20 1553ea FDIS
20 1553ea FDIS
20 1553ea FDIS
Titre Title
IEC 62821-2: Cbles lectriques Cbles IEC 62821-2: Electric cables Halogen-
isolation et gaine thermoplastique sans free, low smoke, thermoplastic insulated
halogne faible dgagement de fume and sheathed cables of rated voltages up
de tension assigne au plus gale to and including 450/750 V Part 2: Test
450/750 V Partie 2: Mthodes d'essais methods
Note from IEC CO: Please be informed that the content of 20/1553A/FDIS remains unchanged from the
previous version of the FDIS. This A version of the FDIS is circulated in order to align its closing date
with the other parts of the 62821 series.
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 3
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 5
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 5
4 General requirements ...................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Pre-conditioning ...................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Test temperature .................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Test voltage ............................................................................................................ 6
4.4 Test values ............................................................................................................. 6
5 Test methods ................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Electrical test methods ............................................................................................ 6
5.1.1 Long-term resistance of insulation to d.c. voltage ............................................ 6
5.1.2 Absence of faults in insulation ......................................................................... 7
5.1.3 Surface resistance of sheath ........................................................................... 7
5.1.4 Voltage test on cores in water .......................................................................... 8
5.2 Mechanical test methods......................................................................................... 8
5.2.1 Water immersion on sheath ............................................................................. 8
5.3 Chemical test Determination of halogens Elemental test ................................... 9
5.3.1 WARNING ....................................................................................................... 9
5.3.2 Equipment ....................................................................................................... 9
5.3.3 Materials ......................................................................................................... 9
5.3.4 Procedure ........................................................................................................ 9
IEC FDIS 62821-2 IEC 2014 3
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformity
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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
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9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
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International Standard IEC 62821-2 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 20:
Electric cables.
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
4 IEC FDIS 62821-2 IEC 2014
A list of all parts in the IEC 62821 series, published under the general title, Electric cables
Halogen-free, low smoke, thermoplastic insulated and sheathed cables of rated voltages up to
and including 450/750 V, can be found on the IEC website.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "http://webstore.iec.ch" in the data
related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
replaced by a revised edition, or
The National Committees are requested to note that for this publication the stability date
is 2019.
IEC FDIS 62821-2 IEC 2014 5
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62821 specifies test methods which are particular for cables with insulation,
and sheath based on halogen-free, thermoplastic compound, and having low emission of
smoke and corrosive gases when exposed to fire, of rated voltages U 0 /U up to and including
450/750 V a.c.
General requirements are specified in IEC 62821-1 and particular types of flexible cables are
specified in IEC 62821-3.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and
are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
IEC 60811-501, Electric and optical fibre cables Test methods for non-metallic materials
Part 501: Mechanical tests Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulating and
sheathing compounds
IEC 62821-1, Electric cables Halogen-free low smoke, thermoplastic insulated and sheathed
cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V Part 1: General requirements 1
IEC 62821-3, Electric cables Halogen-free low smoke thermoplastic insulated and sheathed
cables of rated voltage up to and including 450/750 V Part 3: Flexible cables (cords) 1
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 62821-1 apply.
4 General requirements
4.1 Pre-conditioning
All the tests shall be carried out not less than 16 h after the extrusion, of the insulating or
sheathing compounds.
1 To be published.
6 IEC FDIS 62821-2 IEC 2014
Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be made at an ambient temperature of (20 15) C.
Unless otherwise specified in the individual clause of this standard or in the product standard,
the test voltage shall be a.c. of approximately sine wave form and of frequency between
49 Hz and 61 Hz. The ratio of peak value to r.m.s. value shall be equal to 2 with a tolerance
of 7 %.
Full test conditions (such as temperatures, durations, etc.) and full test requirements are not
specified in this standard. It is intended that they should be specified by the standard dealing
with the relevant type of cable.
Any test requirements which are given in this standard may be modified by the relevant cable
standard to suit the needs of a particular type of cable.
5 Test methods
Carry out the test on a sample of cable of 5 m length from which all coverings have been
removed. The cores of flat unsheathed cords shall not be separated.
For cables having up to five cores, each core shall be tested. For multicore cables having
more than five cores, one core of each colour in the cable shall be tested, and where the
number of colours is less than 5, duplicate coloured cores shall be tested as necessary to
bring the number of cores tested up to a minimum of 5.
Take care to avoid damage to the core(s) during removal of the coverings. Procedure
Immerse the sample, for the period and at the temperature given in the relevant cable
standard, in an aqueous solution of sodium chloride having a concentration of 10 g/l, with a
length of about 250 mm at each end of the sample projecting above the solution. Connect the
negative pole of a 220 V d.c. supply to the conductor(s) of the sample and the positive pole to
a copper electrode immersed in the solution for the time given in the relevant cable standard. Requirement
No breakdown of the insulation shall occur during the test and after the test the exterior of the
insulation shall show no sign of damage. General
Test all the cable that is in the final stage of manufacture, whether it is in delivery lengths or
in manufacturing lengths prior to being cut into delivery lengths.
Test single core cables, whether sheathed or unsheathed, by the spark test in accordance
with Test all other cables, including sheathed flat cables, with the voltage test in
accordance with
The requirements of 4.1 of this standard do not apply when the check for absence of faults is
carried out as a routine (R) test. Procedure
Carry out the test according to IEC 62230, except that the option to use a pulsed waveform
high-voltage source is not permitted. Requirement Procedure
With the cable in the dry state and at ambient temperature apply a voltage of the magnitude
given in the relevant cable standard, supplied either from an a.c. source or from a d.c. source,
between each conductor and all the other conductors and, if any, the metallic layer connected
to earth.
Increase the voltage gradually and maintain it at the full value for the duration given in the
relevant cable standard. Requirement
Carry out the test on three samples of completed cable, each about 250 mm in length. Procedure
Clean the sheath of each of the samples with industrial methylated spirit and apply to each
sample two electrodes, consisting of wire helices of copper wire of between 0,2 mm and
0,6 mm diameter, at a distance of (100 2) mm from each other. After the wire has been
applied, clean the surface of the sheath again thoroughly between the electrodes.
Immediately after removal from the conditioning chamber, apply a d.c. voltage of between
100 V and 500 V between the electrodes, and measure the resistance after 1 min.
8 IEC FDIS 62821-2 IEC 2014
Multiply the measured resistance of each sample, in ohms, by a/100, where a is the
circumference of the sheath of the sample, in millimetres. Record the median of the three
values so obtained as the surface resistance of the sheath. Requirement
The median of the three values so obtained shall be not lower than the value in the cable
standard. General
The test applies to sheathed cables, braided cables and flat unsheathed cords.
Prepare a sample of cable 5 m long, by carefully removing, without damaging the cores, the
sheath or the overall braid and any other covering or filling from a length of completed cable.
In the case of flat unsheathed cord, make a cut in the insulation between the cores and
separate the cores by hand over a length of 2 m. Procedure
Immerse the sample in water at the temperature, and for the period, specified in the cable
standard. Ensure that the ends of the cores protrude above the water by a distance sufficient
to prevent excessive surface leakage when the test voltage is applied. Apply a voltage, of the
magnitude specified in the cable standard between the conductors and the water for the time
specified in the cable standard. Requirement General
This test is to demonstrate the effect of water on the mechanical properties of sheath by
determining the tensile strength and elongation at break of the sheathing materials in the
unconditioned state as manufactured and in the conditioned state after immersion in water.
The tensile tests on the conditioned and unconditioned test pieces shall be made in
immediate succession.
Prepare test pieces in accordance with the procedure described in IEC 60811-501.
The cross-sectional area of the sample shall be determined before immersion in water. Procedure
Immerse the dumb-bell test pieces in de-ionized water for the time and at the temperature
given in the relevant standard for the cable sheathing material. Following this immersion,
allow the test pieces to cool to a temperature of (20 5) C before removing them from the
water. Dry the test pieces with absorbent paper and within 60 min of drying measure both the
IEC FDIS 62821-2 IEC 2014 9
tensile strength and the elongation at break in accordance with the procedure described in
IEC 60811-501.
Calculate the tensile strength and the elongation at break in accordance with the procedure
described in IEC 60811-501.
Owing to its potentially hazardous nature, the fusion operation should be carried out in
a fume cupboard, using a safety screen.
5.3.2 Equipment
Bunsen burner
3 small/medium soda glass test tubes (approximately 50 mm 10 mm)
Test tube holder
Evaporating basin/mortar
Wire gauze
Filter paper
5.3.3 Materials
Sample to be analysed
Sodium metal
Dilute nitric acid (5 %)
Aqueous silver nitrate (5 %)
Dilute ammonia (10 %)
Freshly made up zirconium-alizarin red S reagent
Glacial acetic acid
Acid/pH indicator papers
5.3.4 Procedure
Place 200 mg 250 mg of the sample into the bottom of a small soda glass test tube. Add
10 ml of distilled/de-ionized water to the evaporating basin and place this in the fume
cupboard behind the safety screen. Whilst holding the test tube firmly with the test tube holder
at an angle of 45 60 to the vertical, introduce a piece of freshly cut, clean sodium (about
the size of a small pea) (200 mg 250 mg) into the mouth of the test tube without allowing it
to come into contact with the sample. With the safety screen in place, gently heat the sodium
until it melts and runs down on to the sample (there may be a vigorous reaction when the
molten sodium reaches the sample if halogens are present). Heat the tube gently for about
1 min, then more strongly until the lower 20 mm of the tube glows red hot. Plunge the red hot
tube into the water in the evaporating basin, immediately placing the gauze on top. (The
gauze prevents any loss of material when the tube shatters on contact with the water.) Allow
any unreacted sodium to react before grinding up the solution and glass. Filter and separate
the filtrate into two equal portions.
10 IEC FDIS 62821-2 IEC 2014
To the first portion of the filtrate, add sufficient nitric acid to make the solution acidic. Boil this
solution until its total volume has been reduced by half (this is to remove any HCN or H2S, if
present, which would interfere with the test). Add 1 ml silver nitrate solution.
A white or yellowish-white precipitate indicates the presence of halogen (Cl, Br) in the original
sample. (If the liquor is decanted, and the precipitate is white and readily soluble in dilute
ammonia, then chloride is present.)
To the second portion of the filtrate, acidify with glacial acetic acid. Boil this solution until its
total volume has been reduced by half. Add 2 to 3 drops of freshly prepared zirconium lake
reagent (equal volumes of:
The presence of fluoride is indicated by the red/pink colouration being bleached to yellow.