Overview of the application
Chat with your friends on Signal
Flare is an unofficial app for Signal. It is still in development and doesn't include all the features that the official Signal apps do. More information can be found on its feature roadmap.
Please note that using this application will probably worsen your security compared to using official Signal applications. Use with care when handling sensitive data. Look at the projects README for more information about security.
Novinky ve verzi v0.15.14
před 9 dny
(Sestaveno před 1 dnem)
- Ignore one more networking-related error.
- Don't stop receiving messages after an error occurred when receiving a message.
Instalovaná velikost~36.57 MiB
Stahovaná velikost12.16 MiB
Podporované architekturyx86_64, aarch64
Nainstalováno20 267