Feelings Quotes

Quotes about catching feelings and dealing with confused and overwhelmed thoughts. Expressing your feelings in life to your crushes and your friends. Truths about when you’re unsure about your feelings and happy feelings quotes. All feelings are valid.
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Quote by Gina Rodriguez | Quote Catalog
“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.” — Gina Rodriguez | Quote about fear of love and of losing someone. This fear of relationships is understandable but it can be avoided. A quote for him and for her. Trust your strength and be courageous. Fight for your relationship and you will find happiness. A motivational quote to help you overcome hard times and change. Uplifting quote about life. A quote about fear of the unknown and change. | #quoteoftheday #love #faith #motivation
Quote by Sheryl Sandberg | Quote Catalog
“Counting your blessings increases them. People who take the time to focus on the things they are grateful for are happier and healthier.” — Sheryl Sandberg | Grateful for where I’m at. Excited about where I’m going. Be grateful everyday for your family, friends and health. A motivational quote about being grateful for life and for what you have. Being thankful to god and expressing your gratitude daily will make you a happy and healthy person. | #quoteoftheday #grateful #motivation
Quote by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Quote Catalog
“Hope is not something that you have. Hope is something that you create, with your actions.” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | A quote about life, about change and about love. This quote hits hard but it’s so true. You create your own destiny, your actions, your life. Follow a path of positive affirmations and thoughts and create hope for yourself. Having hope is being able to see there is light despite all the darkness. | #focus #mindsetiseverything #Quote #Inspiration #love
Quote by Marcel Poust | Quote Catalog
“Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.” — Marcel Poust | A quote about breaking up and moving on with someone. Quote for him and for her! This will encourage you to move on and believe in yourself. Protect your mind, body and soul and you will find happiness. Reflect on what really matters to you and find out how powerful your mind truly is. | #quote #love #empowermend #breakups #motivation
Quote by Miyuki Miyabe | Quote Catalog
“It was all right to be sad. It was all right to lament. It was all right to feel anger. But not all right to run away.” — Miyuki Miyabe | Running away from your problems won’t make them go away. Only when you confront them, can they go away. A deep meaningful quote of encouragement and change. You can create the life of your dreams by never giving up on hope. Take this inspirational quote and share in your Instagram - captions, story, posts or even your short bio. Inspirational quote.
Quote by Heather Havrilesky | Quote Catalog
“We all have to set our terrors and our scars and our disappointments and our heartbreaks aside and move forward with an open heart.” — Heather Havrilesky | Positive good vibes - that’s all we need and want in life. It’s time to move past your hardships, adjust your mindset and create your happiness. This quote is about life, relationships and love. Time to make a change and create your dream life. | #quoteoftheday #love #happiness #Motivation #lifequotes
5 Struggles in Life A Strong Woman Has to Face Alone
Being a strong woman comes with struggles. Do you have any of these challenges? Click the link, read more. #motivationallifequote #positivequotes #quotesonlife #strongwomenquotes #selfconfidencequotes #bestquotesonlife #bestinspirationalquotes #quotesoflove #quotesforwomen #deepquotesaboutlife #inspirationalquotesaboutlife #deepquotesfeelings #beautifullifequotes #lifequotestoliveby #inspirationalquotesaboutlife
Maya Angelou Quote | Quote Catalog
“Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise” — Maya Angelou | Wisdom
Encouraging Quotes on Forgiving Yourself to Create Power and Freedom in Life
Forgiving yourself is the greatest gift you give yourself to set yourself free from self-condemnation and judgement. READ 21 encouraging quotes on forgiving yourself and bring more love, compassion, and understanding into your life today. #forgiveness #selflove #inspirationalquotes #encouragementforlife #selfworth
30 Of The Most Heartbreaking Song Lyrics Ever Written
"My Immortal" by Evanescence 21 Of The Most Beautiful Song Lyrics Ever Written
72 Best Romantic Love Song Lyrics To Share With Your Love
25 Quotes From Songs About Being In Love That'll Hit You Right In The Feels
Dr. Cristina Yang Quote | Quote Catalog
“Oh, screw beautiful. I'm brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.” — Dr. Cristina Yang | Best quote from Grey’s Anatomy by Cristina Yang on how to give compliments. Empower women, their success and their strength. Remember you are brilliant and awesome. #brilliant #quotes #beautiful
Martha Stewart Quote | Quote Catalog
“When you're through changing, you're through.” — Martha Stewart | Stagnant quote about life and work. You don’t want to get stuck in a routine that could potentially destroy your dreams. Everyday you must choose to evolve or repeat, and you must choose evolution if you want to progress in life. Slow progress is still progress and can add up to big results. Avoid stagnation at all costs. #quotes #inspiration #personaldevelopment #progress
HEALTH AFFIRMATIONS FOR HEALING My body is strong and healing. My immune system is healing my body. My health is getting better each day. I am surrounded by healing energy. I am healed. I am healthy and whole. I have perfect health. AFFIRMATIONS FOR APPRECIATING MY BODY I am grateful for my body. I respect my body. My body is my vessel. I only put healthy foods into my body. Read more at our website.