Introduccion de Sistemas de Manufactura 2a
Introduccion de Sistemas de Manufactura 2a
Introduccion de Sistemas de Manufactura 2a
Antecedentes y
Sistemas de Manufactura
4 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Organizing to Produce Goods and
Essential functions:
Marketing – generates demand
Operations –creates the product
Finance/accounting – tracks organizational
performance, pays bills, collects money
Sistemas de Manufactura
5 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Organizational Functions
Gets customers
creates product or service
Obtains funds
Tracks money
© 1995 Corel Corp.
Sistemas de Manufactura
6 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Sample Organization Charts
Sistemas de Manufactura
7 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Functions - Bank
Commercial Bank
© 1984-1994
T/Maker Co.
Sistemas de Manufactura
8 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Functions - Airline
© 1984-1994 T/Maker Co.
Sistemas de Manufactura
9 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Functions - Manufacturer
Sistemas de Manufactura
10 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Organizational Charts
Commercial Bank
Sistemas de Manufactura
11 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Organizational Charts
Sistemas de Manufactura
14 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
The Heritage of
Operations Management
Division of labor (Adam Smith 1776 and Charles Babbage 1852)
Standardized parts (Whitney 1800)
Scientific Management (Taylor 1881)
Coordinated assembly line (Ford/Sorenson/Avery 1913)
Gantt charts (Gantt 1916)
Motion study (Frank and Lillian Gilbreth 1922
Quality control (Shewhart 1924; Deming 1950)
Computer (Atanasoff 1938)
Sistemas de Manufactura
15 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
The Heritage of Operations
Management - Continued
Material requirements planning (Orlicky 1960)
Computer aided design (CAD 1970)
Flexible manufacturing system (FMS 1975)
Baldrige Quality Awards (1980)
Computer integrated manufacturing (1990)
Internet (1995)
Sistemas de Manufactura
16 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Contributions From
Human factors
Industrial engineering
Management science
Biological science
Physical sciences
Information science
Sistemas de Manufactura
17 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Operations in the Service Sector
Sistemas de Manufactura
18 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Characteristics of Goods
Tangible product
Consistent product
Production usually
separate from
Can be inventoried
Low customer
interaction © 1995 Corel Corp.
Sistemas de Manufactura
19 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Characteristics of Service
Intangible product
Produced & consumed at
same time
Often unique
High customer interaction
Inconsistent product
Often knowledge-based
Frequently dispersed
© 1995 Corel Corp.
Sistemas de Manufactura
20 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Service Economies
Proportion of Employment in the Service Sector
Sistemas de Manufactura
21 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Goods Versus Services
Goods Service
Can be resold Reselling unusual
Can be inventoried Difficult to
Some aspects of Quality difficult to
quality measurable measure
Selling is distinct Selling is part of
from production service
Sistemas de Manufactura
22 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Goods Versus Services -
Goods Service
Product is Provider, not product
transportable is transportable
Site of facility Site of facility
important for cost important for
customer contact
Often easy to Often difficult to
automate automate
Revenue generated Revenue generated
primarily from primarily from
tangible product intangible service.
Sistemas de Manufactura
23 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Goods Contain Services / Services
Contain Goods
Installed Carpeting
Fast-food Meal
Restaurant Meal
Auto Repair
Hospital Care
Advertising Agency
Investment Management
Consulting Service
100 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 100
Percent of Product that is a Good Percent of Product that is a Service
Sistemas de Manufactura
24 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Organizations in Each Sector
Sistemas de Manufactura
25 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Organizations in Each Sector
Service Sector Example % of
Business & Repair Snelling & Snelling, Waste 7.1
Services Management, Pitney-Bowes
Finance, Insurance, Citicorp, American Express, 6.5
Real Estate Prudential, Aetna, Trammel Crow
Food, Lodging, McDonald’s, Hard Rock Café, 5.2
Entertainment Motel 6, Hilton Hotels, Walt Disney
Paramount Pictures
Public Administration U.S., State of Alabama, Cook 4.5
Sistemas de Manufactura
26 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Organizations in Each Sector
Manufacturing Example % of
Sector all
General General Electric, Ford, U.S. Steel, 14.8
Construction Bechtel, McDermott 7.0
Agriculture King Ranch 2.4
Mining Homestake Mining 0.4
Sistemas de Manufactura
27 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Organizations in Each Sector
Sistemas de Manufactura
28 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Development of the Service Economy
40 Italy 150
30 Britain
20 Japan
Farming 50
W Germany
0 0
1850 75 1900 25 50 75 2000 40 50 60 70 1970 75 80 85 90 95 2000
Sistemas de Manufactura
29 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Changing Challenges for the
Operations Manager
Past Causes Future
Local or Low-cost, reliable worldwide Global Focus
national communication and
focus transportation networks
Batch (large) Cost of capital puts pressure on Just-in-time
shipments reducing investment in shipments
Low-bid Quality emphasis requires that Supply-chain
purchasing suppliers be engaged in product partners
Lengthy Shorter life cycles, rapid Rapid product
product international communication, development,
development computer-aided design, and alliances,
international collaboration collaborative
Sistemas de Manufactura
30 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Changing Challenges for the
Operations Manager
Past Causes Future
Standardized Affluence and worldwide markets; Mass
products increasingly flexible production customization
Job Changing sociocultural milieu. Empowered
specialization Increasingly a knowledge and employees,
information society. teams, and lean
Low cost Environmental issues, ISO 14000, Environmentally
focus increasing disposal costs sensitive
Sistemas de Manufactura
31 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
The Productivity Challenge
Sistemas de Manufactura
32 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
The Economic System
Transforms Inputs to Outputs
Inputs Process Outputs
Feedback loop
Sistemas de Manufactura
33 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Typical Impact of Quality
As productivity improved Costs were pared Wages increased
Parts per man hour Cost per unit decreased Average worker's annual cash
compensation increased
Sistemas de Manufactura
34 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Measure of process improvement
Represents output relative to input
Productivity Units produced
= Input used
Sistemas de Manufactura
35 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Multi-Product Productivity
Productivity =
Labor + material + energy + capital + miscellaneous
Sistemas de Manufactura
36 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Measurement Problems
Sistemas de Manufactura
37 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Productivity Variables
Sistemas de Manufactura
38 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Key Variables for Improved Labor
Sistemas de Manufactura
39 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Jobs in the U.S
16% Construction
Federal Government
Sistemas de Manufactura
40 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Comparison of Productivity
Sistemas de Manufactura
41 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Service Productivity
Sistemas de Manufactura
42 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
The Challenge of Social Responsibility
Sistemas de Manufactura
43 Ing. Jorge Armando Pérez García
Administración de Operaciones
Un fabricante de muebles ha proporcionado los
siguientes datos: 2018 2019
Salidas: Valor de venta de la producción $22,000 $35,000
Entradas: Mano de obra 10,000 15,000
Materia prima y suministros 8,000 12,500
Depreciación del equipo 700 1,200
Otros 2,200 4,800