Onions - How to Plant and Grow Edible Alliums

Discover expert tips on planting and cultivating onions, leeks, chives, ramps, shallots, and scallions. Learn about species and cultivar selection, soil preparation, planting techniques, watering, fertilization, pest and disease control, and harvesting. Explore best practices for maintaining healthy, flavorful allium crops in your garden.
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How to Plant and Grow Onions | Gardener’s Path
Do you love onions in your stew pot? Love cooking with these savory bulbs? If so, try growing them at home. It’s easier than you think and you can find out all you need to know in this in-depth guide from Gardener’s Path. #vegetablegardening #growingfood #onions #gardenerspath
How and When to Harvest Scallions
How can you tell if scallions are ready for harvest? Our guide shares tips on how and when to pick these green onions, whether you’re growing them as perennials or annuals. You can pull up the whole plant, clip the tops to use like chives, or pick the blossoms for garnishes. #harvest #scallions #gardenerspath
How to Grow and Harvest Bunching Onions | Gardener's Path
What is a bunching onion? Aka green onions or scallions, these non-bulbing perennial alliums will add a punch of flavor to your favorite dishes. We provide expert guidance for planting, growing, and harvesting this deliciously flavorful crop, plus our favorite cooking tips! #greenonions #vegetablegarden #gardenerspath
Learn How to Plant and Grow Leeks | Gardener’s Path
Underutilized in American kitchens – but delicious and worthy of a larger role – leeks are easy to grow at home. They want rich soil, a good amount of water, and lots of sun. At Gardener’s Path, get expert tips and advice about how to add this member of the onion family to your garden #leeks #growyourown #gardenerspath
How to Grow Chives in Containers | Gardener’s Path
Chives are excellent for adding a light oniony flavor to any number of savory dishes. Learn how easy it is to grow your own, especially in containers that are easy to access from the kitchen, whether that’s on the back porch or on a sunny windowsill indoors. Get the guide on Gardener's Path now. #chives #gardenerspath
15 of the Best Onion Varieties to Grow at Home
Are you looking for best types of onions to grow in your backyard garden? Well, you're in luck! We’ve collected 15 of our favorite varieties to help you find the best onion selection for your home veggie patch. Some varieties are better when picked early and some a better left to mature in the soil. And it’s a good idea to grow a some of both. Find our which cultivars are perfect for you with our detailed guide on Gardener’s Path. #growingonions #vegetablegarden #gardenerspath
How to Grow Ramps | Gardener’s Path
Ramps are an incredibly delicious treat, but they’re overharvested in the wild. Why not grow your own? Allium tricoccum is a fuss-free plant once it's established, with an oniony flavor unlike anything else. Check out our growing guide on Gardener’s Path to get started. #ramps #growyourown #gardenerspath
How to Grow Chives from Seed
Looking to grow chives from seed? You’re in luck! They’re easy to propagate and before you know it, you'll be cooking with your own homegrown herbs. This article will give you everything you need to know, from seed saving tips to advice for getting seedlings started indoors or out. #chives #herbgarden #gardenerspath
How to Plant and Grow Shallots
Shallots are a type of onion that has a sweet, mild flavor beloved of fine-dining chefs that can be difficult to find in the grocery store. Why not grow your own? Discover how to plant and grow gourmet shallots in your garden now with this guide from Gardener's Path. #shallots #vegetablegardening #gardenerspath
How and When to Harvest Shallots
If you are growing shallots in your garden, you might be feeling a bit confused about how and when to pick the delicious bulbs. Do you pull them up when the tops turn yellow, or does something else have to happen too? Discover when and how to harvest shallots now on Gardener’s Path. #shallots #harvest #gardenerspath
How to Identify and Control Allium Leaf Miners
Allium leaf miners are devastating pests of garlic, onions, shallots, chives, and leeks – and can destroy an entire crop. These invasive insects are spreading rapidly throughout the mid-Atlantic and northeastern regions of the US. Learn how to control allium leaf miners now on Gardener's Path. #alliums #pests #gardenerspath
What Are Wild Chives and What Can I Do with Them?
Do you think you’ve found chives growing in the wild? Are you wondering if you can eat them? If you need help identifying and figuring out what to do with Allium schoenoprasum, look no further. Learn how to identify wild chives and how to safely enjoy them in your cooking now on Gardener's Path. #wildchives #gardenerspath
How to Plant and Grow Scallions
Scallions offer gardeners a mild onion taste without the months-long wait required to harvest and store other varieties. These bunching onions are easy-to-grow that stand upright in the garden, and reach maturity 50 to 70 days from sowing. Learn how to grow for scallions on Gardener's Path. #scallions #gardenerspath
How to Grow Wild Garlic Chives in the Garden
Wild garlic chives are easy to grow, come back year after year, and lend a hint of garlic flavor to everyday recipes. Cooks who garden, this herb plant is for you! Learn how to grow and care for garlic chives, from propagating to harvest and preserving now on Gardener's Path. #garlicchives #herbgarden #gardenerspath
How to Store Homegrown Onions
With a broad variety of onions available for home gardening, you are likely to raise multiple crops that you’ll need to keep properly for short- and long-term use. Read on and learn how to store different types of onions and make the most of your harvests, now on Gardener’s Path. #onion #gardening #gardenerspath