RPG asset tileset dungeon crawler pack (Super Retro World by Gif)
A downloadable RPG dungeon pack
Get this RPG dungeon pack and 18 more for $49.99 USD
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Content : 🏰 Dungeon pack
- Dungeons environments for your RPG games
- Tiles count : ~600 (16x16)
- Many ground textures and animated waters / lava (with variations)
- 7 animated chests, 16 animated torches, 8 animated cristals, 4 animated doors, switches, traps, ...
- Slimes, skeletons, zombies and ghosts (walk animation with color variations).
- 3 heros (walk + sword attack animation)
- Kart !
- Tilesets ready for RPG Maker
✔️ You can :
- Use the assets for non-commercial AND commercial project.
- Adapt and/or modify the assets to match your project.
❌ You can NOT :
- Distribute or sell those assets directly (even modified).
- Claim the asset yours.
- Use the assets for a NFT/metaverse/IA project.
Credit appreciated !
About me

I'm Jeff, also known as Gif, and I've been a pixelartist since 2009. I have a deep appreciation for the nostalgic charm of old-school games.
I've dedicated myself to crafting thousands of assets specifically for you, fellow members of the game development community.
Enjoy !
I'm Jeff, also known as Gif, and I've been a pixelartist since 2009. I have a deep appreciation for the nostalgic charm of old-school games.
I've dedicated myself to crafting thousands of assets specifically for you, fellow members of the game development community.
Enjoy !
Get this RPG dungeon pack and 18 more for $49.99 USD
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Click download now to get access to the following files:
dungeon-pack-free_version.zip 13 MB
Version 42
dungeon-pack-full_version.zip 1.1 MB
if you pay $11.99 USD or more
Version 43
Development log
- RPG asset series : Animation update !Nov 30, 2020
- RPG Asset / Dungeon pack : update 2 !Nov 28, 2020
- [SRW] Dungeon pack update 1 !Nov 22, 2020
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“IA” Project?
Oops, I mean AI (for Artifical Intelligence)
My bad, I'll fix that soon on all pages .
Why does the asset description say "Credit appreciated!", which implies an optional credit, while the LICENSE.txt inside the asset pack mandatorily forces the user to give credit?
That's confusing.
Do as you want, I don't mind if you prefer not to.
I'll update the license in the future to reflect this.
excellent work !! I like it
Hi Gif, could you please create a GameMaker Studio 2 version of your textures? It often happens to me that I encounter packs that aren't compatible with how GameMaker 2 handles them. The reason GML isn't good with textures like yours is that it interprets the first tile as an empty tile, which can be annoying to fix in big packs like yours.
P.S. I would be happy if you had a GML pack like those for Unity and Godot.
hey mate, okidoki I'll try to take a look at it later this week.
Hey Gif, thanks! That will help a lot. I'm currently waiting to buy the full assets pack. I will buy it when you make the GML version. where can i check when you updated it
Hey mate sry I was not able to work on it last week. I try this week and reply here so you'll get a notification when it's rdy :)
Hey WaterAxolotlStudio
Most of my assets will be compatible with GM Studio 2 (single tiles) but there is indeed some work to do around the autotiles. Here is what I have made (autotiles format to match the GM template with 47 variations) :
I didn't managed the animated autotiles yet, but if you want to check above work, just send me a mail at pixelart<dot>asset<at>gmail<dot>com and I'll send you the files :)
hi sorry for the late replay i just work on my project thank you very much cant wait to buy the assets pack when i get my money
Ok I'll update my assets soon with these autotiles for GameMaker.
I can send you download keys for free, don't worry about it (just send me a mail) ☺️👍
Great asset pack! I've purchased your bundle and used it to create the following game with it:
It was a pleasure working with your assets!
Hello I bought all your packs :) but I can't find the green water and waterfall
In which pack is it included ?
Thank you!
I think waterfalls are located in godot/ folder of this current pack (dungeon-pack) and in rpgmaker/ folder.
I'll check this weekend and fix it if necessary 👍
Thank you ! I am looking for the green water with wave animation
Hello Gif, any news ?
oh my bad, pimox, I'll check that tomorow morning :)
Hi pimox,
Your tiles are located here :
Is it ok for you ? Let me know
Hello Gif, looks like I dont have the latest dungeon pack, I'm using godot and in dungeon-pack-full-version/godot_autotiles/ I only have anim_autotile_0/4/15/23/31
I'll check if there is an update I missed somewhere :)
Hi giff, I love the new cover image you've put on your profile. The gem that appears in the following image is it possible that it is not in the unity assetstore pack? Thank you, good day.
Thanks, RpgItch ! (it's still a wip tho)
Oh, you are right, this is an additionnal free icon sheet I have somewhere else. Here, take it :
sheet 1 (set of icons)
sheet 2 (set of gems)
sheet 3 (rotating coin)
I'll add in on the Unity package soon too :)
I have three questions...
The first is if the bundle sold in the Unity store is the combination of all your packs in one?
The second is if I purchase your assets, will I be able to use them commercially?
The third is if I can use these assets in unity for game creation.
Hey Ricardo !
Let me answer that :
1. Yes, the Unity package is the combinaison of everything (+ tilepalettes with autotiles integration)
2. Yes !
3. Yes !
Have fun :)
CC-BY4 pointed in metadata allows redistribution and even reselling so your metadata and description aren't synced...
Oh, will check that this weekend, thanks !
So many of these tiles are incomplete and in a random order. They would be great if they were better organised and I didn't have to fix the gaps myself. As it is now half of them aren't even usable.
Could you elaborate ?
Sure, take this for instance ( from the fire dungeon pack ).
There's 4 duplicates here, the 4 corners. Why? Not only is this confusing, but I have to edit this and rearrange it to make it usable. Here is the fixed version that I had to edit myself
But to make things stranger, you have it correctly in other places. Like here in the winter pack
That's how it should be, but why didn't you have the lava like that? However that is a minor issue in comparison to the tilesets with missing tiles, which are many. For instance, what's wrong with this picture?
This is missing edge tiles, side tiles, and has a duplicate lower right corner in the upper left. In the upper right it has a center tile which is not even used with this style of tileset. And there are MANY examples of this type of thing. Howabout this one ( from water dungeon I think )
What the heck is this? This doesn't even make sense. All I can tell is it's animated. I have no idea how to use that. Inconsistency and missing tiles are the problem with these tilesets. Imagine your a programmer and you're sifting through these graphics and the patterns keep changing or you keep finding missing stuff. So you've got to hand edit things to make things work. Very frustrating.
Haan, thats because I'm stupid : I have mixed multiple autotiles formats in the same atlas.png (including RPG Maker autotile format). I'm noting your feedback and will fix it soon (fire, nature and water packs mostly), thanks !
Alright thanks, also it would be great to have the entire set without duplicates. I bought a bunch of different sets and have to eliminate a lot of duplicate tiles while I piece together a large tileset.
Yeah I understand, these things take time but I'll considere !
Hi great pack. I was wondering how to use the godot autotiles? I'm using version 4.x. Thanks in advance.
Hey Deazel73 :)
Thanks ! I think this video can help you start with autotiles : youtube link
I'm going to add more autotiles next week and fix some of the already existing ones. Give it a try and let me know !
absolutely love yuour work. Can you advise if the "unity" bundle contains all the assets for the set and if theyre in .PNG format at 16x16 pixels?
I'm actuially looking to use the tiles as part of a large rpg style game I'm writing for an 8 bit computer called a zx spectrum next and the tiles fit the world I'd like to create perfectly.
Hello :) yes everything is available in the unity package as well ! You will find 16x16 png too.
Hello! Thanks for creating this, it'll help me a lot with my project. What are the legacy tiles? Was the pack reworked? I really liked the portal, arches and statues but I don't see them in the new version.
Hey suumpmolk,
Thank you ! Legacy tiles are indeed the very first version of the package (with portal and other sprites you've mentionned). They should be available within the full-version.zip ☺️
This might be tedious work and I could do it myself but would you be able to also make strips of sprites?
hello !
Yeah sure, what do you need exactly ?
Downloaded this for use in a rpg maker vx ace, got surprised when i saw there was a vx ace folder just to get disappointed they're censored having giant "GET FULL VERSION" overlay texts, i understand you need to get money but i don't know that feels a bit scummy/false advertising doing stuff like that, probably just me that think that.
Edit:Ok noticed that sounded a bit rude, basically i just have issues when someone say something is free then when you download it you notice not everything is actually free, it kinda make me feel like i got tricked/fooled especially since i was very excited to use this since i will be broke for awhile.
Hey FlandreScarlet64,
Well that's how I manage my projects on itchio (free + paid version). I can always rename the free zip package tho.
I get it could be frustrating but that's also a way, as a potential buyer, to see how much content you'll get with the paid version.
Moreover, I'll fix the overlay for rpgmaker this week since it censors too much content I believe 🤔.
If you need a download key, no problemo, just send me a mail at pixelart.asset < at> gmail <dot> com, I'll be happy to help 👍
Will you fix overlay for other stuff too? i downloaded the other free packs, and the exterior pack you made, ALL images on the rpg maker vx ace folder have the overlay.
Btw just a question if someone manage to remove the rpg maker overlays that you have put, would you count that as a pirating or would you count that as editing assets and allow usage?
Yeah I'll fix for every pack that have this process 👍. The free part at least should be available, maybe one autotile sheet too, I'll see.
Btw, removing the scanline is considered pirating.
Alright good to know for both of those.
Hey mate,
Dungeon/exterior/overworld pack have now a bunch of stuff for free in their respective rpgmaker/vxace/ packages. Right now just ~20/30% of the content is free I believe. Let me know how you feel about that and I'll adapt it
I update my packs regularly so you can expect evolutions if you still feel that a bad move from me 👍.
As a reminder too : you can always send me a mail if you are short in cash. I'll send you download keys 🫡
Totally agree, I got so excited because i was looking for good looking assets for almost a week now just to see the majority of it has a overlay, I wish somebody would just release good free assets.
Yeah mate I get what you are looking for. Well, as I said, rpgmaker subfolder content will have some free assets (that was an error). Should be fixed today btw.
If you need to give it a try with the full version I can send you a download key 👍. Which engine are you using ?
Well, I'm not using engines i'm coding all i need are the assets, I could cut it out, I'm not the greatest coder considering i haven't learned yet but i'm dreaming of making a rpg so if you have just the assets alone i'd be ok with that Edit: ngl i'm trying my luck with scratch.com
I see :) well I'm sorry you hit a wall when downloading my free pack. I'm updating my assets regularly and making some of them free is a recent feature actually.
Send me a mail at pixelart.asset <a> gmail.com so I can give you a bunch of pack keys 👍
Ok i gotta charge my ipad, because my computer is about to die edit: still can't find my charger ;-;
My scratch account is 4899864361ej, once i send you the email ( Later today) check my scratch account i'm gonna try my best to make a rpg using some tutorials ofc
Do you have any recomendations for an rpg maker for a new coder? I want to have a farming system and food that gives different allocations
Every rpg maker version can do that kind of game 🤓. They have just differences in layer managements, resolution and some event options. They also have different scripts langage (vxace : Ruby, mv/mz : Javascript).
You can event use rpg maker 2003 or xp if you are short in cash.
is there anyway to DM on itch.io because i don't wanna share my email on this page
Looking at the development log from 2020, there are tiles there that aren't in this pack. Are they exclusive for Unity?
Hello Rorikingames :)
Ah ! Some legacy tiles may have been replaced, yes. What tiles would you like to be added ?
Ah that's too bad, I just really liked the brickwall tiles seen in those updates but the ones included already are great too so no worries. Great work btw the tiles are beautiful!
I bought your collection like a while back. The only thing I'm missing is some monster sprites! Any chance you will do a monster pack(action rpg style) like with 4 directions, attack etc. ? That would make it complete! Or do you know of any that could match with your tile sets? Thank you!!
I am a new developer using game maker studio 2 as my development engine for now. Thank you for this awesome pack to get me started. I will let you know when I get a working demo of some kind or another.
Hello Ghiga5 :)
Thanks, hope you will make a cool project <3
Fine asset to use.
Thanks, Jonathan !
Hi, I really like all the art you have on your page and recently purchased one of your bundles, I plan on using the art for an indie game I am developing, I was curious about the crediting, I was planning on putting you and your partner's name in the credits of the game as is stated in the terms of use of the art, but I don't understand the link to Twitter/itch, do I put it in the credits? (altho it wont be clickable) or would you rather me put it in my devlogs whenever I am talking about the level design? I just want to make sure I get everything right! :)
Hi Sin_Remover !
Thank you for your support :).
Oh that's right, well if you mention our Twitter name (@gif_not_jif and @Noiracide) in your credits, that will do 🥰👍.
Great! Then ill do it like that! Ill put your guys Twitter handles in the credits :)
I don't know if you know this, but any asset that you load into your demo can be easily ripped using a simple page inspection. I took a screenshot of me doing this, this is so easy that a child could rip these assets. I recommend taking down the demo if you want to protect your assets. (Did you use RPG Maker? That program is completely unsafe for protecting your assets online. I made a whole video about it once I think where I ripped all the MV assets from the main RPG Maker webpage before the engine had even been released.)
Hello korytoombs !
Yeah, unfortunately, I'm aware of this issue. The solution was to scanline all the assets to prevent a decent usage of them by thieves. Moreover, not all of my assets are available in this demo (mostly because of this rip issue, indeed).
Since this demo is quite small, I probably won't change the game engine or the solution behind to fix that :).
Thanks for your analyse anyway !
Okay, as long as you are aware of it. I don't think a lot of people using that engine know this vulnerability.
yeah, with Rpg maker it's pretty weird indeed. Even the cryptographic functionnality is a joke :(
Hello there,
using the tileset for a prototype and I really like it so far. Found some minor issues and having some suggestions after using them.
Issues (atlas file):
Keep up the good work, looking forward to your next packs.
Hello wallchicken,
I appreciate your feedback :). There are, indeed, mistakes and errors that I didn't took the time to fix yet.
I'm adding your suggestions to this pack's todo list but I can't provide a delivery date yet.
Good luck with your prototype !
We need Icons pack and Effect attack pack will be nice be couse on rpg maker or unity we need this :)
Hello NewEnemy :)
We are currently working on an action RPG pack which contain attack animation !
Some cool looking stuff here!
I really appreciate how you have different size tilesets. That saves us a lot of time.
Hey Lowres! Love the packs, just wondering though why you decided to split them up into parts?
Hello RyanAvx,
Thanks !
If you are talking about the tiles/ folder in the Exterior pack : it's just another way to present the atlas for specific usage.
If you are talking about the different Super Retro World projects : making separated packs gives people the choice to buy just the needed parts for a lower price (that's our spirit for now).
Some packs are grouped into coop-bundle tho :).
hi! i recently bought your super retro world bundle and this pack seems to be the only one that doesn't have a tile set tuned for rpg maker uses. was wondering if you planned on adding something like that or if i just happened to miss something, thanks :)
Hello regeki :)
I'll take a look at it this week !
In case you need it now : the atlas file provided is still "almost" ready for RpgMaker (just need to cut it into 256*256 pieces and triple its scale).
Hello regeki,
I've just made an update for that. Is it ok for you now ?
I have a wonderful and very unique idea for a game that your tiles will be perfect for. Do you do any consulting work if I needed something tweaked for it.
Hello fuqlibs,
Thanks for your comment :). Unfortunately I don't have much time for that.
I love it! Could I use it in a commercial game with minor modifications? BTW will you keep updating it? ^^
Hello Jobegiar99 :)
You can use them the way the tiles are drawn in a commercial game. Not sure about the modifications yet.
Any request for an update :) ?
Have a nice day !
Yay! Thank you !!!!
Yes!! I have one. I was trying to create a room with this kind of perspective but I was not able to find something to connect the borders, and I was wondering if possible if you could please create some assets for that kind of perspective (if there is already something like that I'm sorry xp) . (The image is just to illustrate what I'm trying to achieve).
I would also like to know if it could be possible to please add something like traps, for example, a pit trap, fire trap, spike trap, etc.
Thanks for taking part of your time to read my message! :)
BTW I LOVE IT!!!! This is the best dungeon asset pack I have ever seen lol <3
Hello, this is a very nice set, and your others are too I bought them all! Bits and pieces of these go quite nicely with my (https://numeron.itch.io | http://numeronreactor.com) existing library of tiles which is a grand combination of original, derivative and third party stuff. To help merge your stuff in I'd also like to make modifications, in particular I'd like to:
Not saying I have anything in particular in mind that I want to do (except perhaps re-colour the portal and arches), but allowing modifications really helps me not have to worry about merging stuff into my project when I go diving through my library for something new :) A license would solve this issue - I notice your exterior pack comes under MIT which is great, but everything else is unlicensed.
Anyway, you have a great and consistent design language :) Hope you come out with more in the future, keep up the good work!
Hello Numeron,
Thanks for your big reply, I'll take a look at licence tonight for each of my pack :).
Have a good day !
Hey there, so I was curious what CC license these assets are listed under?
Hello smartguy1669,
Good question, I haven't thought about it yet. Is it an issue for you ?
You can use them in a commercial game if you want to.
Wow a great top down tileset! I think I might pick up the bundle.
Hello LVGames :)
Thank you ! Don't hesitate to comment, I'll update this pack a few times before starting the 3rd one.
Merci pour ce magnifique pack j'ai hâte de me procurer les prochains 😇
Salut Kaisen Isekai,
Compte sur moi pour continuer ! Le prochain pack sera un ensemble de personnages et de monstres pour donner un peu de vie à tout ça :).
waiting for unity package. i love srw.
This weekend for sure, thank you !
Lovely assets. It would be nice to include some reference/example pictures in the package.
If possible, I'd like to have more animations of the treasure chest, door, portal and water etc. :)
One unit wide terrain tiles (not sure what's the proper way to call it) would be nice too, for example the dirt path in the first picture of this asset page, the minimum width is 2 unit. I found the terrain tile tool in Unity's official 2d extra package very useful for painting the scene. But not many artist are doing this one unit wide terrain tiles.
Hello WhiteGlint,
You are right, I could give exemples. Animations should be updated this weekend, I'll update the terrain too !
Thx :)