Reading Comprehension Test 15
Reading Comprehension Test 15
Reading Comprehension Test 15
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.
Questions 1 - 3 of 7
If you do a lot of business traveling, sooner or later you will need ground transportation. For trips that arc too short for a rental car and too long for a taxi, it makes sense to hire a car service. Such services are often called limousine services. They operate in large cities and in small ones, and even in rural areas where there are few airports or major transportation centers. 1. Why would you want to hire a car service?
A. Your car breaks down. B. You can't take a taxi or rental car. C. It's less expensive. D. You are in a large city.
A. People whose flights are late B. People whose flights are early C. People on leisure trips D. People on business trips
Lecture test de comprhension 15 Lisez le passage et choisissez l'option qui rpondent le mieux la question. Questions 1 - 3 sur 7 Si vous faites beaucoup de voyages d'affaires, tt ou tard, vous devrez transport terrestre. Pour les voyages qui arc trop court pour une voiture de location et trop long pour un taxi, il est logique de faire appel un service de voiture. Ces services sont souvent appels services de limousine. Ils oprent dans les grandes villes et dans les
petites, et mme dans les zones rurales o il ya peu d'aroports ou de grands centres de transport. 1. Pourquoi voudriez-vous faire appel un service de voiture? A. Votre voiture tombe en panne. B. Vous ne pouvez pas prendre un taxi ou voiture de location. C. Il est moins coteux. D. Vous tes dans une grande ville. 2. Quel est l'autre nom pour un service de voiture? A. Service Transport terrestre B. service de taxi C. Service de limousine D. Aroport de service 3. Selon cet avis, qui devrait engager un service de voiture? A. Les gens dont les vols sont en retard B. Les personnes dont les vols sont trs tt C. Les personnes en voyage d'agrment D. Les personnes en voyage d'affaires Reading Comprehension Test 15
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.
Questions 1 - 3 of 7
If you do a lot of business traveling, sooner or later you will need ground transportation. For trips that arc too short for a rental car and too long for a taxi, it makes sense to hire a car service. Such services are often called limousine services. They operate in large cities and in small ones, and even in rural areas where there are few airports or major transportation centers. 1. Why would you want to hire a car service?
A. Your car breaks down. B. You can't take a taxi or rental car. C. It's less expensive. D. You are in a large city.
D. Airport service
A. People whose flights are late B. People whose flights are early C. People on leisure trips D. People on business trips
Questions 4 - 5 of 7
John Carpenter
A. To get their new address B. To give them your new address C. To find out where they are located D. To send mail to someone else
5. When should the business start sending mail to the new address?
A. When they receive further notice B. When they get the card C. When the subscription starts D. At the end of the year
Lecture test de comprhension 15 Lisez le passage et choisissez l'option qui rpondent le mieux la question. Questions 4-5 sur 7 Signature John Carpenter
4. Pourquoi voudriez-vous envoyer cette carte une entreprise? A. Pour obtenir leur nouvelle adresse B. Pour leur donner votre nouvelle adresse C. Pour savoir o ils se trouvent D. Pour envoyer un mail quelqu'un d'autre 5. Quand faut-il le dmarrage d'entreprise envoyant un courrier la nouvelle adresse? A. Quand ils reoivent nouvel ordre B. Quand ils obtiennent la carte C. Lorsque la souscription commence D. la fin de l'anne Reading Comprehension Test 15
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.
Questions 4 - 5 of 7
Signature John Carpenter
A. To get their new address B. To give them your new address C. To find out where they are located D. To send mail to someone else
5. When should the business start sending mail to the new address?
A. When they receive further notice B. When they get the card C. When the subscription starts D. At the end of the year
Questions 6 - 7 of 7
Tarstan. Inc., earned $8 million in the fourth quarter. after a significant loss the previous year. This verifies an impressive comeback for the country's oldest home-appliance manufacturer. For all of this year. Tarstan earned $24.7 million. compared with a loss of $4.2 million last year.
A. Last year B. This year C. The first half of the year D. The last quarter of the year
Lecture test de comprhension 15 Lisez le passage et choisissez l'option qui rpondent le mieux la question. Questions 6 - 7 sur 7 Tarstan. Inc., a obtenu 8 millions de dollars au quatrime trimestre. aprs une perte importante de l'anne prcdente. Cela confirme un retour impressionnant pour le plus ancien fabricant de l'appareil domicile du pays. Pour l'ensemble de cette anne. Tarstan a obtenu 24,7 millions de dollars. comparativement une perte de 4,2 millions $ l'an dernier. 6. Pendant quelle priode Tarstan ne gagnent 8 millions de dollars? A. L'anne dernire B. Cette anne, C. La premire moiti de l'anne D. Le dernier trimestre de l'anne 7. Comparativement l'an dernier, comment avez-Tarstan effectuer cette anne? A. mal B. Comparablement C. Un peu mieux D. Impressionnant Reading Comprehension Test 15
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer the question.
Questions 6 - 7 of 7
Tarstan. Inc., earned $8 million in the fourth quarter. after a significant loss the previous year. This verifies an impressive comeback for the country's oldest home-appliance manufacturer. For all of this year. Tarstan earned $24.7 million. compared with a loss of $4.2 million last year. 6. During what period did Tarstan earn $8 million?
A. Last year B. This year C. The first half of the year D. The last quarter of the year