Synfig Studio main window
Create and edit 2D animations and compositions
Synfig Studio is a free and open-source 2D animation software, designed as powerful industrial-strength solution for creating film-quality animation using a vector and bitmap artwork. It eliminates the need to create animation frame-by frame, allowing you to produce 2D animation of a higher quality with fewer people and resources.
- Can manipulate vector and bitmap artwork
- Automatic tweening (independent from FPS)
- Multitude of layers of various types (geometry primitives, shapes, gradients, fratals)
- Full-featured bone system
- Filters and effects for compositing (blurs, distortions, color manipulation, masks)
- All color operations use High Dynamic-Range Imaging (HDRI)
- Pentablet-friendly tools
- Sound support
- Linking data on file or parameter-level
- Automatic animation using mathematical functions
버전 1.5.3의 변경 사항
7개월 전
(5개월 전전에 출시됨)
Synfig Studio version 1.5.3 delivers new features and important bugfixes for all platforms.
설치에 필요~88.14 MiB
다운로드에 필요32.06 MiB
지원 환경x86_64, aarch64
설치 횟수31,366