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To ensure that all participants can fully engage in the conference, simultaneous translation services will be available in French, Spanish, and Hindi for all sessions.

**Please note that the programme is subject to change. Thank you for your understanding.



Day 0- 24 November
Day 1- 25th of November
Day 2 - 26th of November
Day 3 - 27th of November
Day 4 - 28th of November
Day 5 - 29th of November
Day 6 - 30th of November
10:00 — 20:00

Badges distribution at designated hotels

08:00 — 11:30
08:15 — 08:50
Hoisting of the IYC Flag

By Board Members

09:00 — 11:00
ICA Board Meeting

Invite Only


(09h00-09h20) Room MR-19

Mr. Dileep Sanghani, President NCUI and IFFCO;

Mr. K. Ravinder Rao, Chairperson, NAFSCOB



11:30 — 12:20
Arizmendiarrieta Social Economy Think Tank Session

Ms. Amparo Merino, Secretary of State for Social Economy, Government of Spain


Mr. Jokin Diaz, Social Economy Director, Basque Government 


Ms. Leire Muguerza, Vice President, CEPES


Mr. Iñigo Albizuri, Basque Cooperatives 


Along with Mr. Luis Miguel Jurado, Mr. Osamu Nakano, Mr. Patxi Olabarria, Ms Saioa Arando, Dr. Sonja Novkovic, Dr. Carlos Zarco


12:20 — 13:00
United Nations Commitment to advance the Cooperative Agenda

Room MR0-18

Chaired by:

Mr. Jeroen Douglas, ICA Director General



Manish Gupta, Director of Strategy and Joint Ventures, IFFCO



Ms. Wenyan Yang, Chief, Social Perspective on Development Branch at the United Nations


Dr. Srinivas Tata, Director, Social Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific

Mr. Sidharth Jain, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India

Mrs. Savitri Singh, Deputy Chief Executive, National Cooperative Union of India


11:30 — 13:00
Lunch served for all delegates
12:30 — 13:30
All participants assemble and are seated in the plenary hall
Gates closed for security reasons | All participants expected to be seated in the Plenary Hall
14:00 — 14:35
COMMUNICATION 4 COOPERATION: 2025 an opportunity year

Plenary Hall

  • Mr. Inigo Albizuri Landazbal, Global Public Relations Head, Mondragon Corporation 
  • Ms. Leire Luengo, ICA Director of Communications
  • Mr. Howard Brodsky,President CCA Global
  • Ms. Rinky Kumari, Social Entrepreneur, Football Coach from Jharkhand, India


14:35 — 15:00
Videos about cooperatives and Sponsors
15:00 — 16:30
Official Launch of the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives 2025

Under approval of Ministry of Cooperation and Prime Minister Office of India.

16:35 — 17:05
Networking Break
17:05 — 18:00
Celebrating Cooperatives Building Prosperity for All - Bridging Culture, Continuity and Innovation


Facilitation of representatives of regions that have attained prosperity through cooperatives by Dr. Ariel Guarco, ICA President and Mr. Dileep Sanghani, President, IFFCO and NCUI


Emilia Romagna,Italy,

Mr. Simone Gamberini, co-President, Italian Cooperative Alliance and Legacoop President


Basque Country, Spain

Mr. Jokin Diaz, Basque Government Social Economy Director

Ms. Rosa Lavin, KONFEKOOP President



South Korea 

Mr. Ho Dong Kang, Chairperson, NACF

3" Financial Cooperatives, Germany


Mr. Thomas Mende, DZ Bank

Mr. Andreas Kappes, International Raiffeisen Union (IRU)


Cooperative culture of Brazil

Mr. José Alves, President, Cooperatives of the Americas


Hokkaido, Japan

Mr. Toru YAMANO, JCA President and JA-Zenchu President


Yazd and Shiraz , Islamic Republic of Iran

Mr. Bahman Abdollahi, President, Iran Chamber of Cooperatives

3" Cooperative movement in Kenya Dr. Esther Gicheru, Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Finance, Planning, and Administration at the Cooperative University of Kenya; Rochdale Pioneer Awardee (2007)


Anand, Gujarat, India

Dr. Jayen Mehta, Managing Director, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation



Urlungal, Kerala, India


Celebrating 100 years of the Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society Ltd.

Mr. Ramesan Paleri, Chairman, Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society (ULCCS), Kerala

Dr. Saji Gopinath, Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Kerala



Kalol, Gujarat, India

Mr. Yogendra Kumar, Marketing Director, IFFCO


Introducing future looking ideas for and by cooperatives: Mr. Jeroen Douglas, ICA Director General and Ms. Wenyan Yang, Chief of UN-DESA


Dot Coop World Map

Ms. Violetta Nafpaktiti, CEO


Coop Exchange; Malta; UK

Mr. Aaron Stewart, Deputy CEO


Video on Coop Capital



Arizmendiarrieta Social Economy Think Tank

Aicha Belassir, Director General of the Social Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility of the Spanish Government and Leire Mugerza, CEPES Vice-President


Principle 6 Cooperative

Mr. Howard Brodsky, President CCA Global


ICA Cooperative Entrepreneurship Think Tank

Mr. Jeroen Douglas, ICA-DG

2.5" School Cooperatives of Malaysia Datuk Seri Dr. Abdul Fattah Abdullah, President, Angkasa
2.5" Innovations in Development Finance in India Mr. Shaji KV, Chairman, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, India


Statement on Equality

Ms. Xiomara Nuñez de Cespedes


Buffer time




18:00 — 19:00
Coopathon Meet & Greet

At the amphitheatre (only for coopathon participants)

Note: Coopathon will take place from 09h until 20h on 26 and 27 November, and from 09h - 12h00 on 28 November.

18:00 — 19:30
Pioneering today for a better tomorrow| Film Screening






Words to inspire the leaders of today for a just future for all

Dr. Vandana Shiva, World-renowned environmental thinker; President of Navdanya International [TBC]


Mr. Alexandre Gatti Lages, Suprintendente no Sistema Ocemg, Brazil


180 Years of the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers

Segment to recognize the first society that paid patronage dividends to its members, and ushered in a new era of cooperation in 1844!


  • UK Cooperative Landscape and Our Ambitions


  • Owned by You Right Campaign



  • Our Cooperative Heritage


Speakers representing cooperatives in the UK



Ms. Rose Marley, CEO, Cooperatives UK


Ms. Denise Scott-McDonald, President, The Co-operative Group National Members’ Council


Ms. Liz Mclvor, Manager, The Co-operative Heritage Trust


Film Screening


The Rochdale Pioneers (2012)

Dir. Adam Lee Hamilton, John Montegrande


Buffer time


20:00 — 21:00
Welcome Dinner

Hosted by IFFCO at the Multipurpose Hall

21:00 — 22:00
Shuttles to (select) designated hotels

Last shuttle at 22h

07:00 — 20:00
Shuttles from (select) designated hotels to Bharat Mandapam
08:45 — 09:00
Assembly in Plenary Hall, Bharat Mandapam
09:00 — 09:30
Conference Pillar 1 : Enabling Policy and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Adequate legal-policy frameworks and their implementation is key. Endorsements by the international community and  by essential stakeholders will ensure significant development support for cooperatives


Plenary address

“Initiatives by the Government of India to facilitate Prosperity through Cooperation”

Dr. Ashish Kumar Bhutani, Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation Government of India


Keynote address

“Enabling Policy and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems”: The IFFCO Experience

Dr. U.S. Awasthi, Managing Director, Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO)


09:30 — 10:25
Conducive Environments for Cooperative Development

Moderator - Dr. Nazik Beishenaly, Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions Postdoctoral Researcher, Hertie School


  1. Mr. Giuseppe Guerini, President European Confederation of Industrial and Service Cooperatives Representative of CICOPA on the ICA Board
  2. Mr. Ali Aghamohammadi, Member of The Expediency Discernment Council, Islamic Republic of Iran
  3. Ms. Amparo Merino Segovia, Spanish Social Economy Secretary of State, Spain
  4. Mr. Wycliffe A. Oparanya, EG, Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs, Kenya
  5. Ms. Lieve Jacobs, Cooperative Entrepreneurship Advisor, CERA Cooperative, Belgium
10:25 — 11:20
Institutional support for Cooperative Development

Moderator- Prof. Hagen Henry, Chairperson, ICA Cooperative Law Committee


  1. Ms. Wenyan Yang, Chairperson, UN Committee on the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives
  2. Dr. Ashish Shah, Director of the Division of Country Programmes, International Trade Centre
  3. Dr. Simel Esim, Manager, ILO Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy Unit
  4. Ms. Cécile Berranger, Rural Institutions and Services Specialist, FAO
11:20 — 11:40
Networking Break
11:40 — 13:00
Parallel Sessions for Enabling Policy and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

I.1 Positioning Cooperatives in Global Policy



I.2 Cross-regional cooperation to building prosperity for all



I.3  Transition from Informal to Formal Economy


I. 4 Essential Role of the State in Cooperative Development

MR 19

Moderator: Drs. Robby Tulus, ICA Focal Point during the G 20 Presidency of Indonesia in 2022



Mr. Attilio Dadda, Board Member, ICA and Board Member,  Italian Cooperative Alliance


Ms. Savitri Singh, Deputy Chief Executive, National Cooperative Union of  India

Mr. Osamu Nakano, Secretary General, Japan Workers Cooperative Union, Japan


Ms. Fabíola Nader Motta, General-Manager, Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras (OCB), Brazil


Hon’ble Ms. Jane Sithole, Deputy Minister, Minister of Small Business Development, Republic of South Africa

Moderator: Ms. Cecile Berranger, Rural Institutions and Services Specialist, FAO




Dr. Sifa Chiyoge, Regional Director, ICA Africa


Mr. Danilo Salerno, Regional Director, Cooperatives of the Americas


Mr. Balasubramanian Iyer, Regional Director, ICA Asia and Pacific 

Ms. Agnes Mathis, Regional Director, Cooperatives Europe


Mr. Jeroen Douglas, ICA Director General


Dr. Luiz Beduschi - Senior Policy Officer, Rural Development, FAO

Moderator: Dr. Simel Esim, Manager, ILO Cooperative Unit




Mr. Olugbenga Ebenezer Komolafe, Founder, Federation of Informal Workers’ Organizations of Nigeria (FIWON), Nigeria


Mr. Poonsap Tulaphan, Senior Leader, HomeNet, Thailand


Ms. Martha Elena Iglesias Escobar, Colombia


Ms. Sangeeta Gamit, Megha Indigenous Women Farmers Cooperative, India


Mr. Federico Parra, Specialist, Social and Solidarity Economy, WIEGO, Colombia

Ms. Natalia Zarza, UTEP, Argentina 



Moderator: Ms. Wenyan Yang, Chief, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs




Mr. Abdelfattah Alshalabi, Director General, Jordan Cooperative Corporation


Mr. Iosefo Koroidimuri - Director for Integrated Human Resource Development Programme, Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of Fiji


Ms. Aicha Belassir, Director General of the Social Economy and the Corporate Social Responsibility, Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, Kingdom of Spain


Mr. Patrick Kilemi, Principal Secretary, State Department of Cooperatives, Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMES, Kenya


Mr. Ammar Anwar Sajwani, Acting Director of Cooperatives & Strategic Stocks Department Entrepreneurship & Economic Regulatory Affairs Sector, United Arab Emirates


13:00 — 14:00
Lunch Break at Multipurpose Hall
Assembly in the Plenary Hall
14:15 — 14:30
Conference Pillar 2: Nurturing Purposeful Leadership

Co-create a new class of inspirational leaders while realising the cooperative enterprise model by itself is a leader among business types. Business-savvy and inspiring leaders should  be developed and supported for their seamless contribution to strengthening cooperatives globally

Plenary address


India’s most recent revolution!

Mission to improve health literacy in India by educating people on the importance of reading food labels



Mr. Revant Himatsingka, “Food Pharmer” Certified Health Coach, Ethical Influencer and advocate for better food


14:30 — 15:25
Building Leaders for the Cooperative Movement

Moderator - Ms. Ana Aguirre, Chairperson, ICA Youth Committee



  1. Mr. Esteban Kelly, Executive Director, U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives, USA
  2. Ms. Rinky Kumari, Social entrepreneur from Hutup village in Ranchi, India
  3. Ms. Dulce Bustamante, Executive Director, Union of Legitimate Service Contracting; Chairperson of the ICA-AP Youth Committee, The Philippines
  4. Mr. Roland Monasch, CEO, Aflatoun International, The Netherlands
  5. Ms. Gretchen Hacquard, ICA Director Membership; ICA Youth Committee
15:25 — 16:20
Cooperatives Leading the way to shared and sustainable prosperity

Moderator - Dr. Cynthia Giagnocavo, Chairperson, ICA Committee on Cooperative Research



  1. Dr. Nelson Kuria, Chairperson, CIC Group, Kenya
  2. Mr. Pete Westall, Chief Values Officer, The Midcounties Cooperative, UK
  3. Ms. Mirai Chatterjee, Chairperson of SEWA Cooperative Federation Director, SEWA Social Security, India
  4. Mr. Ameya Prabhu, President, Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  5. Ms. Xiomara Nunez Ximenez, Chairperson, ICA Gender Equality Committee
16:20 — 16:40
Networking Break
16:40 — 18:00
Parallel Sessions for Purposeful Leadership

II.1 Building cooperative value chains


II.2 Mainstreaming Cooperative Education and Research



II.3  Nurturing executive leadership: Perspective from Business Sectors


II. 4 Values in Cooperative Business: Perspectives from large cooperatives

MR 19


Ms. Cecile Berranger, Rural Institutions and Services Specialist, FAO




Mr. Erwin Novianto, CEO, Fairtrade NAPP

Mr. Bahman Abdollahi, President, Iranian Chamber of Cooperatives


Ms. Altantuya - Tseden-Ish, Vice chairperson, National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives


Prof. Cynthia Giagnocavo, Chairperson, ICA Committee on Cooperative Research

Ms. Kim Jeonghee, Chairperson of iN Lifecare Cooperative Federation


Moderator: Dr. Ann Hoyt, Emerita Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA



Dr. Arturo Alvarado Hierro, Rector of the MONDRAGON University México


Dr. Jacqui Thomasen, CEO, The Co-operative College, UK


Dr. Stefanie Freidel, Valorisation coordinator, KCO, Belgium


Prof. Issac Nyamongo, Deputy Vice Chancellor, The Co-operative University of Kenya


Mr. Kapil Meena (IAS) Director, National Council for Co-operative Training, India

Mr. Remy Gorga Neto President of OCB/DF, member of board of directors, Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras (OCB), Brazil

Moderator:  Ms. Rebecca Harvey, Executive Editor, Coop News




Dr. Carlos Zarco, President, International Health Cooperative Organization


Mr. Hirofumi Kobayashi, Institute for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in Asia (IDACA), Japan


Mr. Inigo Albizuri, President, CICOPA


Mr. Bhima Subrahmanyam, President, International Cooperative Banking Association

Mr. Blasé Lambert, Chief Executive Officer | Confederation of Co-operative Housing


Mr. Chandra Sekhar Reddy Tupalle, CEO  Mahila Abhivruddhi Society, Andhra Pradesh (APMAS)


Moderator:  Mr. Gianluca Salvatori, Secretary General, European Research Institute for Cooperatives and Social Economy, Italy



Mr. Pete Westall, Chief Values Officer, The Midcounties Cooperative, UK 

Ms. Merav Niv, Head of Cooperative Development & Senior Legal Counsel, Kibbutz Movement, Israel 

Ms. Chitose Arai, Vice President, Japan Consumer Cooperative Union, Japan


Mr. Michael Mugo, Director - Branch & Distribution, CIC Group PLC, Kenya


Mr. Santosh Shukla, General Manager, Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative, India 


Ms. Chitose Arai, Vice President, Japan Consumer Cooperative Union, Japan


Mr. Michael Mugo, Director - Branch & Distribution, CIC Group PLC, Kenya


Mr. Santosh Shukla, General Manager, Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative, India  

Mr. Thomas Blondeel, International Advocacy officer, SmartCoop, Belgium



Assembly in the Plenary Hall
18:15 — 18:40
Performance, Tribute, Insights

Congratulatory message by H.E. Shri Krishan Pal, Hon’ble Minister of State for Cooperation, Government of India

Performance: Mero Gaam Katha Parey (From “Manthan”)

Ms. Preeti Sagar, Singer in Indian Films


Remembering Dr.Verghese Kurien - The Milkman of India

 Mr. Jayen Mehta, Managing Director, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.


Introduction to Manthan - The Churning

Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, Founder, Film Heritage Foundation; Noted film scholar, preservationist  and Founder National Film Archive of India

18:40 — 20:50
Screening of the Film Manthan

Preserved by the Film Heritage Foundation

Story by Verghese Kurien; Shyam Benegal. Director: Shyam Benegal


20:45 — 22:00
Dinner "Taste of India"

Dinner hosted by AMUL (GCMMF) to celebrate the103rd birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien

Shuttles to (selected) designated hotel

Last shuttle at 22h30

Shuttles from (select) designated hotels to Bharat Mandapam

07h40 onwards

Assembly in Plenary Hall, Bharat Mandapam
09:00 — 09:30
Conference Pillar 3 : Reaffirming the Cooperative Identity

ICA is the custodian of the Statement on the Cooperative Identity [definition,  values and principles of cooperatives] The Global Consultation on the Cooperative Identity has yielded results, reflections and recommendation to protect, promote and practice the values and principles in the 21st Century


Announcing the release of the book “Cooperatives in Action: Enterprises with Principles and Values that Change the World” by ICA President Ariel Guarco

Dr. Ariel Guarco, ICA President and Dr. Martin Lowery, Former chair of the ICA Board Committee on the Cooperative Identity



Plenary address


Cooperation as a way of life!



Ms. Kendra Pristin, Young cooperator from the Philippines from the Aflatoun-NATTCO programme, The Philippines


09:30 — 10:25
Perspectives from ICA Global Consultations on the Cooperative Identity

Moderator: Ms. Alexandra Wilson, ICA Board Member and Chairperson, ICA Cooperative Identity Advisory Group


  1. Ms. Maria Eugenia Perez Zea, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Coomeva Cooperative Business Group, Colombia
  2. Mr. Doug O’Brien, President/CEO, NCBA-CLUSA
  3. Ms. Francesca Ottolenghi, Chief of International Relations, Internationalisation and Development Cooperation, LegaCoop Nazionale, Italy
  4. Mr. Kenki Maeda, General Manager, Department for Cooperation among Cooperatives, Japan Co-operative Alliance (JCA)
  5. Ms. Om Devi Malla, Chairperson, National Cooperative Federation (Nepal)
  6. Mr. Hyunha Kim, Head of the Policy Planning Team, iCOOP, Korea
10:25 — 11:20
Living our cooperative identity

Moderator: Ms. Melina Morrison, CEO Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals, Australia


  1. Ms. Aicha Errifaai, Director General, l'Office de développement de la coopération (Office for the Development of Cooperatives), Morocco
  2. Mr. Satish Marathe, Cooperative representative to the Reserve Bank of India
  3. Mr. Erbin Crowell, Executive Director, NFCA and Board Member, Dot Coop LLC
  4. Ms. Anne-Laure Desgris, Co-CEO, Smart Belgium
  5. Prof. Ann Hoyt, Professor Emerita at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 
11:20 — 11:40
Networking Break
11:40 — 13:00
Parallel Sessions for Reaffirming the Cooperative Identity

III. 1. Cooperatives in the Care-Economy




III.2. 'Promoting cultural heritage and purposes through cooperatives



III.3 Cooperatives in Educational Institutions: Strengthening Cooperative Identity through Praxis and Leadership


III.4. Resilience as a response: Case Studies in hardship management by cooperatives


MR 19

Moderator:  Diana Dovgan, Secretary General, CICOPA




Dr. Simel Esim, Manager, ILO Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy Unit


Dr. Sonia George, General Secretary, Self Employed Women's Association, and Executive Committee Member of the International Domestic Workers Federation


Mr. Giuseppe Guerini, President, CECOP

Dr. Rose Karimi,  Cooperative Advisor, HealthPartners


Ms. Hazel Corcoran, Executive Director Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation  

Melina Morrison, Chief Executive Officer of Australian Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals, Australia


Moderator:  Ms. Christine M. Merkel, International Expert; Member, UNESCO’s Expert Facility on cultural policy and governance, Germany


Mr. Thomas Mende, Department Director & Head of Committees and Communications, DZ BANK AG (Video)



Mr. Thiago Schmidt, Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras, Brazil


Ms. Francesca Federzoni, Cooperativa Politecnica, Italy


Mr. Guido Schwarzendahl, Chair Cooperative Housing International; GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V  (Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies)


Ms. Liz McIvor, The Co-operative Heritage Trust, UK


Mr. Jokin Diaz, Basque Government Social Economy Director, Basque Government, Spain


Special Discussant from ICA Board: Mr. Iñigo Albizuri Landazabal, ICA Board Member and Global Head of Public Affairs, Mondragon Corporation, Spain

Moderator: Prof. Yashavantha Dongre, Prof. Yashavantha Dongre, Co-Secretary, ICEI & Vice-Chancellor, Chanakya University


Remarks:Mr. Ganesh Gopal, Secretary, ICA Asia and Pacific Committee on Cooperatives in Educational Institutions (ICEI)




Dr. C. Pitchai, Professor, Gandhigram Rural Institute (GRI), Dindigul, India


Mr. Dato Kamarudin Ismail, Member, ICA Global Board and Board Member & Former Dy. President, ANGKASA,Malaysia


Mr. Patxi Olabarria, President, Basque Cooperative High Council, Spain


Mr. Junki Ito, National Federation of University Co-operative Associations (NFUCA), Japan




Moderator:  Ms. LuAnn Werner, Deputy Executive Director, Overseas Cooperative Development Council, USA



Mr. Hiroshi Inamura, Managing Director, Kokumin Kyosai co-op, Japan


Mr. Alrawashdeh Samer, Project Program Coordinator International Labour Organization


Mr. Kishor Kumar, Chief Project Coordinator, Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society Ltd, India


Ms. Anna Tibblin, Secretary General, We Effect, Sweden


Ms. Debbie Robinson, Chief Executive Officer, Central England Co-operative, UK


Mr. Noel Raboy, CLIMBS Life and General Insurance Cooperative, The Philippines


13:00 — 14:00
Lunch Break at Multipurpose Hall
Assembly in the Plenary Hall
14:15 — 14:30
Conference Pillar 4 : Shaping a Cooperative Future

The present is rapidly evolving. Technology is changing every day and a future is being built with a growing crisis environment. Cooperatives could  participate in creating urgent digital solutions, and to tackle the climate and the capital conundrum. Cooperatives should help to address the imbalance of power and concentration of capital that digitalisation processes have created, and to harness digitalisation to create new collaborations, economic and market benefits, alternative business models and educational opportunities



14h15 - 14h30

Plenary address



Seizing the means of Computation!


Mr. Cory Efram Doctorow, Best Selling author of The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation


14:30 — 15:25
Creating and Measuring Cooperative Impact

Moderator : Prof. Sonja Novkovic, Professor of Economics and Academic Director of the International Centre for Co-operative Management Saint Mary’s University, Canada


  1. Prof. Axel Marx, Deputy Director Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium
  2. Dr. Sifa Chiyoge, Director of ICA Africa - Cooperatives for a Sustainable Transformation in Africa - project (COOPStar), Kenya
  3. Prof. Trebor Scholz, Platform Cooperatives Consortium, New York
  4. Dr. Ilcheong Yi, Senior Research Coordinator, UN Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland
  5. Ms. Tone Cecile Faugli, Managing Director, Fairtrade Norwa
  6. Dr. Simel Esim, Manager, ILO Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy Unit, Switzerland
15:25 — 16:20
Market Based Solutions by and for Cooperatives

Moderator: Mr. Jeroen Douglas, Director-General, ICA


  1. Ms. Rose Marley, CEO, Cooperatives UK
  2. Mr. Shatadru Chattopadhyay, Solidaridad Network Asia, India
  3. Mr. Puvan Selvanathan, President and Founder, Bluenumber
  4. Ms. Violetta Nafpaktiti, CEO, DotCoop LLC
  5. Mr. Wouter Vandersypen, Executive Director, Kampani, Belgium
  6. Mr. Aaron Stewart, Deputy CEO, Coop-Exchange, Malta; UK
  7. Mr. Harm Haverkort, Director of Partnerships Asia & Pacific, Rabobank
16:20 — 16:40
Networking Break
16:40 — 18:00
Parallel Sessions for Shaping a Cooperative Future

IV.1. Fit for UN SDG12: textile cooperatives as an alternative response to global demands through a people-centered circular economy


IV.2 Cooperatives, and Digital and New Technologies



IV.3  Measuring the Cooperative Impact towards sustainability


IV. 4 Workshop on Accelerating towards Sustainable Development

MR 19


Ms Annalisa Vallone, International Development Coordinator, Cooperatives Europe




Mrs Anne Chappaz, Chief, Institutions and Ecosystems, Division of Enterprise Competitiveness and Institutions, International Trade Center

Ms Mandkhai Mendbayar, Member of Parliament, of Mongolia

Ms Marcelina Zjawińska, Foundress of the Splot Społeczny Foundation, Obieg Twórczy &
Obieg Rzeczy co-creator. ICA Youth Network Vice-President for Europe

Mrs Gabriela Cabrera, Vice-President, Manos del Uruguay

Ms Maja Drca, EU Policy Representative, Programme for the Endorsement of Forest
Certification (PEFC)


Mrs Christine M. Merkel, International Expert, UNESCO/EU Technical Assistance in
Cultural Governance and sustainable development


Moderator: Ms. Diana Dovgan, Secretary-General, CICOPA





Piero Ingrosso (Legacoop, Italy):


Manuel Leiva - president of FACTTIC, member of


Steve Ediger, Founding Worker-Owner of ChiCommons cooperative

Ms. Viraj Desai, Senior Associate, IT For Change, India


Moderator:  Prof. Sonja Novkovic, Professor of Economics and Academic Director of the International Centre for Co-operative Management Saint Mary’s University, Canada




Mr. Ilcheong Yi, Senior Research Coordinator, UN Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva


Mr. Ibon Zugasti, Partner and Director, PROSPEKTIKER & International Project Manager, LKS Mondragon Corporation, Spain


Ms. Chiara Carini, Senior Researcher, EURICSE, Italy

Dr. Justin Bomda, Director General, MUFID Union, Cameroon


Mr. S.P. Singh, Managing Director Indian Farm and Forestry Development Cooperative Ltd. 

Moderator:  Mr. Jeroen Douglas, ICA-DG



An open session to deliberate on the Theory of Change proposed by the leadership and management of the ICA, and to develop the conference outcome document

Expected participation of Conference Resource Persons and Rapporteurs, along with other interested persons.


Assembly in the Plenary Hall
18:20 — 19:00
Closing Ceremony

Report Coopathon [5”] ICA Youth Committee


Special address on the Artificial Intelligence and Principle 6 [20”] Mr. Howard Brodsky, President CCA Global


Release of the New Delhi Action Agenda: [10”] Cooperatives Accelerating progress towards the SDGs International Cooperative Alliance 


Vote of Appreciation to the Indian Cooperative Movement [5”] Dr. Ariel Guarco, President ICA


Congratulatory Message by Guest of Honour [7”]

Mr. Muralidhar Mohol, Minister of State for Cooperation, Government of India


Congratulatory Message by Chief Guest [7”]

Mr. Amit Shah, Union Minister of Cooperation; Union Minister of Home Affairs, Government of India


Closure of the Conference Sessions [5”] Dr. Dileep Sanghani, President of ICA-GCC

19:00 — 20:15

Rhythms of India

An enchanting showcase of India’s diverse classical and folk dance traditions.

By Padma Shri. Dr. Aruna Mohanty & Team

Orissa Dance Academy

Performance to include the following traditions:

Odissi, Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Manipuri (Pungcholam), Contemporary, Martial Arts, Mohiniattam and Folk dances from various parts of India

20:15 — 21:30
Farewell Dinner

Sponsored by Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd. KRIBHCO

21:30 — 22:30
Shuttles to (select) designated hotels

Last shuttle at 22:30


09:00 — 13:00

(MR-6) International Health Cooperative Organisation (IHCO) General Assembly & Workshop (IHCO) General Assembly: 09:00 - 10:30

(MR-14) ICA Africa Regional Board Meeting: 09:00 - 13:00

(MR-20) ICA Youth Committee Executive Meeting: 09:00 - 11:00

(MR-5) Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP) Meeting: 09:30 - 12:00

(MR-6) IHCO International Workshop: 10:30 - 13:00


 (MR 7) World Cooperation Economic forum Side event - Rise in Cooperative Economic Framework the opportunities ahead  09h30-11h00

 (MR 7) NAFSCOB Diamond jubilee will take place from 11h30-13h00 

(MR-9) ICA -Asia and Pacific Regional Board Meeting: 10:00 - 13:00

(MR-18) ICA Gender Equality Committee (GEC) Meeting Meeting: 09:00 - 11:00

(MR-11) International Fish Cooperative Organisation (ICFO) Executive Members Meeting & General Assembly: 09:00 - 13:00

(Amphitheatre) Coopathon Wrapping up : 09h00-12h00

(MR-20) Meeting of the International Cooperative Entrepreneurship Think Tank (ICETT): 11:00 - 13:00





(Amphitheatre)  Screening of the film: Documentary (R)évolution – le travail est humain 12h30-13h15

(Open Air Amphitheatre) COODING: 13:30 - 15:30

(MR-6) ICA Africa 17th Regional Assembly: 14:00 - 17:00

(MR 11) Korea-India Cooperative Meeting on Fisheries Trade 14h30-17h30

(MR-14) ICEI Elections & Annual Statutory Meeting: 14:00 - 17:00

(MR-9) International Cooperative Bank Association (ICBA) General Meeting and Board Meeting: 14:30 - 17:00

(MR-20) International Cooperative Development Platform (ICDP) meeting: 14:00 - 17:00

(MR-5) Co-operative Housing International CHI Board Meeting and General Assembly​: 14:30 - 18:00




(Open Air Amphitheatre) ICA Youth Committee Annual Plenary Meeting: 17:00 - 18:30

(MR-20) Asia Pacific Cooperative Development Platform (APCDP) Meeting: 17:00-18:00

(MR-18) CICOPA General Assembly: 16:30 - 19:30

(MR-11) Global Management Team Meeting: 17:30 - 21:00

(MR-14) Meeting of the ICA Cooperative Law Committee: 17:00 - 20:00

ICA Members and invited guests only

09:30 — 11:00
ICA General Assembly (Part 1)

Invitation Only

11:00 — 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 — 13:00
ICA General Assembly (Part 2)
13:00 — 14:30
14:30 — 16:00
ICA General Assembly (Part 3)
16:00 — 17:30
Closing of General Assembly and High Tea
Visit to the Taj Mahal

Discover the architectural wonder of the Taj Mahal, a symbol of love and UNESCO World Heritage Site, built by Emperor Shah Jahan.

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