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Academics / Courses / Course Offerings / Fall 2016 International Studies Courses

Fall 2016 International Studies Courses

Pathway Courses

ANT 160  Cultural Diversity in the Modern World

ANT 225  Culture Environment Global Issues

B&E 120  Leadership in Global Marketplace

ENG 171  Global Literature in English

GEO 160  Lands and Peoples of the Non-Western World

GEO 162  Introduction to Global Environmental Issues

GEO 172  Human Geography

GEO 222  Cities of the World

HIS 104  A History of Europe through the Mid-Seventeenth Century

HIS 105  A History of Europe from the Mid-17th Cent to the Present

HIS 121  War and Society: 1914-1945

MCL 100  The World of Language

MCL 200  Global Literacy

PS 210  Intro Comparative Politics

PS 230  Intro to International Relations

SOC 180  Global Societies in Comparative Perspectives


Capstone Seminar Project

INT 495-001 CAP SEM IS MJRS: Global Crime & Justice

INT 495-002 CAP SEM IS MJRS: Collective Identities Local and Global

INT 495-003 CAP SEM IS MJRS: Global Racism


Thematic Concentrations

Culture and the Arts

A-H 300  Topics in Art Hist & Vis studies: Cubism

A-H 308  Std/Af Art: Ancient Egypt & Its Legacy

A-H 311  Arts as soft Power- Japanese Tea Ceremony

A-H 314  Ancient: Roman Imperial Monuments

A-H 527  Interdisciplinary Approach: Aesthetics in East Asia

AIS 228  Islamic Civilization I

AIS 320  Modern Arabic Literature and Film in Translation

CHI 331  Introduction to Chinese Culture 1840 to present

CLA 229  Ancient Near East/Greece Dth Alex The Great

CLA 301  Latin Literature I: Lit. Value Humanities

CLA 331  Gender & Sexuality in antiquity

CLA 390  Christian Background to 150 CE

ENG 241  Survey of British Literature I

ENG 242  Survey of British Literature II

ENG 330-001  Text and Context: Robinson Crusoe

ENG 339  Author Studies:  James Joyce and Irish Literature

ENG 342  Shakespeare

ENG 440G  Studies in British Lit:  Renaissance Poet

EQM 300-001 Topics in Esma: Global Sport Horse Industry

FR 214  France Today

FR 324  Studies French Literature

FR 344  The Literary Text: Feminist voices

FR 410  French in Performance

FR 470  Topical Seminar I: Bande Dessinee

GER 312  Intro to German Literature:  Pop Forms

GER 550  Multidisciplinary Seminar:  Constracts Gndr

HIS 202  Hist Brit People To Rest

HIS 206  Hist of Colonial Latin America, 1492 to 1810

HIS 229: Ancnt Near East/GR to Dth Alex The Great

HIS 353  Tops Euro His Since 1789: Third Reich

HIS 390  Christian Background to 150 CE

HJS 324  Jewish Thought/Cltr I Ancnt Isrl-Mid Age

JPN 283  Japanese Film

JPN 320  Introduction to Japanese Culture Pre-Mod to 1868

JPN 405  Sem. Japanese/Asian Studies

JPN 421G  Contemporary Literary Visual Arts of Japan

MCL 270  Introduction to Folklore and Mythology

MCL 343 Global Horror

MCL 390-001  Topics in MCL: Traditional Chinese Medicine

MCL 595  Topics in Folklore and Myth: Healing

PHI 260 His Phi Igrk Beginnings to the Middle Ages

PHI 270 His Phi II:  Renaissance to Present Era

PHI 343-001 Asian Philosophy: Honors Asian Philosophy  *It is only open to students enrolled in the Honors Program.

PHI 343-002 Asian Philosophy

RUS 275  Russian Film

RUS 371 Russian Culture 900-1900

RUS 380  19TH Century Russian Literature (In English)

SPA 312 Civilization of Spain

SPA 322 Literature, Life and Thought of Spanish America

SPA 330  Spanish and Globalization

SPA 372  Spanish Cinema:  SPA CIN

SPA 444  20th & 21ST Century Spanish Studies: The Fair Sex

SPA 464  Contemp Span-America Studies: Doc film/LA

TA 385 World Theater I

WRD 401-002 Sp. Tops in Writing: RHT, Brdrs, GLBL Ctzp


Global Development

AAS 254  Hist of Colonial and Post Colonial Africa

AEC 309  Intnl Ag Food Nds US Trade in Ag Product

AEC 471  International Trade

ANT 251  Global Health: Culture, Pathologies

ANT 331-001 Anthropology of North Africa

ANT 339  Human Rights in Global Perspective

*B&E 240-001 Inter-Cultural Business Communication.  *You have to be in Global Scholars to enroll.

CLD 380  Globalization:  Ax-Cultural Perspective

ECO 370  Global Economy

ECO 471  International Trade

ECO 473G  Economic Development

ENS 300-001 Special Topics: Gndr Justice Diffr Envrn

EQM 300  Topics in Esma: Global Sport Horse Industry

GEO 261  Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GEO 330  Geography of the Indian Subcontinent

GEO 455  Globalization and the Changing Economy

HIS 253 History of Pre-Colonial Africa

HIS 355  Tops Non-West His Since 1789: WMN Africa

INT 350-001  Special Topics in IS:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

PCE 410  Peace Studies Capstone Seminar

PS 391-001  Sp. Top in PS: Human Rights

PS 428G-001  Latin American Government/Politics

PS 433  Pol. International Econ Relations

PS 436  International Organization

PS 439-001  Special Topics in International Relations:  International Conflict

PS 439-002  Special Topics in International Relations:  Human Rights

SOC 350-004 Topics in Sociology:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

SOC 380 Globalization:  A Cross-Cultural Perspective 


Comparative Politics and Societies

A&S 300-001: Special Course:  Love and Risk: Year of the Indian Sub-Continent

AAS 254  Hist of Colonial and Colonial Africa

AIS 228  Islamic Civilization 1

ANT 251  Global Health: Culture, Pathologies

ANT 331  Anthropology of North Africa

ANT 339  Human Rights in Global Perspective

CLD 380  Globalization:  Ax-Cultural Perspective

ENS 300-001 Special Topics: Gndr Justice Diffr Envrn

FR 214 France Today

GEO 261  Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GEO 330  Geography Of The Indian Subcontinent

GEO 455  Globalization and the Changing Economy

GWS 250  Social Movements

GWS 300-001 Special Course:  Love and Risk: Year of the Indian Sub-Continent

GWS 595-002  Issues in GWS (SR): The Politics of Body

HIS 206 History of Colonial Latin American 1492 to 1810

HIS 253 History of Pre-Colonial Africa

HIS 353  Tops Euro His Since 1789: Jews, Citizens

HIS 355 Tops Non-West History since 1789: Wmn Africa

HIS 357  Japan at War, 1850 to the present

HIS 386  History of Russia since 1825

INT 350-001  Special Topics in IS:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

LAS 201  Intro to Latin American

PCE 201 Introduction to Peace Studies

PCE 410  Peace Studies Capstone Seminar

PS 391-001 Sp. Top. PS:  Human Rights

PS 391-002 Sp Top In Ps: Racial/Political Tolerance

PS 428G-001  Latin American Government/Politics

PS 430  Conduct American Foreign Relations

PS 433  Pol. International Econ Relations

PS 436  International Organization

PS 439-001  Special Topics in International Relations:  International Conflict

PS 439-002  Special Topics in International Relations:  Human Rights

SOC 350-004 Topics in Sociology:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

SOC 380 Globalization:  A Cross-Cultural Perspective 


Area Concentrations

Africa and the Middle East

A-H 308  Stds/Af Art: Ancient Egypt & Its Legacy

AAS 254  Hist of Colonial and Post Colonial Africa

AIS 228  Islamic Civilization I

AIS 320  Modern Arabic Literature and Film in Translation

ANT 331  Anthropology of North Africa

HIS 229: Ancnt Near East/GR to Dth Alex The Great

HIS 253 History of Pre-Colonial Africa

HIS 355  Tops Non-West His Since 1789: WMN Africa

HJS 324 Jewish Thought/Cltr I Ancnt Isrl-Mid Age

INT 350-001  Special Topics in IS:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

SOC 350-004 Topics in Sociology:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 



A&S 300-001: Special Course:  Love and Risk: Year of the Indian Sub-Continent

A-H 311   Arts as soft Power- Japanese Tea Ceremony

A-H 527  Interdisciplinary Approach: Aesthetics in East Asia

CHI 331  Introduction to Chinese Culture 1840 to present

GEO 330 Geography Of The Indian Subcontinent

GWS 300-001 Special Course:  Love and Risk: Year of the Indian Sub-Continent

HIS 357 Japan at War, 1850 to the present

INT 350-001  Special Topics in IS:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

JPN 283  Japanese Film

JPN 320  Introduction to Japanese Culture Pre-Mod to 1868

JPN 405  Sem. Japanese/Asian Studies

JPN 421G Contemporary Literary Visual Arts of Japan 

MCL 390-001  Topics in MCL: Traditional Chinese Medicine

PHI 343-001 Asian Philosophy: Honors Asian Philosophy. *It is only open to students enrolled in the Honors Program.

PHI 343-002 Asian Philosophy

SOC 350-004 Topics in Sociology:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 



A-H 300  Topics in Art History & Vis Studies: Cubism

A-H 314  Ancient: Roman Imperial Monuments

CLA 229  Ancnt Near East. Greece Death Alex The Great

CLA 301  Latin Literature I: Lit Value Humanities

CLA 331  Gender & Sexuality in Antiquite

CLA 390  Christian Backgrounds to 150 CE

ENG 241  British Literature

ENG 242  Survey of British Literature II

ENG 330-001  Text and Context: Robinson Crusoe

ENG  339-003  Author Studies:  James Joyce

ENG 342  Shakespeare

ENG 440G  Studies in British Lit:  Renaissance Poet

FR 214  France Today

FR 324  Studies French Literature

FR 344  The Literary Text: Feminist Voices

FR 410  French in Performance

FR 470  Topical Seminar I: Bande Dessinee

GER 312  Intro to German Literature:  Pop Forms

GER 550  Multidisciplinary Seminar:  Constrcts Gndr

HIS 202:  Hist Brit People to Rest

HIS 229  Ancient near East/ Gr to Dth Alex The Great

HIS 353  Tops Euro His Since 1789: Third Reich

HIS 390  Christian Backgrounds to 150 CE

PHI 260 His Phi Igrk Beginnings to the Middle Ages

PHI 270 His Phi II:  Renaissance to Present Era

SPA 312 Civilization of Spain

SPA 372  Spanish Cinema:  SPA CIN

SPA 444  20TH & 21ST Century Spanish Studies: The Fair Sex


Latin America

ANT 351 Special Topics in Archaeology: South America

HIS 206  History of Colonial Latin American 1492-1810

LAS 201  Introduction to Latin America

PS 428G-001  Latin American Goverment/Politics

SPA 322 Literature, Life and Thought of Spanish America

SPA 464 Contemp. Span-Aer Studies: Doc Film/LA


Russia and Eurasia

HIS 386   History of Russia since 1825

RUS 275  Russian Film

RUS 371 Russian Culture 900-1900

RUS 380  19TH Century Russian Literature (In English)


Bachelors of Science Thematic Concentrations

International Relations

AAS 254  Hist of Colonial and Colonial Africa

AIS 228  Islamic Civilization 1

ANT 251  Global Health: Culture, Pathologies

ANT 331  Anthropology of North Africa

ANT 339  Human Rights in Global Perspective

CLD 380  Globalization:  Ax-Cultural Perspective

ENS 300-001  Special Topics: Gndr Justice Diffr Envrn

FR 214  France Today

GEO 261  Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GEO 455  Globalization and the Changing Economy

GWS 250  Social Movements

GWS 595-002  Issues in GWS (SR): The Politics of Body

HIS 206  History of Colonial Latin American 1492 to 1810

HIS 253 History of Pre-Colonial Africa

HIS 353  Tops Euro His Since 1789: Jews, Citizens

HIS 355  Tops Non-West History since 1789: Wmn Africa

HIS 357  Japan at War, 1850 to the present

HIS 386  History of Russia since 1825

LAS 201  Intro to Latin American

PCE 201 Introduction to Peace Studies

PCE 410  Peace Studies Capstone Seminar

PS 391-001 Sp. Top. PS:  Human Rights

PS 391-002 Sp Top In Ps: Racial/Political Tolerance

PS 428G-001  Latin American Government/Politics

PS 430  Conduct American Foreign Relations

PS 433  Pol. International Econ Relations

PS 436  International Organization

PS 439-001  Special Topicss in International Relations:  International Conflict

PS 439-002  Special Topics in International Relations:  Human Rights

SOC 380 Globalization:  A Cross-Cultural Perspective 


International Development

AAS 254  Hist of Colonial and Post Colonial Africa

AEC 309  Intnl Ag Food Nds US Trade in Ag Product

AEC 471  International Trade

ANT 251  Global Health: Culture, Pathologies

ANT 331-001 Anthropology of North Africa

ANT 339  Human Rights in Global Perspective

*B&E 240-001 Inter-Cultural business Communication.  *You have to be in Global Scholars to enroll.

CLD 380  Globalization:  Ax-Cultural Perspective

ECO 370  Global Economy

ECO 471  International Trade

ECO 473G  Economic Development

ENS 300-001 Special Topics: Gndr Justice Diffr Envrn

EQM 300  Topics in Esma: Global Sport Horse Industry

GEO 261 Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GEO 330  Geography Of The Indian Subcontinent

GEO 455  Globalization and the Changing Economy

HIS 253 History of Pre-Colonial Africa

HIS 355  Tops Non-West His Since 1789: WMN Africa

INT 350-001  Special Topics in IS:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

PCE 410  Peace Studies Capstone Seminar

PS 391-001  Sp. Top in PS: Human Rights

PS 428G-001  Latin American Government/Politics

PS 433  Pol. International Econ Relations

PS 436  International Organization

PS 439-001  Special Topics in International Relations:  International Conflict

PS 439-002  Special Topics in International Relations:  Human Rights

SOC 350-004 Topics in Sociology:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

SOC 380 Globalization:  A Cross-Cultural Perspective 


Global Environment

ANT 251  Global Health: Culture, Pathologies

CLD 380  Globalization:  Ax-Cultural Perspective

ENS 300-001 Special Topics: Gndr Justice Diffr Envrn

GEO 261  Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GEO 330  Geography Of The Indian Subcontinent

GEO 455  Globalization and the Changing Economy

GWS 250  Social Movements

PS 391-001 Special Topics in Political Science: Human Rights

PS 428G-001  Latin America Government/Politics

PS 436  International Organization

PS 439  Spec. Tops in International Relations:  International Conflict

SOC 380 Globalization:  A Cross-Cultural Perspective 


International Commerce

AEC 309  Intnl Ag Food Nds US Trade in Ag Product

AEC 471  International Trade

*B&E 240-001 Inter-Cultural business Communication.  *You have to be in Global Scholars to enroll.

CLD 380  Globalization:  Ax-Cultural Perspective

ECO 370  Global Economy

ECO 471  International Trade

ECO 473G  Economic Development

*FIN 423 International Finance.  *This class is for students who have met the prerequisites for the course. This course may require additional overrides from Gatton College of Business and Economics.

EQM 300  Topics in Esma: Global Sport Horse Industry

GEO 261 Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GEO 455  Globalization and the Changing Economy

*MGT 309 Introduction to International Business.  *This class is for students who have met the prerequisites for the course. This course may require additional overrides from Gatton College of Business and Economics.     

*MKT 435 International Marketing.  *This class is for students who have met the prerequisites for the course.  This course may require additional overrides from Gatton College of Business and Economics.   

PS 433  Pol. International Econ Relations

PS 436  International Organization

SOC 380 Globalization:  A Cross-Cultural Perspective 


Human Rights and Social Movements

ANT 339  Human Rights in Global Perspective

CLD 380  Globalization:  Ax-Cultural Perspective

ENS 300-001 Special Topics: Gndr Justice Diffr Envrn

GEO 261  Global Dynamics of Health & Disease

GWS 250  Social Movements

GWS 595-002  Issues in GWS (SR): The Politics of Body

HIS 206  History of Colonial Latin American 1492 to 1810

HIS 253 History of Pre-Colonial Africa

HIS 353  Tops Euro His Since 1789: Jews, Citizens

HIS 355  Tops Non-West History since 1789: Wmn Africa

INT 350-001  Special Topics in IS:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

PCE 201  Introduction to Peace Studies

PCE 410  Peace Studies Capstone Seminar

PS 391-001 Sp. Top. PS:  Human Rights

PS 391-002 Sp Top In Ps:  Racial/Political Tolerance

PS 428G-001  Latin America Government/Politics

PS 430  Conduct American Foreign Relations

PS 433  Pol. International Econ Relations

PS 436  International Organization

PS 439-001  Special Topics in International Relations:  International Conflict

PS 439-002  Special Topics in International Relations:  Human Rights

SOC 350-004 Topics in Sociology:  Social Problems in Asia and Africa 

SOC 380 Globalization:  A Cross-Cultural Perspective  

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