Papers by seyyed saeed ghorashi

Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, Oct 1, 2017
Microscopic oil displacement of water flooding and sweep efficiency of continuous gas injection c... more Microscopic oil displacement of water flooding and sweep efficiency of continuous gas injection could be improved by water alternating gas (WAG) injection. The WAG injection process aims to squeeze more oil out of the reservoirs; in this method, water and gas are alternatively injected into the reservoir. Also, availability of hydrocarbon or CO 2 gases in the field makes it attractive for gas-based enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods such as water alternating gas (WAG) injection. Conducting some simulations are required to optimize EOR methods for investigating the effect of parameters affecting WAG injection. Reducing and controlling the mobility ratio, creating stable front, and preventing early fingering of gas are the advantages of water alternating gas injection, which have promoted extensive applications throughout the world. Critical parameters, including WAG ratio, injection rates, gas composition variation, cycle times and some others which affect the WAG injection as an enhanced oil recovery method are studied thoroughly in this paper. Because of higher mobility of water relative to gas, injected water has more efficiency, but the excess use of water will cause early breakthrough. This study suggests that injecting proper volume at suitable times with different rates during injection time provides a 10 -15 % improvement in the recovery factor for one pore volume which is injected by using commercial reservoir simulator ECLIPSE 300. The best rate variation during a cycle time of WAG injection and choosing of first injection phase are discussed in this paper.

Wet gas reservoirs show a complex behavior when they are produced below dew point pressure, accor... more Wet gas reservoirs show a complex behavior when they are produced below dew point pressure, according to appearance of a condensate banking phenomena and presence of a two-phase fluid in the reservoir. There is a pressure drop near the wellbore during producing gas from the reservoir to the surface. Due to excessive pressure drops, a condensate drops out from gas and flows with gas towards the wells because of compositional changes in PVT phase behavior. These all make a productivity of reservoir worse and reduce an overall recovery factor. In this study, a wet gas reservoir simulation has been conducted to provide more accurate model of the flow of gas in to the wells by generalizing pseudo-pressure method. Also this study presents how gas recycling method could increase the condensate production and finally by a sensitivity analyses the best time period of gas injection would be introduced for the under discussion reservoir.
Proceedings, Apr 12, 2011
A numerical model has been developed for simulation of gas injection processes for enhanced oil r... more A numerical model has been developed for simulation of gas injection processes for enhanced oil recovery in a sector model of Eastern Paydar reservoir, located in a central oil field in Iran. The model incorporates two main elements. The first one is a fl
Proceedings, Apr 12, 2011
There is a consensus among specialists that Carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding is an effective method ... more There is a consensus among specialists that Carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding is an effective method of enhanced oil recovery. CO2 injection causes oil swelling, reduction in the oil viscosity, oil vaporization and improving oil displacement by miscibility. I

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Mar 25, 2014
AbstractThe effects of clay (montmorillonite and kaolinite) in the hydrogels were investigated o... more AbstractThe effects of clay (montmorillonite and kaolinite) in the hydrogels were investigated on various properties such as syneresis and strength of thermal and salinity situations in one of the southern Iranian oil reservoirs. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns exhibited a significant increase in interplanar spacing between the montmorillonite clay layers, varying from the initial value of 12.43 o A to 19.45 o A, which evidences the intercalation formation. It was revealed that even increasing of the interlayer spacing due to kaolinite modification had no effect on the clay compositions. Formation water was used to study the strength of the hydrogel in the presence of ions. The results indicated that 15 wt% increase of kaolinite clay (modified and non-modified) leads to 20% decrease of the hydrogels' syneresis. The diffusion of polymer chains between the clay layers increased the elastic modulus (G') of the prepared hydrogels with modified kaolinite and montmorillonite, where the maximum value of G' was observed in 3 wt% of montmorillonite. Finally, the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) indicated an increase in the thermal stability of the mentioned hydrogels.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, Feb 20, 2017
Knowledge of the orientation of horizontal in situ stresses is important to some areas of oil and... more Knowledge of the orientation of horizontal in situ stresses is important to some areas of oil and gas field development plans. Borehole breakouts observed in image logs and drilling-induced fractures are the main parameters for the determination of the stresses' directions in situ. In this work, the orientations of borehole breakouts were investigated as a function of depth in oil wells A and B in Lali oilfield, in the Southwest of Iran. Borehole breakouts were detected from FMI logs. By the statistical analysis of the borehole breakouts' orientation in the foregoing two wells, it was found that, while a mean orientation of minimum horizontal stress in well A is NE-SW, the azimuth of breakout in well B is different with a mean azimuth of 312˚±10˚. The result reveals that the orientation must be different in these two wells due to some geological abnormality. Therefore, accurate and reliable geomechanical analyses are crucial steps toward minimizing the costs of drilling and completion programs and mitigating borehole instability problems.
مجلة البحوث و الدراسات النفطية, Jun 1, 2014
A new experimental model was developed to predict the role of special polymeric additives, in the... more A new experimental model was developed to predict the role of special polymeric additives, in the drilling fluid formulation, on the wellbore stability in shale formation. The shale formation was regarded as a non-ideal membrane and

In this study the effect of anionic polyacrylamides on stability and discharge of foam injection ... more In this study the effect of anionic polyacrylamides on stability and discharge of foam injection into oil reservoirs with different characteristics in enhanced oil recovery was evaluated. As the Iranian reservoir formations are unique and few works has been done in this field, particular experiments must be carried out to enhance oil recovery. The efficiency of oil recovery with foam injection method, foams Stability with injection in porous media, effects of adding polymer to the foam formulation and the foam discharge was evaluated. The polymers used to increase the foam stability, were two types of anionic polyacrylamides, AN-105 with anionic degree (molar degree) of 5% and AN-125 with anionic degree of 25%. Two types of surfactants, SLES and NP30 were used. Two samples of F and S Brine water were used to prepare the foam. It was concluded that the polymer with higher molecular weight and anionic degree, had the best effect on foam stability. Also it was concluded that the salt s...

Wet gas reservoirs show a complex behavior when they are produced below dew point pressure, accor... more Wet gas reservoirs show a complex behavior when they are produced below dew point pressure, according to appearance of a condensate banking phenomena and presence of a two-phase fluid in the reservoir. There is a pressure drop near the wellbore during producing gas from the reservoir to the surface. Due to excessive pressure drops, a condensate drops out from gas and flows with gas towards the wells because of compositional changes in PVT phase behavior. These all make a productivity of reservoir worse and reduce an overall recovery factor. In this study, a wet gas reservoir simulation has been conducted to provide more accurate model of the flow of gas in to the wells by generalizing pseudo-pressure method. Also this study presents how gas recycling method could increase the condensate production and finally by a sensitivity analyses the best time period of gas injection would be introduced for the under discussion reservoir.
Proceedings 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014, 2014

Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2013
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content")... more Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content.

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014
AbstractThe effects of clay (montmorillonite and kaolinite) in the hydrogels were investigated o... more AbstractThe effects of clay (montmorillonite and kaolinite) in the hydrogels were investigated on various properties such as syneresis and strength of thermal and salinity situations in one of the southern Iranian oil reservoirs. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns exhibited a significant increase in interplanar spacing between the montmorillonite clay layers, varying from the initial value of 12.43 o A to 19.45 o A, which evidences the intercalation formation. It was revealed that even increasing of the interlayer spacing due to kaolinite modification had no effect on the clay compositions. Formation water was used to study the strength of the hydrogel in the presence of ions. The results indicated that 15 wt% increase of kaolinite clay (modified and non-modified) leads to 20% decrease of the hydrogels' syneresis. The diffusion of polymer chains between the clay layers increased the elastic modulus (G') of the prepared hydrogels with modified kaolinite and montmorillonite, where the maximum value of G' was observed in 3 wt% of montmorillonite. Finally, the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) indicated an increase in the thermal stability of the mentioned hydrogels.
Papers by seyyed saeed ghorashi