Benefits of Earthing

Earthing is both a timeless practice and a modern discovery. It simply means living in contact with the Earth's natural surface charge- being grounded-which naturally discharges and prevents chronic inflammation in the body. Its as easy as being barefoot outdoors or sleeping, working, and relaxing indoors on conductive systems designed for the house and office. Earthing is a missing link in the health equation. (Earthing: Clinton Ober, Stephen T Sinatra MD, Martin Zucker)
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Top 5 Reasons to Start Earthing Now!
“Earthing”, the practice of connecting with the earth’s energy based on scientific fact. Earth emits a constant flow of direct current which flows in electrons from the earth having natural anti-inflammatory effects and moving relatively fast throughout the body. We benefit from tapping into this energy force. A walk while barefoot in the grass, along the beach or while swimming in our oceans, lakes and rivers, is all it takes to absorb this energy.
How To Ground Yourself In 7 Ways
How To Ground Yourself In 7 Ways - Abundance Coach for Women in Business | Evelyn Lim