funny quotes

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A man returning home a day early…
A man returning home a day early from a business trip, got into a taxi at the airport after midnight. While en route to his home, he asked the cabby if he would be a witness. The man suspected his wife was having an affair, and expected to catch her in the act. For $100, the cabby agreed to be a witness. Quietly arriving at the house, the husband and cabby tiptoed into the bedroom. The husband flipped on the lights, pulled the blanket back and there was his wife in bed with another man.
A blonde goes on a hot date - funny jokes
A blonde goes on a hot date and ends up making out with the guy in his car. The guy asks if she would like to go in the backseat. #funny #jokes #humor
Bizarre People Spotted On The Subway That Made Us Rethink Taking Public Transportation
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Saint Peter is checking IDs at the Pearly Gates - Funny Jokes and Story | Humors - Funny Jokes and Story | Humors
Jack was sitting in an airplane
Jack was sitting in an airplane when another guy took the seat beside him. The new
A man asked his doctor if he thought he'd live to be a hundred The doctor asked the man, #funny, #joke, #humor
Funny Quotes About Visiting Friends At Bensquote
funny quotes about visiting friends. There are any references about funny quotes about visiting friends in here. you can look below. I hope this article about funny quotes about visiting friends can be useful for you. Please remember that this article is for reference purposes only. #funny #quotes #about #visiting #friends
A successful businessman flew to Vegas - funny jokes and humor
A successful businessman flew to Vegas for the weekend to gamble. He lost the shirt off his back, and had nothing left but a quarter and the second half of his round #funny #jokes #lol #humor