Admin, 3ivan Setiawan
Admin, 3ivan Setiawan
Admin, 3ivan Setiawan
2/Oktober 2010
Available online
Ivan Setyastiawan*
Teguh Wahyono**
Yusniar Lubis***
*Mahasiswa Magister Agribisnis Universitas Medan Area
** Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit Sumatera Utara
**Dosen Magister Agribisnis Universitas Medan Area
Corn is a commodity whose role is increasingly important both as a food or raw materials of food industry, as
well as animal feed raw materials, and a multipurpose commodity which has a lot of derivative products when
processed estimated 2-3% for domestic consumption and the rest for the industry even overseas corn used as a
biofuel. The are very big demand of global for the corn, with a huge potential increase in supply and demand
world, it is estimated that there are great opportunities to develop agribusiness corn in North Sumatra.The are
very big potential on corn development at North Sumatra, but the real production of corn is still far below its
demand, so that the corn needs are not always met. The corn agribusiness development at Karo Regency is
expected to boost the regional economy, rural employment, increase the farmers' income. The corn cultivation
had influence on regional development in Karo Regency, the increase in income area with an average
contribution of 6.14%. The corn cultivation at Karo Regency is the economic basis based on income indicators.