Wine Lover & Connoisseur

Everything for the casual wine lover or serious wine connoisseur including wine humor, clever wine bottle holders, wine cocktail recipes, wine-themed goodies, and fun decor for a wine tasting party.
335 Pins
14 simple hacks every wine drinker should know
14 Wine Hacks #wine #wineeducation #winetasting
12 Items To Improve Your Wineaholic Lifestyle
The Wineaholic Cooler | 12 Items To Improve Your Wineaholic Lifestyle
All About Wine - PositiveMed
Very helpful for people like me who pretend to know things about wine but actually know nothing except for that it's great :)
12 Essential Wine Hacks For The Vino Enthusiast In Your Life
Clever ways to make cheap wine taste better, how to open a bottle without a corkscrew & preserve wine longer, plus more super helpful wine tips
Gary Vaynerchuk's Top 40 Under $40
There are some absolutely OUTSTANDING values in this group, so whether you're looking for the perfect gift, or stocking up on a couple cases for the holidays, you seriously can't go wrong here!
DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! - Belle Vie
DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! : Fabtastic Eats... I see ones that say Bride and Groom... Hmmmm
12 Essential Wine Hacks You Need for This/Every Weekend
Step up your wine knowledge with this infographic.
10 Hacks to Make a Box of Wine Taste Amazing
Don't waste your money on the good stuff for your backyard barbecue! These hacks will turn boxed wine into a fancy, big-batch summer drink.
This Is How Long You Can Actually Drink Wine After Opening It
If the best thing to do with wine is drink it (YAASS), the worst thing to do with wine is pour it down the sink (NOOO), which is why this guide is so very important.
Wine 101 Learn the Basics - A Beginner's Guide to Drinking Wine
Learn the basics from some of the best! Wine Folly has beginner tips, 101 lessons and more.
The Secret Trick to Chilling Wine Instantly
Because sometimes you don't have time to refrigerate that bottle.
New 15x20cm WINE IMPROVES WITH AGE retro vintage enamel style tin metal sign
Yep. I love getting older. Haha