Two devices, one of them on, and the other off, and two devices discovered in the network
Turn on devices in your network
Conveniently turn on devices in your network, such as a NAS or a gaming console, using Wake On LAN (WoL).
- Add devices to turn on.
- Discover devices in the local network.
- Monitor device status.
- Turn on devices with magic Wake On LAN (WoL) packets.
- Turn on devices from GNOME Shell search.
- Turn on devices from the command line.
Novinky ve verzi 2.3.0
před 2 měsíci
(Sestaveno před 29 dny)
Reorder devices with Alt+Up and Alt+Down
Instalovaná velikost~1.48 MiB
Stahovaná velikost693.86 KiB
Podporované architekturyx86_64, aarch64
Nainstalováno4 215