. How much do you know about the Gold Museum in Bogota?

Curiosity is any natural inquisitive behavior, evident by observation in many animal
species, and is the emotional aspect of living beings that engenders exploration,
investigation and learning. In essence, ‘curiosity’ is a term that describes an unknown
number of behavioral and psychological mechanisms, which have the effect of impelling
beings to seek information and to interact with their environment and with other beings
in their vicinity. Curiosity is common to human beings of all ages; from infancy to old
age, and is easy to observe in many other animal species, from apes and cats to fish,
reptiles and insects. Many aspects of exploration are shared among all beings, as all
known terrestrial beings share similar aspects such as a limited size, and a need to seek
out food sources.
Though humans are sometimes considered curious, even especially curious, they often
miss the obvious when compared to other animals. What happens is that human curiosity,
combined with the ability to think in an abstract way, leads to fantasy and imagination.
This, in turn, leads to a uniquely human way of thinking called ‘reasoning,’ which is
abstract and self-aware or conscious. This particular ability means most humans rely
heavily on beliefs which they have formed based on past experiences and which may,
or may not, be true.



Unreal conditional sentences refer to situations that are either untrue, impossible or hypothetical.
They describe imaginary situations using simple past tense and consequences using present
e.g. If he had been here yesterday, he would’ve helped you.
If I had had enough money, I would have traveled around the world.

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ri t i n g
Complete the following conversation by filling in the blanks with the correct form
of the verbs supplied.
SUE: If you _________ (find) a million dollars, what________ you ________(do)?
MIKE: I_________ (buy) a big house.
SUE: If you _________ (see) a black cat, you ________ (have) bad luck.
MIKE: What _________ you _________ (do)
if you __________ a mirror? (break)
SUE: I don't know, perhaps I _________ do anything (will).
MIKE:_________ you _________ (run),
if you _________ (get) scared by a ghost?
SUE: If I _________(see) a ghost,
I _________ (scream) for help.


Cabinets of Curiosities
What began as collections of natural speculations on philosophy, science and
history artifacts kept by early European natural history. Cabinets of curiosities
scientists have become today’s natural were limited to those who could afford to
history museums. create and maintain them. Many
monarchs, in particular, developed large
Two of the most famous cabinets were collections. Frederick III of Denmark, who
those of Ole Worm and Athanasius Kircher. added Worm's collection to his own after
These 17th century cabinets, actually Worm's death, was one such monarch.
room-sized collections, were filled with
preserved animals, horns, tusks, The Museum of Jurassic Technology is
skeletons, minerals, and so on. They located in the Palms district of Los
contained a mix of fact and fiction, Angeles. It was founded by David and
including apparently mythical creatures. Diana Wilson in 1989. The museum
Worm's collection contained, for example, claims to have a "specialized repository of
what he thought was a Scythian lamb, a relics and artifacts from the Late Jurassic,
wooly fern thought to be a type of with an emphasis on those that
plant/sheep creature. The specimens demonstrate unusual or curious
were often collected during exploration technological qualities." This explains the
expeditions and trading voyages. museum's name and also suggests its
puzzling nature, since the Late Jurassic
Cabinets of curiosities would often serve period ended over 150 million years before
scientific advancement when images of the appearance of hominoids and, in
their contents were published. The catalog particular, before anything that could be
of Worm's collection, published in the called technology.
Museum Wormianum (1655), used the
collection artifacts as a starting point for

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Its catalog includes a mixture of artistic,

scientific and bizarrely unclassifiable items
that evoke the cabinets of curiosities that
were the 18th century predecessors of
modern natural history museums. The
claims of many of the museum's exhibits
strain credibility, provoking an array of
interpretations from commentators and
much critical praise. The museum was the
subject of a book by Lawrence Weschler
in 1995, and the museum's founder, David
Wilson, received a McArthur Foundation
"Genius Award" in 2003.

The museum contains a number of

permanent exhibitions including:
• an exhibit about household myths such as, if a child holds a dying creature in his or
her hands, the child will develop a tremor in their hands as an adult

• a collection devoted to trailer park culture

• a collection of micro-miniature sculptures and paintings, including a sculpture of Pope

John Paul II carved from a single human hair and housed the eye of a needle

• a collection of stereographic photographs


We use ‘would have’ or ‘should have’ + past participle to give opinions about actions
in the past

What should I have done? You should have told her.

You shouldn't have lied to her.

What would you have done? You should have gone out last night.
You should have called a taxi.
I would have called her.
I wouldn't have said anything.

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Formulate a response to the following situations using the modal 'would.'
1. You can hear a lot of noise next door and you are trying to study. What might you
2. Sue has been wearing the same blouse for weeks. What might you say to Sue?
3. Pam always leaves the window open making the office too cold for everyone. What
do you say to Pam?

4. You saw a friend cheating on a test. What should you have done?

5. Whenever you make plans together, your friend arrives late. What do you say to
your friend?


At the Chocolate Museum in Cologne The Golden Gate Bridge in San

Germany you will learn everything you Francisco is the tallest structure of its kind
could possibly want to know about in the world and one of the most
chocolate. You'll learn about its history remarkable works of engineering.
including how it was once used as money
in South America, you’ll see how chocolate The Great Wall of China was built to
is made in a real factory. After you've protect the country from its enemies. It is
finished the tour, you can taste a drink of the only structure in the world that can be
rich pure chocolate. seen from space.
The Gold Museum in Bogota, Colombia
holds one of South America's most
wonderful collections. The exhibits sparkle
so brightly, you can actually take
photographs without using a flash on your
A lot of the pre-Columbian items are made
from a mixture of gold and copper, known
as ‘lumbago.’

The Empire State Building in New York

was, for many years, the tallest building in
the world. Built in 1935, it was completed
in 315 days.

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Whenever you use an introductory phrase before a question, you must change the
word order in the question.

Introductions include:
Can you tell me...? Do you know...? I don’t know... I’m not sure... I wonder... I can’t remember...

What’s the time? =>Can you tell me what the time is?
Where did he go? =>I don’t know where he went.

1) If the question has an auxiliary verb, swap the positions of the auxiliary verb and
the subject. You can also do this in sentences with the verb to be.

Example: When can you get here?

Can is the auxiliary verb and you is the subject. Swap their positions when you
add an introduction.
Do you know when you can get here?

2) If the question is in the present or past simple, remove do / does / did from the
question. Change the verb ending so that the verb is in the correct tense.

Where did he go? =>Did you see where he went?
What time do you get up? =>Can you tell me what time you get up?
Where does she work? =>I wonder where she works.

3) If a question does not have a question word (Where, What, Why etc.) use if or
whether before the question.

Does he live here? =>Do you know if he lives here?
Are they coming to the party? =>Do you know whether they are coming to the

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Look for more information about:

1. Ripley’s Believe it or not

2. Unusual museums


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Real Scene Three

“During the Roman Empire, the ‘Birth of the Unconquered Sun’s’

festival, was celebrated around the time of the winter solstice, when
the daylight shines at its brightest, like a 'rebirth' of the sun.”
- Anonymous

MY GOAL : Once I finish Scenario 16, I’ll understand how to use the reported
speech correctly, also to make requests and statements with this structure. The reading
material will guide me through some important facts, about festivals around the world.


1. Why do you think festivals are important for people?

2. What is the most famous festival around the world?
3. What do you know about the Woodstock festival?

Festivals celebrating the winter’s solstice have been around since the early days of
human civilization. It is conjectured by some to have originated with the ‘Sol Invictus’
cult of the ‘Unconquered Sun’, and to have been promoted by Emperor Aurelian (270-275
AD) as a means of linking the solar rebirth with the perpetual renewal of the Roman
Empire, even though sun-worship was not Rome's official religion. Another theory is that
it was instituted and promoted by Aurelius as a pagan rival to the Christian celebration
of Christmas.

In the Roman calendar, the month of March was devoted to Mars. The ‘jumping priests’
or ‘Salii’ began the Festival of the Salii on March 23rd with the purification of the sacred
trumpets that the Romans carried to war. That date was originally the beggining of the
new year because it was the start of the harvesting and campaigning season.

On March 21st, the Salii marched to the regium carrying the bronze ancilia, the sacred
shields that had fallen down from heaven. As they danced through the streets, they
banged the shields with a drumstick and sang hymns so ancient that even they didn’t
understand them. At the end of each night, they would stop to feast before resuming
the march the next day.

This festival would end on March 24th when

they would return to the regia with the
shields. Thus, in March, a Roman would
see the Salii all over the city.

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st e n i


Direct speech
"I can't come to the festival on Saturday."
"I’m going away for the weekend."
"I like to go to the Sun Festival."
"I want to go to the rock concert."
Reported speech
Nancy said that she couldn’t come to the festival on Saturday.
She said that she was going away for the weekend.
She said that she liked to go to the Sun Festival.
She said that she wanted to go to the rock concert.

Direct speech is used when quoting exactly what someone has said.
e.g. "Can you turn the stereo down?", she said.
Reported speech is used when saying what the person said, not exactly word by word.
Therefore, it doesn’t use the quotation marks to enclose it.
e.g. She told me not to arrive late to the party.
When using reported or indirect speech, the tense, changes to past tense, because we are
talking about the time when the person who we are referring to, was speaking.
e.g. He told me he was going to the theatre.

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ri t i n g
Excercise Direct Speech

Carlos said,

1. "I saw the Woodstock festival."

2. "I’m living in Miami now."

3. "John and Lisa are having a party."

4. "Linda is going to the music festival tomorrow."

5. "My uncle is playing in a band."

6. "Mary isn’t very well."

Later, relay your conversation to a friend using reported speech.

1. Carlos said that


2. He said

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________


Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras is held in New Orleans, occur throughout New Orleans and
Louisiana, one of the most famous surrounding communities.
Carnival celebrations.
The New Orleans Carnival season, with The parades in New Orleans are organized
roots in Catholic ritual, starts on Twelfth by Carnival Krewes. Krewe float riders toss
Night (January 6th). The season of gifts to the crowds; the most common gifts
parades, dances, masquerade balls, and are strings of cheap colorful beads,
king cake parties begin on that date. doubloons (aluminium or wooden
From about two weeks before Fat dollar-sized coins usually impressed with a
Tuesday, there is at least one major krewe logo), decorated plastic cups, and
parade each day. The largest and most small inexpensive toys. Major krewes
elaborate parades take place on the last follow the same parade schedule and route
five days of the season. In the final week each year.
of Carnival many events, large and small,

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While many tourists center their Mardi the upriver side of the French Quarter.To
Gras season activities on Bourbon Street New Orleanians, ‘Mardi Gras’ refers only
and the French Quarter, none of the major to the final and most elaborate day of the
Mardi Gras parades enter the Quarter Carnival Season, where as visitors tend to
because of its narrow streets and refer to the entire Carnival as ‘Mardi Gras.’
overhead obstructions. Instead, major Some locals have started to refer to the
parades originate in the Uptown and final day of Carnival as ‘Mardi Gras Day’
Mid-City districts and follow a route along to avoid confusion.
St. Charles Avenue and Canal Street on
parade, but it did usher in a new era of
Mardi Gras was brought to Louisiana by more organized Carnival festivals. It
early French settlers. The first record of started a number of continuing traditions,
the holiday being marked in Louisiana is in and is considered the first Carnival krewe
1699. in the modern sense.
The starting date of festivities in the city of War, economic, political, and weather
New Orleans is unknown, but an account conditions sometimes led to cancelation of
from 1743 notes that the custom of some or all major parades, especially
Carnival balls was already established by during the American Civil War and World
that date. Processions and masking in the War II, but celebration of Carnival has
streets on Mardi Gras Day took place, always been observed in the city.
were sometimes prohibited by law, and
were then quickly renewed whenever
restrictions were lifted or enforcement 1972 was the last year in which large
waned. parades went through the narrow streets
of the city's old French Quarter
neighborhood; larger floats and crowds
On Mardi Gras of 1857, the Mystick Krewe and safety concerns led the city
of Comus held its first parade. This was government to prohibit big parades in the
neither (as has sometimes been asserted) Quarter.
the beginning of New Orleans Mardi Gras
nor the first New Orleans Mardi Gras
In 1979, the New Orleans police department

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open to anyone who pays dues to have a

place on a parade float. In contrast, the
old-line krewes use the structure of the
parades and balls to extend the traditions
of the debutante season in their social
The effect of Hurricane Katrina on future
Mardi Gras celebrations remains unknown,
but several major krewes have expressed
their intention to proceed with their parades
as scheduled.


went on strike. All the official parades were Celebrations begin early on Mardi Gras
canceled or moved to surrounding Day. Uptown, the Zulu Parade rolls first,
communities such as Jefferson Parish and followed by the Rex Parade, both of which
fewer tourists than usual came to the city. end on Canal Street. A number of smaller
parading organizations with ‘truck floats’
Masking, costuming, and celebrations follow the Rex Parade. Numerous smaller
continued anyway, with National Guard parades and walking clubs also parade
troops maintaining order. Guardsmen around the city. The Jefferson City
prevented crimes against persons or Buzzards, the Lion's Club, and Pete
property but made no attempt to enforce Fountain's Half Fast Walking Club all start
laws regulating morality or drug use; for early in the day and make their way from
these reasons, some in the French Quarter Uptown to the French Quarter with at least
bohemian community are fond of calling one jazz band. At the other end of the old
1979 the city's best Mardi Gras ever. city, the Society of Saint Anne journeys
from the Bywater through Marigny and the
In 1991, the New Orleans city council French Quarter to meet Rex on Canal
passed an ordinance that prohibited Street. The Pair-O-Dice Tumblers rambles
spending city funds on police and from bar to bar in Marigny and the French
sanitation for any event held on public Quarter from noon to dusk. Various
streets by carnival organizations that groups of Mardi Gras Indians, divided into
imposed racial segregation in their uptown and downtown tribes, parade in their
bylaws. In protest, the old white 19th finery.
century krewes Comus and Momus
stopped parading.

Proteus also suspended its parade that

year, but its membership ultimately
decided to abide by the council resolution,
and Proteus returned to the parade
Some maintain that membership in the
older krewes is not so much racially
exclusive as it is ‘class exclusive’; that
these krewes grant membership only to
people from wealthy old-line families, who
just happen to be white. Others feel the
restricted-membership krewes reflect
ongoing racial, ethnic or religious prejudice.
Today, many krewes operate under a
business structure; membership is basically

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The Isle of Wight Festival is a music festival
which takes place on the Isle of Wight, the
south coast of England. It was originally
held from 1968 to 1970, the venues being
Ford Farm (near Godshill), Wootton and
Afton Down (near Freshwater). The 1970
event was by far the largest and most
famous of these early festivals, indeed it
was said at the time to be one of the largest
human gatherings in the world. Unqualified
references to ‘The Isle of Wight Festival’
can normally be taken to mean the ‘Isle of
Wight Festival 1970,’ for which separate
articles exist.

The event was revived in 2002 at Seaclose

Park, a recreation ground on the outskirts
of Newport. It has been held annually since
that year. The new festival is not at the
same site as any of the original gatherings.


Direct John said, “Miami is bigger than Gainesville.”

Reported John said that Miami was bigger than Gainesville.

Direct Susan said, “I like to go to Paris every summer.”

Reported Susan said that she liked to go to Paris every summer.

Correctly using ‘Say’ and ‘Tell’

‘Tell’ is commonly used in reported speech,

followed by an object + ‘that’ or an infinitive.

e.g. Ana told me that you were away.

She told me to stay.

‘Say’ can be used in direct speech or in

reported speech followed by ‘that’.

e.g. Ana said, “Tom is away.”

Ana said that you were away.

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ri t i n g

Complete the sentences with 'say' and 'tell.'

1. Diana couldn’t come. She _____________

that I should go by myself.

2. Have you seen Tom?

He _____________ he would be here soon.

3. Pete _____________ me that he was very happy about his new job.

4. The manager _____________ that I should take a break.

5. Don’t _____________ anybody what I _____________ about the party.

6. Did she _____________ you what happened? No, she didn’t ____________ anything.


The Adelaide Festival of Arts is a

prestigious arts festival held biannually in
Adelaide, South Australia. One of the
world's greatest arts festivals, it is
internationally renowned and its cultural
significance is unmatched within Australia.
The Adelaide Festival has created a strong
innovative tradition that, along with gaining
it much respect, inspires celebration and
enables the presentation of a diverse range
of art from across Australia and around the
world. The Festival bases itself on North Terrace,
the cultural precinct. The Adelaide Festival
Begun in 1960, the Adelaide Festival of Theatre, Elder Park, the State Library of
Arts occurs in Adelaide's warm autumn South Australia, the South Australian
every 'even' year (2000, 2002, 2004 etc.). Museum, the Art Gallery of South Australia,
The Festival is actually comprised of the University of Adelaide, the University
several events but overall features opera, of South Australia and the Adelaide Botanic
theatre, dance, classical and contemporary Gardens and Park are located on North
music, cabaret, and new media. The vibrant Terrace, and the Festival takes full
and electric atmosphere of the festival can advantage of these venues. However, North
be attributed to the city's design. The City Terrace is not alone the centre of the
of Adelaide was a planned city, and was Festival; various other art galleries and
laid out on a grid of one square mile, entertainment venues are located
making everything within easy walking throughout the city. Rundle Mall, Rundle
distance. The City's design, called ‘Light's Street and the East End add to the festive
Vision,’ after Colonel William Light, also atmosphere and Rundle Street is a
incorporated many public squares, and the designated 'Eating Street', full of gourmet
entire city is surrounded by a green-belt, restaurants.
the lush Adelaide Parklands.

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The Woodstock Music and Art Festival was conventions. However, no violence was
the most famous rock festival of its era. It reported and the fact that attendees were
was held at Max Yasgur's 600 acre dairy remarkably well behaved was particularly
farm in Bethel, New York, on August 15th, noted.
16th, and 17th in 1969. The Woodstock
Festival represented the culmination of the The festival did not initially make money
counterculture of the 1960s and the ultimate for the promoters, although, thanks to
climax of the ‘hippie era.’ Many of the record sales and profits from the highly
best-known musicians of the time appeared regarded film of the event, it did eventually
during the rain-plagued weekend, much of become profitable.
which was captured in a successful 1970
movie called simply, Woodstock. There were three deaths at Woodstock:
one from a heroin overdose, one from a
The festival bears the name ‘Woodstock’ ruptured appendix, and one person was
because it was originally scheduled to take run over by a tractor. Two unconfirmed
place in the town of Woodstock, in Ulster births reportedly occurred at Woodstock.
County; local opposition arose, however,
and the event was almost cancelled The promoters of the original Woodstock
altogether. Supporter Sam Yasgur were Michael Lang, Artie Kornfield, John
persuaded his father, Max, to allow the Roberts, and Joel Rosenmann. Roberts
concert to be held on the family's property, was the money man, with a trust fund
located in Sullivan County, which lies to the bankroll; his friend Rosenmann, a graduate
south west of Ulster County. of Yale Law, was a lounge guitarist. Their
associate, Kornfield, was a vice-president
Although the show planned for a maximum at Capitol Records, fond of drugs and
50,000 attendees, over 500,000 attended, well-connected. The idea, though, came
most of whom did not pay admission. The from Lang, who had previously produced
highways leading to the concert were the Miami Pop Festival. An unlikely
jammed with traffic and people as they businessman, Lang was a light-hearted
abandoned their cars and walked for miles hippie who owned a head shop, and now
to the concert area. The weekend was hoped to build a recording studio in the
rainy, facilities were overcrowded, and Woodstock area to serve artists such as
attendees shared food, alcoholic Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin, who had
beverages, and drugs. Local residents of homes nearby. He saw the festival as a
this modest tourist-oriented area gave way to underwrite and promote the studio.
blankets and food to the obviously After toying with an Age of Aquarius theme,
poorly-prepared arrivals. A tiny number of they settled on the slogan ‘Three Days of
law enforcement officers looked on Peace and Music,’ partly as a way to
helplessly as open drug use and nudity placate suspicious local officials, and partly
signalled a relaxation of social to appeal to anti-war sentiment. They hired
commercial artist Arnold Skolnick to design
the artwork, which incorporated a catbird
design Skolnick had in his notebooks.

Myths of Woodstock
Woodstock has been romanticized and
idealized in American popular culture as
the culmination of the hippie movement; a
free festival where nearly 500,000 people
came together to celebrate peace and love.
Although the festival was remarkably

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At least one fan still has her tickets and the

original envelopes in which they were

On the other hand, many, perhaps most,

who attended the festival found that the
atmosphere and music contained an
unprecedentedly high degree of excellence;
a beatifically eye-opening experience, and
an epochal event confirming the power of
the post-WWII generation's cultural
influence. Those who attended often still
find their experiences worthy of a lifetime’s

trouble-free given the number of people

and conditions involved, the reality was less
than perfect. Woodstock did have crime
and other misbehaviors, as well as a drug
overdose, an accidental tractor death and
logistical headaches. Woodstock was not
intended to host such a large crowd and,
thus, many needed facilities were not
present, such as a sufficient number of
toilets and first-aid tents. Some who
attended the festival felt that it was chaotic
and did not report having a positive

Also, often forgotten is that Woodstock

began as a profit-making venture (unlike
the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967, whose
profits were earmarked for charity) and that
it only became a free festival after it became
obvious that the concert was drawing
hundreds of thousands more people than
the organizers had expected or prepared.

eaki ue s t i o

Questions for discussion


Where was Woodstock Festival held?

Who were the promoters of the original Woodstock?

What was the Festival’s slogan?

How many people attended Woodstock?

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Look for more information about:

1. Festivals that are celebrated in your country

2. Best festivals in the world


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The author and publishers are grateful to Jack C. Richards for his excellent edition of
‘New Interchange, Third Edition’ from which we drew ideas and examples for the
grammar exercises.

Thank you, also, to Dave Willis’ ‘Student Grammar’ and Raymond Murphy for the
great material in his book ‘English Grammar in Use.’
Thank you to Matthew Albert Dubocq and Alejandro Pinzon for their ideas in the book
‘Reaching New Heights.’
Looking Around, Fernando Silva Perez. McGraw Hill, 1992
American Headway 2, John and Liz Soars. Oxford, 2001
The Human Animal, Phil Donahue. Simon and Schuster, 1985
Special thanks to Wikipedia.
The publishers would also like to credit the collected poems of W.H Auden, Random
House Inc.
I would also like to credit the following web pages from which we drew excerpts for
use in this workbook.
Este libro se terminó de imprimir en el año 2021
en los talleres de Nuevas Ediciones S.A.S
Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia
CARATULAS FOCUS libros.pdf 3 21/01/2019 11:26:49 a. m.

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