Things I need To Remember & The Bitter Truth

Sometimes we don't want to hear these things because we want to hold on to love. But the bitter and ugly truth is what we have to hear. This is my board for that. I will pin things for myself and others so they can "hear it" even when we don't want to, but because we need to hear it. It will help us gain strength to move on, hopefully you will learn from it and become Wiser. My best wishes, and remember your heart will heal in due time, you have a right to feel what you feel. Don't force it to heal before it's ready by getting in a relationship and making someone your "rebound" you'll only end up hurting more and hurting someone else. But if your heart is broken by someone you weren't in a relationship with, like a friend, or a family member. I understand that pain as well. Still, let your heart heal on its own in its own timely manner. You will get through this- Just don't give up.
44 Pins
101 Short Funny Quotes and Sayings with Pictures
Wow perfectly said. #quoteoftheday #quotes #inspiration #instagood #motivation #success #image #kindness #kids #happy #happiness #mindfulness #love #life #loveit #peace #power #positive #psychology #mentalhealth #science
You can't make somebody "get it". - Lessons Learned in Life
Lessons Learned in Life | You can’t make somebody “get it”.
Challenge yourself | Modren Villa
Exactly what I'm doing
Prosciutto wrapped melon recipe | Drizzle and Dip
At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening.
That's the lesson of life isn't it? It gives us one person..