Journal bible quotes

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Frustrating seasons make us want to give up. It feels unfair, too long and so deeply disappointing. The other day as I read through Matthew 14 I came to the famous story of Peter walking on the water. Although there are a many great lessons there, this time I was struck by the part of the story where Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him in the boat. This was His plan all along, His will. Their being in that boat was in direct obedience to Him and yet, they still found themselves in the de...
Which one resonates with you? If you feel a deep desire to grow in your relationship with Jesus before the new year begins, I have a free download for you with 8 ways to do just that. Comment “grow” & I’ll send you the link.🫶🏻🫶🏻 #spiritualgrowth #christianquotes #growingspiritually #Jesus #holyspirit #godisfaithful #christianauthor
God is not mad at you if you’re in the refiners fire. He is removing what can not come with you wherever He is taking you and sifting out whatever is holding you back. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is when Jesus is speaking to Peter and says, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32 Satan had asked to sift them as wheat. One co...
Let me tell you a story… When my son was 5 we had just finished Christmas morning and he began asking me when he was going to get such and such toy and I was shocked. I went into lecture mode and told him he hadn’t even begun to enjoy the gifts he had already been given before he was concerned about what he hadn’t yet received. The Lord broke into my thoughts and I knew it when I sensed Him say, “sounds like you, Ash. You’re always throwing fits about what I haven’t given you but you are...