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الشيعة العرب : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
La Planète Mars. Côtes De L'atlantique Et De La Manche: Côt...
Buy La planète Mars. Côtes de l'Atlantique et de la Manche: Côtes de l'Atlantique et de la Manche by François Costard, François Forget, Philippe Lognonné and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks and Audiobooks Today - Over 4 Million Titles!
Principles of Photonics : Jia-ming Liu
Principles of Photonics :: With this self-contained and comprehensive text, students will gain a detailed understanding of the fundamental concepts and major principles of photonics. Assuming only a basic background in optics, readers are guided through key topics such as the nature of optical fields, the properties of optical materials, and the principles of major photonic functions regarding the generation, propagation, coupling, interference, amplification, modulation, and detec...
Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum - Paperback
First he taught you classical mechanics. Now, physicist Leonard Susskind has teamed up with data engineer Art Friedman to present the theory and associated mathematics of the strange world of quantum mechanics. In this follow-up to the New York Times best-selling The Theoretical Minimum, Susskind and Friedman provide a lively introduction to this famously difficult field, which attempts to understand the behavior of sub-atomic objects through mathematical abstractions. Unlike other popularizatio
Livre Le visage de Dieu par les frères Bogdanov
Modern Quantum Mechanics : Jun John Sakurai,Jim Napolitano
Modern Quantum Mechanics : A comprehensive and engaging textbook, providing a graduate-level, non-historical, modern introduction of quantum mechanical concepts.
Get Book The Universe Speaks in Numbers: How Modern Maths Reveals Nature's Deepest Secrets
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The Great Unknown: Seven Journeys to the Frontiers of Science|Paperback
“Brilliant and fascinating. No one is better at making the recondite accessible and exciting.” —Bill BrysonA captivating journey to the outer...
EPub Waves, Particles and Fields: Introducing Quantum Field Theory
Holographic Duality in Condensed Matter Physics - Hardcover
A pioneering treatise presenting how the new mathematical techniques of holographic duality unify seemingly unrelated fields of physics. This innovative development morphs quantum field theory, general relativity and the renormalisation group into a single computational framework and this book is the first to bring together a wide range of research in this rapidly developing field. Set within the context of condensed matter physics and using boxes highlighting the specific techniques required, i
Bibliothèque du Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne
Ce livre vise à faire comprendre le rôle et la pertinence des équations différentielles en génie, maîtriser les méthodes de base permettant de résoudre les équations différentielles, et connaître quelques équations aux dérivées partielles parmi les plus importantes en génie. Dans le cas des équations aux dérivées partielles, on insiste surtout sur la méthode de séparation des variables, de concert avec les séries de Fourier, pour les résoudre. Dans cette deuxième édition, plusieurs sections ont
La roue du temps tome 8 un lever de ténèbres deuxième partie
La Roue du Temps tourne et les Âges naissent et meurent, laissant dans leur sillage des souvenirs destinés à devenir des légendes.L'Ultime Bataille approche, et le Dragon Réincarné aura besoin de tout