As an attendee of the Hack@TACC hackathon you are invited to complete the following survey. This hackathon is organized by the Texas Advanced Computing Center in Austin, TX, USA.
The main purpose of this survey is to understand your satisfaction with the hackathon, your perception about your team, your future plans related to the technologies you used and the projects you worked on.
The questions are mostly multiple choice / agree-disagree and will take approximately 10 minutes to answer. The risks that are associated with this survey are no greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life. Your decision regarding whether or not to participate in this study will not result in any loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and you may discontinue participation at any time. Your responses will be de-identified* and will remain confidential to the study team.
If you have any further questions about the survey, please contact the principal investigator of this study Alexander Nolte (