Papers by saratri wilonoyudho
Jurnal Kawistara, Apr 21, 2011
Lebih dari 20 tahun banyak kawasan urban yang mengalami pertumbuhan dramatis sebagai hasil dari p... more Lebih dari 20 tahun banyak kawasan urban yang mengalami pertumbuhan dramatis sebagai hasil dari pertumbuhan penduduk yang sangat cepat dan transformasi ekonomi dunia akibat kombinasi dari perubahan teknologi dan politik. Dalam kasus di Kedungsepur, kawasan dalam didatangi para migran yang datang dari kawasan inti maupun dari pelosok negeri. Migrasi netto dalam banyak kasus memberi kontribusi bagi pertumbuhan penduduk di kawasan tersebut, sedangkan di kawasan inti migrasi netto kecil kontribusinya. Model yang komprehensif disarankan karena pertumbuhan megaurban Kedungsepur dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor demografi yang bersifat struktural dan sosial. Oleh karenanya keseimbangan antara pelaksanaan manajemen lingkungan perkotaan dengan peningkatan kapasitas sumberdaya lingkungan merupakan kunci utama bagai keberlanjutan di kawasan ini.
The economic growth in Semarang has resulted in bad impact of degradation the environment, traffi... more The economic growth in Semarang has resulted in bad impact of degradation the environment, traffic jams, increasing informal sectors and unemployment, crimes, and various social-politic conflicts. From this phenomenon, it is suspected that Semarang is undergoing overurbanization, that is the imbalance between population and economic growth. The objective of this research are : 1). To explain and to study the dynamics of overurbanization process in Semarang City
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2009
Medico-Legal Update, Nov 18, 2020
Background: The prevalence of child marriage in Indonesia has more than doubled in the last three... more Background: The prevalence of child marriage in Indonesia has more than doubled in the last three decadesbut is still one of the highest in the East Asia and Pacific region. In the Grobogan District in 2016 anincrease in the number of marriages at an early age in women was 36.5 percent. This study is a qualitativenaturalistic study. The main data source of this study is the results of Focus Group Discussions, interviewsand observations and also supported by secondary data in the form of previous research results. The reasonfor early marriage is mostly due to the incidence of pregnancy outside marriage in adolescents. It is suspectedthat there is a relationship between early marriage, low level of education and poverty. Religious education,morals and strict control from parents, schools and communities must be done with a variety of strategies,because most of the reasons for early marriage are getting pregnant first.
Journal of vocational and career education, Dec 11, 2017
Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi akan berdampak pada sendi sendi kehidupan manusia. Manusia m... more Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi akan berdampak pada sendi sendi kehidupan manusia. Manusia membutuhkan kecakapan sesuai perkembangan jaman dan kemampuan untuk meminimalisasikan resiko akibat teknologi seperti pergeseran nilai karakter dan kerusakan lingkungan. Pendidikan menjadi garda terdepan dalam mewujudkan hal tersebut. Dibutuhkan pola pembelajaran yang menyeimbangkan pendidikan soft skill, hard skill dan environment skill dalam satu kesatuan. Penelitian ini yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menghasilkan desain model pembelajaran SHESIL yaitu pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan soft skill, hard skill dan environment skill dalam satu kesatuan. Berdasarkan uji validitas ahli, model pembelajaran SHESIL memiliki tingkat kevalidan yang baik dan layak digunakan. Efektifitas model dapat dilihat pada uji coba lapangan. Hasil data lapangan menunjukan ada peningkatan pada penilaian soft skill, hard skill dan environment skill. Penilaian keseluruhan aspek dari soft skill, hard skill dan environment skill terhadap peningkatan kecakapan otomotif menunjukan (t hitung 10,58 > t tabel-1,64) sehingga disimpulkan model pembelajaran SHESIL efektif meningkatkan kecakapan otomotif siswa SMK. Penerapan model pembelajaran SHESIL menjadi alternatif pilihan dalam membantu guru untuk menanamkan pendidikan soft skill dan kesadaran lingkungan sesuai tujuan pendidikan nasional.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, 2007
... Bencana alam dengan demikian merupakan suatu peristiwa yang ditimbulkan oleh bahaya alam dan ... more ... Bencana alam dengan demikian merupakan suatu peristiwa yang ditimbulkan oleh bahaya alam dan atau perilaku manusia sehingga menyebabkan jatuhnya korban, kecelakaan, atau kematian pada manusia, kerugian harta benda ... di Kali Mangkang dan pantai Marina. ...
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, 2011
The economic growth in Semarang has resulted in bad impact of degradation the environment, traffi... more The economic growth in Semarang has resulted in bad impact of degradation the environment, traffic jams, increasing informal sectors and unemployment, crimes, and various social-politic conflicts. From this phenomenon, it is suspected that Semarang is undergoing overurbanization, that is the imbalance between population and economic growth. From the result of research, it can be concluded that the main determinant of urbanization process in Semarang is the prolonged capitalization from colonial era. However, it not industrialization that develops, but informal sectors and service sectors. The impact is the city involution because as if the new employees can never participate in informal sectors. As a result, the Semarang City Government must mobilize non-producing resources to finance creating and organizing the needed service for high concentration of population under low standard of industrialization. In other words, Semarang and the hinterland are indeed undergoing "de-industrialization". Industrial and agricultural sectors decreases their role, and on the other hand the service sector increases. In those areas, urbanization tends to occur with a spreading pattern characterized by high rate of population in urban areas like in regencies surrounding Semarang. The economic growth in those areas does not depend on the core city, Semarang, so that the level of advanced primate city has been passed through. The suggestions proposed are that the megapolitan issues has been reached, thus the things that need to consider in megaregional tendency. The regencies in the hinterland are proven "to balance' the global capitalism, apart from wether the growth of enterpreunership innovation is accompanied by significant increase of welfare. This means that things need further attention is to manage the relationship between locality and production system and global economic in those ares to make people welfare and prevent people to migrate to other big cities.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2010
Journal of People and Environment, May 3, 2014
Migrasi masuk ke Kota Semarang telah membawa akibat samping berupa terjadinya involusi perkotaan ... more Migrasi masuk ke Kota Semarang telah membawa akibat samping berupa terjadinya involusi perkotaan yakni ketidakseimbangan antara migrasi masuk para pekerja tidak terampil dan pertumbuhan ekonomi kotanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mempelajari dinamika migrasi masuk dan involusi perkotaan di Kota Semarang, menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi determinan dan kaitan migrasi masuk dan involusi perkotaan, dan menjelaskan dan mengidentifikasi kaitan migrasi dan dampaknya. Metode penelitian ini adalah menggunakan data dari BPS (Biro Pusat Statistik), wawancara, Focus Group Discussion dan observasi lapangan. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa di kota Semarang mengalami peningkatan yang pesat jumlah sektor informal dan pekerja tidak terampil lainnya. Di wilayah sekitar Kota Semarang telah terjadi kecenderungan urbanisasi dengan pola menyebar yang ditandai pertumbuhan penduduk perkotaan yang tinggi. Determinan utama migrasi masuk ke Kota Semarang adalah gabungan simultan antara tekanan perdesaan dan daya tarik kota yang dipandang selalu dapat menyediakan lapangan kerja. Dampak migrasi di Kota Semarang adalah involusi perkotaan dan degradasi lingkungan. Saran yang disampaikan adalah daerah di sekitar Kota Semarang perlu mengusahakan keterkaitan antara lokalitas dengan sistem produksi dan ekonomi global di wilayah tersebut untuk menyejahterakan penduduk dan mencegah arus migrasi ke Semarang dan kota-kota besar. Kata kunci: migrasi, involusi perkotaan, kerusakan dan konservasi lingkungan.
Journal of vocational and career education, Jul 31, 2020
This research aims to evaluate the implementation of competency test and work competency certific... more This research aims to evaluate the implementation of competency test and work competency certification at LSP P1, in terms of the component variables of Context, Input, Process, and Product. This research is a descriptive evaluative research using the CIPP evaluation model approach. The research population was Vocational High School LSP P1 assessors from 9 Vocational High Schools in Pekalongan Regency and its surroundings. The sample was the research population who served as competency test assessors at LSP P1. Data collection methods in this research were questionnaire, interview, and document study. The content validity testing was by expert judgment, while the construct validity testing was by correlation analysis.. The research results were as follows; (1) in the context component, the percentage was F + = 66% and F-= 34% meaning that the implementation of competency test in terms of context variables is categorized as effective, (2) for the input component, the percentage was F + = 61% and F-= 39%, indicating that the implementation of competency test in terms of input variable is categorized as effective, (3) for the process component, the percentage was F + = 66% and F-= 34%, meaning that the implementation of competency test in terms of process variable is categorized as effective, (4) for the product component, the percentage was F + = 59% and F-= 41%, indicating that the implementation of competency test in terms of the product variable is categorized as effective, (5) T-score analysis of the four CIPP components, namely context, input, process, and product were (+ + + +) in the criteria of the Glickman Quadrant that were included in quadrant I, meaning that evaluation of the implementation of competency tests and work competency certification at LSP P1 in terms of all CIPP components is in the very effective or excellent category.
Indonesian Journal of Geography, Dec 27, 2017
The level of urbanization that occurred in Indonesia at this time is remarkable that causes the g... more The level of urbanization that occurred in Indonesia at this time is remarkable that causes the growth of cities very rapidly. The growth of cities is mainly due to various reasons such as the capitalization process, regional enlargement/reclassification, as well as migration from rural to urban. The growth of cities leads a lot of problems like environmental degradation, traffic congestion, poverty, crime and other social conflicts. Such a rapid rate of urbanization is a reflection of the inequity between rural and urban development. Lack of employment opportunities in the village causes the population to go into town to find work. The imbalance of development that occurs is a result of implementing a liberal economic system that only emphasizes growth, while on the other side of the agricultural sector is not paid any appropriate attention. The farmers are at a very weak and do not have a good bargaining position, with the exchange rate is very lame. The imbalances of development do not only occur between rural and urban, but also between Java and the outside of Java, and between western and eastern Indonesia regions. This imbalance should be found a solution, with good management and equitable development, including the political will to reform the economic system in favor of the Indonesian people. Keywords: level of urbanization, urban growth, the lack of employment opportunities in villages, the economic system, regional imbalance Abstrak : Tingkat urbanisasi di Indonesia sangat cepat akibat dari proses kapitalisasi, reklasifikasi, maupun karena migrasi. Urbanisasi banyak membawa akibat buruk seperti penurunan mutu lingkungan, kemacetan lalu lintas, kemiskinan, konflik sosial dan sebagainya. Urbanisasi merupakan akibat dari ketidakseimbangan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi di desa dan di kota. Kelangkaan kerja di desa menyebabkan terjadinya migrasi. Namun ketidakseimbangan tidak hanya antara desa dan kota, namun juga antara Pulau Jawa dan luar Pulau Jawa, serta antara Indonesia bagian Barat dan Indonesia bagian Timur. Ketidakseimbangan ini harus dicarikan pemecahannya, di antaranya melalui perbaikan manajemen pembangunan, pemerataan, serta mereformasi sistem ekonomi nasional, dari yang berpihak kepada pemodal besar ke ekonomi kerakyatan.
The economic growth in Semarang has resulted in bad impact of degradation the environment, traffi... more The economic growth in Semarang has resulted in bad impact of degradation the environment, traffic jams, increasing informal sectors and unemployment, crimes, and various social-politic conflicts. From this phenomenon, it is suspected that Semarang is undergoing overurbanization, that is the imbalance between population and economic growth. From the result of research, it can be concluded that the main determinant of urbanization process in Semarang is the prolonged capitalization from colonial era. However, it not industrialization that develops, but informal sectors and service sectors. The impact is the city involution because as if the new employees can never participate in informal sectors. As a result, the Semarang City Government must mobilize non-producing resources to finance creating and organizing the needed service for high concentration of population under low standard of industrialization. In other words, Semarang and the hinterland are indeed undergoing “de-industrial...
Journal of Vocational and Career Education, 2017
Tujuan penelitian yaitu menguji kevalidan, menganalisis kepraktisan, dan keefektifan dari Lembar ... more Tujuan penelitian yaitu menguji kevalidan, menganalisis kepraktisan, dan keefektifan dari Lembar Kerja Praktik Analitik (LKPA). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan dengan tahapan studi pendahuluan dan pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan desin produk, pengembangan rancangan produk awal, uji coba produk awal, revisi produk, dan uji coba produk skala terbatas. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan dipadu dengan uji beda rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produk LKPA melalui expertjudgment dinyatakan sangat valid dari segi teknologi pendidikan dan materi kelistrikan otomotif. Kepraktisan LKPA dinyatakan praktis digunakan untuk kegiatan pembelajaran praktikum. Skor tes kemampuan analitik sistem dan starter kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi dari pada kelompok kontrol dan skor tes kedua kelompok berbeda secara signifikan. Analisis keefektifan tersebut menyatakan bahwa LKPA efektif menguatkan kemampuan praktik dan analitik praktikan. Hasil penelitian...
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
Food security has broader dimensions and involves many development sectors. The success in food s... more Food security has broader dimensions and involves many development sectors. The success in food security development is not only determined by the performance of one sector but also that of the others. Thus, synergies between sectors, academicians, agricultural business actors, governments and society are highly necessary as the key success of food security development. This research aims to conduct an implementative study on integrating research planning which may result in sustainable food security improvement. Many researches have been repeatedly conducted, yet various results have not been implemented due to the lack of sufficient and accessible information. In addition, accesses to primary data tend to be expensive and difficult to obtain which result in relatively slow development of agriculture and food researches. Thus, this research is conducted in order to integrate all food security sectors through the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by creating an Agricultural Research Information system (SIPP). The results show that rapid and precise information in agricultural research integration may improve research information which may result in more responsive and accurate research implementation. Agricultural research information, such as planning, information mapping of agricultural product commodity prices that farmers may determine where they may sell their agricultural products to generate greater benefits. In addition, other information, such as weather conditions, seeds, postharvest agricultural commodities, and etc, may also be easily obtained to support the agricultural development. The agricultural information integration may be obtained by establishing an agricultural research information system through Information Technology (IT) to connect researches with academicians, development, central government, local governments, and agricultural institutions as well. Capacity building through ICT in agricultural researches provides new areas in model implementations to improve researches through ICT technology for those researchers in the field of agriculture.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019), 2020
The research aims to analyze the implementation of Adiwiyata Program in school intra-curricular a... more The research aims to analyze the implementation of Adiwiyata Program in school intra-curricular activities. Adiwiyata program represents a program to develop awareness and environment-cultured school to create the responsible school community as an effort to support and manage the environment through good school governance to support sustainable development. This study employs a qualitative method with the principal, vice-principal, teachers, and students as the subject of the research. Data collection methods are interviews, observations, and documentation. The validity of data uses triangulation techniques, so the data obtained are valid. The data analysis used remains an interactive model. The results of the study are the implementation of the Adiwiyata Program in intra-curricular activities received positive responses from the school and environmental education was integrated through subjects, Biology, Handicrafts and Entrepreneurship, Physics, Chemistry, Indonesian and Javanese Language subjects based on Basic Competence (BC) in the Lesson Plan made by each teacher. The Adiwiyata program can provide effective methods for adjusting pro-environmental behavior.
The challenge of vocational education is to produce competent and competitive prospective workers... more The challenge of vocational education is to produce competent and competitive prospective workers. Competency certification is a strategic step to improve the quality of Vocational High School graduates. For Vocational High School LSP P1 implementing the work competency certification, its function is not optimal and its independence is questionable. Vocational High School LSP P1 is only 4% compared to the number of Vocational High Schools and the graduates. Evaluation for Vocational High School LSP P1 was conducted to find out how the implementation of competency tests and work competency certification. This research aims to evaluate the implementation of competency test and work competency certification at LSP P1, in terms of the component variables of Context, Input, Process, and Product. This research is a descriptive evaluative research using the CIPP evaluation model approach. The research population was Vocational High School LSP P1 assessors from 9 Vocational High Schools in...
ABSTRAK Tujuan dari paper ini ialah untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang pola dan kecenderungan ya... more ABSTRAK Tujuan dari paper ini ialah untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang pola dan kecenderungan yang terjadi saat ini terkait pertumbuhan kawasan urban, dan mendiskusikan hubungan antara urbanisasi dan masalah lingkungan di Koridor Kendal-Semarang-Demak, serta implikasi kebijakannya. Lebih dari 20 tahun banyak kawasan urban yang mengalami pertumbuhan dramatis sebagai hasil dari pertumbuhan penduduk yang sangat cepat dan transformasi ekonomi dunia akibat kombinasi dari perubahan teknologi dan politik. Penduduk di perkotaan secara kasar dua kali lipat jika kawasan di pinggiran ditambahkan ke kawasan inti di metropolitan. Dalam kasus di Semarang, hal ini lebih dari dua kali lipatnya. Kawasan dalam didatangi para migran yang datang dari kawasan inti maupun dari pelosok negen. Migrasi netto dalam banyak kasus memberi kontribusi bagi pertumbuhan penduduk di kawasan tersebut, sedangkan di kawasan inti migrasi netto kecil kontribusinya. Model yang komprehensif disarankan karena urbanisasi di...
Papers by saratri wilonoyudho