Bhs Inggris 1
Bhs Inggris 1
Bhs Inggris 1
Program Studi Farmasi
Ujian Akhir Semester
Hari,Tangga Senin, 21 Januari 2008
Jam: 09.40 – 11.30
Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris
Dosen: Made Adi Andayani T., MEd
Petunjuk Umum
1 Soal terdiri atas 50 (lima puluh) pertanyaan dengan fokus pada Reading Comprehension.
2 Semua jawaban ditulis pada Lembar Jawaban dengan memberikan TANDA SILANG (X)
pada kotak yang tersedia (Lembar Jawaban adalah LEMBAR PERTAMA (HALAMAN 0) dari
berkas soal dan TIDAK BOLEH DILEPASKAN dari berkas.
No. A B C D No. A B C D
1. 26.
2. 27.
3. 28.
4. 29.
5. 30.
6. 31.
7. 32.
8. 33.
9. 34.
10. 35.
11. 36.
12. 37.
13. 38.
14. 39.
15. 40.
16. 41.
17. 42.
18. 43.
19. 44.
20. 45.
21. 46.
22. 47.
23. 48.
24. 49.
25. 50.
Petunjuk Khusus
Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!
13. Which of the following is NOT true about the name Coca-Cola?
a. The name coca comes from the coca leaf.
b. The name cola comes from the cola nut.
c. Frank Robinson suggested the name.
d. The inventor came up with the name.
14. A recipe in line 5 is …
a. information about drugs for a pharmacy
b. a description of how to prepare something
c. an accounting statement
d. a corporate organisational plan
15. The passage states that the recipe for Coca-Cola is …
a. well known
b. known only by a limited number of people
c. unknown
d. published information
16. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an ingredient of Coca-Cola?
a. Orange leaves b. Nutmeg c. Citrus fruits d. Sugar
17. The word secret in line 7 could best be replaced by …
a. unrevealed b. delicious c. business d. speechless
18. It can be inferred from the passage that …
a. the public knows all the ingredients in Coca-Cola
b. the public is not sure that coca leaves are used in Coca-Cola
c. the public does not know how many cola nuts are used in a batch of Coca-Cola
d. no one knows the exact proportions of ingredients used in Coca-Cola
19. The word senior in line 8 could best be replaced by …
a. trustworthy b. high-levgel c. more mature d. really decisive
20. Where in the passage does the author mention who gave Coca-Cola its name?
a. Lines 1-2 b. Lines 3-4 c. Line 5 d. Lines 7-8
28. The word floor in line 7 could be best replaced by …
a. carpet b. bottom c. roof d. water
29. The passage indicates that Mauna Kea …
a. measures 16,000 feet from top to bottom
b. is completely covered with water
c. is more than a half covered by water
d. is 1,000 feet shorter than Mount Everest
30. Where in the passage does the author mention Mount Everest’s total height?
a. Lines 1-2 b. Lines 4-6 c. Line 7 d. Lines 8-9
Passage 5 (Questions 41 – 50)
Alpha Centauri is a triple-star system. One of the three stars in Alpha Centauri is Proxima
Centauri, which is the nearest star to the Earth, except of course for the Sun. The name “Proxima”
comes from a Latin word which means “close”.
Even though Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the Earth outside of our solar system, it is
(5) not really close. Interstellar distances are so large that they are almost impossible to imagine. A
person travelling in a modern spacecraft would not arrive at Proxima Centauri within his lifetime,
or the next, or even ten lifetimes because the distance is so great. Light travels at a speed of
186,000 miles per second, and it still takes light more than four years to travel from Proxima
Centauri to the Earth.
(10) Alpha Centauri can be easily seen in the night sky without a telescope from certain parts of the
Earth. It is the third brightest star in the sky, out of approximately 6,000 visible stars. It cannot be
seen from most parts of the United States because most of the United States is too far north;
however, it can be seen from the southern parts of the southernmost states.