This script will build Forgery and package it up in a nice way.
To use:
- Install 7-Zip
- Install NSIS
- You also need Powershell, MSBuild 4.0, and Robocopy available.
- In Powershell, run: Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted (required to run Powershell scripts)
- Run GenerateInstall.ps1 as an administrator
- The build artifacts are in /Out
- The results from MSBuild are in /Out/Build
- The ZIP archive is at /Out/Forgery.Editor.{version}.zip
- The installer is at /Out/Forgery.Editor.{version}.exe
- The NSIS script is at /Out/Forgery.Editor.Installer.{version}.nsi
- The version text file is at /Out/version.txt
- The complete build log is at /Out/Build.log
- If you wish to disable Powershell scripts again, run: Set-ExecutionPolicy restricted
InsertIcons.exe is complied from: