The server / gesture receiver. Receives gestures from the keypoint generator and processes them to perform the corresponding action.
usage: python -m gestop.receiver [-h] [--no-mouse-track] [--config-path-json CONFIG_PATH_JSON] [--config-path-py CONFIG_PATH_PY] [--no-action]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--no-mouse-track Do not track mouse on startup
--config-path-json CONFIG_PATH_JSON
Path to custom json configuration file
--config-path-py CONFIG_PATH_PY
Path to custom python configuration file
--no-action Disbaled execution of actions. Useful for debugging.
Keypoint generator using mediapipe. Connects to the receiver
, captures and sends keypoints for it to use.
python -m gestop.keypoint_gen.hand_tracker
Script to collect data for static gestures. Used in tandem with a keypoint generator such as gestop.keypoint_gen.hand_tracker
. Writes gesture data to a csv file for future use.
usage: python -m gestop.extend.static_data_collection [-h] [--nsamples NSAMPLES] --static-gesture-filepath STATIC_GESTURE_FILEPATH
--static-gesture-filepath STATIC_GESTURE_FILEPATH
Path to the file containing existing static gestures or path to new file to add gesture data.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nsamples NSAMPLES The number of samples of data to collect in one run.
Script to train a neural network to detect static gestures.
usage: python -m gestop.extend.static_train_model [-h] --static-gesture-filepath STATIC_GESTURE_FILEPATH
--static-gesture-filepath STATIC_GESTURE_FILEPATH
Path to the file containing static gestures.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Script to collect data for dynamic gestures. Used in tandem with a keypoint generator such as gestop.keypoint_gen.hand_tracker
. Writes gesture data to a directory for future use.
usage: python -m gestop.extend.dynamic_data_collection [-h] --user-gesture-directory USER_GESTURE_DIRECTORY
--user-gesture-directory USER_GESTURE_DIRECTORY
The directory in which gesture data should be stored. Created if it does not exist. Each gesture is stored in a separate directory inside this one.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Script to train a neural network to detect static gestures.
usage: python -m gestop.extend.dynamic_train_model [-h] [--exp-name EXP_NAME] --shrec-directory SHREC_DIRECTORY [--user-directory USER_DIRECTORY] [--use-pretrained]
--shrec-directory SHREC_DIRECTORY
The directory of SHREC.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--exp-name EXP_NAME The name with which to log the run.
--user-directory USER_DIRECTORY
The directory in which user collected gesture data is stored.
--use-pretrained Use pretrained model.
A utility script to find the keycodes when a particular key is pressed. Useful when creating a custom config which makes use of special keys (e.g. media_volume_up)
python -m gestop.util.find_keycode