Academic interest and academic self-concept are important correlated motivational variables. Thei... more Academic interest and academic self-concept are important correlated motivational variables. Their common factorial structure and their shared (confounded) and non-shared (unique) power for predicting subject-tied academic achievement has not yet been satisfactorily investigated. This study investigated 588 Chinese adolescents. Two subject-tied interests and the corresponding subject-tied self-concepts were measured. The associated school marks were collected. The major subject German (first foreign language) was chosen to represent the verbal oriented school subjects, the major subject Maths was chosen to represent the numerical oriented ones. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) evidenced two motivational factors (academic interest and academic self-concept) within each school subject and two subject factors (German and Maths) within each motivational construct. Joined CFAs (which included all interest as well as all self-concept items) revealed four factors (interest German, interest Maths, self-concept German, self-concept Maths). Accordingly, four motivational scales were formed. Each scale consisted of five items. The scales had high reliabilities and displayed good convergent-divergent validities. Both motivational scales together accounted for 41.0 % (German) and 22.3 % (Maths) of the total achievement variance. Of these, the common (fused) shares were 19.8 % (German) and 12.4 % (Maths). The proportions of the total achievement variance that could be explained exclusively by only one of the two motivational variables amounted to 0.3 % (interest) and 20.9 % (self-concept) for German. Theses figures were 0.1 % (interest) and 9.8 % (self-concept) for Maths. The discussion underscores that subject-specific academic interest and subject-specific academic selfconcept, while highly correlated, should still be considered distinct constructs. A subject-tied self-concept remains an important predictor of academic achievement even after controlling for the assigned interest. The situation is different in the case of subject-tied interest. Its predictive power for academic achievement collapses after controlling for the associated selfconcept.
Cometary matter in aerogel samples from the Stardust mission was investigated with TOF-SIMS for i... more Cometary matter in aerogel samples from the Stardust mission was investigated with TOF-SIMS for its elemental and organic composition. While single grains >1 μm are highly variable in their chemical composition, nanometer-scale material found in the wall of one track has within a factor of 1.22 bulk CI chondritic element ratios relative to Fe for Na, Mg, Al, Ti, Cr, Mn, and Co. Compared to CI, a depletion in Ca by a factor of four and an enrichment in Ni by a factor of two was observed. These results seem to confirm recent reports of a CI-like bulk composition of Wild 2. The analysis of organic compounds in aerogel samples is complicated by the presence of contaminants in the capture medium. However, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that could possibly be attributed to the comet were observed.
Zusammenfassung. Vor dem Hintergrund der besonderen padagogisch-psychologischen Relevanz des Selb... more Zusammenfassung. Vor dem Hintergrund der besonderen padagogisch-psychologischen Relevanz des Selbstkonzepts schulischer Leistungen und Fahigkeiten wird uber die Entwicklung eines fachspezifischen Selbstkonzeptgitters berichtet. Analysestichprobe (N = 282) und Kreuzvalidierungsstichprobe (N = 282; Gesamtstichprobe: N = 564) bestehen aus Gymnasiasten der 8. bis 10. Jahrgangsstufen. Dimensionsanalysen bestatigen die postulierte schulfachspezifische Struktur. Die psychometrischen Kennwerte sind gut, Beziehungen zu den entsprechenden Fachzensuren und Interessen belegen die konvergent-divergente Validitat des Verfahrens. Aus der Literatur bekannte Phanomene (Geschlechtseffekte, differentielle Korrelationsmuster) lassen sich replizieren. Das allgemeine Selbstkonzept schulischer Leistung und Fahigkeit ist regressionsanalytisch gut aus vier schulfachbezogenen Selbstkonzeptfacetten vorhersagbar (R = .795). Schlusselworter: Selbstkonzept, akademisches Selbstkonzept, Schulfacher, Schulleistunge...
It is shown that the critical remarks posed by Kim and Hoppe-Graff do not seriously invalidate Ro... more It is shown that the critical remarks posed by Kim and Hoppe-Graff do not seriously invalidate Rost's critical objections to Gardner's theory of «Multiple Intelligences» («MI»). Among others, the following main points of critique are again emphasized: The apparent lack of sound quantitative-empirical research supporting the «MI»-theory, the deficient attempts to assess «MI», and the lack of sound quantitative-empirical evaluations of the attempts to implement the «MI»-theory into educational practice. Methodological pluralism makes sense; but deficient methodological approaches, i.e., subjective and hence problematic approaches which are frequently found in studies of «MI»-followers, should never serve as a substitute for sound empirical research.
Previous studies revealed inconsistent results regarding the relative importance of specific and ... more Previous studies revealed inconsistent results regarding the relative importance of specific and general achievement goals (mastery goals, performance-approach goals, performance-avoidance goals, workavoidance goals) in predicting specific and general scholastic outcomes (interests, importance, grades). Therefore, high-school students (N = 1210; grades 7-10) answered a questionnaire assessing these variables on a general academic and school-subject-specific (six school subjects) level. The findings showed (mostly) stronger relationships when achievement goals and scholastic outcomes matched the specificity level than when the variables were mismatched. Regarding achievement goals, mastery goals were the best predictors. The results evidenced the relevance of matching the specificity level of achievement goals and scholastic outcomes.
We examined the relationship between bully victimization experience and depression in rural adole... more We examined the relationship between bully victimization experience and depression in rural adolescents and analyzed the moderating roles of peer support and active coping in male and female students. The sample comprised N=755 adolescents (376 females) with a mean age of 13.52 years. Through structural model and multi-group analysis, the results indicated: (1) a significant gender difference on the positive association between bullying victimization and depression; (2) peer support had a directly negative effect on depression among all boarding adolescents; and (3) significant moderating effect of active coping on the association between victimization and depression, without significant gender difference. We discuss enhancing active coping and peer support as a prevention strategy to reduce adverse mental health outcomes in adolescents due to bullying victimization.
Wang (2019): Stressful life events and problematic smartphone usage among Chinese boardingschool ... more Wang (2019): Stressful life events and problematic smartphone usage among Chinese boardingschool adolescents: a moderated mediation model of peer support and depressive symptoms,
Zusammenfassung. Untersucht wurde das „neue“ Persönlichkeitskonstrukt „Grit“, das die zwei korrel... more Zusammenfassung. Untersucht wurde das „neue“ Persönlichkeitskonstrukt „Grit“, das die zwei korrelierten Primärfaktoren „beharrliche Anstrengungsbereitschaft“ („Perseverance of Effort“, PE) und „konsistentes Interesse“ („Constistency of Interest“, CI) in einem Wert zusammenfasst. Grit soll nach Duckworth (2016) Erfolg in Schule, Hochschule, Beruf und Leben besser als Intelligenz und klassische Persönlichkeitsvariablen vorhersagen. Credé, Tynan und Harms (2017) bezweifelten als Resultat ihrer Metaanalyse die hierarchische Grit-Struktur, die behauptete starke Vorhersagekraft für akademische Leistungen konnten sie nicht bestätigen. Weiterhin wurde eine sehr hohe Korrelation von PE mit Gewissenhaftigkeit ermittelt. Bisherige Studien stammen hauptsächlich aus individualistisch orientierten Gesellschaften. Deshalb wurde Grit in einer kollektivistisch orientierten Kultur (China) untersucht ( N = 533, Alter: M = 15.16 Jahre, SD = 0.64). Zusätzlich erhoben wir Gewissenhaftigkeit, schulische Selbstwirksamkeit und schulisches Selbstkonzept. Das Mittel der schulischen Fachleistungspunkte wurde berechnet. Die Gesamtstichprobe wurde in zwei randomisierte Substichproben geteilt. Explorative Hauptkomponentenanalysen (Substichprobe 1: n 1 = 200) und konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen (Substichprobe 2: n 2 = 333) der Grit-Items erbrachten zwei unkorrelierte Dimensionen, PE und CI. PE korrelierte sehr hoch mit Gewissenhaftigkeit ( r = .73, doppelt schrumpfungskorrigiert: r ∞, ∞ = .90). Die Beziehungen von PE zu Selbstwirksamkeit und Selbstkonzept waren hoch ( r = .55 bzw. r = .58), zur Schulleistung sehr niedrig ( r = .08). CI hing nur mit Selbstwirksamkeit bzw. Selbstkonzept schwach zusammen ( r = –.13 bzw. r = –.15), nicht mit Gewissenhaftigkeit ( r = .01) und dem Durchschnitt der Schulleistungspunkte ( r = –.02). Alles zusammen begründet Zweifel an Grit als „neues“ und valides leistungsbezogen-motivationales Persönlichkeitsmerkmal – zumindest bei chinesischen Adoleszenten.
Zusammenfassung. Selbstkonzept und Selbstwirksamkeit sind zwei wichtige pädagogisch-psychologisch... more Zusammenfassung. Selbstkonzept und Selbstwirksamkeit sind zwei wichtige pädagogisch-psychologische Konstrukte. Über ihre gegenseitige Beziehung und diskriminanten und inkrementellen Vorhersagevaliditäten für schulische Leistungen ist nur wenig bekannt, weil sie zumeist separat analysiert wurden (entweder Selbstkonzept oder Selbstwirksamkeit). Untersucht wurden die Interdependenzen von drei schulfachspezifischen akademischen Selbstkonzeptskalen und drei schulfachspezifischen akademischen Selbstwirksamkeitsskalen sowie deren statistische Vorhersagekraft für Schulleistungen (Zensuren). Die Fächer waren Englisch, Geschichte und Mathematik. Untersucht wurden N = 825 Jugendliche, die chinesische Mittelschulen besuchten (Alter: M = 14.46 Jahre, SD = 0.79). Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen (CFA) belegten einerseits in jedem Schulfach zwei separate akademische „Selbst“-Faktoren (Selbstkonzept und Selbstwirksamkeit) und andererseits innerhalb eines jeden „Selbst“-Konstrukts drei Schulfachfak...
Excessive smartphone use has recently attracted researchers' attention. Previous studies have sug... more Excessive smartphone use has recently attracted researchers' attention. Previous studies have suggested that state anxiety and motivations are important predictors of excessive smartphone use. However, few studies have investigated how motivations and state anxiety interact with each other, and the subsequent impact on excessive smartphone use. In the current study, based on the Compensatory Internet Use theory, we analyzed the moderating role of state anxiety on the relationship between two types of motivations (i.e. entertainment and social interaction) and excessive smartphone use. Using the Smartphone Addiction Scale for College Students (SAS-C), Smartphone Usage Motivation Scale and State Anxiety Scale (S-Anxiety), we investigated 600 Chinese college students who identified themselves as smartphone users. Results indicated that: (1) for the high smartphoneuse group, state anxiety moderates the relationship between entertainment and social interaction motivations and excessive smartphone use; (2) for the low smartphone-use group, state anxiety does not moderate the relationship between entertainment and social interaction motivations and excessive smartphone use. Our study emphasized the importance of psychological wellbeing variables (i.e. anxiety in this study) in facilitating excessive smartphone use, and may provide guidance for the design of interventions targeted at people suffering from excessive smartphone use.
This study was aimed to figure out whether perceived stress mediates the relationship between per... more This study was aimed to figure out whether perceived stress mediates the relationship between perceived discrimination and psychological distress among Chinese migrant children and whether social support and engagement coping moderate the detrimental effects of perceived discrimination on psychological distress. The sample comprised 813 middle-school students (482 migrant children, 331 non-migrant children) from three schools in Southwest China. The results indicate that migrant children’s perceived discrimination and perceived stress are associated with psychological distress, and perceived stress does not mediate the relationship between perceived discrimination and psychological distress. Both social support and engagement coping are inversely related to psychological distress and compensate the deleterious influences of perceived discrimination and stress on psychological distress. These findings highlight the need to consider providing social support and cultivating engagement ...
Zusammenfassung. Das Konstrukt „Anstrengungsvermeidung“ ( Rollett & Bartram, 1998 ) geht mit ungü... more Zusammenfassung. Das Konstrukt „Anstrengungsvermeidung“ ( Rollett & Bartram, 1998 ) geht mit ungünstigen Ausprägungen in motivationalen, affektiven sowie kognitiven Merkmalen einher. Zudem sollen sich zwei Anstrengungsvermeidungstypen abgrenzen lassen. Bislang existieren jedoch nur wenige Belege für die Unterscheidbarkeit verschiedener Typen. Anhand einer Gymnasialstichprobe (N = 1079; 8./9. Klassenstufe) wurde untersucht, ob sich unter Berücksichtigung kognitiver, motivationaler und affektiver Merkmale (zwei) Anstrengungsvermeidungsgruppen differenzieren und validieren lassen. Latente Profilanalysen sprachen für drei oder vier Klassen. Die Drei-Klassen-Lösung zeigte im Wesentlichen niveauverschiedene Profile. Die Vier-Klassen-Lösung ergab zwei Klassen mit durchschnittlichen bzw. unterdurchschnittlichen Anstrengungsvermeidungswerten („Unauffällige“ bzw. „Mustergültige“). Zudem resultierten zwei Anstrengungsvermeidungsklassen mit jeweils ungünstigen Profilen in den Analyse- und Valid...
Self-control seems to be the core element for achieving optimal competitive performance, and be o... more Self-control seems to be the core element for achieving optimal competitive performance, and be of great importance to well-being and healthy development of humans. According to the literature, there exist some correlations between personality traits and self-control. The aim of this study was to shed some additional light on the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and self-control in boxers and investigate self-efficacy as a mediator between the two variables. Two hundred and ten boxers (age: M = 18.89, SD = 3.83; amount of boxing practice: M = 4.93 years, SD = 3.22; 76 males) of Chinese national athletes participated the study. Results showed a pronounced level of self-control. The higher the competitive level, the higher the level of self-control. There were significant correlations among the Big Five, self-control, and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy mediated the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and self-control.
Academic interest and academic self-concept are important correlated motivational variables. Thei... more Academic interest and academic self-concept are important correlated motivational variables. Their common factorial structure and their shared (confounded) and non-shared (unique) power for predicting subject-tied academic achievement has not yet been satisfactorily investigated. This study investigated 588 Chinese adolescents. Two subject-tied interests and the corresponding subject-tied self-concepts were measured. The associated school marks were collected. The major subject German (first foreign language) was chosen to represent the verbal oriented school subjects, the major subject Maths was chosen to represent the numerical oriented ones. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) evidenced two motivational factors (academic interest and academic self-concept) within each school subject and two subject factors (German and Maths) within each motivational construct. Joined CFAs (which included all interest as well as all self-concept items) revealed four factors (interest German, interest Maths, self-concept German, self-concept Maths). Accordingly, four motivational scales were formed. Each scale consisted of five items. The scales had high reliabilities and displayed good convergent-divergent validities. Both motivational scales together accounted for 41.0 % (German) and 22.3 % (Maths) of the total achievement variance. Of these, the common (fused) shares were 19.8 % (German) and 12.4 % (Maths). The proportions of the total achievement variance that could be explained exclusively by only one of the two motivational variables amounted to 0.3 % (interest) and 20.9 % (self-concept) for German. Theses figures were 0.1 % (interest) and 9.8 % (self-concept) for Maths. The discussion underscores that subject-specific academic interest and subject-specific academic selfconcept, while highly correlated, should still be considered distinct constructs. A subject-tied self-concept remains an important predictor of academic achievement even after controlling for the assigned interest. The situation is different in the case of subject-tied interest. Its predictive power for academic achievement collapses after controlling for the associated selfconcept.
Cometary matter in aerogel samples from the Stardust mission was investigated with TOF-SIMS for i... more Cometary matter in aerogel samples from the Stardust mission was investigated with TOF-SIMS for its elemental and organic composition. While single grains >1 μm are highly variable in their chemical composition, nanometer-scale material found in the wall of one track has within a factor of 1.22 bulk CI chondritic element ratios relative to Fe for Na, Mg, Al, Ti, Cr, Mn, and Co. Compared to CI, a depletion in Ca by a factor of four and an enrichment in Ni by a factor of two was observed. These results seem to confirm recent reports of a CI-like bulk composition of Wild 2. The analysis of organic compounds in aerogel samples is complicated by the presence of contaminants in the capture medium. However, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that could possibly be attributed to the comet were observed.
Zusammenfassung. Vor dem Hintergrund der besonderen padagogisch-psychologischen Relevanz des Selb... more Zusammenfassung. Vor dem Hintergrund der besonderen padagogisch-psychologischen Relevanz des Selbstkonzepts schulischer Leistungen und Fahigkeiten wird uber die Entwicklung eines fachspezifischen Selbstkonzeptgitters berichtet. Analysestichprobe (N = 282) und Kreuzvalidierungsstichprobe (N = 282; Gesamtstichprobe: N = 564) bestehen aus Gymnasiasten der 8. bis 10. Jahrgangsstufen. Dimensionsanalysen bestatigen die postulierte schulfachspezifische Struktur. Die psychometrischen Kennwerte sind gut, Beziehungen zu den entsprechenden Fachzensuren und Interessen belegen die konvergent-divergente Validitat des Verfahrens. Aus der Literatur bekannte Phanomene (Geschlechtseffekte, differentielle Korrelationsmuster) lassen sich replizieren. Das allgemeine Selbstkonzept schulischer Leistung und Fahigkeit ist regressionsanalytisch gut aus vier schulfachbezogenen Selbstkonzeptfacetten vorhersagbar (R = .795). Schlusselworter: Selbstkonzept, akademisches Selbstkonzept, Schulfacher, Schulleistunge...
It is shown that the critical remarks posed by Kim and Hoppe-Graff do not seriously invalidate Ro... more It is shown that the critical remarks posed by Kim and Hoppe-Graff do not seriously invalidate Rost's critical objections to Gardner's theory of «Multiple Intelligences» («MI»). Among others, the following main points of critique are again emphasized: The apparent lack of sound quantitative-empirical research supporting the «MI»-theory, the deficient attempts to assess «MI», and the lack of sound quantitative-empirical evaluations of the attempts to implement the «MI»-theory into educational practice. Methodological pluralism makes sense; but deficient methodological approaches, i.e., subjective and hence problematic approaches which are frequently found in studies of «MI»-followers, should never serve as a substitute for sound empirical research.
Previous studies revealed inconsistent results regarding the relative importance of specific and ... more Previous studies revealed inconsistent results regarding the relative importance of specific and general achievement goals (mastery goals, performance-approach goals, performance-avoidance goals, workavoidance goals) in predicting specific and general scholastic outcomes (interests, importance, grades). Therefore, high-school students (N = 1210; grades 7-10) answered a questionnaire assessing these variables on a general academic and school-subject-specific (six school subjects) level. The findings showed (mostly) stronger relationships when achievement goals and scholastic outcomes matched the specificity level than when the variables were mismatched. Regarding achievement goals, mastery goals were the best predictors. The results evidenced the relevance of matching the specificity level of achievement goals and scholastic outcomes.
We examined the relationship between bully victimization experience and depression in rural adole... more We examined the relationship between bully victimization experience and depression in rural adolescents and analyzed the moderating roles of peer support and active coping in male and female students. The sample comprised N=755 adolescents (376 females) with a mean age of 13.52 years. Through structural model and multi-group analysis, the results indicated: (1) a significant gender difference on the positive association between bullying victimization and depression; (2) peer support had a directly negative effect on depression among all boarding adolescents; and (3) significant moderating effect of active coping on the association between victimization and depression, without significant gender difference. We discuss enhancing active coping and peer support as a prevention strategy to reduce adverse mental health outcomes in adolescents due to bullying victimization.
Wang (2019): Stressful life events and problematic smartphone usage among Chinese boardingschool ... more Wang (2019): Stressful life events and problematic smartphone usage among Chinese boardingschool adolescents: a moderated mediation model of peer support and depressive symptoms,
Zusammenfassung. Untersucht wurde das „neue“ Persönlichkeitskonstrukt „Grit“, das die zwei korrel... more Zusammenfassung. Untersucht wurde das „neue“ Persönlichkeitskonstrukt „Grit“, das die zwei korrelierten Primärfaktoren „beharrliche Anstrengungsbereitschaft“ („Perseverance of Effort“, PE) und „konsistentes Interesse“ („Constistency of Interest“, CI) in einem Wert zusammenfasst. Grit soll nach Duckworth (2016) Erfolg in Schule, Hochschule, Beruf und Leben besser als Intelligenz und klassische Persönlichkeitsvariablen vorhersagen. Credé, Tynan und Harms (2017) bezweifelten als Resultat ihrer Metaanalyse die hierarchische Grit-Struktur, die behauptete starke Vorhersagekraft für akademische Leistungen konnten sie nicht bestätigen. Weiterhin wurde eine sehr hohe Korrelation von PE mit Gewissenhaftigkeit ermittelt. Bisherige Studien stammen hauptsächlich aus individualistisch orientierten Gesellschaften. Deshalb wurde Grit in einer kollektivistisch orientierten Kultur (China) untersucht ( N = 533, Alter: M = 15.16 Jahre, SD = 0.64). Zusätzlich erhoben wir Gewissenhaftigkeit, schulische Selbstwirksamkeit und schulisches Selbstkonzept. Das Mittel der schulischen Fachleistungspunkte wurde berechnet. Die Gesamtstichprobe wurde in zwei randomisierte Substichproben geteilt. Explorative Hauptkomponentenanalysen (Substichprobe 1: n 1 = 200) und konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen (Substichprobe 2: n 2 = 333) der Grit-Items erbrachten zwei unkorrelierte Dimensionen, PE und CI. PE korrelierte sehr hoch mit Gewissenhaftigkeit ( r = .73, doppelt schrumpfungskorrigiert: r ∞, ∞ = .90). Die Beziehungen von PE zu Selbstwirksamkeit und Selbstkonzept waren hoch ( r = .55 bzw. r = .58), zur Schulleistung sehr niedrig ( r = .08). CI hing nur mit Selbstwirksamkeit bzw. Selbstkonzept schwach zusammen ( r = –.13 bzw. r = –.15), nicht mit Gewissenhaftigkeit ( r = .01) und dem Durchschnitt der Schulleistungspunkte ( r = –.02). Alles zusammen begründet Zweifel an Grit als „neues“ und valides leistungsbezogen-motivationales Persönlichkeitsmerkmal – zumindest bei chinesischen Adoleszenten.
Zusammenfassung. Selbstkonzept und Selbstwirksamkeit sind zwei wichtige pädagogisch-psychologisch... more Zusammenfassung. Selbstkonzept und Selbstwirksamkeit sind zwei wichtige pädagogisch-psychologische Konstrukte. Über ihre gegenseitige Beziehung und diskriminanten und inkrementellen Vorhersagevaliditäten für schulische Leistungen ist nur wenig bekannt, weil sie zumeist separat analysiert wurden (entweder Selbstkonzept oder Selbstwirksamkeit). Untersucht wurden die Interdependenzen von drei schulfachspezifischen akademischen Selbstkonzeptskalen und drei schulfachspezifischen akademischen Selbstwirksamkeitsskalen sowie deren statistische Vorhersagekraft für Schulleistungen (Zensuren). Die Fächer waren Englisch, Geschichte und Mathematik. Untersucht wurden N = 825 Jugendliche, die chinesische Mittelschulen besuchten (Alter: M = 14.46 Jahre, SD = 0.79). Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen (CFA) belegten einerseits in jedem Schulfach zwei separate akademische „Selbst“-Faktoren (Selbstkonzept und Selbstwirksamkeit) und andererseits innerhalb eines jeden „Selbst“-Konstrukts drei Schulfachfak...
Excessive smartphone use has recently attracted researchers' attention. Previous studies have sug... more Excessive smartphone use has recently attracted researchers' attention. Previous studies have suggested that state anxiety and motivations are important predictors of excessive smartphone use. However, few studies have investigated how motivations and state anxiety interact with each other, and the subsequent impact on excessive smartphone use. In the current study, based on the Compensatory Internet Use theory, we analyzed the moderating role of state anxiety on the relationship between two types of motivations (i.e. entertainment and social interaction) and excessive smartphone use. Using the Smartphone Addiction Scale for College Students (SAS-C), Smartphone Usage Motivation Scale and State Anxiety Scale (S-Anxiety), we investigated 600 Chinese college students who identified themselves as smartphone users. Results indicated that: (1) for the high smartphoneuse group, state anxiety moderates the relationship between entertainment and social interaction motivations and excessive smartphone use; (2) for the low smartphone-use group, state anxiety does not moderate the relationship between entertainment and social interaction motivations and excessive smartphone use. Our study emphasized the importance of psychological wellbeing variables (i.e. anxiety in this study) in facilitating excessive smartphone use, and may provide guidance for the design of interventions targeted at people suffering from excessive smartphone use.
This study was aimed to figure out whether perceived stress mediates the relationship between per... more This study was aimed to figure out whether perceived stress mediates the relationship between perceived discrimination and psychological distress among Chinese migrant children and whether social support and engagement coping moderate the detrimental effects of perceived discrimination on psychological distress. The sample comprised 813 middle-school students (482 migrant children, 331 non-migrant children) from three schools in Southwest China. The results indicate that migrant children’s perceived discrimination and perceived stress are associated with psychological distress, and perceived stress does not mediate the relationship between perceived discrimination and psychological distress. Both social support and engagement coping are inversely related to psychological distress and compensate the deleterious influences of perceived discrimination and stress on psychological distress. These findings highlight the need to consider providing social support and cultivating engagement ...
Zusammenfassung. Das Konstrukt „Anstrengungsvermeidung“ ( Rollett & Bartram, 1998 ) geht mit ungü... more Zusammenfassung. Das Konstrukt „Anstrengungsvermeidung“ ( Rollett & Bartram, 1998 ) geht mit ungünstigen Ausprägungen in motivationalen, affektiven sowie kognitiven Merkmalen einher. Zudem sollen sich zwei Anstrengungsvermeidungstypen abgrenzen lassen. Bislang existieren jedoch nur wenige Belege für die Unterscheidbarkeit verschiedener Typen. Anhand einer Gymnasialstichprobe (N = 1079; 8./9. Klassenstufe) wurde untersucht, ob sich unter Berücksichtigung kognitiver, motivationaler und affektiver Merkmale (zwei) Anstrengungsvermeidungsgruppen differenzieren und validieren lassen. Latente Profilanalysen sprachen für drei oder vier Klassen. Die Drei-Klassen-Lösung zeigte im Wesentlichen niveauverschiedene Profile. Die Vier-Klassen-Lösung ergab zwei Klassen mit durchschnittlichen bzw. unterdurchschnittlichen Anstrengungsvermeidungswerten („Unauffällige“ bzw. „Mustergültige“). Zudem resultierten zwei Anstrengungsvermeidungsklassen mit jeweils ungünstigen Profilen in den Analyse- und Valid...
Self-control seems to be the core element for achieving optimal competitive performance, and be o... more Self-control seems to be the core element for achieving optimal competitive performance, and be of great importance to well-being and healthy development of humans. According to the literature, there exist some correlations between personality traits and self-control. The aim of this study was to shed some additional light on the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and self-control in boxers and investigate self-efficacy as a mediator between the two variables. Two hundred and ten boxers (age: M = 18.89, SD = 3.83; amount of boxing practice: M = 4.93 years, SD = 3.22; 76 males) of Chinese national athletes participated the study. Results showed a pronounced level of self-control. The higher the competitive level, the higher the level of self-control. There were significant correlations among the Big Five, self-control, and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy mediated the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and self-control.
Papers by Detlef Rost