Un "COR" es el dispositivo que interconecta un radio receptor con un radio transmisor para fabricar una repetidora, por
eso es conocido también como "Repeater maker"
El diseño que presento lo utilizo a menudo, con algunas variaciones de acuerdo al receptor que esté utilizando.
En repetidoras de VHF (2 metros) el radio que más utilizo es el Kenwood TK-720 como receptor.
Para fabricar el cor utilizo compuertas NAND o NOR con un capacitor para dar el tiempo de retardo o "cola".
La base del "COR" con el retardo es este diseño:
El circuito integrado se alimenta con 8 voltios del mismo punto que el circuito anterior, la resistencia y el diodo zener son
ilustrativos y no es necesario repetirlos.
P1 es una resistencia variable o potenciómetro común donde se ajusta el voltaje de corte del circuito integrado. La forma
en que esta conectada la entrada (que dice: Del radio) es para conectarse en un punto positivo que se pase a tierra
(negativo) en presencia de señal ("squelch" abierto) o tarjeta de tonos. Si lo que tenemos es un punto que se pase a
positivo con la señal debemos intercambiar los pines 2 y 3 del circuito integrado operacional.
El led nos indica cuando se activa o dispara la señal y ayuda en el ajuste de P1, no se debe omitir porque
también funciona como diodo zener para que no pase una fuga de voltaje que pueda polarizar al circuito de retardo y
quedarse fijo transmitiendo.
Algunos radios tienen un punto que se pone a tierra al recibir señal con bastante variación de voltaje y si conocemos bien
como funciona podemos evitar el circuito integrado operacional utilizando solamente un transistor pnp.
+v debe conectarse al punto que alimenta la sección del radio que hace el cambio, si el punto cambia de 5 voltios a 0v se
puede conectar +v a algún regulador de 5 voltios del radio.
Es más complicado, por eso es mejor diseñar el "COR" con el circuito integrado operacional, ya que este puede trabajar
con cualquier cambio de voltaje.
P1 es una resistencia variable o potenciómetro, la ajustamos con el volumen del radio a la mitad o un poco menos
( podríamos decir: "a las 11 en punto" del reloj).
No se debe ajustar con el volumen del radio muy bajo, porque se escucharían los ruidos propios del amplificador de
En la mayoría de los casos tomo el audio directamente de la salida que va al parlante, es más simple y un buen receptor
filtra el audio bien. Al mismo tiempo con el control de volumen podemos dar un ajuste fino si es necesario
Estos circuitos integrados son sensibles a la electricidad estática, por ello debemos manipularlos con mucho cuidado y de
ser posible en una estación libre de estática.
Eis um circuito simples e bastante fácil de montar e que lhe irá fazer obter resultadossurpreendentes .
O Transistor 2N2907 pode ser substituido pelo Transistor BC558 (PNP) , e os 2N3904 podem ser
substituidos pelo BC549 .
First,we use transistor be main parts, they are a good sound and the low noise.
By use the transistor number are BC109 (please figure with read) and finding buy easily. You can fine to decorate the
sound with VR1 and VR2 in the end the sound but the satisfied. The detail is other have a few see in the circuit.
I think this circuit very old some time you may want new circuit that better. You can they below
2. Versatile tone control using IC 741
This tone control circuit. A circuit design feedback tone control. This helps the smooth bass voice circuit and a rate
increase – reduction of the signal at 18 dB. The power supply circuit is used from 12-24 volt and Shine Power
consumption is 10 mA.
The audio input is entered through the C1 coupling to the input signal to the Q1 growth signal by R1 and R2 divide the
voltage. To bias the pin B of Q1 and R3 are limited to flow properly. Q1 is the e-limit circuit fault Peter Low Power Amplifier
stand out in E via C2 to the region to adjust the bass – treble. Including C3, C4, C5, C6, R5, R6, R7, R8. The VR1 is
adjusted – reduce the growth of low-frequency (BASS) and VR2 is increasing
- rate of growth of the frequency High (TREBLE). from the signal that is adapted to go to the leg 2 (inverting amplifier
signal to a phase) of IC1 and will expand the output of Pin 6 through a signal output from C8. Which can be connected to
amplifier sound at all.
Today I meets Classic Tone control circuit. That is use low noise transistor model. which this circuit the interesting ,
because transistor entirely then have a voice good and economize good. From circuit this use transistor 3 pcs. For
pretend pre tone model mono , if you want to use are the system stereo. As a result build this circuit enhances again the
group only.
The prominent point of this circuit again type , be use power supply source good wide be about 9V – 18V and should
be dc regulator with. The detail is other friends see in the circuit adds yes.
Tone Control Mono by 2 Transister (C945)
This be tone control circuit ,The small-sized. It the character Mono by use transistor just 2 PCS
important equipment performs to enlarge sound signal gives the power goes up ,and have a button fines to decorate the
sound completely. It be fine decorate the popularity in the sound , fine decorate the treble , and fine decorate the bass as
It is convenient for a novice wants to try build Pre Tone control circuit keep be usable. The prominent point of this
circuit be seek the equipment easily , Electronic part replace can be finished or can antiques sheep comes to use all
right ,such as The transistor number C828 may use the number C945 or C1815 or The other all right. For the level power
supply also get wide be about 12V to 24V at 50mA you can see other detail in the circuit.
Circuit Tone Control Mono by Transister C945x2
PCB Tone Control Mono by Transister C945x2
Tone Control Stereo by 2 Transister (C945)
If you have electronics old equipment, keep many long ago year, unknow build Electronic Project good. I begs for to
advise pre tone control circuit this. By it can fine to decorate the sound Bass,Treble and Volume well.There is the
prominent point that use transistor, But be of good quality of good sound doesn’t be defeated the circuit that uses
the integrated circuit. By the thing that me observes clear, be the noise is low, bland sound are good. from your circuit can
use transistor number C945 or C828 or C1815 can replace. Which the price is inexpensive the hardware is other may get
not difficult. The power supply , should choose that be model dc regulator 12V to 24V building may use PCB a bird
purposes all right which , good easy.
This tone control circuit diagram of the home audio stereo is very well. It low noise and sound is beautiful because use the
quality transistor.
In picture we used three transistor number are C945 or C828 or C1815 or C458 They are oldelectronic components but
useful now. They are mono form if you want stereo system, to make two section R+L. The VR1 is 100kB for finning treble
tone sound. The VR2 is 100K for finning bass tone audio as well. The VR3 is 100Ka for control volume output. The VR4 is
100KW for control balane sound fo other channel. The power Supply Voltage used min 12V and min than 80mA .
We hope this circuit will be do you are enjoy a home audio. good luck.
Related Links
The stereo tone control circuit with IC, be the circuit diagram that use just IC numberTDA1524A. It be pillar heart in the
work which, be IC the integrated circuit diagram of Philip. It can use a part tone control or a part fines the sound bass,
treble and balances get whole setly by can enlarge a signal gives the power can go up to arrive at 3 Vrms have 20 dB
expansion rates and are guilty are crazy a little more 0.014% at 1 kHz frequency and that important. It be the circuit that
build not difficult and a little equipment, Then suit old the education or be usable indoor or may apply outdoor work should
Work cycle It starts from the input power supply integrated into the 3 pin is the positive voltage and negative voltage to pin
8, which this circuit will have only R and C classes of devices to filter out frequencies in different area. A few can work
then. When the signal from the sound source into the pin 15 of IC1, the INPUT signal is coupling through the C1 and C2
signals of each channel.
Left and the right, then the IC will amplify signals with C6 and C4 to control how often the Department Loudness which
switch S1 is the option of the use of the region tone control or sector adjust bass Cape will have C5 and C3 act as
frequency control with VR1-VR4 to adjust the Volume, Balance, Bass and Treble, respectively.
Then the signal was expanded and fine-tune frequency, and sends out the pin 8 and pin 11 of audio IC of each box will be
R1 and R2 serve to decrease the signal appropriately
And signal coupling through C9 and C10, with R3 and R4 eliminate DC comes out of the ground out into the C11 and C12
will be made to eliminate the high frequencies from 70 kHz up to. To ground, and then sends the signal to the output
signal and a voice came out crystal clear.
Super boost bass circuit this be low pass filter circuit model,which will low pass filter. By give bass audio that firm then
convenient for a person who like bass audio.
This circuit will use , power supply 12 volt. When feed input come in sound signal will coupling change C1 and R3 go to
reach at pin B of Q1. Which Q1 do something signal booster give the power goes up in the one level before from that time
signal at enlarge already will go out the way pin E of Q1 go to reach at C2 for coupling sound signal again from that time
signal go to reach still filter frequency part.
The Passive tone control circuit be the circuit fines the bass that has no the expansion but will give kind equipment R and
C. It perform filter frequency then the circuit that build easy and must not use power supply. By can concede the porch
with part power amplifier of output immediately.
When feed input come in sound signal will that come in to separate is 2 the way by first way will change to come to a part
filters low frequency for example R1, C1, C2, R2. By have VR1 be formed fine expansion way ratio low frequency is or
sound in the sense of second a signal will change to come to a part filters tall frequency for example C4, R5, C5 by have
VR2 be formed fine the value of tall frequency or treble a signal that depart a part filter tall frequency and low change R3
and R4 congregate then go out still output. By have C3 perform eradicate the noise goes out.
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