Özet: İstatistiksel bir modelin uyum iyiliği gözlenen bir veri setinin istatistiksel modele uyuml... more Özet: İstatistiksel bir modelin uyum iyiliği gözlenen bir veri setinin istatistiksel modele uyumluluğunu test eder. 'nın geliştirdikleri uyum iyiliği testleri üstel dağılım için incelenmiştir. Ayrıca bu test istatistikleri deneysel I.tip hata olasılığı ve testin gücü bakımından farklı dağılım şekilleri altında karşılaştırılmıştır.
... Statisitical analyses of the variables were done using Mann Whitney test and Wilcoxon Test ..... more ... Statisitical analyses of the variables were done using Mann Whitney test and Wilcoxon Test ... ikinci bölümde hastalarda genel memnuniyetsiz-lige sebep olan durumlarm nedenini bulgulamaya yönelik olarak fonksiyona iliskin; A. Agzimda durmuyor B. Protez altina gida kaçiyor С ...
Özet: Bu çalışmada, Bühlmann-Straub kredibilite modeli ile Karma etki modelinin özel bir hali ola... more Özet: Bu çalışmada, Bühlmann-Straub kredibilite modeli ile Karma etki modelinin özel bir hali olan tek faktör rassal etki modeli arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, Bühlmann-Straub kredibilite modeli ve tek faktör rassal etki modeli için sigortalı sayısı Poisson dağılımından, hasar tutarı ise Pareto dağılımından seçilerek hasar tutarı modellemesi yapılmış ve her iki modele ait prim tahminleri simülasyon yoluyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu iki modele ait uyum oranı dikkate alınan birçok durumda oldukça yüksek olmasına rağmen bazı durumlarda uyumun düştüğü gözlemlenmiştir.
In this study, we define the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the population mean using the inclusio... more In this study, we define the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the population mean using the inclusion probabilities of a ranked set sample in a finite population setting. The second-order inclusion probabilities that are required to calculate the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson ...
C o m m u n .Fa c .S c i.U n iv .A n k .S e rie s A 1 Vo lu m e 5 9 , N u m b e r 2 , P a g e s 1... more C o m m u n .Fa c .S c i.U n iv .A n k .S e rie s A 1 Vo lu m e 5 9 , N u m b e r 2 , P a g e s 1 5 -3 4 (2 0 1 0 ) IS S N 1 3 0 3 -5 9 9 1 Abstract. The classical F-test to compare several population means depends on the assumption of homogeneity of variance of the population and the normality. When these assumptions especially the equality of variance is dropped, the classical F-test fails to reject the null hypothesis even if the data actually provide strong evidence for it. This can be considered a serious problem in some applications, especially when the sample size is not large. To deal with this problem, a number of tests are available in the literature. In this study, the Brown-Forsythe, Weerahandi's Generalized F, Parametric Bootstrap, Scott-Smith, One-Stage, One-Stage Range, Welch and Xu-Wang's Generalized F-tests are introduced and a simulation study is performed to compare these tests according to type-1 errors and powers in di¤erent combinations of parameters and various sample sizes.
Projective geometry is used to decode and represent codes easily. Cameron [1] generated a binary ... more Projective geometry is used to decode and represent codes easily. Cameron [1] generated a binary linear code from PG(2,2). In this paper we construct a binary linear code from PG(3,2). Also we give a decoding rule for this code. A simulation study is given to compare this decoding algorithm with maximum likelihood decoding algorithm.
In this study, a stochastic process (X(t)), which describes a fuzzy inventory model of type (s, S... more In this study, a stochastic process (X(t)), which describes a fuzzy inventory model of type (s, S) is considered. Under some weak assumptions, the ergodic distribution of the process X(t) is expressed by a fuzzy renewal function U(x). Then, membership function of the fuzzy renewal function U(x) is obtained when the amount of demand has a Gamma distribution with fuzzy parameters. Finally, membership function and alpha cuts of fuzzy ergodic distribution of this process is derived by using extension principle of L. Zadeh.
Sempozyumda sunulan bildirilerin bir bölümü bilimsel hakemlik süreci sonunda bu elektronik Sempoz... more Sempozyumda sunulan bildirilerin bir bölümü bilimsel hakemlik süreci sonunda bu elektronik Sempozyum Bildirileri Kitabı"nda yayınlanmıĢtır. Sunulan bildirilerin diğer bir bölümü ise, Ġstatistik AraĢtırma Dergisi"nin bu sempozyum için planlanan özel sayısında yayınlanmak amacı ile bilimsel hakemlik sürecine tabi tutulmuĢlardır. Bizlere bu olanağı sağlayan TÜĠK BaĢkan Vekili sayın Ömer TOPRAK"a ve dergi editorü Profesör Fetih YILDIRIM ve editor yardımcısı Yardımcı Doçent Özlem ĠLK"e teĢekkür ederim. Sempozyum Bildiriler Kitabı"nda yayınlanmak üzere sunulan bildiri tam metinleri konunun uzmanı olan hakemler tarafından değerlendirilmiĢ ve gerekli düzeltmeler elektronik ortamda gerçekleĢtirilmiĢtir. Hakemlik sürecinde yardımlarını esirgemeyen değerli bilim insanlarına teĢekkür ederiz.
In this paper, we developed generalized formulas to compute the inclusion probabilities of a medi... more In this paper, we developed generalized formulas to compute the inclusion probabilities of a median ranked set sample in a …nite population setting under Level 0 and Level 2 sampling procedures given by . We also compared the inclusion probabilities of these sampling procedures with the inclusion probabilities of Level 1 given by under di¤erent population and sample sizes. c 2 0 1 0 A n ka ra U n ive rsity 9 3. All other m units are returned to the population. 4. Steps 1-3 are repeated for j = 1; 2; :::; m to obtain a sample of size m.
Sensory analysis is a scientific discipline that applies principles of experimental design to the... more Sensory analysis is a scientific discipline that applies principles of experimental design to the use of human senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing) for the purposes of evaluating consumer products. Ranking F.GÖKPINAR v.d. SAÜ Fen Edebiyat Dergisi (2010-I)
In a finite population setting, Ozdemir and Gokpinar (A Generalized formula for inclusion probabi... more In a finite population setting, Ozdemir and Gokpinar (A Generalized formula for inclusion probabilities in ranked set sampling, Hacettepe J. Math. Stat 36 (1), 89-99, 2007) obtained a generalized formula for inclusion probabilities in Ranked Set Sampling for all set sizes when the cycle size is 1. This paper extends the generalized formula for inclusion probabilities to all set and cycle sizes. We also support this formula with a numerical example.
Several methods have been developed to estimate the regression model parameters using the Least A... more Several methods have been developed to estimate the regression model parameters using the Least Absolute Values method. In this study, three methods for finding Least Absolute Values Estimates developed by , and , are compared with respect to Central Process Unit (CPU) time and the size of the determination coefficients.
Ranked set sampling is a cost efficient sampling technique when actually measuring sampling units... more Ranked set sampling is a cost efficient sampling technique when actually measuring sampling units is difficult but ranking them is relatively easy. The mean of the usual balanced ranked set sample is more efficient as an estimator of the population mean than the mean of a simple random sample. In this study, different ranked set sampling plans are considered for estimating of population mean. These estimators are theoretical compared in terms of relative efficiency under uniform, normal, exponential and weibull distribution.
This article develops a new generalized formula to compute the inclusion probabilities of a media... more This article develops a new generalized formula to compute the inclusion probabilities of a median-ranked set sample in a finite population setting. The use of this formula is illustrated in a numerical example. Furthermore, the inclusion probabilities of a median-ranked set ...
In this study, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the Liu-type (LT) biased estimator are... more In this study, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the Liu-type (LT) biased estimator are determined. A test for choosing between the LT estimator and least-squares estimator is obtained by using these necessary and sufficient conditions. Also, a simulation study is carried out to compare this estimator against the ridge estimator. Furthermore, a numerical example is given for defined test statistic.
In probability sampling, the inclusion probability of any element in the population is the probab... more In probability sampling, the inclusion probability of any element in the population is the probability of the element which will be chosen in the sample. Al-Saleh and Samawi (A note on inclusion probability in ranked set sampling and some of its variations, Test., in press) introduced inclusion probabilities in ranked set sampling for sample sizes 2 and 3. In this paper we gave a generalized formula of these inclusion probabilities for any sample size. Also we compare these probabilities with simple random samplings for various given samples and population sizes.
In regression analysis, it is desired that no multicollinearity should exist between the independ... more In regression analysis, it is desired that no multicollinearity should exist between the independent (explanatory) variables. In the cases where this is not achieved, the use of the Least Square (LS) estimation method leads to mismodelling. Some methods have been developed to solve this problem; one of which is the 'biased estimation method'. In this study, a test statistics for Ridge and Liu estimators, that are shrinkage biased estimators, is analyzed. Moreover, these estimators are compared via simulation, in terms of different correlation coefficients between the independent variables.
Özet: İstatistiksel bir modelin uyum iyiliği gözlenen bir veri setinin istatistiksel modele uyuml... more Özet: İstatistiksel bir modelin uyum iyiliği gözlenen bir veri setinin istatistiksel modele uyumluluğunu test eder. 'nın geliştirdikleri uyum iyiliği testleri üstel dağılım için incelenmiştir. Ayrıca bu test istatistikleri deneysel I.tip hata olasılığı ve testin gücü bakımından farklı dağılım şekilleri altında karşılaştırılmıştır.
... Statisitical analyses of the variables were done using Mann Whitney test and Wilcoxon Test ..... more ... Statisitical analyses of the variables were done using Mann Whitney test and Wilcoxon Test ... ikinci bölümde hastalarda genel memnuniyetsiz-lige sebep olan durumlarm nedenini bulgulamaya yönelik olarak fonksiyona iliskin; A. Agzimda durmuyor B. Protez altina gida kaçiyor С ...
Özet: Bu çalışmada, Bühlmann-Straub kredibilite modeli ile Karma etki modelinin özel bir hali ola... more Özet: Bu çalışmada, Bühlmann-Straub kredibilite modeli ile Karma etki modelinin özel bir hali olan tek faktör rassal etki modeli arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, Bühlmann-Straub kredibilite modeli ve tek faktör rassal etki modeli için sigortalı sayısı Poisson dağılımından, hasar tutarı ise Pareto dağılımından seçilerek hasar tutarı modellemesi yapılmış ve her iki modele ait prim tahminleri simülasyon yoluyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu iki modele ait uyum oranı dikkate alınan birçok durumda oldukça yüksek olmasına rağmen bazı durumlarda uyumun düştüğü gözlemlenmiştir.
In this study, we define the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the population mean using the inclusio... more In this study, we define the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the population mean using the inclusion probabilities of a ranked set sample in a finite population setting. The second-order inclusion probabilities that are required to calculate the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson ...
C o m m u n .Fa c .S c i.U n iv .A n k .S e rie s A 1 Vo lu m e 5 9 , N u m b e r 2 , P a g e s 1... more C o m m u n .Fa c .S c i.U n iv .A n k .S e rie s A 1 Vo lu m e 5 9 , N u m b e r 2 , P a g e s 1 5 -3 4 (2 0 1 0 ) IS S N 1 3 0 3 -5 9 9 1 Abstract. The classical F-test to compare several population means depends on the assumption of homogeneity of variance of the population and the normality. When these assumptions especially the equality of variance is dropped, the classical F-test fails to reject the null hypothesis even if the data actually provide strong evidence for it. This can be considered a serious problem in some applications, especially when the sample size is not large. To deal with this problem, a number of tests are available in the literature. In this study, the Brown-Forsythe, Weerahandi's Generalized F, Parametric Bootstrap, Scott-Smith, One-Stage, One-Stage Range, Welch and Xu-Wang's Generalized F-tests are introduced and a simulation study is performed to compare these tests according to type-1 errors and powers in di¤erent combinations of parameters and various sample sizes.
Projective geometry is used to decode and represent codes easily. Cameron [1] generated a binary ... more Projective geometry is used to decode and represent codes easily. Cameron [1] generated a binary linear code from PG(2,2). In this paper we construct a binary linear code from PG(3,2). Also we give a decoding rule for this code. A simulation study is given to compare this decoding algorithm with maximum likelihood decoding algorithm.
In this study, a stochastic process (X(t)), which describes a fuzzy inventory model of type (s, S... more In this study, a stochastic process (X(t)), which describes a fuzzy inventory model of type (s, S) is considered. Under some weak assumptions, the ergodic distribution of the process X(t) is expressed by a fuzzy renewal function U(x). Then, membership function of the fuzzy renewal function U(x) is obtained when the amount of demand has a Gamma distribution with fuzzy parameters. Finally, membership function and alpha cuts of fuzzy ergodic distribution of this process is derived by using extension principle of L. Zadeh.
Sempozyumda sunulan bildirilerin bir bölümü bilimsel hakemlik süreci sonunda bu elektronik Sempoz... more Sempozyumda sunulan bildirilerin bir bölümü bilimsel hakemlik süreci sonunda bu elektronik Sempozyum Bildirileri Kitabı"nda yayınlanmıĢtır. Sunulan bildirilerin diğer bir bölümü ise, Ġstatistik AraĢtırma Dergisi"nin bu sempozyum için planlanan özel sayısında yayınlanmak amacı ile bilimsel hakemlik sürecine tabi tutulmuĢlardır. Bizlere bu olanağı sağlayan TÜĠK BaĢkan Vekili sayın Ömer TOPRAK"a ve dergi editorü Profesör Fetih YILDIRIM ve editor yardımcısı Yardımcı Doçent Özlem ĠLK"e teĢekkür ederim. Sempozyum Bildiriler Kitabı"nda yayınlanmak üzere sunulan bildiri tam metinleri konunun uzmanı olan hakemler tarafından değerlendirilmiĢ ve gerekli düzeltmeler elektronik ortamda gerçekleĢtirilmiĢtir. Hakemlik sürecinde yardımlarını esirgemeyen değerli bilim insanlarına teĢekkür ederiz.
In this paper, we developed generalized formulas to compute the inclusion probabilities of a medi... more In this paper, we developed generalized formulas to compute the inclusion probabilities of a median ranked set sample in a …nite population setting under Level 0 and Level 2 sampling procedures given by . We also compared the inclusion probabilities of these sampling procedures with the inclusion probabilities of Level 1 given by under di¤erent population and sample sizes. c 2 0 1 0 A n ka ra U n ive rsity 9 3. All other m units are returned to the population. 4. Steps 1-3 are repeated for j = 1; 2; :::; m to obtain a sample of size m.
Sensory analysis is a scientific discipline that applies principles of experimental design to the... more Sensory analysis is a scientific discipline that applies principles of experimental design to the use of human senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing) for the purposes of evaluating consumer products. Ranking F.GÖKPINAR v.d. SAÜ Fen Edebiyat Dergisi (2010-I)
In a finite population setting, Ozdemir and Gokpinar (A Generalized formula for inclusion probabi... more In a finite population setting, Ozdemir and Gokpinar (A Generalized formula for inclusion probabilities in ranked set sampling, Hacettepe J. Math. Stat 36 (1), 89-99, 2007) obtained a generalized formula for inclusion probabilities in Ranked Set Sampling for all set sizes when the cycle size is 1. This paper extends the generalized formula for inclusion probabilities to all set and cycle sizes. We also support this formula with a numerical example.
Several methods have been developed to estimate the regression model parameters using the Least A... more Several methods have been developed to estimate the regression model parameters using the Least Absolute Values method. In this study, three methods for finding Least Absolute Values Estimates developed by , and , are compared with respect to Central Process Unit (CPU) time and the size of the determination coefficients.
Ranked set sampling is a cost efficient sampling technique when actually measuring sampling units... more Ranked set sampling is a cost efficient sampling technique when actually measuring sampling units is difficult but ranking them is relatively easy. The mean of the usual balanced ranked set sample is more efficient as an estimator of the population mean than the mean of a simple random sample. In this study, different ranked set sampling plans are considered for estimating of population mean. These estimators are theoretical compared in terms of relative efficiency under uniform, normal, exponential and weibull distribution.
This article develops a new generalized formula to compute the inclusion probabilities of a media... more This article develops a new generalized formula to compute the inclusion probabilities of a median-ranked set sample in a finite population setting. The use of this formula is illustrated in a numerical example. Furthermore, the inclusion probabilities of a median-ranked set ...
In this study, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the Liu-type (LT) biased estimator are... more In this study, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the Liu-type (LT) biased estimator are determined. A test for choosing between the LT estimator and least-squares estimator is obtained by using these necessary and sufficient conditions. Also, a simulation study is carried out to compare this estimator against the ridge estimator. Furthermore, a numerical example is given for defined test statistic.
In probability sampling, the inclusion probability of any element in the population is the probab... more In probability sampling, the inclusion probability of any element in the population is the probability of the element which will be chosen in the sample. Al-Saleh and Samawi (A note on inclusion probability in ranked set sampling and some of its variations, Test., in press) introduced inclusion probabilities in ranked set sampling for sample sizes 2 and 3. In this paper we gave a generalized formula of these inclusion probabilities for any sample size. Also we compare these probabilities with simple random samplings for various given samples and population sizes.
In regression analysis, it is desired that no multicollinearity should exist between the independ... more In regression analysis, it is desired that no multicollinearity should exist between the independent (explanatory) variables. In the cases where this is not achieved, the use of the Least Square (LS) estimation method leads to mismodelling. Some methods have been developed to solve this problem; one of which is the 'biased estimation method'. In this study, a test statistics for Ridge and Liu estimators, that are shrinkage biased estimators, is analyzed. Moreover, these estimators are compared via simulation, in terms of different correlation coefficients between the independent variables.
Papers by Fikri gökpınar