'use strict'; /** * Here is the problem: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7292 * basically jQuery treats change event on some browsers (IE) as a * special event and changes it form 'change' to 'click/keydown' and * few others. This horrible hack removes the special treatment */ if (window._jQuery) _jQuery.event.special.change = undefined; if (window.bindJQuery) bindJQuery(); beforeEach(function() { // all this stuff is not needed for module tests, where jqlite and publishExternalAPI and jqLite are not global vars if (window.publishExternalAPI) { publishExternalAPI(angular); // workaround for IE bug https://plus.google.com/104744871076396904202/posts/Kqjuj6RSbbT // IE overwrite window.jQuery with undefined because of empty jQuery var statement, so we have to // correct this, but only if we are not running in jqLite mode if (!_jqLiteMode && _jQuery !== jQuery) { jQuery = _jQuery; } // This resets global id counter; uid = ['0', '0', '0']; // reset to jQuery or default to us. bindJQuery(); } angular.element(document.body).html('').removeData(); }); afterEach(function() { if (this.$injector) { var $rootScope = this.$injector.get('$rootScope'); var $rootElement = this.$injector.get('$rootElement'); var $log = this.$injector.get('$log'); // release the injector dealoc($rootScope); dealoc($rootElement); // check $log mock $log.assertEmpty && $log.assertEmpty(); } // complain about uncleared jqCache references var count = 0; // This line should be enabled as soon as this bug is fixed: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11775 //var cache = jqLite.cache; var cache = angular.element.cache; forEachSorted(cache, function(expando, key){ angular.forEach(expando.data, function(value, key){ count ++; if (value.$element) { dump('LEAK', key, value.$id, sortedHtml(value.$element)); } else { dump('LEAK', key, angular.toJson(value)); } }); }); if (count) { throw new Error('Found jqCache references that were not deallocated! count: ' + count); } // copied from Angular.js // we need these two methods here so that we can run module tests with wrapped angular.js function sortedKeys(obj) { var keys = []; for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { keys.push(key); } } return keys.sort(); } function forEachSorted(obj, iterator, context) { var keys = sortedKeys(obj); for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { iterator.call(context, obj[keys[i]], keys[i]); } return keys; } }); function dealoc(obj) { var jqCache = angular.element.cache; if (obj) { if (angular.isElement(obj)) { cleanup(angular.element(obj)); } else { for(var key in jqCache) { var value = jqCache[key]; if (value.data && value.data.$scope == obj) { delete jqCache[key]; } } } } function cleanup(element) { element.unbind().removeData(); for ( var i = 0, children = element.contents() || []; i < children.length; i++) { cleanup(angular.element(children[i])); } } } /** * @param {DOMElement} element * @param {boolean=} showNgClass */ function sortedHtml(element, showNgClass) { var html = ""; forEach(jqLite(element), function toString(node) { if (node.nodeName == "#text") { html += node.nodeValue. replace(/&(\w+[&;\W])?/g, function(match, entity){return entity?match:'&';}). replace(//g, '>'); } else { html += '<' + (node.nodeName || '?NOT_A_NODE?').toLowerCase(); var attributes = node.attributes || []; var attrs = []; var className = node.className || ''; if (!showNgClass) { className = className.replace(/ng-[\w-]+\s*/g, ''); } className = trim(className); if (className) { attrs.push(' class="' + className + '"'); } for(var i=0; i0 && attributes[i] == attributes[i-1]) continue; //IE9 creates dupes. Ignore them! var attr = attributes[i]; if(attr.name.match(/^ng[\:\-]/) || (attr.value || attr.value == '') && attr.value !='null' && attr.value !='auto' && attr.value !='false' && attr.value !='inherit' && (attr.value !='0' || attr.name =='value') && attr.name !='loop' && attr.name !='complete' && attr.name !='maxLength' && attr.name !='size' && attr.name !='class' && attr.name !='start' && attr.name !='tabIndex' && attr.name !='style' && attr.name.substr(0, 6) != 'jQuery') { // in IE we need to check for all of these. if (!/ng-\d+/.exec(attr.name) && attr.name != 'getElementById' && // IE7 has `selected` in attributes attr.name !='selected' && // IE7 adds `value` attribute to all LI tags (node.nodeName != 'LI' || attr.name != 'value')) attrs.push(' ' + attr.name + '="' + attr.value + '"'); } } attrs.sort(); html += attrs.join(''); if (node.style) { var style = []; if (node.style.cssText) { forEach(node.style.cssText.split(';'), function(value){ value = trim(value); if (value) { style.push(lowercase(value)); } }); } for(var css in node.style){ var value = node.style[css]; if (isString(value) && isString(css) && css != 'cssText' && value && (1*css != css)) { var text = lowercase(css + ': ' + value); if (value != 'false' && indexOf(style, text) == -1) { style.push(text); } } } style.sort(); var tmp = style; style = []; forEach(tmp, function(value){ if (!value.match(/^max[^\-]/)) style.push(value); }); if (style.length) { html += ' style="' + style.join('; ') + ';"'; } } html += '>'; var children = node.childNodes; for(var j=0; j'; } }); return html; } // TODO(vojta): migrate these helpers into jasmine matchers /**a * This method is a cheap way of testing if css for a given node is not set to 'none'. It doesn't * actually test if an element is displayed by the browser. Be aware!!! */ function isCssVisible(node) { var display = node.css('display'); return display != 'none'; } function assertHidden(node) { if (isCssVisible(node)) { throw new Error('Node should be hidden but was visible: ' + angular.module.ngMock.dump(node)); } } function assertVisible(node) { if (!isCssVisible(node)) { throw new Error('Node should be visible but was hidden: ' + angular.module.ngMock.dump(node)); } } function provideLog($provide) { $provide.factory('log', function() { var messages = []; function log(msg) { messages.push(msg); return msg; } log.toString = function() { return messages.join('; '); } log.toArray = function() { return messages; } log.reset = function() { messages = []; } log.fn = function(msg) { return function() { log(msg); } } log.$$log = true; return log; }); } function pending() { dump('PENDING'); }; function trace(name) { dump(new Error(name).stack); } pFad - Phonifier reborn

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