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10 Mind Body Resolutions for Your Best Year Yet
10+ Mind Body Resolutions for Your Best Year Yet | December is a time for celebration, reflection, and goal setting. The idea of starting the New Year with a clean slate can be extremely motivating, but knowing what goals to set can be challenging. Oftentimes we aren't specific enough, causing us to fall off track mid-year. Instead of vowing to 'get healthier', check out this list of specific, measurable action items you can start today to improve your overall wellness - mind, body, and spirt!
5 Tips for a Clutter-Free New Year
Ready to declutter your house for the new year? These 5 simple tips will get you going toward that New Year's Resolution and some clear, open spaces! Live your best life in this new year!
VA Training Academy® | Inspiring, Challenging and Supporting VAs
How did you get on with clearing your physical and mindset spaces? Read and Repin this blog the tips are relevant all year round #January #goalsetting clear the clutter, be ready for the new year, setting goals in the new year, setting goals in September, VA mindset
Spiritual Rituals For New Year
In this particular time of the year, when we are stepping to the new, it is a great time to slow down and reflect on the special time of the year. For this reason, spiritual rituals for the new year can help you. I have prepared an excellent guide for you, including crystal, money, and love rituals for the new year. #newyearrituals #newyearritualswitch #newyearritualsgoodluck #newyearritualsideas #newyearcelebrationathome #spiritualnewyearseverituals #spiritualnewyear #spiritualnewyearwishes
7 things to do before the beginning of the new year to start fresh on it.
In this blog post I'm going to give you 7 ideas you can do in this time of the year to prepare you for the new year so that you start fresh on it. #2020 #newyear #January #Endoftheyear #startfresh
10 Steps To Manifest Your New Year Visions The Minds Journal
10 Steps to Manifest Your New Year Visions -
Space Clearing for Back to School
Whether you are a student, teacher, parent, or are just feeling inspired by the back to school energy, space clearing is a great way to help create a fresh start and set your intentions for the coming school year. On the blog: three ways to clear your space in preparation for a new school year.
4 Spiritual Baths To Try In The Midst of Burn-Out Before the New Year
Discover 4 bath teas, infused with crystals, essential oils, and intentions to try during that cozy indoor time before the new year.
How to Declutter Your Mind With the Brain Dump Method - The Blissful Mind
How to Declutter Your Mind With the Brain Dump Method - The Blissful Mind