Nuggets of Truth

Daily encouragement
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Your Home Matters ... Even When It Doesn’t Look Like You Want
Home is the birthplace of meaning. Therefore your “place” ... your home ... matters immensely. That’s good to remember when you look around your home and you feel everything is messy ... or you wish it was larger or more modern and up to date.
Avoid These Three Mistakes to Become a Wise Mother-in-law
Why is it that one of life’s most difficult relationships is often between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law? Or sometimes a son-in-law? Most of us have high hopes for these relationships before they become official. We imagine getting along, spending time together, and liking each other. And yet all too soon individual relationships suffer from misunderstandings, missed expectations both stated and unstated, and hurt feelings. And most of the time it’s all unintentional.
Remember Your First-Love Promises?
It was a warm, early summer day when Dennis invited me to go to lunch. We’d known each other as friends for three years in college, but we hadn’t seen each other in a year since graduation. So we had a lot to catch up on. One lunch wasn’t nearly long enough. So he invited me to go on a picnic the next day. And a picnic still wasn’t enough. On the way back to my apartment, he asked me to go to church with him the next day.
Modeling Respect in Our World Today
One of our jobs as a parent is teaching our kids how to love and respect any person in their lives—their siblings, their friends, the people they encounter each day. And why is this important? Because every human being is made in the image of God so therefore every person has innate value. Being in His image means you and I reflect Him by what we say and do.
Beyond Weight Loss: 3 New Year's Resolutions for Your Soul
I imagine that most New Year’s resolutions are forgotten by now! Most people who make resolutions are deadly serious when they begin. But after a few weeks, after they’ve failed a few times in cutting calories or reading the Bible daily, they give up. Well, here are some resolutions that are worth considering because they will change your life.
20 Reasons Your Home Matters
Each of you woke this morning in your version of home: a two-story townhome, a one-level ranch, a fixer upper, an urban high rise, a studio apartment. Whatever it might look like to you, it’s a place called home for everyone living there. Here are 20 reasons that the work you do within those walls—morning after morning, midnight after midnight—truly does matter. Keep it up!
Your Home Matters ... Even When It Feels Chaotic
Do you wish your home were more peaceful? Families are messy because people are broken and sinful and full of flaws. So how could we possibly have perfectly peaceful relationships, especially with family members? The home that Dennis and I created was not a peaceful home in the way I imagined it to be, but it was a stable and mostly healthy home because we kept the main things the main things.
40 Character Qualities We Hoped to Teach Our Children
You're getting your child's classroom syllabus for all the benchmarks he'll be required to know over the next months for science, math, art, and history. Wouldn't it be nice to know what you needed to teach him for knowing God better?
When You Want to Quit Your Marriage
Most of us marry with stars in our eyes and expectations that scrape the Milky Way. But there’s not a spouse on earth who hasn’t experienced harsh unexpected disappointments. Have you entertained the thought of quitting your marriage at some level? Like piles of heavy wet snow on power lines and branches, accumulated hurts and disillusionment threaten to snap personal resolve as easily as limbs surrender to the overwhelming weight of winter’s crystals.
Building a Sense of Mission in Your Children
American Christianity is often not the purest form of our faith … it’s clouded and often compromised by our nation’s prosperity and love of comfort. Opening our children’s eyes to other cultures and to a global vision of God’s love for all gave them a greater understanding of God and His work throughout the world.
Building Emotional Security in Your Children
As a 19-year-old college student, I understood the gospel for the first time, and my sense of self and purpose changed dramatically. As I grew in my faith, I learned more about the importance of emotional identity. We are made in God’s image, which means we are created with emotions, intelligence, gifts and talents, and a spirit like His. Our identity is a composite of these facets of our personhood. The emotions of our hearts are a reflection of God Himself.
Building Character in Your Children
Parents can’t change their children’s personalities, physical characteristics, mental capacity, or length of days, but you can shape their character. You have the privilege of cooperating with the Creator of the universe in uncovering, naming, and nurturing into bloom all the possibilities God planted in your children.
Building a Relationship With Your Children
Did you know we were made by God for relationships? Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But it’s easy, especially in America, to think that life is all about us. When you read Scripture, it quickly becomes apparent that we were created for much more.
How Does the Holy Spirit Help Me in My Everyday Life?
Internal dialogue crowds my mind most days as a woman, wife, and mother. I’m much more likely to think about these practical survival needs than I am to think about the Holy Spirit. He’s not going to tell me what to fix for dinner. Or might He help me with seemingly mundane requests if I just ask?
3 Steps to Becoming a Wise Daughter-in-Law
All six of our children had adjustments and challenges with their in-laws. Everyone does. We did too. My mother-in-law and I could not have been more different. It seemed we had nothing in common. Because expectations are almost always unspoken, mistakes are common on both sides of this often-strained relationship. Here are three tips for getting along with your mother-in-law or father-in-law.