Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (en espaol Acceso mltiple por divisin de cdigo de banda ancha) cuyo acrnimo es WCDMA es una tecnologa mvil inalmbrica de tercera generacinque aumenta las tasas de transmisin de datos de los sistemas GSM utilizando la interfaz area CDMA en lugar de TDMA (Acceso Mltiple por Divisin de Tiempo) y por ello ofrece velocidades de datos mucho ms altas en dispositivos inalmbricos mviles y porttiles que las ofrecidas hasta el momento. WCDMA soporta de manera satisfactoria una tasa transferencia de datos que va de 144 hasta 512 Kbps para reas de cobertura amplias y stos pueden llegar hasta los 2Mbps para mayor cobertura en reas locales. En sistemas de WCDMA la interfaz area de CDMA se combina con las redes basadas en GSM. El estndar de WCDMA fue desarrollado como el proyecto de la sociedad de la tercera generacin (3GPP) que apunta a asegurar interoperabilidad entre diversas redes 3G.
Parametros de WCDMA:
Carrier Spaciong Chip Rate Frame Length No. Slots/ Frame No. Chips/ Slot UpLink SF DownLink Cannel Rate
5 Mhz 3.84 Mcps 10 ms (38400 Chips) 15 2560 Chips (Max. 2560 Bits) 4 to 256 4 to 512 7.5 kbps to 960 kbps
Tipos de Servicios:
1. Video Call
With this service, two subscriber can make a call with voice as well as video.
2. Video on Demand
This feature provides user to watch video of their choice which are available in NT video server.
Radio Network Controler
Radio Network Controler
RNS: Radio Network Subsystem RBS: Radio Base Station (3GPP: Node B) RNC: Radio Network Controller UE: User Equipment
Tipos de HandOvers:
F1 Intra
F1 Inter
F1 F2
Compress Mode:
During inter-frequency handover the UEs must be given time to make the necessary measurements on the different WCDMA carrier frequency. 1 to 7 slots per frame can be allocated for the UE to perform this intra frequency (hard handover). These slots can either be in the middle of the single frame or spread over two frames. This compressed mode operation can be achieved in three different methods: Decreasing the spreading factor by 2:1. This will increase the data rate so bits will get sent twice as fast. Puncturing bits. This will remove various bits from the original data and hence reduce the amount of information that needs to be transmitted. The higher layer scheduling could also be changed to use less timeslots for user traffic. In compressed frames, Transmission Gap Length slots from Nfirst to Nlast are not used for transmission of data. As illustrated below, the instantaneous transmit power is increased in the compressed frame in order to keep the quality (BER, FER, etc.) unaffected by the reduced processing gain. The amount of power increase depends on the transmission time reduction method. What frames are compressed, are decided by the network. When in compressed mode, compressed frames can occur periodically, or requested on demand. The rate and type of compressed frames is variable and depends on the environment and the measurement requirements. 15 Slots (1 Frame) (10 ms)
(.6 ms)
Notas: Es cuando el UE censa frecuencias y tecnologas para determinar si debe o no hacer el cambio. Solo se da entre IRAT e Inter HO. Se basa en eventos. 1. 2d RSCP: intensidad de seal (dispara el compresed mode). 2. 2d Ecno: Calidad.
Los sistemas inalmbricos se basan en potencia de seales. Cuando esta seal disminuye el canal se dice desvanecido. La diversidad se utiliza en canales inalmbricos para disminuir el desvanecimiento. Tradicional mente se utiliza la diversidad de espacio (varias antenas) o diversidad de frecuencia (varios transmisores) la diversidad en el receptor y la diversidad en el transmisor disminuyen el desvanecimiento y mejora la calidad del enlace. Notas: 1. si se usa mas de un intervalo de tiempo se consigue ganancia por diversidad. 2. a menor tasa de informacin la diversidad se consigue con mayor facilidad.
Radio resource management (RRM) is the system level control of co-channel interference and other radio transmission characteristics in wireless communication systems, for example cellular networks, wireless networks and broadcasting systems. RRM involves strategies and algorithms for controlling parameters such as transmit power, channel allocation, data rates, handover criteria, modulation scheme, error coding scheme, etc. The objective is to utilize the limited radio spectrum resources and radio network infrastructure as efficiently as possible. RRM concerns multi-user and multi-cell network capacity issues, rather than point-to-point channel capacity. Traditional telecommunications research and education often dwell upon channel coding and source coding with a single user in mind, although it may not be possible to achieve the maximum channel capacity when several users and adjacent base stations share the same frequency channel. Efficient dynamic RRM schemes may increase the system capacity in an order of magnitude, which often is considerably more than what is possible by introducing advanced channel coding and source coding schemes. RRM is especially important in systems limited by cochannel interference rather than by noise, for example cellular systems and broadcast networks homogeneously covering large areas, and wireless networks consisting of many adjacent access points that may reuse the same channel frequencies. Notas: 1. asegura la calidad del servicio. 2. mejora la cobertura del sistema. 3. utiliza cell brithing.
WCDMA Downlinks Channels Logical Channel Control Traffic Transport Channel Common Dedicated Physical Channel Common Dedicated
There are three types of channels in the WCDMA technologies: Physical Channel, Transport Channel and Logical channel. The Transport Channels are interface between MAC and Layer 1, while Logical Channels are interface between MAC and RLC. The logical and transport channels define WHAT data are transported, while the physical channels define HOW and with what physical characteristic the data are transport. Transport channels can be further subdivided into Common Transport Channels; and dedicated transport channels. Common transport channel types are: Random Access Channel (RACH): A contention based uplink channel used for transmission of relatively small amounts of data, e.g. for initial access or non-real-time dedicated control or traffic data. Common Packet Channel (CPCH): A contention based channel used for transmission of bursty data traffic. This channel only exists in FDD mode and only in the uplink direction. The common packet channel is shared by the UEs in a cell and therefore, it is a common resource. The CPCH is fast power controlled. Forward Access Channel (FACH): Common downlink channel without closed-loop power control used for transmission of relatively small amount of data. Downlink Shared Channel (DSCH): A downlink channel shared by several UEs carrying dedicated control or traffic data. Uplink Shared Channel (USCH): An uplink channel shared by several UEs carrying dedicated control or traffic data, used in TDD mode only. Broadcast Channel (BCH): A downlink channel used for broadcast of system information into an entire cell. Paging Channel (PCH): A downlink channel used for broadcast of control information into an entire cell allowing efficient UE sleep mode procedures. Currently identified information types are paging and notification. Another use could be UTRAN notification of change of BCCH information. High Speed Downlink Shared Channel (HS-DSCH): A downlink channel shared between UEs by allocation of individual codes, from a common pool of codes assigned for the channel.
Control Channels:
Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH): A downlink channel for broadcasting system control information. Paging Control Channel (PCCH): A downlink channel that transfers paging information. This channel is used when the network does not know the location cell of the UE, or, the UE is in the cell connected state (utilising UE sleep mode procedures). Common Control Channel (CCCH): Bi-directional channel for transmitting control information between network and UEs. This channel is commonly used by the UEs having no RRC connection with the network and by the UEs using common transport channels when accessing a new cell after cell reselection. Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH): A point-to-point bi-directional channel that transmits dedicated control information between a UE and the network. This channel is established through RRC connection setup procedure. Shared Channel Control Channel (SHCCH): Bi-directional channel that transmits control information for uplink and downlink shared channels between network and UEs. This channel is for TDD only.
Traffic Channels:
Dedicated Traffic Channel (DTCH): A Dedicated Traffic Channel (DTCH) is a point-to-point channel, dedicated to one UE, for the transfer of user information. A DTCH can exist in both uplink and downlink. Common Traffic Channel (CTCH): A point-to-multipoint unidirectional channel for transfer of dedicated user information for all or a group of specified UEs.
Power control:
Open loop power control: this relates directly to the path loss. As the name suggests, this control has no feedback. It simply sets the initial power at which the UE should transmit. This initial settings happens via RRC signalling. This control is in the UE and the RNC.
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