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These PDF
erisation de mat
eriaux composite polyacide
lactique-bioverre pour application dans la r
Nathalie Ginsac
Prsente devant
LInstitut National des Sciences Appliques de Lyon
Pour obtenir
Le grade de docteur
Nathalie GINSAC
Soutenue le 24 fvrier 2011 devant la Commission dexamen
Avant tout mes deux directeurs de thse, Jrme Chevalier, directeur du groupe
Cramique et Composites du laboratoire MATEIS et Daniel Hartmann directeur du laboratoire
RTI2B. A Jrme, pour son dynamisme, ses encouragements, son soutien dans les moments
difficiles, pour tout le temps quil ma consacr malgr son emploi du temps charg et toutes les
connaissances quil ma transmises sur les cramiques. A Daniel, pour sa confiance, son soutien,
son optimisme et pour son aide dans le droulement de toutes les tudes biologiques de ma thse.
Ensuite, mes encadrants INSA, Jean-Marc Chenal et Sylvain Meille. A Jean-Marc pour
toutes les soires quil ma consacres en manip et en rdaction, pour sa gentillesse et sa bonne
humeur et enfin pour toutes les connaissances thoriques et exprimentales quil ma transmises
en sciences des polymres. A Sylvain pour sa gentillesse, sa bonne humeur, son soutien dans les
moments difficiles et toutes les connaissances thoriques et exprimentales quil ma apportes en
Je souhaite remercier le professeur Frdric Farizon pour avoir accept dtre le prsident
du jury de ma thse, les professeurs Didier Bernache et Herv Petite pour avoir accept dtre les
rapporteurs de ma thse, ainsi que le professeur Eduardo Saiz davoir accept dtre un
examinateur de ma thse.
Je remercie galement les docteurs Georges Boivin et Lucien Frappart pour le temps
quils mont consacr et pour laide quils mont apport dans linterprtation des coupes
Je remercie le professeur Eric Viguier, mais aussi, Audrey Kavaguchi pour leur aide au
cours de ltude dimplantation.
Je souhaite galement remercier le professeur Batrice Burdin, pour son aide enrichissante
dans la ralisation du protocole de fixation des cellules.
Je remercie Jrme Adrien pour son aide, sa gentillesse, et ses conseils en tomographie.
Je remercie Gilles Thollet, Annie Malchre et Thierry Douillard pour leur aide
indispensable en microscopie.
Je remercie galement Concetta Contet et Antonia Riccobene pour leur gentillesse, leur
soutien dans les moments difficiles et leur aide dans les dmarches administratives. Mais
galement Liliane Quillot, pour sa gentillesse et sa bonne humeur mais surtout pour les fameux
conseils de Mme Quillot .
Tous mes remerciements tous mes amis du laboratoire qui ont fait de ma thse des
moments de joie et de bonne humeur. Des remerciements particuliers Sandrine ma collgue des
deux premires annes de thse, pour son amiti, sa joie de vivre, sa bonne humeur et qui a su tre
l pour moi dans tous les moments difficiles mais aussi pour mavoir coach en course pied !!
Un grand merci mes co-bureaux Ludo, 1er co-bureau, pour ses histoires extraples, puis
Romain pour mavoir support pendant la rdaction mais galement pour tous les bons moments
passs ensemble et pour la passion que tu mas fait dcouvrir en guitare ! enfin Senorita Marlin
pour sa bonne humeur et son soutien important en fin de thse.
Mais aussi Katia, Martin, Nico, Aurlien Timomille , Philippe, Lucile, Ins, Ali,
Mira, Mirella, Komkrisd, Pape, Arnaud, Wafa et les tous les autres thsards.
Enfin Xavier Kleber pour sa gentillesse et son soutien et Stphanie Deschanel pour sa
gentillesse, sa joie de vivre et pour tous les bons moments passer la peinture et toutes les autres
personnes du laboratoire MATEIS.
Introduction gnrale 11
B.I. Introduction 71
B.III. Results 78
B.III.1 Properties of polymer and composite elaborated by injection moulding 78
B.III.2 Improvement of the composite properties with the second elaboration route 84
B.III.3 Microstructure of both injected and pressed materials 85
B.IV. Conclusion 91
C.I . Introduction 98
Table des matires
Index des termes utiliss
Les termes matrialiss par une toile * dans le texte sont dfinis ci-dessous.
Bioactif : un matriau bioactif est un matriau qui induit une rponse biologique spcifique
linterface avec le matriau, rponse qui a pour consquence la formation dun lien entre les
tissus et le matriau (Williams D.F., 1986)1.
Bio-fonctionnalit : est dfinie comme la capacit dun matriau effectuer une application
spcifique avec une rponse approprie de lhte (Williams D.F., 1986) 1.
Dispositif mdical implantable actif : tout dispositif mdical actif qui est conu pour tre
implant en totalit ou en partie, par une intervention chirurgicale ou mdicale, dans le corps
humain ou, par une intervention mdicale, dans un orifice naturel et qui est destin rester
aprs l'intervention.
Foyer ouvert : quand le chirurgien ouvre le foyer de fracture pour rduire et/ou stabiliser la
Hernie discale : le vieillissement discal dbute souvent, aprs une phase de dshydratation,
par des fissures, dchirures de l'anneau fibreux. Le noyau peut alors, le long de ces fissures,
migrer dans l'paisseur de l'anneau et entraner des douleurs lombaires aiges ou
chroniques. S'il se dplace encore plus au travers de l'anneau, le noyau peut saillir la face
postrieure du disque en formant alors une hernie discale.
Index des termes utiliss
Loi de Wolff : Principe reliant la structure et larchitecture internes de los aux contraintes
mcaniques externes. Le remodelage osseux se produit en rponse aux contraintes
mcaniques de telle faon que la nouvelle structure osseuse soit adapte aux contraintes
Ostoconduction : ce terme signifie que los croit la surface. Une surface ostoconductive
est donc une surface qui permet la croissance osseuse sa surface ou lintrieur de ses
Ostointgration : contact direct entre le tissu vivant et limplant. Une dfinition histologique
serait lancrage dun implant par la formation dun tissu osseux autour de limplant sans la
croissance dun tissu fibreux linterface os-implant.
Ostosynthse : rduction chirurgicale des fractures par la runion des fragments osseux et
son maintien laide de vis, fils, plaques, clous ou autres moyens mcaniques.
Tissu ostode : tissu de soutien de los, synthtis par les ostoblastes et les ostocytes. Il
est constitu de collagne de type I, inclus dans un gel de glycosaminoglycanes contenant
des glycoprotines spcifiques (comme lostocalcine), qui lient fortement le calcium.
Vis de traction : vis qui glisse dans le fragment osseux situ prs de sa tte et qui a une
parfaite prise dans le fragment oppos. Elle fonctionne donc comme un davier dfinitif en
comprimant les fragments osseux lun contre lautre
Introduction gnrale
Introduction gnrale
Ce travail sintgre dans le cadre dune thse Cifre ralise entre les laboratoires MATEIS
et RTI2B et la socit Noraker (Villeurbanne), spcialise dans la conception et le
dveloppement de dispositifs mdicaux implantables base de biomatriaux synthtiques et
rsorbables. Mon sujet de thse porte sur la caractrisation dun matriau composite
matrice polyacide lactique charge en bioverre pour application dans la rparation osseuse.
Cette thse est divise en quatre parties. Tout dabord, un tat de lart de la littrature
existante sur les matriaux composites organiques-inorganiques pour application dans le
comblement osseux sera prsent. Cette thse sera ensuite organise sous forme darticles
Introduction gnrale
rdigs en anglais, chacun tant prcd dun court rsum en franais. Les chapitres B, C
et D sont des articles prsentant les principaux rsultats obtenus au cours de cette thse.
Le premier objectif de cette thse est de caractriser le matriau composite polyacide
lactique bioverre 45S5 mis en forme par injection. Le chapitre B traite donc de la
caractrisation microstructurale, physique et mcanique du matriau composite polyacide
lactique bioverre 45S5 mise en forme par injection. Une premire tape va consister
contrler la dispersion des charges dans la matrice. Puis les proprits mcaniques et
morphologiques des matriaux seront tudies. Cette tude est ralise sur un composite
charg 30% en masse de bioverre.
Le chapitre C compare la bioactivit de plusieurs composites chargs 20, 30 et 50% en
masse en bioverre, par immersion dans un fluide biologique. Cette tude vise dterminer
leffet du taux de bioverre sur la cintique de formation de lhydroxyapatite la surface du
composite. Elle est mene en parallle sur du bioverre seul, pour dterminer leffet de la
matrice polymre sur la capacit bioactive du bioverre. Enfin lobjectif de cette tude est
galement de suivre en dtail les procds de cristallisation ayant lieu la surface des
composites, en fonction du taux de bioverre.
Le matriau tant destin tre implant, la caractrisation de sa biocompatibilit in vivo
est une tape indispensable dans le dveloppement de ce matriau. Cependant avant cette
tude in vivo, une tape prliminaire de simulation du comportement in vitro est
indispensable. Ce dernier chapitre (chapitre D) sattle donc la prsentation du
comportement du composite in vitro aprs immersion dans un fluide biologique. Puis la
cytocompatibilit in vitro a t confirme par culture de cellules sur le matriau. Enfin la
dernire tape dans la caractrisation biologique de ce matriau est son implantation chez
lanimal, pour mieux apprhender sa cintique de dgradation et sa capacit rgnrer de
los sa surface. Cette tude est ralise sur un composite charg 30% en masse.
Une conclusion gnrale sera porte sur lensemble de ce travail, pour rsumer les
rsultats obtenus et proposer des perspectives possibles pour ce travail.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Le panorama des dispositifs de rparation osseuse tant trs vaste, nous nous
intresserons uniquement aux applications potentielles du matriau composite dvelopp
dans ce mmoire. Aprs avoir dfini la notion de dispositif mdical et dress un aperu du
march des dispositifs mdicaux, nous verrons plus en dtail les diffrents dispositifs utiliss
actuellement en clinique.
Le dispositif mdical est dfini dans le code de la sant publique comme tout instrument,
appareil, quipement, matire, produit, l'exception des produits d'origine humaine, ou autre
article utilis seul ou en association, y compris les accessoires et logiciels ncessaires au
bon fonctionnement de celui-ci, destin par le fabricant tre utilis chez l'homme des fins
mdicales et dont l'action principale voulue n'est pas obtenue par des moyens
pharmacologiques ou immunologiques ni par mtabolisme, mais dont la fonction peut tre
assiste par de tels moyens (articles L 5211-1 et R 5211-1)3.
Outre les dispositifs mdicaux implantables actifs*, il existe une classification des
dispositifs mdicaux en quatre catgories (I, IIa, IIb, III) correspondant des niveaux de
risque croissants. Selon lannexe IX de la directive 93/42/CEE3, les matriaux composites
organiques-inorganiques ici dvelopps font partie de la classe III des dispositifs mdicaux.
Car en plus dtre destins un usage long terme, ils prsentent un effet biologique et un
caractre biorsorbable. Ces matriaux sont considrs selon la directive comme ayant un
risque potentiel critique. Les exigences rglementaires pour ces dispositifs sont donc assez
La directive fixe des exigences essentielles en matire de scurit et de performances
revendiques par le fabricant. La preuve de la conformit ces exigences essentielles est
amene par la rfrence des normes europennes harmonises ou par toute solution
technique quivalente. Pour les dispositifs de classe III, la directive 2007/47/CE qui complte
la 93/42/CEE impose la ralisation d'investigations cliniques ou sinon la justification que le
recours aux donnes cliniques existantes ou la littrature scientifique suffit.
Pour tous les dispositifs mdicaux, la soumission d'un dossier technique est obligatoire.
L'annexe VII de la directive 93/42/CEE prcise le contenu de la documentation technique qui
doit comprendre entre autres:
une description gnrale du dispositif mdical ;
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
un dossier de conception ;
les rsultats de l'analyse des risques mene tout au long du cycle de vie du dispositif
mdical ;
la liste des normes appliques et une description des solutions adoptes pour
satisfaire aux exigences essentielles de la directive, le cas chant ;
une description des mthodes de strilisation ;
une valuation clinique selon l'annexe X ;
l'tiquetage et les instructions d'utilisation...etc.
Le march des dispositifs mdicaux connait une forte croissance en raison notamment du
vieillissement de la population, de llvation du niveau de vie et de laugmentation de la
frquence de lobsit. En 2008, lindustrie mondiale des dispositifs mdicaux tait estime
116,7 milliards deuros4. En France, le march a t valu 6,2 milliards deuros, dont 9%
sont reprsents par lorthopdie (Figure 1). La part de chaque spcialit dans le march de
lorthopdie est prsente dans la Figure 2.
Figure 1. Donnes Snitem du march mondial, europen et franais des dispositifs mdicaux .
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 2. Segmentation du march mondial de lorthopdie en fonction des spcialits .
Chirurgie maxillo-
faciale : plaques, vis
Rachis :
Plaques, vis,
Ligamentoplastie :
Vis dinterfrences
Orthopdie :
Plaques, vis
Les parties suivantes traitant des dispositifs mdicaux utiliss dans la rparation osseuse, un
bref rappel de la composition et des proprits de los est prsent en premire partie.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
La composition de los
Le tissu osseux est un tissu composite, form de plusieurs phases distinctes : une phase
minrale forme essentiellement de phosphate de calcium apatitique ; une phase organique
constitue essentiellement de collagne mais aussi de protoglycanes et de protines non
collagniques. La partie minrale de los est majoritairement responsable de sa rigidit et de
sa rsistance mcanique et la partie organique lui apporte sa ductilit et de sa tnacit.
Os spongieux
Os cortical
Figure 4 : Coupe transversale dun fmur et zoom sur une partie de los spongieux montrant des
cellules ouvertes.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
finalement fusionnent pour donner presque des cellules fermes6. La densit relative de los
spongieux varie de 0.05 0.7 g/cm3.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
- Les vis
Les vis sont utilises pour fixer directement les fragments osseux entre eux ou pour fixer
des plaques sur los. Dans le premier cas, on peut parler de vis de traction assurant une
compression entre deux fragments osseux. Une vis comprend une tte, un corps et une
pointe. Le corps se caractrise par le filetage qui stend sur toute la hauteur ou seulement
sur la partie terminale (Figure 5). Les vis sont ainsi caractrises par leur type et par le
diamtre extrieur du filetage principal. Parmi les diffrents types de vis, on peut citer entre
autres les vis dites corticales, les vis dites spongieuses et les vis verrouillables.
Les vis corticales ont un pas conu pour obtenir une bonne prise dans los cortical. Elles
sont normalement utilises pour comprimer et fixer une plaque los.
Les vis spongieuses ont un rapport diamtre extrieur sur diamtre intrieur suprieur
celui des vis corticales afin davoir une meilleure tenue dans los spongieux. Elles sont
surtout utilises comme vis de traction pour obtenir une compression interfragmentaire.
Figure 5. Vis corticale ( gauche) et vis spongieuse ( droite) .
Les vis verrouillables sont uniquement utilises avec une plaque. La tte filete permet de
verrouiller la vis dans une plaque prvue cet effet (Figure 6). Verrouilles, la vis et la
plaque forment alors un implant unique et stable angle fixe. Les vis prsentes sur le
march sont soit en acier inoxydable soit en titane.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 6. Vis : (a) V30 dostotomie mtatarsienne, (b) V23 dostotomie phalangienne, (c) V20
dostotomie de type Weil, Biotech, France .
- Les plaques
Une plaque est un systme extramdullaire qui permet en combinaison avec des vis, de
stabiliser une fracture jusqu la consolidation de celle-ci. Elles se caractrisent par leur
longueur, leur paisseur ainsi que le nombre, la forme et la disposition de trous. On
distinguera deux types de plaques, les plaques standards qui sont utilises avec des vis
standards (non verrouillables) et les plaques verrouilles. Lavantage de ces dernires est
que la stabilit ne dpend pas que de la qualit de los ni du contact os/plaque, mais
galement des proprits de limplant.
Les plaques sont en gnral en acier ou en titane, mais aucune plaque en polymre nest
actuellement propose. Un exemple de plaque dostosynthse pour lostotomie tibiale est
prsent sur la figure suivante (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Plaque Elix Plate en acier inoxydable, pour ostotomie tibiale, Biotech, France .
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Corps vertbral
Racine nerveuse
Corps vertbral
Figure 8. Schma reprsentant la vue de profil dun disque intervertbral .
Par greffe osseuse : elle a t ralise pour la premire fois pour fusionner des vertbres
par Cloward en 1963. La greffe osseuse peut tre prleve sur le patient lui mme
(autogreffe), sur un autre sujet souvent dcd (allogreffe), voire sur un animal (xnogreffe).
Pour des raisons de biocompatibilit, lautogreffe est la technique la plus utilise. Mais la
quantit dautogreffe disponible sur un individu est trs limite, et son prlvement ncessite
une intervention chirurgicale secondaire sur un site a priori sain, ce qui augmente les
souffrances du patient. Le recours lallogreffe ncessite la disponibilit dun donneur
compatible et sain, et nexclut pas le risque de transmission de maladies virales. Les
xnogreffes quant elles ne sont pas bien apprcis des chirurgiens car, en plus du manque
de biocompatibilit avec les tissus humains, le risque de transmission de maladies de
lanimal vers lhomme est trs mal connu17.
Par fusion instrumente : elle est ralise laide de vis, tiges et plaques (Figure 9),
spcialement conues pour maintenir ensemble les vertbres lors de la fusion. Il existe
plusieurs types d'instrumentations rachidiennes. Le principe est toujours le mme, associant
un implant d'ancrage vertbral se fixant sur un lment anatomique variable de la vertbre
(lame, pdicule, corps vertbral) et un systme de liaison (plaque ou tige) unissant les
implants d'ancrage entre eux.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 9. Plaque ATB (Anterior Tension Band), plaque antrieure de mise en tension
pour la stabilisation de la colonne lombo-sacre, en alliage de titane, Synthes, France .
Par une cage intersomatique : elle est place la place du disque intervertbral pour
fusionner les deux vertbres concernes. La fusion peut tre complte par une
instrumentation postrieure (vis, plaque). Certaines cages sont creuses afin dtre remplies
par des greffes dos pour favoriser la repousse osseuse. La greffe autologue par
prlvement dos iliaque reste la solution la plus courante. Certaines cages sont pr remplies
dun insert en phosphate de calcium (Figure 10).
Les premires cages ont t produites en acier inoxydable puis en titane. Lutilisation de
cage en titane telle que la cage de Harms 19 permet de bnficier des proprits biologiques
de los autologue prlev lors de la dcompression et de rpondre aux impratifs
biomcaniques. Cependant le caractre radio-opaque de ces cages gne lvaluation de la
fusion osseuse, la rigidit absolue expose au risque de stress-shielding, dautre part la
structure droite sadapte mal la courbure physiologique du rachis. Toutes ces limites ont
conduit lutilisation de polymres. Le polythertherctone (PEEK) est un des matriaux
actuellement proposs, mais on trouve aussi de nouvelles cages en composite biorsorbable
(Figure 10).
Figure 10. Cage DUOSORB en composite -TCP/PLLA avec un insert en -TCP, SBM, France .
Lutilisation des cages dans le rachis lombaire a progress depuis ces dernires annes
en raison du plus fort taux de succs obtenu par cette mthode compar aux greffes
osseuses ou aux techniques dinstrumentations utilisant des vis21. En revanche, lutilisation
des cages dans le rachis cervical na pas montr actuellement davantages significatifs par
rapport aux fusions par greffe dos.
Une autre alternative la fusion des vertbres est lutilisation dune prothse de disque
intervertbral. Contrairement aux interventions de fusion employes classiquement jusqu'ici,
les prothses de disque intervertbral permettent la conservation de la mobilit sur le
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 11. Schma illustrant lutilisation dancres de suture dans le traitement de la coiffe des
rotateurs .
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 12 : Tendon rotulien .
- le tendon de la "patte d'oie" situ sur le cot interne du genou. Il sagit en fait
de deux tendons, ceux des muscles droit interne et demi tendineux (Figure 13). Les
tendons de ces deux muscles ainsi que celui du muscle couturier sont appels patte
doie car ils saccrochent lintrieur du genou la manire dune patte doie. L'intervention
porte alors le nom de ligamentoplastie par DIDT (pour Droit Interne Demi Tendineux). Une
fois prlevs, ces deux tendons sont plis en deux, ce qui permet dobtenir un nouveau
ligament ayant 4 brins dont la rsistance la traction est alors suprieure celle dun
ligament crois antrieur normal (Figure 14).
Figure 13. Muscle droit interne (ou Gracilis), muscle demi-tendineux et muscle couturier .
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 14 : Les deux tendons, droit interne et demi tendineux, plis en deux pour obtenir un ligament
4 brins .
Deux tunnels sont alors creuss au niveau des insertions anatomiques tibiale et fmorale du
ligament crois antrieur, dans lesquels est gliss le greffon. La fixation de cette greffe se
fait au niveau des tunnels par une vis dinterfrence. Cette vis est introduite entre la paroi du
tunnel et la greffe quelle vient ainsi bloquer (Figure 15).
Figure 15 : Radiographie post opratoire de face dun genou opr du LCA par des vis
dinterfrences .
Les vis disponibles actuellement sur le march peuvent tre en mtal, ou le plus souvent
en polymre rsorbable. Plus rcemment des vis en composite polymre/biocramique ont
t commercialises (Figure 16).
TM 26
Figure 16. Vis dinterfrence biorsorbable Biosteon en PLLA et HA, Stryker, France .
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
5 Plancher
de lorbite
Figure 17 : Description anatomique des zones de fracture de la face : (1) los nasal ; (2) la mandibule ;
(3) los zygomatique ; (4) los maxillaire ; (5) le sinus frontal.
La majorit des plaques et vis utilises sont en titane, mais des implants en polymre
rsorbable sont galement disponibles (Fig. 18).
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Le cahier des charges des matriaux destins la rparation osseuse est des plus stricts et
doit considrer les aspects de bio-fonctionnalit*, mais aussi et surtout les aspects de
biocompatibilit*. Ces matriaux sont caractriss par leur multifonctionnalit, car en plus
dtre biocompatibles, ils doivent tre rsistants aux sollicitations mcaniques et la
corrosion. Les implants viss ayant des formes complexes, ces matriaux doivent pouvoir
tre mis en forme par des techniques adaptes. Les mtaux et alliages sont les matriaux
gnralement utiliss. Contrairement aux prothses articulaires, les implants
dostosynthse sont, en principe, destins tre retirs secondairement. Ceci explique
lengouement depuis ces dernires dcennies pour les polymres biodgradables. En effet
ces matriaux se rsorbent progressivement, vitant ainsi une seconde opration pour les
Ce sont les matriaux les plus utiliss en rparation osseuse, car ils ont de bonnes
proprits mcaniques et disposent dun recul clinique important. Les mtaux purs ne sont
employs que dans des applications bien prcises. Les alliages mtalliques couramment
utiliss en clinique peuvent tre classs en cinq groupes : les aciers inoxydables, les alliages
base de cobalt, les alliages de titane et les alliages mmoire de forme. Nous ne
prsenterons ici que les matriaux utiliss dans les dispositifs de rparation osseuse.
Un point essentiel dans lutilisation des vis en chirurgie est davoir une forte diffrence
entre la limite dlasticit et la contrainte la rupture. Ceci est un avantage intrinsque des
mtaux qui possdent une dformation plastique importante avant rupture.
De nombreux mtaux purs ont t utiliss par les chirurgiens au cours de lhistoire (fer,
argent, or), mais seuls le titane et lor sont encore utiliss lheure actuelle en France pour
respectivement les implants orthopdiques et le domaine dentaire.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Dans les premiers stades de son utilisation, le titane a t employ sous une forme
commercialement pure qui est essentiellement un alliage dilu de titane et doxygne. Il y a
plusieurs qualits de titane commercialement pur, contenant des quantits variables
doxygne dissous et de fer; la rsistance est dautant meilleure que la teneur en oxygne
est leve. Le titane est un matriau hautement ractif, qui a la proprit de soxyder, que ce
soit dans lair ou dans leau. Il se recouvre alors dune couche de passivation doxyde (TiO 2),
ce qui le rend peu sensible la corrosion. La couche doxyde ne se compose pas seulement
de dioxyde de titane, mais est constitue de plusieurs oxydes : TiO, TiO2, Ti2O3, Ti3O4 28. Au
cours du temps, la couche doxyde se renforce en spaississant, son paisseur est estime
entre 300 et 600 nm. En raison de cette passivation, le titane montre une meilleure
rsistance la corrosion que la plupart des autres mtaux employs dans le domaine
Cette couche doxyde est lorigine de son excellente ostointgration 29. En effet, il
est admis que le titane pur est extrmement bien tolr par des tissus et n'induit ni effets
toxiques, ni ractions inflammatoires30, 31. Sa couche doxyde lui confre sa trs grande
rsistance la corrosion vis--vis des chlorures, lments caractristiques en milieu
biologique. En raison de cette passivation, le titane montre une qualit de rapport avec les
tissus environnants comparable celle des cramiques dont la biocompatibilit est parfaite.
La biocompatibilit du titane est particulirement bonne vis--vis de l'os qui crot en contact
direct avec sa surface et assure ainsi une trs bonne transmission des contraintes
Le titane est utilis couramment en chirurgie orthopdique et cranio-maxillo-faciale
comme vis, plaque, clou ou broche, mais galement dans le rachis comme cage de fusion,
ou dans la ligamentoplastie comme vis dinterfrence.
b) Les alliages
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
- les aciers austnitiques, comportant une phase solide appele austnite, qui est une
solution solide de fer avec du carbone au taux de 2 % ou moins et qui est stabilise
par la prsence de nickel.
- les aciers ferritiques, basse teneur en nickel, pour lesquels la phase austnitique
forme haute temprature se dissocie en fer et carbone basse temprature ; Ils
ont de grandes qualits mcaniques en termes de ductilit, mais contenant peu de
nickel, ils sont inutilisables en chirurgie en raison de leur faible rsistance la
- les aciers martensitiques, pour lesquels chauffage et refroidissement rapides peuvent
entraner une transformation de phase non diffusionnelle interne de la phase
austnitique en une nouvelle phase, la martensite, sans prcipitation. Ces aciers ont
une duret trs leve mais ils sont trop fragiles pour tre utiliss comme implant de
fixation osseuse.
Les aciers austnitiques sont les seuls qui rpondent un usage chirurgical. Leur bonne
rsistance la corrosion est lie la prsence la fois de nickel et de chrome et leur
structure cristalline austnitique (systme cubique faces centres). En effet alors que le fer,
lment majoritaire des aciers, se corrode fortement, la prsence de chrome lui confre une
rsistance accrue la corrosion, assure par la croissance en surface dune couche
protectrice d'oxyde de chrome. La passivation se produit spontanment lair libre et/ou par
traitement chimique. Si cette couche passive vient tre rompue, soit mcaniquement, soit
chimiquement par des agents trs corrosifs, lacier perd en partie son caractre inoxydable.
La corrosion de ce matriau peut alors entraner un relarguage ionique qui peut provoquer
une inflammation chronique. Enfin, contrairement plusieurs autres, cet acier nest pas
ferromagntique, ce qui permet des patients porteurs de ce type de matriau de se
soumettre aux examens dimagerie par rsonance magntique (IRM).
Les spcifications pour les aciers inoxydables chirurgicaux, habituellement appels 316L,
sont typiquement de 17 20 % pour le chrome, 12 14 % pour le nickel, 2 4% pour le
molybdne avec un maximum de 0,03 % pour le carbone. Lacier 316L (ASTM F 138, F 139,
grade 2) demeure le plus utilis en pratique. Le L dans sa dsignation correspond sa
basse teneur en carbone (Low carbon content) qui lui assure une meilleure tenue en
corrosion, une teneur suprieure 0,03 % augmentant le risque de formation de carbure
dont la prcipitation rduit la formation de la couche protectrice doxyde de chrome Cr2O3.
Cependant il est connu depuis de nombreuses annes que des ions nickel sont relargus
dans le corps humain, et peuvent conduire des irritations localises et des infections,
mme en labsence de mcanisme de corrosion. La toxicit et le risque de dermite de
contact du nickel et de ses sels ont dj t bien reports32.
Malgr ses inconvnients lacier inoxydable reste le matriau le plus utilis pour les
implants temporaires. Il est utilis comme plaque, vis, clou en chirurgies orthopdique et
cranio-maxillo-faciale. Lacier 316L est actuellement lacier orthopdique le plus courant.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
habituellement forg. Dans lostosynthse, ces matriaux prsentent une moins bonne
ostointgration que le titane, leur module lastique est deux fois plus lev que ce dernier
(Tableau 2) et enfin leur prix est significativement plus lev.
Alliages de titane
Parmi les alliages base de titane, on peut citer lalliage Ti6Al4V qui contient 90% de
titane, 6% daluminium et 4% de vanadium. Son module dYoung ( 100GPa) est deux fois
infrieur celui des aciers et des alliages Cr-Co ; mais il reste dix fois suprieur celui de
Malgr leur excellente tenue mcanique (Tableau 2), les mtaux prsentent de nombreux
inconvnients pour lutilisation en clinique. Leur module dlasticit tant plus lev que celui
de los, limplant supportera la plus grande partie des efforts (phnomne de stress
shielding). Los tant moins sollicit, il va se rsorber, pouvant entraner un descellement de
limplant. Les mtaux engendrent la prsence dartefacts avec limagerie par rsonance
magntique, rendant lintervention de rvision complique. De plus, une seconde
intervention peut tre ncessaire pour retirer limplant. En effet, une fois la consolidation
osseuse totale obtenue, lablation du matriel dostosynthse est systmatique chez
lenfant, habituelle mais non obligatoire pour les adultes34. Enfin les mtaux sont des
matriaux qui ne forment pas de liaisons avec los, lexception du titane.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Lacide lactique-L peut tre trouv dans le mtabolisme des glucides de tous les
organismes vivants, cest un produit final du mtabolisme anarobie du glucose. Il est donc
un produit de dgradation du lactide absolument non-toxique.
Lacide lactique-L peut tre produit par des procds chimiques ou par fermentation des
amidons de mas, de betterave ou de pomme de terre41. Lamidon extrait de ces ressources
est successivement transform en dextrose par hydrolyse enzymatique puis en acide
lactique par un procd de fermentation. Lacide lactique obtenu partir du ptrole brut est
habituellement obtenu dans sa forme racmique, et dans un mlange quimolaire des
nantiomres L et D, alors que la voie utilisant les ressources naturelles aboutit une forte
proportion de L.
Le poly (DL-lactide) PDLLA : polymre amorphe caractris par une faible rsistance en
traction, qui se dgrade plus rapidement in vivo que le PLLA entre 12 et 16 mois (Tableau 3).
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Temps de
Module Rsiatnce en Elongation la
Polymre Tg(C) Tf(C) dgradation
lastique (GPa) traction (MPa) rupture (%)
in vivo (mois)
PGA 35-40 225-230 12,8 15-20 2-12
L-PLA 60-65 173-178 6,5 (f) 154 5-10 >24
5 (c)
DL-PLA 55-60 Amorphe 1,9 (c) 40-50 3-10 12-16
55-59 Amorphe 0,4 74 19 36*
PLGA 45-55 Amorphe 1,4-2,8 41-55
PCL -60 55-60 23 300-500 >48
38, 43-48
Tableau 3. Proprits de quelques polymres biodgradables (*dgradation complte in vivo
dans le condyle fmoral de moutons ). Les donnes prsentes sur le P(L,DL)LA 70 :30 sont des
donnes Boehringer.
Le composite tudi dans la thse ayant une matrice en polyacide lactique, nous
dcrirons plus en dtail dans la partie suivante le polyacide lactique : ses voies principales
de synthse et son mcanisme de dgradation.
b) Le polyacide lactique
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 21 : Synthse du polyacide lactique (PLA) .
Figure 22. Les trois nantiomres du lactide .
Au cours de la polymrisation en polylactide, les lactides bruts doivent tre sans eau
rsiduelle. Louverture du cycle est catalyse par des composs organomtalliques. Un
catalyseur couramment utilis est le tin(II) octoate.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
- Le mcanisme de dgradation
La dgradation hydrolytique des polyesters dpend intimement de leur caractre semi-
Si lon considre un polyester semi-cristallin, sa dgradation peut se schmatiser de la
faon suivante : l'eau diffuse au sein du matriau par le biais de la phase amorphe. En
prsence deau, les liaisons ester du polymre shydrolysent plus ou moins rapidement
suivant les conditions environnementales (temprature, acidit ou basicit du milieu). Il en
rsulte une diminution de la taille des chanes polymres. Lhydrolyse se produit beaucoup
plus lentement (environ 20 fois) dans la phase cristalline que dans la phase amorphe. Le
taux de cristallinit est par consquent un lment dterminant dans la vitesse de
dgradation (vitesse de diffusion et temps de dgradation). Les chanes amorphes de
polymres assurent la liaison entre les lamelles cristallines au sein du matriau. Ainsi, au
cours du processus de dgradation, la rupture des chanes amorphes induit le relargage de
fragments cristallins dans le milieu de dgradation.
Si lon considre maintenant un polyester totalement amorphe. La diffusion de leau au
sein dun matriau amorphe est plus rapide que dans un matriau semi-cristallin puisque la
pntration de leau se fait travers la phase amorphe.
Par contre, dans les deux cas il existe un gradient de dgradation entre le cur et
lcorce du matriau. Un chantillon massif se dgrade plus rapidement cur, en raison
de la prsence dune plus grande concentration en groupements acide carboxylique (lis
lavancement de la raction dhydrolyse) qui catalysent la raction de dgradation. Cette
rduction de masse molculaire est rapidement suivie d'une perte des proprits
mcaniques. Par exemple, la rsistance la rupture en traction dpend de la masse
macromolculaire moyenne en nombre (Mn). Quand Mn devient trop faible, infrieure la
macromolculaire critique, les proprits mcaniques chutent de faon importante selon la
relation suivant51 :
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 23 : Courbes montrant les squences de rduction de masse molculaire moyenne en poids,
de rsistance mcanique et de masse globale au cours du temps .
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 24 : Schma reprsentant les phnomnes successifs de diffusion-raction ayant lieu au cours
de la dgradation hydrolytique .
Les cintiques de dgradation in vivo sont trs variables dune tude lautre. Elles
dpendent beaucoup du site dimplantation, du modle animal, des dimensions de limplant
et surtout du type de polymre implant. Schwach et al.58 ont galement observ une
dgradation htrogne du P(DL)LA (Phusis, St-Ismier, France Mw moyenne > 230 kg/mol
aprs moulage par injection) in vivo par implantation intraosseuse dans le mouton. Aprs
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
dair et dazote et puis partir de doses proches de 250 kGy elle augmente doucement.
Cette augmentation de la viscosit est lie deux phnomnes concomitants la scission des
chaines et la rticulation. Les proprits mcaniques peuvent galement chuter avec
lirradiation, notamment la rsistance en traction. Le comportement du polymre peut mme
devenir fragile. Claes et al.59 ont observ une rduction de plus de 60% de la masse
molculaire du polyacide lactique (L,DL) :70/30 aprs strilisation gamma 28 kGy 45C.
De la mme faon, Suuronen et al.43 ont observ une rduction de plus de 75% de la masse
molculaire aprs strilisation gamma du PLLA une dose minimale de 25 kGy.
Malgr les nombreux avantages des polymres biorsorbables, ces matriaux prsentent
certaines limites pour application dans la rparation osseuse. Leur module lastique reste
faible pour les applications souhaites et ces matriaux ne sont pas bioactifs , ils ne
favorisent donc pas la repousse osseuse. En traumatologie, des vis et des plaques sont
ralises en polymre rsorbable et ont t valides dans des indications pour lesquelles la
rsistance mcanique apparait peu critique. On peut citer par exemple la fixation
cartilagineuse dans les ostochondrites*, qui peut se faire par des broches en polymre
biorsorbable61. Mais en pratique, les implants raliss partir de matriaux biorsorbables
restent peu utiliss. Il est en effet difficile d'valuer leur rsistance dans le temps. Ces
matriaux ne sont pas utiliss pour lostosynthse dans les diaphyses des os longs34. Ils
sont utiliss principalement dans la chirurgie de la main et la chirurgie maxillo-faciale13, dans
la rparation de petits fragments osseux ou de cartilage peu sollicits mcaniquement 59. Les
limites des matriaux polymres biorsorbables montrent lintrt dassocier la phase
organique une phase minrale bioactive qui va favoriser la repousse osseuse la surface du
matriau et augmenter son module lastique.
Les cramiques dites bioactives ont t trs largement tudies depuis les annes
1970, notamment pour leur utilisation comme substitut osseux. En effet, ces biocramiques
ont la capacit de former une liaison spcifique avec les tissus osseux environnants
favorisant ainsi la repousse osseuse leur surface. On peut distinguer plusieurs types de
biocramiques, les phosphates de calcium, les bioverres et certaines vitrocramiques.
Cependant, le caractre fragile des biocramiques ne leur permet pas dtre utilises seules
comme systme dostosynthse.
Parmi les phosphates de calcium, on peut citer lhydroxyapatite (HAP), Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
et les phosphates tricalciques (- et -TCP), Ca3(PO4)2. Lhydroxyapatite est la cramique
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
bioactive la plus courante dans le domaine mdical. Elle est trs peu soluble et son taux de
dgradation est trs bas in vivo. LHAP possde des carbonates comme lHAP du corps
humain et possde un ratio Ca/P (1.69) galement trs proche de celui de los humain
(1.67). Ce rapport molaire Ca/P est trs important car cest lui qui gouverne la solubilit et
lacidit de lapatite. La structure cristallographique de lHAP est similaire celle de lapatite
osseuse mais pas identique. Cette dernire est caractrise par une dficience en calcium,
phosphate et hydroxyle, par un dsordre cristallin interne, et par des substitutions ioniques
au sein du rseau dapatite10. Le -TCP est la forme stable temprature ambiante du TCP.
Cest un matriau ostoconducteur trs utilis comme substitut osseux. Mais ses proprits
mcaniques, notamment son comportement fragile en rupture rduisent ses applications.
Parmi les vitrocramiques, on peut citer la vitrocramique dapatite-wollastonite (AW) qui
se prsente sous forme de fins grains dapatite et de wollastonite (CaSiO3) lis par une
interface de verre bioactif. Les proprits de rsistance mcanique et de duret de cette
vitrocramique sont excellentes, ainsi que sa capacit de liaison los62. Mais elle nest pas
utilise dans les dispositifs de fixation osseuse car ses proprits mcaniques (module
lastique et rsistance mcanique) sont beaucoup trop leves par rapport celles de los.
Elle est plutt utilise comme coating dans les dispositifs de fixation du dentaire de
lorthopdie et du maxillo-facial 63 ou comme comblement osseux dans les disques
intervertbraux et la crte iliaque 64.
Les verres bioactifs sont composs principalement doxydes de silicium (SiO2), de sodium
(Na2O), de calcium (CaO) et de phosphore (P2O5). Ils ont la proprit de dvelopper leur
surface, quand ils sont immergs dans le milieu physiologique, une couche dhydroxyapatite
carbonate (HAC) qui fait partie de la famille des apatites cristallises. Cette couche dHAC
permet limplant de saccrocher de manire stable au milieu extrieur. On peut trouver de
nombreux types de bioverre variant par leur composition. Le Bioglass 45S5 dcouvert par
L.L. Hench en 1969, de composition massique : 45% de SiO2, 24.5% de CaO et Na2O et 6%
de P2O5 (% massiques), est connu pour tre le bioverre le plus bioactif65. Mais dautres
bioverres ont aussi t tests comme le bioverre G5 : 44.5% P2O5, 44.5% de CaO, 6% Na2O
et 5% TiO2 (% massiques)66, le bioverre S53P4 : 53% de SiO2, 23% de Na2O, 20% de CaO
et 4% de P2O5 (% massiques)67 et le bioverre 13-93 : 6% Na2O, 12% K2O, 5% MgO, 20%
CaO, 4% P2O5 et 53% SiO2 (% massiques)68.
Bonfield69 fut un pionnier en dveloppant un des premiers matriaux composites bioactifs
polymre/cramique non rsorbables, avec une matrice en polythylne haute densit
charge en hydroxyapatite (PEHD/HA). Ce composite appel HAPEXTM, a t largement
tudi du point de vue de ses proprits mcaniques70 et de sa biocompatibilit in vitro et in
vivo71. Des implants de loreille moyenne en HAPEX sont actuellement utiliss. Des
matriaux composites PEHD/verre bioactif ont galement t dvelopps dans lobjectif
damliorer lintensit de la liaison de limplant avec le tissu osseux.
De nombreuses tudes ont dj t ralises sur les matriaux composites rsorbables,
pour la plupart la phase minrale est en phosphate de calcium72-80. Le composite le plus
tudi dans la littrature est le composite en polyacide lactique charg en particules dHA,
pour lequel il existe le plus de recul clinique. Des tudes plus rcentes sintressent aux
composites denses comprenant une matrice biorsorbable charge en verre bioactif66-68, 81-85.
Dautres polyesters ont aussi t tudis dans des systmes composites comme les
copolymres PLGA86, le PCL87, ou le polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)88.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Les proprits finales de limplant dpendent de nombreux paramtres. Les plus vidents
sont les caractristiques du polymre, comme sa composition chimique, sa masse
molculaire, sa cristallinit. Les proprits des cramiques jouent galement un rle
important avec comme paramtres critiques : leur fraction volumique, leur taille, leur
morphologie, leur dispersion et leur agglomration. Enfin les conditions dlaboration auront
un effet crucial sur les proprits finales du matriau. Elles peuvent en effet influencer
ladhsion interfaciale et induire des porosits qui affecteront les proprits du composite.
Aprs avoir dcrit les diffrents modes dlaboration des composites denses organiques-
inorganiques, nous verrons plus en dtail les caractristiques mcanique, physicochimique
et biologique des composites organiques-inorganiques tudis dans la littrature. Pour des
raisons de clart et de facilit de prsentation, tous les pourcentages reprsentant la fraction
de phase minrale seront prsents en pourcentages massiques.
Nous distinguerons deux tapes : la prparation des granules composite et ltape de mise
en forme.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
sur les chaines et finalement entraner quand mme une dgradation de la matrice
Ltape de mise en forme peut se faire de deux faons, soit par voie solvant, soit par voie
Figure 25. Elaboration de matriaux composites denses en utilisant les technologies de la plasturgie .
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Lavantage des procds de plasturgie est quils permettent dlaborer des implants de
formes complexes. Mais le problme majeur est le risque important de rupture des chaines
de polymre li aux sollicitations (temprature, pression, cisaillement) lors de la mise en
forme. Les polyesters ayant une stabilit thermique limite, ils ont tendance se dgrader en
de petites fractions de polymres quand ils sont soumis de hautes tempratures. La
prsence dhumidit pendant llaboration peut rduire la masse molculaire et altrer les
proprits finales du polymre. Pour viter la dgradation hydrolytique pendant la mise en
forme, des prcautions importantes doivent tre prises. Le polymre doit notamment tre
sch avant la mise en forme. En effet, il a t montr que le schage des granuls de PLA
est obligatoire avant sa mise en uvre sous peine dentraner une hydrolyse importante 93. Il
apparat clairement que pour un PLA non sch, laugmentation du temps de sjour en
extrudeuse conduit une augmentation de lindice de fluidit qui peut tre directement mise
en relation avec une diminution de la masse molaire. Au contraire, ce mme PLA
pralablement sch conserve un indice de fluidit constant, ce qui montre labsence
dhydrolyse gnralise durant le temps de lexprience.
Le risque de rupture des chaines est accentu par la prsence de particules de bioverre.
Des pertes de masse molculaire de la matrice charge lors du procd de mise en forme
ont dj t constates par Blaker et al.81. Le contrle des paramtres de mise en forme est
crucial pour sassurer de la conservation des proprits du matriau, notamment les
paramtres de pression, de temprature et de vitesse de refroidissement.
Enfin, la dernire tape de strilisation du produit fini peut galement hydrolyser les
chaines de polymre et modifier ainsi les proprits mcaniques du matriau. Verheyen et
al.74 ont ainsi observ que la strilisation loxyde dthylne du composite PLLA/HA (30 et
50% massiques) modifiait significativement sa rsistance en flexion (entre 10 et 40% en
fonction du taux de charges) et la masse molaire moyenne viscosimtrique denviron 10%.
Les composites dvelopps pour la rparation osseuse doivent remplir une fonction
mcanique. Ces matriaux tant destins remplacer temporairement une fonction
osseuse, leurs proprits mcaniques se doivent dtre les plus proches possible de celles
de los. Nous prsentons ici une synthse bibliographique sur linfluence de lajout de
cramique sur les proprits mcaniques dune matrice polymre biorsorbable.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
ont t ralises sur la mme matrice avec d'autres types de biocramiques, notamment
Il est difficile de comparer directement les proprits mcaniques des composites entre les
diffrentes tudes. En effet, beaucoup de paramtres divergent. On peut citer entre autres la
diffrence entre la nature, la taille, le taux et la forme des charges ; mais galement la nature
et la masse molculaire du polymre ainsi que le mode dlaboration du composite. Le
tableau suivant (Tableau 4) rsume les diffrents paramtres des tudes ralises sur les
Mv (KDa)
Auteurs Matriaux Taille des charges
Polymre Composites
Shikinami et
72 PLLA/HA 220 202-215 3 m
Verheyen et al. PLLA/HA 130 125-150 <45 m
Gay et al. * PLLA/HA 104 80 nm
Blaker et al. * PDLLA/bioverre 45S5 260 221 4 m
90 Long. : 40-150 m
Kasuga et al. * PLLA/HAF 160
Diam. : 2-10 m
68 SR-P(L,DL)LA/Bioverre
Niemela et al. 50-125 m
Tableau 4 : Rsum des paramtres de plusieurs composites tudis dans la littrature (* masse
molculaire en poids dtermines par chromatographie dexclusion strique (SEC) ; HAF : fibres
Tous les auteurs observent une augmentation du module lastique avec le taux de
cramique, ce qui est cohrent puisque les charges ont une rigidit plus importante que la
matrice (Figure 26). En effet le module lastique de lHA a t valu entre 80 et 120 GPa 10,
et celui du PLLA se situe entre 1 et 7 GPa38. Seuls Blaker et al.81 observent une rduction
du module lastique avec lajout de particules de bioverre. Cette rduction du module
lastique doit tre lie limportante perte de masse molculaire observe lors du procd
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
0 10 20 30 40 50
% cramique
Shikinami Verheyen Gay Blaker
Figure 27. Evolution de la rsistance en compression (MPa) en fonction du pourcentage massique en
72, 74, 78 81
hydroxyapatite et en bioverre .
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Rsistance en traction (MPa)
0 10 20 30 40 50
% cramique
Shikinami Verheyen
Figure 28 : Evolution de la rsistance en traction (MPa) en fonction du pourcentage massique en
72, 74
hydroxyapatite .
La taille et la forme des particules de biocramiques semblent avoir un impact sur les
proprits mcaniques du composite. Verheyen et al.74 ont compar les proprits
mcaniques de composites PLLA chargs 30% en particules dHA de tailles diffrentes : 5
et 45 m. Ils ont observ de meilleures proprits mcaniques avec les particules de plus
grande dimension. Lutilisation de plus petites particules cre plus de dfauts dans le
composite, ce qui par consquence rduit ses proprits mcaniques.
De nombreuses tudes tendent montrer que les charges nanomtriques entraineraient
une rupture fragile du composite78, 95. La figure suivante (Figure 29) prsente les courbes
contrainte dformation typiques du PLLA et des composites chargs 25 et 50% en
nanoparticules dHA78. On remarque que le composite prsente une rupture fragile quand le
taux de charges est trop lev.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Des rsultats similaires ont t observs par Todo et al.95. Ils ont tudi leffet de la forme
des particules dHA sur le comportement en rupture du composite PLLA/HA charg 10%
en HA (Figure 30). Les composites chargs avec des particules micromtriques ont montr
une dformation locale ductile de la matrice et une dcohsion interfaciale, alors que le
composite charg en particules nanomtriques montre une surface de rupture fragile.
Figure 30. Courbes de force dplacement dun test de rupture de composites PLLA/HA (10%) .
c) Lauto-renforcement
Les polymres mis en forme par extrusion peuvent ensuite tre auto-renforcs par
tirement. Ltirement de ses chanes dans une direction donne, entrainera un fort degr
dorientation molculaire de celles-ci. Cette orientation induit un comportement anisotrope du
matriau, avec de meilleures proprits dans la direction dtirement (rigidit, dformation
la rupture). Mais ce procd peut engendrer des porosits, qui vont rduire la rsistance
mcanique du matriau final68. Lautre inconvnient de ce procd dauto-renforcement, est
quil ne permet pas dlaborer des dispositifs de forme complexe.
En 2005, Niemela et al.68 ont ralis des composites en P(L,DL)LA 70/30 auto-renforcs
et chargs en bioverre 13-93 (20, 30, 40 et 50% en masse). Ils ont constat que laddition de
particules de bioverre rduisait la rsistance en flexion du composite. Mais la dformation
la rupture en flexion augmente avec laddition de bioverre. La proprit la plus intressante
est que lauto-renforcement du composite le rend ductile. Concernant la bioactivit, Niemela
et al. ont constat que seuls les composites ayant des porosits ouvertes, laissant apparaitre
des particules de bioverre, ont la capacit de former une couche dapatite en surface. Ces
mmes auteurs ont ralis une tude de dgradation in vitro sur le composite PDLLA/ -TCP
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
(20%) auto-renforc79. Ils ont constat que la rsistance en flexion, le module lastique et la
rsistance au cisaillement du composite taient plus faibles que ceux du polymre seul. La
diminution de ces proprits mcaniques serait lie la cration de porosits au sein du
matriau lors du procd dtirage. En revanche, ils ont constat une diminution des
proprits mcaniques in vitro plus lente pour le composite que pour le polymre. Cette
rtention des proprits mcaniques serait lie la prsence de ces porosits. Au cours de
la dgradation, celles-ci sinterconnectent, permettant la diffusion des produits de
dgradation acides du polymre en dehors du matriau, limitant ainsi le processus
Lattribution de leffet des charges sur le comportement mcanique nest pas encore bien
identifie. Toutes les tudes montrent que lajout de charges augmente le module lastique
du matriau composite sauf Blaker et al.81. Cependant en matire dvolution de la
rsistance mcanique et de comportement la rupture, les rsultats sont trs variables. Les
matriaux tudis tant diffrents ainsi que le taux, la nature, la taille des charges et les
procds dlaboration, il est difficile dattribuer leffet direct des charges sur lvolution des
proprits mcaniques des composites.
Nous avons en revanche constat deux effets distincts des charges sur la matrice
polymre, en fonction notamment de la nature des charges.
- Un effet direct : lajout de charges, quelque soit la nature des charges, cre la
prsence de dfauts dans la structure qui peuvent fragiliser le matriau. Cette
fragilisation peut tre lie la fois la concentration des contraintes au niveau des
charges. Mais aussi la prsence dune interface entre les charges et la matrice qui
entrane une dcohsion charge/matrice. Ces deux effets favorisent ainsi la rupture
du matriau.
- Un effet indirect : li au procd dlaboration des matriaux composites. Il a t
notamment constat que le bioverre relargue des ions alcalins qui favorisent
lhydrolyse des chanes de polymre et rduit ainsi sa masse molculaire.
Les matriaux composites chargs en phosphate de calcium ne subissent donc que
leffet direct des charges, alors que les composites chargs en bioverre subissent la
fois leffet direct et leffet indirect .
a) Etude de bioactivit
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
produisant entre les ions alcalins du biomatriau (Na+ et K+) et les ions hydroniums du fluide
biologique (H3O+). Le milieu devient alcalin et la silice soluble migre dans la solution. Les
liaisons Si-O-Si se rompent pour former des liaisons silanols Si-OH linterface. Puis les
groupes Si se recondensent en surface, conduisant la formation dune couche riche en
SiO2 sous forme dhydrogel. Les ions Ca2+ et PO43- migrent travers la couche de gel vitreux
et une couche riche en CaO-P2O5 se forme sur le gel vitreux. Le film amorphe riche en CaO-
P2O5 crot par incorporation des phosphates de calcium solubles dans la solution, cristallise
par incorporation danions OH- et CO32- de la solution, conduisant la formation dune
couche dhydroxyapatite carbonate. Un schma illustrant ces diffrentes tapes est
prsent ci-dessous (Figure 31). Enfin les protines sabsorbent la surface sur la couche
dhydroxyapatite carbonate, favorisant l'adhsion de cellules prostoblastiques qui vont se
diffrencier en ostoblastes et prolifrer, puis former une matrice cristallise permettant la
croissance osseuse.
Cette couche d'apatite forme sur les verres bioactifs peut tre reproduite dans une
solution acellulaire simulant les fluides biologiques (SBF : Simulated Body Fluid) avec des
concentrations en ions presque quivalentes celles du plasma sanguin humain (Tableau 5)
conformment la norme ISO 2331796. Cette apatite ainsi forme possde une composition
et une structure trs similaire la phase minrale de los.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
aprs 6 heures dimmersion tait plus importante dans le cas du composite ayant les
particules les plus grandes. Ils en dduisent que le dpt de phosphate de calcium est plus
rapide avec les plus petites particules de verre bioactif. De mme la nuclation et le dpt de
phosphate de calcium ont eu lieu plus rapidement sur les composites ayant les taux de verre
bioactif les plus levs.
Rich et al.83 sont arrivs aux mmes constatations en comparant la cintique de formation
de lapatite sur le mme composite. Les premiers signes de prcipitation de phosphate de
calcium ont t observs aprs 24 heures dimmersion sur le composite charg 60% avec
les particules de verre bioactif les plus petites (<45m). Mais aprs 1 semaine, un dpt a
t observ sur tous les autres composites.
Mcanisme de dgradation
La dgradation des polyesters biodgradables se fait par scission alatoire des chanes.
Lhydrolyse de la liaison ester est un processus autocatalytique li la formation de groupes
terminaux dacide carboxylique. Quand le verre bioactif ragit avec le fluide biologique, un
environnement local alcalin est cr qui va tamponner le milieu rendu acide par les produits
de dgradation du polymre83. Lu et al.86 ont suivi lvolution du pH de la solution de SBF
aprs immersion du composite PLGA-verre bioactif 45S5 (0, 25 et 50%). Ils ont observ une
augmentation lgre du pH les 7 premiers jours pour toutes les compositions. Celui-ci passe
de 7.5 7.6 environ pour le polymre et le composite charg 25%, alors quil passe de
7.65 7.72 pour le composite charg 50%. Zhou et al.84 ont observ une volution
comparable du pH de la solution de SBF aprs immersion du composite PLLA-verre bioactif
35S5 (10%). Le pH de la solution a augment de 7.3 7.56 en 7 jours.
De manire gnrale de nombreux auteurs ont observ que la prsence du verre bioactif
va acclrer la dgradation du polymre66, 83. Certains auteurs avancent lhypothse de
fissures formes entre le polymre et les particules de cramique, qui augmenteraient la
surface disponible pour une attaque hydrolytique66, 83. Leau pntre linterface entre les
particules et la matrice par capillarit et par les microfissures. De mme la taille des charges,
donc le rapport surface/volume des particules pourrait influencer labsorption deau. Rich et
al.83 ont observ que le pourcentage deau absorbe par le composite P(CL/DL-LA) tait plus
important quand le rapport surface/volume des particules tait plus lev, quelque soit le
taux de charges (40 ou 60%). Ils ont ainsi constat une absorption plus importante dans le
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
cas de particules de taille infrieure 45 m par rapport aux particules dont la taille se situe
entre 90 et 135 m. Enfin, labsorption de leau par le verre bioactif est favorise par le
caractre hydrophile du polymre.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Perte de masse
Navarro et al.66 ont suivi la perte de masse du composite P(L,DL)LA 95/5 charg 50%
en verre bioactif G5 avec le temps dimmersion dans du SBF. Le composite subit une perte
de masse ds les premires semaines dimmersion, jusqu 25% de perte de masse en 3
semaines, puis une lgre reprise de masse est note (Figure 32). La perte de masse initiale
est lie la prsence linterface entre les particules et la matrice et aux fissures qui vont
permettre la pntration plus rapide de leau, qui va venir hydrolyser les chaines de
polymres. En comparaison le polymre et le bioverre ne perdent pas en masse au cours
des 6 semaines dimmersion. Le gain de masse observ pour le composite aprs 3
semaines, serait attribu la prcipitation de phosphate de calcium la surface du matriau.
Figure 32 : Pourcentage de perte de masse en fonction du temps dimmersion (en semaines) du verre
bioactif G5, du PLA et du composite PLAG5 .
Qiu et al.99 ont galement observ une perte de masse du composite poly(octanediol-
citrate)/HA ds les premires semaines dimmersion dans le PBS. Les composites chargs
40, 50 et 60% en HA ont perdu environ 12% en masse aprs 20 semaines dimmersion
(Figure 33). Mais ils nobservent pas de gain de masse ultrieur.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Figure 33 : Pourcentage de perte de masse en fonction du temps dimmersion dans le PBS pour
diffrents composites poly(octanediol-citrate)/HA chargs 40, 50, 60 et 65% en masse .
Lobjectif des tudes de biocompatibilit in vitro est de vrifier, dans un premier temps, que
le matriau nest pas toxique vis--vis des cellules (cytotoxicit), puis que celles-ci se
dveloppent normalement et prsentent un mtabolisme inaltr. Ces tudes sont un pr-
requis indispensable au dveloppement de tout biomatriau. Lensemble des tudes in vitro
menes sur les composites polymres rsorbables/cramiques ont t ralises soit sur des
scaffolds100-103 soit sur des films obtenus par coulage en voie solvant85, 104, 105. Trs peu
dtudes ont t ralises sur des matriaux denses obtenus par voie thermique75.
a) Biocompatibilit in vitro
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
D'une manire gnrale, toutes les tudes ont montr une bonne biocompatibilit in vitro
des matriaux composite. La morphologie des cellules osseuses en contact avec le matriau
est normale pour toutes les tudes. Mais il est difficile de comparer toutes ces tudes entre
elles. En effet de nombreux paramtres diffrent : la nature et le nombre de cellules en
culture, les matriaux tudis et leur mode dlaboration, et surtout la concentration en
bioverre. Ce dernier paramtre est le plus important, car comme on la soulign, des taux
trop levs de bioverre pourraient entrainer une hausse de pH trop importante. Un
prtraitement adapt des chantillons fort taux de charges pourrait tre alors une solution.
b) Biocompatibilit in vivo
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
dpendante du site dimplantation. Pour tre remplac par de los, le composite doit tre en
contact avec los spongieux. En effet, le composite implant dans la cavit mdullaire na
pas t remplac par de los.
Seul Prokop et al.49 nobservent pas de diffrence significative dostointgration entre le
polymre P(L,DL)LA et le composite charg 10% en -TCP. Ceci est probablement li au
fait que le taux de charges est trop faible pour favoriser la repousse osseuse de faon
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Aucune tude na t ralise in vivo sur le mme composite que celui que nous allons
dvelopper. Mais les tudes portant sur le mme copolymre45, 49 ont montr une bonne
biocompatibilit de ce matriau. Aucun signe dinflammation notoire na t observ. Et les
tudes ralises sur des composites chargs en bioverre45, montrent une bonne capacit
dostoconduction de ces biocramiques.
Notre choix sest port sur le composite en copolymre P(L,DL)LA charg en particules
de bioverre 45S5. Ce copolymre a t choisi pour sa nature amorphe et son temps de
dgradation plus adapt aux applications vises. Le choix de la phase minrale sest port
sur le bioverre 45S5 qui est connu pour tre le verre le plus bioactif.
Le polyacide lactique et le verre bioactif sont des matriaux dj bien connus et tudis
depuis des annes. Le polyacide lactique est dj utilis comme vis dinterfrence et implant
dostosynthse. Le verre bioactif quant lui est dj utilis seul, en granules ou sous forme
massive, pour le comblement osseux. Mais les tudes faites sur les composites denses
polyacide lactique/verre bioactif sont encore peu nombreuses et les tendances observes
dans la littrature sont souvent contradictoires.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
dlaboration et de leurs effets sur les proprits finales du matriau sera mene. Des
perspectives damlioration seront alors envisages.
La seconde partie du manuscrit consiste tablir un scnario de cristallisation de
lhydroxyapatite la surface des diffrents composites. Leffet du taux de charges sur la
capacit bioactive du composite et sur la cintique de cristallisation de lhydroxyapatite sera
Trs peu dtudes de biocompatibilit ont t menes sur des matriaux composites
similaires, mais les rsultats montrent une trs bonne biocompatibilit de ces matriaux. Une
tude de biocompatibilit in vitro sera un pralable pour vrifier la viabilit des cellules
ostoblastiques en contact avec ce matriau. Enfin une implantation du matriau chez le
lapin en intramusculaire et en intraosseux permettra de valider sa biocompatibilit in vivo.
Elle permettra galement dvaluer la vitesse et limportance de la repousse osseuse la
surface du composite et davoir une ide de la rsorption de ce matriau in vivo.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
43. Suuronen R, Pohjonen T, Hietanen J, Lindqvist C. A 5-year in vitro and in vivo study
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44. Hideto T. Poly(lactide) Stereocomplexes: Formation, Structure, Properties,
Degradation, and Applications. Macromolecular Bioscience 2005, 5:569-597.
45. Tuomo P, Matti L, Hannu P, Pentti R, Henna N, Pertti T. Fixation of distal femoral
osteotomies with self-reinforced poly(L/DL)lactide 70 : 30/bioactive glass composite
rods. An experimental study on rats. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in
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46. Therin M, Christel P, Li S, Garreau H, Vert M. In vivo degradation of massive
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reaction to various polylactides : 1. One-year results. Biomaterials 1997, 18:257-266.
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53. Li S, McCarthy S. Further investigations on the hydrolytic degradation of poly (-
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lactic acid) size-dependence. Biomaterials 1995, 16:305-311.
55. Vert M, Li S, Garreau H. New insights on the degradation of bioresorbable polymeric
devices based on lactic and glycolic acids. Clinical Materials 1992, 10:3-8.
56. Saha SK, Tsuji H. Effects of molecular weight and small amounts of d-lactide units on
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57. Jung JH, Ree M, Kim H. Acid- and base-catalyzed hydrolyses of aliphatic
polycarbonates and polyesters. Catalysis Today 2006, 115:283-287.
58. Schwach G, Vert M. In vitro and in vivo degradation of lactic acid-based interference
screws used in cruciate ligament reconstruction. International Journal of Biological
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59. Claes LE, Ignatius AA, Rehm KE, Scholz C. New bioresorbable pin for the reduction
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Biomaterials 1996, 17:1621-1626.
60. Gupta AP, Kumar V. New emerging trends in synthetic biodegradable polymers -
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63. Vallet-regi M, Salinas AJ. Ceramics as bone repair materials. In: Planell A, ed. Bone
repair biomaterials: Woodhead publishing in materials; 2009, 194.
64. Kokubo T, Kim H-M, Kawashita M. Novel bioactive materials with different
mechanical properties. Biomaterials 2003, 24:2161-2175.
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
65. Hench LL. The story of Bioglass. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in
Medicine 2006, 17:967-978.
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Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapitre A: Etat de lart
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Chapter B
Cet article dcrit le mode dlaboration et de mise en forme du composite : dans un premier temps llaboration
des granules par voie solvant, puis la mise en forme par injection. Lobjectif de cette tude est de dresser une
caractrisation complte du matriau composite mis en forme par injection, qui est le mode dlaboration utilis
par la socit Noraker pour produire des vis dinterfrence en composite. Nous avons not une forte influence du
procd dlaboration sur les proprits finales de la matrice polymre. Un retour sur llaboration sest donc
avr ncessaire. Lobjectif de ce travail a donc t de mieux comprendre limpact du mode dlaboration sur les
proprits finales de la matrice. Mieux contrler les proprits de la matrice permettrait en effet dadapter ces
dernires en fonction du cahier des charges des applications recherches.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
We investigate the effect of the process and filler addition on the mechanical properties of a
poly(L,DL)lactide with a 70L/30DL ratio reinforced with 45S5 Bioglass particles (30% in
weight, i.e. 17% in volume). Polymer and composite granules are elaborated by a solvent
route method and then processed by injection moulding to prepare samples for
characterization. Microstructural, morphological and mechanical properties of the materials
are investigated. Mechanical characterization reveals a decrease of the mechanical strength
with the addition of Bioglass. Reduction of the yield tensile stress can be explained by a low
interface between polymer and Bioglass. However, the addition of the Bioglass particles
cannot explain alone the decrease of Vickers hardness and yield compressive stress of the
composite as compared to neat polymer. This reduction in mechanical properties is therefore
mainly attributed to a modification of the polymer matrix properties. Indeed an important
molecular weight decrease (Mw) is observed by size exclusion chromatography for the
composite, after both granules elaboration and injection moulding. Several parameters can
catalyze polymer matrix degradation during these two steps. Bioglass can release alkaline
ions during granules elaboration thus catalyzing polymer matrix hydrolysis. During injection,
elevated temperature and shear stresses induce also the polymer matrix degradation.
Molecular weight of the injected composite being close to the entanglement molecular
weight, it can be traduced by a rapid lost of mechanical properties in vivo. In order to better
control the polymer matrix properties, and in particular to obtain composite with higher
molecular weight, another processing route has been carried out. Polymer and composite
samples were elaborated by solvent casting followed by hot pressing at lower temperature
than for injection moulding. The molecular weight and the mechanical properties of the
composite obtained by this second elaboration route are considerably increased as
compared to the injection method. In order to better understand mechanisms occurring
during elaboration, a study of the microstructure of both injected and pressed materials is
carried out. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Dynamic
mechanical analysis (DMA) are performed on all these materials. FTIR spectroscopy shows
the apparition of a peak at 1600 cm-1 with addition of Bioglass particles with both routes.
This peak is attributed to the formation of a new ester function due to the interactions
between the polymer chains and the Bioglass particles. DMA results reveal a shift of
relaxation to the higher temperatures for the injected polymer. This behavior can be
attributed to the cristallinity of the injected polymer as confirmed by XRD. Moreover, the
cristallinity of the injected polymer matrix can also explain the higher storage modulus of the
injected polymer compare with the pressed one. This study shows the importance of the
elaboration process on the physical and mechanical properties of the final composite, and in
particular the effect of the Bioglass particles on a resorbable polymer matrix.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Biomaterials used in most orthopaedic implants today have an elastic modulus at least
one order of magnitude higher (metallic implants) or lower (polymeric implants) than that of
the natural bone tissue. Materials being stiffer than bone tissue, like metallic implants, can
lead to stress shielding of the surrounding tissue and promoting osteolysis1, 2. It results in the
resorption of the surrounding tissues and micro-motions of the implant, requiring in the worst
cases revision surgery. Furthermore, though these materials are biocompatible, they cannot
self-repair like natural bone and cannot be resorbed. Since the early 1980s, hydroxyapatite
(HA) reinforced high density polyethylene (HDPE) composites (HAPEXTM) have been
extensively developed as an alternative for bone replacement3. Despite their more suitable
mechanical and biological properties compared to metal implants, these materials are not
resorbable. To improve the integration in the body, a new generation of organic-inorganic
composites have been developed. To date these bioactive and biodegradable composites
include poly(lactic acid)/hydroxyapatite (HA/PLLA)4-6, poly(lactic acid)/ -tricalcium phosphate
(PLLA/-TCP)7 and other copolymers of lactic acid or polycaprolactone with bioactive
ceramics8-10. More recently some workers have filled polymer matrix with bioactive glasses
especially the 45S5 Bioglass9-12. This Bioglass is known to be the most bioactive and it
seems to exhibit the particularity to be osteoconductive and osteoinductive13.
Bioactive composites are commonly produced by two-steps processes. In a preliminary
step the components are mixed to obtain granules. The injection or compression moulding7, 9,
of these granules enables manufacturing composites with tailored shapes. They can also
be produced by solvent casting process followed by a hot pressing step14. This last method
does not allow the production of implants with complex shape, but the simplicity of the
process is interesting, at least from an academic point of view.
Implants made of PLLA may take several years to fully degrade, with possible clinical
complications (inflammation) due to foreign body (crystalline fragments of PLLA released
during degradation15). Composites made of lactic acid copolymer P(L,DL)LA present the
advantages to be amorphous. Consequently P(L,DL)LA has a resorption period more
appropriate for bone healing, shorter than that of PLLA. The effect of the filler on the
mechanical properties of the composite has been studied in different systems in the
literature: polyethylene reinforced with HA16, polyetheretherketone reinforced with HA
whisker17 but also poly lactic acids reinforced with HA5, 6 or bioactive glass12. In general,
addition of HA has no significant effect on the compressive strength except for higher content
of HA (50 wt.%)5, 18. On the other hand, tensile strength seems to decrease for HA ratio as
low as 20 wt%5, 6. A bad interface between polymer matrix and HA particles is generally
proposed to explain this reduction of tensile strength. Microstructure of the polymer matrix
can also change the mechanical properties, but this parameter is not taken into account. For
example, much less is known concerning the evolution of the matrix structure during
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Bioglass particles. They suggested that this reaction: RSiO- + RCO2R RSiOR + RCO2-
may occur between polymer and Bioglass leading to the matrix degradation. Several
phenomenon of degradation may occur during high temperature process of poly lactic acids.
Reactions involved in the thermal degradation of lactic acid based polymers can be
thermohydrolysis, zipper-like depolymerization, thermo-oxidative degradation and
In our study, we have decided to investigate the P(L,DL)LA/45S5 Bioglass composite
that associates the advantages of both components: bioresorbability of the matrix and
bioactivity of the filler. Our objective is therefore to characterize the mechanical and structural
properties of the injected P(L,DL)LA/Bioglass composite, but also to understand the
relations between process, microstructure and mechanical properties.
B.II.1 Materials
Poly(L,DL)lactide granules with a 70L:30DL ratio (cf. Fig.1) and an inherent viscosity
between 5.7 and 6.5 dl/g (in chloroform, 25C) were supplied from Boehringer Ingelheim
(Germany). 45S5 Bioglass particles of chemical composition (in wt.%) 45% SiO 2, 24.5%
CaO, 24.5% Na2O, 6% P2O5 were used as the filler phase in the composite. The
45S5 Bioglass particles presented an irregular shape and a mean size of 3-4 m (cf. Fig.
2). Glass transition temperatures of both polymer and composite were estimated by
differential scanning calorimetry to 57.6 0.4 and 55.4 0.9 respectively (DSC Pyris
Diamond, Perkin Elmer).
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Figure 2: SEM observation of composite granules at 2 different magnifications. On the right, the
arrows indicate Bioglass particles.
Figure 3: Photograph and computed X-tomography of the upper part of the P(L,DL)LA/Bioglass 45S5
(30 wt.%) composite screw (ActiKER , Noraker, France) processed by injection moulding.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Polymer and composite films were obtained using a solvent casting method. First, the
P(L,DL)LA was dissolved in a solvent (6% w/v) for 24 h. Separately Bioglass particles
(30wt.%) were dispersed in a solvent (15% w/v) and sonicated for 10 min. Once the polymer
solubilized, glass particles were introduced and mixed with the polymer solution until
obtaining a homogeneous mixture. This mixture was then cast into a glass mold and dried for
48 h at room temperature to remove all traces of solvent. Films obtained were subsequently
dried in a vacuum to eliminate water that could induce polymer hydrolysis. Polymer and
composite films were then pressed using a uniaxial press. They were hold at approximately
4 MPa during 2 minutes at high temperature, then cooled to room temperature and stored in
a desiccator before test.
Material Processing route Specimen shape
Polymer 0
plates, cylinders
Injection moulding
30 wt.% dumbbells
(or 17 vol.%) plates, cylinders
Polymer 0
Hot pressing parallelepipeds, dumbbells
Composite 30 wt.%
(or 17 vol.%)
A summary of the two elaboration routes is presented in Figure 4. Polymer and composite
elaborated by injection moulding will be called hereafter injected polymer and injected
composite respectively; polymer and composite elaborated by hot pressing will be called
pressed polymer and pressed composite respectively.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
2 elaboration routes
+ +
Polymer granules Solution of polymer
Mixing Mixing
precipitation Casting Casting
Milling Drying Drying
Composite granules Polymer granules Raw composite film Raw polymer film
Injection Hot
moulding pressing
Injected Injected Pressed Pressed
composite polymer composite polymer
a)Computed Tomography
Polymer molecular weight was determined by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) using
a PLgel MIXED-C 5m column (Polymer Laboratories) equipped with a light scattering
detector (miniDAWNTM TREOS) with a dn/dc value of 0.2. Weight average molecular weight
(Mw) as well as number average molecular weight (Mn) were measured at several elaboration
stages of the injection and hot pressing processes. Before measurement, materials were
dissolved in a solvent (10 mg/ml) and filtered (0.45 m) to remove Bioglass particles. To
summarize, Mw and Mn were measured on the polymer matrix of:
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
X-ray diffraction was used to control the change of the microstructure of the polymer
matrix after both injection moulding and hot pressing. The measurements were performed on
a Bruker Advance D8 diffractometer, using CuK radiation in a -2 mode (starting and final
2: 8 and 60, step size: 0.05, time per step: 1.5s, operation parameters: 40kV and 40 mA).
Attenuated total reflectance (ATR)-FTIR was used to assess any chemical changes that
may occur during both injection moulding and hot pressing but also with adding Bioglass
particles. Spectra were obtained at room temperature using Nicolet iS10 FTIR spectrometer
equipped with a Diamond HATR (Thermo Scientific Instrument). The resolution was set at
4 cm-1 and the wavenumber ranged between 4000 and 400 cm-1, with 32 scans per spectra.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
3.v L2 4.vT2
E .v . 2
v L vT
T 2
b)Tensile tests
Tensile tests were performed on a MTS universal testing machine at a strain rate of 1%
per minute, in agreement with NF EN ISO 527-2. These tests were carried out on injected
dumbbell specimens of polymer and composite (L: 35 mm, rectangular cross-section: 2 x 5
mm2). A video-extensometer was used to monitor the displacement within the specimen
gauge length for an accurate measure of strain. Two parameters were obtained from the true
stress-strain curve: elastic modulus (Et) and yield tensile stress (t). Strain to failure (f (%))
was obtained directly from the nominal stress-strain curve.
Tensile-fractured surfaces of injected polymer and composite were gold coated (20 nm)
and examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Philips XL20) with an
accelerating voltage of 10kV.
c) Compressive tests
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
d)Vickers hardness
Vickers hardness of polymer and composite obtained by injection moulding and hot
pressing was measured on a TESTWELL FV700 machine. A 5N load was applied on the
specimens during 10s. Vickers hardness HV is calculated using the contact area of the
indentation print, following equation (2). D is defined as the average of the two diagonals of
the resultant square-shaped impression (mm) and F the applied force (N). This mechanical
testing is well suited to check the change in the mechanical properties regardless of the
thickness of the sample.
Hv 1.854. 2 (2)
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was performed on the pressed and injected polymer
and composite with a laboratory-made inverted torsion pendulum. Parallelepipedic
specimens with dimensions 8 x 5 x 0.5 mm3 were tested after drying in high vacuum oven.
DMA testing was performed at 1Hz and at a heating rate of 1C/min from -70 to 170C. The
DMA results are presented with two main parameters: storage modulus (G) and loss
modulus (G). relaxation is defined as the temperature where the loss modulus reaches a
peak value.
Injected samples were heated before testing, in order to remove any polymer chains
orientation due to elaboration process (injection).
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Figure 5: Tomography-X of P(L,DL)LA/Bioglass 45S5 (30 wt.%) composite from injected dumbbell
b)Mechanical properties
Elastic modulus
The elastic modulus, measured during tensile and compressive tests or with ultrasonic
propagation, increases with the addition of Bioglass particles (Table 2). These results are
consistent with the results of the literature regardless of the type of fillers5, 6, 18. The
composite modulus is enhanced by adding hard particles to the matrix. Indeed, the elastic
modulus of Bioglass can be estimated at around 85 GPa23 (even if lower values can be
found in the literature24, 25). We confirmed this value of 85 GPa with a US measurement on a
bulk Bioglass sample (: 16 mm; x: 2 or 0.76 mm). The elastic modulus obtained by
ultrasonic wave propagation technique is higher than tensile and compressive ones for both
polymer and composite samples. The explanation comes from the testing rate of the
samples. Samples are submitted to higher testing rate during an ultrasonic test (5MHz)
compared to a tensile test (~ 1Hz). According to the time-temperature equivalence principle,
the PDLLA relaxation temperature is shifted according to the testing rate. At low test
frequency, the PDLLA relaxation temperature is around 50C, but the half width of the
relaxation peak is around 30C. Consequently, at room temperature, the sample is slightly
softened because it is already in the drop zone of modulus between the glassy state and the
rubbery plateau. At high frequency, the PDLLA relaxation temperature is well above 50C
and at room temperature the sample is in the glassy state, what explains its higher value of
modulus. However the relative influence of Bioglass particles on the modulus is similar
whatever the characterization method.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Tensile test Compressive test
Polymer 55 6 7 1.5 3.1 0.3 95.4 0.8 3.3 0.1 4.2 0.2
Composite 31 3 3 0.6 4.9 0.7 85.6 1.6 3.9 0.3 6.2 0.2
Table 2: Mechanical properties of injected polymer and composite: yield tensile stress (t), tensile
strain to failure (f), tensile modulus (Et), yield compressive stress (c), compressive modulus (Ec) and
elastic modulus by ultrasonic measurement (E). Standard deviation of each value is also presented.
Mechanical strength
The yield tensile stress of injected samples decreases with addition of Bioglass particles
(Fig. 6, Table 2). Figure 6 shows typical nominal tensile stress-strain curves of polymer and
composite. The stress-strain curve of injected polymer samples exhibits plastic deformation.
The stress-strain curve of injected composite samples is typical of a brittle sample, as it can
also be seen on the photography of the specimen after break.
Yield tensile stress
Injected polymer
40 Injected composite
Stress (MPa)
25 a
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Strain (%)
Figure 6: Nominal stress-strain curves in tensile tests of injected polymer (dotted line) and
P(L,DL)LA+30wt.% Bioglass composite (full line) and photographs of (a) a polymer specimen during
plastic strain and (b) a composite specimen after tensile failure.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
filler during tensile test. This micro-voiding phenomenon may account for the brittle behavior
of the composite in tension.
(a) (b)
5 m
Figure 7:(a) SEM Cryofracture of an injected composite and (b) SEM of an injected composite after
tensile test.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Compressive strain
Figure 8: Nominal stress-strain curves in compressive tests of injected polymer (dotted line) and
composite (full line).
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Injected specimens
Weight average molecular weight (kg.mol-1)
Figure 10: Change in Mw after injection moulding for the neat polymer and after both composite
granules elaboration and injection moulding for the composite.
The lower is the Mw of the polymer matrix, the lower will be the resorption time of the matrix.
This could be in fact an advantage, if the composite keeps enough mechanical properties
until tissue generation. However, in our case, the Mw value (~40 kg.mol-1) of the composite
obtained by injection moulding is very close to the range of the critical molecular weight
(around 18000g/mol 26) correlated to a quick drop of the mechanical properties. Depending
on the site of implantation our composite could lose its mechanical properties very quickly.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Thus, it would be interesting to better control Mw of the composite, in order to adjust the
kinetic of degradation in vivo to the specifications of the medical devices chosen. For this
purpose, a second elaboration route was investigated, in order to understand how the
change of parameters (among temperature, shear forces and basic ions release) enables to
minimize the degradation of the polymer matrix during the elaboration process.
The second elaboration route has two different steps: solvent casting and hot pressing.
Molecular weight and Vickers hardness measurements have been carried out to characterize
the material obtained with this second elaboration method.
After hot pressing, Mw of the pressed polymer (450kg.mol-1) was almost the same than
that of the polymer granules (500kg.mol-1) (Fig. 11). At this temperature the degradation
phenomenon is very weak. Consequently, the decrease of Mw of the composite matrix after
the pressed samples process enables to highlight the effect of ions release of Bioglass,
the Mw of the polymer matrix is divided by two in comparison with the Mw of the pressed
polymer. The comparison between the Mw of the pressed and injected composite polymer
matrices mainly highlights the effect of shearing during the injection samples process, the
Mw of the composite matrix is divided by five.
Polymer granules
Pressed polymer
Weight average molecular weigth (kg.mol-1)
Pressed composite
Injected composite
Figure 11: Change in Mw after hot pressing for the polymer and the composite. Mw of the injected
composite is also presented for comparison.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
In order to show the improvement of the mechanical properties related to the increase of
Mw, Vickers hardness was carried out on both injected and pressed polymer and composite.
Whereas the value is similar between both polymer samples, Vickers hardness increases of
26% for pressed composite as compared to the injected one and shows a similar value as
the pressed polymer (cf. Table 3).
Table 3: Vickers hardness of the polymer and the composite after injection moulding and hot pressing.
This second elaboration route enables us to prepare a composite with higher Mw (well
above de critical molecular weight) that induces a higher hardness. This work shows that it is
possible to modify Mw of the polymer matrix by modifying the processing route.
Until now, we are only focused on mechanical properties, but the mechanical properties
are closely correlated to the microstructure. The comparison between pressed and injected
samples enables to establish the effect of processing parameters on the microstructure.
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) was carried out on both injected and pressed materials in order to
check if the microstructure of the polymer matrix was modified during the process.
XRD patterns are presented for the injected and for the pressed polymers in Figure 12,
and for the injected and for the pressed composites in Figure 13. We note a weak cristallinity
(~ 10%) of the injected polymer, whereas pressed polymer is amorphous. Both the injected
and the pressed composites are amorphous.
Diffractogram of the pressed polymer presented two amorphous bands between 2 = 10-
25 and 30-35. The first amorphous band corresponds to inter-chains length and the second
one corresponds to intra-chains length between methyl groups.
The diffractogram of the injected polymer (cf. Fig.12) exhibits a crystalline peak at
2 = 16.6. This peak is attributed to the most intensive peak of the form of PLLA
crystallized in a pseudo-orthorhombic unit cell of dimensions: a = 10.7 , b = 6.45 , and
c = 27.8 , in the crystallographic plane (200) and/or (110) which contains 103 helices27.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Pressed polymer
Injected polymer
Intensity (a.u.)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Figure 12: Diffractograms of injected (dotted line) and pressed (full line) polymers.
Diffractograms of the pressed and injected composites present the two bands observed
on the diffractogram of the polymer. But the second band between 30-35 is more intense,
due to the contribution of the amorphous band corresponding to interatomic length of the
Pressed composite
Polymer Injected composite
Intensity (a.u.)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Figure 13 : Diffractograms of injected (dotted line) and pressed (full line) composites.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
polymer. Alignment of the polymer chains during injection process may promote their
crystallization. The lack of crystallization in the case of the injected composite could be due
to the presence of Bioglass particles which may limit the ordering of the chains. The size of
the polymer chains could also be an explanation. When the mixture cold down in the mold
only the short chains have enough time to relax (return to the random coil state) before the
temperature of the mixture reaches a value lower than the glass transition temperature. The
short polymer chains of the injected composite relax quickly than the long polymer chains of
the injected polymer.
Blaker et al.12 have reported a possible reaction between polymer and Bioglass during
RSiO- + RCO2R RSiOR + RCO2-.
In order to confirm their hypothesis and to determine the effect of the process on such
reaction, FTIR was performed on both injected and pressed polymers and composites
(Fig. 14).
We can notice that all materials exhibit a peak at 1745 cm-1 attributed to the carbonyl
function of the ester group that is known to appear at a wavelength between 1750-1735 cm-1
(cf. Fig. 14). We also observe the appearance of a stretching band at 1600 cm-1 in each
composite. This band can be attributed to the stretching band of carbonyl function of a new
ester group, but it can also be due to the formation of an ethylene bond by thermal
decomposition of the polymer20. As this peak does not appear on the injected polymer
spectra, it must be the signature of a new ester group. This result suggests that a chemical
reaction occurred between polymer and Bioglass (or ions released by Bioglass) leading to
the formation of another ester function according the following scheme:
The reaction proposed here seems more realistic than this reported by Blaker at al. 12. In fact,
it is difficult to understand how the RSiO- anion can attack the R group rather than the
electrophile carbon of the ester group as we propose.
The new chemical group neighboring of the ester group induces a shift of the carbonyl
function peak towards the lower wavenumber (1600 cm-1). Besides the ratio of the height of
the peak at 1600 cm1 divided by that at 1745 cm1 is more important for the injected
composite than for the pressed composite, suggesting a more important reaction occurring
between polymer and Bioglass during injection process.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
Polymer pressed
Polymer injected
Composite pressed
Composite injected
Absorbance (a.u.) 0,5
2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300
Wavenumber (cm-1)
Figure 14: FTIR spectra of the pressed polymer and composite (dotted lines) as well as the injected
polymer and composite (full lines).
Our results show that Mw decreases during process, that a reaction between Bioglass
and polymer takes place and that the flow induced crystallization could happen during
injection process. One of the most interesting ways to show the effect of the previous
parameters on mechanical properties at small strain is to perform dynamic mechanical
analysis (DMA) on both injected and pressed polymers and composites. The effect of
polymer change (microstructural and chemical) could be studied.
Figure 15 shows the evolution of the storage modulus for the pressed polymer and
composite. As expected, pressed composite modulus is higher than polymer one, and this
difference is more important in the rubber state. This increase of the modulus with addition of
Bioglass is consistent with the results obtained in part C.1.2.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
G' pressed polymer
G' pressed composite
200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380
Temperature (K)
Figure 15: Storage modulus versus temperature for the pressed polymer and composite.
Figure 16 shows the evolution of storage modulus and loss modulus with temperature for
pressed and injected polymers. The data were normalized by their values at 200K to facilitate
the comparison between both elaboration methods.
During the transition between glassy to rubber state, the modulus decreased earlier for
the pressed polymer than for the injected one, and in the rubber state, the storage modulus
of the injected polymer is ten times higher than pressed one.
On the loss modulus curves, we observe a shift to higher temperature of relaxation for
the injected polymer. The peaks related to relaxation of pressed and injected polymers
appeared at 50C and 56C respectively. This shift to higher temperature may be due to the
cristallinity of the injected polymer matrix, as observed on XRD. Cristallinity of the polymer
can also explain the higher elastic modulus in the rubber state of the injected polymer.
1,E+01 1,E+00
1,E+00 1,E-01
G'' (u.a.)
G' (u.a.)
1,E-01 1,E-02
1,E-02 1,E-03
1,E-03 1,E-04
G' pressed polymer
G' injected polymer
G'' pressed polymer
G'' injected polymer
1,E-04 1,E-05
200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380
Temperature (K)
Figure 16: Relative storage and loss modulus versus temperature for pressed and injected polymers.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
The storage modulus according to the temperature for both injected and pressed
composites was similar (Fig. 17). In the case of composite samples we observed the
appearance of a second relaxation starting at -10C, contrary to the neat polymer samples.
This new relaxation is more intense for the injected composite. It could be the signature of
short chains created during the processing as explained before.
1,E+01 1,E+00
1,E+00 1,E-01
1,E-01 1,E-02
G' (u.a.)
G'' (u.a.)
1,E-02 1,E-03
1,E-03 1,E-04
G' pressed composite
G' injected composite
G'' pressed composite
G'' injected composite
1,E-04 1,E-05
200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380
Temperature (K)
Figure 17: Relative storage and loss modulus versus temperature for pressed and injected
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
show any change of glass transition temperature between PDLLA film and PDLLA composite
In our case, the shift that we observed on the injected polymer can be attributed to the
crystallization of the matrix, as confirmed by XRD. Similar conclusions were observed by
Bensason et al.29 on ethylene-octene semi cristallin copolymers.
From our results, it appears that the composite made of Bioglass particles in a
resorbable polymer matrix, has lower tensile strength and strain to failure compared to the
neat polymer. Only the elastic modulus increases. Moreover addition of Bioglass particles
changes the tensile behavior from ductile to brittle. This brittle behavior of the composite in
tension may be due to a weak interface between polymer and Bioglass particles, leading to
the formation of some micro-voids around the particles during loading. However, this low
interaction between polymer and Bioglass particles cannot explain the decrease of the
compressive yield stress and the Vickers hardness of the composite as compared to the neat
polymer. This reduction of mechanical strength is also associated to a drop of the matrix
properties, as clearly shown by the decrease of molecular weight during processing. This
reduction in Mw can be explained by high temperature and important shear stresses
encountered during injection moulding.
The presence of Bioglass particles can also trigger the decrease of Mw. The molecular
weight reduction occurred also during the first step of granules elaboration by solvent route.
Bioglass particles in solution could release ions, triggering the breakage of ester links.
Average molecular weight of the injected composite being close to the critical molecular
weight, a better control of the molecular weight is essential to tailor the mechanical properties
of the material and its kinetic of degradation in vivo. A better understanding of the relation
between properties and microstructure is essential to improve the elaboration process.
Another processing route with softer conditions (lower processing temperature and lack
of shearing stress) was carried out to estimate the impact of these parameters on the
polymer matrix properties. Hot pressing method allows an increase of composite molecular
weight associated to an increase in composite hardness (hence in yield stress). These
results highlight the impact of the molecular weight on the final mechanical properties of the
composite and mainly the importance to reach a molecular weight of the polymer matrix well
above the critical molecular weight.
Thanks to FTIR measurements, a reaction (nucleophile attack) between Bioglass or ions
released and polymer is proposed to explain the Mw decrease during the solvent route
R1SiO- + R2CO2R3 R2CO2SiR1 + R3O-
This reaction between Bioglass particles and polymer chains was observed mainly on the
injected composite. Two reactions are possible:
- Reaction with Bioglass particles: in this case, the reaction remains minor
because it takes place only with polymer chains that are present around the
Bioglass particles;
- Reaction with alkaline ions released by the Bioglass: in that case all the
polymer chains may react depending on ions diffusion.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
This study has demonstrated that during process, chemical reaction can occur between
polymer and Bioglass.
The second relaxation observed by DMA for the injected composite at lower temperature
suggested the presence of small chains that would relax at lower temperature. Breaking of
the small chains was promoted by the hard conditions involved during injection: high
temperature and shear stresses increased by the presence of Bioglass particles. The
presence of Bioglass particles increases thus the shear stresses on the polymer chains.
The slight crystallization of the injected polymer leaded to a higher storage modulus in the
rubber state compared with the pressed polymer and a shift to higher temperatures of
relaxation temperature. Crystallization of the polymer matrix after injection was favored by
orientation of the polymer chains. Inversely in the composite, Bioglass particles do not
promote organization of the polymer chains and so do not permit crystallization.
Thus several prospect can be explored in order to improve the molecular weight of the
composite. The first step could be to optimize injection molding parameters, by adding
processing aids in order to minimize the shearing during injection and to limit the molecular
weight reduction during the processing. We can also limit the molecular weight reduction by
interfering on the 45S5 Bioglass releasing. Indeed this study confirms that the presence of
this Bioglass in solution with the polymer can cause polymer chain scission. It has already
been demonstrated that thermal treatment of the 45S5 Bioglass decreases its reactivity,
and consequently ions releasing30. Filling the polymer matrix with this glass-ceramic may limit
the polymer chains break, and produce attractive composites with higher molecular weight.
Controlling composite molecular weight would permit a better tailoring of the composite
degradation kinetic in vivo. The time of degradation required for each bone application being
different, be able to elaborate composites with various molecular weight would allow replying
to the specifications of different bone devices. Another alternative would be to process the
composite granules by a dry route method, which would prevent the harmful effect of the
Bioglass salting out. All these alternatives would allow to tailor mechanical properties of the
composite and in particular increase mechanical strength in order to better mimic bone
mechanical properties.
Despite the reduction in molecular weight, and consequently in the mechanical properties
of the composite, this material exhibits sufficient mechanical properties for some bone repair
applications and may exhibit adequate in vivo resorption (see Chapter D). Indeed, it presents
a Youngs modulus value approaching the lower bound for cortical bone. Its yield tensile
stress value is comprised between trabecular and cortical bone values. And above all,
composite material exhibited an appropriated strain to failure, close to that of human cortical
bone. But controlling molecular weight of the composite can be a method to adjust the time
of degradation in vivo, and then to adapt composite properties to the specifications
researched by the medical device.
Chapter B: Mechanical characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite, influence of process on
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Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 2001, 58:335-343.
29. Bensason B, Minick J, Moet A, Chum S, Hiltner A, Baer E. Classification of
homogeneous ethylene-octene copolymers based on comonomer content. Journal of
Polymer Science: part B: Polymer Physics 1996, 34:1301-1315.
30. Lefebvre L. Dveloppement de bioverres poreux pour application l'orthopdie et
l'ingnierie tissulaire. Gnie des matriaux 2007. Vol. PhD, Page 183.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Chapter C
Dans cette partie nous allons tudier la cristallisation ayant lieu la surface de composites polyacide lactique
bioverre au cours de limmersion dans un fluide biologique. Des composites mis en forme par injection et
contenant diffrents taux de bioverre 45S5 (0, 20, 30 et 50% en masse) vont tre tests pendant 2 mois et
compars avec du bioverre seul. Lobjectif de cette tude est de dterminer leffet du taux de bioverre sur la
cintique de cristallisation de lhydroxyapatite. Un scnario de cristallisation en fonction de la composition sera
aussi propos.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Nathalie Ginsaca,b, Jean-Marc Chenala,b, Sylvain Meillea,b, Elodie Pacardd, Rachid Zenatid,
Daniel J. Hartmanna,c, Jrme Chevaliera,b
Universit de Lyon, CNRS
INSA-Lyon, MATEIS UMR5510, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France
UPSP 2007.03.135 RTI2B, 8 avenue Rockefeller 69008 Lyon, France
Noraker, 13 Avenue Albert Einstein, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
C.II.1 Materials
A poly(L,DL)lactide (PDLLA) with a 70L/30DL ratio and an inherent viscosity between 5.7
and 6.5 dl/g was obtained from Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany (Resomer LR708). 45S5
Bioglass particles were obtained from high purity SiO2, Na2CO3, CaCO3 and P2O5 powders.
The powders were weighted, mixed and melted in a Pt crucible for 4h at 1400C with a de-
carbonatation step (5h at 950C). The melt was then quenched in water and ground in
ethanol to a fine powder (particle size distribution of 3 m). Quenching was fast enough to
retain a completely amorphous material, as checked by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Composite
granules with different contents of Bioglass particles (20, 30 and 50 wt.%) were processed
following a protocol patented (Patent WO2008116984 (A2))21. Briefly, Bioglass particles
were first put in suspension in a solvent, then polymer was added and mixed to reach the
desired Bioglass / PDLLA ratio. The suspension was then precipitated in water. The
precipitate was milled and sieved to obtain granules of mean diameter 1 mm. Polymer alone
(called P hereafter) or composite granules with 20, 30 and 50 wt.% Bioglass (called C20,
C30 and C50) were injection moulded into plates of dimensions 70x45x3 mm3 with an
industrial injection moulding machine (ENGEL Victory, Schwertberg, Austria). Specimens
were machined from these plates in parallelepipeds of dimensions 10x10x3 mm3.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Bioactivity testing was conducted on the Bioglass particles and P, C20, C30 and C50
injection-moulded samples, following the international standard ISO 2331722. Samples were
immersed in 30 ml of Simulated Body Fluid (SBF), with a ratio of sample surface to SBF
volume of 0.1cm2/ml, for different periods from 1 to 56 days at a constant temperature of
37C. In the case of Bioglass particles, additional immersion tests were conducted, with
shorter duration (from 0.5 to 24 h). The amount of Bioglass particles immersed in SBF was
chosen so as to get the same concentration of Bioglass than that of the C30 specimens,
i.e. 100 mg of particles in 30 ml of SBF. The Bioglass concentration in SBF for each
material is presented in table 1. SBF solution was changed twice a week (dynamic mode) to
prevent saturation of the solution and insure pH stability to a value ranging between 7.2 and
7.4, to mimic as far as possible physiological environment. After the test, each sample was
rinsed with deionised water and dried in a desiccator during at least one week.
Table (1): Bioglass concentrations in SBF solution for each composite C20, C30 and C50.
The nature and content of crystalline phases formed at the surface of the samples after a
given period in SBF was determined by X-ray diffraction. The measurements were performed
on a Bruker Advance D8 diffractometer, using CuK radiation in a -2 mode (starting and
final 2: 8 and 60, step size: 0.05, time per step: 1.5s, operation parameters: 40kV and 40
mA). The relative content of the crystalline phases and their crystal size was quantified by
Rietveld analysis (Topas, Bruker, Madison, USA).
Depending on the thickness of the crystallized layer at the samples surface, two types of
analysis were performed:
When the crystallized layer thickness was important (typically larger than a few microns,
estimated from Eva software), the peaks related to the crystalline phases were well defined
on the XRD patterns. In that case, Rietveld analysis was possible directly after a simple
subtraction of the background (method 1).
When the crystallized layer thickness was small (i.e. less than a few microns), X-rays
penetrated into the bulk and the amorphous signature of the polymer or the composites was
predominant. In that case, XRD pattern of the raw polymer or composite was subtracted from
the specimen pattern, and was then treated with Topas for Rietveld analysis (method 2).
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM, FEG XL30) was used to observe the morphology of the
crystals at the surface of the samples after immersion in SBF. Samples were gold coated (20
nm thickness) prior to the observation. The composition of the crystalline phases was
determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) at an accelerating voltage of 10 kV.
Polymer weight loss in the composites after immersion in SBF was quantified from Thermal
Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) measurements. After a given duration of immersion in SBF, each
sample was submitted to a thermal treatment (from 30 to 450C at 20C/min) to record the
amount of polymer burnt during heating. The polymer released during TGA corresponds to
the polymer not degraded during immersion in SBF. Therefore, the amount of polymer
degraded during immersion in SBF could be deduced by subtracting the weight loss
attributed to the polymer burnt during TGA from the initial weight of polymer inside the
After gold coating prior to SEM observation, the samples exhibited a different visual
appearance depending on immersion time in SBF and on composition (see fig. 1).
Figure 1: Optical images of the polymer (P) and the composites C20, C30 and C50 from 1 to 56 days
of immersion in SBF.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Some samples (or part of samples) appeared bright, while other samples (or part of samples)
appeared dark. In summary, P and C20 samples were all bright, while the dark area
increased with immersion time in C30 and more rapidly in C50. SEM observations were
therefore conducted on both types of regions (see examples in fig. 2 and fig.3) and for the
different materials.
10 m b
10 m
Energy (KeV)
Figure 2: SEM images of (a) the surface of the polymer after 56 days of immersion in SBF, (b) calcite
crystals at the surface of C20 observed after 28 days, (c) HA layer at the surface of C30 after 21 days
in the dark zone and their respective EDX analysis.
P samples were all free of crystallisation at the surface, even for long immersion time
(fig. 2a). The bright aspect of the samples was therefore due to the low roughness of the
samples, reflecting the visible light. Although C20 samples were all bright, careful
examination of their surface showed the presence of isolated needle like crystals for short
duration associated to isolated and small cauliflower HA crystals for longer duration. A
micrograph of such needle crystal is shown in fig. 2b. EDX spectra performed on these
crystals showed the presence of Ca, C and O in their composition, suggesting the presence
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
of calcite (confirmed hereafter with XRD). Bright surfaces were therefore attributed either to a
surface completely free of crystallisation (P) or to a localised crystallisation, mainly of calcite,
unable to change the reflectivity of the surface.
In contrast, the dark regions of C30 and C50 exhibited a layer of crystals with cauliflower
morphology typical of HA crystallization (see fig. 2c). EDX analysis performed on these
crystals confirmed that such crystals were calcium phosphates with a Ca/P ratio close
to 1.67. Figure 3a shows a layer of HA crystals on C50 observed after one day of immersion,
suggesting a very high bioactivity of this composite. The darkness observed in both C30 and
C50 is therefore attributed to the rough HA layer at the surface, decreasing the reflectivity of
the samples.
Another information given from simple visual inspection was that C50 was degraded by
immersion in SBF. Cracks were visible even after one day and samples were crumbled into
pieces after 3 days. This is confirmed by SEM observations of figure 3b, showing the
degradation of the polymer matrix, while Bioglass particles were still present (but covered
with HA crystals). Such degradation was not visible for the other compositions. Quantitative
follow up of the degradation was obtained via TGA analysis of the samples. Figure 4 shows
the evolution of the polymer content in the composites versus time. The polymer ratio was
almost constant for C20 and C30, while it dropped on C50 (from 50% before immersion to
less than 25% after 56 days in SBF).
a b
Figure 3: SEM images of C50 after (a) 1 day and (b) 28 days of immersion in SBF.
10 m 2 m
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
C20% C30% C50%
Polymer ratio (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 4: Polymer ratio as a function of immersion time in SBF for each composite material using TGA
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
of calcite during a first stage, followed by a slower, but predominant crystallisation of HA that
covers calcite crystals.
Figure 5: XRD patterns of the Bioglass particles after 17 hours (lower curve) and 28 days (upper
curve) in SBF ( HA JCPDS 9-432, calcite JCPDS 86-2334).
Figure (6): Intensity of (211) HA and (104) calcite peaks measured by XRD on Bioglass particles
versus immersion time.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
The absence of any crystalline phase on the polymer was confirmed by XRD. In contrast,
crystallization of both calcite and HA was observed on all the composites. The calcite and HA
contents, however, depend strongly on the composition of the composite and on immersion
Figure 7 and figure 8 present the results obtained for C20. Figure 7 shows the presence of
both calcite and HA after 7 or 56 days, but their ratio is different: the longer the immersion
time, the larger the HA to calcite ratio. This is evidenced in figure 8, which shows the
evolution of the intensity of the major peak of calcite (104) and of HA (211) versus time. In
contrast to Bioglass particles alone, there is no decrease of the calcite (104) peak when HA
begins to crystallize. This is explained by the slow, isolated crystallization of HA that does not
cover calcite.
Figure 7: XRD patterns of the C20 composite after 7 days (lower curve) and 56 days (upper curve) in
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Figure (8): Intensity of (211) HA and (104) calcite peaks measured by XRD on C20 composite versus
immersion time.
Figure 9 and figure 10 present the results obtained for C30. It is to note that the intensities of
both calcite and HA peaks were larger as compared to C20, which traduces a larger
crystallization activity on C30. Calcite is the major phase at 7 days, while HA was
predominant at 56 days (fig. 9). This is traduced in Figure 10: The intensity of the (104)
calcite peak increases up to 21 days, then decreases simultaneously with an increase of the
HA (211) peak. As for Bioglass particles alone (but with a slower rate), this is explained by
a crystallisation of calcite during a first stage, followed by a predominant crystallisation of HA
that covers calcite crystals.
XRD diffractograms are not presented for C50 in order to save space. However, in
agreement with optical and SEM observations, HA was the predominant phase even at short
durations. Some calcite was present at short times, but quickly covered by HA crystals.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Figure 9: XRD patterns of the C30 composite after 7 days (lower curve )and 56 days (upper curve) in
Figure (10): Intensity of (211) HA and (104) calcite peaks measured by XRD on C30 composite versus
immersion time.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
c) Rietveld analysis
Rietveld analysis was performed with the objective of quantifying the relative content and the
size of HA and calcite crystals. Figure 11 represents the evolution of the HA content
(precisely the HA content inside the crystallised layer) versus time for the three composites.
HA content is very difficult to quantify for small duration (large peak with a very weak
intensity). HA becomes the major phase for C50 after 3 days only and 14 days for C20 and
C30. Rietveld analysis gives additional information on the relative content of HA at the
surface: the content of HA reaches about 95% after only 3 days in C50, 90% in C30 after 21
days, 80% in C20 after 21 days. HA is therefore the major phase at the surface of all
composites when SBF soaking is long enough.
Figure 11: HA percent of the crystallized layer versus immersion time on the composites, determined
by Rietveld analysis.
Figure 12 summarizes the whole set of data obtained for the HA and calcite crystal sizes. HA
crystal size is one order of magnitude lower than that of calcite (resp. 10 nm and 100 nm).
The size is almost constant with immersion time, even if a small increase is noticed for the
first 7 days. Crystallisation occurs mainly by nucleation of new crystals with time, but their
size remains roughly constant. These results explain the peak morphology: peaks are very
intense and thin for calcite (large crystals but in fact in small quantity) and broad for HA
(very small crystal but in fact in large quantity). This is consistent with all SEM observations:
calcite crystals observed by SEM were needle like crystal of several microns length and less
than one micron in diameter. HA crystals were much more smaller in dimension.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Figure 12: HA and calcite crystals size versus immersion time on the bioglass (BG) and the
composites, determined by Rietveld analysis.
The overall set of data and observations allows for the first time to give a general feature of
the crystallisation process occurring at the surface of PDLLA-Bioglass composites. The
crystallization processes and their relative kinetics as a function of Bioglass content in the
composite are schematically described in figure 13. In all composites, and even on
Bioglass particles themselves, we show a crystallisation of elongated calcite crystals
particularly at short times. The presence of calcite at the surface of PDLLA-Bioglass was
not reported before. However, some authors have previously observed calcite formation on
45S5 Bioglass, especially when the concentration in SBF was high29-31. Jones et al.30
observed CaCO3 for a concentration of Bioglass particles in SBF higher than 2 mg/ml at a
pH = 7.25. This is consistent with our results, since the concentration of Bioglass per unit
volume of solution ranged between 2.9 to 8.4 mg/ml and the pH between 7.2 and 7.4. CaCO3
crystallisation is attributed to a large content of calcium released by Bioglass during the first
stage of immersion, leading to an excess of calcium in the solution. It may be that calcium
diffusion occurs from particles inside the composite, through the polymer network. This
excess of calcium promotes the formation of CaCO3 at least during the first stages of the
crystallisation, as described in figure 13. In the case of Bioglass particles in solution, Jones
et al. suggested that CaCO3 crystallised at the expense of HA and induced a decrease of
bioactivity. Our results tend to show that CaCO3 and HA formations are two parallel paths for
crystallisation, with different kinetics but that the presence of CaCO3 does not hinder HA
precipitation (bioactivity) in such composites. However, even if we privilege the concurrent
crystallisation of CaCO3 and HA, we cannot exclude that dissolution-reprecipitation of one or
the two phases occurs in a dynamic process in the range of pH investigated. On a practical
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
point of view, the relative amount of HA in the crystallisation layer at the surface was always
larger than 80% at 21 days, whatever the amount of Bioglass in the composite. The
crystallisation kinetics are strongly dependent on the Bioglass content in the composites.
For C20, CaCO3 and HA crystallisation rates are very low, and the surface hardly covered
with isolated crystals, even for long immersion time (see fig. 13). On the other side, C30 and
C50 composites lead to a thick HA layer after 28 days or 3 days respectively, giving optimal
conditions for bioactivity. The present results unfortunately show that the polymer matrix in
the C50 composite degrades rapidly, as shown by the strong weight loss and the visual
aspect after 3-7 days only. This degradation is traduced by crack propagation and chipping
as schematized in figure 13. In a recent paper, Blaker et al.32 have shown a premature
degradation of PDLLA processed by co-extrusion and subsequent compression moulding in
the presence of Bioglass particles. The degradation was attributed to a significant reduction
of the polymer molecular weight due to the combined effect of high temperature processing
and the presence of Bioglass particles which promotes chain scission by Si-O-. The
degradation was the highest for the largest Bioglass content, i.e. 40 wt.%. C30 therefore
appears to give the best balance between bioactivity and stability at least during the first
weeks of immersion in contact with body fluids. Further studies are in progress to follow the
degradation kinetics of C30 composites in vitro and in vivo, for longer durations (up to 6
months). It is to note that no specific test was performed in this work to quantify the adhesion
of the crystalline layer to the composite. Such tests would give an idea on the applicability of
such composites for bone repair applications, since adhesion of the crystallised layer is
necessary to favour bone apposition and avoid micro motions. This could be the subject of
future work. Another limit of the current work is that crystallisation and degradation processes
have been conducted in a particular environment (SBF, under static conditions and with a
change of the solution twice a week). It is clear that SBF ions contribute to the building up of
the surface crystals and that the sequences by which Calcite and HAP nucleate certainly
strongly depend on testing conditions33. This is also certainly the case for PLLA degradation.
Further work is in progress to follow such crystallisation-degradation processes in vitro with
different testing conditions and in vivo.
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Figure 13: Scenario of crystallization of calcite and HA on the composites for short and long
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
Chapter C : Crystallization at the surface of Polylactic Acid Bioglass composites during immersion
in Simulated Body Fluid
20. Lu HH, Tang A, Oh SC, Spalazzi JP, Dionisio K. Compositional effects on the
formation of a calcium phosphate layer and the response of osteoblast-like cells on
polymer-bioactive glass composites. Biomaterials 2005, 26:6323-6334.
21. Zenati R, Pacard E. Method for preparing a composite material, resulting material and
use thereof. Patent WO/2008/116984. 2 Octobre 2008.
22. ISO. Implants for surgery - in vitro evaluation for apatite-forming ability of implant
materials. ISO 23317 2007, 13 p.
23. Lukito D, Xue JM, Wang J. In vitro bioactivity assessment of 70 (wt.)%SiO2-30
(wt.)%CaO bioactive glasses in simulated body fluid. Materials Letters 2005, 59:3267-
24. Mami M, Lucas-Girot A, Oudadesse H, Dorbez-Sridi R, Mezahi F, Dietrich E.
Investigation of the surface reactivity of a sol-gel derived glass in the ternary system
SiO2-CaO-P2O5. Applied Surface Science 2008, 254:7386-7393.
25. Rehman I, Knowles JC, Bonfield W. Analysis of in vitro reaction layers formed on
Bioglass using thin-film X-ray diffraction and ATR-FTIR microspectroscopy. Journal
of Biomedical Materials Research 1998, 41:162-166.
26. Kontonasaki E, Zorba T, Papadopoulou L, Pavlidou E, Chatzistavrou X,
Paraskevopoulos K, Koidis P. Hydroxy Carbonate Apatite Formation on Particulate
Bioglass In Vitro as a Function of Time. Crystal Research and Technology 2002,
27. Zhong JP, Greenspan DC, Feng JW. A microstructural examination of apatite
induced by Bioglass in vitro. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
2002, 13:321-326.
28. Qiang M, Wang Y, Zheng H, Ning C, Chen X. Influence of pH Value Stability on the
Biomineralization of Bioglass. Materials Science Forum 2009, 610-613:1387-1390.
29. Cerruti M, Greenspan D, Powers K. Effect of pH and ionic strength on the reactivity of
Bioglass 45S5. Biomaterials 2005, 26:1665-1674.
30. Jones JR, Sepulveda P, Hench LL. Dose-dependent behavior of bioactive glass
dissolution. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 2001, 58:720-726.
31. Lusvardi G, Malavasi G, Menabue L, Aina V, Morterra C. Fluoride-containing
bioactive glasses: Surface reactivity in simulated body fluids solutions.
ActaBiomaterialia 2009, 5:3548-3562.
32. Blaker JJ, Bismarck A, Boccaccini AR, Young AM, Nazhat SN. Premature
degradation of poly(-hydroxyesters) during thermal processing of Bioglass-
containing composites. ActaBiomaterialia 2009, 6:756-762.
33. Bohner M, Lemaitre J. Can bioactivity be tested in vitro with SBF solution?
Biomaterials 2009, 30:2175-79.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Chapter D
Ltude de dgradation dun matriau in vitro dans un fluide physiologique permet davoir une estimation de la
cintique de rsorption de ce matriau in vivo. Une tude de culture de cellules in vitro permet de dterminer la
cytotoxicit dun matriau. Cependant ces valuations in vitro prsentent des limites quant aux prdictions que
l'on serait tent de faire sur le comportement in vivo des matriaux. Les contraintes auxquelles le matriau est
soumis in vitro et in vivo ntant pas similaires, dans quelle mesure cette extrapolation est-elle valable ? Le
matriau tudi peut-il engendrer indirectement un biais lanalyse quand celui-ci est responsable dun
relarguage important dions alcalins ? Nous tentons dans cette dernire partie de rpondre ces diffrentes
questions via une comparaison des observations faites in vitro celles faites in vivo par implantation musculaire
et osseuse chez le lapin.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of a P(L,DL)LA/Bioglass 45S5
(30 wt%) composite to be used as a bone fixation device. Poly(-hydroxy acids) and in
particular poly(lactic acid) are nowadays among the most used bioabsorbable materials.
However bioresorbable polymers do not facilitate bone growth and may have inadequate
degradation characteristics. To overcome these limitations, research is today focused on
organic-inorganic composites. Indeed, addition of a bioactive mineral phase to the polymer
matrix promotes bone growth at surface of the material and can reduce the degradation time
of the polymer. The aim of this work was to confirm these two effects of the Bioglass: on
the kinetics degradation and on the osteointegration properties. Impact of the Bioglass on
the degradation kinetics of the polymer matrix was therefore studied in vitro and in vivo. In
vitro degradation study was performed by immersion of polymer and composite in a
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) during 6 months. Before any implantation study, a previous
estimation of the cytotoxicity of the material was carried out in vitro. Osteoblastic cell cultures
were therefore performed on both materials. Finally implantation was performed for two
objectives: (a) to compare in vitro and in vivo degradation behaviors; (b) to observe in vivo
improvement of the osteointegration with the addition of Bioglass. Intramuscular and
intraosseous implantations were conducted in rabbits during 6 months. Muscular
implantation allowed evaluating the reaction of the implant in another tissue that the
functional tissue, but also observing the potential osteoinductive properties of the composite.
Results showed that incorporation of Bioglass particles into the polymer matrix significantly
accelerated degradation of the polymer in vitro. In vivo testing leaded to different results.
Indeed after 6 months of immersion in vitro, the composite showed important signs of
degradation, whereas in vivo it was not degraded or presented very minor signs of
degradation. Cellular proliferation revealed a similar proliferation on both materials, addition
of Bioglass in vitro did not seem to stimulate cellular proliferation. However in vivo, addition
of Bioglass in the polymer matrix seemed to accelerate bone osteointegration and above all
during the first month of implantation. This study highlights that some precautions have to be
taken when in vitro testing is used to predict in vivo behavior of materials.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Over the past two decades, bioabsorbable devices have been used and experimented in
many fields of the orthopedic surgery, including fixation of fractures and bone replacement.
They are currently used as pins, plates and screws for orthopedic, oral and craniofacial
surgery. These materials present several advantages compared with their metal
counterparts. Indeed their bioresorbability avoids a second operation to remove the implant
and their stiffness closer to bone avoids stress-shielding phenomenon. Moreover radiopacity
of polymers facilitates also the medical follow-up of the patient. Last their bioresorbability
limits risks of fibrous capsule formation and inflammation often observed with permanent
implants. However they present some drawbacks such as an inadequate degradation rate
and an inability to fully integrate to bone. Some crystalline polymers such as the poly(lactic
acid) (PLLA) for example need more than 4 years to degrade1. A strategy to improve their
osteointegration capacity has been to fill a polymer matrix with a bioactive ceramic such as
hydroxyapatite or tricalcium phosphate. Bioactive ceramics promote better bone bonding due
to the formation of a surface calcium phosphate layer after immersion in body fluids. Various
authors have already reported biocompatibility of HA-PLLA composites2-8. Verheyen et al.9
have observed by histological analysis an increase of the bone contact on the PLLA/HA
composite compared to PLLA alone. Recently, much attention has been focused on
composites filled with bioactive glass particles. Bioglass 45S5 has been well studied10, and
it is known to be the most bioactive bioglass11.
The control of the degradation rate of the polymer is important; it has to be adapted to the
implantation site requirements. Poly(lactic acid) degradation is a complex process that has
been extensively investigated12-17. It is known that numerous parameters can affect the
polymer degradation mechanism such as cristallinity, molecular weight, processing
conditions, size and shape of the specimens. Addition of an inorganic phase into the polymer
matrix increases the complexity of the polymer degradation mechanism. When bioactive
glass reacts with body fluids, a local alkaline environment is created, due to the bioactive
glass salting-out. It has been reported to neutralize lactic acid and slow down the polymer
degradation18. Indeed it was observed, on composite scaffolds, that the presence of
Bioglass slew down molecular weight reduction compare to the neat polymer18, 19. Different
results were observed on dense composites. Rich et al.20 observed a faster reduction of
molecular weight with the addition of bioactive glass S53P4 (50 to 60wt.%) into a P(CL/DL-
LA) matrix. Navarro et al.21 observed a double decrease of the molecular weight of the
PLDLLA/G5 (50 wt.%) composite after 2 weeks, but this tendency was inversed after 6
weeks. This behavior was attributed to the buffering effect caused by the degradation
products of the bioactive glass, which even if not basic, are less acidic than the degradation
products of the polymer. But concerning water absorption and weight loss, all studies
reported that presence of bioactive glass increased them as compared to neat polymer. This
initial rapid weight loss on the composite was attributed to the dissolution of the bioactive
glass. These results were observed on scaffold of PLGA/Bioglass18 or
P(D,L)LA/Bioglass19 as well as on dense composites20-22. All the studies seem to show that
addition of bioactive glass particles accelerates polymer matrix degradation, but the
molecular weight reduction profile may depend on the balance between the autocatalytic
degradation catalyzed by carboxyl end groups and the buffering effect of the bioactive glass.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
A poly(L,DL)lactide (PDLLA) with a 70L/30DL ratio and an inherent viscosity between 5.7
and 6.5 dl/g was supplied by Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany (Resomer LR708).
45S5 Bioglass particles were obtained from high purity SiO2, Na2CO3, CaCO3 and P2O5
powders. The powders were weighted, mixed and melted in a Pt crucible for 4h at 1400C
with a de-carbonatation step (5h at 950C). The melt was then quenched in water and
ground in ethanol to a fine powder (particle size distribution of 3-4 m). Composite granules
with 30 wt.% of Bioglass particles were processed following a protocol patented (Patent
WO2008116984 (A2))23. Briefly, Bioglass particles were first put in suspension in a solvent,
then polymer was added and mixed to reach the desired bioactive glass/polymer ratio. The
suspension was then precipitated in water. The precipitate was milled and sieved to obtain
granules of mean diameter 1 mm. Polymer and composite granules were injection moulded
into plates or cylinders.
- Inherent viscosity;
- Molecular weight.
The following figure (Figure 1) synthesizes the different analyses performed during the 6
months of immersion in PBS. Table 1 summarizes the number of specimens tested at each
immersion time and for each type of measurement.
All the in vitro experiments were conducted on sterilized specimens in order to compare
with the same material tested in vivo.
Weight loss
Water absorption Mw
Mw pH inh
inh inh
0 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M
Figure 1: Schematic feature of the different measurements conducted on the polymer and
the composite specimens during immersion in PBS for 6 months.
Number of specimens
tested at each time
Water absorption 3
Weight loss 3
Tomography-X 1
Compression 3
Inherent viscosity 1
Molecular weight 1
Every 14 days, water absorption and weight loss were measured on three specimens of
each material.
After being removed from the solution, specimens were weighted (wet weight), rinsed with
deionized water, and vacuum-dried until weight stabilization (dry weight).
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Wt , wet Wt , dry
Waterabsorption (%) 100
Wt , dry
Where Wt,wet is the weight of the wet specimen at time t and Wt,dry is the weight of the dried
specimen at time t.
The percentage of the weight loss was determined using the following equation:
Wo Wt , dry
Weightloss (%) 100
b) Computed Tomography
Every 14 days, one specimen of each material was observed by computed tomography, in
order to follow their degradation.
A computed protocol was conducted on a tomograph (Vtomex, Phoenix x-ray, Germany)
with the following scanning parameters: source voltage: 70 kV, intensity: 240 A and
resolution: 10 m.
c) Compressive test
d) Inherent viscosity
Viscosity tests were conducted on one specimen of each material before immersion and
after 84 and 180 days of immersion in PBS.
Specimens were dissolved in chloroform (10mg/mL) and filtered (0.45 m) for inherent
viscosity measurements. Inherent viscosity of the specimens was measured with a
viscosimeter ViscoClock (Schott Instruments) equipped with a Julabo ME-16G bath.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
e) Molecular weight
Weight average molecular weight (Mw) measurements were performed on one specimen
of each material before immersion and after 6 months of immersion in PBS.
Specimens were dissolved in chloroform (10 mg/mL) and filtered (0.45 m) for molecular
weight measurements. Molecular weights were obtained by size exclusion chromatography
(SEC) with a PLgel 5 m MIXED-C column (Polymer Laboratories) in chloroform at a flow
rate of 0.5 mL/min using a multi-angle light scattering detector (miniDAWNTM TREOS) with a
dn/dc value of 0.2.
D.II.3 Cytocompatibility
Cell cultures were made on the polymer and the composite in order to determine the
effect of the Bioglass on the cell proliferation.
Specimens (10*10*2 mm3) were decontaminated by treatment in 70% ethanol for 15 min.
They were then left 2 days in a sterile Petri dish under laminar air flow for ethanol
A MG63 osteoblastic cell line, originally isolated from a human osteosarcoma (American
Type Culture Collection) was used for these experiments. Cells were cultured in Dulbeccos
modified Eagles (DMEM) enrichment medium (supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine
serum, 1% (v/v) Mycokill antifungal, glutamine 1% (v/v), vitamin C and D).
A 100 L drop of a suspension of the MG63 cells (3.104 cells/specimen) was added to
each well of a 24-well culture plate and incubated in enrichment medium at 37C in a carbon
dioxide (5% CO2) incubator (Jouan CR3i, ThermoFisherScientific) in humidified air and for 3,
6 and 10 days. For each test, three wells without material were used as controls, and three
specimens of each material type were tested. The culture medium was changed twice a
After 3, 6 and 10 days of culture, MTT test was performed on the materials to study the
proliferation of the cells. At each time, all materials were incubated with 100 l MTT ((3-{4,5-
dimethylthiazol-2yl}-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium-bromide), Sigma Aldrich, 5 mg/mL in
PBS X1) for 4 h at 37C in the incubator. A 500 L Ethanol/DMSO (v/v) solution was added
onto specimens to solubilize formazan crystals formed inside the cells. Absorbance was
measured at 570 nm with a microplate spectrophotometer (Multiskan Ex, Thermo Electron
a) Materials
Injection moulding was used to process rods with the following dimensions:
- Intramuscular implants: length: 10 mm and diameter: 2 mm;
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Animal model
The study was carried out in agreement with the recommendations of the Ethical Committee of
the Ecole Nationale Vtrinaire de Lyon (Ethical Committee Guidelines, protocol agreement No.
0936/2009). Twenty-one healthy female New Zealand rabbits aged between 12 and 18
months and with a mean weight of 4.6 0.3 kg were used for this study. Three animal
groups were distinguished versus implantation time: 1, 3 and 6 months, with 7 animals per
group. For the 1 and 3 months groups, 4 specimens were implanted per rabbit: 2
intraosseous specimens and 2 intramuscular specimens (cf. Table 2). For the 6 months
group, only 2 intraosseous specimens were implanted per rabbit.
Preoperative treatment
Animals received preventive analgesia therapy by a subcutaneous injection of
Buprenorphine (0.5 mg/kg, Temgesic, Pfizer, France) and preventive antibiotic therapy by
injection of Trimethoprim 4% (v/w) and Sulfadiazine 20% (v/w) (20 mg/kg, Borgal, Intervet,
Angers, France).
Surgical procedure
Rabbits were first anesthetized by an intramuscular injection of ketamine (30 mg/kg,
Imalgene 1000, Merial, Lyon, France) and xylazine (2 mg/kg, Rompun 2% (v/w), Bayer
HealthCare, Gaillard, France). Anesthesia for the surgical procedure was then maintained
with a mixture of isoflurane in oxygen.
The back of the animals, as well as their legs, were shaved and scrubbed with antiseptic
fluid (Vetidine soap and Vetidine solution, Vetoquinol, France). A lateral parapatellar
arthrotomy was performed under sterile conditions. The patella was dislocated medially and
the knee placed in full flexion. Cylindrical 2 x 6 mm osseous critical-sized defect were
created in the left lateral femoral condyle and in the right lateral femoral condyle with a drill
(drill 2.0 mm) from the antero-distal part of the femoral condyle to the posterior proximal
direction (Fig. 2). These defects were then filled, via press fit, with the corresponding implant.
Polymer and composite specimens were then implanted in the muscle, in left and right para-
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
lumbar regions respectively, after cutaneous and sub-cutaneous incisions. After implantation,
the subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed in layers with resorbable sutures.
After all surgical procedures, the rabbits were allowed to wake up on a heated carpet.
They were allowed free of activity in their cages. The animals were closely monitored for
infections and other complications by a veterinarian everyday during the first week and then
once per week.
c) Euthanasia
d) Implants retrieval
After euthanasia, the implants and the surrounding muscular tissue were retrieved and
immersed in 70% ethanol. Femoral condyles were cut on bone diaphysis with a manual saw,
dissected from any muscles or fibrous tissues, and kept at 7C in gauze dipped in a saline
solution, before computed tomography examination.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Figure 2: Image of polymer and composite implants in the lateral femoral condyle at 1 month after
implantation. (A) Transversal plane of the condyle with the composite implant in the lateral right
condyle. The central longitudinal slice cut for histological analysis is represented by dotted lines.
(B) Sagittal plane of a condyle with a polymer implant in the lateral left condyle.
f) Histological analysis
Table 3: Protocol of dehydration and fixation of muscular and bone explants (* minimal time).
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
(A) (B)
Figure 3: (A) Digital image of the transversal cutting of a lateral condyle with a diamond saw; (B) bone
cut specimen obtained.
Bone specimens were then fixed and embedded following the same protocol as muscular
specimens (Table 3). Histological slices were obtained by a microcutting and grinding
technique adapted from Donath 24. One central longitudinal slice per specimen was prepared
(Fig. 2A) with a diamond wheel saw (Well 3241, ESCIL, Chassieu, France, diameter:
220 m, grain size: 40 m, length 10 m). These slices of 150 m were then manually
polished between two glass-slab with silicon carbide powder 180, 360 and 600 (ESCIL,
Chassieu, France) until obtaining a thickness of approximately 105-110 m.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
(0): absence
(1): slight
(3): moderate
(4): marked
(5): severe
Polymre Composite
0 50 100 150 200
Figure 4: Evolution of PBS solution pH during immersion time (the arrows indicates solution changes).
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
the composite lost 15% of its initial weight. We noticed a slight acceleration of composite
weight loss after each PBS change (i.e. after 78 and 162 days of immersion). After 6 months
of immersion, the composite lost 35% of its initial weight.
Weight loss (%)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Figure 5: In vitro weight loss of PDLLA and PDLLA/Bioglass composite in function of immersion time
in PBS (the arrows indicates solution changes).
Water absorption
Water absorption into the polymer was <1% during the all the immersion period. The
presence of bioactive glass increased the water absorption; indeed the composite has
absorbed 100% of its weight in average in 98 days.
Figure 6: Polymer (A) and composite (B) specimens after 6 months of immersion in the PBS.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
These observations were confirmed by X-ray tomography. Even after 6 months, polymer
specimens appeared intact (Fig. 7 B). On the contrary, cracks were already observed at 14
days inside and at the periphery of the composite samples (Fig. 7 D). The number of cracks
increased up to 1 month and then did not change significantly.
1 mm 1 mm
1 mm 1 mm
1 mm 1 mm
Figure 7: Computed imaging tomography of: the polymer before (A) and after 6 months of immersion
in PBS (B); of the composite before (C), after 14 days (D), 1 month (E) and 2 months (F) of immersion
in PBS.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
120 1,6
Compressive strength (MPa)
Compressive strength (MPa)
60 0,8
0 0
0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 180
Figure 8: Compressive strength and inherent viscosity of the polymer in function of immersion time in
The results are in line with X-ray tomography observations, since most of the cracks are
formed between 15 days and 1 month and most of the compressive strength is lost in this
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
80 1,2
Compressive strength (MPa)
Inherent viscosity (dl/g)
Compressive strength (Mpa)
40 0,6
0 0
0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 180
Immersion time (days)
Figure 9: Compressive strength and inherent viscosity of the composite in function of immersion time
in PBS.
Materials Mw (kg.mol-1)
Polymer granules 520
After injection moulding 260
After sterilization 66
After 6 months in PBS 55
Composite granules 355
After injection moulding 88
After sterilization 42
After 6 months in PBS 21
Table 4: Changes in polymer and composite weight average molecular weight after injection moulding,
sterilization gamma and immersion during 6 months in PBS.
The important composite water uptake had clearly an effect on the degradation of the
composite. Since the molecular weight of the composite sample was observed to decrease
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
much faster than polymer one (Fig. 10). After 6 months of immersion in PBS, polymer and
composite have lost 17 and 49% of their initial weight average molecular weight respectively.
Molecular weight (g/mol)
Polymer t=0 Polymer t=6 months Composite t=0 Composite t=6 months
Figure 10: Polymer and composite weight average molecular weight before and after 6 months of
immersion in PBS.
The polymer did not show any sign of degradation, physical or mechanical, during the 6
months of immersion. Inversely, the composite exhibited an important reduction of the
physical and mechanical properties after immersion in the PBS during 6 months. The
polymer did not absorb water, and did not loose weight during the 6 months of immersion.
Addition of Bioglass seems therefore to accelerate the polymer degradation.
First experiments have shown that Bioglass particles were responsible of alkaline
cations salting-out that made the pH of the culture medium and so toxic for the cells. In order
to prevent this increase of pH, all test materials were preconditioned in Simulated Body Fluid
(SBF) during 1 month. Materials treated were thus less reactive. In other words, the alkaline
ions salting-out was reduced.
We have actually observed a small increase of the pH for the composite from 7.4 to 7.8
during the first days of pre-treatment in SBF. Then the pH decreased progressively to 7.1
after 20 days.
Results for cells proliferation showed an increase of cells number with time over the 10
days period on all the materials (Fig. 11). The control presented the most important number
of cells, and number of cells is higher on the polymer than of the composite.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Absorbance (OD)
Day 3 Day 6 Day 10
Figure 11: Optical density corresponding to the density of viable cells after 3, 6 and 10 days of
incubation as measured by MTT assay, with standard deviations data.
This study has shown the cytocompatibility of the composite. Cellular growth appeared
similar on polymer and composite at day 10.
In vitro testing has shown an absence of toxicity for cells for both polymer and composite
materials. However, this type of characterization is not able to demonstrate the tissue
response to materials, but only an osteoblastic cell line response. In addition, this test can
overestimate toxicity of the material, due to a different environment. Indeed, pH regulation of
the body, as well as dynamic environment, is not reproduced in vitro. Inversely, in vivo
implantation allows the evaluation of materials in loaded situations over long time durations
and in different tissue qualities.
The purpose of the study was to assess biocompatibility and osteoconductive properties
of both polymer and composite materials. Biocompatibility was analyzed by implantation in
two different tissues, muscular and bone tissues. Intramuscular implantation permits to know
the reaction of the material in another tissue that the application tissue. Intramuscular
implantation was also performed in order to know if the material has some osteoinductive
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
a) Macroscopic observations
After euthanasia, bone specimens were observed for macroscopic analysis. Fibrocartilage
callus was observed on four bone specimens after 1 month and on only one specimen after 3
months. This reaction is a normal physiological reaction occurring at the beginning of the
bone fracture healing. No inflammation sign was ever observed on the articulations.
One rabbit, from the 1 month group, died of a microbiological infection 15 days after the
surgery. And one rabbit, from the 3 months group, died also after 15 days, for digestive
b) Intramuscular implantation
Two polymer implants in the one month batch, and three polymer implants in the three
months batch, were not found after euthanasia. They have probably moved in the body.
At distance of some polymer implants, we observed a matrix ring with fibroblasts and
collagen (Fig. 12B) colored in blue by Goldner trichrome. Some polymer implants presented
a plasma cells layer deeper (Fig. 12D), attributed to a foreign body reaction.
c e
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Figure 12: Histological examinations of sections of the dorsal muscle after Masson-Goldner stain. One
month post-implantation (A) polymer, original magnification x5; (B) Polymer implant, original
magnification x40; (C) Polymer implant, original magnification x40; (D) Composite implant, original
magnification x20. Three months post-implantation (E) Composite implant, original magnification x40.
(I = implant; e = epithelioid-giant-cellular reaction; g = granuloma; c = collagen; m = macrophage).
Polymer Composite
1 month 3 months 1 month 3 months
Granuloma 3 2 3 2
Plasma cell 1 1 1 1
Eosinophil granulocyte 0 1 1 1
Fibroblast and collagen 1 1 1 1
Angiogenesis 0 0 1 1
Tableau 5: Semi-quantitative histopathological analysis of the polymer and composite implanted in
dorsal muscular tissue after 1 and 3 months. Index: (0) Absence; (1) Slight; (2) Moderate; (3) Marked.
For both polymer and composite, at 1 and 3 months, inflammatory reaction stayed similar
and minimal. The implant was well integrated in the muscle with very little fibrous tissue
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
c) Intraosseous implantation
Tomography analysis
Tomography observations showed that no degradation occurred on polymer and
composite implants (Fig. 13 B to E). Images revealed a layer of bone around all the implants
as soon as 1 month. This bone layer suggests formation of new bone in vivo. It could be also
argued that this bone layer was due to bone pushed during the surgery.
To assess this issue, scan was also conducted on a dummy composite cylinder (length:
12 mm; diameter: 6 mm) implanted in femoral condyle of dead rabbit (Fig. 13 A). This layer is
not present around the dummy implant.
(A) Composite
Figure 13: Tomography observations of (A) the composite dummy; (B and C) polymer and composite
at 1 month (C); (D and E) polymer and composite at 6 months after implantation.
Therefore X-ray tomography clearly demonstrated line apposition around the implants as
soon as 1 month. It is even clearly observed in the 3D picture (Fig. 14).
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Figure 14 : 3D reconstruction of the bone present around a composite implant after 6 months of
implantation (with ImageJ software).
Semi-quantitative histopathological analysis
The following table (Table 6) presents the semi-quantitative histopathological analysis of
the polymer and composite implanted in the femoral condyles after 1, 3 and 6 months.
Number of materials tested
Polymorphonuclear cells
Giant cells/osteoclasts
Bone remodeling
Plasma cells
Time period
Polymer 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 0
1 month
Composite 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 0
Polymer 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0
3 months
Composite 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 2 0
Polymer 7 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 0
6 months
Composite 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 2 1
At 1 month, a slight line of intervening fibrous tissue was frequently observed at the
interface with the implants. Interfacial macrophages of a slight grade associated with a few
multinucleated giant cells were encountered on polymer and composite materials.
Lymphocytes were also observed on the composite.
A thin woven bone tissue running along the polymer and composite implants was
observed on portion on the implants positioned within the cancellous bone tissue (Fig. 15 B).
No direct bone material contact was detected on the polymer at this time (Fig. 15 A).
Whereas frequent images of direct bone material contact was observed on portion of
composite implants (Fig. 15 B).
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
New bone had formed around all materials even at 1 month. There was a slight difference
between polymer and composite materials, with a slight higher new bone amount on the
composite surface compared to polymer one.
At 3 months, inflammation intensity decreased as compared to 1 month for both polymer
and composite implants (Fig. 15 C). The level of newly formed bone, implant osteointegration
and bone remodeling around the polymer implants was higher at this time. It is difficult to
conclude for the composite implants, because three out of six implants were unfortunately
implanted in the medullar cavity or in a juxta-medullary position. In the two remaining
exploitable sites, a slight grade of bone formation was observed around the implant.
At 6 months, the inflammatory reaction with macrophages and lymphocytes infiltration was
associated with a few signs of osteolysis. But it was quite maintained compared to 3 months
results. Bone formation and osteointegration was increased for the polymer. But it was again
difficult to conclude for the composite, because three out of seven implants were found in the
medullar cavity, and two other implants have shown a juxta-medullary position. Overall, the
inflammation intensity was maintained as compared to 3 months. In the two remaining
exploitable sites, a moderate grade of bone formation was observed around the implant with
limited signs of direct bone material contact.
No evidence of polymer degradation was visible at any time. However a slight evidence of
composite degradation was visible for the composite at 6 months (Fig. 15 F). Indeed some
phagocytosing cells showed intracellular presence of material particles. However no signs of
peripheral particulate dissemination were observed and the implants maintained their
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
(E) (F)
Figure 15: Histological examination of central longitudinal section of the specimen implanted in the
lateral condyle. One month after implantation: (A) Polymer specimen, original magnification x10;
(B) Composite specimen, original magnification x2. Three months after implantation: (C) Polymer
specimen, original magnification x4; (D) Composite specimen, original magnification x10. Six months
after implantation: (E) Polymer, original magnification x10; (F) Composite specimen, original
magnification x2.
Implantation study has revealed a good biocompatibility of both polymer and composite
materials. Polymer and composite were not degraded after 6 months of implantation, except
the presence of minor signs of degradation on the composite. Bioglass addition accelerated
the bone growth on the surface of the implant clearly at 1 month after implantation.
First of all we observed that sterilization of the polymer reduced considerably its molecular
weight. Several authors have observed a similar reduction of molecular weight after
irradiation. Claes et al.15 observed a reduction of 72% of the molecular weight of the same
copolymer after gamma-sterilization by 60Co irradiation with a dose of 28 KGy. Tuomo et al.25
noticed similar decrease of inherent viscosity from 6.1 to 0.9 dl/g on the same copolymer but
self-reinforced, after gamma irradiation with a minimum dose of 25 kGy. Suuronen et al.26
observed a Mw reduction of 77% after gamma sterilization (77%) on the SR-PLLA. Similar
tendency was also reported on composites (HA/PLLA) after gamma sterilization by 60Co
irradiation. This observation highlights the importance of the sterilization on the final
properties of the polymer matrix. It would be interesting to find another sterilization protocol in
order to increase the composite Mw.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Bioglass on the polymer
degradation rate in vitro.
After 6 months, the polymer did not shown any signs of degradation. The polymer weight
did not change and the material did not absorb water significantly. Grizzi et al.27 showed that
degradation of the poly(DL-lactic acid) depended on specimen size. But even on thin films
they observed degradation of the polymer only after 25 weeks in PBS. Our results are
consistent with the observations made by Saha et al.28 on a PDLLA copolymer.
This study showed that Bioglass addition accelerated polymer degradation. Some
studies reported that the alkaline salting-out of the bioactive glass could neutralize the acid
environment generated by the polymer degradation. Li et al.18 have reported that pH of the
PLGA immersed in PBS fell to a value of 4.3 in 8 weeks while the pH of the Bioglass 45S5
(20wt.%)/PLGA composite was maintained between 8.157.1 throughout the soaking period.
We observed also this buffering effect, because in presence of the composite, pH of the PBS
decreased only to 7.1 after 7 weeks. However solution pH remained rather stable in
presence of the polymer, confirming that the polymer is not submitted to degradation. But the
large reduction of the pH observed by Li et al.18 in presence of the PLGA can be explained
by the different nature of the polymer; indeed the PLGA presents a higher degradation rate
than the PDLLA. Moreover composite studied by Li et al.18 is a scaffold and therefore no
comparable directly with the behavior of a dense composite.
The small pH decrease that we observed in presence of the composite can be due to
polymer chains released by polymer matrix hydrolysis. Indeed, fluid penetration in the
composite matrix was related to the presence of the P(DL,L)LA/ Bioglass interfaces and
surface cracks that facilitated fluid penetration and leaching of small polymer chains. This
hypothesis was confirmed by the high percent of water absorption observed with the
composite. But even if we observed a reduction of the pH in presence of the composite, this
reduction remains very weak, suggesting a buffering effect of the Bioglass.
This acceleration of the degradation with addition of bioactive glass particles was
confirmed by several authors20, 21 in the literature. This phenomenon was correlated to the
important absorption of water, promoted by the hydrophilic character of the bioactive glass
particles. Indeed, Rich et al.20 observed that composites with smaller size of bioactive glass
particles absorbed more water than composites with bigger bioactive glass particles. Smaller
bioactive glass particles had a higher area/volume ratio and therefore a more important
surface available to absorb water.
After 6 months, molecular weight reduction of the composite is in agreement with other
studies25. But the loss of mechanical properties (60%) that happened during the first 15 days
was very rapid compared with other studies in the literature22, 25. Tuomo et al. observed a
decrease of less of 2% of bending strength after 15 days on a composite SR-P(L/DL) 70:30
reinforced with 19% of bioactive glass 13-93 having a similar molecular weight (42 kg.mol-1).
This difference can be explained by the difference in the processing method. Their
composites were produced by extrusion and then self-reinforced by solid state die-drawing.
This process that oriented the polymer chains can be at the origin of the better initial
mechanical properties. Similarly Shikinami et al.22 observed a reduction of less than 10% of
the initial bending strength on the composite PLLA/HA (30%) after 5 weeks in PBS. This slow
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
reduction of the bending strength compared with our study can be explained by the higher
initial molecular weight of their composite (210 kg.mol-1). However a similar reduction of the
mechanical properties was observed by Verheyen et al.2 on a PLLA/HA (20 and 30 %)
composite with a molecular weight of 125 kg.mol-1. After 3 weeks of immersion, bending
strength of the polymer and the composite were reduced of 50%.
It is difficult to compare polymer and composite behaviors in vitro, because their molecular
weight is different. However it appeared that addition of Bioglass particles accelerate
polymer degradation by promoting water penetration. Indeed the presence of particles in the
matrix creates some cracks and interface filler/matrix that promotes water penetration. This
decrease in water absorption was correlated to a significant weight loss.
These results indicate the possibility to modulate the degradation rate of the polymer by
adding Bioglass to the polymer matrix. This is relevant for bone repair applications knowing
that degradation rate of temporary implants must match the rate of formation of new bone
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
The objective of this work was to demonstrate the better osteoconductive properties of the
composite implant compare to polymer one. Study of implantation in the rabbit has shown
that at 1 month after implantation in the bone tissue, composite implants showed faster signs
of osteointegration as compared to the polymer implants. Both implants exhibited a good
local tolerance even though the composite implants were slightly more locally inflammatory.
After 3 and 6 months, it was difficult to objectively compare both implants as the composite
implant was mostly found intramedullarly compromising the bone healing evaluation in
respect to the polymer implant consistently encountered within the cancellous compartment
of the implanted sites. No significative difference appeared between polymer and composite
implants after 3 and 6 months. Histological examination revealed very minor inflammation
and a good biocompatibility of both polymer and composite.
We have shown a significative difference in bone growth between polymer and
composite, which is in agreement with the literature. A lot of authors have shown that adding
bioactive ceramic to biodegradable polymer induced bone ingrowth and bony tissue
replacement. Furukawa et al.3 have shown new bone formation at 2 weeks after implantation
on the composites PLLA/HA (30, 40%) whereas little bone contact was observed in unfilled
PLLA implants. Similarly Aunoble et al.36 have observed by histological examination a better
bone consolidation with the composite PLLA/-TCP (60%) than with the polymer. We
reported only one study that did not observe an increase of bone growth with bioceramic
particles addition. Prokop et al.37 implanted P(L/DL)LA filled with -TCP (10%) in the femoral
condyles of sheep. They did not see significant improvement of bone response with the
composite. It can be explained by the lower amount of -TCP added in the polymer matrix.
Almost no sign of polymer or composite material degradation was observed overtime
except for the composite implants at 6 months showing discrete signs of degradation. It is not
surprising that polymer did not degrade after 6 months. It is in agreement with literature.
Aunoble et al.36 did not observe any sign of PLLA degradation, since after 6 months of
implantation in the femoral sites of rabbit. Concerning the kinetics of the composite
degradation, results are divergent in the literature. Shikinami et al.7 observed a beginning of
degradation of a composite PLLA/HA (30%) only after 2 years of implantation in distal
femoral condyle of rabbits. But inversely, several authors have already observed signs of
degradation after 6 months. It is the case of Aunoble et al.36 on the composite PLLA/ -TCP
(60%) implanted in the femoral condyles of rabbits. At 6 months the polymer appeared intact
whereas some composite implants had broken up. This acceleration of the degradation
observed by Aunoble can be explained by the higher amount of the filler. But this result is
surprising because this polymer being crystalline, it should degrade more slowly compare
with the copolymer P(L/DL)LA. It is difficult to compare all these studies because the nature
of polymer and filler are different.
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
Chapter D: Correlation between in vitro and in vivo characterization of a PDLLA/Bioglass composite
1. Bergsma JE, De Bruijn WC, Rozema FR, Bos RRM, Boering G. Late degradation
tissue response to poly(L-lactide) bone plates and screws. Biomaterials 1995, 16:25-
2. Verheyen CCPM, De Wijn JR, Van Blitterswijk CA, De Groot K. Evaluation of
hydroxylapatite/poly(L-lactide) composites: Mechanical behavior. Journal of
Biomedical Materials Research 1992, 26:1277-1296.
3. Furukawa T, Matsusue Y, Yasunaga T, Nakagawa Y, Okada Y, Shikinami Y, Okuno
M, Nakamura T. Histomorphometric study on high-strength hydroxyapatite/poly(L-
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Appendix to chapter D
Produits utiliss
1) Mthyl mthacrylate (Merck 800590.1000)
2) Dibutylphtalate (Merck 800919)
3) Peroxyde de Benzoyle (Merck 801641)
4) Oxyde d'aluminium activ sous forme de billes (BDH 27083)
Appendix to chapter D
Polymorphonuclear cells
Giant cells/osteoclasts
Bone remodeling
Plasma cells
Time period
Animal N
7379 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 -
7743 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 -
7803 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 -
7542 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 -
7768 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 2 -
1 month
7562 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 -
7379 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 -
7542 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 0 2 -
7562 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 -
7743 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 -
7768 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 3 0 2 -
7803 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 -
7147 Fully positioned in the medular cavity
7226 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 0
7381 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 0
7503 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 2 0
7618 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 0
3 months
7622 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 0
7147 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 0
7226 Fully positioned in the medular cavity
7381 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0
7503 Fully positioned in the medular cavity
7618 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 2 0
7622 Fully positioned in the medular cavity
7090 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 0
7206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 2 2 2 0
7450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0
P 7598 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 2 2 2 0
7629 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0
7739 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0
6 months
7883 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0
7090 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 1
7206 Fully positioned in the medular cavity
7450 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 2 1
C 7598 Fully positioned in the medular cavity
7629 Fully positioned in the medular cavity
7739 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 1
7883 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0
Conclusion gnrale
Conclusion gnrale
Conclusion gnrale
vivo. Un retour sur llaboration sest donc avr ncessaire pour mieux apprhender les
diffrentes ractions intervenant au cours de llaboration. Un second mode dlaboration,
par pressage chaud, a permis dlaborer un composite avec une masse molculaire plus
leve, conduisant notamment des valeurs de duret Vickers plus leves. Ce rsultat a
ainsi confirm les deux paramtres responsables de la chute de masse molculaire : la
temprature plus leve et les contraintes de cisaillement soumises lors de linjection. Une
caractrisation structurale des composites obtenus par les deux voies dlaboration a rvl
une cristallisation de la matrice polymre au cours de linjection. Lorientation des chanes de
polymre au cours de ce procd semblant favorisant favoriser ainsi la recristallisation de la
matrice. Enfin lanalyse mcanique dynamique est venue galement confirmer que
lhydrolyse des chanes de polymre est plus marque en injection que pendant le pressage
chaud. En effet les analyses ont rvl lapparition dune relaxation des tempratures
infrieures celle de la relaxation principale, lie la relaxation de petites chanes
hydrolyses lors du procd de mise en forme en prsence de charges. Cette premire
partie de mon travail a ainsi mis en vidence limpact du procd dlaboration sur les
proprits finales du composite. Elle a aussi montr le rle du bioverre dans cette diminution
des proprits de la matrice. A ce stade du travail, un retour sur llaboration se rvle
ncessaire afin de mieux contrler les proprits de la matrice.
Lun des intrts majeurs de ce matriau composite, associant le verre bioactif 45S5 une
matrice polymre rsorbable, est dapporter ce caractre bioactif la matrice. Il tait donc
ncessaire de confirmer que ce matriau composite prsentait bien un caractre bioactif. La
deuxime tape de cette thse a donc consist dterminer leffet du taux de bioverre sur la
capacit bioactive du matriau composite. Plusieurs composites prsentant des taux de
charges croissants (20, 30 et 50% en masse) ont donc t caractriss aprs immersion
dans un fluide biologique. Lobjectif tait de dcrire les processus de cristallisation et surtout
de comparer les cintiques de formation de la couche dhydroxyapatite (HA) la surface des
diffrents composites. Cette tude a dmontr le caractre bioactif de tous les composites,
malgr une cintique de cristallisation plus lente que dans le cas des particules de bioverre
seules. De plus, il a t observ que la cintique de cristallisation de lHA tait dautant plus
rapide que le taux de bioverre tait important. Ainsi le composite charg 50% en bioverre
va former une couche dHA ds les premiers jours dimmersion dans le fluide biologique,
alors que le composite charg 20% ncessitera plus de deux mois pour former une couche
dHA. Le composite 50% apparaissait alors comme un excellent candidat pour lapplication
recherche. Il sest cependant rvl trs sensible la dgradation hydrolytique lors de
limmersion dans un fluide biologique. Cette tude a donc permis de conclure que le
composite charg 30% prsentait certainement le meilleur compromis entre la tenue la
dgradation et la cintique de formation de lHA.
Conclusion gnrale
un temps de rsorption trop long peut venir engendrer des phnomnes inflammatoires li
des dbris rsiduels. On comprend ainsi lintrt de contrler cette dgradation du composite
dans le temps. Une simulation du comportement en dgradation du matriau in vitro a alors
t mise en uvre par immersion du matriau dans un tampon phosphate. Le suivi des
paramtres physiques et mcaniques au cours de limmersion a t ralis. Cette tude a
montr que le composite se dgradait assez rapidement in vitro, alors que le polymre
napparaissait pas du tout dgrad. On a notamment observ une perte rapide des
proprits mcaniques du composite en compression. Cette tude a donc permis de
confirmer que le bioverre acclre la dgradation du composite. La prsence dune interface
entre les charges et la matrice permet la pntration de leau dans le massif, induisant ainsi
lhydrolyse des chanes de polymre. On souligne ici encore une fois lintrt de venir
modifier la taille des chanes de polymre pour ajuster la cintique de dgradation du
composite en fonction du cahier des charges de lapplication vise.
Ce matriau tant destin tre implant, une tude de sa cytocompatibilit in vitro tait
indispensable. La cytocompatibilit des matriaux a t valu par culture de cellules
ostoblastiques la surface des composites. Une quantit limite de matriau ne nous a
malheureusement pas permis de conclure sur le rle du taux de bioverre sur la prolifration
cellulaire. Cependant les rsultats des expriences faites sur le composite charg 30% ont
montr une trs bonne cytocompatibilit de ce composite, et ce de manire reproductible. La
cytocompatibilit du composite valide nous a ainsi permis de mener une tude
dimplantation du matriau composite in vivo.
Conclusion gnrale
Prnoms : Nathalie
TITRE : Caractrisation de matriaux composite polyacide lactique-bioverre pour application dans la rparation osseuse
Ce travail de thse porte sur la caractrisation dun matriau composite polyacide lactique-bioverre pour application comme
dispositif de rparation osseuse. Le bioverre tant trop fragile pour tre utilis seul comme dispositif de rparation osseuse,
celui-ci est associ une matrice polymre rsorbable permettant dapporter le caractre bioactif des matriaux pouvant tre
mis en forme par des procds de plasturgie.
Le matriau composite polyacide lactique-bioverre est ainsi mis en forme par injection partir de granules labors par voie
solvant. La caractrisation des proprits de ce matriau composite a rvl une augmentation du module lastique avec lajout
de charges, mais une diminution des contraintes maximales admissibles et de la dformation la rupture. Les modifications des
proprits mcaniques ont t associes une modification des proprits de la matrice et notamment de sa masse molculaire.
Un autre mode dlaboration par pressage chaud a permis de limiter la dgradation du polymre. Une meilleure maitrise de la
masse molculaire du composite serait ainsi un moyen de contrler sa cintique de dgradation in vivo et ainsi dadapter ses
proprits en fonction du cahier des charges des applications vises.
Dans une seconde partie, leffet du taux de bioverre sur le caractre bioactif du composite a t valu par immersion dans un
fluide biologique de composites chargs 20, 30 et 50% (en masse de bioverre). Un scnario de cristallisation la surface des
diffrents composites a ainsi t propos. Tous les composites se sont rvls bioactifs et dautant plus que le taux de bioverre
est lev. Le composite charg 50% apparait ainsi comme le matriau le plus bioactif, mais sa vitesse de dgradation est trs
Ce matriau tant destin tre implant, une tude de biocompatibilit in vitro a t mene par culture de cellules
ostoblastiques la surface des matriaux. Enfin la biocompatibilit du composite in vivo, son caractre biorsorbable et
ostoconducteur ont t valus par implantation du matriau composite dans les tissus musculaires et osseux de lapins. Le
caractre biocompatible, bioactif et ostoconducteur du composite charg 30% en masse de bioverre en fait un candidat de
choix pour les applications proposes.
Laboratoires de recherche :
Matriaux Ingnierie et Science (MATEIS)
Rparation Tissulaire, Interactions Biologiques et Biomatriaux (RTI2B, UPSP 2007-135-03)
Directeur de thse:
Pr. Jrme Chevalier (MATEIS, INSA-Lyon)
Pr. Daniel Hartmann (RTI2B, Claude Bernard Lyon I)
Composition du jury :
Didier Bernache ; Jean-Marc Chenal ; Jrme Chevalier ; Frdric Farizon ; Daniel Hartmann ; Sylvain Meille ; Elodie Pacard ; Herv
Petite ; Eduardo Saiz.