1 " All The World's A School "

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Page 18

UNIT 1 contemporaines tout en posant un principe de

méthode : l’activité de l’élève au cœur du travail.
“All the world’s a school
” Extrait du B.O.
« À côté des institutions productrices de
THÉMATIQUE 1 : SAVOIRS, CRÉATION, INNOVATION connaissances et de compétences, et en interaction
AXE D’ÉTUDE 1 : PRODUCTION ET CIRCULATION DES avec elles, une large diffusion des savoirs par
SAVOIRS l’imprimé et l’image (aujourd’hui souvent
numérique) permet aux individus et au monde de
L’UNIT 1 offre un choix de trois propositions de l’entreprise de contribuer au développement des
séquences (bricks) pour traiter l’axe d’étude n° 1 savoirs, des sciences et des technologies. »
« Production et circulation des savoirs » à travers Axe d’étude 1 : Production et circulation des savoirs
plusieurs des objets d’étude proposés (B.O. n° 29 du « Cet axe invite à recenser, dans l’aire anglophone,
16/07/2020, cf. p. 357-366), tout particulièrement les manifestations contemporaines de la production
« la société du savoir » et « l’éducation et les des savoirs. […] L’espace numérique, devenu un lieu
systèmes éducatifs » : accès à l’école et recours au privilégié pour partager les savoirs, créer, recréer et
numérique pour rompre l’isolement en Australie ou innover, est en cela un levier majeur du
en temps de confinement, égalité des chances dans développement d’une culture pour tous et
le système indien, question de la fuite des cerveaux, participative, qui peut passer du local au planétaire
refus d’école pour les « home schoolers », par (celle des youtubeurs, par exemple). Le numérique
philosophie ou en repli sécuritaire. modifie notre rapport aux savoirs et les rend
Optant pour une approche ouverte permettant aux dynamiques. »
élèves de construire leur dossier pour l’examen et Objet d’étude retenu : l’éducation et les systèmes
le cas échéant d’identifier une question à traiter au éducatifs (dans la société du savoir).
Grand Oral, nous proposons des ponts vers d’autres
objets d’étude chaque fois que l’opportunité se PROBLÉMATIQUE
présente. Dans la Brick 2 sur l’Inde par exemple, un Comment, en modifiant le rapport au savoir, la
lien vers « savoirs et entreprise » pourra être établi technologie numérique a-t-elle transformé l’école
en exploitant l’allusion à la figure du diplômé (prix dans la sphère anglophone ?
Infosys). How has ICT transformed school education in
Chaque enseignant pourra, s’il le souhaite, tirer des English-speaking countries?
fils pour approfondir le travail sur les divers objets,
en tenant compte notamment de l’actualité. La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions
faites grâce à la séquence.
Page 19
Les supports, très variés, ont été sélectionnés pour
leur pertinence, leur fiabilité (extraits, par exemple,
du site internet de l’Université Purdue, dans
The Changing Faces of l’Indiana, établissement de pointe dans le secteur
School de l’aviation et de l’espace où trois astronautes ont
été formés) et leur complémentarité (mise en avant
La brick 1, comme toutes les autres, pourra être d’un impératif d’équipement technologique ici,
traitée à tout moment de l’année de première. Elle choix de revenir à l’humain là) : les regards
se prête bien, toutefois, à l’entrée dans différents permettront d’envisager ponctuellement
l’enseignement de spécialité en tant que des travaux de groupes fournissant l’occasion, si
« séquence inaugurale », car elle s’articule autour besoin, de différencier en fonction des profils et
de supports accessibles à tous, avec des textes de niveaux des élèves.
longueur modérée et des vidéos riches, mais très
abordables. L’ancrage dans la sphère anglophone
est évident et la présence de mini « case studies »
garantit l’attention portée aux sociétés

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 1

La brick est structurée en trois parties :
1 Knowledge is only a click away : constat de l’offre The world at your fingertips
d’information et de formation pléthorique sur la
Toile. 1 If you have something “at your fingertips”, it is
2 The end of the sage on the stage? :
easily available. In the case of ICT, fingers are used
questionnement sur l’évolution de la relation
to move and control mice, type text, etc. Drawing
on this title, we can expect the text to deal with
3 Ed tech: a boon or a bane? : interrogation sur le
online courses.
rôle des technologies numériques en fonction des
2 In medieval times, few people could access
education whereas today information and learning
opportunities are everywhere.
Page 19
3 “Books, audio, images, videos” are mentioned as
educational tools. The text also alludes to non-profit
KNOWLEDGE IS ONLY A CLICK AWAY organisations like Khan Academy, online courses like
MOOCs or more traditional university courses.

What can I do?

Ø article + singular noun
Video 1a: What can I do with Discovery On saisira ici l’opportunité de rappeler le principe
Education? du renvoi à la notion avec l’« article zéro » (Ø + N)
Discovery Education, 15 February 2018 en contrastant avec les noms déterminés :
L’ensemble des commentaires est inscrit sur la l’éducation en général vs l’éducation spécifique
vidéo elle-même. que j’ai reçue, dans l’exemple. Autre exemple dans
le texte : formal learning, l. 8.
1 On acceptera toute réponse argumentée.
Expression de : l’hypothèse, la supposition, la Pages 19-20
probabilité, l’opinion personnelle, la cause (In my
opinion, it must be a video created to promote…).
2 Geography, biology, history, social studies, Pick your own!
physics, PE, modern languages, ICT, politics, all sorts
of general and vocational subjects… We can hear Video 2a script: What is a MOOC?
and read the words: biology, human body, Dave Cormier, 9 December 2010
experiments, etc. We can see pictures of places from The massive open online course is a response to the
different countries (Brazil, the USA, Australia…), challenges faced by organisations and distributed
scientific objects (prostheses, robots, the DNA disciplines at a time of information overload. It used
helix…). to be that when you wanted to know about
3 The sequence is a brief extract from a report in something, you could do a few things: you could ask
black and white that takes us back to the 1960s with someone, you could buy a book, you could try to
a group of Black people getting on a bus (allusion to figure it out for yourself, or you could call a school.
the American Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther If that school offered the course and the thing you
King, Rosa Parks…). The caption “I can dream” is were trying to figure out, you could go there and
directly borrowed from King’s famous speech “I take it. You could get access to information about a
have a Dream”, delivered on 28/08/1963. Besides topic. An instructor had combed through journals
showing commitment to a set of values that are and books to pool the information together from a
shared by a majority of people, this sequence library. You might even find others who are also
stresses that educated people may become leaders interested in the same things that you are.
or key players in society. The MOOC is built for a world where information is
4 “I can + V” is repeated throughout the video. “I can everywhere, where a social network obsessed with
learn” is repeated several times, by different people, the same thing that you are, is a click away. A digital
at the end, because it is the message of the video. world. A world where an Internet connection gives
5 This video is a commercial / advertisement for you access to a staggering amount of information.
Discovery Education. Accueillir les diverses réponses This video will introduce you to how a massive open
à la dernière question en sollicitant des online course is one way of learning in a networked
justifications. world.

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 2

A MOOC is a course, it's open, it’s participatory, it’s a dramatic change that it'd be overwhelming and
distributed and it supports lifelong networked you'd have to rethink everything in your classroom,
learning. but right in the middle to offer an innovative change
In one sense a massive open online course is just that is not too overwhelming for teachers.
that: it's a course it has facilitators and course For us at Khan Academy, mastery learning is fairly
materials it has a start and end date, it has simple.
participants. It's that the incentives, the decisions in class should
But a MOOC is not a school. It's not just an online be made based on what students are proving they
course. It's a way to connect and collaborate while understand consistently.
developing digital skills. It's a way of engaging in the And in many cases that happens in tests, maybe not
learning process that engages what it means to be a till the end of year tests, but we think it should be a
student. It is, maybe most importantly, an event full year process building up to that point.
around which people Really it's not like a yes or no, are you fully mastery-
who care about a topic and get together and work based or are you not at all mastery-based, there's a
and talk about it in a structured way. spectrum of ways you can change over your
The course is open: all of the work gets done in classroom to be more mastery-based.
areas accessible for people to read and reflect and When it comes to personalisation though, there's a
comment on. The course is open in the sense that few things that are really important.
you can go ahead and take the course without The first is that there's the right content for
paying for it. You might pay to get the credit through students. And that might not be the same for all
an institution but you're not paying for participating students in the class. And we can help personalise
in the course. that content, but at the end of the day it is the
It's also open in the sense that the work done in the teacher that's going to be most effective at
course is shared between all the people taking it. personalising the content using Khan Academy.
The material put together by the facilitators the And second, it's self-paced. So that if I need more
work done by the participants, it's all negotiated in practice on a given topic, I can have it. I can have
the open. You get to keep your work and everybody what we sometimes call a functionally infinite
else gets to learn from it. amount of practice. If you're not getting it, try again,
The course is participatory: you really become part no problem.
of the course by engaging with other people's work. Well when we think about the student mindset that
Participants are not asked to complete specific we'd all hope to have, both for ourselves and for our
assignments but rather to engage with the material students, I think it's a student that believes strongly
with each other, and with other material they may in their own potential, and has the learning
find on the Web. You make connections between strategies to actually understand difficult material.
ideas and between you and other people. You And so there's a few ways we try to enable that
network. mindset for learners on our platform.
One of the outcomes that people get from the The first is to remove all barriers to learning.
course are the network connections they've built up So there's the content accessible for all students at
through engaging with each other. all times, and then there's support while you're
practicing if you get stuck. And so there's no excuse
Video 2b script: Khan Academy’s learning to not start learning, and to not persist when you're
experience stuck. The focus is on you.
Khan Academy, 6 July 2020 The second though is processes to get unstuck, for
So at Khan Academy, we are striving to create lack of a better word, right? And so you're in the
personalised mastery-based learning that middle of learning and you're stuck, which is totally
transforms student's mindsets. fine. It's normal, happens to everyone. But right
And within that I think there's a three things (sic) below the practice it’s gonna say are you stuck?
that make our value proposition unique. Get help. There’s multiple ways that you might need
The first is that our content is provided free of help. You maybe need a hint, you maybe need to
charge for teachers and students. watch a video, you might need to ask your teacher.
The second is that we have custom content that's But by going through that process, you figure out
aligned to standards in different countries. when the right time is to use each of those
So in Brazil, to the BNCC. strategies.
Or in the US, to the common core. And then the third is through encouragement that
And the third is that we are a technology that's not we give on the site, whether you're getting
just a substitute for paper and pencil, and not such problems right or wrong, that reinforces the
message that it's the effort that counts.

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 3

Video 2c script: Wikipedia - The Greatest Wikipedia is for context, not facts. If you want a
Collection of Human Knowledge good overview of a topic, it is unbeatable. Except
Tapakapa, 12 May 2018 maybe by an amusingly written YouTube video. But
If you are a person on the Internet, you know if you want hard facts you can rely on, maybe get a
Wikipedia. Over the years, it has become the go-to book!
virtual info desk for both the inquisitive and the Providing the world with information for free sure is
royally bored in a way that no printed encyclopedia a noble goal though one not equally appreciated by
ever could. It includes millions of articles and close everyone…
to 300 different languages and dialects, and all kinds
of topics, including those who didn't know existed Video 2d script: The Amoeba Sisters Channel
and those that don't require explaining. Trailer
Who writes all these articles? You do! Well maybe Amoeba Sisters, 11 June 2019
not you exactly but Internet peeps in general. Hi there! We are the two amoebas behind our
Articles can be edited by everyone, with or without YouTube channel, the Amoeba Sisters. I’m Pinky, a
an account. Just jump to the edit section, author former high school biology teacher. And this is my
stuff, hit “publish”, and watch your edits show up sister Petunia, a self-taught cartoonist with a
instantaneously. developing fascination for science. Together we are
I know what you're thinking: don't do it! Take your two sisters on a mission to demystify science with
hands off your mouth / screen and walk away. What humour and relevance.
sounds like an internal catastrophe waiting to We find science can be memorable with comics and
happen actually works out pretty nicely. cartoons so that’s the type of video style we have
Don't get me wrong: cases of Wikipedia vandalism going.
ranging from hilarious to purely evil do occur. But Our videos tend to be short, generally under 10
with a little community effort and a few clever bots, minutes.
most attempts are quickly dealt with. And should Obviously, in that timeframe, we can’t cover all the
that not suffice, it's time to break out the big guns. fascinating details and exceptions of a topic.
Like the editing of articles, much of the Our goal is that our videos are a foundation to
maintenance work on Wikipedia is done by a inspire curiosity for more exploring to discover
community of volunteers using their free time for those details.
the betterment of the Internet. The site itself is While our YouTube channel makes up the bulk of
hosted by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation our work, we also create science comics, science
which, when it isn't busy arguing about monkey GIFs, and science resources such as our Unlectured
selfies, also runs other free platforms like Series.
Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wikisource and We also have a Webtoon about the daily lives of
others. Pinky and Petunia, and we have a store where we
The whole thing is funded largely by donations, to licensed our art to be available on a variety of items!
keep Wikipedia free of ads, which is quite a feat for Find all of this and more on our website
one of the most visited sites on the Internet. AmoebaSisters.com
One major reason for Wikipedia’s success is that it's We’re still actively creating. Please subscribe to our
a perfect search engine food. Search engines rank channel to find out when we’ve uploaded a new
sites according to a number of criteria to deliver the video!
best results to your doorstep. And Wikipedia, with Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and other social
its abundance of detailed information, keywords media networks.
and links, has just what it takes when it's time to pull This makes us the happiest of amoebas and keeps
the most relevant sites out of an endless sea of us motivated to keep going!
search results. Well, that’s it for the Amoeba Sisters, and we
But is it any good? Everyone can change the remind you to stay curious!
information on Wikipedia, so why would you trust
anything on there? Well, because it's usually right. 1 Ayant donné la consigne de travail puis formé des
Of course, with five million articles in English alone, groupes de trois ou quatre élèves, le professeur
you'd be a fool to believe everything to be 100% and répartira les quatre vidéos pour étude. Sur tablette,
waterproof accurate all the time but in the vast ordinateur ou téléphone (BYOD) en fonction des
majority of cases, it's good enough. moyens disponibles, le visionnage et la prise de
notes se feront individuellement dans un premier
But for all that is holy, don't go citing Wikipedia temps.
articles in a scientific paper, because a- you'll fail
that class, and b- you're using it wrong.

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 4

2 Dans chaque groupe, les notes seront comparées 2 TED events are the conferences held twice a year
et complétées si besoin, puis on s’accordera sur cinq and then published online for free viewing.
mots-clefs permettant de rendre compte de Bill Gates (born in 1955) is an American computer
l’essentiel des contenus. programmer. He co-founded Microsoft Corporation
3 Un rapporteur par groupe présentera les données with Paul Allen. Malcolm Gladwell (born in 1963) is
collectées, à partir des mots-clefs. a Canadian journalist working for The New Yorker.
L’interaction sera sollicitée pour conduire à une Dame Jane Goodall (born in 1934) is an English
synthèse. anthropologist and a leading primatologist (famous
All the videos deal with online learning or sharing. In for her research on chimpanzees).
all the learning tools presented, we can notice that… 3 TEDx events are mini-TED-style events. They differ
However, in video number…, the tool is slightly from TED events inasmuch as they are organised
different because… independently at the local level.
4 On pourra faire préciser ce qui distingue les outils
proposés en ligne. Training TASK
MOOCS, Khan Academy and Internet channels all Prepare a TEDx-inspired mini event
provide people with online courses but the Amoeba Les élèves pourront s’entraîner à la prise de parole
Sisters Channel and Khan Academy seem to be more en continu dans une mini-conférence inspirée des
traditional. MOOCS and Wikipedia both imply TEDx events.
collaboration. TED and TEDx, like Khan Academy,
are free... Pages 20-21


Meet TED
A new role for teachers
Video 3 script: TED & TEDx Explained
1 Today’s students can keep in touch with scientists
TEDx Talks, 28 March 2012
and collaborate with other students, “using
Getting access to great ideas hasn’t always been
technology-based tools”. In other words, no class is
easy. Back in the day, you would only be in the loop
completely isolated anymore, no matter what part
if you were literate, educated, rich, and a man.
of the USA they find themselves in.
Good thing times have changed. The Internet has
2 Follow a scientific expedition in the Arctic, e-mail
made sharing ideas a breeze. And no one’s doing
that better than TED. No! Not you, Ted! I’m talking questions or write to the scientists involved and
about the non-profit organisation that’s big on even speak to them via a videoconference. The
spreading awesome ideas. Twice a year, TED holds photo illustrates such a conversation (South River
this conference, where thought leaders from High School students are seen talking with
around the world give some mind-blowing talks. astronauts).
Then TED sticks them online so you can watch them 3 Certains élèves auront peut-être des expériences
for free. Volunteers translate the videos, which en la matière (cf. projets eTwinning par exemple).
means anyone can be inspired by the likes of… Bill 4 On fera commenter les expressions sage in the
Gates, Malcolm Gladwell or Jane Goodall. stage et guide on the side.
So what is TEDx? TEDx is a way for you to run a mini 5 & 6 On laissera les élèves s’exprimer librement et
TED-style event in your own town, hold talks around débattre le cas échéant.
issues that matter to your community, free from
corporate, political and religious agendas. Page 21
So take part! Don’t stop watching videos at
TED.com. Keep an eye for your nearest TEDx event
and if you’re up for it, apply to start your own.
The -er suffix
TED. Ideas worth spreading.
Les élèves noteront le rôle du suffixe -er. Si
l’enseignant le juge utile, l’alternative -or pourra
1 TED is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to être vue également (visitor, translator…).
have people share ideas. It has made access to
knowledge easy for everybody regardless of their
gender, social status or level of education.

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 5

YouTube videos have been watched for over 90
The teacher who became an online star million minutes. That’s more than I could teach in
not just my lifetime, like several copies of my
Video 4 script: Eddie Woo’s Story: Sharing the lifetime.
Wonder of Mathematics I mean it’s amazing, he’s still a young man and his
YouTube, 7 May 2019 impact has been so profound he could help a
Back in 2012 I was teaching a pretty ordinary maths generation fall in love with mathematics again and I
class. There was one boy in this class, he was think that is truly an extraordinary legacy that I
diagnosed with a really serious illness and this boy expect Eddie to have for education here in Australia
is gonna be away for at least several weeks and I – and increasingly round the world. I love that
didn’t want to leave him with just a textbook. That’s maths helps us understand and wonder at the world
all I could give him and I knew there was more I around us in a deeper way than we could otherwise.
could do. From this point, he loved mathematics. I
took my phone and I literally sat it just on top of a 1 An Australian maths teacher who became
table in the middle of my classroom and I realised famous after he posted videos of his lessons online.
that if I just put these [vids] up on YouTube which 2 It all began in 2012 when Prof. Woo first decided
was free, easy to access, then I could send it to him to make a video for one of his students (diagnosed
and he could literally keep up with us just like his with a serious illness).
friends were. (…) 3 Prof. Woo was taken aback when he realised how
When I started putting my videos online it all successful (worldwide!) his videos had become.
seemed fine quality but as the videos started to 4 Woo is shown teaching a group of delighted
increase in number, I started to think about – OK if I students, giving a speech on receiving a prize in
can make it better quality, it’s actually helping front of a crowd of people. We can hear students
people. So I had to look up some tutorials on how to and other teachers praising him.
do basic editing, transitions, how your diction is, 5 Woo believes in the democratisation of
how you use tone of voice. I learned a lot of that knowledge. He praises YouTube for making maths
ironically – not that ironically – from YouTube itself. lessons available to more people than he could ever
“Hey Sir, you’d be really funny if you called your actually teach in a school.
channel WooTube, wouldn’t that be hilarious? And 6 Mark Scott marvels at Woo’s capacity to make a
we all had a great laugh. Even though it started with
whole generation of students “fall in love” with
just him, it kind of just took on a life of its own,
spreading out to those students in the class,
students from other classes and other schools, they
became interested.
I still remember that I was on my phone just Australian pronunciation of “a” (diphthong)
watching YouTube comments sort of come up onto On fera comparer la prononciation de « a » en
my video and it was the middle of the day and I was anglais britannique et en anglais d’Australie : [ei] vs
kind of, why are people watching? Then I realised – [ai].
this person who was commenting was from a
completely different country in a completely Training TASK
different time zone, and I was like wow, this is global Think of a new homepage
now! La création d’une page d’accueil de site web
Even at a party of 5,000 people I’m proud to declare: permettra de faciliter l’organisation des
I love mathematics! connaissances.
Eddie Woo is Australia’s most famous teacher and
he’s turned out to be the maths teacher we all wish
that we had.
Everyone was like sitting next to a partner, like “Oh
my gosh we have Mr Woo, like, can you believe
The hands were actually shaking with the
excitement. To see kids get so excited about a
maths teacher.
Education should be free. People shouldn’t have to
pay to learn and I love that YouTube is about the
democratisation of knowledge and learning. I teach
about 800 hours over the schoolyear but my

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 6

Page 22 pour consigne d’imaginer un commentaire en voix
off (voice over)…
2 Vérification des hypothèses.
3 Change, technological innovation…
4 Industry, new jobs, education…
Underachievers betting on ed tech: the
5 Education should be regarded as a priority.
case of South Africa
6 The message is conveyed through the combination
Video 5 script: Digital Education Revolution
of words, music and pictures. Digital technology is
The Training Room Online, 28 November 2017
omnipresent, almost systematically associated with
This is a book, dyed liquid and paper, but it’s always
images showing teamwork, enthusiastic people, etc.
been more than that, hasn’t it? It’s been the source
The very last picture shows a South African
of endless knowledge, of facts, definitions, of tales,
schoolboy “imitating” Nelson Mandela, thus
stories that frighten, inspire and leave us in wonder.
conveying notions of empowerment and faith in the
Through the ink we’ve traveled, we’ve cried,
laughed, fallen in love, yearned. Some books are
On pourra rapprocher cette image forte, sur fond de
forgotten, some are lost, some misused, some
drapeau sud-africain, de la citation proposée sous la
never opened. They are finite, they are relics.
capture d’écran.
Everything that has ever been printed, every idea,
every opinion exists in our connected cosmos. We
Pages 22-23
have evolved from massive libraries to carrying
every piece of every puzzle in a minute phone, in
our pocket. The Internet gave new meaning to
generosity and sharing. It bred the dawn of new The future of ICT is in Gauteng’s
thought leaders, of social media, of SpaceX, Tesla, classrooms
transatlantic robotic surgery. It’s ignited and
encouraged innovation. It’s brought change, 1 The text is about a programme launched in the
massive, unequivocal change. It’s infinite and with schools of Gauteng province (South Africa) with a
that, technology will continue to evolve view to developing e-learning.
exponentially. And we have no option but to adapt 2 The five-year plan consists in providing all the
to it. Our education system is the most important schools of the province with ICT solutions (with
entity we need to invest in. On-demand learning is tablets, smart boards, etc.). The programme aims at
ever more appropriate and effective. Online bridging the gap between South African
accessible skills and competencies development is performance and that of other countries in
crucial to the facilitation of the new jobs that international tests.
technology creates. The reality is that this L’étude du graphique (étayée par la Fiche How to p.
technology will create more jobs than it replaces 314) permettra de repérer la faiblesse du pays dans
and in turn, governments and companies will be les tests de comparaison internationale. On révisera
forced to make it easier for workers to acquire new au passage les pourcentages et la comparaison.
skills and switch jobs as needed. For industry 4.0 to 3 The plan seems to be efficient: student
thrive, immersive technologies need to be adopted performance has started to improve, as shown by
and we need to bulldoze the barriers that prevent the figures given in the last sentence.
equal opportunities. We therefore need to rattle
the cage of institutionalised progressive thinking Page 23
and become the disruptors within education,
revolutionising the current landscape and leveling
the playing field to allow anyone and everyone to
Tech giants who won’t let their kids use
be empowered to become anything they choose.
We are the digital education revolution. We are the
tech: America’s Silicon Valley
class rebel. We are the training room online.
Video 6 script: Inside a tech-free school where
tech executives send their kids
1 On laissera les élèves s’exprimer librement.
CNBC, 8 June 2019
Logiquement le sujet des livres et de la lecture
Celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, the
apparaîtra et on pensera à des commentaires sur ce
Waldorf teaching philosophy is used at more than
qu’ils apportent : connaissance, rêve, émotions…
1,000 institutions in 91 countries, including 136
Suggestion : on pourrait entrer dans le document
schools here in the US. The screen policy differs at
en donnant à faire le visionnage à la maison avec
each Waldorf school but it’s known for its holistic

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 7

instructional style which promotes artistic teachers p. 20 et The future of ICT…
expression, experiential learning and, yes, limited p. 22).
technology use. For students at the Sacramento
Waldorf School, screen time is highly discouraged at
home too. The lower-school parent handbook
recommends no media at home through fifth grade Rubrique récurrente du manuel, l’invitation à créer
and limited access accompanied by clearly defined une revue de presse focalisera l’attention sur la
family policies and monitoring for older children, place et les modalités de l’éducation dans le monde
stating “none is the optimal condition for young anglophone contemporain.
children and less is better than more”. In high
school, computer use at Sacramento Waldorf Page 24
School is restricted to just six desktops in one small
lab and 20 MacBook Air laptops used in just a few
classes. Mobile devices can be brought by high School of the future?
schoolers who all sign a pledge to limit use to
outside the classroom only. Tech in schools is big 1 Accepter tout scénario plausible. Favoriser
business, expected to hit 43 billion this year with l’interaction.
46% of that growth happening in K through 12. So 2 The robot embodies the Fourth Industrial
Apple, Google and Microsoft may not be thrilled to Revolution inasmuch as it represents AI (artificial
know the Waldorf approach represents a growing intelligence) and, maybe, the Internet of things
trend in Silicon Valley, where low-tech education is (possible connections with the smaller robots on the
becoming increasingly popular among parents who tables).
are apprehensive of the devices they themselves 3 There is something surprising in the fact that the
helped to invent. The private Waldorf School of the robot seems to be using traditional teaching tools:
Peninsula, which has campuses in Los Altos in chalk writing on the blackboard + standing in front
Mountain View, is highly sought after. Three of the pupils.
quarters of the students’ parents there have a 4 Cette question permettra aux élèves de mobiliser
strong high-tech connection. In fact many big
une partie significative des acquis de la brick juste
names in tech like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs gained
avant de s’engager dans la tâche finale.
notoriety for the strict bounds they placed on
device usage in their homes. Gates reportedly didn’t
let his kids get phones until age 14 and Jobs didn’t Final TASK
let his kids use iPads. Design a brochure
Permet de mesurer les acquisitions faites grâce à la
1 Les écrits incrustés aideront à situer le reportage séquence.
aux États-Unis, dans une institution éducative où la
manipulation, les activités physiques et le contact
avec la nature semblent valorisés tandis que les
portables sont interdits (affiche en gros plan). Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances
2 Vérification des hypothèses. grâce aux ressources de cette rubrique. Pour la
3 The Sacramento Waldorf School is obviously a low- constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
tech school. They favour a student-centered l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
approach. questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
4 The rules are adapted for each age group, with trouveront là matière à s’interroger sur l’école du
futur dans divers pays anglophones.
more tolerance regarding high schoolers’ use of ICT.
5 Contrary to expectation / Against all odds, most of
the people who send their children to such low-tech Page 25
schools have “a strong high-tech connection” in
their own jobs. Paradoxical though it may seem, the
likes of Jobs and Gates are willing to protect their
own children from excessive use of information
India, a Knowledge
technology. Society?
6 On laissera s’exprimer les divers points de vue en
favorisant l’interaction, voire le débat. Les élèves La brick 2 permet de poser la question de la
pourront mobiliser des éléments vus dans l’étude possible définition de l’Inde contemporaine comme
d’autres supports de la brick (A new role for « société de la connaissance ».

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 8

Nous avons opté là aussi pour une approche sans imposer de lecture étroite de l’image à ce
ouverte permettant d’établir des ponts vers stade.
d’autres objets d’étude suggérés dans le B.O. de 2 Cette question permettra quant à elle de
2020, en l’occurrence « l’éducation et les systèmes circonscrire le sujet. Si les élèves ont d’emblée
éducatifs » (accès à l’école et égalité des chances établi un lien avec l’Inde, ils parviendront
dans le système indien, question de la fuite des logiquement à l’identifier. Drawing on the picture
cerveaux) et, de manière plus indirecte, « savoirs et and what the video explains, we can suppose /
entreprises » (la figure du diplômé à travers le prix guess / imagine that the topic at stake has
Infosys). L’enseignant pourra choisir d’approfondir something to do with a presentation of India as a
le travail sur ces objets s’il le souhaite et/ou si knowledge society.
l’actualité s’y prête. 3 The essayist is critical of the current
representation / portrayal of India as an emerging
PROBLÉMATIQUE knowledge society regardless of its glorious past. He
L’Inde peut-elle (re)devenir une société de blames people for ignoring the fact that India once
savoirs prédominante ? Can India rise (back) to the worshipped knowledge. We can understand that
top as a knowledge society? according to him, the word “towards” in the prime
minister’s quote (“towards a Knowledge Society”) is
Cette problématique est traitée en trois étapes : oblivious of the past, and therefore offensive.
1 Wise old India : le riche passé de l’Inde 4 deified (l. 12) – worshipped (l. 15) – revered (l. 15)
(médecine, astronomie, mathématiques…) 5 Worshipping Sarasvati (l. 12), number of
2 Exclusive education : les obstacles posés par un manuscripts (l. 17), number and diversity of
système éducatif encore défavorable aux filles et en educational institutions (l. 22), texts and inscriptions
partie bloqué par la persistance des discriminations (l. 24), mentions by famous European travellers (l.
liées au système des castes. 26, 31).
3 A silver lining? : les leviers fournis par une 6 The essayist blames / accuses / criticises the
évolution perceptible dans la hausse des taux colonists (“colonial dominance” in l. 36) but also
d’alphabétisation et les progrès dans le domaine contemporary Indian society, whose educational
universitaire. policies do not make room for specifically Indian
knowledge systems.

Page 26
Training TASK
Write or record a description
India as a Knowledge Creator Pour s’entraîner à la compétence de production
écrite : il s’agit de rédiger la description d’un
1 La description de l’illustration de la page 25 fera tableau représentant la déesse hindoue de la
mobiliser le useful vocabulary pour pointer les connaissance. La recherche sur les représentations
références culturelles à travers les lignes évoquant de Sarasvatî, fille et épouse de Brahma à l’origine
des arabesques, les motifs du cachemire ou encore du langage et de l’écriture (sanskrit), permettra de
le mandala. On fera remarquer le dessin de la main, comprendre la symbolique. Déesse de la
rappelant (reminiscent of) des représentations de connaissance et des arts, Sarasvatî est d’abord une
gestuelle caractéristiques de la danse orientale par divinité des rivières. Ainsi s’explique la présence de
exemple. l’eau, associée à la parole et la musique qui, fluides
La symbolisation de la connaissance par le livre sera comme l’eau, « coulent » comme elle. La couleur
utilement liée à l’image d’un savoir libérateur (les blanche du sari symbolise la pureté. Le paon est
livres s’envolent) et littéralement à portée de main. considéré comme symbole de pureté et de beauté,
Les domaines de ce savoir pourront être imaginés : une incarnation de la sagesse souvent
arts et lettres, mais aussi astronomie (The dots accompagnée (mais pas ici) d’un cygne. La déesse
against the blue background make us think of aux quatre bras tient dans une main un livre
planets or stars in a constellation). d’écritures sacrées (les Védas), dans une autre un
Compléments lexicaux à introduire le cas échéant : rosaire (chapelet indiquant que la connaissance n’a
sub-continent – economic competition – bring to ni début ni fin), tandis que ses deux autres mains
mind = evoke = conjure up (visions of). sont employées à jouer de la vina.
Cette question étant ouverte et faisant appel aux
réactions personnelles, on acceptera toute réponse

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 9

wanted to set up a world class institution that would
Sowing seeds of knowledge lay the foundation for serious scientific research
and training in India. Tata earmarked one third of
1 La question permettra une réactivation du lexique his wealth for the setting up of this institution but
de la description (localisation, couleurs, vêtements, despite all his benevolent gestures, there weren’t
cheveux, etc.) et du présent BE+ing et mobilisera le many takers for his idea. His principal critic was the
useful vocabulary. then Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon. In Curzon’s
2 Le Fast fact donne une indication utile sur le sens opinion, India had no need for any such institutions.
But Tata wasn’t a man to take no for an answer. Till
à donner à cette représentation d’une scène de
his dying day, he passionately pursued his dream,
chirurgie oculaire du VIe siècle avant J.-C. : le côté
writing letter after letter to anyone and everyone
incontestablement précurseur de la maîtrise du
whose support he could enlist for his scheme and
« père de la chirurgie » sera ainsi repéré.
finally, 7 years after his death in 1911, the Indian
Institute of Science came into being. A magnificent
campus and building were developed to house the
On fertile ground Institution and its many departments, leading
scientists from across the world […] to provide
Video 1 script: Seeds of Knowledge education in different areas of science. In no time
Indian Diplomacy, 8 June 2012 the Institute became the hub for most of the top
What we know is changing who we are, changing Indian scientists. Recognition came early. In 1930 Sir
our jobs, our cultures, our lives and even our future. C.V. Raman, a faculty member at the Indian Institute
Knowledge is power, power to create prosperity for of Science won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of
all. Knowledge became a global economic driver the inelastic scattering of photons which was
with the IT boom in the 80s and the 90s, opening thereafter known as “the Raman effect”.
doors of opportunity for many new entrants. One of
those new entrants was India, whose sudden rise as Il n’est pas prévu d’exploitation particulière de la
a Knowledge power took the world by surprise, capture d’écran. Elle pourra toutefois être étudiée
prompting people across the world to try and crack et, le cas échéant, mise en relation avec le travail
the secret of India’s rise. The answer lay buried in fait en introduction sur l’illustration p. 25.
the past. Knowledge and its pursuit as a path for
discovery and innovation was a time-honoured 1 Tout ce qui décrit l’effervescence sera acceptable.
tradition in the Indian society for centuries. Compléments lexicaux à introduire le cas échéant :
Whether it was the invention of something as to be abuzz / be buzzing with activity / bustling with
fundamental as inventing a zero or creating path- activity – urban turmoil – dynamism – a beehive
breaking discoveries in the arena of astronomy, 2 The IT boom. The sudden rise of India as an
medicine or physics, India had many firsts to its economic power came as a surprise on the
credit. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa belonging to international stage.
3000 BC are some of the earliest and finest 3 Discoveries and breakthroughs in mathematics
examples of town planning in the world. Founded in
(invention of “zero”), astronomy, medicine, physics,
the 5th century AD, Nalanda was one of the first of
town planning.
its kind residential university. Over 10,000 students
4 Figures:
and 1,500 teachers covered every field of learning.
- 3000 BC = creation of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa
(examples of early town planning).
But, like with other civilisations, the pursuit of
- 5th century = creation of Nalanda University (first
knowledge in India also had its ups and downs.
of its kind!) with over 10,000 students and 1,500
Diverse political and historical circumstances
slowed the growth of knowledge in India. This ever-
5 In 1930, Sir C.V. Raman was awarded the Nobel
widening knowledge gap became a cause for
serious concern for the handful of Indian scientists Prize (physics).
and social reformers who were exposed to the 6 J. M. Tata was “a prominent businessman” who
changing international scenario. One such man was gave huge amounts of money to fund a scientific
J.M. Tata, a prominent businessman of his time. institute. He had to overcome many hurdles due to
Tata recognised the desperate need for India to the opposition of the Viceroy of India. He never gave
make its foray into the new world of science and up his project and kept sending letters to try and
technology. He was well aware of the status of the convince all kinds of people to support him.
existing universities and colleges. Most of them 7 The Indian Institute of Science, which eventually
were merely examining bodies, which is why Tata “came into being” quickly became a “hub” for the

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 10

best Indian scientists, meaning some precious The prevailing mindset is that “my goat is an asset
successful research was carried. The 1930 Nobel and my girl is a liability”. And it’s really about
Prize was evidence of international recognition. changing that mindset.
Page 27 First and foremost, in every village where we enter,
we find a community volunteer. Our volunteers are
EXCLUSIVE EDUCATION… young, they’re educated, they’re passionate. They
themselves really want to see a change. They go
door to door and they find every single girl who’s
out of school. Then they actually sit with the
School Has Been a Right for Girls in India community and make community-based enrolment
Since 2009. So Why Aren’t They Going? plans for bringing these girls back into school. So
then our Team Balika volunteers come inside the
1 It is an extract from an article published in the government’s school classroom and they run a
weekly American magazine TIME in 2019: judging remedial in Hindi, English and maths to make sure
by the title and the picture, we can expect to read that all children – girls and boys – are actually
about the problem of girls’ attendance in the Indian achieving the learning outcomes required. “It’s
school system. The picture shows a girl dragging a about every single girl coming to school, it’s about
heavy ball attached to her feet (ball and chain). She every single girl contributing to the changing world,
seems to be trying to escape and spread her wings; it’s about every single girl contributing to the
the diploma (degree) she is holding in her right hand change in the family, and it’s about every single girl
may stand for her ambition to put her education to contributing to the changes in community at large.
good use whereas the ball, with the mustache and We are talking about better health, better income,
the turban, probably embodies the weight of we are talking about better education. So, it’s for
religion and the burden of a traditional male- every single child.
dominated society. There’s like 50, 60% of the girls in Rajasthan who are
On pourra développer l’exploitation de l’illustration married below the age of 18. Nationwide that child
avec une référence au travail fait sur le portrait de marriage percentage is very high. A lot of the
la déesse Sarasvatî en tâche intermédiaire p. 26 : les children also, about 10 to 15% that are married
ailes évoquent les plumes d’un cygne, animal below the age of 10.
associé à cette déesse et qui symbolise la [subtitled]
connaissance. Le petit disque coloré placé en haut In the last 10 years I’m really proud to say that we
de l’aile pourrait, de même, être interprété comme have found and brought back to school 150,000 out-
une allusion au « bindi » visible traditionnellement of-school girls that are now connected and are
sur le front des femmes mariées… attending school and learning.
2 Neha’s case is all the more emblematic of the
situation of Indian girls because she was born just Il n’est pas prévu d’exploitation particulière de la
before the Right to Education Act was passed. Even capture d’écran, mais pour un travail d’anticipation,
though she was sent to school at the age of 6, she on pourra montrer l’image qui se trouve à 2:27 de
dropped out when she was only 10 because her la vidéo et la mettre en relation avec le titre de la
mother needed her at home. vidéo et la phrase affichée à l’écran : “I was married
3 The journalist emphasises the positive side of the off by my parents at 14”.
Act: it has indeed “brought girls back to school”, at
least for some time. 1 The video shows the action of the Indian
4 Toute réponse éthiquement recevable sera organisation “Educate Girls”: the women of this
acceptée. On mobilisera l’expression de l’opinion group (Team Balika volunteers) try to get girls to
personnelle, l’accord et le désaccord, la actually go to school and get an education.
comparaison, etc. 2 This quote implies that cattle are more useful than
girls. As a consequence, girls are not treated as they
should. Their families use them as labour and free
Study or marry? Helping girls to refuse domestic help, making them drop out of school.
3 Hindi, English and maths. Those basic subjects are
crucial for personal independence and social
mobility. They must be mastered if the girls are to
Video 2 script: Helping girls to study rather than
escape their fate as dependent married women.
become child brides
Hindi and English are needed to learn, communicate
BBC News, 28 November 2017

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 11

and get a job. Mathematics is also a major subject if
they want to be autonomous in their lives, carry on
Pour leur revue de presse, les élèves s’interrogeront
with their studies and get a job with a decent
sur le coup porté par la crise sanitaire de la Covid-
19 précisément au moment où l’Inde s’affirmait
4 The Balikas aim at making girls attend school, play
comme société de la connaissance en plein essor,
a part in the evolution of the family, of the avec des répercussions économiques reconnues au
community they belong to and in the world at large. niveau international.
The goal is empowerment.
5 The statistics mentioned show that child marriage
still plagues India and shatters the hopes of a high Untouchable pupils
percentage of girls who might have a better life if
they could escape this tradition.
Video 3 script: Caste Discrimination keeps Dalit
6 The organisation can boast of their action: so far Children at bay from School
they have already managed to bring back to school VideoVolunteers, 14 November 2016
150,000 out-of-school girls! La vidéo est sous-titrée.

Page 28 La vidéo étant entièrement sous-titrée et légendée

en anglais, il faudra proposer plusieurs visionnages
pour que les élèves puissent prendre le temps de
Enduring Social Segregation Role of lire et de regarder l’image.
Caste in Indian Education System
1 Dalit children in primary schools across India,
1 At school and in Indian society at large, Dalit and telling anecdotes about the way in which they are
treated at school because of their status as
lower caste children suffer from social
discrimination. Due to their low self-esteem, they
2 The video denounces / exposes the situation of
cannot show the fighting spirit needed to overcome
the hurdles. They tend to drop out of school and these children who suffer from social discrimination
consequently, they are “stuck in the vicious circle of and ill-treatment on the school premises. Mansi, an
poverty”. elementary school pupil talks about the day when
2 The concept of Untouchability is linked to the Vedic she was caned for refusing to dispose of the carcass
of a dead dog. Pradip Kumar, a boy from Panva
tradition and the caste system. Dalits (also known as
Primary School describes the way teachers ostracise
Harijans) are considered as “untouchables” because
Dalit children, especially at meal time.
they do not belong to any caste and are considered
3 Two million Dalit children are out of school / 51%
impure. The caste system conditioned the status of
people in India for a long time and was used by the Dalit children drop out of elementary school / 13.4%
British colonists. It was officially abolished in 1950… Dalit children make it to further education. These
(voir Fast fact p. 28 + fiche Zoom in sur l’Inde p. figures show the revolting situation facing Dalit
337). children in today’s India.
3 On accueillera toute réaction éthiquement 4 The video is composed of text and interviews only.
recevable et on encouragera l’interaction. We can suppose the aim is to avoid distracting the
viewer from the information. The contents are all
the more striking because there is no voice over to
comment on them. (NB: the report is not neutral
Passive and active voices though. cf. the vocabulary used in phrases like “at
Cette activité sera l’occasion de travailler sur le lien its ugliest” + the direct address: “let us pledge to no
forme-sens de manière privilégiée, l’utilisation du longer tolerate…”).
passif pour présenter un statut de victime étant 5 On accueillera toute réaction éthiquement
particulièrement éclairante ici. recevable et on encouragera l’interaction.
La transposition active demandée dans l’encadré
permettra de travailler (en révision ou acquisition
Training TASK
selon les élèves) une structure délicate.
Phrases attendues : Teachers make them sit at the Create a fact sheet
back. Teachers make them do menial work… La conception de cette fiche permettra aux élèves
d’organiser leurs connaissances.

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 12

Page 29 Page 30

Supporting research by Indian scientists:
the Infosys Science Foundation
Some useful contextual data
Video 4 script: Infosys Prize, philosophy
Infosys Prize, 27 December 2012
1 Les élèves pourront consulter la fiche How to There has been a tremendous resurgence of
consacrée à l’étude des graphiques et tableaux p. interest in higher education and research,
314. Ils montreront que le taux d’alphabétisation particularly in science in India in the recent past. The
des femmes est en hausse régulière depuis 2011 government here has started six new institutes in
mais qu’il reste non seulement faible mais inférieur science and six new institutes in technology. There
à celui de la population masculine. is considerable excitement around us. So the
2 Cette question permettra de réactiver les founders of the Infosys and the senior management
ordinaux : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th… of Infosys and the company wanted to add their
3 Plusieurs analyses sont ici possibles : la own small contribution to enhance this enthusiasm.
justification sera indispensable. The idea of this award is to recognise English
Il pourra être intéressant de mettre les données de researchers who have done world-class
ces graphiques en lien d’une part avec le dessin et contemporary research in the five categories (sic)
d’autre part avec la vidéo de la p. 27. the physical sciences, the mathematical sciences,
the life sciences, agricultural sciences, engineering
sciences and of course economics and social
On-going but slightly declining “brain sciences. The English scientists need recognition in
drain” the country today because they want to establish
themselves as people who are doing world-class
work. You know the members of the jury and the
1 On laissera les élèves répondre en s’appuyant sur
chair of the jury will compare the quality of work
les éléments fournis par le texte, mais si besoin, la done by these people with the best work in the
définition suivante (empruntée au site merriam- world. In that sense when an eminent jury looks at
webster.com) pourra, entre autres, être proposée : the research done by the various candidates and
the departure of educated or professional people select the best amongst them, it is a clear indication
from one country, economic sector or field, for that these people have arrived on the international
another, usually for better pay or living conditions. stage so that's a very very important motivation for
The main drawback of “brain drain” is the loss of any scientist in the country. We would like the
precious intellectual and / or economic resources Infosys Prize to attain the stature of the Nobel Prize
while the main advantage is that people are likely to in these areas of research. In the long term we
get a better education or training abroad and then would like this prize to be a prize that is looked
come back with better qualifications. forward to by the entire scientific community in
2 The text alludes to “a poorer showing from India. We want this set of prizes to be there long
previous years” and mentions a “diaspora”. after we are all gone, we want it to be a permanent
3 Les élèves seront invités à commenter fixture in the column of science research in India.
l’expression imagée : “the brightest minds desire the
West’s greener pastures”. 1 The Infosys Prize aims at recognising English-
4 Two plans are being developed to reverse the speaking Indian researchers who have done world-
situation, one consisting in making higher education class research in 6 specific fields of science.
in India more attractive for Indian students and the 2 The President thinks that a Prize is needed for
other one aiming at attracting bright foreign Indian researchers.
students to Indian universities and institutes. 3 India scientists need this recognition because they
5 If India succeeds in attracting foreign students to
are actually doing research that is important for the
its institutes, it is likely to become more influential in whole scientific community (“world-class”).
the community of nations. On pourra revenir sur cette question après avoir
On laissera les élèves répondre librement à la étudié le texte qui suit, qui montre l’enjeu d’une
seconde partie de la question, en encourageant le reconnaissance internationale pour la recherche
débat si possible. indienne, souvent faite en réalité au sein de

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 13

laboratoires étrangers (voir les lauréats du Prix 2020 Page 31
par exemple).

Home is where the

Indian English Heart is… What about
Sans demander des éléments très précis qui ne sont
pas à leur portée, on sensibilisera les élèves à la
« musique » différente d’une langue qu’il importe
La brick 3 s’intéresse à un phénomène de société
de ne pas appréhender comme une altération mais
qui a connu, avec la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 et
bien comme une variante de l’anglais
les situations de confinement, un regain tout à fait
(majoritairement britannique) dont ils ont
significatif : la scolarisation à domicile ou instruction
dans la famille. Elle est conçue en trois étapes :
1 Learning outside… the book: an Australian
experience : l’expérience australienne des cours par
Six scientists win Infosys Prize 2020 for radio.
research “improving the world” 2 Who goes for it? : une clarification des concepts
liés à l’enseignement hors des écoles suivie d’une
1 The founder of Infosys implies that India should information sur la situation actuelle en matière de
follow the example of developed countries since homeschooling.
improving the quality of research and higher 3 Charity begins at home and justice begins next
education allowed them to succeed. door : une présentation du débat suscité par le
2 La liste montre que les chercheurs indiens homeschooling.
récompensés exercent en partie dans des Les supports proviennent de sources variées et
laboratoires étrangers (USA principalement), reflètent des points de vue différents.
illustration du phénomène du brain drain. Par
ailleurs, on pourra renvoyer les élèves vers le site
d’Infosys pour constater qu’au fil des ans, les PROBLÉMATIQUE
femmes demeurent minoritaires parmi les lauréats. Peut-on recevoir une bonne éducation « sans aller »
à l’école ?
How is it possible to be well-educated without going
Final TASK
to school?
Write an open letter
La tâche finale fournira le moyen de mesurer les La Final task permettra de vérifier les acquisitions
acquisitions par le biais d’une activité de de la séquence en privilégiant l’une des pistes de
production écrite. Les élèves pourront réinvestir réponse à la problématique apportée par le travail
l’ensemble des connaissances et compétences réalisé. Elle aura été préparée dès la première étape
travaillées au fil de la brick en établissant un lien de la brick par une Training task ciblant
avec le futur de l’Inde. l’organisation des connaissances acquises pour
rédiger une annonce simple.

Pages 31-32
Pour constituer le dossier personnel attendu à
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des questions à
soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, les élèves LEARNING OUTSIDE… THE BOOK: AN
trouveront dans cette rubrique matière à envisager AUSTRALIAN EXPERIENCE
l’avenir de l’Inde comme superpuissance

Remarque sur les supports : à l’exception d’un Outback govie offers words of wisdom
article de l’hebdomadaire TIME, le choix a été fait for homeschooling
de présenter un regard très majoritairement porté
par des personnalités ou journalistes indiens. 1 Accepter toute réponse, en veillant à faire
mobiliser l’expression de l’hypothèse et les
formulations utiles à la justification. Solliciter
l’interaction. Il faudra sans doute faire expliciter
“words of wisdom”.

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 14

2 We can expect an article that defends the concept (Mrs Gibb) Thank you very much, Linda. Yes, today
of homeschooling (because of the positive is a very important day for Linda, because it’s her
connotations of “words of wisdom”). birthday and she is 8. See how nicely we can sing the
3 Mise en commun et échanges. birthday song for Linda.
4 A station = a place to raise cows and sheep. (Children) Happy birthday to you.
“In Australia, a station is a large landholding used Happy birthday to you.
for producing livestock, predominantly cattle or Happy birthday dear playmate.
sheep, that need an extensive range of grazing Happy birthday to you!
land.” (Wikipedia). Clues: the Outback, plenty of (Mrs Gibb) Well, we do hope this will be a very
space. special day for you, Linda, and that you’ll have a
5 & 6 Ce travail permettra de mettre en évidence la very happy birthday.
Well now, I wonder if some people would like to say
maîtrise de la situation d’enseignement à distance
some verse speaking for me? Someone who hasn’t
par une “govie” expérimentée. L’aisance acquise est
had a turn yet, who would like to say ‘High and
synthétisée par l’expression “like water off a duck’s
Low’1? Over.
back”, pour laquelle on demandera aux élèves de
[multiple children speak]
trouver un équivalent français (travail sur
(Presenter) Those were the voices of all the children
l’interlangue et perspective de traduction pour
from their scattered homes, clamouring to be
l’examen). Glisser comme l’eau sur les plumes d’un
heard, just as though they were in school and
holding up their hands.
7 Cette question permettra de rappeler
(Mrs Gibb) 8-R-H, yes boys. Over.
l’organisation territoriale de l’Australie et de (Presenter) Mrs Gibb gives the call to pupil Johnny
corriger la fréquente erreur sur la capitale : Farger.
Canberra est la capitale de l’Australie, mais chaque (Johnny) 8-R-H, good morning Mrs Gibb. This is John
Etat a sa propre capitale. Sydney est celle de la speaking.
Nouvelle-Galles-du-Sud (NSW pour New South High and low. A boot and a shoe, and a slipper lived
Wales). once in a cobbler’s row. But the boot and the shoe
8 Lee-Anne Bright sounds happy even though she is would have nothing to do with the slipper, because
just as preoccupied as everyone else. she was low. Over.
Cette dernière question pourra conduire à (Mrs Gibb) Thank you very much. You said that very
interroger les élèves sur une vision atypique de nicely indeed.
l’isolement liée à un contexte de valorisation des 9-E-A Wertaloona, are you there Jane? Over.
grands espaces. (Jane’s governess) 9-E-A, I’m sorry Mrs Gibb. I’ve
called for Jane. She’s still out riding. She’s so
Page 32 naughty, I know! Over.
(Mrs Gibb) Thank you very much, Miss Gray. Well
I’m sorry she’s not there at the moment, but we’ll
Present perfect / Present call back in a few moments.
On fera relever le complément since 1997. La notion (Presenter) Many stations are able to have a
de bilan à partir d’un point de départ connu (1997) governess for their children. Jane’s governess at
sera rappelée ici. Le lien avec le présent it’s her job Wertaloona calls to her to hurry to school.
dans la phrase qui suit immédiatement l’énoncé I think this is a game of hide and seek that goes on
signalé devrait aider les élèves à comprendre que ce every day. It’s hard to separates some of these
temps, le present perfect, relève bien du présent Australian children from their ponies. They start
(contrairement au passé composé français auquel il riding about the age of three, and they have plenty
ressemble sur un plan morphologique). of room to ride about it, haven’t they? Jane seems
a little concerned about coming to school. I think
she’d rather be out riding.
Jane’s governess calls over the air to say that Jane is
Far from a fad
now in her place, and ready to speak her verse.
Video 1 script: The School of the Air
(Jane) 9-E-A Wertaloona. Good morning, Mrs Gibb.
ABC Education, 20 March 2020
Boys’ boots are big. When boys jump, boys’ big
(Mrs Gibb) Now, 9-I-A Kalandree. Linda, can you tell
boots go bump bump bump.
me anything important about today? Over.
(Presenter) She seems to be still riding her pony!
(Linda) 9-I-A, this is Linda, Mrs Gibb. It’s my birthday
1. “High and Low” was written by John B. Tabb, a
today, and I am 8.
19th century American poet.

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 15

1 The couple facing Mrs Gibb may be people on a are “remote learning”, “online schooling” and
visit to Mrs Gibb’s studio, they may be looking for “homeschooling”. A lot of folks in the media are
information about the way she works with children using those three terms, “remote learning”, “online
in remote places. Mrs Gibb is the teacher while Mrs schooling” and “homeschooling” interchangeably.
Gray is the child’s governess (on location). But the reality is, there are huge differences
2 These codes correspond to the registration between them and it's important for families to
number of the various students. understand those differences because, as you make
3 The quality of the connections has greatly choices for your child's education this school year,
improved. Besides, the current technology allows you need to know what they mean.
people to see each other and speak more freely / If you've enrolled your child or have your child
(without saying “over” to let each other know that enrolled in a bricks-and-mortar school where they
it’s their turn). Several people can attend a class usually would have gone to school every day and sat
together and even interact if they feel like it. in classes with their classmates and that school,
4 À la discrétion de chaque binôme. because of the pandemic, is not able to reopen or
did not reopen and instead they've set up online
classes, things like Zoom sessions, Webex, packets
sent home, things like that, that is remote learning,
American vs. British vs Australian English and it was established in an emergency, the
Sans demander des éléments très précis qui ne pandemic. And so schools and teachers, districts
sont pas à leur portée, on sensibilisera les élèves à didn't have much time to set up these remote
la « musique » différente des diverses variantes de learning platforms. And a lot of families weren't
la langue anglaise. Comme dans d’autres bricks entirely thrilled with them. That's what emergency
attirant l’attention sur ces différences, on veillera à remote or crisis remote learning is and if you are in
ce que les élèves n’appréhendent pas les variantes that situation right now, where your child is taking
et les accents comme des altérations, mais bien these virtual classes through your child's current
comme d’autres réalisations phoniques de l’anglais school, that’s what you're going through, remote
(majoritairement britannique) dont ils ont learning. There's nothing else you need to do aside
l’habitude. from following the instructions from the school your
child is enrolled in. [1’54]
Training TASK / Now online schooling. Online schooling is a
Write a job offer completely different thing from crisis remote
Posant un jalon dans la progression vers la tâche learning and it's also different from homeschooling.
finale, cette tâche intermédiaire permettra de In more than 30 states across the country, there are
rassembler et organiser les savoirs culturels et schools that are fully online. They are called online
linguistiques vus jusque-là. public schools. They are tuition free, they must
accept every child who enrolls including children
with IEPs as long as there's availability in the school.
In many cases these schools provide computers,
Pages 32-33 laptops, iPads and Internet access to families, so all
the technology that your child would need to
actually log in and connect to get an education.
These schools are staffed by certified qualified
teachers and they have perfected the art of
What a difference a word makes delivering education online in a way that doesn't
require kids to sit in front of a computer screen for
Video 2 script: The Difference Between eight hours a day. It's more of a flexible learning,
Homeschooling, Online Schools, and Remote learning at your own pace and there is opportunity
Learning for kids to interact with their classmates online as
School Choice Week, 24 August 2020 well as spend one-on-one time either on the phone
Hey there it's Andrew Campanella, president of or on video chat with their teachers. If you want this
School Choice Week and author of The School type of learning for your child, you actually need to
Choice Roadmap: 7 Steps to Finding the Right School officially enroll your child in an online public school.
for Your Child. Because of this pandemic, we are There are seats available in many states across the
hearing a lot of terms related to education that we country still in these full-time online schools but you
otherwise might not have heard as much about and should check our guide to online learning out to see
today I want to talk about what they mean and the if those seats are available in your state. / [3’24]
differences between and among them. These terms

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 16

Let's talk about homeschooling. Everybody thinks higher regulation than in Idaho and Texas for
that what they're doing now is homeschooling instance.
because so many kids are learning at home, and so 4 The site boasts of “supporting homeschoolers
yes, it's true, many kids are doing things that they since 1985” through dedicated magazines and
ordinarily would have done in school at home but actions.
homeschooling itself is actually a legal, technical 5 Both sources are obviously partial to
and policy term. What homeschooling means is that homeschooling.
you as a parent have officially unenrolled your child
from any other school, a bricks-and-mortar school, Page 34
whether it's a public, charter, magnet or private
school. And you have decided, as a parent, that you
want to take over the education of your child. You
develop your child's lesson plans, you deliver the
Therefore I am!
instruction, you identify online classes or tutorials
or open courses that they can take, you work to 1 Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and Katy Perry are
make sure you're complying with state guidelines famous American singers. Finneas is Billie Eilish’s
for things like assessments and the types of brother. Maggie and Patrick O’Connells are her
curriculum that needs to be taught. You are parents.
completely and totally in charge. [4’22] 2 Billie Eilish’s parents decided to have their children
homeschooled for several reasons: the father
1 & 2 Le travail de groupe réunira un élève A, un B thought homeschooling allows children to remain
et un C : l’échange permettra de clarifier les creative, the mother had been shocked by the 1999
concepts. Columbine High School massacre and they both
wanted to spend as much time as possible with their
3 Billie Eilish is glad her parents made such a choice:
Page 33
when she thinks of traditional schooling, the only
aspects that appeal to her are the idea of having her
own locker and attending prom or the opportunity
Homeschooling worldwide to break rules!
4 Billie Eilish did not need to go to school to make
1 & 2 Les cinq pays apparaissent sur la carte. En friends because she had activities that involved
revanche, les élèves devront faire une recherche sur other children.
les populations scolaires totales puis calculer les 5 Her family does not sound very conventional. They
pourcentages. Ils constateront la singularité des seem to be very tolerant, even lenient (letting their
États-Unis. son sleep with cowboy boots for instance). They did
New Zealand: 0.13% – Australia: 0.12% – Canada: not have a regular job either because they preferred
0.16% – UK: 0.03% / 0.15% – USA: over 0.45% to spend most of their time with their children.
3 Le différentiel considérable pourra faire l’objet 6 She confesses to believing that, had she attended
d’hypothèses variées : géographie, densité, profil an ordinary school, she might not have been that
socioculturel, législation… popular because of her strong personality.
7 The title of the song is a hint at the French
philosopher Descartes’ quote: “I think therefore I
It’s all Greek to me am”. Accepter toute réponse argumentée.

1 Both men have left their marks in history and of Page 35

course referring to A. Lincoln is clever because he is
remembered as an American hero. Both names
conjure up visions of courage, power, conquest…
2 Education became compulsory in the US in the BEGINS NEXT DOOR
early 20th century. In France instruction became
mandatory in 1882, as part of the Jules Ferry Laws. The risks of homeschooling
3 Homeschooling is legal everywhere in the US but it
is the subject of heated legal debates. In states like 1 Mistrust or disappointment with the existing
Massachusetts, Minnesota and New York, there is schools, fear of bullying, choice of giving more

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 17

importance to sports or other types of activities and aren't in school so I understand… a part of me
political or religious motives. understands, all of me understands why you would
2 According to this article, the prevailing motive is want to protect children from having that thought
linked to “conservative Christian beliefs”. pattern or being raised that way but you can't do
Indoctrination or brainwashing are some of the that, unless you're removing children from their
dangers. homes, you can't send… make people send their
3 Regular schooling is the best way to ensure that kids somewhere to be brainwashed with good or
children get a decent education and are taught the bad ideology according to whatever you may think
values promoted by society (social values, is good or bad! You can't do that, you cannot do
broadmindedness, tolerance…). that. And to me when I read the article, what I hear
4 The fact that some states have no specific her saying is that all of the little home schoolers,
regulation regarding homeschooling means that white home schoolers who are being raised to be
some children may be raised in ways that do not like little junior KKK members or whatever, that she
respect the laws and values of US society. wants them to go to school and then she wants
5 Prof. Bartholet clearly militates in favour of better them to be forced to go to school – okay – and also
force my brown children to go to school with them!
control by the government.
And I'm trying to figure out, I'm going I'm going I'm
6 Accueillir toute réponse éthiquement recevable et
thinking, I'm trying to see her side and I'm trying to
argumentée. see how this is gonna play out well for me and my
Pour aller plus loin – ou pour un entrainement à la family and other families that look like me. I don't
CO – on pourra proposer cette vidéo où Bill Gates see it. So homeschooling is one of… this little corner
s’entretient avec la jeune femme : of the world that we've been able to carve out – we
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Y6Udf_Nzo meaning black people – have been able to carve out
(3/12/2018). as a way of keeping our children safe, okay, and so
when I read someone, that someone is dangling…
Page 36 keeping, preventing people from becoming racist or
whatever, as a reason for me to put my kids in
school, I'm, I'm a full disconnect. [3’16]
[Student B]
The problem we all live with… today So while I have to believe that she started out in a
way with something in her mind she's somehow
Le titre est évidemment une allusion au tableau de thinking that she's gonna help children, what she's
Norman Rockwell (1964) montrant Ruby Bridges, promoting is going to harm children. And first and
première enfant afro-américaine autorisée à suivre foremost what I’m disturbed about is that it's gonna
des cours dans une école jusque-là réservée aux harm my children. It's going to harm my friends’
Blancs, escortée par des fédéraux sur le chemin de children. It's going to harm brown and black
l’école le 14/11/1960. children all across America, so school is not
considered as a safe space for us. [3’45]
Video 3 script: A Black Homeschooling Mom’s / You know sometimes I go somewhere like to the
Response to Harvard’s Elizabeth Bartholet YMCA or the fire department and I see that like,
Heritage Mom, 17 May 2020 “safe place” sign and I know that it means that you
[Student A] can, if you feel unable to take care of a child, you
Today’s article just really disturbed me, like I can't can safely bring them there without any
stop thinking about it enough so that I'm like, I don't repercussions. But when I look at that safe place I
want to make a video and I want to talk about it and think that's a place where a child is deemed safe.
I want people to hear my voice in this. So in the Well I don't know if Elizabeth Bartholet realises that
article she talks about one of the reasons that these the public school system is not deemed a safe place
ideologues, homeschooling parents, they're not… for black children. And I don't know anybody who is
she feels they're not … the majority of them are saying that, there may be individual schools that
teaching their children things that are bad for black parents are like, oh I love this school for my
society or values that are bad for society. And one kid great but black home schoolers, we don't have
of the examples she gives is that a lot of these white that, we haven't seen that safe space and so we've
homeschooling parents are teaching their children created a safe place, it's called our home. And I have
not to like black people and… amen sister I hear you, never seen more ded… more dedicated people who
there are some that are doing that but I don't… I are interested in their children's education and so
don't get it - do you think that there are none in she insinuates a bunch of things in our article about
schools, like, that's part of the reason that my kids how home schoolers don't, like some of them, in

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 18

some states, they’re, they're only required to have then yes, I do feel that way. But I know it's not, that
a high school education or whatever like, so what? I doesn't mean it's for all black people, I mean I know
don't understand what that has to do with anything. for black families might not want to do it, they might
I have multiple degrees, master's degree, I have not be into it, they might not have the situation
multiple undergraduate degrees, so what? Most of that's conducive. It's fine! There are plenty of
the stuff that I'm doing and teaching my children, it reasons why black children should go to school. But
is not stuff that I learned in school. And I find it the reasons that she's giving are erroneous, and the
highly offensive that she would argue that if you one-size-fits-all thing that she wants to do, our
only have a high school education you are somehow parents have to really, really, really prove that
not worthy of educating a kindergartner. It's they're worthy and smart enough and have a good
ridiculous and offensive. And I could go through a enough reason according to her, or whoever
whole bunch of other stuff that she said but the decides on the reasons, that only those people
purpose of this video was to focus out and as a black should be allowed to home-school if any, is
mother, homeschooling mother, I do not want ridiculous. [8:49]
people who may be on the fence about which way [Student D]
they they feel about this: homeschooling should be The thought that we should all put our kids in
legal, homeschooling should not be legal. I don't school, so that white people don't have the
want them to read Elisabeth Bartholet's article or opportunity to indoctrinate their children with
her interview or her words and be like well I don't racist thoughts, is utterly ridiculous. [9:00]
want to side with the white racist, so I guess I agree Because we're forgetting that all racist people are
with her: homeschooling must be bad. [5’57] not homeschoolers. Most of them are in school,
[Student C] their kids are in school already, ruining it for a lot of
/ No, I want you to hear from me, okay, not black people and brown people already. Like, that's
someone who's talking about how they're going to actually what we're trying to avoid! So, the solution
help my children but from me, the children's she's giving is the very thing that we're avoiding
mother: homeschooling is beautiful and wonderful right now. [9:24]
and necessary for black children, okay, it is not safe So, my kids are safer in my home. They don't deal
for many of us to send our children to school. [6’18] with those type of people right now. But if they
/ So I have four kids, two of them are boys. I'm not went to school, without me, they would be dealing
sending my black boys to school! If anyone doesn't with those type of people. See how it doesn't add
understand that, I feel like you either really don't up, it doesn't work? Safe? Unsafe. That's how,
have a grasp on what it's like for us or you just that's… that's… uh-uh! It's driving me crazy!
haven't taken the time to learn. But if this is new And so, what about the teachers who are racist at
information for you, take a moment sit with it, be school? What about the administrators who are
shocked but we don't consider school a safe place racist? What about the other racist students that
for our boys, our kids at all, but especially our black are there? Is that everyone? No. And I feel like I can
boys and having someone stand there with a say this: my parents, both retired principals (my
platform and tell other people dangling in front of father has passed), but both public school
them “we shouldn't allow homeschooling because principals. That's who raised me. Okay, so I’m not
there are some bad white people and they, they, here saying that teachers are all racist,
they're teaching their kids not to like black people. administrators or schools are all racist. No! It's
And if they sent their kids to school, the beautiful dumb! Anytime somebody says all of something is
wonderful public education system in America will something, just like saying that all homeschoolers
teach those racists white children to love black are not doing right by their children. Right? So, er,
people” … [7:29] but if you're talking about a child being at home
Exactly! I think we kind of tried that before, a few versus a child being there, if racist ideology is what
times in America, and it didn't work out very well for we're trying to avoid, I don't see how you would
us. And so, while I know that schools are, public land on school being the best place. [10:38]
schools are necessary because homeschooling is So, I'm gonna stop, now, because I could probably
not for everyone, I would never try to make other go on for another 30 minutes without taking a
people be, like, you must homeschool. Why would break! I just want people to hear me, and to know
someone want to make us put our kids in school? I that home education is one of the very best things
feel that there are different things that work better that happens to black families in America. And for
for different families. someone to take… to try to take it away, is bad. For
Do I feel that home education is the best path for someone to try to take it away and give one of the
black children? Honestly, for most… most of them, reasons that it's helping, somehow gonna help us,
if they have a parent who can execute it and do it, as a rationale, is… evil. It's bad. It's wrong. And I

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 19

want people to know about that, and to hear the
other side of the story. Don't believe the hype. Black
home educators are a growing movement, more
and more of us are coming to the table each day,
and we love it. Our children are thriving, our
children are safe, very well educated, doing quite
fine, happy, and our homes are filled with joy, and
they are the good citizens that she's looking for.
We're creating them. And we don't want you to take
that away from us, that freedom to home-school
and home educate our children.
Please don't try to take that away from us in the
name of helping us. That's all. [11:56]

1 & 2 This mother defends the principle of

homeschooling. She disagrees with Bartholet’s view
of homeschooling as a means to protect the ethical
values of American society because she is well
aware of the situation of Black children (especially
boys) in American schools. She is afraid for her
3 Veiller à la recevabilité éthique des réponses
apportées par les élèves et exiger des justifications.

Final TASK
Record a 3 to 4 min audio or video
La tâche finale permet de vérifier les acquisitions
de la séquence en privilégiant l’une des pistes de
réponse à la problématique apportée par le travail
réalisé. Elle aura été préparée dès la première
étape de la brick par une Training task ciblant
l’organisation des connaissances acquises pour
rédiger une annonce simple.

Pour constituer le dossier personnel attendu à

l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des questions à
soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, les élèves
trouveront dans cette rubrique matière à
approfondir leur réflexion et enrichir leurs

Unit 1 “All the world’s a school” 20

Page 38

UNIT Extrait du B.O.
« [Cet axe d’étude] explore les manières
“Medecine or Business particulières dont le monde anglophone réalise des
” avancées scientifiques, techniques et
technologiques dans des domaines variés
THÉMATIQUE 1 : SAVOIRS, CRÉATION, INNOVATION (consommation, énergie, habitat, transport) et s’en
AXE D’ÉTUDE 2 : SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES, PROMESSES empare à l’aune, notamment, des divers enjeux
ET DÉFIS économiques, environnementaux et sociétaux qui
lui sont propres. »

L’UNIT 2 aborde un thème qu’il sera judicieux de PROBLÉMATIQUE

traiter en complémentarité avec l’axe d’étude Cette séquence pose la question des enjeux de la
« Innovations scientifiques et responsabilité » recherche médicale : n’y aurait-il pas, derrière les
travaillé par les élèves en tronc commun. nobles motifs affichés, une récupération
Elle s’intéresse en effet aux avancées scientifiques politique ? Quels sont donc les « effets
et technologiques, à leurs apports, mais aussi aux secondaires » de cette recherche ?
débats qu’elles suscitent dans le monde Medical research in the US: aren’t there any side
anglophone, en lien avec des enjeux géopolitiques, effects?
éthiques ou économiques.
Que dissimule par exemple la course au vaccin dans La Final task mettra les élèves en position de
un contexte de pandémie tel que celui connu avec participants à une table ronde. À travers ce jeu de
la crise du Covid-19 ? Quels sont les enjeux de rôles, ils pourront montrer ce qu’ils auront retenu
l’adoption de la 5G ou de la « télérobotique » dans des supports étudiés en réinvestissant les acquis
la médecine du XXIe siècle ? Et où va la recherche langagiers faits au fil de la séquence. La variété des
médicale quand elle se teinte de philosophie rôles proposés permettra de couvrir des points de
transhumaniste en exploitant la technologie Crispr- vue divers, contribuant à la formation citoyenne des
Cas9 ? Telles sont les questions que pose cette élèves.
unité, invitant les élèves à prêter attention au
regard porté par les sociétés anglophones La brick est structurée en trois parties :
contemporaines sur ces sujets. 1 America’s Rise as a Land of Scientific Progress and
Innovation: une recontextualisation du sujet
rappelant aux élèves que le géant américain n’a que
Page 39 récemment pris l’importance qu’il connaît
2 Another American Challenge?: une mise en
perspective : la course au vaccin serait-elle une
The Underside of version contemporaine de la compétition pour la
American Research conquête de l’espace ?
3 A Vaccine to Stay on the Scene: un gros plan sur
La brick 4 se saisit d’un objet d’étude proposé les politiques à travers l’analyse des discours tenus
dans le B.O. : « la course à l’innovation ». Elle porte en direction de l’international.
plus précisément sur la façon dont les États-Unis se
sont emparés de la recherche du début du XXe siècle Pages 39-40
à nos jours pour se faire une place dans le concert
des nations d’abord, puis pour se poser face à leurs
rivaux politiques et affirmer / réaffirmer leur AMERICA’S RISE AS A LAND OF SCIENTIFIC
puissance. L’instrumentalisation de la recherche sur PROGRESS AND INNOVATION
un vaccin contre le Covid-19 est ainsi replacée dans
un contexte géopolitique et économique
constituant un angle d’étude original sur le sujet, en The Dangerous Race for the Covid
lien avec la proposition du B.O. de traiter « la course Vaccine
à l’innovation ».
1 La photo devrait orienter vers le repérage, dans le
titre, de l’expression “scientific accomplishment”

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 1

tandis que le sous-titre guide vers le mot “race”. HAD-en justifié par le fait que le sentiment de
Toutefois, les élèves pourront avoir d’autres malaise, au prétérit parce que daté (après-guerre)
interprétations, qu’on acceptera si elles sont concerne une confiance observée à une période
recevables à titre d’hypothèses. antérieure (avant la guerre) à cette date passée.
2 Vérification.
3 Landmarks: Edison’s invention of the lightbulb
(1879), Rockefeller’s creation of an institution that Winner takes it all
could compete with the most famous European
centers (Rockefeller Institute Hospital 1910, see The 1 On pourra trouver des informations utiles ici :
Rockefeller University Our History), creation of Nobel Prize facts
public health schools like John Hopkins School of 2 Medicine, physics, chemistry, economy = sciences
Medicine (actually founded in 1876) and Harvard, 3 The US always ranks first but the graph on the left
scientific breakthroughs during the Cold War period.
gives an interesting clue with the immigrants’ share
On fera noter que l’émergence des États-Unis sur la
of Prizes (about a third of the total number of
scène internationale en matière de recherche
scientifique est un phénomène finalement très
4 On pourra ici évoquer le phénomène du brain
récent et que la vision contemporaine du leader
américain est en fort contraste avec la drain, déjà abordé par les élèves qui auront travaillé
représentation qu’on pouvait avoir en Europe sur la brick 2 de la première unité (India, a
jusqu’au début du XXe siècle (voir l. 4-7) ! knowledge society? p. 29).
4 In May 2020, a SpaceX rocket was successfully 5 America has come a long way since the situation
launched from American soil. Then-President Trump described in the essay on p. 39. It has become a
presented this achievement as proof of America’s magnet for overseas researchers and a top-ranking
power and ability to overcome all kinds of problems, nation in the scientific field.
including Covid-19!
5 Goldin’s comment is ironical.
Training TASK
6 Competition (fed by patriotic concerns) seems to
be the main drive for progress. Create a timeline
7 The journalist is not neutral but resorts to subtle Les élèves créeront une frise chronologique en
utilisant leurs recherches et les acquis de
ironical comments throughout the article: l. 5, l. 21,
l’étude du premier texte.
l. 40-49 (criticism of the USSR “so obsessed with
bridging a small gap…”, “desperation to be first”,
“obsession with a competition as meaningless
Page 41
as…”), last two paragraphs about Trump’s naive

HAD-en (=pluperfect / past perfect)

• Les deux énoncés contiennent un verbe au past Race for a vaccine: the new space race?
perfect, temps qui permet d’évoquer une action ou
une situation antérieure à une autre action ou 1 Accueillir toute production et favoriser
situation elle-même située dans le passé. Edison l’interaction.
avait fait sa découverte avant de l’annoncer et il 2 Outre le lexique fourni, les élèves trouveront de
avait été adolescent avant de devenir l’adulte l’aide dans la fiche How to describe a picture p. 317.
reconnu qui a fait avancer la science et la 3 Les élèves s’appuieront sur les Fast facts fournis.
technologie. On les guidera si nécessaire dans le travail sur
• Règle : The past perfect is used to refer to the past. l’implicite ; de même que la conquête spatiale était
It describes an action that took place before au cœur de la rivalité américano-soviétique,
something else happened. derrière les motifs humanitaires de la course au
• Autre occurrence du past perfect HAD-en: l. 30-32 vaccin se cachent des enjeux géopolitiques et
“there was… about the reliance everyone had put on économiques : être le premier pour en tirer des
German science.” Traduction possible : « un malaise bénéfices financiers, mais aussi pour affirmer sa
croissant presque partout dans le monde quant à la place de leader mondial.
confiance que tous avaient accordée à la science
allemande. »

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 2

movement in the West (l. 34), use the allegations of
“Nothing can hold Americans down” spying (l. 36).
1 et 2 Plusieurs phrases peuvent être choisies ; la 6 The journalist is partial to the US. Like Trump’s
plus significative est sans doute la dernière. speech, but less explicitly, the article praises
3 talent, tenacity, resolve, determination America’s leadership.
4 Patriotic pride. “our nation” (x2), “our people”,
“America” (x2), “Americans” (x2), “transcending
Training TASK
great challenges”, “conquer”…
5 “our nation is blessed with…” see Zoom in The Recap
Conquest of the West p. 354. America is thought to Cette tâche est à concevoir comme une « pause
be supported by God. According to the theory of structurante ». Le cas échéant, un appui sur un
Manifest Destiny, American people are supposed to dessin de presse sur le sujet pourrait servir de base
always be on a mission to spread civilisation and à la prise de parole.
guide the rest of the world.
6 On fera relever le jeu de mots puis on laissera les Page 43
élèves réagir librement à la grandiloquence du
propos de Trump.
À noter : Projet Manhattan est le nom de code d’un
Page 42 projet associant militaires et scientifiques,
secrètement piloté par les États-Unis pendant la
Seconde Guerre mondiale pour produire la
Race for Coronavirus Vaccine Pits Spy première bombe atomique. Opération Warp Speed
Against Spy est le nom de code (emprunté à la série TV Star
Treck et signifiant « plus rapide que la lumière »)
1 Race, pit, spy againt spy, intelligence wars, steal d’un mouvement initialement nommé MP2
(Manhattan Project 2) lancé par Donald Trump en
devraient mettre sur la voie.
mai 2020 et visant à accélérer la recherche puis la
2 Vérification des hypothèses.
fabrication et la distribution massive d’un vaccin
3 Conflict: trying to find out what everyone else is up américain contre la Covid-19. Il s’agit d’un
to (l. 2-3), pitting them against one another (l. 6), partenariat public-privé associant également
spy versus spy (l. 7), adversaries (l. 10), contest (l. 18- l’armée et les chercheurs avec un budget de dix
21), reminiscent of the space race (l. 18), to sow milliards de dollars. La direction a été initialement
distrust (l. 29), spread disinformation (l. 32), a more confiée à Alex Azar (santé et services sociaux – vu
aggressive effort (l. 34); en vidéo dans l’étape suivante de la séquence) et
Espionage: every major spy service around the globe Mark Esper (défense). En janvier 2021, le président
(l. 1), spy versus spy (l. 7), tracking the espionage Biden a fait savoir que le programme allait être
efforts (l. 9), to steal (l. 11, 16), intelligence (l. 14, foncièrement revu et que le nom Warp Speed serait
17), intelligence services (l. 33), scrutinise (l. 15), spy abandonné.
services (l. 19), spying (l. 26, 36);
Distrust: protect (l. 12), secure data (l. 23).
4 Today’s race involves political opponents like “the
Cold War contest” and in both cases the rivalry A VACCINE TO STAY ON THE SCENE
between the US and Russia (then USSR) is/was at
the core of the conflict. However, the race for a
vaccine is not likely to last as long as the Space Race, “US research will benefit the whole
which developed over several decades. Besides,
today’s conflict also involves China.
5 America is presented as a victim of Russia’s and
Video 1 script: Secretary Azar’s Remarks to the
China’s attacks: to steal American research (l. 11) +
WHO World Health Assembly | May
to steal vaccine research (l. 16), Washington has
18, 2020
moved to protect… (l. 12), secure data (l. 23), the
U.S. Department of Health and Human
possibility that [Russia and China] sought to sow
Services, 19 May 2020
distrust in an eventual vaccine from Western
The United States welcomes the assistance
countries (l. 29-30), both Russia and China have
provided by our friends during this crisis, and we
already spread disinformation (l. 31-32), a more
have been proud to allocate over $9 billion that will
aggressive effort to escalate the anti-vaccine

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 3

benefit the global COVID-19 response, including 4 Each of you, in our shared efforts, each nation.
more than half a billion dollars in planned Azar wants the US to appear as a generous and
investments by my ministry to support more than protective nation willing to help everyone else in the
40 of the most at-risk countries. The United States world.
launched the first human vaccine trial and reported 5 On laissera s’exprimer toute opinion éthiquement
the first positive results from a therapeutic clinical recevable en veillant toutefois à la perception de
trial. These successes and the transparent way in l’implicite. On pourra notamment faire repérer le
which we share them will benefit the whole world. paradoxe (cynisme ?) d’un propos éminemment
[0:56] WHO’s operations must be transparent too, politique qui affirme pourtant : “[…] people should
and we support an independent review of every
aspect of WHO’s response to the pandemic. We all never be sacrificed to send a political message”.
must come together to ensure that WHO fulfills its Compléments lexicaux à introduire le cas échéant :
key mandate, and that member states comply with patronising – inconsistent – cynical – cynicism – a
the International Health Regulations. In an apparent paradox – paradoxical
attempt to conceal this outbreak, at least one
member state made a mockery of their
transparency obligations, with tremendous costs Pronunciation of final “s”
for the entire world. We saw that WHO failed at its On pourra proposer aux élèves de concevoir une
core mission of information sharing and fiche spécifique pour classer les mots en trois
transparency when member states do not act in colonnes dans un premier temps, avant de les
good faith. This cannot ever happen again. The engager dans une activité de type PRL (pratique
status quo is intolerable. WHO must change, and it raisonnée de la langue) pour comprendre comment
must become far more transparent and far more l’anglais fonctionne en la matière. Il faudra bien sûr
accountable. It is also critical that Taiwan insister sur le fait que les « règles » dégagées sont
participate as an observer at the WHA, to bring the fondées en réalité sur une logique phonatoire
helpful perspective regarding their effective and (succession [t] + [z] impossible et contraignant à
exemplary response. WHO barred Taiwan from faire suivre [t] par [s], terminaison en [s] obligeant à
participation in 2016, just a few months after introduire une voyelle d’appui comme dans
Taiwan’s free and fair elections. The health of 23 successes, etc.).
million Taiwanese people should never be sacrificed
to send a political message. Although we are all
focused on the immediate response, we need a America first
more effective WHO right now to help win this fight 1 Les élèves pourront trouver de l’aide dans la fiche
and demonstrate to our citizens that we are How to describe a picture p. 317.
working to prevent such catastrophes in the future. La Roseraie (Rose garden) se trouve à côté de l’aile
[2:24] The United States sends our best wishes and ouest de la Maison-Blanche à Washington, à
open offer of cooperation to each of you in our proximité du Bureau ovale. Cet espace récemment
shared efforts to defeat this pandemic and protect rénové (non sans créer de polémique) à la demande
the health of each nation around the world. de Melania Trump est régulièrement utilisé pour
des conférences de presse et des réceptions. On
1 They have “allocate[d] over $9 billion that will notera la mise en scène : distanciation sociale bien
benefit the global Covid-19 response” and provided visible, exposition de produits médicaux et
financial help “to support more than 40 of the most sanitaires sur les tables placées de chaque côté du
at-risk countries”. They have also launched human pupitre, panneaux géants à la gloire des États-Unis.
trials and were the first to report positive results. 2 Il semblerait que ce soit lors d’une cérémonie
2 Azar blames the WHO for failing to ensure tenue dans ce jardin que Donald Trump ait
transparency when one of the countries hid a contracté la Covid-19 à l’automne 2020.
serious sanitary crisis from everyone else. Azar is Auparavant, un cluster avait été observé à la
obviously exposing China’s initial attempt at hiding Maison-Blanche peu avant la date à laquelle cette
the importance of the Covid-19 epidemic. Azar is photo a été prise. Les élèves pourront imaginer un
clearly using this as a pretext for criticising one of discours à la presse visant à rassurer sur la capacité
America’s opponent without directly naming them. de l’Amérique à faire face à la pandémie.
3 Azar is standing up for Taiwan, which is also facing 3 Because the president is talking to the press and
tense relationships with China (dispute on the since he is well aware that pictures will be published,
political status of Taiwan) and whose status at the it is very important to ensure that the staging will
WHO Assembly is that of a mere observer. give a reassuring image.

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 4

Page 44 qui sont mis en présence. Lors de la préparation des
interventions, on sera vigilant à éviter une
incarnation caricaturale des rôles. Chacun devra
We can’t do it alone réfléchir à la spécificité du point de vue pris en
charge. Le professeur pourra réunir les élèves par
groupes : un groupe de « médecins », un groupe
Video 2 script: Biden vows to rebuild alliances,
d’« historiens », etc., avant de lancer les élèves dans
says «America is back» in foreign policy
la table ronde.
CBS News, 4 February 2021
Une durée de 10 minutes semble raisonnable pour
As I said in my inaugural address, we will repair our
chaque présentation. Les élèves spectateurs seront
alliances engaged with the world once again. Not to
impliqués dans une co-évaluation en veillant à
meet yesterday’s challenges but today’s and
répartir les objets d’observation à travers la classe :
tomorrow’s. American leadership must meet this
qualité de la communication, capacité à prendre en
new moment of advancing authoritarianism
compte les propos des autres, richesse de
including the growing ambitions of China to rival the
l’argumentation, aspects formels (linguistiques,
United States and the determination of Russia to
damage and disrupt our democracy. We must meet
this new moment of accelerating global challenges
from the pandemic to the climate crisis to nuclear
proliferation – challenging the will only to be solved
by nations working together and in common; we
can’t do it alone.
Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances
1 Cette capture d’écran étant visuellement très grâce aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la
riche (drapeaux, couleurs, bandeau informatif), constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
l’anticipation devrait être accessible à tous les l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
élèves. questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
2 Vérification des hypothèses. trouveront là matière à s’interroger sur les dangers
d’une approche « nationaliste » du sujet.
3 Overcoming the pandemic, dealing with the
climate crisis, avoiding nuclear proliferation. Page 45
4 “Repair our alliances”, “challenging the will only to
be solved by nations working together and in
common”. China and Russia are accused of
challenging American international leadership and Bridging the Medical
thus threatening democracy. Divide
5 President Biden wants to sound like a reassuring
connector/unifier. This being a speech devoted to La brick 5 interroge la place et la perception, dans
his intended foreign policy, the main point is to let le monde anglophone, des nouvelles technologies.
the world know that things will be better than they L’entrée choisie est le domaine médical : effet de la
were with Trump. Hence the emphasis laid on 5G sur la santé, pénétration et impact de l’IoT
“alliances”, “together” and “in common”. The (Internet of Things), etc.
staging is neither dramatic nor original because the
message is that things will be back to normal as far Extrait du B.O.
as alliances are concerned. « Replacer les innovations dans leur contexte en
croisant les regards (des scientifiques, des
Final TASK politiques, des médias, etc.) qui sont portés sur elles
Take part in a round table discussion permet d’interroger de manière critique leur
Le principe de la table ronde est que chaque pertinence, leur efficacité, et leurs éventuels
participant a le même statut dans la discussion. impacts (directs ou indirects, à court et à long
Alors que le débat réunit des personnes aux terme). Les grandes avancées de notre siècle
opinions antagonistes qui tentent de se convaincre conduisent à des changements multiples dont la
mutuellement, la table ronde cible plutôt une plus-value est à apprécier au regard de leurs effets.
confrontation des points de vue, qui peuvent Au cœur des grandes préoccupations du XXIe siècle,
s’avérer complémentaires. En effet, plus que des les évolutions scientifiques, techniques et
idées (débat), ce sont des statuts (et par conséquent technologiques concernent tous les aspects de la
des regards conditionnés par des contextes) divers vie humaine et jouent un rôle essentiel dans les
choix de société et de développement qui

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 5

s’opèrent. Les effets de ces avancées et les verbs expressing a personal opinion. (Rien ne donne
controverses qu’elles suscitent sont abordés dans le à penser que skittish, à la ligne 13, soit à interpréter
monde anglophone. » négativement dans le présent contexte.)
5 It is difficult to decide what the journalist actually
PROBLÉMATIQUE thinks of this technology, precisely because the
Quelle aide les progrès technologiques apportent- presentation does not seem to be biased.
ils sur le plan sanitaire, et à quelles conditions ?
How are technological advances compatible with Page 46
health issues?

Responding to 5G: press headlines

La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions
faites au fil de la séquence au moyen d’une
1 On pourra renvoyer les élèves vers le Fast fact du
production écrite (lettre). L’expression du point de
vue aura été travaillée, en jalon, à travers la tâche bas de page pour comprendre les sigles.
intermédiaire de la page 46. 2 S’il n’y a rien à modifier pour les autres, les titres
4 et 8 rappelleront aux élèves la spécificité des titres
La brick est structurée en trois parties : de presse, fréquemment écrits en « style
1 Technology: friend or foe ?: les divergences télégraphique » : 4 = Startups are Applying AI to
d’appréciation de la 5G en lien avec la polémique Transform Heathcare. 8 = At least 20 phone masts
sur ses effets potentiels sur la santé humaine. in the UK have been vandalized over false 5G
2 Who takes the lion’s share?: à qui profitent les coronavirus claims.
évolutions technologiques introduites dans la 3 Accept: 2, 4, 5, (7), 9 – refuse: 1, (3), 8 – neutral: 6.
médecine ?
3 Travelling long distances: la télérobotique et les Training TASK
enjeux d’une technologie qui permet de soigner à Pairwork (3 mn)
distance. Cette mini-tâche fournira l’opportunité d’un
entraînement à une production orale spontanée,
Page 45 fondée sur un échange de points de vue (élément
repris en tâche finale). En faisant le choix d’un
enregistrement (qui pourra être déposé, avec
TECHNOLOGY: FRIEND OR FOE? l’accord des élèves, sur le blog de la classe ou l’ENT
en fonction des moyens dont on dispose), on facilite
l’implication des élèves timides qui n’auront pas à
5G networks: are there health risks? « passer devant tout le monde ». Le professeur
pourra éventuellement décider de ne faire
1 We can expect to read an article about the way entendre que les enregistrements des élèves
Nigerian people react to the possibly harmful effects volontaires et corriger les autres productions hors
of 5G networks. de la classe.
2 The journalist mentions risks linked to the
multiplication of antennae in places that will be
closer to people than those used previously: WHO TAKES THE LION’S SHARE?
increased cancer risks, negative effects on the
cognitive ability of children, disruption of sleep and Page 47
increased stress. Not all those hazards are as
dangerous as cancer.
3 Mobile phones, TVs, radios and Wi-Fi are already
Linking people, and more
used currently but the new technology will use
higher frequencies, which means that more
1 By 2023, North America should rank first as far as
antennae will be needed because signals will be
5G is concerned, followed by Western Europe and
blocked by buildings.
Asia Pacific.
4 The information is presented in a neutral way. The
2 On the other hand, “3G and below” should almost
journalist uses phrases like “this is what concerns
disappear from North America.
people” (l. 12)”, “there are concerns” (l. 26; 29) and
the last paragraph aims at making things clear 3 Middle East and Africa, Latin America, Central and
without taking sides. There are very few modal Eastern Europe should be behind the other parts of
the word as regards the growth of 5G networks. On

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 6

fera réfléchir les élèves au lien entre ces données et différentes « terminaisons contraignantes » qu’ils
la situation économique de certains des pays des rencontrent au fil de leur parcours en anglais (en
zones concernées. tronc commun comme en spécialité).
4 On accueillera toute proposition argumentée
(références au développement économique, mais
aussi à la géographie du pays, le cas échéant, A European leader: Vodafone UK
puisqu’il s’agit de relier les gens).
Video 1 script: Kevin McCloud’s rough guide to
the future | Ory Cafe
5G’s healthcare impact: 1 billion VodafoneUK, 13 February 2020
patients with improved access in 2030 WOMAN: At least my belly is.
ROBOT: [in Japanese] Could you please take your
1 The new challenges facing the healthcare industry drink from the tray? Thank you very much.
are emerging everywhere, in both traditional and WOMAN: [in Japanese] Thank you.
developing “markets”. SCOTT PETTY: Avatar technology for us is all about
2 Health problems linked to growing populations being able to give you the ability to be physically in
and ageing populations mostly. NCDs are one location but somewhere else in a real-world
progressively becoming more numerous than/are sense.
outnumbering infectious/communicable and acute WOMAN: Masa, where are you in the world?
diseases. Such diseases are to be found mainly in MASA (through the robot): My house.
rich countries with an ageing population but WOMAN: Is that in Tokyo?
increasingly in developing countries too. (l. 11-15) MASA (through the robot): Yes, yes, it’s in Tokyo. [in
Sometimes to the extent that “the lines between Japanese] I hope you have a great time today.
healthcare and wellness” are “blur[red]”. (l. 20-21). SCOTT PETTY: This avatar technology can help
3 Three main difficulties: a lack of medical people with physical disabilities for instance take on
professionals (practitioners, doctors, nurses), a lack roles that their disability would normally stop them
of infrastructure (hospitals, equipment, a lack of being able to access by helping them control
money). We may expect remote surgery (thanks to machinery, control robots, and use the robot to do
5G?) to help solve the problem. the work on their behalf while their own physical
4 No doubt the contexts are different: surely lack of body is not capable of doing now.
infrastructure and lack of budget are not as serious MASA (through the robot): [in Japanese] At this
in rich developed countries. café, even if you are disabled or can’t leave your
home, you can still work here.
Page 48 SCOTT PETTY: It’s all about connecting people and
things to create better applications and a better
future and a number of services that’s just not
possible today.
Use of 5G in healthcare
MASA: [in Japanese] For disabled people like me,
technology brings hope. Hope for the future.
1 In hospitals: hospital applications, medical data SCOTT PETTY: I really think it’s a great leveler: it
management – at the patient’s home: patient means everyone with a great brain and good
applications, applications which facilitate quick technology can bring those two together and they
access to medical assistance and probably some can share their services in a way they may not have
medical data management. been able to do in the past.
2 Hospital applications used in hospitals for medical
3 Developing countries are likely to use 3G/4G and Video 2 script: 5G | Paralympic Skier Solo Ski Run
maybe LPWANs because they are less costly and use with 5G
little energy (see Fast facts p. 46). VodafoneUK, 26 June 2019
Sous-titrage anglais sur toute la vidéo.

Stress patterns Video 3 script: Kevin McCloud’s rough guide to

L’accent est toujours sur la pénultième (avant- the future | Haptic Gloves
dernière syllabe) pour les mots terminés par -tion. VodafoneUK, 13 February 2020
Suggestion : il serait intéressant de proposer aux MAN: Oh! Oh wow! I just picked up a cushion in
élèves de consigner sur une fiche personnelle les London from America: it’s so responsive!

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 7

SCOTT PETTY: One of the really interesting from California, with a person living in Britain! In all
technologies that 5G enables is haptic technology, three videos, Vodafone is present (logo, sponsoring,
the idea of bringing touch to the Internet and to oral mentions…). In two of them, Scott Petty, Chief
applications. Technology Officer of Vodafone UK, presents the
MAN: You want to shake hands? qualities of 5G.
WOMAN: Can you feel that then? 3 Vodafone is presented as mastering a technology
MAN: I can feel it on my fingers, yeah! that brings a message of optimism, faith in the
SCOTT PETTY: It’s enabled by having a whole set of future. “5G is a game-changer” says Scott Petty,
sensors in your glove that you’re wearing that Chief Technology Officer of Vodafone UK.
measures pressure and movement, gathering all 4 On laissera s’exprimer d’éventuelles différences
that information, pushing it across the 5G network d’appréciation, en sollicitant leur justification,
at high speed and low latency so I move my hand l’expression de l’opinion personnelle et, si besoin,
here, 3,000 miles away the glove moves the hand les tournures propres au débat (que les élèves
for the person wearing that glove. retrouveront si besoin dans la page How to debate,
MAN: I’ll hold my hand out and close my eyes and p.316).
I’ll tell you which finger you’re touching… That one,
that one.
Page 49-50
WOMAN: Wow, isn’t that amazing?
SCOTT PETTY: The reason that 5G is so important for
haptic technology is its huge amounts of data that TRAVELLING LONG DISTANCES
need a really high-speed network to be transported
across, but it’s the low latency that really makes the
difference: when I move my hands here, I need the
The future of telehealth, robotics and
glove to move almost instantaneously and that’s
low latency that enables that capability. So 5G is
really the enabler.
MAN: It’s good, isn’t it? Isn’t it remarkable? I’m in Selon un principe collaboratif et coopératif, les
California! élèves travailleront en trois étapes : d’abord
WOMAN: Well I do really feel like I’ve seen you! individuellement puis en groupe de pairs ayant
SCOTT PETTY: I think it’ll be game-changing in – two étudié le même support et enfin en binômes
people no longer have to travel to be together, to réunissant un « A » et un « B » pour compléter les
have a full human experience. They can do that données collectées.
remotely and that will change the way we interact 1, 2 et 3 Les élèves seront divisés en students A et
as humans no matter where we are in the world. students B en fonction des profils. L’infographie est
MAN: People think that technology is actually plus accessible à ceux qui sont à l’aise avec le visuel
pushing people further apart and actually, this is et les données synthétisées, mais elle comporte
bringing us together. plus de données ; le texte sera à réserver à ceux qui
sont plus à l’aise en CE ou qui ont davantage besoin
1 Les trois supports sont des vidéos de promotion de formulations écrites que de schématisations
visuelles. Tous devraient identifier l’Inde, les
commerciale pour l’entreprise britannique
Vodafone. La technologie 5G est utilisée dans les problèmes posés par l’isolement géographique ou
la distance par rapport à un centre médical et la
vidéos 1 et 2 par des personnes souffrant de
solution de la télé-intervention. Les élèves « B »
handicaps et dans la troisième pour tester des gants
permettant d’agir à des milliers de kilomètres de auront davantage d’informations à traiter et donc
distance, non seulement pour manipuler des objets, davantage d’éléments à apporter lors de la mise en
mais aussi pour établir un contact physique en
activant le sens du toucher. 4 L’exercice pourra être fait individuellement ou à
2 Les trois vidéos montrent des cas réels avec de deux.
vraies personnes dans des situations authentiques.
Le ton est toujours positif : bonne humeur,
émerveillement et confiance dans les applications Present perfect / Past perfect
futures au service de l’humanité. Video 1 shows the L’activité relevant de la conceptualisation, il sera
benefits of avatar technology, Video 2 shows how judicieux de la mener en français. On fera ressortir
5G technology makes it possible for a blind skier to le lien entre le choix d’ already / « déjà » et la notion
take part in a sports competition and Video 3 shows de constat / bilan.
a man using haptic gloves to physically interact,

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 8

environnementaux et sociétaux qui lui sont propres.
Les élèves pourront utiliser tout article soutenant
Une mise en perspective de l’actualité (intelligence
ou au contraire récusant le point de vue présenté.
artificielle, OGM, gaz de schiste, etc.) est l’occasion
d’aborder, ponctuellement, les courants et
Final TASK évolutions de la pensée scientifique, philosophique
Write a letter et politique des zones géographiques étudiées. (…)
Cette tâche permettra aux élèves de réinvestir les Au cœur des grandes préoccupations du XXIe siècle,
connaissances culturelles et les savoirs langagiers les évolutions scientifiques, techniques et
travaillés dans la séquence. L’expression du point de technologiques concernent tous les aspects de la
vue aura été réactivée en début de séquence et vie humaine et jouent un rôle essentiel dans les
travaillée en tâche intermédiaire. choix de société et de développement qui
Ils pourront trouver une aide méthodologique à la s’opèrent. Les effets de ces avancées et les
page 322. controverses qu’elles suscitent sont abordés dans le
monde anglophone. »
Objets d’étude retenus : l’amélioration des
capacités physiques de l’homme (l’homme
Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances « augmenté ») ; l’édition génétique, le séquençage
grâce aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la du génome ; le transhumanisme.
constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils PROBLÉMATIQUE
trouveront là matière à s’interroger sur la nature Où se situe la limite entre soigner et améliorer
politique des choix effectués en matière de l’humain ?
technologie numérique. Where is the boundary between curing and
Page 51
La Final task permettra aux élèves de s’approprier
et réinvestir les contenus de la séquence. Nous
proposons une conférence Ted sur le thème du
Medical Transhumanism transhumanisme. C’est un sujet d’imagination qui
permet aux élèves de mener leurs propres
in the US: A Pipe Dream or a recherches et de se focaliser sur une amélioration
Promise transhumaniste qui les intéresse.

La brick 6 approfondit l’étude sur le La brick est structurée en deux parties :

transhumanisme qui est parfois menée en tronc 1 Forever young: end aging or die trying: analyse le
commun. Elle permettra d’aborder la façon dont la fait que le transhumanisme cherche à lutter contre
médecine et la science se sont emparées des la sénescence programmée de l’être humain en
problématiques englobant les limites de l’humain. utilisant des molécules pharmacologiques.
Le focus de cette brick concerne le champ médical 2 The dilemmas of tinkering with human biology:
afin de proposer un prolongement réflexif sur la évoque la recherche génétique qui permet de guérir
lutte que l’homme mène contre la sénescence des maladies, mais à quel prix ? Il sera question
programmée de son existence et les enjeux notamment de CRISPR et d’un médecin qui a
éthiques qui en découlent. manipulé le génome d’un fœtus. Un potentiel
immense, pour des maladies n’ayant pas de
Extrait du B.O. traitement, contrebalancé par l’absence de maîtrise
« Cet axe d’étude peut être traité en relation et en des répercussions sur le génome et sur la
prolongement de l’axe d’étude “Innovations descendance, ainsi que les possibles dérives et les
scientifiques et responsabilité” abordé dans le tronc dilemmes éthiques et sociétaux que cela pose.
commun ; il explore les manières particulières dont
le monde anglophone réalise des avancées
scientifiques, techniques et technologiques dans
des domaines variés (consommation, énergie,
habitat, transport) et s’en empare à l’aune,
notamment, des divers enjeux économiques,

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 9

ERIC MATZNER: 30, in my thirties, I’m 31. That’s
FOREVER YOUNG: END AGING OR DIE actually a question that is a loaded question in my
TRYING opinion because you asked what my… you asked my
chronological age. So, I don’t really think of myself
chronologically as the main measurement of age.
Soon-To-Be-Immortal SARAH MCKAY: Okay!
ERIC MATZNER: So, I look at, like, the age of my cell,
1 L’image et les titres de journaux (faire noter les what will my cells look like compared to what you
dates récentes) réfèrent au désir d’immortalité et would think like an average 30-year-old would look
de dépassement des limites humaines qui semblent like. I would say I’m somewhere in my 20s, you
en passe d’être atteints grâce à la technologie et à know, biologically.
la médecine. VOICE-OVER: Every birthday Eric orders a range of
The scientific breakthrough which is referred to is blood tests designed to gather data about his
immortality/biohacking/transhumanism/the idea health. Using this information, he can see whether
that thanks to science and drug therapy, lifespan any of the bio hacks – or health shortcuts – could be
extends. Scientists are trying to prolong life through working.
medication. SARAH MCKAY: Wow.
2 Pour comprendre les principes du ERIC MATZNER: Yeah, so this is some of the
supplements I take.
transhumanisme, le professeur pourra proposer
d’aller consulter la déclaration transhumaniste : SARAH MCKAY: Some. How do you even keep track
https://humanityplus.org/transhumanism/transhu of them all?
ERIC MATZNER: Some of them are experimental.
Sometimes you’re not sure if they work. Sometimes
Transhumanism is the theory that science and
technology can help human beings develop beyond I’m working on a protocol from a study, and then
what is physically and cognitively possible at the you know, I’m testing something out. And how does
this interact with my basic thing I’m taking already?
present time. Transhumanists want to overcome
Just say I would take like tyrosine – take one of
human limitations such as aging, dying, getting
sick… these – creatine, beta-alanine, [it] makes your body
SARAH MCKAY: How many do you take on an
average day? If you did have to count.
Hacking the Optimum Life, and Living ERIC MATZNER: I think like more than 50, less than
Forever 100.
SARAH MCKAY: That’s just… Doesn’t it keep you
Video 1 script: What is biohacking? Meet the kind of busy?
biohacker who refuses to age ERIC MATZNER: It takes a little bit of time, but say
ABC Science, 20 August 2019 you get increased productivity and focus from it,
SARAH MCKAY: I’m not quite sure what an that pays back a dividend.
optimised human looks like but we’re going to find VOICE-OVER: To mainstream science there just isn’t
out. Hello! the evidence that these kinds of nootropics fight
ERIC MATZNER: Hey Sarah, how are you doing? aging but I don’t think Eric sees it like that. He sees
Welcome! Oh yeah, we hug each other… himself operating at the frontier.
SARAH MCKAY: Nice to meet you! I’m Sarah. ERIC MATZNER: I think the average typing speed is
ERIC MATZNER: Nice to meet you too! Yes, Eric. Are probably around 50 to 60 words a minute. I type
you ready to talk longevity, life extension and about 150. Similar with my reading, it’s like, the
biohacking? average reading speed is around 250 to 300 words
SARAH MCKAY: Yeah, very much! Yeah, I’m ready to a minute. I can read about a thousand words a
learn. minute.
Text on screen: Meet a biohacker. VOICE-OVER: He’s trying to optimise every aspect of
SARAH MCKAY: You do know you’re gonna die, his health as he tries to hold on to his youth,
right? whether he’s exercising his brain or maximising his
ERIC MATZNER: Hum, no, I don’t. fitness.
Biohacking is basically working to modulate your Biohacking is becoming something of a movement.
biology. We work to understand a certain aspect of But for all my reservations about it, what I do
our biology so that we can then control it and alter admire is people’s desire to learn as much as they
it. can about how their bodies work.
SARAH MCKAY: How old are you?

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 10

SARAH MCKAY: You’re doing a lot of things and it précédé de l’article défini the (dont l’équivalent
probably keeps you pretty busy. What are your n’apparaît pas en français) et sujet + verbe sont
long-term goals or outcomes of you? What do you placés en fin de construction, après le comparatif
want to say? (alors qu’en français ils apparaissent avant).
ERIC MATZNER: My long-term goal is stay alive as Cela fonctionne de la même manière lorsque le
long as possible, and you know there’s something comparatif porte sur un nom, comme dans
called the longevity escape velocity where basically l’exemple ci-dessous : « Plus il prenait de
your life eccentric state policy where, as the médicaments »  the more medicine he took
technology increases we can have cures for the Ainsi, en anglais, le schéma de la construction est :
things… For me, as a younger person I’m just trying The adj-ER/more (ADJ ou NOM) + SUJET + VERBE,
to stay as biologically young as possible so that I can the adj-ER/more (ADJ ou NOM) + SUJET + VERBE
reap the benefits of science over the next 20-30 • Propositions d’autres exemples :
years. That will then maybe get me another 20 years The stronger he becomes, the faster he runs.
and then in that 20 years of exponential advances in The more he evolves, the more he develops new
technology and health technology, I will then be capacities.
able to ride all those. The more medicine he took, the stronger he felt.
SARAH MCKAY: Why is it so important to live The more scientists prolong life expectancy, the
indefinitely, I mean, you do know you’re gonna die, more questions about how to cure age-related
right? diseases arise.
ERIC MATZNER: No, I don’t. Except for a
catastrophic injury, I don’t really think that Training TASK
somebody born you know after the 1990s – 80s or Role play
90s has to die if they want to. La tâche intermédiaire permettra aux élèves
SARAH MCKAY: Really? d’imaginer les conséquences concrètes et
ERIC MATZNER: Let’s pick up this conversation and palpables, dans un avenir proche, d’un allongement
we’ll see in 100 years. de la durée de la vie et de la possibilité, évoquée
SARAH MCKAY: Well, I’m not sure whether I’ll make dans le documentaire, de vivre indéfiniment. Les
it but… enjeux familiaux, sociétaux, éthiques peuvent être
ERIC MATZNER: Well I’m gonna do everything I can imaginés de façon ludique. La mise en œuvre de la
to be here. tâche pourra être différente en fonction du niveau
de la classe : préparée ou non, écrite puis jouée ou
bien improvisée après un temps de réflexion, etc.
1 A biohacker is a person who uses drugs to change Cette tâche permettra d’amorcer une réflexion
his/her own biology. Though they carry out scientific éthique plus largement développée dans la seconde
experiments, they are not real scientists. They take partie de la brick.
chemical substances such as hormones in order to
improve the condition of their body and of their
mind. Page 52
2 He thinks that mental and physical age is different
from chronological age, and that when/while/
whereas chronological age cannot be changed, the
physical and mental age of his body can be
3 He takes a significant amount of medication but
he also works out in order to maximise his fitness.
Treating diseases with CRISPR
4 His ultimate goal is to stay alive as long as
possible. Video 2 script: Chinese claim world’s 1st gene-
5 Personal reactions. edited babies
CBS News, 26 November 2018
Page 52 WOMAN JOURNALIST: A Chinese researcher has
created an international controversy over science
and ethics, after claiming he helped make the
Correlative comparatives (How to express world’s first genetically edited babies. According to
that two things vary together) The Associated Press, the researcher altered
• En anglais, les structures d’accroissement embryos for seven couples during fertility
parallèle se construisent ainsi : le comparatif est treatments; one resulted in the birth of twin girls.

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 11

The claims have not been independently verified. know there are CRISPR studies on-going now in the
They also were not published in a medical journal, United States, but we do that in adults to treat a
where they could be vetted by experts. Now, this disease. This isn’t passed generation to generation.
kind of gene editing is banned in the United States. Once you hit what we call the germ-line, the DNA of
The changes can be passed to future generations a child, it then is passed to the next generation, and
and could harm other genes. the next. So these changes are permanent.
Our doctor David Agus is an oncologist and leads the WOMAN JOURNALIST: Huge changes in the world of
USC Westside Cancer Center and is here to talk science. We’ll be hearing more from this doctor; he
more about this. A lot of people on the medical speaks at a conference in Honk-Kong. But great to
community are buzzing about this. Can you tell us hear you this morning talk about it. Thank you,
how this doctor was able to do this? doctor.
DOCTOR ANGUS: I mean, this is wild, this is an DOCTOR ANGUS: Thank you.
enormous step, and what the doctor did was just
jolt sperm out of a man, and took it out of the 1 Gene editing is a method which makes it possible
semen and put it together with an egg (this is in- to alter the DNA of an organism. It is used in
vitro fertilisation) and then when it made an therapeutic treatments to cure genetic diseases.
embryo, he put in this thing called CRISPR, that’s 2 A Chinese doctor claims he helped make the first
able to surgically change one of the three billion genetically-edited babies during fertility treatments.
letters of the DNA code and he changed the code 3 The Chinese doctor used CRISPR to alter the DNA
for the HIV receptor, for the AIDS receptor in the of embryos during in-vitro fertilisation.
cells and then that embryo was put into a woman. 4 CRISPR is a tool which makes it possible to change
WOMAN JOURNALIST: So, is this process able to
one or several letters in the DNA of an organism.
eliminate HIV? Because it’s being promoted that
5 In this experiment, CRISPR was able to eliminate
DOCTOR ANGUS: Well, in this study, when you edit HIV in one of the two twins. Yet, the study showed it
these receptors, yes, you can eliminate HIV, but in raised the risk of death by the flu and the
these two twins, only one of them had it fully taken potentiality of catching West Nile virus.
out, the other one had it partially taken out. But at 6 The critical issues are that CRISPR could have “off-
the same time, it raises the risk of death to flu, and target effects”, that is to say that changing one
increases the rate of getting West Nile virus. So it’s letter in the DNA could affect other parts of the DNA.
not a perfect treatment. And the problem is: 7 The fact that the experiment was carried out on
there’re a lot of off-target effects. This enzyme is embryos is controversial inasmuch as the changes in
promiscuous. Even though it can change one letter, the DNA could now be passed on from one
it happens to maybe change other things in the generation to another. Before, the treatment was
DNA. only carried out on adults and the genetic
WOMAN JOURNALIST: So we don’t know any of the modifications affected only one individual.
unintended consequences yet. Obviously, this
raises a lot of ethical questions. This is banned, this
process, here in the United States. Do you ever see Stress pattern
this actually being possible amongst US doctors? When you add an “-ic” ending to a noun in order to
DOCTOR ANGUS: Well, to me, this is an experiment make an adjective, the stress pattern changes. The
on children, right? These were parents – the fathers stress necessarily lays on the penultimate syllable of
actually had HIV themselves, and the mothers did the derived adjective.
not. And then they consented them on a consented Other example: therapy - therapeutic
HIV vaccine. It didn’t say “gene-editing”
experiment. This is something we can get rid of Page 53
inborn errors of genetic disease potentially. But a
lot more science needs to be done. It is way too
premature to put it in kids ‘cause we’re not gonna Set of opinions from US citizens:
know the answer for 10, 20, 30 years whether it
American Voices on Ways Human
WOMAN JOURNALIST: But this is a subject we
Enhancement Could Shape Our Future
clearly will be talking about going forward. We’ve 1
been talking about CRISPR for the past two years. Positive opinions Negative opinions
What can you tell us about this doctor? - Genetic treatment is - Gene editing can lead
DOCTOR ANGUS: Well, this is a doctor who trained definitive: the disease to eugenic practices,
in the United States, and then went to Europe. You is cured once and for that is, the selection of

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 12

all. Patients would not particular traits / human race and is still necessary today to the
live in fear of characteristics in order survival of humans. Erasing or changing one specific
developing the illness to ameliorate the human trait would unbalance the equilibrium. As of
again. human species and today, we are not able to foresee the possible effects
make a “perfect” of such changes.
- It would eradicate human. Some To counter a possibly catastrophic evolution, the
some diseases. characteristics are author proposes that we should respect human
deemed better than nature. He implies that we should take preventative
- Humans can improve others. measures akin to those we have taken regarding the
the human race, so - It is not what God respect of “non-human nature”, in order to preserve
they should do it. intended for humans. the specificities of humans and do no harm to
- It is against Nature. humanity as a whole.
- It would create a gap
between the rich and
the poor and those Final TASK
who can’t afford TEDx Talk conference
genetic treatment Nous proposons une conférence sous la forme Ted
would be left behind. dans laquelle les élèves pourront mener des
- People would die or recherches et construire leur culture sur le courant
age later, and so more transhumaniste et ses dilemmes. Ils s’entraîneront
generations would à la prise de parole individuelle et en continu, dans
coexist, which could l’optique des épreuves de présentation de dossier
create problems. et du Grand Oral. Ils pourront se filmer (une seule
- It could create a prise, en plan fixe), afin d’avoir la possibilité de
feeling of superiority in prendre du recul sur leur posture à l’oral, ou bien
those who can afford passer devant la classe.
gene editing, towards
those who can’t afford
2 Personal opinions. Les documents proposés dans cette rubrique ont
pour but d’élargir la perspective et le focus de la
Pages 53-54 brick. Est proposé entre autres un site très complet
(SIENNA) regroupant toutes les avancées dans le
domaine du transhumanisme, de l’augmentation de
l’humain, de l’intelligence artificielle, etc. Ce site
The voice of a philosopher expose de manière approfondie les dilemmes
Transhumanism afférents, en les exprimant de façon simple et en
proposant des infographies claires. Il est
1 Formulation d’hypothèses. fréquemment mis à jour.
2 The fundamental principle of transhumanism is to Les élèves pourront s’inspirer de ces recherches
use biomedicine to enhance humans. pour développer leur tâche finale et construire leur
Transhumanists use the advances in biomedicine to dossier personnel.
overcome human limitations and become “stronger, La rubrique propose également de développer une
smarter, less prone to violence, and long-lived”. réflexion sur le cadre législatif encadrant les
3 The major threat of transhumanism is the problem avancées dans le domaine de l’édition génétique
of unequal access to the advances of human humaine.
enhancement: the less affluent will necessarily be
left behind.
4 According to the author, transhumanists are
wrong about human nature because today’s
humans are the result of a complex evolution. The
author asserts that in human nature, “good” and
“bad” characteristics emerged simultaneously and
are therefore necessarily linked. He adds that every
human so-called “flaw” – including mortality – has
played an essential part in the development of the

Unit 2 “Medecine or Business” 13

Page 56

UNIT3 Extrait du B.O.

« Dans sa première acception, la représentation se
“Making your voice heard comprend comme politique : cet axe d’étude vise

with or without a #?”

donc à s’interroger sur la manière dont les citoyens
sont représentés et participent à la vie publique et
politique. »
THÉMATIQUE 2 : REPRÉSENTATIONS Axe d’étude 1 : Faire entendre sa voix :
représentation et participation
« À la lumière d’événements récents, cet axe
L’UNIT 3 porte sur l’axe d’étude intitulé « faire d’étude permet d’explorer les modes de
entendre sa voix » dans le cadre d’une thématique
représentation des citoyens dans les pays du monde
concernant la notion de « représentation ».
anglophone tels qu’ils sont prévus par les
Comment les communautés de langue anglaise se
constitutions des États concernés, mais également
font-elles entendre aujourd’hui, que ce soit pour
tels qu’ils s’expriment concrètement selon les
appuyer les actions de leaders, connus ou non, à
contextes politiques, économiques et sociaux de
travers un vote politique ou en se saisissant eux-
l’époque. »
mêmes de la parole dans des discours médiatisés ou
relayés sur les réseaux sociaux ?
Pourquoi une communauté d’immigrants
La brick 7 fait un gros plan sur la situation d’une
hispaniques a-t-elle voté pour un président
communauté précise, la « diaspora » cubaine
républicain comme Donald Trump ?
installée aux Etats-Unis, dont les choix politiques
Why did a Hispanic immigrant community vote for
reflètent un héritage de valeurs tout en intégrant
a Republican president like Donald Trump?
des évolutions générationnelles notables.
La brick 8 attire l’attention sur la façon dont les
Les tâches proposées aux élèves ont pour objectif
jeunes s’engagent et font entendre des voix qui
de favoriser un échange interculturel en les invitant
peuvent secouer les idées reçues. Elle s’intéresse
à jouer des rôles différents.
aux influences qui s’exercent sur eux, à travers les
figures que TikTok et autres applications ou réseaux
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
sociaux en vogue mettent en avant au niveau
1 A paradoxical vote: l’objectif est de susciter le
international quand des manifestations plus
questionnement des élèves sur l’affiliation politique
classiques (grèves, lettres ouvertes…) ne sont pas
des Cubano-Américains issus de l’immigration.
tout simplement remises au goût du jour.
2 Trump’s successful electoral strategy: l’étude des
La brick 9, enfin, propose aux élèves de s’interroger
résultats et de la stratégie électorale des
sur ce qui peut motiver la jeunesse anglophone
républicains en Floride permet de mettre à jour les
(entre autres) contemporaine à privilégier le
valeurs de la communauté cubaine.
cybermilitantisme (« clicktivism ») en questionnant
3 Immigrants and US born descendants: l’attention
les motifs des acteurs tout autant que les modalités
est ici portée sur le conflit générationnel au sein de
et les enjeux de ce nouveau type d’activisme.
la communauté cubano-américaine.

Page 57
Cuban American Vote A PARADOXICAL VOTE

La brick 7 permet de questionner des idées reçues

Forbes headlines, August 2020
sur les opinions politiques d’un groupe de citoyens
donné. Les différents documents qu’elle propose
1 On pourra commencer par remarquer qu’il s’agit
vont amener les élèves à se questionner sur
l’influence de l’héritage historique et culturel d’un de titres et donc d’un concentré des idées
groupe social dans ses représentations et ses développées dans l’article que les élèves pourront
valeurs et, par conséquent, de son influence sur la lire dans son intégralité sur Internet. Le relevé des
scène politique et publique du pays qui les a verbes utilisés puis des profils des candidats à la
accueillis. naturalisation permettra de mettre à jour une
politique de l’immigration très dure. La photo
souligne quant à elle l’aspect inhumain des camps

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 1

de réfugiés et, le Fast facts précisant qu’il s’agit de REPORTER: During the campaign the president
Guantanamo, on peut souligner la situation made several trips here cultivating the Cuban-
insensée de réfugiés cubains détenus sur le sol American vote with messages like this one:
américain en territoire cubain. DONALD TRUMP: Our opponents want to turn
D. Trump’s immigration policy is very strict and gives America into communist Cuba or socialist
little hope of becoming American to refugees Venezuela.
whatever their level of education or the threat they REPORTER: In 2012 former President Obama won
may be under at home. the Cuban vote but after the midterm it was clear
2 Le sondage souligne que l’opinion cubaine est à the tide had turned, when Republican Governor Ron
contre-courant de la communauté hispanique en DeSanctis garnered 66 % of the Cuban-American
général. Dans le cadre d’une politique vote.
d’immigration stricte du Parti républicain, on peut PASSER-BY: The sharp turn to the left and an
s’interroger sur les raisons de ce positionnement. extreme ideology that the Democratic Party is
On invite ici les élèves à émettre des hypothèses à taking is losing the Latino vote.
partir des informations à leur disposition. REPORTER: The shift is being noticed. New York
Whereas a large part of non-Cuban Hispanic voters Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-
leans on the Democratic Party, Cuban Americans Cortez tweeted: “I will say we’ve been sounding the
support the Republicans. alarm about Dem vulnerabilities with Latinos for a
3 Having immigrated themselves and been offered long time.” The question now is: will this trend
the American citizenship, it seems surprising for continue as Florida remains a key swing state in
Cuban Americans not to want other immigrants to elections still to come?
be granted the same advantages they have received HOST: President won Florida by 375 thousand
and to support a party with a drastic immigration votes. It’s estimated he garnered more than 120
policy. thousand of those votes from the Cuban Americans
down in Miami, even higher than his campaign had
Page 58 projected.

1 Il s’agira de recueillir toutes les informations

comprises par les élèves et de les hiérarchiser.
This document shows that Trump’s strategy to
Trump backed by the Cuban voters appeal to Cuban American voters has been
Video 1 script: Vote 2020: Cuban Americans in 2 Les élèves devront retrouver la chronologie des
Miami-Dade County support President Trump
élections récentes pour mesurer les changements
CBS 12 NEWS, November 2020
HOST: Cuban Americans in Miami-Dade may not
2012: presidential election, B. Obama won with the
have backed the president in his first race against
support of the Cuban American votes; 2014: mid-
Hillary Clinton but all of that changed last night. Not
term elections, Cuban Americans voted for a
only did they support the president but their
Republican governor; 2016: presidential election, D.
turnout is one of the big reasons Florida turned red.
Trump won but Miami-Dade voted for the
REPORTER: Election night in the heart of Miami’s
Democratic candidate H. Clinton; 2020: presidential
Little Havana. Polls showed Mr. Biden with a
election, J. Biden won but D. Trump came out first in
decisive win in Florida, but this group may be
behind President Trump’s surprising victory. For Mr.
3 On s’intéresse ici à la stratégie choisie par D.
Biden won Miami-Dade, his margin of victory wasn’t
Trump qui assimile le Parti démocrate aux régimes
enough to give him the boost needed to carry the
communistes et socialistes des pays que les
entire state. His failure? Not securing the Cuban-
immigrants ont fuis.
American vote. Not only is it the largest share of the
The Cuban immigrants fled a left-wing dictatorship
Latino voters here but it also has the largest turnout
and with the identification of the Democratic Party
as a left-wing party, D. Trump has revived sad
veteran, pro work, pro police, pro everything. I
4 À partir des informations de la vidéo, on pourra
don’t like handouts, I don’t appreciate them, I
worked hard to get here, so did my parents, so did faire rechercher aux élèves les idéaux défendus par
a lot of these people here and that’s what I want, les deux partis politiques : responsabilité
that’s what I want for the rest of America. individuelle / interventionnisme du gouvernement,
DONALD TRUMP: My home state of Florida. baisse des impôts / programmes sociaux, pro-

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 2

famille / pro-avortement, priorité à l’économie / Colombian voters with the same socialist message
défense des injustices sociales. which the journalist actually repeats (line 31). We
Stephanie Fernandez favors individual “hard work” can guess he finds this strategy overwhelming
over the welfare state (“handouts”). Democrats (explicitly, repeatedly), improper (tout) and
have failed in taking into account the Christian and manipulative (privately/publicly) revealing that D.
traditional values Cuban Americans believe in: hard Trump made the community happy only to ensure a
work to provide for one’s family. win (lines 38-42) even reminding them of the defeat
5 On peut rapprocher le nombre de voix de of the Democrats at the Bay of Pigs.
l’infographie avec la fin du document vidéo.
A third of the votes which allowed Trump to win the Training TASK
state comes from Cuban American voters. Role play
Cette tâche intermédiaire va permettre aux élèves
de s’entrainer à l’expression orale en interaction ;
Using phonetics to express feelings on portera une attention toute particulière à la
On notera la pause avant communist Cuba ou prononciation des mots clés de la brick. Elle sera
socialist Venezuela ainsi que l’accentuation des également l’occasion, dans la phase de préparation,
quatre mots et des sons [k]. On pourra aussi de relier et de classer les événements (liés à
remarquer la longueur particulière des [a :], l’histoire des Cubano-Américains) ainsi que les
caractéristique du phrasé de D. Trump à la tribune. opinions et valeurs des deux groupes politiques en
Pages 58-59
Pages 59-60

How Miami Cubans disrupted Biden’s IMMIGRANTS & US BORN DESCENDANTS

path to a Florida win

1 L’objectif est de faire le lien entre les deux

Escaping Cuba
documents. On demande aux élèves de reconnaitre
les mêmes idées formulées différemment en
soulignant les nuances à l’occasion. 1 La première lecture permet de contextualiser la
“nonstop outreach to Miami’s exile situation. On est en 1994, il s’agit de la quatrième
community”/”during the campaign the president vague d’immigration vers les USA, celle des rafters.
made several trips cultivating the Cuban American On se situe à l’époque de la photo de la page 57, de
vote”; “Trump cruised to Florida thanks to their la politique “wet foot, dry foot”.
heavy turnout”/”the largest turnout rate”; Two families can be identified: the Castillos, whose
“Republican leaning but began drifting toward the son may be Ivan, and Isabel’s relatives, her father,
Democratic fold … in Miami-Dade”/answer to mother and grand-father. There is also a young
question 2 p. 58; “Republicans responded by couple, Luis and his girlfriend Amara. They are all in
focusing more on the community” + “Florida a small boat to flee Cuba, hoping to reach the
Democrats did not do a good job combating this … American shores with “dry feet” and be granted a
more on Puerto Ricans and Black voters”/”Dem special refugee status allowing them to stay and
vulnerabilities with Latinos”; “with the president become US citizens. Even if the atmosphere is joyful,
and administration officials repeatedly coming to there are two threats upon them: they are 9 in a
Miami to roll out crackdowns on Cuba and boat “barely big enough for 7” (line 7) and they do
Venezuela”/“communist Cuba or socialist not seem to know how to sail (the captain is in
Venezuela”. charge only because he owns the boat but he
2 On va inviter les élèves à porter une attention doesn’t know how long the crossing will take and is
expecting the sun to guide them).
particulière au champ lexical de la guerre associé à
la campagne pour la présidentielle et au style 2 Les connaissances acquises sur la révolution
employé par le journaliste. castriste dans le Go further de la p. 59 vont
A campaign to be elected president of the US is like permettre aux élèves de mieux saisir l’humour et
a military plan and the journalist uses war l’implicite du texte (niveaux B2 /C1 du CECRL).
vocabulary (win, blow away, struggle, roll out, Making fun of Fidel Castro (“Fidel is thickhead” lines
bastion, target, combating, ironclad). Trump’s 10-13) was something dangerous to say aloud in
strategy was to bombard the Cuban American, Cuba where opponents to the régime could be
together with the Venezuelan, Nicaraguan and arrested and persecuted. It is Isabel’s first

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 3

experience of freedom of speech. They all reeled out JOURNALIST: Do you think there’s a generational
well-known propaganda (lines 14-17) but only the gap among, er, Cuban and Cuban American people
critical adults mocked the regime’s slogans (lines 17- in the United States?
20) denouncing the lack of food in their home ANDY: The people that I’ve met, definitely show
country. that. Older Cuban conservatives are generally
3 On pourra, à partir de la liste des espérances des conservative not really because they care too much
personnages, retrouver les idéaux et stéréotypes about, like, what the current message of the
américains, mais aussi les valeurs défendues par le Republican Party is but simply because the
Parti républicain. Republican Party is the party of capitalism, is the
We identify, among their expectations, the party of America, is the party of, you know,
American Dream and the pursuit of happiness, the nationalism. I think that younger people care a lot
land of plenty (food, job), freedom (movement, vote, more about the issues that affect us here in
speech, thought), entertainment (travelling, basket- America. The Democratic Party and leftist and
ball, television), education and entrepreneurship socialists do have strong opinions about, you know,
(“my own law office”). They long for individual the injustices that keep on happening in our world,
responsibility, away from any kind of government not just our country, and the Republican Party
intrusion. doesn’t offer that. The most unlikely populations,
like Cuban Americans, are turning more and more
to the left.
Free indirect speech
À partir des structures repérées, l’enseignant 1 On pointe la différence des thèmes qui
proposera aux élèves de rechercher d’autres préoccupent les générations. Ce témoignage pourra
exemples et leur demandera de rédiger les pensées être complété avec l’article du Go further p. 60.
d’un autre personnage de leur choix. Andy Vila is a member of the Young Democratic
Party and a quite recent immigrant. He used to be
Republican but turned his back from the GPO when
D. Trump was elected. As part of the new generation
Coming out a Democrat in a Republican of Cuban Americans he feels more concerned by
Cuban family traditionally Democratic issues like injustices in his
country or in the world.
Video 2 script: Miami’s Cuban Americans: has 2 He compares revealing to his family his new
Trump destroyed a long-held Republican loyalty? political ideas to a coming out. This shows how
The Guardian, 4 November 2018 deeply his and his family’s political opinions differ to
JOURNALIST: At Florida International University, I the point that they could not talk about politics
met Andy Vila, a 20-year-old Cuban socialist who without fighting.
emigrated from the island in 2004. Before 2016 he, Attention : les deux dernières consignes de la page
like his parents, had been passionately conservative 60 sont à traiter après le texte et avant la Final task.
but Trump changed all that and created a
generational divide in his family that’s becoming Page 61
increasingly common in others.
ANDY: During the 2016 election, I never supported
Trump and I was always a Republican that was
against Trump. I always said, I, this guy is not a
The Cuban revolution explains why
Republican. I see him as a fascist. younger Cuban American supported Trump
JOURNALIST: So the S word … socialism.
ANDY: The dirty word, right? 1 Cette première question vise à faire identifier la
JOURNALIST: That’s a dirty word at home, right? structure du texte et les contradictions de l’opinion
ANDY: Yeah, my household was very conservative. I de la jeune génération. On acceptera donc tous les
felt connected to capitalism in the sense that my titres qui feront apparaitre des paradoxes qui
country’s lack of it was the direct cause of its first… seront détaillés dans les questions suivantes (§1 :
of its troubles. I guess you can call it like a coming questions 2 et 3 ; §2 : question 4 et §3 : question 5).
out, right? I said I know that you guys knew me as a 2 D. Trump embodies their vision of the American
conservative but now I’m a progressive. Now we ’ Dream, that of the self-made man economically self-
just can’t talk about politics because it’ll be a fight sufficient and who does not owe the government
over the dinner table. anything. This represents the exact opposite of
Castro’s communist philosophy.

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 4

3 Les élèves pourraient éventuellement être Se pose alors la question de l’avenir de nos sociétés.
amenés à déduire implicitement l’opinion du Notre monde est-il en péril ? Car l’engagement
journaliste sur le président américain. politique est ancré dans des habitudes acquises dès
D. Trump’s manner, on the contrary, evokes the le plus jeune âge, et les jeunes d’aujourd’hui sont
Cuban leader’s behaviour they were familiar with les adultes de demain. Cette brick montre que les
before immigrating to the USA. mots « jeune » et « engagé » ne sont pas
4 On pourra inviter les élèves à rechercher les antinomiques, bien au contraire ! Il existe de
sanctions prises par l’administration Trump envers nombreuses façons d’être actif sur le plan civique et
Cuba pendant son mandat et le retour en arrière politique. Certains moyens consistent à s’engager
dans le cadre de la politique de rapprochement dans les processus électoraux (en allant voter, en
entamée par son prédécesseur. tentant de convaincre les autres d’aller voter, en
Abroad, in addition to other sanctions impacting travaillant pour un parti politique, etc.). Mais il
Cuban tourism, D. Trump limited the amount of the existe aussi des formes d’action moins
remittances Cuban Americans can send to their conventionnelles, comme la participation à des
families on the island. manifestations politiques, des protestations, des
In the USA, he has attacked a program set up by B. marches, la signature de pétitions, la rédaction
Obama which the Cuban American community was d’articles ou de blogs politiques et le fait de les
benefitting from. partager sur les réseaux sociaux. D’autres formes
5 Ici, on pourra revenir sur l’histoire de d’engagement sont plus directement axées sur
l’immigration cubaine vue précédemment pour l’aide aux personnes dans le besoin, aux
lister les mesures prises par les administrations communautés en difficulté, ou sur la collecte de
démocrates, comme l’accueil des réfugiés cubains fonds pour des causes caritatives.
après la révolution, le Cuban Adjustment Act de Or, il s’avère que dans tous ces domaines les jeunes
1966 ou la “wet foot, dry foot policy”. répondent présents et semblent même déterminés
Despite the fact that their community has benefitted à faire entendre leur voix !
from several actions from Democratic governments Extrait du B.O.
(Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton) the young Cuban Thématique 2 « Représentations »
Americans, according to the journalist, support the « Cette thématique vise à étudier la notion de
values of the Republican Party. représentation dans ses diverses acceptions.
Dans sa première acception, la représentation se
comprend comme politique : cet axe d’étude vise
Final TASK
donc à s’interroger sur la manière dont les citoyens
Role play sont représentés et participent à la vie publique et
Pour préparer cette tâche finale, les élèves vont politique. »
devoir lister les opinions des personnages d’après Axe d’étude 1 : Faire entendre sa voix :
les profils étudiés dans la brick. Ils pourront représentation et participation. « […] cet axe
personnaliser leur intervention en se référant aux d’étude permet d’explorer les modes de
détails mentionnés dans l’interview de Andy représentation des citoyens dans les pays du monde
(vidéo 2 page 60) qui fournit le contexte de la anglophone tels qu’ils sont prévus par les
conversation. La médiation culturelle sera constitutions des États concernés, mais également
également mise en œuvre par la présence de tels qu’ils s’expriment concrètement selon les
l’étudiant français qui pourra interroger les contextes politiques, économiques et sociaux de
opinions des protagonistes et comparer avec le l’époque. […] Des situations qui mettent en
système politique français. question la représentation politique peuvent
conduire certains citoyens à essayer de faire
Page 62 entendre leur voix à travers les réseaux sociaux.
Ceux-ci jouent un rôle dans l’évolution des
mécanismes de représentativité démocratique. »
Objet d’étude retenu : citoyenneté, représentation
Young and Committed politique et engagement (dans démocratie,
pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs). »
La brick 8, comme toutes les autres bricks, pourra
être traitée à tout moment de l’année de première. PROBLÉMATIQUE
Au cours des vingt dernières années, les médias ont Faut-il compter sur les jeunes pour sauver le
souvent commenté l’engagement civique et monde ?
politique des jeunes, constatant une participation “Are young people going to save the world?”
électorale faible, en déclin par rapport à leurs ainés. (Greta Thunberg)

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 5

La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions Issues: environment (global warming/pollution);
faites grâce à la séquence (convaincre à l’oral). social progress (how minorities are treated/
discrimination/equity); working world
La brick est structurée en trois parties : ((un)employment); migration; education; health.
1 Don’t leave it to fate, participate!: comment les 6 The graph shows how the British voted in the
jeunes participent-ils à la vie politique? Brexit referendum. We can notice that the youngest
2 Social network is how they work: quel rôle les voted mostly “remain”, while the majority of older
réseaux sociaux jouent-ils ? voted “leave”.
3 Youth on the move: deux exemples démontrant 7 Arguments of the “remainers”: trade and
l’engagement des jeunes au sein de nos sociétés economy; mobility/employment/opportunities;
pour répondre aux problèmes du monde travelling in Europe; education/studies (Erasmus?);
d’aujourd’hui. The consequences of leaving the EU, what about the
Pages 62-63 Arguments of the “Brexiters”: “cost saving” = no
longer contribute to EU budget; EU and its
“burdensome” regulations; sovereignty;
DON’T LEAVE IT TO FATE, PARTICIPATE! immigration control; security.
8 I would be in favour of/against a Frexit because…
Rock the vote! 9 Each graph shows the participation of the young
in politics = how they participate and what they
1 Poll 1: USA; youth/ political engagement/ from have to say. Graph 1 reveals that youth engagement
CIRCLE (Tisch College)/ a comparison between two in politics has increased since 2018 whereas graph 2
periods: 2018 and 2020. shows that young people would have preferred to
Poll 2: British; youth/ what vote during Brexit/ from remain in the UK. Both graphs demonstrate one
Financial Times, 2020/ a comparison between aspect of young people’s participation in political
generations. decisions.
2 Poll 1: the percentage of young people who 10 Young people are less likely to vote than older
became involved in politics: in 2018 and in 2020. people because: they feel they are not legitimate
Poll 2: a graph sorted by age categories and, in each (young age, not mature enough, not listened to);
category, 2 colours to represent the young people’s they don’t have an opinion; they do not recognise
votes (either “leave” or “remain”), so that it is themselves in their leaders; they don’t know how to
obvious what they most voted for. participate/what to do.
3 In every category, the participation rate has
increased. It shows young people participate more/ Page 63
feel more involved/are more engaged politically.
Why? They feel concerned by the issues at stake
(disagreeing with Trump’s policies/climate issue & “You have a voice”
environment)/ the means: social networks make it
easier? Video 1 script: Young activists at Davos
4 The category “tried to convince other youth to World Economic Forum, 31 January 2020
vote.” Arguments: DONALD TRUMP: This is not a time for pessimism.
•Democracy, voting is an important right. MARC BENIOFF: Capitalism, as we know it is dead.
•If you don’t vote you lose your right to complain. GRETA THUNBERG: You say, children shouldn’t
•Influence/power = change or shape your future: worry, well, I’m here to tell you that my generation
voting gives you the power to make important will not give up.
choices. You get to decide what you like and don’t SALVADOR GÓMEZ-COLÓN: Just because we’re all
like. teenagers doesn’t mean that we don’t have the
•Youth accounts for half of the voting population, maturity, the knowledge or the drive to take action
it’s a powerful influential political force. and impart positive change in the world.
•In an America divided perhaps more than ever, NAOMI WADLER: A lot of young people think that
every vote counts, especially those from one of the they have no power, and they can’t control what’s
country’s largest voting groups. going on in politics. We do have power.
•They were hit hardest by the great recession. MOLLY BURKE: And I started trying to share my life
•Using social networks make it easier (and more and my story and my experiences as a disabled
fun?) woman, because I didn’t see myself ever
5 Same answers as in 4 represented.

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 6

MELATI WIJSEN: The young people have massively too much coming to Davos and then going back and
created this movement, where we’re on the rise, not doing anything, right?
we’re unstoppable. We’re unignorable. MOHAMAD AL JOUNDE: I’ve been here for four
MOHAMAD AL JOUNDE: Nowadays, the narrative is days, and no one has been listening.
that what we can do in five years, but from activists MELATI WIJSEN: A lot of people are curious to hear
we don’t focus on that. We focus on what we can what we have to say. But it’s what they do with
do today. what we say that really counts.
NATASHA MWANSA: The other generation has a lot NAOMI WADLER: It’s not my fault that the truth
of experience. But we have ideas, we have energy, makes you uncomfortable. And your uncomfort is
and we have solutions for the now problems and not my issue.
the ones that are coming up. MOHAMAD AL JOUNDE: Take the streets, protest
AYAKHA MELITHAFA: Climate change is linked to ‘cause if we’re going down, we’re gonna take them
other socio-economic problems, like poverty, down with us.
inequality, xenophobia, gender-based violence. SALVADOR GÓMEZ-COLÓN: We’re at the breaking
FIONN FERREIRA: And there is a little bit of a trade- point. It’s either react now or we can’t act anymore.
off between the company actually being AYAKHA MELITHAFA: Never give up in your fight.
sustainable, and trying to make their consumers Know that what you’re doing, you’re doing it for a
feel like they’re being sustainable. reason and the end goal will be sweet.
MOLLY BURKE: I can’t be angry at society’s NATASHA MWANSA: Ask yourself this one question.
ignorance, if I’m not willing to do something to How will you be part of the change that we’re trying
educate society, to see?
MOHAMAD AL JOUNDE: People are on the streets GRETA THUNBERG: To the world leaders and those
struggling and dying every day. There’s serious in power you haven’t seen anything yet.
sessions about the social movements that are
happening in a lot of the world and we can’t 1 On peut commencer par demander aux élèves ce
continue to be self-centred in Europe and in the US. qu’ils savent du Forum économique mondial de
SALVADOR GÓMEZ-COLÓN: We can’t live in a Davos et éventuellement imaginer qui serait
divided world, right? We’re all living on the same présent à ce forum et quelles causes y seraient
planet. If we mess it up, that’s the end game. défendues.
NATASHA MWANSA: We have so many young
people with potential in Africa. And yet there is not Young activists at Davos: Salvador Gómez-Colón
enough being done to ensure that they explore that (environmental campaigner, 17 years old); Naomi
potential, and actually utilise that potential. Wadler (women’s rights activist, 13 years old); Molly
MOHAMAD AL JOUNDE: I come from countries Burke (disability advocate/YouTube creator,
where we have a lot of dictatorships and if they Canada, 25 years old); Melati Wijsen (“Bye bye
found I conveyed my real message, I’d probably be plastic bags” co-founder, Indonesia, 19 years old);
killed or imprisoned. Mohamad Al Jounde, (Syrian refugee, rights activist,
NATASHA MWANSA: This is a really good start, it’s a 19 years old); Natasha Mwansa (women’s rights
sign of hope. And you know that there’s more that and healthcare activist, Zambia, 18 years old);
we can look forward to. Ayakha Melithafa (climate activist, South Africa, 17
MOHAMAD AL JOUNDE: If we can use the years old); Fionn Ferreira (scientist and
opportunities and potentials that exist here to grow environmentalist, Ireland, 19 years old).
our world then there is a relation between World 2 Reasons for taking action: they worry (Greta
Economic Forum leaving [a] good impact on the Thunberg); they believe they have power to change
world. things (Naomi Wadler); they don’t see themselves
MELATI WIJSEN: For young people, the unique represented (Molly Burke); they are “tired of empty
aspect that we have is that we don’t look at it as a promises” (Salvador Gómez-Colón); if they don’t act,
burden, but more as an opportunity. We come in they can’t complain; they care about their causes
saying we’ve done it. So why can’t you? (the planet); it is their future (Ayakha Melithafa).
AYAKHA MELITHAFA: So it’s really giving me hope Message: listen to us and take action now.
that people are starting to listen to us. They’re 3 No, it is not very easy for them because people
starting to understand that the future is ours. And think they “don’t have the maturity, the knowledge,
we’re starting to take charge of it right now. the drive”. They are not listened to/they’re ignored/
SALVADOR GÓMEZ-COLÓN: The reason why we’re looked down upon by older generations.
here is because we’re tired of empty promises. 4 It is an asset: they don’t view their “mission” as a
We’re tired of too much talk, right? We’re tired of
burden but as an opportunity; they are dynamic, full

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 7

of energy, they are “unstoppable”; they are Page 64
motivated and determined, they won’t give up
(Greta Thunberg).
Simple past or past perfect?
• Time markers = Friday, already, earlier that same
Simple past = a past action; past perfect = an action
Pages 63-64 that occurred before another action in the past.
• Kellyanne’s 15-year-old daughter announced her
mother’s diagnosis in a TikTok post (early, on Friday
Claudia Conway’s TikToks Can’t Save evening) and then, Kellyanne sent out a tweet (later,
Democracy that same evening).
An event in the past = simple past
Add a past event that happened before = past
Comme indiqué dans le Fast Fact, Claudia Conway
est la fille de Kellyanne Conway, l’une des plus
proches conseillères de Donald Trump. Claudia se
Pages 64-65
fait connaitre en postant des vidéos de danse et de
chant sur TikTok, mais ce sont ses critiques et
commentaires impitoyables sur l’administration
Trump qui la révèlent au grand public. Suivie par US Election: how TikTok is giving
plus d’1,5 million d’abonnés sur les réseaux sociaux, political power to Gen Z
la jeune et audacieuse adolescente semble être
rapidement devenue une icône anti-Trump. Dans cette vidéo, Harry Sission utilise lui aussi
l’application TikTok à des fins politiques. Convaincus
1 She told everybody that her mother was tested que les réseaux sociaux confèrent un certain
pouvoir politique à la génération Z, de nombreux
positive with Covid. She did it through the social
jeunes se servent désormais des plateformes
network TikTok. She also revealed that President
sociales pour diffuser des informations, soutenir
Trump who had contracted Covid-19 was not doing
leur candidat préféré, échanger et convaincre leurs
pairs. Le lien entre cette brick et la suivante
(« Clicktivism » page 68) est patent.
2 Because people became interested in her “blunt,
cheeky” posts criticising Trump and his chaotic
Video 2 script: US Election Diaries: TikTok-ing for
administration. She revealed information about
what was going on “inside” and people became
Dateline, 22 October 2020
curious and wanted to know more at a critical time
HARRY SISSON: I’m 18 and I’m tiktoking for the
in the country’s history. She also became a symbol
Democrats. My generation is one of the most
of “Gen Z resistance.”
politically active generations we’ve seen for a long
time, especially in my friend group yeah, we’re very
3 She is compared to people like Robert Mueller,
politically involved and then, when I joined TikTok
Stormy Daniels, and James Comey who denounced we really saw the kind of scope of that, how millions
and revealed to the public Trump’s deceitful, of kids across America are politically involved. So, a
fraudulent attitude before and during his campaign. Hype House is a word coined on TikTok. Basically,
what it means, it’s just a group of people who’ve
4 She is regarded as “a new #Resistance hero” which come together to create a group account and they
may seem excessive, as she is only communicating all post videos with a similar theme. So, for example,
via social networks (as any other teenagers would the Hype House I’m part of which is called the Dem
do). But nevertheless, she has the courage to Hype House has a political theme and we all post
denounce and speak her mind, and having the political videos together.
audacity to criticise, daring to contradict may also HARRY SISSON (TikTok video): As Joe Biden says
be a sign of courage. right here, we’re only 30 days away from the
election and I cannot stress the importance of
5 Réponses libres. On pourra éventuellement leur voting in this election.
suggérer de reprendre les idées du document HARRY SISSON: I truly believe that TikTok will have
précédent, “You have a voice”. a major influence, partially on this election, but for
a lot of elections to come. I have people private

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 8

messaging me all the time being like “‘Hey I was become a key communication platform for reaching
never interested in politics until I came across the young people and impact political engagement.
Democratic Hype House or your account”‘. And I do 3 Social media platforms have extraordinary reach:
believe that people who are newly eighteen and sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are
watch our videos are certainly going to participate sources of information and a major source of
in the election, maybe they wouldn’t have before. political knowledge, which indirectly affects the
WOMAN (TikTok video): Guys, Donald Trump is political interest of youth and increases it (research
having a rally next week and it’s free. All you have has shown that political interest and political
to do is give your phone number and you can get knowledge are interlinked) + they are easy to use
two tickets. So I got two tickets… and part of youth’s everyday life; social media
HARRY SISSON: The people on Tik Tok buying up platforms allow users to connect and communicate
Trump’s rally tickets is hilarious. with their peers; social media enables them to see
WOMAN (TikTok video): …though I can’t make it for what their “contacts” see/what they react
Friday. to/approve or disapprove of; can potentially help
HARRY SISSON: That’s just one of the many move young people from “intent” to “action”; they
examples where, you know, people our age coming become more confident in their knowledge, and so,
together on a platform really does something and it more confident to participate; feel part of a political
actually changes something. group.
I was in 8th grade when Trump was elected and I Source: https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/five-
actually lived abroad, I lived in Ireland. I remember takeaways-social-media-and-youth-vote-2018
waking up the morning and seeing the electoral 4 He is an 18-year-old American who lives in New
map and just being like “Wow!” I was really upset, York State. He supports the Democrats.
just because I was very fearful for minorities, people 5 A: “My generation is one of the most politically
of colour, just anyone that was vulnerable at that active generations we’ve seen for a long time”,
time because we had someone elected now that more and more young people get involved
didn’t really care about those people, wasn’t going politically.
to fight for those people and actually looked to B: “I truly believe that TikTok will have a major
undo protections for those people. I live on the East influence, partially on this election, but definitely for
coast in New York State. The lower part of New elections to come.” People who had never been
York, around NYC is really liberal, very democrat, interested in politics before, send messages to him,
very blue, but as you get up more upstate to the want to join.
more rural areas, it becomes very red, very very big C: “I cannot stress the importance of voting in this
support for Trump up there. This election is the election.”, “This election is the most important we’ll
most important we’ll see. There is definitely a see.”
generational divide between, like, someone like D: When Trump was elected, he was very worried,
myself and Joe Biden. Obviously, Joe Biden is in his “fearful”. “I was really upset, just because I was very
late seventies, I’m 18, but I do believe, honestly, fearful for minorities, people of colour, just anyone
that Joe Biden’s policies and the kind of platform that was vulnerable at that time because we had
the Democrats are running on is somewhat someone elected now that didn’t really care about
representative of what my generation wants, you those people, wasn’t going to fight for those people
know. We have, and actually looked to undo protections for those
Joe Biden’s put out a very progressive climate people.”
change plan, he wants to raise minimum wage, E: He is aware of the “generational divide” but
simple things like that are really representative of nevertheless feels they share the same ideas, values.
what people in my kind of age group want. He trusts / has confidence in Biden, in his
progressive policies. He approves of his ideas
1 A pre-election poll. May 2020. “The percentage of (minimum wage, climate) and believes he is more
young people who said they had seen election what his generation is looking for.
information on each platform” (Instagram, Twitter, 6 Yes (also see 3) because of the “extraordinary
Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok) from reach” of social media.
Circle/Tisch College 2020, United States. About Several possible answers:
young people = 18-24 years old. The graph •Handy, so convenient to spread knowledge +
compares youth participation in May 2020 with that access to information;
of September 2018. •A major source of political knowledge and that
2 Young people used social networking platforms indirectly affects the political interest of youth and
more in 2020 than in 2018. Social media have even has the potential to increase it (research has

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 9

shown that political interest and political knowledge face à l’urgence de la crise climatique. La 1re vidéo
are interlinked); montre Greta Thunberg initiant ses premières
•Benefits of global reach, better quality and greater grèves, elle y explique l’action qu’elle souhaite
speed, while also being an interactive platform for mener et les raisons pour lesquelles elle a décidé
political discussion; d’agir. Dans la seconde vidéo, elle est au Sommet de
•The information given is more interactive, user- l’ONU pour le climat qui s’est tenu à New York en
centred, briefer, easier to process and visually septembre 2019. Dans un discours des plus incisifs,
attractive; elle adresse ses plus vifs reproches aux dirigeants du
•More accessible, up-to-date, and provides monde dont elle dénonce l’inaction, allant jusqu’à
opportunities for political discussion through seeing les accuser de trahison.
other people’s opinions;
•If their friends share an article, they are more likely Video 3a script: Fridays for future. The school
to read it and get interested in the topic + they feel strike continues!
more confident in supporting or defending a cause; Greta Thunberg, Twitter, 16 September 2018
•They enjoy discussing issues online; We are on a school strike for the climate. Every
•It is fun. Friday we will sit outside the Swedish parliament
Source: http://nottspolitics.org/2014/09/09/social- until Sweden is in line with the Paris Agreement. We
media-can-increase-youths-political-interest/ urge everyone to do the same, wherever you are, sit
7 et 8 Réponses libres. Les encourager à exprimer outside your parliament or local government
leur opinion en utilisant plusieurs structures building until your nation is on a safe pathway, to a
variées / à réagir aux réponses des uns et des autres below 2° warming target. If we include all of
en exprimant leur accord ou désaccord. Sweden’s current emissions including aviation,
shipping, and imported goods and if we take into
Page 65 account the aspect of equity to poorer countries,
clearly stated in the Paris Agreements and in the
Kyoto Protocol, rich countries like Sweden need to
start reducing emissions by at least 15% every year
Adding Emphasis in English
according to Uppsala University.
Encourager les élèves à produire quelques phrases
By doing so we enable a chance for developing
(à l’oral) à partir des exemples proposés et attirer
countries to heighten their standards of living, by
leur attention sur l’accentuation des mots
building some of the infrastructure that we have
d’emphase à l’oral.
already built, such as roads, schools, hospitals, clean
drinking water, electricity, etc.
Training TASK
Sweden is often referred to as a role model but if
Make a video (2 min) we include all of our emissions, we actually have
Rappeler l’importance de convaincre (ton et mots). among the top ten highest ecological footprints per
Finir par un feedback de la part des élèves et du capita. If everyone lived as we do, we would need
professeur qui viendra compléter. On peut utiliser 4.2 planet Earth per year. That means that countries
des outils comme Plickers ou Wooclap pour évaluer like Sweden steal 3.2 years of natural resources
la prestation des élèves (via un court sondage from future generations and poorer parts of the
interactif, par exemple). world every year. We, who belong to those future
generations, demand Sweden and all other
countries to put an end to that and start living
within the planetary boundaries. Some people say
that we should be in school instead, but why should
Say it out loud we be studying for a future that soon will be no
more, and when no one is doing anything
On ne présente plus Greta Thunberg, la jeune whatsoever to save that future? And what is it the
militante écologiste suédoise qui décide un jour de point of learning facts within the school system
ne pas aller à l’école afin de protester contre le when the most important facts given by the finest
changement climatique. Elle inspire d’abord ses science of that same school system clearly means
camarades qui se joignent à elle chaque vendredi nothing to our politicians and our society?
devant le parlement suédois. Puis ce sont des
milliers de jeunes à travers le monde qui rejoignent 1 A young girl sitting on the floor reading a book, a
le mouvement. Greta Thunberg devient ainsi school bag besides her. Warm clothes.
l’instigatrice de « la grève de l’école pour le climat » Greta Thunberg, young climate activist, Swedish,
et la porte-parole d’une génération soucieuse d’agir born in 2003. A sign: “school strike for climate.”

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 10

Greta has launched a movement “Fridays For the aspects of equity and climate justice. They also
Future” = she plays truant / skips school every Friday rely on my generation sucking hundreds of billions
to protest against political inaction to reverse of tons of your CO2 out of the air with technologies
climate change. that barely exist. So a 50% risk is simply not
Young people (pupils) on strike = demonstrating in acceptable to us, we who have to live with the
New York with signs/marching/protesting. consequences.
2 • “We”: Greta Thunberg and those willing to
follow her movement: young people in Sweden and 3 Greta Thunberg at the Climate Action Summit
everywhere in the world. 2019. She is addressing her speech to world leaders.
• What they do: a school strike every Friday. Instead
of going to school, they sit in front of the Swedish 4 Greta delivers an emotional stinging speech. Her
parliament, and spend the day there. message is about the serious need to stop the effects
• Why: to protest/to show they disagree with what of climate change. She blames the world leaders for
is being done in their country as far as climate is their lack of action. Her tone of voice grows tearful.
concerned/to demand their government, their She sounds both angry and sad.
leaders to comply with the Paris Agreements.
Because it is urgent to take action according to 5 “How dare you?” – conveys anger, rage,
them. They feel concerned/they are worried about disappointment, betrayal. She is accusing,
their future. excoriating world leaders for their “betrayal” of
• Their goal: to denounce the inaction of political young people (through their inaction over the
leaders/to take things into their own hands/they climate crisis), she is condemning them. She wants
want their country to comply with the Paris them to feel guilty.
Agreements by implementing a policy that will
reduce carbon emissions, stop global warming, 6 Réponses libres.
reduce pollution, save the planet, save their future.
Ex.: I find this passionate speech poignant. Greta
sounds and looks sincere, her emotion (anger,
Video 3b script: Greta Thunberg (Young Climate
sadness) is real, and we feel empathy for her which
Activist) at the Climate Action Summit 2019
rallies us to her cause.
United Nations, 23 September 2019
I don’t approve of the tone and action of this girl. I
My message is that we’ll be watching you.
think that disrespect is neither appropriate nor
This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here, I should be
efficient. I believe that she is in no position to act in
back in school, on the other side of the ocean. Yet,
this way and I wish she did not stand as my
you all come to us young people for hope. How dare
generations’s spokesperson because she is not as
you? You have stolen my dreams, my childhood,
mature as she pretends to be and therefore is not a
with your empty words and yet, I’m one of the lucky
good representative.
ones. People are suffering, people are dying, entire
ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning
7 Réponses libres. On peut proposer de répondre
of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is
money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. sous forme de débat.
How dare you? Yes, I do share Greta’s point of view because… No, I
For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal don’t agree with G.T. because…
clear. How dare you continue to look away and
come here saying that you’re doing enough when Page 66
the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere
in sight. You say you hear us and that you Training TASK
understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and Give a 2-minute-speech
angry I am, I do not want to believe that, because if Les attendus sont analogues à ceux de la Training
you really understood the situation and still kept on task p. 65. Il faudra attirer l’attention des élèves sur
failing to act, then you would be evil and that, I l’accentuation des mots clés pour faire passer un
refuse to believe. message et convaincre.
The popular idea of cutting our emissions in half in
10 years only gives us a 50% chance of staying below
1.5°C and the risk of setting up irreversible chain Stressed syllables
reactions beyond human control. 50% may be L’accentuation porte sur la syllabe qui se trouve
acceptable to you, but those numbers do not avant le /-ion/
include tipping points, most feedback loops,
additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution or

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 11

Pages 66-67 4 Rashford should be celebrated for using his voice
and his platform to help some of the most
vulnerable people in the country. His actions to
Put it in writing ensure that no child goes hungry are outstanding
and moving.
Au printemps 2020, Marcus Rashford, le célèbre 5 It is a success: repetition of “a win for” + title of the
attaquant de l’équipe de football Manchester article “[…] the Government has today announced a
United s’implique avec force dans l’aide aux plus significant funding package to help alleviate child
démunis en demandant expressément au Premier food poverty.”
ministre britannique que des repas continuent 6 Réponse libre.
d’être distribués gratuitement aux enfants des Ex.: Marcus Rashford has used his growing influence
familles défavorisées pendant la période de and popularity to “become a formidable voice for
confinement et jusqu’à la fin de l’été. Il écrit pour social justice.” It is probably easier when you are
cela une lettre ouverte aux députés dans laquelle il already famous because you are more influential.
exprime sa détermination à obtenir le maintien de He can use social medial to gain huge support and
ces repas gratuits. Sous la pression du jeune et reach his goal. FYI: Rashford’s influence enabled him
populaire joueur de football, Boris Johnson finit par to gain over a million signatures for his petition to
accepter de maintenir le dispositif en place. end child food poverty and consequently forced a
second government U-turn.
1 Paragraph 1: Marcus Rashford is 22 years old
(born in 1997); He is English; He is a professional Page 67
football player (and broke a record), he plays in the
English national football team, he is popular and
successful. Exprimer l’hypothèse
Paragraph 2: • He comes from a poor background: - Hypothèse irréelle dans le présent : b. et e.
“my mum worked full-time, earning minimum - Hypothèse irréelle dans le passé : a., c. et d.
wage… But it was not enough” (l. 15-16). •He was - Les deux phrases qui expriment la condition
raised by a single parent (his mother) who took care explicitement : b. without et e. if.
of him and his siblings (FYI: 5 young children). •His - Exemple de réécriture avec la condition :
mother worked hard (FYI: full-time as a cashier at a. [this] week would have opened Uefa Euro 2020 if
Ladbrokes + took other jobs and earned minimum the pandemic had not occurred.
wage). • He himself experienced poverty: they c. Ten years ago, I would have been one of those
couldn’t make ends meet and often felt hungry (FYI: children, and you would never have heard my voice
his mother sometimes skipped meals herself to and seen my determination if no one had helped
ensure Marcus and his siblings “had a good evening me/if I hadn’t received any help/ etc.
meal on the table” [l. 16]). d. As a Black man from a low-income family in
2 He feels concerned about food and proper meals Wythenshawe, Manchester, I could have been just
for the poorest families because he himself another statistic if… /without the help of my
experienced poverty and hunger as a child. Indeed, community, etc.
Rashford cites his own early experiences as - Traduction :
motivation for his work to end child hunger: “As a a. « En cette semaine qui aurait dû voir l’ouverture
family, we relied on breakfast clubs, free school de l’Uefa Euro 2020, je tenais à revenir sur ce jour
meals, and the kind actions of neighbours and du 27 mai 2016. »
coaches. Food banks and soup kitchens were not b. « Sans la gentillesse et la générosité de la
alien to us […].” (l. 18-20) communauté qui m’a entouré, le Marcus Rashford
3 He wants to convince the government to continue que vous voyez aujourd’hui n’existerait pas. »
delivering food to families who relied on free school c. « Il y a dix ans, j’aurais été l’un de ces enfants et
meals during the lockdown period (after the vous n’auriez jamais entendu ma voix ni vu ma
government announced the free meals programme détermination à m’engager pour trouver une
would not be extended over the Summer holidays). solution. »
He is writing this letter to MPs, imploring them to d. « En tant qu’homme noir issu d’une famille
reverse that decision and help feed the 1.3 million pauvre de Wythenshawe, à Manchester, j’aurais pu
families whose children risk going hungry as a result n’être qu’une statistique de plus. »
of it. e. « Je commettrais une injustice envers moi-même,
envers ma famille et ma communauté si je ne me
tenais pas ici aujourd’hui… »

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 12

Create a short video Comment le militantisme évolue-t-il en ce début
On encouragera les élèves à réutiliser ici tout ce de XXIe siècle, à l’heure des réseaux sociaux ?
qu’ils auront appris dans cette séquence : To click or not to click… that is the question. How is
• leurs connaissances, qu’ils pourront également activism entering the 21st century?
approfondir (en utilisant le Build up your file!
notamment) ; La Final task permettra de mesurer l’acquisition des
• les conseils donnés pour s’exprimer efficacement contenus culturels et langagiers au moyen de la
à l’oral et être convaincants. rédaction puis de la mise en voix d’un discours
Si les élèves acceptent que leurs vidéos soient destiné à convaincre un auditoire. Elle aura été
visionnées, on peut proposer un vote final pour la préparée par une tâche intermédiaire entrainant à
vidéo qui aura le plus convaincu leurs camarades. l’expression d’un point de vue personnel dans un
propos oral.

La brick est structurée en trois parties :

1 Old and new faces of activism: après l’évocation
Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances
de figures célèbres, les élèves découvriront les
grâce aux ressources de cette rubrique. Pour la
noms de militants qui s’effacent derrière les causes
constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
2 Clicktivists or slacktivists: la question sera posée
questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
de la valeur de l’engagement sur les réseaux sociaux
trouveront là matière à s’interroger sur la façon
par comparaison avec des formes traditionnelles de
dont les jeunes s’impliquent dans leur rôle de
militantisme : facilité ou autre modalité ? La notion
de “woke” sera explicitée dans une intervention de
Suggestion pédagogique : endosser le rôle d’un
Barack Obama auprès d’étudiants américains.
jeune militant et faire une présentation orale à la
3 Let’s meet the clicktivists: à travers les regards
classe sous forme d’exposé.
critiques d’une jeune blogueuse utilisatrice de
Facebook et de la sociologue américaine Jen
Page 68
Schradie, les élèves seront invités à prendre du recul
et nuancer leurs points de vue.

Clicktivism Page 68

La brick 9 porte sur le phénomène du OLD AND NEW FACES OF ACTIVISM

« clicktivisme » ou cybermilitantisme, c’est-à-dire
un militantisme qui s’exerce en ligne,
principalement sur les réseaux sociaux, sous Figures of progress
diverses formes, pétition, soutien d’une cause par le
relai de tweets ou encore financement participatif… Video 1 script: Activists of the 20th Century
BBC, 21 January 2019
VOICE-OVER: Mahatma Gandhi started a non-
Extrait du B.O. violent worldwide movement aimed at putting an
« Des situations qui mettent en question la end to colonialism.
représentation politique peuvent conduire certains GHANDI: I regard myself as a soldier, though a
citoyens à essayer de faire entendre leur voix à soldier of peace.
travers les réseaux sociaux. Ceux-ci jouent un rôle VOICE-OVER: He began his campaign as a young
dans l’évolution des mécanismes de lawyer working in South Africa, but returned home
représentativité démocratique. to India where he spent the remainder of his life
Objet d’étude : seeking to improve the lives of all Indians, as well as
La démocratie à l’ère du numérique : voix working to end British rule. His example of non-
démocratique et cybermilitantisme ; mouvements violent protest contributed to the end of the British
protestataires viraux, mondiaux (pouvoir politique Empire, and inspired other activists.
des réseaux sociaux) » (voir page 359).
VOICE-OVER: Hellen Keller lost her hearing and sight
as a baby. Despite never hearing or seeing a word,
she learnt to read, write, and went on to graduate
from college.

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 13

HELLEN KELLER: I am not dumb. - Favoured non-violence
VOICE-OVER: Keller’s writing and activism did much - Active in the early 20th century
to raise awareness of disability around the globe, at 2 “Icons: The Greatest Person of the 20th century”
a time when the lack of rights and inferior L’émission a été lancée en 2019 sur BBC2. Chaque
treatment of disabled people was common. The épisode met en compétition quatre « icônes » d’un
way she lived her life helped disabled people the domaine donné et le public doit élire celle qu’il
world over. considère comme la plus importante.
Pour information : c’est Martin Luther King Jr qui, en
VOICE-OVER: Civil rights activist Martin Luther King janvier 2019, a remporté les suffrages dans la
campaigned for racial equality at a time when catégorie présentée dans la vidéo.
African-Americans were treated like second class 3 En fonction de leur culture, les élèves pourront
citizens. Known for his impassioned speeches, his “I penser à Steve Biko (1946-1977, “the Father of
Have a Dream” speech remains one of the most Black Consciousness”), l’archevêque Desmond Tutu
famous and effective in history. (born 1931, Nobel Peace Prize), la chanteuse Miriam
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR: I have a dream. Makeba (1932-2008, United Nations goodwill
VOICE-OVER: He was assassinated in 1968 by a far- ambassador), Walter Sisulu (1912-2003),
right gunman. But through his example of non- Mangosuthu Buthelezi (born 1928, prominent Black
violent activism, his fight for equality lives on. leader during the Apartheid era), etc.
C’est bien sûr Nelson Mandela qui avait été retenu
par la BBC dans la catégorie « leaders » et c’est lui
VOICE-OVER: Emmeline Pankhurst was a political que le public a élu en janvier 2019, le préférant à
activist who campaigned for women to get the vote. Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill et Franklin D.
She went to prison many times for her cause, and Roosevelt.
continued campaigning, even from behind bars. She Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) was presented on the
was instrumental in women over 30 getting the vote “leaders” list because he was one of the founders of
in 1918. And then again, 10 years later, when all the African National Congress Youth League (1944)
women were given the same rights as men. Bitter- and a prominent leader of the anti-apartheid
sweetly this was just weeks before Emmeline movement. After over 26 years spent in jail, he was
Pankhurst died. let out/freed in 1990, was awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1993 (with former state president Frederik
VOICE-OVER: Four activists, four extraordinary de Klerk) and was elected President of South Africa
achievements. Vote for your favourite at bbc.co.uk (first Black president) in 1994.
/icons. 4 On laissera les élèves choisir leurs critères, mais
parmi eux devront figurer ceux de la notoriété et du
1 charisme : a prominent figure, a famous charismatic
Name Country Why they are leader…
famous Si le temps le permet, il sera intéressant de
Mohandas India Nonviolent proposer le même exercice après l’étude des textes
Karamchand struggle to put rassemblés sous le titre “Some 21st century
Gandhi (1869- an end to activists” aux pages 68 et 69, pour faire le portrait
1948) colonialism in des militants du XXIe siècle. Là encore, les élèves
India définiront leurs critères, inspirés peut-être de ceux
Hellen Keller The USA Raising qu’ils auront notés en rencontrant les quatre
(1880-1968) awareness of personnalités de la vidéo, peut-être d’une actualité
disability plus ou moins récente avec des personnalités de
worldwide notoriété variable : militants antiracistes, militants
Martin Luther The USA Nonviolent pour le développement durable (Greta Thunberg…),
King Jr campaign for militants pour la cause féministe (Emma Watson…),
(1929-1968) racial equality pour les droits des animaux (Iouiou, HDO…), les
in the US droits LGBT, etc.
Emmeline Britain Campaign for
Pankhurst women’s vote Training TASK
(1858-1928) Tâche intermédiaire possible en prolongement si la
classe s’y prête et si le temps le permet :
Common points: - Créer une vidéo du même type pour d’autres
- Activists (more equality and tolerance) figures du militantisme dans une catégorie donnée

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 14

(exemples : les acteurs / chanteurs / sportifs lanceurs d’alerte, des catalyseurs, des propagateurs
impliqués dans la lutte pour le climat / le mariage agissant d’abord au sein d’une communauté.
gay / contre la malbouffe…) ; Réponses possibles :
- Organiser un vote dans la classe pour sélectionner It is a problem insofar as these causes do not get as
les militants jugés les plus importants. much publicity as others. These causes may suffer
from a lack of media coverage…
Some causes do not really need charismatic leaders,
therefore it is not a problem…
Pronouncing words ending with “-ic”
Words ending in -ic are stressed on the penultimate Page 70
(= last but one) syllable.
On pourra signaler de rares exceptions à cette CLICKTIVISTS OR SLACKTIVISTS
règle : rhetoric, Arabic, Catholic…
Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago
Pages 68-69
Video 2 script: Barack Obama takes on ‘woke’
call-out culture: ‘That’s not activism’
Some 21st century activists Guardian News, 30 October 2019
You know this idea of purity, and you’ve never
1 1 = Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi. compromised, and you’re always politically woke,
2 = Farai Mubaiwa and all that stuff… You should get over that quickly.
3 = Billy Porter The world, the world is messy. There are
4 = Ridhima Pandey ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have
Si, comme il est fort prévisible, ils ne connaissent flaws.
pas ces personnalités (et c’est l’une des raisons pour People who you are fighting may love their kids and,
lesquelles elles ont été choisies), les élèves pourront you know, share certain things with you and…
du moins identifier le trio correspondant au premier [0:36]
texte. Ils s’appuieront éventuellement sur les …I think that one danger I see among young people,
consonances des trois autres noms pour émettre and particularly among college campuses (Malia
des hypothèses puis devront vérifier par une and I talk about this, Yara goes to school with my
recherche sur Internet par exemple. daughter), er… but I do get a sense sometimes now,
among certain young people, and this is accelerated
2 1 = Black Lives Matter
by social media, there is this sense sometimes of…
2 = Educating South African youths – especially girls
the way of me making change is to be as judgmental
3 = Gay and minority rights
as possible about other people. And that’s enough.
4 = Sustainable development in India
Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do
3 On laissera s’exprimer les opinions et se
something right, or used the wrong verb, or ... then
développer un mini débat le cas échéant. Les élèves I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself!
mobiliseront à cette occasion l’expression de ‘Cause, man, you see how woke I was?! I called you
l’opinion personnelle, la comparaison et le out!! [laughter] Then I get on TV, watch my show,
contraste / opposition. watch Grown-ish1…. [laughter]
4 Là encore, les élèves feront connaitre des points [1:29]
de vue qui pourront varier. On veillera à l’utilisation Er, you know, that’s not, that’s not activism. That’s
d’outils permettant l’argumentation, la cause, etc. not bringing about change, you know. If all you’re
On pourra néanmoins faire remarquer que la doing is casting stones, you’re probably not gonna
notoriété ne fait pas tout, en rappelant (si tel est get that far. That’s easy to do.
bien le cas évidemment) qu’ils ignoraient au départ
qui étaient les quatre figures présentées alors 1
Grown-ish is an American TV show about the life of
même que les causes qu’elles défendent sont college students.
connues… Ainsi se rendront-ils compte que
contrairement à ce qui se passait généralement au 1 On trouvera une information sur la Fondation
XXe siècle, les mouvements peuvent être plus
Obama à cette adresse : https://www.obama.org
aisément portés aujourd’hui par des citoyens, des
Former US President Barack Obama is talking at the
collectifs composés de personnes peu connues pour
Obama Foundation Summit. The atmosphere seems
elles-mêmes, car à l’époque des réseaux sociaux et
to be relaxed even though the staging has been
de la mondialisation, les leaders sont souvent des
carefully controlled.

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 15

2 Obama is apparently addressing an audience of Pages 70-71
American students (one of which, dressed in a pink
suit, is a friend of his daughter Malia’s). The
atmosphere is relaxed yet quite serious. The subtle ways that “clicktivism”
Obama is explaining what “woke” means. shapes the world
3 Obama is talking about activism: “You know,
that’s not, that’s not activism. That’s not bringing
1 They all end with “-tivism”. Activism is the most
about change, you know. If all you’re doing is
common word. They are not really equivalent
casting stones, you’re probably not gonna get that
because “slacktivism” has a negative connotation
and therefore appears as biased.
4 Things are not as easy as they seem to be + the
2 Deen Freelon does not agree that clicktivism is
world is complex: “The world, the world is messy.
useless nor that it replaces offline activism.
There are ambiguities. People who do really good
stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may
love their kids and, you know, share certain things Student “The laziest form of activism”,
with you”. A “changing a profile image, retweeting
5 Obama is worried that people might get confused a sentiment or deploying a trendish
hashtag.”, “online activism is more
and mistake being judgmental for being “woke”: “I
do get a sense sometimes now, among certain effective than many people might
young people, and this is accelerated by social assume.”, “It is deployed by
media, there is this sense sometimes of… the way of [politicians] to spread beliefs and
ideas..”, “clicktivism […] can be
me making change is to be as judgmental as
possible about other people. And that’s enough. effective in spreading little-known
Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do ideas and publicizing non-mainstream
notions.”, “Clicktivism has a major
something right, or used the wrong verb, or ... then
I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself! effect in terms of offering movements
‘Cause, man, you see how woke I was?!” an alternative pathway to the public”.
6 “Judgmental” Student “Sharing and tweeting politics on
B social media correlates with attending
7 Activism is about “bringing about change”, not
political meetings, donating to
taking a simplistic approach or taking the easy way, campaigns and other forms of civic
for instance by yielding to the temptation of engagement.”
criticising without suggesting any alternative
3 Clicktivism has not replaced traditional activism:
“studies suggest that people who engage strongly
with politics online also do so in their offline lives.”
The American accent Most clicktivists are people who will devote their
On invitera les élèves à s’entrainer à écouter et time and energy to defending their positions, be it
répéter les différentes prononciations. online or in a more traditional way offline.
On invitera les élèves à chercher un ou des
exemples autour d’eux ou dans la vie politique de
Déterminer (Ø / the) + Name pays anglophones dont ils peuvent suivre
On pourra présélectionner quelques titres ou inviter l’actualité : discours de campagne, affichages,
les élèves à faire une recherche sur Internet à partir actions impliquant une présence physique (exemple
du mot-clef “President”. Ils feront le constat que “Ø pour ceux qui auront étudié la brick 17 de l’unité 5 :
President” n’intervient que suivi du nom du les actions de rue autour du mouvement BLM – voir
président en question (President Obama, President p. 116-118).
Trump, President Biden…) tandis que l’article est 4 Occupy Wall Street (2011): denounces economic
utilisé soit pour parler du chef de l’Etat sans and social inequalities; blames Wall Street for
précision parce que le contexte permet de savoir causing an economic collapse.
duquel on parle soit avec un complément tel que “of BLM (2013): denounces the violence inflicted on
the USA”. Ce sera l’occasion de rappeler les Black communities in America.
utilisations de l’article défini. Pour ceux qui auront #MeToo (2007): denounces sexual violence inflicted
étudié l’unité 5 (où l’on parle notamment de la reine on women.
d’Angleterre dans la brick 15), un lien sera possible. The men’s rights movement (developed around
2010 but existed before): denounces a bad attitude

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 16

towards men (fathers’ rights, etc.) and boys in 4 She seems to be familiar with social media
today’s society. because she knows what to do if she wants to colour
#TakeAKnee (developed in the 2010s, especially her profile but also because she has seen that
after Colin Kaepernick’s protest in 2016): close to “Facebook’s co-founder Mark Zuckerberg did it and
BLM. the rest of the world followed suit”.
#TimesUp (2018): a charity created by Hollywood 5 According to the author, people will click for
celebrities that raises funds to support the victims of causes when they feel like actually supporting the
sexual harassment in the wake of the #MeToo cause but also out of a desire to make somebody
movement. happy and feel happy themselves because they have
5 “Subtle” here means less aggressive or less been nice, or when they are afraid of being
conspicuous/obvious/visible. criticised/rebuked/scolded for not doing, because
6 Unlike/Contrary to clicktivists, activists will take they feel pressurised to click.
action. Activists engage in action whereas/while 6 Still, she admits that supporting a charity or
clicktivists mostly take up what other people have showing your concern or dedication to a political
done or said and retweet, share or “like” online cause can be very important too. Therefore, we
statements. cannot say that she rejects clicktivism but only that
she is suspicious of people who click and “like” too
Training TASK easily.
Record a 3 mn oral presentation 7 The blogger is addressing her readers or followers.
Cette tâche intermédiaire posera des jalons pour She wants them to take time to think of what they
l’intervention orale finale. On insistera are doing and why they are doing it.
particulièrement sur l’expression du point de vue, On pourrait éventuellement reprendre ici
mais aussi la phonologie et tout particulièrement l’expression “woke” avec laquelle s’amusait Barack
les intonations. Obama dans la vidéo 2 page 70 !
8 On laissera les élèves s’exprimer librement et
confronter leurs expériences et points de vue sur le
L’exercice permettra aux élèves d’approfondir le
sujet en prêtant attention aux perceptions que l’on
Page 73
peut avoir du cybermilitantisme.

Page 72
Sociologist Jen Schradie speaks on Big
Video 2 script: Hashtag politics: 4 key ways digital
activism is inegalitarian
Word of the Week: Clicktivism Big Think, 22 August 2019
[00:00 to 02:07]
1 Les élèves s’appuieront sur ce qu’ils auront vu JEN SCHRADIE: A key claim that’s made around
auparavant dans la brick et opèreront un choix dans digital activism is that it is this more egalitarian
le nuage de mots présenté sous le texte. space, and also enables a wider variety of people to
2 Les élèves devront repérer que le texte provient participate because of the lowered costs of
d’un blog et que la date de publication est déjà participation. And this argument is made because of
relativement ancienne au vu des rapides évolutions how expensive it is in terms of time and energy, for
dans le domaine de la communication et des outils example, to print out flyers or go to a meeting to
numériques. plan an event. Someone may need to, you know,
Given that the text comes from a personal blog, we pay bus fare, or gas, or pay for child care. And so,
may expect the author to be familiar with online many have argued that digital activism really lowers
communication and social networks though not the cost for political participation.
necessarily a specialist. However, I found that this argument really doesn’t
3 The blogger does not seem to believe it is a good consider the cost that people who may not already
have a computer, or a smartphone, or high-speed
idea because it would not mean much to “rainbow”
Internet access, or a data plan that allows you to be
one’s Facebook profile while nothing else changes.
on social media er, constantly, which uses up a lot
To her, it would amount to mere “clicktivism”.
of data, that these are very high costs for people
who are struggling at the margins. And yes, certainly

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 17

we hear reports of viral videos of working-class folks that’s not always the case for a lot of people. It’s
posting something, some injustice, and that’s very really important to remember that when we see a
real. But those are outliers compared to people who hashtag trending, that that hashtag may not really
do have more resources, who are able to engage on be representative of people overall, especially the
a regular basis. And what I found is that the middle- poor. And in the issue that I studied, I found over
to-upper-class groups were much more likely to 60,000 tweets, and only one tweet was from a poor,
have higher levels of online engagement than poor working-class group. Which is statistically zero.
and working-class groups. And the reason is, first of
all, organisationally. So, groups who have more 1 Attention, l’interview sur laquelle porte la
middle to upper-class members tended to just question 1 n’a pas été conservée pour la version
simply have more computers, and skills, and general finale du manuel. Cette question ne peut donc pas
resources. être traitée par les élèves.
[02:07 to 03:51]
But I also found individual reasons. The individual 2
members, right, they really lacked what I call ASETs. Student Activism requires a lot of time and
So they tended to lack access – A for access, right? A energy and can be quite expensive:
That some people had to drive, for example, you printing flyers, going to a meeting
know, ten or twenty miles to their aunt’s house who (cost of transportation + paying for
happened to have a computer, or they had to go to childcare while you are away from
the library, or maybe they had a computer but it’s home), buying and using a computer…
not working so well. So basic access was important. Student Some people have no computer
So, the next part of ASETs is S, skills. So really B and/or no access to the Internet –
understanding the nuance of how Twitter works meaning they have to take their car
was really intimidating for people – how the and drive to a friend’s home to use
Facebook algorithm works. People talked about their computers.
learning how – maybe even going to a training to Some do not know how to use
learn about how to build a website, but not really computers or do not feel entitled to
being able to sustain those skills. But most people engage in using digital tools…
didn’t even have those basic skills at all. Student Some people have no time to spend on
The other issue that I think is really key and part of C social media. Others do not have
this ASETs – so A-S-E, is empowerment. So many consistent online access…
people I talked to said, “Well, I’m not a computer
person”, or “I don’t get up there” in talking about
3 Confrontation des relevés en binômes.
Twitter, right? This very hierarchical sense of “that’s
up there, I’m down here. That’s not for me”. One 4 Confrontation des relevés en trinômes puis
woman told me “Twitter is too fast. I just can’t keep préparation et présentation d’un résumé à l’oral.
up”. And this idea of feeling entitled and
empowered to engage in these tools, that for Final TASK
middle to upper-class folks just feel normalised or Give a 4 mn speech
part of their everyday routines, but for a lot of Cette tâche finale permettra de mesurer
people, it’s much more challenging. l’acquisition des contenus culturels et langagiers au
[03:51 to 05:26] moyen de la rédaction puis de la mise en voix d’un
But the other key point of ASETs is the last letter, T discours destiné à convaincre un auditoire.
for time. One worker I spoke with, young guy who’s Légèrement plus longue que celle qu’ils auront
25 years old, he was a nursing assistant at a mental réalisée en entrainement (Training task page 71),
hospital, and he had to drive into work – it took him elle pourra être conçue comme une étape dans la
a while – lived in a very rural area. He… when he got familiarisation progressive avec le format du Grand
to work, he had to hand over his cell phone, and he Oral (exposé initial de cinq minutes dont une partie
wasn’t able to use it for his entire shift, sometimes peut être en anglais, rappelons-le).
up for 12 hours. And so, if you think about then the
time that it took for him to drive back home, he had
very little time to be engaged online. And often
digital politics happens very quickly. So, for people Pour la constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
who don’t have consistent online access – like many l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
of us do, who have a smartphone, and a laptop, and questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, les
perhaps a tablet or other gadgets that can be élèves trouveront là matière à creuser leur réflexion
substituted in, if one isn’t working, for example – sur la place et l’impact du cyber militantisme.

Unit 3 “Making your voice heard with or without a #?” 18

Page 75

UNIT 4 images ou des représentations qui influencent

notre vision de la réalité. Il s’agit ici de voir comment
“What’s in the News? se détermine la façon dont les individus et les
” groupes perçoivent les enjeux politiques,
économiques et sociaux de leur époque. » […] « À
THÉMATIQUE 2 : REPRÉSENTATIONS travers les prismes politique, médiatique, culturel et
AXE D’ÉTUDE 2 : INFORMER ET S’INFORMER artistique, cette thématique doit permettre une
lecture critique et informée des événements, et
L’UNIT 4 propose un choix de quatre bricks pour encourager les élèves à percevoir et confronter les
traiter de l’axe d’étude n° 2 « Informer et points de vue pour appréhender la pluralité des
s’informer » de la thématique 2 approches des phénomènes contemporains. »
« Représentations », à travers plusieurs des objets Axe 2 Informer et s’informer « Cet axe d’étude
d’étude proposés dans le B.O. à savoir, la permet d’analyser les représentations véhiculées
« construction et manipulation de l’opinion dans les médias par la couverture de situations et
publique », les « médias traditionnels et nouveaux d’événements particuliers du monde anglophone »
médias », les « conglomérats et médias […] « En comparant le traitement médiatique et
indépendants », ou encore « l’évolution des journalistique d’un même événement dans
modèles économiques des médias traditionnels ». différents médias (ou différents pays), on peut ainsi
On s’attachera à analyser et comprendre l’évolution mesurer l’étendue du principe de la liberté
des médias traditionnels anglophones à l’aune de la d’expression et ses limites, et appréhender la
révolution numérique, ainsi que les influences diversité de tons et d’opinions qui s’exprime dans
mutuelles des médias sur la société et sur l’opinion les médias traditionnels et collaboratifs du monde
publique. Il sera ainsi question des concepts anglophone. »
problématiques, mais centraux que sont neutralité Objet d’étude retenu : l’objectivité des médias
et indépendance des médias, de la fin de l’ère du
papier au profit du numérique et des enjeux qui
sous-tendent cette évolution.
Dans quelle mesure les citoyens peuvent-ils
Page 76 s’informer si les médias ne sont pas objectifs ?
Is the news too biased to keep citizens informed?

There are Many Sides to La Final task permettra de réinvestir les

a Story connaissances acquises dans la séquence et de les
mettre en œuvre pour mener des recherches et les
exposer à la classe. La Training task fera réfléchir les
La brick 10 s’intéresse aux organes de presse et à
élèves à la notion d’objectivité dans le journalisme,
leur opinion. La multiplication des canaux
une notion qui sera approfondie dans la partie 3 de
d’information, sans compter la présence toujours
plus importante des réseaux sociaux, peut rendre
difficile l’accès à des sources fiables et objectives.
L’information peut-elle d’ailleurs être objective ? Le
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
rôle des médias est de faire le tri entre l’important
1 An overview of the media in the USA: un aperçu
et l’anecdotique (what’s newsworthy), entre les
des médias et de leur relation avec le
faits et la fiction tout en sachant que ces choix
gouvernement et les citoyens aux États-Unis.
influenceront certainement l’opinion publique.
2 A challenging media environment: est-il possible
de s’informer de façon objective ?
3 Media and politics: les médias sont-ils au service
Extrait du B.O.
des partis politiques ou des citoyens ?
« Représenter et se représenter le monde
anglophone, c’est aussi informer et s’informer.
L’accès à une information plurielle qui reflète la
diversité des points de vue est un enjeu
contemporain majeur. Les médias sont un moyen
privilégié par lequel sont véhiculées des idées, des

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 1

Page 76 3 Accepter toute proposition cohérente et amener
les élèves à justifier leurs propos.
Le professeur pourra également faire remarquer les
AN OVERVIEW OF THE MEDIA IN THE USA faibles pourcentages concernant la radio et les
journaux / magazines et faire réagir les élèves à ce
A free press: Media and the
Page 77

Pour cette activité, les élèves sont répartis en deux A CHALLENGING MEDIA ENVIRONMENT
groupes, le groupe A repérant des éléments sur les
médias et le groupe B sur le gouvernement. Chaque
élève prend le temps de comprendre et de Unbiased news doesn’t exist
reformuler les informations données dans le
document. Cette activité peut être envisagée dans Video 1 script: Media Bias: How AllSides Provides
le cadre de la médiation : prévoir un moment où les Balanced, Unbiased News
élèves puissent expliquer, en anglais ou en français,
AllSides, 14 January 2019
ce qu’ils ont compris du document. At AllSides, we believe unbiased news doesn't exist.
1 Les élèves doivent définir le ou les rôles des To get more clicks and make more money, media
médias selon différents angles : leurs outlets often report news with a left, right or
responsabilités, les recherches pour révéler des sensational slant, either to suit their own agenda or
scandales par exemple, leur rôle lorsqu’il s’agit de because by telling us what we want to hear, we'll
façonner l’opinion, le paysage médiatique et le come back for more.
grand nombre de médias disponibles de nos jours, Several news outlets in the centre do do (sic) a good
les informations qui méritent de faire l’actualité et job of portraying both sides equitably but for the
le 1er amendement. most part, American news media is biased. Bias isn't
2 Pour expliquer la relation entre les médias et le necessarily a bad thing. The key is to get multiple
gouvernement, les élèves pourront se pencher perspectives but making matters worse, social
davantage sur les tensions qui peuvent émerger media and Internet search results are heavily
concernant l’utilisation des médias par les candidats filtered, showing us the most popular opinion or
lors d’élections, la liberté de la presse comme results that match our preferences and make us
moyen de contrôler et d’équilibrer le pouvoir du happy. That means we're all living in filter bubbles
gouvernement (“the Fourth power / Estate”). Les where we're only exposed to viewpoints we already
différentes informations relevées par les élèves agree with, making us less informed and less
pourront mener à faire réfléchir au rôle de contre- tolerant of different people and ideas.
pouvoir des médias, mais aussi à l’influence exercée
par ces derniers. 1 “media outlets often report news with the left,
right or sensational slant, either to suit their own
agenda or because by telling us what we want to
Where Americans are getting their 2 People don’t get different perspectives and often
news read about the most popular opinions or those that
match their own, which may prevent them from
1 Almost half of American adults (46%) say they being well-informed or forming an educated
get most of their news online and 41% prefer judgement.
televisionto get informed. 3 When you live in a filter bubble, you get content
2 The proportion of people who get their news on what you like or agree with. Consequently, you
online increases to 70% for Americans aged may miss out on important information, which is
between 18 and 39 years old. People in their 40s or hidden from you, or not get access to different
50s get their news equally online and on television viewpoints or perspectives. In the end, filter bubbles
whereas people under 60 years old mostly rely on may contribute to a lack of understanding and
television to get informed. It seems that according tolerance towards opposing viewpoints.
to this survey, the older you get the more likely you
are to use television to get informed.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 2

Training TASK
The purpose of journalism Write a short essay regarding
objectivity in journalism
1 Le professeur pourra proposer aux élèves, seuls La production écrite proposée ici permet aux
ou en binômes, de réfléchir, reformuler ou traduire élèves de réinvestir les connaissances et les
cette citation. structures lexicales et grammaticales des parties 1
Journalists must strive to put the truth above their et 2 tout en exposant leur point de vue à travers
own self-interests and beliefs. They should stick with l’argumentation. Il sera intéressant d’inciter les
the truth which may involve a certain amount of élèves à développer et à nuancer leur propos.
objectivity / neutrality. La page 324, How to write an essay, leur sera utile
2 Proposer aux élèves de donner leur propre pour structurer et organiser leur production.
définition du travail d’un journaliste. Les
informations relevées du premier document “A free
press: Media and the government” pourront être MEDIA AND POLITICS
réinvesties en parallèle des réponses plus
personnelles des élèves.
Why it has to be Biden
Pages 77-78
1 Judging from the title and the date, this short
article must be about the election of Joe Biden. It
Objective news was published a few days prior to the election,
November 3rd, 2020.
1 The text deals with the concept of objectivity in 2 Words referring to Trump: a country “unhappy
journalism and the challenge induced by the and divided” / “more unhappy and more divided”,
multiplicity of media and news sources. politics is “angrier” and partisanship “less
2 According to the authors, objectivity can be constrained”.
reached through the methods used by journalists. Words referring to Biden: “not a miracle cure for
3 With the advent of social networks and the what ails America”, “a good man”, “restore
multiplication / proliferation of sources, it has steadiness and civility”, “equipped”.
become more difficult to get objective or neutral There is no doubt that the words used to talk about
news. Trump’s presidency are much more negative than
4 The role of citizens is crucial as far as trust and those about Biden. The newspaper is openly
reliability are concerned. It’s not only about whether criticising Trump’s administration, blaming him for
news is trustworthy but also about citizens being what America has become: an even more polarised
able to discern which news is reliable. / divided country.
3 Not only the title (“Why it has to be Biden”) but
5 Les élèves partagent leurs informations et
also the last sentence (“That is why, if we had a vote,
échangent leurs points de vue.
it would go to Joe”) show that the newspaper
Page 78 favours Biden over Trump. By publishing this article,
the editors are far from being impartial / unbiased
as they clearly side with Joe Biden. They may even
try to sway public opinion and incite their readers to
Uncountable nouns vote for the Democratic candidate
Cette activité peut être l’occasion de rappeler que 4 Accepter les différentes propositions des élèves.
les noms indénombrables sont généralement des Suite à ce qui a été demandé dans la Training task
matières, des notions abstraites ou des activités. les élèves peuvent nuancer leurs propos ou les
Faire remarquer aux élèves que le mot news en
anglais est indénombrable et est suivi d’un verbe
Il sera peut-être nécessaire de donner des
au singulier, le -s final pouvant être source de
explications supplémentaires aux élèves sur le fait
confusion. Il peut être éventuellement précédé de
que dans l’éditorial d’un journal ou d’un magazine,
la structure a piece of pour le dénombrer. Autre
les éditeurs font part de leurs opinions personnelles
exemple dans le texte : information (qui se traduira
et peuvent notamment prendre position pour un(e)
par un pluriel en français).
candidat(e) politique lors d’élections.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 3

Group B:
Pronouncing “-ed” endings Les élèves se réfèrent au schéma de la page 79 ou
Après avoir lu le Focus on sounds sur la peuvent compléter leurs réponses en faisant des
prononciation du « -ed », les élèves sont invités à recherches.
lire le texte qui propose les différentes Some media lean more strongly to the right than
prononciations de la terminaison. others, more particularly Breitbart or Fox News…
• The New York Times and The Washington Post
used words such as “mob”, “rioter”, “riot” and
Page 79
“siege” whereas Breitbart and The Epoch Times
used language which tended to minimise the
importance and the violence of the event
In News Sources We Trust – Or Distrust (“protesters”, “entered”, “alleged Trump
supporters”, “stormed”).
5 When observing the ideological placement of • When reading the news snippets carefully, the
various media, we notice that The Economist has a sequence of events is told from a different
rather liberal audience. It’s no surprise then that its perspective. For example, the journalist for The New
editors chose to endorse the Democratic candidate York Times focuses on the police being hurt by the
for the 2020 presidential election. protesters. On the contrary, The Epoch Times tells
about protesters being the target of gunshots.
2 Les élèves partagent les informations relevées
Pages 79-80 dans les documents et, seuls ou en binômes,
proposent une conclusion.
The type of language the media uses to cover an
How News Media is Describing the event can differ considerably from one publication
Incident at the U.S. Capitol to another. That’s why it’s important to have access
to various sources and to be aware of the fact that
some media sources can manipulate the audience.
1 The article is about the incident that took place at
It is undeniable that language can express bias and
the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021. The journalist
influence the way people perceive major events.
analysed the way the event was dealt with by
3 Accepter toute proposition cohérente et
various media outlets, focusing on the words they
picked to talk about what happened.
Page 80
Pour cette activité, deux groupes d’élèves sont
formés pour répondre aux questions proposées. Le
groupe A se penche sur le vocabulaire utilisé pour
décrire l’événement (tableau en bas de la page 79). Pour ne pas se limiter à la presse écrite, les élèves
Le groupe B analysera les extraits proposés page 80. seront amenés à faire des recherches sur
Les élèves auront besoin de se référer à nouveau au l’impartialité ou, au contraire, le parti pris des
document de la page 79 sur l’orientation politique réseaux sociaux.
des médias et de leur public.
Group A: Final TASK
• Different words were used to describe the event
Present your research
but the word that stood out was “riot” among all the
Dans cette tâche finale proche d’une revue de
media outlets listed in the article. The word “storm”
presse (Fiche How To Prepare a press review in
was also widely used. It can be noted that The Epoch
four steps page 319), un travail de recherche est
Times often used the word “breach”.
proposé aux élèves. Après avoir rassemblé les
• When using the word “riot”, the journalists refer
connaissances acquises dans la séquence, il s’agit
to a violent and often uncontrollable protest.
de sélectionner différents articles sur un même
Conversely, the choice of the word “breach” may
événement et d’analyser la façon dont il a été
minimise the event and indicate that this online
couvert par les journalistes. L’orientation politique
newspaper addresses a more Conservative audience
du média, l’objectivité et le parti pris seront des
and as a result, supporters of Donald Trump.
éléments à prendre en compte dans l’analyse.
Il pourra être proposé aux élèves de traduire la liste
Cette tâche finale se prête aisément à un travail en
de mots et d’en analyser les nuances.
binômes ou groupes.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 4

Can the Internet become a safe digital place?

Pour la constitution du dossier personnel et/ou La Final task permettra de réinvestir les éléments
pour préparer une des questions pour le Grand culturels et linguistiques de la séquence dans une
Oral, les élèves pourront compléter et approfondir production écrite et de répondre à la
le sujet abordé dans la séquence à travers le problématique en proposant notamment des
cinéma. solutions à mettre en œuvre pour éduquer aux
Page 81
La brick est structurée en deux parties :
1 Real news matter: la démocratie est-elle en
danger si l’éducation aux médias n’est pas
Media Literacy 4.0 davantage développée ?
2 Is a safe digital space possible?: quelles
La brick 11 s’intéresse à l’espace de liberté solutions pour combattre la désinformation et
d’expression offert par Internet, mais aussi aux devenir un lecteur averti ?
problématiques que cela peut générer. Les fake
news ne sont pas un phénomène nouveau, mais les Page 81
plateformes en ligne leur ont donné l’occasion de se
propager bien plus vite et de toucher un nombre de
personnes bien plus important. Aussi, il est devenu REAL NEWS MATTERS
crucial de savoir bien s’informer pour savoir
démêler le vrai du faux, de garder sa liberté de
penser, mais aussi de pouvoir exercer son esprit
Becoming media literate
Video 1 script: How to become media literate,
Extrait du B.O.
avoid misinformation
« Représenter et se représenter le monde
KSAT 12, 10 January 2021
anglophone, c’est aussi informer et s’informer.
The current political climate has fueled tensions
L’accès à une information plurielle qui reflète la
between people not only in person but also online.
diversité des points de vue est un enjeu
Media experts say it’s important to understand how
contemporain majeur. Les médias sont un moyen
media works so you can consume the most accurate
privilégié par lequel sont véhiculées des idées, des
images ou des représentations qui influencent
Nightbeat’s team Jonathan Cotto tells us what those
notre vision de la réalité. Il s’agit ici de voir comment
experts say you can do right now to become more
se détermine la façon dont les individus et les
media literate.
groupes perçoivent les enjeux politiques,
RENEE HOBBS: “We are all participating in this
économiques et sociaux de leur époque. » […] « À
ecosystem of consuming and creating media
travers les prismes politique, médiatique, culturel et
artistique, cette thématique doit permettre une
Renee Hobbs is a professor of Communications at
lecture critique et informée des événements, et
University of Rhode Island and says everyone shares
encourager les élèves à percevoir et confronter les
a responsibility in creating and consuming accurate
points de vue pour appréhender la pluralité des
information. Hobbs says it can be easy to accept
approches des phénomènes contemporains. »
information that might not be true, which is why
Axe 2 Informer et s’informer : « L’influence des
being media literate is so important.
médias sur la société et l’opinion publique n’est pas
“Right now, the environment is full of inaccurate
à sens unique : l’étude des interactions entre
information, lies, falsehoods, of stuff that really gets
médias, monde politique et opinion publique peut
under our skin, stuff that makes us angry or makes
mettre en lumière les réseaux d’influence et la
us have strong emotions and motivates us to want
construction de l’opinion. »
to share it”.
Objet d’étude retenu : l’éducation aux médias,
Media literacy is defined as the ability to access,
entre information et désinformation.
analyse and evaluate media in various forms.
Communications professor and author Sue Ellen
Christian from Western Michigan University says
Les plateformes en ligne peuvent-elles devenir de
there are easy changes you can make right now to
réels espaces où l’on peut s’informer en toute
become more media literate.
sécurité ?

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 5

SUE ELLEN CHRISTIAN: “One of the things is to count contrast with 28% saying they use news websites or
the number of sources. Look for other sources search engines to access news.
saying the same thing or other news outlets or other
sources of trusted information. Also, spreading this
information so it’s not just a fringe social media Media education
website, or it’s not just a string of tweets or social
media posts that don’t have verification”. Video 2 script: Indira Lakshmanan: 2020 John S.
Most experts suggest trusting your instincts: pause, Carroll Journalist of the Year
analyse and don’t share until you’ve done your own News Literacy Project, 22 June 2020
research. It's our job to continue to do our work at the highest
Jonathan Cotto, KSAT 12 News. level of quality, and professionalism, and truth
(Did Baba bust market’s bubble? He was really
1 The report may be about understanding the news, making lemonade out of lemon.)
not being fooled by fake news… It may be about This is about distrust and verify.
social networks as we can see different logos on the From when I began in journalism, there's really
still. been an incredible change in news and how we
Les élèves sont invités à expliquer l’expression consume it. There are many more voices than
“media literate”. Accepter toute proposition before. How do you sift out what is real and what is
cohérente. garbage?
2 According to the first interviewee (Renee Hobbs), The only way we can protect our democracy is being
it’s important to give, share and get accurate / true able to tell false information from truly vetted, deep
information. We are surrounded by false or journalism.
inaccurate information, that’s why people need to
be media literate and be able to tell real from fake 1 Indira Lakshmanan is a journalist. She was
news. Furthermore, people can get really annoyed awarded a prize for her work / career as a journalist.
or upset by a certain kind of news which makes them 2 She explains that the news and the way people
want to share it. In fact, people tend to react before consume it has changed / evolved, especially since
thinking and can get too emotional about the news. nowadays there are many media outlets and a lot of
3 In the report, media literacy is defined as “the information is spread via the Internet and social
ability to access, analyse and evaluate media in networks.
various forms”.
3 One of her main concerns is the impact false
Définition à comparer avec celle proposée par les
information may have on democracy. Journalists
have a major / crucial role to play as they are
4 It’s essential to get news from different sources
supposed to give relevant and trustworthy
and compare what different news outlets or media
say about the same event. Checking / verifying other
4 The journalist may want to highlight the fact that
sources also allows you to see if they give the same
if people can’t tell false from true information,
democracy is threatened.
5 The journalists advise people to pause, analyse
and do some research before sharing any
Training TASK
information online. One of the keys to becoming
media savvy is to understand how the media works Debate
La Training task propose aux élèves de s’exprimer
in order to avoid being manipulated.
et d’échanger sur leur façon de s’informer
concernant les plateformes utilisées et notamment
celles qu’ils trouvent les plus efficientes. Il sera
Digital news intéressant de les encourager à justifier leurs choix
à l’aide d’exemples.
1 The survey shows that the use of news digital Quelques minutes seront données pour qu’ils
platforms may vary according to age. Most age réfléchissent et mettent par écrit leurs idées, seuls
groups seem to turn to news websites and apps ou en binômes, avant de les exposer et échanger à
when they want to keep informed online. l’oral.
2 The most common digital way young Americans Une lecture des pages 315 et 316, How to Debate,
opt for is social media. Indeed, 42%, aged between permettra aux élèves de mobiliser des expressions
18 and 29, say they often get their news this way in utiles au débat et aux échanges de points de vue.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 6

Page 82 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a U.S. Representative,
raises awareness about the spread of
misinformation and disinformation that can have a
Informed digital citizens are the best disastrous and harmful outcome.
defence against online manipulation 2 Les élèves sont invités à faire des propositions de
définitions et éventuellement à les justifier en
1 Accepter toute réponse cohérente et justifiée de donnant des exemples, le but étant de leur faire
la part des élèves. Il s’agit entre autres d’expliquer comprendre la nuance.
en quoi consiste un deepfake et de l’importance de Définitions du Cambridge Dictionary :
- misinformation: wrong information, or the fact
l’éducation aux médias.
that people are misinformed.
2 Deepfakes can be extremely deceitful / misleading
- disinformation: false information spread in order
as they get better over time / look more and more
to deceive people.
authentic, and, as a consequence, more and more
3 According to her, the incidents at the Capitol were
difficult to detect. It’s become easier than ever to
partly due to the fact that people are not media
alter videos thanks to today’s technology like
literate enough. In that case, the citizens were
artificial intelligence and almost anybody, or tech-
deliberately misled / disinformed.
savvy people, can do it.
4 She thinks it’s about time to combat
3 Deepfakes can easily and quickly spread
misinformation more efficiently given what
misinformation and bamboozle / dupe / fool people
happened at the Capitol. She seems ready to
by making them believe false news. If people can’t
encourage media literacy initiatives so as to equip
have access to trustworthy / reliable information or
don’t know if they can trust the news, that may have citizens better. In a way, she is asking for a stricter
an impact on citizen participation. That’s why the control of what is published online.
journalist thinks democracy is endangered / at risk
Page 83
or undermined. If they are not careful, people can be
easily influenced and change their minds, especially
during elections time.
4 According to the author, citizens must be educated
to be able to detect fake news. She mentions
“educators” or teachers who may have an essential It’s time to let the truth get in the way
role in teaching / equipping young people so they of a good fake news story
can fact-check information more efficiently.
Les élèves sont invités à donner leur avis sur ces 1 He thinks everybody needs to be proficient in
solutions et éventuellement à en proposer d’autres. digital literacy skills, not just kids but also adults.
2 It is said fake news influenced the 2016 US
presidential election, the Brexit referendum (in
2016) and the 2019 Australian federal election. The
The ŋ ending media can play a crucial / pivotal role in elections
Faire repérer et lire aux élèves les mots se because it can make voters change their minds and
terminant par « -ng » dans le texte. Le son /ŋ/ est help certain parties win elections.
une des trois consonnes nasales en anglais. 3 The recommendations given in the article:
Lorsque « -ng » apparait en fin de mot, on ne - to vet / check sources carefully;
prononce pas la lettre g. - to read about the same event in other sources;
- to do thorough research to understand an event or
a subject better;
- not to believe everything you watch or read / to use
critical-thinking skills.
4 Accepter toute proposition cohérente. Un
Quotes moment d’échange pourra ensuite être prévu pour
mettre en commun les différentes idées et fournir
1 Il pourra être utile, voire indispensable, de lire le davantage d’arguments aux élèves pour la tâche
Fast fact de la page 82 afin de fournir aux élèves les finale.
informations nécessaires pour mieux comprendre
le contexte dans lequel les propos d’Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez ont été prononcés.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 7

consommation de l’information par le public. La
Prefixes with a negative meaning réponse du marché a été de se consolider, et ce sont
Pour exprimer le sens contraire ou un sens négatif les enjeux de cette consolidation que nous
(not, the opposite…), des mots (noms, adjectifs…) proposons d’étudier ici. La brick porte une attention
peuvent être précédés d’un préfixe comme mis- ou particulière à l’étude de cas, ce qui permet d’ancrer
dis-. Certains mots peuvent également accepter le sujet dans des situations concrètes.
deux préfixes différents comme mistrust ou
distrust et avoir le même sens. Les autres exemples Extrait du B.O.
donnés ont aussi un préfixe ajouté au radical et « Représenter et se représenter le monde
expriment également l’idée contraire. anglophone, c’est aussi informer et s’informer.
L’accès à une information plurielle qui reflète la
diversité des points de vue est un enjeu
contemporain majeur. Les médias sont un moyen
Depuis quelques années, les réseaux sociaux privilégié par lequel sont véhiculées des idées, des
tentent de lutter contre la propagation de fausses images ou des représentations qui influencent
informations. Les élèves sont invités à faire des notre vision de la réalité. Il s’agit ici de voir comment
recherches pour en apprendre davantage sur ce se détermine la façon dont les individus et les
sujet. groupes perçoivent les enjeux politiques,
économiques et sociaux de leur époque. »
Final TASK Axe d’étude 2 : Informer et s’informer
Write an op-ed « Cet axe d’étude permet d’analyser les
Dans cette production écrite, il s’agit de réinvestir représentations véhiculées dans les médias par la
les éléments culturels et langagiers étudiés dans la couverture de situations et d’évènements
séquence. Les élèves pourront par ailleurs particuliers du monde anglophone. En tant que
exprimer leur point de vue tout en apportant des relais du débat public, les médias – et par extension
arguments plus personnels concernant l’éducation l’ensemble des diffuseurs d’information depuis
aux médias. l’avènement du numérique – sont l’un des outils
privilégiés qui aident le peuple à se construire un
savoir, à se représenter les enjeux politiques et
sociaux et, plus largement, le monde. […]
Cet axe d’étude permet, par ailleurs, d’étudier la
Les pistes proposées ici portent sur la liberté manière dont les médias anglophones se sont
d’expression et la confidentialité des données – adaptés aux enjeux du XXIe siècle, notamment le défi
deux sujets sensibles dès lors que la question du posé par la multiplication des écrans, le succès des
contrôle de l’information ou de l’expression est sites d’information gratuits puis des agrégateurs,
abordée. Pour la constitution du dossier personnel qui mettent en difficulté les médias traditionnels. »
et/ou pour préparer une des questions pour le Objet d’étude retenu : conglomérats et médias
Grand Oral, les élèves pourront compléter et indépendants.
approfondir le sujet abordé dans la séquence à
travers ces exemples.
Page 84 En quoi la consolidation des médias serait-elle un
frein à l’indépendance éditoriale ?
How could media consolidation threaten editorial

The Media Under La Final task permettra aux élèves de s’approprier

Influence et réinvestir les contenus de la séquence. Nous
proposons une table ronde faisant intervenir
La brick 12 approfondit l’étude sur l’influence des plusieurs acteurs du monde des médias qui feront
médias qui est parfois menée en tronc commun. Elle état des enjeux de la consolidation du marché
permet d’aborder la manière dont les médias médiatique, en fonction de leur rôle. Les tâches et
anglophones se sont adaptés aux enjeux du XXIe activités de la séquence sont centrées sur des
siècle, notamment le défi posé par les crises entraînements à l’expression orale en continu et en
successives qui ont mis à mal le secteur médiatique, interaction afin de préparer ce projet final.
crises engendrées par les enjeux de l’expansion du
numérique et par le changement des habitudes de

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 8

therefore hinder/obstruct their (editorial) integrity.
La brick est structurée en trois parties : In short, conglomerates could interfere with the
1 An Overview of Media Ownership: partie independence of the media.
généraliste qui présente un panorama de la
situation et fournit des données globales sur la
concentration du marché des médias et l’intérêt des Page 85
milliardaires à acheter des organes de presse.
2 Embracing The Digital Age: partie au format
étude de cas, s’attardant sur l’évolution numérique Who bought what media?
des médias. Elle présente le cas de Jeff Bezos et le 1 The people on the left are billionaires. They are
rachat du Washington Post en 2013. Elle intègre les known/famous for being the founders of large
raisons du rachat, les changements apportés et les firms/ big companies/for owning large businesses.
réactions liées à ce rachat. 2 The infographic shows that lately, billionaires have
3 The Situation in the UK: une dernière partie been purchasing newspapers. Maybe to make
également au format étude de cas, qui se focalise money out of them / to publish information about
sur les enjeux de la consolidation des médias au their own company or diversify their businesses / to
Royaume-Uni. share their own opinion / to expand their influence /
to influence newspapers or journalists / to gain
Page 84
Pages 85-86


Why do billionaires want to own the
These 6 companies control much of
U.S. media 3 Media organisations are in difficult/dire financial
1 The infographic shows the variety/multiplicity of situations because they are struggling to make
media outlets/companies existing in the media money online out of ads. They are facing these
industry. difficulties because people don’t pay for online
2 access to their newspapers and due to the fact that
- Orange: A conglomerate is a large company advertisers pay less for digital ads.
owning several smaller businesses – it is a gathering Since/As people don’t pay for online access, media
of several companies. organisations are in a financially dire situation.
The six conglomerates and their respective 4 Business moguls invest in media organisations
revenues: AT&T ($190B), Comcast ($95B), Disney because they want to bring their financial
($55B), 21st Century Fox ($29B), CBS ($14B) and sense/knowledge to the media business, in order to
Viacom ($13B). make newspapers profitable again. Another reason
- Blue: Television Networks, Studios/Production, would be that they think that owning a media
Publishing, Sports, Telecom, Cable Satellite/Channel company will make them more influential.
and Internet.
- Green: ABC operates in the television network Page 86
business and belongs to Disney; Fox News operates
in the news business and belongs to the 21 Century
3 The infographic shows that the media market is How to correct your pronunciation
very diversified. Yet, although there are numerous Il est possible de diriger les élèves vers des lecteurs
media outlets, these companies are in the hands of automatiques pour corriger et améliorer leur
few and financially powerful corporations. prononciation (text-to-speech). Ces lecteurs
Two possible positive impacts: first, a diversity in automatiques permettent d’enregistrer leur
points of view (different news outlets = different production ou des parties de leur production sous
perspectives on an issue). And secondly, the format mp3, et ainsi de développer leur autonomie
financial power of a conglomerate prevents its d’apprenants. On pourra leur faire utiliser en cours
smaller businesses from going bankrupt. ou à la maison, par exemple : https://freetts.com/
On the negative side, this financial power could bear https://ttsmp3.com/
significant influence on the media outlets and might

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 9

Training TASK Les tweets et extraits de journaux rassemblent des
Create a 1 min video réactions de lecteurs et de journalistes à la suite de
La tâche intermédiaire permettra aux élèves de l’acquisition du Washington Post par Jeff Bezos.
résumer les données étudiées dans la première Dans un deuxième temps : Les élèves constituent
partie et de s’approprier les différents des groupes de 3 (chaque élève ayant étudié un
changements se produisant dans le marché des document différent). Chacun présente l’un après
médias. Notamment, en premier lieu, la très l’autre les observations contenues dans son
grande diversité des organes médiatiques. Puis, document.
l’existence des conglomérats médiatiques, qui À l’issue de cette présentation orale individuelle, il
consolident le marché et rendent les organes peut leur être demandé de faire une synthèse de
médiatiques moins vulnérables aux difficultés groupe (écrite ou orale) rassemblant les conclusions
financières dans un marché en constante de leur travail.
évolution. Ceux-ci exercent potentiellement une Ce récapitulatif constituera un second apport de
influence sur les organes de presse et peuvent contenu afin de préparer la tâche finale, ainsi qu’un
constituer une menace pour l’indépendance des second travail à l’oral.
journalistes et des chaînes médiatiques.
Finalement, l’entrée des milliardaires dans le
marché des médias est une tendance qui a pris de Jeff Bezos at the Economic Club Of
l’ampleur. Washington
Cette tâche permettra aux élèves de jouer le rôle
d’experts ; elle pourra prendre la forme d’un appel Video 1 script: Jeff Bezos on Buying the
à expert tel qu’on en trouve dans les émissions Washington Post
télévisées. Les élèves pourront construire un CNBC, 13 September 2018
document support à leur parole (diaporama ou Interviewer: Speaking of Washington, you bought a
montage vidéo). Le contenu de cette prise de few years ago as you mentioned the Washington
parole en continu sera repris lors de la tâche finale Post. Why did you buy the Washington Post? You
(notamment pour le rôle du modérateur). had no background in that area. What convinced
you to do that?

EMBRACING THE DIGITAL AGE JEFF BEZOS: Okay first of all I was not looking for a
newspaper. I had no intention of buying a
L’objectif de cette partie est d’envisager la façon newspaper, I had never thought about the idea, it
dont les médias ont pu évoluer face à la révolution had never occurred to me, it was never something
numérique, en se focalisant sur le cas du rachat par – wasn't like a childhood dream – no, nothing. And
Jeff Bezos du Washington Post en 2013. my friend Don Graham who at that time I had
known 15 years – I’ve known him 20 years now – he
Mise en œuvre : cette partie se divise en deux approached me through an intermediary and
temps. wanted to know if I would be interested in buying
Dans un premier temps : La classe se divise en 3 the Washington Post and I sent back word that I
groupes d’effectifs égaux. Cette première partie du would not, because I didn't really know anything
travail se déroule individuellement : les élèves about newspapers and Don, over a series of
travaillent chacun sur un document (la vidéo, le conversations, convinced me that, er, that was
texte ou l’ensemble de réactions) dans le but de unimportant because we had, inside the
présenter les données à leurs camarades. Les Washington Post, we have so much talent that
réponses aux questions s’efforcent de faciliter leur understands newspapers. That wasn't what the
compréhension et leur donnent des pistes afin de problem was. What they needed was somebody
présenter les données essentielles à leur camarade, who had an understanding of the Internet. And so,
lors du deuxième temps. so that was the first thing – that's kind of how it got
La vidéo se focalise sur les raisons qui ont poussé started, and then, I, so I did some soul-searching
Jeff Bezos à acheter le Washington Post, à partir de and again my decision – making process is
son propre témoignage. something – this would definitely be intuition and
Le texte se concentre sur les changements qu’il a not analysis.
apportés à l’organe de presse après trois ans à sa The financial situation of the Washington Post at
tête. that time – this is 2013 – was very upside down and
it's a fixed-cost business and they had lost a lot of
revenue over the previous five or six years, not
through any fault of the people working there or of

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 10

the leadership team. (All of-) The paper had been Page 87
managed very very well. The problem was a secular
one: the Internet was just eroding all of the
traditional advantages that local newspapers had, How The Washington Post has changed
all of them. I mean that was just taking away, every under Jeff Bezos
gift that the local newspaper had was kind of 1 The Washington Post was experiencing financial
systematically removed by the Internet. And so difficulties before Jeff Bezos acquired the newspaper
that's why you see this. It's a profound problem (“a media company that struggled in the wake of
across local newspapers all around the country and the financial crisis,” l. 5-6). The major
in fact the world. accomplishment was that over a period of 3 years,
And so, so I had to do some soul-searching and I the newspaper increased its readership on the
said, you know, is this something I want to get Internet and started making money again (“had
involved in? If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna put some doubled its web traffic and become profitable,” l. 3-
heart into it and some work into it. And I decided I 4).
would only do that if I really believed it was an 2 This was made possible thanks to Jeff Bezos’s long-
important institution. And I said to myself if this term vision and because Bezos brought his
were a financially upside-down salty snack food technological knowledge in the business of
company, the answer would be no. And but it was… delivering information.
as soon as I started thinking about it that way, I was 3 The results are:
like, this is – this IS an important institution. It's - the newspaper increased its staff (“has
really… it is the newspaper in the capital city of the hired more than 250 people,” l. 24);
most important country in the world. The - they changed the way they were managing
Washington Post has an incredibly important role to news content (l. 25);
play in this democracy. - they began using networks such as Reddit
and TikTok (l. 27-28);
1 Jeff Bezos will probably speak about his purchase - from a local news outlet, the WaPo became
of the Washington Post in 2013, five years into national, when the paying readership went
buying the newspaper. He might allude to the over 1.5 million subscribers (l. 29-34).
reasons why he acquired it. 4 The tone of the text is
2 Check hypotheses. laudatory/praising/complimentary: “impressive
3 The purchase of the Washington Post wasn’t feat” (l. 4), “impressive” (l. 6), “talent” (l. 9),
planned. The former owner of the newspaper (Don “extreme long-term mindedness” (l. 10), “immense
Graham) called out to Jeff Bezos to ask him if he knowledge” (l. 14), “brought a big plus with it” (l.
would be interested in buying the newspaper. 16)…
At first Bezos refused because he had no knowledge 5 Dans l’optique d’un entraînement à la tâche finale
of the business / he had “no background in this orale, il peut être demandé aux élèves de n’utiliser
area”. “Over a series of conversations,” Don aucune note pour présenter leur document à leurs
Graham convinced him that it was not important, camarades.
since there were experts within the newspaper
already. Page 88
4 At the time, the Washington Post was in dire
financial difficulties (“upside down”) because they
had lost revenue over the previous 5 or 6 years.
Reactions to Bezos’s purchase of The
Indeed, the Internet had changed the pattern of the
media industry, especially regarding local Post
newspapers, and the newspaper had to evolve.
5 Ultimately, Jeff Bezos says he accepted the 1 Émission d’hypothèses. Les réactions
transaction because he realised that the consécutives à l’achat du WP peuvent être, très
Washington Post was an important institution (“it is schématiquement, de deux ordres : positives ou
the newspaper in the capital city of the most négatives. Positives, car cela « sauve » un journal en
important country in the world”) and that “it had an difficulté, négatives car cela pourrait empiéter sur la
important role to play in democracy”. liberté des journalistes. Ces deux points sont
6 Dans l’optique d’un entraînement à la tâche finale anticipés dans l’article de la BBC étudié dans la
orale, il peut être demandé aux élèves de n’utiliser première partie “Why do bilionnaires want to own
aucune note pour présenter leur document à leurs the news ?”. Les élèves peuvent donc les retrouver.
camarades. People’s expectation could be that the WP will
overcome its financial difficulties and will modernise

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 11

with the digitalisation of the news business, and aucune note pour présenter leur document à leurs
their worries could be that the influence of the new camarades.
owner would thwart journalists’ independence.
Reaction Potential
Word formation
reasons for the
reaction Derivation
Testimony from Optimistic yet Optimistic Prefix Root Suffix
a senior editor uncertain; because it will Unfavourable un- favour -able
both hopeful give  défavorable
and doubtful. journalists the Ownership own -er
resources to  propriété -ship
perform their (long-term) mind -ed
duty. mindedness -ness
Doubtful  pensée,
because the disposition d’esprit
reasons for To strengthen str(o/e)ng -th
buying the WP  renforcer -en
could be
narcissistic / Compounds
seen as a self- Print-focused  print + focus + -ed = focalisé sur le
centered papier, sur l’imprimé = (la presse) papier
promotion (“a Starry-eyed  star + (r) + -y + eye + -ed = des
vanity étoiles plein les yeux = idéaliste, rêveur
project”). Civic-minded  civic + mind + -ed  ayant un
Tweet from Doubtful, Suspicious (grand) sens/esprit civique, citoyen
Brad Plumer suspicious. because the An overview  over + view = un apercu,
aim of the panorama, vision d’ensemble, tour d’horizon
purchase A turnaround  turn + around = un revirement,
could be to volte-face
advance An output  out + put = production
Amazon’s To trailblaze  trail + blaze = ouvrir la voie / être
agenda: using pionnier (dans)
the To override  over + ride = outrepasser / ignorer /
newspaper as passer outre
a means to Newsgathering  news + gathering = recueil /
promote laws collecte d’informations = la presse, le journalisme
that would
benefit the
company, and
not to inform
Article by Chris Optimistic, Optimistic
Taylor enthusiastic because it is Poster from the Media Reform
(“the best going to Coalition - 2015
thing”). modernise 1 A manifesto is a declaration stating the objectives
journalism. of a group of people, usually a political platform.
Taylor says 2 The poster is composed of two half-faces, those of
that he just two major owners of media conglomerates (Rupert
wants to make Murdoch and Jonathan Harmsworth with his title).
the consumers The faces are surrounded by circles, looking like a
happy. target. In the end, it seems that the two half-faces
are at the center of a target: they are the aim of the
3 Dans l’optique d’un entraînement à la tâche finale manifesto. The red color suggests an attack / infers
orale, il peut être demandé aux élèves de n’utiliser some sort of violence aimed at the two people. The
contrast emphasises their facial features and make

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 12

them look hostile. The composition of the poster
shows the political orientation of the manifesto.
3 The aim of the manifesto is to raise awareness on Les documents proposés dans cette rubrique ont
the monopolisation of the media market by two pour but d’élargir la perspective et le focus de la
billionaires. The manifesto aims at attacking brick, en rassemblant des éléments anciens et
consolidation/monopoly within the media market récents qui construisent la culture du monde
and at defending the plurality of media ownership. anglophone (Citizen Kane de Orson Welles (1941),
film relatant la vie d’un magnat de la presse, ou bien
la récente série sur Rupert Murdoch, produite par la
Cette Press Review n’est pas à proprement parler BBC en 2020).
une revue de « presse », le travail proposé invite les Elle propose également un tour d’horizon sur la
élèves à s’informer sur les enjeux soulevés par la situation en Australie et dans le monde.
consolidation des médias au Royaume-Uni (le fait
que les organes médiatiques soient concentrés
Final TASK
entre très peu de mains), et à analyser les raisons et
la portée de cette évolution. Act out a roundtable discussion
Les élèves auront travaillé :
- sur l’évolution du marché des médias ;
Page 90 - sur les difficultés que les médias rencontrent ;
- sur leur nécessaire évolution en regard de la
numérisation de l’information et de sa diffusion ;
Time for Control on Media Ownership - ainsi que sur l’intervention des milliardaires dans
le financement et la gestion des organes
1 Texte extrait du manifeste présenté
Pour finir, ils auront envisagé les potentiels
précédemment, qui propose des aménagements
obstacles à l’indépendance des journalistes que ces
pour réguler les potentielles dérives liées à la
évolutions engendrent.
consolidation des médias.
Nous proposons donc cette table ronde dans
The main function of the text is to call for regulations
laquelle une panoplie d’acteurs du monde des
/control concerning media ownership.
médias feront état de leur point de vue,
2 To reduce the influence of big media corporations, évoqueront les problématiques sous-jacentes et
the text proposes to: chercheront des solutions afin de favoriser la
- limit the proportion of the media market transparence des médias et la diffusion
that companies/a unique owner can indépendante de l’information.
possess (“how much companies can own”
(l. 1), “no single voice can control more that Page 91
20 or 30 percent of a designated media
market” (l. 10-11)  this is called an
“ownership cap” (l. 8): they propose to set From the Rotary Press
the cap at 15% of a designated market);
- demand that the most powerful companies to the Digital Era
meet requirements concerning media
plurality so as to ensure journalistic and La brick 13 propose d’examiner l’évolution de la
editorial independence (l. 6-7); presse écrite, son rôle capital dans une société
- limit the power of ministers to give special démocratique et la mutation profonde que le
authorisations to companies to enable passage du papier au numérique a engendrée. Quel
them to possess more than the law avenir pour la presse écrite ? Quel enjeu pour nos
requires; sociétés ? Peut-elle être complémentaire d’Internet
- ask companies to fulfill their public service comme elle l’a été et le reste, de la radio et de la
duty; télévision ? C’est cette réflexion que les documents
- strengthen Ofcom’s power over the de cette brick vont permettre aux élèves de mener
regulation of media concentration and en se concentrant sur les exemples des États-Unis
media plurality while at the same time et du Royaume-Uni.
making it more accountable to the public.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 13

Extrait du B.O. 2 Laisser du temps aux élèves pour prendre
« Représenter et se représenter le monde connaissance du document. Cette activité de pair-
anglophone, c’est aussi informer et s’informer. work permet de repérer les dates clés de l’histoire
L’accès à une information plurielle qui reflète la de la presse écrite.
diversité des points de vue est un enjeu 3 Une fois ce repérage et l’échange en binômes
contemporain majeur. Les médias sont un moyen faits, chaque élève produit une chronologie avec les
privilégié par lequel sont véhiculées des idées, des dates de son choix qu’il complètera tout au long de
images ou des représentations qui influencent la brick.
notre vision de la réalité. »
Axe d’étude 2 : Informer et s’informer. « En tant que Page 92
relais du débat public, les médias – et par extension
l’ensemble des diffuseurs d’information depuis
l’avènement du numérique – sont l’un des outils
The online evolution of newspapers
privilégiés qui aident le peuple à se construire un
savoir, à se représenter les enjeux politiques et
Video 1 script: Len Apcar of the International
sociaux et, plus largement, le monde.
Herald Tribune on the online evolution of
Médias traditionnels et nouveaux médias :
évolution des modèles économiques des médias
INSEAD, 23 August 2012
traditionnels. »
STUART PALLISTER: Len Apcar, you’re a deputy
Objet d’étude retenu : La presse écrite face au défi
managing editor of The International Herald Tribune
du numérique
and chief editor for Asia. Thanks for joining us on
Knowledge. You took part recently in the Business
Journalists Seminar - you were the guest speaker -
Dans quelle mesure la presse écrite peut-elle
and you’re telling us about your time on The New
survivre à l'ère numérique ?
York Times, you were helping to basically set up the
To what extent can print media survive in the
web edition in the meantime…( - That’s right) How
digital age?
do you see the new media developing vis-à-vis the
sort of print edition of the Times?
La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions
LEN APCAR: I think that digital storytelling will be
de la séquence par les élèves et de répondre à la
complementary to print storytelling and that
problématique. Il s’agit pour l’élève de concevoir et
American journalism, western journalism, all forms
de prononcer un elevator pitch, c’est-à-dire de se
of journalism is going to have to become much more
présenter et de convaincre un investisseur de
diverse in the way it looks at stories. So a New York
s’impliquer financièrement dans son projet de
Times reporter for instance now is called upon to
version imprimée du journal local en une minute.
think about the story in terms of web elements,
interactive graphics, video storytelling, additional
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
photography perhaps putting more documents up
1 A brief history of the press: un rapide panorama
and support of the story, giving the reader a much
de l’histoire de la presse et le défi numérique.
more enriched experience online that goes beyond
2 Facts and figures: le rôle de la presse écrite à
the printed page. I always used to say when I was
l’ère du numérique et des données chiffrées.
web editor: we've got to tell stories in ways the
3 Case study: The New York Times and The
paper cannot tell them.
Guardian. Étude de cas : l’avenir d’un journal
STUART PALLISTER: How do you do that? How do
américain et d’un journal britannique
you tell a story…?
emblématiques à l’ère du numérique.
LEN APCAR: Well, you know, if it’s a story about
sounds, we should be able to hear it; if it's a story
Page 91
that's visual, we should be able to see it. A
newspaper can run sometimes one, two maybe
three photographs with the story. I thought the web
could run eight and we can blow the pictures up and
make them more vivid and get into more detail. We
can explain things more with an interactive graphic
The printing press where you can use the computer to steer things and
see things in two or three dimensions and that kind
1 This infographic presents the main dates of the of thing that you can't do on the printed page.
evolution of the print media up to the 2000s.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 14

[02:02] 1 Pairs A – Len Apcar:
STUART PALLISTER: But do you think that ultimately - Deputy managing editor of The International
you're going to be kind of cannibalising your own Herald Tribune and chief editor for Asia in 2012.
audience with the online version that is going to - Previously worked for The New York Times, in
take readers away from the print version? particular to develop and manage their website
LEN APCAR: You know everyone thought that that NYTimes.com.
would happen and what we found is that over the - This interview deals with the evolution of the press
years - and the website is more than 10 years old with access to its titles online.
now it's all going onto its 12th year - what we found - Len Apcar explains that the move to digital requires
is that there is very little overlap first among a more diverse and multifaceted approach from
readers, it's hard to believe because a lot of journalists: ‘‘web elements, interactive graphics,
journalists think ‘‘oh I read the paper and I read the video storytelling, additional photography perhaps
website, there must be a lot of people like me’’ but putting more documents up and support of the
in fact that's not true. Secondly, people read the story’’ to provide readers with a more
website differently than they read the paper even straightforward and interactive experience. ‘‘We
those that do read both. People come to the web can explain things more with an interactive graphic
for headlines, for a quick overview and update of where you can use the computer to steer things and
what's going on in the world or in their community see things in two or three dimensions and that kind
or their city and they don't necessarily come to it for of thing that you can't do on the printed page.’’
the same kind of deep lean back - open the paper
up, read - that we’re accustomed to with print Pairs B
journalism. They also recognise that print - The host raises the question of the risk of the print
journalism, newspapers, magazines and other kinds version of a newspaper being absorbed by its digital
of old form media if you will, give you a sense of fun version and, in the long run, of the print version's
serendipity to show you stories or things that you inevitable disappearance.
weren't necessarily looking for. The web, when I say - Len Apcar explains that the targeted readership is
people read the web differently, the web is very not the same.
much research and obtain medium - I'm going and - Indeed, the typical reader of the digital version is
I'm looking for an update, I'm going and I'm looking looking for headlines, a quick digest of world and
for a fact, I'm going and looking for a particular topic local news, specific information.
and I want to explore it - and that's fine, that can be - Conversely, typical readers of the paper version are
very complementary to what a print product and a more likely to be interested in in-depth articles to
newspaper report or magazine can do. complement what they have seen or heard in other
STUART PALLISTER: And also I suppose, for the time media for example.
issue, that's you know a paper you’re usually just - There is a sense of immediacy with the digital
putting out once a morning, with the web you can version. Readers of the print version, on the other
update, history update it… hand, read the news only once a day but discover
LEN APCAR: All the time and I think people now are more topics because they are more open to
much more comfortable of getting their news on a discovering other subjects as they read.
handheld device whether it's a cell phone or a 2 Les élèves sont invités à travailler à quatre : un
digital system of some kind, they can read it for their binôme A présente et commente le passage de
headlines and I don't necessarily think that takes l’interview de Len Apcar à un binôme B et vice-
away from the reading experience of the next versa. Le professeur veillera à une répartition
morning. We are cognisant though of the fact that équilibrée de la parole en circulant dans la classe.
our readers oftentimes will have heard the news 3 Cette activité de travail en binômes dans un
during the day and we cannot put a story into the premier temps, puis de travail en petits groupes
paper tomorrow that assumes in every respect that ayant pour objectif de mener les élèves à écrire un
they do not know the news. So we have to assume résumé sur le sujet de l’évolution numérique des
that they have heard something about a major journaux, il convient de laisser du temps aux deux
development and they're looking for more analysis, binômes pour échanger, se poser des questions,
they're looking for more detail, they're looking for a clarifier telle ou telle interprétation.
richer storytelling experience that gives them more 4 Cette tâche écrite vient clore le travail sur ce
insights into what's happening and understand that
document. Elle peut être individuelle ou effectuée
that reader may have listened to television, may
en binômes, au choix du professeur.
have listened to radio, may have had a headline and
its brief story on the web before coming to the
printed page.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 15

believe has become commonplace. Finally, the race
The schwa sound /ə/ for scoops prevents the verification of information
paper → /ˈpeɪpə/ - media → /ˈmiːdiə/ - reader → and rigorous analysis and also increases the
/ˈriːdə/ - magazine → /ˌmægəˈziːn/- picture → pressure on the traditional media.
/ˈpɪkʧə/ 4 The role of the press is to produce impartial
investigations (l. 45-46), reliable analyses, fact-
checking (l. 41-42), the idea being to teach citizens
The Guardian’s advertising campaign to look for the truth again (l. 44 ‘‘educating the
public to the truth’’).
1 These documents are advertising posters from The 5 On pourra rappeler ici la célèbre phrase de Nelson
Mandela : ‘‘A free press is one of the pillars of
Guardian's 2019 campaign.
2 The posters show people reading The Guardian or democracy.’’
An unprejudiced and free press guarantees
The Observer either alone or as couples. They seem
democracy (l. 47 ‘‘they help keep a check on those in
to be relaxing, being engrossed in reading their
newspaper, some of them having some tea or
6 This sentence means that a free press acts as a
counter-power and that without this counter-
3 The vocabulary used in the catchphrases refers to
power, the people lose their power (‘‘We, the people
the digital lexicon: ‘‘social media’’, ‘‘shareable’’,
of the United States…’’, preamble to the US
‘‘browsers’’. Actually, there is a play on words to
promote the print version with words that are
Le Go further qui suit l'étude de ce document
usually used to extol the virtues of the digital
permettra aux élèves d'approfondir la question du
rôle de la presse comme contre-pouvoir avec
4 The assets of the printing press highlighted by this
l'étude des bandes-annonces de deux films, All the
advertising campaign are conviviality, user-
President’s Men et Spotlight, qui reprennent les
friendliness, quality (‘’award-winning journalism’’)
faits des exemples mentionnés dans l’article à partir
and pleasure (‘‘the joy of print’’).
des enquêtes menées par des journalistes à savoir
5 Réponses des élèves.
le scandale du Watergate et le scandale des abus
Ce lien peut apporter un éclairage sur l’impact de sexuels dans l’archidiocèse de Boston au début des
cette campagne publicitaire : années 2000.
results/?id=76&cat=Traditional%20media Page 94

Page 93
Newpapers in numbers

FACTS AND FIGURES 1 Graph 1 shows the evolution of the circulation of

American dailies. The trend has been downward
since the 1990s. However, while weekday
Rebuilding the Fourth Estate: The newspapers used to have a higher circulation than
Press’s Role in the Digital Era weekend newspapers, the trend has been reversed
since 1990.
Graph 2 shows that the circulation of British
1 This text is an excerpt from a blog post written by
newspapers almost halved between 2010 and 2018.
Bonnie McDonald, published in March 2020.
The trend is even more pronounced for Sunday titles.
2 The words ‘‘the Fourth Estate’’ (or ‘‘the Fourth 2 Graph 3 is a bar chart that represents the print
Power’’) refer to the press and news media. The newspaper weekly readership by title (in blue), the
other three powers are the legislative, executive and online newspaper weekly readership by title (in
judicial powers. orange) and both print and digital weekly
3 The journalist blames digital outlets for readership by title (in purple) for the year 2018. The
undermining the confidence between the media in figures written in black on the right-hand side
general and citizens as anyone can pretend to be a represent the total number of weekly readers by title
journalist. While social media can be a powerful in 2018.
vehicle for sharing information, it can also spread 3 Quality newspapers: The Guardian, The Daily
false information and thus be a lever for Telegraph, The Times, The London Evening
manipulating the population, which some experts Standard, I, The Financial Times.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 16

Popular newspapers: The Daily Mail, Metro, The
Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Express, The Daily Compound adjectives with numbers
Star. • Lorsque l’adjectif composé est construit à partir
4 Judging from this graph and figures, the most d’un nombre et d’un nom, ce dernier ne prend pas
widely read version is the print newspaper except for de « s » final (statut de l’adjectif en anglais). On
The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph and The fera remarquer la présence du trait d’union qui lie
Financial Times, three quality papers. le nombre et le nom pour former l’adjectif
Training TASK • a 10-page newspaper / a 6-month subscription /
Create an ad the 24-hour news cycle
La tâche intermédiaire propose aux élèves de
mettre en valeur le rôle des journaux (imprimés)
sous forme de support écrit. Le format demandé Pour éviter la traduction littérale
suppose une synthèse du travail qu’ils ont mené à Ces deux exemples permettent de montrer que la
partir des documents qu’ils ont travaillés jusqu’ici. traduction littérale n’est pas toujours recevable.
« … il [le journal]] avait dépassé les sept millions
d'abonnés payants, un record. »
Page 95 « … le Times a déclaré jeudi dans le cadre de son
rapport financier du troisième trimestre.
Pages 96-97

Guardian broke even last year, parent

New York Times Hits 7 Million company confirms
Subscribers as Digital Revenue Rises
1 This text is an article from the British newspaper
1 This text is an article from The New York Times The Guardian written by Jim Waterson and
written by Edmund Lee and published on November published on August 7, 2019. It deals with the New
5, 2020. It deals with the New York Times’s business York Times’s business strategy since 2011.
strategy since 2011. 2 The article deals with the origin of the revenue and
2 The newspaper has banked on increasing the the finances of The Guardian Media Group.
number of online reader subscriptions since 2011. 3 The Guardian broke even thanks to digital
The journalist uses the words ‘‘bet’’ (l. 7) and ‘‘a revenues and increased reader contributions. The
good gamble’’ (l. 10) to highlight the fact that this title's foreign affiliates also played a positive role.
strategy was risky. Actually, it has proved to be 4 Although the Guardian US and Guardian
successful. Australia’s advertising revenues were significant in
3 The journalist attributes the rise in subscriptions to 2018-2019, advertising sales are declining in the UK
Trump’s presidency. It has obviously shored up the and are less and less a reliable source of revenue.
NY Times’s finances. The media, especially the press,
have undoubtedly reaped the benefits of Trump’s
Organise your notes and share your findings with a
‘‘fake news’’. People were and still are more willing
partner who worked on the other document
to pay for serious and independent online content.
4 The occurrence of the pandemic slowed down the 1 The similarities are:
increase in subscriptions of digital readers. - growing digital revenues (and reader contributions
5 Ad sales have declined in both print and online as far as The Guardian is concerned);
newspapers because the marketing budgets of - declining ad sales.
many companies have shrunk since the start of the 2 et 3 À l’issue de ce travail de groupe, les élèves
sont invités à dire ce qu’ils pensent de ces deux
pandemic, also because press articles related to
tendances en argumentant leur propos et à dire
sponsors must be paid for.
comment ils voient l’avenir de la presse aux États-
Advertising sales are no longer as reliable a source
Unis et au Royaume-Uni.
of revenue for newspapers as they once were.

Page 96

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 17

Page 97

Final TASK
Create an elevator pitch
Cette tâche finale allie écrit et oral et sera donc
travaillée en deux temps par les élèves. La
préparation de cet elevator pitch fait appel à leur
capacité à synthétiser (même démarche que la
tâche intermédiaire) les informations et les
réflexions que l’étude des divers documents leur a
permis de développer. La mobilisation d’un lexique
clair et précis sera indispensable pour cet exercice.
Dans un deuxième temps, chaque élève devra
s’approprier son texte pour le mettre en voix avec
un débit fluide et rythmé en veillant à rester
compréhensible. Le tout sans notes, ce qui permet
de travailler aussi dans l’optique du Grand Oral en
fin de Terminale.

Dans la perspective du dossier personnel ou du

Grand Oral, les pistes proposées ici encouragent les
élèves à élargir leurs connaissances et leur réflexion
sur l’avenir et le rôle du journalisme à l’ère du
numérique avec des documents d’autres pays du
monde anglophone.

Unit 4 “What’s in the News?” 18

Page 99

UNIT 5 été la représentation d’une scission entre deux

visions de l’Amérique.
“Identity is in the eye of the
beholder. Or is it? Extrait du B.O.
Axe d’étude 3 : Représenter le monde et se
” représenter.
« On propose ici d’étudier la manière dont les
THÉMATIQUE 2 : REPRÉSENTATIONS sociétés anglophones se donnent à voir à elles-
mêmes et au reste du monde à travers des
productions culturelles et artistiques. […] Ces
L’image est envisagée comme mise en scène du réel représentations artistiques et symboliques du
permettant de visualiser les faits, de représenter et monde anglophone doivent cependant se lire à la
d’organiser le monde mais aussi comme un outil de lumière du contexte culturel, social et politique
représentation dont les pays du monde anglophone dans lequel elles s’inscrivent. »
peuvent user afin d’asseoir leur influence (soft
Comment les présidents américains utilisent-ils
leur portrait officiel pour laisser leur marque dans
L’UNIT 5 propose d’aborder l’axe d’étude 3 l’histoire des États-Unis ?
« Représenter le monde et se représenter » dans la
How do US presidents use their portraits as a
thématique « Représentations » en mettant
means to leave their mark in the US history
l’accent sur les dimensions esthétiques et
culturelles qui doivent se lire à la lumière du
contexte dans lequel elles s’inscrivent.
La Final task permettra aux élèves de réinvestir, en
Les bricks 14 et 15 s’orientent vers la représentation
utilisant leur imagination et leur créativité, ce qu’ils
du pouvoir alors que les bricks 16 et 17 sont dédiées
auront appris des règles du genre, de la symbolique
à la représentation multiculturelle des sociétés.
et de l’impact que les portraits peuvent avoir sur
l’opinion publique. Ils devront prendre en compte la
Quand le fait d’exister est lié à l’image que l’on
situation de communication imposée par la
renvoie, la contrôler devient primordial. Ainsi les
consigne pour adapter leur discours et convaincre la
dirigeants, tout comme les minorités, utilisent-ils
White House Historical Association de choisir leur
leur image pour promouvoir leurs idées ou leur
message. Une perte du contrôle de cette image
peut avoir des conséquences dramatiques.
La brick est structurée en deux parties :
Chansons ou discours, cinéma ou télévision,
1 Official portraying and politics: cette partie
sculpture, peinture ou street art, ces
permet de montrer l’importance de la symbolique
représentations artistiques et symboliques
des portraits quand D. Trump refuse de dépasser
participent à la vie publique et politique des
les clivages politiques.
sociétés de la sphère anglophone et s’exportent
2 Will it be iconic?: l’objectif est ici d’analyser les
dans le monde à l’ère d’internet et de la
enjeux du portrait officiel, de la relation entre
l’artiste et son modèle et de réfléchir à l’impact de
l’œuvre au-delà de sa fonction première.
Page 100
Pages 100-101

Welcome to my Portrait
La brick 14 est une séquence courte qui propose White House portrait may be the latest
à la fois de réfléchir à l’image que les présidents casualty of the political divide
américains veulent laisser de leur gouvernance à la
postérité, avec tout le symbolisme et le 1 Les élèves devront repérer dans le texte ce qui se
traditionalisme que cela suppose, et de comprendre rapporte au déroulement traditionnel des
comment cette coutume, qui peut sembler futile, a événements. Il est important qu’ils prennent

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 1

connaissance du Fast facts pour distinguer les Training TASK
portraits de la Maison-Blanche dont il est question Write an open letter
ici et les collections de la Smithsonian Institution Cette tâche intermédiaire va préparer les élèves
dont il sera question dans la seconde partie de la à développer une argumentation pour
brick. convaincre dans un contexte officiel. Ils vont
It is during his first term that the president organises pouvoir mobiliser les réflexions de la première
the oil portraying of his predecessor together with partie de la séquence et ancrer la dimension
that of the former first lady. When the paintings are emblématique du portrait officiel. On les
ready, he hosts an unveiling ceremony as seen on invitera à consulter la fiche How to p. 322 pour
the picture page 100. respecter la forme codifiée de ce type d’écrit.
2 L’objectif est ici de souligner les valeurs sous-
jacentes à cette cérémonie qui peut paraitre
désuète et inutile.
As B. Obama says, the position in the Oval
transcends Republican or Democrat policies.
Whatever their values and projects for the country,
presidents have all shared the same responsibilities. The Obamas’ Official Portraits
Their dedication to the country is what is paid
tribute to during that ceremony. The portraits Video 1 script: The Smithsonian Reveals The
displayed in the White House are the testimonies of Obamas’ Official Portraits
their role in leading the country. The official Youtube channel of Business Insider,
3 La réponse à cette question reste au niveau 12 February 2018.
factuel. On pourra demander aux élèves de MICHELLE OBAMA: “As you may have guessed, I
rapprocher ces faits de l’absence du président don't think there is anybody in my family who has
sortant à l’investiture de son successeur à travers ever had a portrait done, let alone a portrait that
une Press review de la cérémonie du 20 janvier will be hanging in the national gallery, at least as far
2021. as I know, Mom. […] I'm also thinking about all of
D. Trump has organised no such ceremony for B. the young people, particularly girls and girls of
Obama. The strong opposition between them had colour, who in years ahead will come to this place
never been witnessed between two presidents and they will look up and they will see an image of
before. someone who looks like them hanging on the wall
4 Dans cette dernière réponse, on attend des élèves of this great American institution.”
qu’ils prennent du recul et prennent conscience des BARACK OBAMA: “How about that? That's pretty
fractures qui existent dans la société américaine. On sharp. […] But what I was always struck by, when I,
pourra là encore les encourager à faire des whenever I saw his portraits was the degree to
recherches sur ces fractures politiques (assaut du which they challenged our conventional views of
Congrès), raciales (BLM) ou sociales en liaison, par power and privilege and the way that he would take
exemple, avec la crise sanitaire (décision de la Cour extraordinary care and precision and vision in
Suprême sur l’Obamacare qui doit être rendue en recognising the beauty and the grace and the
2021). dignity of people who are so often invisible in our
The media have echoed the accusations and lives. […] In my small way that's part of what I
sparring between the two presidents, the believe politics should be about – is not simply
Republican trying to cancel his predecessor’s celebrating the high and the mighty and expecting
policies (Obamacare, immigration, foreign policy, that the country unfolds from the top down but
environment). rather that it comes from the bottom up.

1 Il s’agit ici d’amener les élèves à anticiper le

Pages 101
contenu de la vidéo. On pourra aussi les inviter à
comparer cette photo avec celle de la page 100 et à
revenir sur le Fast facts pour identifier les portraits
Gerunds (-ING forms) de la Smithsonian Institution. Ils pourront réinvestir
On listera et comparera les formes verbes +ing le lexique vu dans le texte de la première partie
(unveiling, defeating, criticising, shunning, pour émettre des hypothèses.
participating, telling, daunting et pourquoi pas A portrait unveiling ceremony, unofficial portraits,
building). no other presidential couple on the photo, more
modern paintings (style and frames), etc.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 2

2 On peut demander aux élèves de consulter GOMEZ SARMIENTO: “Kehinde Wiley and Amy
Internet pour découvrir les portraits de Kehinde Sherald were the first African American artists to be
Wiley auxquels B. Obama fait référence dans la commissioned by the gallery for the official portraits
vidéo et qui l’ont motivé à sélectionner ce peintre of a former president and first lady. Gallery director
pour son portrait. Kim Sajet credits their artistic vision for the
3 Les élèves doivent pouvoir faire se rejoindre les paintings' popularity.”
deux discours qui mettent en évidence l’ascenseur KIM SAJET: “You know, portraiture used to be seen
social et, pour la première fois, l’accession d’un as this old-fashioned, fuddy-duddy, like, you know,
représentant de la communauté noire américaine ready for dead white people kind of way of painting.
aux plus hautes fonctions de l’état. And it's just not true. And they completely changed
Both Michelle and Barack Obama point the fact that that and put it on its head.”
the myth of the self-made man/woman is still a GOMEZ SARMIENTO: “That intense interest in the
reality in the USA and it is what politics is all about. former president and first lady's portraits is why the
Moreover, they insist on the fact that paintings gallery recently announced the paintings will be
showing black people in positions of power going on a yearlong tour starting in June of next
represent what non-white kids can have access to. year. They'll travel to Chicago, New York, Los
Angeles, Atlanta and Houston for two months each.
Audio 1 script: Obamas’ Portraits Going On Tour! Then they'll return to Washington in summer 2022.”
NPR, 7 February 2020.
AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: 4 et 5 Cet enregistrement permet de mettre en
“It's been two years since the National Portrait évidence l’impact de ces portraits dans la société
Gallery unveiled its official portraits of Michelle and tout en faisant le lien entre, dans la vidéo
Barack Obama. The gallery says attendance has précédente, le modèle que le couple présidentiel
nearly doubled since then. And now, as NPR's représente et l’espoir pour les jeunes noirs
Isabella Gomez Sarmiento reports, the popular américains, l’espoir étant le thème de campagne du
paintings are heading out on tour.” poster page 102.
ISABELLA GOMEZ SARMIENTO, BYLINE: “Every day The popularity of the Obama’s Smithsonian
of the week, people from all over the country line portraits can be seen in the attendance the gallery
up behind velvet ropes to see Barack Obama's has recorded since they have been displayed. And
presidential portrait at the Smithsonian National this could have been one reason why D. Trump
Portrait Gallery. There's a bright spotlight shining on wanted to shun the traditional ceremony. Visitors
the painting. In it, the former president sits at the find them fantastic, magnetic, mesmerising, so
edge of a wooden chair. He's surrounded by lush much so that the gallery is organising a two-month
green leaves with pink and white flowers sprinkled tour to display them in several big cities across the
across the canvas.” country. The renewal of the artistic genre of
KELLIE HOLMES: “It's fantastic and magnetic, and it portraiture together with the window on new
makes me miss him a lot” (laughter). dreams for the black community are symbols of
LYNNE GRANT: “It's really, like, mesmerising to look hope.
ANTO SAGAYARAJ: “Just all the colour. It looks alive, Page 102
you know what I mean?”
GOMEZ SARMIENTO: “That's Kellie Holmes from
Charleston, Lynne Grant from Miami and Anto “Hope”
Sagayaraj from Chicago. Upstairs, Michelle Obama's
portrait hangs among 20th century figures like Toni Video 2 script: Artist Shepard Fairey speaks about
Morrison and LL Cool J. The former first lady sits the making of famous Obama poster
against a pastel blue background wearing a dress CNN, 2015.
with geometric patterns of pink, yellow, black and “Obama to me was somebody that was an idealist
white.” who had good ideas that really resonated with me,
BARBARA WHITMAN: “Remember the famous so supporting him was actually really logical as an
picture of the little girl standing in front of it?” evolution of my opposition to a lot of the things I
GOMEZ SARMIENTO: “That's Barbara Whitman of had been opposing in the past because he had
New York referring to the viral photo of 2-year-old opposed those as well. […] I didn’t want to hurt
Parker Curry staring up at the portrait in awe.” Obama’s cause so I did actually reach out to some
WHITMAN: “And that just made me want to come people in his campaign and say ‘I’d like to make a
and see it with my own eyes.” poster on my own, are you OK with that?’ and I got

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 3

the go-ahead about two and a half weeks before
Super Tuesday and I, very quickly, pull together an Pronouncing /ɒ/
illustration that I thought made Obama look like a Logical, opposition, cause, patriotic, democracy,
leader with, you know, with vison and conviction not.
and with a patriotic image and made it just like I’d On fera remarquer la différence de prononciation
make any of my normal posters. […] The poster entre l’anglais britannique et l’anglais américain.
symbolises something really important and it’s, you
know, grassroots activism and a return to the Final TASK
people believing in democracy, not just the people
with the most power trying to manipulate
Promote your painting
democracy for their own ends. You know, whether Les élèves devront pour finir rassembler toutes
my ‘Hope’ poster will make sense as a tour for les informations vues dans la brick ou dans le
Obama in the future, maybe not, but there’ll be cadre de leurs recherches pour imaginer le
something else that I will or someone else will portrait officiel de D. Trump pour la Maison-
create that I think will be emblematic of hope and Blanche. Ils devront décrire et défendre leurs
progress.” idées auprès des membres de l’association
historique en tenant compte de la situation de
communication (registre soutenu) et du
contexte (portrait valorisant).
1 On analyse ici un autre type de portrait qui,
contrairement aux précédents, vient de la rue. Il
faudra rappeler aux élèves que S. Fairey (OBEY) est
un street artiste qui était déjà connu au moment de Les élèves pourront rechercher, en complément des
la première campagne présidentielle de B. Obama. liens fournis dans cette rubrique, les réactions
On attend aussi des élèves qu’ils décrivent l’affiche produites par l’accrochage par D. Trump du tableau
et donnent les sentiments qu’elle leur inspire. Pour The Republican Club de Andy Thomas à la Maison-
cela ils peuvent s’aider de la fiche How to p. 317. Blanche.
This poster was not an official poster for Obama’s
campaign but a portrait offered by Fairey in support
of his running for president. It finally became Page 103
emblematic of his campaign.
2 Fairey believes in and fights for the same ideals as
B. Obama. They are grassroots activists who believe
in the power of ordinary people and democracy.
Playing with the Light
3 L’objectif est de faire remarquer aux élèves que le La brick 15 explore la tension entre le construit
choix de l’artiste qui doit dresser le portrait officiel délibéré et le subi. Les trois étapes de la séquence
ou non d’un président n’est pas dû au hasard et que montrent comment le contrôle très étroit dont
l’artiste partage un certain nombre de choses, témoigne par exemple un discours filmé de la Reine
personnelles ou idéologiques, avec son modèle. On appuyé sur des éléments du roman national, peut
pourra conseiller aux élèves de lire l’article de The trouver un contrepoint dans une fiction à succès
Guardian “Barack and Michelle Obama’s official (phénomène Netflix The Crown), cependant que le
portraits expand beyond usual format” pour les pouvoir médiatique, souvent écrasant, peut être
similitudes entre B. Obama et K. Wiley. « retourné » à l’avantage d’un couple princier
K. Wiley and B. Obama grew up in similar black (Harry et Meghan) aux rapports ambivalents avec la
single-mother families. They both want to highlight presse.
the role of ordinary (black) people pushing them to
the front of the stage. As we have seen previously, Extrait du B.O.
S. Fairey and B. Obama also share political ideals. L’objet d’étude retenu relève des « vitrines du
4 et 5 Ici les élèves pourront s’interroger sur ce qui monde anglophone » : (B.O. n° 29 du 16/07/2020,
constitue pour eux un portrait qui va entrer dans la voir p. 359) « la monarchie britannique comme
postérité. Ils pourront aussi rechercher des vitrine, symbole et objet politique ».
informations sur les portraits d’autres présidents
comme le portrait posthume de J.F. Kennedy ou le
portrait controversé de Bill Clinton par Nelson

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 4

PROBLÉMATIQUE I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to
Comment la famille royale britannique, dont la take pride in how they responded to this challenge.
vocation est éminemment représentative, And those who come after us will say the Britons of
concilie-t-elle vie privée et vie publique et dans this generation were as strong as any. That the
quelle mesure peut-elle contrôler son image ? attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-
Born to be watched: how do the British Royals humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still
manage (or not) their image? characterise this country.
The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it
La Final task permettra au professeur de mesurer la defines our present and our future.
maîtrise des contenus de la séquence. Jeu de rôles The moments when the United Kingdom has come
relativement guidé, l’activité permet un together to applaud its care and essential workers
réinvestissement d’éléments culturels et langagiers. will be remembered as an expression of our
national spirit; and its symbol will be the rainbows
La brick est structurée en trois parties : drawn by children.
1 We will Meet Again: le contrôle très étroit dont Across the Commonwealth and around the world,
témoigne par exemple un discours filmé de la Reine we have seen heart-warming stories of people
appuyé sur des éléments du roman national. coming together to help others, be it through
2 Privacy in the Limelight: la représentation donnée delivering food parcels and medicines, checking on
par une fiction à succès (phénomène Netflix The neighbours, or converting businesses to help the
Crown) jouant sur la dualité public / privé. relief effort.
3 Tabloid Fodder?: l’exploitation de l’image And though self-isolating may at times be hard,
médiatique : subir ou utiliser la presse ? many people of all faiths, and of none, are
discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow
Pages 103-104 down, pause and reflect, in prayer or meditation.
It reminds me of the very first broadcast I made, in
1940, helped by my sister. We, as children, spoke
“WE WILL MEET AGAIN” from here at Windsor to children who had been
evacuated from their homes and sent away for their
own safety.
Today, once again, many will feel a painful sense of
A speech delivered by Queen Elizabeth separation from their loved ones.
II on April 5th 2020 But now, as then, we know, deep down, that it is
the right thing to do.
Video 1 script: “We will meet again”, While we have faced challenges before, this one is
The Queen’s Coronavirus broadcast different.
BBC, 5 April 2020. This time we join with all nations across the globe
“I am speaking to you at what I know is an in a common endeavour, using the great advances
increasingly challenging time. A time of disruption of science and our instinctive compassion to heal.
in the life of our country: a disruption that has We will succeed – and that success will belong to
brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, every one of us.
and enormous changes to the daily lives of us all. We should take comfort that while we may have
I want to thank everyone on the NHS front line, as more still to endure, better days will return: we will
well as care workers and those carrying out be with our friends again; we will be with our
essential roles, who selflessly continue their day-to- families again; we will meet again.
day duties outside the home in support of us all. But for now, I send my thanks and warmest good
I am sure the nation will join me in assuring you that wishes to you all. “
what you do is appreciated and every hour of your
hard work brings us closer to a return to more
1 Sans doute certains élèves reconnaitront-ils le
normal times.
Château de Windsor, lieu symboliquement
I also want to thank those of you who are staying at
éloquent pour introduire la thématique vie privée /
home, thereby helping to protect the vulnerable
vie publique. En effet, cette forteresse médiévale
and sparing many families the pain already felt by
du XIe siècle (voulue par Guillaume le Conquérant)
those who have lost loved ones.
est à la fois un espace privé de résidence de la Reine
Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to
et un lieu de cérémonie et de réception de figures
reassure you that if we remain united and resolute,
politiques, ouvert par ailleurs aux visites du public.
then we will overcome it.
C’est là que les princesses Elizabeth et Margaret
furent protégées pendant la Seconde Guerre

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 5

mondiale et c’est là que fut enregistré le discours de Group B
1940 auquel il est fait allusion dans la vidéo. C’est “And those who come after us will say the Britons of
également là, du reste, que s’est éteint le Prince this generation were as strong as any.”, “still
Philip le 9 avril 2021, à l’âge de 99 ans. characterise this country.”, “It reminds me of the
Des compléments pourront être trouvés sur very first broadcast I made, in 1940, helped by my
www.royal.uk/royal-residences-windsor-castle sister. We, as children, spoke from here at Windsor
En étudiant la capture d’écran (still), les élèves qui to children who had been evacuated from their
auront repéré le logo de la BBC (in the top left homes and sent away for their own safety.”, “we
corner…) pourront anticiper un reportage sur la have faced challenges before”.
Reine, une fiction, un discours ou une allocution
officielle. Le jeu sur la lumière pourra faire l’objet Group C
d’un commentaire à reprendre en visionnant le tout Au-delà des mots choisis, les choix visuels, les
début de la vidéo : le château sort de l’ombre et le symboles mis en avant devront être relevés :
titre blanc est lumineux. - la couleur de la robe, un vert (couleur de l’espoir
2 La date devrait évoquer le contexte de la en Occident) teinté de turquoise (évocation des
pandémie et du confinement (23/03/2020 en blouses bleues du milieu médical) ;
Angleterre, soit une semaine après la décision - la broche ornée de diamants (héritée de la reine
française). Pour information, cette prise de parole Mary, épouse de George V et donc grand-mère
exceptionnelle n’était que la quatrième d’Elizabeth d’Elizabeth) ;
en 68 ans de règne, ce qui lui conférait un poids - les scènes de solidarité et collaboration (chaines
considérable. de chargement/déchargement de fourgons,
3 Vérification / compléments des hypothèses. réunions…) ;
4 Le professeur désignera pour commencer les - les allusions à la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
« élèves A », les « B » et les « C ». Le relevé
d’informations se fera individuellement pendant le 5 Les allusions et références au passé seront
visionnage (prévoir 2 à 3 visionnages, dont un étudiées et commentées : elles servent à
fractionné, pour permettre la prise de notes). On encourager l’effort, rassurer et surtout rassembler.
pourra ensuite soit passer à la question 5 Actrice essentielle du « roman national », Elizabeth
(constitution de trinômes d’élèves A, B et C) soit II établit un lien avec un moment encore bien ancré
prévoir une étape intermédiaire où les différents A, dans la mémoire collective en n’hésitant pas à
B et C se réunissent (un groupe de 3 ou 4 élèves A s’impliquer personnellement : mention d’un
d’un côté, un groupe de 3 ou 4 B d’autre part…) afin événement historique et rapide évocation de la
de compléter leurs relevés avant d’enchainer sur les sœur cadette Margaret (décédée en 2002) à ses
questions 5 et 6. côtés lors de l’enregistrement du discours adressé
On pourra noter les réponses dans un tableau aux enfants en 1940. L’allusion au Blitz va bien dans
organisé en trois colonnes. ce sens – même s’il est clair qu’aujourd’hui tous
sont unis contre l’« ennemi » (la maladie). On
Group A trouve également des échos à une citation de
“in support of us all”, “I am sure the nation will join Churchill, évoquant en 1940 l’image positive du
me”, “helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing peuple britannique que retiendrait l’histoire
many families the pain…”, “Together”, “if we remain (Churchill “this was their finest hour” / Elizabeth II
united and resolute”, “the Britons of this “those that come after us will say the Britons of this
generation”, “That the attributes of self-discipline, generation were as strong as any”).
of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow- Consulter le site de la BBC :
feeling still characterise this country.”, “The pride in www.bbc.com/news/uk-52176209 pourra être utile
who we are”, “The moments when the United en complément.
Kingdom has come together”, “an expression of our 6 La réponse attendue est la première “A message
national spirit”, “This time we join with all nations of hope”, mais les autres choix seront recevables si
across the globe in a common endeavour”, “if we l’argumentation est convaincante.
remain united and resolute, then we will overcome 7 Using the technology of the time: a radio address
it.”, “We will succeed”, “better days will return”, “we in 1940/a TV address in 2020. A teenager (14 years-
will be with our friends again; we will be with our old) /an old lady. The same will to reassure and lift
families again; we will meet again.” spirits.
Pour entendre l’émouvant discours de 1940 :

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 6

8 Reprenant les éléments relevés par le groupe C de Page 105
l’activité initiale (question 4), on fera repérer la mise
en scène très étudiée en dépit de l’apparente
simplicité. On fera identifier une construction qui
manifeste l’empathie, salue (répétition de mots
exprimant la gratitude) l’effort collectif et exhorte à “Might I suggest…”
le poursuivre en le posant comme une qualité et
une force nationales, inscrites dans le NB : La totalité de la vidéo est transcrite pour
prolongement de démarches historiques qui faciliter la tâche de l’enseignant, mais pour ne pas
donnent des raisons de croire en l’avenir. L’appel à compromettre le travail sur la vidéo suivante, il sera
l’émotion et au sentiment national (avec une judicieux de ne montrer à ce stade que le début
connivence qui va jusqu’à l’évocation d’une (jusqu’à 0:18 ) et de différer le visionnage de la suite
chanson familière à tous), très lié au sentiment de cette vidéo.
familial (homes, children, my sister, loved ones) sera
à souligner. Video 2 script: The Crown | 2 Worlds Trailer
9 La conclusion de la brick apportera des éléments Netflix, October 2016.
pour traiter la problématique. La Reine incarne PRINCE PHILIP: Might I suggest not being head of
l’histoire et les valeurs nationales (et n’oublie pas le the Church for a minute, or head of State, or the
Commonwealth, nation « élargie »). Army, or the Navy, or the Government, or the Fount
On pourra exploiter la photo du bas de la page 103 of Justice, or the whole damn circus, frankly.
pour illustrer l’effet rassembleur (une famille QUEEN ELIZABETH II: And be what?
multigénérationnelle, une parole intégrée à PRINCE PHILIP: A living breathing thing. A woman, a
l’intimité comme le montre le cadrage à travers la sister, a daughter, a wife.
fenêtre). [00:00 to 0:18]
you do, the less you say…
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: Or think, or feel, or breathe,
“The Queen’s English”
or exist…
On n’attendra pas des élèves qu’ils repèrent les
subtiles (pour une oreille allophone, et notamment
française) différences de réalisation phonique de
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: But where does that leave
certaines voyelles ou d’intonation, mais ils pourront
entendre les particularités d’une langue soignée,
d’un ton posé et surtout d’un débit lent. On pourra
PRINCE PHILIP: You’ve taken my career from me,
établir des ponts entre cet élément et certains
you’ve taken my home, you’ve taken my name.
contenus de la brick 44 (Unit 14 “English or
I thought we were in this together.
Englishes”). Un apport sur l’importance de l’accent
de classe en Angleterre sera également opportun ici
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: I saw that, that look between
avec un renvoi vers des classiques de la littérature
the two of you.
comme le Pygmalion de Bernard Shaw et son
PRINCESS MARGARET: You must tell no one.
adaptation cinématographique My Fair Lady.
Pour s’amuser, les élèves intéressés par le sujet
pourront visionner des interviews d’acteurs de la
ARCHBISHOP: As queen, you are defender of the
série The Crown telles que : www.youtube-
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: It is my duty to refuse
Page 104
Margaret’s marriage to a divorced man. And yet, I
will be breaking a promise, not only to my sister, but
also to my late father.
L’exercice permettra aux élèves d’aller plus loin sur ----------
le sujet en s’entrainant à sélectionner des supports PRINCESS MARGARET: Remember, what Papa
pertinents (démarche utile pour la préparation de called us?
l’examen, mais aussi d’éventuelles poursuites QUEEN ELIZABETH II: Yes. Elizabeth is my pride and
d’études dans le supérieur) et à présenter Margaret is my joy.
oralement le fruit de leurs recherches. PRINCESS MARGARET: BUT Margaret is my joy.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 7

DUKE OF WINDSOR: With this family, when you’re Page 106
in, you’re never quite sure that you’re in, but when
you’re out, there’s no doubt at all you’re out.
---------- “The Crown must win”
PRINCESS MARGARET: You fail to protect me. I will
fail to protect you in return.
Video 3 script: The Crown - Official Trailer
Netflix, September 2016.
1 Il s’agit d’un montage photographique utilisé pour MARTIN CHARTERIS: It would help if we could
une vignette promotionnelle de la série Netflix à decide here and now on your name.
succès The Crown (saison 1), mais tous les élèves ne QUEEN ELIZABETH II: My name?
la connaitront pas. Ils pourront donc émettre des MARTIN CHARTERIS: Yes Ma’am, your regnal name.
hypothèses sur la nature du support, mais aussi sur That is the name you’ll take as queen.
les personnages. QUEEN ELIZABETH II: Let’s not overcomplicate
A still from a film? from a series? purpose: to matters unnecessarily. My name is Elizabeth.
promote the film/series. MARTIN CHARTERIS: Then, long live Queen
Les élèves réagiront librement. Ils pourront être Elizabeth.
sensibles au contraste du noir / blanc, clair / foncé. ----------
On pourra les guider vers la tension public / privé : QUEEN ELIZABETH II: Don’t you get sick of it all? And
les deux personnages sont en tenues lonely?
représentatives de leurs fonctions et la posture est KING GEORGE: I do. Just why it’s so important to
bien celle qui est attendue de chacun (humilité du have the right person by your side.
prince, solennité de la reine), mais on peut ----------
interpréter le regard des époux. KING GEORGE: You understand, the titles, they’re
2 Prince Philip suggests Elizabeth sometimes change not the job. SHE is the job. Loving her, protecting
attitude when she is with him. He thinks she ought her.
to forget about her responsibilities as a Queen and She is the essence of your duty.
act as an ordinary woman, “a living breathing thing” ----------
instead. MAN FROM THE GOVERNMENT: We have a new
Drawing on these words, we can understand that he sovereign. Young. And a woman.
feels frustrated, maybe neglected as a husband and ---------
quite lonely. He even sounds exasperated as he PRINCE PHILIP: I’ll escort her down from here.
qualifies the Queen’s job as “the whole damn TOMMY LASCELLES (PRIVATE SECRETARY): No, Sir. If
circus”! you don’t mind, the Crown takes precedence.
The Queen is portrayed as being so obsessed with ----------
performing her public duties that she forgets her QUEEN ELIZABETH II: You don’t think I would have
own family and acts like an insensitive woman, preferred to grow up out of this spotlight? Away
oblivious of her personal commitments. from the scrutiny and visibility.
PRINCE PHILIP: Be firm. Just lay down the law. I
know he’s Winston Churchill and all that, but
Expressing advice and reproach remember who you are. You’re…
Tout énoncé plausible intégrant les structures QUEEN ELIZABETH II: Nobody.
attendues sera recevable. Exemple : According to PRINCE PHILIP: The Queen of England.
Prince Philip, the Queen should spare a little more ----------
time for her private life. WINSTON CHURCHILL: This new Elizabethan age
comes at a time when mankind stands on the edge
Training TASK of catastrophe.
Role Play
PRINCE PHILIP: Are you my wife or my Queen?
La prise en compte du contexte sera nécessaire
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: I am both and a strong man
pour envisager des réponses plausibles. On
would be able to kneel to both.
travaillera ainsi les objectifs sociolinguistiques et la
PRINCE PHILIP: I will not kneel before my wife.
dimension pragmatique du discours. Un travail sur
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: Your wife is not asking you to.
la diction, le débit, pourra être engagé dans le
PRINCE PHILIP: But my Queen commands me?
prolongement du Focus on sounds de la page 103.
PRINCE PHILIP: I beg you make an exception for me.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 8

---------- • Mêmes personnages que pour A et C
PRINCE PHILIP: What kind of marriage is this? What • Buckingham Place – Windsor Castle – Westminster
kind of family? Abbey – Commonwealth countries – Houses of
---------- Parliament
PRINCESS MARGARET: I need to speak to my sister. Crown – jewels
---------- Group C:
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: I am aware that I am • Mêmes personnages que pour A et B
surrounded by people who feel that they could do • Elizabeth seems to resent the pressure at times:
the job better. Strong people with powerful “Don’t you get sick of it all? And lonely?”, “Away
characters. But, for better or worse, the Crown has from the scrutiny and visibility.”
landed on my head. Philip feels frustrated: “What kind of marriage is
---------- this? What kind of family?”.
seen three great monarchies brought down through 2 La mise en commun conduira au sujet : la vie de la
their failure to separate personal indulgences from reine Elizabeth II depuis son mariage et la tension
duty. You must not allow yourself to make similar entre les domaines public et privé.
mistakes. The crown must win. Must always win. 3 The Queen Mother.
4 The Queen Mother is warning Elizabeth against
Les captures d’écran pourront être utilisées pour confusing: “I have seen three great monarchies
une anticipation. La tension vie publique / vie privée brought down through their failure to separate
y apparait clairement, en particulier si l’on personal indulgences from duty.”
confronte les usages de la photographie suggérés 5 Nothing must stand in the way of the Crown. A
par la scène de pose pour la photo officielle du monarch’s duty must prevail upon everything else.
mariage et la photo manifestement volée des
paparazzi en voiture.
Pour information : la deuxième capture d’écran
correspond au moment où la Reine apprend le Sentence stress
On pourra proposer un découpage en plusieurs
décès de son père dans la première saison de la
parties qui seront réparties entre les élèves.
Page 107
1 Les élèves devraient être en capacité de faire des
repérages basiques : Elizabeth, le prince Philip, la
princesse Margaret, le roi George VI et Winston TABLOID FODDER?
Churchill. Ils pourront faire des hypothèses sur
certains autres personnages, la Reine mère peut-
A storm in a royal teacup
Chacun des groupes fera par ailleurs des relevés
complémentaires en fonction de la focale
privilégiée. 1 La source orientera sur un regard distancié, mais
pas totalement extérieur, car le Pakistan est
Group A: membre du Commonwealth. Certains auront vu les
• Elizabeth – Philip – Martin Charteris – King George guillemets sur “betrayal” et compris que le
– people – Churchill – Margaret – journalists – journaliste ne reprend pas nécessairement ce terme
photographers – Corgis – Queen Mother à son compte.
• Buckingham Place – Windsor Castle – Westminster 2 Vérification des hypothèses.
Abbey – Commonwealth countries – Houses of 3 lignes 4 à 12 : la liste d’événements très
Parliament – roads – 10 Downing Street importants, notamment dans le champ
• Wedding – coronation – official trips – parties - géopolitique, fait apparaitre le côté dérisoire de la
regatta nouvelle. In comparison with / Compared with the
Parties and intimate dialogues are private – official serious events listed, the news of Harry and
events and meetings are public Meghan’s decision to step back from their royal
• Photographers are supposed to be present only for duties sounds somewhat laughable / ridiculous.
public events but the video shows paparazzi taking 4 Meghan is portrayed as a ruthless, unpleasant
unauthorised pictures person; she might even be suspected of being

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 9

calculating / scheming. Harry and Meghan are all so… You add this on top of just trying to be a new
the more upset because of what happened to Diana mom, or trying to be a newlywed, it’s, um… yeah
(because of the press). well I guess… And also thank you for asking ‘cause
5 “News hysteria”, “went berserk”, “hostility”, “a not many people have asked if I’m okay. But it’s,
bitter (…) press reaction”. The words chosen um…, it’s a very real thing to be going through
emphasise the disproportion between the event and behind the scenes.
its media coverage and expose the antagonism. INTERVIEWER TOM BRADBY: And the answer is…
6 The journalist obviously finds the whole thing Would it be fair to say not really okay? It’s really
ridiculous / preposterous. Without explicitly taking been a struggle?
sides, he explains that such a treatment of MEGHAN MARKLE, DUCHESS OF SUSSEX: Yes.
Meghan’s actions and personality entails, in turn, a PRESENTER REBECCA BARRY: It gives an insight into
logical reaction of defiance from the couple. the turmoil behind this couple’s public facade and
Les élèves trouveront des éléments utiles sur la context to the legal action and Prince Harry scathing
presse britannique dans le Zoom in de la p. 350. attack on the tabloids, accusing them of bullying his
wife. Yesterday we heard Harry say he’s haunted by
Remarque : l’expression “senior members”, utilisée his mother’s experience. Every flash of a camera, a
dans la légende de la photo, n’a pas de définition traumatic reminder of her death.
officielle, mais désigne couramment les personnes As an actress, Meghan was used to the spotlight but
(adultes) occupant une place importante dans it clearly didn’t prepare her for life in this family.
l’ordre d’accession au trône. Royal or not, any new parent might relate to this
mother’s vulnerability.
Page 108 Rebecca Barry, ITV News

1 Tourné pendant un déplacement du couple

“Not many people have asked if I’m princier en Afrique en 2019, le reportage présente
OK” une Meghan fragilisée par sa situation de jeune
mère et émue du fait qu’on (= le journaliste de ITV
Tom Bradby) songe enfin à demander si elle va bien.
Video 4 script: Meghan says ‘not many people
La capture d’écran (still) la montre comme une
have asked if I’m OK’ amid intense media
jeune femme ordinaire, en proie au désarroi.
L’incrustation signalant l’exclusivité de l’interview
ITV News, October 2019.
pourra faire l’objet d’un commentaire : le couple
PRESENTER REBECCA BARRY: It began with such joy.
princier choisit ses interlocuteurs médiatiques.
On the public stage, Meghan seemed to embrace
2 Meghan: “Vulnerable”, “challenging”, “a very real
her new royal role with confidence.
(Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex) I am here with thing to be going through behind the scenes”.
you as a mother, as a wife, as a woman of colour Presenter: “coping with”, “pressures”, “taking its
and as your sister. toll”, “fragility”, “turmoil”, “façade”, “bullying”,
CHILDREN: clapping “haunted”, “traumatic”, “vulnerability”.
PRESENTER REBECCA BARRY: But backstage, coping 3 She had to cope with the pressure both as a
with the glare of intense media scrutiny while newlywed and as a pregnant woman. Harry is
dealing with the everyday pressures of motherhood constantly reminded of the fatal consequence of
is clearly taking its toll. In an ITV documentary, we such pressure on his own mother.
see, for the first time, the extent of her fragility. 4 ITV clearly sides with the couple as evidenced by
INTERVIEWER TOM BRADBY: I don’t know what the the choice of words (appealing to emotions) in the
impact on your physical and mental health of all the comments and by the staging itself: the video shows
pressure that you clearly feel under… close-ups of a disoriented / distraught young mother
would say… Look, any woman when they’re,
especially when they’re pregnant, you’re really
vulnerable… and… so that was made really What impact does the Royal Family
challenging and then… when you have a new-born… have on the image of the UK?
you know…
INTERVIEWER TOM BRADBY: Hum, hum… It’s a long 1 et 2 La source « Ipsos » devrait conduire sur la
time ago but I remember. piste des statistiques. Le sondage a été conduit en
MEGHAN MARKLE, DUCHESS OF SUSSEX: Yeah and ligne du 23 mars au 6 avril 2018 auprès de 20 793
you know, especially as a woman, it’s really, it’s a lot adultes de 16-64 ans.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 10

3 et 4 Les élèves trouveront de l’aide pour histoire à travers des symboles et des monuments
structurer leur travail sur ce bar graph dans la fiche désormais remis en question.
How to de la p. 314. Nearly a quarter of the
respondents denied the Royal Family any impact Extrait du B.O.
whatsoever on their perception of Britain. Most of Cette thématique vise à étudier la notion de
the people who thought the Royal Family does have représentation dans ses diverses acceptions.
an impact chose positive adjectives except for the Dans sa première acception, la représentation se
concept of equality. comprend comme politique : cet axe d’étude vise
5 Almost half of the respondents chose the adjective donc à s’interroger sur la manière dont les citoyens
“traditional”, which is no surprise because sont représentés et participent à la vie publique et
respecting or even reinforcing traditional values is politique. […] À travers les prismes politique,
what the Royal Family actually puts forward. médiatique, culturel et artistique, cette thématique
Besides, the “folklore” associated with the British doit permettre une lecture critique et informée des
monarchy is particularly valued. événements, et encourager les élèves à percevoir et
On trouvera ici le commentaire d’une confronter les points de vue pour appréhender la
représentante d’Ipsos : https://www.ipsos.com/en- pluralité des approches des phénomènes
au/global-views-royal-family contemporains.
6 On laissera les élèves communiquer librement, en Axe d’étude 1 : Faire entendre sa voix :
encourageant l’expression de l’opinion personnelle représentation et participation « À la lumière
et, le cas échéant, les outils langagiers du débat. d’événements récents, cet axe d’étude permet
d’explorer les modes de représentation des
citoyens dans les pays du monde anglophone tels
Final TASK qu’ils sont prévus par les constitutions des États
concernés, mais également tels qu’ils s’expriment
Role play
concrètement selon les contextes politiques,
Cette tâche aura été préparée par celle de la
économiques et sociaux de l’époque ».
page 105. Elle permettra de mesurer la capacité
des élèves à mobiliser les acquis de la séquence
en intégrant les objectifs sociolinguistiques et la
Pour quelles raisons une nation remet-elle en
dimension pragmatique du discours. La consigne
question ses symboles pour mieux représenter son
“mind your manners” est évidemment un rappel
peuple dans son intégralité ?
de l’importance d’adapter le registre et le non-
What leads a nation to question its
verbal au contexte et à l’intention.

La Final task, une production orale, permettra de

vérifier les acquisitions de la séquence. Au terme
de ce parcours, les élèves auront pris connaissance
Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances de plusieurs points de vue et de différents
grâce aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la arguments (à travers notamment la Training task)
constitution du dossier personnel attendu à pour préparer la tâche finale et réaliser un
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux podcast.
questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
trouveront là matière à creuser la réflexion sur La brick est structurée en cinq parties :
l’exploitation de l’image et l’éventuel retournement 1 “Same story – Different soil”: des problématiques
/ récupération du pouvoir médiatique. similaires sur des continents différents.
2 Tearing down history?: la valeur des symboles
Page 109 du passé.
3 Two sides of the story: la remise en question de
récits historiques.
History? Whose Story? 4 Making the invisible visible: des minorités qui
veulent davantage de visibilité.
La brick 16 explore l’évolution de la place des 5 Fly the flag!: la représentation d’un peuple à
Aborigènes dans la société australienne au regard travers son drapeau.
de son histoire. Quel est l’héritage historique d’une
nation ? Quel ou quels récit(s) en fait-on ? Cette
séquence propose d’étudier les raisons pour
lesquelles un pays et ses habitants interrogent leur

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 11

Page 109
1 The title confirms what is illustrated in Travis de
Vries’s drawing and suggests that people are
“SAME STORY - DIFFERENT SOIL” questioning the presence of some monuments or
statues, not only in the USA or Europe but also
Beyond borders abroad. The movement has spread overseas.
2 Réponses personnelles.
On pourra faire décrire les documents par différents 3 In Australia, a lot of statues and place names
groupes d’élèves avant de procéder à une mise en commemorate Europeans for their achievements
commun. but these men also took part in the oppression and
killing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
1 The first document is a digital drawing by Travis people.
de Vries. It depicts a group of four people pulling 4 The expression “statue wars” refers to the debate
down the statue of Captain Cook in Hyde Park in about the removal of statues of people who used to
Sydney. Moreover, there is writing/graffiti on the be celebrated for their deeds / accomplishments and
pedestal. Some people vandalised/defaced the are now being criticised / frown on. Whether the
monument by writing the expressions “Change the statues should be removed or not has become a
date” and “No pride in genocide”. divisive and controversial topic / issue.
The photograph represents people holding a sign on 5 “false assertions” (line 2), “killers” (line 14),
which we can read “Same Story. Different Soil”. The “eugenicists” (line 15), “racists” (line 15),
Aboriginal flag on the sign suggests that the “establishment” (line 15), “profited from slavery”
protesters are Indigenous people taking part in a (line 15). Indigenous Australians were clearly
Black Lives Matter demonstration in Brisbane in regarded as inferior beings. Most of them were
2020. either exploited or killed = “Aboriginal and Torres
2 Although the Black Lives Matter movement Strait Islander people were lesser humans” (line 16).
started in the USA, the situation is the same in 6 One side of history is told through these
Australia. It’s a global movement and Indigenous monuments. It’s incomplete and people may have a
Australians have to deal with the same issues as partial / biased vision of Australian history as it may
African Americans. not reflect the truth.
3 [James Cook] “Discovered This Territory. 1770.” 7 The last sentence “No statue or monument must
Indigenous people don’t feel represented / feel stand eternal” may suggest that the journalist sides
excluded within their own country. Australia had with the people who want the statues to be removed
been inhabited for thousands of years before the or amended.
arrival of the first Europeans, when Captain Cook Autres réponses cohérentes acceptées.
and his crew set foot on Botany Bay in 1770.
Aboriginal people don’t consider January 26th as
Australia Day. On the contrary, they see it as the
beginning of colonial oppression and the massacre Preterit / Present perfect
of their people. Il s’agit ici de faire repérer les différences entre
Pour plus d’informations sur le dessin de Travis de l’utilisation du prétérit et du present perfect.
Vries : Premier verbe au prétérit : événement daté (“[not
https://www.youtube- until] 2017”)
nocookie.com/embed/ySFDIqaJyJY Second verbe au present perfect : résultat d’une
Des témoignages : action passée, bilan, constat dans le présent.
https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/struggle- Autres exemples dans le texte : “profited”,
and-survival-three-aboriginal-perspectives-on- “believed” / “have been removed”, “has proven”
Page 111
Page 110
Who’s writing history
The toppling of statues overseas might
give Australia pause to reconsider who we Video 1 script: The two sides to history as statues
celebrate have been torn down and vandalised
ABC News, 15 June 2020.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 12

There’s an old saying that goes like this “History is Scott Morrison: “I’m not interested in the debate
written by the victors”. It works for the winners who about what people want to tear down. I’m
get to put pen to paper, write the records and build interested in what people want to build up”.
monuments to commemorate their glory. These Gladys Berejiklian: “It’s very un-Australian. It’s
memorials are everywhere in statues, the naming of disrespectful and it’s wrong”.
mountains, streets and even suburbs. But for some This isn’t a uniquely Australian dilemma. Across the
people these names and monuments carry a lot of world monuments are under attack. Protesters
baggage. have torn down and defaced Confederate
For Australians the figurehead more ubiquitous landmarks in the United States, a statue of the slave
than any other is this man Captain James Cook. Until trader Edward Colston in England and another
just a generation ago, he was venerated as the Belgium’s King Leopold II, whose reign in Africa left
conquering hero who discovered Australia even millions dead.
though it was already home to people for more than Anthony Page: Honestly, if you’re going to remove
65,000 years and had seen waves of explorers from people from statues because they are racist, you’re
the Netherlands to modern-day Indonesia, even going to probably take down most of the statues
China and Portugal. that were put up in, I don’t know, maybe in the 20th
Anthony Page: In many ways, very admirable for century.
that. A man who performed an incredible feat of George Walley: “I guess what we want is to have
exploration. this equal say, to have the right to say ‘Listen to our
James Cook’s dangerous work in navigation, story as well”.
geographical surveys and natural science is still So, history keeps being written, more than just the
relied on today. And he is not the only one. John victors in mind.
Batman, who founded modern-day Melbourne, was
known as a tireless entrepreneur. James Stirling, the 1 Monuments and memorials are erected to pay
first Governor of Western Australia, founded Perth tribute to famous people for their achievements.
and prevented mass starvation in the early colony 2 James Cook, John Batman, James Stirling, Lachlan
of free settlers. Lachlan Macquarie, one of the early Macquarie.
Governors of New South Wales, is credited with 3 Positive aspects and negative aspects:
establishing a new social, economic and
Positive aspects
architectural order, even rewarding compliant
James …venerated as the conquering hero
Aboriginal people in the new colony.
Cook who discovered; …dangerous work in
These acts of bravery, heroism and ingenuity feed a
navigation, geographical surveys and
national mythology of Australian enterprise against
natural science is still relied on today.
the odds.
John …founded modern-day Melbourne,
But press rewind of history and another portrait
Batman was known as a tireless
Captain Cook’s takeover displaced first nations
James …founded Perth and prevented mass
people by the thousands. Those that resisted were
Stirling starvation in the early colony of free
murdered or died of new imported diseases.
John Batman is accused of being involved in an
Lachlan …credited with establishing a new
Aboriginal massacre in Tasmania before he
Macquarie social, economic and architectural
established Melbourne.
order, even rewarding compliant
Captain Stirling led expeditions that brutally killed
Aboriginal people in the colony.
Indigenous locals in WA and, despite his reputation
for benevolence and compromise, Lachlan
Macquarie is known to have sent out the military to Negative aspects
capture and kill Aboriginal dissenters who defied James Cook …displaced first nations people by
invasion. the thousands. Those that resisted
So, what does that mean for the story of the were murdered or died of new
founding of modern Australia? imported diseases.
Michael Mansell: “Why should Aboriginal people John …accused of being involved in an
have to suffer the indignity of seeing these racist Batman Aboriginal massacre in Tasmania.
murderers who mutilated their dead being James …led expeditions that brutally killed
honoured in a statue that was put up well over Stirling Indigenous locals in WA.
hundred years ago”. Lachlan …sent out the military to capture
Macquarie and kill Aboriginal dissenters who
defied invasion.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 13

4 These monuments don’t reveal the negative side rights and their lands were taken. Not only were
of the men they celebrate. They celebrate / honour Aborigines dispossessed of their own land, but they
them. Yet, their past is troublesome and were also massacred by the whites.
embarrassing. We may even say that they have 2 Stan Grant, the author, is an Aboriginal Australian
blood on their hands. journalist and author. He speaks for / is the voice of
5 Some people, like Michael Mansell, think the his people.
statues should be removed. George Walley believes 3 “invisibility” (line 1), “to be unseen” (line 1), “to be
both sides of the story should be heard. Indigenous seen, to be heard” (line 17) “invisible” (line 18).
Australians have been treated unfairly. These expressions and the verbs in the passive form
As for Scott Morrison and Gladys Berejiklian, both of highlight the fact that Aborigines were victimised /
them criticise the people who defaced the persecuted. Their land was stolen / invaded as if it
monuments or who want to tear them down. had been uninhabited / unoccupied / empty (“Terra
6 Reprise des différents éléments de réponse dans Nullius”: a land that can be taken since it doesn’t
un paragraphe cohérent et organisé. belong to anyone). It made it easier for the settlers
to ignore them / to consider them as invisible to
Page 112 conquer their territory.
4 The author seems to be determined to be
recognised. Aborigines overcame hardships /
obstacles and they are firmly resolved to make their
voices heard. It’s an unrelenting fight. The last
The “statue wars” sentence of the article “We are not invisible”
contrasts with the first word “Invisibility” and can be
Training TASK seen as a sign of hope for the future.
The “Statue wars”: Take part in a debate for
the school radio
Plusieurs options peuvent être envisagées pour
The passive
cette activité.
Utilisation de la forme passive (be suivi du
• Une solution peut être assignée à un binôme, ou
participe passé). Le but est de renforcer l’idée que
à un groupe d’élèves. Ils procèdent ensuite à la
les populations aborigènes ont subi l’oppression
lecture des différents posts pour trouver des
des Européens et d’accentuer le statut de victime
arguments, tout en cherchant des idées plus
(pour les exemples lignes 1 et 6).
personnelles allant dans le même sens.
• Tous les élèves lisent les posts et travaillent sur les
différents arguments et une solution à défendre
leur est attribuée pour le débat au dernier moment. The Australian Dream

La fiche How to debate page 315 du manuel peut 1 Brève description de l’affiche (deux cultures, deux
fournir au professeur des pistes supplémentaires histoires différentes ; art aborigène ; l’utilisation du
quant à l’organisation du débat ainsi que des mot “dream” qui peut faire référence à “the
expressions utiles aux élèves. Dreamtime” ou “The Dreaming” qui explique, dans
la culture aborigène, l’origine de l’Australie et de ses
Page 113 2 The documentary raises the issue of racism and
discrimination in today’s society, focusing on the
MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE story of a famous football player, Adam Goodes. It
deals with Adam Goodes’s struggle for equality,
truth and reconciliation. As in Stan Grant’s article,
the documentary highlights the fact that equality is
Terra Nullius far from being achieved and Aboriginal Australians
still suffer from discrimination and racism.
1 “Indigenous person” (line 3), “a people who had
been there for thousands of generations” (line 7), Pour plus d’informations sur le documentaire :
“the nation of the eastern states” (line 11), “the https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000lpv7
survivors” (line 14), “Aboriginal people” (line 15). /the-australian-dream
Although Aboriginal people were the first Bande-annonce :
inhabitants of Australia, they were deprived of their https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRJkLgl56jk

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 14

Page 114 very good idea 'cause it's been there for so long. It's
represented us”.
“If we're going to change the Australian flag, it
FLY THE FLAG! should be to yellow and green because all the
Australian sport kits are yellow and green”.
“I would combine the Aboriginal flag with it so it
What’s in a flag? represents the whole of Australia”.
Video 2 script: Australia’s Flag
Behind the News, September 2019. Video 3 script: Aboriginal Flag Debate
“Oh, come on, Ivor. Think!” The year was 1901. Ivor Behind the News, June 2019.
Williams Evans sat down to design the Australian You’ve probably seen it on shirts, on posters and
flag. blowing in the breeze. Yeah, the Aboriginal flag is an
“Well, I could use the colour blue because it's Aussie icon, and an important symbol of unity and
calming, the Southern Cross because it's darling. identity to many Indigenous Australians. But while
And I definitely want to use the Union Jack”. it’s recognised as one of our country’s official flags,
Er, Ivor was 13 at the time. it’s got some special legal rights and those have
“What? Oh, not again”. caused a few problems lately.
That's better. Right, where were we? The year was The AFL, the NRL and an Aboriginal health group
1901. Australia had just become a federation and have all been threatened with legal action over their
the prime minister at the time, Sir Edmund Barton, use of the flag. That’s because they don’t own it.
announced a competition to design a brand-new This guy does. His name is Harold Thomas. He’s an
flag for this brand-new nation. Out of the almost artist and activist, and back in 1971, he designed the
33,000 entries, Ivor's won! Ivor's flag design flag to be a symbol of the Indigenous land rights
featured the Union Jack, the national flag of the movement. The colours are really important. The
United Kingdom, the Southern Cross - well, that's a black represents the Aboriginal people. The yellow
constellation that can always be seen from Australia represents the sun, the giver of life. And the red
- and the six-pointed star for each of the six states. represents the earth, and the spiritual relationship
Oh, and don't worry, NT and ACT.... an extra point Aboriginal people have to the land. “I lived amongst
was later added just for you. The flag was first flown the redness of the earth. It’s so powerful. So, as a
on 3 September 1901, although it didn't become child, it was part of my identity, that to see the red
our official flag until 1954, and, of course, the rest is rocks and red desert”.
history. In 1995, the government recognised it as an official
These days, the flag is everywhere, from here to flag of Australia, but Harold Thomas got to keep the
here, and here. And every year, we celebrate its copyright. That means he’s the only one who owns
birthday on 3 September. But for a long time, the design, and if anyone wants to use it to make
there's been a debate about whether the Aussie flag money by putting it on T-shirts or actually selling the
might be a bit outdated. The main problem for some flag, well, they need his permission.
people is this bit - the Union Jack. As I mentioned, The Torres Strait Islander flag is also copyrighted but
it's still the national flag of another country, and it’s not owned by one person. It’s owned by the
while Australia is still part of the Commonwealth, it Torres Strait Islander people. That’s not the case
hasn't been part of Great Britain for a long time. with this flag, or almost any other country’s national
Many say the Union Jack doesn't represent a lot of flag.
Australians, including Indigenous people. For many Usually, the government pays someone to design
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, it's a the flag, and then it owns the rights so anyone can
reminder of their land being invaded. Plus, there's use it.
the fact that Australia's flag looks a lot like the flags The Aboriginal flag is different because Harold
of other countries and territories, which can make Thomas designed it on his own, so it’s up to Harold
ceremonies like this a little confusing. A few years to decide how his flag is used. He’s given the right
ago, New Zealand actually had a vote on whether or to make flags, objects and clothing to three
not to change their flag, but they decided to stick different companies. And it’s the clothing company
with the original, and many people in Australia feel that’s involved in the drama. WAM Clothing owns
the same way. Some say it's an important part of the exclusive rights to the flag and it’s told other
Australia's history, and it's a recognisable symbol companies to stop using the design without their
that a lot of Aussies are proud of. So, what do you permission. “We received a cease-and-desist letter
think? and it sort of opened up a bigger can of worms of
“I think it's a really good, like, design, and, like, if who should be able to use the flag”. That’s made
it...if it was changed, I don't think that would be a this group, Spark Health, pretty angry and they’ve

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 15

even started an online petition. “We’ve fought for alike. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
enough. We’ve struggled for enough. We don’t people do not feel represented by this flag as it only
want to struggle to use our flag now. And that’s how reminds them of the invasion of their country by
we feel”. While technically, Spark Health did do the European settlers.
wrong thing, experts reckon it’s time all this 6 On the one hand, proponents of the flag think it
confusion was cleared up. represents the Australian people and since it has
One solution could be for the government to pay been used for a long time, it shouldn’t be changed.
Harold Thomas a certain amount of money to buy On the contrary, its opponents believe that it should
the licence. And then, anyone can use it, just like the be replaced so as to include Aboriginal Australians.
Australian flag. Of course, that’s a tricky issue
especially when a lot of Aboriginal Australians are Video 3
concerned about the government owning 2 Harold Thomas is an artist and activist who
something they see as part of their culture. designed the flag to be a symbol of the Indigenous
In the meantime, WAM is talking to Indigenous land rights movement in 1971.
groups in the AFL about how they can continue 3 The colour black represents the Aboriginal people.
using the flag. And while the copyright confusion The colour yellow represents the sun, the “giver of
may not be over, this much-loved symbol isn’t going life”. And the red colour represents the earth, and
anywhere. the spiritual relationship Aboriginal people have
with the land. The flag is an important symbol of
Ces deux vidéos proposent d’aborder la question du unity and identity.
drapeau de l’Australie avec à la fois le lien entretenu 4 It was first used in 1971 and it was recognised as
avec le Royaume-Uni et la reconnaissance du one of the country’s official flags in 1995.
drapeau aborigène. 5 Although the Aboriginal flag is one of the official
Le professeur pourra choisir de donner la vidéo 2 à
flags, Australia doesn’t own the copyright. People or
des élèves qui ont plus de difficultés en
companies cannot use it without the owner’s
compréhension orale et réserver la vidéo 3 pour des
permission. Indeed, artist and activist Harold
élèves plus solides dans cette activité langagière.
Thomas kept the copyright. Only three companies
have the right / are allowed to use the design.
1 Les élèves sont répartis en deux groupes et une 6 The Aboriginal flag is an Aussie icon, easily
des vidéos leur est attribuée. En fonction des identifiable / recognisable. It represents their
moyens disponibles (tablettes, ordinateurs, salle identity and symbolises the unity of Aboriginal
multimédia, ou BYOD), les élèves prendront des people.
notes pour répondre aux questions, en autonomie.
7 Écriture d’un paragraphe pour mettre en commun
Video 2
les informations sur les deux vidéos en mettant en
2 The flag of Australia was created in 1901 by Ivor
avant l’idée de représentation d’un peuple à travers
Williams Evans, a 13-year-old boy, who won a les drapeaux officiels et plus particulièrement les
competition launched by the Prime Minister at the Aborigènes.
time, Sir Edmund Barton. Australia had just become
a federation.
3 It consists of the Union Jack, the national flag of
Australian pronunciation of “a” (diphthong)
the United Kingdom, the Southern Cross — a
On pourra faire remarquer la prononciation du
constellation that can only be seen from Australia
« a » en anglais britannique et en anglais
(five white stars) — and the six-pointed star for each
d’Australie : [ei] vs [ai].
of the six states (now, a seven-pointed star).
4 The flag was first flown on 3 September 1901 (a
day which became known as Australian National
Flag Day in 1996). It became the official flag of Dans la perspective du dossier personnel ou du
Australia in 1954. Grand Oral, les documents proposés encouragent
5 Some people think the flag should not be used les élèves à découvrir des œuvres d’art ou des
anymore, it has become obsolete / old-fashioned / artistes qui apportent leur soutien aux Aborigènes
outdated since Australia, although it is still part of ou qui cherchent à dénoncer la discrimination dont
the Commonwealth, is no longer part of the United ces derniers sont victimes.
Kingdom. Moreover, it resembles other flags too
much. For example, it can be mistaken for the flag
of New Zealand as they are very similar / very much

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 16

Final TASK lumière du contexte culturel, social et politique
Create a podcast for a blog dans lequel elles s’inscrivent. »
La tâche finale, une production orale, permet
aux élèves de reprendre les différents PROBLÉMATIQUE
arguments étudiés dans la séquence, de les Dans quelle mesure des productions artistiques
organiser de manière cohérente en suivant les visant à représenter ou dénoncer des situations
différentes étapes proposées. sociales ou politiques peuvent-elles faire mieux
connaitre ces situations et ainsi susciter le
Page 115 changement ?
To what extent can art contribute to improving the
perception of African Americans in the USA and in
From Mississippi to DC the world today?

and Beyond: Black Lives La Final task permettra au professeur de mesurer la

Matter maîtrise des contenus de la séquence. Les
définitions proposées (inspirées des conclusions
La brick 17 s’intéresse à la dimension militante d’un article publié sur un site indien en mars 2021 :
des représentations de soi. Plus précisément, elle Artists, the ambassadors of natural world (ifp.co.in))
montre la façon dont les représentations artistiques couvrent diverses « missions » de l’artiste. Les
donnent à voir et entendre des informations et des élèves seront conduits à faire des choix et à les
commentaires sur les situations humaines et sur les justifier en mobilisant les acquis culturels et
actions engagées par la population en réaction. langagiers de la séquence. Les deux tâches
Dans le sillage de Martin Luther King Jr et de son intermédiaires auront posé les jalons nécessaires
combat pour l’égalité des droits civiques entre Noirs vers la réalisation de cette tâche.
et Blancs à travers des marches, des discours et
autres manifestations non violentes, la séquence La brick est structurée en six parties :
met en exergue des actions contemporaines 1 “I can’t breathe”: l’hommage rendu à Floyd à
relevant de l’“Artivism”, en lien notamment avec le travers des peintures murales.
mouvement Black Lives Matter lancé en 2013 2 “Lives begin to end the day we become silent
(acquittement de l’assassin de Trayvon Martin) et about things that matter”: le mouvement Black
réactivé en 2020 (décès de George Floyd). On ne Lives Matter.
reprendra pas ici les œuvres militantes d’artistes 3 Painting Murals : Socially-engaged Art…”:
connus tels que Banksy, mais on s’intéressera aux comment le politique se mêle à l’artistique…
réactions de citoyens ordinaires, anonymes, 4 … or is it Vandalism?: …et les réactions tout aussi
agissant de façon individuelle ou collective. Ce politiques des personnalités incriminées par cet art
faisant, on fera prendre conscience aux élèves que des rues. Les étapes 3 et 4 sont à traiter en
le militantisme « par petites touches » n’est pas un continuité, bien entendu, pour faire percevoir les
phénomène nouveau, en étudiant l’exemple de deux visions antagonistes.
Paul Robeson, qui entre 1920 et les années 50, 5 Songs : Changing for the Better?: le rôle de la
modifia progressivement les paroles de la comédie chanson populaire.
musicale Showboat pour en faire disparaitre les 6 A Real Controversy: Respect the Flag!: les
paroles racistes. polémiques autour d’un symbole fortement investi:
Il sera intéressant de mettre les éléments de cette le drapeau américain.
brick en lien avec certains contenus de la brick 9 de
l’Unité 3 “Clicktivism”.
“I CAN’T BREATHE” (George Floyd)
Extrait du B.O.
« La dimension esthétique et culturelle de la Artists around the world are paying
représentation est au cœur de ce dernier axe tribute to George Floyd with powerful murals
d’étude. On se propose ici d’étudier la façon dont
les sociétés anglophones se donnent à voir à elles- 1 Les élèves pourront s’aider de l’encadré Fast
mêmes et au reste du monde à travers des Facts.
productions culturelles et artistiques. […] [L’art] 2 La phrase apparait clairement sur la dernière
permet de véhiculer des idées par le biais du cinéma
photo : “I can’t breathe”.
[…], de la peinture […], de la musique […].
3 The United States, Kenya, Syria: these are but a
Ces représentations artistiques et symboliques du
monde anglophone doivent toutefois se lire à la few places where artists paid tribute to Floyd and

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 17

denounced the way he and other Black people are
treated in the US. This shows the international A Black Lives Matter Mural Now Lines
dimension of the anger triggered by the killing. the New York City Street in Front of Trump
Tower. The President Is Enraged.
Page 116
1 Les deux textes relatent l’action de militants du
“LIVES BEGIN TO END THE DAY WE BECOME mouvement BLM peu après la mort de Floyd dans
SILENT ABOUT THINGS THAT MATTER.” (Martin des lieux emblématiques de deux villes phares :
Luther King Jr) Washington (devant la Maison-Blanche) et New
York (au pied de la Trump Tower).
2 Dans les deux cas le maire (démocrate) apparait
About BLM comme étant partie prenante de l’action (“city-
sponsored mural” en A et “the mayor himself took a
1 Il s’agit-là de sensibiliser à l’importance paint roller… to create the massive art projet” en B).
d’identifier et maîtriser ses sources pour savoir quoi Au demeurant, les citations présentées ne laissent
en attendre. A presentation of the movement by its aucun doute quant à la dimension politique.
own members. 3 Les deux articles montrent l’arrière-pensée « anti-
2 Les élèves devront repérer les trois domaines Trumpiste » des maires impliqués : “a monumental
couverts : des mots qui décrivent la violence subie rejoinder to President Trump” (doc. A, l. 10-11) et
par les Noirs (“white supremacy”, “violence inflicted “an attempt to troll the president” (doc. B, l. 20).
on”, “acts of violence”), des verbes qui témoignent 4 Les élèves constateront les similitudes.
d’une volonté de se battre (“build power”, 5 The local authorities seized / took advantage of
“intervene”, “combating and countering”) et des this opportunity to show their opposition to Trump’s
termes qui font envisager une vie heureuse avec politics.
une capacité d’action recouvrée (“creating space
for Black imagination and innovation, centering
Black joy, winning improvements”). Pronouncing “gh”
3 Le pronom personnel et l’adjectif possessif Deux des trois prononciations de « gh » sont
collectif montrent que ce sont bien les militants de présentes ici : son muet (throughout, right, fight) et
la fondation qui s’expriment là et qu’il s’agit son [f] (enough). On pourra suggérer aux élèves de
d’Américains noirs puisqu’ils s’incluent dans le se créer une fiche pour classer les mots comprenant
propos. « gh » en fonction de leur prononciation – à
4 Les élèves devront repérer la nature militante du compléter au fil des séquences. Il sera alors
document de présentation de l’organisation “Black opportun d’ajouter la prononciation [g] qui
Lives Matter” en s’appuyant sur les divers éléments concerne notamment les mots commençant par
signalés en réponse aux questions 2 et 3. « gh » (ghetto, ghastly, ghost, gherkin…).
We can conclude that the document itself is meant
to support the movement. Page 118

President Trump’s reaction
Pages 116-117
1 Trump obviously disapproved of the project.
2 Trump spoke with irony, insisting on the
inconsistent attitude of a mayor that simultaneously
The Mayor of Washington, DC, Just Had cuts police expenditures and wastes money painting
‘Black Lives Matter’ Painted in 35-Foot-Wide an expensive sign on an avenue.
Letters on the Protest Route Leading to the 3 The verb “denigrate” comes from a Latin verb
White House meaning “black”. Historically, the verb once meant
“to blacken”. Therefore, the word may be viewed as
laden with racist undertones.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 18

4 Unlike Donald Trump, Bill de Blasio regards the ton, les mots employés sont frappants (“I’m being
project as a means of honoring the very people who hunted as prey”).
contributed to building the streets of New York and 7 Former US President Barack Obama reacted after
making places like 5th Avenue symbols of America’s a friend of his drew his attention to the song. He
affluence. tweeted his reaction because he felt it was his duty
to remind people that being discriminated against
on grounds of your skin colour should not be
Training TASK considered as “normal”.
More cities painting BLM murals: justify your
Complément : Lors de l’assassinat de Trayvon
point of view Martin en 2012, Barak Obama avait apporté son
Le choix sera celui de chacun, l’important étant soutien aux parents du jeune homme en déclarant :
que les élèves soient en capacité de justifier leur “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”. (voir :
position. https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2012/

Page 119

SONGS: CHANGING FOR THE BETTER? On trouvera ici une occasion intéressante de faire
comprendre aux élèves ce qu’apportent les
auxiliaires modaux. Trace d’une implication du
“I Just Want to Live” locuteur, la modalisation est un phénomène à
prendre en compte tout particulièrement pour
Video 1 script: 12-year-old gospel singer’s accéder à l’implicite.
heartbreaking song in wake of George Floyd’s Le point de vue d’Obama, qui condamne une
death goes viral situation inadmissible et appelle à l’action est bien
CBS News, 29 May 2020. mis en évidence par les modaux “shouldn’t” et
I'm a young black man “must” en particulier. Avec “can”, c’est sa foi en la
Doing all that I can capacité du peuple américain à changer les choses
To stand. qu’il met en avant.
Oh, but when I look around
And I see what's being done Pages 119-120
To my kind
Every day,
I'm being hunted as prey. A 100 years: evolution or revolution?
My people don't want no trouble
We've had enough struggle. Audio 1 script: Ol’ Man River – The song
His Master’s Voice, 1927.
I just wanna live! There's an old man called the Mississippi
God protect me! That's the old man that I’d like to be!
I just wanna live, What does he care if the world's got troubles?
I just wanna live. What does he care if the land ain't free?

1 It’s a song that was written by a Black mother for Ol’ man river,
her son to sing in the aftermath of George Floyd’s That ol’ man river
brutal killing. He must know somethin'
2 The singer is a 12-year-old American boy. The But don't say nothin',
absence of music (a capella singing) makes the song He just keeps rollin'
all the more poignant / deeply moving. He keeps on rollin' along.
3 My kind = my people.
He don't plant taters,
4 The boy is merely asking for the right to live!
He don't plant cotton,
5 This sentence refers to the painful history of Black And them that plants 'em
people in America, from slavery to discrimination. Is soon forgotten,
6 On laissera s’exprimer tout point de vue justifié, But ol’ man river,
car s’il n’y a manifestement pas d’agressivité dans le He just keeps rollin' along.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 19

Lift that bale!
You and me, we sweat and strain, You gets a little drunk
Body all achin' And you lands in jail…
And wracked with pain,
Tote that barge! I gets weary, and sick of tryin’
Lift that bale! I'm tired of livin',
You gets a little drunk And scared of dyin'
And you lands in jail… But ol' man river,
He just keeps rollin' along
I gets weary, and sick of tryin’
I'm tired of livin', Audio 2 script: Ol’ Man River – Podcast
And scared of dyin' BBC, March 2020.
But ol' man river, [0:10 – 0:38] My grandfather, Paul Robeson,
He just keeps rollin' along. transformed “Ol’ Man River” from a song of despair
Niggers work into a song of resistance. It became an anthem,
'long the Mississippi embodying his spirit.
Niggers work When Paul sang his version of “Ol’ Man River”, the
While the white folks play message was clear: systems of oppression can never
Pullin' those boats silence or destroy me. “Ol’ Man River” gave people
From the dawn till sunset hope and courage.
Gettin' no rest In some places, just listening to Paul sing it was an
Till the judgment day. act of rebellion.
[4:55 – 5:50] “Ol’ Man River” was an unlikely song
Don't look up and don't look down to become an anthem of resistance.
You don't dar’st make the white boss frown Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II wrote it in
Bend your knees and bow your head 1927 with Paul in mind as a star turn for him in their
And pull that rope until your dead musical Show Boat. And they dedicated the song to
Let me go 'way from the Mississippi However, Paul declined to appear in the Broadway
Let me go 'way from the white man boss. opening: “Ol’ Man River” begins with the N-word,
Show me that stream called the river Jordan and he was struggling to get beyond racial
That's the old stream that I long to cross. stereotypes.
Paul was on a mission to dignify African American
Ol’man river, spirituals on the world’s concert stages.
That ol’man river A year later, theater impresario Ziegfeld asked Paul
He must know somethin’ to open in the West-End premiere of Show Boat.
But don’t say nothin’ This time, Paul could not resist. He sang it with the
He just keeps rollin’ N-word, and recorded it that way for His Master’s
He keeps on rollin’ along. Voice. He immediately regretted the recording, and
changed the N-word to coloured folks.
Long low river [7:09 – 8:27] Then he sang “Ol’ Man River”, but the
Forever keeps rollin’ along. lyrics were strikingly different; Paul had re-written
some of the lines.
He don't plant taters, “There’s an old man called the Mississippi, that’s
He don't plant cotton, the old man I would like to be ” became
And them that plants 'em “There’s an old man called the Mississippi, that’s
Is soon forgotten, the old man I don’t like to be. What does he tell if
But ol’ man river, the world’s got troubles? What does he tell if the
He just keeps rollin' along. land ain’t free? ”[…]
“Get a little drunk and you lands in jail” became
Long low river “show a little grit, and you land in jail”.
Keeps singin' that song The closing line also changed dramatically.
“I gets weary and sick of tryin’, I’m tired of livin’ and
You and me, we sweat and strain, scared of dyin’” became
Body all achin' “But I keeps laughin’ instead of cryin’, I must keep
And wracked with pain, fightin’ until I’m dyin’, and ol’ Man River, he’ll just
Tote that barge! keep rollin’ along”

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 20

Remarque: Les paroles exactes de Toni Morrison, 1
prononcées en 1979 en s’adressant aux étudiantes Picture Date People Goal
lors de la remise de diplômes au Barnard College, à A 1965 Martin To pray
New York (Cinderella’s Stepsisters speech) étaient : Luther King
“You are moving in the direction of freedom and the B 2016 US football To
function of freedom is to free somebody else.” player C. denounce
1 Kaepernick symbols of
a. a song of resistance values
b. coloured folks which do
c. There’s an old man called the Mississippi, that’s not exist for
the old man I don’t like to be.
d. show a little grit, and you’ll end in jail.
C 2020 US police To support
e. I keep laughing instead of crying, I must keep
officers BLM
fighting until I’m dying.
2 et 3 On laissera s’exprimer et se confronter les
2 Il faudra sans doute aider les élèves à comprendre
divers points de vue.
la symbolique du geste en les informant de son
origine : dans les matchs de football américain,
Compléments : Ses prises de position ont valu à Paul
s’agenouiller après avoir reçu le ballon entraine une
Robeson d’être écarté du monde artistique par le
interruption provisoire du match en cours, en
gouvernement américain. Sa famille a été placée
particulier lorsqu’un joueur est blessé. En
sous la surveillance du FBI, et sa carrière a été brisée
récupérant ce geste sportif pour en faire une
aux États-Unis, malgré le soutien qu’il a pu recevoir
démarche militante, Kaepernick a aussi joué sur
en Europe.
l’entorse à la règle civique qui veut qu’on se tienne
Dans la seconde partie du podcast, Susan Robeson
debout quand l’hymne national est joué. Avant
témoigne également de l’influence qu’a eue son
l’action très médiatisée de 2016, il avait manifesté
grand-père non seulement dans la lutte contre le
sa désapprobation en restant assis sur un banc
racisme aux États-Unis, mais également au-delà des
pendant la diffusion de l’hymne.
frontières : contre le régime de l’apartheid en
Afrique du Sud. Le politicien militant afro-américain
Training TASK
mentionné, John Lewis, est décédé en juillet 2020,
quelques mois après cet enregistrement. PAIRWORK: What do you think?
Elle précise également que le mouvement des droits Pour réaliser cette tâche plutôt ambitieuse, la
civiques a tenté de convaincre son grand-père de connaissance du tableau évoqué sera utile aux
joindre le mouvement, mais qu’il a refusé. élèves.
L’attaque de Donald Trump en lien avec le manque
Page 120 de respect au drapeau (mentionné ici dans sa
dimension symbolique et non physique, bien
entendu) a inspiré Jon McNaughton, un peintre pro-
A REAL CONTROVERSY: RESPECT THE FLAG! Trump qui a produit de nombreuses œuvres en
soutien au président. Le tableau Respect the Flag
“Respect the Flag” the-flag/) pourra faire l’objet d’une étude par les
La position genou à terre a donné lieu à une élèves, et les conduire à s’interroger sur le rôle de
controverse retentissante puisque le président l’artiste en matière de politique, avec un autre
Donald Trump s’en est pris aux joueurs de football, regard.
en les critiquant pour une posture dont il jugeait Le document de Dave Holmes proposé pour cette
qu’elle manquait de respect au drapeau national. tâche intermédiaire souligne avec ironie la
(voir : CNN : Trump: I wish NFL owners respected démarche du peintre. Il faudra clairement faire
US flag [2:48], 22 September 2017, percevoir cette ironie, car pour le journaliste
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JMnfmxA_Q Holmes, il n’y a au contraire aucune équivalence
o) entre l’acte militant d’un sportif refusant de se lever
Les élèves ne peuvent comprendre cette pour écouter l’hymne et un acte aussi grave que de
controverse que s’ils appréhendent le poids de la détruire le puissant symbole que représente le
symbolique du drapeau pour les citoyens drapeau américain.
américains, et c’est l’objectif visé par les activités Ce sera l’enjeu de cette tâche ainsi que de l’activité
des deux dernières pages de la brick. suivante p. 121.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 21

Page 121

The Flag Code or American flag


1 Pour éviter tout errement sur des sites

éthiquement discutables, on veillera à n’utiliser que
des sources officielles
85A8-27B9-294F-AB0E-D12D8824EE22) pour
informer les élèves. L’essentiel sera ici de faire
comprendre l’importance du drapeau non
seulement comme métaphore, mais aussi comme
2 et 3 Ces questions n’attendent évidemment pas
de réponse unique : on acceptera tout point de vue
recevable éthiquement en s’attachant à la forme
utilisée : expression de l’opinion, justification,
aptitude à argumenter pour convaincre.

Final TASK
Write an article for the school paper about the
role of the artist (200 words)
Cette tâche permettra aux élèves de réinvestir les
connaissances culturelles et les savoirs langagiers
travaillés dans la séquence en se positionnant sur
les propositions inspirées des conclusions d’un
article publié sur un site indien en mars 2021 :
L’expression du point de vue aura été travaillée tout
au long de la séquence et plus particulièrement à
l’occasion de la réalisation des tâches
Au vu du sujet, qui implique un regard particulier, la
fiche méthodologique consacrée à l’écriture d’un
essai (p. 324) pourra apporter de l’aide.

Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances

grâce aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la
constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
trouveront là matière à s’interroger sur l’art engagé.

Unit 5 “Identity is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it?” 22

Page 124

UNIT6 mais surtout son rôle social. Un regard sur son

statut d’incontournable de la pop culture
“English-speaking contemporaine complètera l’étude.
communities: can you
have your cake and eat it? Page 125

Falls Down
L’UNIT 6 aborde la première thématique du
programme d’AMC en terminale : « Faire société »,
La brick 18 questionne le futur de la monarchie
thématique qui, selon le BO (voir page 360) « a pour
alors que la reine Élisabeth II vient de fêter ses 95
objectif d’examiner la question de l’unité sous ses
ans. Le fait que certains pays du Commonwealth, et
différentes facettes – non pas l’unité du monde
non des moindres, réfléchissent à renoncer à leur
anglophone, mais dans le monde anglophone – en
chef d’État royal pourrait-il remettre en cause une
insistant sur la variété des approches ; en effet, si
monarchie mise à mal par les divisions à la fois
une partie du monde est anglophone, la langue
politiques, engendrées par le Brexit, et sociétales
anglaise n’est pas univoque et les modes de vie et
suite aux récents scandales liés aux membres de la
les cultures ne sont pas uniformes. De même, la
famille royale ?
diversité des politiques publiques donne à voir la
complexité des questions sociales (d’un pays ou
Extrait du B.O.
d’un niveau de gouvernance à l’autre) ».
« Le monde anglophone est souvent associé à une
Ce sont trois entrées résolument différentes, mais
vision de progrès et à une culture fédératrice, riche
complémentaires, que proposent les trois bricks
de possibilités. […] Les valeurs communes [issues de
consacrées à cette thématique pour réfléchir à ce
la Common Law] n’empêchent pas l’apparition de
qui fédère ou fait la cohésion d’une nation.
tensions internes, parfois héritées du passé, au sein
La brick 18 s’intéresse tout particulièrement à
des différentes sociétés anglophones. »
l’évolution du rôle de la monarchie royale dans le
monde anglophone, notamment au Royaume-Uni
et dans les pays du Commonwealth : si son
La monarchie, un ciment suffisant à la cohésion du
incarnation emblématique, Elizabeth II, vient à
Royaume-Uni ?
décéder, quel sera l’avenir de cette institution déjà
Do you think the monarchy is a strong enough
régulièrement ébranlée par des scandales divers ?
cement for the cohesion of the United Kingdom?
Et partant, qu’adviendra-t-il de l’unité dont la
monarchie est le ciment le plus important ?
La Final task permettra de travailler la médiation
La brick 19 regarde du côté de la Nouvelle-Zélande,
interculturelle sous la forme d’une interview qui
île parfois oubliée sur les cartes (l’épisode de la
prendra la forme d’un document étudié dans la
carte fautive d’Ikea a donné lieu à la diffusion d’une
vidéo pleine d’humour que les élèves pourront
étudier), mais aussi terre où se pose clairement la
La brick est structurée en deux parties :
question de l’unité dans la diversité, avec deux
1 Could the monarchy be challenged in a close
populations qui doivent encore travailler
future?: L’événement déclencheur est le
activement à leur rapprochement pour créer une
renoncement de la Barbade à garder la reine
nation où tous sont intégrés et traités
Elizabeth comme chef de l’Etat, mais on s’intéresse
ensuite à l’opinion publique britannique.
La brick 20, enfin, se concentre sur un pilier de la
2 Experts’ points of view: on interroge ici des
culture américaine, familier des élèves à travers les
journalistes et historiens pour mettre leur opinion
films et séries où il est omniprésent, mais rarement
en regard de celle de la population.
regardé pour ce qu’il apporte à la société. Le “diner”
est ainsi proposé à l’étude des élèves, qui
découvriront son histoire et ses caractéristiques,

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 1
Page 125 Charles’s second one drew them to the lowest.
Celebrating the longevity of the Queen had the
opposite effect… until the next drawback.
2 Les élèves doivent mettre en regard le dernier
point du Fast facts et les résultats du sondage.
The poll was made a month after they had
announced their departure and shows a worst result
Barbados to remove Queen Elizabeth than the 65% of 2005.
as head of state 3 La fracture générationnelle se situe autour des
quinquagénaires (nés autour de 1970) qui ont
1 Il s’agit ici de reprendre l’information principale grandi avec l’histoire de Charles et Diana (1981-
du texte et de s’assurer que les élèves possèdent les 1996). Les élèves pourront visionner le film de
références culturelles nécessaires pour pouvoir Stephen Frears The Queen pour se rendre compte
ensuite réagir. On les invitera à consulter la fiche de l’impact de la mort de Lady Diana (1997) sur la
Zoom in p. 353, une carte des pays du population. Ils pourront aussi interpréter le fait que
Commonwealth, une présentation rapide de la les moins de 50 ans sont très nombreux à se
Barbade ainsi que l’article de l’encyclopédie désintéresser de la question. Enfin, les plus de 65
Britannica sur le titre « Dame ». ans sont nés au plus tard en 1955, ils ont pu
What? Barbados wants to become a Republic and to connaitre les années de guerre (ou avoir des
withdraw the Queen from her status as head of témoignages de leurs parents) quand la famille
state. royale était un réel facteur de cohésion de la nation
When? November 2021, 55 years after the ou avoir suivi le couronnement de la jeune reine
independence from Britain. (1953) à la télévision. Des recherches
Why? Pride, identity revival, break the last bond complémentaires sur l’histoire de la famille royale
with the colonial era. (la série Netflix The Crown pourrait être un support
2 On pourra conseiller aux élèves de rechercher apprécié) permettraient ainsi de guider les élèves
quels autres pays ont suivi la même démarche et dans leur émission d’hypothèses.
pourquoi, une Press review sur les événements de 4 Cette dernière question doit être l’occasion de
l’automne 2020 leur permettrait de reconstruire le lister les arguments pour et contre vus jusqu’à
contexte de BLM et de la remise en question du présent. Ce relevé pourra constituer un fil rouge qui
passé colonial. Ils pourraient ensuite émettre des sera complété au fur et à mesure pour permettre
hypothèses sur les raisons de ce choix. aux élèves de justifier leur position dans la Final

The Windsors hit the rock bottom Pages 126

1 L’objectif est ici de montrer que l’évolution de

Could Megxit endanger the monarchy?
l’opinion publique concernant la monarchie est liée
à son image dans les médias (voir aussi Unit 5 Brick
15). Tout d’abord, la récente interview de Meghan Video 1 script: Megxit: Harry, Meghan headline
et Harry et les accusations de racisme, tout comme British papers, prompt mixed public reactions,
le lien entre le prince Andrew et Jeffrey Epstein, ont globalnews.ca, 9 January 2020
fragilisé la confiance de la population. Le décès du MAN 1: I’m a lot surprised by it. I didn’t think that
prince Philip et les 95 ans de la reine marquent would happen but if it’s the tabloids that have
peut-être la fin d’une ère dans les esprits (voir le driven them out then it’s a shame that our press is
dernier sondage dans les Breaking News). La sending our Royals out of the country.
fracture générationnelle est un second point, le WOMAN 1: So I think in the context of what’s going
discours du Covid de la reine a été extrêmement on in the world with like, Iran, and this is probably
bien reçu et les plus anciens ont évoqué le soutien not the most dramatic thing to happen but I think it
indéfectible de la famille royale à la population en is a shame that they’ve decided to do that. I
temps de crise. Enfin on pourra conseiller aux élèves certainly understand, I think I understand, the kind
de visionner la vidéo du Go further p. 126 of scrutiny and another way that the media was
concernant l’annus horribilis. betraying Meghan Markle. I can see why they would
The various polls have shown that the fluctuation in feel the need to step back.
public opinion depends on royal events or scandals. WOMAN 2: It’s myth, unforeseen I think, I think they
If royal weddings usually boost the statistics, Prince should do whatever they want to do, really. I just

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 2
hope they can fund themselves for their new maintenant de revenir sur les moyens linguistiques
ventures in life rather than from the public purse, I ou non verbaux qui y ont contribué.
think stepping out of public life and not working Nonverbal: movements of the head, shoulders or
senior Royals and I think they need to scale down arms, pouts, starring up or on the side, winks,
their security or pay for it themselves after their eyebrow raising.
own private funding. Verbal: “humm”, hesitation, stress on words, “I’m a
WOMAN 1: I just think what that wedding cost and lot surprised”, “I didn’t think”, “I think”, “this is
that’s a goody. Honestly, I think the nation made it probably not the most dramatic”, “I certainly
more than that back from the publicity and it’s the understand”, “I can see why”, “honestly”, “this is a
television rights or… like honestly there’s often an thing I’m not too sure”, “I’m not particularly
upsurge in sales and that sort of things. I don’t think concerned about it”, “the rest of the society won’t
it’s any loss in that regard, I just think in what it does probably mind too much”.
to the credibility of the institution, I think, that’s the
MAN 1: I think because he’s a bit more junior than…
he’s not like Prince Charles or William, maybe not, An accent from abroad?
so much but it could set a precedent and a trend Le dernier homme interviewé est probablement
going forward. français. Les élèves devront repérer l’influence de la
MAN 2: Did they really participate in the country? langue maternelle (prononciation des voyelles « i »
This is a thing I’m not too sure. It’s not… I don’t think et « a » par exemple ainsi que l’accentuation des
it’s gonna change anything particular about, you mots).
know, the states and affairs of the country, really,
so, no, I’m not particularly concerned about it to be Training TASK
honest so… and I think the rest of the society won’t
probably mind too much about it.
Organise a discussion
L’objectif est de permettre aux élèves de
découvrir les points communs et les différences
1 L’optique ici est de rechercher des justifications
entre les systèmes politiques de nos deux pays et
que le sondage ne fait pas apparaitre et de les de faire le lien avec les arguments « pour » et
confronter aux réponses des élèves à la question 4 « contre » la monarchie étudiés précédemment.
p. 125. En 1957, l’accueil en France d’Elizabeth II aux cris
The poll and the video both show public opinion de « Vive la reine » a pu surprendre. Il s’agit de
after the announcement of Meghan and Harry’s les amener, par la médiation culturelle, à
departure from the country and giving up their comprendre comment on peut être attaché à un
duties as royals. souverain.
2 Les élèves devront estimer l’âge des personnes
interviewées et repérer dans leur réponse leur
opinion vis-à-vis de la famille royale.
Man 1: over 50, for monarchy (“our Royals”, “it’s a EXPERTS’ POINTS OF VIEW
shame”, “he is a bit more junior”), he seems to be
troubled that it could be the start of some kind of
change in the institution. Close-up on lineage
Woman 1: in her 20s, doesn’t know (“in the context
of what’s going on in the world”) or for (“It’s a Video 2 script: Harry and Meghan stepping back
shame”, “I understand”, “I can see why”, “they need from Royal family was ‘inevitable,’ Tina Brown
to”, “that’s a goody”, “the credibility of the says.
Global News, January 2020
Woman 2: over 50, against (“they should do JOURNALIST: With the effective exile of Prince
whatever they want to do”, “fund themselves”, Andrew in the aftermath of Jeffey Epstein the
“their new ventures”). She seems to say good [buckle] interview, where is the royal family at this
riddance, it will cost less money to tax payers.
Man 2: 25-49, doesn’t know (“did they really TINA BROWN: The royal family are absolutely
participate in the country?”, “it’s not going to slimming down. I mean Prince Charles has for some
change anything”, “I’m not concerned”). time said that his vision of the royal family is of a
3 Les justifications de la question précédente much more close knit essentially editing out the
auront focalisé l’attention des élèves sur les others. It’s just about the heirs and their heirs that’s
opinions des personnes interrogées ; il s’agit what they want. And in fact, there was a very, I

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 3
thought, telling photograph, telling incident over when the nation needs support (Covid crisis for
Christmas, the Queen Christmas message where example). Staying away from the media and
she always… people always decode the following the royal “never explain, never complain”
photographs on her desk, you know. 2018 you saw rule, she has not been scandalised. The recent
pictures of Harry and Meghan getting married and interview given by Meghan and Harry, who have
her granddaughter Eugenie by… Prince Andrews’ accused some royals of racism, have explicitly
daughter who also got married, picture on the desk. discharged the Queen. Even if people try to read her
This year, no pictures on the desk of marriage, just opinion through her brooches or the colour of her
the heirs. The photograph that they released just hats, she does remain silent on political matters.
before Christmas, which was the four heirs, it was 2 Les élèves pourront ici faire le lien avec la
the Queen, Charles you know, William and Prince première partie et compléter leur liste d’arguments
John… (scandales et budget) avec l’implication politique du
OFF-CAMERA VOICE: And little George, he was very souverain. En complément de l’article, le Fast facts
cute. apporte la justification de cette crainte concernant
le règne de Charles. Il s’agit enfin de répondre à la
1 Cette question a pour objet de contextualiser la problématique.
The show was broadcasted in January 2020, after The risks for the survival of the monarchy after
the Megxit announcement. “London Bridge” (the Queen) falls down are
2 Il y a deux choses à faire remarquer aux élèves ici, threefold:
tout d’abord le fait de recentrer la famille royale sur - If Charles steps into political issues rather than stay
la ligne de succession et ensuite le fait que ce soit la neutral. It will endanger democracy in confronting
vision de Charles que l’on mette en avant. with people’s voices.
The communication policy of the royal family is to - If the royal family costs too much to tax payers. The
focus on the direct lineage to the throne (Charles, memory of the expenditure / cost of the restoration
William and George). The fact that Tina Brown says of Windsor castle after the fire (annus horribilis) is
that it is Charles’ idea could be the sign that, as the not far away and money is a tough issue as we saw
Queen is getting older, Charles is taking over from in the video p. 126.
his mother smoothly. This could be a way to show - If scandals, true or fake, bend public opinion to a
that there is no reason why things should change “no” in a referendum. Poll results in favour of the
and that his picking up the business has already monarchy have been shrinking recently and the
started anyway. hesitant people will choose sides.
3 La réponse précédente aura permis d’orienter la
discussion et la réflexion des élèves sur ce dernier
point. Expressing uncertainty
Focus on the basics, reduce money spending, move “the only likely scenario that might lead to” (l. 6-7),
away from potential scandals and controversies. “will probably be” (l. 8), “if yet more public finances
are spent on expensive palace restoration” (l. 10),
“given […] is certainly conceivable” (l. 27-29), “bets
Page 127 might be off” (l. 30).

Is the monarchy compatible with

modern Britain? • Lignes 5-10 : Greg Jenner, historien, estime que le
seul scénario qui pourrait vraisemblablement
1 La première question revient sur le rôle politique entraîner un mécontentement important de la
population à l’égard de la monarchie serait que
et la personnalité de la reine qui a le règne le plus
Charles politise la couronne pendant son règne
long de l’histoire et dont peu de monde souhaiterait
imminent ou que des fonds publics
la destitution.
supplémentaires soient utilisés pour restaurer des
The symbol of the monarchy is the Queen. Even if
palais à grands frais.
she has no political power, she must be informed
• Lignes 11-12 : s’il y a une chose qui a été prouvée
and she is allowed to advise and to warn the Prime
ces dernières années, c’est qu’on ne peut rien tenir
Minister. She is a unifying figure who has worked
pour acquis.
with 14 Prime Ministers (4 from the Labour Party
• Lignes 14-16 : si la politisation de la monarchie par
and 10 Conservatives). She does not give interviews
un Charles qui se fait entendre davantage n’est pas
but speeches for Christmas or on special occasions

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 4
à même de / ne suffit pas pour changer « La pluralité s’observe non seulement sur le plan
significativement l’opinion publique, la pression linguistique, mais aussi sur les plans géographique,
politique d’un scandale, réel ou non, est, quant à culturel, social, religieux et ethnique. […] Les
elle, une menace omniprésente. festivals culturels ou religieux au niveau local, les
célébrations et commémorations au niveau
national, constituent autant de facteurs de
Final TASK cohésion et de partage. Certaines pratiques
Record a video culturelles comme le sport ou la musique (hymnes
La tâche finale reprend l’idée du micro-trottoir nationaux, musiques populaire ou classique)
de la vidéo page 126. On peut imaginer deux contribuent à renforcer le sentiment
fonctionnements de niveaux différents : d’appartenance. Inversement, différents systèmes
organiser directement un travail en binômes de stratification sociale (castes ou classes sociales,
pour préparer un guide d’interview ou bien par exemple) définissent une source d’identité
diviser la classe en deux groupes qui préparent encore différente, rendant plus difficile la
séparément des questions et des arguments coexistence de populations traversées par des
personnels avant qu’on n’apparie les binômes tensions en leur sein ou faisant l’expérience de
interviewer-interviewé. Cette seconde option mobilités sociales inégales. »
augmente la difficulté de la tâche, car elle
nécessite une meilleure gestion de l’imprévu PROBLÉMATIQUE
pendant l’interaction. Comment la Nouvelle-Zélande fait-elle pour
Il est attendu des élèves qu’ils réagissent en tant réduire son « écart » avec le reste du monde ?
que Français et donc qu’ils montrent des How does New Zealand bridge the gap?
compétences interculturelles.
La Final Task permettra aux élèves de réinvestir
leurs connaissances afin de faire découvrir, dans
une courte vidéo d’accroche, ce petit pays
Le premier point permet de revenir sur l’unité du d’Océanie.
Commonwealth et le second attire l’attention des
élèves vers le Parti « républicain » au Royaume-Uni La brick est structurée en trois parties :
(voir Zoom in page 338). Le Go further précédent va 1 New Zealand off the map?: en réponse à la
dans ce sens à travers un texte de fiction. « disparition » de la Nouvelle-Zélande de plusieurs
cartes du monde.
Page 128 2 No bridge too far!: optimiste, rigoureuse,
déterminée, la Nouvelle-Zélande relève le défi de la
pandémie et attire sur elle les projecteurs.
New Zealand: We are 3 Mind the gap!: il reste néanmoins un fossé de
taille, encore difficile à combler, entre Maoris et
Here… And Here we are! Pākehā (le nom que les Maoris donnent aux autres
Néozélandais), ces deux peuples qui aspirent à ne
La brick 19. Que connaissent les élèves de la faire qu’un, mais dont les relations sont aujourd’hui
Nouvelle-Zélande ? Ce pays lointain de 4,7 millions encore régies par le traité de Waitangi.
d’habitants est peu ou mal connu, parfois même
oublié par le reste du monde ! Pourtant la Nouvelle- Page 128
Zélande est bien là et elle crie au monde entier
qu’elle ne doit plus être laissée de côté (et ne plus
être oubliée sur les planisphères !). Avec la crise du NEW ZEALAND OFF THE MAP?
Covid-19, le monde entier s’est étonné de la façon
dont cette petite île aux antipodes a su gérer
l’épidémie. Nous verrons que « le pays du long Ikea Apologizes For Leaving New
nuage blanc » a bien du mal à combler le fossé qui Zealand off the World Map
continue de séparer deux peuples qui aspirent
pourtant à ne faire qu’un.
1 One of the most isolated countries on the globe /
Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit film franchises
Extrait du B.O.
revealed its stunning landscape / location /
Thématique 1 : « Faire société »
population (Maori) / in 1893, the country became
Axe d’étude 1 : Unité et pluralité.
the first on earth to give women the vote. / kiwis /
New Zealanders = kiwis and New Zealanders =

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 5
“Down Under” / bungee Jumping / rugby, the All RHYS DARBY: I don’t think so. I’ve been searching
Blacks / etc. the Internet for the last 30 seconds and it’s
2 À partir de la photo, on peut demander aux élèves everywhere. This is a major conspiracy. I’m gonna
de : get behind it. By that I don’t mean support it, I’m
• situer la Nouvelle-Zélande sur une carte du monde gonna, actually, you know, sort of get in behind it,
(il est possible de reprendre la carte Ikea Bjorsta : not in a rude way. I’ll go around the side of it but I’m
https://i0.wp.com/www.maproomblog.com/xq/w gonna search it out, I’m gonna study it. Leave it with
p-content/uploads/2019/02/bjorksta-ohne- me m’lady.
nz.jpg?resize=760%2C507&ssl=1) ; FYI : le site RHYS DARBY: Oh, New Zealand, where the bloody
Reddit répertorie les cartes sans la Nouvelle- hell are you? Australia! They’re stealing our tourists.
Zélande : Our wine, sacrebleu! Sneaky Frenchies!
https://www.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/ RHYS DARBY (on the phone with England): You
• imaginer les raisons pour lesquelles la Nouvelle- missed it off by accident? Are you sure? Or is
Zélande ne figure parfois pas sur les cartes. England trying to get rid of the All Blacks once and
3 Swedish furniture giant Ikea has apologised for for all?
leaving New Zealand off a world map that was being RHYS DARBY (calling Jacinda Ardern).
sold at one of its Washington, D.C. outlets. The JACINDA ARDERN: That was fast!
product is called BJORKSTA and a Reddit user RHYS DARBY: Of course, Your Highness.
spotted the mistake, and posted it on a subreddit JACINDA ARDERN: Jacinda is fine, Rhys.
called MapsWithoutNZ, which collects all the RHYS DARBY: Listen, this is big. Bigger than we
instances where New Zealand is missing from maps thought, bigger than the moon landing and Loch
(l. 4-5). Ness combined, which by the way is one of my
4 What is funny, or even ironic, is that the furniture theories that those things are combined. Now look,
retailer intends to enter the New Zealand market by I’ve boiled it down to a few things. Australia wants
opening its “megastore” in Auckland. our tourists, England wants to get rid of the All
FYI: a Reddit user from New Zealand wrote: “I Blacks and the wine industry, they can’t beat our
wonder if they’re going to sell these maps in the new Pinot or Sav!
Auckland store.” Another angry user also made the JACINDA ARDERN: Are you sure?
following comment: “What’s the deal #IKEA with RHYS DARBY: Well, I do have one more theory.
forgetting an entire country off the world maps you We’re quite a fiddly looking shaped country, a bit
are selling? #New Zealand exists!!!!” like a half-eaten lamb chop, perhaps people are just
5 New Zealanders are a bit annoyed by these leaving us off, thinking we are a mistake.
JACINDA ARDERN: Rhys, I’ve gotta go.
repeated omissions but responded, nonetheless,
RHYS DARBY: I know, you’re short of time, okay.
with humour (by creating a humorous video
Now, do you want me home to report back to the
featuring Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and
nation, because I can be there in three movies and
comedian Rhys Darby who makes funny comments
a meal.
about the case).
JACINDA ARDERN: Look Rhys, you might be onto
something, but we’re gonna need some help.
Page 129
Cette vidéo est une publicité réalisée dans le cadre
d’une campagne touristique lancée par Tourism
#getNZonthemap New Zealand afin que le pays figure enfin sur toutes
les cartes du monde. La Première ministre de
Video 1 script: Off the map: New Zealand tourism Nouvelle-Zélande, Jacinda Ardern, et le comédien
ad takes on ‘conspiracy’. néo-zélandais Rhys Darby, las de constater
Guardian News, 2 May 2018
l’absence de leur pays sur diverses cartes du
RHYS DARBY: Oh. Thank you, Sharon. The next great
monde, participent à cette vidéo devenue virale (cf.
conspiracy: New Zealand is disappearing off world
dernier paragraphe du texte p. 128).
maps! Disappearing? It’s all over the Internet!
1 Rhys Darby has just received a letter which
JACINDA ARDERN (Cindy): Hello Rhys.
RHYS DARBY: Cindy, I mean Your Majesty, I’ll keep denounces a “conspiracy” against New Zealand. He
this brief. New Zealand has been left off world maps is astonished and suspicious. He checks out the
all over the world! information on the Internet.
JACINDA ARDERN: I’m sure there is a reasonable 2 He anxiously phones Prime Minister Jacinda
explanation. Ardern (Cindy) to tell her he believes other countries

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 6
are purposely pushing New Zealand off the map. But WOMAN 2: To know our neighbours and to be part
Jacinda Ardern doesn’t seem to believe him (she of a community.
takes the case lightly). WOMAN 3: To learn as much as you can about
3 New Zealand is missing from many other maps in where you are in life.
places such as Vancouver International Village, MAORI MAN: [In Maori] Seek the treasure of your
Starbucks outlets, Central Park Zoo and Ikea. His heart and bow to none but the loftiest mountains.
theories: BIKER: [In Japanese] Be honest. Go out and ride with
- “I’ve boiled it down to a few things. Australia wants your friends.
our tourists, England wants to get rid of the All FEMALE BASKETBALL PLAYER: Live happy.
Blacks, and the wine industry, [the French] can’t FEMALE TEENAGER: Don’t be an egg.
beat our Pinot or Sav!”. Rhys believes the whole MAN 1: We mumble a lot.
world has ganged up on New Zealand! His WOMAN 4: [translated] Hello everyone. From my
overreaction is funny. heart, I wish you all the best.
4 “we’re gonna need some help” = she realises that WOMAN ON HORSE: Just make amazing memories.
something is wrong because New Zealand has WOMAN 5: Talk to a stranger. Ask them how they
indeed disappeared from the map! are.
5 The #getnzonthemap campaign is part of a drive CHEF: Cook with love.
to encourage more visitors to the country. MAN IN BATHTUB: We have a failure.
6 New Zealand is a little tired of being continually MAN 2: We’re here to help and we’ll do everything
we can to help you guys as well.
omitted from world maps. They want to denounce
WOMAN WITH LLAMAS: Look after the animals that
this annoying omission but in a humorous light-
you love.
hearted way.
MAN 3: And look after our planet a hell of a lot
FYI: “Rhys Montague Darby (born 21 March 1974) is
a New Zealand actor and comedian, known for his
YOUNG BOY WITH BIKE: It might displode so that’s
energetic physical comedy routines, telling stories
why we always pick up rubbish.
accompanied with mime and sound effects of things
MAN ON COUCH: Get off your bum and go for a
such as machinery and animals. […] Darby is best
known for playing Murray Hewitt, the band
WOMAN ON CAR: Be honest, tell me how you really
manager of Flight of the Conchords in the television
series, a role he originally played in the BBC radio
WOMAN 6: Yeah, believe in yourself.
series under the name Brian Nesbit.” Wikipedia.
MAN 4: Look up at the night sky on a clear starry
7 It has gone viral! It was a success and New Zealand
night and realise the universe that we’re all part of.
experienced a surge in tourist numbers… FEMALE FOOTBALL PLAYER: Stay safe.
WOMAN IN CAFÉ: I love you. Los amo.
WOMAN 7: That we all just work together and be
Shouts out from NZ to the world one.
MALE TEENAGER 2: Anything’s possible when you
Video 2 script: A message from New Zealand try.
100% Pure New Zealand, 19 July 2020 OLD MAN: The right path in life is learning and
MALE BASKETBALL PLAYER: This is a message from getting along together.
New Zealand. OLD WOMAN: So that we don’t get in the wrong
SURFBOARD SHAPER: Ahm, if I could encourage the place. Amene.
world to do one thing, it would be…
MAN ON COUCH: It’d be pretty hard to explain. Cette vidéo est un aperçu de ce qu’est la Nouvelle-
MAN IN FRONT OF MAORI HOUSE: It would be to Zélande (dans sa diversité, ses spécificités, ses
listen very carefully to each other. mentalités, etc.). Lors de la pandémie de Covid-19,
MECHANIC: Take a look at what’s going on around le pays a lancé une nouvelle campagne visant à
you and see if you can do something about it. maintenir le pays et ses habitants dans le cœur et
YOUNG GIRL: If I could encourage the world to do l’esprit de leurs amis et de leur famille dans le
one thing it would be to stop polluting the Earth. monde entier.
MALE TEENAGER 1: Go to the library, you know.
Education is good.
1 Remote, isolated, far, away, diverse, Māori, kiwi,
MALE TEENAGER 2: Live life to its fullest.
landscapes, beach, Pacific, down under, rugby, All
YOUNG BOY: Always be a good boy.
Blacks, Pavlova, Bungy Jumping, sheep, sporty
WOMAN 1: It would be to stay positive.

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 7
2 Natives – Ewes – Wellington – Zealous – dance. It was a success for her country, and she was
Enthusiastic (Easy-going/Eager) – Aotearoa – Land very proud.
of the Long White Cloud – All Blacks – Nowhere – 2 The rest of the world is in awe of this achievement.
Diverse – Edge (of the world) – Rugby Several newspapers have been praising New
3 Réponses libres. Zealand for successfully managing the pandemic
Because they are far away and isolated (and may crisis.
feel easily forgotten by the rest of the world) + It shows that despite the fact that this country is
because many of them have family and friends all quite small and isolated, it should not be ignored or
over the world (especially in the United States, forgotten because it seems capable of certain feats
England, Australia). Also, they are a people who and other countries should perhaps take a leaf out
travels a lot. In 2020 the pandemic probably made of this country’s book more often and get inspired
them feel even more isolated and forgotten by the by it.
rest of the world. 3 Attirer l’attention des élèves sur la source :
4 In this video we see New Zealand in its diversity l’article provient du journal The New Zealand Herald
(landscapes, people, mentalities, etc.). (FYI: Daily newspaper, published in Auckland and
FYI: This video looks at what’s important to the considered a newspaper of record for New Zealand.
people of New Zealand. The campaign asks It has the largest newspaper circulation of all
questions such as “If you could encourage the world newspapers in New Zealand) / et l’utilisation de
to do one thing, what would it be?” or “What’s the l’adjectif possessif “our” (l. 10-11). Leur faire
best way to start your day?”. Whether from every remarquer que, dans ces conditions, il n’y a rien de
day or notable Kiwis, the responses are heartfelt, surprenant à ce que les différents points de vue
genuine and most importantly they capture the évoqués ici soient positifs et valorisants pour la
unique NZ identity and spirit. “Now more than ever, Nouvelle-Zélande.
it’s important for us to stay connected with each
other,” says Tourism New Zealand general Pages 130-131
manager, Americas and Europe, Sarah Handley.
“Given that people can’t visit New Zealand right
now, we asked New Zealanders if they’d like to share Thank you
a message with people around the world. We hope
that hearing these heartfelt messages from Kiwis Video 3 script : ‘Thank you’ – Prime Minister
will connect the world with us in a meaningful and Jacinda Ardern takes pride in New Zealand’s
engaging way. We look forward to welcoming response to alert levels
everyone back to New Zealand when it is safe to do 1 News, 4 September 2020
so.” In summary, a lot has changed across New Zealand
https://www.traveldailymedia.com/shout-out- in a short space of time. A New Zealander hopping
new-zealand-videos/ off the bus in a mask or tapping into a bakery by
barcode or giving a fellow Kiwi a very wide booth on
Page 130 the footpath* is not something I would have
thought would fill me with pride at the beginning of
this year, but it does now. It’s what care and
kindness looks like, and I see people embracing it,
just like we did our new lexicon of bubbles, alert
Cette partie souligne la fierté des Néo-Zélandais
levels, being spaced out. And now we have new face
pour leur pays tandis que le reste du monde se
mask chat to add in for good measure. It ensures
montre intrigué, voire impressionné par cet état
that we can continue to step down through alert
insulaire d’Océanie (lors de la gestion de la
levels, build back a stronger economy, and enjoy
pandémie par exemple).
our level 1 freedoms once again.
So, as we’re all heading into this risky period that is
a weekend, a few reminders of the tools we now
In awe of NZ: How world media reacted have to lessen those risks. Masks or face coverings
to New Zealand eliminating Covid-19 are mandatory on public transport and are also
encouraged — and I see are being well worn — in
1 New Zealand has managed to eliminate Covid-19 public places in Auckland. Thank you, and please
(“no active cases”) and the country is coming out of keep it up. If you go to a mall or shopping or if you
lockdown (“back to normal”), while the rest of the go out for a coffee, take your mask and join in on
world is not. She was thrilled. She did a little (victory) the awkward experience of figuring out how to

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 8
manage it when you’ve ordered a hot drink. QR https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/27/what-is-a-
posters to record our movements are now covid-19-bubble-and-how-to-do-it-safely.html
everywhere we go, and people’s uses improved
immensely, with half of New Zealand using the app. Page 131
Thank you, and keep it up this weekend too. And
people are now able to see one another socially,
but, again, if you’re in Auckland, keep it small, and,
if you’re an Aucklander travelling outside of
Auckland, please just hold to those guidelines Speaking New Zealand English
wherever you are in the country as much as you can, -drink > the letter “i” is pronounced a bit like a “u” =
of course, too. sounds like drunk?
And so I say to New Zealand: your efforts continue -set us apart – step down – level – lessen (those
to set us apart. You’re being adaptable, patient, and risks) > the letter “e” sounds like a stretched out “I”
determined. This has all been critical to our “stamp = “seet” us apart, “steep” down, “leevel”, “leessen”
it out” approach—an approach which will see our (also “yes” becomes “yees”).
lives a little more normal sooner than we otherwise Ce travail pourra être mis en relation avec celui
might. So, let’s double down our efforts and let’s conduit sur la vidéo très drôle d’Air New Zealand,
keep going. proposée à l’étude dans la brick 44 (page 303), qui
*New Zealand word for pavement. met en évidence les spécificités phonologiques du
1 Jacinda Ardern’s speech is addressed to New
Zealanders. She is saying thank you to her people for Training TASK
respecting the strict lockdowns and social distancing Create infographics
measures, for their ability to band together and On pourra demander aux élèves de travailler à
follow the rules, for their determination, patience plusieurs et de choisir un thème (différent pour
and adaptability. She feels proud of them, of what chaque groupe). Ils pourront produire sur une
they have achieved. Their efforts and sacrifices have feuille ou via une application (Canva par exemple)
paid-off: “That is what the sacrifice of our team of et les productions pourront être affichées dans la
five million was for.” classe ou partagées sur un ENT.
2 The two tweets are from New Zealanders who also
feel immensely happy and proud of their
achievement. It also sounds like a victory for them. Pages 131-132
3 She advises people to sustain their efforts.
The guidelines = wearing “masks or face coverings”,
using QR posters to record movements, continue MIND THE GAP!
social distancing and meet other people in small
groups. Cette partie révèle les difficultés qui persistent
On peut ensuite comparer avec les règles imposées entre deux peuples qui aspirent pourtant à ne faire
ou recommandées en France lors de la pandémie qu’un.
ainsi que les habitudes qui se sont mises en
place tout au long de cette période : port du
masque, distance sociale, utilisation du gel We are now one people
hydroalcoolique, des tests PCR, des attestations de
sortie, ne plus se serrer la main ou se faire la bise,
interdiction de se regrouper, nombre limité de 1 – multiculturalism/diversity/difference, are what
personnes (« jauges »), couvre-feu, etc. defines New Zealand.
FYI: New Zealand, like Britain, has introduced Covid- – when he was young, he never questioned
19 “bubbles”. A “bubble” is an unofficial term used multiculturalism because it was just the way his
to describe the group of people outside your country was. Now he views it as an advantage, even
household with whom you feel comfortable a strength that should be highlighted.
spending time during the pandemic. The idea is that 2 They want to emphasise their biculturalism (≠ the
you can extend your home “bubble” to select people, past), welcome more ethnic groups and highlight
so you can have more in-person social interactions their multiculturalism which they view as enriching.
beyond your household, while still potentially 3 Because the Māori, the native people of New
limiting the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Zealand, welcomed the Europeans to their land and

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 9
offered them “manaakitanga”, i.e., hospitality, respect of Pākehā [New Zealanders of European
kindness, generosity and support. descent]. 75 years later we are still arguing the
FYI: In Māori culture, “manaakitanga” is a validity of our participation in the Great Wars, the
traditional value that is considered to be hugely place names that decorate the very walls of this
important. It is, indeed, central to Māori society and house. Has the Treaty been honoured? Did we gain
at the core of the nation’s Indigenous culture. At its the respect of Pākehā? Article 1: consent to the
heart, the term refers to the need for reciprocal Crown to custodianship and to kāwanatanga [the
hospitality and respect between different people, concept of sovereignty] – not ownership nor
groups and cultures. sovereignty. Article 2 was the security of the
https://www.newzealandtrademanual.com/manaa absolute mana of tangata whenua [“people of the
kitanga-giving-new-zealand-visitors-an-experience- land” = Māori] of Aotearoa [New Zealand] — our
of-true-hospitality/ land, our rivers, our sea, our forests, our traditions
4 It should be associated with multiculturalism and and practices, our people, our mokopuna
strengthen relationships between different [descendants]. Article 3 was about equality: that
ethnicities living in New Zealand. The treaty = a Māori would be treated as equal citizens in
moral promise/a contract of respect between two Aotearoa. 255 years of colonisation, 175 years of
peoples + a reminder of biculturalism (two cultures the signing of He Whakaputanga, Declaration of
that should be equal and show respect to one Independence, and 180 years since Te Tiriti o
another). Waitangi [Treaty of Waitangi] was signed. What has
5 Jo believes that the Treaty of Waitangi is not been delivered to us? [8:26]
respected, and the Māori still do not have their fair I take an analogy about the current Treaty
share of the cake. She denounces a “Eurocentric” partnership between Pākehā and tangata whenua
system/view of the “idea of power” in New Zealand. used by Uncle Tamati Reedy [...]
According to her, the Treaty of Waitangi is not [8:39] The great white shark Pākehā and the
respected as far as partnership (between Māori and kahawai Māori: the great white shark said to the
non-Māori) or power sharing is concerned. White kahawai, "Should we form a partnership?" The
ideas/views are still dominant and “not equitable”. kahawai replied, "Yes, that sounds like a fantastic
The Māori are still not treated equally, are still idea." The great white shark then ate the kahawai
disadvantaged. She even denounces a racist system. and said, "Now we are one."
6 Although it was intended to create unity, different As Dame Tariana Turia stated in her maiden speech,
understandings of the Treaty, (and especially ones …. what has been delivered to us? 180 years of
that suited the non-Māori), and breaches of it, have struggling to have the Treaty recognised in law, that
caused conflict. Māori felt wronged, they didn’t get we have survived despite cultural extermination
what they expected from the Treaty’s terms, and practices, assimilation of policies, monocultural
this created a “gap” between Māori and Pākehā institutions, treacherous land-stealing laws, tauiwi
which still exists today, and those differences still bureaucracies that have run our affairs, denial of
remain a gap to bridge. our tangata whenua status, and struggling to
maintain cultural identity, integrity, tikanga, and to
Pages 132-133 keep our language alive. //
[09:35-11:46] and [12:12-13:02]
Now the largest media publisher in Aotearoa, Stuff,
Responsibility for the past has publicly apologised for the way it has portrayed
Māori over the past 160 years, after an internal
Video 4 script: Mãori Party calls on the Crown to investigation uncovered evidence of racism and
take responsibility for the past marginalisation in its representation of the
Stuff, 3 December 2020
country’s Indigenous people, the true Indigenous
people, te iwi Māori [the people], Mr Speaker. They
[6:57-8:34] and [08:39-09:34]
have said sorry to Māori for the monocultural
His drive for the betterment and the citizenship of
viewpoint that has sought to oppress tangata
his people came at great sacrifice. For God, for king
whenua. They have said sorry to Māori for
and for country was the call to arms for the price of
continuing to create and reinforce the negative
citizenship. Ake, ake, kia kaha e. [Let us forever hold
narrative of tangata whenua that keeps our people
at the bottom of the heap. They have said sorry to
Sir Apirana Ngata [a Māori chief] argued that Māori
Māori for aiding and abetting the system of racism
support of the war effort was the ultimate way to
that strips us of our spirit and our oranga [well-
honour the Treaty and gain equality with and
being]. But Mr Speaker, they have taken

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 10
responsibility for their failures. They have owned GROUP A:
their failings, and they have made a commitment to • to gain citizenship and honour the Treaty – be
do better. recognised and respected by the white New
My question to you, Mr Speaker, and to this House Zealanders – gain equality – gain better life
is: when will the Crown do the same? When will the conditions.
Crown say they are sorry to Māori for the FYI: it was proposed to name the battalion “Treaty
monocultural viewpoint that has sought to oppress of Waitangi” to draw the attention of both Māori
tangata whenua? When will the Crown say they are and Pākehā to their respective obligations under the
sorry to Māori for continuing to reinforce a negative Treaty. The Treaty focus was in line with the stance
narrative of tangata whenua? When will the Crown that many Iwi* (Māori people) took during the First
say they are sorry to Māori for aiding and abetting World War. Article Three imparted the rights of
the system of racism that strips us of our spirit and British citizenship to Māori. In accepting those
our oranga? When will the Crown take rights, Māori agreed that the Treaty imposed on
responsibility for their failings? When will the them certain obligations and duties. As British
Crown own their failings and commit to doing subjects Māori should serve in the defence of the
better? Empire.
I refuse to allow my tamariki [children] or my https://nzhistory.govt.nz/war/maori-in-second-
mokopuna [grandchildren] to one day sit in the world-war/
same seat asking the same question. We will no • They failed = no recognition (ex.: allusion to the
longer accept this approach, as it allows the state to place names that decorate the very walls of the New
continue to feast on the dysfunction that it has zealand House of Parliament, the validity of their
created amongst our people. We will no longer participation in the Great Wars is still discussed and
accept that the state continues to fund itself every they don’t seem to have obtained the respect of
year to allow Oranga Tamariki to steal more of our white New Zealanders.)
babies, a justice system to lock up more of our a) see script, paragraph 2; b) Rawiri Waititi wants to
people, a welfare system that keeps my people point out and remind his audience of the parts of the
dependent and poor, an education system that agreement that have not been honoured/respected.
keeps my people dumb, a health system that keeps He asks the same rhetorical question twice: “What
my people sick, and a housing system that keeps my has been delivered to us?” to demonstrate that, for
people homeless. This has to stop. […] [11:46] all these years, they have obtained nothing and are
Āperahama Taonui, a prophet from the North, once still waiting for the Treaty to be honoured (as far as
said, "Kauaka rā te Tiriti o Waitangi e ūhia ki te haki Māori people are concerned); c) Metaphor of the
o Ingarangi engari me uhia ki te kahu Māori.", which shark (= white New Zealanders / Pākehā) eating up
translates: "Do not cover the Treaty of Waitangi little (naive/gullible) fish (= Māori).
with the Union Jack. It must only be covered by our
Māori cloak." I am committed to challenging the GROUP B:
reason why the Union Jack consistently smothers Te • Stuff has apologised for its racist portrayal of
Tiriti o Waitangi, and I am going to take it off. I will Māori over the years, (conveying a monocultural
ensure that our unapologetic Māori voice is heard view/fuelling prejudice, discrimination, and racism
and that our Māori cloak is felt and is present in towards the Māori: “an internal investigation
every piece of legislation and bill passed in this uncovered evidence of racism and marginalisation
House. You know what it feels like to have a pebble in its representation of the country’s Indigenous
in your shoe? That will be my job here: a constant, people”). Waititi thinks it is a good thing because it
annoying to those holding on to the colonial ways, is important to acknowledge one’s mistakes. More
reminder and change agent for the recognition of about this: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-
our kahu Māori.// 55169004.
• The Crown (= Britain, head of the Commonwealth)
has never apologised when it has made the same
1 Rawiri Waititi is a New Zealand politician. He is co- mistakes as Stuff.
leader of the Māori Party and has served as the • Rawiri Waititi criticises an unfair treatment of the
Member of Parliament (MP) for Waiariki since 2020. Māori who are treated differently, more harshly,
2 magic – magic people – hold your head up high, who are discriminated against: they do not get the
same access to justice, education, employment,
let your voices fly – proud to be Māori
housing as the non-Māori.
= feelings of pride, respect, esteem, honour.
• It means that every legislative bill through
Parliament, concerning Maori welfare, should only
be seen through the lens of Māori, (and Britain

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 11
should have nothing to do with it) and that it is time 5 They reacted cynically (l. 32-34), they reminded
to transform politics in New Zealand, “It is time for the government of what has NOT been achieved =
Māori to look after Māori, as we know what is best rampant unemployment among Māori population
for us.” Waititi says his job is to be a counterbalance /poverty/criminality/poor health access, etc. They
against “those holding to the colonial ways”. This blame political leaders for failing to act on their
reveals that he is determined to make things promises/criticise them for only taking an interest in
change. the population once a year, on Waitangi Day (and
3 He denounces the ill-treatment of the Māori then, they forget all about it), (l. 37-38).
people (enduring prejudice, discrimination, racism), 6 Bridge = the connection between non-Māori and
he blames the Crown for its deliberate systems of Māori/a bridge over a gap that still opposes two
racism that have harmed the Māori. He refuses to people = acknowledging the gap and trying to
endure the ill-treatment any longer, he wants bridge it.
change and a better future for his children and 7 Réponses libres.
The accusatory tone of Rawiri Waititi’s rhetorical Page 134
questions suggests blame and criticism and shows
how determined and adamant he is (“this has to
stop”). He will not let go until he gets what he wants.
4 Proposer aux élèves d’utiliser les mots du Useful From direct speech to indirect speech
- Lines 12 to 16: Every day since the signing of the
vocabulary pour écrire leur paragraphe.
Treaty, they have stepped and walked over that
bridge. Every single day, she said. From their
Pages 133-134
ancestors through today, she said that she knows
(that) Maoridom is exhausted. And they have not
walked that bridge often enough. That is why they
Mãori struggles in New Zealand must constantly pledge to do things differently, she
spotlight explained.
- Lines 36 to 38: Hirini Tau, a local Maori elder, told
1 The non-Māori are not doing enough for the Māori the PM not to just come and sit down once a year
who are still suffering/not recognised. Equality has and go back to Wellington.
not been achieved. Compromise/sacrifices = from - Lines 62 to 63: She said that they would always be
Māori only (they “cross the bridge”). Her the first to put their hand up and say they’ve got
government needs to do more. Waitangi Day = The more to do.
day the Treaty of Waitangi was signed. She has
chosen that day to take stock and acknowledge that
the Treaty is still not fully honoured (but in
progress). Traduire « that »
2 It is a bridge between two people that must be That: l. 6 pronom relatif, « qui » ; l. 8 pronom,
crossed, it is more than a “relationship”: it is a « celui » ; l. 15 déterminant démonstratif, « ce » ;
“partnership” (l. 25). She wants it to be what it is pronom sujet, « cela », « c’ » ; l. 18 pronom relatif,
meant to be = a true equal “partnership” between « que » ; l. 29 and 30 conjonctions, « que » ; l. 47
Māori and non-Māori: “the Treaty’s intended pronom sujet, « cela » ; l. 54 conjonction, « que » ;
equality and partnership between peoples [to] come l. 55 déterminant démonstratif, « ce » ; l. 57
to fruition.” pronom sujet, « cela », « c’ ».
3 They are rather proud of what they have already
Final TASK
done: “her government’s achievements for Māori”
(l. 46); “boast” (l. 50). Teaching in Māori/a public Create a teaser video
holiday for Māori New Year/“growth in Māori- Pour réaliser cette tâche finale, les élèves
specific agencies” (not specified which)/more devront réutiliser tout ce qu’ils ont appris dans ce
represented in government. chapitre (et peut-être aussi faire d’autres
4 They are optimistic: “a sense here of real optimism recherches, utiliser les Go Further et Build Up
about what can be achieved together.” (l. 31) “with Your File). Le teaser doit être court, son but est
hope,” (l. 29). They want to go further and continue de convaincre en donnant envie d’en découvrir
to improve/“bridge the gap”, they plan to tackle davantage.
unemployment, housing, criminality and continue
their move towards progress on Māori.

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 12
Page 135
American specialties

America on a Plate: 1 Cette entrée en matière a pour but de faire

Timeless Diners découvrir aux élèves les caractéristiques du diner,
mais aussi de faire saisir son omniprésence dans le
La brick 20 présente et analyse la place de cette « folklore » américain (“Americana”) à travers des
quasi-institution qu’est devenu le diner aux États- supports de diverses natures. Chaque groupe
Unis. Présent dans la littérature (voir extrait de pourra apporter des éléments complémentaires à la
Steinbeck) comme dans les séries télévisées (de description. On attendra entre autres les éléments
Happy Days à Twin Peaks puis à Riverdale, suivants :
actuellement très populaire auprès du public des Diners are to be found everywhere in America; they
lycéens et jeunes adultes) et dans la production cater for all sorts of people; they offer comfort food;
cinématographique américaine (chez Quentin they are affordable; they all feature a long sit-down
Tarantino par exemple), le diner est un élément counter, stools, booths….
familier de la culture américaine sur laquelle le 2 Diners are typically American eateries where you
regard a pourtant rarement été porté. Sa présence can go at any time (they operate 24 hours a day) and
dans la pop culture est l’une des entrées originales find traditional comfort food — served in a casual
privilégiées ici pour traiter un objet d’étude suggéré atmosphere — at a reasonable price. You can meet
par le programme : « les modes de vie ». all sorts of people sitting on high stools before the
counter or enjoying their food in booths…
Extrait du B.O. 3 What makes them typically American is their look
« Certaines pratiques culturelles […] contribuent à (inherited from the original wagons*) and décor
renforcer le sentiment d’appartenance. » (often reminiscent of the 1950s or 1960s*), the kind
of food they serve and their relaxed atmosphere.
PROBLÉMATIQUE *Les informations entre parenthèses ne sont pas
En quoi les diners peuvent-ils être considérés exigibles puisqu’elles n’apparaissent pas dans ces
comme des icônes de la culture américaine ? premiers supports. Elles seront accueillies en
What makes diners a consensual staple of compléments si des élèves ont déjà une
American culture? connaissance des diners.

La Final task permettra aux élèves de réinvestir une Page 136

part importante des acquis culturels et langagiers
de la séquence dans le cadre d’une production orale An old recipe
enregistrée (vidéo).
Video 1 script: Diners: A Brief History
La brick est structurée en trois parties, dont les Groupon, 9 April October 2018.
titres sont autant de jeux de mots qui permettront Reliable and humble, diners are always there when
d’enrichir le lexique des élèves : you need them. Whether you’re pulling off the
1 A slice of americana: le diner comme incarnation highway after a long drive or filling up before the
d’une culture typiquement américaine. sun rises on another ho-hum Tuesday, a diner
2 What’s cooking: ambience in diners: les raisons de welcomes anyone with an empty belly. It’s been
l’attachement des Américains à leurs diners, lieux that way ever since the 1870s when Walter Scott
de rencontre de toutes catégories de gens et lieux à tied up his horse-drawn wagon outside the local
l’atmosphère toujours particulière. newspaper office to sell coffee and sandwiches.
3 A lingering taste: diners in pop culture: des Scott’s walk-up lunch wagon inspired others to build
exemples de la forte présence du diner dans la pop their own bigger versions, so that customers could
culture (arts graphiques, chansons, etc.). come in and sit down to eat. These roving lunch
wagons were so popular, cities and towns began
passing laws to limit their hours of operation. To
Page 135 skirt the laws, owners had to house their eateries in
more permanent confines. Many set up restaurants
A SLICE OF AMERICANA in decommissioned railroad cars. This is how diners
got not only their name but also their iconic look:
chrome exteriors, tall glass windows and long sit-
down counters.

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 13
Throughout the 50s and 60s, with the land grab of “diner enthusiasts” are obsessed with diners and
fast-food chains at full speed, diners played the part know everything about them.
of dependable foil. A distinctly American 3 Food may be important but it is not what people
establishment, the diner was small-scale, family-run will linger on when talking about diners. L. 10:
and offered no frills fryer dunked and griddle- “Diner food is generally the same wherever you go”
cooked food. Places where you’d be treated like a – l. 13 “going to diners is not about eating; it’s about
regular on your first visit and where the beginning saving a crucial part of America’s heritage.”
of the day for a blue-collar worker could overlap 4 While growing up, Bryson did not get any
with the end of a long night for musicians, partiers, opportunity to eat at diners in his hometown. He
and other night owls. experienced eating at a local restaurant called
Ernie’s Grill, which he describes as a “squalid and
1 Les élèves pourront vérifier leurs premiers greasy” place that looked a little like a diner. The
repérages très rapidement. waitress’s words are compared to “diner-style lingo”
2 The very first diner was created by a man called and qualified as “indecipherable code”. This phrase
Walter Scott in a horse-drawn wagon. His idea was actually refers to the use of a kind of jargon that
taken up by other people who progressively made it would be heard in restaurants from the staff – not
what it has become. Diners quickly grew popular an unusual custom in fact.
when other people built bigger versions of this 5 It took him quite a long time to find a place where
wagon using decommissioned railroad cars. They his family could settle and enjoy going to a nearby
made them a place where you could come in and sit diner. He seems to be exposing the decline of diners:
down to enjoy a meal whenever you felt like it. The “Alas they are getting harder and harder to find”.
owners had to turn these places into permanent 6 The last sentence is typical of Bryson’s humour. His
restaurants to escape laws that would have being “disappointed” implies that typical diners
prevented them from opening 24/7. Diners owe should not be places where you normally get fine
their name and specific look to their origins as food – an echo to his remark in lines 14-15.
railroad cars. Other examples: l. 20 “including Ernie” – l. 25-26
3 The 1950s and 60s were a time of fast-food craze. “patrons who looked as if they had just come in from
Diners acted as a “foil” to those restaurants insofar killing big animals (possibly with their teeth)” (+ the
as they kept offering traditional home-made food echo in l. 44-45) – l. 31 “alarming and mystifying” –
and, above all, because they embodied the familiar l. 42 “it prides itself on the freshness of its lettuce”.
family-owned small business as opposed to cold
places where patrons would not necessarily be Page 137

Pages 136-137 Using auxiliary verbs for emphasis

• Il s’agit de faire repérer l’intention (insistance)
derrière cette utilisation de l’auxiliaire là où on ne le
Diner spotters trouve pas habituellement : les énoncés affirmatifs.
• Traductions possibles :
1 Écrite dans les années 1990, l’œuvre de Bryson a - « Ernie’s Grill présentait (bel et) bien /
effectivement un nombre important des
pour sous-titre “Journey into the American Dream”.
caractéristiques du diner. »
Après un long séjour en Angleterre, l’auteur revient
- « Hanovre possède bien / réellement un lieu de
dans son Amérique natale et porte sur ce qu’il y
restauration / un restaurant vénérable. »
(re)trouve un regard distancié, amusé, utilisant
l’humour pour dénoncer, dans une succession de
chapitres donnés à lire comme autant de vignettes,
des pratiques ou des attitudes qui l’agacent. Proposition de corrigé : « La seule chose dont ils ne
An extract from a book by Bill Bryson, dealing with parlent guère / pas beaucoup, c’est ce qu’on y
the author’s childhood memories and recent search mange / la cuisine. C’est parce que ce que l’on
for a place with a diner to go to. The tone is mange dans les diners / la cuisine des diners est en
humorous. général quasiment identique où que l’on aille – à
2 Si besoin, on fera comprendre le sens du mot à savoir pas très bon(ne). C’est précisément pour
partir de l’observation de sa composition : train + cette raison que ma femme et mes enfants refusent
(spott + -er). Just like trainspotters with trains, de m’accompagner dans les diners. Ce qu’ils
n’arrivent pas à mesurer / apprécier, c’est qu’aller
au diner n’a rien à voir avec manger. Il s’agit de

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 14
sauver un élément fondamental de l’héritage de élèves perçoivent-ils l’atmosphère créée par
l’Amérique / du patrimoine américain. » Hopper ? Il importe donc de les laisser s’exprimer le
plus librement possible avant de proposer quelque
guidage que ce soit.
What’s on the plate 2 et 3 Tout scénario vraisemblable sera accepté, en
lien avec ce que chacun aura perçu (question 1). La
Video 2 script: America on a Plate – The story of mise en commun conduira logiquement les élèves à
the Diner [part 1] utiliser les incontournables de la description pour
BBC FOUR, 2 December 2011 expliquer leur interprétation.
REPORTER: Well that’s Otto’s monster burger: that 4 Le terme “night owls” aura pu être relevé lors de
includes half the calories I will need for the rest of l’étude de la première vidéo (p. 136). La
my life but it’s not all bad news. Hey look: one of my compréhension de “hawks” sera nécessaire et
five a day! pourra être apportée par le professeur si besoin. À
VOICE-OVER: Diner owner Otto Meyer is the Dr. partir de là, les élèves pourront encore présenter
Frankenstein behind the monster burger. des visions différentes. L’expression “beak-
REPORTER: Otto, what would be your top five shaped nose” fournie dans la boite lexicale Useful
classic diner dishes? vocabulary inspirera sans doute certaines réponses.
OTTO MEYER: OK. Pancakes with sausage, your
standard eggs over easy with home fries and toast Compléments : Les analyses de ce célébrissime
with whatever breakfast meat, definitely the tableau de Hopper ne manquent pas. Les
cheeseburger deluxe, turkey club and another enseignants qui voudront à un moment donné le
meatloaf dinner. You know, comfort food. Food faire étudier ou répondre à la demande d’élèves
made from recipes that like people’s mothers used intéressés par une analyse approfondie pourront
to make and just want to sort of parlayed into the sans difficulté trouver des sources pertinentes.
diners, that’s – you know, the diners started years Nous ne donnons donc ici que quelques liens qui
ago for the blue-collar worker, you know, and it just nous paraissent éclairants ou originaux, un article et
expanded over time to be more than that. deux vidéos, tous trois récents (2019 et 2020), qui
VOICE-OVER: It’s funny to think that just as the renouvellent quelque peu le regard, le cas échéant
workwear denims worn by cowboys became the grâce à une technologie de pointe (seconde vidéo),
ubiquitous designer jeans, it’s mom’s good ol’ acceptant de remettre en cause une vision
burgers and fries that have become the defining restrictive du travail de Hopper :
gastronomy of the world superpower. - Nighthawks as a Symbol of Hope | The Art
Institute of Chicago (artic.edu)
1 Otto’s monster burger. It’s huge! - Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks | Art
Institute Essentials Tour | The Art Institute
2 Otto Meyer is the owner of this diner. His top 5
of Chicago (artic.edu)
dishes are:
- Masterpiece: Nighthawks - YouTube
- pancakes with sausage;
- standard eggs over easy with home fries
and toast with whatever breakfast meat;
Page 138
- the cheeseburger deluxe;
- turkey club;
- another meatloaf dinner.
3 According to Otto Meyer, what makes this kind of Hopper chose a diner
food popular is that it reminds people of their
mother’s home-made dishes. Video 3 script: America on a Plate – The Story of
the Diner [part 2]
BBC FOUR, 2 December 2011
WHAT’S COOKING: AMBIENCE IN DINERS VOICE-OVER: On a cold December night in 1941, an
artist stood on the sidewalk in Manhattan, gazing
Pages 137-138 through the plate-glass window of an all-night
diner. He saw a couple at the counter, a man on the
other side, someone else serving coffee. What could
Nighthawks, Edward Hopper, 1942 be more commonplace? But something struck him
as exceptional about this scene: it expressed a
1 L’entrée choisie pour une rapide étude de ce particular kind of alienation.
tableau est celle des impressions : comment les

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 15
His name was Edward Hopper and his defining LORENE SILVA: There’s a lot of, a lot of talking,
painting Nighthawks one of the most admired amongst the customers. Somebody could be sitting
images of the 20th century. here, talking to somebody that’s sitting over there,
When Hopper set out to capture a very American and you’re gonna hear the conversation ‘cause
loneliness he chose to do so in a diner. you’re in the middle. And most people will get right
involved with it.
JIM MALLOY: Many of the people who go to diners
1 - An artist (Edward Hopper). go there not only for the food but because they
- On a cold December night in 1941. connect with the person behind the counter, the
- On a sidewalk in Manhattan, in front of an all-night waitress who knows their order.
diner. DOROTHY SILVA (owner): The same people come in.
- The artist saw a group of four people through the You know what they have, you know what kind of
window. coffee they have, so when they come in the door,
2 This may well be mere speculation. We have no it’s already there for them.
evidence that things happened that way. JIM MALLOY: The food is good, the conversation is
3 Les productions dépendront bien sûr des great and the atmosphere is warm.
interprétations des élèves. On veillera à l’utilisation
d’expressions de la comparaison et du contraste : 1 On n’exigera pas nécessairement les noms, mais
like/unlike, etc. on fera repérer les statuts : un expert, des
propriétaires de diners, un client.
2 All the people interviewed insist that diners are
Training TASK friendly places where customers find it easy to
Record an oral presentation
3 Waiters and waitresses are presented as key
Cette tâche intermédiaire orale aidera les élèves
notamment à fixer le lexique vu et à s’entrainer à figures because of the way in which they greet
l’analyse en travaillant sur l’implicite (niveau B2 du customers: they make them feel comfortable/at
CECRL). ease and welcome regular clients/patrons in a
Le professeur pourra, s’il le juge utile, pleasant, warm way.
présélectionner des œuvres. 4 “The food is good, the conversation is great and
the atmosphere is warm”. This sentence sums up the
reasons why customers keep coming.
5 La citation de Suzanne Vega (dont on étudiera
l’une des chansons les plus connues dans la
troisième partie de la séquence) devrait permettre
Video 4 script: New England Portraits: Diners aux élèves de commencer à synthétiser les
WSBE Rhode Island PBS, 14 September 2019. informations vues jusque-là. Ils pourront exprimer
RICHARD GUTMAN (director and curator of the des points de vue divers, mais devraient
Culinary Arts Museum): One interesting thing about majoritairement aboutir à la même réponse : la
diners is that there’s a generic similarity to all of familiarité des lieux, des plats et la chaleur de
them but each has its own personality and part of l’accueil, notamment pour les habitués, font de cet
the personality or milieu of the diner is directly espace un lieu sécurisant qui rappelle la maison
attributed to the waitresses or the short order tandis que la variété des clients et l’ambiance
cooks. There was one in New Hampshire short order instaurée rappellent les interactions entre inconnus
cook known as “the Spider” because he appeared to dans la rue.
have eight arms, he was manipulating his grill with
such dexterity. And the waitress not only dishes out Page 139
the food but also is prone to give advice, to find out
what’s going on with your family and to participate,
really, in your daily goings on as well. A LINGERING TASTE: DINERS IN POP
NANCY BISHOP (diner owner): It’s kind of like being CULTURE
a psychiatrist and not getting the pay.
LORENE SILVA (diner owner): A lot of conversation
goes on, this is not a quiet diner. If you come in here, Norman Rockwell’s diner scenes
expect noise!
JIM. MALLOY (patron): We talk about politics, we
1 On renverra les élèves à la fiche How to describe a
talk about sports mostly, golf, especially golf, and
picture page 317 et on veillera à réactiver
just everybody’s business.

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 16
l’expression des hypothèses et de la supposition. On
verra que dans les deux cas, la scène peinte se situe “Tom’s Diner”: How the song was created
dans un diner.
2 In both paintings, the atmosphere looks relaxed Video 5 script: Tom’s Diner / The Story Behind
and the protagonists seem happy. The Soda Jerk The Song
shows a young boy obviously chatting up one of the Top 2000 a gogo, 23 July 2020
teenage girls while a middle-aged man in the The melody occurred to me as I was walking down
distance keeps an eye on the small party. The Broadway, and when I wrote it, I was thinking of
Runaway shows that the boy (the would-be French New Wave films, Truffaut , (sings) ta ta ta ta
“runaway”) is being taken care of by a reassuring ta tata ta, sort of kind of like a jaunty little tune that
figure of authority and protection and a benignant might be out of, out of tune that you might hear at
mature waiter. a bar. But I didn’t have any money and I didn’t know
any piano players. So I thought, why not be – it was
Compléments : the era of punk rock and New Wave so I thought,
Un troisième tableau de Rockwell pourrait être let’s be really weird and just do it a capella.
proposé en complément : After the Prom, peint en (sings)
1957. On y retrouvera, toujours sur les tabourets I found to my surprise that it really worked, when I
d’un diner, le principe d’un trio central, avec deux sang it live, that everyone would stop talking and so
personnages en interaction sous le regard it became either the way to end a show or the way
bienveillant d’un troisième. Le tableau pourra être to begin a show, because I could instantly get
utilisé en complément de The Runaway et The Soda everyone’s attention. [1:’59]
Jerk pour un éventuel troisième groupe d’élèves au This song is based on several mornings in Tom’s
début de l’étude (question 1 étendue à 3 groupes) Restaurant on 112th Street in Broadway. It was one
ou pour un travail de transfert en tâche of the few places that was open all night, so if you
intermédiaire dans la séquence. were studying and you needed coffee you could
come here.
Page 140 For a while the song was even called Tom’s
restaurant and then I called it “diner” because it just
sounds so much better.
“Tom’s Diner”, Suzanne Vega, 1987 Now my name is in the menu, my name is in the
menu of Tom’s Diner but they’ve misspelled my
1 The persona could be a man or a woman. The name. That’s my – that’s my glory that I got. [2:’30]
scene takes place in a diner on a rainy day (in the
The idea behind the whole song is – you know, some
morning). The persona is having a coffee
people say, oh it’s a song about breakfast or some
(breakfast?) by the window while waiting for his/her
people say it’s a song about nothing. But it’s really a
song about a person who is alienated from
2 The persona sounds melancholic/wistful,
everyone, alienated from the man behind the
especially at the end of the song when he/she counter, alienated from the woman who doesn’t
conjures up memories of a “midnight picnic”, of a really see him…
partner’s voice and of things that happened “before So the final straw was kind of this newspaper article
the rain began”. The place seems somehow to (sings) I open up the paper there’s a story of an actor
mirror the mood of the persona: no one seems to be who had died while he was drinking it was no one I
paying much attention to him/her. had heard of.
3 It is a very ordinary, almost mundane everyday Er, he was a very famous actor. He died while he was
situation. The diner is portrayed as a familiar place drinking as it says in the song, a tragic end to a
where you can spend time while waiting for a train somewhat tragic life. So in a way, it sort of kind of
or waiting for things to happen yet nothing grounds the whole thing in a reality.
particular happens … (sings) Oh this rain it will continue though the
La citation de Suzanne Vega vue dans la deuxième morning as I’m listening to the bells of the
étape de la séquence (page 138) pourra être cathedral…
soumise aux élèves à nouveau à ce stade : la scène
de la chanson peut en effet être considérée comme
une illustration de cette affirmation.

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 17
1 Vega was a young singer when she wrote this
song. It began as something very simple. What she
first planned to compose was a light piece reflecting
the mood and tone in French New Wave films.
Because she did not know any musician who could
play it and because she did not have much
money/for want of money, she gave up and decided
to try an a capella song instead. The 1980s were a
time of musical experimentation so she just tried her
luck. And it worked!
2 Suzanne Vega realised that she had a hit when she
noticed the effect the song had on people in her
concerts: whenever she started signing Tom’s Diner,
people would be all ears!
3 The real-life place that inspired the song was
actually a restaurant, not a diner, but she thought it
would sound better if she used “diner” in the title.
4 The actual subject of the song is the state of mind
of a person who feels alienated from everyone,
including the people at the diner who do not seem
to really acknowledge her presence.
5 On laissera chacun donner son opinion sur le sujet,
car toute expression artistique produit des effets
différents sur les gens en fonction de ce qu’ils sont
et ce qu’ils vivent.

Pour leur revue de presse, les élèves s’interrogeront

sur le coup porté par la crise sanitaire du Covid-19 à
cette icône américaine déjà ébranlée par la
concurrence des chaines de restauration rapide.

Final TASK
Record a short video message
Cette tâche permettra aux élèves de réinvestir les
connaissances culturelles et les savoirs langagiers
travaillés dans la séquence. Dans l’évaluation qui
sera faite, on valorisera la capacité à convaincre,
appuyée sur une argumentation solide.

Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances

grâce aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la
constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
trouveront là matière à s’interroger sur ce qui fait
l’identité culturelle d’une nation.

Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 18
Page 142
Écosse amènera les élèves à considérer les notions
UNIT 7 de souveraineté et de citoyenneté, de
représentation politique et d’identité. Ils
“From dependency to percevront à quel point le passé est indissociable du
autonomy: changing présent et pourront prendre conscience que la
représentation et les droits politiques des citoyens
relationships ne sont pas des acquis immuables, mais se font et
” se défont dans des tensions et des évolutions (ou
régressions) permanentes. Ils entameront une
THÉMATIQUE 1 : FAIRE SOCIÉTÉ réflexion sur la représentativité politique au
AXE D’ÉTUDE 2 : LIBERTÉS PUBLIQUES ET LIBERTÉS Royaume-Uni, et plus largement au sein de l’Union
INDIVIDUELLES européenne et il leur sera rappelé que les
institutions sont au service du peuple et non
L’UNIT 7 touche au thème de la colonisation qui l’inverse. L’objectif est d’appréhender l’idée que les
fonde en grande partie le monde anglophone. Nous questions identitaires sont à la fois une
avons choisi de nous focaliser sur différentes considération individuelle et collective et que les
situations qui révèlent les tensions entre le passé frustrations ressenties par une partie de la
colonial et le présent. La diversité géographique et population écossaise sont à la fois propres à leur
thématique des sujets à l’étude atteste de la histoire et transposables dans d’autres contextes.
puissance et de l’influence de l’Empire britannique En somme, cette brick met en avant les valeurs
dans un passé pas si lointain. Ainsi le mouvement démocratiques et républicaines et ambitionne de
pour l’indépendance écossaise peut-il être relié au demander aux élèves, en tant que citoyens, de
constat d’une perte des libertés publiques et mener une réflexion approfondie sur le sujet de la
individuelles à Hong Kong ou encore à la question représentativité.
du sort des artefacts rapportés d’anciennes colonies
et figurant toujours dans les musées européens, en
particulier britanniques. Dans son ensemble, l’unité Extrait du B.O.
souligne les liens immuables entre le passé et le « Pour les démocraties libérales contemporaines, le
présent, mais aussi toute la difficulté à respecter et respect des droits fondamentaux est impératif :
faire respecter des droits fondamentaux tandis liberté de conscience, de pensée, d’expression,
qu’évoluent les relations entre anciens dominants d’association, etc. [...] Historiquement, l’intégrité
et dominés. de certaines populations sur le territoire national
n’a pas toujours été respectée et le rassemblement
Page 143 de populations diverses au sein de fédérations
(Afrique du Sud, Australie, Canada, États-Unis, Inde,
Malaisie, Nigeria, Pakistan, etc.) ou d’unions
Will Brexit Lead to (Royaume-Uni), n’a pas toujours été consenti. [...]
Des revendications identitaires ont pu mener au
Scoxit? séparatisme au sein d’une fédération (Québec au
Canada) ou à la création de nouvelles institutions
La brick 21 s’intéresse à la notion de (processus de dévolution au Pays de Galles, en
souveraineté, de représentation politique et Irlande du Nord et en Écosse) pouvant aller jusqu’à
d’identité pour le cas particulier que représente la demande de l’organisation d’un référendum
l’Écosse. Si le sujet du Brexit semble un d’autodétermination. [...]
incontournable dans un enseignement intitulé Les revendications identitaires : étude du sentiment
« Anglais Monde Contemporain », la richesse de la d’appartenance à une région ou une nation ;
question écossaise correspond particulièrement mouvements séparatistes (création de partis
bien à l’ambition affichée du programme. L’Écosse politiques dits « nationalistes ») ; exemple des
est le plus grand pays de l’Union après l’Angleterre, référendums d’autodétermination séparatistes
et la question d’un retour à l’indépendance reste (Écosse au Royaume-Uni, Québec au Canada) et non
(plus ou moins) sous-jacente dans l’esprit écossais séparatistes (Irlande du Nord ; territoires
depuis la création de l’Union en 1707. Bien que ce britanniques des Malouines, Gibraltar, etc.). »
nationalisme ait un caractère moins frondeur que,
par exemple, les mouvements irlandais, l’Écosse
demeure moins conformiste que le Pays de Galles
vis-à-vis de l’Union. Ainsi, étudier la situation en

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 1

PROBLÉMATIQUE along with England and the rest of the UK. The
Le Brexit a-t-il affaibli la place de l’Écosse dans le image shows a crack between Scotland and the rest
Royaume-Uni et par extension l’Union elle-même of the UK and it looks like Scotland will break away
? from the UK and attach itself to Europe.
Has Brexit weakened Scotland’s place in the Union 2 The countries in blue represent the European
and by extension the Union itself? Union, as is made explicit by the yellow stars of the
EU flag. Significantly, the author didn’t use the
La Final task permet d’évaluer les connaissances Union Jack colours to represent the UK. Instead, the
des élèves sur la situation en Écosse ainsi que les UK is a dry, barren beige colour, suggesting a desert.
compétences langagières et transversales. La Furthermore, Scotland is in blue, even though it is in
maîtrise du lexique spécifique et la phonologie sont fact part of the UK and therefore not of the EU.
particulièrement mises en avant. 3 The artist suggests that Scotland would rather be
part of the EU than part of the UK. Now that the UK
La brick est structurée en trois parties : is no longer in the European Union, Scotland will be
1 Scotland today: dans la première partie, les élèves forced to choose between the UK and Europe. The
étudieront le contexte contemporain en Écosse et artist thinks Scotland will choose Europe and
suivront les évolutions récentes provoquées par les furthermore, he thinks that Scotland leaving the UK
deux référendums de 2014 et 2016. would break the Union. This is why the Union Jack
2 Scotland and the EU: is there a light on for Scotland has been replaced by a beige colour, suggesting the
in the EU?: cette partie aborde la question d’un desert or a drought. Therefore, the artist thinks that
retour de l’Écosse dans l’Union européenne d’un Brexit will break the Union.
point de vue écossais, mais également européen.
3 The union post-Brexit: the disunited kingdom?: la
troisième partie est tournée vers le Royaume-Uni et Page 143-144
la menace que le Brexit fait peser sur son unité.

Page 143
Recent referendums in Scotland and

Selon les classes et si nécessaire, l'enseignant L’étude des cartes électorales est une opportunité
pourra ouvrir la séquence avec un préambule sur la pour les élèves de nuancer leur compréhension du
dévolution. Le site web du gouvernement écossais Brexit, mais aussi de réfléchir sur la division des
propose une vidéo claire et compréhensible sur le pouvoirs au Royaume-Uni. Ainsi, ils seront mieux à
sujet même de saisir les revendications des Écossais et,
(https://www.deliveringforscotland.gov.uk). Voir dans une moindre mesure, des autres pays de
également le Zoom in p. 333. l’Union.

1 Scotland held an independence referendum on

Will Brexit break the Union? September 18th 2014.
2 They decided to remain part of the UK.
3 England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Ce dessin humoristique permet d’anticiper le
(the four countries that make up the UK) voted on
contenu de la brick.
June 23rd 2016 on whether the UK should leave the
European Union.
1 We can see a map of the UK, Ireland and parts of
4 Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in
France. France, Ireland and Scotland are in blue,
the EU whereas England and Wales voted to leave.
whereas the rest of the UK (England, Wales and
5 England wanted to leave the most because 53.4%
Northern Ireland) is a sandy/beige colour. On the
of English people voted to leave. Scotland really
bottom right corner of the cartoon, representing
wanted to remain in Europe, given that 62% of
France, we can see the 12 stars on the EU flag. On
Scottish people voted to “remain”. The English vote
the South coast of England we can see an
was closer than the Scottish one because they have
Englishman rowing away from Europe. A sail reads
a 3% majority for leaving whereas Scotland has a
“Brexit”. Above him, a Scottish man wearing a kilt is
12% majority for remaining.
holding a rope that he has attached to
6 45% of Scottish people voted to leave the UK
France/Europe like an anchor. He is holding onto the
whereas 62% voted to remain in the EU. This is
rope to prevent being rowed away from the EU
significant because it means that Scotland had a

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 2

larger majority / more Scottish people voted for the number of visitors for the European Union was
remaining in the EU than they did for remaining in down 30%.
the UK. Despite this, they remain part of the UK and WOMAN INTERVIEWED [non-native speaker]:
have been taken out of Europe against the will of the People are kind of holding off booking their trip
democratic majority. around the end of March and for the rest of the
7 Remain vote: 62% + 55.8% + 47.5% + 46.6% = year. People were lacking information, like what’s
211.9/400x100 = 53% gonna happen? Can I still travel with my passport,
Leave vote: 38% + 44.2 + 52.5% + 53.4% = my identity card? What about bringing my pets etc.?
188.1/400x100 = 47% MALE SCOTTISH VOICE (tourism advertisement):
We can conclude that the way votes are counted Europe, let’s continue our love affair (fades out).
was very important in this election. FEMALE JOURNALIST: In response, Scotland’s
In the Brexit referendum, two UK countries voted to tourism board has launched a large marketing
remain and two UK countries voted to leave. In this campaign to try and reassure Europeans they are
sense, the election was a tie. However, the two still welcome.
countries that voted to remain had larger majorities Many Scots didn’t want Brexit in the referendum,
than the two countries who voted to leave. Scotland they voted by 62% to remain in the EU, and now,
had the largest majority (62-38 = 12%), followed by forced to leave, some are dreaming of a very
Northern Ireland (5.8%). different future.
On the leave side, England had a 3.4% majority and 1st SCOTTISH WOMAN INTERVIEWED: We should
Wales a majority of 2.5%. get another vote.
Therefore, the two countries that desired to remain FEMALE JOURNALIST: On what?
expressed this desire more emphatically than the 1st SCOTTISH WOMAN INTERVIEWED:
two countries who voted to leave. Despite this, it is Independence, Brexit. In Scotland, we just haven’t,
the leave vote that won because of proportional didn’t get the choice, we’re not listened to.
representation. The population in England is higher 2nd SCOTTISH WOMAN INTERVIEWED: We did vote
than the population in the other countries. Thus, the to stay. So, that would be great if we could. I can’t
English votes count for more. see why we wouldn’t. Other small countries have
8 Nicola Sturgeon is the First Minister of Scotland. done it, I can’t see why we shouldn’t.
According to her, a second referendum on Scottish SCOTTISH MAN INTERVIEWED: We’re a sovereign
independence is “highly likely”. This is because, after nation, it is our democratic right to have the choice,
Brexit, Scottish people do not feel represented in the for a better future for Scotland. We don’t want to
Union. They feel like what they want doesn’t matter. be dragged out of Europe against our will.
FEMALE JOURNALIST: The Scottish National Party is
pushing hard for a second independence
Page 144 referendum, yet, that road too is paved with
uncertainty. Huge questions over whether Scotland
could rejoin the EU and how quickly, and the impact
Scotland’s worries over Brexit of any future border with England.

Video 1 script: “Two different political cultures”: Document riche, mais relativement difficile à suivre.
A divided Scotland braces for Brexit Il comprend de nombreux interlocuteurs, certains
France 24, January 2020 parlent vite et l’accent est parfois très prononcé. De
FEMALE JOURNALIST: It’s not only world-famous, plus, le contenu et le vocabulaire sont plutôt
whiskey is Scotland’s second-largest export, worth complexes. Cependant, les informations à recueillir
5 billion euros a year and employing some 40,000 restent assez simples et devraient être à la portée
people throughout the UK. Producers are still des élèves, surtout lors d’un travail de groupe.
worried about what kind of trade deal Britain will
reach with Europe, a large export market. 1 Accepter toute réponse convenable.
ROB (Scottish distiller): Brexit is, er, got a lot of 2 Prise de notes.
uncertainty to it still, there may be additional cost 3 Whiskey and tourism. They have been negatively
in terms of customs checks or forms to fill out and affected by Brexit. Europe is a large export market
file etc. And potentially with tariffs. And, you know, for whiskey and they are worried about extra costs
that impacts one’s pricing, and ultimately what and extra paperwork which could drive up prices.
consumers pay. Tourism is down (30%) and Scotland is worried that
FEMALE JOURNALIST: Rob runs guided tours of his it will lose European tourists.
boutique distillery in Edinburgh. Tourism is another 4 Scottish people want another vote on Brexit and
major part of the Scottish economy. And, in 2019, on Scottish independence. They are worried about

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 3

Scotland’s future. Will Scotland be able to rejoin the The underlined structures are formed using the
EU? Will there be a border with England? How might auxiliary verb TO HAVE, conjugated in the present
this affect them? tense, followed by the past participle of the verb.
The tense is used here to indicate an action that
began in the past but continues in the present. As
the action is ongoing, it is difficult to replace it
Si l’on veut travailler davantage sur le discours, le here.
début de l’allocution de Nicola Sturgeon le jour où
le Royaume-Uni est sorti de l’UE est aussi très
intéressant. Entre autres, elle demande un autre Comment traduire le present perfect ?
référendum pour l'indépendance. L’enseignant « Depuis 1707, lorsque/date à laquelle l’Écosse
pourra aussi choisir d’étudier ce document à la fin rejoignit/a rejoint l’Angleterre et le Pays de Galles
de la partie 2, après avoir travaillé sur le discours pour former la Grande-Bretagne, les nationalistes
d’Alyn Smith. écossais souhaitent briser/rompre/disloquer/la
dislocation de l’union. Mais/cependant, depuis
Pages 145 l’ouverture du parlement écossais en 1999, les voix
en faveur de l’indépendance s’élèvent de plus en
SCOTLAND AND THE EU: IS THERE A LIGHT plus/se font plus fortes/puissantes. »
Training TASK
Role Play
The U.K. Has Officially Left the Vise à mettre les élèves dans une situation
European Union. But Could Scotland End Up humoristique tout en permettant la consolidation
Back in It? des acquis et de préparer la tâche finale.

Document « factuel » qui apporte des informations Page 146

et pose un contexte à la situation post-Brexit.

1 Scotland got a devolved government in 1999 and Alyn Smith speech in EU Parliament
since devolution more and more Scottish people
have been asking for/about Scottish independence Video 2 script: Leave a light on
and leaving the UK/Union. Brexit has caused even Alyn Smith YouTube channel, Plenary 27 March
more people to want an independent Scotland. 2019
2 The EU is more open to an independent Scotland President, thank you.
joining the EU now than it was in 2014. Before Good morning colleagues.
Brexit, the EU supported the UK remaining together What a sad place we’re in on Brexit. What a tragedy.
because it was better for European stability. Now So many issues we should be working on together,
that the UK has voted to leave the EU, the EU cares utterly distracted by a self-inflicted disaster.
less about unity in the UK. Before Brexit, if Scotland Entirely, because the UK, still, even now at this last
became independent it would have been necessary hour, hasn’t made a decision on what it actually
to leave the EU before rejoining it (if it could). Now, wants.
if Scotland became independent, the EU would gain Mrs. May triggered article fifty without a plan and
a member country instead of losing one. they still cannot find consensus. We see MP’s today
3 It would still be difficult for Scotland to rejoin the at Westminster, finally trying to reach a settled
EU. Since England has left the EU, if Scotland were view, good, welcome to the party!
to become independent it would share a border with In the Scottish Parliament we’re debating, revoking
a country not in the EU (England). Therefore, there article fifty, because from a Scottish perspective,
would need to be a border between Scotland and and every single party in Scotland, except the
England, difficult to put in place. Furthermore, Conservatives, are united around the view that the
Scotland would need to significantly lower its best Brexit is no Brexit.
budget deficit (from 7% to 3%) to rejoin the EU. So colleagues, please, don’t close the doors on us
now. There are a lot of us in Scotland and elsewhere
across the UK working hard to turn this round, to
serve our citizens, to remain within this family of
Since and the Present Perfect nations. But in what might be my last speech in this
place after fifteen years serving our European

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 4

people, we don’t know what’s in the UK’s future, we welcome to the party”. Finally, he uses gestures to
don’t know what’s in any of our future, and the reinforce what he is saying.
forces of populism are gathering in all of our
nations. We don’t know what’s in the UK’s future
but I do know Scotland is a European nation. We The importance of intonation
celebrate international solidarity, we celebrate Faire écouter les deux extraits aux élèves et leur
freedom of movement. If the European Union didn’t laisser librement la parole pour commenter. On
exist, we would need to invent something like it and pourra distribuer la transcription en anticipation de
Scotland would want to be part of it. la Training task et faire une lecture suivie. Accepter
Now, you, as professionals, must deal with the toute réponse convenable concernant l’intonation
United Kingdom as you find it, you must respect the de Smith.
UK’s constitution and I respect that. You must deal
with the interlocutors you’re dealt, sorry about that, Training TASK
but you must deal with them. But when Scotland, if
Give Alyn Smith’s speech
we are removed from our family of nations against
Permet de travailler l’oral et les compétences
our will, against our clearly democratically
méthodologiques et transversales ainsi que la
expressed view, if we are removed against our will,
independence will be our only route back.
Chers collègues, I’m not asking you to solve our
domestic discussions. I am asking you to leave a
light on so that we can find our way home. Nicola Sturgeon Tweet

En anticipation, l’enseignant pourra demander aux Ce tweet clôture le discours de Smith et apporte la
élèves de lire le titre du document et de regarder réponse de l’UE à sa sollicitation.
l’image afin d’émettre des hypothèses sur le 1 I can see a building in Brussels with the words
contenu. Dans ce document, modèle pour la Final “Scotland and Europe” written in neon lights in the
task, la forme est tout aussi importante que le form of a crossword. The shared letter “o” has been
contenu et permet aux élèves d’acquérir des replaced by a heart.
compétences stylistiques et méthodologiques utiles 2 Alyn Smith asked the EU “to leave a light on for
à la fois pour la tâche finale et aussi pour le Grand Scotland” and it seems the EU did listen to Smith.
Oral. Although Smith was speaking metaphorically, the
EU Commission literally left a light on for Scotland
1 Alyn Smith’s attitude towards Brexit and the UK is on its building. It is a message of support and hope
very negative. He calls Brexit “a tragedy” and a for the Scottish people.
“self-inflicted disaster”. He says “the best Brexit is no 3 I don’t think the UK government will be happy
Brexit”. He says English politicians don’t know what about this. They want Scotland to remain in the
they want and can’t even agree with each other – Union, especially given that they’ve just left the EU
“they still cannot find consensus”. and they will consider that the EU is supporting
2 He is far more respectful to the European Scotland’s desire to leave the UK and thus
Parliament. He addresses them in French and calls interfering in the UK’s business - the exact thing they
them “chers collègues”, which is a sign of respect wanted to escape when they voted to leave the EU!
and association. He wants to remind them that he is
one of them, that he has worked with them and that
they are “a family of nations”. He reminds the L’entretien avec Donald Tusk est utile si l’on
European Parliament of their values of souhaite creuser la réflexion sur l’Écosse et l’UE.
“international solidarity” and “freedom of
movement”. He wants them to support Scottish Page 147
independence and to help Scotland become
independent by allowing them to return to the EU.
3 Alyn Smith is a very convincing speaker. He speaks THE UNION POST-BREXIT: THE DISUNITED
clearly and rhythmically. He speeds up to gain KINGDOM?
momentum and then he slows down to punctuate
words he wants to emphasise. For example,
“revoking article 50”. Or “The best Brexit, is no What is the Internal Market Bill, how
Brexit”. He pauses at key moments and he uses does it break the law?
humour and sarcasm to make his point. “Good,

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 5

Cet article aborde le sujet complexe de la
réorganisation nécessaire au Royaume-Uni après sa Page 148
sortie de l’UE. Il témoigne du bouleversement
engendré et de nombreuses questions épineuses
qui restent, pour le moment, sans réponse véritable Local and international politicians react
ou satisfaisante. Il donne un exemple concret, to the IMB
surtout, des tensions qui s'aggravent entre le
pouvoir central à Westminster et les autres pays de Ce document permet de se rendre compte à quel
l'Union. Ainsi, il montre les limites de la dévolution, point l’opposition au projet de loi rassemble.
un système expérimental en constante évolution 1 Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the EU
depuis sa création en 1999. Il pourra être utile, Commision / Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish First Minister
après l'étude du document, d'entamer une and Jeremy Miles Welsh politican / Simon Coveney,
discussion/débat en classe dans laquelle on Irish politician / Joe Biden US President
demanderait aux élèves de prendre position pour 2 The Internal Market Bill
ou contre l'IMB. 3 They are against the IMB / worried the IMB breaks
international law and/or threatens the Good Friday
1 The EU Single Market consists in the trade laws Agreement.
adopted everywhere in the EU. It considers all of the 4 They are all politicians/in government.
EU as a single territory and it ensures that all EU 5 They all agree that the IMB is a bad idea.
countries conform to minimum EU standards. 6 Influential politicians from Scotland, Ireland,
2 The IMB intends to replace the Single Market Europe and the USA all think that the IMB is a bad
across all of the UK, meaning that England, idea. This suggests that the IMB is unpopular
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will have the internationally and bad for diplomacy.
same rules and standards for trade. 7 Accepter toute réponse convenable.
3 The devolved governments are worried about the 8 I don’t think Boris Johnson will be happy. He was
IMB because they will lose control/power. Even if for Brexit and he is against Scottish independence.
they have set different standards, they would have Furthermore, he supported the IMB and so he won’t
to accept goods from other parts of the UK. like important people criticising it. He will think they
4 The IMB breaks the withdrawal agreement, the are interfering in British business, one of the
treaty signed between the UK and the EU, allowing strongest arguments for leaving the EU.
the UK to leave the EU. The withdrawal agreement
states the EU law “takes precedence” over British Final TASK
law but the IMB states the opposite. Give a speech
La Final task permet de mesurer les acquis de la
séquence. Dans les critères d’évaluation il pourrait
Improve your grasp of legal language être intéressant de prêter une attention
trade laws: droits commerciaux particulière aux éléments suivants : discours
policies: politiques/mesures structuré et cohérent qui s’appuie sur des
Single Market: marché unique arguments et des exemples concrets, mobilisation
the bill: le projet de loi d’un lexique spécifique à l’Écosse, format du
framework: cadre discours (donner son avis, argumenter, etc.),
legislation: législation intonation et efforts pour convaincre.
the protocol: le protocole
unlawful: illégal/illicite
regulations: règlements
provision: disposition Une sélection de documents qui permet
agreement: accord d’approfondir, notamment sur les inquiétudes de
free trade: libre-échange l’Écosse, de l’Irlande du Nord et du Pays de Galles à
customs territory: territoire douanier la suite du Brexit.
goods: biens/marchandises
article: article Page 149
court: tribunal
Many of the words are transparent.
Specific/technical vocabulary is often similar
between French and English because English
Hong Kong, the Place
borrowed a lot of words from French. Where East “eats” West
• Accepter tout autre exemple approprié.

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 6

La brick 22 aborde l’épineuse question des divisions politique. Cette tâche ambitieuse a pour but non
idéologiques qui affectent Hong Kong. Hong Kong se seulement d’exiger une vraie réflexion critique,
situe au large du continent chinois et faisait partie mais aussi de considérer le rôle et les
de l’Empire chinois avant d’être colonisé par la responsabilités de l’artiste en tant que citoyen et
Grande-Bretagne au XIXe siècle. Hong Kong est acteur social. Enfin, les élèves devront exprimer leur
revenu sous contrôle chinois en 1997, mais la avis dans un exercice de style qui suscitera une vraie
colonialisation a largement influencé l’identité réflexion sur la langue. Il serait sans doute
économique, politique et culturelle de l’île et depuis souhaitable que les trois éléments mentionnés
1997, les valeurs hongkongaises se retrouvent soient retenus comme critères d’évaluation.
régulièrement en opposition avec un état chinois
déterminé à le réintégrer. Depuis quelques années, La brick est structurée en trois parties :
cette opposition est devenue de plus en plus 1 In present day Hong Kong, the colonial past is at
violente et la situation de Hong Kong est reconnue war with a Chinese future. Dans cette brick à forte
sur la scène internationale comme étant un enjeu composante historique, l’objectif de cette première
géopolitique majeur. partie est de poser les repères structurels qui
Inscrite dans la thématique 1 « Faire Société » et permettent de comprendre la singularité de la
l’axe d’étude 2 « Libertés publiques et libertés situation de Hong Kong et les enjeux politiques
individuelles », cette brick a pour ambition de sortir imbriqués.
des sentiers battus et d’étudier une question 2 Voices of protest. La deuxième partie a pour
géopolitique contemporaine et délicate. S’il le objectif de mettre en avant les voix de protestation
souhaite, l’enseignant pourra faire le lien avec la des citoyens hongkongais et de montrer la
brick 42 dans l’Unité 13 « Chimerica », dont les profondeur des divisions idéologiques qui scindent
thématiques sont étroitement liées. Hong Kong. Dans cette partie les élèves seront
amenés à considérer l’engagement citoyen, la
Extrait du B.O. démocratie et les libertés individuelles et
« Ces valeurs et cette langue communes collectives. L’accent est mis sur le “protest art”
n’empêchent pas l’apparition de tensions internes, comme moyen d’expression, fil conducteur de la
parfois héritées du passé, au sein des différentes brick, puisque repris dans la Final task.
sociétés anglophones, voire d’hostilités issues de 3 Hong Kong: a mere casualty of the tensions
préjugés de toutes natures, comme le rejet de la between China and the West? La troisième partie
différence, ce qui amène les pays à envisager de inscrit Hong Kong sur la scène internationale en tant
façons différentes leurs réponses à ces défis. [...] que champ de bataille entre le monde de l’Ouest et
Pour les démocraties libérales contemporaines, le celui de l’Est et insiste sur la dimension
respect des droits fondamentaux est impératif : géopolitique.
liberté de conscience, de pensée, d’expression,
d’association, etc. Les mouvements libéraux, en Page 149
dépit de leur diversité, s’accordent en effet sur le
concept de liberté individuelle qui respecte la
sphère privée et prime sur la vie en collectivité.
[...] Par ailleurs, la question des droits à conférer aux
nouveaux arrivants ou, dans le cadre de
bouleversements politiques, à certaines
populations implantées depuis longtemps (Afrique
de l’Est, Hong Kong, Royaume-Uni, etc.) provoque Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow… The
également de nombreux débats, comme celui sur le Hong Kong Situation
droit de résidence ou le droit de vote, posant plus
largement la question de la citoyenneté et de sa Si le professeur le souhaite, il pourra attirer
définition. » l’attention des élèves sur l’illustration de la vidéo 1
page 149 en guise de brainstorming. Il pourra
PROBLÉMATIQUE demander aux élèves s’ils reconnaissent les
Hong Kong au XXIe siècle : la bataille pour son drapeaux et à partir de cette identification noter au
identité politico-culturelle est-elle perdue ? tableau (sous forme de carte heuristique ou autre)
Has 21st century Hong Kong lost the battle for its les connaissances des élèves sur le sujet. À ce stade,
unique cultural and political identity? deux options sont possibles : soit noter tout ce que
disent les élèves sans correction (les hypothèses
La Final task invitera les élèves à se mettre dans la seront à vérifier par la suite), soit écarter les
posture de l’artiste qui est aussi commentateur

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 7

informations fausses et se servir de la trace écrite heavily involved in the running of its economy, Hong
produite comme base de travail. Kong’s is ranked as the world’s freest.
[2:13 to 3:15]
Video 1 script: What is Hong Kong’s relationship So why the expiration date and why is this
with China? relationship so unique?
CNBC International, 18 July 2019 It all started in 1842. Hong Kong was surrendered to
[00:00 to 1:00] the British in perpetuity after the Qing Dynasty of
JOURNALIST UPTIN SAIIDI: Hong Kong is widely China lost the First Opium War. A second territory,
considered Asia’s economic and financial a part of the Kowloon Peninsula, was ceded by Qing
powerhouse, with one of the most free and China to the British in 1860 after the Second Opium
competitive economies in the world. And, while the War. Finally, the New Territories were leased to the
city is technically part of China, there’s a number of UK for 99 years rent-free in 1898. In the 1980’s
features that make it stand out from the mainland. China broke its silence and called for the
Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the “reunification of the Chinese nation”. After lengthy
People’s Republic of China. This means it’s in China negotiations, both countries agreed Hong Kong
but operates under its own set of rules and would revert to Chinese rule in 1997, the same year
regulations, with the exception of defence and the 99 year lease on the new territories expired.
foreign affairs. British rule of Hong Kong, which included Hong
This is laid out in what’s called the “Basic Law”, Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories
Kong’s constitution and a national law for China. ended on the 1st of July 1997. Despite being handed
The high degree of autonomy that Hong Kong back to China, the Sino-British Joint Declaration
enjoys along with its status as an economic guarantees Hong Kong’s political and economic
powerhouse makes it unique compared to the rest systems would remain unchanged for fifty years.
of the mainland. These differences are [3:15 to 4:15]
encapsulated by the “one country two systems The city has an influx of mainlanders, around 1
principle”, which means each system has its own set million since 1997, accounting for 90% of Hong
of government, legal, financial, economic Kong’s population growth. This influx has fuelled
regulations and even separate trade relations with some resentment, with some locals blaming them
other nations. for pushing up property prices and driving down
[1:00 to 2:13] wages. In several instances Hong Konger’s have
So what are some of the key distinctions between resisted China’s influence. In 2003, hundreds of
Hong Kong and mainland China? thousands protested against proposed national
Well, despite sharing multiple air, sea and land links security legislation critics said would erode the
like the Hong Kong-Shenzhen border for instance, coastal city’s freedoms. In 2014, tens of thousands
you’ll need to go through passport control when of people protested China’s influence over Hong
moving between Hong Kong and the mainland, Kong’s elections. This gave birth to the Umbrella
regardless of nationality. In fact, sometimes it’ more Movement, named after the umbrellas protesters
seamless crossing between two separate countries, used to shield the pepper spray used by police. In
take going from France and Germany for example. 2017, the Chinese Foreign Ministry declared the
They have no controls because they’re both part of Sino-British Joint Declaration no longer had any
the Schengen area. Hong Kong residents are also significance, though it was unclear whether the
issued passports that are different from their attack was on British involvement in Hong Kong or
Chinese counterparts. And, if you have a passport the core principles in the document.
from, say, the US, Germany or more than 100 other And in 2019, more than half a million protesters
countries, you can enter Hong Kong without a visa. flooded the streets to protest an extradition bill that
But visitors from most countries will need a visa to would allow fugitives to be transferred to places
enter mainland China. China’s well-known Internet with which the city has no extradition
blocks, which prevent you from accessing the likes arrangements, including mainland China.
of Google and Facebook, aren’t in place here in
Hong Kong. Freedom of expression is well- Cette première vidéo est le document clé de la
protected by the Hong Kong Bill of Rights. No séquence, permettant de poser le contexte
political views can be blocked online and nécessaire à la compréhension. Bien qu’elle soit
government licenses aren’t required to run a claire, elle est aussi longue et dense. Pour cette
website. That’s not the case in most of China. Here raison, un travail en trois temps est proposé.
they use the Hong Kong dollar while in China they D’abord, visionner avec l’ensemble de la classe la
use the yuan. And while China’s government is première partie de la vidéo, en s’assurant que

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 8

chaque élève comprend la situation administrative The Sino-British Joint Declaration was the
de Hong Kong. treaty/agreement signed by China and the UK to
return Hong Kong to Chinese control. According to
1 One of the most free and competitive economies this agreement, Hong Kong would keep the same
in the world. political and economic structure for 50 years.
2 Hong Kong is a “special administrative region” of
China. It is part of China but it follows different rules, Group C
regulations, laws (for many things such as trade, 2003: Protest against national security legislation.
excepting defence and foreign affairs). This is called 2014: Protest against Chinese
“one country, two systems” and it is a part of the influence/interference in Hong Kong’s elections /
“Basic Law”, which is Hong Kong’s constitution and democratic process.
a law in China. 2017: China declared the Sino-British Joint
Declaration was moot/void/null.
Dans un deuxième temps, diviser la classe en trois
groupes pour visionner différentes parties du 3 Dans un troisième temps, les élèves des différents
document et préparer un résumé pour les groupes échangeront sur l’information recueillie en
camarades qui auront vu une autre partie. Ainsi, le répondant aux questions.
document est rendu moins lourd et les élèves sont 4 The 2019 protests were against a proposed
actifs. Ensuite, les élèves forment de nouveaux extradition bill.
groupes avec ceux qui ont visionné une autre partie 5 They feel suspicious / They don’t trust China / They
de la vidéo et ils échangent leurs informations. don’t like China / don’t share the same values.
Pistes de différenciation : La partie A est la plus
6 Hong Kong’s situation is almost paradoxical. It is
longue, mais les informations à recueillir sont
part of China but it is also separate and this is
simples. La partie C reste aussi relativement
encapsulated in the “one country two systems
accessible. La partie la plus complexe est la partie B
principle”. For example, China controls issues like
qui reprend la colonisation.
defence/foreign affairs in Hong Kong. However,
China and Hong Kong have different currencies and
Group A
a different system of law and governance. Hong
- Even though they are part of the same country, you
Kong has an open/free economy whereas China has
need a passport to move between China and Hong
a closed economy. Hong Kong has freedom of
speech but China doesn’t.
- Chinese passports are different to Hong Kong
Ou toute autre réponse pertinente.
- People from nearly every country need a visa to
enter China but lots of nationalities (over a hundred)
don’t need a visa to go to Hong Kong.
- In China, Internet is heavily controlled. For
Training TASK
example, you can’t access Google/Facebook but this
is not true in Hong Kong. Create a timeline
- In China freedom of expression is controlled tightly Cette Training task est l’aboutissement du travail
but in Hong Kong people can say/write what they précédent et vise surtout à consolider les
like. connaissances des élèves sur un sujet complexe et
- Hong Kong and China don’t use the same currency. dense en les rendant actifs à travers une activité de
- Hong Kong has a very free economy whereas China production.
does not / China’s economy is very controlled /
regulated. Page 150

Group B
1842: Hong Kong Island becomes a British colony What’s the real deal with Hong Kong?
(after the 1st Opium War).
1860: Kowloon Peninsula also becomes a British L’objectif principal de ce document modélisant (voir
colony (after the 2nd Opium War). Final task) est d’aller au-delà d’une simple
1898: The New Territories were leased/rented to the description des faits pour apporter de la nuance et
British (for free) for 99 years. un début de réponse critique sur la situation du
1980’s: China asks/demands Britain to return Hong pays. Il permet aussi de débuter une réflexion sur la
Kong (to their control). nature des documents et la question de la
1997: Hong Kong returns to Chinese control. subjectivité. S’il le souhaite, l’enseignant pourra

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 9

s’attarder davantage sur les notions évoquées dans Les élèves pourront exprimer d’autres opinions,
les questions 6, 7 et 8, dont les réponses proposées bien sûr, l’important étant qu’ils les justifient.
ici sont simplement des suggestions. Enfin, il pourra
anticiper le contenu du texte à travers une
description/analyse de la quatrième de couverture.
Exercice utile pour approfondir la composante
historique et préparer la tâche finale. La citation de
1 Three versions exist. “The British version” / “The
David Mitchell “Ghostwritten” sur le site Goodreads
Chinese Version” / “I dunno. You mean I should
est particulièrement pertinente si l’on veut insister
sur la satire.
2 Britain colonised Hong Kong and created a
capitalist economy.
Page 151
3 According to the British version, they brought
civilisation, the law and wealth to Hong Kong.
4 According to the Chinese version, Hong Kong was VOICES OF PROTEST
already civilised / doing fine / “thriving” and it didn’t
need Britain. Indeed, they see British colonisation as
a crime / evil / a very negative event. They call the Falling Man
British “devilish foreigners”.
5 This document is based on fact but it is not a
serious historical document. It uses humour and it “The Fall”
mocks the situation. The title of the book announces
this because it is called “a politically incorrect” L’étude de “protest art” invite les élèves à affiner et
history of Hong Kong. nuancer leur compréhension de la situation, permet
6 Larry Feign means that different versions of Hong d’approfondir la notion de subjectivité et de
Kong’s history exist because different countries have développer le regard critique. Ces documents sont
controlled Hong Kong and they disagree with one aussi des modèles pour la tâche finale. Les réponses
another. The sentence is clever because the word proposées ici sont des suggestions ; on acceptera
“Victor” has a double meaning. It can be someone’s toute réponse appropriée et pertinente.
name as is the case here (the first letter is
capitalised) but it is also a synonym of the word 1 We can see a yellow raincoat and yellow boots.
“winner”. He is saying that no definitive version of They are upside down and falling to the ground.
Hong Kong’s history exists because no country There is a halo. It looks like an invisible angel falling
definitively “won” or controls Hong Kong. on its head.
L’enseignant pourrait approfondir davantage le 2 The words on the banner: “make love no shoot”,
travail sur la notion de subjectivité et de partialité advocate peace while the sentence “no extradition
ici. to China” asks for the withdrawal of China’s
Piste d’approfondissement : la citation “History proposed security bill/law (étudié dans la partie 1). I
books are written by the victors/the winners”. think these words are addressed to the Chinese /
7 Feign uses hyperbole and satire in this passage to Hong Kong government.
criticise both Britain and China. He shows that 3 Vérification des réponses.
neither the British version nor the Chinese version of 4 I think the poem will be about the falling
events is reliable. For example, in the British version man/falling angel in the image.
Hong Kong is described as “a barren rock” whereas 5 The poem describes the Hong Kong government as
in the Chinese version it is “a thriving commercial inhumane and tone-deaf. It places “the whole city”
centre”. These descriptions contradict one another in opposition to the government. The poem suggests
and neither is true. Feign uses the superlative form that the falling man’s suicide was the fault of the city
and lots of adjectives and adverbs to qualify or and the government.
exaggerate his statements. For example, “the most I think this is fair because the government refused to
successful freewheeling capitalist economy” or “the listen to the citizens/people/protesters. The poet
greatest humiliation ever perpetrated”. Through tells us “We have tried and tried to make our voices
these techniques he mocks the two governments by heard”.
showing that their positions are ridiculous and he I think this is unfair because the city and the
implies that they are stupid. government didn’t push the man, they didn’t cause
8 Yes, I think this document is politically engaged his suicide. The poet says the city “drives one of its
art. Feign is giving his opinion on a political question. own literally off a building”. This is not true, they did

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 10

not “literally” drive him of a building so she is artistic poem. Furthermore, Tammy Ho’s poem
exaggerating/twisting the truth. supports the protests, who she says are not rioters.
6 The poet feels disheartened / dejected / The protesters are described as “battered” and
embittered / misunderstood / frustrated by the “tortured” and are considered as martyrs, heroes
protests / the conflict with the government. She dying for a cause. In the article it is the opposite, the
doesn’t feel listened to by a government she protesters are “rioters” who disturb the peace and
describes as “inhumane” and “tone-deaf” and she steal people’s freedom. It would seem that the 2019
wishes desperately their protests to be “finally protests are a very polemic/divisive issue in Hong
heard”. Kong. The city is ideologically fracturing between
7 This poem changed my perspective about the those who support China and the Hong Kong
protests. It made me think about the people government and those who don’t.
involved and what they suffered. Now, the protests Ou toute autre réponse pertinente.
in Hong Kong feel less abstract and far away and I
feel more empathy/sympathy for the protesters. Page 153
8 I think the objective of the poet was to support the
protests and denounce/criticise Hong Kong’s
government. She wanted to emphasise the suffering Compound adjectives
of the protesters and to draw attention to the This is called a compound adjective (adjectif
government’s failure to listen. I don’t think this composé) and it is formed when one or more
poem is propaganda because freedom of speech adjectives are joined together with a noun. This
allows you to give your opinion, even when structure exists in French but it is unusual and rare
criticising the government and that is what the poet compared to English, and usually formed in a
is doing. / I suppose this poem could be considered different way. Ex. anglo-saxon, audio-visuel,
propaganda because the poet bends the truth to nouveau-né…
support her point of view when she says that the city
“literally” pushed a man of a building. She is not
objective. Les adjectifs composés
« Mais pour le retour en train, la
Page 152 professeure/l’enseignante a dit qu’elle enlèverait
tous ses vêtements/habits pro-Chine à nouveau. »
« (en) les qualifiant d’"émeutiers", beaucoup ont
“It’s very dangerous”: Pro-government déclaré qu’en ayant recours à la violence, les
demonstrators denounce Hong Kong protests manifestants radicaux détruisent les libertés de
Hong Kong, au lieu de les protéger. »
Document qui montre le point de vue des citoyens - Il n’est pas vraiment possible de conserver la
qui soutiennent le gouvernement. Ainsi les élèves syntaxe anglaise, car en français on place plus
peuvent-ils se rendre compte des dissensions qui rarement l’adjectif avant le nom et l’usage du trait
règnent à Hong Kong. Il pourrait être utile d’ouvrir d’union pour lier des adjectifs n’est pas courant. Il
une discussion / un jeu de rôle / mini-débat qui faut soit proposer une traduction avec au moins un
permettrait aux élèves d’argumenter sur les points adjectif placé après le nom, soit changer la nature
de vue des personnes dans des camps opposés à la syntaxique de la structure.
fin de cette partie. - a heart-shaped Chinese-flag: un drapeau chinois
en forme de cœur ; black-clad: habillé en noir ; anti-
1 Réponses libres government: anti-gouvernement.
2 In photo 1 we can see the Hong Kong flag and the
United States flag. In photo 2 we can see the Hong
Kong flag and the Chinese flag.
3 Reddy Lin loves China.
4 She doesn’t like the anti-government protests.
5 The anti-government protesters are described as
“rioters” or “a mob” who “destroy Hong Kong’s
freedoms”. They are called “cockroaches” and Training TASK
“bastards”. According to the article, they inspire fear Record a podcast
/ they scare people. La Training task vise à initier une réflexion critique
6 This article is very different to the poem “The Fall”. sur la situation de Hong Kong et sa matérialisation
First of all, it is a factual document and not an dans le “protest art”.

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 11

prosperity and the stability of Hong Kong is at risk.
Her objective is to frighten people into compliance
and to reinforce her position as a saviour of Hong
4 The images support Carrie Lam’s narrative. We see
violence and danger. Rioters break windows, the city
Carrie Lam speaks for Bejing…? is on fire. When she talks about colluding with
foreign forces we see people waving an American
Video 2 script: Carrie Lam speech on National flag.
Security in Hong Kong
5 Lam attempts to reassure her listeners by showing
New China TV, 15 June 2020
herself and China as strong and in control. She says
CARRIE LAM: Hong Kong is an inalienable part of the
that the National Security Law will only target a
People’s Republic of China. As a Special
minority of criminals and will protect the majority of
Administrative Region directly under the Central
citizens. She implies that only criminals should feel
People’s Government Hong Kong enjoys a high
threatened by the Law.
degree of autonomy under « One Country Two
Systems ». Over the past year the Hong Kong
6 The source of the document is New China TV, a
government-controlled channel in China (where
community has been traumatised. Violence by
freedom of speech is not guaranteed). The speaker
rioters has escalated, with illegal firearms and
is Carrie Lam, head of Hong Kong’s government and
explosives posing a terrorist threat. Groups and
a supporter of close ties between Hong Kong and
individuals advocating Hong Kong independence
China. Therefore, she represents the Pro-China
and colluding with foreign forces to interfere with
camp and the Chinese government position.
Hong Kong’s affairs have seriously undermined
national interests and security. Hong Kong has 7 In my opinion, the Chinese government’s point of
become a gaping hole in national security, and our view is privileged.
city’s prosperity and stability are at risk. 8 I don’t think this is a reliable source because Carrie
Sadly, there is now little hope of the Hong Kong SAR Lam is biased, she has an agenda / a vested interest.
enacting local laws to safeguard national security.
Against this background, the Central Authorities
have no option but to exercise their constitutional Vowel reduction
power to establish and improve the legal system The syllables in bold are unstressed. They all share
and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong the phonetic symbol /Ə/, called a schwa. This tells us
SAR to safeguard national security. This is a decision that the vowels in unstressed syllables are generally
not taken lightly. reduced.
The national security legislation will only target an
extremely small minority of illegal and criminal acts Page 154
and activities, while the life and property, basic
rights and freedoms of the overwhelming majority
of citizens will be protected. Above all, it will restore How Beijing’s National Security
stability in Hong Kong. Crackdown Transformed Hong Kong in a
I appeal for your full understanding and staunch
Single Month
support for putting in place national security
legislation in Hong Kong.
Article qui permet aux élèves de bien comprendre
les conséquences de la “Security Law” sur la
Les élèves découvrent la position officielle du
1 The document is about the Security Law put in
gouvernement de Hong Kong et la question de la
place in Hong Kong and the effect it had.
subjectivité est à nouveau soulignée.
2 Secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with
1 The topic of the document is The National Security
foreign forces.
Law passed in Hong Kong in 2020.
3 A climate of fear and uncertainty.
2 Carrie Lam starts by reminding listeners that Hong
Kong is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic 4 Political candidates have been disqualified /
of China. She does this to reinforce her position and protest slogans have provoked arrest / social media
to assert China’s control and authority on Hong is filtered, controlled / academics have been fired for
Kong. voicing their opinion / people’s homes have been
searched / some opposition politicians have fled
3 She describes the last year as traumatic and she
Hong Kong.
calls the riots “a terrorist threat”. She says the

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 12

5 According to the article, Beijing decided to pass faible, on pourra envisager de couper la vidéo 3d à
the Security Law because they needed to reassert 00:42 (avant qu’ils ne parlent des étudiants).
control after the escalation of protests against the
Chinese government. Video 3a script: UK offers Hongkongers with
6 The new law allows China to try people for crimes BN(0) passports path to citizenship after new
committed abroad and to sentence people to life in national security law
prison. Chinese security agents have jurisdiction in South China Morning Post, 2 July 2020
Hong Kong for the first time. Alleged criminals can PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON: The enactment
be extradited to China for trial. and the imposition of this National Security Law
constitutes a clear and serious breach of the Sino-
British Joint Declaration. It violates Hong Kong’s
sweeping: across the board, broad high degree of autonomy and is in direct conflict
allay: pacify, assuage with Hong Kong Basic Law. The law also threatens
quell: extinguish, stamp out the freedoms and rights protected by the Joint
upheaval: turmoil, disorder Declaration.
usher: initiate, guide We made clear, Mr. Speaker, that if China continued
thwart: hinder, stymie down this path, we would introduce a new route for
shatter: destroy, demolish those with British National (Overseas) status to
discontent: unhappiness, displeasure enter the UK, granting them limited leave to remain
morph: transform, mutate with the ability to live and work in the UK and
encompass: comprise, include thereafter to apply for citizenship and that is
shrug off: brush aside, dismiss precisely what we will do now.

Les adjectifs composés (suite) Group A

far-reaching law: loi d’envergure 1 Boris Johnson condemns the Law, which he calls “a
the drama-packed month: un mois riche en serious breach of the Sino- British Joint Declaration”.
rebondissements 2 He has permitted certain Hong Kong citizens to
the months-long protest movement: mouvement move to the UK / live in the UK.
protestataire qui a duré des mois Take note that Hong Kong citizens born before the
the semi-autonomous city’s freedoms: les libertés British handover of 1997 have special British
de la ville semi-autonome National (Overseas) status. Those born after don’t.
long-cherished civil liberties: libertés civiles
longtemps chéries Video 3b script: Donald Trump announces
revocation of Hong Kong’s special trade status
Page 155 France 24, 29 May 2020
FEMALE JOURNALIST: It’s the end of an era for Hong
Kong as US President Donald Trump announced that
he would end the territory’s special trade status.
Western responses to the National
The US no longer considers the city as separate from
Security Law China. [Donald Trump talking in background]
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Hong Kong is no longer
La nature des informations et des documents prête sufficiently autonomous to warrant the special
à la mise en place de quatre groupes (un par treatment that we have afforded the territory since
document) suivie d’une mise en commun, bien qu’il the handover. China has replaced it’s promised
ne s’agisse pas de la seule option possible. La partie formula of “one country two systems” with “one
« mise en commun » et les questions posées country one system”. This is a tragedy for the
permettent aux élèves de se rendre compte de people of Hong Kong, the people of China and
l’uniformité de la réponse des pays anglophones et indeed, the people of the world.
leur condamnation universelle de cette loi. Elle FEMALE JOURNALIST: Imports and exports between
permet aussi d’insister sur la division culturelle, the region and the US aren’t subject to tariffs but in
mais surtout politique entre « l’ouest » et « l'est », the future tariffs applying to China will also apply to
très présente dans les médias. the Special Administrative Region, damaging the
Pistes de différenciation : Les vidéos sur Donald territory’s status as a major financial hub. The move
Trump et Scott Morrison sont plus difficiles à suivre comes in the wake of a new security law announced
alors que les vidéos sur Boris Johnson et Justin by Beijing, which bans activities in Hong Kong that
Trudeau restent très accessibles. Avec une classe could harm China’s national security.

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 13

or on temporary work visas. What we’ve agreed to
Group B do, is, we’ve agreed to adjust the policy settings, to
1 The USA has decided to end/revoke Hong Kong’s ensure, that for skilled and graduate visa holders,
special trade status. we’ll be extending visas by five years from today,
2 According to Trump, China has replaced the “one with a pathway to permanent residency at the end
country two systems” framework by a “one country of those five years. Now, that means if you’re a
one system” framework. current or future student, you’ll be able to stay for
3 The decision was provoked by the National a total of five years once you’ve graduated, with a
Security Law. pathway to permanent residency at the end of that
Video 3c script: Trudeau strongly condemns new
national security law Group D
Global News – Canada, 3 July 2020 1 Australia is worried about the National Security
JUSTIN TRUDEAU: Canada joins the international Law.
community in expressing its grave concern with the 2 In response, it has decided to suspend its
passage of national security legislation for Hong extradition treaty with Hong Kong and it has relaxed
Kong by mainland China. After studying the rules for some Hong Kong holders of Australian visas
legislation and its impact, Canada will treat exports (for skilled visa holders and graduates), allowing
of sensitive goods to Hong Kong in the same way as people from Hong Kong to remain in Australia
those destined for mainland China. Effective longer and to eventually apply to reside in Australia.
immediately, Canada will not permit the export of
sensitive military items to Hong Kong. We’re also Share your findings and conclude
suspending the Canada/Hong Kong extradition 1 Western countries disapprove of the National
treaty and updating our travel advisory for Hong Security Law. Some countries have suspended their
Kong. Canada is a firm believer in the “one country extradition treaties/agreements with Hong Kong in
two systems” framework. We will continue to protest. Other countries have made it easier for
support the many connections between Canada and Hong Kong citizens to come and live and work in
Hong Kong while also standing up for its people. In their country. This is the case of Australia and the
the days and weeks to come, we’re also looking at UK. The USA has decided to revoke Hong Kong’s
additional measures, including around immigration. special trade status.
2 Given these developments, I think that Hong Kong
Group C will see a lot of change in the near future. Notably, I
Canada is worried about the National Security Law think we will see the end of the “one country two
in Hong Kong and so they have decided to stop the systems” framework and I think Hong Kong will
export of sensitive military goods to China and to become far more like the rest of China and will lose
suspend the Canada/Hong Kong extradition treaty. a lot of its unique status and identity.
Ou toute autre réponse pertinente.
Video 3d script: Australia suspends extradition
agreement with Hong Kong
9 News, 9 July 2020
Cette vidéo peut être utile si le professeur souhaite
juxtaposer les réponses de la Chine et de « l’Ouest »
say that our government, together with other
et insister sur cette juxtaposition politique et
governments around the world, have been very
consistent in expressing our concerns about the
imposition of the National Security Law on Hong
Kong. Today we have agreed, ahm, to announce
that that National Security Law constitutes a Les élèves sont dirigés vers des sites web de la
fundamental change of circumstances in respect to presse internationale afin de suivre l’évolution de la
our extradition agreement with Hong Kong. And so situation à Hong Kong.
Australia today has taken steps to suspend our
extradition agreement and we have formally
notified Hong Kong and advised the Chinese Final TASK
authorities. […] But our immigration program Write a poem or a satirical prose piece
provides some particular opportunities, for those Permet de mesurer les acquisitions faites grâce à la
who have been living as citizens in Hong Kong. And séquence.
around 10,000 or thereabouts of Hong Kong citizens
residents are currently in Australia on student visas

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 14

La brick est structurée en trois parties :
Une invitation à explorer la poésie du mouvement 1 Exposing “looted art”?: la sombre histoire derrière
démocratique à Hong Kong et à développer les certaines acquisitions des musées occidentaux.
connaissances des élèves sur un auteur étudié dans 2 Cultural dispossession: ce que signifie cette
la brick. Ceci sera utile pour la constitution du dépossession culturelle pour les peuples concernés
dossier personnel attendu à l’examen et/ou pour et l’impact sur leurs actuels descendants.
préparer l’une des deux questions à soumettre au 3 The debate over repatriation: les points de vue
jury du Grand Oral. contrastés sur le sujet de la restitution d’objets
Page 156 culturels.

Pages 156-157
Preserving or Keeping

La brick 23 interroge sur le sens à donner aux

réticences des musées occidentaux à « restituer » Stolen Artworks in Museums
les artefacts aux peuples à qui ils ont été pris à
l’époque coloniale. Que cherche-t-on à préserver, à 1 Les élèves pourront comprendre qu’il s’agit de
conserver quand on refuse : des trésors culturels ou peintures ou autres œuvres volées. Ils penseront
une emprise sur ces peuples, qu’on présente parfois peut-être à des vols contemporains, à des
comme incapables d’entretenir et de valoriser leur spoliations perpétrées par les nazis pendant la
propre héritage ? Seconde Guerre mondiale ou aux objets saisis à
L’aire concernée est délibérément non bornée en l’époque coloniale. On acceptera toute supposition
raison du sujet transversal, mais les deux « objets » bien sûr.
commentés conduisent à s’intéresser de plus près à 2 Vérification des hypothèses.
l’ex-Bénin d’une part et à l’Australie d’autre part. 3 L’enjeu est ici une reformulation synthétique par
les élèves avec les moyens langagiers dont ils
Extrait du B.O. disposent à ce stade.
« Récemment, on a commencé à se poser la What happened in 1896 in Benin is quite
question du droit des peuples autochtones à representative of the way in which the British used
obtenir des excuses, voire des réparations to treat what they regarded as inferior peoples at
matérielles ou symboliques (Australie, Canada, the time.
Nouvelle-Zélande) … 4 These artworks meant a lot to Edo people; they
Objet d’étude : les demandes de réconciliation ou were part of their cultural and spiritual heritage.
de compensation – la restitution d’objets sacrés Losing them to the British meant that they could no
(squelettes d’aborigènes, lances, etc.) ou longer tell and transmit their own story to the next
symboliques (diamant Koh-i-Noor indien) ; generations.
reconnaissance difficile des méfaits de la 5 The situation started to evolve in recent years and
colonisation, etc. » a museum is about to open in Benin City (in today’s
Nigeria). Negotiations are underway to get access to
PROBLÉMATIQUE the Benin Bronzes: the new museum could be
Les musées occidentaux sont-ils une vitrine de l’art allowed to host a temporary exhibition. The blogger
des nations premières ou, sous couvert de seems to believe that the stolen artefacts might
préservation d’un patrimoine mondial, perpétuent- soon be returned…
ils des attitudes colonialistes ? 6 Les élèves seront invités à relever les termes qui
Do Western museums showcase aboriginal art or do témoignent du point de vue du blogueur : pillaged,
they perpetuate colonialist attitudes? stolen, without legal permission, used outright
violence, slaughtered, massacre, sacked and
La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions burned, looted thousands of works of art, looted,
faites au fil de la séquence au moyen d’une invasion, suffered under the cruelties of British
production écrite (lettre). L’expression du point de colonial rule, imposed forced labor ordinances,
vue aura été travaillée au cours de la brick et le whipped or imprisoned et bien sûr l’adverbe
travail sur l’expression orale aura été préparé hopefully dans la dernière phrase.
notamment par la tâche intermédiaire de la page
158 (enregistrement d’un podcast).

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 15

No doubt the blogger sides with the descendants of 4 We can imagine that the protagonist is referring
the Edo people and advocates unconditional to the British soldiers who stole the artefact from the
repatriation. Wakandan people.
5 The scene seems to be a denunciation/a criticism
Page 157 of the present situation: the descendants of the
people who were massacred/slaughtered and
stripped of their cultural possessions still cannot get
Suggestion : « Il y a effectivement eu des progrès en their cultural objects back.
la matière au cours des dernières années. Le Groupe
de Dialogue du Bénin, fondé en 2017, a négocié
l’exposition d’une collection itinérante de bronzes
La recherche d’articles pour cette revue de presse
du Bénin prêtés par divers musées européens au mettra en évidence une réception critique souvent
Musée Royal du Bénin qui doit ouvrir à Benin City en politique du fait du message anticolonial de ce
2021. Si tout va bien, les musées européens finiront blockbuster aux sept nominations aux Oscars 2019.
par accepter de restituer définitivement ces objets
d’art volés/dérobés. »
Page 158

“How do you think your ancestors got

these objects?”
Les trois vignettes sont extraites de la scène dite du
musée située au début du film Black Panther (Ryan
Coogler, 2018). Cette scène est censée avoir lieu au What the Benin bronzes really mean
« Museum of Great Britain », évocation claire du
British Museum. Le personnage central, Erik Audio 1 script: Benin Plaque – The Oba with
Killmonger, s’est rendu au musée avec le trafiquant Europeans
d’armes Ulysses Klaue (à droite dans la troisième BBC Radio 4, 21 September 2010
vignette) pour y « récupérer » une arme en "When I see a Benin Bronze, I immediately think of
Vibranium (métal imaginaire) emblématique du the mastery of technology and art - the welding of
peuple africain fictif de Wakanda. La conservatrice the two. I think immediately of a cohesive ancient
du musée, soupçonneuse, vient échanger avec lui et civilisation. It increases a sense of self-esteem,
lui donne les informations qu’il demande sur les because it makes you understand that African
objets présents dans les vitrines. Devant l’arme society actually produced some great civilisations,
convoitée, l’atmosphère devient tendue : established some great cultures. And today it
Killmonger rejette la classification comme artefact contributes to one's sense of the degradation that
du Bénin et explique “it was taken by British soldiers has overtaken many African societies, to the extent
in Benin but it’s from Wakanda”. Lorsqu’il annonce that we forget that we were once a functioning
qu’il entend récupérer l’arme, les protestations de people before the negative incursion of foreign
la conservatrice sont rejetées : “How do you think powers. The looted objects are still till today
your ancestors got these objects? Do you think they politically loaded. The Benin Bronze, like other
paid a fair price? Or did they take it like they took artefacts, is still very much a part of the politics of
everything else?” Ceux qui ont vu le film sauront que contemporary Africa and, of course, Nigeria in
les choses s’enveniment à partir de là : Klaue tue les particular." (music)
témoins et se saisit de l’arme.
1 In Soyinka’s eyes, the Benin Bronzes exemplify the
1 Judging by the decor, the scene must take place in mastery of both technology and art that ancient
a museum. We can guess that the men are visitors Nigerian (then Benin) had reached.
while the lady is an employee, or maybe the curator 2 It is important for Africans to be reminded of the
because of the formal way she is dressed (suit). The fact that they were once a proud people, belonging
atmosphere looks quiet, at least in the first two to a “great civilisation”. To him, African people’s
pictures. self-esteem badly needs rebooting because the
2 They must be in the African room… European invaders looked down on them and made
3 Les élèves qui auront vu le film pourront raconter them feel inferior and worthless.
la scène, mais les autres pourront aussi imaginer 3 What Soyinka means is that these objects are a
l’action à partir de la capture. On fera remarquer reminder of what happened in the past. Refusing
l’absence de violence apparente.

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 16

repatriation is obviously a political issue and a bone 6 Cette question, difficile, nécessitera peut-être un
of contention. guidage du professeur (pointant notamment les
lignes 14 à 17) pour faire comprendre le propos de
l’auteur, pour qui c’est le lien intergénérationnel
Training TASK même qui a été brisé en raison du massacre et de la
Record a podcast spoliation de 1868.
Les élèves pourront s’aider d’émissions telles que
“Stuff the British Stole”, qui avec humour et sans Page 159
polémiquer en dépit du titre, s’attache à retrouver
l’histoire d’objets exposés dans les musées
britanniques. V-ing = “gerund” or “verbal noun”
Les élèves repèreront la présence de l’article “the”
Pages 158-159 devant une forme verbale, attestant de la
« transformation » de ce verbe en nom. La
comparaison avec “the ongoing controversy” leur
Reflections on Ethiopia’s stolen permettra de comprendre que la forme en « -ing »
treasures on display in a London museum peut avoir différentes valeurs. Dans cette seconde
expression, le GN est “the controversy” ; “ongoing”
1 Si les élèves n’identifient que le sujet d’une vient qualifier “controversy” comme le ferait un
exposition d’objets « volés », on insistera pour adjectif « classique » tel que “ recent” par exemple.
obtenir dès cette entrée en matière des éléments • « La rupture de la continuité historique. »
sur la notion de débat ou polémique. Les élèves « Le pillage de l’héritage culturel de l’Ethiopie. »
pourront s’appuyer sur les termes “stolen”, « La controverse toujours actuelle/persistante. »
“looted”, “controversy” et “debate”.
Il sera intéressant de revenir, en fin d’étude du
document, sur ce choix de termes : on pourra le Page 160-161
compléter par un relevé des mots et expressions
illustrant la position très critique de l’auteur.
Judging by the title and the first paragraph, the
essay must deal with the debate about the right of
British museums to keep displaying treasures stolen
from other peoples. The author clearly sides against
the museums. Contrasting viewpoints
2 The treasures displayed in London symbolise the
glorious past of Ethiopian people and, through Document A: Should museums return their
them, the illustrious history of the African continent. colonial artefacts?
3 “Dispossession” means “theft”. The essayist
argues that African people have been deprived of Document B: Giving back is not enough.
“their intellectual heritage and history”, deprived of Returning looted artefacts will finally restore
their “knowledge”. While they were intellectually heritage to the brilliant cultures that made
and socially advanced people, they were robbed of
their books and most precious works of arts. As a
consequence, some of their knowledge and artistic
L’enjeu de l’activité est d’entrainer à exercer un
skills were lost.
esprit critique en s’attachant aux sources
“Glorious image” refers to the fact that Ethiopia was
once praised for its culture.
Si la subtile différence entre l’ op-ed (que nous
4 The essayist mentions famous ancient authors
avons ici dans les deux cas, car les textes n’ont pas
(lines 20 to 25) because they are highly respected by
été écrits par des auteurs du media ou du site) et
the very same people who dispossessed Ethiopian
l’opinion piece (éditorial) n’est pas d’un intérêt
people of their cultural heritage. He probably means
majeur pour les élèves, il sera intéressant en
to show how inconsistent the European people are.
revanche de faire repérer que les deux auteurs sont
5 Today’s Ethiopians still suffer from losing precious
des « invités » des médias présentés, The Guardian
artwork, books or manuscripts. They have no choice
d’une part et The Conversation, média indépendant
but to learn English and turn to European scholars
présentant les contributions d’universitaires et
to be able to understand the literature that deals
chercheurs divers.
with their own history.

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 17

1 On attirera l’attention sur le fait que l’un des
auteurs parle à la première personne pour justifier 1 Les élèves devront comprendre que le livre dont
une position de principe prise par le musée qu’il on parle est The Whole Picture. À ce stade, ils
dirige tandis que l’autre, universitaire reconnu, se pourront envisager une dénonciation de la
pose en expert. colonisation ou simplement la critique des musées
Avec une classe de bon niveau, on pourra exposant des œuvres volées à l’époque coloniale.
développer une analyse montrant que les deux 2 The Gweagal Shield deserves attention for several
auteurs exposent des points de vue assumés reasons:
comme personnels et que leurs écrits reflètent leurs - It dates back to the very day when Captain
positions. Exemple en A “I also feel we need to tread Cook had his first contact with Aboriginal
carefully along a path of total restitution, dictated people;
by a political timetable” (l. 15-17) ; exemple en B - It was the first object that was taken back
“This is a specious argument, rooted in racist from Australia to Britain;
attitudes that somehow indigenous people can’t be - One of its first owner’s descendant is now
trusted to curate their own cultural heritage” (l. 3- campaigning for its repatriation.
5). 3 Rodney Kelly claims to be the rightful heir of this
2 et 3 gagneront à être traitées en lien étroit : shield, that’s why he is determined to get it back. He
In text A the author sides against repatriation. His is currently campaigning for its repatriation.
main arguments are the following: 4 et 5 Les élèves s’exprimeront librement sur ces
“To decolonize is to decontextualize”. Museums can deux questions en mobilisant le lexique et les
help develop “multicultural understanding”: rather tournures appropriées (opinion personnelle et
than regarding the display of “colonial artefacts” in justification).
European museums as the perpetuation of
colonialist attitudes – and without ignoring the Page 162
negative aspects of colonialism – we should view it
as an opportunity to stress the role of empire in
breeding “cosmopolitanism” and cultural Repatriating Indigenous artifacts
The author of text B thinks that his opponents’ Video 1 script: Rodney Kelly talks about the
arguments are driven by political concerns: difficulty repatriating Indigenous artifacts
“dictated by a political timetable” + l. 27-29. Qldaah, 12 May 2019
FEMALE JOURNALIST: Four years ago, Rodney Kelly
In text B, the author advocates repatriation and began what might seem an impossible campaign to
rejects the “specious argument” that the rightful convince museums in Britain to return artifacts once
owners of the “looted artefacts” could not take owned by his Indigenous tribe. One of the items is a
proper care of these treasures. wooden shield in the British Museum which many
believe was held by Mr. Kelly's ancestors when
4 Tristram Hunt (text A) contemplates a more serene Captain Cook arrived in 1770. The museum says it
future in which people will be able to regard can't repatriate the shield but for the first time it has
museums as “a new medium for multicultural invited Mr. Kelly to inspect the item. He spoke with
understanding”. Europe correspondent Bridget Brennan in London.
Mark Horton (text B) contemplates a more BRIDGET BRENNAN: So Rodney it’s been a really
acceptable future: not only will African museums momentous week for you being here at the British
get their art back but they will also get some Museum. I know you've been here a few times but
financial help from Europe to be able to display and tell us, why was this week so significant for you and
preserve these treasures in good conditions. for your people?
RODNEY KELLY: Yeah, this week was very significant
5 et 6 La synthèse finale pourra déboucher sur because you know I was the first one, you know,
l’élaboration collégiale d’une trace écrite mobilisant first descendant from the man who was there that
les expressions du contraste : while, whereas, day to actually hold the shield and get up close and
contrary to, unlike, etc. personal and touch it, hold it and just feel its power.
BRIDGET BRENNAN: What was that moment for you
like, I've seen some photos where you've got it lifted
Page 161 up, you're actually smelling the wood and looking at
the markings on the shield. Was that an emotional
moment for you?
A case in point: Australian Bark Shield

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 18

RODNEY KELLY: I was very proud and happy while I 4 Plusieurs réponses sont possibles ici selon ce que
was touching it, holding it, but now once I knew I les élèves auront perçu, mais on attendra a minima
had to walk away so that was the hard part, that qu’ils relèvent l’argument de l’intérêt supérieur du
walking away, and that's when I got emotional and peuple qui a été dépossédé et qui a besoin de tels
sad that, you know, I'm walking away and leaving objets pour retrouver son identité, réapprendre sa
this shield here and that was hard to deal with. propre histoire.
BRIDGET BRENNAN: What's the campaign been like Kelly is convinced that it is more important to let
for you over the years, trying to have discussions Indigenous people recover their cultural pride than
with the museum and you really want to see that to teach other people about historical events.
shield come back into Australian ownership and Le lien avec les autres supports textuels vus dans la
back in your people's hands, so what's that journey séquence sera évidemment pertinent.
been like for you?
RODNEY KELLY: It's been a hard journey and long
journey, you know, the deeper I go, you know, the
Some features of the Australian accent
more I'm finding out that, you know, so many things Les élèves seront sensibilisés à la prononciation
are against repatriation, you know, you’ve got laws, australienne des diphtongues en comparant avec la
you've got these people with power just totally prononciation, qui leur est plus familière, de
against the word re-repatriation. Further I get into l’anglais britannique : [ai] vs [ei] dans day, [oi] vs [ai]
this campaign the more I'm finding out that just so dans time. Ils pourront constater une influence
many people against, you know, repatriation. américaine dans le traitement de la dentale dans
BRIDGET BRENNAN: Why is it that you want that identity (à 2’47) et dans la date 1770. Certains
shield back in your people's hands, I mean millions percevront peut-être une différence entre les
of people come here to the British Museum and prononciations des journalistes et l’accent plus
learn about our history: why is it important for you socialement marqué de Kelly.
to actually bring it home? On veillera à ce que les élèves comprennent que la
RODNEY KELLY: Yeah I get that argument all the prononciation australienne n’est pas une altération
time that millions of people get to see the shield on de l’anglais britannique, mais bien une variante tout
er, you know every year, but back home there's a aussi recevable !
real need for true history to be told and for the
young to relearn their culture and, you know, have
Final TASK
an identity. So whatever reasons they come up with,
you know, the significance to our culture and to be Make a short video
able to relearn all that – that things (sic) and tell true Cette tâche aura été préparée par celle de la page
history, you know, far outweighs visitors that come 158 (podcast). Elle permettra de mesurer la
here and just stroll past the shield without really capacité des élèves à mobiliser les acquis de la
knowing the significance of it, so yeah it's just all séquence en intégrant les objectifs
about teaching the young, teaching the – you know, sociolinguistiques et la dimension pragmatique du
non-Aboriginal people back home all about that first discours. On valorisera la capacité à adapter le
day and – and everything that's come after that first registre et les éléments non verbaux au contexte et
day in 1717. So it's just all about telling true history, à l’intention.
and giving young youths their identity.”

1 The man is Rodney Kelly and the campaign is

about the repatriation of his ancestor’s shield/the
Gweagal shield. Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances
2 Kelly wants it back because he thinks it belongs to grâce aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la
his tribe. Besides, he believes that the shield is constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
needed in Australia to teach both Aboriginal and l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
non-Aboriginal people the history of their country. questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
He is convinced that this will help people embrace trouveront là matière à creuser la réflexion sur les
their cultural identity. actions menées par les communautés aborigènes
3 Les élèves noteront que le traitement se veut d’Australie.
objectif. L’intervieweuse pose des questions
simples et reste dans l’investigation même si elle
interroge Kelly sur ses émotions.
The journalist sounds quite neutral even though she
seems to sympathise with Kelly.

Unit 7 “From dependency to autonomy: changing relationships” 19

Les entreprises seront-elles les leaders de
UNIT 8 l’inclusion sociale de la communauté LGBTQ+ ?
Are businesses to be the leaders of social inclusion
“Inclusion/exclusion: of the LGBTQ+ community?
make minorities La Final task permettra de réaliser un projet de
visible classe sous la forme d’une carte interactive réalisée
” avec un outil en ligne du type Genial.ly. Chaque
groupe travaillera sur un pays différent et les
THÉMATIQUE 1 : FAIRE SOCIÉTÉ productions orales et/ou écrites seront regroupées
AXE D’ÉTUDE 3 : ÉGALITÉS ET INÉGALITÉS sur la carte du monde. Une fois la carte partagée,
les élèves pourront débattre pour répondre à la
L’UNIT 8 Les inégalités de cette unité se problématique.
rapportant à l’axe d’étude n°3 Égalités et inégalités
ont été choisies soit parce qu’elles sont La brick est structurée en deux parties :
généralement peu abordées (INClusive Culture, 1 A criminal offense: la première partie se concentre
Body positivity), soit parce qu’elles sont envisagées sur l’inclusion au Royaume-Uni selon une approche
sous un angle peu commun (Disability, Hair historique.
matters). 2 A more inclusive new world?: la seconde partie
Qu’ils soient éducatifs, économiques ou culturels, permet d’aborder les conditions de travail actuelles
certains systèmes perpétuent ces inégalités : les des travailleurs LGBTQ+. Les textes sont situés aux
universités avec les coupes réglementaires, les USA et au Canada, mais les informations peuvent
entreprises avec le manque d’inclusion, l’économie être globalisées.
de la mode avec les tailles standards et enfin les
écrans sans les stars rondes ou handicapées. Page 165
Les politiques publiques se doivent donc d’ajuster
les lois pour faire respecter “les valeurs
fondamentales de liberté, justice, égalité et A CRIMINAL OFFENSE
assistance”. La Cour suprême et le Congrès des
États-Unis ou le Sénat de Californie ont légiféré afin
d’assurer aux citoyens “une vie prospère et Early 20th century England
heureuse, égalité de traitement, devant la loi et
dans la vie quotidienne”. (BO) Video 1 script: Misreading the signs
Downtown Abbey, season 3, episode 6
MR. CARSON: I don't need to tell you that this is a
criminal offense.
INClusive Culture THOMAS BARROW: We hadn't done anything.
MR. CARSON: But you are hoping to do something if
Alfred hadn't come in.
La brick 24 s’intéresse à la communauté LGBTQ+, THOMAS BARROW: It's not against the law to hope,
mais uniquement dans le monde du travail. Elle is it?
repose essentiellement sur une démarche de projet MR. CARSON: Don't you get clever with me when
et après avoir posé la thématique en classe, les you should be horsewhipped. Do you have a
élèves sont invités à avancer dans leurs recherches defense? Am I mistaken in any part of this?
en groupes. L’objectif est informatif et on leur THOMAS BARROW: Not really, Mr. Carson. As for a
propose de faire un état de l’inclusion des defense, what can I say, I was very drawn to him and
travailleurs LGBTQ+ dans différents pays I'd got the impression that he felt the same way. I
anglophones. was wrong.
MR. CARSON: It seems an odd mistake to make.
THOMAS BARROW: When you’re like me, Mr.
Extrait du B.O. Carson, you have to read the signs, as best as you
« Les citoyens aspirent à une vie prospère et can, because no one dares speak out.
heureuse et à l’égalité de traitement non seulement MR. CARSON: I do not wish to take a tour of your
devant la loi, mais aussi dans la vie quotidienne afin revolting world.
d’obtenir des conditions de vie décentes. » THOMAS BARROW: No.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 1

MR. CARSON: So, are you saying that James is the Thomas is accused of homosexual attraction which
innocent party in all this? was a crime at the time.
THOMAS BARROW: Yes Mr. Carson, he is. 4 He was attracted to James and thought James felt
MR. CARSON: I will take time to consider and we the same way but was mistaken because he had
must first find out what James intends to do. He’d misread the signs. As homosexuality was a crime,
be within his rights to report you to the police. they could not clearly talk about their feelings.
Although, I'm quite sure it won't come to that. It's 5 Thomas Barrow could be reported to the police
time to draw a line under this whole unfortunate and sent to jail.
episode. 6 He thinks Thomas should be whipped, that his
THOMAS BARROW: So I go out the window. world is “revolting”. He says this was an
MR. CARSON: I cannot hide that I find your situation “unfortunate episode”, minimising the feelings of
revolting, that whether or not you believe me I am the footman. He pretends not to be “totally
not entirely unsympathetic. You have been twisted unsympathetic” as Thomas is a victim of nature but
by nature into something foul and even I can see his words are harsh (“something foul”).
that you did not ask for it. I think it better that you 7 Cette question nous amène à la situation de
resign, quietly, citing the excuse that Mr. Bates has
l’employé au travail. Le majordome se doit de
returned. I will write a perfectly acceptable
préserver la famille pour laquelle il travaille et il est
reference and you'll find that there's nothing about
préoccupé par le scandale qui pourrait survenir. Il va
it that's hard to explain.
donc faire en sorte de se débarrasser de Thomas
Barrow sans faire de vagues.
1 Il s’agit ici de retrouver le contexte de la scène à
Thomas Barrow has to “go out the window”, to
partir des noms des personnages (James est l’objet resign quietly with a perfectly acceptable reference
de l’intérêt de Thomas Barrow). On replacera so he can find another position. Thus, the
également les personnages à leur place sociale et on aristocratic family will not be the target of
identifiera M. Carson comme le majordome (il ne scandalous rumors.
peut pas être le châtelain compte tenu du décor de
son bureau dans lequel se déroule la scène). On
pourra aussi, avant la vidéo, s’appuyer sur une des
British aristocratic accent
affiches présentant l’ensemble des personnages de
Le majordome travaillant au plus près de la famille
la série, les serviteurs d’un côté (faire repérer les
aristocratique, il s’approprie leur accent sans pour
uniformes des serviteurs des étages en
autant faire partie de leur classe sociale. Ainsi on
comparaison de ceux de la cuisinière et sa commise
fera remarquer aux élèves quelques exemples de
par exemple) et les aristocrates de l’autre. Enfin, on
Received Pronunciation comme le /a:/ au lieu du
fera remarquer aux élèves le « quand » (début du
/ᴂ/ ou le /h/.
XXe siècle) et le « où » (Angleterre).
Thomas Barrow, the footman, is attracted to
another servant, James. He has revealed his feelings
but James doesn’t share his love and they haven’t La vidéo propose une frise chronologique de
done anything. Alfred has witnessed and reported l’évolution de la loi au Royaume-Uni. Il pourra être
the affair to the butler, Mr. Carson. pertinent, dans la mesure où les élèves vont ensuite
2 Les élèves sont ici invités à décrypter l’évolution travailler sur des pays du Commonwealth, de leur
des sentiments des personnages en se basant aussi faire remarquer la conclusion sur l’impact de la
sur le non-verbal. On leur demandera de lister des colonisation.
adjectifs pour qualifier leurs états d’esprit.
Mr. Carson: angry, outraged, infuriate, offended, Page 166
revolted > he softens > doubtful, understanding,
sympathetic, compassionate, reassuring. He
considers he is fair, merciful, humane (“a perfectly A MORE INCLUSIVE NEW WORLD?
acceptable reference”).
Thomas Barrow: minimising the facts (done
nothing), argumentative > sensitive, true, honest, LGBT Workplace Issues: Why the
guilty (been mistaken, James is innocent) > afraid, majority of LGBT workers still hide their
unsure, worried > he thinks it is unfair. identity at work
3 Les questions 3 à 5 vont permettre de présenter la
situation des homosexuels dans la société anglaise 1 Ces trois premières questions vont permettre de
des années 1920. faire le point, aussi bien pour les employés que pour

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 2

les entreprises, des conséquences d’un que parler orientation sexuelle au travail n’est pas
environnement de travail non inclusif. professionnel. »
Who? LGBT workers, Erika Karp = a LGBT staff, • « Au pire, les histoires des travailleurs LGBT sont
Nicole Raeburn = author and university professor. perçues comme inconvenantes là où les mêmes
What? LGBT workers hide their identity at the récits racontés par des travailleurs n’appartenant
workplace. pas à la communauté sont simplement vus comme
Why? The feeling of being unwelcome. des informations personnelles banales. »
2 On pourra demander aux élèves d’expliciter ou • « Selon une campagne des droits de l’homme,
d’imaginer une situation professionnelle qui c’est parce que les conversations ordinaires et
illustrerait chacun des points de la réponse. banales construisent en grande partie les relations
For employees: impact on health, happiness, au travail que le fait d’en être exclu sape les
productivity. relations avec les collègues, les supérieurs et les
For employers: talent retention, detrimental to mentors éventuels. »
leadership development.
3 Il s’agit d’abord d’interpréter le fait que dans la
réalité, et contrairement à la volonté de la LGBTQ: More than just letters
communauté LGBTQ+, c’est la loi pour le mariage
pour tous qui a été adoptée avant celle concernant 1 Après avoir vu les conséquences négatives du
le travail. manque d’ouverture, les élèves vont pouvoir lister
The marriage reform may have been prioritised ici les bénéfices que les entreprises peuvent retirer
because it was easier and/or quicker to achieve or d’une politique inclusive.
implement. Maybe it was because it was more - Variety of talent and different perspectives;
symbolic, etc. - Improves the company’s adaptability:
4 On se focalise dans les deux questions suivantes - Provides services to diverse audiences;
sur la réalité des relations au travail avec leurs - Pushes boundaries and encourages employees to
contradictions. think beyond their own experience;
Statistics show that non-LGBTQ+ workers says that - Better reputation and brand image;
they are open-minded and would welcome LGBTQ+ - Retains top talent longer;
coworkers but only if they don’t talk about their - More loyal and focused employees;
partners, family and everyday lifestyle as “talking - Greater efficiency and profits.
about sexual orientation at work is unprofessional”. 2 Les élèves pourront reformuler les suggestions du
5 On comprend ici pourquoi la productivité des document et les compléter avec leurs propres idées.
personnes qui cachent leur identité au travail est On s’assurera qu’ils prennent en compte la situation
moindre. de communication (qui parle à qui et dans quelles
Hiding one’s identity is a “daily challenge”, “energy circonstances).
consuming” not to give one’s rue identity away - Make it clear from the start that all applicants will
(energy people cannot put in their work) and a be accepted for who they are and that employees
“torture”. have to follow the inclusive rules of the firm.
6 On va reprendre et compléter les faits expliqués - Organise training sessions to deal with equality
dans l’introduction. and respect at every level of the hierarchy.
For employees: detrimental to personal career (less - Proclaim and enforce a no-harassment policy
advancement opportunities), stress. taking appropriate sanctions if needed.
For employers: lower engagement, risk of losing - Ask employees what would contribute to their well-
valuable workers. being at work.
- Check that the rules within the company are
Page 167 inclusive as well as all events organised by the firm.
- Check on what you imply is “normal”.

• « En plus de la question du maintien des talents

dans l’entreprise et du développement des qualités Linking words for opposition
managériales, cette bataille identitaire a des effets On cherche à montrer aux élèves les divers moyens
négatifs sur leur santé, leur bien-être et leur à leur disposition pour comparer, opposer, en
productivité. » dehors des structures comparatives et superlatives.
• « Malgré l’acceptation apparente de ces identités, “Companies with inclusive, supportive
70 % des mêmes personnes interrogées indiquent environments” (implicite, celles qui ne le sont pas)

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 3

“be more loyal, more focused on their jobs and less Page 169
distracted and stressed” (comparaison)
“or fired for wrong-doing” (mot de liaison)
“strengths and weaknesses” (antonyme) Body Positivity
La brick 25 propose de travailler sur une inégalité
Training TASK qui n’est pas nouvelle, mais qui émerge au grand
Record a review jour à l’ère des revendications de non-
La tâche intermédiaire permet de faire le point. culpabilisation. Nous proposons ici de réfléchir à la
Il s’agit de synthétiser, avec plus ou moins de grossophobie à travers le regard de l’autre, de la
précision selon les niveaux de maîtrise des mode et de la télévision.
élèves, des informations et des arguments issus
de sources diverses. Extrait du B.O.
« Certains systèmes éducatifs, politiques ou
Pages 168 économiques sont accusés de perpétuer dans leur
structure même les inégalités. »


Debate and create an interactive map on LGBT Tous les physiques ont-ils un accès équitable au
bonheur ?
workers’ rights over the world
Can “any-body” have an equal access to the pursuit
Le travail de la classe est ici coopératif, chaque
of a happy life?
groupe se chargeant d’une partie du travail
attendu. On pourra conseiller aux élèves de lire la
La Final task permettra aux élèves de donner leur
fiche How to p. 318 pour organiser leur travail de
opinion dans un article de magazine destiné à un
jeune public.
Ils vont avoir deux ressources à disposition, mais
La brick est structurée en deux parties :
pourront rechercher d’autres informations s’ils le
1 Health vs activism: cette première partie est
souhaitent. L’évaluation portera bien sur leurs
centrée sur l’acceptation de soi et des autres. La
productions et non leur compréhension des
question de la santé est abordée indirectement à
dessein pour éviter le côté culpabilisant de certains
L’écriture est vue comme une écriture longue et
l’évaluation comme un accompagnement. Après
2 Changing how culture views fat bodies: ici on
avoir pris connaissance des documents et avoir
examine la représentativité de la société sur les
récolté les informations nécessaires, les élèves
écrans de cinéma et de télévision et la tendance
rédigent leur première version en classe à partir de
“plus-size” dans la mode.
notes et sans autre aide que celle du professeur à
qui ils vont proposer leur brouillon. Celui-ci ne
Page 169
corrigera pas, mais guidera les élèves pour qu’ils se
corrigent jusqu’à obtenir la meilleure production
possible dans le temps imparti. HEALTH VS ACTIVISM
Après la correction finale du professeur, les
productions seront intégrées à la carte et les élèves
pourront en prendre connaissance avant de Discrimination against fat people is so
débattre. endemic, most of us don’t even realise it’s

1 Les élèves doivent ici définir ce que sont les micro-

agressions et les conséquences de la constance avec
Les liens ouvrent d’autres pistes pour rendre les
laquelle elles sont subies.
entreprises inclusives, en particulier sur le rôle des
A microaggression is a “small, subtle or
inconsequential reminder of a devalued status”
which is repeated over and over and which keeps the
victim under a constant stress. This stress has the
same medical consequences — like diabetes,
hypertension, heart disease — as obesity. Could

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 4

microaggressions be partly responsible for plus-size GRACE VICTORY: Society is very, very fatphobic. And
people’s potential health troubles? the worst thing in the world is to be fat. But when
2 L’attention des élèves est ici attirée sur la you reclaim the word “fat” it takes the power away,
petitesse des actes discriminatoires qui peut les so yeah, you can call me fat, that’s what I am, I’m
rendre insignifiants aux yeux de tous. also incredibly buff.
A microaggression is easy and quick to deny, putting STEPHANIE YEBOAH: The body positivity movement
the guilt on the victim. When being uncertain about has made an absolutely incredible difference to my
the aggression, victims do not respond. life.
3 Les élèves pourront s’appuyer sur les trois images BETHANY RUTTER: It really has changed everything
qui accompagnent le texte pour débattre du fait que for me knowing that it is possible to feel positive
les enfants sont, dès le plus jeune âge, orientés vers about myself or even to feel neutral about myself,
des opinions discriminantes à travers le dessin de la but just is not a given I have to always feel negative
silhouette de certains « méchants » des dessins because I’m fat.
animés. Face à Ursula ou à la Reine de cœur, l’ogre STEPHANIE YEBOAH: It was definitely a turning
Shrek est un antihéros. point for me when I uploaded my first ever fashion
blog post with my whole body and I received
Page 170 positive feedback ‘cause that was such a difference
for me.
GRACE VICTORY: There is no pressure to be perfect
for me anymore because I’ve allowed myself to be
Body Positivity: the movement on a
so unperfect, people just take me for who I am, and
mission to change the way we see ourselves
if they don’t… they’re cancelled.
BETHANY RUTTER: Rather than putting it on me to
1 Ce document est l’occasion d’aborder la méthode subvert stereotypes about fat people and what that
du résumé. On commence donc par le plan. means, I think it is more useful for people who
L 1-16: what the movement fights for. aren’t fat to ask themselves why it is so important
L 17-29: history and evolution of the movement. to them that, even if the stereotypes were true, it
L 30-37: recent victories and popularity. would give them the right to treat fat people badly.
2 L’étape 2 consiste à isoler les idées principales. STEPHANIE YEBOAH: I’m not this, you know,
Part 1: self-acceptance and confidence building, disgusting, you know, horrible person that I’ve
inclusion, fighting commercial strategies, fighting always thought I was. I’m actually a person of value
unrealistic representations. and somebody that, you know, deserves to be
Part 2: 1969 = NAAFA fights against fatphobia, 1996 respected and deserves to be loved.
= the body positive website, 2012 = denounces BETHANY RUTTER: You don’t have to always be
unrealistic image of feminine beauty, calls for all living in this suspended state of waiting to do all this
body-typed influence. stuff you wanna do, that you can’t do until you’re
Part 3: popularity of the movement, influence on the thin. I love going spinning, I have a personal trainer.
fashion industry, young and famous advocates. And I’ve only really been able to embrace those
3 Les élèves devront rédiger un texte de 65 mots things that I really enjoy since I have stopped
environ. On attirera leur attention sur la thinking about exercise in terms of its, like, potential
reformulation des idées avec leurs propres mots et for weight loss.
sur le respect de la proportion des différentes STEPHANIE YEBOAH: Just try and live as
parties du texte initial. unapologetically and as loudly as possible.
GRACE VICTORY: It’s OK to be vulnerable. It’s OK to
Pages 170-171 be fat. It’s OK to be whatever it is that you think it’s
not. I think that’s why I told my story, because I
hope it inspires people to just be who they are.
Reclaiming the word “fat”
1 La vidéo illustre le dernier paragraphe du texte
Video 1 script: Bloggers Grace Victory, Steph précédent. Les trois personnes interviewées sont
Yeboah and Bethany Rutter tell Woman’s Hour des “millenial influencers”.
why they embrace their bodies. They want to erase the pejorative meaning of the
BBC, 13 May 2018 word “fat”. They denounce the negative
GRACE VICTORY: The word “fat” is just like being representation society has imposed on them, that
petit or tall. they unconsciously integrated before rejecting and
STEPHANIE YEBOAH: It’s literally just describing my reclaiming their body image. Finally, they have
body shape. regained self-esteem.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 5

2 L’objectif est ici d’enrichir le vocabulaire des qui soutient son message (exemple : the right/to
élèves et de les entrainer à faire des fiches treat/fat people badly)
personnelles de vocabulaire, mais aussi de leur faire
percevoir l’importance du choix des mots dans le
message qu’ils veulent faire passer. Ce travail sera
complété dans la rubrique Useful vocabulary. Fighting fat discrimination, but still
Adjectives: wanting to lose weight
fat/petit/tall/fatphobic/buff/ incredible/possible/
positive/ neutral/ perfect/ unperfect/ useful/ FYI: Roxane Gay published an autobiographical
important/ true/ disgusting/ horrible/ vulnerable. essay entitled Hunger in which she explains that
Adverbs: after having been abused she put on weight to
always/ literally/ incredibly/ actually/ absolutely/ become invisible. She is a feminist and, in her book,
definitely/ really/ badly/ unapologetically/ loudly. she tells her daily experience of fatphobia.
3 Le travail sur le lexique de la question précédente
amène à développer les oppositions mises à jour. 1 Ici encore on entend la voix des victimes de la
Before: The pressure society put on them and the grossophobie. Les deux personnes s’identifient
negative image they could read in people’s eyes comme étant “body positive”, comme assumant
made them feel horrible and disgusting. They did leur corps. C’est le jugement des autres, mais aussi
not fully live their lives, did not do things for pleasure le respect du choix individuel dont il est question.
but only in a weight loss perspective. The two persons, the words of whom we can read in
After: Today, they feel positive about themselves the article, are Anne Coleman and Roxane Gay.
because they receive positive feedback. But they Anne Coleman is a body positive supporter but still
have also changed their own view about themselves would like to lose weight in order to feel better in her
in considering the other aspects of who they are everyday activities.
outside their body shape. They do what they like If Roxane Gay believes in the movement, she is more
because they like it, they do it loud and do not owe ambivalent concerning her own body. Yet, she has
anybody anything. written a book encouraging everyone to question
4 Les élèves sont invités à mettre en relation les one’s relation to one’s body.
trois documents de “Reclaiming the word ‘fat’”, Adele’s story is reported as an illustration of
mais ils peuvent aussi élargir leur analyse aux people’s reaction to her weight loss. Indeed, we
documents précédents et en particulier au texte sur have no direct information about the singer’s
les micro-agressions. feelings or motives, what she thought of critics or
When viewed as a whole person, fat people are seen supporters of her plus-size figure and why she
as disgusting and horrible (video) but the worst are decided to lose weight.
anti-obesity campaigns designed to help and save 2 La réponse à la question 2 doit poser le dilemme
people from health troubles which dehumanise fat dont les élèves vont débattre dans la tâche
bodies in beheading them on TV or posters. Those intermédiaire.
bodies are either samples everybody can talk about, Even if they support the body positivity movement
or ridiculous puppets whose integrity is protected and they have reclaimed their body, plus-size people
because they cannot be identified as being fat, can still be uncomfortable with the consequences of
which would be shameful. (Text and pictures) These weight excess either physically or psychologically.
pictures contribute to the microaggressions fat The question is how non-fat people allow
people undergo in their everyday lives. (Document themselves to respond.
page 169)

Page 171 Training TASK

Discuss with your friends
Les élèves vont ici devoir exprimer leur opinion
Speech speed variation dans le respect des autres. Ils pourront reprendre
Bethany Rutter respecte les pauses de souffle de la les arguments des documents, réagir aux
ponctuation, mais elle en ajoute aussi qui ont pour témoignages, ajouter des arguments personnels
effet de mettre en avant le mot qui se trouve soit dont le professeur se devra de vérifier le caractère
juste avant, soit juste après la pause. L’accentuation non discriminant.
est aussi parfois montante sans justification sinon
celle d’accentuer certains mots (exemples :
spinning, trainer, loss). Elle donne ainsi un rythme

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 6

Page 172
Text A
Body Positive Show to Watch
Page 173

Ideal body type

Text B
Body diversity on teen television still needs
Video 2 script: Women’s Ideal Body Types
Throughout History improvement
BuzzFeedVideo, 27 January 2015
Ancient Egypt (c.1292-1069 BC): slender, narrow 1 Les deux textes se complètent et permettent
shoulders, high waist, symmetrical face. d’aborder la question de l’estime de soi à travers la
Ancient Greece (c.500-300 BC): women were représentation sur les écrans. S’ils ne l’ont pas déjà
considered “disfigured” versions of men, plump, exprimé, les élèves pourront rapprocher cette
full-bodied, light skin. thématique des autres types de discrimination
Han dynasty (c.206 BC- 220 AD): slim waist, pale (racisme, sexisme) dont les industries de la
skin, large eyes, small feet. télévision ou du cinéma ont été accusées
Italian Renaissance (c.1400-1700): ample bosom, récemment.
rounded stomach, full hips, fair skin. Both journalists reproach the TV and movie
Victorian England (c.1837-1901): desirably plump, industries not to show the exact same proportion of
full-figured, cinched waist, women wore corsets to body types you can meet in real life. Sometimes they
achieve the ideal body shape. have been praised to be inclusive but forgot to
Roaring Twenties (c.1920s): flat-chested, include all types of diversity. Finally, when they do
downplayed waist, short bob hairstyle, boyish include non-thin characters, they fail to give them
figure. depth and personality.
Golden Age of Hollywood (c.1930s-1950s): curvy, 2 One TV series stands out: Orange Is the New Black.
hourglass figure, large breasts, slim waist. Not only does it show diversity in main characters
Swinging Sixties (c.1960s): willowy, thin, long and but it also focuses on their personal stories dealing
slim legs, adolescent physique. with major social issues without ever mentioning
Supermodel era (c.1980s): athletic, svelte but curvy, weight.
tall, toned arms. 3 Le second texte traite du même thème, mais le
Heroin chic (c.1990s): waifish, extremely thin, rapproche davantage du public jeune et adolescent.
translucent skin, androgynous. Les critiques qui ont été faites à la presse il y a
Postmodern beauty (c.2000-today): flat stomach, quelques années (silhouettes irréelles des
“healthy” skinny, large breasts and butt, thigh gap, magazines) se retrouvent aujourd’hui dans les
women regularly get plastic surgery to achieve their séries proposées à la jeunesse.
desired look. Being able to identify to characters you see in your
favorite TV series is a way to be recognised as a
1 Le document a pour objectif de sensibiliser les member of the social group represented on the
élèves au fait que les standards de la beauté screen. If you’re not present you could think you do
évoluent en fonction de l’époque et de la not belong there. This is one conclusion that has
géographie. On les invitera à consulter le Go further been found in experiments about teenagers’ self-
qui leur permettra aussi de découvrir les raisons esteem and body satisfaction for boys and girls. This
sociales qui ont pu définir les canons de la beauté feeling could have dramatic consequences in their
féminine. adult life.
Feminine beauty standards have evolved through
time and we can see that there is a swing of the
pendulum between curvy and skinny figures. Reported speech
2 We can also notice that in different parts of the Il convient ici de rappeler que les paroles rapportées
world at the same time, the standards could be permettent de ne pas citer exactement ce que la
different. What we also learn from that video is that personne a dit, ce qui permet de faire une synthèse,
women have always used tricks to modify their contrairement au style direct entre guillemets. On
bodies in order to fit beauty standards. pourra aussi en profiter pour reprendre les règles de

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 7

la concordance des temps et de la modification des ANNIE: I've been letting people dismiss me or
pronoms. Ici, le fait de garder le pronom personnel sa(bip) to me my entire life. At this point I just feel
sujet à la deuxième personne permet d’adresser un like (bip) yeah (bip) yeah (bip) and you too.
message direct aux lecteurs sans passer par RYAN: Yeah, I mean…
l’intermédiaire du journaliste qui a rédigé l’article.

1 La scène d’introduction pose le genre de la série.

Self-worth This show is a comedy. First, the main character is
presented as a little girl: the desk is very high, she
Video 3 script: Shrill season 1 trailer recalls all her items to the pharmacist using childish
Avance, 12 February 2019 expression (use of “my”, “shoelaces for my brown
ANNIE EASTON: Um, let's see, I got my lotion and shoes”). It sets a contrast with her asking for the
my gum and my shoelaces for my brown shoes, um, morning-after pill.
and could I also get, um, the morning-after pill? Then, she tries to hide her demand in a list of useless
PHARMACIST: Hey Nick, do we sell the morning- items to be as discreet as possible but the
after pill…? pharmacist shouts a question to the other
ANNIE: Oh, oh, that's okay we don't need to bother employee, drawing the attention of the older
Nick, he's doing pill… business. customers in the shop.
--- 2 Le premier portrait n’est pas flatteur.
ANNIE: I know I'm just assistant calendar editor but She looks nice and sweet. She is an assistant who
I would really love to write more and… would like to have more responsibilities but she is
GABE PARRISH: You, millennial dumpling, work hard not well treated by her boss who disguises criticism
and pay your dues. under fake sugary talk.
ANNIE: So that's a maybe then, right? She is on a diet with disgusting dishes and a few
--- almonds. Her mother is questioning her about it. Is
VERA EASTON: Are you liking the Thin Menu? she checking on her menus?
ANNIE: It's fine. She has a boyfriend who doesn’t want her to meet
VERA: Well, are you doing the almonds between his roommates, is he ashamed of their relationship?
meals? It seems like everybody is taking advantage of her or
ANNIE: Yeah, they are so satisfying. Sometimes treating her badly.
when I have six almonds, I feel like I had twelve 3 La suite de la bande-annonce révise cette
almonds. première impression et on va demander aux élèves
--- de donner leur avis en le justifiant avec des
RYAN: Hey, my roommates are here. You're cool éléments de la vidéo.
with going out the back, right? 4 Les élèves vont devoir reprendre la thématique,
--- des micro-agressions, du regard de l’autre qui
ANNIE: If I could just give you a quick pitch. I heard n’assume pas ou qui pense aider. Ils devront ensuite
about this pool party and it's all about people poser une opinion sur la représentativité des
feeling comfortable in their own skin. personnages de la série.
GABE: The last thing we need is everybody feeling The first part of the trailer shows the daily life of a
comfortable in their own skin, that would be the plus-size young lady who is the victim of
70s. microaggressions but who realises she can also feel
ANNIE: I just would love to start (bip) some (bip) up. comfortable in her body. Her life seems to change
GABE: Annie, please, go away. after she comes to that and she finally writes a
--- successful article.
ANNIE: This may be the best day of my life. The trailer opens on a comic scene which is not
--- based on weight. The body shape issue only comes
ANNIE: I wrote an article and 19,000 people clicked second and non-fat people are the ones who are
on it. made fun of.
VERA: 19,000 people clicked her. To finish, we can see in the swimming-pool scene
ANNIE: Not clicked me but… that the show has hired fat actors and do not star
BILL EASTON: All right, Annie! straight-sized actress in fat suits.
ANNIE: You feel very powerful right now.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 8

had given me, um, to roll with it and, you know, to
Page 174 exceed my own expectations, so really just push the
boundaries, to know that I have a loving support
system around me. That really there's nothing that
Drew Barrymore hosts plus-sized model I have to fear.
DREW BARRYMORE: Well, I think that is such a
Steven Green
positive message and people, especially men, are
FYI: Drew Barrymore is an American actress,
really embracing this and thanking you for
producer and film director who has been hosting a
representing so beautifully with your outside and
talk show featuring human interest stories since
your inside and your perspective and all of it. So,
September 2020.
thank you, Steven, for joining us here today. You are
rocking that Fenty. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Video 4 script: Drew’s News: Viral Fenty Plus- Thank you. You look so handsome.
Sized Model Spills About Savage x Fenty STEVEN GREEN: Thank you, thank you.
Fashion Show
The Drew Barrymore Show, 14 October 2020 1 Cette question permet de poser le contexte du
DREW BARRYMORE: Speaking of extraordinary
women, you may have seen Rihanna's new Savage
This show is hosted by actress Drew Barrymore. It is
X Fenty show on Amazon, and as usual, everyone's
not a serious news show (the host’s mimicking
invited to a Riri party. The fashion show was about
reveals it is superficial) but it features human
inclusivity, diversity, races, ethnicities, different
interest stories. She interviews celebrity guests.
ages and sizes on the runway and her online
Calling Rihanna “Riri” she suggests she belongs to
campaign. And she's changing fashion norms. So,
the world of showbusiness.
one of her models went totally viral, and he's
2 First, diversity is a popular issue which is supported
actually here with us today in the studio, okay, for
his first exclusive interview, please welcome Steven by celebrities like Rihanna who has organised an
Green. inclusive fashion show to promote her new
STEVEN GREEN: How's it going, Drew? underwear collection. The designer is so famous
DREW BARRYMORE: Steven, you are all the rage. that appearing in one of her events, regardless body
Everybody loves you. You've had such an incredible shape, is a great opportunity.
response. How does it feel to be representing men, Second, in hosting a male model, Drew Barrymore
and have everyone so supportive and saying thank sets a different light on body positivity ideas which
you for representing? is sometimes defined as feminist.
STEVEN GREEN: Honestly, that moment, what I Then, Steven Green accepted the Savage x Fenty
thought was just for me to get the opportunity to show because he had a “loving supportive system
work with Rihanna and the Savage Fenty team around” him. This is another example of the impact
became so much bigger, to see the impact that has of people’s view on self-esteem and well-being.
had on men, to really just take the initiative to go
for your dreams and to go without boundaries was
amazing. “You are more than a body”: the
DREW BARRYMORE: I mean, what does it feel like lingerie brand that picks models without
when you get called by a Riri Savage X Fenty team? seeing them
STEVEN GREEN: It's a dream. It's definitely a dream. 1 Les deux premières questions permettent de
I thought it was a joke at first when their production vérifier la bonne compréhension du document.
team reached out via Instagram. And I had to Cissé chooses her models not according to pictures
double check with my agent just to make sure like, or measurements but after reading their stories in
hey, have they seen images of me? Are they sure relation to a specific subject she wants to deal with
what I look like? And they definitely affirmed me in in her collection or a message she wants to send to
that moment just to say, hey, they want you, and customers. She calls that “anticasting” or “blind”
this is it. This is a moment. And it's a God dream for casting.
sure. 2 She thinks that what is valuable in people is not
DREW BARRYMORE: What do you think gave you
what you see first, their body, but who they are
the confidence to put yourself out there in the first
inside, their story. She set up “anticastings” in
place, may I ask?
response to the fashion industry which wants to add
STEVEN GREEN: Honestly, I think it's just really being
diversity to their branding image without sincerely
in tune with myself, just knowing the gifts that God
sharing inclusive values.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 9

3 On laissera ensuite les élèves donner leur opinion Il s’agit donc d’écouter, de lire et d’apprendre des
sur les deux stratégies, commerciale et éthique, des premiers concernés, c’est-à-dire de remettre en
deux modistes. On pourra les guider vers une question notre perception et notre représentation
réflexion sur l’impact de leurs démarches sur du handicap. Il s’agit également de découvrir la lutte
l’évolution des mentalités. qu’ont menée les handicapés pour faire valoir leurs
droits et faire évoluer les mentalités aux États-Unis
dans les années 1970.
Press article titles
p. 169 : La discrimination contre les gros est si
endémique que la plupart d’entre nous ne se rend Extrait du B.O.
même pas compte qu’elle existe. « Les sociétés de l’aire anglophone sont en pleine
p. 170 : « Body positivity » : le mouvement chargé mutation […] et reconnaissent aujourd’hui, en plus
de changer la manière dont nous nous voyons. des droits politiques, des droits sociaux aux citoyens
p. 171 : Combattre la grossophobie, mais continuer […]. Les citoyens aspirent à une vie prospère et
à vouloir perdre du poids. heureuse et à l’égalité de traitement, non
p. 172 : Une série « body-positive » à voir seulement devant la loi, mais aussi dans la vie
absolument. quotidienne afin d’obtenir des conditions de vie
p. 173 : Les séries pour ado et la « body positivity » : décentes (accès à un logement, aux soins médicaux,
peut mieux faire. à l’éducation, à un salaire ou tout au moins à une
p. 174 : « Vous êtes plus qu’un simple corps » : la assistance, qu’elle vienne de l’autorité publique ou
marque de lingerie qui choisit ses mannequins sans d’associations caritatives […]. Les pouvoirs publics,
les voir. confrontés à d’immenses enjeux, doivent relever
On attirera l’attention des élèves sur le style d’importants défis pour instaurer une plus grande
journalistique et la nécessité de respecter à la fois le justice sociale et garantir un égal respect des droits
sens, mais aussi l’accroche du titre dans la entre les pays. »
traduction. On aura donc des titres qui vont
privilégier l’exagération (p. 169), les phrases PROBLÉMATIQUE
nominales (p. 170, 172, 173), infinitives comme des Dans quelle mesure les médias américains
injonctions (p. 171) ou enfin des adresses directes contribuent-ils à véhiculer une image fidèle des
au lecteur (p. 174). personnes en situation de handicap ?
To what extent do the US media contribute to
conveying an accurate image of persons with
Final TASK disability?
Write an article for Teen Vogue magazine
La Final task permettra de vérifier les acquisitions
On exigera des élèves qu’ils respectent la situation
de la séquence et de répondre à la problématique.
de communication (type de presse) et le type de
Il s’agit d’une tâche qui allie expression écrite, avec
texte demandé dans la consigne (présentation,
la rédaction d’un script d’un spot télé pour
structure, style).
sensibiliser les adolescents à l’urgence de faire
évoluer les mentalités sur le handicap et les
handicapés, et expression orale avec la mise en voix
de ce script. Cette tâche invite donc les élèves à
développer leurs recherches personnelles, à
Les ressources présentées ici permettent
mobiliser leurs connaissances et à organiser leur
d’approfondir la situation des hommes dont la
réflexion de manière synthétique et cohérente.
réflexion est amorcée par la vidéo page 174.
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
1 Meet disability: quelques chiffres concernant les
États-Unis et le témoignage fort de Stella Young.
Disability 2 The floor is yours: la parole des premiers
concernés sur le handicap.
La brick 26 propose d’aborder la question du 3 Representation of disability in US movies and
handicap avec pour parti pris original de traiter le series: le regard des handicapés sur la
sujet exclusivement à travers le regard, la parole, les représentation du handicap à Hollywood et la lutte
expériences des handicapés eux-mêmes. pour les droits des handicapés aux États-Unis.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 10

Page 175 it’s not his fault, I mean, that’s true for many of us.
You know, for lots of us, disabled people are not our
teachers or our doctors or our manicurists. We’re
not real people. We are there to inspire. And in fact,
you know, I am sitting on this stage looking like I do
Disability awareness day in this wheelchair, and you are probably kind of
expecting me to inspire you. Right? Yeah.
1 This infographic provides data on disability in the Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’m afraid I’m going to
US. It aims to raise awareness of disabilities of all disappoint you dramatically. I am not here to inspire
kinds. you. I am here to tell you that we have been lied to
2 Réponses des élèves. Cette activité a pour but la about disability. Yeah, we’ve been sold the lie that
découverte du sujet en données chiffrées. Il peut disability is a Bad Thing, capital B, capital T. It’s a bad
être intéressant de faire exprimer les chiffres thing, and to live with a disability makes you
retenus en pourcentage. exceptional. It’s not a bad thing, and it doesn’t make
you exceptional.
Pages 175-176 And in the past few years, we’ve been able to
propagate this lie even further via social media.
You know, you may have seen images like this one:
Debunking clichés
“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” Or this
one: “Your excuse is invalid.” Indeed. Or this one:
Video 1 script: I’m not your inspiration, thank you
“Before you quit, try!” Yeah. These are just a couple
very much!
of examples, but there are a lot of these images out
TED, April 2014
there. You know, you might have seen the one, the
I grew up in a very small country town in Victoria. I
little girl with no hands drawing a picture with a
had a very normal, low-key kind of upbringing. You
pencil held in her mouth. You might have seen a
know, I went to school, I hung out with my friends,
child running on carbon fiber prosthetic legs. And
I fought with my younger sisters. It was all very
these images, you know, there are lots of them out
normal. And when I was 15, a member of my local
there, they are what we call inspiration porn. And I
community approached my parents and wanted to
use the term “porn” deliberately, because they
nominate me for a community achievement award.
objectify one group of people for the benefit of
And my parents said, “Hm, that’s really nice, but
another group of people. So in this case, we're
there’s kind of one glaring problem with that. She
objectifying disabled people for the benefit of
hasn't actually achieved anything.”
nondisabled people. The purpose of these images is
Yeah. And they were right, you know. I went to
to inspire you, to motivate you, so that we can look
school, I got good marks, I had a very low-key after
at them and think, “Well, however bad my life is, it
school job in my mum’s hairdressing salon, and I
could be worse. I could be that person.”
spent a lot of time watching Buffy the Vampire
But what if you are that person? I’ve lost count of
Slayer and Dawson’s Creek. Yeah, I know. What a
the number of times that I've been approached by
contradiction. But they were right, you know, I
strangers wanting to tell me that they think I’m
wasn’t doing anything that was out of the ordinary
brave or inspirational, and this was long before my
at all. I wasn’t doing anything that could be
work had any kind of public profile. They were just
considered an achievement if you took disability out
kind of congratulating me for managing to get up in
of the equation. Years later, I was on my second
the morning and remember my own name.
teaching round in a Melbourne high school, and I
(Laughter) And it is objectifying. These images,
was about 20 minutes into a year 11 legal studies
these images objectify disabled people for the
class when this boy put up his hand and said, “Hey
benefit of nondisabled people. You know, they are
miss, when are you going to start doing your
there so that you can look at them and think that
speech?” And I said, “What speech?” You know, I’d
things aren’t so bad for you, to put your worries into
been talking to them about defamation law for a
good 20 minutes. And he said, “You know, like, your
And life as a disabled person is actually somewhat
motivational speaking. You know, when people in
difficult. We do overcome some things. But the
wheelchairs come to school, they usually say, like,
things that we're overcoming are not the things that
inspirational stuff?” “It's usually in the big hall.”
you think they are. They are not things to do with
And that’s when it dawned on me: This kid had only
our bodies. I use the term “disabled people” quite
ever experienced disabled people as objects of
deliberately, because I subscribe to what's called
inspiration. We are not, you know, to this kid – and
the social model of disability, which tells us that we

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 11

are more disabled by our bodies… by the society high school is not one bit surprised that his new
that we live in rather than by our bodies and our teacher is a wheelchair user.
diagnoses. Disability doesn't make you exceptional, but
So I have lived in this body a long time. I’m quite questioning what you think you know about it does.
fond of it. It does the things that I need it to do, and Thank you.
I've learned to use it to the best of its capacity just
as you have, and that’s the thing about those kids in 1 Group A
those pictures as well. They’re not doing anything • Stella Young had a happy, quiet, very normal
out of the ordinary. They are just using their bodies childhood in a small town in Victoria, South East
to the best of their capacity. So is it really fair to Australia.
objectify them in the way that we do, to share those • She explains that she is grateful to her parents for
images? People mean, people, when they say, you treating her as a child first and foremost, not as a
know, “You’re an inspiration,” they mean it as a disabled child who managed to overcome obstacles.
compliment. They mean it as a compliment. And I Disability was part of her existence, it did not govern
know why it happens. It’s because of the lie, it’s her daily life.
because we’ve been sold this lie that disability • She shares a funny but very telling anecdote: one
makes you exceptional. And it honestly doesn’t. day as she was teaching legal studies to 16-year-
[6:20] olds, a student interrupted her to ask when she was
And I know what you're thinking. You know, I’m up going to tell them about disability.
here bagging out inspiration, and you’re thinking, He expected her to give a speech about disability
“Jeez, Stella, aren’t you inspired sometimes by since he had identified her as “disabled” and did not
some things?” And the thing is, I am. I learn from imagine that she could face the class as a teacher.
other disabled people all the time. I’m learning… not Actually, her identity was reduced to her disability,
that I am luckier than them, though. I am learning which is dehumanising. This example is indicative of
that it’s a genius idea to use a pair of barbecue tongs the preconceptions about disability that prevail in
to pick up things that you dropped. (Laughter) I’m society.
learning that nifty trick where you can charge your • The lie consists in likening disability to a ‘‘Bad
mobile phone battery from your chair battery. Thing’’ and considering that ‘‘living with it makes
Genius. We are learning from each others’ strength you exceptional’’. Stella Young explains that there is
and endurance, not against our bodies and our nothing exceptional about living with a disability
diagnoses, but against a world that exceptionalizes and therefore she is not an ‘‘object of inspiration’’.
and objectifies us.
I really think that this lie that we’ve been sold about Group B
disability is the greatest injustice. It makes life hard • She calls it ‘‘inspiration porn’’.
for us. And that quote, “The only disability in life is • She considers that inspiration porn glorifies
a bad attitude,” the reason that that’s bullshit is achievements that mean physically overcoming a
because it’s just not true, because of the social disability, turning disabled people into objects of
model of disability. You know, no amount of smiling pity or heroism. To her, these examples demonstrate
at a flight of stairs has ever made it turn into a ramp. a voyeuristic interest that only serves to reassure the
Never. (Laughter and applause) You know, smiling able-bodied about their own lives, as “there are
at a television screen isn't going to make closed some for whom it is worse!”
captions appear for people who are deaf. No. No • She debunks bias and preconceptions about
amount of standing in the middle of a bookshop and people with disabilities by explaining that disability
radiating a positive attitude is going to turn all those is seen primarily as a burden or a weakness in our
books into braille. It’s just not gonna happen. societies and mostly associated with substandard,
I really want to live in a world where disability is not less-than-able bodies, thereby ostracising them.
the exception, but the norm. I want to live in a world • Stella rejects the words inspiration/inspiring
where a 15-year-old girl sitting in her bedroom because they focus on her body, not on her person,
watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer isn’t referred to her individuality. They objectify the disabled and
as achieving anything because she’s doing it sitting ultimately excludes them socially. It is the
down. I want to live in a world where we don’t have dehumanising vision of disability on the part of the
such low expectations of disabled people that we able-bodied that she questions and refuses.
are congratulated for getting out of bed and
remembering our own names in the morning. I want Group C
to live in a world where we value genuine • Stella Young believes that disabled people have to
achievement for disabled people, and I want to live struggle in a world that marginalises them
in a world where a kid in year 11 in a Melbourne (accessibility issues in public spaces, lack of closed-

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 12

captioned programs for the hearing impaired, not WOMAN 2: I have a spinal cord injury and so when I
enough Braille books…) and that this is unfair. was seeing people roll by I was like wow, so that's
Indeed most of their difficulties are due to prejudice. what I'm gonna look like…
It’s not about being inspirational but being treated WOMAN 3: I think I always knew I was different. I
with respect. knew other kids can hear and I can’t.
• “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” is a WOMAN 4: I was born paralysed, I was born with
quote by Scott Hamilton, a renowned American spina bifida so I've been paralysed my whole life and
figure skater. Stella Young strongly criticises the it's the only life I know, so I had to kind of grow into
sentence that clumsily equates disability with a bad learning I was different.
attitude. Indeed, this sentence implies that the WOMAN 1: My biggest insecurity is my legs so I
individual is responsible for his/her condition in the decided hey, if that's my biggest insecurity then I'm
same way as a person who behaves badly is gonna start a jean line! And all of the pictures are
responsible for his/her behaviour. Moreover, it based around my jeans and my legs and other
wrongly suggests that the individual has the power people’s legs. And that's where I realised that it's OK
to change his or her condition. Finally, a bad attitude to be different because once you embrace it, your
has negative consequences, it is harmful so likening entire world changes.
“disability” to “a bad attitude” is very damaging to MAN 1: People usually… they don’t know how to
disability and people with a disability. react to me a lot of times. So, I’ll make little jokes
• The audience laughs and is obviously all for it. like, “hey calm down, it’s OK. I'll be OK”.
• She wishes for a world where disability is no longer MAN 2: I would have people treat me as if I wasn't
exceptional, where disability is neutral, the norm. really there and I would have people treat me like
she wishes for a world where people with disabilities they didn't want anything to do with me. And
are considered solely as human beings and valued perhaps it's because they were scared and they
as such. didn't know any other response.
2 et 3 Réponses des élèves. Il sera intéressant de WOMAN 1: One of my favorite things is when I'm
voir si les élèves ont choisi l’adjectif “inspirational” out in public and I have all my girls with me who are
pour caractériser Stella Young et surtout comment all in chairs, who are all gorgeous and we literally
ils justifient ce choix. love when we see heads just turn.
WOMAN 4: Society doesn't correlate disability and
Page 176 being attractive. We are beautiful people, everyone
is beautiful in their own way but we can be stylish,
we can be gorgeous and stunning and fabulous as I
Pronouncing “ea” (/i:/ or /ɪə/) like to say because, yes, I see myself as being
À la graphie « ea » correspondent plusieurs fabulous.
possibilités de prononciation. Nous nous WOMAN 2: Being a dancer – you know once a
concentrons ici sur deux de ces prononciations. dancer, always a dancer – I didn't stop so I would go
On pourra faire rechercher des exemples dans les out to the clubs and I would get my boogie on and I
différents passages de la vidéo. was surprised by how guys would approach me and
be like ‘‘hey you're hot!’’ and they wouldn't say
/i:/ /ɪə/ ‘‘you're still hot’’, they would say ‘‘you're hot’’.
teaching – speaking – really – real – idea - MAN 2: There is the black and white, there is the
mean – teachers – appear bad and there's the good so as long as you’re
mean – reason - focusing on the good then the bad just seems to
appear melt away.
WOMAN 1: We’re only given one life and you gotta
be proud of it.
WOMAN 2: You want me to bust a couple of moves?
THE FLOOR IS YOURS What? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh…
DIRECTOR: Perfect, let’s get a cut!

Think positive! 1 Réponses des élèves.

2 WOMAN 1: blessed / life / motivated
Video 2 script: Disability: How you see me WOMAN 2: injury / roll by / that’s / look like
SoulPancake, 9 January 2017 WOMAN 3: knew / different
WOMAN 1: I feel so blessed to be able to just live WOMAN 4: paralysed / spina bifida / only life / know
my life and have people be motivated by it. / learning / different

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 13

WOMAN 1: biggest insecurity / legs / decided / jean 3 Emily Wolinsky is a woman in her forties who has
line / all / jeans / legs / ok / different spinal muscular atrophy. As a child, she was one of
MAN 1: react / jokes / calm down ‘‘Jerry’s kids’’ and is today an advocate for people
MAN 2: treat / there / want / do / scared / response with disabilities.
3 gorgeous / attractive / beautiful / stylish / 4 The Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon was a huge
stunning / fabulous/ proud annual one-day show hosted by Jerry Lewis to raise
4 The aim of this video is definitely to show disability awareness of the MDA and funds for medical
in a positive light, to show that disability is not research in the US.
experienced as something negative, as a lack of 5 MDA Camp is a holiday camp that welcomed
something, to change the way people think about children with muscular dystrophy for free during the
disability. Indeed, able-bodied people’s assessment summer.
of life with a disability is often circumscribed by their Every year, the Telethon cameras came to the camp
own fears, ignorance and prejudice. They wrongly to film them and later broadcast images of the
assume that the difficulties faced by people with children during the show. The kids didn’t like it and
disabilities are synonymous with misery, a sad and went so far as to organise a boycott one year as they
aimless life. refused to participate in what they thought was kind
5 Réponses des élèves. of a freak show, images that showed only their
disabilities and not their personalities.
6 The return of the MDA Telethon was announced in
Exclamations September 2020.
À partir des rappels de ce focus, le professeur 7 This announcement was unwelcomed news for
pourra, dans un premier temps, faire travailler les people with disabilities as they blamed the MDA
constructions exclamatives en reprenant les Telethon for conveying a prejudicial (l. 45-46
adjectifs relevés à la question 3 du document Think ‘‘damaging stereotypes’’) and harmful vision of
positive! et demander de réagir à la vidéo en disability. Jerry Lewis was the target of strong
utilisant ces structures comme dans les exemples criticism as he produced speeches that compared
proposés, dans un deuxième temps. disability to a ‘‘mistake’’, a ‘‘blunder of God’’
What a gorgeous young woman! underlying people with a disability were half
How stunning these young people are! persons.
She’s so stylish! He has such a radiant personality. 8 Réponses des élèves.
They’re such beautiful people.
Because disability is often associated with failure,
How inspiring their testimonies are! Etc.
people with a disability are often seen as pathetic
and helpless victims who have nothing to offer or
Training TASK contribute. The MDA Telethon has often been
Write a comment criticised as pity propaganda, disrespectful and
Les élèves sont invités à réagir individuellement deeply dehumanising. Its critics insist that disabled
à cette vidéo en postant un commentaire. La people are first and foremost people.
manipulation de la forme exclamative y trouvera
tout son sens. Page 178



The MDA Telethon is back. Many

disabled people aren’t happy about it. I am who I am
1 This article entitled “The MDA Telethon is back. 1 It shows that playing a disabled character can be
Many disabled people aren’t happy about it.” very rewarding for a non-disabled actor (l. 2-3 ‘‘one
published in October 2020 in the Huffpost was of the surest ways to get an Oscar is […] playing a
written by Elyse Wanshel. disabled character’’).
2 The title of the article being very explicit, we expect 2 It seems that the American entertainment industry
to be given the arguments of the disabled, who is taking up the issue. It is willing to give a more
seem to disapprove of the return of the iconic genuine representation of disability and has had
fundraising event. more inclusive casting practices recently.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 14

stairs. I used to have to be carried onstage, and I
“I am enough” would make a comedic bit out of it.
After winning the Tony last year for my role as Ado
Audio 1 script: ‘If You Can’t Accommodate Me, Annie in Oklahoma! I promised myself that I would
Then You Don’t Get Me’ no longer accept jobs where I would have to be
Read by Ali Stroker, New York Times, 20 July carried onstage. That was a boundary I needed to
2020 set for myself. My feeling is, “if you can’t
I have had a very positive experience in the accommodate me, then you don’t get me.” I believe
entertainment industry. It doesn’t mean navigating I’m worth it. And the truth is: Every producer and
the industry was easy, but nothing good ever comes director I’ve worked with has made the space we’re
easily. I wanted to join the party. So I started in accessible, because they care. This industry
showing up. continues to be filled with beautiful relationships
I knew I wanted to be an actress on Broadway at the and opportunities.
age of 7, after I played the title character in “Annie” I have to educate people about my disability
in a backyard production at the Jersey Shore. sometimes, but I view it as an opportunity to
I majored in drama at the Tisch School of the Arts at connect. I don’t expect people to know what they
New York University, and during that time I loved don’t know. Some people might think that’s overly
going to Broadway and Off Broadway shows, as well accommodating, and at times I’ve wondered too.
as concerts and school productions. I ate up every Those are the types of questions I consider each
moment around the people I dreamed would one day. I have committed to a life of unpacking my
day be my peers. I had been cast in musicals disability. It’s not going anywhere.
throughout high school and college, but after I Winning my Tony was such a gift. I worked so hard
graduated, I moved to Los Angeles. I auditioned for for it, and I look at it on my windowsill and am
the TV show Glee and didn’t get cast, but was later reminded each day that I am enough.
cast on the reality show The Glee Project, where
contestants competed for a role on Glee. I was a 1 Ali Stroker is a disabled (paraplegic) American
runner-up and became a guest star on the fifth singer and actress. She graduated from NYU Tisch
season. School of the Arts, she was an excellent student. She
I hustled really hard as I tried to make a career for has been passionate about the performing arts since
myself, but I didn’t get many auditions at first. I took childhood.
classes at Upright Citizens Brigade and wrote a one- 2 Ali’s special skill is “patience”. Indeed, disability
woman show. I wasn’t a writer, but I picked some has taught her not to put the sense of immediacy
songs and wrote some stories about my life and put into perspective; she knows from experience that
them together. I called it Finding Glee, and I not everything is possible the minute you decide and
performed the show a few times in New York and that not everything is perfect.
New Jersey. 3 The main difficulty she encounters in daily life is
I never wanted to use my disability to get work. accessibility. She no longer wants to be carried on
Meaning, I didn’t want to get hired because I was stage because the buildings are not suitable for her
disabled and writers needed someone with a wheelchair.
disability in their story. I wanted to get work based 4 She promised herself that she would not take on
on my ability as an actor, singer and dancer. I
any more roles if the producer and director did not
wanted to work with creative, intelligent and
provide the means to accommodate her so that she
innovative people.
could be independent. She has set her limits as an
I am almost always the only disabled person in the
individual, not as a disabled individual.
room. I have a spinal cord injury and am paralysed
5 Educating people is the best way to change their
from the chest down. I use a wheelchair for my
mobility. Accessibility is always a hurdle, but I am view of disability, which still too often reduces the
used to dealing with it because it’s a part of my life. disabled person to his or her impairment. With this
in mind, “labels” such as “the disabled” should be
I have what I like to call “ninja patience.” I came up
avoided, as they are only a description and do not
with this phrase after noticing many of my friends
become impatient about little things. It got me refer to a group of people (“disabled people”).
thinking about the special skills I have because of my Education, in that case, is about challenging the
clichés, stigma and prejudice associated with
disability; patience is one of them.
I know that accessibility isn’t perfect. Often I’m disability.
dealing with sets and backstages in theaters built in It is about learning how to interact with others
regardless of their disability and stopping disabled
the early 1900s. The doorways are narrow, and
most of the bathrooms are tiny. Usually there are

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 15

people from being pushed aside, from being The Black Panther Party would bring a hot meal. We
discriminated against. were like this.
Lien vers le site du gouvernement britannique MAN OVER PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM: We are the
concernant le langage inclusif : strongest political force in this country.
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/incl WOMAN 5: We will no longer allow the government
usive-communication/inclusive-language-words- to oppress disabled individuals. And I would
to-use-and-avoid-when-writing-about-disability appreciate it if you would stop shaking your head in
agreement when I don’t think you understand what
we are talking about.
MAN 1: What we saw at that camp was that our
Page 179-180
lives could be better.
WOMAN 6: If you don’t demand what you believe
in for yourself, you’re not gonna get it.
Power, not Pity MAN 3: Would you like to see the handicapped
people depicted as people?
Video 3 script: Crip Camp: a Disability Revolution MAN 4: Excuse me?
Netflix, 11 March 2020
WOMAN 1: Wait, you want me to tell them what
happened? Well, two people got crabs and they
Netflix’s ‘Crip Camp’ is one of the most
were spreading.
important films about disability I’ve ever
WOMAN 2: We were all very hyper about it. I have
to go shower some people. I’ll see you later. seen
MAN 1: I wanted to be part of the world but I didn’t
see anyone like me in it. I hear about a summer Group A
camp for the handicapped, run by hippies. 1. • Camp Jened. From what is seen in the video: in
Somebody said ‘‘You probably will smoke dope with the early seventies (references to Woodstock and
the counsellors’’ and I’m like: ‘‘Sign me up!’’ Nixon).
WOMAN 3: Come to Camp Jened and find yourself. • Camp Jened was a summer camp for disabled
WOMAN 4: There I was! I was at Woodstock. teens run by hippies.
MAN 2: You wouldn’t be picked to be on the team • There was an atmosphere of freedom, respect and
back home. But at Jened, you had to go up to bat. equity in this summer camp. The trailer shows
WOMAN 5: Even when we were that young, we teenagers having fun together, the happiness of
helped empower each other. It was allowing us to carefree living. The good mood shines through in
recognise that the status quo is not what it needed every shot.
to be. [00:50] • The summer camp was likened to a hippyish
WOMAN 6: The world always wants us dead. We colony where the teens would be high all day. This
live with that reality. view of the camp underlines the stereotypes that
MAN 1: At the time, so many kids just like me were were prevalent in the 1970s, as though it could not
being sent to institutions. It was just a continual be otherwise with disabled children.
struggle. 2. • In the seventies, disabled people were
WOMAN 7: Most disabled people like myself are considered as a burden. They were sent to
unable to use public transportation. institutions. One of the Jenedians said ‘‘The world
MAN 1: We needed a civil rights law of our own. always wants us dead. We live with that reality’’.
REPORTER: A rehabilitation program has been They were seen as helpless people, relying entirely
vetoed by the president because it was cost on others. They were considered unfit, having
prohibitive. nothing to contribute to society.
WOMAN 5: We decided we were gonna have a • They are depicted as ‘‘a small army of
demonstration. handicapped” occupying federal buildings, activists
WOMAN 4: You get the call to action. “To the struggling for recognition.
barricades!’’ • They wanted a revolution (‘‘To the barricades!’’),
REPORTER: A small army of the handicapped have they wanted the public authorities to take up the
occupied this building for the past eleven days. issue of disability, they wanted to be acknowledged
MAN 1: So many people from Camp Jened found solely as individuals and therefore to have their
their way into the building. rights respected.
WOMAN 1: The FBI cut off the phones. The deaf • They didn’t. President Nixon vetoed two versions
people went: ‘‘We know what to do.’’ That’ how we of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 because it was
communicated to the people outside the building. considered far too costly to implement. This shows

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 16

that disability was not considered a priority at the 1 Réponses des élèves.
time on the one hand, and that disabled people were 2 Michelle and Barack Obama probably wanted to
not considered full-fledged citizens on the other make sure that this enlightening immersion into the
hand. struggle of the disabled community in the fight for
• ‘‘The Black Panther Party would bring a hot meal’’ civil rights would not fall into oblivion.
to the sit-in participants. In making this documentary possible, they also pay
• The 1970s saw intensified struggles for civil rights tribute to all the differently abled people who have
ideals, freedom and against discrimination in the shaped the future of a more disability-inclusive
US. The Black Panther Party is mentioned: it fought American society. By supporting Judith Heumann
against economic and social inequalities and the and James LeBrecht’s project, they have ensured
increased use of police violence against Black that the legacy of Camp Jened will live on.
protesters and demonstrators. There was also a
particularly active feminist movement in the United Pour aller plus loin, le lien suivant mêle informations
States at the time fighting to repeal the remaining et vidéos originales :
sexist laws and demanding social equality. The https://www.foundsf.org/index.php?title=Patient_
opposition to the Vietnam War reached its peak in No_More:_1977_Occupation_of_Federal_Offices_i
the early 1970s. So, the free-spirited philosophy of n_San_Francisco
Camp Jened was totally in line with the political and Cet autre lien pour en savoir plus sur Camp Jened :
social movements at the time. It ignited the https://screenrant.com/crip-camp-disability-
beginnings of a revolution with young activists revolution-camp-jened-closed-reason/
determined to assert their rights as American
Page 180
Group B
• Camp Jened. A summer camp for young disabled
people from 1951 to 1977. Who vs whom
• Life was a constant struggle for access in public • (l. 2) many of them went on to lead the disability
places. Children in wheelchairs could not attend rights movement
school because they were considered as ‘‘fire (l. 4-7) […] they weren’t welcome at mainstream
hazards’’. Often they were placed in institutions and summer camp
thus kept away from the family sphere for which J’ai remplacé whom par them pronom personnel
they were objects of shame and burdens. Therefore complément et who par they pronom personnel
they grew up unloved, secluded and isolated. sujet.
• Camp Jened wanted to give these differently abled • Conclusion : j’utilise whom quand son antécédent
young people a space of freedom where they were est complément et j’utilise who quand son
respected, but also a sense of belonging to a antécédent est sujet.
community. It was a joyful and open place where Rappel : les antécédents de who et whom sont
teenagers were neither objects of pity nor objects of nécessairement humains.
shame. They learned to live together and to take • « Le documentaire suit le parcours des campeurs
care of themselves. handicapés du Camp Jened, dont beaucoup ont
• It brought about immense energy and ensuite pris la tête du mouvement pour les droits
determination to make things happen, it generated des personnes handicapées aux États-Unis. Situé
the first collective efforts to expose the ongoing dans les Catskills, le Camp Jened a fonctionné de
injustices people with disabilities had to face in their 1951 à 1977 et a accueilli des personnes
daily lives and ultimately change the legislation on handicapées qui n'étaient pas les bienvenues dans
disability rights. les colonies de vacances traditionnelles. »
• No, it isn’t. There’s no escaping the facts: ‘‘To be
clear, justice has not yet been achieved. The
disabled unemployment rate is still high, […] many Real world
buildings still don’t have ramps.’’ (l. 53-56).
This documentary is an eye-opening account of the Video 4 script: Jorge Gutierrez (@mexopolis)
struggle of emboldened disabled people to have shares his dream for future representation of
their rights respected and to change mentalities the disabled community in film.
about disability. The aim is to show how painful and @TheAcademy, Twitter, 27 October 2020
unfair it is for them to be subjected to society's My dream in representation would be so that
refusal to include them in everyday life. disability characters are normal, and they’re in
genre movies.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 17

There's a Western, and one of the characters is « Les citoyens aspirent à une vie prospère et
disabled, and no one makes a big deal of it. It's just heureuse et à l’égalité de traitement, non
normal. seulement devant la loi, mais aussi dans la vie
Or a sci-fi movie with someone, you know, one of quotidienne afin d’obtenir des conditions de vie
the Fast and the Furious movies, and someone's in décentes […], dès lors que des sources d’inégalité
a wheelchair, and it's normal, ‘cause that's the real liées aux origines géographiques […], sociales,
world! ethniques ou religieuses, font obstacle à leur projet.
So that's what I would love to see. […]
[Les] rapports pointent souvent les inégalités dues à
1 Jorge Gutierrez explains that people with des facteurs extérieurs comme la pratique d’une
disabilities are people like everyone else. They are discrimination institutionnelle (dans certains cas
distinct individuals and merely ordinary human liés au racisme, au sexisme, à l’orientation sexuelle,
beings. à l’aspect physique). »

Final TASK
En quoi la lutte contre la discrimination physique
Write a short script and record your TV spot liée aux cheveux aide-t-elle les Noirs américains à
Cette tâche finale allie expression écrite et retrouver la fierté de leur identité ethnique ?
expression orale en continu. Elle permet de How can fighting hair discrimination help Black
reprendre ce qui a été vu dans la séquence, de people in America regain pride in their ethnic
personnaliser le message, en étoffant les identity?
connaissances et acquisitions grâce aux
recherches personnelles ainsi qu’à la tâche La Final task permettra de mesurer la maîtrise des
intermédiaire, mais aussi la présentation contenus de la séquence à travers l’écriture d’une
visuelle. La mise en voix sera une étape lettre qui devra être convaincante. Les élèves
importante de cette tâche pour convaincre pourront s’aider de la fiche de la page 322.
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
1 Deeply rooted hair bias: la puissance des
stéréotypes liés aux choix capillaires des membres
de la communauté afro-américaine.
Dans la perspective du dossier personnel et du 2 Inspiration for better hair days: les modèles
Grand Oral, les pistes proposées ici encouragent les positifs.
élèves à approfondir leurs connaissances sur les 3 Heading for laws at last: les victoires
différents points développés dans cette brick. progressivement enregistrées.

Page 181
Page 181

Hair Matters
Hair discrimination
La brick 27 propose une entrée originale (mais pas
tirée par les cheveux !) pour un sujet pleinement 1 Cette première question sera traitée
inscrit dans le programme. À travers des supports individuellement. Certains commentaires à forte
divers, présentant des situations et des personnes charge implicite (“Where are you from ?”, “Is that
réelles ou des personnages fictifs, elle montre le your natural hair?”…) seront difficiles à classer : des
rôle social ou même politique que peut jouer un catégorisations différentes interviendront sans
élément aussi ordinaire que la coiffure. On touche doute et enrichiront les échanges.
ici au rôle des pouvoirs publics tout autant qu’à celui 2 et 3 On saisira ici l’opportunité de faire réviser
des actions engagées dans le quotidien d’une d’une part le vocabulaire de la description physique
profession, on parle de situations subies, mais aussi, (enrichi du lexique de la boite Useful vocabulary) et
et surtout, de militantisme destiné à lutter contre d’autre part l’expression de la comparaison et du
les inégalités pour enfin « faire société ». contraste.
4 Quite obviously/clearly, the girl has to face
Extrait du B.O. discrimination unless she straightens her hair,

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 18

changes her makeup and whitens her skin. She - Ifemelu semble avoir fait siens les
probably gets nasty comments whenever she stéréotypes dominants : elle prend le
decides to go natural. Still, changing her hair and risque d’une brulure, renonce à une
make-up is no solution since she might be criticised coiffure que son ami apprécie et brandit le
for disavowing her ethnicity (“why not have your cliché de la chanteuse de jazz avec une
natural hair out…”)! coiffure afro.
5 Appearances matter! - Ifemelu est consciente que quelque chose
On acceptera tout complément de réponse ne va pas : elle est mal à l’aise en quittant
éthiquement recevable mettant en avant le fait que le salon de coiffure, elle ne répond pas à
la même jeune fille sera parfois traitée Curt quand il lui demande si la coiffure lui
différemment selon son apparence et parfois plait, elle s’interroge sur ce qui se serait
accusée de se renier en tentant de ressembler à une passé si elle avait fait un autre choix, elle
blanche. ne dit pas à ses parents ce qu’elle a fait
pour obtenir l’emploi…

What is internalized racism?

Within a hair of... losing?
1 On acceptera toute reformulation pertinente.
2 Some Black people experience it. Video 1 script: If Michelle Obama had natural
hair, Barack Obama would not have won
Page 182 Det Kgl. Bibliotek, 28 May 2014
DUTCH JOURNALIST: But there is also a part in the
book that discusses Michelle Obama's hair and it
seems to be a kind of a wish, wishful thinking at
“A wonderful fit” least, that what would happen if we talk about role
models, if Michelle Obama… went a bit more frizzy.
1 N. B. : le nom de l’héroïne, Ifemelu, n’apparait CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE: You know why I
qu’à la fin (l. 44). Par commodité, on pourra wouldn't do – it’s funny – I wouldn't call it going a
l’indiquer aux élèves dès la découverte du texte. bit more frizzy, I would call it: if she stopped the
The scene takes place in a hair salon/at a straightening.
hairdresser’s. We can infer/guess that a Black DUTCH JOURNALIST: Yeah.
woman or girl just had her hair CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE: Because the frizzy,
relaxed/straightened. well it’s actually her, but that's not the, you know,
2 As she was leaving the salon, the protagonist felt if, if she stopped the straightening. It was something
uneasy. Although the hairdresser had just wishful, I mean it wasn't at all – ‘cause, I mean I'm
complimented her, she seemed to be wondering – I really adore Michelle Obama.
whether she had not done something wrong. The DUTCH JOURNALIST: I know you do.
smell of the flat-iron used by the hairdresser worried CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE: And, um, and I
her as if something in her had died. She somehow would – and for me she's an example of a woman
felt guilty. (Maybe she thought she should not have who – a Black woman who is very keen to – to… She
tried to look like a White girl…). fits all the definitions of mainstream Black
3 Curt liked Ifemelu’s hair braided or natural. He respectability: you have to straighten your hair and
found it shocking that she should feel obliged to even the kids now have to straighten their hair and,
make it look like a White girl’s. and I wonder are they doing it with a relaxer or with
On the other hand/On the contrary/Conversely, heat and I just… you know, worry about how
Ifemelu was convinced that it was the right thing to uncomfortable it must be for the poor kids. But… I
do if she wanted to get a good job. She was think for me really it was just a larger question of: if
aware/conscious that keeping her hair natural Michelle Obama had natural hair, Barack Obama
would be a handicap on the job market. would not have won. He would not have won. It’s
4 Ifemelu got the job she wanted. See l. 34-39 and l. true. I mean it's, it's, it's sad and it seems shallow
and… but it is true because, particularly in America,
there are all of these assumptions attached to
5 Her parents were absolutely delighted: her father
natural black hair. If Michelle Obama had
was very proud and her mother rejoiced at the
dreadlocks or an afro or corn rows, she might be
thought of her daughter becoming American.
thought to be radical, Black Panther, difficult…
6 On pourra accepter des réponses positives DUTCH JOURNALIST: Or a jazz singer…
comme négatives.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 19

CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE: Or a ja – yeah, well 1 Les élèves pourront penser que le lycéen a été
yeah, and that that's also not… empêché de passer les épreuves de son examen.
DUTCH JOURNALIST: Not good for presidents. Accepter cela à ce stade.
CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE: No. 2 Cette question cible un relevé factuel utile à la
DUTCH JOURNALIST: No. It's rather shocking, I mean compréhension. Elle permettra en particulier aux
we can make fun of it but it's, it's really sad. élèves de faible niveau de s’entrainer à faire les
CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE: I think it is very sad, repérages indispensables.
I think it is very sad. Texas, a student called DeAndre Arnold, threatened
DUTCH JOURNALIST: So you have, you have a Black to be forbidden to attend graduation if he does not
president but we're not all there. get a haircut.
CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE: You can't be too 3 On saisira cette opportunité de réactiver
Black. l’expression du contraste.
They disagree. Their points of view differ: the
officials claim the problem is that he does not
1 A video, probably an extract from a talk show: a comply with the rules while/whereas the family says
Dutch journalist is interviewing Chimamanda Ngozi the rules have been changed.
Adichie (on a TV show). We can hear the audience 4 Far from being isolated, Arnold is but one example
reacting (laughing, applauding…). among many others: l. 26 and l. 30.
2 The political meaning of hair. The journalist/The 5 Many people, especially antiracist activists find
host of the show seems to feel awkward/slightly such incidents shocking/revolting/unbearable. They
uncomfortable. She’d rather make gestures than tend to think that they are a reflection of a problem
use words that might sound insulting. We can guess that runs rampant in American society. Arnold’s
that the audience is laughing because they realise story is only the tip of the iceberg. Such incidents are
that she is ill at ease. due to the fact that rule makers are still
3 “Mainstream Black respectability”. She had rather predominantly White people perpetuating
look “consensual” … ethnocentric visions of the world.
4 If she had kept her hair natural, she would have 6 et 7 Ces deux questions feront l’objet d’une
ruined her husband’s efforts/she would have expression personnelle libre. L’enseignant veillera à
thwarted her husband’s chances of being elected la recevabilité éthique et invitera à varier
because some people would have felt threatened. l’expression du point de vue.
According to Adichie, natural black hair is associated
with images of rebellion and political activism. Page 184
According to the interviewer, people also think of
artists like jazz singers (a stereotype).
5 “You can’t be too Black” implies that it’s alright to INSPIRATION FOR BETTER HAIR DAYS
be Black provided you play down your ethnicity.

Page 183 Madam CJ Walker: Empowering Black

women through hair care

Past conditional Video 2a script: Madam CJ Walker - Early Life

• Had kept = pluperfect (past perfect) Biography, 29 January 2013
Would have won = past conditional Madam C. J. Walker was born Sarah Breedlove in
« Si elle avait gardé ses cheveux naturels, Obama 1867 on a plantation in Delta, Louisiana where her
n’aurait pas gagné. » parents had been slaves before the Civil War. And
• If Adichie’s book had not been a bestseller, nobody her early life was really bleak. By the time she was 7
would have been interested in her opinion/she years old both her parents had died. She got
would not have been invited to such shows… married at 14. She set to get a home of her own
If Joe Biden had been younger, Donald Trump would because she was being abused by a cruel brother-
not have made fun of him. in-law as she described him. She became a mother
at 17 and a widow at 20.
Necessity is always the mother of invention and
Black Texas teen banned by high school Madam C. J. Walker was losing her hair. There was
from attending graduation after refusing to no big line of haircare products for Black women or
cut dreadlocks White women at the time. People usually used
home remedies. She eventually came up with her

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 20

own formula and the real secret was not the LELIA: Mamma, you’re sure onto something.
product itself but it was washing her hair more (“You can call me crazy.”)
often and applying an ointment that contained ---
sulphur. MADAM C. J. WALKER: I want a whole line of
And this was really pretty revolutionary at the time, products, which is why I want to open my own
if you think about it, there was no penicillin, there factory.
was no aspirin. Skincare, scalp care was something MR. WALKER: There’s such a thing as growing too
that was really neglected. People didn’t bathe very fast.
often, they washed their hair even less often, ---
sometimes not at all during the winter. And as a WOMAN 1: We live in a man’s world. It’s just not our
result a lot of people were going bald, they had place.
really horrible scalp disease. Sarah Breedlove who ---
later became Madam C. J. Walker was one of those MADAM C. J. WALKER: I didn’t come here to make
women, and by developing this system essentially, sandwiches. I came here to do business.
her scalp became healthy, her hair began to grow MR. WALKER: Oh I know.
back. ---
She developed a hair care product line and then she MR. WALKER: What you gonna do now, Sarah?
trained thousands of other women who began to LELIA: Don’t let nobody steal your dream, Mamma.
buy and sell her products, and by the time she ---
moved to Harlem in 1916 she was one of the RANSOM: We need a plan B.
wealthiest and most successful African American MADAM C. J. WALKER: I’m not going back to
entrepreneurs in the country. laundry.
MR. WALKER: Now we have all made sacrifices. You
Video 2b script: Self Made: Inspired by the Life of gonna do what’s best for this family.
Madam C.J. Walker | Official Trailer MADAM C. J. WALKER: Hair is beauty, hair is power.
Netflix, 25 February 2020 MR. WALKER: Damn, Sarah, how big you wanna be?
MADAM C. J. WALKER: It’s time to tell my story. MADAM C. J. WALKER: Big as Carnegie, Ford and
Seems like I was born to struggle. After a while I Rockefeller put together.
guess I just lost hope: that’s when my hair started ---
falling out. MADAM C. J. WALKER: We gotta work harder, be
ADDIE: I’m gonna help you. smarter, and dream big.
MADAM C. J. WALKER: My hair grew back, and so
did my confidence.
--- 1 À travers les deux supports (biographie et bande-
MADAM C. J. WALKER: Maybe I could sell your annonce pour une série inspirée de la vie de Madam
product? C. J. Walker sur Netflix*), l’ensemble des
ADDIE: I don’t think sales is for you. Colored women informations sera collecté : la biographie permettra
will do anything to look like me, even if deep down un relevé d’éléments factuels précis avec des dates
they know they can’t. et des lieux notamment, tandis que la bande-
--- annonce fera percevoir les enjeux humains et
MR. WALKER: I ain’t gonna let you keep beating up sociaux de manière plus sensible.
on yourself, hear? * Self Made : Inspired by the Life of Madam C. J.
MADAM C. J. WALKER: From now on I’m doing my Walker (2020) est en fait tiré de la biographie (très
own hair, making my own hair grower. librement adaptée) écrite par A’Lelia Bundles, que
--- l’on voit dans la vidéo 2a et qui n’est autre que
MADAM C. J. WALKER: Come on! l’arrière-arrière-petite-fille de Madam C. J. Walker,
CLEOPHUS: Missy, I don’t take orders no more: figure emblématique de la cause des femmes noires
Lincoln freed me forty years back! américaines et philanthrope reconnue.
MADAM C. J. WALKER: That’s why I’m gonna pay
you. 2 Le nom n’est pas donné, mais il s’agit d’Addie
CLEOPHUS: And that’s why you’re my favorite Munroe (en réalité Annie Turnbo Malone) dont le
daughter-in-law! produit “Wonderful Hair Grower” inspira le travail
--- de Madam C. J. Walker. Comme on le voit
MADAM C. J. WALKER: Sisters, let’s talk about hair. brièvement dans la bande-annonce, cette dernière
They put us down, tell us we’re ugly, make us feel avait d’abord proposé ses services pour vendre le
ugly. Wonderful hair leads to wonderful produit, mais s’était vue rejeter au prétexte qu’elle

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 21

n’avait pas le physique nécessaire pour faire rêver prestigious role model for Black children to look up
les clientes potentielles. to.
Les élèves pourront constater que Munroe s’est 5 Cette question pourra être mise à profit pour faire
occupée au départ des problèmes capillaires de une rapide pause récapitulative au milieu de la
Madam C. J. Walker, mais aussi relever l’attitude séquence.
blessante dont elle fait preuve.
3 et 4 permettront aux élèves de confronter leurs
relevés et de construire ensemble une synthèse. Pages 185-186

“Rhotic r” in American English “Hair Love” uses animation to bring a

Les élèves repèreront la différence entre l’américain
story of natural hair in black families to life
[hɛr] et le britannique [ˈhɛə] par exemple.
On pourra éventuellement recourir à des sites tels
1 Hair Love is an animated short film showing a
que WordReference, qui proposent de faire
entendre les différentes prononciations pour un Black father struggling with his daughter’s gorgeous
même mot. but indomitable hair! The film is an “Indie” film,
D’autres différences seront repérables : produced and financed by an independent company.
prononciation de “can’t”, “daughter-in-law”, etc. 2 The film actually deals with the topic of Black
N. B. : Ce travail pourra être mis en lien avec les fathers’ depiction in American society.
contenus de la brick 44 (Unit 14), en s’appuyant 3 Cherry thinks that all sorts of people can relate to
notamment sur l’extrait du spectacle du Sud- Hair Love, be it because of the celebration of fatherly
Africain Trevor Noah qui tourne en dérision l’accent love or because of the positive representation of
américain… Black people.
4 Cherry was inspired by some of his friends who
have to cope with negative stereotypes/bias
because Black fathers are often portrayed as absent
Touch it, dude!
or useless.
5 Cherry thought it would be interesting to create a
Cette photo très célèbre a été prise en 2009 par
story with a Black family as an alternative to the
Pete de Souza, photographe officiel du président
Disney model.
Obama et a par la suite été accrochée dans un
6 Cherry used to have a long hair which he either
couloir de la Maison-Blanche. L’enfant, âgé de 5 ans,
est Jacob Philadelphia, fils d’un Marine invité avec kept “natural” or braided so he knows the
sa famille, à l’occasion de son départ vers d’autres importance of hair in Black people’s lives.
missions, pour une photo souvenir. Le cliché a une
valeur éminemment symbolique et une forte portée Page 186
politique puisqu’il montre un président prêt à se
baisser pour se mettre à la portée d’un enfant et,
surtout, un président qui veut que sa réussite WOULD for past habits
sociale paraisse accessible à tous et notamment aux Il s’agit ici du would dit « fréquentatif », forme
enfants de la communauté afro-américaine. utilisée pour parler d’habitudes dans le passé. Les
éléments à relever dans le contexte sont oftentimes
1 Les élèves devraient identifier le Bureau ovale à la et every week.
Maison-Blanche, en s’appuyant notamment sur la
présence du drapeau. À défaut, ils pourront deviner
à partir de l’identification de Barack Obama. Proposition:
2 Toute réaction sera recevable. « Avant Hair Love, Cherry a travaillé comme / a été
3 We can guess that Jacob is the little boy in the producteur exécutif sur le film BlacKkKlansman de
picture. Then President Obama invited him to touch Spike Lee. Il a aussi travaillé sur des publicités et des
his hair because the child was not sure they had the vidéos musicales / des clips musicaux et,
same type of hair. auparavant, a joué dans la NFL.
4 The photo has become iconic because it shows En créant / Tandis qu’il créait le livre et le court-
Obama’s simplicity and humour but also because it métrage Hair Love, Cherry gardait à l’esprit sa
showcases the symbolical meaning of having a Black propre expérience de coiffure naturelle de son
president in the White House. Obama could act as a temps à la NFL / de l’époque où il était à la NFL.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 22

“J’avais les cheveux assez longs pour pouvoir faire
des tresses, dit-il. Toutes les semaines il fallait que
j’aille les faire coiffer et tout. Alors, vous savez, je Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances
pense que pour les hommes comme pour les grâce aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la
femmes, c’est vraiment quelque chose qui occupe constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
une place importante dans notre vie.” » l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
trouveront là matière à mieux comprendre
HEADING FOR LAWS AT LAST l’importance accordée par la communauté afro-
américaine à la question capillaire, en l’inscrivant
Pages 186-187 dans une histoire encore douloureuse ou avec des
considérations plus légères, au moins en apparence.

116th Congress (2019-2020): CROWN

Act of 2020

1 We can see a man sitting in front of a desk and

holding a pen as if he were just about to sign a
document (or had just signed it?). A group of Black
women is surrounding him. They all look happy!
Drawing on the caption, we can understand that the
man is the governor of California and that the
document is the CROWN Act.
La légende devrait effectivement aider les élèves à
comprendre la situation. La mise en scène de la
photo (avec l’outil de prise de son visible), les
sourires, la présence dans le champ d’une femme
noire portant des vêtements en tissu africain
(« wax »…) pourra être exploitée.
2 CROWN = Creating a Respectful and Open World
for Natural hair. The acronym conjures up a positive
vision of hair.
3 The document is composed of two “sections”. The
articles in section 2 fall into two categories: in 2a
(“Findings”), we can find facts while in 2b (“Sense of
Congress”) some new measures are presented.
Those measures may be new but they are not
revolutionary. However they are presented as
necessary: we can notice the use of modal verbs
such as “should” and “must”.
4 Les élèves pourront exprimer ici une opinion
personnelle. On insistera sur le caractère
symbolique et politique du document légal.

Page 187

Final TASK
Write a letter
Cette tâche finale écrite (qui pourra être facilitée
par la consultation de la fiche méthode de la page
322) permettra de mesurer les acquisitions de la
séquence en matière de forme et de contenu.

Unit 8 “Inclusion/exclusion : make minorities visible” 23

Page 189

UNIT 9 écosystème et transformaient perpétuellement

leur environnement.
“For the Sake of the People Axe d’étude 1 : Frontière et espace. « Les
and the Land imaginaires liés à la frontière, à l’insularité, à la
colonisation ou à l’idée d’empire sont
” régulièrement réactivés, tant au Royaume-Uni
qu’aux États-Unis, en Afrique du Sud ou en
THÉMATIQUE 2 : ENVIRONNEMENTS EN MUTATION Australie, suscitant de vifs débats et des
contradictions entre ouverture et fermeture […].
Les défis sont immenses pour ces sociétés
L’UNIT 9 propose un choix de trois séquences
développées ou en développement : comment
(bricks) pour traiter de l’axe d’étude n°1 « Frontière
gérer les fortes densités démographiques, les
et espace » à travers plusieurs des objets d’étude
pénuries de ressources et les inégalités sociales et
proposés dans le B.O. à savoir, les « manifestations
économiques ? »
des peuples autochtones pour protéger leur
Objet d’étude retenu : La protection des territoires
territoire », le « tourisme et ses enjeux » ou encore
par les Amérindiens.
« les mouvements de population au sein et entre les
pays du monde anglophone ». On s’attachera à
analyser et comprendre les raisons des
Comment les Amérindiens parviennent-ils à faire
mouvements de populations (déracinement, retour
entendre leur voix pour contribuer à la sauvegarde
à ses origines, dépaysement…) dans un contexte de
de leur territoire ?
mondialisation avec en toile de fond la protection
How do Native Americans manage to make their
des territoires, la défense de l’environnement et le
voices heard to contribute to the preservation of
bien-être des peuples.
their territory?

Page 190 La Final task permettra de vérifier les acquisitions

de la séquence et de répondre à la problématique.
Il s’agit de rédiger un post sur un forum dans le but
Reclaiming Territory de défendre la cause des Amérindiens. Cette tâche
permettra aux élèves de développer leurs
La brick 28 met l’accent sur le lien que les recherches personnelles, de mobiliser leurs
Amérindiens entretiennent avec la terre, même connaissances et d’organiser leur réflexion d’une
après la perte d’une grande partie de leurs manière cohérente.
territoires au fil des siècles et les menaces
encourues à l’heure actuelle du fait du changement La brick est structurée en cinq parties :
climatique et d’une industrialisation toujours plus 1 We are the land: la relation entre les Amérindiens
importante. Les élèves seront amenés à se et leur territoire.
demander pourquoi les Amérindiens souhaitent 2 A powerful movement: le mouvement pour la
autant préserver ces terres et examiner les enjeux défense des territoires prend de l’ampleur.
de leur action. Cela plus particulièrement à la 3 Then and now: la perte du territoire amérindien.
lumière des élections présidentielles américaines 4 A major victory: une victoire capitale pour la
de 2020. défense d’un territoire.
5 A wind of change: l’espoir apporté par un
Extrait du B.O. renouveau politique.
« Les villes du monde anglophone côtoient parfois
d’immenses territoires quasiment vides, où la
nature, sanctuarisée, occupe une place majeure.
[…] Leur protection, qui s’appuie sur des
traditions nationales variées (États-Unis,
Angleterre, Afrique du Sud), constitue un grand
enjeu de société, notamment pour les peuples
autochtones […]. Les Amérindiens, premiers
occupants du territoire américain, protégeaient leur

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 1

Page 190 consent and about women that are being harmed
through all of this. And so, to remind myself of the
ancestors who have fought so hard for me to exist
in the first place, their everyday resilience is what
inspires me to keep doing climate work. I realised
Earth Keeper: Reflections on the that there is a specific voice that I bring in terms of
American Land being young and Indigenous that come together to
really advocate for our rights as Indigenous people
1 Lexical field of nature, wildlife: “land”, “earth”, as well as our rights as young people to have a
“world”, “canyons”, “mesas”, “fields”, “sands”, future. These lands have been here longer than
“clouds”, “mountains”. He uses a wide array of humans have. These crevasses, these canyons,
colours to describe the different elements which these mountains have existed forever and they're
gives a vivid picture of the land. The reader can worth fighting for. They need a voice and to share
almost imagine / see the landscape. my voice, on behalf of the mountains and the
2 In this short extract, the author describes his forests and the rivers, is an honor and a privilege.
intimate connection to the land. He and his
ancestors belong to the land. His role, as an elder, is Avant le visionnage de la vidéo, les élèves pourront
to keep / to preserve the land. The ideas of legacy émettre des hypothèses quant au contenu du
and respect are present throughout the passage. document à partir de la capture d’écran et du titre
3 By showing his connection to the land, the author “These lands need a voice”. Ils pourront ainsi
wants to convey a message of respect and to make remobiliser certaines idées vues dans le document
people aware of the beauty / splendour of nature. précédent.
Native Americans have a special bond with nature.
1 et 2 Les élèves sont répartis dans des groupes
différents pour repérer les informations
Page 191 demandées. Dans un second temps, le travail de
groupe réunira un élève A, un B et un C : l’échange
permettra de faire une synthèse des informations
“These lands need a voice” données dans la vidéo.
Group A: a citizen of the Confederated Tribes of
Video 1 script: Katherine, a citizen of the Umatilla and Oregon, picking berries, catching
Confederated Tribes of Umatilla salmon, digging roots, hunter-gatherer tribes, part
CE (Alliance for Climate Education), 9 August 2019 of our traditional first foods.
My name is Katherine and I am a citizen of the Group B: I've lived here my whole life and these are
Confederated Tribes of Umatilla and Oregon. I've the lands of my ancestors / honor and a privilege /
lived here my whole life and these are the lands of Since I was little / It hurts. She takes things
my ancestors. Our culture and identity as people are personally. Katherine and her people have a
tied to the land, picking berries, catching salmon, spiritually and physically dependent tie to the land.
digging roots. Climate change won't only kill off all Group C: Climate change won't only kill off all of
of these species but also our entire identity as these species but also our entire identity as
Indigenous people. We come from hunter-gatherer Indigenous people. It’s about species that are being
tribes so this doesn't only impact me but our entire lost, about the communities that can't drink their
community. Since I was little my family and I would water anymore, about pipelines that are going
always go up into the mountains to pick through Indigenous lands without consent.
huckleberries which are a part of our traditional first Mise en commun des informations en groupes.
foods. Our communities are connected through 3 The goal of the video is to raise environmental
those foods because those are the foods that have awareness and to make people understand how
sustained us through hard times and those are the important / vital the earth is to Native Americans.
foods that have taken care of us through years of Katherine not only stands up for her people but also
colonisation and genocide like we had those foods for her land. She is the “voice” of the land so as to
to rely on. They continue to sustain us and nourish defend it. She has no choice but to stand up for her
our bodies and our souls and our spirits. homeland threatened by climate change and by
/ It hurts to read every single day about the species industries like oil or gas.
that are being lost, about the communities that
can't drink their water anymore, about pipelines
that are going through Indigenous lands without

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 2

compensation in 1980 after the Supreme Court ruled
Protect the sacred that the land had been taken illegally but they
1 These people seem to be in the middle of nowhere. refused the money: they want / reclaim the land.
They are Native Americans part of the Standing Rock 6 Two Bulls refers to the events linked to the Black
Sioux Tribe trying to protect / to preserve their land Lives Matter movement and the removal of statues
by protesting / demonstrating / organising a sit-in. that are viewed as racist or commemorating
They probably want to protect their land from oppressors of minorities.
pipelines since they rely on the land that they regard
as a sacred place. They must be trying to prevent the Pour en savoir plus sur les tribus amérindiennes, le
destruction of an ancestral site. site du U.S. Department of the Interior Indian Affairs
2 Cette activité propose aux élèves un mini- propose des informations.
entrainement à la synthèse, ce qui leur permet de https://www.bia.gov/frequently-asked-questions
reprendre les idées principales des différents
documents et de les organiser dans un paragraphe Page 193
structuré et cohérent. Ce travail pourra être
demandé de façon individuelle à la maison ou en Training TASK
classe, en binômes. Write a short article
La tâche intermédiaire propose aux élèves, dans
Pages 192 une production écrite, de reprendre les différentes
idées développées à travers l’étude des documents
A POWERFUL MOVEMENT des parties 1 et 2 pour expliquer les enjeux de la
lutte pour la préservation des territoires où vivent
les Amérindiens.

Indigenous people across the US want

their land back, and the movement is gaining
Traduire les formes verbales au passé
momentum Proposition de traduction
1 An increasing number of Indigenous people in the « Le 3 juillet, des militants de NDN Collective se
USA are reclaiming their native land. trouvaient parmi ceux qui s’étaient rassemblés sur
2 People: the Mashpee Wampanoag / Krystal Two une autoroute menant au mémorial national du
Bulls, an Oglala Lakota and Northern Cheyenne mont Rushmore. Ils étaient là pour protester non
activist / President Donald Trump / the Lakota seulement contre la visite du président Donald
people / non-Natives. Trump ce jour-là, mais aussi contre le monument
The diversity of names mentioned give the du mont Rushmore lui-même - une manifestation
impression that a lot of people are involved and qui se tenait alors que dans tout le pays des
affected by this issue. manifestants exigeaient le retrait des statues et
Places: Massachusetts and eastern Rhode Island / des monuments honorant des personnalités
North America / Mount Rushmore / the Black Hills racistes ».
3 Native Americans want their lands back for
various reasons: On peut faire remarquer que les verbes au prétérit
- spiritual reasons: the land is part of their identity peuvent se traduire par des temps différents en
(“ceremonies, connections to ancestors and français (imparfait, plus-que-parfait). La forme
traditional knowledge”); verbale au prétérit en BE + V-ING (were
- economic reasons: they rely / depend on this land demanding) sera quant à elle traduite par un
for subsistence, residence, the bare necessities. imparfait pour insister sur une action en cours de
4 They were deprived of their lands illegally, were déroulement par opposition à la forme verbale au
made false promises and they think it’s about time prétérit dans la même phrase (took place).
they got their lands back especially as more and
more people, including non-Natives, are supporting
5 Mount Rushmore is situated in the Black Hills, an
A massive loss of territory
area which is an ancestral sacred place for the
1 Judging from the maps, since the beginning of the
Lakota people. However, they were deprived of it.
19th century, Indigenous people have continuously
They were first granted this territory in 1868 but the
lost their territories. Indigenous lands have steadily
US government took it back when gold was
and dramatically decreased / diminished….
discovered in 1877. They were entitled to a

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 3

We are struck by the fact that now there are only position that no Native American group would be
reservations. Native Americans are far less treated as an independent nation. More and more
represented than in the 19th century. In fact, they of their land was converted to reservations or
were present on the whole US continent as early as seized.
the 16th century. In the late nineteenth century, US policy became
Inviter les élèves à expliquer avec leurs propres increasingly focused on assimilation — an idea
mots ce qu’est une réserve amérindienne. resisted by Native American nations determined to
Définition du Cambridge Dictionary: “an area of maintain their sovereignty. Conflicts stemming
land made available for a particular group of people from this policy persist to this day.
to live in”. In 1887, the Dawes Act made the US government
responsible for the distribution of land in
reservations. Much of the reservation land was
Overview of the shrinking of Native subsequently sold to the public. The result was
greatly reduced reservations, and less tribal control
American lands in the United States
over reservations.
Today, just over 56 million acres of land exist as
Video 2 script: Learn how the Native Americans
Native American reservations — about two percent
lost their land in the United States through
of the ancestral Indigenous land that the United
treaties made in bad faith, acts, and force.
States occupies.
From the Encyclopædia Britannica website
For many thousands of years, the area north of the
Rio Grande in North America was home to hundreds 2 In 1787, the third Northwest Ordinance
of nations of Indigenous Americans. In the United guaranteed that Indigenous lands and property
States today, almost all of this land has been ceded “shall never be taken from Indigenous people
and occupied. Many of today’s Native Americans without their consent”.
live on reservations that are tiny fractions of the In 1830, the United States Congress passed the
lands once occupied by their ancestors. If you are of Indian Removal Act which forced many Indigenous
Native American descent, there’s a good chance peoples east of the Mississippi from their lands. They
your family’s history was significantly impacted by had no choice but to leave everything behind.
this massive loss of territory. The Indian Appropriation Act, in 1871: no Native
The United States has a long history of acquiring American group would be treated as an
Native American land through government acts and independent nation. More and more of their land
treaties made in bad faith. Some treaties were was converted to reservations or seized.
signed with secret provisions written only in English. In the late 19th century, the American policy
Others were signed by false “chiefs” who had no regarding Native Americans became increasingly
authority to represent the Native American nations. focused on assimilation. Yet, Native American
Meanwhile, white colonists often claimed nations were determined to maintain their
protected land without legal consequences. sovereignty.
In 1787, the third Northwest Ordinance guaranteed In 1887, the Dawes Act made the US government
that “The utmost good faith shall always be responsible for the distribution of land in
observed toward the Indians; their lands and reservations. As a result, many Native Americans
property shall never be taken from them without lost their land that could be sold to non-Natives.
their consent...” 3 “The Trail of Tears”. During the 1830s, Indigenous
But that didn’t last. Within a few decades, the people were forced to relocate from the East to the
Supreme Court made rulings stripping Native West, to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi
American nations of their rights — including the River (thousands of Indigenous people died during
right to be treated as foreign nations of equal the journey).
sovereignty. In 1830, US Congress passed the Indian 4 A policy of assimilation was implemented by the
Removal Act, forcing many Indigenous peoples east US government. It was an attempt to destroy their
of the Mississippi from their lands. While the act cultural and social traditions. But Native Americans
called for negotiation with Indigenous peoples, were determined to maintain their sovereignty.
President Andrew Jackson resorted to force. 5 Native Americans have lost most of their lands
The violent relocation of an estimated 100,000 throughout the centuries. The different acts and
Eastern Woodlands Indigenous people from the treaties deprived them of their lands and now their
East to the West is known today as the Trail of Tears. territory represents a small portion of the USA.
The Indian Appropriation Act, in 1871, also changed
things dramatically. The United States now took the

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 4

Page 194 Page 195

Opposing perspectives

6 On its website, Dakota Access Pipeline clearly tries

Judge Orders Dakota Access Pipeline to
to show how safe and beneficial the pipeline is. First,
Shut Down Pending Full Environmental
they highlight the fact that it is environmentally-
Review friendly (“the safest and the most environmentally
sensitive way”, “the most technologically advanced
1 In July 2020, a federal judge ordered the Dakota pipelines”, “is buried nearly 4 feet deep… two feet
Access Pipeline to stop / halt its operations while the deeper than required by law”, “95 feet… 115 feet,
risks posed to the environment are deeply below the bottom of Lake Oahe”). Then, they argue
examined. that the USA will be more energy independent
2 This decision comes as a major victory for the (“domestic wells”, “American consumers”) and will
tribes. They feared the pipeline might pollute the not have to rely on other countries. Finally, it also
water and the land. Their territories are endangered helps the economy as it creates employment
by unrestrained industrialisation which could have (“10,000 jobs”, “80,000 North Dakota jobs”).
appalling consequences. Protests have been taking 7 Faire mobiliser les expressions du contraste, de la
place since 2016, which shows that thanks to their comparaison (structures du comparatif et du
perseverance, they have managed to have their superlatif). Accepter toute réponse cohérente et
voice heard. It’s a fight in the long run. argumentée.
3 The Obama administration temporarily blocked The stakeholders have divergent views on the
the project to consider alternative routes while the construction of the pipeline. Dakota Access Pipeline
Trump administration encouraged the project. The praises the reliability of the construction which is
Trump administration obviously favoured oil and less likely to cause damage to the environment
gas development over preservation of the whereas the Sioux tribes argue that their water
environment and respect of Native American supply and resources are threatened.
4 The main reasons are economic. There are huge
sums of money at stake for the US government but
also for the oil and gas industry whose aim is to The superlative
meet consumer demand and make profit. The land Le superlatif sert ici à distinguer et à montrer la
is seen as a potential resource for the economy and supériorité et la fiabilité (the safest, most
for business. technologically advanced pipelines in the world) de
5 The cartoon shows two Native Americans cet oléoduc et ainsi à rassurer la population (the
protesting against Dakota Access Pipeline in order safest and most environmentally sensitive way).
to preserve their territory while a business man is On pourra ici rappeler la formation du superlatif en
standing on a bag full of money. The cartoonist analysant les exemples proposés.
probably suggests that economic interests are more
important than the sacred lands of Native
Americans. It can also refer to the last lines of the
article mentioning the “power that money holds on La création d’une revue de presse sur ce thème
the American government”. permettra d’avoir une vision plus large des
problématiques rencontrées par les Amérindiens
concernant la défense et la restitution de leur
territoire. Cette activité sera aussi l’occasion
Pronouncing tribal names d’actualiser les informations données ici, celles
Cette séquence sera l’occasion de faire porter notamment à propos du Dakota Access Pipeline :
l’attention des élèves sur la prononciation “Biden administration will not shut down Dakota
particulière des noms de tribus amérindiennes. Access Pipeline during environmental review, DOJ
lawyer tells court”

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 5

PHILLIPS: To have someone who understands this
A WIND OF CHANGE? history and Indigenous sovereignty and land rights
and treaty rights is just - I mean, I'm just - I'm so
Pages 195-196 happy right now. It's just hard to believe that this
nomination came through.
ROTT: A large coalition of Native American tribes,
Biden-Harris plan for tribal nations along with environmental groups and progressive
1 Their plan aims at improving the relationship leaders, pushed for Haaland to get the post, not just
between the federal government and Native because of the symbolism but because of her
Americans. They acknowledge that their rights have experience. She's a congresswoman who served on
not been respected and they intend to right this a committee with oversight of Interior, and she
wrong. comes from New Mexico, a fossil fuel-dependent
2 They plan to give land back to Native Americans, state that is trying to transition to renewable
to make sure their natural and cultural resources energies. In an interview with NPR before her
are safe and to fight climate change. nomination, Haaland made clear she'd want the
country as a whole to try to do the same.
DEB HAALAND: Climate change is the challenge of
Page 196 our lifetime, and it's imperative that we invest in an
equitable, renewable energy economy.
ROTT: President-elect Joe Biden has said he wants
the country to be carbon neutral by the year 2050.
A historic pick
And as Interior secretary, Haaland would have a big
role in shaping that future. Roughly one-quarter of
Audio 1 script: Biden To Pick Native American
all greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. come from
Rep. Haaland As Interior Secretary
public lands. She also said she'd restore trust with
NPR Newscast, 17 December 2020
the Interior's 70,000-some employees, prioritise
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: President-elect Biden said he
conserving 30% of all U.S. land and water and...
wanted his administration to reflect America, and
HAALAND: Undo some of the damage that this
two of his nominees to lead his environmental
Trump administration has done to our
agenda appear to support that promise. Michael
Regan would be the first Black man to lead the
ROTT: Native Americans and other minorities are
Environmental Protection Agency if confirmed by
disproportionately affected by climate change and
the Senate, and New Mexico Congresswoman Deb
pollution. And Dallas Goldtooth, founder of the
Haaland is Biden's pick for the Interior Department.
Indigenous Environmental Network, says it would
She would be the first Native American to serve as
be invaluable to have someone in charge of Interior
a Cabinet secretary. NPR's Nathan Rott reports
who understands that. But he says the fight is not
Haaland’s nomination is especially symbolic.
NATHAN ROTT: The Department of the Interior is a
DALLAS GOLDTOOTH: We're not stopping here.
massive agency responsible for about one-fifth of all
Like, we celebrate this victory, but we, as a climate
the land in the United States. It deals with natural
justice movement, as an Indigenous rights
resources and wildlife, recreation and national
movement, are going to continue to push the Biden
parks. But it's also responsible for the relationship
administration to live up to its promises.
between the federal government and the people
ROTT: And to do so in an equitable way.
those lands were taken from.
Nathan Rott, NPR News.
KATRINA PHILLIPS: There are a number of scholars
who have done really great work to show how the
1 Group A: The Department of the Interior is a
creation of national parks was predicated on the
removal of native peoples. massive agency which is responsible for about one-
ROTT: Katrina Phillips is a history professor at fifth of all the land in the United States. It manages
Macalester College in Minnesota, and she's a natural resources and wildlife, recreation and
member of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior national parks. It also deals with the relationship
Ojibwe. And she says it's fair to say that for most of between the federal government and the Native
its history, the Interior Department has been used Americans whose lands were taken.
as a tool to oppress Indigenous people in the U.S., The creation of national parks forced the removal of
which is why she says she's still in shock that Deb Native American tribes.
Haaland, a member of the Laguna Pueblo in New Group B: She's astonished / astounded and very
Mexico, has been nominated to lead it. pleased that Deb Haaland, a member of the Laguna
Pueblo in New Mexico, has been nominated to lead

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 6

the Department of the Interior. She can hardly Page 197
believe it / it was unexpected.
Being a Native American herself makes Deb Haaland
the appropriate / perfect / right person for this
position. She is experienced and she can understand Overtourism
what is at stake better than anyone else: she knows
about Indigenous history and sovereignty, about La brick 29 s’intéresse à la question du tourisme
land and treaty rights. et plus particulièrement au phénomène du
Group C: Deb Haaland thinks climate change is a tourisme de masse qui s’est développé dans la
priority. According to her, the country must favour deuxième partie du XXe siècle avec les migrations
and foster / encourage an equitable and renewable saisonnières appelées « vacances ». Les documents
energy economy. proposés permettront aux élèves d’en comprendre
As for Joe Biden, he’d like the country to be carbon les origines, d’en mesurer l’impact pour les amener
neutral by 2050. à réfléchir à des solutions à l’échelle collective, mais
Native Americans, like other minorities, are deeply aussi individuelle pour un tourisme plus
affected by climate change and pollution as they responsable et respectueux de notre planète et des
really rely on natural resources. populations locales.
2 The fact that he picked Deb Haaland as Interior
Secretary is meaningful. The Department of the Extrait du B.O.
Interior has been used as a tool of oppression as far « La diversité des situations et des espaces à toutes
as Indigenous people are concerned and this les échelles (de l’État au quartier, en passant par les
nomination may be a way to reconcile people. She is régions et les villes) permet d’observer la manière
expected to play an important part in the fight to dont les sociétés répondent aux défis actuels en
protect the environment. s’adaptant, en innovant […]. Entre un modèle
3 Native Americans are hopeful / more optimistic productiviste, qui conçoit l’environnement comme
but they do not want to stop the fight. They hope the une marchandise, et des pratiques anciennes de
Biden administration will keep its promises. protection de la nature, on observe toute une
Les éléments repérés dans le document précédent palette d’attitudes et d’actions.
peuvent être utilisés pour compléter la réponse. Axe d’étude 1 : Frontière et espace. « Comment
concilier les flux touristiques avec la protection de
l’environnement ? Le tourisme et ses enjeux :
migrations touristiques ; protection des sites
Final TASK
touristiques. »
React on a forum Objet d'étude retenu : l'évolution de l'industrie
La tâche finale, une production écrite, permet aux touristique vers un tourisme responsable.
élèves de reprendre les différents éléments vus
dans la séquence avec la possibilité de choisir un PROBLÉMATIQUE
des deux projets proposés. Des recherches seront Comment éviter de contribuer au tourisme de
nécessaires pour qu’ils identifient le sujet et ses masse ?
enjeux. La revue de presse proposée dans l’unité How to avoid contributing to overtourism?
aura pu, par ailleurs, leur donner des arguments,
ainsi que la Training task. Faire lire les différentes La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions
étapes de la Final task et les expliciter. de la séquence par les élèves et de répondre à la
problématique. Il s’agit de prononcer un discours à
une convention pour sensibiliser le public aux
conséquences du « surtourisme » et en faveur d’un
Dans la perspective du dossier personnel ou du tourisme responsable, l’objectif étant d’amener les
Grand oral, les documents proposés encouragent élèves à mobiliser leurs connaissances, à organiser
les élèves à explorer la piste artistique parfois leur réflexion de façon cohérente et à être force de
utilisée par les Amérindiens dans la défense de leur proposition pour un engagement citoyen.
territoire. La littérature, la musique ou l’art pictural
apportent des témoignages de cette lutte des La brick est structurée en trois parties :
Amérindiens pour leur territoire. On peut aussi 1 From tourism to overtourism: un rapide
penser à l’œuvre de la poétesse amérindienne Joy historique du tourisme et de son évolution.
Harjo. 2 Causes of overtourism: les raisons qui ont mené
à cette situation.

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 7

3 Consequences and how to tackle the problem: - the influx of tourists to see California’s poppy super
l’impact du tourisme de masse et les solutions pour bloom triggered by photos on social networks such
enrayer le phénomène. as Instagram and causing safety problems;
- environmentally sensitive areas ruined;
- historic cities swarming with tourists;
- the degradation of monuments.
This phenomenon is called “overtourism’’.
Travel has become a must as means of transport
A brief history of tourism have evolved and become affordable to the average
person. Robinson Meyer clearly alludes to cars and
Video 1 script: Too Many People Want to Travel air travelling as sources of pollution.
The Atlantic, 12 December 2019 Group B – Tourism is a recent phenomenon dating
The crowds around the Mona Lisa are so bad that back to just over a century ago. For a long time, it
museum workers walked out recently claiming the was reserved to a wealthy elite (“Grand Tours’’,
working conditions were too dangerous. pilgrimages). The notion of leisurely travel emerged
Instagrammers created safety hazards during the in the 20th century to become a true industry (i.e.
poppy super bloom in California. Historic cities amusement parks).
inundated by tourists. Sensitive habitat destroyed. The democratisation of tourism, primarily due to the
Monuments damaged. This phenomenon is known purchasing power of a new middle-class in Western
as overtourism and it's affecting the planet in societies and, more recently, in emerging countries,
unprecedented ways. has allowed millions of people around the world to
TOURIST: The crowd is almost more impressive than aspire to travel and accounts for the surge in
the sunrise. tourism in recent decades.
ANNIE LOWREY: There’s a way in which tourists can
alter the experience of visiting something such that
they ruin the very experience that they've been Page 197-198
trying to have. That's the essential condition of
ROBINSON MEYER: I would put tourism in the large Travel and tourism: facts and figures
bucket of things that people do that have been
made possible now with fossil fuels.
1 The map shows that overtourism affects six of the
VOICE-OVER 1: Historically tourism was only for a
seven continents. Only Antarctica still holds out but
small wealthy elite. In fact, it was common to stay
within 50 or 100 miles of where you grew up. it surely is a matter of time before it becomes a
destination straining under the weight of tourists. It
VOICE-OVER 2: European nobles or very upper
is not a localised bane, but a global one even though
income people would go on Grand Tours in Europe.
the number of spots under pressure in Europe is
There is also religious travel however you didn't
have the kind of “let's go take a Disney vacation” quite impressive.
type thing until the 20th century. 2 The three charts focus on the last decade. The
VOICE-OVER 1: As western societies gained a graph on the left-hand side is a bar graph showing
middle-class, tens of millions of people could the evolution of the number of visitors to the Lincoln
suddenly afford to travel and mass tourism began Memorial in Washington DC over the last decade,
and that's what's happening again today with the other two are line graphs. One presents data on
rapidly developing countries. the number of foreign arrivals in India and the
VOICE-OVER 2: In the last 30 years or so you've had others deal with the number of people visiting
the emergence of this global middle-class that has Belize, a country on the east coast of Central
come out of middle-income countries so Brazil, America that opens to the Caribbean Sea to the east
Mexico, China, India where millions of people have and dense jungle to the west.
achieved this wage levels where they are also able 3 The Lincoln Memorial graph shows that after a
to travel. steady increase in visitors from 2008 to 2015, the
number of visitors has remained stable.
Group A – The examples mentioned are: The graph for India shows that the number of
- the employees of the Louvre Museum complaining arrivals has more than doubled in 10 years even if
about unsafe working conditions due to the massive the distribution of the number of tourists over the
number of visitors coming to see the Mona Lisa; year remains identical from one year to the next,
thus accentuating overtourism in the popular

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 8

As in India, the number of arrivals in Belize steadily 60: the percentage of millennials who are registered
rose and doubled between 2007 and 2019. users.
4 Réponses des élèves. 200 000: the number of seniors registered as hosts.
2 million: the number of people in an Airbnb
Page 198 accommodation per night regardless of the time of
2016: diversification of Airbnb’s primary lodging
Venice in Oil offer.
2019: the release of a TripAdvisor article on recent
1 “Venice in oil” consists of nine framed paintings travel trends.
displayed on a street stall. 5 Airbnb’s strategy is based on 2 main ideas: a large
2 It depicts an imposing cruise ship in the Venetian community of people of all ages and backgrounds
lagoon surrounded by gondolas trying to make their on the one hand, and easy and safe access to travel
way, the famous Rialto Bridge and St Mark's arrangements on the other hand. Actually, Airbnb is
Campanile. The man behind the newspaper might nothing more than a broker that connects suppliers
be Banksy. and customers.
3 Street artist Banksy’s aim is obviously to expose 6 Bucket lists applied to tourism are checklists that
the mass tourism that threatens the city of the prescribe the places that you should see or visit.
Doges. They promote certain destinations as iconic,
generating an influx of tourists hence endless
4 There is actually an important political message
queues and hordes of visitors spoiling the
behind the title “Venice in Oil”. It refers both to the
experience. So, bucket lists lead to overtourism,
oil in the paint used and to the oil spilled into the
degraded experiences for travelers and ultimately
environment by cruise liners that are increasingly
deprive them of a genuine and rewarding local
weakening the city of Venice built on stilts.
5 Réponses des élèves. Le professeur pourra
7 By giving its users access to local and immersive
indiquer que Banksy n’avait pas été invité à la
experiences (“workshops”, “excursions”, “family-
biennale de Venise et qu’il l’a fait savoir. Les élèves
friendly activities”…), Airbnb has helped to change
seront encouragés à faire un parallèle avec d’autres
people’s mentalities in terms of tourism
villes ou sites comme Barcelone, Amsterdam,
Rome, l’Everest ou le Machu Picchu par exemple.
8 The journalist welcomes this new trend and is
Page 199 relieved that today's travelers are embracing
immersive and meaningful experiences rather than
the gregarious and shallow approach of bucket lists.

Pronouncing numbers with four digits or

Tourism and social media more
L’objectif ici est de réactiver la lecture des grands
1 This document is an article from The National, a nombres. Cette rubrique sera utile pour le
Scottish newspaper, published in 2019. traitement de la question 4 en particulier.
2 Judging from the title, it must be about the link
between tourism and social media.
3 The article focuses on Airbnb and also mentions Compound adjectives
TripAdvisor. - Active meaning → Present participle: fastest-
4 2008: the beginnings of Airbnb. growing (qui connaît la plus forte croissance)
2009: the year when the platform extended its Passive meaning → Past participle: well-trodden
activity to all types of accommodation, which turned ([les sentiers] battus)
out to be a great move. - bucket-list-driven (l. 47), thought-provoking,
2,500: the number of listings (references) in 2009. English-speaking… Réponses des élèves.
10,000: the number of registered users (listed
clients) in 2009.
2011: international development.
6 million: the number of listings in 2019
150 m-plus: more than 150 million users in 2019.

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 9

Page 200 independent travel is expected, leaving destinations
to deal with ever greater numbers.

Mass tourism ruins the places it loves - 1 People choose their travel destination by looking
Letters at social networks.
2 By highlighting certain destinations, social media
1 This document is a letter from a reader of The are causing a significant increase in tourist numbers.
Guardian, a British daily, and was published in 3 Among the destinations that have to manage a
August 2017. massive influx of tourists are Norway’s Trolltunga
2 Michael Gold considers that what makes a viewpoint, Vienna and the USA.
destination popular today is ‘‘access, access, 4 By promoting certain regions, influencers
access’’, referring to means of transport (‘‘flights’’), contribute to attracting visitors and creating jobs for
affordable tickets (“low-cost’’) and unlimited food, the locals.
drinks and services included in the price. 5 While the journalist is rather optimistic in terms of
3 Michael Gold is very critical of these all-inclusive economic and employment opportunities, he is also
packages designed by the large resorts which stifle cautious about the repercussions of the growing
the local economy not to mention the total absence number of visitors that these destinations will have
of personal experience. to manage alone.
4 Réponses des élèves.
5 The words denounce the devastating effects of Training TASK
mass tourism on real estate, threatening housing Debate
affordability. The red colour and the drips that look La tâche intermédiaire, proposée sous forme de
like drops of blood at the bottom of the placard débat, permet aux élèves de reprendre et de
emphasise the criminal dimension of property compléter les différents arguments et idées
speculation that jeopardises the right of citizens to développés dans les deux premières parties pour
affordable housing. répondre à la question que leur pose Simon
McGregor-Wood. On réservera le point de vue ‘‘no
/ I don’t think so’’, plus difficile à défendre, pour
Instagram Tourism les élèves les plus à l’aise.

Video 2 script: Is social media ruining travel?

TRT World, 13 June 2019 Page 201
Hello, I'm Simon McGregor-Wood. How do you
choose where to go on holiday? More and more
people are picking their destination based on what
will look good on their social media feed. Bragging THE PROBLEM
to friends about our travel destinations isn't new.
But with access to a large global audience at their
fingertips, social media influencers’ eye-catching Tourism is wearing out the planet
posts are creating the scramble to visit the same
places. Previously unknown beauty spots are now 1 This text by David Lodge is an excerpt from
struggling to cope with growing numbers. Norway’s
Paradise News published in 1991.
Trolltunga viewpoint had only 800 visitors annually
2 Sheldrake considers the effect of tourism on the
in 2010. It has now over 100,000. Vienna’s tourism
planet is acute and disastrous.
board launched the Unhashtag Vienna campaign in
3 The problems mentioned in this passage are the
late 2018 to encourage visitors to put their
smartphones away and instead see the city behind damage caused by overcrowding, air pollution, the
your pics. In the USA the Leave No Trace campaign destruction of cultural heritage and the depletion of
has released social media guidelines encouraging resources.
visitors not to share specific locations through 4 The figures put forward by Sheldrake are thought-
geotagging to protect fragile outdoor provoking. Indeed, thinking that in 50 years the
environments. But social media influencers can help number of international travelers has multiplied by
to bring visitors and money into a region and create 400 is flabbergasting. Also, the example of the
jobs for local people. With a growing middle-class in number of rafting trips on the Colorado River that
countries like China and India, a surging global has increased from 44 people in 1963 to 1000 per
day 30 years later is staggering.

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 10

5 Sheldrake likens tourism to religion (“it’s the new 3 It is the residents who have to bear the financial
opium of the people’’ l. 28-29). According to him, costs of tourism otherwise environmental or public
mass tourism has replaced religion and has become issues will have to be left aside. So, either the
the new common belief shared by all citizens of the situation worsens for residents or they decide to
world. leave. It’s like going out of the frying pan into the
6 Obviously not. ‘‘I don’t think there’s any fire.
immediate risk of that’’ (l. 32). 4 Tourist destinations need competent and
7 et 8 Réponses personnelles des élèves. Ce temps committed authorities, investors, and an accurate
d’échange sur ces deux questions permettra aux diagnosis of the shrouded tourism-related costs to
élèves de préparer la tâche finale. curb this burden.

Page 202
Tourism’s shrouded costs

Video 3 script: Tourism’s Invisible Burden Campaigners warn millions needed to

The Travel Foundation, 25 March 2019 tackle problems of “overtourism” in Scotland
International tourism is rising and fast. In 2018,
arrivals reached 1.4 billion. While tourism can bring 1 This text is an extract of an article entitled
economic development and other benefits, it also “Campaigners warn millions needed to tackle
brings a range of hidden costs. Wherever it exists problems of ‘over tourism’ in Scotland’’, written by
tourism places an invisible burden on destinations. John Ross, drawn from The Press and Journal,
On the face of it tourism pays its way: tourists spend Scotland’s oldest daily newspaper and published in
their money on local services and businesses pay September 2020. The photo shows a tent in the
local taxes and utility bills. But many costs are not middle of the woods and a pile of garbage bags and
accounted for such as the cost to upgrade rubbish in the foreground.
infrastructure beyond resident needs to meet 2 et 3 The article tackles the issue of overtourism in
tourism demand, the cost to manage and protect Scotland during the covid pandemic. (l. 6 “On the
public spaces and natural habitats, the cost of first weekend that lockdown was lifted, there were
increased exposure to climate change risks, and the 42 tents spotted on the beach at Morar and more
cost to locals of rising house and land prices driven than 56 were counted another weekend’’).
by the demand from tourism. Either residents are 4 The headline warns that the damages caused by
left to pick up the tab or it's just not paid, leaving overtourism in Scotland during the pandemic when
the environment and other public assets to suffer. lockdown was lifted will cost millions.
When visitor numbers are low the invisible burden 5 This article denounces the incivility of visitors,
goes largely unnoticed but as tourism grows every
disrespectful behaviours (l. 9 to 13, 15 to 18 & 32 to
new visitor brings unanticipated costs to the
35) that is to say binge tourism.
destination. As the invisible burden escalates
6 et 7 Suggestions des élèves et mise en commun
destinations become spoiled and residents protest
or are forced to leave. Failing to account for qui permettent de préparer la tâche finale.
tourism’s invisible burden puts fragile ecosystems,
cultural wonders and community life at risk. This Pages 202-203
puts tourism on weak foundations that could crack
under its own weight. But it doesn't have to be this
way. Destinations need our attention and Countries with overtourism introduce
resources. Dynamic leadership, new talent, tourist tax: the example of New Zealand
investment platforms and analysis of the invisible
burden will benefit visitors and residents alike, now 1 1840: the year when the country’s founding
and for generations to come. Find out more by document was signed.
reading the report at InvisibleBurden.org. 100,000: the number of visitors to the museum of
Waitangi (Te Kongahu Museum of Waitangi).
1 ‘‘Tourism’s invisible burden’’ is the hidden costs 2,000: the number of inhabitants living there.
brought about by tourism. 15 times: the population in Waitangi is multiplied by
2 The examples given are all tourism-related as the 15 at least once a year.
costs mentioned are generated by the influx of $35: the amount of a tourist tax.
visitors. 6.8%: the increase in tourist arrivals in Waitangi.

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 11

2 The authorities have decided to implement a local
3 Réponses des élèves. Dans la perspective du dossier personnel ou du
Grand Oral, les pistes proposées ici encouragent les
Page 203 élèves à approfondir leurs connaissances et leur
réflexion sur l’histoire du tourisme de masse, les
enjeux de ce phénomène et les réponses possibles
Quantifieurs à ce fléau.
• « plus de 15 fois plus de visiteurs nationaux et
étrangers. » Page 204
On fera remarquer aux élèves que là où l’anglais
utilise le comparatif d’égalité, précédé d’un
multiplicateur ou d’un diviseur, pour exprimer un Ghana: the African
rapport d’équivalence, le français utilise le
comparatif de supériorité. Dream?
• Tourists spent three times as much money this
year. La brick 30 s’intéresse à un aspect plus récent
In 2000, there were half as many tourists in d’un mouvement (Back-to-Africa movement)
Waitangi. apparu aux États-Unis au XIXe siècle consistant à
He travelled twice as much as last year. encourager les Afro-Américains (mais aussi les
Caribéens) à retourner s’installer sur le continent
africain. Le Ghana fait partie des pays africains qui
Enjoy your holiday and make a cherchent à développer le tourisme et les
investissements financiers en pariant sur le retour
de la diaspora africaine. Cette séquence propose de
s’interroger sur les liens entre les Afro-Américains
Video 4 script: Be The Change
et le Ghana, les traces de l’esclavage et la situation
travel2change, 23 May 2016
actuelle aux États-Unis, qui peut inciter ses citoyens
– Hey girl, tell me about your trip! Have you just
d’origine africaine à envisager un retour sur leurs
been hanging on the beach?
terres ancestrales.
– Not exactly, I tried something new. I met up with
this group of people and I did all these fun activities.
Extrait du B.O.
There’s this mix of adventure and saving the
« La diversité des situations et des espaces à toutes
environment: we cleaned up the beach, we went on
les échelles (de l’État au quartier, en passant par les
this amazing hike – the other travelers and locals.
régions et les villes) permet d’observer la manière
You would like them. I had so much fun. I can't wait
dont les sociétés répondent aux défis actuels en
for you to try it.
s’adaptant, en innovant, mais aussi en s’appuyant
sur des héritages et des permanences. »
1 This video aims to raise awareness of Axe d’étude 1 : Frontière et espace.
environmental issues. Les imaginaires liés à la frontière, à l’insularité, à la
2 It promotes environmentally-friendly and colonisation ou à l’idée d’empire sont
sustainable vacations. régulièrement réactivés, tant au Royaume-Uni
3 Réponses des élèves. qu’aux États-Unis, en Afrique du Sud ou en
Australie, suscitant de vifs débats et des
Final TASK contradictions entre ouverture et fermeture (libre-
échange ou protectionnisme, accueil ou rejet
Deliver a speech (3-4 min)
des migrants).
La tâche finale permet de vérifier les acquisitions
Objet d’étude retenu : La mobilité des personnes
de la séquence et de répondre à la problématique,
entre les pays anglophones.
en suivant les différentes étapes de cette brick.
Des recherches seront utiles pour que les élèves
illustrent leur propos par des exemples qu’ils
auront eux-mêmes trouvés, ce qui leur permettra
Comment le Ghana attire-t-il les Afro-Américains ?
de s’approprier d’autant plus facilement leur
How does Ghana attract African Americans?
La Final task, la rédaction d’un courriel, permettra
aux élèves de mobiliser les acquisitions de la

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 12

séquence, mais aussi de répondre à la 1 During the Year of Return, African Americans were
problématique. La Training task sera une première encouraged either to visit Ghana or to settle there.
étape dans la mobilisation d’une partie des The year 2019 was chosen because it marks the
connaissances nécessaires à la réalisation de la 400th anniversary when the first enslaved Africans
tâche finale. arrived in the state of Virginia, in America
2 Music festivals and cultural events were organised
La brick est structurée en deux parties : in order to attract people. Ghana wants to become
1 In and out of Ghana: le Ghana comme terre de a key travel destination for African Americans.
retour pour la diaspora africaine. 3 Lakeshia Ford decided to move to Ghana. She
2 What makes Ghana attractive to African doesn’t feel discriminated against in Ghana as she is
Americans?: s’installer au Ghana, entre rêve et now living with people who do not judge her on the
réalité. basis of her skin colour.
Voltaire Xodus also settled in Ghana where he
IN AND OUT OF GHANA created his own business. He thinks there are more
job opportunities than in the USA.
As for Angela Matthews, she is a US citizen visiting
Ghana. She took the trip to reunite with her
“Year of Return” campaign
ancestors and be part of a culture that she had never
experienced before. Her trip can be compared to a
Video 1 script: Ghana looks to capitalize on
tourism with “Year of Return”
4 En binômes, les élèves émettent des hypothèses
CBS News, 17 January 2020
People from all over the world are flocking to Ghana quant aux sentiments des personnes interviewées.
as the country capitalises on its Year of Return In Ghana, they feel at home, they don’t feel
campaign. 2019 marked 400 years since the first different. Lakeshia Ford may have been a victim of
documented slave ship landed in Virginia. Most racism in the USA whereas Angela Matthews may
enslaved Africans were forced to board vessels need to reconnect with her roots. Voltaire Xodus
along Ghana’s coast and sail to America. Over the may have experienced racial discrimination in the
past year the country marked the anniversary by USA and he thinks he can succeed more easily in
hosting cultural events and music festivals. Some of Ghana. He may be able to climb the social ladder
the world's biggest celebrities, influencers, and without being treated unfairly.
entrepreneurs made the journey. Now, Ghana is 5 Laisser les élèves exprimer différents points de
hoping to capitalise on the major tourism and vue tout en favorisant l’interaction.
economic boom. Our partners at the BBC spoke to
three African Americans who either decided to Page 205
move or visit the country.
“To me there's no such thing as a Black woman in
Ghana. I'm a woman in Ghana. We are all black”. “Africa is your home”
“Living in the US, all of the seats are taken; all the
big brands are there, and well here the cement is Video 2 script: Ghana has a message for African
wet, and you have an opportunity to create a seat Americans: Come home
at the table”. CNN, 17 June 2020
“So, for me, coming back here, reuniting with my One African nation is sending a message to African
ancestors makes me feel at home. It makes me feel Americans in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
that I'm a part of a culture that I never “We continue to open our arms and invite all our
experienced”. brothers and sisters home. Ghana is your home.
Africa is your home”.
Le Fast fact et le titre de la première partie « In and Ghana recently unveiled a monument to Floyd and
out of Ghana » peuvent servir d’anticipation pour is openly calling for Black Americans to move there.
inviter les élèves à exprimer des hypothèses quant The country has courted the black dollar for some
au sujet de la séquence. time. Last year the President launched the Year of
Les deux vidéos de ce début d’unité peuvent être Return initiative, marking 400 years since the first
étudiées l’une après l’autre par tous les élèves, mais documented arrival of West African slaves to
aussi en parallèle, par des groupes d’élèves America.
différents qui pourront ensuite partager les Young and old flocked to the country for a number
informations relevées. of cultural events, such as Accra Fashion Week, and
the music festival Afrochella.

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 13

Ghana's finance minister hailed the scheme a
massive success, saying it recorded as much as $3 Expressing purpose
billion in added GDP. The government in Accra is Faire reformuler les arguments et les idées
now building on that momentum with another présentes dans la vidéo en exprimant le but.
initiative called Beyond the Return, which aims to Propositions de réponses :
encourage investment in Ghana. - The Year of Return initiative was launched in 2019
“The clarion call now for the Back to Africa in order to incite African Americans to travel to
movement to be reignited is really something that Ghana.
is natural. Africa is home, and we are hoping to open - The Ghanaian government encourages African
arms to our kith and kin to come back home”. Americans to visit the country so that they might
“Hello everybody my name is Rashad McCrorey” settle in Ghana.
One African American man who came for business - Some African Americans may choose to move to
trip in February says he chose to stay and see the Ghana so as to have a better life.
pandemic through there and he urges others to
follow in his footsteps.
“Really consider moving to Africa, really consider
moving to Ghana. This land, the resources, the
America’s racial progress
riches, everything is here for you to succeed”.
A country once central to the transatlantic slave 1 In this survey, conducted in 2019 in the US, the
trade, now, offering a safe haven for those looking majority of Americans, especially Black people, have
to restart their lives. negative views about racial progress in America.
Stephanie Busari, CNN, Lagos. 71% of Black people think race relations are
generally bad.
2 The legacy of slavery is still very present in people’s
mind and continues to have an impact on Black
1 Ghana encourages African Americans / the African
people’s status with 63% believing it affects the
diaspora to settle in Ghana by inviting them and
position of Black people in American society today
declaring that Ghana and Africa are their homeland.
either a great deal or a fair amount. Moreover,
2 The two projects are called “Year of Return” and
according to 73% of the Black people surveyed, the
“Beyond the Return”. Trump administration hasn’t made race relations
3 The Ghanaian government hopes to persuade better. The survey also found out that 78% of Black
African Americans to move to Ghana but also to people think the government hasn’t gone far
invest in the country’s economy / to promote enough to achieve equality between Black and
investment. White people.
4 First, Ghana attracted tourists (“young and old”) 3 As to the question whether Black people will
thanks to the “Year of Return” and offered various eventually be equal to White people, there is a huge
events — such as Afrochella, a music festival, or discrepancy. Black people appear sceptical about
Accra Fashion Week — to entertain them. the prospects for racial equality in the future.
But the country’s next step is to boost this Indeed, 50% of Black people believe they are not to
movement and increase investment in Ghana. or not likely at all to achieve equal rights. Unlike
Yet, one of their main arguments is safety / security Black Americans, White people are much more
which is clearly stated when the journalist mentions optimistic as far as equal rights are concerned.
George Floyd. 4 Les élèves sont invités, en binômes, à commenter
Finally, they argue African Americans can make it in l’expression “Africa is your home” et à répondre à la
Ghana as it is a prosperous country with a question. Toute réponse cohérente et argumentée
flourishing economy. sera acceptée. Faire mobiliser les expressions pour
5 If they haven’t achieved success in the USA, African donner son opinion et inviter les élèves à justifier
Americans will have the opportunity to do so in leurs propos.
Ghana. What’s more, Ghana will offer them a safe
place where they can live without being threatened Page 206
/ without risking their lives / with no fear. The
journalist definitely insists on the idea that life has
become precarious and hazardous for African
An enduring movement
Americans in the US.
Dans ce court extrait de All God's Children Need
Traveling Shoes (1986), le cinquième tome de
l’autobiographie de Maya Angelou, cette dernière

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 14

décrit son séjour au Ghana, à une époque où de Il s’agit ici d’utiliser la transposition grammaticale,
nombreux Afro-Américains étaient avides un changement de catégorie grammaticale qui
d’explorer leur héritage, la terre de leurs ancêtres peut être nécessaire lorsque l’on passe dans une
et étaient à la recherche de leurs origines. autre langue.
1 “an adoration for Ghana”, “amorous feelings”: her « Et là, moins d’un siècle après l’abolition de
feelings for Ghana are similar to love. As the author, l’esclavage, certains descendants des premiers
Maya Angelou, explains it’s like falling in love. The esclaves arrachés à l’Afrique revenaient, lestés
whole paragraph, from line 7 to line 12, describes an d’un lourd espoir, dans un continent dont ils ne
ideal / mythical place through a number of biblical gardaient aucun souvenir, une terre qui,
references (“a place not built with hands”, “the honteusement, les avait presque oubliés. »
saints”, “white robes”, “jeweled crowns”). Africa
represents the Promised Land: “heaven and Africa
were inextricably combined”, “washed with milk
Pronouncing the diphthongs /əʊ/ and /aʊ/
and honey” = a place of abundance that is free from Autres exemples de la prononciation du /o/ dans
want. l’extrait :
“streets paved with gold” = a place or a country /əʊ/ : robes, those, hope, home…
where people have the opportunity to succeed and /aʊ/ : crowns, around
make money.
“study war no more”, “no one would wage war
against us again” = African Americans would be free Training TASK
and safe, not enslaved anymore. Create a leaflet
2 The pronouns “we” and “our” refer to African La création d’une brochure permettra de revoir les
Americans. The use of these pronouns reveal that éléments de cette première partie pour
she feels part of this community. promouvoir le tourisme au Ghana et inciter les
3 She opposes Ghana and the African continent to Afro-Américains à s’y rendre et éventuellement s’y
the USA. The author alludes to “slavery”, “early installer. L’élaboration de cette brochure se prête
slaves”, “years of bondage”, “brutalities” when she volontiers à un travail de groupe. Les compétences
talks about life in the USA. artistiques des élèves pourront être sollicitées.
She criticises America for its racism and exploitation
of Black people where they are seen as second-class Page 207
citizens / inferior to the Whites, as outsiders / aliens
By emigrating to Ghana, they hope to escape racism
/ racial discrimination targeted at them in the USA.
Yet, the author also points out that African
Americans may experience disillusion / be
disappointed as they don’t really know what Africa, The African dream vs African reality
or Ghana, is really like (“a continent which they
could not remember”). Furthermore, they may not Video 3 script: VOA Our Voices 206: Year of the
be welcome by Africans (“a home which had Return
shamefully little memory of them”). VOA Africa, 20 December 2019
However, there is no doubt that the African VOA Our Voices, welcome back. We're talking about
continent is a place where African Americans think Ghana's Year of Return. Now, moving to a new
they will be safe and free. This can be seen through country is almost never easy, especially when your
the words “heavy hope” and “promise”. new home turns out to be very different from what
4 The fact that Kwame Nkrumah, the first president you imagined.
of Ghana in the 1960s, said that African Americans Bernice Yalley was born in America but desired to
would be welcome in his country share similarities connect with her African heritage. So, she packed
with the Beyond the Year of Return project. Indeed, up her life in the US.
since 2019, the Ghanaian government has been “My parents are Ghanaians. So, I heard about this
encouraging African Americans to settle in Ghana. whole Africa rising thing and I wanted to get in on
In Ghana's capital Accra, I catch up with Yalley and
another returnee Aretha Owusu to find out if they
Faire traduire le passage et attirer l’attention des think they've made the right move.“Coming to
élèves sur la traduction des expressions en gras. Ghana actually has been a culture shock”.

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 15

Owusu, born and raised in Ghana, went to law Group A: Bernice Yalley was born in America but
school in the US and lived in York for 20 years. Now, desired to connect with her African heritage as her
she's back in Accra and runs this wellness store. parents are Ghanaians. So, she decided to settle in
“I moved back to Ghana only to find out that I'm sort Ghana. She works as an entrepreneur in Accra. She
of displaced. I did not realise how much I had says it wasn’t easy to adapt but her relatives and
changed and how much Ghana had changed in a fellow / other returnees helped / supported her.
direction that I hadn't expected”. Aretha Owusu was born and raised in Ghana / she
This West African nation is a comeback story in grew up in Ghana but then, she went to law school
itself. Three decades ago, Ghana was on the verge in the US. She lived in York for 20 years. She runs a
of economic collapse. Today, it is one of the fastest wellness store in Accra.
growing economies in the world. The Year of Return She explains that coming back to Ghana was a
is part of its booming tourism industry but Owusu culture shock and she felt displaced / out of sync /
says doing business here is a challenge even for uprooted because Ghana had changed a lot.
skilled professional returnees. Moreover, even for an experienced / a skilled
“Access to financing is almost impossible. The professional like her, she finds it difficult to start /
interest rates are absolutely, you know, outrageous. set up a business in Ghana. It was all the more
Accra is a very, very expensive city. We have challenging as the cost of living is very expensive in
amazing resources which are untapped into but Accra.
there are a lot of challenges that I don’t think most Group B: the report presents a very positive
people are aware of. I had this sort of rosy glasses depiction of Ghana with a flourishing / thriving and
on thinking ‘oh I'm coming back home’ and you successful economy; a country full of resources; and
know and then I get home and I'm like ‘whoa, this is tourism is also fast-growing / developing.
not what I expected”. Group C: reality is different from what they
Yalley who works as an entrepreneur in Accra expected. They probably thought it would be easier
worries the diaspora are being sold only the African to adapt to a different place and way of life. The way
dream and not the African reality. migration is promoted only shows the bright picture
“When you watch any kind of international news by “celebrating entrepreneurs making it seem as if
outlet, they're always celebrating entrepreneurs that's the norm”, as if everyone was bound to
making it seem as if that's the norm, you know, succeed in Ghana.
about their journeys here. It's like a novel. There's 3 Le travail de groupe réunira un élève A, un B et un
always the requisite struggle and then they C : l’échange permettra de mettre en commun les
persevere and then they made it. And I think that différentes informations collectées avant de
was a narrative that we were kind of fed”. Migration conclure à la question 4 en expliquant le message
is always difficult, logistically, financially and des deux femmes interviewées.
emotionally. Yalley says a strong support network of 4 The message of the two women may sound
family and fellow returnees has helped her adjust to ambivalent. Indeed, on the one hand, they seem
life in Accra. quite enthusiastic about their life and the choices
“So, are you going to stay in Ghana? Is this where they made. Despite their difficulties / hardships,
you see your future or you're going to go back?” both women explain that they won’t go back to the
“I'm going to hang in. I don't know what the future US and will stay in Ghana. Although the two
holds but I'm not going to bail, I'm not going to jump returnees have mixed feelings about their
ship and go to places that, you know, it's much adaptation, they don’t seem to regret their choice.
easier to live. I've made the choice”. On the other hand, their message is like a warning:
“From Ghanaian Americans, I want to have a foot moving to another country / overseas, even though
both in Ghana and United States. So, I'll stick it is your homeland, may prove to be challenging
around”. and not as easy as it seems.
Accepter toute proposition cohérente en
1 Visionnage des 10 premières secondes. Faire encourageant les élèves à justifier leurs propos.
repérer le contexte de l’émission “Ghana’s Year of
Return”, mais également le fait que le reportage
sera davantage placé sous l’axe de l’adaptation
Il peut s’avérer intéressant de faire des recherches
lorsque l’on décide de s’installer dans un autre pays.
pour actualiser les données sur le tourisme et la
(“new country”, “never easy”, “new home… very
situation économique du Ghana, particulièrement
après les élections présidentielles qui ont eu lieu en
2 Les élèves sont répartis dans trois groupes
différents pour visionner la suite du reportage.

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 16

Right of abode
1 The “Right of abode” allows a person of African
descent to apply and be granted permanent
residency / the right to stay in Ghana indefinitely.
2 The tone of the two documents is enthusiastic,
more particularly the second one, and encouraging
/ welcoming since the Ghanaian government clearly
encourages people of native African origin to apply
for citizenship. Expressions such as “facilitate”,
“without let or hindrance”, “embraced”, “equal
part” show that the government wishes to make
them feel at home.

Final TASK
Write an email
La tâche finale, une production écrite, permettra
de vérifier les acquisitions de la séquence. Il
s’agira, d’une part, de mobiliser les raisons pour
lesquelles l’auteur du courriel décide de quitter les
États-Unis, et, d’autre part, celles qui l’attirent au
Ghana. Il pourra être intéressant de faire nuancer
les propos de l’auteur en prenant en compte les
inconvénients rencontrés par les personnes
choisissant de s’installer au Ghana.

Pour constituer le dossier personnel attendu à

l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des questions à
soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, les élèves
trouveront dans cette rubrique des pistes pour
approfondir et élargir le sujet des différents
mouvements qui, au fil des ans, ont pu encourager
la diaspora africaine à revenir sur le continent

Unit 9 “For the Sake of the People and the Land” 17

Page 209

UNIT10 gouvernements, des ONG et des citoyens) ainsi que

les représentations du changement climatique
“Climate is changing our apportées par les médias et le cinéma
habits anglophones. »

En quoi la préservation des territoires est-elle un
THÉMATIQUE 2 : ENVIRONNEMENT EN MUTATION facteur intrinsèque et nécessaire à nos efforts de
protection de l’environnement ?
Why is the preservation of territories an intrinsic
and necessary factor in our efforts to protect the
Patrimoine commun et capital pour l’avenir, il ne
fait plus aucun doute que la nature doit être
La Final task permettra aux élèves d’exprimer
respectée et protégée. Si nous la chérissons, notre
oralement leur intérêt pour un site naturel de leur
Terre nous procure eau et nourriture, nous fournit
choix, de réfléchir aux problèmes auxquels notre
énergie et matériaux pour nous loger, contribue à la
prospérité de notre économie. Les écosystèmes planète se trouve aujourd’hui confrontée et de
réagir en imaginant des solutions.
sont également des alliés incontournables de la
lutte contre les dérèglements climatiques. Pour
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
toutes ces raisons, il est urgent de placer la
protection de l’environnement au cœur de nos 1 Leave it as it is: la sauvegarde du patrimoine
naturel est-elle un devoir ?
politiques pour relever ce défi de taille que
2 Time for ambitious action: la Grande Muraille
représente le changement climatique. La
verte, projet phare de l’Union Africaine, est-elle la
reconquête de la biodiversité et des milieux
solution pour lutter contre les effets du
naturels est donc devenue un enjeu planétaire qui
changement climatique ?
mobilise hommes et femmes au-delà des frontières.
3 Listen to the land (and to its people) : quelles
conséquences pour les peuples autochtones ? À
Page 210 quels dilemmes sont-ils confrontés ? Quelles idées
défendent-ils ?

Lend a Hand to the Page 210

La brick 31 est axée sur la protection de la nature
et pose la question de la responsabilité de l’homme
et de son rôle dans la défense et la préservation de The Conservation Legacy
notre environnement. of Theodore Roosevelt
Extrait du B.O.
1 Il est possible de commencer la séquence en
« Ainsi ont émergé les notions de politique
projetant un diaporama de plusieurs (grands) sites
environnementale, d’écologie radicale, de
naturels et en demandant aux élèves de réagir. Par
développement durable, d’écoféminisme.
exemple :
L’agrarisme et l’idéalisation du monde rural
tiennent encore une grande place. Les populations
Ils pourront mobiliser du vocabulaire et/ou utiliser
autochtones, dont on réévalue aujourd’hui le legs
celui de la p. 210.
écologique (Alaska, Australie, Canada, Hawaï,
“a great wonder”, “wonderful grandeur”,
Nouvelle-Zélande) sont confrontées elles aussi au
“sublimity”, “great loneliness”, “beauty”, “great
changement climatique, à l’utilitarisme
économique et aux inégalités.
They emphasise the magnificent beauty of these
Enfin, il est important de considérer les politiques
natural places.
publiques et privées de ces différents pays à
2 Roosevelt admired the natural sites of his country.
l’échelle de la planète (concept de transition
planétaire impliquant les mesures des He thought they were spectacular places and men

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 1

could “only mar it” i.e., undermine these beautiful environmental interest” made him “the ideal
places. He was keen on preserving his country’s storyteller for our film.” Redford, like Roosevelt,
“great wonder[s] of nature” by preventing men to believes that “It may be that those are the only
touch them (= build, exploit or transform). places where new generations can see nature as it
3 Today we can still admire those magnificent once was.”
places (for example the Grand Canyon is awe- 5 On peut relever des mots tels que :
striking). Without Roosevelt’s endeavour to protect pioneers – frontiers – imagine – continent –
nature, we may not have been able to enjoy them wilderness – greatest – natural wonders – all – wild
today. – protected – eternity – everyone – national parks –
4 The Northern lights; Paricutin (Mexico); Victoria explorers – adventure – outdoors. These words are
Fall (Zambia); Mount Everest (Nepal, Tibet); The an invitation to travel, to discover, to explore, and
Great Barrier Reef (Australia); Galapagos islands, make the adventure sound even more exciting.
etc. 6 Réponses libres. Pour “What does this statement
imply?”, on pourra demander aux élèves leur avis
Page 211 sur le rôle des hommes dans la préservation de la
nature et les orienter sur la dimension politique de
la question.
Become an explorer 7 Réponses libres pour exprimer son avis personnel.
FYI: National Parks Adventure is an immersive 3D
Video 1 script: National Parks Adventure – cinematographic documentary. The goal is to make
Narrated by Robert Redford – Trailer the audience discover America’s amazing
MacGillivray Freeman, 16 October 2015 wilderness and make it as real as possible so that
“All that the sun shines on is beautiful, so long as it viewers really feel like they are living an adventure.
is wild.” John Muir, Poet
Not so long ago, the early pioneers had no idea what
laid beyond the frontier. Imagine, an entire Compound adjectives
continent of unmapped wilderness and a people • “heart-stopping”; “awe-inspiring”; “jaw-
who believed that the greatest natural wonders dropping”
belong to no one, they belong to all. Hundred years • mind-blowing; breath-taking
ago, these pristine places, America’s wild, were • eye-popping/catching; spine-chilling; hair-raising;
protected for eternity, for everyone, and the etc.
national parks were born. Join a team of modern-
day explorers, on an off-trail adventure, into
America’s great outdoors… and find your way back
to the most awe-inspiring, heart-stopping, jaw- Découvrir l’héritage de Théodore Roosevelt qui
dropping places that belong to us all. MacGillivray avait à cœur la préservation des espaces naturels :
Freeman’s National Parks Adventure coming soon en s’engageant dans une politique de protection de
to IMAX and giant screen theatres. la nature et des ressources, le 26e président des
États-Unis a en effet joué un rôle majeur dans la
1 The early pioneers had no idea what laid beyond sauvegarde de l’environnement.
the frontier. They believed nature belonged to
everyone. America’s wild was sacred and protected. Training TASK
Birth of National parks. Give an oral presentation
2 “great”, “awe-inspiring”, “heart-stopping”, “jaw- Cette première activité orale permet de préparer
dropping”, also stunning / spectacular / impressive les élèves à la tâche finale. En amont, il est
/ dumbfounding / magnificent / overwhelming / important de les faire travailler sur
These pictures make you feel so small and so l’accentuation des mots clés. Les inciter
humble. You are amazed / in awe / mesmerised. également à réutiliser les mots de vocabulaire de
3 A documentary to highlight the beauty of the la page 210 ainsi que quelques adjectifs
landscapes, encourage people to discover nature, composés (abordés dans le Focus on grammar).
promote tourism, etc. Suggestion pédagogique : présentation orale
4 Robert Redford is an influential figure, both a sous forme de Pecha Kucha (en proposant 10 à
famous film actor and director and well-known as 20 diapositives). Chaque diapositive est projetée
an environmentalist. FYI: According to Greg pendant 20 secondes seulement, soit une
MacGillivray, who directed the film, Robert présentation de 3 min 20 à 6 min 40 maximum.
Redford’s “passion for the outdoors and

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 2

challenges, and even scepticism towards “the
world’s most ambitious project”.

Pages 211-212 Page 212

Africa’s Great Green Wall just 4% Pronouncing figures

complete halfway through schedule • m = million ; bn = billion
• 4,000,000,000 – 5,500,000,000
La Grande Muraille verte est une bande de verdure • In English: a comma; in French: a space
de près de 8000 km qui traverse l’Afrique, du • four thousand three hundred and fifty; one
Sénégal à Djibouti. En lançant ce projet hundred fifty-one thousand; seven hundred ninety-
pharaonique en 2007, l’Union Africaine avait pour two thousand
ambition de régénérer la biodiversité d’une zone de • orally = two thousand and thirty; two thousand
terre autrefois verdoyante et ainsi lutter contre la and seven; four percent; seven thousand kilometres;
désertification au Sahel. (four thousand three hundred and fifty miles); ninety
1 Pour répondre aux questions 1 et 2, on pourrait million dollars; seventy million pounds; two hundred
également projeter l’affiche du film et interroger les million dollars
élèves sur leur interprétation de l’image ainsi que > We add “and” between the hundreds and the
sur le titre “Great Green Wall”. dozens.
https://static1.tribute.ca/poster/660x980/the- > “dollars” or “pounds” are said after, at the end of
great-green-wall-146980.jpg the sentence.
Land degraded by repeated droughts; aridity of the
land = nothings grows / crop failure (consequence:
poverty, disease, death, conflict and increased Les comparatifs et superlatifs
vulnerability of the populations, loss of education, • The most ambitious reforestation project in the
etc.). world; the poorest regions in the world.
2 The title: “Great” = something huge and • The most extraordinary project of the 21st century
important, ambitious; “Green Wall” = a wall, a (“in” ou “of” selon le complément de L ou de T).
barrier of vegetation, greenery / something that • Far = la « supériorité » est renforcée par “far”
goes across / a construction pour indiquer que c’est « encore plus » (ou moins).
3 Origin of the project = 2007 by the African Union Progress was much more disappointing or limited –
• Progress = sept 2020: has covered only 4% of its was not all that impressive / much less impressive or
target area but more than halfway towards 2030 significant.
completion. • Le projet de reforestation le plus ambitieux au/du
monde ; Les régions les plus pauvres du monde ; …
• So far: more than 350,000 new jobs, $90m in
un soutien technique plus important et une
revenues and 18m hectares of land restoration.
surveillance plus étroite seront nécessaires ; Nous
• Deadline = 2030
pouvons construire un avenir plus durable et plus
4 Objective: plant 100m hectares of vegetation,
équitable ; En ce qui concerne la surface prévue, les
7,000km from Senegal to Djibouti; goal: to hold
progrès ont toutefois été beaucoup/
back the deserts of Sahara and Sahel / to improve
nettement/bien moins impressionnants.
the living conditions of the populations / to reduce
conflicts, terrorism, migration which has never been
Page 213
done or even thought of before = a very ambitious
project; Problems: cost (massive) - $200m has
already been invested and another $4.3bn per year
needed to achieve the target (by 2030). An African dream
5 Other issues: sustainability, the project also
depends on the countries’ “governance” and Video 2 script: THE GREAT GREEN WALL TRAILER
economic development, political support?; Major The Great Green Wall, 27 August 2019
problem: monitoring (by each country, no overall My home is embattled by desertification and
view) / difficult to check its progress, no arbiter drought, migration and conflict. Restoring the land
6 Neutral / objective = on the one hand, it is a matter of survival. It’s up to us to create an
acknowledges the ambition of this extraordinary African dream. “We’re talking about revitalising the
project and the efforts made so far, and on the other ecosystem, the economy of communities and
hand, it does not fail to point out the obstacles, villages. The future generation will hold us

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 3

accountable.” “If people can’t work their land, Music is also a vector of emotions and brings people
millions across the region will be forced to migrate.” together. It is the ideal vehicle for conveying a
French: “Le convoyeur va te donner à un autre powerful message.
convoyeur. Tu es déjà vendu à ces convoyeurs sans
te rendre compte. J’ai eu quatre amis qui ont pris la
balle.” African translated into English: “Vision is
Il s’agit ici d’encourager les élèves à s’informer sur
born out of hardship. All the green that you see was
l’avancement de cet ambitieux projet (dont on parle
cultivated by us. We built it with our own hands.”
assez régulièrement dans la presse).
“The Great Green Wall is not just about planting
trees, it has to become a movement from the whole
continent, from the whole world.” LISTEN TO THE LAND (AND TO ITS PEOPLE)

1 A “matter of survival”: restoring the land. Pages 213-214

Problems: desertification, drought, migration,
2 “An African dream”: hope and opportunity / create The Dene’s dilemma
a better life and also an ambitious project which will
include: Observer la couverture permet aux élèves
- revitalising ecosystems, economy of communities d’anticiper le sujet de ce livre écrit par Joe Sacco et
and villages / fight poverty; publié en 2015. L’auteur nous raconte l’histoire des
- create a better place for future generations so that Dénés, peuple autochtone du nord-ouest du
Africa, too, becomes a land of future and Canada qu’il est allé rencontrer afin de mieux
opportunities for the new generations; connaître et retracer leur histoire.
- a better future for our planet, a more sustainable Le Fast fact est indispensable pour comprendre le
and equitable future. sujet de cet extrait, notamment autour de l’activité
3 FYI: The Great Green Wall is more than a project, de “fracking” et les problématiques qui en
“it has to become a ‘movement’ from the whole découlent (environnement, territoires, culture et
continent, from the whole world”. Its ambition is to traditions, économie, etc.).
“create a wall of trees” across the deserts of Sahara On trouvera un extrait sur le site penguin.co.uk :
and Sahel but not only that, “The Great Green Wall https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/2020/july/joe-
is about peace, hope and uniting people,” said sacco-paying-the-land-extract-graphic-novel.html
Nigerian youth leader Hamzat Lawal. 1 The picture is divided into two parts. At the top:
“The ambitious endeavour aims to rally the we can see the Dene people in their natural
communities and economies of the Sahel region environment: nature, wilderness. They are occupied
behind the goal of creating an 8,000km wall of with their work/the light. At the bottom: dark ugly
green spanning the entire continent: a new wonder machines. There is a contrast, an opposition
of the world.” between two different lifestyles.
The Great Green Wall is also “an African-led
2 “paying” = to give money for (to buy/to sell). The
movement,” aiming to drive forward climate-smart
Dene sold their lands?; to pay (for) = to suffer
solutions and restore life to degraded landscapes in
because of something bad you have done.
order to provide food security, jobs and thriving new
economies for the communities living in Africa’s
3 The Dene’s dilemma is to choose between
Sahel region. The scope of the project extends far
beyond a physical mosaic of trees: it is a people- accepting the exploitation of their lands (mining,
driven movement, one which offers economic fracking) which is harmful to the environment but
benefits and social unity to a region that has long will create jobs, or protect their lands, protect the
grappled with poverty and violence. environment but also give up access to new
https://www.connect4climate.org/article/great- technologies, make do with unemployment and
green-wall-gains-momentum-new-york social problems.
4 The Great Green Wall is a “musical journey”: the 4 a- He feels upset/“conflicted”/torn between two
music is intense, it underlines the goal of this options (no one good).
pharaonic project but also its seriousness and b- Because he is aware of the gap that is growing
significance because this “great green wall” bears among the Dene who disagree on the subject (some
the world’s greatest ambition, i.e. saving the African want to accept, others refuse). He also knows that
population from poverty, disease and war and there is (more or less) no choice “if we don’t do it,
become “a new wonder of the world.” somebody else will”. Standing up against capitalism
is difficult, if not impossible. The Dene will pay dearly

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 4

if they refuse and, in the end, they will probably have pastoral properties were often paid in food and
to suffer the exploitation of their land by others. clothes, or not at all. This experience is still fresh in
5 The Dene wants development but not at the their memory, so the prospect of getting some
expense of: money “back” from the White man is tempting.
- their land and the environment: “we don’t want to Develop Aboriginal future. Land development
damage the land”; agreements can play a vital role in helping
- their living conditions: they want their views and Aboriginal people determine the course of their
interest to be taken into account. They do not want future.
to endure development but rather to be real actors Arguments against development:
and partners in the project in order to be able to Government, not land, should provide for needs.
benefit from it. No other Australians but Aboriginal people seem to
6 Réponses libres. have to give up their assets to receive bare
essentials like housing, health, education Protect
Page 214 the land. Many developments impact the
environment, pollute it or leave behind a mess of
Training TASK waste and destruction. Protecting the land and its
sacred sites is more important than developing it.
Role play
Source: Meaning of land to Aboriginal people -
Dans cette activité, les élèves pourront former
Creative Spirits, retrieved from
des binômes et imaginer la conversation entre
Joe Sacco (l’auteur) et Darell Beaulieu (Déné).
• Rappeler aux élèves que Joe Sacco cherche à
4 Les élèves échangent à l’oral.
mieux cerner le peuple Déné : son histoire, sa
5 Réponses libres. Il est possible d’organiser cette
situation économique, politique et sociale.
• Inciter les élèves à faire quelques recherches au activité sous forme de débat dans la classe. Puis on
préalable, afin de bien cerner la situation des pourra inciter les élèves à consulter le Build up your
Dénés. file, la vidéo “The Land Owns Us” pour découvrir les
Suggestion pédagogique : si les élèves éprouvent arguments de Bob Randall.
des difficultés à démarrer, on peut aussi leur
demander quelles questions ils poseraient à Final TASK
Darell Beaulieu s’ils étaient à la place de Joe Create a TV or radio news bulletin
Sacco. Des outils numériques tels que Wooclap Cette activité permet aux élèves de réinvestir les
permettront à chacun de proposer librement une connaissances et savoir-faire acquis au cours de
ou plusieurs questions. cette séquence : s’exprimer à l’oral pour présenter
un lieu/site naturel (utiliser des adjectifs
Page 215 mélioratifs), expliquer ce qui peut menacer ce lieu
et proposer des solutions.
Encourager les élèves à prendre position en
Money don’t mean nothing to me exprimant leur avis.

1 Jeffrey Lee refused money proposed to him to

extract uranium from his land. Lee was more
concerned about the environment and felt Pour aller plus loin dans les sujets abordés dans
responsible for his land which he wanted to preserve cette séquence.
for future generations, money was less important to Suggestion pédagogique : proposer aux élèves de
him. faire des exposés sur des sujets liés au thème de
2 It is the same story: cede / give in or fight against l’unité en s’aidant de cette rubrique.
the development of capitalism.
3 Arguments in favour of development:
Development brings benefits. When properly
negotiated many development deals can bring
benefits packages worth millions for Aboriginal
people; Grab an opportunity. Resource developers
only have that much patience. If a development
proposal is not approved within a certain time, they
take their dollars elsewhere. Get some
“whitefella” money. Aboriginal people working on

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 5

Page 216 Afrique anglophone, Royaume-Uni et Irlande, îles
du Pacifique). Ces espaces, par leur importance
démographique, économique et politique ou par
leurs ressources, sont amenés à jouer à l’échelle
Wildfires: How Can we mondiale, quel que soit leur niveau de
Sleep While Our World is développement, un rôle de laboratoires, de centres
Burning? d’impulsion ou de freins. Ils peuvent être traversés
par des contradictions internes : le retrait américain
La brick 32 se présente sous forme de deux études de l’Accord de Paris en 2017 n’empêche pas l’État
de cas. La première étude, la plus longue, se focalise de la Californie d’afficher des objectifs ambitieux
sur les incendies en Australie, avec une emphase sur dans la lutte contre le réchauffement
la protection de la biodiversité, le travail climatique. […]
scientifique et une analyse des réactions politiques Les Amérindiens, premiers occupants du territoire
en lien avec le changement climatique. La deuxième américain, protégeaient leur écosystème et
partie, plus courte, se concentre sur la Californie. transformaient perpétuellement leur
Elle cherche à souligner le lien entre le changement environnement [...]. La contestation, voire le refus
climatique et les incendies, mis en avant par de prendre en compte les enjeux
plusieurs membres des gouvernements locaux et environnementaux et sociaux, tient également une
semi-locaux situés à l’Ouest. Elle exclut place non négligeable dans ces dynamiques (refus
volontairement une discussion sur la politique de limiter les émissions de gaz à effet de serre,
climatique fédérale de Donald Trump et son refus attitudes climatosceptiques, rejet de l’écologie au
de reconnaître le lien entre les incendies et le nom de l’efficacité économique).
changement climatique, car son successeur à la Axe d’étude 2 : De la protection de la nature à la
Maison-Blanche allait faire volte-face sur la transition écologique.
politique climatique fédérale. En revanche, cette Objet d’étude retenu :
partie met en avant la politique climatique au Objets d’étude : Étude d’une crise climatique : feux
niveau des Etats (le lien federal vs state rights étant de brousse en Australie, incendies en Californie […]
important aux États-Unis) et évoque les savoirs et La protection animale : droits de l’animal ; mesures
savoir-faire des peuples indigènes, sollicités par les préventives des États pour la protection des
Etats pour leur expertise lors de cette crise. espèces menacées… »
Le format de l’étude de cas a été privilégié pour
laisser un maximum de liberté aux enseignants. PROBLÉMATIQUE
Selon ses objectifs et le temps dont il dispose, le Les récents feux en Californie et en Australie ont-
professeur pourra donc choisir d’étudier les deux ils embrasé le débat sur le réchauffement
angles, l’un des deux ou quelques éléments des climatique ?
deux. Des études/analyses courtes et des angles Have the recent wildfires in California and
d’étude étroits sont la conséquence de cette double Australia finally lit a match under the climate
focalisation. De nombreuses ressources sont change debate?
proposées dans les Go further, Build up your file!
ou Press reviews pour étoffer le choix de Étant donné les nombreuses pistes d’ouverture du
documents. L’enseignant pourra notamment sujet traité, la nature de la Final task cherche à
approfondir la réflexion sur la souffrance humaine répondre à cette spécificité en encourageant les
et/ou les problèmes de logement, des récits du type élèves à approfondir leurs recherches et leurs
survivor stories. L’héroïsme des pompiers serait une connaissances. Elle permet aussi de faire évoluer la
autre piste ainsi que la souffrance animale. brick dans le temps. Y aura-t-il d’autres incendies ?
Dernièrement, il y a également eu matière à Malheureusement, ce scénario semble probable.
développer l’approche sur les peuples autochtones, Comment la faune et la flore peuvent-elles se
notamment en Australie. remettre d’une telle catastrophe ? Seront-elles plus
résilientes qu’on ne le présume, ou au contraire,
Extrait du B.O. seront-elles frappées par les événements et leurs
« Dans un contexte de mondialisation, de remise en conséquences non anticipées ? Est-ce que l’élan
cause des modèles de croissance, de initial en matière de temps, de donations, etc. sera
changement climatique et de transition maintenu ? Sur le plan langagier, cette séquence
énergétique, le monde anglophone se distingue par contient beaucoup de vocabulaire technique et
la diversité de ses territoires (Australie et Nouvelle- spécifique et fait référence à des chiffres et des
Zélande, Canada et États-Unis, Caraïbes, Inde, statistiques, la tâche finale permet le
réinvestissement de ces outils.

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 6

burned – that’s double the size of Belgium and three
La brick est structurée en deux parties : times the size of the 2018 California fires combined
1 Australia is on fire: cette partie étudie les with the 2019 Amazon fires in Brazil! At least
incendies en Australie. nineteen people have been killed in the fires and 14
2 California goes up in flames!: cette partie étudie hundred houses have been burnt. The flames
les incendies en Californie. reached up to 70 meters high – taller than the
Sydney Opera House! In New South Wales, almost
Page 216 500 million animals have been killed.
2 Although bushfires are a regular event in
Australia, climate change is making Australia hotter
AUSTRALIA IS ON FIRE and drier than ever before. More droughts,
heatwaves and strong wind have created the
perfect conditions for raging wildfires. Furthermore,
Crisis down under! the fires generate so much smoke that they provoke
lightning and thunderstorms, creating a sort of
Video 1 script: Bushfires in Australia: What vicious cycle and sparking more fires.
ignited the deadly crisis? 3 Given that climate change is getting worse and
Global News, 3 January 2020 generating more and more “extreme weather”
JOURNALIST: Australia is on fire and it’s bigger than events, bushfires will get worse and worse in years
you think. 12.35 million acres of land have been to come.
burnt by bushfires so far. That’s almost twice the 4 Accepter toute réponse convenable.
size of Belgium. And three times more land than the The document is a video, a news report by Global
2018 California fires and Brazil’s 2019 Amazon fire News from the 3rd of January 2020, entitled
combined. Flames have reportedly reached seventy “Bushfires in Australia: What ignited the deadly
meters high. That’s taller than the Sydney Opera crisis?”. The subject of the document is the
House. At least nineteen people have been killed bushfires/wildfires in Australia which are raging out
and more than fourteen hundred homes have been of control. The journalist gives lots of statistics
destroyed. Residents and tourists have been forced showing the scope of the fires. For example, she
to relocate. explains that the fires have already burned an area
WOMAN ON BEACH: Just get out while we can. the size of Belgium. They are bigger than any other
JOURNALIST: Nearly 500 million animals have died wildfires ever seen. Furthermore, over 500 million
in New South Wales alone. The fires aren’t just in animals have been killed in NSW alone! According to
one location, they’re raging everywhere, across the the document, bushfires are common in Australia
country. but because climate change is causing more drought
So, what ignited this deadly crisis? Wild bushfire and more “dry spells” they will get worse and worse
season is nothing new in Australia but this summer in years to come.
has been one of the hottest and driest in the
country’s history. Since September, the Ce document permet d’appréhender le contenu de
combination of drought, unprecedented heat la séquence, mais il débute aussi un travail sur le
waves and strong gusty winds has created a recipe vocabulaire spécifique et technique, très présent
for disastrous fire conditions. On top of that, the dans la brick. On pourra envisager de mettre en
smoke from bushfires generates its own weather, place des stratégies qui ciblent l’acquisition de
sparking thunderstorms with lightning and strong lexique, telle que l’élaboration d’une liste de
winds which create even more wildfires. Scientists vocabulaire spécifique aux feux de forêt et au
have been predicting such extreme weather for changement climatique, à alimenter au fur et à
years, warning that bushfires will become even mesure de la progression dans la brick. La mise en
more frequent as climate change worsens. place et le fonctionnement de la liste sont laissés à
Although the weather has cooled slightly in parts of la discrétion du professeur. Ce peut être aussi
Australia, authorities say, with months of summer simple qu’une page à remplir dans le cahier (de
left, the worst is yet to come. façon contrôlée ou plus ou moins en autonomie),
mais on pourra aussi imaginer un mur collaboratif
Vidéo factuelle qui donne les éléments clés ou une carte heuristique alimentés par les élèves de
permettant de comprendre la situation en Australie la classe (ou toute autre méthode, selon les
et le lien avec le changement climatique. préférences, compétences et habitudes de
l’enseignant – Padlet, Genially, Quizlet, Google
1 Australia is on fire/burning “everywhere, across Docs, Pearltrees, etc.).
the country”. So far, 12.35 million acres of land have

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 7

Text on screen: But experts have said the impact
Comparative and superlative has been much greater than the loss of koalas,
• The first structure is called the comparative form. including a staggering…
As its name suggests, it is used to compare two ’2.5 billion reptiles
elements. It is formed in two ways, depending on 143 million mammals
how you classify the adjectives used. If the adjective 180 million birds
used has one syllable, or two syllables and ends in 51 million frogs
y/ow/er it is considered “short” and the Many of the animals have been killed by flames or
comparative is formed by adding the suffix -ER to heat. The fires have also destroyed their native
the end of the adjective followed by “than” and the habitats, and have led to starvation and
element of comparison: adjective + ER + than = it’s dehydration.
biggER THAN you think. Australia has been losing biodiversity at an alarming
For a long adjective, you place the word “more” in rate, and has had one of the highest rates of
front of the adjective, which is still followed by extinction in the world.
“than” = more land than the 2018 California fires.
• The second structure is called the superlative form. Document qui a pour objectif de focaliser
It is used to indicate the highest degree of a quality, l’attention sur l’une des conséquences les plus
which can be positive (the coolest) or negative (the tragiques des incendies : la perte terrible de
most expensive). It follows the same distinctions as milliards d’animaux australiens. Ce choix a été fait
the comparative form. With short adjectives, the en partie pour souligner ce drame, mais aussi pour
determiner “the” is placed before the adjective, to mettre en évidence le lien entre ces incendies, la
which you add the suffix -EST = THE hottEST year. nature et le climat.
With a long adjective, you place “the most” in front 1 This video is about the Australian animals affected
of the adjective, replacing the suffix = the most by the bushfires. It explains that almost 3 billion
extreme weather event. animals have been lost. Some have died in the fire
and from smoke but others were victims of habitat
loss causing them to die of starvation or
dehydration. The report quotes some shocking
Bushfires have deadly effect on
figures; 2.5 billion reptiles, 143 million mammals,
Australian animals 180 million birds and 51 million frogs have died. It
concludes by stating that Australian animals are
Video 2 script: Almost 3 billion animals dying out at an extremely high rate and that this is
affected by Australian bushfires very worrying.
Guardian News, 28 July 2020 2 Watching this video makes me feel sad and angry
Text on screen: This video contains graphic images but also helpless. The video uses poignant music to
that some viewers may find distressing. underscore the sense of loss. We see the animals as
Australia’s bushfire crisis has taken an enormous helpless and we understand that they are not
toll on wildlife, responsible for the fires but they are suffering the
FIREMAN 1: Hey! most all the same.
Text on screen: affecting nearly 3 billion animals, 3 Accepter toute réponse convenable, il y a de
according to scientists. nombreuses possibilités.
FIREMAN 2: [Says something inaudibly] 4 Yes, I was very distressed. It is disturbing to see
MAN IN CAR: The fence line is just littered with dead animals littering the side of the road, to see
animals that have tried to get out. It is really, really koalas on fire or with burnt paws. I think this was
disturbing. Nowhere for them to go. the intent of the video. I think the video wanted to
Text on screen: Millions of hectares have burned in raise awareness of the animal suffering. Perhaps,
Australia’s devastating bushfire season of 2019 and because people should be aware of this or maybe
2020, killing or displacing huge numbers of because they hope that on seeing this video people
mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs. Images such as will help the animals. Perhaps by donating time,
these have shown a deeply disturbing side to the money or in other ways.
bushfire crisis … Suggestion : S’il le souhaite, l’enseignant peut se
(Image of man giving water to Koala. In background) servir du document pour travailler sur les grands
MAN 1: You burnt yourself, huh? nombres et chiffres en anglais, notamment leur
MAN 2: Got any? prononciation ainsi que sur les unités de mesure
MAN 1: Yeah, and he’s just… (hectare, square km, litre, etc.)
(Koala cries out in fear and pain)

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 8

Page 217 that Australia’s current policies are insufficient and
Le Summary Statement est le premier de deux
Summary statement of an open letter documents de nature plus scientifiques, proposés
co-signed by 466 research scientists, sent to dans la partie sur l’Australie. On pourra entamer un
the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison travail (en groupe ou autre) de repérage du lexique
technique et spécifique. Par exemple, avec une
in February 2020
consigne du type “This letter was written by
scientists, what words and expressions in the text
Ce document inaugure une sous-partie de la brick
support this fact?” Liste non exhaustive des mots et
qui focalise l’attention sur la critique du
expressions repérables : “undersigned” (l. 1)
gouvernement australien et sa gestion des feux.
“policymakers” (l. 3) “science informed policies” (l.
Il souligne le lien entre la gestion des feux et la
3/4) “human-caused climate change” (l. 4/5)
gestion de la crise environnementale. Notamment,
“observations” (l. 18), “trend” (l. 18) “climate
il met le gouvernement en opposition avec la
variability” (l. 22)
communauté scientifique. Cette lettre présente
aussi une opportunité pour les élèves de travailler
Page 218
sur un document atypique qui utilise davantage le
langage scientifique.
1 This letter is addressed to the Australian Prime
Minister Scott Morrison. It was written by 466 Where does Australia stand on
research scientists. It is significant because it means emissions?
that a large community of experts wanted to give a
strong message to the head of the Australian 1 Possibilité de former les groupes et de demander
government. aux élèves d’étudier les deux graphiques en même
2 The key message is that Australia’s wildfires will temps…
get a lot worse and more frequent if Australia Piste de différenciation : Figure B un peu plus
doesn’t tackle climate change and greenhouse gas difficile/développée que figure A.
emissions. The first key point is particularly clear, it 2 26 % below 2005 levels.
states “Human-caused climate change is worsening 3 It is less ambitious than comparable countries.
fire-weather and bushfires in southern and eastern 4 No, it isn’t.
Australia.” Ou toute autre citation pertinente. 5 Australia’s emissions went down between 1990-
3 According to the letter, climate change is altering 1995 but then started creeping back up. They went
Australia’s weather patterns, making fire season down again around 2005 but then they started
start earlier, burn hotter and last longer. If Australia going back up again around 2015. All in all, they
does not get a grip on climate change, fire season is haven’t descended much from 1990 levels!
almost certain to get worse. On pourrait proposer Encourager les élèves à formuler une réponse
différentes façons d’énoncer des hypothèses : X is argumentée en étudiant le graphique.
almost certain to…/will most likely/is likely to/will 6 Un élève du groupe A partage les informations
probably/will, in all probability etc. relevées avec un élève du groupe B.
4 The letter qualifies Australia’s emission reduction 7 Given the information in these documents,
targets as “insufficient”. Australia is not on track to control climate change.
5 The goal of the letter is to alert the president and First and foremost, it seems to me that Australia’s
to force him to do something about climate change targets are not very ambitious compared to similar
and bushfires. Faire remarquer qu’il s’agit d’une countries. If you compare Australia’s targets with
“open letter”. Les scientifiques veulent appliquer those of the EU for example, they are far less
une pression des électeurs sur Scott Morrison, la ambitious. Therefore, it shouldn’t be too difficult to
lettre cherche à le mettre en porte-à-faux vis-à-vis achieve their targets. Despite this, looking at the
de sa politique sur le changement climatique. data, Australia will not meet its 2030 targets.
6 The letter is categorical, it makes clear Although their emissions have come down from
statements, backed by evidence, leading towards a time to time (1990/2005) they haven’t made any
conclusion that it paints as more or less inevitable if significant progress in lowering emissions since
something isn’t done. It also outlines the 1990, when the graphs begin. Furthermore, their
responsibilities of Australia’s government “to emissions are projected to increase from 2020,
develop science-informed policies to combat making it increasingly unlikely that they will meet
human-caused climate change” and states their (already unambitious) target. This is
particularly surprising given Australia’s climate and
geography and the terrible toll the wildfires have

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 9

taken on the country. Given that it is more affected Page 219
by climate change, it would seem likely that
Australia would be one of the most determined
countries in rising to the climate change challenge. After the Megafires: What Next for
The fact that Australia is dragging its feet is rather Australian Wildlife?
surprising and even disappointing. Attirer
l’attention sur le Useful vocabulary page 217 et Il s’agit du deuxième document de nature
demander aux élèves de s’en servir dans scientifique. Les auteurs essaient de prendre un peu
l’élaboration de leur paragraphe. de recul dans les mois après les incendies et ils
proposent une analyse des réactions et des pistes
pour la suite. On pourra commencer par lire le titre,
Is Scott Morrison feeling the heat? la date de publication et les qualifications des
auteurs puis demander aux élèves de proposer des
Document qui permet aux élèves de passer du hypothèses sur le contenu.
repérage des faits à l’analyse et à la critique des 1 Megafires have been common in Australia for the
réactions. past 150 years but recently they have become
1 Morrison is depicted as running away from an out- bigger, longer and hotter.
of-control wildfire, while wearing a suit and tie. 2 Australia’s fauna and flora were already suffering
2 In the cartoon, Morrison denies “feeling the heat” from drought and the longer fire season has made
(donner aux élèves du temps pour leur laisser this worse. Experts don’t yet know the exact impacts
déduire le sens de l’expression) despite the fact that the fire will have had on Australia’s animals because
he is being chased by a raging inferno. This the fire will produce a ripple-effect to be felt for
statement is depicted as a clear denial on the part years to come. However, “114 species have lost at
of the Prime Minister. Morrison is wearing a suit and least half of their habitat and 49 have lost over
tie and as head of the Australian government, he is 80%”. It will take a long time for natural habitats to
supposed to emanate authority and control of the recover and therefore animals will continue to suffer
situation. This cartoon clearly suggests that he is for years and even decades to come. Animals that
denying his lack of control over the wildfires and reproduce slowly will be particularly affected.
climate change when it is in fact painfully obvious. Furthermore, if the intensity of the fire season
This cartoon is a scathing critique of Morrison’s repeats itself in years to come, which seems highly
policies on climate change and on his handling of the probable, biodiversity will find it even more difficult
wildfires. to recover. Il s’agit d’une deuxième opportunité
L’enseignant peut choisir d’approfondir le travail pour renforcer le travail sur les nombres, chiffres,
sur les critiques faites à Morrison et sur les décisions statistiques et quantités.
politiques (voir brick 33 – amalgame possible). Il y a 3 According to the article, during the fires, Australia
également de nombreux documents disponibles sur did not do much to protect animals and biodiversity
Internet, par exemple le suivant : because they were too busy reacting to the crisis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNdWtNlJEz and trying to protect humans. However, in the
w immediate aftermath of the fires, the response has
been positive. The federal and states governments
Training TASK have donated money to help with conservation and
Present a political cartoon different organisations were set up to tackle the
Suite logique qui permet approfondir les problem, pinpointing species in great danger and
connaissances sur le sujet, de s’entrainer à taking action to save them.
nouveau à l’argumentation et qui demande aux 4 During the height of the wildfire crisis, Australia
élèves une réflexion et une implication plus and Australian wildfire received a lot of media
personnelle. (Argumentation CECRL B1→ B2) attention so people, in Australia and internationally,
were aware of the crisis and contributed to the
effort to alleviate suffering. The risk for the future is
that the wildfire crisis will no longer be in the news
and therefore the efforts will not be “sustained”
Document utile pour avoir la confirmation que Scott
because “governments and society now grapple
Morrison ne compte pas changer sa politique
with another disaster, COVID-19”. Pour la deuxième
envers le climat.
partie de la question, accepter toute réponse
convenable (continuing media coverage /
volunteers / government support ou toute autre
suggestion pertinente).

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 10

Il pourrait être utile de faire le lien avec l’unité 4 sur [1:49] CARTER EVANS: As Governor Gavin Newsom
l’influence des médias. surveyed the damage in Bute County, he left no
Si l’on veut poursuivre le travail de repérage du doubt about the culprit.
lexique spécifique, on pourra demander aux élèves GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM: This is a climate
de prêter attention au langage et aux tournures damn emergency. This is real. And it’s happening,
employés, tels “intermittently” (l. 1) “scale” (l. 3), this is the perfect storm. It is happening [in]
“ecosystems” (l. 5) “biodiversity” (l. 7) “reproductive unprecedented ways.
output” (l. 14), etc. [liste non exhaustive]. CARTER EVANS: Another governor making multiple
disaster tours, Washington’s Jay Inslee.
Page 220 GOVERNOR JAY INSLEE: California, Oregon,
Washington, we are all in the same soup of
Training TASK cataclysmic fire. And these are conditions that are
Write a report exacerbated by the changing climate that we are
Cette brick est conçue sous forme de deux suffering.
études de cas. La Training task à la fin de la CARTER EVANS: Smoke from the dozens of major
première partie peut être utilisée comme Final wildfires mushroomed into thick blankets of cloud
task si l’enseignant manque de temps ou ne so vast they could be seen from space. Beneath
souhaite traiter que la partie sur l’Australie. Si those clouds a suffocating haze. San Francisco was
l’enseignant souhaite traiter les deux études de bathed in an ominous toxic glow.
cas, la Training task est une occasion pour les POLICE [in car on speakerphone]: Prepare for
élèves de s’entrainer pour la Final task ou pour evacuation.
étoffer les articles proposés dans le magazine. CARTER EVANS: All from fires that keep raging,
stretching resources to the limit.
CARTER EVANS [interviewing]: If fires like this
continue to be the norm, do we have enough
Les élèves trouveront là des pistes pour people in this state to fight them?
suivre l’évolution de la situation en Australie et FIREWOMAN SENECA SMITH: We don’t.
notamment vérifier si les inquiétudes exprimées CARTER EVANS: [reporting] We met battalion chief
dans la conclusion du document “After the Seneca Smith on the lines of the Eldorado fire,
Megafires…” étaient fondées. eighty miles east of Los Angeles.
[Interviewing] How many more personnel would
you normally have on a fire like this?
SENECA SMITH: Right now we’re just a little over
four hundred and I’d say a fire of this size and
complexity we’d be probably looking at close to
The Golden State burns red eight hundred to a thousand. So we need essentially
Video 3 script: Apocalyptic Western CARTER EVANS: By week’s end, there was at least
Wildfires some relief in sight. Winds were starting to die
CBS Sunday Morning, 13 September 2020 down, rain may soon visit the North West and after
FEMALE REPORTER IN STUDIO: For folks up and going through such misery it’s hard to fathom that
down much of the West Coast, this has been a week the worst may be yet to come.
of fire and destruction. As of this weekend, western
wildfires have burned through an area about the Vidéo reportage qui présente la situation en
size of the state of New Jersey. Correspondent Californie.
Carter Evans is in Berry Creek California. 1 Much of the west coast/Berry Creek
CARTER EVANS [Male reporter on the ground]: California/From Washington State to Southern
Never in the American West has so much burned so California
quickly or so destructively. Escaping the flames 2 The weather conditions: high temperatures,
often meant driving through them. And every day dryness/no humidity and lots of wind (“record-
brings more heartache, news of those who could shattering heat, bone dry humidity and powerful
not get out. This was a week of extremes, record- winds.”). Climate change.
shattering heat, bone dry humidity and powerful 3 The fires were extremely destructive. According to
winds. From Washington State to Southern the journalist, the fires “have burned through an
California, entire communities were wiped out. area about the size of the state of New Jersey.”
[00:54] “Never in the American West has so much burned so

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 11

quickly or so destructively.” (accepter des réponses • En terminale, certains élèves sont encore dans
qui commentent le contenu visuel aussi) une réflexion très scolaire ou ils veulent savoir s’ils
4 Governors Jay Inslee and Gavin Newsom see a link ont « juste ou faux ». Cet exercice les entraîne à la
between the wildfires and climate change. Governor traduction bien évidemment, mais aussi à
Newsom called the situation a “climate damn l’autonomie. Laisser les élèves discuter des
emergency”. According to Jay Inslee, the fires are différentes possibilités de traduction et
“exacerbated by the changing climate”. comprendre qu’il n’y a pas forcément une seule
5 There aren’t nearly enough firefighters to combat réponse juste ou même une seule structure
the fires/There are only 400 firefighters whereas grammaticale appropriée, mais plutôt un (ou des)
they need at least the double/800-1000. processus de raisonnement logique qui permet
6 The overall tone of the document is negative. The d’arriver à un résultat satisfaisant en termes de
fires are portrayed as disastrous events. In the title, sens, de fluidité et d’esthétique.
the videos are called “apocalyptic”. Words such as
“toxic, “emergency” and “ominous” are also used.
We see devastating images of burnt towns and
raging infernos. None of the people interviewed give
any hope to listeners. The journalist ends the video American Vs British English
with the disturbing supposition that “the worst may On peut attirer l’attention des élèves sur les
be yet to come”. différentes prononciations du /r/ sans entrer dans
des approches trop techniques pour le secondaire.
Autres exemples /r/ rhotic ou non rhotic dans le
Describing disasters texte :
Exercice permettant d’améliorer le vocabulaire des western/powerful/entire/perfect/governor/tour/
élèves. Les corrections proposées sont des exacerbated/four/starting/North/hard
suggestions. Accepter toute réponse convenable. Un lien pourra être établi entre cette activité et le
• Cataclysmic = disastrous/calamitous/catastrophic travail conduit dans la brick 44 (unité 13),
≠ blessed/fortunate notamment à partir de la vidéo montrant le
• Thick = concentrated/dense ≠ slight/thin/weak spectacle de Trevor Noah page 300.
• Vast = gigantic/immense ≠ limited/minute
• Suffocating = smothering/stifling ≠ Page 221
• Ominous = dire/sinister/inauspicious ≠
propitious/auspicious/promising What is causing the wildfires?
• Toxic = deadly/lethal/noxious ≠
harmless/wholesome Série de graphiques permettant de schématiser le
lien entre les incendies et le changement
climatique. On pourra imaginer un travail de
La modulation groupes suivi d’une mise en commun.
Exercice d’initiation à une technique de traduction 1 Humans are the main causes of wildfires. This
utile et répandue. surprises/doesn’t surprise me.
• It is happening in unprecedented ways 2 (Only) 16% of fires start from natural causes –
Cela se passe de façon/de manière inédite / sous lightning strikes.
une forme sans précédent 3 17% of fires are deliberate. That is to say they are
It is not happening in ways we expected. caused by arson.
Cela ne se passe pas comme prévu / comme on s’y 4 The largest factor contributing to wildfires is the
attendait / de la façon à laquelle on s’attendait. burning of trash/rubbish and debris.
These are conditions that are exacerbated by the 5 According to the document, wildfire season is
changing climate. getting longer; In the early 1970’s, wildfire seasons
Ces conditions sont aggravées / accentuées par le(s) lasted 5 months on average. Today it lasts 7 months.
changement(s) climatique(s) Furthermore, there are more wildfires during
These are conditions that are not improved by the wildfire season. In the 1980s there were (on
changing climate average) 140 wildfires. In the 2000’s it had almost
Ces conditions se sont aggravées / ont empiré / ne doubled, with 250 wildfires!
se sont pas améliorées avec le changement 6 Climate change is causing temperatures to rise in
climatique / Le changement climatique exacerbe les the USA. This means that snow is melting sooner.
conditions [météorologiques/actuelles] Both of these conditions contribute to wildfires

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 12

because forests are drier for a longer time making it Page 223
easier for fires to spread.
7 Climate change is an indirect cause of wildfires
because it contributes to conditions that allow What western states can learn from
wildfire to spread. Climate change means higher Native American wildfire management
temperatures and more dryness over longer periods.
Climate change means fires are easier to start and
to spread and more difficult to stop. Insister sur le
lien « indirect » en non « direct ». Texte qui propose des solutions alternatives et
moins politisées sur la gestion des inendies, avec
une emphase sur les techniques ancestrales des
peuples indigènes mises en opposition avec le
Training TASK “West”. La comparaison se révèle peu flatteuse
Give an interview on the radio pour ce dernier. Possibilité de faire le pont avec
La réalisation de cette tâche permet de l’Australie et la population indigène qui utilise des
consolider les connaissances concernant les techniques similaires ou avec les bricks 28
causes des incendies, mais aussi de travailler sur (Reclaiming territory) et 31 (partie 3 : The Dene’s
les structures pour exprimer la cause et la dilemma).
conséquence, les chiffres et les statistiques. 1 Accepter les différentes hypothèses.
2 As the title suggests, the document is about the
Page 222 strategies put in place by Native American
communities to combat fires.
3 According to this document, wildfires are part of
California’s ecosystem and they contribute to its
Transcript “California Governor Gavin
“rich biodiversity”.
Newsom gives press conference while 4 Westerners are frightened by fire. They see
touring damage from North Complex Fire” wildfires as “natural disasters” that they cannot
control and they try to prevent or minimise fires.
Dans ce document au format atypique, le Native peoples, on the other hand, see fire as
gouverneur Gavin Newsom utilise les incendies cleansing or as medicine. They know fire plays an
comme prétexte pour parler des stratégies et “important ecological role” and they set “prescribed
initiatives politiques contre le changement burns” as a service to the people and the land.
climatique. 5 Native populations set regular “low-severity” fires
1 Newsom links the extreme weather conditions in that allow for renewal and prevent out of control
California to climate change. He says that California fires because there is less to burn. Westerners try to
has experienced the hottest August in its history. suppress all fires. So, when there is a wildfire there
They have “had 14,000 dry lightning strikes over a is far more material to burn and the fire rages out of
three-day period” and “arguable the hottest control. Unlike Westerners, Native people have been
recorded temperature in the history of mankind”. successful at managing fires for generations.
For Newsom, there are arguments showing that 6 Recently, Westerns have begun to realise that they
climate change is real and present in California. have a lot to learn from native “indigenous burning”
2 He suggests that climate change will be solved and local and state governments are turning to
through investment. He thinks we should invest in native peoples to ask for help on controlling fire
clean energy and in “decarbonising the economy”. risks.
He is applying this solution in California. He says that
California is investing in a green economy “five to Final TASK
one”. He says California has “more green jobs than Write an article
they do fossil fuel jobs”. Travail collaboratif qui permet aux élèves
3 A big state. California is “the largest state in our d’approfondir leurs connaissances sur les aspects
union”. du sujet qui les intéressent le plus. Il serait sans
4 According to Newsom, states need to collaborate doute utile d’insister sur la nécessité de faire des
on climate change and greenhouse emissions. recherches journalistiques, d’inclure des chiffres et
Among others, California is working with the state des statistiques en provenance de sources
of Washington. They have formed a US alliance of facilement vérifiables. Le fait de pouvoir lire les
25 states determined to implement the Paris travaux des autres assure une meilleure maîtrise du
Protocol. sujet et pourrait fournir des pistes pour des
documents utiles pour la préparation du Grand

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 13

Oral. On pourrait même envisager de publier le main leur destin pour relever eux-mêmes ce défi de
produit fini au lycée et le proposer aux élèves en taille ?
dehors de la spécialité. La Final task a été conçue
pour pouvoir être réalisable si l’enseignant a Extrait du B.O.
travaillé sur l’Australie et la Californie ou seulement « …il est important de considérer les politiques
l’un de ces deux territoires. S’il y a des élèves publiques et privées de ces différents pays à
anglophones dans la classe (ou non natifs, mais très l’échelle de la planète (concept de transition
à l’aise), on pourra envisager un rôle d’édition et de planétaire impliquant les mesures des
correction pour les valoriser et les responsabiliser. gouvernements, des ONG et des citoyens) ainsi que
les représentations du changement climatique
apportées par les médias et le cinéma
anglophones. »
Des pistes sont proposées, permettant
d’approfondir les sujets explorés dans la brick ou PROBLÉMATIQUE
d’examiner des sujets inédits liés aux feux et non Un nouveau leadership environnemental est-il
traités dans la brick. nécessaire ?
Is there a need for a new environmental
Page 224 leadership?

La Final task permettra aux élèves de prendre

position en s’exprimant à l’écrit sur un pays et un
Taking Action: sujet de leur choix. Ils réfléchiront aux liens entre les
Political Decisions décisions politiques des Etats et leurs effets sur
l’environnement. À travers l’écriture d’une lettre
La brick 33 ouverte (ou pétition), ils pourront réagir aux lois,
“We are at a unique stage in our history. Never mesures, initiatives, actions et bien sûr politiques
before have we had such an awareness of what we mises en place et réfléchir à ce qu’ils aimeraient
are doing to the planet.” Sans équivoque, voici les critiquer, condamner, dénoncer, mais également
derniers mots de Sir David Attenborough, rédacteur améliorer en proposant solutions et alternatives.
scientifique, écrivain et naturaliste britannique,
prononcés à la fin de Blue Planet II, série La brick est structurée en trois parties :
documentaire britannique produite par la BBC. 1 A matter of political will?: à travers les choix de
Alors que nous entrons peu à peu dans l’ère de certains dirigeants politiques, la question de
l’après Covid-19 et que le monde se redresse l’environnement repose-t-elle sur la seule volonté
lentement, les habitants de notre belle planète de nos leaders ?
réclament haut et fort une nouvelle direction, plus 2 Teamwork for a global solution: l’union fait-elle la
écologique et plus durable. “We can no longer take force ? Le succès dépend-il d’un travail d’équipe
life, as we know it, for granted” prévient entre les États (question du multilatéralisme) ?
Attenborough dans son dernier documentaire, A 3 Taking matters into your own hands: quel rôle les
Life on our planet. L’analyse édifiante qu’il livre dans citoyens jouent-ils ? Est-ce à eux de prendre les
ce film constitue un véritable défi pour tous les choses en main en s’emparant du leadership
dirigeants mondiaux. Ces derniers doivent environnemental ?
maintenant prendre la mesure de l’urgence
climatique en œuvrant pour une politique Page 224
alternative crédible, à même de relever les défis
environnementaux de ce début de siècle. Mais nos
dirigeants politiques ont-ils le pouvoir de construire
ce nouvel avenir ? Face à l’urgente nécessité d’un
leadership solide en matière de durabilité Cette première partie propose de mettre en lumière
environnementale, nos leaders d’aujourd’hui les actions menées par les dirigeants politiques et
peuvent-ils être aussi les leaders du climat ? Ne de constater quelques disparités dans la gestion de
s’agit-il là que d’une simple volonté politique la crise environnementale.
laissant chaque pays libre de décider par ailleurs ?
Les nations devraient-elles plutôt unir leurs forces
pour trouver ensemble des solutions ? Ou bien
appartient-il désormais aux citoyens de prendre en

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 14

L.36 confirms the ambitious role NZ wants to play:
Our so-called leaders? “The bill effectively cements New Zealand’s position
as a climate leader in the Pacific.”
1 The cartoon represents a watch and Australia’s Jacinda Ardern acknowledges the issue of climate
Prime Minister Scott Morrison in the middle of it. His change and claims that it is crucial to her: “We’re
arms represent the hands of the watch and he is here because our world is warming. Undeniably it is
holding coal in each hand. The top of the watch face warming.”
is on fire. 2 “A position that the Australian government has
2 Morrison is known for defending the coal industry appeared willing to abdicate. In contrast to New
in his country. He shares with U.S. former President Zealand, Australia has fiercely defended its reliance
D. Trump a disinterest in addressing climate change on fossil fuels.”
and the defence of coal remains at the centre of his • Australia has failed to tackle climate change
political vision (his tenure as Prime Minister has whereas New Zealand has declared “climate
indeed been marked by his refusal to acknowledge emergency”.
the scientifically confirmed link between the fossil- • Australia chooses to “ignore” climate change
fuel industry and climate change). The spring of whereas New Zealand makes climate a priority.
2019 was Australia’s driest on record. But, instead • Morrison & coal: he defends his country’s reliance
of changing his stance, Morrison championed a pro- on fossil fuels/defense of coal remains at the centre
fossil-fuel policy that included plans for a new coal- of Morrison’s political vision. With a piece of coal in
fired power plant, and the allocation of ten million his hand, Morrison defended his commitment to the
dollars toward a study assessing whether to revive a coal industry and praised Australia’s dependence on
decommissioned coal plant in Queensland. this energy source as the basis of the country’s
(https://www.newyorker.com/news/news- prosperity. Australia whose emission reduction
desk/when-will-australias-prime-minister-accept- targets remain singularly unambitious seems
the-reality-of-the-climate-crisis) determined to build a future based on coal.
Australia is not at the table of leaders who have set • New Zealand is regarded as a “climate leader in
a clear direction for a cleaner world where fossil the Pacific,” where Morrison “was scolded by Pacific
fuels do not dominate, where coal is in a death spiral Island leaders for his decision to open more coal
and oil and gas greatly diminished. Prime Minister mines”.
Scott Morrison has been accused of ignoring climate • The Australians feel disillusioned by their
change concerns. “government’s environmental policies” and “in awe
Voir brick 32 : “Wildfires” pour plus d’informations of New Zealand’s” climate pledge and leadership.
sur la politique climatique de Scott Morrison.
Page 225
Pages 224-225

Being two-faced on climate

New Zealand cements itself as leader in
Video 1 script: Greta Thunberg calls-out Trudeau
the Pacific on climate issues as Australia
for being two-faced on climate
abdicates The Rational National, 9 Febuary 2020
DAVID DOEL: Climate activist Greta Thunberg called
1 Jacinda Ardern intends to take action to combat out Justin Trudeau for essentially being two-faced.
climate change and she is ambitious. She has Now, she didn’t use her own words, but she did
announced “the country’s commitment to the Paris quote a fantastic report in The Guardian by Bill
Agreement into law,” and “vows” to take action in McKibben, a climate activist, on just how
order to tackle climate issues. backwards, Justin Trudeau is, when it comes to the
Paragraph 2 shows how ambitious J. Ardern is: issue of climate change, or I should say how
• She intends to become “carbon neutral” and the dishonest he is when it comes to climate change.
“Zero Carbon Bill sets a net-zero target for almost all First, let me show you the tweet that she put out
greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.” here. So you can see here Greta tweeted out, quote
• She plans to “create an independent Climate – this is quoting the article from Bill McKibben –
Change Commission to steer government policy.” quote, if an alcoholic assured you he was taking his
• She has “promised to plant 1 billion trees over 10 condition very seriously, but also laying in a 40-year-
years” and will “ensure that the electricity grid runs store of Bourbon, you’d be entitled to doubt his
entirely from renewable energy by 2035.” sincerity, by Bill McKibben. So I got to give you a
little taste of this article, cause it is… it’s very, it’s

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 15

very well written. It’s a must read. And it is not all you know what, let’s not get there. But I’m just
that long, I know people sometimes, you know, you telling you, you can’t vote for people like this
got things to do, but it ends here, it’s pretty quick. anymore. You can’t. It’s done. It’s over. The planet
I’ll give you a little bit here cause I just, this is a really is dying. Or I shouldn’t say the planet is dying. We
great piece, and it shows you how… how dishonest are dying. Humanity will die on this planet, if we
Trudeau is when it comes to climate. So Bill continue down the path that we were on with
McKibben says here, “Americans elected Donald governments like this. No more neoliberal crap!
Trump who insisted that climate change was a hoax.
So it’s no surprise that since taking office, he’s been 1 • Greta Thunberg (born January 3, 2003,
all in for the fossil fuel industry. There’s no sense Stockholm, Sweden), Swedish environmental
despairing, the energy is better spent fighting to activist who worked to address the problem of
remove him from office. Canada, on the other hand, climate change, founding (2018) a movement
elected a government that believes the climate known as Fridays for Future (also called School
crisis is real and dangerous. And with good reason, Strike for Climate).
since the nation’s Arctic territories give it a front- • Justin Trudeau (born December 25, 1971) is a
row seat to the fastest warming on Earth. Yet the Canadian politician who has served as the 23rd
country’s leaders seem likely in the next few weeks prime minister of Canada since 2015 and has been
to approve a vast new tar sands mine, which will the leader of the Liberal Party since 2013.
pour carbon into the atmosphere through the 2 Someone who is two-faced is not sincere, saying
2060s. They know, yet they can’t bring themselves unpleasant things about you to other people while
to act on the knowledge. Now, that is cause for seeming to be pleasant when they are with you
despair. This is a huge issue with neoliberal (Cambridge).
governments, with governments like Justin On the cartoon: we see Justin Trudeau with “two
Trudeau’s, where it’s all, you know, change on the faces” one face is turned towards big wealthy men
outside, “Oh, yes, gender neutral cabinet, oh, yes, smoking cigars, holding a golden shovel, full of
of course, climate change is real, gotta take it dollars flying all around them, a dump truck in the
seriously”. And then behind the scenes, this is background = the capitalists / The other face is
what’s actually going on. Let me just give you a little turned towards men holding the Paris Agreement
bit more here. “The Teck mine would be the biggest document. They are surrounded with flowers and
tar sands mine yet, a 113 square miles of petroleum unicorns and there is a rainbow and a wind turbine
mining located just 16 miles from the border of in the background = the ecologists.
Wood Buffalo National Park, a federal panel = Justin Trudeau is torn between these two models
approved the mine despite conceding that it would and doesn’t clearly take a stance.
likely be harmful to the environment and to the land Greta Thunberg’s tweet confirms this idea: she
culture... – sorry – and to the land culture of blames Justin Trudeau (and others like him) for
Indigenous people. These giant tar sands mines, declaring a climate emergency while accepting
easily visible on Google Earth, are already among another pipeline project = hypocrisy.
the biggest scars humans have ever carved on the 3 Greta Thunberg who is denouncing/scolding
planet’s surface. But Canadian authorities ruled that Trudeau. Or Justin Trudeau who is trying to justify
the mine was nothing, was nonetheless in the public himself.
interest.” And this is reminder, as Bill McKibben 4 “dishonest,” “doubt his sincerity”/“hypocrisy”, “on
points out here, of what Justin Trudeau said back in
the outside”/“behind the scenes”/“this
2017, shortly after he became prime minister.
bullshit”/“they know, yet they can’t bring
JUSTIN TRUDEAU: As I said, on the very first trip to
themselves to acknowledge”/“backwards”/“an
the oil patch back in 2012, no country would find
alcoholic in a Bourbon store”
173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and just leave
them there
DAVID DOEL: This is the climate change Prime
• She compares him to an alcoholic “laying in a 40-
year store of Bourbon” who assures you that he is
JUSTIN TRUDEAU: The resource will be developed.
taking his condition very seriously.
Our job is to ensure that this is done responsibly,
• She blames him for saying one thing and then
safely and sustainably.
doing another (in this case, the opposite!).
DAVID DOEL: Yes, let’s sustainably take all these
• “a huge issue” = Canada elected a government
barrels of oil, billions of barrels of oil, out of the
that “believes the climate crisis is real and
ground, we can sustainably do that. I’m, I’m done
dangerous” and yet, is doing nothing to make it
with these kinds of governments, I’m done with this
better, even worse than that, they continue to make
bullshit. Which is why if we’re talking about Bernie,

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 16

decisions that will aggravate the issue. He doesn’t The “h” sound
respect his commitment and promises. honest et dishonest : on ne prononce pas le [h], car
Conclusion: Justin Trudeau is a hypocrite, a liar. The il est exceptionnellement ‘muet’.
journalist underlines these leaders’ hypocrisy: “it’s Autres exceptions : hour – heir – honour
all change on the outside… oh, yes… and then,
behind the scene…”. Suggestion pédagogique : afin de faire le point à la
fin de cette première partie et également pour
GROUP B préparer la Training task, il peut être judicieux de
• Justin Trudeau intends to have a Teck mine. proposer aux élèves une activité de médiation dont
• Justin Trudeau claims that no country would find le compte-rendu peut se faire à l’écrit ou oralement.
oil barrels in the ground and leave them there. He Proposition : After observing and studying the
simply can’t do it. He intends to exploit the resource documents in this chapter, split into 4 groups and
“responsibly, safely and sustainably”. answer the questions.
• David Doel is annoyed, irritated, exasperated, Group A. What do most countries’ leaders want to
disgusted, bitter, angry. He can’ no longer stand the tackle? How?
hypocrisy of these people. He seems greatly Group B. Which countries seem to be “bad pupils”?
disappointed and upset. What are they criticised for?
“You can’t vote for people like this anymore. It’s Group C. Explain (and try to answer) the subtitle
done.” = they are hypocrites and liars, you can’t question “a matter of political will?”
trust them. They are only interested in economic Group D. In your opinion, are all these measures,
profits and do not care about the environment. With undertaken by the governments, enough to tackle
these people, money always comes first. the issue of climate change? Why/why not?
5 In this video, the journalist denounces the
hypocrisy of the Canadian government, which Training TASK
claims to be concerned about the climate crisis but Write a letter/article or do an interview/
does not renounce the profits that the exploitation give a speech
of oil mines on its territory would bring. The Cette Training task permet aux élèves de faire
journalist is disgusted by the hypocritical attitude of le point. Quels pays sont plutôt de bons/mauvais
his government and shares with us all his bitterness. élèves en matière d’engagement climatique ?
6 Un exemple de production (mais des avis Ils pourront choisir de critiquer ou de saluer les
divergents pourront s’exprimer) : efforts d’un pays de leur choix, en veillant à
I do share his point of view, and feel as disillusioned apporter des arguments et des exemples
as David Doel when I watch this video. Like Greta concrets.
Thunberg and David Doel, I feel betrayed by our
leaders, I feel they cannot be trusted anymore
because they will never be able to “bring themselves TEAMWORK FOR A GLOBAL SOLUTION
to act on the knowledge” that… If they continue to
lead the world, the planet won’t survive… Le multilatéralisme est-il la solution pour faire face
à des enjeux tels que l’environnement et le climat ?
Page 226 Cette deuxième partie se concentre principalement
sur le « Pacte vert », action menée par l’Europe
pour répondre à l’urgence climatique. Le G20 et les
Accords de Paris ont également pour ambition de
Vous trouverez ici l’article de The Gardian trouver des solutions communes en favorisant la
commenté par David Doel, intitulé “When it comes coopération entre les Etats.
to climate hypocrisy, Canada’s leaders have reached
a new low”. Cet article a été écrit par Bill McKibben, Pages 226-227
journaliste américain, mais également auteur et
militant écologiste, fondateur du site 350.org.
McKibben souligne l’hypocrisie dérangeante de What is the EU doing?
certains dirigeants politiques qui prétendent être
aussi des « leaders du climat » soucieux d’agir en
Article 1:
faveur de l’environnement, alors que leurs actions
New EU leaders take office vowing to tackle
prouvent le contraire.
climate change

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 17

Article 2: The new EU leaders intend to prevent global
EU to tackle methane gases, boost energy warming by reducing greenhouse/methane gas
efficiency emissions and limiting the use of dangerous
chemicals. They plan to tackle overconsumption of
energy, waste management, use of chemicals and
1 FYI: Climate change and environmental
will take action in several sectors such as
degradation are an existential threat to Europe and agriculture/building construction/manufacturing.
the world. To overcome these challenges, Europe Last but not least, they are also willing to make
needs a new growth strategy that will transform the people aware of the dangers of chemical
Union into a modern, resource-efficient and substances. Not only do they aim to make Europe
competitive economy, where: greener/safer/more eco-friendly/more ecological/
• there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases by create environmentally friendly jobs, but they also
2050; expect to create jobs.
• economic growth is decoupled from resource use;
• no person and no place are left behind. Page 227
The European Green Deal is our plan to make the
EU’s economy sustainable. We can do this by
turning climate and environmental challenges into
opportunities and making the transition just and • Le rôle du G20 est de renforcer la coopération
inclusive for all. internationale, notamment en temps de crise. Le
https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019- G20 est né d’une volonté de trouver, ensemble, des
2024/european-green-deal_en solutions aux différentes crises économiques qui
2 Motivated – determined to combat climate ont affecté les pays du monde entier. Dans sa
change / dynamic and united (a team) = they want volonté de faire en sorte que la mondialisation
to combat climate change together / hopeful, profite à tous les pays, le G20 affirme que le
enthusiastic, willing to deal with/tackle it. réchauffement de notre planète est aussi une
3 • They have “new plans” to combat (“slow down”) affaire de mondialisation, car « aucun pays, aussi
global warming. puissant soit-il, ne sera en mesure de faire face,
• They want to reduce pollution by methane gas seul, au changement climatique » (Paul Martin,
emissions (l. 3-4) / greenhouse gas emissions (“to at cofondateur du G20) et insiste sur l’importance du
least 55%”), l. 13. soutien apporté par les grandes institutions
• How: renovate millions of old buildings (l. 5); multilatérales (telles que l’ONU).
reduce chemical use (l. 9); • Pour lutter contre le changement climatique et
• Ambition: cut “greenhouse gas emissions to at ses impacts négatifs, 197 pays ont adopté l’Accord
least 55% of what they were in 1990 over the next de Paris lors de la COP21 à Paris le 12 décembre
decade” and reach the goal of “producing zero net 2015. L’objectif central de l’Accord de Paris est de
polluting emissions across Europe by 2050”. renforcer la réponse mondiale à la menace du
4 • Locate major gas leaks (using satellites) and changement climatique en maintenant
repair them; • Propose new rules to limit the release l’augmentation de la température mondiale à un
and burning of waste gases; • Reduce farm niveau bien inférieur à 2°C par rapport aux niveaux
emissions; • Reduce landfill gases. préindustriels et de poursuivre les efforts pour
5 • Renovation means “renovate old building” = limiter encore davantage l’augmentation de la
double their number over the next 10 years/make température à 1,5°C (https://unfccc.int).
them “more energy efficient” (l. 4-5) = 35 million L’Accord de Paris rassemble 197 pays et ouvre la
buildings can be renovated; • they need good voie à une solution qui se veut véritablement
projects and good legislation; • It will create new mondiale.
jobs, “green jobs” in the construction sector = this is
good for small businesses because they will get new Suggestion pédagogique : pour clore cette partie,
contracts and will reduce energy bills (save money). on peut proposer aux élèves de former des petits
6 They want people to become aware of the danger groupes de discussion (de 2, 3 ou 4 élèves) au sein
of chemicals, i.e., the use of harmful substances and desquels ils s’exprimeront autour de quelques mots
the health risks involved. They plan to remove clés (que l’on pourra afficher les uns après les autres
chemicals from consumer products and strengthen dans un diaporama). Propositions de mots (qui
the laws that regulate their use. seront des points de départ à la discussion) :
7 Il est aussi possible de proposer la liste de mots emergency – taking action – team work et les
manquants. expressions : unity is strength – when there’s a will,

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 18

there’s a way. On proposera ensuite à ceux qui le • is also very courageous: she stands her ground and
souhaitent de s’exprimer en classe entière. dares criticise powerful world leaders, “she blasted
3 Some people • admire her, agree with her and
Cette activité permettra aux élèves d’approfondir want to follow her; • criticise her, mock her; • try to
leurs connaissances sur l’ensemble des initiatives discredit her.
politiques proposées par la Commission
européenne ou « Pacte vert pour l’Europe ».
Suggestion pédagogique : présentation orale sous
forme de Pecha Kucha (en proposant 10 à 20 Gerunds
diapositives). Chaque diapositive dure 20 secondes, • Le verbe est en -ing après une préposition (for, of,
soit une présentation de 3 min 20 à 6 min 40 by)
maximum. •-ing après avoid
•stop ; enjoy, suggest, consider, waste time ; mind,
Page 228 etc.
Réponses libres.

« Trop c’est trop ! » Face à l’inaction ou à - « elle a vivement reproché aux politiciens de
l’impuissance des Etats ou institutions politiques, compter sur les jeunes pour… »
certains citoyens ont décidé de prendre les choses - « Greta Thunberg a accusé les puissances
en main. Ils remettent en question, dénoncent, mondiales de tenter constamment de négocier des
accusent, combattent, luttent, exhortent, inventent échappatoires. »
et proposent des solutions. Ces initiatives qui se - « La militante a réagi en modifiant provisoirement
veulent d’abord citoyennes, peuvent-elles changer sa biographie sur Twitter. »
la donne ? - « pour éviter de porter leur ambition. »

Training TASK
Greta Thunberg named Time Person of Choose your “Time magazine’s
the Year for 2019 Person of the Year”
Il s’agit ici de mettre en lumière un défenseur ou
1 • Greta Thunberg (born January 3, 2003, une défenseuse de l’environnement en
Stockholm, Sweden), Swedish environmental présentant ses qualités, ses idées et ses actions.
activist who worked to address the problem of - Si les élèves manquent d’idées, ils pourront
climate change, founding (2018) a movement chercher un « champion » sur Internet ou utiliser
known as Fridays for Future (also called School le Build up your file de la brick 8 p. 67.
Strike for Climate). - On pourra les encourager à reproduire la page
• She denounces people (especially world leaders) de couverture de Time (il existe des modèles sur
for their lack of action to combat global warming. Internet). Ils pourront également utiliser un site
• Her message = she will keep fighting for climate tel que Canva pour créer la couverture et l’article.
and she will keep denouncing those who do nothing
to tackle this issue. Page 229
2 Because she:
• “sparked a worldwide movement”, “she has
become a strong voice for action on climate change, An earthshot prize
inspiring millions of students to join protests around
the world.” Video 2 script: The Earthshot Prize
• “became the biggest voice on the biggest issue Earthshot Prize, 31 December 2019
facing the planet this year, coming from essentially DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: Ours is a world of wonder.
nowhere to lead a worldwide movement.” Every day, it reminds us of its beauty. It touches us,
• dared to defy her government with her school teaches us and astounds us. But it also warns us that
strikes. what we throw away does not go away. That higher
• is well-known and admired for her bold public temperatures mean a lot more than longer
stances against politicians. summers. That we can no longer take life, as we
• is young and determined. know it, for granted. We are at a unique stage in our

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 19

history, never before have we had such an It conveys: ambition / determination / innovation /
awareness of what we are doing to the planet, and challenge / competition / inspiration / magic/
never before have we had the power to do extraordinary / prestigious / original.
something about that. We face a series of • Aim = encourage initiative and motivate “a new
unprecedented challenges to nature and life on generation of thinkers, leaders and dreamers” to
Earth. But humans have an extraordinary power to find new ideas/solutions to combat climate change
solve the greatest of challenges: we invent, and “repair our planet.”
navigate, see, cure, travel, move, participate, FYI: The Earthshot Prize consists of five “Earthshots”
demonstrate. The most audacious of them all: to (= reviving the Oceans, Restoring and Protecting
land a man on the moon, the Moonshot. Nature, Fixing the Climate, Clean Our Air, and build
PRESIDENT KENNEDY: We choose to go to the Moon a Waste-Free World). £1 million prizes to be
in this decade and do the other things, not because awarded (each year for 10 years) to individuals or
they are easy, but because they are hard. groups for tackling problems ranging from climate
DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A seemingly impossible change to conservation to air pollution and water
task that over a single decade became a reality, and quality.
along the way united the world. It’s that same spirit 2 The Earthshot Prize is a very ambitious project:
that can guide us today as we confront the serious “But the Prize is about much more than awarding
challenges we face on Earth. This year, Prince achievement […] it is a decade of action to [...]
William and the Global Alliance launch the most inspire people all over the world to work together to
prestigious environment prize in history: the repair the planet.”
Earthshot Prize. A global prize designed to motivate FYI: The Earthshot Prize will present five £1 million
and inspire a new generation of thinkers, leaders, awards each year for the next 10 years with the aim
and dreamers to think differently. Visionaries of producing at least 50 solutions to the world’s
rewarded over the next decade for responding to starkest challenges; it was inspired by US President
the great challenges of our time. A decade of action John F. Kennedy’s “Moonshot” project in the 1960s;
to repair our planet. The Earthshot Prize, coming The prize is supported by a global coalition of
soon. individuals, philanthropists, organisations and
businesses with the winners to be announced each
1 An ambitious programme for the Earth, a project, year at a ceremony in a different city around the
a reward. globe, starting with London in 2021; The jury will
Split into 2 groups include a host of high-profile global figures,
GROUP A: including Queen Rania of Jordan, Australian actress
• “it touches us, teaches us and astounds us, but Cate Blanchett, British naturalist David
also warns us.” Attenborough and the Colombian singer Shakira; it
David Attenborough believes humans have overrun aims at repairing the planet in only a decade.
the planet without being aware of what they were Source: https://www.france24.com/en/20201007-
doing: they have taken nature for granted, prince-william-launches-most-prestigious-
impacting the environment with their actions. But environment-prize
he says that “we are [now] at a unique stage in our 3 Réponses libres.
history. Never before have we had such an
awareness of what we are doing to the planet.” Now
people are aware of the deplorable consequences of Pronouncing the letter “a”
human activity on the planet. They know it is time to [eɪ] stage, nature, audacious, generation, decade,
lead urgent action and start living differently. to face
• “humans have an extraordinary power to solve the [æ] planet, challenge, man, reality, action, travel
greatest of challenges.” David Attenborough has [ə] human, away, alliance, awareness
confidence in human beings who can reinvent
themselves and find solutions to solve the Training TASK
challenges they are facing. Humans have been
Write a letter
audacious enough to land on the Moon, they are
Dans cette Training task, les élèves peuvent
certainly also capable of finding solutions to
travailler seuls ou à deux. Ils devront se montrer
“seemingly impossible tasks.”
convaincants pour décrire précisément leur idée
novatrice, mais également pour persuader le
prince William qu’il s’agit d’une solution efficace.
• President Kennedy used the expression
On peut ensuite imaginer mettre en commun les
“Moonshot” for the 1st man on the Moon.
productions en utilisant certains outils

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 20

numériques tels que Wooclap par exemple, afin 2 - The logo shows a skull with a dolphin and a
de projeter les lettres et les faire lire à l’ensemble whale. There is a trident and a shepherd’s staff
de la classe. Après lecture, les élèves pourront, crossed under the skull.
de façon interactive, dire s’ils aiment l’idée ou - It reminds me of a pirate flag / the jolly roger.
non, et pourquoi. Si l’ambiance de classe est - Shepherd = not taking care of sheep but looking
bonne, on pourra également leur proposer de after fish / protecting the ocean.
deviner qui, dans le groupe, a imaginé telle ou - How they operate = because the logo looks like a
telle solution. pirate flag + on the seas = we can suppose they
resort to violence.
Page 230 3 FYI: Paul Watson, (born December 2, 1950,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Canadian American
environmental activist who founded (1977) the Sea
Avengers of the seas Shepherd Conservation Society, an organisation
that seeks to protect marine wildlife.
Video 3 script: Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson He has devoted his life to saving whales and
Terra Mater, 14 July 2020 protecting the ocean. He believes that the seas and
PAUL WATSON (today): Life started in the ocean. It's oceans are “the most important place on earth”: “a
the lifeblood of the planet. I said, everything I do in lifeblood of the planet.” It is only by safeguarding
my life will be for that and to protect our ocean and the biodiversity of our delicately balanced ocean
they punish me for having the audacity to oppose ecosystems, that we can ensure the survival for
their illegal activities. future generations. “If the ocean dies, we all die.”
OFF-VOICE 1: Interpol has issued a red notice for He must be “on the frontlines of the greatest battle”.
eco-terrorist, Paul Watson. He feels that “it is our moral obligations” to stop
OFF-VOICE 2: Anyone who knows of his poachers and save marine animals.
whereabouts contact authorities. 4 “that” = hang banners, take pictures and observe
PAUL WATSON (younger): I feel that it's our moral (like Greenpeace). He can’t see what is happening
obligation to prevent criminals from raping and and “do nothing at all.” He thinks it is his job to take
plundering that this planet has for all of us. action. He doesn’t have a choice.
PAUL WATSON (today): But I can't back down. This 5 - They don’t hang banners, take pictures and
is too important. If the ocean dies, we all die. The
observe (like Greenpeace) > they TAKE ACTION =
Greenpeace approach was to hang banners, take
more aggressive views and confrontational
pictures and observe. I can’t do that.
PAUL WATSON (younger): If what we do involves
- Nickname: “Eco terrorist” (FYI: also nicknamed
confrontations, so be it.
“The Rambo of the environmental movement”).
PAUL WATSON (today): You have to get these
- Public reaction: some people denounce/reject his
problems across, by whatever means necessary.
methods “Mr Watson is not welcome here.”
OFF-VOICE 3: I am chasing the issue fire number
6 - Interpol has placed the head of anti-whaling
three who’s in pursuit of few whales.
group Sea Shepherd, Paul Watson, on its
OFF-VOICE 4: Got his hand on the trigger. Go on
international wanted list (2010).
mate. Oh my God!
- He was jailed in Germany in May 2012 because he
PAUL WATSON (today): We’re passengers on
“had the audacity” to oppose their illegal activities.
spaceship Earth and people are killing off the crew,
7 Réponses libres.
but every time that there's an action, there's a
reaction. And that's what we are.
MAN ON TV: Mr. Watson is not welcome in here.
PAUL WATSON: We do not cause any injury, we
Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a “do-it-together
have never caused any injury. movement.”
PAUL WATSON (today): You have to rock the boat. Mouvement écologiste récent (fondé en 2018), ses
And if you're not doing that, then you're not doing
membres sont partisans d’une révolution non
your job.
violente, préférant les coups médiatiques pour faire
entendre leurs revendications (à savoir, sauver la
1 - Noun = a person whose job is to take care of planète). Proposition de réponses :
• The circle = the planet?; the hourglass = time left
- Verb = to make a group of people move to where
before extinction?; extinction of human race (if
you want them to go, especially in a kind, helpful,
nothing is done to save the planet); rebellion =
and careful way.
refusing to accept, fighting for your cause.

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 21

• Sea Shepherds fight for the same cause (saving
the planet) but they resort to violence whereas
Extinction Rebellion advocates non-violence (violent
actions vs. non-violence).

Les élèves découvriront dans ce portfolio différents

documents qui leur permettront d’approfondir
leurs connaissances sur le sujet traité dans cette
Pour la constitution du dossier personnel attendu à
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des deux
questions à soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, ils
trouveront là matière à s’interroger sur la place
faite à l’environnement et au climat à travers les
décisions/actions politiques et citoyennes.

Final TASK
Be a climate change champion!
Write a letter to save the planet
Cette dernière activité permet aux élèves de
réinvestir leurs connaissances et de mesurer leurs
acquis pour ce qui est de la production écrite.
• Dans un premier temps, ils pourront aller lire la
lettre de Greta Thunberg et donner leur avis
(suggestion de questions pour les guider dans ce
travail : What is the writers’ opinion about the world
leaders? How do the young activists feel? Pick out
the words that convey a strong emotional pull;
which word is repeated many times (and could be
stressed if this letter was being read aloud)? Are
there any other repetitions? What effect is created?
What is their intention with this initiative? Do you
agree with this letter? Would you sign it? Why (not)?
• Dans un deuxième temps ils produiront leur
propre lettre ou pétition. Il faudra les encourager à
identifier leur objectif, à exprimer clairement leurs
arguments, à utiliser plusieurs figures de rhétorique
pour convaincre.

Unit 10 “Climate is changing our habits” 22

Page 232

UNIT11 réinventer, sur le mode utopique ou politique, en

faisant appel à la réflexion des architectes, des
“Cultivate your city urbanistes […] et à l’engagement des citoyens. »
” (voir p. 363)


AXE D’ÉTUDE 3 : REPENSER LA VILLE Est-il aisé de redessiner le développement urbain ?
How easy is it to redesign urban development?
L’UNIT 11 est consacrée à l’axe d’étude 3 de la
thématique « Environnements en mutation » : La Final task permettra de mesurer la maîtrise des
« Repenser la ville ». contenus langagiers et culturels de la séquence à
Chacune des trois bricks qui la composent porte travers la conception et la présentation orale d’un
donc un regard sur la ville et les multiples façons diaporama.
dont elle est vécue, pensée et réimaginée ou
remodelée dans le monde anglophone La brick est structurée en trois parties :
contemporain, par des populations qui souvent 1 Dreaming the perfect city: a travel in time & space:
souhaitent innover, mais ne renient pas les mise en perspective du sujet par un retour sur une
héritages divers. époque, la Renaissance, qui vit en quelque sorte les
débuts de l’urbanisme.
Page 233 2 Smart cities: an imperfect dream: les tentatives
souvent controversées de créer des villes
« intelligentes ».
3 Experimenting urban solutions: des initiatives
21 Century Cities:
pour réinventer la ville en redonnant à la nature une
New Hopes in Urbanism place et en veillant au bien-être des populations
sans perdre de vue les enjeux économiques.
La brick 34 présente les évolutions de la ville dans
le monde anglophone contemporain en replaçant Pages 233-234
les questions posées aujourd’hui dans une
continuité historique : du rêve de Léonard de Vinci DREAMING THE PERFECT CITY: A TRAVEL IN
d’une cité parfaite aux tentatives récentes de créer TIME & SPACE
des espaces gouvernés par une technologie
diversement appréciée.

Extraits du B.O. Covid-19 And Sdg 11: Making cities

« C’est dans les centres développés et dans les liveable
périphéries en développement qu’émergent
certaines des réponses les plus inventives : 1 On aura sans doute intérêt à développer le sigle
technologies vertes, nouvelles formes d’habitat, SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) de manière à
modes de vie alternatifs et formes de contre- ce que les élèves puissent comprendre le sens de
culture, mouvements citoyens et initiatives liveable ici. Ceci étant, à ce stade, toute hypothèse
locales. » motivée pourra être acceptée.
« De Las Vegas, ville “dispendieuse” construite en Complément d’information : les projections des
plein désert et soumise à des pénuries d’eau Nations unies ne prévoient pas exactement les
chroniques, à Brisbane, ville “durable” dotée d’un mêmes objectifs pour le développement urbain
ambitieux cahier des charges environnemental, en pour 2030 selon le niveau de vie initial des
passant par Vancouver, “ville la plus écologique” différentes métropoles à travers le monde. On
d’Amérique du Nord, les différences pourra inviter les élèves à y réfléchir en étudiant les
d’aménagement sont considérables. […] brochures sur le site des Nations unies :
Cependant, toutes les villes subissent les effets de https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/citie
la pollution, les problèmes d’accès aux ressources, s/
de gestion des déchets, de la place de la nature dans 2 Milan (Italy) in the 15th century (pestilence/
la ville, de l’inégal partage des richesses et de la plague) and today’s Bangladesh (Covid-19…).
saturation des infrastructures. Elles doivent se

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 1

Avec des élèves intéressés, on pourra développer how to ensure energy efficiency, how to take care of
l’analyse du parallélisme entre l’époque urban mobility, how to deal with various problems…
contemporaine, qui voit des sociétés totalement 2 Les élèves repèreront les solutions mentionnant
ébranlées par l’impact d’une crise sanitaire “smart”, “electronic”, “monitoring”, “intelligent”,
mondiale et un siècle marqué par des épidémies “tele-”.
ravageuses conduisant ses intellectuels à repenser 3 Les avis pourront diverger dans la mesure où
la ville ! Plus de la moitié de la population milanaise certains éléments seront reconnus présents et
avait été tuée par la peste quand Léonard de Vinci d’autres non.
développa le projet évoqué ici, projet dont les 4 Cette question permettra des échanges de points
grandes lignes témoignent de soucis proches des de vue, d’abord en binômes puis en classe entière.
nôtres : préoccupation sanitaire, esthétique,
écologique, attention apportée à la circulation des Page 235
personnes, etc. Voir l’article What urban planners
today can learn from Leonardo da Vinci’s 15th-
century ‘ideal city’ design (scroll.in)
3 The need to make cities better places both to avoid
Google affiliate Sidewalk Labs abruptly
the effects of an epidemic (+ ensure healthier
abandons Toronto smart city project
conditions) and to implement SDG 11 (environment
friendly cities). The solutions are similar insofar as 1 “Quayside” n’apparaissant que dans le
they all depend on a reflection about urban design. paragraphe suivant le passage retenu pour cette
They differ as to the concrete measures to be entrée en matière, il faudra soit faire deviner aux
implemented because the concerns and contexts are élèves qu’il s’agit du nom du site où devait se
different. développer le projet soit tout simplement le leur
4 Modern cities need green spaces and designs that indiquer.
make them “clean, compact, energy efficient, Sidewalk Labs is one of Google’s affiliates and
environment friendly, socially cohesive, readily Quayside is the place where they were supposed to
accessible, climate responsive and disaster resilient” develop their project.
(l. 58-60) – all at the same time! 2 Due to the economic uncertainty linked to the
5 Les avis pourront diverger : on laissera chacun coronavirus pandemic, the project that aimed at
s’exprimer en justifiant sa position. making Toronto a “smart city” had to be given up.
3 The project revolved around the use of IT (“Google
Page 234 technology”) to manage a part of the city, which
triggered suspicions of “a dystopian vision that has
no place in a democratic society” (l. 42-43).
4 In favour of the project:
Order of Adjectives
Doctoroff, Sidewalk Labs: “sustainable and
On pourra rappeler l’ordre le plus courant à défaut
affordable” (l. 27), “cutting-edge” (l. 32).
d’être véritablement canonique : quantité,
Against the project:
opinion/jugement, taille, température, âge, forme,
Roger McNamee, Jim Balsillie, city, provincial and
couleur, origines, matière.
federal representatives working on the project:
“dystopian” (l. 42), “colonizing” (l. 45), “irrelevant”,
Training TASK
“unnecessary”, “frustratingly abstract” (l. 54, 55).
Write a short article 5 Les avis pourront diverger même si “tremendous
Une longueur d’une centaine de mots sera new opportunity” invite à voir plutôt le côté positif
appropriée. On attendra l’expression d’une opinion avec la perspective de nouveaux projets.

SMART CITIES: AN IMPERFECT DREAM Proposition de traduction :

« Sidewalk Labs avait dit plus tôt qu’aucune des
données collectées / récupérées ne serait partagée
What is a Smart City? avec des tiers et avait au contraire préconisé qu’un
dispositif “de confiance” protège les données
1 Pour chacun des six blocs, les élèves s’appuieront
En septembre, Waterfront Toronto, une
avant tout sur les intitulés pour identifier le sujet.
organisation regroupant des représentants de la
How to improve citizen services, what to do with
ville, de la province et de l’Etat fédéral travaillant
waste, how to ensure good water management,

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 2

sur le projet ont, dans un rapport, qualifié des KEN GREENBERG: Sidewalk Labs is using technology
aspects clés de la proposition de “non pertinents”, as a way of enhancing human interaction,
“non nécessaires” et “d’une abstraction frustrante” enhancing community, bringing us closer together,
bien que / en dépit du fait que les deux parties aient supporting the activities of our daily lives in ways
finalement trouvé un accord pour avancer. » that take away a lot of the barriers that separate us.
KRISTINA VERNER: This initiative will bring together
Page 236 in the local tech talent and entrepreneurial clusters
that exist within Toronto, giving them opportunity
to actually take their new solutions and go to scale
What was lost? and to commercialise in a way that we’ve never
seen before in Canada.
Video 1 script: Introducing Sidewalk Toronto DAN DOCTOROFF: We’re excited to work hand-in-
Sidewalk Toronto, 17 October 2017 hand with the city of Toronto, the province of
MAN 1 (in wheelchair): I’ve lived in Toronto for Ontario and the Government of Canada, to build on
almost 30 years. the region’s tech boom and create new economic
MAN 2 (with blue jacket): I think a lot of people are opportunities.
moving here ‘cause of the cultures, you know, ERIC SCHMIDT: This will be a global draw for new
there’s so many different cultures here in the city! ideas, for economic growth and development. Our
MAN 3 (older couple): I always ask someone where technology applied with the energy, the passion of
they come from, and eventually, I ask them “how do the citizens of Toronto will make this thing
you say hello in your language?” and I think I’ve incredibly successful.
learned maybe 30 “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”! DAN DOCTOROFF: That is gonna be the key
MAN 4 (with sleeveless jacket): You can meet a new difference: to get people to offer their ideas, their
person every week, who’s come from someplace concerns, what they love about Toronto, so that this
else and is brand new to the city. new community can be authentic, can be
FEMALE BIKER: I see a large increase in renting Torontonian, can be real, can feel like it’s really a
prices, and I think that’s partly because of the part of the whole, larger fabric of the downtown
growth and expansion of the city. area.
MAN 5 (with his family): So, I think we’re at a real MEG DAVIS: We’re encouraging people to get
inflection point in terms of, you know, which involved. It’s open to everybody and we want their
direction the city goes in. feedback, we want their input, we want them to
DAN DOCTOROFF (Sidewalk Labs CEO): Toronto’s in help shape this project.
an elite class of cities in North America. San DAN DOCTOROFF: We have an opportunity to
Francisco, New York City, just a handful of others fundamentally redefine what urban life can actually
that are so popular, have such great demand, that it be. What we hope Torontonians will see, is a place
also poses incredible challenges of growth. that they can be incredibly proud of.
MEG DAVIS (Waterfront Toronto CDO): Waterfront WOMAN 1 (with boy): Toronto has a pulse, Toronto
Toronto and Sidewalk Labs are partnering to create has a vibe to it, that many other cities don’t have.
a new kind of urban community on the waterfront, MAN 4: The city is becoming quite world-renowned,
one that will be an example to the rest of the world now, and so, with that comes the opportunity to
of how to build cities that have the greatest impact lead, so I would love to see us take the reins and
on our future. become that place that helps people to connect.
WILL FLEISSIG (Waterfront Toronto CEO):
Addressing the challenges that Toronto has, 1 People were seduced by the project because they
requires a different way of thinking. I like the fact viewed it as a means to make their own lives better
that Sidewalk is bringing a different approach that and feel proud of their city. They thought it was
includes both planning, and process, and about using technology to make life better and bring
community, and technology together, rethinking people closer together, to live in a city where you
how we build cities in the 21st century. would be entitled to get involved.
JOSH SIREFMAN (Sidewalk Labs HoD): Now is the 2 Cette question fera appel à l’interprétation de
ideal time to start figuring out: how do we leverage chacun en se fondant sur ce qui avait été espéré et
technology to make cities better? Now, the ne sera finalement pas proposé.
technologists think: why can’t we solve this quickly?
Why can’t it scale fast? The urbanist knows things
take time, and you have to move deliberately. And
it’s the convergence of those two ways of thinking
that can lead to really powerful outcomes.

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 3

priceless, so we’ve been able to take 30,000 square
feet and turn it into a place where the community
Au cours de ce travail (pour lequel ils trouveront
can come and engage in new programming.
une aide méthodologique à la page 319), les élèves
ANONYMOUS VOLUNTEER: Once a filter cloth is
pourront découvrir le rôle des États-Unis dans ce
down, that’s when the growing media gets out…
domaine et, incidemment, comparer les positions
JANICE GOLDING: 200 volunteers are hard at work
de D. Trump et J. Biden et leur influence.
installing and planting, a more complicated job than
you might think.
LESLIE DOYLE (Restoration Gardens): Different than
La plateforme : https://smartcitiescouncil.com/ what you would do on the ground, we have to
permettra aux élèves de suivre en temps réel des engineer the system so that we account for the
projets en lien avec les “Smart Cities” qui se mettent weight load, and that we allow for adequate
en place dans le monde entier. On pourra donc drainage.
proposer un travail individuel ou en groupes, par MAN: These roof tops are really only about 3, 4
thème, par région géographique, etc., afin de les inches…
conduire à découvrir, comparer puis tirer des JANICE GOLDING: At the Earth Rangers Centre for
conclusions sur ces projets. sustainable technology, they have 3 green roofs.
BRETT SVERKAS (Earth Rangers Centre): Imagine
trying to do your gardening, but you’re trying to
bring all the soil, all the plant material, everything
EXPERIMENTING URBAN SOLUTIONS up to the roof. Depending on how high your roof is,
it can be a daunting task!
JANICE GOLDING: They admit, it isn’t quite as simple
Look up! as planting a traditional garden, and you must check
with an engineer to make sure your roof is strong
enough. But the rewards? Well…
Video 2 script: Secret Gardens in the City -
MAN: It’s almost, like…, you’re just… a part of
nature, sitting at your desk.
CTV News, 25 May 2015
ARLENE THRONESS (urban agriculture coordinator
at Ryerson University): These are mustard greens;
1 - Ryerson University is one of the campuses in
they are cool season crops…
2 - The "urban heat island effect" = when a city is
You’ll never see these crops when you walk by
warmer than the surrounding rural areas.
Ryerson1’s and George Vari Engineering building.
ARLENE THRONESS: This is our garlic patch…
JANICE GOLDING: This quarter acre farm is 4 storeys
high, part of a citywide move to harvest the Video 3 script: How Green Roofs Can Help Cities
potential of unused real estate and go “green”. NPR, 12 July 2017
JANICE GOLDING (in the field): In fact, according to REPORTER: This, is the largest green roof in New
the Environmental Protection Agency, on a hot York City. It’s in the middle of bustling Manhattan,
summer day the surface temperature of a green on top of the Javits Convention Center— a
roof can be slightly cooler than the outside air behemoth of a building, with a six-block footprint.
temperature. Meanwhile a traditional roof? Well, it But the roof hasn’t always been green. Before 2014,
can be up to 50°C warmer. it was totally barren. Now, just a few years later,
Green roofs combat the “urban heat island effect2”, when people walk out onto the roof, they say things
and help restore water management. like…
ARLENE THRONESS: So, if our roofs are covered in ALAN STEEL (CEO Javits Convention Center):
soil and plants, then it will cool the city and also “Amazing”, “That’s great”, “I didn’t expect this”,
soaks up some of the rainwater, so that it can drain “What a surprise”.
more slowly. REPORTER: But besides the great reactions, there
JANICE GOLDING: Back in 2012, Toronto began are practical benefits.
applying a bylaw that requires green roofs on new ALAN STEEL: We have 300,000 bees. We’ve seen 25
industrial buildings, like the Cooper Koo family different species of birds on the roof. We reduced
YMCA in the Pan Am (Games) athletes’ village. the temperature up here by about six degrees
SARAH BELDICK (Cooper Koo YMCA General Fahrenheit. And we also save about 7 million gallons
manager): Downtown, every square-foot is just of stormwater runoff, that’s absorbed in the soil
and the plants that are on our roof. We’ve been able

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 4

to reduce our energy consumption by about 26 square feet of roof space were greened, those
percent, and that translated for us last year into a green roofs could lower the city’s temperature by
saving of about 3 million dollars. nearly two degrees Fahrenheit, and absorb over 10
REPORTER: That is impressive. How does one green billion gallons of stormwater each year. As cities
roof get so much done? And what are all of the NOT continue to grow, all that empty roof space starts to
green roofs in New York City doing with their lives? look more and more like an opportunity, an
First, let’s see how much roof space actually exists. untapped resource, a future ecosystem of problem-
STUART GAFFIN (Climate research scientist): You solving meadows…. in the sky.
know, they are a major part of urban landscapes.
The round number that most of us think exists, is
about 1 billion square feet. One billion with a “b”. 1 Les élèves pourront faire des repérages similaires
REPORTER: That’s like 22 times the size of Central à partir de l’une ou l’autre des deux vidéos. Toutes
Park, in roofs. And in most cities, what isn’t roof is deux montrent en effet le choix des toits végétalisés
another impermeable surface like road, sidewalk, or “green roofs”, dans la ville de Toronto (vidéo 2) et à
parking lot. And these surfaces create a lot of New York (vidéo 3), avec leurs avantages évidents
problems for cities that green roofs can actually (régulation de température, aspect plaisant d’un
help solve. Let’s take a look at three of these issues. environnement végétal, économies d’énergie,
The first is stormwater runoff. retour d’une faune précieuse…), mais aussi ses
STUART GAFFIN: Rainwater goes into pipes. It inconvénients (nécessité d’avoir une infrastructure
combines with what’s called sanitary water. When suffisamment solide pour supporter le poids,
there’s too much rainwater, which happens installation délicate…).
hundreds of times a year around Manhattan, the The solution presented consists in developing green
wastewater treatment systems shut down, and roofs. Green roofs must be created by specialists,
these valves just let the water just, you know, shunt but only after experts have checked that the roofs
out into the rivers. You know, it’s got human are strong enough to resist (weight).
sewage. It’s the biggest source of pathogens to the 2 Just like Smart City projects, this solution aims at
Manhattan Island. With green roofs, that water improving people’s daily lives while making cities
instead of going into the drain and polluting the more respectful of the nature and sustainable
environment, ends up just evaporating the growth. However, they rely on radically different
atmosphere through the leaves of these plants. technologies.
REPORTER: And then, there’s what scientists call the 3 Les relevés devraient se compléter.
“heat island effect”, which basically means that
4 On laissera les élèves exprimer et justifier leur
cities are significantly warmer than the surrounding
areas. opinion propre, car les avis peuvent diverger sur la
STUART GAFFIN: I’ve seen asphalt roofs get up question.
easily 170, 180 degrees Fahrenheit in the strong
sunlight. They absorb about 90 to 95 percent of the Complément d’information : Parallèlement aux
sunlight. Green roofs, by comparison are close to air deux vidéos proposées pour un travail en binômes,
temperatures. un article de la presse locale (Toronto.com) à
REPORTER: Another problem green roofs can help propos du projet sur le toit du Cooper Koo YMCA de
solve, is habitat loss. Cities can shrink or destroy the Toronto, expliqué dans la vidéo 2, aborde la façon
green space that’s crucial for certain plants and dont la ville a souhaité impliquer les habitants dans
animals to survive. la conception de ces toits.
MICHAEL TREGLIA (Urban Spatial Planner): https://www.toronto.com/news-story/5528822-
Currently, a lot of species might occur in smaller help-shape-and-build-the-green-roof-at-cooper-
parks throughout the city that are relatively koo-ymca/
unconnected. But having high densities of green Cet article de presse pourrait être utilisé soit en
roofs would allow those patches to be more complément de la vidéo 2, soit comme document
connected. Letting, for example, butterflies travel ressource supplémentaire pour créer des activités
from patch to patch, with lots of stepping stones of par trinômes, par exemple.
green roofs in between. À partir du repérage de ces éléments, on peut
REPORTER: And these are just three of the problems envisager un travail de production sur les
green roofs can help solve. But to really put a dent responsabilités respectives du citoyen et de la
in any of these issues, cities would have to municipalité/de l’État en matière d’écologie.
implement green roofs at a large scale. Stuart
Gaffin, the research scientist you heard from earlier,
estimates that if all of New York City’s 1 billion

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 5

Page 236-237

Comment chaque année, à travers le monde, les

maires relèvent des défis pour gagner un prix offert
City of Toronto Green Roof Bylaw
par la fondation Bloomberg :
1 Toronto decided that green roofs would be
compulsory on three categories of buildings. We can
guess that what the government had in mind was
sustainable growth and a cut in their expenses.
2 On laissera les élèves faire des propositions et les Verb or Noun: syllable stress
• L’exemple relevé est intéressant parce qu’il
justifier librement.
montre qu’une identité formelle écrite peut cacher
3 Là encore, ce seront des points de vue personnels
des natures de mots différentes : un même mot
qui s’exprimeront. Si la classe s’y prête, un débat peut être verbe ou nom. S’il s’agit parfois de
sera possible, qui permettra la réactivation phonèmes différents (use prononcé [jus] comme
d’expressions adaptées. Les élèves trouveront de nom et [juz] comme verbe), c’est le plus souvent
l’aide dans les pages 315 et 316. l’accentuation qui fait la différence.
• On trouvera ainsi dans le texte les mots impact,
Page 237 decrease et increase qui seront accentués sur la
première syllabe en tant que noms et sur la seconde
en tant que verbes.
environment/environmental-grants- Final TASK
incentives/green-your-roof/ Make a slideshow
Afin de promouvoir l’aménagement des toits à des Tout en invitant à une ouverture, cette tâche
fins écologiques, ce site géré par la municipalité de permettra de mesurer les acquisitions faites au
Toronto donne des conditions d’éligibilité aux aides cours de la séquence en matière culturelle et
financières de ces aménagements, et en explique linguistique. Pour éviter la tentation d’une lecture
l’intérêt. ennuyeuse et donner tout son sens au support
« diaporama » comme appui à une prise de parole,
on insistera pour que les élèves ne mettent pas trop
Brownfields | City of Detroit de texte sur les diapositives.

1 Urban areas have to cope with the presence of

“brownfields” which affects the value of the
neighbouring sites for a variety of reasons (decrease Les élèves compléteront leurs connaissances grâce
in property value, job scarcity, increase in crime and aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la constitution
urban blight/degradation…). du dossier personnel attendu à l’examen et/ou pour
2 On ne pourra pas être trop exigeant sur cette préparer l’une des deux questions à soumettre au
jury du Grand Oral, ils trouveront là une
question plutôt technique, mais on peut espérer
opportunité de transférer les acquis de la brick pour
obtenir une définition de redevelopment incluant
évoquer une situation voisine.
l’idée d’un recyclage par nouvelle utilisation ou
affectation d’un site (those sites could be “recycled”
Page 238
that is to say used for different purposes) par
contraste avec une simple réutilisation de ce site
pour le même secteur d’industrie (those sites could
be cleaned up and rehabilitated). Singapore: the Roaring
3 Brownfields should be cleaned up and revitalised Success of the Lion City
so as to revert the effects mentioned in the first part
of the text. La brick 35 traite l’axe « Repenser la ville » à partir
4 Citizens are a major concern in this process d’un gros plan sur l’étonnante ville-nation qu’est
because what is at stake is the revitalisation of an Singapour aujourd’hui. Pour bien coller au
area so that people can have jobs, send their programme, ce n’est pas l’aspect économique qui
children to a local school and feel secure. est étudié, mais bien la façon dont on a
littéralement réinventé la ville à Singapour pour en

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 6

faire un Etat/ville-nation. Un double focus sur le La brick est structurée en deux parties :
logement et l’alimentation, sujets capitaux pour la 1 “From Third World to first”: an unpredictable rise:
population, fera découvrir aux élèves que le souci un regard sur l’histoire pour saisir l’ampleur et les
de cohésion nationale est au cœur de toutes les enjeux de la transformation de Singapour.
politiques. 2 Rising to challenges: shelter and food as tools for
cohesion in a land-scarce island city: une explication
Extrait du B.O. de la réussite économique et sociale de Singapour
« La recherche d’une définition unique de la ville, (exploitation d’atouts réels, mais aussi stratégie
typique du monde anglophone, est utopique : la politique articulée autour du souci de rassembler,
diversité des modèles urbains est en effet très fédérer, unir).
grande, façonnée par des histoires nationales
spécifiques, malgré l’influence de la colonisation et Page 238
de la mondialisation sur l’urbanisme, l’architecture
et les modes de vie citadins (centre ancien, ville-
musée, Central Business District, inner city et outer
city, notion de downtown, type et fonction des UNPREDICTABLE RISE
zones périurbaines, ségrégation sociale, bidonvilles,
townships d’Afrique du Sud). Au poids
démographique des villes s’ajoutent leur emprise, A multi-faceted British colony in Asia
leur pouvoir politique, économique et culturel, qui
leur permettent d’étendre leur influence sur un Video 1a script: Singapore – Crossroads of the
espace plus ou moins vaste : c’est le phénomène de East 1938
métropolisation. L’espace anglophone compte de travelfilmarchive, 6 May 2008
véritables « villes mondiales » (global cities, dont la In 1819, only a little over a hundred years ago,
définition, le classement et les attributs sont des Stamford Raffles a farsighted official of the famed
enjeux pour les villes concernées). […] L’image East India Company realised Britain’s great need of
qu’elles renvoient devient essentielle dans la an important base in the Indies for future expansion
concurrence qu’elles se livrent. Pour demeurer of Eastern trade and against advice and wishes of
attirantes, elles doivent rivaliser d’ingéniosité et his company secured by agreement from the Sultan
promouvoir le dynamisme économique aussi bien of Johore an island off the extreme southern tip of
que la qualité de vie. » (voir p. 364) the Malay Peninsula and here founded Singapore a
settlement destined to become within less than a
PROBLÉMATIQUE century one of the greatest commercial ports and
Comment une île minuscule, sans atout naturel the most strategic point of the British Empire.
majeur a priori, sans unité culturelle, religieuse ou Singapore, about 77 miles north of the Equator is at
ethnique a-t-elle su, une fois libérée d’un the crossroads of Australia and India, South Africa
colonialisme qui exploitait sa division, trouver en and China.
quelques décennies son identité en tant que ville- Much of the plan of the present city is due to its
nation et devenir une puissance économique founder Stamford Raffles, and the square which is
mondiale ? the heart of its business life bears his name. On it
How did a tiny Third World island formerly shaped face many banks, offices, retail and commercial
by divisive colonialism use its ethnic and cultural establishments and through it, during the business
diversity to build “the world’s only fully functioning day, passes a steady stream of pedestrian and
city-state”? vehicle traffic. To protect motorcars against the
Pour information : L’expression “the world’s only direct rays of equatorial sun, cloth covers are often
fully functioning city-state” est empruntée à un used.
article intitulé “The Singapore exception”, intégré Of Singapore’s estimated population of half a
dans un dossier consacré par The Economist à cet million, more than 55% are Chinese, though the
Etat-nation en juillet 2015 (SR1 (economist.com) ). majority are coolies and labourers and their
commercial interests are vast and of the greatest
La Final task permettra de mesurer la maîtrise des importance, some originally immigrants from China
contenus de la séquence à travers l’écriture d’un and others descendants of the pioneers and came
article pour un magazine. Elle constitue pour les to trade when Raffles established the settlement. In
élèves un entrainement à une production d’un addition to the great percentage of Chinese,
volume relativement conséquent. Singapore’s population is also composed of
numerous other Orientals and Occidentals, all parts

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 7

of the world and it is claimed no less than 26 always crowded with those who come to enjoy
languages are used in conducting normal business. cooling drinks, fine music and pleasant
companionship. The colony proudly boasts of one of
Video 1b script: Singapore – Crossroads of the the finest and most modern swimming pools in all
East 1938 the East, the Singapore swimming club, children as
travelfilmarchive, 6 May 2008 well as adults bathe in the cool filtered seawater
The cosmopolitan population works and lives which flows continuously through the two spacious
together in harmony and religious freedom. In one pools.
street is seen an imposing Chinese temple, and Devoted and loyal Chinese servants called “amahs”
within a short distance stands an elaborately carved watch over and care for the European children. On
Hindu place of worship. the balconies of the clubhouse all the terraces
The Muslims – and there are many – bow toward overlooking the peaceful waters, members and
Mecca beneath the white domes of a mosque of the guests relax and enjoy the refreshing breezes which
Prophet. Dividing the city, Singapore’s river blow from the Straits of Malacca or the China Sea.
presents an always changing scene of busy activity. Here on this tropical island which was once but an
Many small lighters and trading junks ply up at caves impenetrable jungle along the coast of which ships
to unload or discharge their multitudinous wares or of the past sail with temerity, England has built a
lie empty in midstream, awaiting cargo. great city and established for the trade of all nations
The shipping activity is even heavier upstream a mighty guardian in the East.
where the river is narrower and the quays more
The Chinese believe their boats must see where VIDEO YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED.
they are going so large eyes are placed upon the Groups A and B:
bow. a. Stamford Raffles, 1819, Singapore was founded
because they needed a port in a strategic part
Video 1c script: Singapore – Crossroads of the of the Empire.
East 1938 b. Half a million, Chinese + “other Orientals and
travelfilmarchive, 6 May 2008 Occidentals”, 26 languages. Cosmopolitan city,
In pleasing contrast to the crowded oriental Muslims + Hindus +… (religious freedom).
sections are the open spaces of the European areas c. Banks, offices, retail… clerks (in banks and
with wide splendidly paved boulevards, tree- offices) and labourers. Shipping activity.
shaded avenues and modern buildings. Paralleling d. Very busy (see pictures, music).
the harbour is [Carnot] Road, one of the finest Group C:
drives in the city and comparable to any similar a. Much more quiet, more affluent…
thoroughfare in Europe. At the edge of Raffles Plain b. The Cenotaph, the Victoria Memorial Hall, “St
and funding eastward to the sea stands the George’s” Anglican Cathedral.
imposing Cenotaph, silent memorial to Singapore’s c. “Unpretentious, yet spacious and comfortable,
World War dead. Overlooking The Plain is the are many of the homes built in an old
Victoria Memorial Hall and nearby the stately architectural style with great open arcaded
municipal building, one of Singapore’s newest verandas serving as living rooms.”
constructions. Adjacent is St. George’s Anglican d. “Social life in this thriving crown colony is
Cathedral also facing The Plain. All parts of the city always full and varied with garden parties,
are served and connected by well-paved roads, dinners, races, sports meetings and dozens of
convenient arteries for those who live in the other activities.”
suburbs or in the beautiful residential section of N.B.: refers to the colonists’ social life only.
Tanglin. The governor’s mansion stands upon a hill e. Very pleasant for White people (see below).
commanding an unobstructed view of the entire
city. Unpretentious, yet spacious and comfortable, 1 Cette question permettra des réponses à divers
are many of the homes built in an old architectural niveaux de maitrise de la langue. Les meilleurs
style, with great open arcaded verandas serving as élèves (à partir du niveau B2) pourront valoriser ici
living rooms in this tropical city. Social life in this leur capacité à accéder à / commenter l’implicite.
thriving Crown colony is always full and varied with La confrontation des relevés effectués à partir des
garden parties, dinners, races, sports meetings and trois parties successives de la vidéo mettra en
dozens of other activities. A gathering place is évidence un regard coloré par la philosophie
Raffles Hotel, one of the most renowned hotels coloniale. Singapour apparait comme une cité
raised in the East. At Tiffin Time, the midday meal foisonnante, riche de sa diversité ethnique,
hour, the veranda of this well-known rendezvous is

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 8

religieuse et sociale, mais clairement contrôlée et exemple par une recherche sur les chiffres de
organisée par les colons britanniques. Les élèves en l’époque, la comparaison sera aisée.
charge de visionner la dernière partie (vidéo 1.c) Les repérages les plus simples concerneront la place
auront vraisemblablement relevé la phrase dominante occupée par la communauté chinoise.
introductive : “In pleasing contrast to the crowded
oriental sections are the open spaces of the Page 239-240
European areas” et la description d’un quartier
idyllique pour lequel le commentateur manie
volontiers l’hyperbole. Les termes et tournures Why Singapore became an economic
valorisants abondent : superlatifs (finest, newest,
one of the most renowned hotels, one of the finest
and most modern swimming pools in all the East),
1 The title alludes to the dramatic change in
adjectifs et adverbes positifs soulignant la
modernité (splendidly, finest, beautiful, pleasant…). Singapore’s international status since the early 20th
Accompagnée par une musique plus apaisée et des century. In the videos, we saw that there was no
images éloquentes d’espace agréable et propice à actual unity between the various communities and
une circulation fluide, de bâtiments modernes, mais that opulence/wealth was the preserve of the White
“unpretentious”, la description s’inscrit en net colonists. On the other hand, today’s Singapore is a
contraste avec celle des quartiers « orientaux » très thriving island city-state and the nation seems to be
encombrés que l’on a montrés avant sur fond de united.
musique rythmée. On diffusera si besoin à toute la 2 Singapore used to be an underdeveloped place
classe le passage final pour faire repérer le ton with no natural resources and no social unity at all.
condescendant (patronising) et la représentation The major asset of Singapore always was its
de la vie facile de riches colons apparemment oisifs, location, at a “crossroads”. Lee Kuan Yew knew how
aidés par des serviteurs indigènes et tout to capitalise on that. He managed to attract foreign
particulièrement des femmes fiables et investments and formed an efficient government
entièrement dévouées (“devoted and loyal”) à qui that he could keep under control easily.
l’on peut confier ses enfants. Le ton du
commentateur pourra également être souligné. Page 240-241
2 La nature de ce document de propagande devrait
être identifiée à la suite du travail sur la question 1.
Pour information : on peut remarquer que le Building team spirit
commentateur parle de St George’s Anglican
Cathedral alors qu’il s’agit en réalité de St 1 We can expect the speech to revolve around the
Andrew’s ! La confusion entre le saint patron de concept of a united multicultural society. “One
l’Angleterre et celui de l’Écosse n’est peut-être pas united people” may be considered as the most
innocente… significant phrase in this introductory passage.
2 According to Lee Hsien Loong, the three factors of
Page 239 Singapore’s success are:
- The choice of a multiracial identity.
- The will to work as a team.
How to pronounce the words referring to - The capacity to build up a bond between the
countries and nationalities government and the people.
On pourra faire faire ce travail à la suite d’un 3 The phrase “one team Singapore” is used to insist
visionnage, en classe ou à la maison, ou inviter les on the importance of social cohesion and solidarity.
élèves à chercher la prononciation dans un 4 “One united people” is taken up in the last
dictionnaire en ligne proposant d’entendre les paragraph because Singapore is too small to be able
mots. to retain its international status if it does not stand
5 Les élèves s’entraineront ici à réfléchir au lien
Singapore today: a thriving island city- forme-sens. Ils pourront relever les allusions
state historiques (histoire commune, culture commune),
1 et 2 Ce document pourra être traité à divers les mentions patriotiques (National Day, the Pledge,
moments de la séquence en fonction de first and foremost be Singaporean) et tout ce qui
l’exploitation faite des différents supports. Si met en avant l’idée d’union (pronom personnel
l’exploitation de la vidéo s’est poursuivie par “we” et adjectif possessif “our”, notion de “team

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 9

Singapore”, together). Ils pourront noter les settlements for new high-rises. Then came the still
répétitions et les échos (one people, one united unexplained fire which broke out in the squatter
people, the second factor of our success, the third settlement of Bukit Ho Swee on the 25th of May,
factor of our success). Ils pourront enfin s’intéresser 1961. An area of 400,000 square meters was razed.
au choix des verbes (determined, created, built). Four people were killed and around 16,000 left
N.B. : Les élèves pour qui c’est pertinent trouveront homeless. The government successfully rehoused
là une opportunité de progresser vers les niveaux all of the fire victims within a year and built new
les plus élevés, B2 voire C1. housing on the site of the disaster in the next five
years. Its speedy reaction won over the people and
Page 241 paved the way for future public housing projects.
“Singapore must be one of the few places in the
world where a statutory board satisfactorily
Using “have to” to express obligation completed everything it set out to do in its first five-
La répétition de “have to” précédé du pronom “we” year plan.”
est mobilisatrice. Il y a là un impératif posé au By 1965, the HDB managed to build over 51,000
peuple tout entier et il n’y a pas de choix alternatif apartments, rehousing 400,000 people, a quarter of
possible. C’est une contrainte extérieure et non un the then population, solving the housing shortage.
devoir moral uniquement (ce qui aurait pu motiver
le choix de “must”). L’orateur le dit clairement : si Apart from renting out apartments, HDB also
ceci n’est pas fait, la nation singapourienne se fera started to sell them in 1964. Singaporeans are
tout simplement dévorer (“eaten up”). required to save part of their salaries in a state-
managed plan called Central Provident Fund. At first
the fund only provided for retirement. Then, in
1968, the government allowed the use of the fund
RISING TO CHALLENGES: SHELTER AND for housing expenses, helping more people become
SCARCE ISLAND CITY Unlike many other countries, Singapore’s public
housing is not only for the poor, instead, it caters to
the masses. Citizens within certain income ceilings
can buy various types of property, from basic two-
Housing issues in Singapore room apartments to up-market units in
condominiums with a swimming pool and a gym.
Video 2 script: How Singapore Fixed Its Housing Their prices are usually 20 to 30 percent cheaper
Problem than those in the private market. But you’ve got to
Bloomberg Quicktake, 30 August 2018 apply and order the apartment first, then wait
Public housing is often considered low in quality and several years for it to be built. Also, you can’t sell it
high in crime. But it’s a totally different story in until you finish the five-year minimum occupation
Singapore. Government-built apartments in period.
Singapore are clean, safe, and well-maintained. And Today HDB has planned, designed and built over 1
about 80% of Singaporean households live in them. million apartments spreading over the city-state.
Singapore is also one of the few countries in the The percentage of people living in public housing
world to achieve almost full homeownership status. has grown from 9% in 1960 to 82% in 2016, and the
Over 90% of the city’s households own their own homeownership rate has also increased rapidly with
homes. But it wasn’t always this way. Here’s how the rise of Singapore’s economy.
Singapore fixed its housing problem. Singapore’s public housing is considered as one of
In 1959, when Singapore obtained self-governance the world’s best, but some see it as a way of social
from the British, the city was having a severe control. For instance, quotas ensure a mix of
housing crisis, struggling to accommodate its Chinese, Indians and Malays in each HDB block,
growing population. In 1960, Singapore’s first Prime aiming to carefully integrate ethnic groups and
Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his government set up prevent the formation of a volatile racial enclave.
the Housing and Development Board, or HDB, a But still, a mighty agency with effective policies and
public housing agency with a mission to build rental strong political will has fixed Singapore’s housing
units for the poor. At the time, many immigrants crisis and improved the living conditions of millions.
including those from Malaysia were living in
unhygienic slums. Amid increasing racial tension
between Chinese and Malays, the HDB had a hard
time convincing them to leave their informal

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 10

1 Les élèves pourront s’exprimer librement ici. contraste entre les immeubles des appartements à
2 “Public housing is often considered low in quality faibles loyers, très mal gérés et mal entretenus, et
and high in crime. But it’s a totally different story in ceux de propriétaires fiers de leur maison ; j’étais
Singapore.” People usually look down on public convaincu que si chaque famille était propriétaire
housing because of a number of enduring de / possédait son foyer, le pays serait plus stable. »
clichés/stereotypes. However, the situation is
different in Singapore because the flats are “clean,
safe and well-maintained”. Where to build?
3 Les relevés de chiffres permettront d’illustrer la
situation. Video 3 script: City of the Future: Singapore
4 Singapore used to be filled with “unhygienic National Geographic, 24 November 2018
slums” but in 1960 the government decided to VOICE-OVER: Singapore is planning decades ahead.
change things. The HDB was created to provide In such a land scarce nation the question is often not
people with decent accommodation. Still, some what to build but where to build. Singapore’s Urban
communities (especially the Chinese and Malays) Redevelopment Authority is in charge of identifying
were reluctant to move to the newly built high the future needs of all Singapore’s land. It’s the kind
rises/skyscrapers. It was only after an unexplained of challenge that draws in the adventurous and the
fire broke out in 1961 that these people (now curious.
homeless) accepted to move to the flats built by the ANDREW DAVID FASSAM: I’m very much an urban
HDB because they had no choice. person. The city is close to my heart and even more
5 This housing policy is good because just about so having worked in detail on the plans over the last
everyone can access and own a flat whatever their 20 years.
income. Besides, the authorities make sure that no VOICE-OVER: For Andrew and the URA, sometimes
ethnic ghettos are created. On the negative side, that work means creating land from nothing, a
you usually have to wait for a few years before you process known as land reclamation. Since
can get your home. Besides, there are many independence in 1965 Singapore has used
constraints weighing on the buyers. reclamation to increase its land mass by about 23
6 Some people suspect the government of using this percent. One of the most striking examples of this,
and perhaps a vision that cities across the world
housing policy as a means of control of the
may adopt is Singapore’s Marina Bay, a vast
engineering project that has been decades in the
On laissera les élèves réagir librement à cette mise
en cause.
ANDREW DAVID FASSAM: When I first started work
Page 242
with URA, Marina Bay was just a vacant tract of
land. It was only maybe 10 to 15 years ago that we
actively started development of the area.
A stable home-owning society VOICE-OVER: Andrew was part of the team that
drew up the plan from Marina Bay and translated it
1 Lee Kuan Yew regarded home-owning as a tool for into reality. It’s development dramatically increased
stability: he believed home owners would be more the footprint of Singapore, but it was designed with
likely to seek political stability. the needs of its citizens in mind.
2 On laissera les élèves réagir librement, qu’ils ANDREW DAVID FASSAM: The traditional central
trouvent la démarche habile ou au contraire business district just comprises its office space then
choquante (shocking, immoral, ruthless…). is only used nine to five, five days a week, so as
3 Lee Kuan Yew drew a distinction between we’ve planned Marina Bay we’ve always so looked
householders and home owners. Home involves at bringing complementary uses, so the idea here is
feelings, which is why people are more likely to feel you create a mixed-use precinct: there the activities
attached to it… carry off 24/7, and seven days a week.
VOICE-OVER: To make the round-the-clock Marina
Bay model work, the URA needed infrastructure. In
Proposition de traduction : land scarce Singapore, that meant going
« Ma préoccupation principale était de donner à underground, using precision designed layers of
chaque citoyen / tous les citoyens une raison de essential services, including water and electrical
défendre / s’investir pour le pays et son avenir. Je tunnels, pedestrian and commercial spaces,
voulais une société de propriétaires. J’avais vu le transportation infrastructure like highways and
subways and even telecommunications super

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 11

highways. These hidden underground systems have allows for that communication and that
been designed to meet the needs of Singapore for relationship to be built between the hawkers and
the next 50 years. their customers. [2:43]
VOICE-OVER: Hawker centres are social spaces
1 “Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority is in where people of various backgrounds dine and
charge of identifying the future needs of all mingle over the wide variety of affordable
Singapore’s land.” The context of a land scarce hawker dishes.
island makes it difficult to find where to build. FEMALE CUSTOMER 1: Whether it’s breakfast,
2 Because of the lack of land, it was difficult to lunch or dinner, hawker centres always have
prepare the infrastructures needed. They had to tasty affordable and freshly made food, ready all
design a special place with tunnels and a variety of throughout the day.
innovative devices. Thus they proved that it is FEMALE CUSTOMER 2: [translated] Hawker
possible to build something grandiose on a very centres are like and extension of one’s home
small island… because you can get a variety of food here. You
get to enjoy familiar and well-loved food
together with friends and family.
Page 242-243
VOICE-OVER: Today there are over 100 hawker
centres spread across the island, from the city
and recreational districts to the public housing
In the heart of the city: hawker culture estates where 80 percent of the population lives.
is “intangible cultural heritage” [Music]
FEMALE CUSTOMER 3: [translated] Not only do
1 Les élèves de tous niveaux devraient être capables hawker centres serve up delicious food, it also
de relever des éléments précis. functions as a place where we can meet friends
Hawker centres come from a tradition of street from all walks of life.
food. Hawkers have adapted their dishes to cater for FEMALE CUSTOMER 4: [translated] I’ve been
the multicultural Singaporean population although here for the last 15 years. After our exercise, we
most of them had rather serve their own specialties. would come here for food and drinks. The food
Hawker centres are social spaces where all kinds of here is affordable and really tasty.
people mingle in a pleasant atmosphere. MALE CUSTOMER: Coming to this hawker centre
2 L’insistance sur l’unité dans la diversité is quite special for my family and I because, you
(multicultural, dine and mingle, gather and share, know, my wife and I grew up around this area
confluence of […] cultures, diverse, community…) and every weekend I’ll bring my son here for
conduira à identifier la notion fondamentale de breakfast and we enjoy the food that I enjoyed
multiculturalism. L’expression finale “hawker when I was growing up.
centres play a crucial role in enhancing community VOICE-OVER: Hawker centres also serve as
interactions and strengthening the social fabric” important social spaces that foster community
complètera le relevé. bonding between hawkers and customers while
encouraging interest groups to take part in music
traditional arts and other leisurely activities
Hawker Culture in Singapore
MUTHULETCHMI (hawker): I’ve been a hawker
for the past 23 years. The atmosphere I would
Video 4 script: Hawker Culture in Singapore
describe is more like a community. My customers
UNESCO, 16 December 2020
are like my - my close friends or I even can say
some, like, extended family because from young
PROFESSOR LILY KONG: Hawker culture is about
they come to buy food from us. Then there are
people, it’s about place and it’s about food. It’s
some even shift out from this neighbourhood but
about a community space that allows people to
they come back with their families, with their
come together. The hawker centres through
children, they bring their kids to eat the appam1
embodying the people, the foods, the cultures,
and thosai2. As a hawker I don’t just sell only the
the places of Singapore is Singapore. A typical
food, I share the culture and the heritage to my
hawker centre would be made up of a variety of
fellow Singaporeans.
stalls that typically line the sides of a hawker
VOICE-OVER: Hawkers, who are bearers and
centre. And in the middle would be an open
practitioners of hawker culture, prepare a
space with open seats. The wonderful thing is
variety of hawker food at hawker centres.
that open common space allows for interaction,

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 12

Hawker foods such as mee rebus3 and laksa4 Page 245
reflect the multicultural makeup of Singapore.
1 thin pancake 2 crepe-like pancake 3 noodles
in gravy 4 spicy noodle soup

1 “A typical hawker centre would be made up of a What Shapes a City?

variety of stalls that typically line the sides of a
hawker centre. And in the middle would be an open La brick 36 s’intéresse à la façon dont les villes du
space with open seats.” futur sont réfléchies et conçues dans un monde où
2 Because it gathers people from all ethnic and le phénomène de métropolisation semble devenu
cultural backgrounds and people from all walks of incontournable. Si l’exode urbain peut s’observer ici
life, the hawker centre actually embodies Singapore et là, force est de constater que la ville reste la
itself. référence mondiale de l’habitat. Dans les grandes
3 This documentary echoes the text: it illustrates the puissances économiques, mais aussi dans les pays
en développement, les métropoles sont des actrices
function of hawker centres as “community dining
majeures de la mondialisation et attirent toujours
rooms”. It shows some of the activities mentioned in
plus de populations en quête d’un avenir meilleur.
the text and it shows some of the specialties that
Cependant, cette urbanisation montre aussi ses
were alluded to.
limites. En effet, les dégâts environnementaux
4 In addition to that, we learn a little more about the
peuvent s’avérer considérables et mettre en péril la
relationship between hawkers and their customers. vie économique et les modes de vie des habitants.
5 Cette question pourra conduire à une recherche Comment concilier la ville du futur avec les besoins
(facultative) sur l’action de l’UNESCO en matière de et les attentes de ses habitants ? Cette brick
célébration et préservation de l’héritage culturel de propose d’explorer différentes visions de l’espace
l’humanité. Ceci éclairera notamment le travail urbain tel qu’il est envisagé dans un futur proche
demandé pour la revue de presse. selon différents points de vue, notamment le rôle
de la fiction, en étudiant les alternatives ou
Page 244 expérimentations mises en place pour lutter contre
le réchauffement climatique et les inégalités.

Au cours de ce travail (pour lequel ils trouveront Extrait du B.O.

une aide méthodologique à la page 319), les élèves « Dans un contexte de mondialisation, de remise en
pourront découvrir la fierté d’un peuple dont une cause des modèles de croissance, de changement
pratique culturelle acquiert une dimension climatique et de transition énergétique, le monde
valorisante, mais aussi les sentiments ambivalents anglophone se distingue par la diversité de ses
d’autres peuples proches, tels les Malais, qui territoires […]. La majorité des habitants sont, dans
auraient souhaité une candidature commune, car ils le monde anglophone, des urbains, récemment
revendiquent également la pratique en question. arrivés ou implantés de longue date. Les villes et les
métropoles connaissent une attractivité et une
Final TASK concentration toujours plus intenses. Elles sont
donc confrontées avec acuité aux problèmes de
Write a paper
gestion des surdensités (étalement, logement,
Cette tâche permettra aux élèves de réinvestir les
transport, emploi, déchets), de l’accès aux
connaissances culturelles et les savoirs langagiers
ressources (eau, nourriture, énergies, matériaux
travaillés dans la séquence.
rares). Elles subissent les tensions suscitées par de
Ils pourront trouver une aide méthodologique à la
fortes inégalités (ségrégation, gentrification,
page 324.
violences urbaines). »
« Axe d’étude 3 : repenser la ville

Le monde anglophone compte une large majorité

Les élèves compléteront leurs connaissances grâce d’urbains : c’est ainsi le cas en Australie (90 %), aux
aux ressources proposées ici. Pour la constitution États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et au Canada (plus de
du dossier personnel attendu à l’examen et/ou pour 80 %), ou encore au Nigeria (50 %). Seuls le Kenya,
préparer l’une des deux questions à soumettre au l’Inde et la Tanzanie comptent encore une majorité
jury du Grand Oral, ils trouveront là matière à de ruraux, en recul cependant. Certains des pays les
s’interroger sur les enjeux d’une forme de moins urbanisés abritent des villes qui dépassent le
patriotisme particulier. seuil de 10 millions d’habitants (Delhi, Mumbai,

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 13

Lagos et Calcutta). La recherche d’une définition
unique de la ville, typique du monde anglophone, Page 245
est utopique : la diversité des modèles urbains est
en effet très grande, façonnée par des histoires
nationales spécifiques, malgré l’influence de la
colonisation et de la mondialisation sur l’urbanisme,
l’architecture et les modes de vie citadins. […] La
concentration de pouvoir, de population, de Cities in the World, a new perspective
richesses et de symboles façonne l’organisation de on urbanization
ces villes. L’image qu’elles renvoient devient
essentielle dans la concurrence qu’elles se livrent. Extraits d’une publication de l’OCDE et des Nations
Pour demeurer attirantes, elles doivent rivaliser unies sur les villes dans le monde.
d’ingéniosité et promouvoir le dynamisme 1 Les élèves prennent connaissance du document
économique aussi bien que la qualité de vie. […] attribué selon leur groupe et répondent aux
Mumbai, Nairobi ou Lagos sont, quant à elles, questions.
confrontées à des enjeux de développement 2 Document A:
spécifiques : la croissance extrêmement rapide de Globally, the majority of people live in cities (almost
ces espaces, associée à un manque de planification 50% – half the world’s population) and this
urbaine et à la pauvreté, exacerbe les carences et proportion keeps increasing. In developing
les désordres. Cependant, toutes les villes subissent countries, where most people live in rural areas, the
les effets de la pollution, les problèmes d’accès aux proportion of city-dwellers is growing faster than
ressources, de gestion des déchets, de la place de la anywhere else. On a global scale, urbanisation is
nature dans la ville, de l’inégal partage des richesses increasing/expanding.
et de la saturation des infrastructures. Elles doivent Document B:
se réinventer, sur le mode utopique ou politique, en The population of cities is expected to rise
faisant appel à la réflexion des architectes, des considerably/drastically in the next 30 years. It
urbanistes […] et à l’engagement des citoyens. corresponds to a growth of over 40%. Overall, the
Objet d’étude : urbanisation et fiction. » world population will increase in all types of areas.
Document C:
PROBLÉMATIQUE This extract is about people’s living conditions in
L’architecture urbaine peut-elle être influencée cities and more precisely the quality of life.
par la fiction tout en répondant aux besoins de la The city residents who were interviewed said they
population ? were happier/more satisfied with their lives, had
Can architecture be influenced by fiction and, at less health problems, had more economic
the same time, meet people’s needs? opportunities and more access to services and
La Final task permettra de vérifier les acquisitions However, if city-dwellers’ well-being cannot be
de la séquence et de répondre à la problématique. denied, they are more exposed to crime and
Il s’agit de rédiger une lettre pour encourager le violence. Moreover, air pollution, higher blood
développement de villes durables et équitables. pressure and obesity are more present in densely
Cette tâche permettra aux élèves de mobiliser leurs populated areas.
connaissances et d’organiser leur réflexion d’une 3 et 4 Les réponses aux questions 3 et 4 peuvent
manière cohérente et pertinente.
être partagées avec la classe en nommant un
Cette séquence peut être traitée en lien avec la
rapporteur dans chaque groupe. Une phase
brick 34 ou les séquences de l’unité 10.
d’échanges peut s’ensuivre pour lister et mettre en
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
commun les différentes propositions.
1 A state of the city: un état des lieux de la ville et
Page 246
de son devenir.
2 Fiction vs reality: l’image de la ville dans la fiction.
3 When fiction meets reality: quand les architectes Extract from a speech given by Kofi
s’emparent de la fiction pour en faire une réalité. Annan at the Langenburg Forum on 8 June

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 14

Bref extrait d’un discours prononcé par Kofi Annan inequality” (l. 3): all these problems could get worse
(décédé en 2018). as the number of city-dwellers increases.
1 As a majority of the world’s population is likely to – “a key contributor to climate change” (l. 11-12),
become city-dwellers and urbanisation is inexorably “responsible for an estimated three quarters of
expanding, Kofi Annan wants to put people first as global CO2 emissions” (l. 12-13): cities contribute to
regards the conception and development of cities. climate change and are one of the most important
He argues that urban areas were made for cars and causes of pollution.
roads but it shouldn’t be the case anymore. That’s 2 As the number of inhabitants increases, cities will
why he focuses on a more sustainable future for have to meet the needs of the population in terms
cities so as to make people’s life better. of quality of life, for example decent and affordable
2 According to the former UN Secretary-General, if accommodation/housing, transportations and
cities fail to evolve (especially on the African sustainable energy systems.
continent) they won’t progress and develop in ways 3 To address this issue, architects, city planners or
that provide a safe and prosperous environment for designers develop innovative solutions such as
their inhabitants. Therefore, developing countries “vertical farms and biome greenhouses” (l. 15-16)
will continue to lose young and talented people who and “self-driving cars and underground recycling
are looking for better opportunities and brighter systems” (l. 16-17).
horizons. 4 Accepter toute réponse cohérente. Faire
référence à la dernière partie du texte “but not
always without some complications” pour montrer
IF-clauses que même si des infrastructures et des
Les exemples à repérer sont les suivants : aménagements innovants ont déjà été construits,
1. Ligne 4 : “If we fail to transform our cities, we will cela n’est pas encore complètement satisfaisant ou
fail to meet the targets set out in the sustainable sans difficulté.
development goals.”
2. Ligne 6 : “And if we fail to support the cities of the
development world, especially of Africa, the young Ideas to make smarter cities
and able will continue to migrate to Europe for a
brighter future.” Video 1 script: A glimpse at Cities of the Future
3. Ligne 9 : “It is on the city of the future that we Innovate UK, 18 April 2017
must focus if we are to solve many of the world’s VOICE-OVER: Ever wonder what future cities will be
most pressing problems.” like? What if they could think like a human brain?
Les phrases 1 et 2 expriment une quasi-certitude Imagine a city where layers of artificial intelligence
avec will + verbe dans la principale et du présent and the Internet of things are being incorporated
simple dans la subordonnée en if. Faire traduire les into our infrastructures, making even homes and
phrases aux élèves pour leur montrer que la traffic monitoring systems talk to each other. [0:37]
concordance des temps se fait comme en français. SARAH LAMPTEY: Hi! I’m Sarah Lamptey and I’m
Dans la phrase 3, seul le présent simple est utilisé, here with Mike Pitts to talk about future cities. So,
ce qui renforce l’idée de certitude et le fait que, what can we expect?
selon l’auteur, il n’y a pas d’alternative possible. MIKE PITTS: Well, the city of the future will have a
Cette phrase peut cependant être transformée de la lot more walking and cycling space, a lot less
façon suivante, sur le même modèle que les phrases pollution, and that will allow people to live a much
1 et 2 : If we are to solve many of the world’s most more healthy and active lives.
pressing problems, it is on the city of the future that SARAH LAMPTEY: Fantastic! So, what will make that
we will have to focus. possible?
Faire remarquer la nécessité de changer le modal MIKE PITTS: The systems that manage a city will be
must pour le semi-modal have to (will et must ne much more controlled by artificial intelligence but
pouvant être juxtaposés). also will be using a lot more green energy. So, say, if
you work in an office, the building itself will be
optimised for the occupants but it’ll also
From urban forests to high-tech communicate with other buildings and will generate
utopias, here’s how the cities of the future its own energy using things like solar windows.
SARAH LAMPTEY: Sounds good! So, what about on
are shaping up
my lunch break?
MIKE PITTS: So, you’ll go and collect your lunch from
1 – “gridlocked traffic and overflowing landfills” (l.
what’s an increasingly interactive high street. Now
1-2), “unaffordable housing and growing

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 15

you probably won’t have a till in a shop when you - automatic/self-driving/driverless cars or delivery
pick up your sandwich, but if you went to go and buy vehicles.
a new dress, you’d go into an augmented reality 3 All these betterments/improvements will be made
changing room where you could look at different possible thanks to new technologies, like
options and how they looked on you. augmented reality and artificial intelligence.
SARAH LAMPTEY: I like the sound of that. So, what 4 Yet, the woman thinks that all these changes may
about on my way home? have an impact on employment. She thinks that
MIKE PITTS: Well, we won’t be driving cars so much people will lose their jobs and be
in the future. The public transport will be almost unemployed/jobless if their occupations are fulfilled
Uber-like. You’ll have automatic driven pods that’ll by machines or robots.
come up and collect you. 5 He disagrees. On the contrary, the man thinks that
SARAH LAMPTEY: So, you’re saying that transport it will allow people to focus on more essential tasks
will become intelligent! or to spend more valuable time with people who
MIKE PITTS: Absolutely! Particularly moving require more attention.
between different transport modes will become 6 Not only will cities be more eco-friendly and meet
even easier and all seamless and connected.
people’s needs, but they will also allow people to
SARAH LAMPTEY: So, how would I pay for
lead more comfortable and fulfilling lives. City
something like that?
planners are conceiving urban spaces that cater to
MIKE PITTS: You just hop on and off. This vehicle
people since they have the technology they need.
would sense that you’ve change modes and will
7 Accepter toute réponse cohérente. Encourager les
charge you accordingly.
SARAH LAMPTEY: That sounds really convenient! élèves à développer et justifier leurs réponses.
MIKE PITTS: Exactly! And also, these pods will start La question 7 peut être également associée au texte
to deliver things like goods and services to you when “From urban forests to high-tech utopias, here’s
they’re not moving people around. how the cities of the future are shaping up” p. 246.
SARAH LAMPTEY: OK. So, all that automation and Le professeur pourra choisir de faire travailler les
smart technology isn’t bad for jobs? élèves sur ces deux documents en parallèle, ou par
MIKE PITTS: Oh, quite the contrary. What they’ll do des groupes différents, pour débattre à la fin du
is free up people to spend more time doing the traitement de la question 7.
human interactive parts. It’s automating the routine
bits. So, imagine a nurse being able to spend more Page 247
time with the patients or a police officer being able
to spend more time on the beat interacting with the
SARAH LAMPTEY: So, future cities look smart, green L’activité Go Further propose aux élèves de faire des
and exciting and we’ll lead happier lives, and we’ll recherches plus précises et de compléter leurs
have more time to enjoy them. So, what do you informations sur l’objectif de développement
think? durable n° 11 des Nations unies.

Cette vidéo propose un aperçu de la ville du futur

connectée. L’introduction (les 37 premières
Training TASK
secondes, indiquées en italiques dans la
transcription) peut être utilisée en anticipation. Write an article on a blog or in a forum
La Training task, une production écrite, peut se
1 They are talking about what cities of the future prêter à un travail individuel, mais aussi à un travail
de groupes ; cette deuxième modalité offre la
may look like. They sound quite enthusiastic and
possibilité aux élèves de mettre en commun et
even excited/thrilled about such a vision of future
d’échanger leurs idées et ainsi d’enrichir les
productions. Les élèves sont invités à reprendre et
2 According to Mike Pitts, people’s daily life will be
organiser les arguments évoqués dans les différents
easier and safer regarding transports, health, and documents de la partie 1, mais également à étoffer
shopping: leur article final avec leurs idées personnelles.
- solar energy used more efficiently;
- more walking and cycling spaces;
- virtual shopping;
- no need for cash as payment is done automatically
whether you are shopping for food or using public

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 16

2 Vérification des hypothèses. Détails ou précisions
3 They wanted to make the setting suitable for
humans and not too futuristic. Neither did they want
Quote from Kim Stanley Robinson in a setting too close to the world created by Jack
“Shaping the future with science fiction and Kirby, the prominent comic book writer (who
climate fiction” created the character of Black Panther with Stan
1 Back in the 1930s but also in the mid-1950s, 4 They were particularly inspired by the designs of
people had a lot of ideas about what life in the Zaha Hadid, a renowned contemporary architect
future would be like. The prevailing ideas in science who built futuristic buildings, including in Africa. Her
fiction were that life would be better. According to style was inspirational as it is very “voluptuous”,
Kim Stanley Robinson, science fiction has evolved “very flowing” and “very organic” and at the same
because society has changed. The world is time very modern. It allowed the designers of the
dominated by wealthy/well-off people, a situation film setting to combine the futuristic elements of
which triggers conflict/tension as more and more Wakanda with the traditional and historical aspects
people are struggling to make ends meet. He of Africa.
believes that now, science fiction is about a bleak 5 The last lines suggest that Africa is usually
future, contrasting with the former vision. depicted as a place with poverty-stricken people
2 Une majorité d’élèves pourra certainement who live in slums/shanty towns and need help. On
répondre à la question. Si ce n’est pas le cas, celles the contrary, while imagining the setting of
et ceux qui ne connaissent pas pourront essayer de Wakanda, the designers chose to pay tribute to the
déduire le sujet du roman dystopique de Suzanne African continent and show it as a prosperous and
Collins publié en 2008 (ou du film de Gary Ross) à wealthy place. It may also be a way to fight a
partir des propos de Robinson. Les élèves qui stereotyped vision of Africa.
connaissent l’intrigue du roman/film auront alors
pour rôle de vérifier si les suggestions de leurs Page 248
camarades sont correctes.
The Hunger Games became a blockbuster (movie)
when it achieved huge success at the time of its Traduire “as”
release (2012), as had the novel. Kim Stanley • Les différentes occurrences de “as” sont aux lignes
Robinson draws a parallel between the society we 3, 30, 31 et 41.
live in and the one depicted in The Hunger Games, • “As crucial as the characters…”, l. 3 : comparatif.
where some people live in the wealthy Capitol city Proposition de traduction : « Si les personnages
and others starve in the 12 poor districts sont essentiels à tout film des Marvel Studios, le
surrounding it. The “hunger games” are a décor est un personnage à part entière. »
competition where teenagers from each district are “… it has a strong history of culture as its
coerced into fighting so as to get some food and foundation.” (l. 30). Propositions de traduction
supplies. However, the real motivation behind the littérale : « …comme fondation / base ». En étoffant,
games is to provide entertainment for the Capitol. on pourra traduire de la manière suivante : « …elle
3 Accepter toute réponse cohérente. repose sur une histoire culturelle solide. »
“As Moore explained…” (l. 31). Proposition de
Pages 247-248 traduction : « Comme l’explique Moore… »
“…as being a prosperous place.” (l. 41). Proposition
de traduction : « …comme (étant) un endroit
The Architectural Inspirations Behind prospère. »
Wakanda in Marvel Studios’ “Black Panther”
L’article propose de revenir sur la genèse du décor
dans le film Black Panther.
1 The article must deal with the film Black Panther
Ghana to build “Wakanda City” to
and more precisely with what inspired the designers
serve as a pilgrimage for people of African
who had to conceive the world of Wakanda. It says
that the setting is an essential element in the movie,
descent pause to reconsider who we
just like the characters. celebrate

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 17

1 The city of Cape Coast, in Ghana, plans to create uncompromising; to become the future financial
“an ultramodern city” called the Wakanda City of capital of Africa. Developed with skill and
Return, Wakanda being the name of the futuristic dedication, Eko Atlantic is raising the standard for
world featured in the popular Marvel movie Black quality of life in Nigeria. Aspirational, accessible and
Panther. built for success.
2 One of the aims of the project is to capitalise on
the influx/increase of tourists in Ghana resulting 1 Eko Atlantic is being built in the Nigerian city of
from initiatives like the Year of Return in 2019 and Lagos, on a vast area of land reclaimed from the sea,
Beyond the Year of Return the following year. along the coast of Victoria Island.
Furthermore, the project will highlight the rich 2 The video’s purpose is probably to praise the
cultural heritage of the Ghanaian city and develop benefits of building such a place, which can be seen
the potential of diaspora tourism essentially focused by the use of laudatory expressions to describe Eko
on the transatlantic slave trade. Atlantic: “bold vision”, “developed with skill and
À propos des opérations “Year of Return” et dedication”, “raising the standard”, “aspirational,
“Beyond the Year of Return”, un lien pourra être accessible and built for success”. It looks like the
établi avec la brick 30 (Unit 9, page 204). perfect city, an idea which is reinforced by the
3 Cape Coast and Ghana are likely to benefit from images seen in the video: the skyscrapers and the
the project on various levels. Indeed, new people, smiling, hanging out and relaxing.
infrastructures will be built, mainly to host the 3 Eko Atlantic is an entirely new city that is part of
visitors: upscale/“5-Star hotels, retreat/health Lagos. The developers want to make it special and
resort, conference centers” for example. Moreover, out of the ordinary.
the developers of the project hope to increase 4 The city developers are very optimistic and self-
employment rates thanks to the building of the confident as they want the area to become the main
projects mentioned. financial capital of Africa and at the same time, a
4 We can imagine that by choosing to name the city place where Nigerians from all walks of life can
Wakanda, a prosperous African world featured in a reside and have a successful life.
blockbuster film, the developers are 5 Les élèves seront invités à lire et commenter la
betting/banking on its popularity among people of légende associée à la vue aérienne d’Eko Atlantic, ce
African origin, although their reasons may be self- qui leur permettra d’enrichir leurs arguments pour
interested. Yet, apart from a workforce likely made répondre à la question 5.
up of locals, all the infrastructure planned seems to Accepter toute réponse cohérente at argumentée.
be aimed towards affluent foreign customers.
Accepter toute réponse cohérente.
Short /I/ or long /i:/ sound?
Les sons /ɪ/ et /i:/ sont souvent confondus par les
L’activité proposée ici, en prolongement du texte, /i:/= unique, meters, sea
met en lumière d’autres initiatives s’appuyant sur le /ɪ/ = city, built, Victoria, eventual
même modèle. Il pourra s’avérer intéressant de les Le plus souvent, les voyelles i ou y seront
comparer, d’en évaluer les finalités et les prononcées /ɪ/, sauf si la voyelle i est suivie d’une
conséquences sur le territoire et les populations. consonne et d’un e. Il existe cependant de
nombreuses exceptions.
Page 249 À noter : la graphie ea ne se prononce pas toujours
/i:/ (head, instead…).

Ambitions for a Green City

Cities and climate change
Video 2 script: Eko Atlantic City
Being Nigerian, 16 November 2018 1 Accepter toute réponse cohérente.
Eko Atlantic is a unique new city within a city that’s Judging by the book cover, the story must be about
being built on a vast area of land reclaimed from the the city of New York in about 100 years. There are
ocean along the coast of Victoria Island in Lagos, the typical skyscrapers but there are also flying
Nigeria. More than six and a half million square objects. What looks really different is that the city
meters have so far been recovered from the sea, seems to be surrounded by water, as if it had
with an eventual footprint spreading across ten become an island.
square kilometers. The bold vision it represents is

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 18

2 Accepter toute réponse cohérente. Accepter toute réponse cohérente et argumentée.
We can imagine that, in this futuristic version, sea
levels have substantially risen up to a point where Final TASK
the streets of New York have become canals. This Write a letter
idea is reinforced by the fact that we can make out La tâche finale, une production écrite, permettra
gardens, with plants and trees, on the top of high- aux élèves de mobiliser les connaissances lexicales
rise buildings. On the one hand, the cover depicts a et grammaticales acquises tout au long de la
dreamlike/surreal and peaceful image of NYC. On séquence. Ils devront également utiliser des
the other hand, the cover may also illustrate the expressions et des arguments pour être le plus
aftermath of a climatic disaster like a tsunami, a convaincant possible. La fiche How to write a formal
storm or flooding. This cli-fi (climate fiction) novel letter (page 322) leur donnera un guidage plus
may be a kind of a wake-up call for change as to the précis quant à la rédaction d’une lettre.
way infrastructures are being built, ignoring natural
threats such as erosion and coastal flooding.

Page 250 Dans la perspective de la conception du dossier

personnel ou du Grand Oral, les documents
proposés ici invitent les élèves à explorer les pistes
The other side of the coin littéraires ou cinématographiques en lien avec la
Still Becoming: At Home In Lagos With séquence.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

1 Most of the expressions related to Lagos show a

city that is constantly evolving or endlessly changing
(“shifting impermanence”, “still becoming”,
“different today”, “structure gone, or shuttered, or
expanded” …). In the more recent part of the city,
new buildings emerge quickly (“sprout up”) when in
the older parts, more modest buildings disappear
(“knocked down”) as if the old had to be sacrificed
to make way for the new.
2 The changes seem to be happening so fast and
thoughtlessly that the inhabitants may not have any
choice but to adapt. The city developers are
favouring a modernised and progressive Lagos to
the detriment of more modest and older
3 The author describes Eko Atlantic as a very
expensive place, mainly owned by developers, a
place built on the ocean. She remains very sceptic
and even pessimistic regarding this project. She may
think that building a city so close to the sea is
hazardous but also inadequate. Indeed, these
brand-new buildings will probably target wealthy
residents or businesspeople. Most people living in
“older Lagos” aren’t likely to benefit from Eko
Atlantic. Far-sighted planning is required otherwise
only a few people will benefit from the wealth and
opportunities provided by the city while others will
be reduced to living in poverty.
4 La question propose aux élèves de comparer les
deux visions du projet Eko Atlantic (celle de la vidéo
page 249 et celle du texte page 250). Il faudra les
encourager à développer leurs idées et justifier
leurs arguments, tout en utilisant les expressions de
la comparaison et du contraste.

Unit 11 “Cultivate your city” 19

Page 253

UNIT12 et d’influences culturelles. L’emprise croissante de

ces liens internationaux nécessite de mettre en
“Can Soft Power Change relation l’étude des pays et des sociétés
the World? anglophones avec celle du monde dans lequel ils
s’insèrent, et d’analyser les modalités complexes et
” changeantes de ces rapports. »
Axe d’étude 1 : Puissance et influence. « Depuis
THÉMATIQUE 3 : RELATION AU MONDE l’émergence de l’Angleterre des Tudor sur la scène
internationale à l’orée de la Renaissance jusqu’à
l’affirmation des États-Unis comme puissance
Dans le domaine des relations internationales, les
majeure entre le tournant du XXe siècle et la fin de la
États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni occupent une place
Seconde Guerre mondiale, le concert des nations,
particulière. Ils sont toujours ou ont été des
depuis des siècles, se joue avec le monde
puissances mondiales, exerçant à ce titre une
anglophone. À chaque époque, sa présence dans le
grande influence. Tous deux sont aujourd’hui
monde s’appuie sur une capacité de projection
encore des acteurs internationaux de premier plan,
diplomatique, militaire, économique et culturelle. »
avec la capacité d’influencer d’autres nations,
Objet d’étude : l’entreprise Netflix.
d’imposer leur volonté à d’autres peuples par des
moyens militaires et économiques (hard power) ou
culturels et idéologiques (soft power). Par ailleurs,
l’intensification du processus de mondialisation
Comment Netflix a-t-il saisi l’opportunité de la
affecte une multitude d’échanges au sein du monde
mondialisation ?
anglophone, que ce soit en termes de d’éducation,
How did Netflix embrace globalisation?
de divertissement ou de politique.
L’UNIT 12 propose d’aborder l’axe d’étude 1
La Final task permettra de vérifier les acquisitions
« Puissance et influence » dans la thématique
de la séquence et de répondre à la problématique.
« Relation au monde » en évoquant les vecteurs de
La création d’une brochure permettra à la fois de
puissance et d’influence dans et sur le monde
remobiliser les connaissances et de solliciter les
contemporain. Les trois bricks de l’unité s’attachent
compétences liées à la créativité.
à étudier ce phénomène pour réfléchir à la relation
entre la puissance effective et la représentation
La brick est structurée en quatre parties :
qu’on a de sa puissance. En effet, les grands acteurs
1 When the streaming giant goes global: l’essor de
de l’aire anglophone sont aujourd'hui confrontés à
Netflix dans le monde.
la nécessité de redéfinir leur place dans un monde
2 The origins of Netflix: les débuts de Netflix.
désormais multipolaire.
3 Breaking into new territories: easy-peasy?: les
défis rencontrés par Netflix pour se développer à
Has the World Been 4 Case study: exploring new markets Netflix in Asia
Netflixed? and Africa: études de cas pour analyser
l’introduction de Netflix en Asie et en Afrique.
La brick 37 s’intéresse au développement de
l’entreprise américaine Netflix spécialisée dans la Page 253
distribution de films, séries et documentaires. La
plateforme réussit-elle à exercer une influence sur WHEN THE STREAMING GIANT GOES
la diffusion de contenus dans une grande partie du GLOBAL
monde ? Cette séquence propose de revenir sur son
essor rapide et mondial et de s’interroger sur les
The entire world is streaming
stratégies mises en place par cette entreprise tirant
1 The map represents the world and the different
profit du processus de mondialisation.
countries where the streaming platform Netflix is
available. It is present in more than 190 countries.
Extrait du B.O.
Yet, it says that the content Netflix offers may differ
« […] l’intensification du processus de
according to location.
mondialisation affecte une multitude d’échanges,
en particulier de populations, de biens, de services

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 1

2 It’s not available in China, Crimea, North Korea customers to physical retail stores remained a tried
and Syria. We can guess that the US government and tested way of increasing revenue, it’s perhaps
prevents American companies from doing business unsurprising that Blockbuster opted for the latter.
in Crimea, North Korea and Syria. As for China, the In 1997, Netflix entered the scene pioneering a very
streaming platform may be banned for political and different model. By removing the hassle of retail
economic reasons. China may also want to favour locations, it lowered costs and could afford to offer
local streaming platforms. Also, some of its content its customers greater variety and on a global scale.
may be censored by these countries… Instead of charging customers to rent videos, it
3 Pour analyser les statistiques, les élèves pourront offered an online DVD rental service whereby
s’aider de la fiche HOW TO analyse and comment customers could watch a video for as long as they
on graphs de la page 314. wanted or return it in the post and get a new one
N.B. : Les données du graphique « Netflix is N°1 in delivered through their letterbox and with no more
the US » portent sur l’année 2019. irritating late fees. Eventually Blockbuster tried to
In the last five years, the number of subscribers, in introduce mail-order movie rentals and even
the USA but also worldwide, has significantly dabbled with movie streaming but it was too little
increased. Moreover, Netflix is the most widely used too late. What had made Blockbuster a success in
streaming platform in the US. The data in the bar the past was now a liability. Its physical stores and
graphs clearly show Netflix’s dominance over the staffing levels were reliant on store-based revenues
streaming market. and the retail giant’s leaders weren’t brave enough
4 The number of subscribers has been increasing to change.
since 2015. There is no denying Netflix dominates By this time, Netflix’s founder who years before had
the streaming market. tried to sell the company rights to – you guessed it,
5 Les élèves sont invités à rédiger un bref Blockbuster – had built up the business to global
heights in the entertainment world which has
paragraphe, individuellement ou en petits groupes,
adapted its business model to offer a video
pour récapituler les données des documents. Ce
streaming service, producing award-winning
paragraphe peut être donné à faire à la maison ou
original films and TV series with millions of
en classe.
subscribers. Even without the recognisable
branding and marketing capabilities held by
Blockbuster, the combination of low-cost
L’activité de recherche propose aux élèves d’en distribution methods, a clear digital vision and not
apprendre davantage sur les autres services being tied to an outdated legacy model meant that
disponibles. En préparation à la tâche Netflix could spot a gap in the market and swoop in.
intermédiaire, de courtes présentations orales
peuvent être faites en classe par les élèves. 1 Blockbuster was a video rental company that
dominated the market in the 1980s. The chain store
had thousands of retail locations, millions of
Page 254 customers. It was a successful and prosperous
2 Instead of making their service more convenient,
THE ORIGINS OF NETFLIX they chose to get more customers visiting their
stores and to continue to charge clients with late
How Netflix came to dominate the fees.
video streaming market 3 Unlike Blockbuster, when Netflix appeared on the
market in 1997, the venture didn’t choose this
Video 1 script: Netflix vs. Blockbuster option. Netflix made movie rental more convenient
Circus Street, 2018 for customers as they could rent DVDs online.
From the 1980s, Blockbuster dominated the video 4 Blockbuster tried to change strategy in order to
rental industry. With thousands of retail locations, adapt to the market but it happened too late. Its
millions of customers, massive marketing budgets stores became a hindrance. Eventually Blockbuster
and efficient operations, it made an enormous couldn’t compete and went bankrupt/filed for
amount of money from charging late fees to bankruptcy.
customers who forgot to return their movies on Netflix provided an online DVD rental service which
time. When planning their marketing strategies, was more convenient for customers. Soon, Netflix
two main options arose: make the product more became more popular and more profitable than
convenient for customers or get more customers Blockbuster as it started to offer a video streaming
visiting our stores. At a time when driving

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 2

service producing successful original films and TV block Netflix in Kenya because of its content that
series. was considered immoral and controversial.
5 Netflix adopted low-cost distribution methods and Indonesia wanted to preserve its monopoly over
opted for innovative/disruptive/groundbreaking media services whereas Australia was concerned
methods to become the market leader in the video about whether it would affect its Internet
streaming industry. infrastructure. In Europe, regulators feared there
6 En fonction des réponses apportées concernant la might be too much American content, to the
stratégie de Netflix, les élèves sont invités à donner detriment of European filmmakers.
leur avis. Thus, Netflix had to face several challenges to break
into new territories and deal with various issues to
enter foreign media markets.
4 As the company is getting more and more
Intonation and meaning
subscribers abroad, Netflix is willing to expand and
• La voix-off insiste plus particulièrement sur les
meet customer demand.
mots suivants : dominated, thousands, millions,
5 To reach a growing and wider international
massive, enormous.
• Le but est de montrer la prédominance et le audience, Netflix has opted for a more
succès de Blockbuster à cette époque. differentiated and localised content and has
invested billions of dollars. In order to satisfy its
Training TASK
customers’ tastes and meet demand, the languages,
currencies and library categories are adapted to
Create a podcast each country.
La Training task, une production orale, permet de
remobiliser les éléments sur l’origine de Netflix et
sur son expansion. Cette activité constitue une
première étape vers la tâche finale. Should
Le modal should peut être utilisé pour exprimer le
Page 255 conseil, la probabilité ou la contrainte. Ici, il s’agit
d’exprimer l’idée de contrainte imposée par des
réglementations et les marchés.
PEASY? Page 256


Dans son ouvrage, Ramon Lobato propose
d’explorer les services de streaming et de Cette partie “Case study” propose aux élèves
distribution par internet et d’analyser la façon dont d’étudier l’expansion de Netflix dans deux zones
ces derniers ont transformé la culture télévisuelle géographiques différentes, à savoir l’Asie et
mondiale. l’Afrique.
Avant l’étude du texte, la question 1 propose Les élèves sont répartis dans deux groupes : le
d’analyser la couverture de l’œuvre. premier groupe se penchera sur les documents A et
1 On the book cover, the Earth is represented, B (Asie) et le second sur les documents C et D
surrounded by a red banner/ribbon which reminds (Afrique). Des sous-groupes peuvent être constitués
us of the first letter/the initial of Netflix as the logo si l’on choisit de faire étudier le texte et la vidéo par
is simple and iconic and immediately recognisable. des élèves différents.
It may suggest that Netflix has taken control of the
programs on a global scale and can be watched by
everyone. The letter N could symbolise a never- Netflix bets big on Asia as it sees
ending stream of stories offered to subscribers ‘significant potential’ in these markets
around the world/worldwide.
2 The very beginning of the extract shows that even Group 1
though Netflix is now a successful company thanks 1 “investing millions of dollars into original and
to series that have become viral, it wasn’t without licensed content in major markets like India”,
difficulties. “focused on localization” which “included adding
3 Some countries were worried about Netflix’s subtitles and dubbing in regional languages like
arrival for different reasons. There were threats to Hindi, Malay, Korean, Japanese, Thai and Bahasa

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 3

Indonesia”, “the app interface [is] available in local those would be the two areas that Netflix will
languages” continue to invest heavily in. They’re also going to
2 In Asia, subscribers mainly use mobile devices. focus on investing in India. You‘ve got shows like
3 Mobile-only-plans are at below $5 per month Indian Matchmaking that have become really
(which is almost 3 times cheaper than in the USA). popular and Southeast Asia will also be one of the
important new markets for Netflix in Asia especially
Thailand and Indonesia.
Les formes verbales en ING
• Proposition de traduction : en investissant ; 4 “Netflix could spend at least one billion dollars” on
ajouter (des sous-titres) / l’ajout (de sous-titres) ; le content in 2021.
doublage. 5 Netflix has already “spent two billion dollars on
Le procédé utilisé est la transposition grammaticale, original and licensed content since 2018”.
un changement de catégorie grammaticale qui peut 6 “Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market by
être nécessaire lorsque l’on passe dans une autre subscribers”, “one of the world’s most sought-after
langue. La première forme verbale est ici traduite markets for video streaming revenue”, “it’s a huge
par un participe présent, mais les suivantes ont été market”.
traduites par un infinitif ou un nom. 7 Netflix will invest in Korean content and Japanese
• Autres exemples : recognising ; offering anime (“popular”, “a hit worldwide”).
8 Netflix is planning to target new markets in
Southeast Asia, more precisely Thailand and
Investing in Asia Indonesia.

Video 2 script: Netflix Plans to Double Spending Page 257

on Original Content in Asia
Bloomberg Markets and Finance, 2020
JOURNALIST 1: How much investment are we Why Netflix is a lifeline for African film-
talking about here? makers
SHIRLEY ZHAO: Right, Netflix didn’t disclose the
exact amount of that investment in an interview, Group 2
but research firm Media Partners Asia estimates 1 A “platform for the continent’s overlooked
Netflix could spend at least one billion dollars in
cinematic talent” initiated by Netflix, “mixing new,
producing and acquiring original content from Asia
original content with older African classics that have
next year. Besides original content, Netflix also
not previously been streamed elsewhere”, “black
licenses local content and they told us that they’ve
stories […] by and about Africans”
spent two billion dollars on original and licensed
2 The aim is to highlight “different slices of the
content since 2018.
JOURNALIST 2: So why the focus on original content African experience” and to “reach a wider
in Asia then? audience”. Africans want to be better represented
SHIRLEY ZHAO: Well, Asia Pacific is the fastest on screen considering their talents and diversity
growing market by subscribers for Netflix. It’s also have generally been neglected by the cinema
one of the world’s most sought-after markets for industry.
video streaming revenue. Streaming platforms have 3 Their problem is “the lack of active film
really got a big boost in Asia since Covid because distributors” unless you pay out of your own pocket
people are staying at home and Media Partners Asia to promote the movie.
estimates that streaming revenue in Asia Pacific, 4 American movies, even blockbusters, about Africa
excluding China, will more than double to 15 billion do not reflect what this continent and its peoples are
dollars by 2025. So, it’s a huge market for any really like in all their diversity and cultural resources.
streaming platform to be serious about. In the end, they tend to target African Americans
JOURNALIST 2: And do we know where that money and, as a result, African audiences find it difficult to
is going to go soon in terms of programming? relate to these stories.
SHIRLEY ZHAO: Korean content and Japanese anime 5 In order to reach a wider audience Netflix will have
are some of Netflix’s most popular contents that are to support African filmmakers.
not only popular locally but also travel across Asia
and even around the world. So, you’ve got series
like Kingdom, The Seven Deadly Sins, that have
really become a hit worldwide in recent years. So

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 4

6 The challenge is to develop online streaming
Betting on Africa services on a continent “where the Internet can be
very slow, expensive” and where a lot of people
Video 3 script: How Netflix is trying to make it in don’t own a credit card. Netflix also has to face
Africa competition in the pay TV market.
Reuters, 20 October 2020 7 One of the solutions is to include the Netflix
WOMAN VOICE ON RADIO: So, any news on the subscription in the Internet bill. The aim is to make
gang’s whereabouts? the access easier for customers.
JOURNALIST: How does a big online streaming 8 Netflix has partnerships with Vodacom and
service like Netflix make inroads into a place like the Telkom South Africa to provide a better Internet
African continent where Internet can be slow, access. Regarding content, Netflix has deals with
expensive and not everyone has a credit card? African producers in Senegal, Ghana, Zimbabwe,
The answer, working through the telecoms Angola, and Mozambique.
operators themselves, making a Netflix subscription 9 Netflix offers more content/series and films made
a part of customers regular Internet bill. That and in Africa, stories Africans can relate to.
other strategies are all about ease of access,
according to its head of programming for Africa, Suite à l’étude de ces deux dossiers, un travail de
Dorothy Ghettuba. synthèse est proposé aux élèves. Dans cette
DOROTHY GHETTUBA: The business is excited about perspective, un élève du groupe 1 partagera ses
Africa and it’s putting every effort behind it and we notes avec un élève du groupe 2 : l’échange
are investing very seriously on it. And in terms of our permettra de mettre en commun les différentes
strategy, we’ve always said that we do believe that informations collectées en identifiant les similitudes
great stories come from anywhere they can be et les différences repérées dans les stratégies mises
loved, everywhere across the world and it’s no en place par Netflix.
different with African stories. 1 Les élèves pourront ici utiliser les expressions de
JOURNALIST: The online giant which has 193 million la similitude et du contraste proposées page 257
subscribers globally is seeking ways to overcome pour complexifier leurs énoncés. Pistes de
the challenges of expanding to the 55-nation réponses :
continent. Netflix already has partnerships with Similarities: focus on and support original and local
operators like Vodacom and Telkom South Africa. content; cheaper/affordable subscription plans;
DOROTHY GHETTUBA: As for the continent… make the access easier to the platform…
JOURNALIST: As to Internet speeds, Ghettuba says Differences: mobile devices in Asia; huge
they’re trying to address it by allowing Wi-Fi investments in Asia; Internet infrastructures in
downloads for later viewing rather than pricey Africa…
mobile data for streaming. 2 Réponses personnelles des élèves. Ces derniers
But Netflix isn’t the only player. The pay TV market
pourront être encouragés à développer leurs idées,
in Africa is dominated by South Africa’s multi-choice
à apporter des avis nuancés et à exercer leur esprit
group. It has dozens of channels dedicated to news
and live sports events and an online streaming
3 Les élèves exposent leur compte-rendu à la classe.
service giving it an edge over Netflix.
MAN FROM MOVIE: …it has to be 15 babes.
JOURNALIST: To improve its market appeal, Netflix Page 258
has been boosting its library of African productions
like its first Kenyan film, Poacher. Final TASK
DOROTHY GHETTUBA: We want to be able to say Create a leaflet
that Africa has got as many stories as the people in La tâche finale consiste à créer une brochure pour
it. And so, it’s important for us to provide for our promouvoir une exposition sur le développement
members across the globe that range and diversity de Netflix à l’étranger. Les différentes informations
of content from Africa but we are truly, truly recueillies sur les stratégies de l’entreprise ainsi que
invested in Africa. sur son origine peuvent être remobilisées. Des
JOURNALIST: Ghettuba declined to specify the value recherches pour présenter le contenu proposé par
of Netflix’s investments in Africa but the company la plateforme à l’étranger permettront de
has agreed to a slew of content licensing deals with compléter la brochure. Cette tâche finale peut se
African producers in Senegal, Ghana, Zimbabwe, prêter à un travail en binômes.
Angola, and Mozambique.

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 5

La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions
faites grâce à la séquence.
Une recherche internet concernant les habitudes
des jeunes générations (Millennials et Gen Z)
permet de développer un autre aspect de cette La brick est structurée en trois parties :
séquence et de s’interroger sur la façon dont l’accès 1 Hall of fame: propose un état des lieux de la
à du contenu en streaming ou vidéo à la demande a notoriété, du prestige et de la qualité des
pu modifier les pratiques des consommateurs. universités de Cambridge et Oxford.
2 Is everyone allowed to dream big?: Les universités
britanniques continuent de recruter une riche élite
qui occupe ensuite les postes les plus influents du
Pour constituer le dossier personnel attendu à pays.
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des questions 3 Old habits die hard: Le Brexit pourrait être
du Grand Oral, les élèves trouveront dans cette l’occasion de réformer le système universitaire pour
rubrique des pistes pour élargir le sujet concernant une représentation plus équitable et plus juste de
les stratégies de l’industrie du cinéma ou d’autres l’ensemble de la population britannique.
plateformes dans le but de conquérir de nouveaux
Page 259
Page 259

Awarding Power:
Oxbridge: the big two
British Universities
Video 1 script: What should Cambridge do next?
La brick 38 s’articule autour du rapport entre Cambridge University, 19 November 2018
éducation et pouvoir. Éduquer c’est donner du Text on screen: What does Cambridge mean to
pouvoir comme l’a souligné Nelson Mandela you?
(“Education is the most powerful weapon you can CLARE BALDING: Dear Cambridge, thank you for
use to change the world”). Au Royaume-Uni les deux giving me time and space to think, thank for
prestigieuses universités Oxford et Cambridge sont energising my mind by surrounding me with bright
emblématiques d’une puissance historique : un and brilliant people.
rêve pour les étudiants, un enseignement et une SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: When I went to
recherche de pointe de renommée internationale Cambridge, I listened to lectures describing to me
qui façonnent l’identité du pays. how many frogs there were, how many birds there
were, and it was astonishing.
Extrait du B.O. RAGHD ROSTOM: Cambridge makes people grow
« La conduite des grands acteurs mondiaux du and challenges them in a way like no other place I
monde anglophone n’est pas seulement dictée par can imagine.
leur puissance effective et leurs intérêts actuels. Elle EASHWAR KRISHNAN: I really felt like I won the
peut également être influencée par des lottery when I was admitted because I think it
représentations parfois en décalage avec la réalité. opened up just a set of opportunities, frankly life
En particulier, le Royaume-Uni comme les États- outcomes that would have been otherwise
Unis ont été ou sont confrontés à la nécessité de completely inaccessible to me.
redéfinir leur place dans un monde désormais DR JOHN GURDON: Cambridge is an amazing
multipolaire. Cette redéfinition s’établit dans une environment in which there are people
négociation avec des représentations héritées du knowledgeable in all kinds of areas and skillful in all
passé. » kinds of techniques.
DR SHAILAJA FENNELL: Cambridge provides me the
PROBLÉMATIQUE opportunity to work with the brightest and the best.
Comment les universités du Royaume-Uni As a teacher it allows me to engage with young
façonnent-elles l’identité politique, culturelle et people, with agile minds and yet with the ability to
sociale du pays ? dig deep.
How are UK universities shaping the country’s AMAR SHAH: Cambridge is quite small and the
political, cultural and social identity? density of great minds is so high.

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 6

ZHANG XIN: My best friends were from South continue being a light to a world that is darkening in
Africa, Argentina, people from all over the world many places.
and there was one thing we all had in common is we CARYS BROWN: I think I would get all the academics
were all intellectually curious. to come together and build a time machine ‘cause
JULIA GOTTWALD: In Cambridge I was really it would make my life as an historian much much
welcomed with open arms and people said that if better but actually it would also really, really enrich
you have a passion for the field and if you have a our understanding of the world around us, it’d be
bright mind, you can just learn everything else. very fun.
JULIAN FELLOWES: Do you know the old thing of “I STEPHEN FRY: Dear world.
arrived as a boy and left as a man” but, um, that was BILL GATES: Yours, Bill Gates.
true of me really. SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: Yours, David
TZO TZE ANG: I had a fantastic time at Cambridge Attenborough.
and I’m so grateful for the studentships that GEORGE YEO: Yours, George Yeo.
allowed me to study there. ZHANG XIN: Yours, Zhang Xin.
GEORGE MPANGA: I had a lot of questions about TZO TZE ANG: Yours, Tzo Tze.
who, who I was, the place I was from, and EASHWAR KRISHNAN: Yours, Eashwar.
Cambridge gave me the space to just really explore GEORGE MPANGA: Yours, George the Poet.
that. AMAR SHAH: Yours, Cambridge.
STEPHEN FRY: The idea that Erasmus and Byron, DECCA MULDOWNEY: Yours, Cambridge.
Newton, Milton, Wordsworth, Darwin were all STEPHEN FRY: Yours, Cambridge.
walking the same streets, climbing the same steps. PROF. STEPHEN J. TOOPE: Yours, Cambridge.
It’s a magical feeling.
Text on screen: What should Cambridge do next? 1 Both pictures show buildings — interior and
PROF. STEPHEN J. TOOPE: Cambridge needs to be exterior — emblematic of Cambridge and Oxford in
bold in pursuing its mission, it needs to demonstrate the Gothic style. In the first picture, people entering
that it’s increasingly open to diverse talents, that it’s the building are wearing gowns, the traditional
at the forefront of innovation and discovery and academic dress. The dining room in Christ Church
that it can understand, explain and adapt to the College aka Harry Potter’s Dining Hall – it was used
social and economic realities of our own era. I want as a location for the film – is magnificent. Time
Cambridge to be a university that does not only seems to stand still there. These pictures give a
reflect the society it serves but one that makes it sense of space, timelessness and greatness to the
better. places which seem to be out of touch, reserved to an
BILL GATES: We’re still at risk that a very small group elite few.
of people could either through bio terrorism, 2 Les réponses sont libres, mais on peut s’attendre
nuclear weapons, or some cyberattack cause huge à : The portraits might be those of the founders of
damage. the university, patrons, great figures connected to
SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: One of the great the college, the university, the area or the country.
problems facing the world is a generation of energy. 3 The video comes from Cambridge, so it must
It has caused so much problem with the production
present it in an auspicious way. It suggests
of carbon dioxide and yet, we only use one five
Cambridge has done great things already and the
hundredth part of the amount of energy which
document may focus on how it could keep on being
comes from the Earth’s own.
an important actor.
ANISH CHANDARIA: I think Cambridge should go all
4 Vérification des hypothèses.
out to attract the best and brightest students from
all around the world. 5 All interviewees praise the university. All have
GEORGE MPANGA: I think Cambridge should be in studied there and are highly thankful for what it has
conversation with more schools about the brought them: academic knowledge, self-
environment that has been cultivated here, about knowledge, self-achievement, intellectual
the interest and identity of different colleges. I think fulfilment.
that’s something everyone could benefit from. 6 George Yeo expects Cambridge to find solutions to
DECCA MULDOWNEY: With the knowledge I gained make the world a better place.
at Cambridge, I think I want to teach and pass that 7 On attendra des élèves un mini-débat argumenté.
knowledge on.
GEORGE YEO: Cambridge has an enormous
reputation in Asia. It is one of the most trusted
names right at the very top, but this also places on
Cambridge a heavy responsibility, a responsibility to

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 7

Page 260 international students make lifelong friendships,
generation-long friendships.
World-class education according to
Lord Bilimoria, Chancellor of the university of 1 Les réponses sont libres. Les élèves se baseront
Birmingham sur les représentations qu’ils ont pu obtenir sur les
universités britanniques à travers les films, la
Video 2 script: We should never underestimate littérature ou les reportages, qui ne manquent pas.
the huge soft power that UK universities bring to British universities attract the best students
Britain worldwide to benefit from a high-quality higher
India Inc. TV, 6 August 2020 education. Educating the brightest minds, in science
LORD KARAN BILIMORIA: The international or economy, Britain can compete with the world
students’ situation, if you look at it historically, the super powers. With its scholars, the country has the
most popular countries have always been the knowledge to address key challenges. Going back
United States and the United Kingdom. There’s no home, international students export British culture,
question about it. And even today at any one time which benefits the economy. Oxford and Cambridge
there are more world leaders who’ve been are also two attractive places for tourism.
educated at UK or US universities at any one time, 2 Vérification des hypothèses.
way ahead of any other countries in the world… and 3 Lord Bilimoria mentions the USA with the
that is the power of higher education here in the UK. universities of Harvard, Princeton and Caltech
We are very proud, we have some of the finest (California Institute of Technology) and the UK with
universities in the world along with the United Oxford, Cambridge, and two London universities:
States of America. At any one time there will always Imperial College and University College (UCL).
be three or four out of the top ten universities in the 4 UK universities are often ranked in the top ten of
world will be from the United Kingdom. Oxford and the best universities in the world. They provide
Cambridge and Imperial and often University excellent education to the brightest minds: they are
College London is in that list as well. So I’m very the best for research and many Nobel Prizes are
proud of our universities. They are the best in the former Cambridge students.
world. Yeah, when you look at our excellence in 5 Lord Bilimoria focuses on international students as
research, we’re one percent of the world they significantly contribute to the country’s
population and yet we produce 16% of the highest economy thanks to the fees they pay. International
rated research papers in the world as a country. students also offer a cultural diversity which
Which… which university has more Nobel Prizes benefits the universities.
than any other in the world? Not an American 6 Cette question permettra aux élèves de
university, it’s not Harvard, it’s not Princeton, it’s
s’approprier les informations obtenues.
not Caltech, it’s University of Cambridge.
So we are very proud of our excellence and we are
also very appreciative of the international students IS EVERYONE ALLOWED TO DREAM BIG?
have come to the UK. The monetary part of it is
important…um…it’s a big export for us and it’s an Pages 260-261
unusual export that you’re actually bringing people
in…uh… in terms of the export…uh…but the
financial figures are huge. International students Higher education: the high way to
bring in twenty-six billion pounds a year…uh…to the success
UK economy. That’s how powerful it is. You know
1 Doc A: The pictures show people who have
eight international undergraduates of the
attended Cambridge University and achieved
University of Birmingham where I’m chancellor put
celebrity in very varied fields: from philosophy to art
one million pounds into the economy. That is the
and science. Studying in Cambridge opens up broad
impact of the international students. So it’s not just
horizons and paves the way to success.
the fees that they pay but it’s the whole impact that
Doc B: The figures show that studying in Oxbridge
they make but I think actually far more important
enables people to enjoy a career in quite influential
than the financial impact is what international
fields: they have positions in leading public jobs and
students do in enriching the experience of our
authoritative institutions. It is striking to see that
domestic students. Um, the domestic students and
only a minority (1% of the British population) can
hold these positions.

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 8

3 Doc C: The document shows that mostly the elite Cambridge despite two-thirds of the 6th forms
attend university in Britain. Oxbridge recruits quite speaking English as a second language.
exclusively people from privileged backgrounds. The PIERS MORGAN: Yes, it’s a remarkable tale of
average British population does not have a inspiration and we thought, you know what, we’re
university degree. gonna get on, we’re gonna salute and embrace
what they’ve achieved. We’re joined there by the
Pages 261-262 director of 6th form from Brampton Manor
Academy –Sam Dobin – and students Esther, Jeffrey
and Ridita will speak above of their fellow students,
Private school and Oxbridge “take top twenty-two of whom have made the journey this
ungodly hour, pretty amazing to have them out of
bed this early.
SUZANNA REID: All of these guys have got offers for
1 The documents highlight an important social issue
Oxford and Cambridge, and that is just half offers.
in the UK. Most people do not have access to higher PIERS MORGAN: And who’s going to Oxford? And
education and consequently to influential jobs. The who’s going to Cambridge? So the Cambridge is the
country is ruled by the elite. People from poor or more popular one, okay. So let me ask you about
average backgrounds cannot expect to climb up the this, it…this… cards on the table, you offer a form a
social ladder, engage in politics or merely gain selection, you interview people, you choose the
academic knowledge. best of the best in a way. I’ve got no problem with
2 The article deals with “social mobility” — the that. I think that’s the way we should go in our
phrase occurs four times from the beginning to the country, um, and the results have been quite
end — and more especially the lack of it. extraordinary.
3 Top jobs: private schools / Oxford / Cambridge / SUZANNA REID: Better than many private schools.
influential people / privately educated / power / 41 places and I, and I’ve paid for my kids to be
judiciary / diplomatic services / armed forces / pop properly educated and they’d be very envious about
stars / creative industries. these kinds of results, how have you done it?
4 Only a small group of people coming from the SAM DOTI: Well, I think first it credits to the
wealthiest background runs the country and thus students, isn’t it, they’re amazing. You’re sort of
does not represent the society as a whole. The right about the selection but let’s be clear, these
leading figures of the country cannot have a true students are all Newham students, two thirds being
understanding of the actual needs of the from Newham and there some of them only got As
population. and Bs at GSCEs as a mix but when they’re
5 Artists in the UK belong to the small university- surrounded by these clever students they do well.
educated elite. The journalist rightly refers to them It’s about inspiring them, we don’t set limits to what
as “opinion-formers” as art has always been a they can achieve, we think they’re brilliant and if
means to entertain but also to depict the world we you put in front of them high quality teaching every
live in, to influence and even manipulate. So he day, teach, you know, their subject, give them that
questions how British artists can actually help better ambition, this is what they can achieve.
the society and not just keep it divided. [1:37]
SUZANNA REID: Esther, where are you off to?
Page 262 ESTHER: Cambridge.
SUZANNA REID: And what are you gonna be
Going to uni is not just a miracle or is ESTHER: Human social and political sciences.
SUZANNA REID: That’s obviously fantastic. Well, tell
us a little bit about your background.
ESTHER: Well, I’m from Newham, and I am a
Video 3 script: East London state school secures
young carer and I decided to come to Brampton
41 Oxbridge offers
because like, [um, Brampton] on the news that was
ITV, Good Morning Britain, 21 January 2019
just trending so much like all the kids going to
Part 1:
Oxford and Cambridge, the ambition, the
SUZANNA REID: An incredible 41 students from a
school in one of Britain’s most deprived
SUZANNA REID: Did you ever dream that you would
neighbourhoods have secured places at two of our
do that? Has that been an ambition for a while?
most prestigious universities – Oxford and
ESTHER: It has been an ambition but I think if I came
to Brampton, I didn’t think it’d be a possibility but

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 9

I’ve come to Brampton, the way they just instill that, PIERS MORGAN: Keep going and best of luck to all
this ambition into you just became like, it can be a of you at Cambridge and Oxford and… my wife went
real thing so… to Cambridge so at least there’s some brains in my
PIERS MORGAN: Jeffrey, what’s your story? Tell us family. I didn’t get them but she did.
how you came here.
JEFFREY: I’m from Canton, I’ve about four siblings, 1 The students must be those who have been
GCSEs I’ve got a mixture of As and Bs, um, I came to granted access to Oxbridge. As they come from a
Brampton I’m surrounded by a lot of academically state school, it is so uncommon that it has to be
strong students who actually became my friends made public.
and just being surrounded by them every day, just 2 Brampton school is located in a deprived London
small of it, it means of course, just do well cause neighbourhood.
university was always the plan, Cambridge wasn’t, 3 Brampton school selects and interviews students
so… after their GCSEs. They pick up those they think
PIERS MORGAN: A lot of… a lot of young people could achieve well if given high-quality teaching
getting a bad rap these days, you know, whining with no upper limit. The environment is essential:
snowflake types, you know, and also you know, all being among peers stirs their motivation.
sorts of crime stories ravaging the city and so on, 4 For Esther, it is mainly a matter of ambition.
you guys collectively are a brilliant illustration of
Jeffrey focuses on the advantage of being
what young people can achieve when they put their
surrounded by clever students.
minds to. What do you think it says about young
5 Ethnicity is an important issue as Oxbridge has the
people, your achievement?
JEFFREY: Um… Sky’s only the limit to those who reputation not to admit ethnic minorities. For Ridita,
don’t realise there’s footsteps on the moon. You can however, her cultural background has been a driving
do a lot in life, no matter where you come force in the sense that she saw in higher education
from…um…yeah. a way to do what women could not do a generation
SUZANNA REID: Yeah. Hum, Ridita congratulations earlier. Motivation can overcome cultural limits.
as well, where are you off to? What are you gonna 6 Thanks to Brampton academy these students who
study? did not achieve great results at their GCSEs can
RIDITA: Um, I’m off to Cambridge to study compete with the best students regardless of their
engineering. background. It provided them with strong
SUZANNA REID: And one of the things we’re side motivation and incentive structure and has enabled
stepping here of course is Oxford and Cambridge do them to develop their skills so as to reach the
not have a great reputation for welcoming, excellence they may not have achieved in another
accepting, offering places to students like you, you school.
know, the… the black and ethnic minority students.
So did you feel that that might hold you back?
RIDITA: No, I never felt that. I feel like maybe less Expressing concession
people apply there but then education is to yourself On saisira l’occasion de rappeler les structures des
so wherever you go you can thrive through phrases pour exprimer la concession et faire le lien
education if you have the power inside, if you have, avec les équivalents en français « bien que » et
if you have, like, the will inside and my motivation « malgré ».
was always my mum because she ended her Despite/In spite of + nom
education at GCSEs and like many other women in Although/even though/even if + S + V
my culture they weren’t, like, encouraged to pursue Suggestions : Despite their background, these young
higher education, so like this degree is for myself as people will attend a prestigious university –
much as for my mum and my parents. Although they did not obtain good GCSE results,
PIERS MORGAN: Brilliant! Brilliant! You guys are a they managed to do very well – Even if Oxbridge is
fantastic inspiration to everyone in the country. If not known for welcoming minorities, they offered
you want to get on, this is what you need to be like. places to these students.
Work hard, work with other smart people and really
you can achieve anything, you can go right to the
top and get to the best two best universities in the
SUZANNA REID: You’ve broken the law, Sam Dovi,
well done, congratulations!

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 10

Pages 262-263 [11:22] ASHLEY JOHN-BAPTISTE: I catch up with
them to find out how, despite everything that’s
happened, they feel their first year has panned out.
The price of power FEMALE STUDENT 2: I always say that I’ve never felt
as I have here in Cambridge. I mean like… like in
Video 4 script: Being Black at Cambridge Coventry there’s a lot of Black people around,
University there’s Asian people around me, like it’s very
BBC News, 6 October 2020 diverse but here it’s not diverse, you’re very aware
REPORTER ASHLEY JOHN-BAPTISTE: For Black that you are Black.
students studying at one of the most prestigious MALE STUDENT 1: There’s no practicality, if there’s
universities in the world, academic pressure isn’t nothing that you apply, you know, to make Black
always the only challenge. For some, it can feel like students feel more, you know, safe and more
entering a new world. accepted in this, in this community that at the end
FEMALE STUDENT 1: You feel like you have to be of the day, you know, you can’t say we’ve made
strong. You know my mum keeps saying to me “just progress.
keep fighting, just keep going, just get that degree”. FEMALE STUDENT 3: We’ve tidied our hair, we’ve
ASHLEY JOHN-BAPTISTE: Over the years, Oxford and spoken the way that we need to speak, we’ve
Cambridge universities have come under pressure silenced these elements of our culture, we’ve done
for their lack of ethnic diversity. this to accommodate in these spaces and still that’s
PROF. STEPHEN J. TOOPE: I think it’s a place where not enough.
race has not been acknowledged as relevant FEMALE STUDENT 2: Your environment can make
particularly to the whole intellectual experience of things difficult for you but it’s not a barrier. You can
being at Cambridge. overcome whatever you want to overcome and be
ASHLEY JOHN-BAPTISTE: Last year at Cambridge, who you need to be, it might just be a little bit more
the numbers improved on previous years with the difficult but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it.
university accepting a record number of 91 Black
British undergraduates, but beyond the numbers is 1 The screenshot shows a Black lady facing a Black
the experience. I’m Ashley John-Baptiste, a BBC audience in what we can identify as a room in
reporter but also a Cambridge graduate myself and Cambridge. There is a contrast between the people
whilst I’m so glad I’ve studied there as a mixed-race there and the portraits hung on the wall, which
South-Londoner who grew up in care, it felt worlds suggests that Black people may not be taken for
apart from what I was used to and nearly ten years granted there.
on from my own time I want to find out what life at 2 Black people are not familiar with what they have
Cambridge has been like for a new wave of Black to face in Cambridge. They have to struggle.
British freshers. Because Cambridge students are mostly white —
Text on screen: Being Black at Cambridge. only three percent of undergraduates are black —
ASHLEY JOHN-BAPTISTE: The data is stuck. Black race has never been an issue.
British undergraduates have never made up more 3 Although he came from a deprived background
than three percent of Cambridge’s undergraduate (South London/foster family), the reporter attended
population. This doesn’t include international the University of Cambridge. However he found it
students who roughly make up a quarter of all hard to feel at ease. He felt he did not belong there.
undergraduates. Steps have been made to improve With the documentary his aim was to know if there
things. In 2018 the university launched the Stormzy had been any positive changes for Black students at
Scholarship to fund a selective number of Black Cambridge since he graduated.
freshers… 4 The situation has indeed improved recently. The
Text on screen: “Stormzy Effect” helps rise in Black university is accepting more and more Black
students. students. The university has agreed to the Stormzy
ASHLEY JOHN-BAPTISTE: …but I know firsthand that Scholarship to financially support Black students.
once you enter Cambridge it’s not uncommon to 5 Thanks to the Stormzy Scholarship, Black people
feel out of place and as much as the university did can consider being granted a place in Cambridge.
offer support I often felt like an impostor and totally 6 In Coventry, she lives among other ethnic
out of my depth. It’s because of my own experience
communities whereas in Cambridge there is no
that I really want to know how common Black
diversity, which made her feel fully aware of her
students are coping in a space that is still
predominantly White and privileged.
7 The two other students are both describing a
negative experience. They have felt Cambridge is

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 11

not for Black students. The first one complains that hopefully they’ll see the strength of feeling from
there is no support to help them feel comfortable. young people.
He says he did not feel safe nor accepted. The WOMAN 2: They claim they want to lower fees
second one has made her best to adapt to the down to 6,000 but I mean, that’s still like a huge
Cambridge environment: she has straightened her amount of money every year and like that, that does
hair, watched her language but still she feels she is nothing in terms like sensibility, in terms of funding,
not fitting. in terms of like getting more disabled, more Black
8 On the whole, she has had a hard time. However, students into education either so I think it’s still like
she sees it as a challenge which seems to reinforce problematic.
her motivation to succeed. YOUNG MAN 1: This affects us later in life, isn’t it,
like when we can’t pay off the huge debts, you
Page 263 know, yeah.
REPORTER: Are you worried about that?
YOUNG MAN 1: Of course, yeah, I mean who isn’t,
Falling intonation
YOUNG MAN 2: I’ve not even thought about ever
“Last year at Cambridge the numbers improved on
getting a mortgage yet because, you know, I’ve got
previous years with the university accepting a record
a lot to pay off already. And I’ve never had enough
number of 91 Black British undergraduates, but
to actually start paying it back. I’ve just gone
beyond the numbers is the experience.” L’intonation
through low paid jobs, to work in the supermarket,
descend à la fin de chaque information. Cela permet
work in the call centre etc., when I finished
de segmenter la phrase qui est très longue et faire
university, so it’s not been a realistic prospect and
des pauses par souci de clarté, mais aussi pour
it’s just, it’s something that hangs over you.
reprendre son souffle.
YOUNG MAN 3: With more pressure groups you get
more like incentive for them to make a change and
then you get more pressure on them…
Higher education: riches to the rich, YOUNG MAN 2: I think there’s a determination now,
debts to the poor? particularly given the lack of liege shown on this by
the National Union of Students for people to go
Video 5 script: Student Tuition Fee Protesters back to their universities, go back to the cities and
March on the UK Parliament actually organise there and put pressure on, not just
IBTimesUK, 19 November 2014 the government nationally but also university
REPORTER: Hundreds of disenchanted students are managers, you know, because they have a lot to say
marching down to Parliament today. They’re there in the policies of about cost… what costs are
to protest against the government over tuition fees provided, the funding given to students locally as
and to call on them to tax the rich. well, so I think there’s determination to do that and,
WOMAN 1: People shouldn’t pay outright through you know, the thing is the money’s there, it’s only
tuition fees for their education, for university the political will that’s lacking to take it off, big
education at any level, undergraduate or businesses who avoid tax all the time.
postgraduate, but not just that, free education is
also about funding so that people can actually 1 Students are concerned about the price they have
afford to live, to pay their rent, to eat, and not work to pay to go to university. They have to take on
so many hours that they can’t actually focus on their debts, which they might find hard to pay off.
studies. So it’s, I guess, it’s a, it’s a vision of a type of 2 The video deals with students who have organised
education that’s accessible for everybody, so it’s…
a march in London against the Parliament to reduce
not just the privileged.
tuition fees.
WOMAN 2: Hopefully there’ll be more actions after
3 Higher education should be free so that students
this which will like prompt the government to do
something, put pressure on them. can concentrate on their studies. It should be for
WOMAN 1: I do personally think that pressure everyone. Students must put pressure on the
inside the Labour Party is something that is very government, more especially the Labour Party, to
important. Then there is… there are people here reconsider tuition fees. Debts to pay for tuition fees
from a Labour campaign for free education so there are a turn-off.
are people within the Labour Party who want that, 4 According to the second woman, tuition fees are
so I think that there’s a possibility that enough over £ 6,000.
pressure could change the Labour Party’s policy but

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 12

5 “Pressure” is mentioned by most people According to him, a modern nation should
interviewed. They want to compel the government encourage diversity and equality.
to change their policies concerning the fees.
6 They are targeting the Labour Party because some Page 265
of the members have shown concern about the
7 Les élèves pourront s’appuyer sur les informations Adjectifs composés
données dans le document et les comparer à la « Aussi est-il difficile d’imaginer qu’Oxbridge puisse
situation des étudiants français par exemple. se défaire d’une tradition de recrutement centrée
sur un vivier d’étudiants blanc privilégiés. »

Cette revue de presse focalisera l’attention sur le

réel changement que l’artiste/activiste a réussi à
Training TASK
Write a letter
Page 264 Cette activité permettra aux élèves de s’entraîner à
l’expression écrite en organisant les connaissances
acquises dans cette partie, donner leur opinion et
OLD HABITS DIE HARD amorcer une réflexion en suggérant des
Pages 264-265

Final TASK
How Brexit will Intensify the Obstacles Present a recap of interviews
Faced by BAME Students at Elite Universities La tâche finale permettra de mesurer les
acquisitions par le biais d’une présentation orale. Ce
1 The text focuses on the contrast between the elite compte-rendu d’interviews permettra de couvrir les
and BAME students. différents enjeux et contraintes liés à
l’enseignement supérieur au Royaume-Uni. Chaque
2 Oxford and Cambridge implement a discrimination
interview pourra cibler un aspect étudié dans la
3 Oxford and Cambridge are for a White elite.
4 There is an attainment gap between White and
BAME students: students from ethnic minorities
have more difficulties achieving success and Pour constituer le dossier personnel attendu à
graduating. First because their background does not l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des questions à
make them prone to success and second because soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, les élèves
they have to work to meet their financial needs, trouveront dans ces documents matière à étoffer la
which prevents them from fully focusing on their particularité des universités britanniques et du
studies. pouvoir qu’elles exercent sur le pays et à
5 Because they do not achieve academic success, the l’international.
minorities suffer from socio-economic
Page 266
6 With Brexit, the ethnic diversity will be further
diminished. Applications from EU will be more
difficult and Black British students will find it harder
to fund their studies as Brexit will impact Black
households more than any others. Moreover, the The Five Eyes are
rise in hate crimes since Brexit indicates that a part Watching You!
of British society is not ready for such diversity and
BAME students might not be welcomed in Oxbridge. La brick 39 s’intéresse à l’alliance des Five Eyes,
7 The journalist thinks Britain sticks to long- encore méconnue du grand public, mais d’une
standing, historical and die-hard habits which do influence capitale dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. De
not correspond to his idea of a modern society. quand date cette coopération ? Quels sont les pays
membres de cette alliance ? Quels en sont les

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 13

enjeux ? Autant de questions auxquelles cette brick
a pour objectif d’apporter des réponses, en La brick est structurée en trois parties :
abordant la question de la rivalité numérique entre 1 Meet Five Eyes: de quoi s’agit-il ?
l’alliance et la Chine, enjeu capital pour le monde de 2 Encryption: a bone of contention: le chiffrement
demain. des données, un enjeu majeur.
3 The tech cold war: La guerre froide technologique
Les Five Eyes/UE vs la Chine.
Extrait du B.O.
« Comprendre la place du monde anglophone dans
les relations internationales nécessite de mettre en Page 266
balance trois particularités : les caractéristiques
intrinsèques de chacun de ses éléments
constitutifs ; le jeu des relations entre ces derniers ;
les relations du monde anglophone avec le monde
non anglophone. […]
Au sein du monde anglophone, dans le domaine des A brief history of FVEY
relations internationales, les États-Unis et le
Royaume-Uni occupent une place particulière. Ils 1 This article is a post from the technology site Make
ont en commun d’être ou d’avoir été des puissances Tech Easier, published in September 2018.
mondiales, exerçant à ce titre une grande influence. 2 “The Five Eyes” is an alliance of 5 countries: The
Tous deux sont aujourd’hui encore des acteurs USA, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Its
internationaux de premier plan, capables origin dates back to the period after the Second
d’influencer le monde par des moyens variés, qui World War. It was kept secret for years.
peuvent relever d’une contrainte plus ou moins 3 This agreement (the UKUSA agreement) states
explicite (hard power) ou de la capacité à exprimer
that the databases are shared between the 5
un modèle susceptible d’être imité spontanément
member nations. Thus, each country has access to
par d’autres acteurs (soft power).
the information of each of its partners.
Parmi les pays du monde anglophone, le rôle de
4 The advantage of this agreement is that it allows
puissance mondiale est aujourd’hui principalement
the members of the alliance to circumvent their own
l’apanage des États-Unis. Cependant, le Royaume-
legislation prohibiting them from monitoring their
Uni conserve de nombreux traits de grande
population without legal authorisation. It is
puissance, et l’on doit compter avec des acteurs
therefore very convenient to organise mass
régionaux d’importance, Australie et Nouvelle-
surveillance on an international scale.
Zélande notamment, ainsi que des réseaux
d’alliances militaires ou des traités d’intégration 5 In September 2018, the Eyes coalition announced
financière et commerciale. D’autres acteurs its intention to strengthen its surveillance by
parviennent à établir un domaine d’influence tackling encryption: “forcing companies to provide
spécifique, comme en témoigne la tradition access to their encrypted products or build in
canadienne d’investissement dans la médiation backdoors”. This obviously does not bode well for
internationale et le maintien de la paix dans le the privacy of citizens.
monde. Il sera utile d’expliquer ou de faire expliquer le mot
Étudier l’influence des pays du monde anglophone “backdoors” que l’on retrouvera plus loin dans la
suppose d’aborder préalablement la notion de brick. Ce lien donne des informations claires :
puissance. Celle-ci peut s’exprimer directement https://www.malwarebytes.com/backdoor
(faire) ou indirectement (faire faire). »
Page 267
Dans quelle mesure l’alliance Five Eyes a-t-elle
évolué pour répondre aux défis d’aujourd’hui ? From secrecy into the media spotlight:
To what extent has the Five Eyes alliance shifted to Edward Snowden’s bombshell
address today’s challenges?
Video 1 script: Snowden, the official trailer
La Final task permettra de vérifier et mesurer les Open Road Films, 27 April 2016
acquisitions de la séquence tout en répondant à la DOCTOR: Best I can tell, you’ve been walking
problématique. Il s’agit de créer un vlog dans le but around on two broken legs for weeks.
d’expliquer l’influence des Five Eyes sur le défi SNOWDEN: When do I go back?
numérique de notre époque.

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 14

DOCTOR: You ever again land on those legs of yours,
those bones will turn into powder. Plenty other The Five Eyes Alliance Is Watching You
ways to serve your country. 1 Group A
MAN 1: You wanted to be special forces. • Edward Snowden is an American who wanted to
SNOWDEN: Yes, sir. work for the CIA as a field agent. A bad injury
MAN 1: Why do you want to join the CIA? prevented him from doing so, but he was
SNOWDEN: I’d like to help my country make a nevertheless recruited by the NSA because of his
difference in the world. outstanding computer skills. He is a whistleblower,
MAN 2: The average test time is five hours. still “an international fugitive”.
SNOWDEN: I’m done, sir. • He discovered the incredible and shocking extent
MAN 2: It’s been forty minutes. of mass surveillance by the US government around
SNOWDEN: Thirty-eight minutes. What should I do the world.
now? • He decided to expose US government practices by
MAN 2: Whatever you want. releasing to the press thousands of secret files
SNOWDEN: The deputy director of the NSA offered proving the extent of the NSA’s activities, and
me a new position. demonstrating the extent of Washington’s
LINDSAY MILLS: Can you tell me anything about it? electronic surveillance.
SNOWDEN: You know I can’t. • Since then, he has led the life of a fugitive, a
MAN 3: Find the terrorists in the Internet haystack. pariah. He is wanted by the United States where he
MAN 4: You’re making people very happy. is accused of espionage.
SNOWDEN: Thank you.
MAN 4: You’re ready for a little action? Group B
MAN 5: Wow, this looks cheesy. • Edward Snowden disclosed classified documents
SNOWDEN: How is this all possible? proving that the NSA was engaged in massive spying
MAN 5: Think of it as a Google search, except on US citizens by monitoring their phone
instead of searching only what people make public, conversations, text messages and Internet but also
we’re also looking at everything they don’t: emails, massive global hacking via a huge number of
chats, SMS, whatever. computer networks.
SNOWDEN: Yeah, but… which people? • This map details the division of the world’s regions
MAN 5: The whole Kingdom, Snow White. between the 5 members of the Intelligence Alliance
SNOWDEN: The NSA is really tracking every cell of the anglosphere. It shows how complex and far-
phone in the world. reaching the intelligence partnership is. The
MAN 6: Most Americans don’t want freedom, they captions also highlight the role of the NSA in many
want security. parts of the world.
SNOWDEN: It’s like people, they don’t even know • It is clear that Canada and the US are the two
they’ve made that bargain. countries that spy on most of the world. The United
LINDSAY MILLS: Are they watching us? Kingdom’s activities are focused on Europe. Finally,
SNOWDEN: There’s something going on inside the Australia and New Zealand operate in their
government that’s really wrong and I can’t ignore it. geographical area.
I just want to get this data to the world. I feel like
I’m made to do this. And if I won’t do it, then… I 2 Réponses des élèves.
don’t know anybody else that can.
(to journalist 1) This is everything I have. They’re
Page 268
gonna figure out what I’ve done.
MAN 2: Did you access an unauthorised program?
JOURNALIST 2: The government knows that we
have these documents now. Five Eyes: more than technical
JOURNALIST 1: You’re looking at a possible death cooperation, not yet an alliance
SNOWDEN: I can’t turn back from this. 1 This article was written by Jim Rolfe and published
MAN 4: Watch yourself. on 3 August 2020. It is drawn from Incline, a New
JOURNALIST 2: We are running out of time. Zealand website.
SNOWDEN: They’re gonna come for me. They’re 2 The very beginning of the partnership consisted in
gonna come for all of you too. sharing intelligence resources, then the Five Eyes
developed cooperation programmes, standardised
procedures and tools of all kinds to enable them to

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 15

interact easily and efficiently, first and foremost in enforcement authorities from accessing important
wartime. information in criminal investigations.
3 The growing tensions with China have led to more 3 Indeed, this can be seen as a legitimate demand
coordinated action by the FVEY, whether to prevent when applied to the protection of vulnerable people,
the deployment of Huawei infrastructure in 5G such as sexually exploited children for example or
networks, to address China’s stranglehold on Hong terrorism. Yet, on closer inspection, it is the right to
Kong, or to propose viable economic solutions to the privacy that is threatened here, the freedom of
pandemic. expression that is jeopardised: how to protect the
4 Beyond the concerns related to China, the Five political dissident, for example? What future for
Eyes have diverging opinions on a number of issues, democracy activists? Backdoors into encrypted
more from a strategic (global) vision than a tactical messaging apps, for example, expose the average
(operational) point of view. This is what makes Jim citizen to authoritarian excesses.
Rolfe say that without a common goal, there can be 4 Since the partnership between the five members is
no real alliance, at most a “technical cooperation” based on data sharing, what a country does not
that could lead to an alliance. Hence the title of the allow itself to do on its own territory in terms of
article. surveillance, it gets it from its allies.

Page 270
This / these
In sentences 1.a. and 2.a., “this” and “these” are Five Eyes spy group again demands
determiners. access to private messages
In sentences 1.b. and 2.b., “this” and “these” are
pronouns. 1 This article, written by Alex Scroxton and published
“This” is singular whereas “these” is plural. in October 2020, is taken from the technology news
website Computer Weekly.
Page 269 2 The Five Eyes contend that it is the responsibility
of technology companies to provide access to
private messages to law enforcement authorities in
Le Present Perfect avec “since” order to protect citizens. Since end-to-end
• « Cet arrangement est à la fois resté fidèle à ses encryption prevents access to the content of these
racines et a considérablement évolué depuis lors. » communications, they argue that it threatens public
« Depuis les années 1960, les services armés safety.
entretiennent une relation étroite… » 3 Ray Walsh refers to their argument as “a public
• Since se traduit par « depuis ». relations exercise”, a derogatory phrase denouncing
Le present perfect associé à since se traduit par le the Fives Eyes’ hypocritical and paradoxical stance
présent en français. on the issue. Indeed, they plead for full, unbreakable
encryption for the general public while requiring
tech companies to provide built-in backdoors for
Silent letters increased surveillance of citizens.
• 1. should / talk / would / could 4 Ray Walsh advocates end-to-end encryption as the
2. through / straightforward / might / highest only communication system that does not infringe
• known (l. 16) / interests (GB) (l. 58) / sign (l. 62) on citizens’ rights.
5 All jobs dealing with sensitive data, subject to
ENCRYPTION: A BONE OF CONTENTION professional confidentiality in the fields of
journalism, justice or medicine for example.
Conclusion: end-to-end encryption is crucial to
guarantee people’s rights in a democracy.
The “Five Eyes” Still Can’t See Straight À lire pour approfondir le sujet (Australia: in
on Encryption December 2018, this country introduced encryption-
busting laws):
1 The Five Eyes’ leitmotif in the field of technology https://www.itnews.com.au/news/law-
has recently been to call for encryption backdoors. enforcement-used-encryption-busting-laws-11-
2 They argue that end-to-end data encryption poses times-last-year-562381
a serious risk to public safety by preventing law

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 16

Training TASK La création d’une revue de presse sur le thème de la
Debate technologie quantique permettra aux élèves
Ce débat permet de reprendre les différents points d’approfondir leurs connaissances sur la question et
développés à travers l’étude des documents des de découvrir les enjeux de pouvoirs qui en
parties 1 et 2. Il est l’occasion d’attirer l’attention de découlent.
nos élèves sur le droit des citoyens à la vie privée et
à la liberté d’expression, deux valeurs
fondamentales de la démocratie. Final TASK
Create a vlog post
La tâche finale, une production orale, permettra de
Page 271
répondre à la problématique avec la reprise des
différents éléments abordés dans la séquence pour
THE TECH COLD WAR construire une information pertinente sur l’alliance
de l’anglosphère Five Eyes, et son influence dans le
monde contemporain s’agissant de la question
Seeing The Five Eyes In Our High-Tech
technologique. La revue de presse proposée dans la
brick pourra être utile aux élèves pour développer
leur connaissance du sujet. La tâche intermédiaire
1 This cartoon by Ingram Pinn was published in permettra de nuancer certains arguments.
December 2019 in The Financial Times. The
American and Chinese presidents, Donald Trump
and Xi Jinping, are running side by side holding
electronic circuit boards and microprocessors. In the Dans la perspective du dossier personnel ou du
background, Angela Merkel, the German Grand Oral, les documents proposés ici
Chancellor, looks exhausted and seems to be encouragent les élèves à explorer le sujet des
begging for help. What is striking is Trump’s technologies quantiques, enjeux majeurs des
aggressive behaviour, which contrasts sharply with années à venir.
that of Xi Jinping who, far from being surprised,
displays quite a poised demeanor in such a situation.
2 It obviously aims to illustrate the fierce race for
digital supremacy between the USA and China,
leading to hegemony at a larger scale. Europe is
lagging behind.
3 Donald Trump convinced his partners to exclude
Chinese manufacturer Huawei from his 5G network.
4 What was at stake was China’s grip on 5G.
5 What is at stake now is “the future of technology”
(l. 34-35) and the quantum technologies race.
Quantum computing is likely to dramatically
transform communication, security and society as a
whole, since it will allow computers to process data
exponentially faster. Among other things
(groundbreaking development of industrial
materials and medicine, the use of AI etc.), this
technology will be able to break the encryption of
the Internet. Therefore, the development of
quantum computing could permit to break the
codes of other countries’ Internet communications.
6 The journalist’s tone is serious and solemn. He
compares the winning of the quantum race with
“the winning of the Cold War” or “the decisive
impact” the FVEY alliance had “in fighting the War
on Terror”(namely “the War on Terrorism”).

Unit 12 “Can Soft Power Change the World?” 17

Page 273 Extrait du B.O.
« Ce programme vise une exploration approfondie
UNIT13 et une mise en perspective de la langue, des
cultures et des sociétés de l’aire anglophone, ainsi
“Balancing powers qu’un enrichissement de la compréhension par les
” élèves de leur rapport aux autres et de leurs
représentations du monde. Il a également pour
THÉMATIQUE 3 : RELATION AU MONDE objectif de préparer à la mobilité dans un espace
AXE D’ÉTUDE 2 : RIVALITÉS ET INTERDÉPENDANCES européen et international élargi, et doit être pour
les élèves l’occasion d’établir des relations de
L’UNIT 13 vise à situer le monde anglophone comparaison, de rapprochement et de contraste.
dans la dynamique d’une mondialisation croissante La fragilisation d’un certain ordre libéral : les
et impossible à stopper. Ainsi, elle propose à l’étude critiques diverses du libéralisme économique
des sujets de géopolitique brûlants tels que le aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et ailleurs dans le
changement climatique et les rapports d’influence monde anglophone, pour son incidence
entre le monde anglophone et d’autres puissances supposée sur l’activité économique, l’emploi, la
mondiales. Elle met en avant la nature fluctuante et distribution des richesses, la souveraineté, la
fragile des relations, mais aussi la nécessité d’agir démocratie, etc. ; [...]; le débat sur les migrations
collectivement. L’unité aborde entre autres les (immigration illicite aux États-Unis
thématiques du commerce, des enjeux militaires, depuis l’Amérique centrale, politique migratoire de
de la diplomatie, de la technologie et des l’Australie, flux migratoires entre le Royaume-Uni et
migrations. Dans son ensemble, elle souligne le continent européen, etc.). »
l’interdépendance sans précédent (et parfois
involontaire) des différents acteurs malgré des PROBLÉMATIQUE
rivalités constantes. Les réfugiés climatiques et les tensions migratoires
nationales et internationales.
Page 274 To what extent are climate refugees exacerbating
national and international migration tensions?

Climate Refugees and La Final task permettra aux élèves de réutiliser leurs
connaissances linguistiques et culturelles dans une
the Migration Crisis activité d’interaction visant la spontanéité et
l’aisance dans la prise de parole (objectif privilégié
La brick 40 aborde le changement climatique qui dans la LLCER). Afin d’atteindre cet objectif
est un des enjeux majeurs du XXIe siècle, si ce n’est ambitieux, il conviendra de privilégier,
le plus important. Souvent traité sous l’axe ponctuellement, l’originalité du contenu par
écologique, nous proposons ici de le considérer rapport au fond (on acceptera un simple
sous l’angle géopolitique en lien avec la question de réinvestissement des connaissances acquises lors
la migration et des droits de l’homme. Bien que le de la séquence, plutôt que de demander des
lien entre le changement climatique et la migration recherches supplémentaires et des
des peuples soit désormais immuable, les subtilités approfondissements personnels).
de cette relation ainsi que les solutions pour y faire
face sont moins faciles à saisir. Il suffit de considérer
les chiffres des mouvements migratoires publiés La brick est structurée en trois parties :
dans un rapport de la Banque mondiale pour 1 Who or what are climate refugees?: permet de
comprendre que ce sujet a toute sa place dans la saisir les enjeux et la complexité du problème,
thématique « relation au monde » et l’axe mettant l’accent sur les difficultés de définition qui
« rivalités et interdépendances ». Le problème des rendent la question particulièrement épineuse.
migrations croissantes représente une menace 2 A case in point: the Sahel: est une étude de cas
conséquente pour les droits de l’homme, mais aussi permettant de confirmer et approfondir les
pour l’ordre libéral dont le monde anglophone est connaissances acquises dans la première partie.
un des fondateurs et acteurs de premier plan. Si cet 3 Fortress Europe?: propose des articles critiquant
ordre mondial est dominant aujourd’hui, il est aussi la politique migratoire et proposant des stratégies
menacé. Il appartient donc aux leaders de réfléchir alternatives.
à la manière de répondre à ce problème.

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 1

Page 274 3 The main causes are desertification, rising sea
levels and extreme weather conditions. The world’s
poorest people will be most affected; developing
countries and fragile states will be hit hardest.
4 Climate refugees are not protected under
international law because they are not political
refugees fleeing persecution.
Climate induced migration 5 National governments are concerned about
national security and border security/protecting
Video 1 script: Climate refugees: symbols of their borders. Therefore, they are increasing border
human tragedy and political crisis security/tightening borders. This will have a
Roundtable, 23 March 2020 negative effect on climate refugees who will have
JOURNALIST DAVID FOSTER: Hello from me, David nowhere to go.
Foster. Take three regions of the world in particular;
Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia.
The world bank has predicted 140 million people in
The Passive voice
those areas could be forced from their homes by
Attirer l’attention des élèves sur le fait que la voix
climate change in the next 30 years. Climate related
passive met en avant la personne qui subit une
displacement could be one of the greatest
action plutôt que la personne qui l’accomplit. Elle
challenges created by our warming planet. For the
est particulièrement prisée dans une phrase qui
latest in our series “2020 Vision” we’re asking if we
veut souligner la victimisation.
are prepared for a world of climate refugees?
FEMALE JOURNALIST: The concept of climate
refugees is still new, but as global warming impacts
us all, the role it will play in future human migration - « Le changement climatique pourrait forcer 140
is often underestimated. millions de personnes à quitter/abandonner leur
Last year, climate related factors resulted in the résidence. »
displacement of around 16.1 million people. - « Comment ces réfugiés climatiques seront-ils
Climate change disproportionately impacts protégés ? »
developing countries and more specifically fragile • Faire remarquer aux élèves que nous n’allons pas
states. It’s estimated that by 2050 between 150 to nécessairement privilégier la voix passive en
200 million people are at risk of being forced to français malgré son utilisation en anglais, évoquer
leave their homes as a result of desertification, éventuellement la possibilité d’utiliser le pronom
rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions. “on” (« comment va-t-on protéger ces réfugiés
International law governs only political refugees, climatiques ? »). Encourager la discussion et la
those who are fleeing persecution, and does not réflexion autour des choix de traduction.
extend to climate refugees. We’re living through a
time when states are increasing border security and
are worried about threats to their national security. BBC English
But with increasing numbers of people forced to Attirer l’attention des élèves sur l’accent du
flee because of climate change, how will these présentateur.
climate refugees be protected and will governments
be able to cope? Pages 275-276

Document d’introduction, clair, concis et facile à

comprendre. Le débit est lent, les images In Search of the Climate-Migration
correspondent à l’audio et les chiffres clés
apparaissent sur l’écran.
Attirer l’attention sur la prononciation inhabituelle
du mot “refugees”. Cet article donne des précisions très détaillées sur
1 The climate refugee problem/climate related les problèmes légaux de définition (protection gap,
refugee, migrant, displacement, IDP, etc.) et
renforce l’idée qu’il s’agit d’un problème
2 140 million people in Latin America, Sub-Saharan
international, complexe et posant la question des
Africa and South East Asia will be displaced by 2050. droits de l’homme.
150-200 million people in total around the world will 1 The UNHCR is the United Nations High
be displaced by 2050.
Commissioner for Refugees. It was created by the

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 2

UN after WWII in order to account for and help Ce document sert à présenter l’étude de cas : le
displaced people. problème, le lieu, les causes, quelques témoignages
2 A slow onset factor is climate-induced change that et les difficultés de l’ONU ainsi que les solutions sur
gradually affects an area over a long period of time. place (adaptation ≠ migration). Il permet d’insister
Examples include sea level rise and desertification sur les définitions découvertes dans le texte “In
after prolonged droughts. A fast onset factor is most search of the climate migration lexicon” (IDP ≠
likely to be a natural disaster such as hurricanes or refugee). Il introduit, sans approfondir, le concept
typhoons. Possibilité de faire le lien avec la brick 32 de “Nexus Dynamics” : le changement climatique
“Wildfires” si elle a été traitée. interagit avec d’autres facteurs pour provoquer le
3 The climate migration nexus refers to the link déplacement.
between climate change and migration. Most
notably, identifying when and to what extent Video 2 script: “Sahel: Fastest Growing Crises: 2
climate change provokes migration or is linked to million people displaced.”
other migration factors. The UN Refugee Agency, 20 October 2020
4 The language used is both too exact and too MALE JOURNALIST: Everyday, thousands of people
vague. One must differentiate between migration are being forced to flee their homes across the
and displacement and between internal and Sahel. It’s one of the world’s fastest-growing
external movement. Furthermore, climate refugee is displacement crises, fast approaching 2 million
not a recognised legal term and therefore people people displaced within their own countries. So why
fleeing climate change are not protected under exactly are people fleeing their homes?
international refugee law. The Sahel lies on the southern edge of the Sahara
5 Internal migration involves movement within a Desert and cuts across several African countries;
Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Mauritania and Chad.
single country whereas cross-border migration
HANA ABDOU (displaced Nigerian woman):
involves changing countries (sometimes more than
[translation] What we’ve lived through is too much
for us, we’ve suffered so much, and had to drag our
6 Accepter toute définition convenable et
belongings on foot, traveling with the children,
encourager la réflexion et la discussion entre élèves. walking for two days straight, without any water or
food, without end.
Page 276 JOURNALIST: Armed groups have exploited political
and ethnic tensions. Communities surviving on so
Training TASK little became more vulnerable. The devastating
Take notes and prepare a short summary effects of climate change have made the situation
Suggestion : worse, with flooding and drought also forcing
Climate-induced migration will cause more and people to flee. About 850,000 refugees have fled
more displacement in the years to come. Indeed, across borders, moving from one conflict to
a new report estimates that there will be another. Nearly 2 million people are internally
between 150-200 million people displaced by displaced, which means they’ve fled their homes
climate-induced problems by 2050. The UNHCR is but haven’t crossed a border. Internally displaced
an international refugee agency created by the people live in the open or in settlements. Some have
UN and they are being forced to deal with more been welcomed by generous hosts like this
and more climate-induced displacement. One Burkinabe chief, who welcomed 2,500 people into
problem is that “climate refugees” is not a legally his home.
valid term so it is difficult to protect people who DIANBENDÉ MADIAGA (Burkinabe chief):
fall into this category. Furthermore, it is difficult [translation] As a chief, it is my duty to take in those
to make the term legally valid as it is difficult to who come to me for help.
categorise. One must differentiate between JOURNALIST: Communities with very little are
internal and cross-border movement, migration sharing everything they have. At the start of the
and displacement. year, the crisis was already at breaking point.
COVID-19, growing insecurity and extreme weather
A CASE IN POINT: THE SAHEL continue to make the humanitarian response
almost impossible to manage. With no end to the
Sahel crisis in sight, the UN refugee agency and its
partners are working in extremely tough conditions
The Sahel Crisis to offer emergency assistance for those that
continue to flee.

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 3

Commencer par lire le Fast fact et regarder l’image. of governance and high violence. Such weaknesses
Demander aux élèves s’ils ont des connaissances sur have allowed extremist organisations to gain a
le Sahel et les laisser émettre des hypothèses sur le foothold and to further destabilise the region and
contenu. Une lecture du Useful vocabulary pourrait provoke further violence. Lastly, climate change has
se révéler utile à ce stade. caused resources to rarefy and has provoked
conflicts over these resources. The region is caught
1 People are being forced to flee their homes in a never-ending escalating circle of violence.
because of violence sparked by military and ethnic 3 COVID-19 has made the situation in the Sahel a lot
tensions and because of drought, flooding and worse. People who were already traveling have
extreme weather events caused by climate change. become trapped, food insecurity has gotten
2 Roughly 850,000 refugees have fled across significantly worse and far less humanitarian aid is
borders and almost 2 million people have been available. Therefore, more and more people need
displaced within their own country. to/decide to migrate just when migration becomes
3 The chief in Burkina Faso has a positive attitude. more difficult and dangerous and less controlled or
He thinks it is his responsibility to help the displaced policed. This means more and more people will be
people even though it is very difficult for his forced to turn to illegal migration or smuggling with
community, who are already living in strained all the risks and dangers this entails (no access to
circumstances. I think/In my opinion, he is a good humanitarian, medical or government aid etc.).
leader. He doesn’t try and shift blame or run away 4 Cette question sert à illustrer les difficultés de
from problems. Instead, he faces them head on and définition soulignées dans l’article “In search of the
tries to find a solution to help as many people as climate-migration lexicon” et à étoffer la
possible. compréhension du “ nexus dynamics” ou “climate-
4 COVID-19, increasing insecurity and extreme migration nexus”. Les élèves devront remarquer
weather are making an already bad situation worse. que ces personnes sont en quelque sorte des
5 Accepter toute réponse convenable et encourager réfugiés climatiques, car le climat provoque des
les élèves à revenir sur leurs définitions de “droits difficultés qui forcent les habitants à l’exode.
de l’homme”. Insister sur l’utilisation du vocabulaire Cependant, le climat n’est pas le seul facteur à
spécifique et du vocabulaire d’argumentation lors prendre en compte et il devient presque impossible
de la discussion. de classer par ordre d’importance les différents
éléments qui provoquent la migration et donc
Page 277 d’établir une cause unique ou prépondérante. Or
sans une identification précise de la cause, on ne
peut pas catégoriser les migrants et donc les aider
efficacement. L’autre question épineuse concerne
Peril in the Desert: Irregular Migration la direction du mouvement. Les habitants n’ont pas
through the Sahel (Part 1) de destination précise, ils ne cherchent pas
forcément à changer de pays. Leur but est de fuir un
Cet article, en provenance d’un think tank américain endroit devenu invivable. Il serait judicieux, ici,
réputé, sera une opportunité pour les élèves de d’insister sur les différences étymologiques des
travailler sur un document à mi-chemin entre prépositions “from” (partir de…) et “to” (aller
l’article de presse et l’article académique et vers…). Si leur objectif n’est pas nécessairement de
scientifique. Il est clair et argumenté, mais aussi très traverser une frontière, peut-on les qualifier de
détaillé. Il permet d’approfondir sur “nexus « réfugiés » ? Le but de l’exercice n’est donc pas
dynamics” en montrant à quel point les différents d’apporter une réponse à la question ou de
problèmes au Sahel sont liés les uns aux autres et trancher, mais plutôt d’ouvrir la discussion afin de
en insistant sur l’aspect humain (les dangers du mieux saisir l’ampleur du problème.
voyage), mais aussi sur la complexité du sujet. Il 5 Cette question sert d’anticipation à la partie 3 et
serait sans doute intéressant de définir la fonction invite les élèves à voir le sujet de la migration sous
d’un think tank et de souligner qu’il est financé par l’angle des droits humains et de la citoyenneté. A-t-
des donations privées. on un devoir citoyen d’aider ces personnes ? Si oui,
avec quels moyens ? À ce stade, il s’agit davantage
1 According to this article, most people who migrate de se questionner que d’apporter des réponses, qui
through the Sahel are young men and they don’t viendront dans la troisième partie.
intend to come to Europe.
2 Most of the migrants leave because of economic
reasons but the difficulty in finding stable work is
linked to other factors. The article cites an absence

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 4

after these non-solvent populations. Rackete
strongly implies that this too is a form of apartheid.
La Press review offre des pistes
6 According to the author, people should join activist
d’approfondissement des connaissances sur le
Sahel. movements demanding more action on climate
change, reduce their carbon footprint and help
Page 278 migrants to integrate. Furthermore, they should
support organisations such as sea-watch and vote
against extreme right-wing politics, which according
FORTRESS EUROPE? to her, spread hate and division.
7 The language used is that of colonisation and
Climate apartheid will only lead to domination. It is strong, critical, subjective
more tragedies in the Mediterranean language. This article is an opinion piece, in it the
author is openly giving her opinion on a sensitive
Il s’agit d’une tribune (opinion piece) très critique de matter. She is not trying to be objective; she wants
la politique européenne envers les migrants et qui to stir reader’s emotions and to jolt people to anger
introduit la “Fortress Europe ideology”. L’étude de and to action. She wants to shock people intro doing
l’article permet d’insister sur l’aspect géopolitique something.
et sur le fait que l’Europe est directement
concernée par la crise des migrants et que cette Page 279
crise est liée au changement climatique dont la
responsabilité est imputable davantage aux
Européens qu’aux migrants. Ce texte continue Use adjectives and adverbs to improve your
d’explorer la question des droits humains et donne writing
le point de vue d’une militante ainsi que des pistes An adjective modifies a noun whereas an adverb
pour résoudre le problème. En ce sens, l’article modifies a verb. It is important to include both in
apporte un début de réponse à la problématique. your writing because they add detail and nuance.
“people are understandably worried” ; “desperate
1 She thinks people are afraid it will cause more socio-economic conditions” ; “ever-changing, ever-
xenophobia and cause borders to close further. worsening environmental conditions” ; “are
Demander aux élèves de définir “Xenophobia”. migrating internally” ; “Australia’s notorious Manus
2 Rising sea levels, water shortages, storm damage, and Nauru detention centres” ; “the world’s
crop failure. deadliest border” ; “Reduce your personal carbon
3 According to Rackete, the “global north” was footprint – dramatically”.
largely responsible for climate change but poorer
countries pay for it. She thinks this is unfair because
richer countries are forcing poorer countries to pay La place de l’adjectif
for their excesses. Demander aux élèves de définir Il s’agit d’une série d’adjectifs suivis d’un nom. En
“global north”. anglais il est courant de placer une série d’adjectifs
4 Climate apartheid refers to the fact that the en position épithète (devant un nom). En français il
world’s poorest people will be disproportionately est difficile de respecter cet ordre, car le placement
affected by the consequences of climate change de l’adjectif est plus variable. En général, on place
because they won’t have the resources to flee un adjectif de chaque côté du noyau (le nom), mais
elsewhere. Richer people, on the other hand, will be on peut aussi placer le nom au début et faire suivre
able to move away. The word apartheid is used les adjectifs.
because it strongly suggests that this is a form of « Des conditions socio-économiques déplorables »,
discrimination. « La frontière la plus meurtrière du monde ».
5 The Fortress Europe Ideology is a policy designed
to protect Europe and Europeans at the expense of
Migration to Europe
poorer migrants coming from elsewhere. This policy
prevents migrants from entering Europe or at least,
Ce document se présente comme activité
limits migration severely. In particular, it looks to
d’entraînement permettant aux élèves d’analyser
limit or prevent migration from poorer countries
un dessin humoristique et politique.
whose populations often don’t have the resources or
skills to be financially autonomous upon their arrival
1 The scene takes place in the sea, off the coast of
in Europe, thus causing social and financial
problems for European governments who must look some part of Europe.

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 5

2 The migrants in the boat are in danger because the of smugglers. The principle of supply versus demand
boat is sinking. allowed illegal smugglers to increase their prices
3 On the shore we can see a lifeguard, his job is to and this only made smuggling more profitable, thus
protect people from drowning but he isn’t doing his encouraging them to continue.
job. Instead, he is watching the boat sink and the 3 According to the author, governments’ priorities
people drown and shouting at them to return from should not be to stop migration without a thought
where they came from (even though they can’t). for the cost. Rather, they should think about
4 The man on the shore has an umbrella with the EU protecting vulnerable people from being preyed
flag, so clearly he represents the European Union. upon by illegal traffickers. In the short term, he
His job as a lifeguard is a metaphor. Europe suggests better funding the UN refugee agency and
represents the West, the home of democracy and others. He also suggests better informing migrants
human rights. The job of European governments is of the dangers of migration and of the betterment
to protect people, just like lifeguards, but the opportunities in European countries. In the long-
cartoon suggests they’re not doing it. Instead, they term he suggests that governments should focus
are adopting a “fortress Europe ideology”, refusing more on putting in place strategies that lessen the
to acknowledge the migrant problem at their gates need to immigrate and less on preventing migration
and thus putting those migrants in danger. without doing anything to alleviate the root causes.
5 The cartoonist is clearly very critical of this policy He suggests that human rights should be the center
because his cartoon suggests that European of the debate and not migration. Peut-être rappeler
governments are willingly letting people die instead la différence entre “immigrate” et “emigrate”.
of doing their duty and helping them. He suggests 4 Cette question invite les élèves à comparer ce
that European governments are denying people document avec la tribune de Carola Rackete, à
their basic human rights. prendre note des différents styles journalistiques.
Ils peuvent remarquer que le style est très différent,
Pages 279-280 plus objectif et moins passionné, mais que
finalement le message est le même.

Page 280
Peril in the Desert: Irregular Migration
through the Sahel (Part 2)
Training TASK

Ce document est la suite de l'article étudié dans la

Role Play
Afin de préparer la Training task on pourra faire
partie 2. Il fonctionne en tandem avec l’article de
Rackete, car il apporte des solutions aux problèmes visionner aux élèves la vidéo dans le Build up your
de migration, mais il est plus scientifique et plus file sur les protestations anti-migrants en
Angleterre. S’il a le temps, l’enseignant pourra
objectif et donc permet de rééquilibrer. Il est très
focalisé sur l’aspect géopolitique. demander aux élèves de faire des recherches en
ligne sur la politique migratoire en Angleterre. Il
y a de nombreux articles disponibles sur le site
1 The “migration crisis” of 2015 caused a significant
web du Guardian par exemple. Il pourrait
increase in migration to Europe and European
s’avérer particulièrement utile de diriger les
governments were not prepared to deal with it. As a
élèves vers le plan de la Secrétaire d’État à
consequence, anti-migrant sentiment increased in
l’Intérieur, Priti Patel, pour changer le système
Europe after 2015 and governments hardened their
migration policies in response to this shift in public
opinion. Concretely, in the Sahel, this meant that
Final TASK
they allocated a lot of money to preventing
migration from Africa to Europe. Record a podcast
2 The law passed in Niger in 2015 aimed to crack Cette activité permet de mesurer les acquisitions
faites grâce à la séquence. L’interaction aura été
down on migrant trafficking/smuggling. However,
travaillée dans la tâche intermédiaire.
according to the author it didn’t work. Even though
overall migration numbers came down, this law
addressed the symptom and not the problem. The
reasons people needed to migrate were still present
(violence, dwindling resources, lack of economic L’élève trouvera plusieurs documents pour
opportunity) so they still needed to leave. However, approfondir le sujet. Il pourra les étudier et les
migration had become far more difficult, dangerous organiser pour préparer l’épreuve du Grand Oral
and expensive. These people were left at the mercy notamment.

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 6

5 A shared vision?: différents points de vue sur la
Page 281 situation.

Page 281
Freezing Cold War
La brick 41 permet de poser une question
brûlante d’actualité sur les changements qui
s’opèrent en Arctique et l’évolution des rapports All Eyes on the Arctic
entre les grandes puissances mondiales. Nous avons
opté pour une approche très ouverte en articulant 1 The drawing represents submarines displaying
la brick autour de documents provenant de sources their country’s flags surfacing in the melting sea
très variées (document officiel du Pentagone, floe. The Russian and Chinese vessels are freely
articles de presse grand public et politique, études navigating in the open sea while the American one
spécialisées) tous validés par l’IRIS pour permettre is just breaking the ice.
aux élèves de comprendre les enjeux multiples liés 2 As the Arctic ice melts, the landscape is changing
à cette région. La question mettra en évidence
and opens up new spaces where powerful, former
l’importance du rôle des États-Unis, mais aussi du
enemy nations must share or compete for.
monde anglophone en général et de son implication
au sein de l’OTAN.

Extrait du B.O. From Ice to Land

« Cet axe d’étude invite à réfléchir de manière
nuancée à la manière dont les pays du monde Video 1 script: Warming Arctic opens up a new
anglophone s’inscrivent dans la communauté des frontier
États qui résulte d’un jeu complexe d’équilibres Peril & Promise, 23 December 2020
mouvants entre des acteurs nombreux et divers. REPORTER: This week, the National Oceanic and
Aucun acteur international ne possède ni ne jouit de Atmospheric Administration released its annual
pouvoirs sans contrepoids, et, même si les rapports Arctic Report Card showing that the Arctic is
d’influence peuvent être inégaux ou asymétriques, warming at an unprecedented rate. Scientists
ils ont toujours une dimension réciproque. C’est measured temperatures last year that were the
pourquoi influencer c’est aussi subir des influences, second-highest in more than 100 years.
qu’il s’agisse du champ de la diplomatie, de la The warmer climate is thawing permafrost and
puissance militaire, de l’économie ou de celui de causing sea ice and land-based glaciers to melt
l’expansion culturelle. more rapidly. It’s also creating more open water and
Objet d’étude choisi : la négociation d’équilibres human activity, like commercial shipping, oil
nouveaux avec les grands acteurs continentaux. » exploration, and even tourism. The new frontier is
also behind a resurgence of Arctic geopolitical
PROBLÉMATIQUE rivalry. Special correspondent Benedict Moran and
L’Arctique comme potentiel champ de bataille video journalist Jorgen Samso report on the “new
d’une 3e guerre mondiale ? Cold War” from Nunavut, Canada.
How is the Arctic emerging as a potential WW3 [0:43]
battlefield? BENEDICT MORAN: Though it’s cold, temperatures
here are getting warmer. Planet Earth has warmed
La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. Arctic
faites grâce à la séquence. temperatures, though, have risen twice that
amount. That translates to less sea ice. Twenty to
La brick est structurée en cinq parties : 30 years ago, old ice — seen here in white — existed
1 A melting pole: présentation des changements all year round. This old ice had a fringe of seasonal
climatiques et géopolitiques en Arctique. ice — seen here in grey — which froze and thawed
2 Arctic strategy: réaction du Pentagone face à la every year. The old ice is now melting, leaving only
nouvelle situation. the thinner, seasonal ice that can fully melt in the
3 Warming up for war?: comment l’OTAN s’inscrit summer. As the sea ice melts, a new Cold War is
dans la nouvelle dynamique? heating up. Brigadier-General Patrick Carpentier is
4 Spotting the enemy: les déploiements militaires the commander of Canada’s Joint Task Force North.
dans une zone à très haut risque. PATRICK CARPENTIER: We often try to isolate the
North from the rest of the globe. And the reality of

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 7

what’s going on in the Arctic right now is that we
see that the Arctic is not separate. It’s part of the 1 People are playing on a giant chess board with
world. And geopolitics impacts the North the same pieces made of ice.
way as any other place. 2 The title refers to the Cold War between the Soviet
BENEDICT MORAN: Russia, China, Canada, Nordic Union and the USA and their allies which has now
countries, and the U.S. are scrambling to plant their turned into a game.
flags on this new frontier. The organisers wanted to show that rivalries had
been put aside and that it was time to play, not to
1 The Arctic region comprises eight nations with fight.
almost half the lands belonging to Russia. There the 3 As the game ended in a draw, we may think that
former Cold War enemies — Russia and the United the Cold War is definitely over. (Actually, the pieces
States — are very close neighbors, only separated by were melting as the game was played and thus had
the narrow Bering Strait. to be stopped).
2 In the video, scientists and militaries are
mentioned, which suggests that the Arctic is a key Pages 282-283
area both concerning climate change and military
3 As the Arctic is getting warmer and warmer, Pentagon’s Arctic strategy
glaciers, ice-sea and permafrost are melting,
changing the landscape of the area. 1 L’originalité du document réside dans sa
4 It uncovers new shipping routes, oil fields and even subjectivité, sur laquelle sont axées les premières
places for tourists to visit. questions pour amener les élèves à ne jamais
5 Until recently, the Arctic was covered with ice all négliger les sources des documents.
year round. Now in some places the ice completely The text is an official document from the US
melts in the summer and no longer separates the Department of Defense. We can guess it explains the
area from the rest of the world. existing risks and potential threats to peace in the
6 According to Commander Carpentier, a new Cold Arctic and the American readiness to respond.
War is breeding. Climate change opens up new 2 Vérification des hypothèses.
spaces that the different neighbouring nations could 3 The language used is one of warfare. Words such
claim: a “new frontier”. as “attacks / power projection / security / affect /
7 “A new frontier” refers to the American Frontier, uncertain / instability / conflict / challenges /
the forward wave of American expansion to the defense / missile / deployment…” suggest that the
unoccupied lands of the West. The phrase was first Arctic is or has become a conflict area to be
used by President Kennedy in his 1960 acceptance protected against potential attacks.
speech to inspire Americans to support his program 4 The USA owns territories in the Arctic area which
which included the conquest of the moon. can serve as a gateway for attacks on the country
but also to conduct expeditionary warfare.
5 Although the USA and its allies represent a strong
Nous avons voulu axer la recherche des élèves sur power-base in the Arctic, climate change is
la situation écologique des régions arctiques, weakening their position. The area is changing
facteur déterminant pour l’avenir de la région. causing new challenges to face.
6 Security has been maintained so far thanks to
strong positive relationships with all Arctic nations
but Russia, and other western allies. A Joint Force
Avec cette revue de presse, les élèves pourront with great abilities to operate in extreme weather
prendre la mesure des enjeux stratégiques de la has been created and agreements have been signed
région et de la fragilité des relations entre nations to protect the area from international conflict.
alliées. 7 Russia is refurbishing and developing new military
facilities, weapons and multiple level defense
Page 282
equipment on their Arctic coasts whereas China, a
neighboring but non-Arctic nation operates at a
ARCTIC STRATEGY civilian level from ice-breakers. The country is
currently deploying an economic strategy to stand
out in the area, which could be of use in the future
A cold war game to eventually develop a military policy.

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 8

Page 283 order that we could support them and then bring in
fires hopefully and then defeat the enemy.
Training TASK FEMALE REPORTER: Why is this exercise so
Make a presentation important?
Grâce à cette activité, les élèves réutiliseront les MAJOR CHRIS ARMSTRONG: It’s important for a few
informations obtenues et s’approprieront la reasons: we’re commandos, we’re going through an
connaissance de la position américaine face à la important transformative process within the Royal
nouvelle situation en Arctique. Marines at the moment, so this exercise is
demonstrating some of the capabilities that we
have at the moment and that we wish to procure in
WARMING UP FOR WAR? the future. So, I really try to push the boundaries of
commando raids and go back to our roots of putting
small bands, determined men ashore to have an
Cold weather deployments overwhelming effect on the enemy.
FEMALE REPORTER: Which ever enemy that might
Video 2 script: Cold response be.
Forces News, 27 April 2020 LIEUTENANT GENERAL RUNE JAKOBSEN: Norway
FEMALE REPORTER: Norway, March 2020, just as rely heavily on NATO in its defence and if you are
the Coronavirus began to unfold, around two going to do a mission here in… in a crisis you need
thousand UK military personal were deployed in the to train, so therefore it’s extremely important for
high North for Exercise Cold Response. us. Today we don’t see Russia as a threat. They have
It takes place every two years but this one was modernised their own forces but what we see in the
unique. daily life is that they behave mostly professionally.
FEMALE REPORTER (in the field): Exercise Cold But we have seen some indications where they have
Response 20 will come to a premature end because acted aggressively doing simulated air attacks on…
of the escalating situation surrounding Coronavirus. on a Norwegian city, on Norwegian infrastructure…
COMMODORE AD VAN DE SANDE: The Norwegian The…the future is uncertain but there[’s] no threat
joint headquarters has decided to gradually give the today.
termination of Cold Response so we will gradually FEMALE REPORTER: Russia set out a fifteen-year
terminate the exercise. Arctic strategy earlier this year saying it wanted to
FEMALE REPORTER: Despite some troops coming encourage corporation in the region but over the
home earlier than planned, a lot of the training had past decade Russia has reopened several Arctic
already taken place. David Sivills-McCann and I military bases.
were there to see just why cold weather MAJOR GENERAL MATT HOLMES: Russia is active,
deployments are so important. and that’s one of the reasons why we have the
Battling the elements, just surviving in the Arctic NATO alliance. So by training regularly with our
Circle is a test where temperatures can drop to partners, interoperable and closely integrated, we
minus 30 degrees Celsius but it’s not just about are active and ready for… for whatever maybe
survival. required. We are not militarising the Arctic, we’ve
Three commando brigades, the Royal Navy’s elite been coming here for decades so we train regularly
fighting force along with Britain allies need to be with our NATO partners. It’s a great training
ready to defend Norway in a crisis situation. Cold environment for the… for the Royal Marines and
Response is also helping to develop Britain’s future those Army and Air Force counterparts that come
commando force, the Royal Marines going back to with us and that’s why we come here in support of
their commando roots reminiscent of raiding the NATO High North.
groups of the Second World War. The amphibious FEMALE REPORTER: 2020 marks the first of a
commando unit needs to test all its skills. decade-long training programme the Royal Marines
From searching and clearing enemy buildings… to have committed to with their Norwegian
moving people and equipment from ship to shore. counterparts. And to complete cold weather
[2:06] training three commando brigade is supported by
MAJOR CHRIS ARMSTRONG: I should say we one of the most versatile units in the Royal Navy,
commenced various operations, commando raids in commando logistic regiment. David Sivills-McCann
the beautiful fjords of Norway and we’re just has been finding out how they keep the hundreds
establishing, now we landed about 06 :45 this of vehicles deployed to the High North operational
morning. So, we’ve got guys forwards in during the mission.
observation posts currently trying to find the enemy DAVID SIVILLS-MCCANN: Conditions in Norway’s
and we need to establish a headquarters location in Artic Circle are tough. The snow, ice and sub-zero

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 9

temperatures take their toll on the hundreds of and other NATO allies train here as part of Exercise
vehicles that play a vital role in Exercise Cold Cold Reponse in a region that’s becoming
Response. The recovery teams of the commando increasingly more strategic.
logistic regiment are the ones responsible for
preventing it from grinding to a halt.
CORPORAL DANIEL GOODE: We’ve got an awful lot Stressed words
of people on the ground at the moment, so the Cette activité permettra aux élèves de faire le lien
amount of recovery taskings that we’ve been entre les mots accentués et le sens donné à la
getting are quite massive. If we don’t get out there phrase par le locuteur. La répétition des phrases
quick lads can go down, it can get down to minus 35 leur permettra de se (re)familiariser avec le rythme
quite easily, so our first priority is to get out there de la phrase anglaise.
as fast as we can, as safe as we can, and get
everyone back as safely as possible. 1 Les réponses sont libres. On peut s’attendre à :
DAVID SIVILLS-MCCANN: Back at base the workshop The screenshot shows militaries entrenched in the
is as busy as ever. The mechanics here are on call 24 snow, ready to open fire. “Cold Response” may be:
hours a day keeping the mission going as a constant - the response to an attack that took place in the
flow of vehicles arrive for repair and maintenance. Arctic in 2020;
SOLDIER: Mikey at the moment is cracking on and - a training exercise to be ready to fight back in case
splitting the gear-box in the engine. There’s lads of an attack.
doing various jobs and lots of inspections going on 2 Cold Response is a military training session which
and we’re sharing this workshop with three takes place on regular basis in the Arctic.
different units and we’re getting more vehicles in, 3 The UK and other NATO members such as France
you know, so it is pretty busy.
and the Netherlands are getting ready to defend
DAVID SIVILLS-MCCANN: And it’s vital that they
Norway in case of an attack from Russia.
keep going. The training area for Exercise Cold
4 Cold Response aims at defending Norway in case
Response covers hundreds of kilometers of
challenging terrain and if the vehicles aren’t fixed, of a crisis, developing Britain’s future commando
the Marines in the field aren’t going anywhere. force, testing the amphibious commando’s skills at
DAVID SIVILLS-MCCANN (in the field): The team clearing and searching buildings, moving people
here is carrying out some vital work: fixing and from ships to shore, making the different NATO
maintaining kit like this. With over three hundred commandos able to operate together.
vehicles involved in this mission they’ve got their 5 The reporter compares Britain’s amphibious
work cut out for them. commando to the raiding groups which operated
The Artic conditions are also challenging for the during WW2.
mechanics. As well as making sure they’re kept busy 6 Les réponses sont libres.
the freezing temperatures are far from ideal when 7 Les élèves pourront échanger librement sur la
trying to repair intricate machinery. question posée en titre de partie et sur le titre de la
MARINE JOSHUA DAIKEN: Some of them can be vidéo, mais aussi prendre du recul par rapport au
fairly challenging and just when it’s cold and use the document et donner leur opinion sur la signification
dexterity in your fingers, so they can be fairly de tels entraînements.
challenging but we do have some specialist tools to
do the jobs or then, other and now we just stand Page 284
body-body and then take five minutes rewarming
hands while I work elsewhere and then swap
DAVID SIVILLS-MCCANN: It’s said if you can operate
here you can operate almost anywhere. The Arctic
Circle provides some of the most challenging Militaries move in as Arctic ice retreats
conditions anywhere in the world. Keeping mobile
in the cold weather and challenging terrain is vital 1 Le travail photographique de Louie Palu
to any mission. And a commando logistic regiment (document iconographique) ajoute une dimension
works around the clock to make sure that happens. humaine à la question. On pourra demander aux
FEMALE REPORTER: Of course, it’s not just vehicles élèves de chercher l’ensemble du reportage
that have to keep mobile in a country that is photographique sur Internet.
beautiful, unforgiving and untamed. The photo shows four militaries sitting inside what
It’s why not just UK military personnel but could be a shelter or an airplane. They are wearing
thousands from the USA, the Netherlands, France extreme cold weather gear: hoods, face shields and

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 10

mittens. Despite their equipment, they seem frozen Pour éviter la répétition, le français devra
to the bone. The soldier in the middle has a sad and transposer le verbe en nom dans la première
tired look and all seem exhausted. They seem to be proposition.
fighting against the cold rather than a potential Proposition de traduction : « Avec l’accroissement
human enemy. des intérêts économiques dans le nord, les
2 Ice-melting is both a disaster and an opportunity. patrouilles militaires destinées à tester ou défendre
3 The text focuses on the dual aspect mentioned in les frontières territoriales se sont développées. »
the introduction from the first line to line five.
4 Group A: Training TASK
The Arctic environment is growing more and more Write a flyer
hostile and deadly with climate change. Militaries Cette activité permettra aux élèves d’organiser
are facing death there. The consequences of ice- les connaissances apprises et de proposer un
melting are disastrous: it triggered an anthrax début de réponse à la problématique de la brick.
outbreak in Russia in 2016, caused rain-on-snow
events killing reindeers and permafrost to thaw A SHARED VISION?
which has recently led to an important oil spill.
Group B:
Pages 285-286
With ice-melting in the Arctic, new economic
interests are emerging. Ice used to cover huge
resource fields — oil and gas — that Russia has
started to extract and which were coveted by the Document A: A new Cold War in the
Trump administration. The newly opened waters Arctic?! The old one never ended!
enable easier shipping of these resources. Such
assets are attracting China too.
5 For economic purposes, the countries involved are Document B: Why the new Arctic “Cold
“invading” the area and sending troops to defend War” is a dangerous myth
their boundaries and interests, adding to the risks
already existing. The harsh climate makes it so 1 The New Statesman refers to the tensions in the
difficult for the military that it could lead to a Arctic area as “The new Cold War” and as the
possible conflict with no actual reasons. The magazine’s headline, it is dealt with as breaking
author’s aim is to focus attention on the main issue news. The illustration focuses on two “enemy-
which is climate change and its consequences and nations” China and Russia at the forefront of the
not a possible new Cold War. conflict. It contrasts with the titles of the two
articles. Indeed, the first one questions the phrase
Page 285 “new Cold War” and the second one warns against
the mere idea of a new Cold War.
2 La classe sera divisée en deux pour l’étude des
Identifying gerunds deux documents.
“The warming of the Arctic”: nom – Le 3 Doc A: The Arctic started to be a strategic area at
réchauffement de l’Arctique. the time when the USA and the USSR were two
“Shipping[…]is expected to reach 32 million tons this opposing superpowers (following the Warsaw Pact
year”: nom – On s’attend à ce que le trafic maritime signed in the aftermath of WW2). The author of the
atteigne 32 millions de tonnes cette année. article uses both adjectives Russian and Soviet to
indicate that the tensions in the Arctic are nothing
La simultanéité et la similarité avec “as” et Doc B: According to the author, the tensions date
“so”. back to the Cold War, at the time when nuclear
L’énoncé proposé n’est absolument pas traduisible attacks from the USSR were feared to be launched
littéralement. Si sa compréhension est aisée, sa from the Arctic.
traduction nécessite une technique à laquelle on 4 Doc A: At the time of the USSR, Arctic was seen as
familiarisera les élèves : la transposition. a strategic military base area to launch missiles
En anglais l’auxiliaire “have” permet d’éviter la from whereas the tensions are now about claiming
répétition du verbe et n’est pas traduisible the Arctic territories. Moreover, the two initial
directement en français. superpowers — the USA and the USSR — are now
challenged by a third actor, China.

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 11

Doc B: With technology and climate change the face néanmoins de familiariser les élèves avec le langage
of the Arctic has changed and now allows economic diplomatique.
5 Doc A: The militaries can be used by the Page 287
challenging powers to launch attacks on each other
(lines 4 to 6) and to defend the territories (“…the
region more important and dangerous” last line). Chimerica: an Evolving
Doc B: The militaries can be used for warfare
(“traditional responsibilities in armed conflict” line Relationship
13, “tools of war” line 25) but the article focuses on
La brick 42 offre une lecture globale des relations
the pacifying role of the militaries. Indeed, they also
entre les deux principales puissances mondiales que
serve to secure the area, assist the population and
sont les États-Unis et la Chine. Dans un contexte de
provide aid in the area in case of disasters triggered
mondialisation qui ne cesse de s’intensifier, ces
by climate change and economic activity.
deux superpuissances sont plus que jamais liées
6 Avant la mise en commun, les élèves de chaque
l’une à l’autre, mais les conséquences de leur
groupe pourront comparer leurs informations en
relation impactent aussi le reste du monde. Cette
binômes pour permettre ensuite une interaction
brick propose donc de mettre en avant la nature
plus active de la part de chacun.
globale de la relation plutôt que de se concentrer
Chaque question permettra aux deux groupes
sur l’anglosphère et les États-Unis seuls. Les
d’échanger en comparant leurs réponses :
thématiques qui lient les deux puissances étant
similitude / contraste / information
vastes, riches et complexes, nous n’avons pas la
prétention ici de proposer une étude exhaustive de
Cette activité donnera lieu à une prise de notes des
leur relation, mais plutôt de donner une vision
informations à réutiliser à la question 7.
d’ensemble et des bases qui permettront aux élèves
7 Dans ce paragraphe récapitulatif, les élèves
d’approfondir leurs connaissances en autonomie. À
rendront compte des différents points de vue cette fin, les thématiques retenues dans les deux
abordés dans cette partie à partir des notes premières parties sont le commerce, la technologie
obtenues lors des mises en commun. et la diplomatie. Au moment de la publication du
manuel, les États-Unis vivent un moment charnière
de leur histoire, avec un changement radical dans la
L’article du New Statesman est un peu long, mais en direction politique (l’élection de Joe Biden), ainsi
fin de brick les élèves auront les prérequis que le bouleversement induit par la Covid-19, entre
nécessaires pour en appréhender les arguments autres. Pour insister sur la spécificité du moment, la
essentiels et l’angle retenu par le journaliste. troisième partie se désigne assez naturellement
comme un bilan ou une juxtaposition avant / après.
Les articles de presse et les reportages proposés en
Final TASK
support essaient d’anticiper la politique de Joe
Role play Biden avant que celle-ci ne soit vraiment mise en
Ce jeu de rôle aura été préparé lors des activités des œuvre et la Final task invite les élèves à faire des
différentes parties de la brick et permettra de recherches pour répondre aux questions et vérifier
confronter les différents points de vue les hypothèses émises par les journalistes dans la
(scientifiques, écologiques, militaires…). Les troisième partie. Ainsi, les élèves auront la
informations obtenues ainsi que les structures possibilité de s’approprier le sujet et de suivre
utilisées dans les mises en commun serviront aux l’actualité du monde anglophone.
élèves à construire leur argumentaire.
Extrait du B.O.
Thématique 3 : « Relation au monde »
« L’intensification du processus de mondialisation
Les deux documents mettent en avant la position affecte une multitude d’échanges, en particulier de
adoptée par les États-Unis concernant l’Arctique et populations, de biens, de services et d’influences
complèteront le dossier des élèves. culturelles. L’emprise croissante de ces liens
L’article de Melody Schreiber analyse la stratégie internationaux nécessite de mettre en relation
américaine dont un extrait a été vu en deuxième l’étude des pays et des sociétés anglophones avec
partie de brick. celle du monde dans lequel ils s’insèrent,
La vidéo, bien que d’une actualité moindre et d’analyser les modalités complexes et
maintenant avec la nouvelle administration, permet changeantes de ces rapports. [...] Au sein du monde

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 12

anglophone, dans le domaine des relations Page 287
internationales, les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni
occupent une place particulière. Ils ont en commun
d’être ou d’avoir été des puissances
mondiales, exerçant à ce titre une grande influence.
Tous deux sont aujourd’hui encore des acteurs
internationaux de premier plan, capables Tit for Tat Tariffs
d’influencer le monde par des moyens variés, qui
peuvent relever d’une contrainte plus ou moins Cette image souligne l'interdépendance des États-
explicite (hard power) ou de la capacité à exprimer Unis et de la Chine, chiffres à l’appui, et permet de
un modèle susceptible d’être imité spontanément comprendre qu’un découplage des deux
par d’autres acteurs (soft power). Cependant, les superpuissances n’est pas facilement envisageable.
États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni sont amenés à
réévaluer leur place dans le monde, à une époque 1 330 thousand / 13 thousand
où l’ordre mondial fait l’objet d’évolutions et 2 230 billion / 385 billion
de renégociations majeures. 3 134 billion / 385 billion. The USA buys more goods
Axe d’étude 2 : Rivalités et interdépendances.
from China – They export less to China and import
L’évolution des équilibres mondiaux : la négociation
more from China. Il faudra peut-être rappeler la
d’équilibres nouveaux avec les grands acteurs
différence import/export aux élèves.
continentaux ; la rivalité des États-Unis avec la
4 Looking at the figures, China and the USA are
Chine : tensions militaires et commerciales, position
sur la Belt and Road Initiative. » extremely interdependent. Both countries invest
billions of dollars in the other and both countries
depend on each other to import and export their
goods and services.
L’évolution des relations entre Washington et la
Chine ces dernières années.
How has the relationship between Washington Video 1 script: The origins and impact of the US-
China trade war
and Beijing evolved in recent years?
South China Morning Post, 9 August 2018
Cette brick a pour ambition de suivre l’actualité très REPORTER: China and the US are in the midst of an
increasingly bitter trade war and neither side is
changeante d’un sujet majeur de géopolitique. La
backing down. The countries are the world’s two
Final task prend en compte cette spécificité en
demandant aux élèves de poursuivre le travail biggest trading partners but US President Donald
entamé dans cette brick en proposant un reportage Trump said that trade is massively lopsided. Take
2017 for example. The US imported US$505 billion
actualisé de la situation. Les élèves devront agir en
worth of goods from China, while China imported
tant que commentateurs informés et donc
s’appuyer sur ce qu’ils ont appris du contexte ainsi $130 billion worth of goods from the US. That
que sur le vocabulaire spécifique qu’ils ont intégré resulted in a $375 billion trade deficit for the US. On
top of that, Trump accuses China of stealing US
pour faire leur reportage. Chacune des trois parties
comporte un reportage vidéo en document central, technology. Beijing requires foreign companies to
qui sert de modèle pour la Final task. share their intellectual property in exchange for
access to the Chinese market.
Trump’s weapon of choice for this trade
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
1 Trade war and tech rivalry: Cette première partie showdown? Tariffs that make importing goods into
pose les bases de la guerre commerciale lancée par the US a lot more expensive for the Chinese. It
started with things like solar panels and washing
Donald Trump et expose les réactions américaines
machines, and then steel and aluminum products.
face à la montée en puissance de la puissance
technologique de la Chine. Now, aircraft parts, TVs, medical devices and even
2 Military matters: Dans cette partie on explore les luxury delicacies such as caviar have been added to
the ever-growing list of Chinese goods that face a
notions de hard power et de diplomatie, avec
notamment une focalisation sur les questions 25% import tax.
militaires. But China isn’t just sitting back and taking it. It has
retaliated with its own tariffs. American producers
3 2020: a year of escalation and uncertainty: La
wanting to export to China now have to pay 25%
dernière partie permet de faire un bilan des années
Trump tout en ouvrant sur l'évolution de la relation duties on a variety of things – ranging from
US/Chine avec l’arrivée de Joe Biden à la soybeans and meats to off-road vehicles. Duties
have also been increased on US cherries, grapes and

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 13

apples. The US has either imposed or threatened l’enseignant. Si c’est le cas, mettre en valeur leurs
tariffs on US$506 billion worth of Chinese goods, connaissances. La Press review peut se révéler
while China has implemented or threatened levies particulièrement utile ici, puisqu'il s’agit d’une
on US$130 billion worth of American products. situation qui évolue rapidement alors que Huawei
So how does this affect people? Well, the tariffs essaie de mettre en place de nouvelles stratégies
mean that producers have to pay more – and that pour contourner ce revers commercial.
translates to higher prices for consumers. But it’s
not just Chinese and American consumers who are 1 Huawei is a telecommunications company close to
being affected. The dispute between the world’s the Chinese government.
two biggest economies is disrupting global supply 2 According to the document, Huawei does not have
chains. And stock markets around the world have a good business reputation. It has been accused of
seen dips as a result of Beijing and Washington’s tit- making items to spy on other countries and it has a
for-tat tariffs. Many economists say this only shows reputation “for shady business practices”.
that in trade wars, there are no winners. 3 In May 2019, Donald Trump issued an executive
order forbidding the use of telecommunications
Document détaillé et complexe, nécessitant sans equipment from certain companies he deems “a
doute un travail d’anticipation pour introduire le national security risk”. (peut-être, demander aux
vocabulaire spécifique. Pour faciliter le travail des élèves de déduire le sens à part du mot “executive”)
élèves, on pourra leur proposer de travailler en Huawei is on the list of banned companies. Aider les
binômes ou en petits groupes pour répondre aux élèves à comprendre l’implicite dans le document :
questions. Si l’enseignant à la possibilité d’utiliser Huawei était la cible principale du “executive order”
des tablettes ou des téléphones portables, chaque même s’il n’est pas explicitement nommé dans le
groupe/binôme pourra écouter le document autant document officiel.
de fois que nécessaire (dans la limite du 4 President Trump’s decision was very bad for
raisonnable). Cette stratégie favorise la Huawei, who could no longer do business with
compréhension et la mise en confiance ainsi que Google as a result (Google is an American
l’autonomie. company). Therefore, they couldn’t access Android,
the Google Playstore, Youtube or a host of other
5 According to Donald Trump, trade with the US is applications owned by Google. This essentially
extremely uneven, or “lopsided”. Apparently, in means that no one outside of China (where most of
2017 for example, the USA had a 375$ billion trade the above-mentioned products are banned) would
deficit with China. This means that the US imported want to buy Huawei’s smartphones.
far more goods and services from China than the 5 In response, Huawei developed its own alternative
Chinese imported from them. to the App Store, called “App Gallery”. It is trying to
6 He also accuses the Chinese of stealing US encourage developers to bring their apps to App
technology/intellectual property. Gallery.
7 The US has placed an import tax on solar panels,
washing machines, steel and aluminum products, Page 288
aircraft parts, TVs, medical equipment and luxury
delicacies like caviar.
8 China has retaliated by putting in place an import Les recherches proposées permettent de suivre
tax on American goods coming into China. l’évolution de la situation de Huawei à travers ce
9 The consequences are that prices have gone up so qu’en rapporte la presse.
consumers pay more/it’s hurting consumers. Global
supply chains have been disrupted and stock Selon l'intérêt que les élèves portent au sujet et
markets have fallen. leurs connaissances, il pourrait être intéressant
d’entamer une discussion en classe pour solliciter
leurs avis en tant que consommateurs.
Pages 287-282 On pourrait faire un petit sondage* pour savoir quel
pourcentage d’élèves dans la classe a un
smartphone de la marque Huawei, et les inviter à
The Huawei ban explained débattre quant aux mérites des différentes
marques. Ils pourront dire si l'interdiction Android
Ce sujet concerne les nouvelles technologies et il se ou Play Store les inciterait à ne pas acheter (ou
peut que certains élèves le maîtrisent déjà racheter le cas échéant) cette marque. On pourra
partiellement, entièrement ou même mieux que aussi leur demander de noter les applications

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 14

Android qu'ils utilisent le plus afin d'établir une liste lorsqu’ils feront des recherches pour la Final task
des applications que Huawei devrait reconquérir ou en question.
contourner s’ils veulent garder une partie du
marché auprès des jeunes Européens. Page 289
* Dans les classes sensibles, on fera preuve de
vigilance, bien entendu, pour ne pas mettre en
évidence d’éventuelles disparités socio- MILITARY MATTERS
économiques (élèves plus ou moins bien équipés).

Dispute over the South China Sea

That: subordinating conjunction or relative
pronoun? Ce document, et plus généralement cette partie de
Demander aux élèves de résumer à l’oral en français la brick, permet de comprendre le rôle de
(activité de médiation). gendarme international endossé par les États-Unis
• “On May 15, 2019, President Trump issued an et renforcé par leur puissance militaire (hard power
executive order that bans the use of donc). Les élèves comprendront aussi que la Chine
telecommunications equipment from foreign firms souhaite défier cette hégémonie et s’imposer
deemed a national security risk.” comme puissance sur la scène internationale en
That = an executive border = relative pronoun développant sa propre puissance militaire. Tout
• “Google publicly declared that it would be comme la vidéo sur les échanges commerciaux dans
complying with Trump’s Huawei ban.” la première partie, cette vidéo est relativement
On peut supprimer that = coordinating conjunction complexe et nécessite sans doute un travail en
• “Consumers outside of China simply aren’t ready amont sur le vocabulaire spécifique. La carte et les
for a premium smartphone that can’t access the Fast facts servent de documents d’appui pour
Google Play Store.” faciliter la compréhension de la vidéo (voir
that = a premium smartphone = relative pronoun questions 1-3).

Video 2 script: What’s going on in the South

China Sea?
- « Le 15 mai 2019, le Président Trump délivre un CNN, 10 September 2018
ordre exécutif qui bannit / interdit l’utilisation des JOURNALIST: The South China sea is one of the
équipements de télécommunication par des busiest and most militarised shipping routes in the
sociétés étrangères considérées comme des risques world.
pour la sécurité nationale. » (Sound of missile fire)
- « Google a décrété publiquement qu'il se JOURNALIST: Experts also believe a wealth of oil and
conformerait à / obtempèrerait avec l'interdiction gas is lying below the area’s surface. China claims
de Huawei annoncée par le Président Trump. almost all of this body of water for itself, ignoring
OU competing claims from countries like the Philippines
« Google a décrété publiquement qu'il se mettrait and Vietnam. To complicate things further, Brunei,
en conformité avec l'interdiction de Huawei par Malaysia and the Island of Taiwan also have
Trump. » territorial claims. To legitimise its claims, China has
- « Les consommateurs en dehors de la Chine ne built up artificial islands in the Spratly Chain. Take
sont tout simplement pas prêts à posséder un Fiery Cross Reef for example. In 2015 CNN flew with
smartphone haut de gamme qui ne peut accéder à the US Navy over Fiery Cross Reef, which was
/ sans accès à Google Play Store. » already a man-made island. And this is what it looks
• On fera remarquer que le pronom relatif peut like today: airstrips, radar towers, four and five-
généralement être remplacé par which (ce serait story concrete buildings.
who s’il s’agissait de personnes). Lieutenant Lauren Callen is the commander of the
US Navy who flies over the South China Sea.
Training TASK LIEUTENANT LAUREN CALLEN: It was very surprising
Summarise articles to see just essentially airports out in the middle of
Cette tâche permet aux élèves de s’entraîner the ocean.
pour la synthèse. Elle prépare la tâche finale en JOURNALIST: Much of China’s territorial claims are
approfondissant les connaissances des élèves sur based on something called the nine-dash line, which
le sujet et en les dirigeant vers des sources is used by Beijing to mark out what it sees as
d’information fiables qui pourront être utiles Chinese territory. The nine-dash line takes in nearly

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 15

all of the South China Sea, an area the size of (on pourra demander aux élèves de faire quelques
Mexico. recherches sur ce point-là).
Historically the nine-dash line has caused a lot of 7 The US has reacted by increasing its naval
tension. So much so that when the Philippines took presence in the South China Sea in an attempt to
China to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the force China to respect international freedom of
Hague back in 2016, the court rejected most of navigation. This has unsurprisingly negatively
Beijing’s claims over the South China Sea, finding affected relations between the two countries and
them illegal. But there’s no real way to enforce the caused some strained altercations between the two
court’s ruling, so China has refused to abide by it. navies.
Instead, continuing to build up artificial islands to 8 Suggestion de réponse :
reinforce its claims of sovereignty. As its name suggests, the South China Sea is located
CNN CORRESPONDENT MATT RIVERS: They’ve to the South of China and North of Malaysia. It is
militarised the artificial islands. So they’ve built significant because it is a major international
airstrips, they put missile systems on there, they put shipping route and because there is a wealth of oil
radar jamming stations. They’ve put radar underneath it. For these reasons, China wishes to
installations, and so all of that taken in totality over control it and so it lays claim to most of the South
the last several years has really caused tensions to China Sea through “the nine-dash line”. However,
rise. the South China Sea borders a number of other
JOURNALIST: This is where the US comes into the countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam and
dispute. For the past year, it has stepped up its naval Malaysia. These countries also lay claim to parts of
operations in the South China Sea, sailing within the South China Sea in accordance with the United
miles of China’s artificial islands, showing its Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In order
commitments to maintaining freedom of to reinforce its claim China has increased its military
navigation. It also monitors developments from presence in the South China Sea. Furthermore, it has
above, regularly flying over the South China Sea in built artificial islands that it has equipped with
Navy reconnaissance planes. This has created tense military bases. The Philippines took exception to
stand-offs between the US and China, like this China’s posturing and they brought China to the
warning the crew received while CNN was flying International Court of Arbitration in the Hague. The
with them. court ruled against China but China ignored the
MALE CHINESE VOICE: US military aircraft… This is ruling and continued to occupy the South China Sea.
the Chinese military. China has sovereignty of the In response, the USA has also increased its naval
Nansha Islands including the reef and its adjacent presence in the South China Sea in order to deter
waters. Leave immediately and keep off to avoid China and to remind them of UNCLOS and the
any misunderstanding. principle of freedom of navigation. Tensions
US PILOT: United States Naval aircraft conducting between the two superpowers are high.
lawful military activities beyond the national Exercice qui permet d’asseoir les connaissances et
airspace of any coastal states and exercising these le vocabulaire spécifique sur un sujet complexe,
rights as guaranteed by international law. I am mais qui représente aussi un bon entraînement
operating with due regard for the rights and duties pour l’épreuve orale et/ou la synthèse.
of all states.

1 The nine-dash line represents the Chinese claim on

The syllable “ea”
the South China Sea. /e/ wealth, already, ocean
2 Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines,
/eə/ area
/iː/ sea, leave
3 According to UNCLOS, China’s claims are not valid.
/iˈeɪ / created
Rather, those of the other countries mentioned, who
/ɪə/ real
respect the principle of UNCLOS, are.
4 First of all, it is a very busy shipping route.
Pages 289-290
Secondly, there are large quantities of valuable oil
underneath it.
5 China has reinforced its claim by building artificial
Australia joins US, Japan and Indian
islands on the Spratly Chain.
6 The Philippines challenged China’s claim at the
navies in war games
Document court et plutôt simple qui montre le
International Court of Arbitration at the Hague
désir américain de se rapprocher de ses alliés dans
le Pacifique afin de contrer l’influence de la Chine.

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 16

Le visuel est utile principalement, car il montre que 3 Donald Trump referred to the virus as “the China-
le rapport de force entre la Chine et les États-Unis virus”. Understandably, China took exception to this
commence à basculer en faveur de la Chine. and it resulted in the expulsion of American
1 Up until recently the US had more ships in total journalists from China. Furthermore, government-
than China. However, now China has more ships controlled media in China is portraying the US as a
than the US. China has significantly more ships in the “diminishing and hostile power”. More and more
Pacific. This suggests that the balance of power is Chinese people want to reduce interdependence
shifting between the US and China in favour of the with the USA.
latter. 4 Covid-19 has caused the relationship between
2 The Malabar games are a series of war games or Washington and Beijing to deteriorate further.
military exercises held every year between the US, American President Donald Trump called Covid-19
Japan, India and most recently Australia. “the China virus” and suggested that China is
3 Australia recently returned to the games after responsible for the outbreak and should be held
encouragement from the USA. accountable. In response, the Chinese government
4 The USA wants to work more closely between has been stirring up anti-American sentiment in
allies to “deepen security cooperation” in an effort China.
to counter China’s growing power.
5 The document suggests that the relationship Page 291
between the two superpowers is changing in favour
of China. Among other things, China is expanding its
military power. The US is not happy about this and US/China relations under Joe Biden
they are trying to check China’s power by relying on
cooperation between allies. Vidéo du Time publiée le 17 novembre 2020,
moment charnière dans l'élection présidentielle aux
États-Unis puisqu’en cette année 2020 marquée par
Pages 290-291 le Coronavirus et l’augmentation des votes
anticipés par voie postale, les résultats de l’élection
tombent plus tard que d’habitude. Si, vers le 17
novembre, la victoire de Joe Biden semble très
UNCERTAINTY probable, il n’a pas encore gagné officiellement.
Cette vidéo se situe donc à un moment bien précis.
On pourra profiter de l’occasion pour rappeler le
How 2020 Shaped U.S.-China Relations fonctionnement du système électoral aux États-
Unis (voir Zoom in page 334). Dans ce document, le
Document court qui résume la dégradation de la journaliste du Time essaie d’anticiper la future
relation US / Chine en 2020. En anticipation, il politique de Joe Biden envers la Chine et de la
pourrait être intéressant de demander aux élèves comparer avec celle de Donald Trump. Il s’agit en
d’analyser le dessin humoristique qui sert somme de constater un changement politique
d’illustration. Le contenu reste accessible et facile à radical aux États-Unis et d'émettre des hypothèses
interpréter et permet de mettre les élèves en qui ne seront vérifiées qu’avec le temps. Le
confiance avant de travailler sur le texte. document est fortement lié à la Final task qui
1 Coronavirus has made relations between the two conduira à vérifier les hypothèses du journaliste
countries worse. President Trump suggested that dans un exercice inversé où les élèves devront
the virus was China’s fault and they should be commenter la politique menée par l’administration
blamed for it. Furthermore, he says that the WHO Biden. Comme toutes les vidéos dans cette brick,
(l’OMS) was controlled by China. Il sera sans doute cette dernière, dans son authenticité, n’est pas sans
nécessaire de rappeler les circonstances de difficulté pour les élèves, avec une qualité de son
l’apparition du virus aux élèves. [En Chine, à imparfaite, un débit de parole rapide et un sujet
Wuhan.] complexe avec beaucoup de vocabulaire spécifique.
2 China is now perceived more negatively in the US. Ce document est l’occasion pour les élèves de se
confronter au niveau C1 du CECRL. Le choix de
According to the text, 73% of Americans view China
découper la vidéo en trois parties prend en compte
negatively. They are blamed for the virus and for the
ces difficultés. Le découpage permet en effet de
disruptions in trade. In China, nationalist sentiment
proposer un travail différencié entre les élèves plus
and “anti-Americanism” is growing in the wake of
ou moins à l’aise. La première partie de la vidéo
the trade war and the outbreak of Covid-19.
serait destinée aux élèves les moins à l’aise. Elle est

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 17

plus courte et elle reprend des sujets et des MALE JOURNALIST: Trump launched a trade war in
discussions déjà vus dans la brick. La deuxième order to reduce America’s 345.6-billion-dollar trade
partie de la vidéo est la plus difficile et la plus deficit with China but it actually grew during his
longue. Elle aborde des sujets nouveaux et tenure. Biden criticised the trade war during the
techniques et devrait être réservée aux élèves à election but he might not immediately role back
l’aise. La dernière partie de la vidéo représente un tariffs to avoid appearing soft on Beijing. As
entre-deux. Bien qu’elle soit courte, elle est plus Democrats and Republicans largely agree on the
technique que la première partie. national security threat posed by Chinese tech firms
Si l’enseignant le souhaite, il peut aussi travailler sur like Huawei, the Trump administration’s process of
la suite de cette vidéo, en conjonction, ou pas, avec decoupling will likely continue. The question for
des documents proposés dans le Build up your file. Biden is how far.

Video 3 script: What the Biden administration Group A

might mean for U.S.-China relations • The journalist informs us that relations between
Time, 8 November 2020 the two superpowers were “at their lowest point in
Part 1 [00:00-00:37] decades” during Donald Trump’s presidency.
MALE JOURNALIST: The election of Joe Biden as the • According to him, it’s important because “global
next US president signals a shift in US-China stability” and “trillions of dollars” depend on good
relations, which are at their lowest point in decades. relations between China and the US.
The Trump administration waged a trade,
technology and media war against China. Trump has Group B
also frequently blasted Beijing for its handling of the • Joe Biden referred to Xi Jinping as a “thug”.
Coronavirus pandemic and accused China of cover- • The journalist thinks that Biden’s strategy will be
ups. “tougher” or stricter on/more exigent with China
DONALD TRUMP: China is China and it came from than Obama’s.
China so we had the China virus, right? • However, he thinks Joe Biden will communicate
MALE JOURNALIST: But trillions of dollars and global more openly with China than Trump did. He thinks
stability depend on the rival superpowers finding Biden will try to work with China on issues such as
common ground wherever possible. Here’s what a commerce/trade, climate change/the environment
Biden administration might mean for the relations and other areas/issues that involve/concern both
between the world’s top two economies. countries. He will try to restore a more multi-lateral
Part 2 [00:37-1:36] approach and to reestablish the USA as the leader in
MALE JOURNALIST: Although Biden has boasted as global governance. (Il faudra peut-être faire définir
spending more time with Xi Jinping than any other “multi-lateral” par les élèves.)
world leader, his tone hardened during the
campaign. He repeatedly called the Chinese Group C
president « a thug » for overseeing human rights • According to this video, the trade war was an
abuses in China’s western province of Chongqing. unsuccessful strategy because it failed to achieve its
JOE BIDEN: This is a guy who is a thug, who in fact objective of reducing the US trade deficit with China.
has a million Uighurs in reconstruction camps, He thinks Biden will continue the trade war to a
meaning concentration camps. certain extent because it has bipartisan support
MALE JOURNALIST: There’s no doubt that Biden will (terme et notion à introduire chez les élèves) but he
be tougher on China than Obama. However, many will not go as far/be as radical as Donald Trump.
in diplomatic circles hope he could reopen lines of • According to this video, Joe Biden will continue
communication to find pragmatic solutions on Donald Trump’s strategy on tech rivalry because of
trade, the environment and other issues of mutual the national security threat China poses and
concern. because both major political parties agree with this
Under the Trump administration relations with strategy.
American allies have deteriorated. Biden may look
to improve those ties to get Beijing to collaborate COME TOGETHER IN GROUPS OF 3 (ONE PERSON
on issues such as trade practices. China has engaged FROM GROUP A, GROUP B AND GROUP C)
in economic retaliation against countries like Accepter toute réponse convenable.
Australia, Canada and South Korea. Biden will hope Suggestion : China and the USA are two global
to return to a multi-lateral approach to diplomacy superpowers that are very interdependent. Under
and restore America’s role in global governance. the presidency of Donald Trump, the relationship
Part 3 [1:36-2:08] between the two countries deteriorated and this has

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 18

had a domino effect on other countries and has put
at stake trillions of dollars. The journalist attempts
to anticipate how the relationship between the two
countries will evolve under the presidency of Joe
Biden. According to him, Joe Biden will try to
reestablish better relations with China in order to
collaborate on trade and climate change among
other things. However, he will not revert to the
same status quo as the Obama administration
because he will continue to try and contain China’s
military ambitions and to undercut China’s
technological advances, which both major political
parties in the US agree pose a national security

Final TASK
Make a video report
Permet de mesurer les acquisitions faites grâce à la

Un sujet de géopolitique si vaste implique de faire

des choix entre différentes thématiques, mais
permet de proposer des documents riches et
intéressants pour les élèves qui souhaitent
travailler davantage sur le sujet lors du Grand Oral
ou dans un autre contexte. Ici, la première
thématique retenue est la question des droits de
l’homme et la situation des Ouïghours. Cette
question pourra être traitée en conjonction avec la
séquence sur Hong Kong, brick 22 en unité 7, car les
deux sujets évoquent la question des violations des
droits de l’homme par le gouvernement chinois.
Nous proposons aussi des approfondissements sur
le commerce et la technologie. Ce dernier point
relevant peut-être davantage de la sphère de
l’élève, ils pourront avoir envie d’en découvrir plus
ou de se mettre en confiance pour le Grand Oral en
choisissant une thématique dont ils ont déjà une
certaine connaissance. Si on souhaite approfondir la
réflexion sur les questions militaires, le sujet de
Taiwan pourra être une piste intéressante.

Unit 13 “Balancing powers” 19

Page 293

UNIT14 Page 294

“English as a Unifying
Factor? The Legacy of English

La brick 43 attire l’attention sur le rôle de la
THÉMATIQUE 3 : RELATION AU MONDE langue anglaise dans le monde africain anglophone
AXE D’ÉTUDE 3 : HÉRITAGE COMMUN ET DIVERSITÉ contemporain. Héritage irréfutable d’une
domination culturelle et, souvent, d’un colonialisme
L’UNIT 14 s’intéresse à la réception, dans la douloureusement vécu, l’anglais suscite des
sphère anglophone contemporaine, d’un héritage réactions diverses, parfois ambivalentes parce que
linguistico-culturel très lourd de la période c’est à la fois une lingua franca incontestable, utile
coloniale. C’est à travers la focale de la langue et des non seulement localement pour se comprendre
modes de communication que le sujet est abordé. d’un village à un autre, mais aussi pour pouvoir
La brick 43 invite les élèves à s’interroger sur la intervenir dans le concert international, et une
façon dont l’anglais permet à des pays africains de preuve persistante de l’impact indélébile de la
s’ouvrir et de prendre part à tout ce qui se joue colonisation britannique, la langue de l’ancien
(culturellement, politiquement et oppresseur.
économiquement en particulier) sur le plan Les tweets proposés en fin de brick (p. 299)
international tout en suscitant des sentiments de évoquent précisément le « sujet qui fâche » (on n’a
frustration ou d’amertume chez ceux qui pas choisi par qui être colonisé), mais aussi la fierté
continuent d’y voir une trace indélébile de la d’un pays qui s’est construit sur un héritage
violence coloniale. récupéré positivement et enfin la volonté de
La brick 44 offre l’opportunité d’étudier d’un peu compter dans le monde à l’avenir.
plus près qu’on ne le fait habituellement le statut de L’objet d’étude retenu permet de parler de pays
l’anglais dans le monde contemporain, en qu’on évoque rarement encore en cours d’anglais et
cherchant les raisons de sa progression historique de le faire de façon positive en mentionnant des
vers une quasi-hégémonie, mais aussi en prenant écrivains et une réalisatrice reconnus au niveau
conscience de la diversité que dissimule le terme international.
“English” et en s’interrogeant pour finir sur son
avenir tandis qu’il est de plus en plus impacté par Extrait du B.O.
les évolutions technologiques et les manipulations « Le monde anglophone est plural, non seulement
que les jeunes générations lui font supporter. parce que les pays qui le composent se distinguent
Dans la logique des deux autres bricks, mais d’une les uns des autres, mais encore parce qu’ils sont, en
manière qui permet un traitement indépendant leur sein même, divers – qu’il s’agisse de
(comme dans les autres unités, le professeur pourra géographie, de population, d’organisation de la vie
choisir de ne traiter que l’une des trois bricks), la publique, de religion, ou de culture. Le monde
brick 45 propose aux élèves de réfléchir à une autre anglophone a été le premier, ou parmi les premiers
forme de langage, celle qui passe par une à l’époque moderne, confronté à la problématique
communication non verbale. À ceux qui de l’unité dans la diversité. Au temps de l’expansion
s’étonneraient du choix de ce sujet, qui semble coloniale anglaise, puis britannique, la Couronne et
exclure le travail sur la langue anglaise per se, nous le Parlement organisaient cette diversité, avec
rappelons que le langage non verbal est tout aussi l’appui de la force si nécessaire. Aujourd’hui, l’unité
culturellement déterminé que la langue parlée ou revêt plus communément une forme immatérielle,
écrite. C’est bien l’objet de cette séquence finale et la diversité, omniprésente, continue de jeter
que de permettre une réflexion sur le sujet. Il quelques grands défis, notamment en matière
pourra être intéressant, au demeurant, d’exploiter d’équilibre dans des relations sur lesquelles plane
le travail sur cette brick dans le cadre de la encore parfois, dans les représentations, les
préparation de l’épreuve du Grand Oral. La tâche discours sinon dans les faits, l’ombre du passé
finale y invite explicitement. colonial ou impérial. »
Objet d’étude : la langue anglaise dans le monde et
le monde anglophone. (voir p. 366)

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 1

PROBLÉMATIQUE The map is surrounded with pictures that reinforce
Avantage ou inconvénient ? Comment les ex- the message of Britain’s domination. In the middle
colonies britanniques d’Afrique gèrent-elles of the bottom part, Britannia (with her trident and
l’héritage de la langue anglaise ? her shield) is sitting on the “WORLD”. She obviously
Benefit or burden for Britain’s former African rules over the world, her subjects being represented
colonies? How do former British colonies in Africa as costumes figures as well as exotic animals. We
cope with the legacy of English? can identify Australia (kangaroo and sheep + an
Aborigine with a boomerang and a man with a
La Final task permettra de mesurer les acquisitions shovel in the bottom right corner), maybe New
faites au fil de la séquence au moyen d’une Zealand (sheep + lady holding a sheepskin), India (an
production écrite d’un genre particulier puisqu’il elephant and a tiger + an elephant driver = mahout
s’agira de rédiger un discours destiné à l’oralisation. + a coolie in the bottom left corner), America and
La tâche intermédiaire (p. 296) aura permis de Canada (Native Indian in the top left corner + lady
préparer les élèves en les entrainant à la recherche wearing warm fur clothes), maybe Singapore and
d’arguments et à leur intégration dans un propos Malaysia (lady with a tray on the right), etc.
organisé destiné à convaincre. The words “freedom”, “fraternity” and “federation”
are presented in three banners at the top.
La brick est structurée en deux parties : * Cela ne se voit pas sur la reproduction, mais il
1 Mixed feelings: les sentiments ambivalents des s’agit de chiffres concernant la population et le
Africains vis-à-vis d’une langue qui est à la fois commerce. L’image étant libre de droits, on pourra
héritage marqué du sceau du colonialisme et clef chercher sur Internet une carte projetable pour
d’insertion et de développement dans le monde mieux faire percevoir les détails.
contemporain. Les élèves pourront trouver de l’aide dans la fiche
2 The times they are a-changin’!: la récupération de How to describe a picture p. 317.
l’anglais par les pays qui ont été contraints de 2 Britain is placed in the middle of the part devoted
l’adopter. to the map, no doubt to emphasise its central
position in the world. Britannia, with her helmet,
Page 294 trident and shield, is the most prominent figure in
the map, enthroned/sitting on top of the world
MIXED FEELINGS (supported by Atlas who, on close observation,
seems to represent “human labour”) and
surrounded by servants.
3 The Mercator projection does not permit an
Imperial Federation: Map Showing the
accurate representation of the world (distortions
Extent of the British Empire in 1886 around Canada and the polar area for instance). Still
it is quite convenient and easy to read for
1 Cette carte (63 x 86 cm) est apparue pour la navigators: the ships can sail in a distant compass
première fois en juillet 1886 en reproduction dans direction without taking the risks linked to course
un supplément du magazine hebdomadaire corrections.
populaire The Graphic. Elle est attribuée à John 4 The three words in the banners at the top put
Charles Ready Colomb (1838-1909). forward positive values, implying a truly humane
The map uses a Mercator projection. Britain is treatment of the people in the colonies. They convey
placed in a strategic position, nearly in the middle of an impression of serenity, brotherhood, harmony.
the part actually devoted to the map. Our eyes are We can wonder whether they are true to reality
drawn to it because of the trident. The British Isles because the rest of the document highlights the
and the British colonies are highlighted by the choice domination of Britain.
of a red colour while the other parts of the world The representation of the rest of the world, through
have been left blank. Close to each of the colonies, the people portrayed, conveys a feeling of
an inset box has been used to provide some useful submission/subservience. All the characters are
data*. looking towards Britannia or bowing their heads in
We can see the sea trade routes connecting the apparent subservience.
various ports. 5 The English-speaking world of 1886 is depicted/
portrayed/represented as entirely dependent on

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 2

Page 295
Proposition : « La demande concernant l’anglais /
L’exigence de l’anglais n’est pas que la conséquence
Roles of English in Africa’s de la politique linguistique. Elle se justifie
development également par des stratégies de développement
économique tournées vers l’extérieur, par exemple
la volonté d’attirer des investisseurs étrangers et
1 The text seems to be an extract from an essay. It
des touristes ou de vendre des produits à l’étranger.
deals with the part played by the English language Pour sortir leurs citoyens de la pauvreté, les
in today’s Africa, not only in former British countries gouvernements africains encouragent leurs
but also in neighbouring countries. citoyens / les encouragent à produire des biens et
2 The text is composed of/falls into 3 main parts: des denrées pour les marchés étrangers. »
- l. 1-23: English came to be used by a significant
number of African countries either because of British Page 296
colonisation or because it was convenient in
education and for technological purposes;
- l. 24-30: English plays a crucial role in the
professional development of individuals and To be taught in English
communities in Africa;
- l. 31-37: mastering English is important for Video 1 script: 65% of South African parents
international business and trade. want their children to be taught in English
3 The implicit message is that Africa has no choice eNCA, 9 October 2019
REPORTER MICHAEL APPEL: It seems South African
but to use the English language. If African people
parents want their children to be taught in English.
want to rise out of poverty, they must resort to
A new report by the Human Science Research
English to buy and sell products but also to attract
Council says at least 65% of parents prefer to have
tourists, students and investors.
their children taught in English. Let’s unpack the
4 The author advocates changing opinions about
language debate with the language specialist from
English and accepting to give it more importance in
the University of Cape Town, Xolisa Guzula. Miss
Africa. We can understand his position because he is
Guzula, thanks very much for joining us. [0:21]
quite assertive in the conclusion.
5 The last paragraph is a criticism of the widespread
belief that developing a better command of English MICHAEL APPEL: Well, Miss Guzula, if over two
will be detrimental to local cultures and languages. thirds, 65% of parents say they still want their
The author clearly exposes the ongoing children taught in English, what do we read into
denunciation of English as the language of foreign these figures? What can we take from this?
oppressors: “it is definitely unhelpful”, “Africans XOLISA GUZULA: I… I don’t think we should base
need to go beyond this” reveal his exasperation. that on these figures and I think that it was wrong
in the first place to ask the question “do you prefer
mother tongue or English?”. I think that’s not a
WHICH: relative pronoun / relative clause question that we should be asking of parents,
Dans la première phrase, which reprend le groupe considering the effects of colonialism, considering
nominal “many roles”. the effects of Apartheid which made us feel as Black
Traduction possible : people that we are inferior to any White person and
« Il joue de nombreux rôles, dont les effets peuvent everything about us is inferior. [4:06]
bénéficier aux masses / au peuple. » So people are still harboring those feelings of
Dans la seconde, which (dont on fera remarquer la inferiority, so when you ask them whether they
place après une virgule) reprend toute la prefer home language or English, they will say
proposition “English is going to be the major English because English is seen as superior, English
international language for some time to come”. is seen as language of power, and also we shouldn’t
Traduction possible : forget that, post-Apartheid, we haven’t delivered
« L’anglais va être la langue internationale on the language issue for our children, we haven’t
dominante pour un certain temps encore, ce qui delivered… er, mother tongue education for
permettra à l’Afrique… » teachers… er, to take education. We haven’t
delivered textbooks in African languages. We
haven’t delivered books, literature in African
languages. Yet we are expecting people to blindly

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 3

say “we want mother tongue”. I think that er, it was
premature to ask that question but I do know that Should Ugandan schoolchildren be
when parents are presented with a… possibilities of taught in English?
best of both, the mother tongue and English, they
do accept. [4:56]
Note : contrairement à ce qui est indiqué dans le
manuel, l’audio doit être écouté de 12:40 à 15:06.
1 eNCA est une chaine indépendante Audio 1 script: The Compass - The Future of
d’informations en continu basée en Afrique du Sud, English - Too Much English?
mais regardée dans tout le continent africain depuis BBC Sounds, 13 June 2018
son lancement en 2008. Elle fait l’objet d’attaques
régulières de l’ANC, qui l’accuse de diffuser des (School bell ringing)
infox. JOURNALIST ROBIN LUSTIG: In Uganda, children are
Judging by the name, it must be a news channel that meant to start off being taught in their vernacular
covers the news in Africa. language, but after four years, all their lessons
2 The topic is the massive demand for English as a should switch to English and that creates problems
school language for South African children. Xolisa too.
Guzula is a language specialist (from the University OSCAR S.: If you go by the government directive and
of Cape Town). only start studying English four years after starting
3 She does not answer the question directly because, primary school, you’d never pass the exam. I am
in her opinion/according to her, the question should Oscar [S.], I am principal of a private school, Time
not have been asked. She thinks that such a question International School, and we have three schools. A
is biased and will lead people to answer that it is lot of people do not follow the rule of studying in
English that they want. local languages because it’s not good, especially in
4 She uses the collective pronouns “we” and “us”, private schools, you, you look bad if you… you know
thus showing that she feels directly concerned and this is happening in England as well, when your
involved (“us… as Black people”). She is speaking on school fails it’s a problem. So their guideline is in the
behalf of the Black community. early years, that’s what we call them, children
5 Xolisa Guzula gives a twofold explanation: Black should study in local languages, but… ’difficult to
parents still feel inferior to White people (in the manage.
aftermath of Apartheid) and teachers have not been ROBIN LUSTIG: Do you find that there are some
trained to use African tongues/vernacular children, those who come from homes where the
languages to teach; besides they have no books or parents haven’t spoken to them in English from a
teaching material in those tongues. very early age, do they struggle?
6 This interview shows that the effects of colonialism OSCAR: Very much, they struggle a lot. Some
children actually are able to write in English but
and Apartheid are still very important in South
totally unable to speak English. And this is because
Africa, that South African people still have to
they can put out some facts they’ve learned in
overcome hurdles/difficulties and struggle in order
school and present all of that for an exam and
to fight prejudice.
actually pass an exam without good command of
7 We may conclude that Xolisa Guzula is a good
representative of the people that Negash (the
ROBIN LUSTIG: What does that do, then, to a child’s
essayist) denounces in the conclusion to his essay.
potential for achievement, if, if there is a basic
linguistic hurdle that they have to overcome?
OSCAR: It might hinder you if you have to enter
debates at a political level and of course into the
Sentence stress corporate world, in Uganda now, all the business
“It was wrong in the first place to ask. […] world mostly adapt their [RN], it’s in English, so
This is not a question we should be asking of there’s a real problem. At the same time we have,
parents, considering the effects of colonialism, beginning to have identity issues because in terms
considering the effects of Apartheid, which made us of cultural aspects there’s some children in Uganda
feel, as Black people, that we are inferior to any who do not speak local languages, but yet children
White person and everything about us is inferior.” speak in English, so you have a kind of a loss of
Les élèves s’apercevront qu’il s’agit-là de mots identity there. A lot of Ugandan children struggle
porteurs du message de l’invitée. with their own languages. I would say that 80% of
Ugandan children are unable to write in their own
language, are unable to read their own language.

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 4

ROBIN LUSTIG: To me that certainly suggests that d’une langue imposée n’a pu être associée qu’à un
English has become a language killer. vécu négatif, mais que c’est tout de même la
maîtrise de cette langue, l’anglais, qui a fourni un
1 Uganda – a country where children start off moyen d’expression du désespoir ressenti par les
learning in their mother tongue but then switch to peuples colonisés.
lessons in English after 4 years only. 4 On devra être indulgent, ici, sur l’expression d’une
2 The guest is the principal of a private school in notion difficile à expliciter. Il s’agira de mettre en
Uganda. For him, it is difficult for children to get a évidence la tension entre intérêt pour / rejet de la
good command of English and their mother tongue langue de l’oppresseur.
at the same time because of the school system. African people resent having to use a language that
Teaching them English while they are still very was imposed on them and which reminds them of
young can be a problem because they do not master their dreadful past condition and yet they know that
their own language when they switch to learning in English played a part in their liberation from the
English. yoke of colonisation. Resentful though they feel,
3 On laissera les élèves exprimer leur opinion sur ce they know what they owe to the English language.
sujet difficile. Peut-être proposeront-ils un 5 Many African nations have mixed feelings about
enseignement à 50 % dans chacune des langues the use of the English language because of the
(langue maternelle ou vernaculaire et anglais) ? history of British colonisation. Even though English
Peut-être une organisation avec des plages was imposed on people (notably on schoolchildren
d’enseignement dans une langue et d’autres dans who would be punished when caught speaking their
l’autre ? mother tongue) most Africans admit that it was
crucial to their emancipation and that, if used
Training TASK properly, it is still a very convenient means of
communication for them today.
Organise an oral presentation
C’est un jeu de rôle qui demandera aux élèves de
Page 298
s’imaginer délégués de classe dans une école
d’Afrique du Sud.
Ils trouveront de l’aide dans la fiche
Masters of the English language
méthodologique portant sur l’écriture d’un
discours (p. 323).
Ce travail prépare à la tâche finale (écriture d’un 1
discours pour un Prix Nobel de littérature). Chinua Achebe, 1930-2013, Nigeria, Literature (esp.
short stories, poetry, essays), Man Booker
Page 297 International Prize 2007.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’! [ˌtʃɪmɑːˈmɑːndə əŋˈɡoʊzi əˈdiːtʃeɪ ], b. 1977,
Nigeria, Literature (novels, short stories, nonfiction),
Commonwealth Writers’ Prize 2005, Orange Prize
Africa’s colonisation of the English for Fiction 2007, Women’s Prize for Fiction 2007,
language continues apace Africa Freedom Prize 2020.

1 British former colonies. Brian Chikwava, b. 1972, Zimbabwe, Literature,

music, press, Caine Prize for African writing in
The inhabitants of the former colonies were forced/
English 2004.
compelled/obliged/had no choice but to give up
their languages and switch to English. Conversely,
J. M. Coetzee, b. 1940, South Africa, Literature,
they are now choosing to make English one of their
essays, Booker Prize 1983 and 1999, Nobel Prize in
Literature 2003.
2 African people have developed an ambivalent
relation to English because it reminds them of Nadine Gordimer, 1923-2014, South Africa,
colonisation and yet they are aware/conscious that Literature, nonfiction, Booker Prize 1974, Nobel
English was the common language they needed in Prize in Literature 1991.
order to unite and fight for independence.
3 L’interprétation de cette citation sera sans doute Makena Onjerika, Kenya, Literature, Caine Prize for
difficile pour beaucoup d’élèves. On acceptera tout African writing in English 2018.
ce qui s’approchera de l’idée que la contrainte

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 5

Wole Soyinka, b. 1934, Nigeria, Literature, drama, Page 299
poetry, essays, Nobel Prize in Literature 1986.
Punished for speaking English!
2 Common points:
- All of them were born and raised in an African 1 The film was selected for “Best International
country. Feature film” because it seemed to meet the
- All of them are famous (best sellers). requirements for eligibility: part of the dialogue was
- All of them write in English. in a language other than English, it had been
- All of them have won famous literary prizes. produced by a company outside the USA, it had been
released in Nigeria. However, on closer observation,
there was a problem with the language: Lionheart
was disqualified over its predominantly English
Parmi les incontournables figureront :
dialogue. As a matter of fact,/Indeed, in order to
• Man Booker International Prize for Fiction/
qualify, a minimum of/at least half of the dialogue
International Booker Prize (between 2005 and 2015
must be in a language other than English but only
– fiction published in English or available in English
11 minutes of the 95 minutes long film was in Igbo.
translation – 2 non-native speakers)
2 Éventuellement, demander de réaliser en
• Caine Prize (first awarded in 2000 – for short
anticipation une recherche sur la réalisatrice afro-
stories published in English by African writers – only
américaine militante Ava DuVernay. On veillera à ce
English-speaking authors so far)
que les élèves ne réduisent pas l’intervention de
Moins connus bien que réputés :
cette réalisatrice à un acte de solidarité féminine,
• International Dublin Literary Award (first
mais en perçoivent l’enjeu politique.
awarded in 1996 – novels published in English or
Ava DuVernay must have felt shocked by the
English translation – at least 9 non-native speakers)
disqualification because she sympathised with a
• The Warwick Prize for Writing (first awarded in
director that had given an African country the
opportunity to access the Oscars. She pointed that
À propos du Prix Nobel de littérature (remis pour la
English had been used because it is one of the official
première fois en 1901 au Français Sully
languages of Nigeria.
Prudhomme), on pourra faire repérer que 30 des
We can imagine that she was all the more
117 lauréats (chiffres de 2020) étaient anglophones.
supportive because she too is a Black female
director. Ava DuVernay is famous because she was
the first Black woman ever to be nominated for such
prestigious prizes as the Golden Globe or the
Punished for not speaking English!
Academy Award for Best Picture.
3 The disqualification is even more shocking because
1 In this quote, Fela Kuti is hinting at his youth.
“international films” (formerly “foreign films”) are
Drawing on/Given the information in the Fast Fact
supposed to be in the language (or one of the
box, we can infer that he is referring to the 1940s
languages) spoken in the country that applies for
and 1950s in Nigeria.
the award and English IS one of Nigeria’s official
2 We can understand that the teachers were tough
languages. In her reply to DuVernay’s tweet,
on the pupils. Fela and his schoolmates were Genevieve Nnaji insists that she merely used “the
brought up the hard way and prevented from using way we speak as Nigerians”.
their own tongues in school. We can imagine that
4 Au niveau C1 du CECRL, les élèves devraient
they were punished harshly if they disobeyed/failed
percevoir sans aide particulière l’implicite de la
to comply with the rule.
phrase “We did not choose who colonized us”. Si
3 To Fela, there is a negative connotation to the
aucun élève n’en rend compte, il conviendra
word “vernacular”. That’s because his teachers and d’attirer leur attention sur cette remarque
headmasters would use the word “vernacular” as importante.
opposed to “correct” or “normal”, as if/as though Nnaji’s is a striking argument: she recalls the fact
English was the only “real” language and therefore that Nigerian people speak English because they
the only tongue considered worth speaking. were colonised by the British. She hints at/alludes to
the fact that if they had been colonised by the
French, French would be used instead and would
play the same role as a lingua franca in her country
as in other African former colonies.

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 6

Final TASK variantes (lexicales et phonologiques, voire
Write a speech grammaticales) ; les pidgins. » (voir page 366)
Préparée par la tâche intermédiaire de la page 296,
cette tâche permettra à l’élève de montrer sa PROBLÉMATIQUE
maîtrise des acquis langagiers et culturels de la L’anglais peut-il continuer à unifier le monde
séquence. Lors de la passation de la consigne, on anglophone cependant qu’il connait des
soulignera que l’attendu est double : formuler des transformations de grande ampleur ?
remerciements et défendre un point de vue, c’est- Can English remain a unifying factor for the
à-dire argumenter pour convaincre. La fiche anglophone world while undergoing radical
méthodologique de la page 323 sera utile. transformations?

La Final task permettra de mesurer la maîtrise des

contenus langagiers et culturels acquis au cours de
Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances la séquence à travers un jeu de rôles en binômes
et approfondir leur réflexion grâce aux ressources préparé par un exercice de rédaction.
proposées ici. Pour la constitution du dossier
personnel attendu à l’examen et/ou pour préparer La brick est structurée en trois parties :
l’une des deux questions à soumettre au jury du 1 United or… separated by a common language?:
Grand Oral, ils trouveront là matière à alimenter en différentes formes d’humour (aphorisme de G.B.
particulier une réflexion sur les enjeux politiques de Shaw, extrait du spectacle de « stand-up » du Sud-
l’utilisation de l’anglais. africain Trevor Noah, ton plus subtil d’un
éditorialiste américain) sont mobilisées pour
Page 300 évoquer les différences entre l’anglais britannique
et l’anglais américain.
2 English or Englishes?: un regard éclairé sur
l’évolution de l’anglais pour des raisons historiques,
English or Englishes politiques, voire techniques.
3 English’s latest avatars: dans le prolongement de
La brick 44 mobilise abondamment l’humour pour
la deuxième partie, ce que devient l’anglais
traiter d’un sujet rarement abordé en classe
aujourd’hui et une interrogation sur son futur.
puisqu’il concerne l’évolution de la langue anglaise,
sa place et ses « avatars » divers ainsi que son
devenir dans un monde global, qui plus est marqué
Page 300
par l’essor du numérique, où les usages échappent
à tout contrôle.
Il sera intéressant pour les élèves de prendre UNITED OR… SEPARATED BY A COMMON
conscience du fait que leur génération même est LANGUAGE?
partie prenante de l’introduction de modifications
de ces usages, à travers le Short Message Service
(SMS) en particulier.
Two peas in a pod?
Extrait du B.O.
« Aujourd’hui, l’unité revêt plus communément une 1 George Bernard Shaw implied that even though
forme immatérielle, et la diversité, omniprésente, both nations speak English they do not actually
continue de jeter quelques grands défis, speak the same language, meaning that they
notamment en matière d’équilibre dans des cannot understand each other! In addition to the
relations sur lesquelles plane encore parfois, dans obvious differences in spelling and pronunciation,
les représentations, les discours sinon dans les faits, cultural differences may sometimes make it difficult
l’ombre du passé colonial ou impérial. for them to actually understand each other. With
Objet d’étude : La langue anglaise dans le monde et this aphorism, George Bernard Shaw (who by the
dans le monde anglophone : l’anglais, langue way/ incidentally was Irish) clearly aimed at making
officielle dans certaines régions du monde people laugh.
anglophone (Australie, certains États fédérés des 2 Chacun pourra exprimer son opinion et, le cas
États-Unis, etc.), langue véhiculaire ou de échéant, la confronter avec celle de ses camarades :
l’administration en Inde, au Pakistan, en Afrique As for me, I find it surprising because… I don’t share
anglophone, etc., et langue des échanges your point of view because in my opinion, …
internationaux ; […] l’acceptation et la diversité des

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 7

people know how surprised he had been by the way
Not what I expected American people spoke.
2 In this show, Noah is poking fun at/making fun
Video 1 script: It Makes No Sense! of/mocking the Americans’ use of English which he
Trevor Noah, 12 September 2019 pretends not to understand.
I’ve been in America for a few months now and I am 3 Noah is pretending that he got into trouble
really just thrown by the place. It’s not what I because of the American pronunciation of words like
expected at all, different from the brochures and “hair”, sounding like “her”, and “aunt” sounding like
the pamphlets. There’s many assumptions I had “ant”. Such examples make people laugh because
about America before I came here and I’ve come to the confusions could lead to very awkward
learn that those are wrong. For one, I just assumed situations.
people spoke English here. It’s far from it. It’s not, 4 Noah’s words and acting (stage presence) are
you know, it’s not so much the language, so much funny and the man’s charisma is obvious. Yet he
the pronunciation of words that throws me off. It’s does not seem to be that tolerant since his speech
what Americans have done with the language, you implies that he knows better and is the one who can
guys have just, wow! You’ve just, you’ve done tell others how English words should be
something, you put 22’s on the English language. It’s pronounced!
got rims as in pimp my language, that’s what you’ve Des élèves pourront connaitre Trevor Noah en
gone with, you know. I don’t understand, I was raison de la polémique* suscitée en 2018 lorsqu’il
chatting to this woman downtown the other day, avait déclaré que, davantage que la France, c’était
she came up to me and she wanted me to see l’Afrique qui avait remporté la Coupe du monde de
something – I don’t know what though, she was like football étant donné le nombre de joueurs noirs
“Oh my God, look over thur!” I said “Look over dans l’équipe. D’autres l’auront sans doute vu dans
what?” She’s like “Over thur! Look at that her!” And des sketchs, souvent très ethnocentrés, où les cibles
I said “her?” She’s like “No, her her!” “Wait: there’s peuvent être tour à tour les Irlandais, les Grecs, les
two of them?”. Français, etc. Ce contexte pourra avoir un impact
I understand nothing, even the small words, just the sur les réponses à la dernière question, car Noah a
pronunciation, you know the small things that get pu être accusé de racisme à plusieurs reprises.
you by. For instance, I pronounce the opposite of * cette polémique avait motivé une réponse
“uncle” as “aunt”, I say “my aunt”. Out here you say indirecte de Barack Obama lui-même affirmant
“my ant”, which to me is an insect, which made me dans son discours d’Afrique du Sud pour
look like an ass when my friend told me his “ant” commémorer la naissance de Nelson Mandela
died. qu’au contraire les Pogba, Kanté et autres joueurs
I was like “So what? There’s tons of those out auxquels il était fait allusion par Trevor Noah étaient
there”. What a great way to end the friendship. bien des Français et que c’était une force : “But
I couldn’t get help the other day when searching for they’re French! They’re French!”
a battery for my remote control – because that’s
what I say, “battery”, a small form of power. In
America you say “Baderee”, which to me is a Varieties of English
different form of power – sponsored by Chris Les différences soulignées avec humour dans cet
Brown. extrait de spectacle donnent à penser que la
And you know what I understand: we live on proximité est plus grande avec l’anglais britannique,
different sides of the globe so it’s fine, the language ce qui n’est pas surprenant au vu de l’histoire du
will evolve, this is something I have come to un…, pays. À relever : battery, hair, aunt.
but I hope I change one thing in your hearts forever, “zebra” appelle en revanche une prononciation qui
just one thing and that is that animal in the wild that n’est connue ni au Royaume-Uni ni aux États-Unis.
looks like a horse – it has black and white stripes –
yeah, do me a favour, from now on, please it’s not Page 301
“Zeebra”, okay, it’s “Zebra”. Yeah? Just like it’s not
“Deebra”, it’s “Debra”. Same structure of word. Plus
you can not name them because you do not have Of Crumpets and Muffins: Harry Potter
them. Zebra.
Minus a Certain Flavour
1 Trevor Noah had only been in America for a few
1 Although it is the same novel, the book covers
months when he made that show. He meant to let
differ in several ways: writing (font), choice of colour
(the red colour is dominant on the right whereas

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 8

yellow is more present on the left), situations
illustrated (unlike…), atmosphere (contrary to…).
Even the titles are different.
2 - Spelling differences: “gray” vs “grey”, “color” vs How Englishes keep popping up
“colour”,” flavor” vs “flavour”, “pajamas” vs
“pyjamas” and so on. Video 2 script: David Crystal - World Englishes
- Differences in vocabulary: “sorcerer” vs British Council Serbia, 7 December 2013
“philosopher” (titles), “field” vs “pitch”, “sweater” It only takes weeks for a new variety of English to
vs “jumper”, “truck” vs “lorry”, “Mom” vs “Mum”. start to grow. Because as soon as you arrive, you
- Substitutions: “English muffins” vs “crumpets”. want to talk about what you see, and what did the
3 L’auteur est un scientifique américain, mais les Mariners see and the settlers see when they arrived
élèves n’auront pas cette information et devront in America? They saw new plants, new animals, they
chercher des indices dans le texte. saw Indians with behaviour that they’d never seen
The author must be American because he uses the before, with new clothes, new costumes, new, new
collective pronoun “we” and the possessive shoes. And so words started to come in, like
adjective “our” when referring to American children. “moccasin” and “wigwam” and “squaw” and
This is particularly obvious in the last paragraph. “skunk”. And they would write these words in their
4 A Christmas Song = A Christmas Carol (Charles letters back home, so suddenly in British English,
these letters were coming through with American
Dickens, 1843) – A Story of Two Cities = A Tale of
English in, just a few days after these guys had
Two Cities (Charles Dickens, 1859) - The Salesman of
arrived in America. So that’s how long it takes for a
Venice = The Merchant of Venice (William
new variety of English to grow. And as you look
Shakespeare, 1596-1599).
around the modern English world and you see
5 The author believes that “Americanizing” foreign
English developing in places like, well, you know
literature is bad because it reflects a narrow-minded
everywhere now, everywhere, all countries in the
approach. He concludes by using the British word
world have English either as a first language or a
“mail” rather than the American “post” as a nod to
second language or a privileged foreign language.
those who share his point of view.
And it doesn’t take long for these countries to take
Ayant compris cette prise de position, les élèves
the English that wherever it’s come from Britain
seront libres d’exprimer des opinions contrastées
perhaps, or from America, or from Australia, and
sur le sujet.
then start to adapt it to make it their own. And how
do you see this adaptation taking place? Chiefly in
Page 302
the vocabulary. So it doesn’t take long. If you take a
dictionary like the dictionary of South African
English, for instance, there are 10,000 words in that
Prise en compte des différences linguistiques dictionary that are only used in South Africa, you
Suggestion de traduction : see, or perhaps just around South Africa like
« En protégeant nos enfants d’une Zimbabwe and so on. So, if you read South African
incompréhension ponctuelle ou d’une incursion English, every now and then you come across a
dans / d’un détour par le dictionnaire, nous agissons word and you’ve no idea what it means because you
/ faisons comme si les autres cultures étaient, ou don’t know the cultural background. I told the story
devaient être, identiques à la nôtre. En insistant in the lecture of my first visit to South Africa. Driving
pour que tout soit américanisé, nous abêtissons along the road, British Council driver there, and I see
notre société plus que nous ne l’enrichissons. Pour a sign ahead and it says “robot ahead” and I go:
ce qui est des dernières aventures d’Harry Potter, “What?” And I turned to the driver, I say “Robot
mes enfants et moi attendrons que la version ahead?” and he turns to me and says in a lovely
britannique nous arrive par la poste. » South African accent “Of course it’s a robot!” and I
say “What’s a robot?” He said “You don’t know
what a robot is?” I say “No I don’t know what a
robot is, have they landed or something?” “No no,
“Our” vs “ours” no, a robot is…” Anybody know? A robot is a traffic
Our est suivi d’un nom, car c’est un adjectif. Ours est light in South African English.
un pronom et s’utilise donc seul, pour une reprise.
On pourra comparer avec le français : « notre » 1 David Crystal explains that American English was
(adjectif) et « le/la/les nôtre/s » (pronom). born on American soil as soon as the first British
people set foot on it! Indeed, they saw things that
they had never seen before. Having no words for

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 9

them/For want of appropriate English words, they langue – les pidgins se transforment en créoles
had to use the Natives’ words to be able to refer to quand ils sont transmis d’une génération à une
them. That is how new varieties of a language can autre, devenant langues maternelles de la nouvelle
emerge in just a few weeks. génération ;
2 The changes can be seen mostly in the vocabulary - les dialectes, variantes d’une langue donnée ;
because you need to be able to refer to your - les argots (slang), relevant d’un registre populaire
surroundings/what is around you and to the et très familier, voire vulgaire.
situations you are facing.
3 The word “robot” is a striking instance of the need Page 303
to be familiar with a cultural background to be able
to understand the language of a people.
Complément : les élèves pourront s’amuser à faire Mirry Christmus!
une petite recherche sur l’origine du nom « robot »
pour les feux de circulation sud-africains. Ils Video 3 script: A Very Merry Mistake – Air New
découvriront ainsi qu’avant leur introduction, la Zealand
circulation était régulée en Afrique du Sud comme Advertising TV, 3 December 2017
ailleurs par des policiers en chair et en os. Lorsque SANTA CLAUS ON PHONE: [In Mandarin Chinese] No
les premiers feux ont été installés, les gens les ont problem, Ling Ling. Remember to be nice.
appelés « policiers robots » puis tout simplement SANTA CLAUS: A Teddy bear for Ling Ling from
« robots ». Shanghai.
CHRISTMAS ELF 1: Oh! You’re good! Really good, I
mean that was… ah!!
The Language I speak (Bell ringing)
Text on screen: New Zealand
1 The text is a poem: presentation + paratext (Phone ringing)
SANTA CLAUS: Hello, Santa speaking.
2 “I” is the persona of the poem. He/she is supposed
ADAM: Hello Santa, it’s Adam.
to be dark-skinned, a polyglot Indian person born in
SANTA CLAUS: Hello… Edim. And what would you
Malabar. We can understand that “they” refers to
like for Christmas?
the “critics, friends, visiting cousins” and all the
ADAM: I want a new bed.
other people he/she alludes to in line 8. Those are
SANTA CLAUS: Just to get this clear, you’d like a new
people who either criticise or advise him/her not to
beard? … O… Okay, Edim, remember to be nice.
write in English because it is not his/her mother
A new beard for Edim.
tongue. What is at stake is the link between
SANTA CLAUS: Santa speaking. A puggy bank? Right,
language and identity.
3 The persona claims a right to using the language
A puggy bank for Tom from Tamaroo!
he/she wants to use, to use English even if he/she SANTA CLAUS: Santa speaking. Hello… Bin!
does not master it perfectly because humans are not A biscuit ball for Bin.
perfect beings. The persona insists on everyone’s What sort of plane?
right to play with words and languages. An earplane for Windy.
4 Chacun dira à sa manière quel message il retient A book of magic trucks. Sounds like a good read.
de cet extrait du poème. A bug screen TV.
5 Poetry allows you to play with language even CHRISTMAS ELF 2: [with Scottish accent] Alright.
more freely than any other literary genre. What the F…ather Christmas is going on here? Hm?
Kids want bikes, and tents, and fidgets spinners. Not
SANTA CLAUS: Oh, it’s happened again.
Cette recherche permettra aux élèves de (Christmas Elf 1 sighs.)
distinguer : SANTA CLAUS: I know who could help.
- les pidgins, langues véhiculaires créées pour STEWARDS: Kia ora!
faciliter les échanges entre des locuteurs de langues CHRISTMAS ELF 2: Osh!
très différentes (comme, à l’origine, la lingua franca SANTA CLAUS: Oh we seem to be having some
en usage dès le Moyen-Âge dans le bassin trouble with the Kiwi accent.
méditerranéen) ; STEWARDESS 1: Understanding Kiwi is easy as. “A”s
- les créoles, langues nées sous la contrainte d’un are “E”s, “E”s are “I"s, “I”s are “U”s, and “O”s are
déplacement (le plus souvent) de populations qui “O”s. “O”s are always “O”s and “U”s are usually
ne pouvaient plus se faire comprendre dans leur “U”s, but “U”s could also mean like “all of yous” like

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 10

“how come yous don’t understand what I’m Pages 303-304
SANTA CLAUS: So it’s not a bug screen TV? These are the Nigerian English words
STEWARD: Basketball, not biscuit ball. added to the Oxford Dictionary
STEWARDESS 1: And piggy bank, not puggy bank. 1 The article is about the inclusion of Nigerian
STEWARDESS 2: Book of magic tricks, it’s not book
English words to the renowned Oxford English
of magic trucks.
Dictionary. This event made the news because it
implies that Nigerian English has been recognised as
SANTA CLAUS: Well I’d never...
a noticeable contributor to the development of the
STEWARD: Maybe we’ll take care of the calls and
English language.
these presents?
2 This news exemplifies a current trend, the
CHRISTMAS ELF 2: Do you mind if I take this home?
acknowledgement of the positive contribution of
It’s growing on me.
other variants of English. See l. 15-23 (Indian
English, South African English).
1 The scene takes place in Santa’s office. There are
3 The reference to Pidgin English in Nigeria is all the
two characters: Santa and one of his elves. Santa
more important because of the origins of this
Claus seems to be an easy-going, good-natured
“informal language”: indeed, what has become an
character, a figure worthy of admiration if we are to
asset for Nigeria first developed in the context of the
judge by his elf’s reactions. He is obviously
notorious “Triangular trade”.
comfortable/at ease with all the children and can
4 The OED’s decision may make Nigerian English
speak fluently an impressive number of languages
more acceptable in Nigerian schools – where
(so as to take their orders).
teachers still tend to frown at/resent its use.
2 Everything seems to come to a halt when the bell
5 In both cases, it is the creative spirit of people that
tolls. We can sense a change in the atmosphere:
is emphasised and valued.
apprehension? Fear? Anguish? We get the feeling
that something serious is brewing, making both
Page 304
characters ill at ease/uncomfortable, maybe
3 The situation is funny…
The time has come to take orders from New En concevant cette revue de presse, les élèves
Zealanders. pourront mieux comprendre à quel point ce type de
4 Santa Claus feels embarrassed as the children reconnaissance internationale est important pour
seem to be asking for strange/weird toys. His elf also un pays comme le Nigéria, dont l’image reste à
seems to feel more and more uncomfortable. valoriser.
Santa looks downcast/crestfallen. Both his tone of
voice and the look on his face make us think that he ENGLISH’S LATEST AVATARS
feels mortified.
5 These people are employees of Air New Zealand.
They greet Santa with “Kia Ora”, a Maori phrase Decline of the Queen’s English?
used to say hello in New Zealand.
They look like the crew of a plane, with a steward
Video 4 script: The Queen’s English
and two air hostesses wearing the ANZ uniform.
Ats Films on Vimeo, 25 January 2018
They present the different ways in which New
MAN 1: We’re about to see Queen Elizabeth I –
Zealanders pronounce vowels.
Shakespeare’s queen – and Queen Elisabeth II, our
6 We understand that the commercial was
queen, meet together for the first time. Did you
commissioned by Air New Zealand to let people know some words were pronounced differently in
know how attached they are to their “kiwi” culture Shakespeare’s day than they are today? So there
and language. are some words that Shakespeare’s queen
7 On laissera chacun s’exprimer librement. Un pronounces differently from our queen, but they
commentaire sur l’humour, relayé par l’utilisation both believe they speak the best Queen’s English.
de la musique, des mimiques expressives chez le Let’s see how they get on.
lutin en particulier, du jeu sur les accents (y compris …
celui de l’ouvrier) sera bienvenu pour parler de MAN 1 as QUEEN ELISABETH I: Enchanted to meet
l’intention et de l’effet produit. you.

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 11

QUEEN ELISABETH I: Oh! That was very gracious of 5 Les élèves les moins à l’aise pourront décrire les
you. effets liés aux procédés les plus classiques (comique
QUEEN ELISABETH II: That should be gracious. de situation, ridicule des tenues, mimiques) tandis
ELISABETH I: I must say, you do speak in a very funny que les plus avancés (C1 / C2 du CECRL) percevront
way. l’agacement d’« Elizabeth II », le duel mené sous les
ELISABETH II: (Laughs) Your pronunciations make apparentes civilités, etc.
me laugh.
ELISABETH I: Do you mean “‘laugh”? Page 305
ELISABETH II: Yes, “‘laugh”‘.
ELISABETH I: I hope we’ll understand each other.
ELISABETH II: I hope so too. Let me tell you about Acronyms and memes… because YOLO!
myself: my father…
ELISABETH I: Do you mean your father? Audio 1 script: The Compass - The Future of
ELISABETH II: No. My father. English - Changing British English
ELISABETH I: Yes: father! BBC Sounds, 6 June 2018
ELISABETH II: My father was King George. ABBY SPRATT: So, you could say “‘I went to town
ELISABETH I: Do you mean “‘George”‘? ‘cause YOLO”.’
ELISABETH I: Yes, George. ABBY SPRATT: YOLO means “‘You Only Live Once”‘
ELISABETH II: George. and…
ELISABETH I: George. ROBIN LUSTIG: Y. O… OK: Y.O.L.O. “You Only Live
ELISABETH II: Who was your father? Once”…
ELISABETH I: My father was King Henry. ABBY SPRATT: Yes, so it’s an acronym and…
ELISABETH II: Henry? ROBIN LUSTIG: I’m back in Portsmouth, talking to
ELISABETH I: Yes, I’m King Henry VIII’s daughter. two local teenagers, Abby Spratt and her friend Joe
ELISABETH II: You mean daughter?” [Kobold]. Their English owes a great deal to the
ELISABETH I: ‘Yes, daughter language of online messaging and YouTube. It may
ELISABETH II: Daughter. have started out as online English but now at least
ELISABETH I: Daughter. for them and their friends it’s everyday spoken
ELISABETH II: My father was king during the Second English.
World War. ABBY SPRATT: Instead of saying “‘you only live
ELISABETH I: I was queen during the Spanish War. once”‘, it’s just too long, so we’ll say “‘YOLO”.’
ELISABETH II: The Spanish what? ROBIN LUSTIG: It’s really interesting, though, isn’t it
ELISABETH I: The Spanish War. because it’s a form of abbreviation that started as a
ELISABETH II: Oh you mean “‘war”‘! way of saving time when you’re sending text
ELISABETH I: Yes, war!” messages, then it’s actually entered speech!
ELISABETH II: Oh! How strange! ABBY SPRATT: Yeah.
ROBIN LUSTIG: You actually use text speech when
1 L’image se prêtant à des interprétations multiples, you speak.
possiblement saugrenues, voire loufoques, on ABBY SPRATT: Yeah. Just a bit lazy.
acceptera toute hypothèse correctement ROBIN LUSTIG: Weird.
argumentée. On peut toutefois s’attendre à ce JOE: Again it’s that influence from, through things
qu’une majorité d’élèves reconnaisse a minima la like, particularly online YouTube, there’s a lot of
figure de la reine Elizabeth II et perçoive l’intention access to different communities and the different
humoristique. Certains repèreront peut-être, en ways they speak.
outre, le nom de « (Wi)lliam S(hak)espear(e) » en
arrière-plan. Audio 2 script: The Compass - The Future of
2 The characters are Queen Elizabeth I and Queen English - Dialects and Evolution
Elizabeth II. The video is about the differences in BBC Sounds, 30 May 2018
pronunciation between the 16th century and today. ROBIN LUSTIG: Now here’s a word with a new
3 Les élèves pourront relever gracious, father, war, meaning for you: a “millennial”, someone who was
George, Henry, queen, etc. born between 1980 and the mid-1990s, and what
4 The actors are debunking the myth of an comes after the millennials, generation Z or Gen Z
immutable/unchangeable perfect English. Even “the as they’re called in the United States. They’re now
Queen’s English” is likely to evolve over the years, in their late teens, student age, and they make up a
over the centuries… quarter of the US population. And inevitably, I
suppose, they’ve invented their own online form of

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 12

English. So is this the future of English? Where and BBC radio journalist and BBC radio
better to learn about it than on the Berkeley broadcaster) broadcaster)
campus of the University of California? Two teenagers Carmen Acevedo Butcher
CARMEN ACEVEDO BUTCHER: Here students like to = a professor at Berkeley
call some things “dank”, meaning they’re edgy and • Example of (University of California)
they’re cool. My name is Carmen Acevedo Butcher Y.O.L.O.
and I teach in the College Writing Programs at • Example of the “socially
Berkeley and I teach right now first year students in • Reaction of the awkward penguin”
a course about Internet memes. A meme is simply presenter:
either a visual or video, or text that is replicated and incredulous, • Reaction of the
sent around the Internet and remixed and redone, surprised! interviewer: interested,
and grows in popularity as it goes along and creates surprised…
what Norman Shipman calls participatory culture.
You see them everywhere. 2 Échanges en binômes.
ROBIN LUSTIG: What do memes do that the 3 The English language is undergoing many changes
language I speak doesn’t do? under the influence of text speech, online messaging
CARMEN: First of all, the visual part of it is very and YouTube. Memes and acronyms exemplify the
seductive. You have one, you want another and it main changes.
can go around the Internet like lightning.
ROBIN LUSTIG: Vanessa, do you remember the first
meme that really made a sort of impression on you,
that stayed with you? FYO = For You Only ou Find Your Own
VANESSA: I think one of the first memes I ever IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
discovered was the awkward penguin, which shows BTW = By The Way
an image of a pinguin which is… who is socially ASAP = As Soon As Possible
awkward basically. FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
MAN 1: Often people incorporate various themes in LOL = Laughing Out Loud
memes, such as, you know, stress and anxiety and I UG2BK = You’ve Got to Be Kidding!
can, you know, relate and empathise with my peers HIH = Hope It Helps
and also feel as if I’m part of a group, be comforted
that I’m… I’m not alone in my struggles.
WOMAN 1: It’s a supplement to the English Language and Power
language, right? I think… but I do think that they
have powerful ways of connecting people together. Video 5 script: David Crystal - Will English Always
MAN 1: It’s often much more difficult to express Be the Global Language?
thoughts in, you know, large, like bodies of text. It British Council Serbia, 14 December 2013
seems like it’s easy enough for people of a different Who would have predicted a thousand years ago
generation but for us, we’re lazy, sometimes that is that Latin would no longer be used in a thousand
easier to convey our feelings through an image, or years’ time by hardly anybody? You know, I mean
through a video and then add our own take or obviously Latin is still used in certain circumstances,
analysis on top of that to make it even more but it would not be the normal education to be
relatable. fluent in Latin. If you’d said that a thousand years
CARMEN: To me, it’s exciting because… English ago, people would have said you were mad. So, in a
language has always changed and always will thousand years’ time will English still be a global
change. And so to me this is just the latest language? We could all be speaking Martian by
manifestation and it’s the English language, coming then, if they land and take over. You know, who
into contact with very powerful, very changing knows what’s going to happen? To ask about the
technology. future of languages, to really ask about the future of
1 society – and futurologists are just as unclear about
Audio 1 Audio 2 what will happen eventually as I am about language.
• Using text speech • Generation Z’s use of [1:12]
(acronyms) in oral language: Internet Because language, you see, is global for one reason
conversations memes. only, and that is the power of the people who speak
it. Power always drives language, there is no other
• Presenter • Interviewer reason to speak somebody else’s language other
(= Robin Lustig, a (= Robin Lustig, a British than you want to improve your quality of life or you
British journalist

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 13

want to influence them in some way, or whatever it Le professeur pourra demander une vidéo (qu’il
might be. I mean the tradition in English of course, sera seul à visionner) à ceux qui ne souhaiteront pas
English became global for a variety of reasons. First s’exposer devant leurs camarades.
of all the power of the British Empire, later the
power of American imperialism, later the, in the
17th century the power of the Industrial Revolution
which meant that the language of science and Les trois supports suggérés, représentatifs de
technology became English, predominantly. In the périodes différentes, orienteront le travail des
19th century the power of money, money talks, and élèves, qui découvriront ou retrouveront là des
the two most productive nations of the world were figures influentes de la culture américaine : deux
Britain and America, both using English, so the géants du jazz, l’actrice Lindsay Lohan dans le film
language of international banking became the qui a lancé sa carrière et qui (en version originale)
pound and the dollar. English once again. And then joue entre autres sur les différences linguistiques, et
in the 20th century cultural power as you all know Tom Holland, le plus américain des acteurs
because every aspect of culture you’ve britanniques de la génération montante. Ces
encountered has some sort of history in the English supports attrayants pourront trouver une place
language, like pop songs for example, er dans le dossier personnel attendu à l’examen et/ou
international advertising, er air traffic control, the pour préparer l’une des deux questions à soumettre
development of radio and television, the au jury du Grand Oral.
development of the Internet! Internet, 100 percent
an English-language medium when it started, Page 306
though today, only a fraction of the Internet is
English. Internet has become multilingual, so what’s
gonna happen next? Body Language:
English will stay a global language as long as certain
things happen. First of all that the nations that are Misbehavior or
recognised as the most powerful nations in the Misinterpretation?
world continue to use English, and all the other
nations want to be like them, or want to interact La brick 45 invite les élèves à s’intéresser à la
with them, or want to sell things to them, and so on communication non verbale pour comprendre que
and so English will stay like that for as long as those pour communiquer avec une autre culture, en
nations retain that kind of power, we’re talking maitriser la langue ne suffit pas. Il faut également se
mainly America here, aren’t we, predominantly. familiariser avec « ce qui ne se dit pas », ce qui se
comprend « à demi-mot » ou encore ce qui « va
1 David Crystal cannot predict the future of English sans dire ». Les élèves devront prendre conscience
because nobody can! Even futurologists cannot qu’un propos peut être mal compris ou mal
predict the future. Nobody can say how our society interprété, mais aussi que l’on peut malgré soi et
will evolve, let alone what will happen to our sans le savoir choquer son interlocuteur ou avoir un
languages. effet sur lui. Ainsi des polémiques peuvent-elles
2 English became global for a variety of reasons, naitre, qu’elles soient volontairement ou
mostly because it was spoken by the people who had involontairement suscitées. L’un des intérêts de
the power! Cultural power, industrial leadership, cette brick est de sensibiliser à la coloration
financial power… culturelle du langage.
3 English still dominates worldwide because of the Extrait du B.O.
« Il importe d’envisager, d’une part, l’héritage
international influence of America.
commun du monde anglophone dans son
4 On laissera s’exprimer toute opinion étayée par
interaction avec la diversité et, d’autre part,
une argumentation recevable. l’identité propre des diverses sociétés du monde
anglophone : bien souvent, l’héritage commun a fait
Final TASK l’objet d’accommodements locaux (le base-ball
Role play américain et le cricket britannique en sont un
Cette tâche finale, combinant écriture et mise en exemple), qui ont parfois eux-mêmes affecté
voix expressive d’un texte, permettra de mesurer l’ancienne puissance colonisatrice en retour.
les acquisitions culturelles et linguistiques de la Héritage commun et diversité sont donc liés par des
brick. phénomènes d’acculturation et d’appropriation qui
mettent en jeu des influences multiples. » (voir
p. 366)

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 14

Dans quelle mesure le langage non verbal peut-il My name is Anthony Brian Logan. ’And today I gotta
constituer un obstacle à la communication ? bring you a quick story that has kind of gained some
To what extent is nonverbal language a language steam on social media, that started on social media,
barrier? over a guy who was removed from the hurricane
Florence response team, that’s in the Coast Guard,
La Final task permettra de mesurer la maîtrise des because of a hand symbol that he did that was
contenus ciblés par la séquence. Elle fera également quote-unquote “offensive”, and before I get into my
sens dans l’optique d’une préparation des élèves à reaction, before I get into my response, check out
l’épreuve du Grand Oral du baccalauréat. this very short clip and you’ll see the perpetuator in
question gives the hand symbol. After we get done
La brick est structurée en deux parties : watching this very short clip, I’ll talk about that clip
1 Hands off!: avec un focus sur la gestuelle, on and then I’ll give you my two cents about this whole
montrera qu’une méconnaissance culturelle peut kerfuffle. So, without further ado, let’s go ahead
conduire à des malentendus. and rowdy!
2 Body language: stay in control: le rôle de la COASTGUARD: Thank you Ally, er, you mentioned
posture physique dans la transmission de messages with the changes in the forecasted weather? Hum…
contrôlés ou non. Les élèves trouveront ici des the forecast track of the storm? |Beep| We’ve
éléments susceptibles de les aider à se préparer actually started to…er…
pour le Grand Oral. Ils pourront s’appuyer sur les ANTHONY BRIAN LOGAN: Okay, so you saw that!
fiches proposées dans le manuel. Now, this is a real thing, this man did get removed
from the response team, and he is a member of the
Page 306 Coast Guard. Now I don’t know if he got fired, I don’t
think he would get discharged from the Coast Guard
for doing this. I mean, this right here should not be
enough to get you fired, discharged, or whatever
the case may be. But he was removed from the
response team. Now, that is a purely PR move.
When nonverbal goes viral Because, you know, they’re not gonna fire the guy,
so ’you’re just gonna take him away because some
Très actif sur divers réseaux sociaux, animateur people on Twitter got triggered…
radio sur ABL Live, Anthony Brian Logan, qui se Most people know that this means okay. It has been
définit lui-même comme “commonsense widely used as that for many many years. This is not
conservative” après avoir été démocrate, est un a new thing. You can ask pretty much anybody that
commentateur politique de l’actualité sur sa chaine lives in USA, maybe even the world, and (when
YouTube, depuis 2006. Il évoque ici une polémique you’re talking about Americans at least because, I
autour du geste « OK », créée de toute pièce par des mean, different things in different cultures),
anonymes (anons) sur le forum provocateur nothing of what these people were talking about
4chan*, en 2017. La rumeur d’un sens caché du that got offended, but… ask the average American
geste anodin « OK » a ainsi été lancée : ce serait un or a person who knows about Americans, this
geste de ralliement raciste, la main formant les means “‘okay”‘, “‘cool”‘, “‘get to go”‘ that’s it! It
lettres W et P pour “White Power”. Mais les does not mean “‘White power”‘. People think that
mouvements d’extrême droite américains s’en sont it does, or at least a handful of people think that it
bel et bien emparés, ce qui, en 2019, a conduit la does, because 4Chan put out a rumor in February of
ligue de lutte contre le racisme (The Anti- last year that this is White power so the “W” right is
Diffamation League, ou ADL) à inclure le geste right here and then the “P” is here and then down.
signifiant « OK » dans la liste des provocations Alright?
haineuses. So, it was a hoax. ’There’s saying in a lot of
Logan analyse les conséquences inattendues de mainstream media organisations, and they started
cette polémique. to report on it like it’s real. So, even the ADL came
* Arte a consacré un épisode de son magazine BiTS out and said that “‘this is a hoax”‘, “‘it is not real”‘,
à 4Chan : “‘it was started by 4Chan”‘, this does not mean
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi6bGCvWDg anything else other than okay we’re talking about
the United States. And nobody says that this means
Video 1 script: Offensive Hand Gesture White power outside of the guys that were in
Anthony Brian Logan, 15 September 2018 4Chan’ just trolling people.

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 15

1 A member of the American Coast Guard was exprimé au moyen de l’insertion d’un auxiliaire
filmed making the OK sign. As a result, he was modal (will).
removed from the local hurricane response team
because he was believed to be a supporter of the
White supremacist ideology.
On invitera les élèves à faire des recherches sur le
2 Logan disapproves of the decision to remove him
lien geste-culture. On s’intéressera au détail des
from the response team because he is convinced
éléments : le contexte (travail), les gestes, les
that the man is actually innocent.
3 Logan considers the incident as “much ado about
On pourra même, le cas échéant, choisir une
nothing”, which is why he wants to make people
personnalité pour l’observer sur différents plans : le
stop and think about it. We can suppose that Logan
contexte (travail), les gestes, les attitudes, etc. À
wishes people showed more critical thinking,
propos des dangers de « faux-pas » ou erreurs, voir
therefore he has decided to train people to be less
gullible. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/cultural
Pages 306-307

Training TASK
Infinity Ward quietly removes OK Understanding nonverbal communication
gesture from Call of Duty Le site en question s’emploie à améliorer
l’accueil des populations en visite ou migrant sur
1 The OK sign was “quietly removed” from a video le territoire australien en expliquant les
différences culturelles auxquelles il faut se
game in the Summer of 2020.
préparer, aussi bien du côté des hôtes que du
2 The sign had already been removed from a game
côté des nouveaux venus. Les élèves
in 2019 after a complaint had been made by a consulteront les pages dédiées à chacun des pays
player. concernés en allant sur le site
3 Those phrases show that it was not long before the https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/countries (et en
recently-added sign was cancelled. We can suppose cliquant sur le drapeau du pays choisi). Ils
that the developers changed their minds in the pourront découvrir le fonctionnement du site par
aftermath of George Floyd’s killing because they exemple en commençant par regarder ce qui est
wanted to avoid adding fuel to the fire. dit sur la page consacrée à la France. La rubrique
« communication » sera d’un intérêt particulier.
Page 307
Page 308

English tenses
Past: “it didn’t take long” BODY LANGUAGE: STAY IN CONTROL
Present: “has removed”, “has yet to explain”, “is no
longer”, “is yet to comment”, “this isn’t the first time
the video game industry has taken action” What our body reveals
Les élèves pourront éventuellement traduire les
expressions verbales en français (voire dans une Audio 1 script: Decoding Body Language
autre langue, s’ils en maitrisent plusieurs) pour All Things Considered, NPR, 28 June 2008
mieux saisir les différences de fonctionnement des ANDREA SEABROOK (Host): It’s “All Things
diverses langues. Considered”, from NPR-News. I’m Andrea
On soulignera en particulier : Seabrook.
- le fait que le present perfect, en dépit d’une This week on “Science Out of the Box, What Our
construction morphologique proche du passé Bodies Say Without Our Permission”.
composé français, concerne la sphère du présent : For 25 years, FBI Agent Joe Navarro helped decode
notion de bilan, résultat, observable dans le the non-verbal communication of spies and other
présent ; criminals, not to mention his colleagues, his friends,
- le rôle joué par yet, dans les deux expressions qui his friends’ wives.
le contiennent, pour envisager une projection vers In a piece this week in the Washington Post,
le futur. Navarro wrote that, for him, observing human
On pourra rappeler ici que le futur n’est pas behaviour is like having software running in the
considéré comme un temps en anglais, mais background, doing its job.

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 16

It got us thinking about all the times we blink, or emotions – positive, negative – are fairly much
nod, or cross our legs or arms. So, we called Joe universal.
Navarro; we asked him to come into our member [3:35 Student B]
station in Tampa and tell us what some of those ANDREA SEABROOK: So, after many years of
non-verbal gestures mean. catching criminals, you now teach these skills, I
[0:52 Student A] understand, to university students, corporate
JOE NAVARRO: Here’s one that most people miss. executives, and even people trying to improve their
Somebody says to you, “‘Say, Andrea, how about poker game? Are there things you won’t teach
helping me move this weekend”‘. Then you people?
immediately cover your eyes with your fingers and JOE NAVARRO: Well, I’ll tell you, you know, I went
you rub them. Hum… That wasn’t what you wanted through a struggle, whether I wanted to teach poker
to do this weekend and you’ll help them, but it’s a players because of my reputation and so forth. And
blocking behaviour that is demonstrative of how so, I said, you know what? It really doesn’t matter
you really feel. Now here is what’s interesting; because I’m not teaching them to use this for evil or
children who are born blind, they will cover their to rob a bank, or something. I’m teaching them to
eyes when they hear things they don’t like. So, understand, when they’re sitting at a table, and
that’s how hardwired that is in us. they see a player who for instance, maybe, the nose
ANDREA SEABROOK: So, as a body language expert, wings, the sides of their nose are dilated and
Joe Navarro, are you constantly aware of your own moving, it means that this person is going to take
body language? some physical action. Well, I used to teach that to
JOE NAVARRO: Actually no. Those who have police officers, and say, you know, if you pull
travelled with me will see me at the airport as soon somebody over, and you see the person looking
as a flight is cancelled, I’m biting my lip, which is a down but you see the nose wings start to dilate,
pacifier, or my hands go on my hips, arms akimbo, move back, because chances are they’re
(which is, you know, hey, there’s issue here) you oxygenating and they’re gonna hit you. So, to me,
know, this type of thing. You know, I really don’t try it’s no different. It’s an educational process, and
to block it. I think it takes too much time. People incredibly I’ve had surgeons who have attended
who know me, when I’m happy, they see it in my there and then invited me to, for instance, go to
face. And when I’m not they’ll also see it in my face. Baylor University School of Medicine, and then
ANDREA SEABROOK: Could you fake it, though? I businesses started to ask me to come and teach for
mean, if you know these signals that well, couldn’t them.
you manipulate them? ANDREA SEABROOK: What would a surgeon want
JOE NAVARRO: It’s difficult to. It’s difficult for me with this?
because the kinds of tales that I talk about, are JOE NAVARRO: Well, one of the things that they’re
those driven by the limbic part of our brain, this very up against is before surgery they’re interviewing the
primitive area of the brain that’s very accurate patient and so forth and a lot of times patients
because it deals with emotions, and it deals with our aren’t forthcoming with concerns and issues. So,
survival. And so, for instance if I lack confidence, it’s one of the things that I teach them is when you’re
very difficult for me to act truly confident. I mean, I asking your patient about any issues or anything
may be able to stand in front of an audience, and so that they may be concerned about, see if they touch
forth, but somewhere, with my feet or with my their neck at all. If they begin to touch their neck,
hands, my lack of confidence will show. And this is usually a very good indicator that there is
speaking of that, here’s one we often miss when some issue there, there is something that they feel
someone is lacking confidence and they’re making a uncomfortable about and that they should perhaps
statement: er, sometimes their shoulder will come pursue. And this is a very accurate indicator. And
up towards their ear. And I have found myself, you the beauty of it is that you see it in real time.
know, when I’’m asked, well, you know, how sure ANDREA SEABROOK: Wow, cool.
are you of this? And I find myself rising towards my JOE NAVARRO: And by the way, Andrea, you just
ear. And I have to say to myself, well, actually, not changed your posture a minute ago.
that very sure. ANDREA SEABROOK: I did. I was flaring my nose
ANDREA SEABROOK: These behaviours that you wings at my producer.
describe, are they universal? Do unconscious JOE NAVARRO: Yeah, and I could tell from your
gestures mean the same thing in every culture? breathing rate.
JOE NAVARRO: It depends. The ones that I talk ANDREA SEABROOK: Joe Navarro is a retired FBI
about specifically are what we call limbicly-derived special agent and author of the book, What Every
behaviours. And things that have to do with Body is Saying. He joined us from member station

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 17

WUSF in Tampa, Florida. Joe Navarro, thanks very have in common is the fact that they are strong and
much for speaking with us. have superpowers: they are unmistakably
JOE NAVARRO: Great talking to you, Andrea. superheroes. In this drawing, they are used as
symbols of power. The setting is not the one usually
1 On ne pourra pas exiger des repérages parfaits et associated with these characters: they seem to be
exhaustifs : si les élèves identifient une émission de attending a business meeting but, quite obviously,
radio avec pour invité une personne qui a travaillé they are self-confident, determined people. What is
pour le FBI en décodant la communication non surprising is the fact that they should all be
verbale, l’essentiel aura été perçu. together, in a business context.
The document is an extract from a radio programme 2 Most of them are standing, one with arms akimbo,
called “Science Out of the Box”. The guest is FBI another one with arms crossed, they are all looking
agent Joe Navarro, whose job consists in decoding straight ahead.
nonverbal communication in spies and other people. - Feet firmly planted on the ground – no legs
The speaker is Andrea Seabrook, the host of the crossed.
programme, and we can guess that Joe Navarro is - Upright posture.
about to speak about his job or his particular skills. - Chin and head up.
2 Écoute. - Good eye contact (apparently).
3 It is important to be aware of the message - Feet pointing outward.
conveyed by people’s body language when they are Etc.
hiding their true feelings because observing them is La description pourra éventuellement conduire à
the only way to know whether they are speaking the manipuler des possessifs et le lexique des parties du
truth or lying. corps, avec des énoncés tels que “he’s raising his
It can be very important when you are dealing with hand”. Il sera alors pertinent de proposer le rapide
people who are about to attack/assault/hit you or in exercice de Useful vocabulary au bas de la page
a very different context as in the case of doctors 308.
trying to find out how their patients really feel about 3 Thanks to their posture, they all look self-assured,
surgery for instance. assertive and determined/resolved to do things.
4 Échange en binômes. They look like winners. (Undaunted, resolute…)
5 Being aware/conscious that your body often No doubt the impression they make on us
conveys messages without you knowing is corresponds to what we expect from superheroes
important. Even though it is impossible to be in full (assertiveness, bravery/courage, etc.)
control, it may lead you to try and avoid revealing 4 Comme l’indique la légende reproduite sous la
too much of your insecurity or stress for instance. vignette, ce dessin a été créé pour évoquer la
tension entre les divers pouvoirs (politiques et
économiques en l’occurrence) dès lors que des
Strike a Pose tractations financières sont engagées. Ce que les
élèves devront relever est le fait qu’on recoure à ces
1 Les personnages sont de toute évidence inspirés figures pour ce qu’elles incarnent au-delà des
personnages appartenant à des « histoires »
de super héros familiers des lecteurs de comics
particulières. En effet, les superhéros de bande
américains et du public de blockbusters tels que la
dessinée américaine sont typiquement conçus pour
Ligue des Justiciers (Zach Snyder, 2017). Les élèves
incarner graphiquement des postures, des valeurs,
reconnaitront ainsi probablement les évocations de
voire des idéologies et leurs attitudes physiques
Superman (assis, avec une cape rouge à motif jaune
soulignent cela.
en forme de S), Captain America (masque bleu et
The artist aimed at exploiting the concepts
bouclier bleu et rouge), Batman (masque et cape
associated with these popular characters to make
sombres, logo jaune et noir), Deadpool (masque
his point. These powerful businessmen and women
rouge), Catwoman (masque noir à oreilles de félin),
know what they are doing. No need to worry, you
Blackwidow ou Supergirl (costume noir et logo
are in good hands…
rouge) …

All of these figures were inspired by characters from

DC Comics or Marvel. They are recognisable thanks Cette revue de presse sensibilisera les élèves à
to their outfits or accessories (shield) although the l’exploitation, voire la récupération, de la culture
artist has partly changed the details – to illustrate populaire qui, parfois, génère la création de
the world of finance with symbols that are stéréotypes. S’ils peinent à trouver suffisamment de
reminiscent of well-known currencies. What they matière dans la presse en raison d’une actualité peu

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 18

favorable, ils pourront regarder du côté de la are some actual/genuine effects of the way you hold
publicité par exemple. your body on your feelings and on your behaviour.
3 Amy Cuddy together with a group of researchers
recently conducted the research. We are not told
where she worked but we understand that both
Body parts and possessives adults and schoolchildren were involved in her tests
• « Tu devrais te laver les mains » (alors que « tu and in those conducted by other researchers.
devrais laver tes mains » n’est pas idiomatique en 4 The findings:
français). People feel more powerful after spending some time
• « Je me cache le visage derrière un masque » assuming an open or expansive stance: they will feel
(mais « je cache mon visage derrière un masque » confident enough to take more risks (gambling task)
serait recevable). and will perform better in a mock interview. Children
• « Elle s’est fait mal au dos. » will have better relationships with their teachers
Pages 309-310 5 The research was taken seriously enough to justify
some attempts at replicating the effects. People
progressively accepted that she had a point event
The Debate on Power Posing though the effects were not “huge”. As a
Continues: Here’s Where We Stand consequence, further research could be conducted
because some of the criticism was constructive.
Après avoir reçu un accueil chaleureux sur sa 6 Cuddy had to leave her full-time position as a
théorie du “Power Posing” en 2010, en particulier researcher and teacher at Harvard.
lors d’une conférence TED à l’audience record 7 “The scientific understanding of this
(seconde conférence TED la plus regardée avec plus phenomenon” (l. 64) has increased thanks to this
de 33 millions de vues) qui l’a fait connaitre en juin research.
2012 (Your Body Language May Shape Who You
Are, Page 310
y_language_may_shape_who_you_are), la
psychologue et universitaire américaine Amy Cuddy
a été sévèrement critiquée pour le manque de Proposition :
fondement scientifique de son travail. « Les chercheurs ont découvert qu’après avoir
Amy Cuddy affirme qu’en adoptant une posture adopté une posture d’extension / ouverte1, les
d’extension dans l’espace (jambes écartées, poings sujets se sentaient plus puissants / capables,
sur les hanches, menton haut, etc., comme le prenaient davantage de risques dans des tâches
personnage féminin de gauche sur le dessin), non impliquant des paris et se montraient plus
seulement on donne une impression de confiance performants dans un entretien fictif que ceux qui
en soi, mais on prend effectivement de l’assurance, avaient adopté une posture de repli sur soi.
car, d’après elle, on produit alors davantage de D’autres chercheurs ont poursuivi l’étude de /
testostérone et d’adrénaline tandis que les continué d’étudier / de travailler sur2 ce
positions de repli font libérer plus de cortisol (lié au phénomène, et une étude publiée en mars [dernier]
stress). Malgré les critiques, certains se sont a fait le constat que des enfants de CM1/9-10 ans
emparés de cette idée, tels Theresa May et David seulement, qui avaient adopté la posture
Cameron au Royaume-Uni. d’extension, déclaraient / disaient avoir de
Cet article de Forbes fait le point en 2020, et montre meilleures relations professeur-élève et disaient se
que si la polémique n’est toujours pas terminée et a sentir plus capables / puissants que ceux qui avaient
conduit Amy Cuddy à quitter son poste à la Harvard adopté la posture de repli. »
Business School, ses propos sur le rôle des postures
corporelles et à quel point on peut en jouer 1 alternative : posture de pouvoir
méritent qu’on s’y arrête. 2 si on veut éviter la redite, qui est dans le texte
1 The research at stake here is about the effects of source (to study – a study), mais qui passe vraiment
power posing on self-improvement. mal en français.
2 This research was questioned at some point, by
people who regarded it as a “pseudoscience”.
However, recent findings tend to prove that there

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 19

La gymnaste de UCLA Nia Dennis a célébré la culture
afro-américaine par un brillant enchainement qui se
voulait hommage à la Black Excellence. Débutant
par une posture avec un genou à terre et un poing
levé, conclu par un geste évoquant une couronne,
l’enchainement célèbre sans ambiguïté la fierté
d’une culture à laquelle elle fait référence non
seulement par le choix de la musique, mais aussi et
surtout par le choix des figures (c’est-à-dire aussi de
la gestuelle) incorporées. La préparation de la revue
de presse permettra aux élèves de creuser leur
réflexion sur l’impact d’un langage corporel
culturellement investi.

Pronouncing the letter “O”

Les élèves pourront vérifier les prononciations dans
un dictionnaire unilingue classique (papier) pour se
familiariser avec l’outil, sur la plupart des
dictionnaires en ligne (WordReference, etc.) ou
encore sur des sites dédiés à la phonétique.
Une diversité de réalisations phonétiques du « o »
apparait dans ce paragraphe en fonction des mots,
de la graphie et de l’accentuation :
[au] dans power, how, now, our…
[ɔː] dans more
[ɒ] dans body
[əu] dans over, hold, posing
[ə] dans behaviour

Final TASK
Prepare for your “Grand Oral” exam
Cette tâche finale sera particulièrement précieuse si
la séquence intervient en fin d’année scolaire, à
l’approche de l’épreuve du Grand Oral.
Chaque élève pourra décider s’il souhaite présenter
sa vidéo à l’enseignant ou la soumettre à un
camarade pour bénéficier d’un regard extérieur sur
sa propre gestuelle.

Les élèves pourront compléter leurs connaissances

et approfondir leur réflexion grâce aux ressources
proposées ici. Pour la constitution du dossier
personnel attendu à l’examen et/ou pour préparer
l’une des deux questions à soumettre au jury du
Grand Oral, ils trouveront là matière à s’interroger
sur le rôle des postures et de la gestuelle en matière
de communication à visée politique notamment.
Le professeur pourra très utilement aider les élèves
à exploiter les ressources étudiées dans une
perspective d’auto formation pour l’épreuve du
Grand Oral !

Unit 14 “English as a Unifying Factor?” 20

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