Those were started and ended in different timeframes.
Project #20: Bracketed Camera **Bracketed Camera
- iOS Camera API
- GPT Interface
- Chat View
Project #18: Cold Turkey Cold Turkey
- Hidden text fields
- Joke navigation view
- Screen recording
- SwiftUI
- Mac OS
- Status bar app
- User preference storage in UserDefaults
- EventMonitor to figure out clicks outside the app
- SwiftLint
- SwiftUI
- Mac OS
- Web requests to API
- Decoding JSON
- ML Training
- Vision - machine recognition OCR
- SwiftUI
- iOS
- Live camera feed (UIKit framework used in SwiftUI)
- iOS
- SwiftUI
- Pods
- Google AdMob
- Onboarding System with pages and router
- Settings System
- Email sending
- URL display
- Localization
- Local storage
- JSON encoding/decoding for storage
- Export data into CSV
- CSV data storage
- Paid mode
- TabView with customized icons
- Animated pop up tab buttons
- Theme Color selection
- User preferences storage in UserDefaults
- EnumPicker
- Pickable typealias
- Graphic generation with Pod
- Pod
- Extension UI Device to simplify error reporting
- Extension UIApplication version
- View date-toString
- Extension double - clean and rounded for UI reasons
- Podfile
- AdMob via pod
- Localization
- Card Generation System that uses incidence Matrix
- extension Array to compare 2 and find generic similarElements
- Game state, dificulty (via time), score
- Multiplayer change capability
- Tests for card generation, match, and game controller creation
- iOS built
- SwiftUI
- Mac OS
- Status bar app
- Clipboard use
- User preference storage in UserDefaults
- Capability of choosing which vocabulary to use
- Enum Picker
- EventMonitor to figure out clicks outside the app
- SwiftLint
- SwiftUI
- Podfile
- SwifLint via pod
- AdMob via pod
- Onboarding controller / multiple screens
- Loading screen animation
- Game data storage encoded/decoded in JSON to UserDefaults
- Neuemorphic design
- Game matrix in a 2D array
- Localization
- ViewModifier (for the tiles)
- Array extension to find index of element
- Color extension to get UIColor
- Several different and fun gradient extensions
- View extension to invert color content
- Tests for the game engine
- iOS built
- SwifUI
- Animation
- radius / sin, cos calculation to position balls in screen
- ternary conditionals
- SwiftUI
Private Repo
- ML training / use in app
- Mac OS
- File system navigation with File Manager
- File moving
- File deleting
- SwiftUI
- Complex data models
- iOS
- SwiftUI
- Core Data
- Complex data models
- Generic Filtered List
- Color scheme
- Extension Date to string
- Environment object
- Fetch requests
- TabView
- iOS
- SwiftUI
- Mac OS
- UIKit
- Text Editor
- Uses storyboard
- Email sending
- iOS
- SwiftUI
- SwiftUI
- Geometry Reader
- Published project
- Random selection of text
- Storyboard UIKit