- LB: lab-report (实验报告模板)
- GT: graduate-thesis (研究生学位论文模板)
- PT: paper-translation (本科生毕业设计外文翻译模板)
- PS: presentation-slide (演讲幻灯片模板)
- RR: reading-report (读书报告模板)
- UTE: undergraduate-thesis-en (本科生毕业设计论文模板(全英文专业))
- UT: undergraduate-thesis (本科生毕业设计论文模板)
Bolded text highlights its importance.
- (handbook) 增加链接 (e8708f2) by @YDX-2147483647
- 改进「攻读学位期间发表论文与研究成果清单」相关文档 (0fd8034) by @YDX-2147483647 in #559
- 修复GitHub议题模板 (8e2d6f5) by @YDX-2147483647
- 给
示例添加括号 (c5c88e3) by @YDX-2147483647 in #565
- Ignore binaries installed by git-cliff-action (426991b) by @YDX-2147483647 in #557
- Remove assets added accidentally (eb0adc8) by @YDX-2147483647
- Texlive 2024 (5c41393) by @everything411
- Update version to 3.8.1 (a6a1209) by @YDX-2147483647
- 自动设置
(286fa70) by @YDX-2147483647 - 改小数学行距至西文水平 (bcae36c) by @YDX-2147483647 in #537
- [breaking] 致谢标题支持用
调整,同时英文模板默认值从单数改为复数 (e524e6b) by @YDX-2147483647 - 目录标题支持用
调整 (3f5f938) by @YDX-2147483647 - (UTE) 支持英文模板采用中文封面 (f14ec56) by @YDX-2147483647 in #539
- 本科毕设英文模板封面按照要求加入中文标题 (8aecf33) by @CreeperLKF
- 统一更新本科若干模板的注释 (eb03d24) by @YDX-2147483647
- (UTE) [breaking] 本科英文模板前置部分的页码从小写罗马数字改为大写 (c721bd2) by @YDX-2147483647
- (UTE) 本科英文模板也应支持
(0ecd8db) by @YDX-2147483647 - (UTE) [breaking] 本科英文模板的声明页删除页码,并与中文模板统一格式 (0ec02cc) by @YDX-2147483647
- 目录包含「目录」本身时,页码应为目录的首页而非末页 (6e32fd3) by @YDX-2147483647
- (UTE) [breaking] 本科英文模板的目录默认不再包含目录本身 (aa2fa1e) by @YDX-2147483647
- 硕博模板中
应仍默认为 false (c845fef) by @YDX-2147483647 in #549
- 统一使用
(e43a008) by @YDX-2147483647 - (UTE) [breaking] 本科英文模板英文摘要上方的论文标题改为三号(16 bp),与中文模板一致 (39a7093) by @YDX-2147483647
- (UTE) [breaking] 本科英文模板标题中的中文改为黑体,取消摘要标题加粗,与中文模板一致 (832c1fb) by @YDX-2147483647
- (UTE) [breaking] 本科英文模板的 Arial 换为 Times,与中文模板一致 (b302128) by @YDX-2147483647
(49cae71) by @YDX-2147483647 in #542
- 提示更改外文翻译模板的页眉,并更新相关注释 (fe5d1f7) by @YDX-2147483647 in #529
- 更新 Overleaf 情况 (6a20fff) by @YDX-2147483647
- 更新开发指南 (2bfe946) by @YDX-2147483647 in #530
- 补充介绍
(3439553) by @YDX-2147483647 in #535 - (handbook) 生成盲评版论文 (24a7e5d) by @YDX-2147483647 in #534
- (UTE) 可以调换中英文摘要顺序 (2625d43) by @YDX-2147483647
等选项 (7b89ffa) by @YDX-2147483647- (UTE) 更新英文模板示例 (9104d6a) by @YDX-2147483647 in #541
(bee5642) by @YDX-2147483647 in #552
- Trim trailing whitespace and make sure files end in a newline and only a newline (5e439b0) by @YDX-2147483647 in #538
- Fix typo (f950040) by @fky2015
- 更新开发文档、脚本等资料 (1f0f4f7) by @YDX-2147483647
- DocStrip 统一用
(ac3b973) by @YDX-2147483647 - 所有
统一启用 SyncTeX 并关闭-shell-escape
(3ed9359) by @YDX-2147483647 in #545 - 标注中文显示名 (cd01f88) by @YDX-2147483647 in #546
gh release upload
(424e5b8) by @YDX-2147483647- Fix release notes of pre-releases (25055b3) by @YDX-2147483647 in #550
- Update version to 3.8.0 (0c94ca5) by @fky2015
- (deps) Bump orhun/git-cliff-action from 3 to 4 (a1fee78) by @dependabot[bot] in #551
- (deps) Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6 to 7 (a6cb98c) by @dependabot[bot] in #553
- Remove redundant
for English bachelor thesis (95ef418) by @CreeperLKF - Toc entry in bookmarks should not point to the tail of toc in Chinese bachelor thesis (9e1f0e4) by @CreeperLKF in #522
- 更新生僻字使用提示,限制作用范围 (31abab0) by @YDX-2147483647 in #521
- 在更多地方介绍如何添加水印 (a9a1aa7) by @YDX-2147483647 in #520
- Add title property in
for undergraduate-thesis-en (3f92180) by @CreeperLKF
- 编译快速使用手册 (ef0e51e) by @YDX-2147483647 in #519
- Update bithesis.dtx version to 3.7.9 (6d56033) by @fky2015
- @CreeperLKF made their first contribution in #522
选项调整算法与文字之间的距离(仅针对algorithm2e宏包) (0bffec6) by @YDX-2147483647 in #510- 支持用
宏包 (ecf5af8) by @YDX-2147483647 - 让longtable与文字的间距与其它浮动体相近,并支持用
统一调整 (f5f24e5) by @YDX-2147483647 in #513
宏包 (2f6cf63) by @YDX-2147483647 in #499- 去除longtable表格上框线和caption的多余间距 (689de6c) by @YDX-2147483647
- 修正快速使用手册中的
(2b0d3f3) by @YDX-2147483647 - 给本科英文模板添加盲审模式注释 (8673d0a) by @YDX-2147483647 in #507
- Add an example for enumerate in publications (6a2c1c1) by @fky2015 in #515
- Create dependabot.yml (1cc4c09) by @YDX-2147483647 in #488
- 发布快速使用手册 (2f6bf7e) by @YDX-2147483647 in #493
- Remove redundant code for consistency with official examples (cf34b13) by @fky2015 in #514
- 在发行说明中提示快速使用指南等 (9ac93e5) by @YDX-2147483647 in #516
- Update version to 3.7.8 (7a20e31) by @fky2015
- (deps) Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (9a446f1) by @dependabot[bot] in #489
- (deps) Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4 (4d6c99d) by @dependabot[bot] in #490
- (deps) Bump xu-cheng/texlive-action from 1 to 2 (648c5b8) by @dependabot[bot] in #492
选项调整表格行间距 (b406d67) by @YDX-2147483647
- 调整本科模板表格 caption 和表格本体间的距离 (ad44533) by @YDX-2147483647 in #483
- Better bookmark (bac87b5) by @fky2015 in #480
- 所有本科模板表格示例统一使用三线表 (7c137df) by @YDX-2147483647
- 本科模板表格示例
(17398c5) by @YDX-2147483647
时开头不应出现“algorithm2ealgochaper”字样 (c755a92) by @YDX-2147483647 in #481
- Update version to 3.7.6 (c5a624f) by @fky2015
- Fix bug (fb4a42e)
- Typo (e407727) by @YDX-2147483647 in #459
- 改正
环境中的字号 (9452d43) by @YDX-2147483647 in #462
- 删除表格中无用的
(d2a2943) by @YDX-2147483647 in #461 - 只在按章编号时适配algorithm宏包 (0a4fca2) by @YDX-2147483647 in #469
- Add comment doc for hyphenation. (f607b35) by @fky2015
- One doc for both graduate and undergraduate (55a7cae) by @fky2015
- 参考同学建议修改 (ddd3c91) by @YDX-2147483647
- Use
(9e76447) by @YDX-2147483647 - 改正标点符号 (1c2e171) by @YDX-2147483647 in #473
- Make the skips for math env bigger. (39c27df) by @fky2015 in #472
- Update version to 3.7.5 (3fd7b22) by @fky2015
- @ made their first contribution
- Add more comments. (e4cc9b9) by @fky2015
- Add star history in readme (97195c0) by @fky2015 in #458
- Update version to 3.7.4 (8f6f509) by @fky2015 in #460
- Feat and fix: separation and blank space (d08f571) by @SinCerely023
- Standardize algo ref name. (6d45404) by @fky2015
- 如何将自己电脑上的论文转到 Overleaf (cf6ddfa) by @YDX-2147483647
- Add comments for publications sorting. (f7e9379) by @fky2015
- Sort publications (fd21e5e) by @YDX-2147483647
- (readme) Docs maintenance. (28a27cc) by @fky2015
- Improve usability for publications. (938b215) by @fky2015
- Update version to 3.7.3 (7760e33) by @fky2015
- Improve build script. (1a97889) by @fky2015
- Allow to use TeX Gyre Termes as the main fonts. (139eeec) by @fky2015
- Ballot boxes in cover and originality clause in GT (58f9ee9) by @YDX-2147483647
- One notice for paper-translation's title (a95f0cf) by @CZLeader
- Font shape warnings (773c27c) by @YDX-2147483647
- (typos) Update for typos v1.20 (2d300f1) by @YDX-2147483647
- Add changelog generation action. (53e9cee) by @fky2015
- Simplify GitHub issue templates. (8775738) by @fky2015
- Update to v3.7.2 (755f674) by @fky2015
- @CZLeader made their first contribution
- (GT) Add a switch to show special type. (c6cd86e) by @fky2015
- Update info for CTAN (28b2808) by @YDX-2147483647
- Automatically generate changelog. (c664487) by @fky2015
- Fix broken cliff. (d306cb4) by @fky2015
- No need to modify CHANGELOG manually anymore. (598ff77) by @fky2015
- Upload to CTAN (5f52d4f) by @YDX-2147483647
- Remove redundant “Generate changelog” (54bbe79) by @YDX-2147483647
- Bump version to 3.7.1 (96965fd) by @fky2015
- Remove
, et al.
etc. forpub.bib
mode (d604b0e) by @YDX-2147483647 - Try fix github-action-markdown-link-check. (9b64b96) by @fky2015
- Zip without parent folder. (94d14b2) by @fky2015
- Update according new 2024 Word template. (0609af7) by @Manpopp
- Colorize hyperlinks (af43560) by @fky2015
- Hyperref (7f07e3c) by @YDX-2147483647
- Update (08910a6) by @fky2015
- (dev) Update
(c4e9098) by @YDX-2147483647 - Update readme. (00abcf3) by @fky2015
- Bump version to v3.6.3 (24ad394) by @YDX-2147483647
- Remove
make check-cls
(8a0d5d1) by @YDX-2147483647 - Update GitHub Actions' version (eca4d67) by @fky2015
- Bump version to 3.7.0 (9384774) by @fky2015
- @Manpopp made their first contribution
- Stretch spaces in the cover of PT (520e1d1) by @YDX-2147483647
- Unify the case of “GitHub” (38a0e96) by @YDX-2147483647
- Bump version. (1d98b96) by @fky2015
- Use top for pageVerticalAlign (4fc807e) by @fky2015
- Add a quick-start handbook for graduates. (55dcc77) by @fky2015
- Add acknowledgements. (f8577d1) by @fky2015
- Typo (4581850) by @YDX-2147483647
- Show links. (470fc4d) by @fky2015
- Use single quotation marks (45c97b5) by @fky2015
- Fix display skip and line stretch. (e08374f) by @fky2015
- Fix a typo. (4ba5027) by @fky2015
- (intro) Update contributions (94884a3) by @YDX-2147483647
- Update version. (d8908bd) by @fky2015
- @lsylusiyao made their first contribution in #391
- Hide only secret info in cover. (026c529) by @fky2015
- Provide const/style/substituteSymbol option. (1f40eef) by @fky2015
- [breaking] Add back cover pages in blindPeerReview mode. (6953c61) by @fky2015
- Add interface for secret info. (a39f545) by @fky2015
- Suppress twoside in blindPeerReview. (f1db9e7) by @fky2015
- Also expose paperback and originality claim. (61483f5) by @fky2015
- Default fake bold SimSun on Windows. (554871d) by @fky2015
- Add parencite examples (82800ec) by @scliubit
- Add type reading_report to change the title (8d97017) by @YDX-2147483647
- Customizable headline (9de5df6) by @YDX-2147483647
- Support customize cover label. (f73359f) by @fky2015
- Support hyphenation by default. (9b849dd) by @fky2015
- Graduate-thesis indent is larger than normal. (c2b1d37) by @fky2015
- Typo fix. (6fa12af) by @fky2015
- Add autoref label for figure(fig),table(tab),euqation(equ) (1a62cc5) by @ZoroGH
- Replace the _bithesis with @@ in .dtx, add updated property (e02253a) by @ZoroGH
- Apply same rules to bachelor thesis. (b0b3740) by @fky2015
- Fix section-level appendix bookmark. (5c2dbf5) by @fky2015
- Reset section counter at the beginning of appendix. (21f0661) by @fky2015
- Fix non-effective listings numbering. (4c2757f) by @fky2015
- Restore hyphenation for Eng template. (f5ece01) by @fky2015
- Fix alignment. (c7073e0) by @fky2015
- Update example of references (8fd6c79) by @SinCerely023
- Remove covers in peer review mode. (65cf4e2) by @fky2015
- Add Chinese abstract section. (55cd7d2) by @fky2015
- More of tabular. (e316c41) by @fky2015
- Add more. (681ed0f) by @fky2015
- Hotfix for ref.bib (bd6221d) by @fky2015
- Page numbering bug fix for two-side printing (e435cc0) by @scliubit
- Typo (ea08115) by @YDX-2147483647
- Redundant teacher in cover (4cbd11c) by @YDX-2147483647
- Fix broken images in (c9779ee) by @fky2015
- Remove default values to make entry can-be-deleted. (e8f67b4) by @fky2015
- Use meta key. (4b7b6a1) by @fky2015
- Update links. (999eb2e) by @fky2015
- Secret info expansion. (d4decf9) by @fky2015
- Remove @@_secret_info:x (6c8a0f6) by @fky2015
- Note environment does not work as expected (c703854) by @YDX-2147483647
- Update gitignore. (c85fa6b) by @fky2015
- Typo in (1250c53) by @YDX-2147483647
- Remove all source-code docs. (1be9eb7) by @fky2015
- Remove deprecated code. (80576ab) by @fky2015
- Move docs into separate file. (8ad8bf8) by @fky2015
- Docs. (e5c5ea7) by @fky2015
- Disable bibliographyIndent. (30b651c) by @fky2015
- A bunch of fixes. (a6c7f33) by @fky2015
- Basic setup for reading-report (1d08feb) by @YDX-2147483647
- Remove hard-coded title in reading_report (a0df6e3) by @YDX-2147483647
- Reading_report cover info (ce1905c) by @YDX-2147483647
style / head
(e420412) by @YDX-2147483647- Remove all templates//.cls. (e457dae) by @fky2015
- Add docs for SecretInfo feature. (6f37ad2) by @fky2015
- Add the doc for windowsSimSunFakeBold. (fa1eaca) by @fky2015
- Update README for reading-report (2591bd6) by @YDX-2147483647
- Add docs for cleardoublepage (9348300) by @fky2015
- Fix the description about passing emtpy values. (a942e6c) by @fky2015
- A reference to how to add the watermark. (14cb57c) by @fky2015
- Maybe helps. (3df8e5d) by @fky2015
style / headline
适用范围 (58cf8a3) by @YDX-2147483647- Add docs on const/info/x. (77b4582) by @fky2015
- 更新教务部网站 (3dc9f64) by @YDX-2147483647
- Replace code of conduct contact (ea26d66) by @phy25
- Add a doc entry for hyphen. (b8eccd2) by @fky2015
- Remove a trailing space (7f73122) by @YDX-2147483647
- Ignore .DS_Store. (7f78856) by @fky2015
- Update docs. (e4558dc) by @fky2015
- Add reading-report (492eecd) by @YDX-2147483647
- Add markdown link check. (e400fac) by @fky2015
- Remove templates/*cls. (ac5463c) by @fky2015
- Remove ensure_updated_cls. (1cab540) by @fky2015
- Bump version to 3.6.0 (356d4c7) by @fky2015
- Revert it back (7bc43c1) by @Zeqiang-Lai
- PowerShell version of regression-test (d8f44bf) by @YDX-2147483647
- @spaceskynet made their first contribution
- @SinCerely023 made their first contribution
- @Zeqiang-Lai made their first contribution
- Provide a switcher for hidelinks. (c4f648e) by @fky2015
- Normal text format in subsubsection. (20f7060) by @fky2015
- The date cannot be in the future. (a79c093) by @fky2015
- Try fix \MakeOriginality in the plagiarism check. (7891e26) by @fky2015
- Add docs for twoside warning. (f913aa1) by @fky2015
- Update version to v3.5.4. (b19599b) by @fky2015
- Set zihao to 5 in tabular by default. (9e58b8b) by @fky2015
- Predefine autoref label. (77bd192) by @fky2015
- Use hbt to hint float position. (e6788be) by @fky2015
- Reduce ambiguity by remove multi-bibprint demos. (5130df5) by @fky2015
- Reduce ambiguity by removing multi-bibprint demos. (42d0b18) by @fky2015
- Add an explaination about nosep in enumitem. (ec3760f) by @fky2015
- Add doc for misc/autoref & const/autoref. (ccf14ed) by @fky2015
- Add tests for autorefs. (837d3d3) by @fky2015
- Update to v3.5.3. (346f11d) by @fky2015
- Fix the skip of subsubsection. (2e667a5) by @fky2015
- Remove empty space when overwriting english bibname. (713be99) by @fky2015
- Normalize title and 1.5 linestretch of listofx. (0188ec1) by @fky2015
- Improve extra space above/below float env. (b730439) by @fky2015
- Fix : Add filed class to paper-translation cover (5d85905) by @ZoroGH
- (intro) Update readme & introduction. (3820753) by @fky2015
- 本科毕设封面添加班号信息 (e3ed05f) by @ZoroGH
- @ZoroGH made their first contribution
- Clear page at start of
. (46bb854) by @fky2015
- Update version to v3.5.1. (b56efcb) by @fky2015
- Align content to top by default. (1b662f6) by @fky2015
- Add options for custom mathFont. (5006fc6) by @fky2015
- Make listoffigure & listoftable align with the old template. (96010ed) by @fky2015
- Fix typo. (73f417a) by @fky2015
- Fix logo rendering problem in pdf bookmarks. (3f3fda2) by @fky2015
- Add explaination for
. (7f5798b) by @fky2015 - Much more eye-catching doc for min/maxbibnames. (09a8118) by @fky2015
- Add a note about using CJK Font like MS Word. (c866616) by @fky2015
- Update to v3.5.0 (08535d4) by @fky2015
- Fix invalid date fields in bibs. (e66a264) by @fky2015
- Turn on AutoFakeBold and AutoFakeSlant in xeCJK. (31ea67d) by @fky2015
- Add options & fine-tune AutoFakeBold. (479b9b4) by @fky2015
- Set gbpunctin to false. (2505ea9) by @fky2015
- Add an english option to enable english mode. (d8b4a0d) by @fky2015
- Sunset template undergraduate-proposal-report. (ea6e218) by @fky2015
- Update progress of authentication. (b5b7aad) by @fky2015
- Update to v3.4.3 (9951571) by @fky2015
- Update the cover of template paper-translation. (8a688c3) by @fky2015
- Add info/class field in the cover of UT. (e2ded7d) by @fky2015
- Rename pre-defined theorem as per collision. (d70fb9b) by @fky2015
- Update to v3.4.2. (b5045dd) by @fky2015
- Add magic comments to auto-config editors. (a4a921e) by @fky2015
- Allow to set maxbibnames for publications. (f627bf2) by @fky2015
- Add minbibnames to both control name truncate behavior. (e5aa6af) by @fky2015
- Suppress fontspec warning. (0844846) by @fky2015
- Remove dependency on unicode-math. (38f52ad) by @fky2015
- (GT) Use normal text with the keywords. (2b5ee4e) by @fky2015
- Add extra mark on doc. (28c48bc) by @fky2015
- Bump version to v3.3.2. (5714bda) by @fky2015
- (docs) Increase Indent. (25f87cc) by @note286
- Chapters now
in twoside mode. (a2047ff) by @fky2015 - Set font by font file names (in stead of font names). (21826b0) by @fky2015
- Add apecial thanks. (af0ecca) by @fky2015
- Bump version to v3.3.1 (2f4aa62) by @fky2015
- (bithesis) \clearpage after remove \cleardoublepage. (ea1a689) by @fky2015
- @note286 made their first contribution
- Add quirks mode. (d2d1042) by @fky2015
- (docs) Revise a typo. (9583710) by @fky2015
- (UT) Add a patent entry. (ed5c552) by @fky2015
- Typo and other small fixes (26400cb) by @YDX-2147483647
- Typo (95142c4) by @YDX-2147483647
- Add subsection for versioning and updating. (00a3d7c) by @fky2015
- Add a reminder on how to update. (5347352) by @fky2015
- (bithesis) Add docs for quirks mode. (d90f939) by @fky2015
- Fix typo. (9508311) by @YDX-2147483647
- (workflow) Add missing field in the issue template. (d180e6d) by @fky2015
- Update copyright. (a55e45a) by @fky2015
- (typos) Make linter happy. (e5690e6) by @fky2015
- Bump version to v3.3.0. (9ebe371) by @fky2015
- Make sure all templates are updated. (0f109e9) by @fky2015
- @YDX-2147483647 made their first contribution
- (bithesis) Fix wrong bookmarks in appendix. (1f524f5) by @fky2015
- Lift version number to v3.2.3. (3d58df5) by @fky2015
- Typo. (3a1f651) by @fky2015
- @scliubit made their first contribution in #199
- Update version number. (7053468) by @fky2015
- (PT) Remove duplicate titles in references. (3192d88) by @fky2015
- Add a padding (default 0.25em) to cover/autoWidth. (8bff98b) by @fky2015
- Add pdf bookmarks for \chapter* (f477e2d) by @fky2015
- (dev) Add a dev doc for maintainers. (eee5d5a) by @fky2015
- Add footnotes. (f4337db) by @fky2015
- Add doc for autoWidthPadding. (39c9d39) by @fky2015
- (readme) Add all templates. (d6e4038) by @fky2015
- Fix typo. (aef5bfe) by @fky2015
- Refactor issue prompt. (990f823) by @fky2015
- Lift version. (0c5d22f) by @fky2015
- Bump version. (1ee30ac) by @fky2015
- (makefile) Improve Overleaf pack logic. (420a841) by @fky2015
- (dtx) Hide color and border in the hyperref. (c2c22fa) by @fky2015
- (GT) Use pifont to provide \BigStar. (7ad372a) by @fky2015
- Set Times New Roman as the main font. (5dd2999) by @fky2015
- (GT) Remove the extra blank around the figure. (15b2153) by @fky2015
- Fix build error. (6a50ee6) by @fky2015
- (ci) Fix cls update check. (c470b87) by @fky2015
- (github) Update release tracker template. (72fe3d6) by @fky2015
- Format code. (237232d) by @fky2015
- Add examples on publications. (0ea1942) by @fky2015
- Add an example on customizing text in listoffigure. (9338dcd) by @fky2015
- (manual) Add a FAQ entry for adjusting math font. (a774cfe) by @fky2015
- (doctor) Update doctor-thesis test (5d4c72b) by @fky2015
- Add a changelog inside the manual. (a23c7a6) by @fky2015
- Correct hyperref option. (250e259) by @fky2015
- Import asmsymb before unicode-math. (65bd9c8) by @fky2015
- Add sorting option in publications. (5052c84) by @fky2015
- (GT) Manage multiple section in pubs. (0d3a465) by @fky2015
- Add overridable option for \Author. (fac3a86) by @fky2015
- Apply bold, heiti to pubsection title. (fcddd78) by @fky2015
- (makefile) Add doc comment. (a484e57) by @fky2015
- Add doc for new feature in the publications. (edf0b37) by @fky2015
- (overleaf) Pack manual into overleaf pkg. (4d8ab18) by @fky2015
- Fix typo in newline syntax. (e016a41) by @fky2015
- Add initial value to setup key-value pairs. (deadc3b) by @fky2015
- Add porcelain test. (244bdcd) by @fky2015
- (ci) Fix test on checking diff. (5929571) by @fky2015
- (action) Fix the test action. (4d15bd3) by @fky2015
- Add examples. (293e5ee) by @fky2015
- (examples) Add build script for examples (223e99f) by @fky2015
- Fix links in the changelog. (1c7580a) by @fky2015
- Fix links of all old changelogs. (a5e911d) by @fky2015
- Override cls. (b08c138) by @fky2015
- Typo (fb69996) by @fky2015
- Docs. (6f39a69) by @fky2015
- Update docs. (502d370) by @fky2015
- Refactor code, add docs. (1f3647b) by @fky2015
- (bithesis) More docs for impl. (ed07973) by @fky2015
- Update manual. (ddf66e5) by @fky2015
- Refactor docs. (2600677) by @fky2015
- Finish polishing docs. (0186b7d) by @fky2015
- Add more jargons. (bee591f) by @fky2015
- Fix ref type. (61b2df1) by @fky2015
- Revert typo fix. (f3b16c7) by @fky2015
- Typo on doctor (a21ce51) by @fky2015
- Update link as per new ctan package location. (e5c5003) by @fky2015
- (GT) Use \fangsong in acknowledgements as per specs. (8b61111) by @fky2015
- Fix broken script. (c1da9a1) by @fky2015
- Delete useless code. (35ce1fa) by @fky2015
- Add comment for
. (85ee2b9) by @fky2015
- (actions) Using git diff to check updated cls. (d68a5ca) by @fky2015
- Add git. (8ba8eda) by @fky2015
- Try checkout after make copy. (ec0000c) by @fky2015
- Flip condition. (0358a58) by @fky2015
- Only use \fangsong in graduate thesis. (0121d48) by @fky2015
- Add verticalTitle option in book spine. (411cedf) by @fky2015
- Provide a option to custom the indent for bibliography. (78c9a85) by @fky2015
- Uncomment default value for cover/date. (5ec5c1e) by @fky2015
- Add more precise description on
. (e2083f0) by @fky2015 - Update manual. (74a2780) by @fky2015
- Docs on bibliographyIndent. (193fa8f) by @fky2015
- Bump version. (5470390) by @fky2015
- Finish undergraduate-thesis-en template (3c42300) by @fky2015
- Add \environent "symbols". (80bfc2e) by @fky2015
- Option to add toc. (0c1473f) by @fky2015
- Support auto wrap and auto width cover entry. (eff8f61) by @fky2015
- Add blindPeerReview mode to all thesis. (ac10ffa) by @fky2015
- Support chapter level appendices. (194ee2c) by @fky2015
- Add common math environment with example. (6d29769) by @fky2015
- Copy manual into release pack. (317ab38) by @fky2015
- 修复本科毕设的附录编号格式 (4d2a76d) by @everything411
- Remove space in demo. (61f9ebb) by @fky2015
- (docs) Remove minted. (40cfc68) by @fky2015
- Fix example info. (6661a53) by @fky2015
- Fix conclusion's title. (d4509f7) by @fky2015
- Fix twoside mod (a9fb4d3) by @fky2015
- Fix main example. (ea304a5) by @fky2015
- Fix References english title. (cb16f0b) by @fky2015
- Fix PT cover spacing. (ab5e47c) by @fky2015
- Remove abstract TOC according to inst. (e8c4b66) by @fky2015
- Fix github action (ce0c431) by @fky2015
- (UPR) Move settings to cls file. (4a927f7) by @fky2015
- Pass options to ctex in a seperate option. (9d17ba5) by @fky2015
- Suppress harmless warning. (17c5cee) by @fky2015
- Fix typo. (3855374) by @fky2015
- Mode issue caused by outdated code. (62f49bf) by @fky2015
- 表格方面改为三线表制(#148) (2c560ad) by @Hibiscus-2333 in #148
- Refactor UPR using latex3. (d515600) by @fky2015
- (docs) Use l3doc as documentclass (aa50edb) by @fky2015
- Merge UT originality claim. (f9fee20) by @fky2015
- [breaking] Remove searching for STXihei due to poor performance. (26d715e) by @fky2015
- Extract const name. (30da6e7) by @fky2015
- Refactor undergraduate-thesis (53099d3) by @fky2015
- Use option. (d481a5c) by @fky2015
- Refactor (119b6fd) by @fky2015
- Refactor. (ce6ef65) by @fky2015
- Refactor code with more docs. (e9d0ad1) by @fky2015
- Refactor variable name. (2bb2689) by @fky2015
- Squash to dtx file. (2621f7b) by @fky2015
- Refactor UPR cover (e8e896c) by @fky2015
- Refactor comments. (3571bda) by @fky2015
- Refactor in dtx. (94df814) by @fky2015
- Abstract* to abstractEn (05011af) by @fky2015
- [breaking] Merge environment options to setup. (3b0fbac) by @fky2015
- Use variant x instead of e. (83a76c6) by @fky2015
- Bump pkg version (f4f1f2a) by @fky2015
- Add docs for predefined theorem. (b2753df) by @fky2015
- Add more docs for optional arguments. (7421bc3) by @fky2015
- Refine manual. (2cff7d1) by @fky2015
- (readme) Refine docs, add LaTeX syntax. (9a9b676) by @fky2015
- (.dtx) Add more docs. (29bf235) by @fky2015
- (bitehsis) More details on bitreport. (939bc03) by @fky2015
- (readme) Add more info in templates' readme. (286585c) by @fky2015
- Update instruction (670c3fc) by @fky2015
- (readme) Refactor home page. (f15faeb) by @fky2015
- Add more instructions for the developers. (20444a3) by @fky2015
- Add link to documentation. (cd021a1) by @fky2015
- Chore on docs (911447f) by @fky2015
- Add typos check. (a990994) by @fky2015
- Check whole repos. (6ad541e) by @fky2015
- Rename config file. (755b52f) by @fky2015
- Update cover converter script (a3f4f45) by @fky2015
- (UT) Pack to latex3 (d3b61d1) by @fky2015
- (UT) Use xparse. (e330458) by @fky2015
- (UT) Make cover (f7a20a8) by @fky2015
- (UT) Add abstract to package. (045c120) by @fky2015
- Finish UT migration (c00f6e4) by @fky2015
- Update PT to latex3 (19b7185) by @fky2015
- (docs) Compile conflict. (7d577c9) by @fky2015
- Typos in gh action workflow. (a6029ed) by @fky2015
- Typos. (ce05f02) by @fky2015
- @Hibiscus-2333 made their first contribution in #148
- @everything411 made their first contribution
- (PS) Extract a latex3 class file. (c29bae2) by @fky2015
- Use \RequirePackage in favor of \usepackage. (6bc9b17) by @fky2015
- (UT) Fix bib date format. (21ea984) by @fky2015
- Remove unused package. (a7847ed) by @fky2015
- (PT) Cover fix #144 (df76cba) by @fky2015
- \upcite -> \cite (ad36f48) by @fky2015
- Remove test control sequence. (aeecf84) by @fky2015
- (PS) Move main color theme definition to cls. (3ad7d3e) by @fky2015
- (PS) Move \usetheme to cls. (d4e2b3d) by @fky2015
- Copyright header in tex. (3933684) by @fky2015
- Update copyright file header. (63fb411) by @fky2015
- (LR) [breaking] Extract the lab-report into new cls. (b8993ef) by @fky2015
- Refactor!(LR): use l3keys. (bb7d3c9) by @fky2015
- (UPR) Use built-in figure. (f15704b) by @fky2015
- (UPR) Use \ctexset instead of deprecated \CTEXoptions. (702ec6b) by @fky2015
- (PS) Docs and warning fix. (61b2a42) by @fky2015
- (LR) Make teacherName optional. (f8e4379) by @fky2015
- (LR) Custom date. (510e367) by @fky2015
- (LR) Add bibliography. (8c34533) by @fky2015
- Fix issue templates unique id. (7ec6a4e) by @fky2015
- Fix unique template (2325224) by @fky2015
- Remove conflict definition. (fc6b3f4) by @fky2015
- Remove theorem. (9805f5d) by @fky2015
- (readme) Fix typo. (8ec3db3) by @fky2015
- Add ISSUE_TEMPLATE config.yaml (5519740) by @fky2015
- (issue) Add formated issue template. (7dfc517) by @fky2015
- Fix emoji. (c64620d) by @fky2015
- (github) Add release issue tracker template. (afe4a73) by @fky2015
- Give a workaround to redefine page head. (2f0e7e4) by @fky2015
- Add same method hint to PT. (c6bbbc3) by @fky2015
- (ci) Add name to github action - test. (52290ca) by @fky2015
- Add disclaimer about master-thesis. (c156132) by @fky2015
- (bithesis-readme) Specify instruction on bithesis. (1a0dfa7) by @fky2015
- (readme) Fix wrong dev guide. (5bab59a) by @fky2015
- (readme) Add guide on test. (f62bbb2) by @fky2015
- (bithesis-readme) Add maintainer info. (3e9d68c) by @fky2015
- (readme) Add badge for CTAN and CI. (319fabb) by @fky2015
- (assets) Remove slack icon. (5f2ed1d) by @fky2015
- (readme) Add release workflow for maintainer. (79d77e1) by @fky2015
- Fix hierarchy in markdown. (62e52b7) by @fky2015
- Add reference documents. (37dab91) by @fky2015
- Refine workflow. (5f736ea) by @fky2015
- Add commit to changelog settings. (677eabc) by @fky2015
- (ctan) Release bithesis v2.1.0 (22fe03c) by @fky2015
- @alanyoungCN made their first contribution
- (templates) Add .gitignore that empower version control. (8e8872b) by @fky2015
- Use biblatex in favor of natbib. (2c132f6) by @fky2015
- (test) Add filter to regression-testing. (a0137a9) by @fky2015
- (master-thesis) Improve spine styles. (b79cec6) by @fky2015
- (ci) Change working dir to ./templates. (c2ed2c9) by @fky2015
- (bithesis) Resolve statement issue when uploading CTAN. (2627834) by @fky2015
- (make) Clean zip before package, defensively. (bb18cb7) by @fky2015
- (test) Fix regression-testing scripts. (47e2a6f) by @fky2015
- (master-thesis) Remove bst file. (25f2c21) by @fky2015
- (MT) Remove redundancy space. (d2cd9c2) by @fky2015
- Add a note as workaround to modify cls. (f80a25d) by @fky2015
- Ignore more build files. (bb4e1de) by @fky2015
- Rename master branch to main. (8967957) by @fky2015
- Fix badgen link. (64180f3) by @fky2015
- Do not push (43c45b6) by @fky2015
- Pack up presentation-slide in release hook. (403c6c2) by @fky2015
- Init bitgrad.cls (6f19ab0) by @fky2015
- Move project scaffold as templates (1b2c387) by @fky2015
- Add overleaf zip generation script. (9ecf95c) by @fky2015
- Update readme. (43ca60d) by @fky2015
- (CI) Add CI for the test. (e63df18) by @fky2015
- Add latexmkrc to templates. (994b8b9) by @fky2015
- Install core-web-fonts. (5911093) by @fky2015
- (CI) Add via git-cliff. (75fbea0) by @fky2015
- Complete bug report template. (494c699) by @fky2015
- (github) Add MRE. (dab6f7b) by @fky2015
- Release zip CI. (1a6e34e) by @fky2015
- Link in readme to EN version. (27d9bc2) by @fky2015
- (CI) Fix depends (9ed5321) by @fky2015
- CI. (5693400) by @fky2015
- Remove Noto Serif CJK SC dependency. (d80a3fd) by @fky2015
- (CHANGELOG) Add changelog. (44f51eb) by @fky2015
- Migrate to QQ Chat Group. (ca7495c) by @fky2015
- AutoFakeBold option fix in proposal-report. (356e9b6) by @fky2015
- Proposal-report's bad bold effect. (0fe3aca) by @fky2015
- Format space. (d39f76c) by @fky2015
- Add paper-translation-related code. (f08cc51) by @fky2015
- Key-value option support for footskip in bitbook. (98420a5) by @fky2015
- Add listings caption support. (f059c30) by @fky2015
- Add option to toggle title number with Heiti font. (a975525) by @fky2015
- Prepare for new package update to upload. (8c3ee54) by @fky2015
- (docs) Badge fix in readme. (71cda67) by @fky2015
- (docs) Add maintainer wanted, add docs link. (dda3abf) by @fky2015
- Prepare for CTAN version v1.0.1 (7b26976) by @fky2015
- (makefile) Correct
args. (2d40568) by @fky2015
- @guguguxiao made their first contribution in #60
- (LaTeX) Init a dtx project. (77b2494) by @fky2015
- Finish migration (9deacc2) by @fky2015
- Add more description in doc. (c3bd6f4) by @fky2015
- Add more history. (2f561bb) by @fky2015
- Update docs and build script. (5bd40a0) by @fky2015
- Add more content in bithesis.pdf docs. (fe16fa0) by @fky2015
- (doc) Basic maintanence (94bf84d) by @fky2015
- (readme) Change maintainance info. (0c972a3) by @fky2015
- (readme) Add period. (0374e3e) by @fky2015
- Add more dev docs. (27cd897) by @fky2015
- (readme, doc) Repair the invalid links. (167657c) by @fky2015
- (readme,doc) Upadate the links' text (618c01c) by @DeltaHao
- (doc.pdf) Repair (300e7b2) by @DeltaHao
- (doc) Domain (a9fe9fc) by @DeltaHao
- Add pkg build command to makefile. (e9dcf6d) by @fky2015
- @DeltaHao made their first contribution
- @dependabot[bot] made their first contribution
- @phy25 made their first contribution
- (docs/contributing) Fix typo (a783c9f) by @fky2015
- Format issues and typos (f79a353) by @spencerwooo
- (vuepress) Add header link to slack channel (1349723) by @fky2015
- (contributing) Add chinese version of (be671d7) by @fky2015
- (wiki&contributing) Add contributing to wiki. add Bilingual badge (3f5b970) by @fky2015
- (contributing) Add contributing clause to readme (60c1b28) by @fky2015
- (contributing) Add (24aee3d) by @fky2015
- @fky2015 made their first contribution
- @felinae98 made their first contribution
- @shoopshoop made their first contribution
- @Lancern made their first contribution
- @ZIJIN-Evan made their first contribution
- Fix the layout (22a8ed2) by @mwl0811
- @mwl0811 made their first contribution
- (lab-report) Modfiy title and picture position (2f90368) by @Silverster98
- (latex doc) Add doc charpter 5, 6, 7 content (9abd384) by @Silverster98
- ( lab-report/ Add content in and lab-report/ (a63078d) by @Silverster98
- ( Fix content link (904f201) by @Silverster98
- (all) Modify chapter style (0e1bf37) by @Silverster98
- (lab-report) Add template for experiment report (6514504) by @Silverster98
- (chapter1) Modify style of caption, figure and table (870a9e7) by @Silverster98
- (toc) Fix content style (13fd215) by @Silverster98
- @spencerwooo made their first contribution
- @Silverster98 made their first contribution