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Fall 2024 International Studies Courses

Pathways Courses

A&S 161 International Village, Then and Now

A-H 105 1 World Art Before 1400

A-H 106 Renaissance to Modern Art

AAS 100 Introduction to African Studies

ANT 160 Cultural Diversity in the Modern World

ANT 225 Culture, Environment, and Global Issues

CLA 135 Greek and Roman Mythology

CLA 191 Christianity, Culture and Society

ENG 142 Global Shakespeare

ENG 171 Global Literatures in English

GEO 135 Global Climate Change

GEO 161 Global Inequalities

GEO 162 Intro to Global Environmental Issues

Geo 172 Human Geography

HIS 100 Introduction to African Studies

HIS 104 A History of Europe Through the Mid-17th Century

HIS 105 A History of Europe from the Mid-17th Century to the Present

HIS 119 War and Society, 1350-1914

HIS 121 War and Society, 1914-1945

HIS 122 War and Society Since 1945

HIS 191 History of World Religions

INT 200 Introduction to International Studies

MCL 100 The World of Language

MCL 200 Reading the World

PS 210 Introduction to Comparative Politics

PS 230 Intro to International Relations

Culture & The Arts

AAS 400 2 Special Topics in AAS: History of the Atlantic World

AAS 400 6 Special Topics in AAS: Cuban Revolution

AAS 400 8 Special Topics in AAS: African Art and Its Global Impact

AAS 400 9 Special Topics in AAS: Slavery and the British Crown

A-H 304 1 African Art and its Global Impact

A-H 314 1 Ancient: The Roman Imperial Tradition

A-H 323 1 Medieval Art: senses: Art, Architecture, & Exp

A-H 341 Twentieth Century: 20th Century: Global Modernism

AIS 228 Islamic Civilization

AIS 340 Fundamentals of Reform in Islam

ANT 242 Origins of New World Civilization

ANT 296 Global Ethics

ANT 311 Anthropology of Globalization

ANT 320 Andean Civilization

ANT 401 Gender Roles in Cross-cultural Prospective

CHI 320 Gender and Politics in Chinese Lit

CHI 323 Chinese Drama

CHI 330 Intro to Chinese Culture, Pre-Modern to 1840

CHI 401 Topics in Adv Chinese: Media and Society

CLA 229 The Ancient Near East and Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great

CLA 301 1 Latin Literature I: Latin Fiction & Other Narratives

CLA 314 Ancient Roman Imperial Tradition

CLA 331 Gender & Sexuality in Antiquity

CLA 425 The Heroic Ideal: Greek and Roman Epic

CLA 555 Greek Prose: Thucydides

CLD 380 Globalization An X-Cultural Perspective

EDC 454G G Culture, Education and Teaching Abroad

EPE 454G G Culture, Education and Teaching Abroad

ENG 241 Survey of British Literature

ENG 345 British Poetry

ENG 370 Literature Across Borders

ENG 470 1 Comparative & Transnational Studies in Literature: Global Novel

FR 204 Introduction to French and Francophone Studies

FR 215 Visual Cultures

FR 324 1 Studies in French Literature: 20th Century Theater

FR 325 1 French Cinema: French Leading Lady

FR 350 Francophone Cultures

FR 504 1 Topics in French Literature and Culture: Tabous ET BD AU Maroc

GER 305 German Film Today

GER 315 1 German Places & Spaces: Staedte/Cities

GER 318 German Culture: Crime Stories

GWS 302 Gender Across the World

HIS 208 History of the Ancient World

HIS 229 Ancient Near East & Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great

HIS 328 Representing the Holocaust

HIS 330 A History of Western Religious Thought

HIS 349 Top in Hist: Christian Salvation

HIS 353 Top in Epn His bef 1789: Jewish Civilization

HIS 355 1 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Cuban Revolution

HIS 355 2 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: American Wars

HIS 355 3 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: South Africa

HIS 355 4 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Climate Change

HIS 355 5 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Slavery Pirates

HIS 595 1 Studies in History: Slavery and the British Crown

HJS 327 Women in Judaism

HJS 328 Representing the Holocaust

HJS 425 Topics in Judaic Studies: Russia Since 1825

INT 296 Global Ethics

INT 350 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

INT 399 Internship in International Studies

ISC 319 World Media Systems

ISC 381 International & Cross-Cultural Advertising

ISC 382 Global Public Relations Strategies

ITA 263 Introduction to Italian Literature, Culture or Film

JPN 320 Intro to Japanese Culture, Pre-Modern to 1868

MCL190 (future MCL201/INT201): Game-Set-Match: How Sport (De)Scribes the World

MCL 283 Introduction to East Asian Film

MCL 311 Autobiography and World Literature

MCL 327 Women in Judaism

MCL 328 Representing the Holocaust

MCL 390 1 Topics in MCL: Journey to the West: A Chinese Novel

MCL 390 3 Topics In MCL: French for Health Professionals

MCL 390 Honors Topics in MCL: "Jewishness of Jesus"

MUS 330 1 Music in the World: Asian American Music

PHI 260 History of Philosophy I: From Green Beginnings to the Middle Ages

PHI 270 History of Philosophy II: From the Renaissance to Present Era

PHI 343 Asian Philosophy

RUS 370 Folklore of Russian and Ukraine

RUS 371 The Russian Cultural Imagination

RUS 372 Experiments in Life and Art

RUS 380 Love and Death in 19th Century Russian Literature

SOC 350 2 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

SOC 380 Globalization An X-Cultural Perspective

SPA 296 Global Ethics

SPA 312 Civilization of Spain

SPA 322 Literature, Life and Thought of Spanish America

SPA 323 Introduction to Translation

SPA 350 Hispanic Cities

SPA 372 Spanish Cinema

SPA 424 Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Literature

SPA 474 Topics in Hispanic Studies

TA 385 World Theatre I

Global Development

AAS 253 History of Precolonial Africa

AAS 400 2 Spec Topics in AAS: History of the Atlantic World

AAS 400 6 Spec Topics in AAS: Cuban Revolution

AAS 400 9 Spec Topics in AAS: Slavery and the British Crown

AAS 400 10 Spec Topics in AAS: Globalization and the Changing Economy

AEC 309 International Agriculture, World Food Needs and US Trade

A-H 341 Twentieth Century: 20th Century: Global Modernism

AIS 340 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

AIS 445 Introduction to Islamic Finance

ANT 242 Origins of Old World Civilization

ANT 251 Global Inequalities

ANT 296 Global Ethics

ANT 311 Anthropology of Globalization

CHI 401 Topics in Adv Chinese: Media and Society

CLD 380 Globalization an X-Cultural Perspective

CPH 476G G A Sick World: Global Public Health

DIP 600 3 SPEC TOPICS: US-Russia Relations

DIP 600 4 SPEC TOPICS: Mediation & Conflict Resolution

DIP 700 Dynamics of Diplomacy

ECO 370 The Global Economy

ECO 471 International Economics

EDC 454G G Culture, Education and Teaching Abroad  

EPE 454G G Culture, Education and Teaching Abroad  

FIN 423 International Finance (pre-reqs required)

FR 350 Francophone Cultures

GEO 222 Cities of the World

GEO 261 Global Dynamics of Health and Disease

GEO 316 Environment and Development

GEO 326 Geography of Europe

GEO 362 Conserving Global Environment

GEO 455 Globalization and the Changing World Economy

GER 318 German Culture: Crime Stories

GER 553 The Teaching of German

GWS 250 Social Movements

GWS 302 Gender Across the World

HIS 202 History of the British People to the Restoration

HIS 208 History of the Atlantic World

HIS 328 Representing the Holocaust

HIS 253 History of Precolonial Africa

HIS 355 1 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Cuban Revolution

HIS 355 2 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: American Wars

HIS 355 3 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: South Africa

HIS 355 4 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Climate Change

HIS 355 5 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Slavery Pirates

HIS 595 1 Studies in History: Slavery and the British Crown

HJS 327 Women in Judaism

HJS 328 Representing the Holocaust

HON 301 2 The Holocaust and Humanity

INT 296 Global Ethics

INT 340 Model UN

INT 350 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

INT 399 Internship in International Studies

ISC 319 World Media Systems

ISC 382 Global Public Relations Strategies

ISC 381 International & Cross-Cultural Advertising

LAS 201 Introduction to Latin American Studies

MAT 572 International Merchandising

MCL 328 Representing the Holocaust

MGT 309 Intro to International Business* (requires Int’l Business minor)

MKT 435 International Marketing* (requires Mktng major or Int’l Business minor) 

MUS 330 Music in the World

PS 340 Model UN

PS 381 Human Rights

PS 434 International Conflict

PS 437G Dynamics of International Law

SOC 350 2 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

SOC 380 Globalization: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

SPA 296 Global Ethics

SPA 302 Commercial and Technical Spanish

SPA 312 Civilization of Spain

SPA 330 Spanish and Globalization

SPA 350 Hispanic Cities

Comparative Politics and Societies:

AAS 253 History of Precolonial Africa

AAS 400 2 Spec Topics in AAS: History of the Atlantic World

AAS 400 6 Spec Topics in AAS: Cuban Revolution

AAS 400 9 Spec Topics in AAS: Slavery and the British Crown

AIS 445 Introduction to Islamic Finance

ANT 242 Origins of Old World Civilization

ANT 296 Global Ethics

ANT 311 Anthropology of Globalization

CHI 320 Gender and Politics in Chinese Literature

CHI 401 Topics in Adv Chinese: Media and Society

CLD 380 Globalization An X-Cultural Perspective

CPH 476G A Sick World: Global Public Health

DIP 600 3 SPEC TOPICS: US-Russia Relations

DIP 600 4 SPEC TOPICS: Mediation & Conflict Resolution

DIP 700 Dynamics of Diplomacy

GEO 261 Global Dynamics of Health and Disease

GER 318 1 German Culture: Crime Stories

GWS 250 Social Movements

GWS 302 1 Gender Across the World

GWS 302 2 Gender Across the World

HIS 202 History of the British People to the Restoration

HIS 253 History of Precolonial Africa

HIS 328 Representing the Holocaust

HIS 355 1 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Cuban Revolution

HIS 355 2 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: American Wars

HIS 355 3 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: South Africa

HIS 355 4 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Climate Change

HIS 355 5 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Slavery Pirates

HIS 357 Japan at War, 1850 to the Present

HIS 396 Late Imperial China

HIS 370 Early Middle Ages

HIS 379 Reformation Europe

HIS 502 A History of the Roman Republic

HIS 554 British History 1815-1901

HIS 556 The British Empire, 1322-1879

HIS 595 1 Slavery & Brittish Crown

HJS 328 Representing the Holocaust

HON 301 2 Adv Seminar: The Holocaust and Humanity

INT 296 Global Ethics

INT 340 Model UN

INT 350 Special Topics in International Studies: Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

INT 399 Internship in International Studies

ISC 319 World Media Systems

ISC 381 International & Cross-Cultural Advertising

ISC 382 Global Public Relations Strategies

LAS 201 Introduction to Latin American Studies

MCL 328 Representing the Holocaust

MCL 390 1 Topics In MCL: Journey to the West: A Chinese Novel

PS 340 Model UN

PS 381 Human Rights

PS 434 International Conflict 

PS 437 Dynamics of International Law

SOC 350 2 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

SOC 380 Globalization An X-Cultural Perspective

SPA 296 Global Ethics

Africa & Middle East

AAS 253 History of Precolonial Africa

AAS 400 2 Spec Topics in AAS: History of the Atlantic World

AAS 400 8 Spec Topics in AAS: African Art and Its Global Impact

AAS 300 9 Spec Topics in AAS: Slavery and the British Crown

A-H 304 1 African Art and Its Global Impact

AIS 228 Islamic Civilization

AIS 340 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

AIS 445 Introduction to Islamic Finance

HIS 208 History of the Atlantic World

HIS 229 The Ancient Near East and Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great

HIS 253 History of Precolonial Africa

HIS 355 3 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: South Africa

HIS 355 5 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Slavery Pirates

HIS 595 1 Studies in History: Slavery and the British Crown

INT 350 1 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam

FR 204 Introduction to French and Francophone Studies

SOC 350 2 Fundamentalism and Reform in Islam


CHI 320 Gender and Politics in Chinese Literature

CHI 323 Chinese Drama-From Past to Present

CHI 330 Introduction to Chinese Culture, Pre-Modern to 1840

CHI 401 Topics in Adv Chinese: Media and Society

AIS 228 Islamic Civilization

CHI 330 Intro to Chinese Culture, Pre-Modern to 1840

HIS 355 2 America's Wars in Asia

HIS 357 Japan at War, 1850 to the Present

HIS 396 Late Imperial China

JPN 320 Intro to Japanese Culture, Pre-Modern to 1868

MCL 283 Introduction to East Asian Film

MCL 390 1 Topics In MCL: Journey to the West: A Chinese Novel

PHI 343 Asian Philosophy


A-H 314 1 Ancient: The Roman Imperial Tradition

AAS 400 2 Spec Topics in AAS: History of the Atlantic World

AAS 400 9 Spec Topics in AAS: Slavery and British Crown

CLA 229 The Ancient Near East and Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great

CLA 301 Latin Literature I

CLA 314 Ancient: The Roman Imperial Tradition

CLA 331 Gender & Sexuality in Antiquity

CLA 425 The Heroic Ideal: Greek and Roman Epic

CLA 555 Greek Prose: Thucydides

ENG 241 Survey of British Literature

ENG 343 Renaissance Drama & Society

ENG 345 British Poetry

ENG 440G Studies in British Literature

FR 204 Introduction to French and Francophone Studies

FR 324 1 Studies in French Literature: Poet Form

FR 215 Visual Cultures

FR 325 1 French Cinema: French Leading Lady

FR 350 Francophone Cultures

FR 504 1 Topics in French Literature and Culture: Tabous ET BD AU Maroc

GEO 326 Geography of Europe

GER 305 German Film Today

GER 315 1 German Places & Spaces: Staedte/Cities

GER 318 German Culture: Crime Stories

HIS 202 History of British People to the Restoration

HIS 208 History of the Atlantic World

HIS 229 The Ancient Near East and Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great

HIS 328 Representing the Holocaust

HIS 370 Early Middle Ages

HIS 379 Reformation Europe

HIS 502 A History of the Roman Republic

HIS 554 British History 1815-1901

HIS 556 The British Empire, 1322-1879

HIS 595 1 Studies in History: Slavery and the British Crown

HJS 328 Representing the Holocaust

HON 301 2 Adv Seminar: The Holocaust

ITA 263 Introduction to Italian Literature, Culture or Film

MCL190 (Future MCL201/INT201): Game-Set-Match: How Sport (De)Scribes the World

MCL 328 Representing the Holocaust

PHI 260 History of Philosophy I: From Greek Beginnings to the Middle Ages

PHI 270 History of Philosophy II: From the Renaissance to Present Era

SPA 312 Civilization of Spain

SPA 330 Spanish and Globalization

SPA 372 Spanish Cinema

SPA 424 Medieval/Early Modern Span Studies: Lit

Latin America:

AAS 400 2 Spec Topics in AAS: History of the Atlantic World

AAS 400 6 Special Topics in AAS: Cuban Revolution

ANT 242 Origins of New World Civilization

ANT 320 Andean Civilization

HIS 206 History of Colonial Latin America, 1492 To 1810  

  HIS 208 History of the Atlantic World

HIS 354 1 Topics in Non-West HIS Before 1789: Latin America

HIS 355 1 Topics in Non-Western History Since 1789: Cuban Revolution

LAS 201 Introduction to Latin American Studies

SPA 322 Literature, Life and Thought of Spanish America

SPA 330 Spanish and Globalization

SPA 350 Hispanic Cities

SPA 474 Topics in Hispanic Studies


DIP 600 3 SPEC TOPICS: US-Russia Relations

HIS 386 History of Russia Since 1825

HJS 425 Topics in Judaic Studies: Russian Since 1825

RUS 370 Folklore of Russia and Ukraine

RUS 371 The Russian Cultural Imagination

RUS 372 Experiments in Life and Art

RUS 380 Love and Death in 19th Century Russian Literature

HIS 386 History of Russia Since 1825


INT 495G Senior Capstone Sem: Development Issues

International Studies-Patterson School of Diplomacy USP

DIP 600 3 SPEC TOPICS: US-Russia Relations

DIP 600 4 SPEC TOPICS: Mediation & Conflict Resolution

DIP 700 Dynamics of Diplomacy


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