Factores de Financimiento

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100 20 80 8.82 114.71 34.

100 20 80 8.41 117.71 37.71
100 20 80 8.05 120.72 40.72

114.52 22.9 91.62 10.11 131.37 154.27

100 20 80 8.41 117.71 137.71
421.27 84.25 337.02 33.9 508.56 592.81

Nueva propuesta Ci 16
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes Incremento Int
0.0000 1 482.06 77.13 404.93 0 0 -404.93
0.5138 2 482.06 77.13 404.93 208.05 416.11 11.18
0.3456 3 482.06 77.13 404.93 139.94 419.83 14.9
0.2615 4 482.06 77.13 404.93 105.89 423.56 18.63
0.2110 5 482.06 77.13 404.93 85.44 427.2 22.27
0.1774 6 482.06 77.13 404.93 71.83 431.01 26.08
0.1533 7 482.06 77.13 404.93 62.08 434.53 29.60
0.1353 8 482.06 77.13 404.93 54.79 438.3 33.37
0.1213 9 482.06 77.13 404.93 49.12 442.06 37.13
0.1101 10 482.06 77.13 404.93 44.58 445.83 40.9
0.1009 11 482.06 77.13 404.93 40.86 449.43 44.5
0.0933 12 482.06 77.13 404.93 37.78 453.36 48.43

Actual Ci 20
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes Incremento Int
1.0612 1 400 80 320 339.58 339.58 19.58
0.5459 2 400 80 320 174.69 349.38 29.38
0.3741 3 400 80 320 119.71 359.14 39.14
0.2883 4 400 80 320 92.26 369.02 49.02
0.2367 5 400 80 320 75.74 378.72 58.72
0.2024 6 400 80 320 64.77 388.61 68.61
0.1778 7 400 80 320 56.90 398.27 78.27
0.1594 8 400 80 320 51.01 408.06 88.06
0.1451 9 400 80 320 46.43 417.89 97.89
0.1337 10 400 80 320 42.78 427.84 107.84
0.1243 11 400 80 320 39.78 437.54 117.54
0.1165 12 400 80 320 37.28 447.36 127.36
Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes Incremento Int
0.0000 1 512.82 82.05 430.77 0 0 -430.77
0.5138 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 223.96 447.93 12.03
0.3456 3 512.82 82.05 430.77 148.87 446.62 15.85
0.2615 4 512.82 82.05 430.77 112.65 450.58 19.82
0.2110 5 512.82 82.05 430.77 90.89 454.46 23.69
0.1774 6 512.82 82.05 430.77 76.42 458.51 27.74
0.1533 7 512.82 82.05 430.77 66.04 462.26 31.49
0.1353 8 512.82 82.05 430.77 58.28 466.26 35.5
0.1213 9 512.82 82.05 430.77 52.25 470.27 39.5
0.1101 10 512.82 82.05 430.77 47.43 474.28 43.51
0.1009 11 512.82 82.05 430.77 43.46 478.11 47.34
0.0933 12 512.82 82.05 430.77 40.19 482.29 51.52
0.0745 15 512.82 76.92 435.9 32.47 487.11 51.22
0.0745 15 408.03 0 408.03 30.4 455.97 47.94
Actual Ci 20
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes Incremento Int
1.0612 1 425.64 85.13 340.51 361.35 361.35 20.84
0.5459 2 425.64 85.13 340.51 185.89 371.77 31.26
0.3741 3 425.64 85.13 340.51 127.39 382.16 41.64
0.2883 4 425.64 85.13 340.51 98.17 392.68 52.17
0.2367 5 425.64 85.13 340.51 80.6 403 62.48
0.2024 6 425.64 85.13 340.51 68.92 413.52 73.01
0.1778 7 425.64 85.13 340.51 60.54 423.8 83.29
0.1594 8 425.64 85.13 340.51 54.28 434.22 93.71
0.1451 9 425.64 85.13 340.51 49.41 444.67 104.16
0.1337 10 425.64 85.13 340.51 45.53 455.26 114.75
0.1243 11 425.64 85.13 340.51 42.33 465.58 125.07
0.1165 12 425.64 85.13 340.51 39.67 476.04 135.52
43.39 34.71 3.33769230769231
47.14 37.71 3.36714285714286
50.9 40.72 3.39333333333333


Porcentaje Incremento Int Factor para el sistema Total finan MESES
-100 -404.93 -100.00000000000000 77.13 1
2.76 11.18 1.38000000000001 493.24 2
3.68 14.9 1.22666666666667 496.96 3
4.6 18.63 1.15000000000000 500.69 4
5.5 22.27 1.10000000000000 504.33 5
6.44 26.08 1.07333333333333 508.14 6
7.31 29.6 1.04428571428572 511.66 7
8.24 33.37 1.03000000000000 515.43 8
9.17 37.13 1.01888888888889 519.19 9
10.1 40.9 1.01000000000000 522.96 10
10.99 44.5 0.99909090909091 526.56 11
11.96 48.43 0.99666666666667 530.49 12

Porcentaje Incremento Int Factor para el sistema Total finan

6.12 19.58 6.11999999999998 419.58
9.18 29.38 4.59000000000001 429.38
12.23 39.14 4.07666666666666 439.14
15.32 49.02 3.83000000000000 449.02
18.35 58.72 3.67000000000000 458.72
21.44 68.61 3.57333333333333 468.61
24.46 78.27 3.49428571428571 478.27
27.52 88.06 3.44000000000000 488.06
30.59 97.89 3.39888888888889 497.89
33.7 107.84 3.37000000000000 507.84
36.73 117.54 3.33909090909091 517.54
39.8 127.36 3.31666666666667 527.36
Porcentaje Incremento Int Factor para el sistema Total finan MESES
-100 -430.77 -100.00000000000000 82.05 1
2.76 12.03 1.38000000000000 524.85 2
3.68 15.85 1.22666666666667 528.67 3
4.6 19.82 1.15000000000000 532.64 4
5.5 23.69 1.10000000000000 536.51 5
6.44 27.74 1.07333333333334 540.56 6
7.31 31.49 1.04428571428572 544.31 7
8.24 35.50 1.03000000000000 548.32 8
9.17 39.50 1.01888888888889 552.32 9
10.1 43.51 1.01000000000000 556.33 10
10.99 47.34 0.99909090909091 560.16 11
11.96 51.52 0.99666666666667 564.34 12
11.75 51.22 0.78333333333333 564.04
11.75 47.94 0.83928571428571

Porcentaje Incremento Int Factor para el sistema Total finan

6.12 20.84 6.12000000000000 446.48
9.18 31.26 4.59000000000001 456.90
12.23 41.64 4.07666666666667 467.28
15.32 52.17 3.83000000000000 477.81
18.35 62.48 3.67000000000000 488.12
21.44 73.01 3.57333333333334 498.65
24.46 83.29 3.49428571428572 508.93
27.52 93.71 3.44000000000000 519.35
30.59 104.16 3.39888888888889 529.80
33.7 114.75 3.37000000000000 540.39
36.73 125.07 3.33909090909091 550.71
39.8 135.52 3.31666666666667 561.16


80 77.13 2.87 0 0 0.00 0
80 77.13 2.87 174.69 208.05 33.37 429.38
80 77.13 2.87 119.71 139.94 20.23 439.14
80 77.13 2.87 92.26 105.89 13.63 449.02
80 77.13 2.87 75.74 85.44 9.70 458.72
80 77.13 2.87 64.77 71.83 7.07 468.61
80 77.13 2.87 56.90 62.08 5.18 478.27
80 77.13 2.87 51.01 54.79 3.78 488.06
80 77.13 2.87 46.43 49.12 2.69 497.89
80 77.13 2.87 42.78 44.58 1.80 507.84
80 77.13 2.87 39.78 40.86 1.08 517.54
80 77.13 2.87 37.28 37.78 0.50 527.36




85.13 82.05 3.08 0.00 0.00 0 0
85.13 82.05 3.08 185.89 221.33 35.44 456.90
85.13 82.05 3.08 127.39 148.87 21.49 467.28
85.13 82.05 3.08 98.17 112.65 14.48 477.81
85.13 82.05 3.08 80.60 90.89 10.29 488.12
85.13 82.05 3.08 68.92 76.42 7.50 498.65
85.13 82.05 3.08 60.54 66.04 5.49 508.93
85.13 82.05 3.08 54.28 58.28 4.01 519.35
85.13 82.05 3.08 49.41 52.25 2.84 529.80
85.13 82.05 3.08 45.53 47.43 1.90 540.39
85.13 82.05 3.08 42.33 43.46 1.14 550.71
85.13 82.05 3.08 39.67 40.19 0.52 561.16

0 0
493.24 63.86
496.96 57.83
500.69 51.66
504.33 45.61
508.14 39.53
511.66 33.39
515.43 27.36
519.19 21.3
522.96 15.12
526.56 9.03
530.49 3.13


0 0
524.71 67.81
528.67 61.39
532.64 54.83
536.51 48.39
540.56 41.92
544.31 35.38
548.32 28.97
552.32 22.52
556.33 15.94
560.16 9.45
564.34 3.18
Actual Ci 20
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes
0.1500 1 400 64 336 50.4 50.4
0.0168 2 400 64 336 5.65 11.29
0.0153 3 400 64 336 5.13 15.4
0.0138 4 400 64 336 4.62 18.48
0.0122 5 400 80 320 3.91 19.56
0.0107 6 400 80 320 3.42 20.53
0.0092 7 400 80 320 2.93 20.53
0.0076 8 400 80 320 2.44 19.56
0.0061 9 400 80 320 1.96 17.6
0.0046 10 400 80 320 1.47 14.67
0.0031 11 400 80 320 0.98 10.76
0.0183 12 400 80 320 5.86 70.27

Ci 16
Interes Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor finan Valor ci +fin
1.8300 1 400 64 336 6.15 342.15
3.6700 2 400 64 336 12.33 348.33
5.5000 3 400 64 336 18.48 354.48
7.3300 4 400 64 336 24.63 360.63
9.1700 5 400 64 336 30.81 366.81
11.0000 6 400 64 336 36.96 372.96
12.8300 7 400 64 336 43.11 379.11
14.6700 8 400 64 336 49.29 385.29
16.5000 9 400 64 336 55.44 391.44
18.3300 10 400 64 336 61.59 397.59
20.1700 11 400 64 336 67.77 403.77
22.0000 12 400 64 336 73.92 409.92

Ci 20
Interes Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor finan Valor ci +fin
1.8300 1 400 80 320 5.86 325.86
3.6700 2 400 80 320 11.74 331.74
5.5000 3 400 80 320 17.6 337.6
7.3300 4 400 80 320 23.46 343.46
9.1700 5 400 80 320 29.34 349.34
11.0000 6 400 80 320 35.2 355.2
12.8300 7 400 80 320 41.06 361.06
14.6700 8 400 80 320 46.94 366.94
16.5000 9 400 80 320 52.8 372.8
18.3300 10 400 80 320 58.66 378.66
20.1700 11 400 80 320 64.54 384.54
22.0000 12 400 80 320 70.4 390.4

Ci 25
Interes Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor finan Valor ci +fin
1.8300 1 400 100 300 5.49 305.49
3.6700 2 400 100 300 11.01 311.01
5.5000 3 400 100 300 16.5 316.5
7.3300 4 400 100 300 21.99 321.99
9.1700 5 400 100 300 27.51 327.51
11.0000 6 400 100 300 33 333
12.8300 7 400 100 300 38.49 338.49
14.6700 8 400 100 300 44.01 344.01
16.5000 9 400 100 300 49.5 349.5
18.3300 10 400 100 300 54.99 354.99
20.1700 11 400 100 300 60.51 360.51
22.0000 12 400 100 300 66 366

Ci 30
Interes Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor finan Valor ci +fin
1.8300 1 400 120 280 5.12 285.12
3.6700 2 400 120 280 10.28 290.28
5.5000 3 400 120 280 15.4 295.4
7.3300 4 400 120 280 20.52 300.52
9.1700 5 400 120 280 25.68 305.68
11.0000 6 400 120 280 30.8 310.8
12.8300 7 400 120 280 35.92 315.92
14.6700 8 400 120 280 41.08 321.08
16.5000 9 400 120 280 46.2 326.2
18.3300 10 400 120 280 51.32 331.32
20.1700 11 400 120 280 56.48 336.48
22.0000 12 400 120 280 61.6 341.6

Ci 40
Interes Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor finan Valor ci +fin
1.8300 1 400 160 240 4.39 244.39
3.6700 2 400 160 240 8.81 248.81
5.5000 3 400 160 240 13.2 253.2
7.3300 4 400 160 240 17.59 257.59
9.1700 5 400 160 240 22.01 262.01
11.0000 6 400 160 240 26.4 266.4
12.8300 7 400 160 240 30.79 270.79
14.6700 8 400 160 240 35.21 275.21
16.5000 9 400 160 240 39.6 279.6
18.3300 10 400 160 240 43.99 283.99
20.1700 11 400 160 240 48.41 288.41
22.0000 12 400 160 240 52.8 292.8

Ci 50
Interes Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor finan Valor ci +fin
1.8300 1 400 200 200 3.66 203.66
3.6700 2 400 200 200 7.34 207.34
5.5000 3 400 200 200 11 211
7.3300 4 400 200 200 14.66 214.66
9.1700 5 400 200 200 18.34 218.34
11.0000 6 400 200 200 22 222
12.8300 7 400 200 200 25.66 225.66
14.6700 8 400 200 200 29.34 229.34
16.5000 9 400 200 200 33 233
18.3300 10 400 200 200 36.66 236.66
20.1700 11 400 200 200 40.34 240.34
22.0000 12 400 200 200 44 244
Descuento 7 Ci
Factor para elTotal
finan Meses Factores Valor de venta Descto 7%
### 114.4 1
### 75.29 2 0.5138 512.82 35.90
### 79.4 3 0.3456 512.82 35.90
### 82.48 4 0.2615 512.82 35.90
### 99.56 5 0.2110 512.82 35.90
### 100.53 6 0.1774 512.82 35.90
### 100.53 7 0.1533 512.82 35.90
### 99.56 8 0.1353 512.82 35.90
### 97.6 9 0.1213 512.82 35.90
### 94.67 10 0.1101 512.82 35.90
### 90.76 11 0.1009 512.82 35.90
### 150.27 12 0.0933 512.82 35.90

Descuento 0 Ci
Meses Factores Valor de venta Descto 7%
Valor c/letra Total finan 1
342.15 406.15 2 0.5138 512.82 0.00
174.17 412.33 3 0.3456 512.82 0.00
118.16 418.48 4 0.2615 512.82 0.00
90.16 424.63 5 0.2110 512.82 0.00
73.36 430.81 6 0.1774 512.82 0.00
62.16 436.96 7 0.1533 512.82 0.00
54.16 443.11 8 0.1353 512.82 0.00
48.16 449.29 9 0.1213 512.82 0.00
43.49 455.44 10 0.1101 512.82 0.00
39.76 461.59 11 0.1009 512.82 0.00
36.71 467.77 12 0.0933 512.82 0.00
34.16 473.92
Descuento 17 Ci
Meses Factores Valor de venta Descto 7%
Valor c/letra Total finan 2 0.5138 512.82 87.18
325.86 405.86 3 0.3456 512.82 87.18
165.87 411.74 4 0.2615 512.82 87.18
112.53 417.60 5 0.2110 512.82 87.18
85.86 423.46 6 0.1774 512.82 87.18
69.87 429.34 7 0.1533 512.82 87.18
59.20 435.20 8 0.1353 512.82 87.18
51.58 441.06 9 0.1213 512.82 87.18
45.87 446.94 10 0.1101 512.82 87.18
41.42 452.80 11 0.1009 512.82 87.18
37.87 458.66 12 0.0933 512.82 87.18
34.96 464.54
32.53 470.40
Vigente hasta el 28 de junio
Descuento 17 Ci
Valor c/letra Total finan Meses Factores Valor de venta Descto 7%
305.49 405.49 1 1.0612 512.82 87.18
155.51 411.01 2 0.5459 512.82 87.18
105.50 416.50 3 0.3741 512.82 87.18
80.50 421.99 4 0.2883 512.82 87.18
65.50 427.51 5 0.2367 512.82 87.18
55.50 433.00 6 0.2024 512.82 87.18
48.36 438.49 7 0.1778 512.82 87.18
43.00 444.01 8 0.1594 512.82 87.18
38.83 449.50 9 0.1451 512.82 87.18
35.50 454.99 10 0.1337 512.82 87.18
32.77 460.51 11 0.1243 512.82 87.18
30.50 466.00 12 0.1165 512.82 87.18

Valor c/letra Total finan Descuento 5 Ci

285.12 405.12 Meses Factores Valor de venta Descto 7%
145.14 410.28 1 1.0612 512.82 25.64
98.47 415.40 2 0.5459 512.82 25.64
75.13 420.52 3 0.3741 512.82 25.64
61.14 425.68 4 0.2883 512.82 25.64
51.80 430.80 5 0.2367 512.82 25.64
45.13 435.92 6 0.2024 512.82 25.64
40.13 441.08 7 0.1778 512.82 25.64
36.24 446.20 8 0.1594 512.82 25.64
33.13 451.32 9 0.1451 512.82 25.64
30.59 456.48 10 0.1337 512.82 25.64
28.47 461.60 11 0.1243 512.82 25.64
12 0.1165 512.82 25.64

Valor c/letra Total finan

244.39 404.39 Descuento 17 Ci
124.40 408.81 Meses Factores Valor de venta Descto 7%
84.40 413.20 1 1.0612 512.82 87.18
64.40 417.59 2 0.5459 512.82 87.18
52.40 422.01 3 0.3741 512.82 87.18
44.40 426.40 4 0.2883 512.82 87.18
38.68 430.79 5 0.2367 512.82 87.18
34.40 435.21 6 0.2024 512.82 87.18
31.07 439.60 7 0.1778 512.82 87.18
28.40 443.99 8 0.1594 512.82 87.18
26.22 448.41 9 0.1451 512.82 87.18
24.40 452.80 10 0.1337 512.82 87.18
11 0.1243 512.82 87.18
12 0.1165 512.82 87.18
Valor c/letra Total finan
203.66 403.66
103.67 407.34
70.33 411.00
53.67 414.66
43.67 418.34
37.00 422.00
32.24 425.66
28.67 429.34
25.89 433.00
23.67 436.66
21.85 440.34
20.33 444.00
Valor a finan Ci Saldo valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan

476.92 95.38 381.54 196.03 392.07 487.45

476.92 95.38 381.54 131.86 395.58 490.96
476.92 95.38 381.54 99.77 399.09 494.47
476.92 95.38 381.54 80.50 402.52 497.91
476.92 95.38 381.54 67.68 406.11 501.49
476.92 95.38 381.54 58.49 409.43 504.81
476.92 95.38 381.54 51.62 412.98 508.36
476.92 95.38 381.54 46.28 416.53 511.91
476.92 95.38 381.54 42.01 420.07 515.46
476.92 95.38 381.54 38.50 423.47 518.85
476.92 95.38 381.54 35.60 427.17 522.55

Valor a finan Ci Saldo valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan

512.82 76.92 435.9 223.96 447.93 524.85

512.82 76.92 435.9 150.65 451.94 528.86
512.82 76.92 435.9 113.99 455.95 532.87
512.82 76.92 435.9 91.97 459.87 536.79
512.82 76.92 435.9 77.33 463.97 540.89
512.82 76.92 435.9 66.82 467.76 544.68
512.82 76.92 435.9 58.98 471.81 548.74
512.82 76.92 435.9 52.87 475.87 552.79
512.82 76.92 435.9 47.99 479.92 556.85
512.82 76.92 435.9 43.98 483.8 560.73
512.82 76.92 435.9 40.67 488.03 564.95

Valor a finan Ci Saldo valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan

425.64 85.13 340.51 174.96 349.91 435.04

425.64 85.13 340.51 117.68 353.04 438.17
425.64 85.13 340.51 89.04 356.18 441.30
425.64 85.13 340.51 71.85 359.24 444.37
425.64 85.13 340.51 60.41 362.44 447.57
425.64 85.13 340.51 52.20 365.4 450.53
425.64 85.13 340.51 46.07 368.57 453.70
425.64 85.13 340.51 41.30 371.74 456.87
425.64 85.13 340.51 37.49 374.9 460.03
425.64 85.13 340.51 34.36 377.93 463.06
425.64 85.13 340.51 31.77 381.24 466.37

Valor a finan Ci Saldo valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan
425.64 85.13 340.51 361.35 361.35 446.48
425.64 85.13 340.51 185.89 371.77 456.90
425.64 85.13 340.51 127.39 382.16 467.29
425.64 85.13 340.51 98.17 392.68 477.81
425.64 85.13 340.51 80.60 403.00 488.12
425.64 85.13 340.51 68.92 413.52 498.65
425.64 85.13 340.51 60.54 423.80 508.93
425.64 85.13 340.51 54.28 434.22 519.35
425.64 85.13 340.51 49.41 444.68 529.80
425.64 85.13 340.51 45.53 455.27 540.39
425.64 85.13 340.51 42.33 465.58 550.71
425.64 85.13 340.51 39.67 476.04 561.16

Valor a finan Ci Saldo valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan
487.18 97.44 389.74 413.60 413.60 511.03
487.18 97.44 389.74 212.76 425.52 522.96
487.18 97.44 389.74 145.80 437.41 534.84
487.18 97.44 389.74 112.36 449.45 546.89
487.18 97.44 389.74 92.25 461.26 558.70
487.18 97.44 389.74 78.88 473.30 570.74
487.18 97.44 389.74 69.30 485.07 582.51
487.18 97.44 389.74 62.13 497.00 594.44
487.18 97.44 389.74 56.55 508.97 606.40
487.18 97.44 389.74 52.11 521.09 618.52
487.18 97.44 389.74 48.45 532.90 630.33
487.18 97.44 389.74 45.41 544.86 642.30

Valor a finan Ci Saldo valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan
425.64 0 425.64 451.69 451.69 451.69
425.64 0 425.64 232.36 464.71 464.71
425.64 0 425.64 159.23 477.7 477.70
425.64 0 425.64 122.71 490.85 490.85
425.64 0 425.64 100.75 503.75 503.75
425.64 0 425.64 86.15 516.9 516.90
425.64 0 425.64 75.68 529.75 529.75
425.64 0 425.64 67.85 542.78 542.78
425.64 0 425.64 61.76 555.84 555.84
425.64 0 425.64 56.91 569.08 569.08
425.64 0 425.64 52.91 581.98 581.98
425.64 0 425.64 49.59 595.05 595.05
Descuento 0 Ci 16
Meses Factores Valor de ventaDescto 7% Valor a finan Ci
2 0.5138 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
3 0.3456 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
4 0.2615 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
5 0.2110 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
6 0.1774 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
7 0.1533 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
8 0.1353 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
9 0.1213 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
10 0.1101 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
11 0.1009 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05
12 0.0933 512.82 0.00 512.82 82.05

Descuento 0 Ci 20
Meses Factores Valor de ventaDescto 7% Valor a finan Ci
2 0.5138 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
3 0.3456 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
4 0.2615 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
5 0.2110 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
6 0.1774 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
7 0.1533 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
8 0.1353 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
9 0.1213 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
10 0.1101 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
11 0.1009 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56
12 0.0933 512.82 0.00 512.82 102.56

Descuento 0 Ci 25
Meses Factores Valor de ventaDescto 7% Valor a finan Ci
2 0.5138 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
3 0.3456 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
4 0.2615 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
5 0.2110 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
6 0.1774 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
7 0.1533 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
8 0.1353 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
9 0.1213 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
10 0.1101 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
11 0.1009 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21
12 0.0933 512.82 0.00 512.82 128.21

Vigente hasta el 28 junio 2001 Nueva propuesta 7 % de descto 20 %

Meses valor/letra Total finan Meses

1 361.35 446.48 1
2 185.89 456.90 2
3 127.39 467.29 3
4 98.17 477.81 4
5 80.60 488.12 5
6 68.92 498.65 6
7 60.54 508.93 7
8 54.28 519.35 8
9 49.41 529.80 9
10 45.53 540.39 10
11 42.33 550.71 11
12 39.67 561.16 12

Vigente hasta el 28 junio 2001 Nueva propuesta 0 % de descto 15 %

Meses valor/letra Total finan Meses

1 361.35 446.48 1
2 185.89 456.90 2
3 127.39 467.29 3
4 98.17 477.81 4
5 80.60 488.12 5
6 68.92 498.65 6
7 60.54 508.93 7
8 54.28 519.35 8
9 49.41 529.80 9
10 45.53 540.39 10
11 42.33 550.71 11
12 39.67 561.16 12
Saldo % descuento Desc. X saldo Saldo – des valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan

430.77 15.5 66.77 364.00 187.02 374.05 456.10

430.77 13.5 58.15 372.62 128.78 386.33 468.38
430.77 12 51.69 379.08 99.13 396.51 478.57
430.77 11 47.38 383.38 80.89 404.47 486.52
430.77 9.5 40.92 389.85 69.16 414.95 497.00
430.77 8 34.46 396.31 60.75 425.28 507.33
430.77 6.5 28.00 402.77 54.49 435.96 518.01
430.77 6 25.85 404.92 49.12 442.05 524.11
430.77 0 0 430.77 47.43 474.28 556.33
430.77 0 0 430.77 43.46 478.11 560.16
430.77 0 0 430.77 40.19 482.29 564.34

Saldo % descuento Desc. X saldo Saldo – des valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan

410.26 15.5 63.59 346.67 178.12 356.23 458.80

410.26 13.5 55.38 354.87 122.64 367.93 470.49
410.26 12 49.23 361.03 94.41 377.63 480.20
410.26 11 45.13 365.13 77.04 385.21 487.77
410.26 9.5 38.97 371.28 65.87 395.19 497.76
410.26 8 32.82 377.44 57.86 405.03 507.59
410.26 6.5 26.67 383.59 51.90 415.2 517.76
410.26 6 24.62 385.64 46.78 421 523.57
410.26 0 0 410.26 45.17 451.69 554.26
410.26 0 0 410.26 41.39 455.34 557.91
410.26 0 0 410.26 38.28 459.32 561.89

Saldo % descuento Desc. X saldo Saldo – des valor/letra Letras x mes Total finan

384.62 15.5 59.62 325.00 166.98 333.97 462.17

384.62 13.5 51.92 332.69 114.98 344.94 473.14
384.62 12 46.15 338.46 88.51 354.03 482.24
384.62 11 42.31 342.31 72.23 361.13 489.34
384.62 9.5 36.54 348.08 61.75 370.49 498.70
384.62 8 30.77 353.85 54.24 379.71 507.92
384.62 6.5 25.00 359.62 48.66 389.25 517.45
384.62 6 23.08 361.54 43.85 394.69 522.90
384.62 0 0 384.62 42.35 423.46 551.67
384.62 0 0 384.62 38.81 426.88 555.09
384.62 0 0 384.62 35.88 430.61 558.82

ueva propuesta 7 % de descto 20 % CI

valor/letra Total finan

196.03 487.45
131.86 490.96
99.77 494.47
80.50 497.91
67.68 501.49
58.49 504.81
51.62 508.36
46.28 511.91
42.01 515.46
38.50 518.85
35.60 522.55

ueva propuesta 0 % de descto 15 % CI

valor/letra Total finan

223.96 524.85
150.65 528.86
113.99 532.87
91.97 536.79
77.33 540.89
66.82 544.68
58.98 548.74
52.87 552.79
47.99 556.85
43.98 560.73
40.67 564.95
100 8.33
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes Intereses Total
1 100.00 1.83 10.17 1.8333 10.167
2 91.67 1.68 10.01 3.3611 20.028
3 83.33 1.53 9.86 4.5833 29.583
4 75.00 1.38 9.71 5.5000 38.833
5 66.67 1.22 9.56 6.1111 47.778
6 58.33 1.07 9.40 6.4167 56.417
7 50.00 0.92 9.25 6.4167 64.750
8 41.67 0.76 9.10 6.1111 72.778
9 33.33 0.61 8.94 5.5000 80.500
10 25.00 0.46 8.79 4.5833 87.917
11 16.67 0.31 8.64 3.3611 95.028
12 8.33 0.15 8.49 1.8333 101.833
100 9.09
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 10.92 1.8333 10.924
2 90.91 1.67 10.76 3.3333 21.515
3 81.82 1.50 10.59 4.5000 31.773
4 72.73 1.33 10.42 5.3333 41.697
5 63.64 1.17 10.26 5.8333 51.288
6 54.55 1.00 10.09 6.0000 60.545
7 45.45 0.83 9.92 5.8333 69.470
8 36.36 0.67 9.76 5.3333 78.061
9 27.27 0.50 9.59 4.5000 86.318
10 18.18 0.33 9.42 3.3333 94.242
11 9.09 0.17 9.26 1.8333 101.833
11.00 47.6667
100 10.00
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 11.83 1.8333 11.833
2 90.00 1.65 11.65 3.3000 23.300
3 80.00 1.47 11.47 4.4000 34.400
4 70.00 1.28 11.28 5.1333 45.133
5 60.00 1.10 11.10 5.5000 55.500
6 50.00 0.92 10.92 5.5000 65.500
7 40.00 0.73 10.73 5.1333 75.133
8 30.00 0.55 10.55 4.4000 84.400
9 20.00 0.37 10.37 3.3000 93.300
10 10.00 0.18 10.18 1.8333 101.833
100 11.11
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 11.11 0.20 11.31 0.2037 11.315
2 22.22 0.41 11.52 0.8148 23.037
3 33.33 0.61 11.72 1.8333 35.167
4 44.44 0.81 11.93 3.2593 47.704
5 55.56 1.02 12.13 5.0926 60.648
6 66.67 1.22 12.33 7.3333 74.000
7 77.78 1.43 12.54 9.9815 87.759
8 88.89 1.63 12.74 13.0370 101.926
9 100.00 1.83 12.94 16.5000 116.500

100 12.50
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 14.33 1.8333 14.333
2 87.50 1.60 14.10 3.2083 28.208
3 75.00 1.38 13.88 4.1250 41.625
4 62.50 1.15 13.65 4.5833 54.583
5 50.00 0.92 13.42 4.5833 67.083
6 37.50 0.69 13.19 4.1250 79.125
7 25.00 0.46 12.96 3.2083 90.708
8 12.50 0.23 12.73 1.8333 101.833

100 14.29
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 16.12 1.8333 16.119
2 85.71 1.57 15.86 3.1429 31.714
3 71.43 1.31 15.60 3.9286 46.786
4 57.14 1.05 15.33 4.1905 61.333
5 42.86 0.79 15.07 3.9286 75.357
6 28.57 0.52 14.81 3.1429 88.857
7 14.29 0.26 14.55 1.8333 101.833

100 16.67
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 18.50 1.8333 18.500
2 83.33 1.53 18.19 3.0556 36.389
3 66.67 1.22 17.89 3.6667 53.667
4 50.00 0.92 17.58 3.6667 70.333
5 33.33 0.61 17.28 3.0556 86.389
6 16.67 0.31 16.97 1.8333 101.833

100 20.00
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 21.83 1.8333 21.833
2 80.00 1.47 21.47 2.9333 42.933
3 60.00 1.10 21.10 3.3000 63.300
4 40.00 0.73 20.73 2.9333 82.933
5 20.00 0.37 20.37 1.8333 101.833

100 25.00
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 26.83 1.8333 26.833
2 75.00 1.38 26.38 2.7500 52.750
3 50.00 0.92 25.92 2.7500 77.750
4 25.00 0.46 25.46 1.8333 101.833

100 33.33
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 35.17 1.8333 35.167
2 66.67 1.22 34.56 2.4444 69.111
3 33.33 0.61 33.94 1.8333 101.833

100 50.00
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 51.83 1.8333 51.833
2 50.00 0.92 50.92 1.8333 101.833

100 100.00
Meses Saldo Financimiento Cuotas mes
1 100.00 1.83 101.83 1.8333 101.833
Meses Financimiento
1 1.83 1.83
2 3.67 1.83
3 5.5 1.83
4 7.33 1.83
5 9.16 1.83
6 11 1.83
7 12.83 1.83
8 14.66 1.83
9 16.5 1.83
10 18.33 1.83
11 20.17 1.83
12 22 1.83
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183 0.0183
0.0769 0.0816 0.0872 0.0936 0.1012 0.1104 0.1215 0.1355 0.1535 0.1775 0.2111 0.2616 0.3456 0.5138
33.11 35.17 37.54 40.32 43.6 47.54 52.36 58.38 66.13 76.47 90.95 112.67 148.89 221.33
496.62 527.5 563.14 604.76 653.98 713.08 785.36 875.74 992 1147.07 1364.25 1690.1 2233.3 3319.89


2 1150 172.5 1000 0.5138 513.8 1027.6 1200.1

3 1000 150 1000 0.3456 345.6 1036.8 1186.8
4 1000 150 1000 0.2615 261.5 1046 1196 6MESES
5 1000 150 1000 0.2110 211 1055 1205 609.29 57.03
6 1000 150 1000 0.1774 177.4 1064.4 1214.4 609 57
7 1000 150 1000 0.1533 153.3 1073.1 1223.1 580 54.29
8 1000 150 1000 0.1353 135.3 1082.4 1232.4 575 53.82
9 1000 150 1000 0.1213 121.3 1091.7 1241.7 1.05 574 53.73
10 1000 150 1000 0.1101 110.1 1101 1251 1.02 570 53.35
11 1000 150 1000 0.1009 100.9 1109.9 1259.9 565 52.88
12 338.21 28 310.21 0.0936 29.036 348.43 376.43 566 52.98
13 1000 150 1000 0.0872 87.2 1133.6 1283.6 565 52.88
14 1000 150 1000 0.0816 81.6 1142.4 1292.4 563.6 52.75
15 1000 150 1000 0.0769 76.9 1153.5 1303.5 563.5 52.74
563.4 52.73

Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes Incremento Int Porcentaje Incremento Int Factor para el sistema Total finan VIEJO FACTORES
0.0000 1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0 0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92 Factores
0.5138 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 223.96 447.93 12.03 2.76 12.03 1.38000000000000 524.85 0.0000
0.3456 3 512.82 76.92 435.9 150.65 451.94 16.04 3.68 16.04 1.22666666666666 528.86 0.5138
0.2616 4 512.82 76.92 435.9 114.03 456.12 20.23 4.64 20.23 1.16000000000000 533.05 0.3456
0.2111 5 512.82 76.92 435.9 92.02 460.09 24.19 5.55 24.19 1.11000000000000 537.01 0.2615
0.1775 6 512.82 76.92 435.9 77.37 464.23 28.33 6.5 28.33 1.08333333333333 541.15 0.2110
0.1535 7 512.82 76.92 435.9 66.91 468.37 32.47 7.45 32.47 1.06428571428571 545.29 0.1774
0.1355 8 512.82 76.92 435.9 59.06 472.51 36.62 8.4 36.62 1.05000000000000 549.44 0.1533
0.1215 9 512.82 76.92 435.9 52.96 476.65 40.76 9.35 40.76 1.03888888888889 553.58 0.1353
0.1104 10 512.82 76.92 435.9 48.12 481.23 45.33 10.4 45.33 1.04000000000000 558.15 0.1213
0.1012 11 512.82 76.92 435.9 44.11 485.24 49.34 11.32 49.34 1.02909090909091 562.16 0.1101
0.0936 12 512.82 76.92 435.9 40.8 489.6 53.7 12.32 53.7 1.02666666666667 566.52 0.1009
0.0872 13 512.82 76.92 435.9 38.01 494.13 58.24 13.36 58.24 1.02769230769231 571.06 0.0933
0.0816 14 512.82 76.92 435.9 35.57 497.97 62.07 14.24 62.07 1.01714285714286 574.89 0.0000
0.0769 15 512.82 76.92 435.9 33.52 502.81 66.91 15.35 66.91 1.02333333333333 579.73 0.0000
0.06995 16 1215.15 0 1215.15 85 1360 144.85 11.92 144.85 0.74500000000000 1360 0.0000
0.09011 12 883.67 0 883.67 79.63 955.53 71.86 8.13 71.86 0.67766666666667 955.53
0.0186 60 713.5 49.41 664.09 12.35 741.03 76.94 11.59 76.94 0.19309156650050 790.44
0.0948 12 512.82 51.28 461.54 43.75 525.05 63.51 13.76 63.51 1.14666666666667 576.33

VIGENTE 1.15 955.56


2 1000 0.5138 513.80 1027.60

3 1000 0.3456 345.60 1036.80
4 1000 0.2615 261.50 1046.00
5 1000 0.2110 211.00 1055.00
6 1000 0.1774 177.40 1064.40
7 1000 0.1533 153.30 1073.10
8 1000 0.1353 135.30 1082.40
9 1000 0.1213 121.30 1091.70
10 1000 0.1101 110.10 1101.00
11 1000 0.1009 100.90 1109.90
12 1000 0.0933 93.30 1119.60

2 1000 0.5138 513.80 1027.60 0

3 1000 0.3456 345.60 1036.80 0
4 1000 0.2616 261.60 1046.40 0.4
5 1000 0.2111 211.10 1055.50 0.5
6 1000 0.1775 177.50 1065.00 0.6
7 1000 0.1535 153.50 1074.50 1.4
8 1000 0.1355 135.50 1084.00 1.6
9 1000 0.1215 121.50 1093.50 1.8
10 1000 0.1104 110.40 1104.00 3
11 1000 0.1012 101.20 1113.20 3.3
12 1000 0.0936 93.60 1123.20 3.6
13 1000 0.0872 87.20 1133.60
14 1000 0.0816 81.60 1142.40
15 1000 0.0769 76.90 1153.50

Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes Incremento Int Porcentaje Incremento Int Factor para el sistema Total finan
0.0000 1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0 0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
0.5107 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 222.61 445.23 9.33 2.14 9.33 1.07000000000001 522.15
0.3423 3 512.82 76.92 435.9 149.21 447.62 11.73 2.69 11.73 0.89666666666667 524.55
0.2583 4 512.82 76.92 435.9 112.59 450.37 14.47 3.32 14.47 0.83000000000000 527.29
0.2080 5 512.82 76.92 435.9 90.67 453.33 17.44 4 17.44 0.80000000000000 530.26
0.1744 6 512.82 76.92 435.9 76.02 456.12 20.23 4.64 20.23 0.77333333333333 533.05
0.1505 7 512.82 76.92 435.9 65.6 459.22 23.32 5.35 23.32 0.76428571428572 536.14
0.1325 8 512.82 76.92 435.9 57.76 462.05 26.15 6 26.15 0.75000000000000 538.97
0.1185 9 512.82 76.92 435.9 51.65 464.88 28.99 6.65 28.99 0.73888888888889 541.81
0.1073 10 512.82 76.92 435.9 46.77 467.72 31.82 7.3 31.82 0.73000000000000 544.64
0.0982 11 512.82 76.92 435.9 42.81 470.86 34.96 8.02 34.96 0.72909090909091 547.78
0.0906 12 512.82 76.92 435.9 39.49 473.91 38.01 8.72 38.01 0.72666666666667 550.83

1215.15 883.67 500 699.47 665.06 FACTORTASA = TASAINTERES/(PERIODOS * 100)
0.0136 0.0123 40.21 0.0037 LICUOTA = FACTORTASA / (1-(1+FACTORTASA) ** - NUMEROD
0.069950 0.090117 17.87 0.0186 714.47 DIVIDENDO = CAPITAL * LICUOTA
85.00 79.63 969.78 13.01
1360.00 955.60 883.67 60 SEMANAL
883.67 665.05 12 MENSUAL
79.63 0.0037 06 BIMENSUAL
0.0186 04 TRIMESTRAL
12.37 02 SEMESTRAL

512.79 48

Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes Incremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan
1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0 0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
2 512.82 76.92 435.9 223.96 447.93 12.03 2.76 12.03 1.38000000000000 524.85
3 512.82 76.92 435.9 150.65 451.94 16.04 3.68 16.04 1.22666666666666 528.86
4 512.82 76.92 435.9 113.99 455.95 20.05 4.6 20.05 1.15000000000000 532.87
5 512.82 76.92 435.9 91.97 459.87 23.97 5.5 23.97 1.10000000000000 536.79
6 512.82 76.92 435.9 77.33 463.97 28.07 6.44 28.07 1.07333333333334 540.89
7 512.82 76.92 435.9 66.82 467.76 31.86 7.31 31.86 1.04428571428572 544.68
8 512.82 76.92 435.9 58.98 471.81 35.92 8.24 35.92 1.03000000000000 548.74
9 512.82 76.92 435.9 52.87 475.87 39.97 9.17 39.97 1.01888888888889 552.79
10 512.82 76.92 435.9 47.99 479.92 44.03 10.1 44.03 1.01000000000000 556.85
11 512.82 76.92 435.9 43.98 483.8 47.91 10.99 47.91 0.99909090909091 560.73
12 512.82 76.92 435.9 40.67 488.03 52.13 11.96 52.13 0.99666666666667 564.95
13 512.82 76.92 435.9 0 0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -7.69230769230769 76.92
14 512.82 76.92 435.9 0 0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -7.14285714285714 76.92
15 512.82 76.92 435.9 0 0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -6.66666666666667 76.92
AINTERES/(PERIODOS * 100) 0.0186 60 713.5 49.41 664.09 12.35 741.03 76.94 11.59 76.94 0.19309156650050
ASA / (1-(1+FACTORTASA) ** - NUMERODIVIDENDOS)) 0.0186 60 816.5 69.43 747.07 13.89 833.62 86.55 11.59 86.55 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 725.5 61.66 663.84 12.35 740.75 76.91 11.59 76.91 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 901.4 76.63 824.77 15.34 920.32 95.55 11.59 95.55 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 587.35 49.94 537.41 9.99 599.67 62.26 11.59 62.26 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 677.5 57.66 619.84 11.53 691.65 71.81 11.59 71.81 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 1016.99 86.5 930.49 17.30 1038.29 107.8 11.59 107.8 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 643.2 54.69 588.51 10.94 656.69 68.18 11.59 68.18 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 719.5 61.21 658.29 12.24 734.56 76.27 11.59 76.27 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 821.5 69.92 751.58 13.98 838.65 87.07 11.59 87.07 0.19309156650050
0.0186 60 883.5 75.14 808.36 15.03 902.01 93.65 11.59 93.65 0.19309156650050
4 3 2 1 Nueva propuesta Ci 0
790.44 430.77 430.77 354.17 354.17 Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mes
903.05 0.0150 0.0150 0.0150 0.0150 1.0150 1 354.17 0 354.17 359.48 359.48
802.41 0.2594 0.3434 0.5113 1.0150 0.5150 2 354.17 0 354.17 182.40 364.80
996.95 111.76 147.92 181.08 359.48 0.3483 3 354.17 0 354.17 123.36 370.07
649.61 447.04 443.76 362.16 359.48 0.2594 4 354.17 0 354.17 91.87 367.49
711.38 1.5
795.77 3
908.57 4.5
977.15 364.8
2 USD 0 1 0m
2 USD 2 2 1m
2 USD 3 3 1.33 m
2 USD 4 4 1.5 m

0.37 1.12
0.37 1.12
Incremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan
5.31 1.5 5.31 1.50000000000000 359.48
10.63 3 10.63 1.50000000000000 364.80
15.9 4.49 15.9 1.49666666666666 370.07
13.32 3.76 13.32 0.94000000000000 367.49

0 1 30 0
0 1 30 0
0 1 30 0
0 1 30 0
100 8.33
Meses Saldo FinancimientoCuotas mes Intereses Total
1 100.00 1.83 10.17 1.8333 10.167
2 91.67 1.68 10.01 3.3611 20.028
3 83.33 1.53 9.86 4.5833 29.583
4 75.00 1.38 9.71 5.5000 38.833
5 66.67 1.22 9.56 6.1111 47.778
6 58.33 1.07 9.40 6.4167 56.417
7 50.00 0.92 9.25 6.4167 64.750
8 41.67 0.76 9.10 6.1111 72.778
9 33.33 0.61 8.94 5.5000 80.500
10 25.00 0.46 8.79 4.5833 87.917
11 16.67 0.31 8.64 3.3611 95.028
12 8.33 0.15 8.49 1.8333 101.833
435.9 40.8
12 36.32
1 40.8 40.8 4.48 435.90 0.00
2 40.8 81.6 8.95 399.57 6.72
3 40.8 122.4 13.43 363.25 5.55
4 40.8 163.2 17.9 326.92 4.50
5 40.8 204 22.38 290.60 3.55
6 40.8 244.8 26.85 254.27 2.72
7 40.8 285.6 31.33 217.95 2.00
8 40.8 326.4 35.8 181.62 1.39
9 40.8 367.2 40.28 145.30 0.89
10 40.8 408 44.75 108.97 0.50
11 40.8 448.8 49.23 72.65 0.22
12 40.8 489.6 53.7 36.32 0.06
Meses Financimiento
1 1.83 1.83
2 3.67 1.83
3 5.5 1.83
4 7.33 1.83
5 9.16 1.83
6 11 1.83
7 12.83 1.83
8 14.66 1.83
9 16.5 1.83
10 18.33 1.83
11 20.17 1.83
12 22 1.83
TASA 17.33

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0144 0.0144 0.0144 0.0144 0.0144 0.0144 0.0144 0.0144
0.0746 0.0794 0.0849 0.0914 0.0990 0.1081 0.1193 0.1333
32.15 34.21 36.58 39.36 42.64 46.57 51.39 57.4
482.2 478.88 475.57 472.27 468.99 465.72 462.47 459.23

Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mesIncremento Int
0.0000 1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0 0 -435.9
0.5109 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 222.7 445.4 9.5
0.3430 3 512.82 76.92 435.9 149.51 448.54 12.64
0.2591 4 512.82 76.92 435.9 112.94 451.76 15.87
0.2087 5 512.82 76.92 435.9 90.97 454.86 18.96
0.1752 6 512.82 76.92 435.9 76.37 458.21 22.32
0.1512 7 512.82 76.92 435.9 65.91 461.35 25.46
0.1333 8 512.82 76.92 435.9 58.11 464.84 28.94
0.1193 9 512.82 76.92 435.9 52 468.02 32.13
0.1081 10 512.82 76.92 435.9 47.12 471.2 35.31
0.0990 11 512.82 76.92 435.9 43.15 474.69 38.79
0.0914 12 512.82 76.92 435.9 39.84 478.09 42.19
0.0849 13 512.82 76.92 435.9 37.02 481.23 45.33
0.0794 14 512.82 76.92 435.9 34.61 484.54 48.65
0.0746 15 512.82 76.92 435.9 32.52 487.77 51.87

capital 435.89
tasa 0.0144 17.33% / 12 meses
plazo 12 meses

cap int pago saldo
1 33.53 6.29 39.82 402.36
2 34.01 5.81 39.82 368.36
3 34.50 5.32 39.82 333.86
4 35.00 4.82 39.82 298.86
5 35.50 4.32 39.82 263.35
6 36.02 3.80 39.82 227.34
7 36.54 3.28 39.82 190.80
8 37.06 2.76 39.82 153.73
9 37.60 2.22 39.82 116.13
10 38.14 1.68 39.82 77.99
11 38.69 1.13 39.82 39.30
12 39.25 0.57 39.82 0.05

435.84 42.00 477.84

2 0.5109
3 0.3430
4 0.2591
5 0.2087
6 0.1752
7 0.1512
8 0.1333
9 0.1193
10 0.1081
11 0.0990
12 0.0914
13 0.0849
14 0.0794
15 0.0746
7 6 5 4 3 2
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0144 0.0144 0.0144 0.0144 0.0144 0.0144
0.1512 0.1752 0.2087 0.2591 0.3430 0.5109
65.14 75.47 89.92 111.61 147.76 220.06
456.01 452.8 449.61 446.43 443.27 440.12

Porcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan

-100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
2.18 9.5 1.09000000000000 522.32
2.9 12.64 0.96666666666667 525.46
3.64 15.87 0.91000000000000 528.69
4.35 18.96 0.87000000000000 531.78
5.12 22.32 0.85333333333333 535.14
5.84 25.46 0.83428571428572 538.28
6.64 28.94 0.83000000000000 541.76
7.37 32.13 0.81888888888889 544.95
8.1 35.31 0.81000000000000 548.13
8.9 38.79 0.80909090909091 551.61
9.68 42.19 0.80666666666667 555.01
10.4 45.33 0.79991508206008 558.15
11.16 48.65 0.79714285714286 561.47
11.9 51.87 0.79333333333333 564.69

2 1.09
3 0.97
4 0.91
5 0.87
6 0.85
7 0.83
8 0.83
9 0.82
10 0.81
11 0.81
12 0.81
13 0.8
14 0.8
15 0.79

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125
0.0735 0.0783 0.0838 0.0903 0.0979 0.1070 0.1182 0.1321 0.1501 0.1740 0.2076 0.2579 0.3417 0.5094
31.67 33.73 36.11 38.88 42.16 46.09 50.9 56.92 64.65 74.97 89.41 111.08 147.19 219.43
475.09 472.24 469.4 466.57 463.75 460.94 458.14 455.35 452.58 449.81 447.06 444.32 441.58 438.86

Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan
0.0000 1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0 0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
0.5094 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 222.05 444.09 8.19 1.88 8.19 0.94000000000000 521.01
0.3417 3 512.82 76.92 435.9 148.95 446.84 10.94 2.51 10.94 0.83666666666667 523.76
0.2579 4 512.82 76.92 435.9 112.42 449.67 13.77 3.16 13.77 0.79000000000000 526.59
0.2076 5 512.82 76.92 435.9 90.49 452.46 16.56 3.8 16.56 0.76000000000000 529.38
0.1740 6 512.82 76.92 435.9 75.85 455.08 19.18 4.4 19.18 0.73333333333333 532
0.1501 7 512.82 76.92 435.9 65.43 458 22.1 5.07 22.1 0.72428571428572 534.92
0.1321 8 512.82 76.92 435.9 57.58 460.66 24.76 5.68 24.76 0.71000000000000 537.58
0.1182 9 512.82 76.92 435.9 51.52 463.71 27.81 6.38 27.81 0.70888888888889 540.63
0.1070 10 512.82 76.92 435.9 46.64 466.41 30.51 7 30.51 0.70000000000000 543.33
0.0979 11 512.82 76.92 435.9 42.67 469.42 33.52 7.69 33.52 0.69909090909091 546.34
0.0903 12 512.82 76.92 435.9 39.36 472.34 36.44 8.36 36.44 0.69666666666667 549.26
0.0838 13 512.82 76.92 435.9 36.53 474.87 38.97 8.94 38.97 0.68769230769231 551.79
0.0783 14 512.82 76.92 435.9 34.13 477.83 41.93 9.62 41.93 0.68714285714286 554.75
0.0735 15 512.82 76.92 435.9 32.04 480.58 44.68 10.25 44.68 0.68333333333333 557.5

2 1.09
3 0.97
4 0.91
capital 435.89 5 0.87
tasa 0.0125 17.33% / 12 meses 6 0.85
plazo 12 meses 7 0.83
8 0.83
cap int pago saldo 10 0.81
435.89 11 0.81
1 34.37 5.45 39.82 401.52 12 0.81
2 34.80 5.02 39.82 366.72 13 0.8
3 35.24 4.58 39.82 331.48 14 0.8
4 35.68 4.14 39.82 295.81 15 0.79
5 36.12 3.70 39.82 259.68
6 36.57 3.25 39.82 223.11
7 37.03 2.79 39.82 186.08
8 37.49 2.33 39.82 148.58
9 37.96 1.86 39.82 110.62
10 38.44 1.38 39.82 72.18
11 38.92 0.90 39.82 33.27
12 39.40 0.42 39.82 -6.14

442.03 35.81 477.84

2 0.5094
3 0.3417
4 0.2579
5 0.2076
6 0.1740
7 0.1501
8 0.1321
9 0.1182
10 0.1070
11 0.0979
12 0.0903
13 0.0838
14 0.0783
15 0.0735
Meses Factor para el sistema ant Factor para el sistema
2 1.09000000000000 0.94000000000000
3 0.96666666666667 0.83666666666667
4 0.91000000000000 0.79000000000000
5 0.87000000000000 0.76000000000000
6 0.85333333333333 0.73333333333333
7 0.83428571428572 0.72428571428572
8 0.83000000000000 0.71000000000000
9 0.81888888888889 0.70888888888889
10 0.81000000000000 0.70000000000000
11 0.80909090909091 0.69909090909091
12 0.80666666666667 0.69666666666667
13 0.79991508206006 0.68769230769231
14 0.79714285714286 0.68714285714286
15 0.79333333333333 0.68333333333333

15 14
430.77 430.77
0.0117 0.0117
0.0731 0.0778
31.47 33.53
472.06 469.41

Nueva propuesta
Factores Meses
0.0000 1
0.5088 2
0.3411 3
0.2573 4
0.2071 5
0.1735 6
0.1496 7
0.1317 8
0.1177 9
0.1065 10
0.0974 11
0.0898 12
0.0834 13
0.0778 14
0.0731 15
capital 435.89
tasa 0.0125
plazo 12 meses

13 12 11
430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0117 0.0117 0.0117
0.0834 0.0898 0.0974
35.91 38.68 41.96
466.77 464.13 461.51

Ci 15
Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
512.82 76.92 435.9
17.33% / 12 meses

cap int pago

34.37 5.45 39.82

34.80 5.02 39.82
35.24 4.58 39.82
35.68 4.14 39.82
36.12 3.70 39.82
36.57 3.25 39.82
37.03 2.79 39.82
37.49 2.33 39.82
37.96 1.86 39.82
38.44 1.38 39.82
38.92 0.90 39.82
39.40 0.42 39.82

442.03 35.81 477.84

10 9 8 7
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0117 0.0117 0.0117 0.0117
0.1065 0.1177 0.1317 0.1496
45.89 50.7 56.71 64.44
458.89 456.29 453.69 451.11

Valor c/c Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje

0 0 -435.9 -100
221.78 443.57 7.67 1.76
148.68 446.05 10.16 2.33
112.16 448.63 12.73 2.92
90.27 451.37 15.47 3.55
75.63 453.77 17.87 4.1
65.21 456.47 20.57 4.72
57.41 459.26 23.36 5.36
51.31 461.75 25.85 5.93
46.42 464.23 28.33 6.5
42.46 467.02 31.12 7.14
39.14 469.72 33.83 7.76
36.35 472.6 36.7 8.42
33.91 474.78 38.88 8.92
31.86 477.96 42.06 9.65
6 5 4
430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0117 0.0117 0.0117
0.1735 0.2071 0.2573
74.75 89.19 110.85
448.53 445.96 443.41

Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan

-435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
7.67 0.88000000000001 520.49
10.16 0.77666666666667 522.98
12.73 0.73000000000000 525.55
15.47 0.71000000000000 528.29
17.87 0.68333333333333 530.69
20.57 0.67428571428572 533.39
23.36 0.67000000000000 536.18
25.85 0.65888888888889 538.67
28.33 0.65000000000000 541.15
31.12 0.64909090909091 543.94
33.83 0.64666666666667 546.65
36.7 0.64769230769231 549.52
38.88 0.63714285714286 551.7
42.06 0.64333333333333 554.88
2 0.88
3 0.78
4 0.73
5 0.71
6 0.68
7 0.67
8 0.67
9 0.66
10 0.65
11 0.65
12 0.65
13 0.65
14 0.64
15 0.64
3 2
430.77 430.77
0.0117 0.0117
0.3411 0.5088
146.95 219.16
440.86 438.32
Meses Factor para el sistema ant
2 1.09000000000000
3 0.96666666666667
4 0.91000000000000
5 0.87000000000000
6 0.85333333333333
7 0.83428571428572
8 0.83000000000000
9 0.81888888888889
10 0.81000000000000
11 0.80909090909091
12 0.80666666666667
13 0.79991508206006
14 0.79714285714286
15 0.79333333333333
Factor para el sistema

TASA 14.66

15 14 13 12 11 10
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0122 0.0122 0.0122 0.0122 0.0122 0.0122
0.0734 0.0781 0.0837 0.0901 0.0977 0.1068
31.6 33.66 36.04 38.81 42.09 46.02
474.06 471.28 468.5 465.74 462.98 460.24

Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c
0.0000 1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0
0.5092 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 221.96
0.3415 3 512.82 76.92 435.9 148.86
0.2577 4 512.82 76.92 435.9 112.33
0.2074 5 512.82 76.92 435.9 90.41
0.1739 6 512.82 76.92 435.9 75.8
0.1499 7 512.82 76.92 435.9 65.34
0.1320 8 512.82 76.92 435.9 57.54
0.1180 9 512.82 76.92 435.9 51.44
0.1068 10 512.82 76.92 435.9 46.55
0.0977 11 512.82 76.92 435.9 42.59
0.0901 12 512.82 76.92 435.9 39.27
0.0837 13 512.82 76.92 435.9 36.48
0.0781 14 512.82 76.92 435.9 34.04
0.0734 15 512.82 76.92 435.9 31.99

capital 435.89
tasa 0.0125 17.33% / 12 meses
plazo 12 meses

cap int pago saldo
1 34.37 5.45 39.82 401.52
2 34.80 5.02 39.82 366.72
3 35.24 4.58 39.82 331.48
4 35.68 4.14 39.82 295.81
5 36.12 3.70 39.82 259.68
6 36.57 3.25 39.82 223.11
7 37.03 2.79 39.82 186.08
8 37.49 2.33 39.82 148.58
9 37.96 1.86 39.82 110.62
10 38.44 1.38 39.82 72.18
11 38.92 0.90 39.82 33.27
12 39.40 0.42 39.82 -6.14

442.03 35.81 477.84

2 0.5088
3 0.3411
4 0.2573
5 0.2071
6 0.1735
7 0.1496
8 0.1317
9 0.1177
10 0.1065
11 0.0974
12 0.0898
13 0.0834
14 0.0778
15 0.0731
9 8 7 6 5 4 3
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0122 0.0122 0.0122 0.0122 0.0122 0.0122 0.0122
0.1180 0.1320 0.1499 0.1739 0.2074 0.2577 0.3415
50.83 56.85 64.58 74.9 89.34 111 147.11
457.51 454.79 452.08 449.38 446.69 444.01 441.34

Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan

0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
443.92 8.02 1.84 8.02 0.92000000000000 520.84
446.58 10.68 2.45 10.68 0.81666666666667 523.5
449.32 13.43 3.08 13.43 0.77000000000000 526.25
452.03 16.13 3.7 16.13 0.74000000000000 528.95
454.81 18.92 4.34 18.92 0.72333333333334 531.74
457.39 21.49 4.93 21.49 0.70428571428571 534.31
460.31 24.41 5.6 24.41 0.70000000000000 537.23
462.92 27.03 6.2 27.03 0.68888888888889 539.85
465.54 29.64 6.8 29.64 0.68000000000000 542.46
468.46 32.56 7.47 32.56 0.67909090909091 545.38
471.29 35.39 8.12 35.39 0.67666666666667 548.21
474.3 38.4 8.81 38.4 0.67769230769231 551.22
476.61 40.71 9.34 40.71 0.66714285714286 553.53
479.92 44.03 10.1 44.03 0.67333333333334 556.85

2 0.92 0.92
3 0.82 0.82
4 0.77 0.77
5 0.74 0.74
6 0.72 0.72
7 0.7 0.7
8 0.7 0.7
9 0.69 0.69
10 0.68 0.68
11 0.68 0.68
12 0.68 0.68
13 0.68 0.68
14 0.67 0.67
15 0.67 0.67

Meses Factor para el sistema ant

2 1.09000000000000
3 0.96666666666667
4 0.91000000000000
5 0.87000000000000
6 0.85333333333333
7 0.83428571428572
8 0.83000000000000
9 0.81888888888889
10 0.81000000000000
11 0.80909090909091
12 0.80666666666667
13 0.79991508206006
14 0.79714285714286
15 0.79333333333333
Factor para el sistema

TASA 12.05

15 14 13 12 11 10
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100
0.0721 0.0769 0.0824 0.0889 0.0965 0.1056
31.08 33.14 35.51 38.28 41.56 45.49
466.18 463.91 461.65 459.4 457.16 454.92

Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c
0.0000 1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0
0.5075 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 221.22
0.3401 3 512.82 76.92 435.9 148.25
0.2563 4 512.82 76.92 435.9 111.72
0.2061 5 512.82 76.92 435.9 89.84
0.1726 6 512.82 76.92 435.9 75.24
0.1487 7 512.82 76.92 435.9 64.82
0.1307 8 512.82 76.92 435.9 56.97
0.1168 9 512.82 76.92 435.9 50.91
0.1056 10 512.82 76.92 435.9 46.03
0.0965 11 512.82 76.92 435.9 42.06
0.0889 12 512.82 76.92 435.9 38.75
0.0824 13 512.82 76.92 435.9 35.92
0.0769 14 512.82 76.92 435.9 33.52
0.0721 15 512.82 76.92 435.9 31.43

0.0713 15 1421.61 0 1421.61 101.34

capital 435.89
tasa 0.0125 17.33% / 12 meses
plazo 12 meses

cap int pago saldo
1 34.37 5.45 39.82 401.52
2 34.80 5.02 39.82 366.72
3 35.24 4.58 39.82 331.48
4 35.68 4.14 39.82 295.81
5 36.12 3.70 39.82 259.68
6 36.57 3.25 39.82 223.11
7 37.03 2.79 39.82 186.08
8 37.49 2.33 39.82 148.58
9 37.96 1.86 39.82 110.62
10 38.44 1.38 39.82 72.18
11 38.92 0.90 39.82 33.27
12 39.40 0.42 39.82 -6.14

442.03 35.81 477.84

2 0.5088
3 0.3411
4 0.2573
5 0.2071
6 0.1735
7 0.1496
8 0.1317
9 0.1177
10 0.1065
11 0.0974
12 0.0898
13 0.0834
14 0.0778
15 0.0731
9 8 7 6 5 4 3
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100
0.1168 0.1307 0.1487 0.1726 0.2061 0.2563 0.3401
50.3 56.31 64.04 74.34 88.77 110.41 146.48
452.69 450.46 448.25 446.04 443.83 441.64 439.45

Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan

0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
442.44 6.54 1.5 6.54 0.74999999999999 519.36
444.75 8.85 2.03 8.85 0.67666666666667 521.67
446.88 10.98 2.52 10.98 0.63000000000000 523.8
449.19 13.29 3.05 13.29 0.61000000000000 526.11
451.41 15.52 3.56 15.52 0.59333333333333 528.34
453.73 17.83 4.09 17.83 0.58428571428572 530.65
455.77 19.88 4.56 19.88 0.57000000000000 532.7
458.21 22.32 5.12 22.32 0.56888888888889 535.14
460.31 24.41 5.6 24.41 0.56000000000000 537.23
462.7 26.81 6.15 26.81 0.55909090909091 539.63
465.01 29.12 6.68 29.12 0.55666666666667 541.94
466.93 31.04 7.12 31.04 0.54769230769231 543.86
469.29 33.39 7.66 33.39 0.54714285714286 546.21
471.42 35.53 8.15 35.53 0.54333333333333 548.35

1520.13 98.52 6.93 98.52 0.46203333333333 1520.13

2 0.7500000000000 0.75
3 0.6766666666667 0.68
4 0.6300000000000 0.63
5 0.6100000000000 0.61
6 0.5933333333333 0.59
7 0.5842857142857 0.58
8 0.5700000000000 0.57
9 0.5688888888889 0.57
10 0.5600000000000 0.56
11 0.5590909090909 0.56
12 0.5566666666667 0.56
13 0.5476923076923 0.55
14 0.5471428571429 0.55
15 0.5433333333333 0.54

Meses Factor para el sistema ant

2 1.09000000000000
3 0.96666666666667
4 0.91000000000000
5 0.87000000000000
6 0.85333333333333
7 0.83428571428572
8 0.83000000000000
9 0.81888888888889
10 0.81000000000000
11 0.80909090909091
12 0.80666666666667
13 0.79991508206006
14 0.79714285714286
15 0.79333333333333

1520.1 1421.61 98.49

Factor para el sistema

TASA 13.25

15 14 13 12 11 10
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0110 0.0110 0.0110 0.0110 0.0110 0.0110
0.0727 0.0775 0.0830 0.0894 0.0970 0.1062
31.32 33.38 35.75 38.53 41.8 45.74
469.8 467.29 464.8 462.31 459.83 457.36

Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c
0.0000 1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0
0.5083 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 221.57
0.3407 3 512.82 76.92 435.9 148.51
0.2569 4 512.82 76.92 435.9 111.98
0.2067 5 512.82 76.92 435.9 90.1
0.1732 6 512.82 76.92 435.9 75.5
0.1492 7 512.82 76.92 435.9 65.04
0.1313 8 512.82 76.92 435.9 57.23
0.1173 9 512.82 76.92 435.9 51.13
0.1062 10 512.82 76.92 435.9 46.29
0.0970 11 512.82 76.92 435.9 42.28
0.0894 12 512.82 76.92 435.9 38.97
0.0830 13 512.82 76.92 435.9 36.18
0.0775 14 512.82 76.92 435.9 33.78
0.0727 15 512.82 76.92 435.9 31.69

0.0713 15 1421.61 0 1421.61 101.34

0.0775 12 229.51 34.43 195.08 15.12

capital 435.89
tasa 0.0125 17.33% / 12 meses
plazo 12 meses

cap int pago saldo
1 34.37 5.45 39.82 401.52
2 34.80 5.02 39.82 366.72
3 35.24 4.58 39.82 331.48
4 35.68 4.14 39.82 295.81
5 36.12 3.70 39.82 259.68
6 36.57 3.25 39.82 223.11
7 37.03 2.79 39.82 186.08
8 37.49 2.33 39.82 148.58
9 37.96 1.86 39.82 110.62
10 38.44 1.38 39.82 72.18
11 38.92 0.90 39.82 33.27
12 39.40 0.42 39.82 -6.14

442.03 35.81 477.84

2 0.5088
3 0.3411
4 0.2573
5 0.2071
6 0.1735
7 0.1496
8 0.1317
9 0.1177
10 0.1065
11 0.0974
12 0.0898
13 0.0834
14 0.0778
15 0.0731
9 8 7 6 5 4 3
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0110 0.0110 0.0110 0.0110 0.0110 0.0110 0.0110
0.1173 0.1313 0.1492 0.1732 0.2067 0.2569 0.3407
50.54 56.56 64.29 74.59 89.03 110.68 146.77
454.9 452.45 450 447.57 445.14 442.73 440.32

Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan

0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
443.13 7.24 1.66 7.24 0.83000000000000 520.06
445.53 9.63 2.21 9.63 0.73666666666667 522.45
447.93 12.03 2.76 12.03 0.69000000000000 524.85
450.5 14.6 3.35 14.6 0.67000000000000 527.42
452.98 17.09 3.92 17.09 0.65333333333333 529.91
455.25 19.35 4.44 19.35 0.63428571428571 532.17
457.87 21.97 5.04 21.97 0.63000000000000 534.79
460.18 24.28 5.57 24.28 0.61888888888889 537.1
462.92 27.03 6.2 27.03 0.62000000000000 539.85
465.1 29.21 6.7 29.21 0.60909090909091 542.03
467.63 31.73 7.28 31.73 0.60666666666667 544.55
470.33 34.44 7.9 34.44 0.60769230769231 547.26
472.95 37.05 8.5 37.05 0.60714285714286 549.87
475.35 39.45 9.05 39.45 0.60333333333333 552.27

1520.13 98.52 6.93 98.52 0.46203333333333 1520.13

181.43 -13.66 -7 -13.66 -0.58333333333333 215.85

2 0.7500000000000 0.75
3 0.6766666666667 0.68
4 0.6300000000000 0.63
5 0.6100000000000 0.61
6 0.5933333333333 0.59
7 0.5842857142857 0.58
8 0.5700000000000 0.57
9 0.5688888888889 0.57
10 0.5600000000000 0.56
11 0.5590909090909 0.56
12 0.5566666666667 0.56
13 0.5476923076923 0.55
14 0.5471428571429 0.55
15 0.5433333333333 0.54

Meses Factor para el sistema

2 0.83000000000000
3 0.73666666666667
4 0.69000000000000
5 0.67000000000000
6 0.65333333333333
7 0.63428571428571
8 0.63000000000000
9 0.61888888888889
10 0.62000000000000
11 0.60909090909091
12 0.60666666666667
13 0.60769230769231
14 0.60714285714286
15 0.60333333333333

1520.1 1421.61 98.49

Nueva propuesta Ci 2.91%

Factores Meses Valor a finan descuento
0.0775 12 229.53 6.6793

Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial

0.0775 12 186.12 27.92
total decu Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje
222.8507 33.43 196.1 15.2 182.38 -13.73 -7

Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema
158.2 12.26 147.13 -11.07 -7 -11.07 -0.58333333333333
Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan
-13.73 -0.58333333333333 215.8

Total finan

15 14 13 12 11 10
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100
0.0721 0.0769 0.0824 0.0888 0.0965 0.1056
31.07 33.13 35.5 38.27 41.55 45.48
466.03 463.77 461.52 459.28 457.04 454.82

Nueva propuesta Ci 15
Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c
0.0000 1 512.82 76.92 435.9 0
0.5075 2 512.82 76.92 435.9 221.22
0.3400 3 512.82 76.92 435.9 148.2
0.2563 4 512.82 76.92 435.9 111.72
0.2060 5 512.82 76.92 435.9 89.79
0.1725 6 512.82 76.92 435.9 75.19
0.1486 7 512.82 76.92 435.9 64.77
0.1307 8 512.82 76.92 435.9 56.97
0.1167 9 512.82 76.92 435.9 50.87
0.1056 10 512.82 76.92 435.9 46.03
0.0965 11 512.82 76.92 435.9 42.06
0.0888 12 512.82 76.92 435.9 38.71
0.0824 13 512.82 76.92 435.9 35.92
0.0769 14 512.82 76.92 435.9 33.52
0.0721 15 512.82 76.92 435.9 31.43

0.0713 15 1421.61 0 1421.61 101.34

0.0775 12 229.51 34.43 195.08 15.12

capital 435.89
tasa 0.0125 17.33% / 12 meses
plazo 12 meses

cap int pago saldo
1 34.37 5.45 39.82 401.52
2 34.80 5.02 39.82 366.72
3 35.24 4.58 39.82 331.48
4 35.68 4.14 39.82 295.81
5 36.12 3.70 39.82 259.68
6 36.57 3.25 39.82 223.11
7 37.03 2.79 39.82 186.08
8 37.49 2.33 39.82 148.58
9 37.96 1.86 39.82 110.62
10 38.44 1.38 39.82 72.18
11 38.92 0.90 39.82 33.27
12 39.40 0.42 39.82 -6.14

442.03 35.81 477.84

2 0.5088
3 0.3411
4 0.2573
5 0.2071
6 0.1735
7 0.1496
8 0.1317
9 0.1177
10 0.1065
11 0.0974
12 0.0898
13 0.0834
14 0.0778
15 0.0731
9 8 7 6 5 4 3
430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77 430.77
0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100
0.1167 0.1307 0.1486 0.1725 0.2060 0.2563 0.3400
50.29 56.3 64.02 74.33 88.76 110.4 146.47
452.59 450.38 448.17 445.97 443.78 441.59 439.41

Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan

0 -435.9 -100 -435.9 -100.00000000000000 76.92
442.44 6.54 1.5 6.54 0.74999999999999 519.36
444.61 8.72 2 8.72 0.66666666666667 521.54
446.88 10.98 2.52 10.98 0.63000000000000 523.8
448.97 13.08 3 13.08 0.60000000000000 525.9
451.15 15.26 3.5 15.26 0.58333333333333 528.08
453.42 17.52 4.02 17.52 0.57428571428572 530.34
455.77 19.88 4.56 19.88 0.57000000000000 532.7
457.82 21.93 5.03 21.93 0.55888888888889 534.75
460.31 24.41 5.6 24.41 0.56000000000000 537.23
462.7 26.81 6.15 26.81 0.55909090909091 539.63
464.49 28.59 6.56 28.59 0.54666666666667 541.41
466.93 31.04 7.12 31.04 0.54769230769231 543.86
469.29 33.39 7.66 33.39 0.54714285714286 546.21
471.42 35.53 8.15 35.53 0.54333333333333 548.35

1520.13 98.52 6.93 98.52 0.46203333333333 1520.13

181.43 -13.66 -7 -13.66 -0.58333333333333 215.85

2 0.7500000000000 0.75
3 0.6666666666667 0.68
4 0.6300000000000 0.63
5 0.6000000000000 0.61
6 0.5833333333333 0.59
7 0.5742857142857 0.58
8 0.5700000000000 0.57
9 0.5588888888889 0.57
10 0.5600000000000 0.56
11 0.5590909090909 0.56
12 0.5466666666667 0.56
13 0.5476923076923 0.55
14 0.5471428571429 0.55
15 0.5433333333333 0.54

Meses Factor para el sistema

2 0.83000000000000
3 0.73666666666667
4 0.69000000000000
5 0.67000000000000
6 0.65333333333333
7 0.63428571428571
8 0.63000000000000
9 0.61888888888889
10 0.62000000000000
11 0.60909090909091
12 0.60666666666667
13 0.60769230769231
14 0.60714285714286
15 0.60333333333333

1520.1 1421.61 98.49

Nueva propuesta Ci 2.91%

Factores Meses Valor a finan descuento
0.0775 12 229.53 6.6793

Factores Meses Valor a finan Cuota inicial

0.0775 12 186.12 27.92
total decu Cuota inicial Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje
222.8507 33.43 196.1 15.2 182.38 -13.73 -7

Saldo Valor c/c Valor c x mesIncremento IntPorcentaje Incremento IntFactor para el sistema
158.2 12.26 147.13 -11.07 -7 -11.07 -0.58333333333333
Incremento IntFactor para el sistema Total finan
-13.73 -0.58333333333333 215.8

Total finan

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