
Top 10 Modern Passover Recipes for Your Seder Feast #passover #recipes #passoverrecipes #recipe in 2020
Origami Rectangle Box - All-In-One — Gathering Beauty
Origami Rectangle Box - All-In-One — Gathering Beauty
Brilliant Homeowner Transforms Useless Gap Into Secret Storage Space
In my idle moments, one of my all-time favorite daydreams is that I have a perfect kitchen. In my fantasy, it’s a big eat in kitchen with a double oven, perfect granite countertops, and absolutely zero spaghetti sauce stains to be seen. Most important, it’s full of nifty storage that makes use of every spare inch. We’re...
Custom Pull Out Spice Rack Tucked on the Side of Our Refrigerator.
We have all been there- a cabinet next to the stove STUFFED full of every spice you ever bought in the past 10 years. You can never find what you are looking for and it is a mess!Well, I decided to do something about it. I took that useless space next to our refrigerator and made a custom pull out spice rack with lots of visible access to everything. Here is the space Rolling out the spice rack. Each shelf is on one row deep, so everything is visible. I simply built a simple fr…