Models - Heat.marangoni Effect - pdf-1
Models - Heat.marangoni Effect - pdf-1
Models - Heat.marangoni Effect - pdf-1
M a r a ngoni Effect
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Creado en COMSOL Multiphysics 6.2
Efec t o
M a r a ngoni
Este modelo está autorizado según el Acuerdo de licencia de software de COMSOL 6.2. Todas las marcas
comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños. Consulte
Marangoni convection occurs when the surface tension of an interface (generally liquid-
air) depends on the concentration of a species or on the temperature distribution. In the
case of temperature dependence, the Marangoni effect is also called thermo-capillary
convection. It is of primary importance in the fields of:
• Welding
• Crystal growth
•Electron beam melting of metals
Direct experimental studies are not easy to do in these systems because the materials are
often metals and temperatures are very high. One possibility is to replace the real system
with an experimental setup using a transparent liquid at ambient temperatures.
Model Definition
This tutorial describes the 2D stationary behavior of a vessel filled with silicone oil, for
which the thermo-physical properties are known. The aim of the study is to compute the
temperature field that induces a flow through the Marangoni effect. The model shows this
effect using the simple geometry in the figure below.
Free surface
A stationary momentum balance equation describes the velocity field and the pressure
distribution (Navier–Stokes equations, see the section Incompressible Flow in the
COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual). To include the heating of the fluid, the fluid
flow is coupled to an energy balance.
You can use the Boussinesq approximation to include the effect of temperature on the
velocity field. In this approximation, variations in temperature produce a buoyancy force
La convección de Marangoni se produce cuando la tensión superficial de una interfase
(generalmente líquido-aire) depende de la concentración de una especie o de la distribución
de la temperatura. En el caso de dependencia de la temperatura, el efecto Marangoni también
se denomina convección termocapilar. Es de importancia primordial en los campos de:
• Soldadura
• Crecimiento de cristales
Los estudios experimentales directos no son fáciles de realizar en estos sistemas porque los materiales
suelen ser metales y las temperaturas son muy altas. Una posibilidad es reemplazar el sistema real por
un montaje experimental que utilice un líquido transparente a temperatura ambiente.
Superficie libre
y T Aceite de y 0
o silicona o
campo de velocidad. En esta aproximación, las variaciones de temperatura producen una fuerza
de flotabilidad.
(or Archimedes’ force) that lifts the fluid as described in the sections Gravity and The
Boussinesq Approximation in the CFD Module User’s Guide.
The following equation describes the forces that the Marangoni effect induces on the
interface (liquid/air):
= (1)
y x
Here is the temperature derivative of the surface tension (N/(m·K)). Equation1 states
that the shear stress on a surface is proportional to the temperature gradient (Ref.1).
This means that you must solve the coupled system directly using the nonlinear solver.
To impose the condition that the shear stress is proportional to the temperature gradient
on the surface, use the Marangoni Effect multiphysics feature in the Multiphysics node.
(o fuerza de Arquímedes) que levanta el fluido como se describe en las secciones Gravedad y
Aproximación de Boussinesq en la Guía del usuario del módulo CFD.
La siguiente ecuación describe las fuerzas que el efecto Marangoni induce en la interfaz (líquido/aire):
--- ---
-- = Y--- (1)
The Marangoni effect becomes more pronounced as the temperature difference increases:
For the very low temperature difference of 0.001K, the temperature field is almost
decoupled from the velocity field. Therefore, the temperature decreases almost linearly
from left to right.
El efecto Marangoni se hace más pronunciado a medida que aumenta la diferencia de temperatura:
Para una diferencia de temperatura muy baja de 0,001 K, el campo de temperatura está
casi desacoplado del campo de velocidad. Por lo tanto, la temperatura disminuye casi
linealmente de izquierda a derecha.
Figure 2: Marangoni convection with a temperature difference of 0.05K.
For the temperature difference of 0.05K notice how the Marangoni convection influences
the flow of fluid and the distribution of temperature. The temperature is no longer
decreasing linearly and you can clearly see the advection of the isotherms caused by the
Figure 3: Marangoni convection with a temperature difference of 2K.
At higher temperature differences (2K in Figure3 above), the physical coupling between
the temperature and the velocity field is clearly visible. The heat conduction is small
compared to the convection, and at the surface the fluid accelerates where the temperature
gradient is high.
1. V.G. Levich, Physicochemical Hydrodynamics, Prentice-Hall, N.J., 1962.
Modeling Instructions
From the File menu, choose New.
In the New window, click Model Wizard.
1 In theModelWizard window, click 2D.
2 In the SelectPhysics tree, select Fluid Flow>Nonisothermal Flow>LaminarFlow.
3 Click Add.
4 Click Study.
5 In theSelectStudy tree, select General Studies>Stationary.
6 Click Done.
Rectangle 1 (r1)
1 In the Geometry
In toolbar, click Rectangle.
Settings window for Rectangle, locate the SizeandShape section.
2 the In the
3 In the Width
In text field, type 10[mm].
Height text field, type 5[mm].
4 the Click
5 the Geometry toolbar, click BuildAll.
6 ZoomExtents button in the Graphics toolbar.
Parameters 1
1 In the ModelBuilder window, under GlobalDefinitions click Parameters1.
2 In the Settings window for Parameters, locate the Parameters section.
3 Click LoadfromFile.
4 Browse to the model’s Application Libraries folder and double-click the file
Variables 1
1 In theHome toolbar, click Variables and choose Local Variables.
2 In the Settings window for Variables, locate the Variables section.
3 In the table, enter the following settings:
Silicone Oil
1 In theMaterials toolbar, click BlankMaterial .
2 In the Settings window for Material , type Silicone Oil in the Label text field.
3 Locate the MaterialContents section. In the table, enter the following settings:
Wall 2
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and chooseWall.
2 Select Boundary 3 only.
3 In the Settings window for Wall, locate the BoundaryCondition section.
4 From the Wallcondition list, choose Slip.
1In the ModelBuilder window, under Component1(comp1) click
Heat Transfer in Fluids (ht).
2In the Settings window for HeatTransferinFluids, locate the PhysicalModel section.
3In the Tref text field, type T_ref.
Here, T_ref is the reference temperature at which the material properties are evaluated.
It is defined in Parameters under Global Definitions.
Initial Values 1
1 In the ModelBuilder window, under Component1(comp1)>HeatTransferinFluids(ht)
click InitialValues1 .
2 In the Settings window for InitialValues , locate the InitialValues section.
3 In the T text field, type T_right.
Temperature 1
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Temperature.
2 Select Boundary 4 only.
3 In the Settings window for Temperature , locate the Temperature section.
4 In the T0 text field, type T_right.
Temperature 2
1 In the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Temperature.
2 Select Boundary 1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Temperature , locate the Temperature section.
4 In the T0 text field, type T_right+DeltaT .
Marangoni Effect 1 (mar1)
1 In the Physics toolbar, click MultiphysicsCouplings and choose Boundary>
Marangoni Effect.
2 Select Boundary 3 only.
3 In the Settings window for MarangoniEffect , locate the SurfaceTension section.
4 In the text field, type gamma*T.
Free Triangular 1
In the Mesh toolbar, click FreeTriangular.
Size 1
1 Right-click FreeTriangular1 and choose Size.
2 In the Settings window for Size, locate the GeometricEntitySelection section.
3 From the Geometricentitylevel list, choose Boundary.
4 Select Boundary 3 only.
5 Locate the ElementSize section. Click the Custom button.
6 Locate the ElementSizeParameters section.
7 Select the Maximumelementsize check box. In the associated text field, type 1e-4.
Size 2
1 In the ModelBuilder window, right-click FreeTriangular1 and choose Size.
2 In the Settings window for Size, locate the GeometricEntitySelection section.
3 From the Geometricentitylevel list, choose Point.
4 Select Points 2 and 4 only.
5 Locate the ElementSize section. Click the Custom button.
6 Locate the ElementSizeParameters section.
7 Select the Maximumelementsize check box. In the associated text field, type 2e-5.
1 In theModelBuilder window, under Component1(comp1)>Mesh1 click Size.
2 In the Settings window for Size, locate theElementSize section.
3 From the Predefined list, choose Extrafine .
4 Click the Custom button.
5 Locate the ElementSizeParameters section. In the Maximumelementgrowthrate text
field, type 1.1.
6 Click Build All.
Step 1: Stationary
1 In the ModelBuilder window, under Study1 click Step 1:Stationary.
2 In the Settings window for Stationary, click to expand the StudyExtensions section.
3 Select the Auxiliarysweep check box.
4 Click Add.
5 In the table, enter the following settings:
To show the temperature field as a surface plot along with overlaid temperature contours
and the velocity field using arrows, follow the steps given below.
Contour 1
1 In the ModelBuilder window, expand the IsothermalContours(ht) node, then click
Contour 1.
2 In the Settings window for Contour, click ReplaceExpressionin the upper-right corner of
the Expression section. From the menu, choose Component1(comp1)>Definitions>
Variables>deltaT-Excesstemperatureinmodeldomain-K .
3 Locate the ColoringandStyle section. From the Coloring list, choose Uniform .
4 From the Color list, choose Black.
5 Clear the Colorlegend check box.
Arrow Surface 1
1 In the Isothermal Contours (ht) toolbar, click Arrow Surface.
2 In the Settings window for ArrowSurface, locate the ColoringandStyle section.
3 From the Color list, choose Black.
Surface 1
1 In the Isothermal Contours (ht) toolbar, click Surface.
2 In the Settings window for Surface, click ReplaceExpressionin the upper-right corner of
the Expression section. From the menu, choose Component1(comp1)>Definitions>
Variables>deltaT-Excesstemperatureinmodeldomain-K .
3 Locate the ColoringandStyle section. Click ChangeColorTable .
4 In the ColorTable dialog box, select Thermal>HeatCameraLight in the tree.
5 Click OK.
6 In the Isothermal Contours (ht) toolbar, click Plot.
7 Click the ZoomExtents button in the Graphics toolbar.
6From the Parametervalue(DeltaT(K)) list, choose 2.
7In the Isothermal Contours (ht) toolbar, click Plot.
Follow these steps to visualize the importance of the Marangoni effect on the convection
Convection Cell
Surface 1
1 In theConvection Cell toolbar, click Surface.
2 In theSettings window for Surface, locate the Expression section.
3 In the Expression text field, type T.
4 Locate the ColoringandStyle section. Click ChangeColorTable .
5 In the ColorTable dialog box, select Thermal>HeatCameraLight in the tree.
6 Click OK.
Convection Cell
In the Convection Cell toolbar, click Streamline.
Streamline 1
1 In the Settings window for Streamline, locate the Expression section.
2 Select the Description check box. In the associated text field, typeVelocity field (m/
3 Locate the StreamlinePositioning section. From the Positioning list, choose
Magnitudecontrolled .
4 Locate the ColoringandStyle section. Find the Pointstyle subsection. From the Type list,
choose Arrow .
5 Click to expand the Advanced section. In the Maximumnumberofintegrationsteps text
field, type 20000.
Color Expression 1
Right-click Streamline1 and choose Color Expression.
Convection Cell
1 In the Settings window for 2DPlotGroup , click to expand the Data section.
2 From the Parametervalue(DeltaT(K)) list, choose 0.001.
3 In theConvection Cell toolbar, click Plot.
4 Click PlotNext .
5 Click PlotNext .