
10 Pins
So. Sirens are bird-women. I always thought they were mermaids. I feel my life would have been very different if I had known this before yesterday. (Greek siren, National Museum, Athens, marble, 4th c. BCE)
The bird Sirin., Stepan Gilev
ArtStation - The bird Sirin., Stepan Gilev
The Classic Greek Siren
In early Greek mythology Sirens were both male and female bird-bodied prophets. The Sirens served the Goddess Persephone, having earned their wings when they helped her mother search for her when she was kidnapped by Hades. They lost their wings when hera tricked them into challenging the Musae to a singing contest. As beautiful as the Sirens' song was, it was no watch for the Goddess of Art. This is where we get "Sirens' Song" which represents death's sweet call.