Tech NewsSocial Media
Facebook’s Profile Redesign is Coming Later Today, But Here’s How to Get it Now
You can quit creating those “I hate Facebook’s redesign” groups, because their latest code-tinkering…isn’t that bad? You can see what I mean by following these easy steps, to push the redesign through to your profile early: It’s really very easy. Just go to this page: http://www.facebook.com/about/profile/, then click on the green button up the top … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
This Is What Facebook’s Feed Looked Like in 2006
The News Feed was the turning point towards the modern Facebook experience, the first of many gentle (and not-so) pushes to forces users to share information with less-than-besties. It’s from former PR-Head Brandee Barker’s notes, not Zuck’s. That’s sharp foresight.
By Joel Johnson -
Tech News
Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg Break Bread, Talk Ping?
Holy dinner date! Two of tech’s heaviest heavyweights, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, had supper together two weeks ago and talked about—well, we don’t exactly know, but you can be sure it was probably more about Ping than poking. It’s true! Apple CEO Steve Jobs had Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over for dinner at his … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech NewsSocial Media
The New Facebook: New Dashboard, Download Your Stuff, and Groups
As expected, Facebook’s big event today did involve some new design elements. But it’s the features being announced that give a crucial look at the site’s even bigger ambitions. The first feature Mark Zuckerberg announced, Download Your Information, lets you download all of your photos, messages, videos, etc. Simple enough! It all goes into a … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
Watch an Animated Mark Zuckerberg Having Sex in The Social Network Movie Synopsis
Remember our good friends at that Taiwanese news video production company? They’ve condensed the Facebook movie The Social Network into two minutes—but that’s just long enough to scare us witless with animated scenes of Zuckerberg shagging. Really, if there’s ever anything you wish you could unsee more in your life, it’s probably that. Or maybe … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
A Look At Mark Zuckerberg’s Surprisingly Dull House And Daily Routines
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is constantly in the middle of some sort of torrid gossip storm, but his home life appears to be the opposite—it’s calm and cozy. Here’s a brief look into how he and his girlfriend go through an average day. This video is part of an interview Mark Zuckerberg did with Oprah … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Mark Zuckerberg More Minted Than Steve Jobs
Hours after Forbes reported Zuckerberg overtook Steve Jobs on their Forbes 400 rich list, news escaped that he’s donated $100 million to New Jersey’s Newark schools. A clever move, considering he made $4.9 billion in the last year alone. He’s now said to be worth $6.9 billion, so that’s a healthy increase in his pocket … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
The Facebook Movie is “One of the Must-See Films of the Year”
An early preview of The Social Network has had reviewers foaming at the mouth, with /Film’s Peter Sciretta declaring it as his “favorite movie of the year (so far).” Yes, this is the film about Zuckerberg creating Facebook. https://gizmodo.com/the-official-facebook-movie-trailer-5577254 While it wasn’t the final cut, the movie was screened for a few select publications, and … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
The Coke and Tits Stay in the Facebook Picture
After tense, months-long talks with Facebook executives, filmmakers behind Facebook flick The Social Network have decided to keep a scene involving cocaine and boobs. Did Facebook finally realize it will never again look this sexy? The company had reportedly been complaining about inaccuracies in the film. But now, the Hollywood Reporter’s Matt Belloni and Allison … Continued
By Ryan Tate -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Why Did Mark Zuckerberg Make Himself Unblockable on Facebook? (Updated)
What do you do if you’re the CEO of a company faced with persistent privacy concerns? If you’re Mark Zuckerberg, you make it so users of your service can’t block you. Mark Zuckerberg recently, mysteriously, became unblockable on Facebook. TechCrunch highlights a funny single-serve website, blockzuck.com. Its only purpose: to point out that if you … Continued
By Adrian Chen -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Second Facebook Movie Trailer Looks Even More Ridiculous
Click to viewThe first trailer for The Social Network was just a series of big portentous words. For the encore, a series of big portentous status updates! Everyone involved in the creation of Facebook sure could type fast. https://gizmodo.com/the-official-facebook-movie-trailer-5577254 I still don’t know what’s odder: that this is actually a movie, that David Fincher directed … Continued
Is “The Social Network” a science fiction movie?
If you’ve seen ads for David Fincher’s upcoming flick The Social Network, you know it’s about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. But the tone is like Fincher classic Fight Club. The Social Network is that rarest of things: a scifi docudrama. Based in part on a book about Silicon Valley millionaires, the movie was written by … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
Each Time You Open Facebook, You’ll Now Think of Bono
Bono (he out of U2, the perpetual-glasses-wearer and preacher) and his private equity company Elevation Partners have bought a larger stake in Facebook, acquiring 1.5 per cent of the site altogether. No-one at Elevation is planning on becoming a board member at Facebook or Yelp (where they also have a stake) apparently, so if you … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
Facebook CEO Admits They “Missed the Mark” On Privacy
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has written a carefully crafted near-apology in today’s Washington Post. And while his promises of coming improvements are welcome, the essay’s not so much a grand gesture as calculated damage control. The changes Zuckerberg intimates are ones we’ve heard of before: making it simpler for users to control their information and … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
Facebook’s Privacy Changes Get Scary
Facebook’s long had some privacy issues, and now that they’re broadening their reach on the web, who knows what’ll happen next? Oh, right. We do: 2007 – Facebook Beacon links your purchases at online stores to your Facebook account so your friends (and marketers) can see what you’re buying. http://valleywag.gawker.com/329419/does-facebook-beacon-spy-on-you-without-asking 2010 – Facebook makes it … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
The Next Gadget Gods
This past year, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs began to focus on priorities other than tech. Who will fill their winged sandals and become the new Gadget Gods? These next gods will, like their predecessors, be people whose professional and private lives, and even personal appearance, are of equal importance to hordes of obsessed nerds. … Continued