eye makeup

Eyes are the nipples of the face - House Bunny
103 Pins
Voila Lash
Mac Gold Mode pigment, Soft Brown, Swiss Chocolate, Embark, Carbon NYC Liquid Eyeliner @ESQIDO Lashes Lashes Lashes Lashes Lashes Lashes Lashes Voila Lash 'MISSMAES' for a discount @anastasiabeverlyhills Dipbrow in Chocolate Look achieved with @Erin B B B B Smith Lush brushes, @Lane Hartwell Hartwell Hartwell Hartwell Hartwell Hartwell Orr E25, E30, Mac 217 - @Melissa Squires Squires Squires Squires Squires Henson Mae- #webstagram
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guide to eyeliner
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Naked 2 by Urban Decay - I use it everyday...it's the best palette and the brush it comes with is awesome too. Love mine!!