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Concocting a Cure for Kids With Issues (Published 2010)
NYTimes. Stanley A. Appelbaum is a behavioral optometrist, part of a growing subspecialty of optometry that takes the traditional practice beyond its usual focus on eye health and eyesight. Through a practice referred to as vision therapy — a combination of in-office and at-home eye exercises — many of these optometrists claim they can offer significant help for problems that go far beyond the headaches, neck aches, eyestrain and poor posture typically associated with vision problems.
What is a Brock String?
A brock string is a common vision therapy tool. It consists of a white flexible cord or string, approximately 10 - 15 feet in length, with colored wooden beads that can be moved to various positions along the length of the string. The Brock offers instant feedback to the participant if their eyes are working together to focus on an object at various distances. The Brock string is often used in vision therapy for patients with vergence disorders such as Convergence Insufficiency, patients wit...
Vision Therapy | Eye Care, Beavercreek, OH
Vision Therapy has made a profound difference in people of all ages. Vision is our dominant sense and primary source for gathering information in learning. 80% of what we learn is through our eyes which means vision and/or visual perceptual difficulties can have a great effect on how we read, learn and achieve.
Eye Exercises for Visual Health and School Success
Improving visual processing and eye health | This site is full of info & resources!