Aurora Redux
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I posted yesterdays aurora post, feeling happy to have seen a smudgy purple haze in the sky. Little did I know that outside things were getting significantly more magical, That was, until I decided to have one last peek about an hour later to see if anything had changed... and it had.

Seeing them with eyes isn't quite as impressive as seeing them through a camera lens. To my eyes they looks like slightly purple or green bands of glowing air that slowly shift and change as you watch, like very faint glowy clouds at night. Point a camera at them though and you get something much more vibrant.
These (and many, many others) were all taken on a Pixel 4a in Night Sight. Other than cropping, scaling and exporting (and whatever the craziness the Pixel does as it renders these) there has been no editing or post processing.
I think I'm going to use these in my next theme for this site. Theme selector, here we come!