Daily Inspiration

Most of us are stuck in the daily routine. Sometimes you just need a break, breath deeply and have a look at something new and inspiring. Quotes can do wonders: motivate, inspire, make you smile, laugh and get going to do good things.
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79 Ideas
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A lil bit of spicy paradise
"When I am silent, I have thunder hidden inside." ~ Rumi ~ trish Http://www.ArousedWomanBlog.com #quote #rumi #wisdom
About goodbyes
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" -Quote from Winnie the Pooh
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Too many people spend time collecting "things" and never spend time collecting moments/memories!
OWN Lifeclasses – Your Best Self Realized
The past we each had was ugly. We can't change the mistakes we made from the past. But we can keep moving forward to make our beautiful future
10 Things Children Learn From Parents
10 amazing qualities children can learn from their parents at the36thavenue.com #parenting #kids
Love & Social Life
Starting today, I need to forget what’s gone. Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what’s coming next.
Favorite Things Friday
Travelling is one of my favourite things to do and I am glad my friends will travel with me. It makes our world so much bigger.
One Pan Mexican Quinoa
One Pan Mexican Quinoa - Wonderfully light, healthy and nutritious. And it's so easy to make - even the quinoa is cooked right in the pan!
Hello Summer!
Welcome to the first day of summer! What's your favorite thing about this season? #FoodSaver #Summer #Quotes
60 Philosophical Quotes on Life | Inspirationfeed
There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind. - C.S. Lewis
Famous Quotes | The Ultimate List of Wise Words
Sometimes, being with your best friend, is all the therapy you need. click on this image to see the most sophisticated collection of inspiring quotes!
24 Inspiring New Year's Quotes To Help You Make the Best of the New Year
#Inspirational #Quote http://www.kidsdinge.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/kidsdingecom-Origineel-speelgoed-hebbedingen-voor-hippe-kids/160122710686387?sk=wall http://instagram.com/kidsdinge