1 " All The World's A School "
1 " All The World's A School "
1 " All The World's A School "
Meet TED
A new role for teachers
Video 3 script: TED & TEDx Explained
1 Today’s students can keep in touch with scientists
TEDx Talks, 28 March 2012
and collaborate with other students, “using
Getting access to great ideas hasn’t always been
technology-based tools”. In other words, no class is
easy. Back in the day, you would only be in the loop
completely isolated anymore, no matter what part
if you were literate, educated, rich, and a man.
of the USA they find themselves in.
Good thing times have changed. The Internet has
2 Follow a scientific expedition in the Arctic, e-mail
made sharing ideas a breeze. And no one’s doing
that better than TED. No! Not you, Ted! I’m talking questions or write to the scientists involved and
about the non-profit organisation that’s big on even speak to them via a videoconference. The
spreading awesome ideas. Twice a year, TED holds photo illustrates such a conversation (South River
this conference, where thought leaders from High School students are seen talking with
around the world give some mind-blowing talks. astronauts).
Then TED sticks them online so you can watch them 3 Certains élèves auront peut-être des expériences
for free. Volunteers translate the videos, which en la matière (cf. projets eTwinning par exemple).
means anyone can be inspired by the likes of… Bill 4 On fera commenter les expressions sage in the
Gates, Malcolm Gladwell or Jane Goodall. stage et guide on the side.
So what is TEDx? TEDx is a way for you to run a mini 5 & 6 On laissera les élèves s’exprimer librement et
TED-style event in your own town, hold talks around débattre le cas échéant.
issues that matter to your community, free from
corporate, political and religious agendas. Page 21
So take part! Don’t stop watching videos at
TED.com. Keep an eye for your nearest TEDx event
and if you’re up for it, apply to start your own.
The -er suffix
TED. Ideas worth spreading.
Les élèves noteront le rôle du suffixe -er. Si
l’enseignant le juge utile, l’alternative -or pourra
1 TED is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to être vue également (visitor, translator…).
have people share ideas. It has made access to
knowledge easy for everybody regardless of their
gender, social status or level of education.
Page 26
Training TASK
Write or record a description
India as a Knowledge Creator Pour s’entraîner à la compétence de production
écrite : il s’agit de rédiger la description d’un
1 La description de l’illustration de la page 25 fera tableau représentant la déesse hindoue de la
mobiliser le useful vocabulary pour pointer les connaissance. La recherche sur les représentations
références culturelles à travers les lignes évoquant de Sarasvatî, fille et épouse de Brahma à l’origine
des arabesques, les motifs du cachemire ou encore du langage et de l’écriture (sanskrit), permettra de
le mandala. On fera remarquer le dessin de la main, comprendre la symbolique. Déesse de la
rappelant (reminiscent of) des représentations de connaissance et des arts, Sarasvatî est d’abord une
gestuelle caractéristiques de la danse orientale par divinité des rivières. Ainsi s’explique la présence de
exemple. l’eau, associée à la parole et la musique qui, fluides
La symbolisation de la connaissance par le livre sera comme l’eau, « coulent » comme elle. La couleur
utilement liée à l’image d’un savoir libérateur (les blanche du sari symbolise la pureté. Le paon est
livres s’envolent) et littéralement à portée de main. considéré comme symbole de pureté et de beauté,
Les domaines de ce savoir pourront être imaginés : une incarnation de la sagesse souvent
arts et lettres, mais aussi astronomie (The dots accompagnée (mais pas ici) d’un cygne. La déesse
against the blue background make us think of aux quatre bras tient dans une main un livre
planets or stars in a constellation). d’écritures sacrées (les Védas), dans une autre un
Compléments lexicaux à introduire le cas échéant : rosaire (chapelet indiquant que la connaissance n’a
sub-continent – economic competition – bring to ni début ni fin), tandis que ses deux autres mains
mind = evoke = conjure up (visions of). sont employées à jouer de la vina.
Cette question étant ouverte et faisant appel aux
réactions personnelles, on acceptera toute réponse
Supporting research by Indian scientists:
the Infosys Science Foundation
Some useful contextual data
Video 4 script: Infosys Prize, philosophy
Infosys Prize, 27 December 2012
1 Les élèves pourront consulter la fiche How to There has been a tremendous resurgence of
consacrée à l’étude des graphiques et tableaux p. interest in higher education and research,
314. Ils montreront que le taux d’alphabétisation particularly in science in India in the recent past. The
des femmes est en hausse régulière depuis 2011 government here has started six new institutes in
mais qu’il reste non seulement faible mais inférieur science and six new institutes in technology. There
à celui de la population masculine. is considerable excitement around us. So the
2 Cette question permettra de réactiver les founders of the Infosys and the senior management
ordinaux : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th… of Infosys and the company wanted to add their
3 Plusieurs analyses sont ici possibles : la own small contribution to enhance this enthusiasm.
justification sera indispensable. The idea of this award is to recognise English
Il pourra être intéressant de mettre les données de researchers who have done world-class
ces graphiques en lien d’une part avec le dessin et contemporary research in the five categories (sic)
d’autre part avec la vidéo de la p. 27. the physical sciences, the mathematical sciences,
the life sciences, agricultural sciences, engineering
sciences and of course economics and social
On-going but slightly declining “brain sciences. The English scientists need recognition in
drain” the country today because they want to establish
themselves as people who are doing world-class
work. You know the members of the jury and the
1 On laissera les élèves répondre en s’appuyant sur
chair of the jury will compare the quality of work
les éléments fournis par le texte, mais si besoin, la done by these people with the best work in the
définition suivante (empruntée au site merriam- world. In that sense when an eminent jury looks at
webster.com) pourra, entre autres, être proposée : the research done by the various candidates and
the departure of educated or professional people select the best amongst them, it is a clear indication
from one country, economic sector or field, for that these people have arrived on the international
another, usually for better pay or living conditions. stage so that's a very very important motivation for
The main drawback of “brain drain” is the loss of any scientist in the country. We would like the
precious intellectual and / or economic resources Infosys Prize to attain the stature of the Nobel Prize
while the main advantage is that people are likely to in these areas of research. In the long term we
get a better education or training abroad and then would like this prize to be a prize that is looked
come back with better qualifications. forward to by the entire scientific community in
2 The text alludes to “a poorer showing from India. We want this set of prizes to be there long
previous years” and mentions a “diaspora”. after we are all gone, we want it to be a permanent
3 Les élèves seront invités à commenter fixture in the column of science research in India.
l’expression imagée : “the brightest minds desire the
West’s greener pastures”. 1 The Infosys Prize aims at recognising English-
4 Two plans are being developed to reverse the speaking Indian researchers who have done world-
situation, one consisting in making higher education class research in 6 specific fields of science.
in India more attractive for Indian students and the 2 The President thinks that a Prize is needed for
other one aiming at attracting bright foreign Indian researchers.
students to Indian universities and institutes. 3 India scientists need this recognition because they
5 If India succeeds in attracting foreign students to
are actually doing research that is important for the
its institutes, it is likely to become more influential in whole scientific community (“world-class”).
the community of nations. On pourra revenir sur cette question après avoir
On laissera les élèves répondre librement à la étudié le texte qui suit, qui montre l’enjeu d’une
seconde partie de la question, en encourageant le reconnaissance internationale pour la recherche
débat si possible. indienne, souvent faite en réalité au sein de
Pages 31-32
Pour constituer le dossier personnel attendu à
l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des questions à
soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, les élèves LEARNING OUTSIDE… THE BOOK: AN
trouveront dans cette rubrique matière à envisager AUSTRALIAN EXPERIENCE
l’avenir de l’Inde comme superpuissance
Remarque sur les supports : à l’exception d’un Outback govie offers words of wisdom
article de l’hebdomadaire TIME, le choix a été fait for homeschooling
de présenter un regard très majoritairement porté
par des personnalités ou journalistes indiens. 1 Accepter toute réponse, en veillant à faire
mobiliser l’expression de l’hypothèse et les
formulations utiles à la justification. Solliciter
l’interaction. Il faudra sans doute faire expliciter
“words of wisdom”.
Final TASK
Record a 3 to 4 min audio or video
La tâche finale permet de vérifier les acquisitions
de la séquence en privilégiant l’une des pistes de
réponse à la problématique apportée par le travail
réalisé. Elle aura été préparée dès la première
étape de la brick par une Training task ciblant
l’organisation des connaissances acquises pour
rédiger une annonce simple.
UNIT Extrait du B.O.
« [Cet axe d’étude] explore les manières
“Medecine or Business particulières dont le monde anglophone réalise des
” avancées scientifiques, techniques et
technologiques dans des domaines variés
THÉMATIQUE 1 : SAVOIRS, CRÉATION, INNOVATION (consommation, énergie, habitat, transport) et s’en
AXE D’ÉTUDE 2 : SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES, PROMESSES empare à l’aune, notamment, des divers enjeux
ET DÉFIS économiques, environnementaux et sociétaux qui
lui sont propres. »
Page 57
Cuban American Vote A PARADOXICAL VOTE
Clicktivism Page 68
Page 72
Sociologist Jen Schradie speaks on Big
Video 2 script: Hashtag politics: 4 key ways digital
activism is inegalitarian
Word of the Week: Clicktivism Big Think, 22 August 2019
[00:00 to 02:07]
1 Les élèves s’appuieront sur ce qu’ils auront vu JEN SCHRADIE: A key claim that’s made around
auparavant dans la brick et opèreront un choix dans digital activism is that it is this more egalitarian
le nuage de mots présenté sous le texte. space, and also enables a wider variety of people to
2 Les élèves devront repérer que le texte provient participate because of the lowered costs of
d’un blog et que la date de publication est déjà participation. And this argument is made because of
relativement ancienne au vu des rapides évolutions how expensive it is in terms of time and energy, for
dans le domaine de la communication et des outils example, to print out flyers or go to a meeting to
numériques. plan an event. Someone may need to, you know,
Given that the text comes from a personal blog, we pay bus fare, or gas, or pay for child care. And so,
may expect the author to be familiar with online many have argued that digital activism really lowers
communication and social networks though not the cost for political participation.
necessarily a specialist. However, I found that this argument really doesn’t
3 The blogger does not seem to believe it is a good consider the cost that people who may not already
have a computer, or a smartphone, or high-speed
idea because it would not mean much to “rainbow”
Internet access, or a data plan that allows you to be
one’s Facebook profile while nothing else changes.
on social media er, constantly, which uses up a lot
To her, it would amount to mere “clicktivism”.
of data, that these are very high costs for people
who are struggling at the margins. And yes, certainly
Pour cette activité, les élèves sont répartis en deux A CHALLENGING MEDIA ENVIRONMENT
groupes, le groupe A repérant des éléments sur les
médias et le groupe B sur le gouvernement. Chaque
élève prend le temps de comprendre et de Unbiased news doesn’t exist
reformuler les informations données dans le
document. Cette activité peut être envisagée dans Video 1 script: Media Bias: How AllSides Provides
le cadre de la médiation : prévoir un moment où les Balanced, Unbiased News
élèves puissent expliquer, en anglais ou en français,
AllSides, 14 January 2019
ce qu’ils ont compris du document. At AllSides, we believe unbiased news doesn't exist.
1 Les élèves doivent définir le ou les rôles des To get more clicks and make more money, media
médias selon différents angles : leurs outlets often report news with a left, right or
responsabilités, les recherches pour révéler des sensational slant, either to suit their own agenda or
scandales par exemple, leur rôle lorsqu’il s’agit de because by telling us what we want to hear, we'll
façonner l’opinion, le paysage médiatique et le come back for more.
grand nombre de médias disponibles de nos jours, Several news outlets in the centre do do (sic) a good
les informations qui méritent de faire l’actualité et job of portraying both sides equitably but for the
le 1er amendement. most part, American news media is biased. Bias isn't
2 Pour expliquer la relation entre les médias et le necessarily a bad thing. The key is to get multiple
gouvernement, les élèves pourront se pencher perspectives but making matters worse, social
davantage sur les tensions qui peuvent émerger media and Internet search results are heavily
concernant l’utilisation des médias par les candidats filtered, showing us the most popular opinion or
lors d’élections, la liberté de la presse comme results that match our preferences and make us
moyen de contrôler et d’équilibrer le pouvoir du happy. That means we're all living in filter bubbles
gouvernement (“the Fourth power / Estate”). Les where we're only exposed to viewpoints we already
différentes informations relevées par les élèves agree with, making us less informed and less
pourront mener à faire réfléchir au rôle de contre- tolerant of different people and ideas.
pouvoir des médias, mais aussi à l’influence exercée
par ces derniers. 1 “media outlets often report news with the left,
right or sensational slant, either to suit their own
agenda or because by telling us what we want to
Where Americans are getting their 2 People don’t get different perspectives and often
news read about the most popular opinions or those that
match their own, which may prevent them from
1 Almost half of American adults (46%) say they being well-informed or forming an educated
get most of their news online and 41% prefer judgement.
televisionto get informed. 3 When you live in a filter bubble, you get content
2 The proportion of people who get their news on what you like or agree with. Consequently, you
online increases to 70% for Americans aged may miss out on important information, which is
between 18 and 39 years old. People in their 40s or hidden from you, or not get access to different
50s get their news equally online and on television viewpoints or perspectives. In the end, filter bubbles
whereas people under 60 years old mostly rely on may contribute to a lack of understanding and
television to get informed. It seems that according tolerance towards opposing viewpoints.
to this survey, the older you get the more likely you
are to use television to get informed.
Pour la constitution du dossier personnel et/ou La Final task permettra de réinvestir les éléments
pour préparer une des questions pour le Grand culturels et linguistiques de la séquence dans une
Oral, les élèves pourront compléter et approfondir production écrite et de répondre à la
le sujet abordé dans la séquence à travers le problématique en proposant notamment des
cinéma. solutions à mettre en œuvre pour éduquer aux
Page 81
La brick est structurée en deux parties :
1 Real news matter: la démocratie est-elle en
danger si l’éducation aux médias n’est pas
Media Literacy 4.0 davantage développée ?
2 Is a safe digital space possible?: quelles
La brick 11 s’intéresse à l’espace de liberté solutions pour combattre la désinformation et
d’expression offert par Internet, mais aussi aux devenir un lecteur averti ?
problématiques que cela peut générer. Les fake
news ne sont pas un phénomène nouveau, mais les Page 81
plateformes en ligne leur ont donné l’occasion de se
propager bien plus vite et de toucher un nombre de
personnes bien plus important. Aussi, il est devenu REAL NEWS MATTERS
crucial de savoir bien s’informer pour savoir
démêler le vrai du faux, de garder sa liberté de
penser, mais aussi de pouvoir exercer son esprit
Becoming media literate
Video 1 script: How to become media literate,
Extrait du B.O.
avoid misinformation
« Représenter et se représenter le monde
KSAT 12, 10 January 2021
anglophone, c’est aussi informer et s’informer.
The current political climate has fueled tensions
L’accès à une information plurielle qui reflète la
between people not only in person but also online.
diversité des points de vue est un enjeu
Media experts say it’s important to understand how
contemporain majeur. Les médias sont un moyen
media works so you can consume the most accurate
privilégié par lequel sont véhiculées des idées, des
images ou des représentations qui influencent
Nightbeat’s team Jonathan Cotto tells us what those
notre vision de la réalité. Il s’agit ici de voir comment
experts say you can do right now to become more
se détermine la façon dont les individus et les
media literate.
groupes perçoivent les enjeux politiques,
RENEE HOBBS: “We are all participating in this
économiques et sociaux de leur époque. » […] « À
ecosystem of consuming and creating media
travers les prismes politique, médiatique, culturel et
artistique, cette thématique doit permettre une
Renee Hobbs is a professor of Communications at
lecture critique et informée des événements, et
University of Rhode Island and says everyone shares
encourager les élèves à percevoir et confronter les
a responsibility in creating and consuming accurate
points de vue pour appréhender la pluralité des
information. Hobbs says it can be easy to accept
approches des phénomènes contemporains. »
information that might not be true, which is why
Axe 2 Informer et s’informer : « L’influence des
being media literate is so important.
médias sur la société et l’opinion publique n’est pas
“Right now, the environment is full of inaccurate
à sens unique : l’étude des interactions entre
information, lies, falsehoods, of stuff that really gets
médias, monde politique et opinion publique peut
under our skin, stuff that makes us angry or makes
mettre en lumière les réseaux d’influence et la
us have strong emotions and motivates us to want
construction de l’opinion. »
to share it”.
Objet d’étude retenu : l’éducation aux médias,
Media literacy is defined as the ability to access,
entre information et désinformation.
analyse and evaluate media in various forms.
Communications professor and author Sue Ellen
Christian from Western Michigan University says
Les plateformes en ligne peuvent-elles devenir de
there are easy changes you can make right now to
réels espaces où l’on peut s’informer en toute
become more media literate.
sécurité ?
EMBRACING THE DIGITAL AGE JEFF BEZOS: Okay first of all I was not looking for a
newspaper. I had no intention of buying a
L’objectif de cette partie est d’envisager la façon newspaper, I had never thought about the idea, it
dont les médias ont pu évoluer face à la révolution had never occurred to me, it was never something
numérique, en se focalisant sur le cas du rachat par – wasn't like a childhood dream – no, nothing. And
Jeff Bezos du Washington Post en 2013. my friend Don Graham who at that time I had
known 15 years – I’ve known him 20 years now – he
Mise en œuvre : cette partie se divise en deux approached me through an intermediary and
temps. wanted to know if I would be interested in buying
Dans un premier temps : La classe se divise en 3 the Washington Post and I sent back word that I
groupes d’effectifs égaux. Cette première partie du would not, because I didn't really know anything
travail se déroule individuellement : les élèves about newspapers and Don, over a series of
travaillent chacun sur un document (la vidéo, le conversations, convinced me that, er, that was
texte ou l’ensemble de réactions) dans le but de unimportant because we had, inside the
présenter les données à leurs camarades. Les Washington Post, we have so much talent that
réponses aux questions s’efforcent de faciliter leur understands newspapers. That wasn't what the
compréhension et leur donnent des pistes afin de problem was. What they needed was somebody
présenter les données essentielles à leur camarade, who had an understanding of the Internet. And so,
lors du deuxième temps. so that was the first thing – that's kind of how it got
La vidéo se focalise sur les raisons qui ont poussé started, and then, I, so I did some soul-searching
Jeff Bezos à acheter le Washington Post, à partir de and again my decision – making process is
son propre témoignage. something – this would definitely be intuition and
Le texte se concentre sur les changements qu’il a not analysis.
apportés à l’organe de presse après trois ans à sa The financial situation of the Washington Post at
tête. that time – this is 2013 – was very upside down and
it's a fixed-cost business and they had lost a lot of
revenue over the previous five or six years, not
through any fault of the people working there or of
Page 93
Newpapers in numbers
Page 96
Final TASK
Create an elevator pitch
Cette tâche finale allie écrit et oral et sera donc
travaillée en deux temps par les élèves. La
préparation de cet elevator pitch fait appel à leur
capacité à synthétiser (même démarche que la
tâche intermédiaire) les informations et les
réflexions que l’étude des divers documents leur a
permis de développer. La mobilisation d’un lexique
clair et précis sera indispensable pour cet exercice.
Dans un deuxième temps, chaque élève devra
s’approprier son texte pour le mettre en voix avec
un débit fluide et rythmé en veillant à rester
compréhensible. Le tout sans notes, ce qui permet
de travailler aussi dans l’optique du Grand Oral en
fin de Terminale.
Welcome to my Portrait
La brick 14 est une séquence courte qui propose White House portrait may be the latest
à la fois de réfléchir à l’image que les présidents casualty of the political divide
américains veulent laisser de leur gouvernance à la
postérité, avec tout le symbolisme et le 1 Les élèves devront repérer dans le texte ce qui se
traditionalisme que cela suppose, et de comprendre rapporte au déroulement traditionnel des
comment cette coutume, qui peut sembler futile, a événements. Il est important qu’ils prennent
La fiche How to debate page 315 du manuel peut 1 Brève description de l’affiche (deux cultures, deux
fournir au professeur des pistes supplémentaires histoires différentes ; art aborigène ; l’utilisation du
quant à l’organisation du débat ainsi que des mot “dream” qui peut faire référence à “the
expressions utiles aux élèves. Dreamtime” ou “The Dreaming” qui explique, dans
la culture aborigène, l’origine de l’Australie et de ses
Page 113 2 The documentary raises the issue of racism and
discrimination in today’s society, focusing on the
MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE story of a famous football player, Adam Goodes. It
deals with Adam Goodes’s struggle for equality,
truth and reconciliation. As in Stan Grant’s article,
the documentary highlights the fact that equality is
Terra Nullius far from being achieved and Aboriginal Australians
still suffer from discrimination and racism.
1 “Indigenous person” (line 3), “a people who had
been there for thousands of generations” (line 7), Pour plus d’informations sur le documentaire :
“the nation of the eastern states” (line 11), “the https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000lpv7
survivors” (line 14), “Aboriginal people” (line 15). /the-australian-dream
Although Aboriginal people were the first Bande-annonce :
inhabitants of Australia, they were deprived of their https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRJkLgl56jk
President Trump’s reaction
Pages 116-117
1 Trump obviously disapproved of the project.
2 Trump spoke with irony, insisting on the
inconsistent attitude of a mayor that simultaneously
The Mayor of Washington, DC, Just Had cuts police expenditures and wastes money painting
‘Black Lives Matter’ Painted in 35-Foot-Wide an expensive sign on an avenue.
Letters on the Protest Route Leading to the 3 The verb “denigrate” comes from a Latin verb
White House meaning “black”. Historically, the verb once meant
“to blacken”. Therefore, the word may be viewed as
laden with racist undertones.
Page 119
SONGS: CHANGING FOR THE BETTER? On trouvera ici une occasion intéressante de faire
comprendre aux élèves ce qu’apportent les
auxiliaires modaux. Trace d’une implication du
“I Just Want to Live” locuteur, la modalisation est un phénomène à
prendre en compte tout particulièrement pour
Video 1 script: 12-year-old gospel singer’s accéder à l’implicite.
heartbreaking song in wake of George Floyd’s Le point de vue d’Obama, qui condamne une
death goes viral situation inadmissible et appelle à l’action est bien
CBS News, 29 May 2020. mis en évidence par les modaux “shouldn’t” et
I'm a young black man “must” en particulier. Avec “can”, c’est sa foi en la
Doing all that I can capacité du peuple américain à changer les choses
To stand. qu’il met en avant.
Oh, but when I look around
And I see what's being done Pages 119-120
To my kind
Every day,
I'm being hunted as prey. A 100 years: evolution or revolution?
My people don't want no trouble
We've had enough struggle. Audio 1 script: Ol’ Man River – The song
His Master’s Voice, 1927.
I just wanna live! There's an old man called the Mississippi
God protect me! That's the old man that I’d like to be!
I just wanna live, What does he care if the world's got troubles?
I just wanna live. What does he care if the land ain't free?
1 It’s a song that was written by a Black mother for Ol’ man river,
her son to sing in the aftermath of George Floyd’s That ol’ man river
brutal killing. He must know somethin'
2 The singer is a 12-year-old American boy. The But don't say nothin',
absence of music (a capella singing) makes the song He just keeps rollin'
all the more poignant / deeply moving. He keeps on rollin' along.
3 My kind = my people.
He don't plant taters,
4 The boy is merely asking for the right to live!
He don't plant cotton,
5 This sentence refers to the painful history of Black And them that plants 'em
people in America, from slavery to discrimination. Is soon forgotten,
6 On laissera s’exprimer tout point de vue justifié, But ol’ man river,
car s’il n’y a manifestement pas d’agressivité dans le He just keeps rollin' along.
Final TASK
Write an article for the school paper about the
role of the artist (200 words)
Cette tâche permettra aux élèves de réinvestir les
connaissances culturelles et les savoirs langagiers
travaillés dans la séquence en se positionnant sur
les propositions inspirées des conclusions d’un
article publié sur un site indien en mars 2021 :
L’expression du point de vue aura été travaillée tout
au long de la séquence et plus particulièrement à
l’occasion de la réalisation des tâches
Au vu du sujet, qui implique un regard particulier, la
fiche méthodologique consacrée à l’écriture d’un
essai (p. 324) pourra apporter de l’aide.
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 1
Page 125 Charles’s second one drew them to the lowest.
Celebrating the longevity of the Queen had the
opposite effect… until the next drawback.
2 Les élèves doivent mettre en regard le dernier
point du Fast facts et les résultats du sondage.
The poll was made a month after they had
announced their departure and shows a worst result
Barbados to remove Queen Elizabeth than the 65% of 2005.
as head of state 3 La fracture générationnelle se situe autour des
quinquagénaires (nés autour de 1970) qui ont
1 Il s’agit ici de reprendre l’information principale grandi avec l’histoire de Charles et Diana (1981-
du texte et de s’assurer que les élèves possèdent les 1996). Les élèves pourront visionner le film de
références culturelles nécessaires pour pouvoir Stephen Frears The Queen pour se rendre compte
ensuite réagir. On les invitera à consulter la fiche de l’impact de la mort de Lady Diana (1997) sur la
Zoom in p. 353, une carte des pays du population. Ils pourront aussi interpréter le fait que
Commonwealth, une présentation rapide de la les moins de 50 ans sont très nombreux à se
Barbade ainsi que l’article de l’encyclopédie désintéresser de la question. Enfin, les plus de 65
Britannica sur le titre « Dame ». ans sont nés au plus tard en 1955, ils ont pu
What? Barbados wants to become a Republic and to connaitre les années de guerre (ou avoir des
withdraw the Queen from her status as head of témoignages de leurs parents) quand la famille
state. royale était un réel facteur de cohésion de la nation
When? November 2021, 55 years after the ou avoir suivi le couronnement de la jeune reine
independence from Britain. (1953) à la télévision. Des recherches
Why? Pride, identity revival, break the last bond complémentaires sur l’histoire de la famille royale
with the colonial era. (la série Netflix The Crown pourrait être un support
2 On pourra conseiller aux élèves de rechercher apprécié) permettraient ainsi de guider les élèves
quels autres pays ont suivi la même démarche et dans leur émission d’hypothèses.
pourquoi, une Press review sur les événements de 4 Cette dernière question doit être l’occasion de
l’automne 2020 leur permettrait de reconstruire le lister les arguments pour et contre vus jusqu’à
contexte de BLM et de la remise en question du présent. Ce relevé pourra constituer un fil rouge qui
passé colonial. Ils pourraient ensuite émettre des sera complété au fur et à mesure pour permettre
hypothèses sur les raisons de ce choix. aux élèves de justifier leur position dans la Final
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 2
hope they can fund themselves for their new maintenant de revenir sur les moyens linguistiques
ventures in life rather than from the public purse, I ou non verbaux qui y ont contribué.
think stepping out of public life and not working Nonverbal: movements of the head, shoulders or
senior Royals and I think they need to scale down arms, pouts, starring up or on the side, winks,
their security or pay for it themselves after their eyebrow raising.
own private funding. Verbal: “humm”, hesitation, stress on words, “I’m a
WOMAN 1: I just think what that wedding cost and lot surprised”, “I didn’t think”, “I think”, “this is
that’s a goody. Honestly, I think the nation made it probably not the most dramatic”, “I certainly
more than that back from the publicity and it’s the understand”, “I can see why”, “honestly”, “this is a
television rights or… like honestly there’s often an thing I’m not too sure”, “I’m not particularly
upsurge in sales and that sort of things. I don’t think concerned about it”, “the rest of the society won’t
it’s any loss in that regard, I just think in what it does probably mind too much”.
to the credibility of the institution, I think, that’s the
MAN 1: I think because he’s a bit more junior than…
he’s not like Prince Charles or William, maybe not, An accent from abroad?
so much but it could set a precedent and a trend Le dernier homme interviewé est probablement
going forward. français. Les élèves devront repérer l’influence de la
MAN 2: Did they really participate in the country? langue maternelle (prononciation des voyelles « i »
This is a thing I’m not too sure. It’s not… I don’t think et « a » par exemple ainsi que l’accentuation des
it’s gonna change anything particular about, you mots).
know, the states and affairs of the country, really,
so, no, I’m not particularly concerned about it to be Training TASK
honest so… and I think the rest of the society won’t
probably mind too much about it.
Organise a discussion
L’objectif est de permettre aux élèves de
découvrir les points communs et les différences
1 L’optique ici est de rechercher des justifications
entre les systèmes politiques de nos deux pays et
que le sondage ne fait pas apparaitre et de les de faire le lien avec les arguments « pour » et
confronter aux réponses des élèves à la question 4 « contre » la monarchie étudiés précédemment.
p. 125. En 1957, l’accueil en France d’Elizabeth II aux cris
The poll and the video both show public opinion de « Vive la reine » a pu surprendre. Il s’agit de
after the announcement of Meghan and Harry’s les amener, par la médiation culturelle, à
departure from the country and giving up their comprendre comment on peut être attaché à un
duties as royals. souverain.
2 Les élèves devront estimer l’âge des personnes
interviewées et repérer dans leur réponse leur
opinion vis-à-vis de la famille royale.
Man 1: over 50, for monarchy (“our Royals”, “it’s a EXPERTS’ POINTS OF VIEW
shame”, “he is a bit more junior”), he seems to be
troubled that it could be the start of some kind of
change in the institution. Close-up on lineage
Woman 1: in her 20s, doesn’t know (“in the context
of what’s going on in the world”) or for (“It’s a Video 2 script: Harry and Meghan stepping back
shame”, “I understand”, “I can see why”, “they need from Royal family was ‘inevitable,’ Tina Brown
to”, “that’s a goody”, “the credibility of the says.
Global News, January 2020
Woman 2: over 50, against (“they should do JOURNALIST: With the effective exile of Prince
whatever they want to do”, “fund themselves”, Andrew in the aftermath of Jeffey Epstein the
“their new ventures”). She seems to say good [buckle] interview, where is the royal family at this
riddance, it will cost less money to tax payers.
Man 2: 25-49, doesn’t know (“did they really TINA BROWN: The royal family are absolutely
participate in the country?”, “it’s not going to slimming down. I mean Prince Charles has for some
change anything”, “I’m not concerned”). time said that his vision of the royal family is of a
3 Les justifications de la question précédente much more close knit essentially editing out the
auront focalisé l’attention des élèves sur les others. It’s just about the heirs and their heirs that’s
opinions des personnes interrogées ; il s’agit what they want. And in fact, there was a very, I
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 3
thought, telling photograph, telling incident over when the nation needs support (Covid crisis for
Christmas, the Queen Christmas message where example). Staying away from the media and
she always… people always decode the following the royal “never explain, never complain”
photographs on her desk, you know. 2018 you saw rule, she has not been scandalised. The recent
pictures of Harry and Meghan getting married and interview given by Meghan and Harry, who have
her granddaughter Eugenie by… Prince Andrews’ accused some royals of racism, have explicitly
daughter who also got married, picture on the desk. discharged the Queen. Even if people try to read her
This year, no pictures on the desk of marriage, just opinion through her brooches or the colour of her
the heirs. The photograph that they released just hats, she does remain silent on political matters.
before Christmas, which was the four heirs, it was 2 Les élèves pourront ici faire le lien avec la
the Queen, Charles you know, William and Prince première partie et compléter leur liste d’arguments
John… (scandales et budget) avec l’implication politique du
OFF-CAMERA VOICE: And little George, he was very souverain. En complément de l’article, le Fast facts
cute. apporte la justification de cette crainte concernant
le règne de Charles. Il s’agit enfin de répondre à la
1 Cette question a pour objet de contextualiser la problématique.
The show was broadcasted in January 2020, after The risks for the survival of the monarchy after
the Megxit announcement. “London Bridge” (the Queen) falls down are
2 Il y a deux choses à faire remarquer aux élèves ici, threefold:
tout d’abord le fait de recentrer la famille royale sur - If Charles steps into political issues rather than stay
la ligne de succession et ensuite le fait que ce soit la neutral. It will endanger democracy in confronting
vision de Charles que l’on mette en avant. with people’s voices.
The communication policy of the royal family is to - If the royal family costs too much to tax payers. The
focus on the direct lineage to the throne (Charles, memory of the expenditure / cost of the restoration
William and George). The fact that Tina Brown says of Windsor castle after the fire (annus horribilis) is
that it is Charles’ idea could be the sign that, as the not far away and money is a tough issue as we saw
Queen is getting older, Charles is taking over from in the video p. 126.
his mother smoothly. This could be a way to show - If scandals, true or fake, bend public opinion to a
that there is no reason why things should change “no” in a referendum. Poll results in favour of the
and that his picking up the business has already monarchy have been shrinking recently and the
started anyway. hesitant people will choose sides.
3 La réponse précédente aura permis d’orienter la
discussion et la réflexion des élèves sur ce dernier
point. Expressing uncertainty
Focus on the basics, reduce money spending, move “the only likely scenario that might lead to” (l. 6-7),
away from potential scandals and controversies. “will probably be” (l. 8), “if yet more public finances
are spent on expensive palace restoration” (l. 10),
“given […] is certainly conceivable” (l. 27-29), “bets
Page 127 might be off” (l. 30).
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 4
à même de / ne suffit pas pour changer « La pluralité s’observe non seulement sur le plan
significativement l’opinion publique, la pression linguistique, mais aussi sur les plans géographique,
politique d’un scandale, réel ou non, est, quant à culturel, social, religieux et ethnique. […] Les
elle, une menace omniprésente. festivals culturels ou religieux au niveau local, les
célébrations et commémorations au niveau
national, constituent autant de facteurs de
Final TASK cohésion et de partage. Certaines pratiques
Record a video culturelles comme le sport ou la musique (hymnes
La tâche finale reprend l’idée du micro-trottoir nationaux, musiques populaire ou classique)
de la vidéo page 126. On peut imaginer deux contribuent à renforcer le sentiment
fonctionnements de niveaux différents : d’appartenance. Inversement, différents systèmes
organiser directement un travail en binômes de stratification sociale (castes ou classes sociales,
pour préparer un guide d’interview ou bien par exemple) définissent une source d’identité
diviser la classe en deux groupes qui préparent encore différente, rendant plus difficile la
séparément des questions et des arguments coexistence de populations traversées par des
personnels avant qu’on n’apparie les binômes tensions en leur sein ou faisant l’expérience de
interviewer-interviewé. Cette seconde option mobilités sociales inégales. »
augmente la difficulté de la tâche, car elle
nécessite une meilleure gestion de l’imprévu PROBLÉMATIQUE
pendant l’interaction. Comment la Nouvelle-Zélande fait-elle pour
Il est attendu des élèves qu’ils réagissent en tant réduire son « écart » avec le reste du monde ?
que Français et donc qu’ils montrent des How does New Zealand bridge the gap?
compétences interculturelles.
La Final Task permettra aux élèves de réinvestir
leurs connaissances afin de faire découvrir, dans
une courte vidéo d’accroche, ce petit pays
Le premier point permet de revenir sur l’unité du d’Océanie.
Commonwealth et le second attire l’attention des
élèves vers le Parti « républicain » au Royaume-Uni La brick est structurée en trois parties :
(voir Zoom in page 338). Le Go further précédent va 1 New Zealand off the map?: en réponse à la
dans ce sens à travers un texte de fiction. « disparition » de la Nouvelle-Zélande de plusieurs
cartes du monde.
Page 128 2 No bridge too far!: optimiste, rigoureuse,
déterminée, la Nouvelle-Zélande relève le défi de la
pandémie et attire sur elle les projecteurs.
New Zealand: We are 3 Mind the gap!: il reste néanmoins un fossé de
taille, encore difficile à combler, entre Maoris et
Here… And Here we are! Pākehā (le nom que les Maoris donnent aux autres
Néozélandais), ces deux peuples qui aspirent à ne
La brick 19. Que connaissent les élèves de la faire qu’un, mais dont les relations sont aujourd’hui
Nouvelle-Zélande ? Ce pays lointain de 4,7 millions encore régies par le traité de Waitangi.
d’habitants est peu ou mal connu, parfois même
oublié par le reste du monde ! Pourtant la Nouvelle- Page 128
Zélande est bien là et elle crie au monde entier
qu’elle ne doit plus être laissée de côté (et ne plus
être oubliée sur les planisphères !). Avec la crise du NEW ZEALAND OFF THE MAP?
Covid-19, le monde entier s’est étonné de la façon
dont cette petite île aux antipodes a su gérer
l’épidémie. Nous verrons que « le pays du long Ikea Apologizes For Leaving New
nuage blanc » a bien du mal à combler le fossé qui Zealand off the World Map
continue de séparer deux peuples qui aspirent
pourtant à ne faire qu’un.
1 One of the most isolated countries on the globe /
Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit film franchises
Extrait du B.O.
revealed its stunning landscape / location /
Thématique 1 : « Faire société »
population (Maori) / in 1893, the country became
Axe d’étude 1 : Unité et pluralité.
the first on earth to give women the vote. / kiwis /
New Zealanders = kiwis and New Zealanders =
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 5
“Down Under” / bungee Jumping / rugby, the All RHYS DARBY: I don’t think so. I’ve been searching
Blacks / etc. the Internet for the last 30 seconds and it’s
2 À partir de la photo, on peut demander aux élèves everywhere. This is a major conspiracy. I’m gonna
de : get behind it. By that I don’t mean support it, I’m
• situer la Nouvelle-Zélande sur une carte du monde gonna, actually, you know, sort of get in behind it,
(il est possible de reprendre la carte Ikea Bjorsta : not in a rude way. I’ll go around the side of it but I’m
https://i0.wp.com/www.maproomblog.com/xq/w gonna search it out, I’m gonna study it. Leave it with
p-content/uploads/2019/02/bjorksta-ohne- me m’lady.
nz.jpg?resize=760%2C507&ssl=1) ; FYI : le site RHYS DARBY: Oh, New Zealand, where the bloody
Reddit répertorie les cartes sans la Nouvelle- hell are you? Australia! They’re stealing our tourists.
Zélande : Our wine, sacrebleu! Sneaky Frenchies!
https://www.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/ RHYS DARBY (on the phone with England): You
• imaginer les raisons pour lesquelles la Nouvelle- missed it off by accident? Are you sure? Or is
Zélande ne figure parfois pas sur les cartes. England trying to get rid of the All Blacks once and
3 Swedish furniture giant Ikea has apologised for for all?
leaving New Zealand off a world map that was being RHYS DARBY (calling Jacinda Ardern).
sold at one of its Washington, D.C. outlets. The JACINDA ARDERN: That was fast!
product is called BJORKSTA and a Reddit user RHYS DARBY: Of course, Your Highness.
spotted the mistake, and posted it on a subreddit JACINDA ARDERN: Jacinda is fine, Rhys.
called MapsWithoutNZ, which collects all the RHYS DARBY: Listen, this is big. Bigger than we
instances where New Zealand is missing from maps thought, bigger than the moon landing and Loch
(l. 4-5). Ness combined, which by the way is one of my
4 What is funny, or even ironic, is that the furniture theories that those things are combined. Now look,
retailer intends to enter the New Zealand market by I’ve boiled it down to a few things. Australia wants
opening its “megastore” in Auckland. our tourists, England wants to get rid of the All
FYI: a Reddit user from New Zealand wrote: “I Blacks and the wine industry, they can’t beat our
wonder if they’re going to sell these maps in the new Pinot or Sav!
Auckland store.” Another angry user also made the JACINDA ARDERN: Are you sure?
following comment: “What’s the deal #IKEA with RHYS DARBY: Well, I do have one more theory.
forgetting an entire country off the world maps you We’re quite a fiddly looking shaped country, a bit
are selling? #New Zealand exists!!!!” like a half-eaten lamb chop, perhaps people are just
5 New Zealanders are a bit annoyed by these leaving us off, thinking we are a mistake.
JACINDA ARDERN: Rhys, I’ve gotta go.
repeated omissions but responded, nonetheless,
RHYS DARBY: I know, you’re short of time, okay.
with humour (by creating a humorous video
Now, do you want me home to report back to the
featuring Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and
nation, because I can be there in three movies and
comedian Rhys Darby who makes funny comments
a meal.
about the case).
JACINDA ARDERN: Look Rhys, you might be onto
something, but we’re gonna need some help.
Page 129
Cette vidéo est une publicité réalisée dans le cadre
d’une campagne touristique lancée par Tourism
#getNZonthemap New Zealand afin que le pays figure enfin sur toutes
les cartes du monde. La Première ministre de
Video 1 script: Off the map: New Zealand tourism Nouvelle-Zélande, Jacinda Ardern, et le comédien
ad takes on ‘conspiracy’. néo-zélandais Rhys Darby, las de constater
Guardian News, 2 May 2018
l’absence de leur pays sur diverses cartes du
RHYS DARBY: Oh. Thank you, Sharon. The next great
monde, participent à cette vidéo devenue virale (cf.
conspiracy: New Zealand is disappearing off world
dernier paragraphe du texte p. 128).
maps! Disappearing? It’s all over the Internet!
1 Rhys Darby has just received a letter which
JACINDA ARDERN (Cindy): Hello Rhys.
RHYS DARBY: Cindy, I mean Your Majesty, I’ll keep denounces a “conspiracy” against New Zealand. He
this brief. New Zealand has been left off world maps is astonished and suspicious. He checks out the
all over the world! information on the Internet.
JACINDA ARDERN: I’m sure there is a reasonable 2 He anxiously phones Prime Minister Jacinda
explanation. Ardern (Cindy) to tell her he believes other countries
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 6
are purposely pushing New Zealand off the map. But WOMAN 2: To know our neighbours and to be part
Jacinda Ardern doesn’t seem to believe him (she of a community.
takes the case lightly). WOMAN 3: To learn as much as you can about
3 New Zealand is missing from many other maps in where you are in life.
places such as Vancouver International Village, MAORI MAN: [In Maori] Seek the treasure of your
Starbucks outlets, Central Park Zoo and Ikea. His heart and bow to none but the loftiest mountains.
theories: BIKER: [In Japanese] Be honest. Go out and ride with
- “I’ve boiled it down to a few things. Australia wants your friends.
our tourists, England wants to get rid of the All FEMALE BASKETBALL PLAYER: Live happy.
Blacks, and the wine industry, [the French] can’t FEMALE TEENAGER: Don’t be an egg.
beat our Pinot or Sav!”. Rhys believes the whole MAN 1: We mumble a lot.
world has ganged up on New Zealand! His WOMAN 4: [translated] Hello everyone. From my
overreaction is funny. heart, I wish you all the best.
4 “we’re gonna need some help” = she realises that WOMAN ON HORSE: Just make amazing memories.
something is wrong because New Zealand has WOMAN 5: Talk to a stranger. Ask them how they
indeed disappeared from the map! are.
5 The #getnzonthemap campaign is part of a drive CHEF: Cook with love.
to encourage more visitors to the country. MAN IN BATHTUB: We have a failure.
6 New Zealand is a little tired of being continually MAN 2: We’re here to help and we’ll do everything
we can to help you guys as well.
omitted from world maps. They want to denounce
WOMAN WITH LLAMAS: Look after the animals that
this annoying omission but in a humorous light-
you love.
hearted way.
MAN 3: And look after our planet a hell of a lot
FYI: “Rhys Montague Darby (born 21 March 1974) is
a New Zealand actor and comedian, known for his
YOUNG BOY WITH BIKE: It might displode so that’s
energetic physical comedy routines, telling stories
why we always pick up rubbish.
accompanied with mime and sound effects of things
MAN ON COUCH: Get off your bum and go for a
such as machinery and animals. […] Darby is best
known for playing Murray Hewitt, the band
WOMAN ON CAR: Be honest, tell me how you really
manager of Flight of the Conchords in the television
series, a role he originally played in the BBC radio
WOMAN 6: Yeah, believe in yourself.
series under the name Brian Nesbit.” Wikipedia.
MAN 4: Look up at the night sky on a clear starry
7 It has gone viral! It was a success and New Zealand
night and realise the universe that we’re all part of.
experienced a surge in tourist numbers… FEMALE FOOTBALL PLAYER: Stay safe.
WOMAN IN CAFÉ: I love you. Los amo.
WOMAN 7: That we all just work together and be
Shouts out from NZ to the world one.
MALE TEENAGER 2: Anything’s possible when you
Video 2 script: A message from New Zealand try.
100% Pure New Zealand, 19 July 2020 OLD MAN: The right path in life is learning and
MALE BASKETBALL PLAYER: This is a message from getting along together.
New Zealand. OLD WOMAN: So that we don’t get in the wrong
SURFBOARD SHAPER: Ahm, if I could encourage the place. Amene.
world to do one thing, it would be…
MAN ON COUCH: It’d be pretty hard to explain. Cette vidéo est un aperçu de ce qu’est la Nouvelle-
MAN IN FRONT OF MAORI HOUSE: It would be to Zélande (dans sa diversité, ses spécificités, ses
listen very carefully to each other. mentalités, etc.). Lors de la pandémie de Covid-19,
MECHANIC: Take a look at what’s going on around le pays a lancé une nouvelle campagne visant à
you and see if you can do something about it. maintenir le pays et ses habitants dans le cœur et
YOUNG GIRL: If I could encourage the world to do l’esprit de leurs amis et de leur famille dans le
one thing it would be to stop polluting the Earth. monde entier.
MALE TEENAGER 1: Go to the library, you know.
Education is good.
1 Remote, isolated, far, away, diverse, Māori, kiwi,
MALE TEENAGER 2: Live life to its fullest.
landscapes, beach, Pacific, down under, rugby, All
YOUNG BOY: Always be a good boy.
Blacks, Pavlova, Bungy Jumping, sheep, sporty
WOMAN 1: It would be to stay positive.
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 7
2 Natives – Ewes – Wellington – Zealous – dance. It was a success for her country, and she was
Enthusiastic (Easy-going/Eager) – Aotearoa – Land very proud.
of the Long White Cloud – All Blacks – Nowhere – 2 The rest of the world is in awe of this achievement.
Diverse – Edge (of the world) – Rugby Several newspapers have been praising New
3 Réponses libres. Zealand for successfully managing the pandemic
Because they are far away and isolated (and may crisis.
feel easily forgotten by the rest of the world) + It shows that despite the fact that this country is
because many of them have family and friends all quite small and isolated, it should not be ignored or
over the world (especially in the United States, forgotten because it seems capable of certain feats
England, Australia). Also, they are a people who and other countries should perhaps take a leaf out
travels a lot. In 2020 the pandemic probably made of this country’s book more often and get inspired
them feel even more isolated and forgotten by the by it.
rest of the world. 3 Attirer l’attention des élèves sur la source :
4 In this video we see New Zealand in its diversity l’article provient du journal The New Zealand Herald
(landscapes, people, mentalities, etc.). (FYI: Daily newspaper, published in Auckland and
FYI: This video looks at what’s important to the considered a newspaper of record for New Zealand.
people of New Zealand. The campaign asks It has the largest newspaper circulation of all
questions such as “If you could encourage the world newspapers in New Zealand) / et l’utilisation de
to do one thing, what would it be?” or “What’s the l’adjectif possessif “our” (l. 10-11). Leur faire
best way to start your day?”. Whether from every remarquer que, dans ces conditions, il n’y a rien de
day or notable Kiwis, the responses are heartfelt, surprenant à ce que les différents points de vue
genuine and most importantly they capture the évoqués ici soient positifs et valorisants pour la
unique NZ identity and spirit. “Now more than ever, Nouvelle-Zélande.
it’s important for us to stay connected with each
other,” says Tourism New Zealand general Pages 130-131
manager, Americas and Europe, Sarah Handley.
“Given that people can’t visit New Zealand right
now, we asked New Zealanders if they’d like to share Thank you
a message with people around the world. We hope
that hearing these heartfelt messages from Kiwis Video 3 script : ‘Thank you’ – Prime Minister
will connect the world with us in a meaningful and Jacinda Ardern takes pride in New Zealand’s
engaging way. We look forward to welcoming response to alert levels
everyone back to New Zealand when it is safe to do 1 News, 4 September 2020
so.” In summary, a lot has changed across New Zealand
https://www.traveldailymedia.com/shout-out- in a short space of time. A New Zealander hopping
new-zealand-videos/ off the bus in a mask or tapping into a bakery by
barcode or giving a fellow Kiwi a very wide booth on
Page 130 the footpath* is not something I would have
thought would fill me with pride at the beginning of
this year, but it does now. It’s what care and
kindness looks like, and I see people embracing it,
just like we did our new lexicon of bubbles, alert
Cette partie souligne la fierté des Néo-Zélandais
levels, being spaced out. And now we have new face
pour leur pays tandis que le reste du monde se
mask chat to add in for good measure. It ensures
montre intrigué, voire impressionné par cet état
that we can continue to step down through alert
insulaire d’Océanie (lors de la gestion de la
levels, build back a stronger economy, and enjoy
pandémie par exemple).
our level 1 freedoms once again.
So, as we’re all heading into this risky period that is
a weekend, a few reminders of the tools we now
In awe of NZ: How world media reacted have to lessen those risks. Masks or face coverings
to New Zealand eliminating Covid-19 are mandatory on public transport and are also
encouraged — and I see are being well worn — in
1 New Zealand has managed to eliminate Covid-19 public places in Auckland. Thank you, and please
(“no active cases”) and the country is coming out of keep it up. If you go to a mall or shopping or if you
lockdown (“back to normal”), while the rest of the go out for a coffee, take your mask and join in on
world is not. She was thrilled. She did a little (victory) the awkward experience of figuring out how to
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 8
manage it when you’ve ordered a hot drink. QR https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/27/what-is-a-
posters to record our movements are now covid-19-bubble-and-how-to-do-it-safely.html
everywhere we go, and people’s uses improved
immensely, with half of New Zealand using the app. Page 131
Thank you, and keep it up this weekend too. And
people are now able to see one another socially,
but, again, if you’re in Auckland, keep it small, and,
if you’re an Aucklander travelling outside of
Auckland, please just hold to those guidelines Speaking New Zealand English
wherever you are in the country as much as you can, -drink > the letter “i” is pronounced a bit like a “u” =
of course, too. sounds like drunk?
And so I say to New Zealand: your efforts continue -set us apart – step down – level – lessen (those
to set us apart. You’re being adaptable, patient, and risks) > the letter “e” sounds like a stretched out “I”
determined. This has all been critical to our “stamp = “seet” us apart, “steep” down, “leevel”, “leessen”
it out” approach—an approach which will see our (also “yes” becomes “yees”).
lives a little more normal sooner than we otherwise Ce travail pourra être mis en relation avec celui
might. So, let’s double down our efforts and let’s conduit sur la vidéo très drôle d’Air New Zealand,
keep going. proposée à l’étude dans la brick 44 (page 303), qui
*New Zealand word for pavement. met en évidence les spécificités phonologiques du
1 Jacinda Ardern’s speech is addressed to New
Zealanders. She is saying thank you to her people for Training TASK
respecting the strict lockdowns and social distancing Create infographics
measures, for their ability to band together and On pourra demander aux élèves de travailler à
follow the rules, for their determination, patience plusieurs et de choisir un thème (différent pour
and adaptability. She feels proud of them, of what chaque groupe). Ils pourront produire sur une
they have achieved. Their efforts and sacrifices have feuille ou via une application (Canva par exemple)
paid-off: “That is what the sacrifice of our team of et les productions pourront être affichées dans la
five million was for.” classe ou partagées sur un ENT.
2 The two tweets are from New Zealanders who also
feel immensely happy and proud of their
achievement. It also sounds like a victory for them. Pages 131-132
3 She advises people to sustain their efforts.
The guidelines = wearing “masks or face coverings”,
using QR posters to record movements, continue MIND THE GAP!
social distancing and meet other people in small
groups. Cette partie révèle les difficultés qui persistent
On peut ensuite comparer avec les règles imposées entre deux peuples qui aspirent pourtant à ne faire
ou recommandées en France lors de la pandémie qu’un.
ainsi que les habitudes qui se sont mises en
place tout au long de cette période : port du
masque, distance sociale, utilisation du gel We are now one people
hydroalcoolique, des tests PCR, des attestations de
sortie, ne plus se serrer la main ou se faire la bise,
interdiction de se regrouper, nombre limité de 1 – multiculturalism/diversity/difference, are what
personnes (« jauges »), couvre-feu, etc. defines New Zealand.
FYI: New Zealand, like Britain, has introduced Covid- – when he was young, he never questioned
19 “bubbles”. A “bubble” is an unofficial term used multiculturalism because it was just the way his
to describe the group of people outside your country was. Now he views it as an advantage, even
household with whom you feel comfortable a strength that should be highlighted.
spending time during the pandemic. The idea is that 2 They want to emphasise their biculturalism (≠ the
you can extend your home “bubble” to select people, past), welcome more ethnic groups and highlight
so you can have more in-person social interactions their multiculturalism which they view as enriching.
beyond your household, while still potentially 3 Because the Māori, the native people of New
limiting the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Zealand, welcomed the Europeans to their land and
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 9
offered them “manaakitanga”, i.e., hospitality, respect of Pākehā [New Zealanders of European
kindness, generosity and support. descent]. 75 years later we are still arguing the
FYI: In Māori culture, “manaakitanga” is a validity of our participation in the Great Wars, the
traditional value that is considered to be hugely place names that decorate the very walls of this
important. It is, indeed, central to Māori society and house. Has the Treaty been honoured? Did we gain
at the core of the nation’s Indigenous culture. At its the respect of Pākehā? Article 1: consent to the
heart, the term refers to the need for reciprocal Crown to custodianship and to kāwanatanga [the
hospitality and respect between different people, concept of sovereignty] – not ownership nor
groups and cultures. sovereignty. Article 2 was the security of the
https://www.newzealandtrademanual.com/manaa absolute mana of tangata whenua [“people of the
kitanga-giving-new-zealand-visitors-an-experience- land” = Māori] of Aotearoa [New Zealand] — our
of-true-hospitality/ land, our rivers, our sea, our forests, our traditions
4 It should be associated with multiculturalism and and practices, our people, our mokopuna
strengthen relationships between different [descendants]. Article 3 was about equality: that
ethnicities living in New Zealand. The treaty = a Māori would be treated as equal citizens in
moral promise/a contract of respect between two Aotearoa. 255 years of colonisation, 175 years of
peoples + a reminder of biculturalism (two cultures the signing of He Whakaputanga, Declaration of
that should be equal and show respect to one Independence, and 180 years since Te Tiriti o
another). Waitangi [Treaty of Waitangi] was signed. What has
5 Jo believes that the Treaty of Waitangi is not been delivered to us? [8:26]
respected, and the Māori still do not have their fair I take an analogy about the current Treaty
share of the cake. She denounces a “Eurocentric” partnership between Pākehā and tangata whenua
system/view of the “idea of power” in New Zealand. used by Uncle Tamati Reedy [...]
According to her, the Treaty of Waitangi is not [8:39] The great white shark Pākehā and the
respected as far as partnership (between Māori and kahawai Māori: the great white shark said to the
non-Māori) or power sharing is concerned. White kahawai, "Should we form a partnership?" The
ideas/views are still dominant and “not equitable”. kahawai replied, "Yes, that sounds like a fantastic
The Māori are still not treated equally, are still idea." The great white shark then ate the kahawai
disadvantaged. She even denounces a racist system. and said, "Now we are one."
6 Although it was intended to create unity, different As Dame Tariana Turia stated in her maiden speech,
understandings of the Treaty, (and especially ones …. what has been delivered to us? 180 years of
that suited the non-Māori), and breaches of it, have struggling to have the Treaty recognised in law, that
caused conflict. Māori felt wronged, they didn’t get we have survived despite cultural extermination
what they expected from the Treaty’s terms, and practices, assimilation of policies, monocultural
this created a “gap” between Māori and Pākehā institutions, treacherous land-stealing laws, tauiwi
which still exists today, and those differences still bureaucracies that have run our affairs, denial of
remain a gap to bridge. our tangata whenua status, and struggling to
maintain cultural identity, integrity, tikanga, and to
Pages 132-133 keep our language alive. //
[09:35-11:46] and [12:12-13:02]
Now the largest media publisher in Aotearoa, Stuff,
Responsibility for the past has publicly apologised for the way it has portrayed
Māori over the past 160 years, after an internal
Video 4 script: Mãori Party calls on the Crown to investigation uncovered evidence of racism and
take responsibility for the past marginalisation in its representation of the
Stuff, 3 December 2020
country’s Indigenous people, the true Indigenous
people, te iwi Māori [the people], Mr Speaker. They
[6:57-8:34] and [08:39-09:34]
have said sorry to Māori for the monocultural
His drive for the betterment and the citizenship of
viewpoint that has sought to oppress tangata
his people came at great sacrifice. For God, for king
whenua. They have said sorry to Māori for
and for country was the call to arms for the price of
continuing to create and reinforce the negative
citizenship. Ake, ake, kia kaha e. [Let us forever hold
narrative of tangata whenua that keeps our people
at the bottom of the heap. They have said sorry to
Sir Apirana Ngata [a Māori chief] argued that Māori
Māori for aiding and abetting the system of racism
support of the war effort was the ultimate way to
that strips us of our spirit and our oranga [well-
honour the Treaty and gain equality with and
being]. But Mr Speaker, they have taken
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 10
responsibility for their failures. They have owned GROUP A:
their failings, and they have made a commitment to • to gain citizenship and honour the Treaty – be
do better. recognised and respected by the white New
My question to you, Mr Speaker, and to this House Zealanders – gain equality – gain better life
is: when will the Crown do the same? When will the conditions.
Crown say they are sorry to Māori for the FYI: it was proposed to name the battalion “Treaty
monocultural viewpoint that has sought to oppress of Waitangi” to draw the attention of both Māori
tangata whenua? When will the Crown say they are and Pākehā to their respective obligations under the
sorry to Māori for continuing to reinforce a negative Treaty. The Treaty focus was in line with the stance
narrative of tangata whenua? When will the Crown that many Iwi* (Māori people) took during the First
say they are sorry to Māori for aiding and abetting World War. Article Three imparted the rights of
the system of racism that strips us of our spirit and British citizenship to Māori. In accepting those
our oranga? When will the Crown take rights, Māori agreed that the Treaty imposed on
responsibility for their failings? When will the them certain obligations and duties. As British
Crown own their failings and commit to doing subjects Māori should serve in the defence of the
better? Empire.
I refuse to allow my tamariki [children] or my https://nzhistory.govt.nz/war/maori-in-second-
mokopuna [grandchildren] to one day sit in the world-war/
same seat asking the same question. We will no • They failed = no recognition (ex.: allusion to the
longer accept this approach, as it allows the state to place names that decorate the very walls of the New
continue to feast on the dysfunction that it has zealand House of Parliament, the validity of their
created amongst our people. We will no longer participation in the Great Wars is still discussed and
accept that the state continues to fund itself every they don’t seem to have obtained the respect of
year to allow Oranga Tamariki to steal more of our white New Zealanders.)
babies, a justice system to lock up more of our a) see script, paragraph 2; b) Rawiri Waititi wants to
people, a welfare system that keeps my people point out and remind his audience of the parts of the
dependent and poor, an education system that agreement that have not been honoured/respected.
keeps my people dumb, a health system that keeps He asks the same rhetorical question twice: “What
my people sick, and a housing system that keeps my has been delivered to us?” to demonstrate that, for
people homeless. This has to stop. […] [11:46] all these years, they have obtained nothing and are
Āperahama Taonui, a prophet from the North, once still waiting for the Treaty to be honoured (as far as
said, "Kauaka rā te Tiriti o Waitangi e ūhia ki te haki Māori people are concerned); c) Metaphor of the
o Ingarangi engari me uhia ki te kahu Māori.", which shark (= white New Zealanders / Pākehā) eating up
translates: "Do not cover the Treaty of Waitangi little (naive/gullible) fish (= Māori).
with the Union Jack. It must only be covered by our
Māori cloak." I am committed to challenging the GROUP B:
reason why the Union Jack consistently smothers Te • Stuff has apologised for its racist portrayal of
Tiriti o Waitangi, and I am going to take it off. I will Māori over the years, (conveying a monocultural
ensure that our unapologetic Māori voice is heard view/fuelling prejudice, discrimination, and racism
and that our Māori cloak is felt and is present in towards the Māori: “an internal investigation
every piece of legislation and bill passed in this uncovered evidence of racism and marginalisation
House. You know what it feels like to have a pebble in its representation of the country’s Indigenous
in your shoe? That will be my job here: a constant, people”). Waititi thinks it is a good thing because it
annoying to those holding on to the colonial ways, is important to acknowledge one’s mistakes. More
reminder and change agent for the recognition of about this: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-
our kahu Māori.// 55169004.
• The Crown (= Britain, head of the Commonwealth)
has never apologised when it has made the same
1 Rawiri Waititi is a New Zealand politician. He is co- mistakes as Stuff.
leader of the Māori Party and has served as the • Rawiri Waititi criticises an unfair treatment of the
Member of Parliament (MP) for Waiariki since 2020. Māori who are treated differently, more harshly,
2 magic – magic people – hold your head up high, who are discriminated against: they do not get the
same access to justice, education, employment,
let your voices fly – proud to be Māori
housing as the non-Māori.
= feelings of pride, respect, esteem, honour.
• It means that every legislative bill through
Parliament, concerning Maori welfare, should only
be seen through the lens of Māori, (and Britain
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 11
should have nothing to do with it) and that it is time 5 They reacted cynically (l. 32-34), they reminded
to transform politics in New Zealand, “It is time for the government of what has NOT been achieved =
Māori to look after Māori, as we know what is best rampant unemployment among Māori population
for us.” Waititi says his job is to be a counterbalance /poverty/criminality/poor health access, etc. They
against “those holding to the colonial ways”. This blame political leaders for failing to act on their
reveals that he is determined to make things promises/criticise them for only taking an interest in
change. the population once a year, on Waitangi Day (and
3 He denounces the ill-treatment of the Māori then, they forget all about it), (l. 37-38).
people (enduring prejudice, discrimination, racism), 6 Bridge = the connection between non-Māori and
he blames the Crown for its deliberate systems of Māori/a bridge over a gap that still opposes two
racism that have harmed the Māori. He refuses to people = acknowledging the gap and trying to
endure the ill-treatment any longer, he wants bridge it.
change and a better future for his children and 7 Réponses libres.
The accusatory tone of Rawiri Waititi’s rhetorical Page 134
questions suggests blame and criticism and shows
how determined and adamant he is (“this has to
stop”). He will not let go until he gets what he wants.
4 Proposer aux élèves d’utiliser les mots du Useful From direct speech to indirect speech
- Lines 12 to 16: Every day since the signing of the
vocabulary pour écrire leur paragraphe.
Treaty, they have stepped and walked over that
bridge. Every single day, she said. From their
Pages 133-134
ancestors through today, she said that she knows
(that) Maoridom is exhausted. And they have not
walked that bridge often enough. That is why they
Mãori struggles in New Zealand must constantly pledge to do things differently, she
spotlight explained.
- Lines 36 to 38: Hirini Tau, a local Maori elder, told
1 The non-Māori are not doing enough for the Māori the PM not to just come and sit down once a year
who are still suffering/not recognised. Equality has and go back to Wellington.
not been achieved. Compromise/sacrifices = from - Lines 62 to 63: She said that they would always be
Māori only (they “cross the bridge”). Her the first to put their hand up and say they’ve got
government needs to do more. Waitangi Day = The more to do.
day the Treaty of Waitangi was signed. She has
chosen that day to take stock and acknowledge that
the Treaty is still not fully honoured (but in
progress). Traduire « that »
2 It is a bridge between two people that must be That: l. 6 pronom relatif, « qui » ; l. 8 pronom,
crossed, it is more than a “relationship”: it is a « celui » ; l. 15 déterminant démonstratif, « ce » ;
“partnership” (l. 25). She wants it to be what it is pronom sujet, « cela », « c’ » ; l. 18 pronom relatif,
meant to be = a true equal “partnership” between « que » ; l. 29 and 30 conjonctions, « que » ; l. 47
Māori and non-Māori: “the Treaty’s intended pronom sujet, « cela » ; l. 54 conjonction, « que » ;
equality and partnership between peoples [to] come l. 55 déterminant démonstratif, « ce » ; l. 57
to fruition.” pronom sujet, « cela », « c’ ».
3 They are rather proud of what they have already
Final TASK
done: “her government’s achievements for Māori”
(l. 46); “boast” (l. 50). Teaching in Māori/a public Create a teaser video
holiday for Māori New Year/“growth in Māori- Pour réaliser cette tâche finale, les élèves
specific agencies” (not specified which)/more devront réutiliser tout ce qu’ils ont appris dans ce
represented in government. chapitre (et peut-être aussi faire d’autres
4 They are optimistic: “a sense here of real optimism recherches, utiliser les Go Further et Build Up
about what can be achieved together.” (l. 31) “with Your File). Le teaser doit être court, son but est
hope,” (l. 29). They want to go further and continue de convaincre en donnant envie d’en découvrir
to improve/“bridge the gap”, they plan to tackle davantage.
unemployment, housing, criminality and continue
their move towards progress on Māori.
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 12
Page 135
American specialties
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 13
Throughout the 50s and 60s, with the land grab of “diner enthusiasts” are obsessed with diners and
fast-food chains at full speed, diners played the part know everything about them.
of dependable foil. A distinctly American 3 Food may be important but it is not what people
establishment, the diner was small-scale, family-run will linger on when talking about diners. L. 10:
and offered no frills fryer dunked and griddle- “Diner food is generally the same wherever you go”
cooked food. Places where you’d be treated like a – l. 13 “going to diners is not about eating; it’s about
regular on your first visit and where the beginning saving a crucial part of America’s heritage.”
of the day for a blue-collar worker could overlap 4 While growing up, Bryson did not get any
with the end of a long night for musicians, partiers, opportunity to eat at diners in his hometown. He
and other night owls. experienced eating at a local restaurant called
Ernie’s Grill, which he describes as a “squalid and
1 Les élèves pourront vérifier leurs premiers greasy” place that looked a little like a diner. The
repérages très rapidement. waitress’s words are compared to “diner-style lingo”
2 The very first diner was created by a man called and qualified as “indecipherable code”. This phrase
Walter Scott in a horse-drawn wagon. His idea was actually refers to the use of a kind of jargon that
taken up by other people who progressively made it would be heard in restaurants from the staff – not
what it has become. Diners quickly grew popular an unusual custom in fact.
when other people built bigger versions of this 5 It took him quite a long time to find a place where
wagon using decommissioned railroad cars. They his family could settle and enjoy going to a nearby
made them a place where you could come in and sit diner. He seems to be exposing the decline of diners:
down to enjoy a meal whenever you felt like it. The “Alas they are getting harder and harder to find”.
owners had to turn these places into permanent 6 The last sentence is typical of Bryson’s humour. His
restaurants to escape laws that would have being “disappointed” implies that typical diners
prevented them from opening 24/7. Diners owe should not be places where you normally get fine
their name and specific look to their origins as food – an echo to his remark in lines 14-15.
railroad cars. Other examples: l. 20 “including Ernie” – l. 25-26
3 The 1950s and 60s were a time of fast-food craze. “patrons who looked as if they had just come in from
Diners acted as a “foil” to those restaurants insofar killing big animals (possibly with their teeth)” (+ the
as they kept offering traditional home-made food echo in l. 44-45) – l. 31 “alarming and mystifying” –
and, above all, because they embodied the familiar l. 42 “it prides itself on the freshness of its lettuce”.
family-owned small business as opposed to cold
places where patrons would not necessarily be Page 137
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 14
sauver un élément fondamental de l’héritage de élèves perçoivent-ils l’atmosphère créée par
l’Amérique / du patrimoine américain. » Hopper ? Il importe donc de les laisser s’exprimer le
plus librement possible avant de proposer quelque
guidage que ce soit.
What’s on the plate 2 et 3 Tout scénario vraisemblable sera accepté, en
lien avec ce que chacun aura perçu (question 1). La
Video 2 script: America on a Plate – The story of mise en commun conduira logiquement les élèves à
the Diner [part 1] utiliser les incontournables de la description pour
BBC FOUR, 2 December 2011 expliquer leur interprétation.
REPORTER: Well that’s Otto’s monster burger: that 4 Le terme “night owls” aura pu être relevé lors de
includes half the calories I will need for the rest of l’étude de la première vidéo (p. 136). La
my life but it’s not all bad news. Hey look: one of my compréhension de “hawks” sera nécessaire et
five a day! pourra être apportée par le professeur si besoin. À
VOICE-OVER: Diner owner Otto Meyer is the Dr. partir de là, les élèves pourront encore présenter
Frankenstein behind the monster burger. des visions différentes. L’expression “beak-
REPORTER: Otto, what would be your top five shaped nose” fournie dans la boite lexicale Useful
classic diner dishes? vocabulary inspirera sans doute certaines réponses.
OTTO MEYER: OK. Pancakes with sausage, your
standard eggs over easy with home fries and toast Compléments : Les analyses de ce célébrissime
with whatever breakfast meat, definitely the tableau de Hopper ne manquent pas. Les
cheeseburger deluxe, turkey club and another enseignants qui voudront à un moment donné le
meatloaf dinner. You know, comfort food. Food faire étudier ou répondre à la demande d’élèves
made from recipes that like people’s mothers used intéressés par une analyse approfondie pourront
to make and just want to sort of parlayed into the sans difficulté trouver des sources pertinentes.
diners, that’s – you know, the diners started years Nous ne donnons donc ici que quelques liens qui
ago for the blue-collar worker, you know, and it just nous paraissent éclairants ou originaux, un article et
expanded over time to be more than that. deux vidéos, tous trois récents (2019 et 2020), qui
VOICE-OVER: It’s funny to think that just as the renouvellent quelque peu le regard, le cas échéant
workwear denims worn by cowboys became the grâce à une technologie de pointe (seconde vidéo),
ubiquitous designer jeans, it’s mom’s good ol’ acceptant de remettre en cause une vision
burgers and fries that have become the defining restrictive du travail de Hopper :
gastronomy of the world superpower. - Nighthawks as a Symbol of Hope | The Art
Institute of Chicago (artic.edu)
1 Otto’s monster burger. It’s huge! - Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks | Art
Institute Essentials Tour | The Art Institute
2 Otto Meyer is the owner of this diner. His top 5
of Chicago (artic.edu)
dishes are:
- Masterpiece: Nighthawks - YouTube
- pancakes with sausage;
- standard eggs over easy with home fries
and toast with whatever breakfast meat;
Page 138
- the cheeseburger deluxe;
- turkey club;
- another meatloaf dinner.
3 According to Otto Meyer, what makes this kind of Hopper chose a diner
food popular is that it reminds people of their
mother’s home-made dishes. Video 3 script: America on a Plate – The Story of
the Diner [part 2]
BBC FOUR, 2 December 2011
WHAT’S COOKING: AMBIENCE IN DINERS VOICE-OVER: On a cold December night in 1941, an
artist stood on the sidewalk in Manhattan, gazing
Pages 137-138 through the plate-glass window of an all-night
diner. He saw a couple at the counter, a man on the
other side, someone else serving coffee. What could
Nighthawks, Edward Hopper, 1942 be more commonplace? But something struck him
as exceptional about this scene: it expressed a
1 L’entrée choisie pour une rapide étude de ce particular kind of alienation.
tableau est celle des impressions : comment les
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 15
His name was Edward Hopper and his defining LORENE SILVA: There’s a lot of, a lot of talking,
painting Nighthawks one of the most admired amongst the customers. Somebody could be sitting
images of the 20th century. here, talking to somebody that’s sitting over there,
When Hopper set out to capture a very American and you’re gonna hear the conversation ‘cause
loneliness he chose to do so in a diner. you’re in the middle. And most people will get right
involved with it.
JIM MALLOY: Many of the people who go to diners
1 - An artist (Edward Hopper). go there not only for the food but because they
- On a cold December night in 1941. connect with the person behind the counter, the
- On a sidewalk in Manhattan, in front of an all-night waitress who knows their order.
diner. DOROTHY SILVA (owner): The same people come in.
- The artist saw a group of four people through the You know what they have, you know what kind of
window. coffee they have, so when they come in the door,
2 This may well be mere speculation. We have no it’s already there for them.
evidence that things happened that way. JIM MALLOY: The food is good, the conversation is
3 Les productions dépendront bien sûr des great and the atmosphere is warm.
interprétations des élèves. On veillera à l’utilisation
d’expressions de la comparaison et du contraste : 1 On n’exigera pas nécessairement les noms, mais
like/unlike, etc. on fera repérer les statuts : un expert, des
propriétaires de diners, un client.
2 All the people interviewed insist that diners are
Training TASK friendly places where customers find it easy to
Record an oral presentation
3 Waiters and waitresses are presented as key
Cette tâche intermédiaire orale aidera les élèves
notamment à fixer le lexique vu et à s’entrainer à figures because of the way in which they greet
l’analyse en travaillant sur l’implicite (niveau B2 du customers: they make them feel comfortable/at
CECRL). ease and welcome regular clients/patrons in a
Le professeur pourra, s’il le juge utile, pleasant, warm way.
présélectionner des œuvres. 4 “The food is good, the conversation is great and
the atmosphere is warm”. This sentence sums up the
reasons why customers keep coming.
5 La citation de Suzanne Vega (dont on étudiera
l’une des chansons les plus connues dans la
troisième partie de la séquence) devrait permettre
Video 4 script: New England Portraits: Diners aux élèves de commencer à synthétiser les
WSBE Rhode Island PBS, 14 September 2019. informations vues jusque-là. Ils pourront exprimer
RICHARD GUTMAN (director and curator of the des points de vue divers, mais devraient
Culinary Arts Museum): One interesting thing about majoritairement aboutir à la même réponse : la
diners is that there’s a generic similarity to all of familiarité des lieux, des plats et la chaleur de
them but each has its own personality and part of l’accueil, notamment pour les habitués, font de cet
the personality or milieu of the diner is directly espace un lieu sécurisant qui rappelle la maison
attributed to the waitresses or the short order tandis que la variété des clients et l’ambiance
cooks. There was one in New Hampshire short order instaurée rappellent les interactions entre inconnus
cook known as “the Spider” because he appeared to dans la rue.
have eight arms, he was manipulating his grill with
such dexterity. And the waitress not only dishes out Page 139
the food but also is prone to give advice, to find out
what’s going on with your family and to participate,
really, in your daily goings on as well. A LINGERING TASTE: DINERS IN POP
NANCY BISHOP (diner owner): It’s kind of like being CULTURE
a psychiatrist and not getting the pay.
LORENE SILVA (diner owner): A lot of conversation
goes on, this is not a quiet diner. If you come in here, Norman Rockwell’s diner scenes
expect noise!
JIM. MALLOY (patron): We talk about politics, we
1 On renverra les élèves à la fiche How to describe a
talk about sports mostly, golf, especially golf, and
picture page 317 et on veillera à réactiver
just everybody’s business.
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 16
l’expression des hypothèses et de la supposition. On
verra que dans les deux cas, la scène peinte se situe “Tom’s Diner”: How the song was created
dans un diner.
2 In both paintings, the atmosphere looks relaxed Video 5 script: Tom’s Diner / The Story Behind
and the protagonists seem happy. The Soda Jerk The Song
shows a young boy obviously chatting up one of the Top 2000 a gogo, 23 July 2020
teenage girls while a middle-aged man in the The melody occurred to me as I was walking down
distance keeps an eye on the small party. The Broadway, and when I wrote it, I was thinking of
Runaway shows that the boy (the would-be French New Wave films, Truffaut , (sings) ta ta ta ta
“runaway”) is being taken care of by a reassuring ta tata ta, sort of kind of like a jaunty little tune that
figure of authority and protection and a benignant might be out of, out of tune that you might hear at
mature waiter. a bar. But I didn’t have any money and I didn’t know
any piano players. So I thought, why not be – it was
Compléments : the era of punk rock and New Wave so I thought,
Un troisième tableau de Rockwell pourrait être let’s be really weird and just do it a capella.
proposé en complément : After the Prom, peint en (sings)
1957. On y retrouvera, toujours sur les tabourets I found to my surprise that it really worked, when I
d’un diner, le principe d’un trio central, avec deux sang it live, that everyone would stop talking and so
personnages en interaction sous le regard it became either the way to end a show or the way
bienveillant d’un troisième. Le tableau pourra être to begin a show, because I could instantly get
utilisé en complément de The Runaway et The Soda everyone’s attention. [1:’59]
Jerk pour un éventuel troisième groupe d’élèves au This song is based on several mornings in Tom’s
début de l’étude (question 1 étendue à 3 groupes) Restaurant on 112th Street in Broadway. It was one
ou pour un travail de transfert en tâche of the few places that was open all night, so if you
intermédiaire dans la séquence. were studying and you needed coffee you could
come here.
Page 140 For a while the song was even called Tom’s
restaurant and then I called it “diner” because it just
sounds so much better.
“Tom’s Diner”, Suzanne Vega, 1987 Now my name is in the menu, my name is in the
menu of Tom’s Diner but they’ve misspelled my
1 The persona could be a man or a woman. The name. That’s my – that’s my glory that I got. [2:’30]
scene takes place in a diner on a rainy day (in the
The idea behind the whole song is – you know, some
morning). The persona is having a coffee
people say, oh it’s a song about breakfast or some
(breakfast?) by the window while waiting for his/her
people say it’s a song about nothing. But it’s really a
song about a person who is alienated from
2 The persona sounds melancholic/wistful,
everyone, alienated from the man behind the
especially at the end of the song when he/she counter, alienated from the woman who doesn’t
conjures up memories of a “midnight picnic”, of a really see him…
partner’s voice and of things that happened “before So the final straw was kind of this newspaper article
the rain began”. The place seems somehow to (sings) I open up the paper there’s a story of an actor
mirror the mood of the persona: no one seems to be who had died while he was drinking it was no one I
paying much attention to him/her. had heard of.
3 It is a very ordinary, almost mundane everyday Er, he was a very famous actor. He died while he was
situation. The diner is portrayed as a familiar place drinking as it says in the song, a tragic end to a
where you can spend time while waiting for a train somewhat tragic life. So in a way, it sort of kind of
or waiting for things to happen yet nothing grounds the whole thing in a reality.
particular happens … (sings) Oh this rain it will continue though the
La citation de Suzanne Vega vue dans la deuxième morning as I’m listening to the bells of the
étape de la séquence (page 138) pourra être cathedral…
soumise aux élèves à nouveau à ce stade : la scène
de la chanson peut en effet être considérée comme
une illustration de cette affirmation.
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 17
1 Vega was a young singer when she wrote this
song. It began as something very simple. What she
first planned to compose was a light piece reflecting
the mood and tone in French New Wave films.
Because she did not know any musician who could
play it and because she did not have much
money/for want of money, she gave up and decided
to try an a capella song instead. The 1980s were a
time of musical experimentation so she just tried her
luck. And it worked!
2 Suzanne Vega realised that she had a hit when she
noticed the effect the song had on people in her
concerts: whenever she started signing Tom’s Diner,
people would be all ears!
3 The real-life place that inspired the song was
actually a restaurant, not a diner, but she thought it
would sound better if she used “diner” in the title.
4 The actual subject of the song is the state of mind
of a person who feels alienated from everyone,
including the people at the diner who do not seem
to really acknowledge her presence.
5 On laissera chacun donner son opinion sur le sujet,
car toute expression artistique produit des effets
différents sur les gens en fonction de ce qu’ils sont
et ce qu’ils vivent.
Final TASK
Record a short video message
Cette tâche permettra aux élèves de réinvestir les
connaissances culturelles et les savoirs langagiers
travaillés dans la séquence. Dans l’évaluation qui
sera faite, on valorisera la capacité à convaincre,
appuyée sur une argumentation solide.
Unit 6 “English-speaking communities: can you have your cake and eat it?” 18
Page 142
Écosse amènera les élèves à considérer les notions
UNIT 7 de souveraineté et de citoyenneté, de
représentation politique et d’identité. Ils
“From dependency to percevront à quel point le passé est indissociable du
autonomy: changing présent et pourront prendre conscience que la
représentation et les droits politiques des citoyens
relationships ne sont pas des acquis immuables, mais se font et
” se défont dans des tensions et des évolutions (ou
régressions) permanentes. Ils entameront une
THÉMATIQUE 1 : FAIRE SOCIÉTÉ réflexion sur la représentativité politique au
AXE D’ÉTUDE 2 : LIBERTÉS PUBLIQUES ET LIBERTÉS Royaume-Uni, et plus largement au sein de l’Union
INDIVIDUELLES européenne et il leur sera rappelé que les
institutions sont au service du peuple et non
L’UNIT 7 touche au thème de la colonisation qui l’inverse. L’objectif est d’appréhender l’idée que les
fonde en grande partie le monde anglophone. Nous questions identitaires sont à la fois une
avons choisi de nous focaliser sur différentes considération individuelle et collective et que les
situations qui révèlent les tensions entre le passé frustrations ressenties par une partie de la
colonial et le présent. La diversité géographique et population écossaise sont à la fois propres à leur
thématique des sujets à l’étude atteste de la histoire et transposables dans d’autres contextes.
puissance et de l’influence de l’Empire britannique En somme, cette brick met en avant les valeurs
dans un passé pas si lointain. Ainsi le mouvement démocratiques et républicaines et ambitionne de
pour l’indépendance écossaise peut-il être relié au demander aux élèves, en tant que citoyens, de
constat d’une perte des libertés publiques et mener une réflexion approfondie sur le sujet de la
individuelles à Hong Kong ou encore à la question représentativité.
du sort des artefacts rapportés d’anciennes colonies
et figurant toujours dans les musées européens, en
particulier britanniques. Dans son ensemble, l’unité Extrait du B.O.
souligne les liens immuables entre le passé et le « Pour les démocraties libérales contemporaines, le
présent, mais aussi toute la difficulté à respecter et respect des droits fondamentaux est impératif :
faire respecter des droits fondamentaux tandis liberté de conscience, de pensée, d’expression,
qu’évoluent les relations entre anciens dominants d’association, etc. [...] Historiquement, l’intégrité
et dominés. de certaines populations sur le territoire national
n’a pas toujours été respectée et le rassemblement
Page 143 de populations diverses au sein de fédérations
(Afrique du Sud, Australie, Canada, États-Unis, Inde,
Malaisie, Nigeria, Pakistan, etc.) ou d’unions
Will Brexit Lead to (Royaume-Uni), n’a pas toujours été consenti. [...]
Des revendications identitaires ont pu mener au
Scoxit? séparatisme au sein d’une fédération (Québec au
Canada) ou à la création de nouvelles institutions
La brick 21 s’intéresse à la notion de (processus de dévolution au Pays de Galles, en
souveraineté, de représentation politique et Irlande du Nord et en Écosse) pouvant aller jusqu’à
d’identité pour le cas particulier que représente la demande de l’organisation d’un référendum
l’Écosse. Si le sujet du Brexit semble un d’autodétermination. [...]
incontournable dans un enseignement intitulé Les revendications identitaires : étude du sentiment
« Anglais Monde Contemporain », la richesse de la d’appartenance à une région ou une nation ;
question écossaise correspond particulièrement mouvements séparatistes (création de partis
bien à l’ambition affichée du programme. L’Écosse politiques dits « nationalistes ») ; exemple des
est le plus grand pays de l’Union après l’Angleterre, référendums d’autodétermination séparatistes
et la question d’un retour à l’indépendance reste (Écosse au Royaume-Uni, Québec au Canada) et non
(plus ou moins) sous-jacente dans l’esprit écossais séparatistes (Irlande du Nord ; territoires
depuis la création de l’Union en 1707. Bien que ce britanniques des Malouines, Gibraltar, etc.). »
nationalisme ait un caractère moins frondeur que,
par exemple, les mouvements irlandais, l’Écosse
demeure moins conformiste que le Pays de Galles
vis-à-vis de l’Union. Ainsi, étudier la situation en
Page 143
Recent referendums in Scotland and
Selon les classes et si nécessaire, l'enseignant L’étude des cartes électorales est une opportunité
pourra ouvrir la séquence avec un préambule sur la pour les élèves de nuancer leur compréhension du
dévolution. Le site web du gouvernement écossais Brexit, mais aussi de réfléchir sur la division des
propose une vidéo claire et compréhensible sur le pouvoirs au Royaume-Uni. Ainsi, ils seront mieux à
sujet même de saisir les revendications des Écossais et,
(https://www.deliveringforscotland.gov.uk). Voir dans une moindre mesure, des autres pays de
également le Zoom in p. 333. l’Union.
Video 1 script: “Two different political cultures”: Document riche, mais relativement difficile à suivre.
A divided Scotland braces for Brexit Il comprend de nombreux interlocuteurs, certains
France 24, January 2020 parlent vite et l’accent est parfois très prononcé. De
FEMALE JOURNALIST: It’s not only world-famous, plus, le contenu et le vocabulaire sont plutôt
whiskey is Scotland’s second-largest export, worth complexes. Cependant, les informations à recueillir
5 billion euros a year and employing some 40,000 restent assez simples et devraient être à la portée
people throughout the UK. Producers are still des élèves, surtout lors d’un travail de groupe.
worried about what kind of trade deal Britain will
reach with Europe, a large export market. 1 Accepter toute réponse convenable.
ROB (Scottish distiller): Brexit is, er, got a lot of 2 Prise de notes.
uncertainty to it still, there may be additional cost 3 Whiskey and tourism. They have been negatively
in terms of customs checks or forms to fill out and affected by Brexit. Europe is a large export market
file etc. And potentially with tariffs. And, you know, for whiskey and they are worried about extra costs
that impacts one’s pricing, and ultimately what and extra paperwork which could drive up prices.
consumers pay. Tourism is down (30%) and Scotland is worried that
FEMALE JOURNALIST: Rob runs guided tours of his it will lose European tourists.
boutique distillery in Edinburgh. Tourism is another 4 Scottish people want another vote on Brexit and
major part of the Scottish economy. And, in 2019, on Scottish independence. They are worried about
1 Scotland got a devolved government in 1999 and Alyn Smith speech in EU Parliament
since devolution more and more Scottish people
have been asking for/about Scottish independence Video 2 script: Leave a light on
and leaving the UK/Union. Brexit has caused even Alyn Smith YouTube channel, Plenary 27 March
more people to want an independent Scotland. 2019
2 The EU is more open to an independent Scotland President, thank you.
joining the EU now than it was in 2014. Before Good morning colleagues.
Brexit, the EU supported the UK remaining together What a sad place we’re in on Brexit. What a tragedy.
because it was better for European stability. Now So many issues we should be working on together,
that the UK has voted to leave the EU, the EU cares utterly distracted by a self-inflicted disaster.
less about unity in the UK. Before Brexit, if Scotland Entirely, because the UK, still, even now at this last
became independent it would have been necessary hour, hasn’t made a decision on what it actually
to leave the EU before rejoining it (if it could). Now, wants.
if Scotland became independent, the EU would gain Mrs. May triggered article fifty without a plan and
a member country instead of losing one. they still cannot find consensus. We see MP’s today
3 It would still be difficult for Scotland to rejoin the at Westminster, finally trying to reach a settled
EU. Since England has left the EU, if Scotland were view, good, welcome to the party!
to become independent it would share a border with In the Scottish Parliament we’re debating, revoking
a country not in the EU (England). Therefore, there article fifty, because from a Scottish perspective,
would need to be a border between Scotland and and every single party in Scotland, except the
England, difficult to put in place. Furthermore, Conservatives, are united around the view that the
Scotland would need to significantly lower its best Brexit is no Brexit.
budget deficit (from 7% to 3%) to rejoin the EU. So colleagues, please, don’t close the doors on us
now. There are a lot of us in Scotland and elsewhere
across the UK working hard to turn this round, to
serve our citizens, to remain within this family of
Since and the Present Perfect nations. But in what might be my last speech in this
place after fifteen years serving our European
En anticipation, l’enseignant pourra demander aux Ce tweet clôture le discours de Smith et apporte la
élèves de lire le titre du document et de regarder réponse de l’UE à sa sollicitation.
l’image afin d’émettre des hypothèses sur le 1 I can see a building in Brussels with the words
contenu. Dans ce document, modèle pour la Final “Scotland and Europe” written in neon lights in the
task, la forme est tout aussi importante que le form of a crossword. The shared letter “o” has been
contenu et permet aux élèves d’acquérir des replaced by a heart.
compétences stylistiques et méthodologiques utiles 2 Alyn Smith asked the EU “to leave a light on for
à la fois pour la tâche finale et aussi pour le Grand Scotland” and it seems the EU did listen to Smith.
Oral. Although Smith was speaking metaphorically, the
EU Commission literally left a light on for Scotland
1 Alyn Smith’s attitude towards Brexit and the UK is on its building. It is a message of support and hope
very negative. He calls Brexit “a tragedy” and a for the Scottish people.
“self-inflicted disaster”. He says “the best Brexit is no 3 I don’t think the UK government will be happy
Brexit”. He says English politicians don’t know what about this. They want Scotland to remain in the
they want and can’t even agree with each other – Union, especially given that they’ve just left the EU
“they still cannot find consensus”. and they will consider that the EU is supporting
2 He is far more respectful to the European Scotland’s desire to leave the UK and thus
Parliament. He addresses them in French and calls interfering in the UK’s business - the exact thing they
them “chers collègues”, which is a sign of respect wanted to escape when they voted to leave the EU!
and association. He wants to remind them that he is
one of them, that he has worked with them and that
they are “a family of nations”. He reminds the L’entretien avec Donald Tusk est utile si l’on
European Parliament of their values of souhaite creuser la réflexion sur l’Écosse et l’UE.
“international solidarity” and “freedom of
movement”. He wants them to support Scottish Page 147
independence and to help Scotland become
independent by allowing them to return to the EU.
3 Alyn Smith is a very convincing speaker. He speaks THE UNION POST-BREXIT: THE DISUNITED
clearly and rhythmically. He speeds up to gain KINGDOM?
momentum and then he slows down to punctuate
words he wants to emphasise. For example,
“revoking article 50”. Or “The best Brexit, is no What is the Internal Market Bill, how
Brexit”. He pauses at key moments and he uses does it break the law?
humour and sarcasm to make his point. “Good,
Group B
1842: Hong Kong Island becomes a British colony What’s the real deal with Hong Kong?
(after the 1st Opium War).
1860: Kowloon Peninsula also becomes a British L’objectif principal de ce document modélisant (voir
colony (after the 2nd Opium War). Final task) est d’aller au-delà d’une simple
1898: The New Territories were leased/rented to the description des faits pour apporter de la nuance et
British (for free) for 99 years. un début de réponse critique sur la situation du
1980’s: China asks/demands Britain to return Hong pays. Il permet aussi de débuter une réflexion sur la
Kong (to their control). nature des documents et la question de la
1997: Hong Kong returns to Chinese control. subjectivité. S’il le souhaite, l’enseignant pourra
Pages 156-157
Preserving or Keeping
Final TASK
En quoi la lutte contre la discrimination physique
Write a short script and record your TV spot liée aux cheveux aide-t-elle les Noirs américains à
Cette tâche finale allie expression écrite et retrouver la fierté de leur identité ethnique ?
expression orale en continu. Elle permet de How can fighting hair discrimination help Black
reprendre ce qui a été vu dans la séquence, de people in America regain pride in their ethnic
personnaliser le message, en étoffant les identity?
connaissances et acquisitions grâce aux
recherches personnelles ainsi qu’à la tâche La Final task permettra de mesurer la maîtrise des
intermédiaire, mais aussi la présentation contenus de la séquence à travers l’écriture d’une
visuelle. La mise en voix sera une étape lettre qui devra être convaincante. Les élèves
importante de cette tâche pour convaincre pourront s’aider de la fiche de la page 322.
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
1 Deeply rooted hair bias: la puissance des
stéréotypes liés aux choix capillaires des membres
de la communauté afro-américaine.
Dans la perspective du dossier personnel et du 2 Inspiration for better hair days: les modèles
Grand Oral, les pistes proposées ici encouragent les positifs.
élèves à approfondir leurs connaissances sur les 3 Heading for laws at last: les victoires
différents points développés dans cette brick. progressivement enregistrées.
Page 181
Page 181
Hair Matters
Hair discrimination
La brick 27 propose une entrée originale (mais pas
tirée par les cheveux !) pour un sujet pleinement 1 Cette première question sera traitée
inscrit dans le programme. À travers des supports individuellement. Certains commentaires à forte
divers, présentant des situations et des personnes charge implicite (“Where are you from ?”, “Is that
réelles ou des personnages fictifs, elle montre le your natural hair?”…) seront difficiles à classer : des
rôle social ou même politique que peut jouer un catégorisations différentes interviendront sans
élément aussi ordinaire que la coiffure. On touche doute et enrichiront les échanges.
ici au rôle des pouvoirs publics tout autant qu’à celui 2 et 3 On saisira ici l’opportunité de faire réviser
des actions engagées dans le quotidien d’une d’une part le vocabulaire de la description physique
profession, on parle de situations subies, mais aussi, (enrichi du lexique de la boite Useful vocabulary) et
et surtout, de militantisme destiné à lutter contre d’autre part l’expression de la comparaison et du
les inégalités pour enfin « faire société ». contraste.
4 Quite obviously/clearly, the girl has to face
Extrait du B.O. discrimination unless she straightens her hair,
Page 187
Final TASK
Write a letter
Cette tâche finale écrite (qui pourra être facilitée
par la consultation de la fiche méthode de la page
322) permettra de mesurer les acquisitions de la
séquence en matière de forme et de contenu.
Opposing perspectives
Mass tourism ruins the places it loves - 1 People choose their travel destination by looking
Letters at social networks.
2 By highlighting certain destinations, social media
1 This document is a letter from a reader of The are causing a significant increase in tourist numbers.
Guardian, a British daily, and was published in 3 Among the destinations that have to manage a
August 2017. massive influx of tourists are Norway’s Trolltunga
2 Michael Gold considers that what makes a viewpoint, Vienna and the USA.
destination popular today is ‘‘access, access, 4 By promoting certain regions, influencers
access’’, referring to means of transport (‘‘flights’’), contribute to attracting visitors and creating jobs for
affordable tickets (“low-cost’’) and unlimited food, the locals.
drinks and services included in the price. 5 While the journalist is rather optimistic in terms of
3 Michael Gold is very critical of these all-inclusive economic and employment opportunities, he is also
packages designed by the large resorts which stifle cautious about the repercussions of the growing
the local economy not to mention the total absence number of visitors that these destinations will have
of personal experience. to manage alone.
4 Réponses des élèves.
5 The words denounce the devastating effects of Training TASK
mass tourism on real estate, threatening housing Debate
affordability. The red colour and the drips that look La tâche intermédiaire, proposée sous forme de
like drops of blood at the bottom of the placard débat, permet aux élèves de reprendre et de
emphasise the criminal dimension of property compléter les différents arguments et idées
speculation that jeopardises the right of citizens to développés dans les deux premières parties pour
affordable housing. répondre à la question que leur pose Simon
McGregor-Wood. On réservera le point de vue ‘‘no
/ I don’t think so’’, plus difficile à défendre, pour
Instagram Tourism les élèves les plus à l’aise.
Page 202
Tourism’s shrouded costs
Final TASK
Write an email
La tâche finale, une production écrite, permettra
de vérifier les acquisitions de la séquence. Il
s’agira, d’une part, de mobiliser les raisons pour
lesquelles l’auteur du courriel décide de quitter les
États-Unis, et, d’autre part, celles qui l’attirent au
Ghana. Il pourra être intéressant de faire nuancer
les propos de l’auteur en prenant en compte les
inconvénients rencontrés par les personnes
choisissant de s’installer au Ghana.
En quoi la préservation des territoires est-elle un
THÉMATIQUE 2 : ENVIRONNEMENT EN MUTATION facteur intrinsèque et nécessaire à nos efforts de
protection de l’environnement ?
Why is the preservation of territories an intrinsic
and necessary factor in our efforts to protect the
Patrimoine commun et capital pour l’avenir, il ne
fait plus aucun doute que la nature doit être
La Final task permettra aux élèves d’exprimer
respectée et protégée. Si nous la chérissons, notre
oralement leur intérêt pour un site naturel de leur
Terre nous procure eau et nourriture, nous fournit
choix, de réfléchir aux problèmes auxquels notre
énergie et matériaux pour nous loger, contribue à la
prospérité de notre économie. Les écosystèmes planète se trouve aujourd’hui confrontée et de
réagir en imaginant des solutions.
sont également des alliés incontournables de la
lutte contre les dérèglements climatiques. Pour
La brick est structurée en trois parties :
toutes ces raisons, il est urgent de placer la
protection de l’environnement au cœur de nos 1 Leave it as it is: la sauvegarde du patrimoine
naturel est-elle un devoir ?
politiques pour relever ce défi de taille que
2 Time for ambitious action: la Grande Muraille
représente le changement climatique. La
verte, projet phare de l’Union Africaine, est-elle la
reconquête de la biodiversité et des milieux
solution pour lutter contre les effets du
naturels est donc devenue un enjeu planétaire qui
changement climatique ?
mobilise hommes et femmes au-delà des frontières.
3 Listen to the land (and to its people) : quelles
conséquences pour les peuples autochtones ? À
Page 210 quels dilemmes sont-ils confrontés ? Quelles idées
défendent-ils ?
« Trop c’est trop ! » Face à l’inaction ou à - « elle a vivement reproché aux politiciens de
l’impuissance des Etats ou institutions politiques, compter sur les jeunes pour… »
certains citoyens ont décidé de prendre les choses - « Greta Thunberg a accusé les puissances
en main. Ils remettent en question, dénoncent, mondiales de tenter constamment de négocier des
accusent, combattent, luttent, exhortent, inventent échappatoires. »
et proposent des solutions. Ces initiatives qui se - « La militante a réagi en modifiant provisoirement
veulent d’abord citoyennes, peuvent-elles changer sa biographie sur Twitter. »
la donne ? - « pour éviter de porter leur ambition. »
Training TASK
Greta Thunberg named Time Person of Choose your “Time magazine’s
the Year for 2019 Person of the Year”
Il s’agit ici de mettre en lumière un défenseur ou
1 • Greta Thunberg (born January 3, 2003, une défenseuse de l’environnement en
Stockholm, Sweden), Swedish environmental présentant ses qualités, ses idées et ses actions.
activist who worked to address the problem of - Si les élèves manquent d’idées, ils pourront
climate change, founding (2018) a movement chercher un « champion » sur Internet ou utiliser
known as Fridays for Future (also called School le Build up your file de la brick 8 p. 67.
Strike for Climate). - On pourra les encourager à reproduire la page
• She denounces people (especially world leaders) de couverture de Time (il existe des modèles sur
for their lack of action to combat global warming. Internet). Ils pourront également utiliser un site
• Her message = she will keep fighting for climate tel que Canva pour créer la couverture et l’article.
and she will keep denouncing those who do nothing
to tackle this issue. Page 229
2 Because she:
• “sparked a worldwide movement”, “she has
become a strong voice for action on climate change, An earthshot prize
inspiring millions of students to join protests around
the world.” Video 2 script: The Earthshot Prize
• “became the biggest voice on the biggest issue Earthshot Prize, 31 December 2019
facing the planet this year, coming from essentially DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: Ours is a world of wonder.
nowhere to lead a worldwide movement.” Every day, it reminds us of its beauty. It touches us,
• dared to defy her government with her school teaches us and astounds us. But it also warns us that
strikes. what we throw away does not go away. That higher
• is well-known and admired for her bold public temperatures mean a lot more than longer
stances against politicians. summers. That we can no longer take life, as we
• is young and determined. know it, for granted. We are at a unique stage in our
Final TASK
Be a climate change champion!
Write a letter to save the planet
Cette dernière activité permet aux élèves de
réinvestir leurs connaissances et de mesurer leurs
acquis pour ce qui est de la production écrite.
• Dans un premier temps, ils pourront aller lire la
lettre de Greta Thunberg et donner leur avis
(suggestion de questions pour les guider dans ce
travail : What is the writers’ opinion about the world
leaders? How do the young activists feel? Pick out
the words that convey a strong emotional pull;
which word is repeated many times (and could be
stressed if this letter was being read aloud)? Are
there any other repetitions? What effect is created?
What is their intention with this initiative? Do you
agree with this letter? Would you sign it? Why (not)?
• Dans un deuxième temps ils produiront leur
propre lettre ou pétition. Il faudra les encourager à
identifier leur objectif, à exprimer clairement leurs
arguments, à utiliser plusieurs figures de rhétorique
pour convaincre.
Awarding Power:
Oxbridge: the big two
British Universities
Video 1 script: What should Cambridge do next?
La brick 38 s’articule autour du rapport entre Cambridge University, 19 November 2018
éducation et pouvoir. Éduquer c’est donner du Text on screen: What does Cambridge mean to
pouvoir comme l’a souligné Nelson Mandela you?
(“Education is the most powerful weapon you can CLARE BALDING: Dear Cambridge, thank you for
use to change the world”). Au Royaume-Uni les deux giving me time and space to think, thank for
prestigieuses universités Oxford et Cambridge sont energising my mind by surrounding me with bright
emblématiques d’une puissance historique : un and brilliant people.
rêve pour les étudiants, un enseignement et une SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: When I went to
recherche de pointe de renommée internationale Cambridge, I listened to lectures describing to me
qui façonnent l’identité du pays. how many frogs there were, how many birds there
were, and it was astonishing.
Extrait du B.O. RAGHD ROSTOM: Cambridge makes people grow
« La conduite des grands acteurs mondiaux du and challenges them in a way like no other place I
monde anglophone n’est pas seulement dictée par can imagine.
leur puissance effective et leurs intérêts actuels. Elle EASHWAR KRISHNAN: I really felt like I won the
peut également être influencée par des lottery when I was admitted because I think it
représentations parfois en décalage avec la réalité. opened up just a set of opportunities, frankly life
En particulier, le Royaume-Uni comme les États- outcomes that would have been otherwise
Unis ont été ou sont confrontés à la nécessité de completely inaccessible to me.
redéfinir leur place dans un monde désormais DR JOHN GURDON: Cambridge is an amazing
multipolaire. Cette redéfinition s’établit dans une environment in which there are people
négociation avec des représentations héritées du knowledgeable in all kinds of areas and skillful in all
passé. » kinds of techniques.
DR SHAILAJA FENNELL: Cambridge provides me the
PROBLÉMATIQUE opportunity to work with the brightest and the best.
Comment les universités du Royaume-Uni As a teacher it allows me to engage with young
façonnent-elles l’identité politique, culturelle et people, with agile minds and yet with the ability to
sociale du pays ? dig deep.
How are UK universities shaping the country’s AMAR SHAH: Cambridge is quite small and the
political, cultural and social identity? density of great minds is so high.
Final TASK
How Brexit will Intensify the Obstacles Present a recap of interviews
Faced by BAME Students at Elite Universities La tâche finale permettra de mesurer les
acquisitions par le biais d’une présentation orale. Ce
1 The text focuses on the contrast between the elite compte-rendu d’interviews permettra de couvrir les
and BAME students. différents enjeux et contraintes liés à
l’enseignement supérieur au Royaume-Uni. Chaque
2 Oxford and Cambridge implement a discrimination
interview pourra cibler un aspect étudié dans la
3 Oxford and Cambridge are for a White elite.
4 There is an attainment gap between White and
BAME students: students from ethnic minorities
have more difficulties achieving success and Pour constituer le dossier personnel attendu à
graduating. First because their background does not l’examen et/ou pour préparer l’une des questions à
make them prone to success and second because soumettre au jury du Grand Oral, les élèves
they have to work to meet their financial needs, trouveront dans ces documents matière à étoffer la
which prevents them from fully focusing on their particularité des universités britanniques et du
studies. pouvoir qu’elles exercent sur le pays et à
5 Because they do not achieve academic success, the l’international.
minorities suffer from socio-economic
Page 266
6 With Brexit, the ethnic diversity will be further
diminished. Applications from EU will be more
difficult and Black British students will find it harder
to fund their studies as Brexit will impact Black
households more than any others. Moreover, the The Five Eyes are
rise in hate crimes since Brexit indicates that a part Watching You!
of British society is not ready for such diversity and
BAME students might not be welcomed in Oxbridge. La brick 39 s’intéresse à l’alliance des Five Eyes,
7 The journalist thinks Britain sticks to long- encore méconnue du grand public, mais d’une
standing, historical and die-hard habits which do influence capitale dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. De
not correspond to his idea of a modern society. quand date cette coopération ? Quels sont les pays
membres de cette alliance ? Quels en sont les
Page 270
This / these
In sentences 1.a. and 2.a., “this” and “these” are Five Eyes spy group again demands
determiners. access to private messages
In sentences 1.b. and 2.b., “this” and “these” are
pronouns. 1 This article, written by Alex Scroxton and published
“This” is singular whereas “these” is plural. in October 2020, is taken from the technology news
website Computer Weekly.
Page 269 2 The Five Eyes contend that it is the responsibility
of technology companies to provide access to
private messages to law enforcement authorities in
Le Present Perfect avec “since” order to protect citizens. Since end-to-end
• « Cet arrangement est à la fois resté fidèle à ses encryption prevents access to the content of these
racines et a considérablement évolué depuis lors. » communications, they argue that it threatens public
« Depuis les années 1960, les services armés safety.
entretiennent une relation étroite… » 3 Ray Walsh refers to their argument as “a public
• Since se traduit par « depuis ». relations exercise”, a derogatory phrase denouncing
Le present perfect associé à since se traduit par le the Fives Eyes’ hypocritical and paradoxical stance
présent en français. on the issue. Indeed, they plead for full, unbreakable
encryption for the general public while requiring
tech companies to provide built-in backdoors for
Silent letters increased surveillance of citizens.
• 1. should / talk / would / could 4 Ray Walsh advocates end-to-end encryption as the
2. through / straightforward / might / highest only communication system that does not infringe
• known (l. 16) / interests (GB) (l. 58) / sign (l. 62) on citizens’ rights.
5 All jobs dealing with sensitive data, subject to
ENCRYPTION: A BONE OF CONTENTION professional confidentiality in the fields of
journalism, justice or medicine for example.
Conclusion: end-to-end encryption is crucial to
guarantee people’s rights in a democracy.
The “Five Eyes” Still Can’t See Straight À lire pour approfondir le sujet (Australia: in
on Encryption December 2018, this country introduced encryption-
busting laws):
1 The Five Eyes’ leitmotif in the field of technology https://www.itnews.com.au/news/law-
has recently been to call for encryption backdoors. enforcement-used-encryption-busting-laws-11-
2 They argue that end-to-end data encryption poses times-last-year-562381
a serious risk to public safety by preventing law
Climate Refugees and La Final task permettra aux élèves de réutiliser leurs
connaissances linguistiques et culturelles dans une
the Migration Crisis activité d’interaction visant la spontanéité et
l’aisance dans la prise de parole (objectif privilégié
La brick 40 aborde le changement climatique qui dans la LLCER). Afin d’atteindre cet objectif
est un des enjeux majeurs du XXIe siècle, si ce n’est ambitieux, il conviendra de privilégier,
le plus important. Souvent traité sous l’axe ponctuellement, l’originalité du contenu par
écologique, nous proposons ici de le considérer rapport au fond (on acceptera un simple
sous l’angle géopolitique en lien avec la question de réinvestissement des connaissances acquises lors
la migration et des droits de l’homme. Bien que le de la séquence, plutôt que de demander des
lien entre le changement climatique et la migration recherches supplémentaires et des
des peuples soit désormais immuable, les subtilités approfondissements personnels).
de cette relation ainsi que les solutions pour y faire
face sont moins faciles à saisir. Il suffit de considérer
les chiffres des mouvements migratoires publiés La brick est structurée en trois parties :
dans un rapport de la Banque mondiale pour 1 Who or what are climate refugees?: permet de
comprendre que ce sujet a toute sa place dans la saisir les enjeux et la complexité du problème,
thématique « relation au monde » et l’axe mettant l’accent sur les difficultés de définition qui
« rivalités et interdépendances ». Le problème des rendent la question particulièrement épineuse.
migrations croissantes représente une menace 2 A case in point: the Sahel: est une étude de cas
conséquente pour les droits de l’homme, mais aussi permettant de confirmer et approfondir les
pour l’ordre libéral dont le monde anglophone est connaissances acquises dans la première partie.
un des fondateurs et acteurs de premier plan. Si cet 3 Fortress Europe?: propose des articles critiquant
ordre mondial est dominant aujourd’hui, il est aussi la politique migratoire et proposant des stratégies
menacé. Il appartient donc aux leaders de réfléchir alternatives.
à la manière de répondre à ce problème.
Page 280
Peril in the Desert: Irregular Migration
through the Sahel (Part 2)
Training TASK
Page 281
Freezing Cold War
La brick 41 permet de poser une question
brûlante d’actualité sur les changements qui
s’opèrent en Arctique et l’évolution des rapports All Eyes on the Arctic
entre les grandes puissances mondiales. Nous avons
opté pour une approche très ouverte en articulant 1 The drawing represents submarines displaying
la brick autour de documents provenant de sources their country’s flags surfacing in the melting sea
très variées (document officiel du Pentagone, floe. The Russian and Chinese vessels are freely
articles de presse grand public et politique, études navigating in the open sea while the American one
spécialisées) tous validés par l’IRIS pour permettre is just breaking the ice.
aux élèves de comprendre les enjeux multiples liés 2 As the Arctic ice melts, the landscape is changing
à cette région. La question mettra en évidence
and opens up new spaces where powerful, former
l’importance du rôle des États-Unis, mais aussi du
enemy nations must share or compete for.
monde anglophone en général et de son implication
au sein de l’OTAN.
Final TASK
Make a video report
Permet de mesurer les acquisitions faites grâce à la
“English as a Unifying
Factor? The Legacy of English
La brick 43 attire l’attention sur le rôle de la
THÉMATIQUE 3 : RELATION AU MONDE langue anglaise dans le monde africain anglophone
AXE D’ÉTUDE 3 : HÉRITAGE COMMUN ET DIVERSITÉ contemporain. Héritage irréfutable d’une
domination culturelle et, souvent, d’un colonialisme
L’UNIT 14 s’intéresse à la réception, dans la douloureusement vécu, l’anglais suscite des
sphère anglophone contemporaine, d’un héritage réactions diverses, parfois ambivalentes parce que
linguistico-culturel très lourd de la période c’est à la fois une lingua franca incontestable, utile
coloniale. C’est à travers la focale de la langue et des non seulement localement pour se comprendre
modes de communication que le sujet est abordé. d’un village à un autre, mais aussi pour pouvoir
La brick 43 invite les élèves à s’interroger sur la intervenir dans le concert international, et une
façon dont l’anglais permet à des pays africains de preuve persistante de l’impact indélébile de la
s’ouvrir et de prendre part à tout ce qui se joue colonisation britannique, la langue de l’ancien
(culturellement, politiquement et oppresseur.
économiquement en particulier) sur le plan Les tweets proposés en fin de brick (p. 299)
international tout en suscitant des sentiments de évoquent précisément le « sujet qui fâche » (on n’a
frustration ou d’amertume chez ceux qui pas choisi par qui être colonisé), mais aussi la fierté
continuent d’y voir une trace indélébile de la d’un pays qui s’est construit sur un héritage
violence coloniale. récupéré positivement et enfin la volonté de
La brick 44 offre l’opportunité d’étudier d’un peu compter dans le monde à l’avenir.
plus près qu’on ne le fait habituellement le statut de L’objet d’étude retenu permet de parler de pays
l’anglais dans le monde contemporain, en qu’on évoque rarement encore en cours d’anglais et
cherchant les raisons de sa progression historique de le faire de façon positive en mentionnant des
vers une quasi-hégémonie, mais aussi en prenant écrivains et une réalisatrice reconnus au niveau
conscience de la diversité que dissimule le terme international.
“English” et en s’interrogeant pour finir sur son
avenir tandis qu’il est de plus en plus impacté par Extrait du B.O.
les évolutions technologiques et les manipulations « Le monde anglophone est plural, non seulement
que les jeunes générations lui font supporter. parce que les pays qui le composent se distinguent
Dans la logique des deux autres bricks, mais d’une les uns des autres, mais encore parce qu’ils sont, en
manière qui permet un traitement indépendant leur sein même, divers – qu’il s’agisse de
(comme dans les autres unités, le professeur pourra géographie, de population, d’organisation de la vie
choisir de ne traiter que l’une des trois bricks), la publique, de religion, ou de culture. Le monde
brick 45 propose aux élèves de réfléchir à une autre anglophone a été le premier, ou parmi les premiers
forme de langage, celle qui passe par une à l’époque moderne, confronté à la problématique
communication non verbale. À ceux qui de l’unité dans la diversité. Au temps de l’expansion
s’étonneraient du choix de ce sujet, qui semble coloniale anglaise, puis britannique, la Couronne et
exclure le travail sur la langue anglaise per se, nous le Parlement organisaient cette diversité, avec
rappelons que le langage non verbal est tout aussi l’appui de la force si nécessaire. Aujourd’hui, l’unité
culturellement déterminé que la langue parlée ou revêt plus communément une forme immatérielle,
écrite. C’est bien l’objet de cette séquence finale et la diversité, omniprésente, continue de jeter
que de permettre une réflexion sur le sujet. Il quelques grands défis, notamment en matière
pourra être intéressant, au demeurant, d’exploiter d’équilibre dans des relations sur lesquelles plane
le travail sur cette brick dans le cadre de la encore parfois, dans les représentations, les
préparation de l’épreuve du Grand Oral. La tâche discours sinon dans les faits, l’ombre du passé
finale y invite explicitement. colonial ou impérial. »
Objet d’étude : la langue anglaise dans le monde et
le monde anglophone. (voir p. 366)
Training TASK
Infinity Ward quietly removes OK Understanding nonverbal communication
gesture from Call of Duty Le site en question s’emploie à améliorer
l’accueil des populations en visite ou migrant sur
1 The OK sign was “quietly removed” from a video le territoire australien en expliquant les
différences culturelles auxquelles il faut se
game in the Summer of 2020.
préparer, aussi bien du côté des hôtes que du
2 The sign had already been removed from a game
côté des nouveaux venus. Les élèves
in 2019 after a complaint had been made by a consulteront les pages dédiées à chacun des pays
player. concernés en allant sur le site
3 Those phrases show that it was not long before the https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/countries (et en
recently-added sign was cancelled. We can suppose cliquant sur le drapeau du pays choisi). Ils
that the developers changed their minds in the pourront découvrir le fonctionnement du site par
aftermath of George Floyd’s killing because they exemple en commençant par regarder ce qui est
wanted to avoid adding fuel to the fire. dit sur la page consacrée à la France. La rubrique
« communication » sera d’un intérêt particulier.
Page 307
Page 308
English tenses
Past: “it didn’t take long” BODY LANGUAGE: STAY IN CONTROL
Present: “has removed”, “has yet to explain”, “is no
longer”, “is yet to comment”, “this isn’t the first time
the video game industry has taken action” What our body reveals
Les élèves pourront éventuellement traduire les
expressions verbales en français (voire dans une Audio 1 script: Decoding Body Language
autre langue, s’ils en maitrisent plusieurs) pour All Things Considered, NPR, 28 June 2008
mieux saisir les différences de fonctionnement des ANDREA SEABROOK (Host): It’s “All Things
diverses langues. Considered”, from NPR-News. I’m Andrea
On soulignera en particulier : Seabrook.
- le fait que le present perfect, en dépit d’une This week on “Science Out of the Box, What Our
construction morphologique proche du passé Bodies Say Without Our Permission”.
composé français, concerne la sphère du présent : For 25 years, FBI Agent Joe Navarro helped decode
notion de bilan, résultat, observable dans le the non-verbal communication of spies and other
présent ; criminals, not to mention his colleagues, his friends,
- le rôle joué par yet, dans les deux expressions qui his friends’ wives.
le contiennent, pour envisager une projection vers In a piece this week in the Washington Post,
le futur. Navarro wrote that, for him, observing human
On pourra rappeler ici que le futur n’est pas behaviour is like having software running in the
considéré comme un temps en anglais, mais background, doing its job.
Final TASK
Prepare for your “Grand Oral” exam
Cette tâche finale sera particulièrement précieuse si
la séquence intervient en fin d’année scolaire, à
l’approche de l’épreuve du Grand Oral.
Chaque élève pourra décider s’il souhaite présenter
sa vidéo à l’enseignant ou la soumettre à un
camarade pour bénéficier d’un regard extérieur sur
sa propre gestuelle.