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The table below shows historic rates of change for staff salary increases.

Fiscal Year    Campus    Healthcare Difference  
2024-25 More than $27 Million Investment *** TBA NA
2022-23 More than $12.5 Million Investment *** 3.5% NA
2021-22 2%** 2.5% 0.50%
2020-21 0% 2% 2%
2019-20 2% 2% 0%
2018-19 1.5% 2% 0.50%
 2017-18  2.5% 2% -0.50%
2016-17 2% 2% 0%
2015-16 3.5% 3% -0.50%
2014-15 2% 2% 0%
2013-14 5% 3% -2%
2012-13 0% 0% 0%
2011-12 3% 2% -1%
2010-11 * 3% *
2009-10 0% 0% 0%
2008-09 0% 3.50% 3.50%
2007-08 3.50% 3.50% 0%
2006-07 3.50% 3.50% 0%
2005-06 4% 3.60% -0.40%
2004-05 1% 3.60% 2.60%

***  Multi-year strategy, which supports our goal of an overall compensation system that is externally competitive and internally consistent. This approach also provides more flexibility to managers regarding salary adjustments as the best decisions are made at the unit level.
** Campus employees received a one-time payment of up to $1,000 in July 2021.

As part of the FY 2021-22 operating and capital budget approved by the Board of Trustees, we are pleased to offer a one-time $1,000  payment to our eligible regular employees, both faculty and staff, as a gesture of appreciation for their outstanding efforts over the past year.

The following guidelines provide details on faculty and staff eligibility and outline how the one-time payment will be distributed.

General Information

  1. A One-Time Payment (OTP) of $1,000 will be provided to eligible faculty and staff in July 2021. Following are the detailed guidelines for eligibility, process and funding.
  2. The OTPs will be included in the July 9, 2021, paycheck for biweekly paid employees and the July 30, 2021, paycheck for monthly paid employees.
  3. The OTP amount will be pro-rated based on the employee’s full-time equivalent assignment.
  4. For employees who are funded with undesignated general funds or grants, the OTP will be funded centrally or by UKRF. Units will be required to fund the OTPs for all other eligible employees.
  5. Benefit rates for the OTP are:
    1. Faculty 9.97%
    2. Staff 10.15%
    3. These rates include social security and Medicare taxes and the university’s Miscellaneous Fringe Benefits.
  6. Notify Human Resources immediately if there are any special circumstances not addressed in these guidelines. Please keep the appropriate AFO advised of these discussions.

Employee Eligibility and One-Time-Payment Amounts

  1. Eligible employees include regular staff and faculty that are 1) not employed in UKHC personnel area 1500 or 2) a College of Medicine clinical faculty member who supports the clinical mission through UKHC’s ambulatory and hospital operations. Faculty in the College of Medicine ACE compensation plan and research title series faculty are eligible.
  2. To be eligible, an employee must have held a regular position (Personnel Subareas 0001-0005) or phased-retiree position (Personnel Subarea 0014) as of 12/31/2020 and continue to hold such a position as of 07/01/2021. All other employees, such as temporary employees and student employees, are not eligible for the OTP.
  3. For eligible employees with a regular assignment of 1.0 FTE as of 12/31/2020, the payment amount will be $1,000. The payment amount will be pro-rated accordingly for eligible employees with a regular assignment of less than 1.0 FTE as of 12/31/2020. For example, an employee holding a 0.9 FTE as of 12/31/2020 will receive a payment of $900. See FAQ for additional details.
  4. Employees are eligible for the OTP regardless of performance evaluation score, leave status, phased retirement status, corrective action status, fund source, etc.


  1. The process for the OTP is being coordinated using reports from SAP that were downloaded to Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet lists each regular employee, excluding UK HealthCare employees (PA 1500), by department and funding source. As a result, many employees are listed more than once on the spreadsheet, but their total FTE and OTP will not exceed 1.0 and $1,000, respectively. The report was run in January 2021 and captured each employee’s FTE as of 12/31/2020.
  2. DO NOT make changes to the formulas on the spreadsheet. DO NOT move columns or delete any data from the spreadsheet.
  3. UKHC, the College of Medicine and the Provost Budget Office (PBO) are responsible for identifying College of Medicine clinical faculty. As these faculty participate in the UKHC salary plan, they are not eligible for this OTP. These faculty are to be identified by selecting ‘Yes’ in column F (titled ‘Clinical Faculty?’) of the spreadsheet. In addition to identifying these faculty in column F, select comment “Clinical Faculty – Not eligible for the OTP” in column AO.
  4. Departments and units are to review the spreadsheet for completeness and accuracy and are to add comments and additional information, if necessary, in accordance with the instructions below. If changes are needed for an employee, such as a known future resignation or retirement date, or an employee who transferred into your unit but was employed at UK in a position – not in UKHC PA 1500 or as a clinical faculty member -- as of 12/31/2020, select the appropriate comment from the “Comment” column (see column AO) and add appropriate explanations as needed in the “Additional Notes” column (column AP).
  5. The calculated OTP amount, as adjusted based on FTE, is shown by funding source for each employee on the spreadsheet (see columns AK – AM).
  6. The 1018 funding distribution records for each employee, as of December 31, 2020, are shown in columns AC (i.e., percentage) and AD (cost center/WBS – Land Grant only). For employees with FCC = S, M and N, the OTP and benefits will be charged to the cost center shown in Column AD. For employees with FCC = G, the account to be charged depends on the true funding source. Positions with FCC = G include grant-funded positions and other positions funded from departmental fund balances and restricted accounts. Using infotype 0027, the applicable funding source for eligible employees with FCC = G (i.e., UKRF or the unit) is indicated in column AA. If UKRF is funding the OTP and associated benefits (i.e., if FCC = “G” and column AA, Grant Support? = “Yes – UKRF”), the UBO will add an account in column AF for the OTP expenses when the completed spreadsheet is returned.

Units must enter one of their cost centers into column AF for the OTP and benefits if:

  • an employee has an FCC = G and column AA = “No – UNIT” OR
  • an employee has an FCC = F

The funding of the OTP is further explained later in these guidelines.

  1. Any employee not listed on a college’s or department’s spreadsheet but eligible for the OTP based on these guidelines must be added to the spreadsheet. For example, if an eligible employee transferred from another unit. The employee must be added in a new row in the spreadsheet. Using red font, enter the employee’s name, pernr and FTE as of 12/31/2020 in the respective cells on a new row in the spreadsheet. The employee’s prior department must also be listed in column L. In the “Comments” column (AO), select the remark “Employee added -- not listed on original spreadsheet.” The OTP will be calculated when the spreadsheet is returned to the UBO.
  2. Employees listed on the provided spreadsheet who do not qualify for the OTP based on these guidelines but have a calculated OTP amount greater than zero must be identified by selecting the remark “Employee does not qualify for the OTP” or if a clinical faculty “Clinical faculty – not eligible for the OTP” in the “Comments” column (AO). Use the “Additional Notes” column (AP) to add more information, if needed. Do not remove the calculated OTP from the spreadsheet. The OTP will be removed when the spreadsheet is returned to the UBO.
  3. Employees who will or have already resigned from UK on or before 07/01/2021 and are on the spreadsheet are not eligible for the OTP. Select the remark “Employee will resign on or before 07/01/2021 – not eligible for the OTP”.
  4. Employees who will or have already retired from UK on or before 07/01/2021 and are on the spreadsheet are not eligible for the OTP. Select the remark “Employee will retire on or before 07/01/2021 - not eligible for the OTP”.
  5. The OTPs will be loaded into SAP via Infotype 0015 (additional payment) using wage type 2265.
  6. Benefits charged for the OTP will only include social security and Medicare taxes and the university’s Miscellaneous Fringe Benefits; they will not, for example, include retirement benefits.


  1. Spreadsheets with the OTP data will be distributed to the AFOs on 6/23/2021 for coordinating with their respective units and departments. Departments and units can expect to receive their spreadsheets on or before 6/25/2021.
  2. The AFOs are to return the spreadsheets to the UBO no later than the close of business on 6/29/21. Each AFO will establish earlier due dates for their respective colleges and departments.
  3. The OTP amounts will be provided to the EAG team on 7/1/21 for biweekly paid employees and on 7/22/21 for monthly paid employees.
  4. The OTPs will be included in the July 9, 2021, paycheck for biweekly paid employees and the July 30, 2021, paycheck for monthly paid employees.


  1. Funds will be transferred from central sources for the OTP and associated benefits for employees with funding category codes (FCC) of F, S, M and N.
  2. UKRF will provide funding to cover the OTPs and associated benefits for eligible employees that were funded by grants as of 12/31/2020. Unfortunately, these employees are not easily identifiable by FCC. Positions with funding category code equal to G include grant-funded positions and other positions funded from departmental fund balances and restricted accounts. Using infotype 0027, the applicable funding source for eligible employees with FCC = G (i.e., UKRF or the unit) is indicated in column AA.
  3. Units will be responsible for funding the OTPs and associated benefits of employees with FCC not equal to F, S, M and N. In addition, units will be responsible for funding the OTPs and associated benefits of employees with FCC equal to G but not funded by UKRF.
  4. Budget transfers for the OTPs described above will be processed by the UBO and UKRF in August 2021, after the payments have been dispersed.

Expected Questions & Answers

  1. When will employees receive the one-time-payment (OTP)? Employees who are paid biweekly will receive their payment on the July 9, 2021, paycheck. Employees who are paid monthly will receive their payment on the July 30, 2021, paycheck.
  2. How will the employee recognize the payment on their pay statement? The payment will be separately stated under the earnings section.
  3. Does the OTP include a retirement match? No.
  4. Is the OTP taxable? Yes. These payments are subject to both employee and employer payroll taxes.
  5. How will the OTP be prorated? The OTP will be prorated based on the employee’s regular assignment(s) FTE as of December 31, 2020. For example, an employee with a .75 regular assignment FTE will receive $750.
  6. Are all campus employee types (part time, student, on call, STEPS) eligible for the OTP? No. Only employees who held a regular position (Personnel Subareas 0001-0005) or phased-retiree position (Personnel Subarea 0014) as of 12/31/2020 and continue to hold such a position as of 07/01/2021 are eligible for the OTP. UK HealthCare employees (defined as personnel area 1500) and College of Medicine clinical faculty are not eligible for the OTP.
  7. Are employees who separated from the university eligible for this OTP? No. To be eligible, the employee must remain an active employee as of 07/01/2021.
  8. Are employees who transferred from a campus position to a UK HealthCare position eligible for this one-time payment? No. To be eligible, the employee must be an active employee in a regular campus or non-UKHC position [(Personnel Subareas 0001-0005) or phased-retiree position (Personnel Subarea 0014)] as of 07/01/2021 are eligible for the OTP.
  9. Are employees who transferred from a UK HealthCare position to a campus position eligible for the OTP? To be eligible, the employee must have held a regular or phased-retiree campus position (i.e., non-UKHC) as of December 31, 2020.
  10. Are employees who recently began working at UK eligible for the OTP? To be eligible, the employee must have been an active employee in a regular campus position (i.e., non-UKHC) as of December 31, 2020.
  11. Will faculty receive the OTP? Yes. However, clinical faculty members in the College of Medicine are not eligible for this OTP as they participate in the UKHC salary plan.

*Campus received a one-time payment of up to $1,000 based on staff member's pay. Eligible employees 1.0 FTE with per annum base salary of $70,000 or less received maximum payment of $1,000. Eligible employees 1.0 FTE with per annum base salary of $70,001 - $74,999 received the payment on a sliding scale, with a minimum payment of $200.

Historical Facts about the UK 2010 One Time Payment
​news article from July 2, 2010

We are pleased to announce the University of Kentucky will provide a one-time, lump sum payment for eligible faculty and staff during the 2010-11 fiscal year.

Note: Employees within the UK HealthCare payroll system (hospitals, clinics, and College of Medicine clinical departments) are not eligible for the one-time payment).

This one-time payment is designed to reward eligible faculty and staff at a time when economic conditions have limited our ability to offer annual merit increases.
Though we regret being unable to offer annual merit increases to our outstanding staff and faculty this year, our University administration has worked in recent months to identify more than $6 million in one-time funds needed for the one-time payment: Over 80 percent of non-UK HealthCare employees will benefit as a result.

Basic Eligibility Criteria
UK staff and faculty meeting the following criteria will be eligible for the one-time payment of up to $1,000 intending to be paid on September 3, 2010 paychecks for employees paid bi-weekly or August 31 for employees paid monthly (amount based on pay rate as of July 31, 2010):

  • Regular status faculty and staff hired on or before December 31, 2009 and employed in a campus department on July 31 are eligible for the one-time payment. Employees must also be employed during the payroll period when the one-time payment is distributed (see "Additional Eligibility Criteria" section below).
  • Regular employees with a 1.0 (100%) full-time equivalent schedule are eligible to receive the full $1,000 payment [1.0 FTE typically equates to a 37.5-hour or 40-hour work week for full-time positions at UK. You may check with your supervisor to confirm your FTE status.]. Regular part-time employees are eligible to receive a pro-rated payment amount (details below). Temporary employees, including research assistants, postdocs, medical residents, fellows, teaching assistants, resident advisors and graduate assistants, are not eligible for the one-time payment.
  • Only employees with a base salary of less than $75,000 will be eligible to receive the one-time payment.
    • Eligible employees with annual full-time (1.0 FTE) base salaries of $70,000 or less are eligible to receive the maximum payment of $1,000.
    • Eligible employees with annual full-time (1.0 FTE) base salaries of $70,001 - $74,999 will receive one-time payments of less than $1,000, with the amount decreasing on a sliding scale, with a minimum payment of $200 for those on the higher end of this salary range.
  • One-time payment amounts will be pro-rated for regular part-time employees (less than 1.0/100% FTE) whose annual base salary is less than $75,000.

Example #1
An eligible employee earning $40,000/year in a 0.5 (50%) FTE status would not be eligible to receive a one-time payment. The annual 1.0 FTE (100%) base salary at this pay rate would equal $80,000, which exceeds the eligible limit.

Example #2
An eligible employee earning $35,000/year in a 0.8 (80%) FTE status would receive $800 (80% of the $1,000 one-time payment).

Example #3 
An eligible employee earning $20,000/year in a 0.5 (50%) FTE status would receive $500 (50% of the $1,000 one-time payment).

  • Temporary changes in annual base salary (for example, acting, interim, overload or seasonal/summer reduced hours) will not affect eligibility or one-time payment amount.

Additional Eligibility Criteria
In order to receive the one-time payment, an employee must meet the following criteria*:

  • Employed/active assignment in a regular position, and in good standing, during the payroll period when the one-time payment occurs: Payroll period #18 (8/15/2010-8/28/2010) for bi-weekly employees; payroll period #8 (8/1/2010-8/31/2010) for monthly employees.
  • An overall satisfactory score (3.0 or greater) on annual 2009 performance evaluation and no formal corrective action (written warning or higher) since January 2010. Employees with performance evaluation scores below 3.0 or documented corrective action since January 2010 may qualify with a satisfactory mid-year performance evaluation.

Processing of One-Time Payment
Payment amounts will be based on eligible employees’ base annual salaries as of July 31, 2010. The University intends that eligible employees will receive the payment on September 3, 2010 paychecks for employees paid bi-weekly or August 31 for employees paid monthly. One-time payments, which are considered taxable income, will be listed separately on pay stubs (printed and online). Employee and employer retirement contributions will not be impacted by the one-time payment.

If you have questions, please e-mail us.

* College and unit business/budget officers will be provided with complete details on processing and eligibility no later than June 30, 2010.

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