
even more because pronouns.page has a limit
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A xenogender that connects/relates to the terrible things song by Axie!
Fnafnostalgic is a xenogender related to nostalgia about the fnaf franchise. This nostalgia can be about different things for different people. For example, it could be nostalgia for the old fandom. | by jaed1n on tumblr
presquoboy ✮
a gender where one identifies with every gender that is not fully boy, but still boy, like libramasculine, boyflux, bxy, demiboy, neoboy, paraboy, semiboy, all at once, while also being fully a boy at the same time! one can also be fluid between these genders. basically presquoy but you're also fully a boy (Def for presquoy in link)
An identity in which one relates to the overall horror aesthetic of starflesh. This includes teeth, eyes, animals, water, glass, stars, bones, and a feeling of emptiness and loneliness within one’s gender