Relationship & Marriage Counseling

>>> RELATIONSHIP Counseling: Do you want to increase healthy relationships in your life >>> MARRIAGE Counseling: Is your marriage struggling? In the same arguments with your spouse?
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Building Strong Relationships: Couples Counseling
Attention all couples in Houston! Building strong relationships is crucial for emotional well-being and happiness, but sometimes it can be challenging. That's why couples counseling in Houston is an excellent option for partners looking to improve their relationship. Through therapy, couples can identify their issues, develop effective communication strategies, build trust, and manage conflicts. If you're looking for a licensed and experienced couples counselor in Houston, look no further!
The Fate of a Marriage
Have you and your partner been bickering, fighting, or ignoring each other? Do you feel as though you're having the same old argument over and over? At Eddins #Counseling Group, our therapists are specially trained in #couplestherapy. We can help you: 1. Develop tools to recognize & break out of patterns that are no longer working for you & your partner. 2. Help both you & your partner #communicate without fear of blame. Rebuild your #relationship today! #couplesgoals #happilyeverafter
Relationship & Marriage Counseling
Is your marriage struggling? In the same arguments with your spouse? Marriage counseling can help restore intimacy and connection. (MARRIAGE) Do you want to increase healthy relationships in your life? Or learn how to navigate interpersonal relationships and communicate effectively? (RELATIONSHIP)
The 5 Love Languages
♥️ Which love language do you use to express your love? Which love language do you most want to receive? Now ask yourself the same questions from your partner's point of view: ♥️ Which love language does your partner use to express their love? Which love language does your partner most want to receive? #lovelanguage #lovelanguages #livelovelaugh #enjoyyourlife #enjoylittlethings #couplestherapy #houstontherapist #couplestherapist #mindbodyconnection
May you have courage
Breaking free from what we know/are comfortable with is crazy hard. A friend once asked me, "What will make you happy?" Like a good mental health professional, she didn't offer advice. Rather, she asked a simple question & gave me time and space to think. To be honest, I think I already knew the answer to her question. (I needed to break up with my partner.) It was making the change that was hard. (We had been together for five years.) If you need help breaking patterns, we can help.
Webinar: How to Reconnect with Your Spouse or Partner
Webinar: How to Reconnect with Your Spouse or Partner | Eddins Counseling Group – Houston & Sugar Land, TX
Leave Your Relationship? 10 Signs You Should
Leave Your Relationship? 10 Signs You Should
How to Fight in an Intimate Relationship, Therapist’s Guide
How to Fight in an Intimate Relationship
Relationship Issues? Stop Taking Your Partner for Granted
Relationship Issues? Stop Taking Your Partner for Granted
Relationship Issues? Stop Taking Your Partner for Granted
Relationship Issues? Stop Taking Your Partner for Granted
Webinar: Dating Someone with a Mental Illness
Webinar: Dating Someone with a Mental Illness | Eddins Counseling Group – Houston & Sugar Land, TX
Effective Communication & Active Listening Skills for Increased Connection
Self Improvement, Relationship and Career Blog - Eddins Counseling Houston, TX
Leave Your Relationship? 10 Signs You Should
If you are wondering whether or not you should leave your relationship, proceed with caution. This is a difficult decision. But, here are 10 signs you should leave... via @
When Your Spouse Refuses to Get Help
If your spouse is clearly struggling with a mental health disorder, things might be looking tough. Treatment options are available, but if your spouse refuses to seek help for their condition, you might find yourself in a bit of a pickle. This article is for you. via @